#u gotta jump between them to like…get anywhere
cynicallyneutral · 2 years
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i had a dream
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crappymixtape · 2 years
something infinite • part one
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2.8K – part one of something infinite – steve steals a car and somehow you wind up in hawkins, indiana, a meet cute without the cute *18+ only  | ( 2.8k, angst, verbal abuse, enemies to lovers, steve x you, steve x reader – find the rest of the series and more here and find the series playlist on spotify here )
J U N E 1 9 8 7 🎶 the rat, the walkmen 
“C’mon Harrington, don’t be a pussy, get in.”
“Shit, hurry up Tommy!”
“Shut up, I’m going!”
With two wires held tightly between his fingers, Tommy Hagan quickly brushed them together until the old Chevy Blazer rumbled to life, Lynyrd Skynard’s Call Me the Breeze screaming through the speakers.
Well now, they call me the breeze, I keep blowin' down the road! I ain't got me nobody, I don't carry me no load!
“Fuck yeah, get it in drive!”
Steve didn’t know how he ended up there in the passenger seat of an about-to-be-stolen car – sheriff’s car to be exact – and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as Tommy struggled to shift it into gear. His hands gripped the dash in front of him as he watched a light come on inside the house, “Jesus, Tommy, fucking move!”
“I’m trying, god damn gear shift is stuck!”
It was the hundredth weekend in a row, Steve was certain, that his parents were out of town on business and the fight he’d had with his dad that night had been a real crowning achievement. The worst of all time and something in him snapped. All he wanted now was to feel something. Anything. And it was barreling toward him like a train off the rails.
“Oh shit, we gotta go, we gotta go!”
“Fucking bail!”
The screen door on the front of Hopper’s house flung open so hard the whole frame shook as it slammed shut behind him.
“Get outta here, meet back at my place!” Kyle and Tommy jumped out of the car so fast Steve didn’t have any time to think.
“Shit, shit shit shit,” scrambling, Steve’s hand fumbled on the door handle as he shoved it open, scraping his leg against the runner board on his way down. Hair messed and wild in his eyes, he looked up to see his friends were already over the fence and sprinting toward the tree line behind Hopper’s place, “Wait!”
Not bothering to close the door behind him, Steve tried to pick up a sprint, but a large hand half-shoved, half-grabbed the back of his neck and within seconds he was face down in the lawn with a mouth full of grass and dirt, Hop’s weight pressing him into the ground.
“You little shits think you’re so clever. Well, s’the last time you fuck with Hopper, hm?”
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It was dark, the summer night thick and warm when you arrived at your aunt’s place in Hawkins. Nothing like Indianapolis. The moon hung high in the inky black sky, stars blinking above you like holes poked through canvas, and the sound of crickets and frogs off over the fence was almost deafening. No ambulance sirens, no yelling, no loud music in the apartment above you. Your stomach sank. What was this place?
“The real armpit of America, hm?” the cab driver said tossing your bag and skateboard at your feet as if he could hear your apprehension, wiping sweat from his forehead. You gave him a look, almost pleading to let you come back to the city with him, but he was already climbing back into the car. Rolling down the passenger window he leaned over and tipped his ball cap at you with a laugh, “Enjoy!” And with a rumble he was off down the road you came, dust kicking up around the wheels as he went.
Fuck, you muttered squeezing your eyes shut, hoping maybe if you clicked your heels together you’d magically appear back in your room like Dorothy. The whole summer. That’s how long you’d be stuck in this place. Until your mom was back, and in that moment you wished you’d asked to stay with your grandmother. Anywhere was better than this.
“You’re here! Oh, you’re here!”
Your eyes flew open at the sound of a voice you hadn’t heard in years and you were suddenly wrapped up into a big hug. It was all cinnamon and fresh laundry and cut grass and so soft. So warm. Your aunt Joyce.
“Honey, you’re so tall! My gosh, I don’t think I’ve seen you since…can’t be since ‘77 can it? Here, Hop will get those, come on inside,” with a gentle hand on your back she guided you to the door, leaving your things where they were for whoever this Hop was. “I just made dinner,” Joyce gave you a big smile, her shoulders squeezing up toward her ears with excitement, and you wondered for a second if maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
She was so different from your mom, her sister, so much softer around the edges, fuzzy and sparkling and bright. The look she gave you made your heart ache a little, like she really loved you, and a small lump rose in your throat as you tried to smile back.
“Oh, Hop, grab those will you?”
As the screen door creaked open you came face to face with what could only described as the human version of a grizzly bear. Tall, frame like a fridge and gruff, but oddly soft under all the grit like your aunt. He grunted a reply and held the door for you both, muttering a Hey, kid, to you on the way by before going to grab your things.
Your aunt’s place was modest, but so homey and comforting somehow. The living room was smaller, with a little television in the corner, and it bled right into the dining room and kitchen. Open, just like your aunt.
Family photos hung along the walls, you recognized your cousins Will and Jonathan, but there was a girl now too. And Hop. And tons of other kids you didn’t recognize. All grinning and laughing and piled on each other or hanging out the bed of a pickup or floating lazy in a lake.
“Will and Jonathan are out with their friends, not sure when they’ll be back…” your aunt’s voice brought you back, “Are you hungry?”
“Actually, I’m sorry, I’m just pretty tired and–”
“Oh, of course you are! That’s okay, sweetie. Your room’s the third door on the right, Hop’s got your things in there, and the bathroom is the first door on the left. I’ll be out here if you need anything, okay?” she gave your arm a gentle squeeze and for the first time in a long time you felt your lips curve up into a small, genuine smile, murmuring your thanks.
Turning to walk down the hall you looked back to see Hop settle into the big, brown arm chair with a beer in hand as your aunt climbed up onto his lap. She pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, fitting perfectly there with him. Hop rumbled a contented sound as he wrapped an arm around her and pressed his own kiss to her forehead.
Happy. Loving. A proper display of affection. Nothing like home.
Closing the door to your room you didn’t bother unpacking and flicked the light off before falling onto the neatly made bed. Hawkins, Indiana. Crickets and frogs and wheat fields and dirt roads and hot and thick all summer long. Your eyes slipped shut and the lump came back to your throat as you rolled onto your side.
It’s only three months. It’s only three months.
The words looped in your head on repeat as you curled into yourself, exhaustion slowly wrapping around you until you fell away into sleep.
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“Got some real shitty friends there, huh?”
Steve’s arms were folded tight over his chest as he glared at Hopper from across the big desk. Tommy and Kyle had made it over the fence and home, because of course they fucking did, and he was here getting an ear full of shit he already knew.
Hop took a long drag from his cigarette and tapped it on the ashtray. Leaning back in his chair he blew smoke up toward the ceiling, not bothering to look at the kid across from him, “Suppose you think you’re gonna get off easy, right? Mommy and daddy come in here and cut me some check, let little Stevie go home, lesson learned.”
“They don’t even know I’m here–”
“Shut up, my turn to talk,” Hop snapped, cutting Steve off as he spun in his chair to lean on the desk. He fixed the boy with a look that shut his mouth right quick. Sucking on his teeth the sheriff shook his head. “You’re all the same. Entitled little assholes,” he hummed in thought, “Same goes for your buddies, Hagan and Peterson, right? Yeah. Well. They ran faster than you, unfortunately.”
Steve let out a heavy sigh and jammed his tongue into his cheek, fighting the urge to snap back at the older man, knowing damn well he was already in for it as it was, “Jesus, can we just get this over with?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Got somewhere to be, Harrington?” Hopper sniped, taking another drag, this time blowing the smoke into Steve’s face. “You’re lucky, I don’t feel like looking at your face anymore,” putting out his cigarette, Hop stood from the desk and snatched up the pile of paperwork in front of him. “Community service oughta do it. Fifteen hours a week all summer at the library, weekends off.”
“Fifteen?? That’s crazy, how am I supposed to—“
“Keep runnin’ your mouth and I’ll make it thirty!” Hop rounded on Steve, leaning down to get in the boy’s face and meet his eye line.
Steve’s chest was heaving as he sucked in air, struggling to keep himself in check as his heart pounded against his ribcage. Hopper shot him a grin.
“Perfect. See you Monday, champ,” he clapped Steve on the back hard enough to make him stumble forward, Asshole, muttered under the younger boy’s breath.
Hop didn’t bother to wait as he walked out of his office and down the steps of the police station. Steve watched through the blinds with balled up fists as the sheriff climbed into his rig and rolled out onto the street.
“Do you need something, hon? Jim won’t be coming back today…” the receptionist called in after him and Steve turned to kick the leg of the chair he’d been sitting in.
“No, just— no,” Steve grumbled and followed the same path Hopper had out into the hot, sticky summer heat, chucks smacking against the pavement as he started the walk home.
His parents didn’t know he’d tried to steal a car, didn’t know he went out drinking, didn’t know how much he longed for their approval, their affection, and didn’t know he was saddled with three months of community service for the rest of the summer.
The last time he’d talked to his dad was the night he’d gone to Tommy’s, begging to do something – something reckless. It had hardly been a conversation, Steve and his father at each other’s throats, yelling until they were both red in the face and saying things that couldn’t be taken back.
“You couldn’t even get into a trade program, Steven! What in the hell am I supposed to do with you??”
"I tried, dad! Do you know how many applications I sent–”
“I don’t give a shit, we’re done. You’ll start at the firm in September.”
“Dad, I don’t want–”
“It doesn’t matter what you want anymore, son. If you’re gonna amount to anything in life it’s obvious I need to step in.”
Steve’s breath caught in his throat as his father’s words ran on a loop in his head.
If you’re going to amount to anything in life. If you’re going to amount to anything in life. If you’re going to amount to anything in life.
The corners of Steve’s eyes prickled with tears, but he threw his gaze up to the ceiling and hastily blinked them away. Finally it was out. What his dad really thought of him. And it hurt more than he wanted to admit. “I don’t need your help,” the boy snapped, turning back around to look his dad in the eyes. Heat rose in his chest, flames crackling and roaring to life, a fire he’d tried to contain all these years, but his father’s words were like gasoline and it was hot and angry now.
“Yeah? And who’s gonna hire a kid out of high school with shit for grades, huh? The only thing on your resume is a damn ice cream shop and video rentals and the real world doesn’t care about basketball or popularity contests, Steven.”
“Stop calling me that!”
“Gary, just drop it–”
“Quiet, Carol! He needs to hear this. No one else seems to be able get it to sink in. You wanna be a real man, Steven? Take care of a family, huh? A wife? Get your shit together.”
“Take care of a family?? Are you kidding?” Steve was laughing, but there were tears streaming down his cheeks now as he slammed the chair he’d been gripping onto into the dining room table, “You’re never home, you don’t give a shit about me.”
“Watch your mouth! Ungrateful. I told you Carol. Doesn’t appreciate anything I do for him–”
“I can’t,” Steve threw his hands up as if to shield himself from the words his father was hurling at him, voice thick as he hissed through his tears. Snatching his keys from the hook next to his mom he knew he couldn’t be there anymore.
“Steve, your father doesn’t mean it–”
“I do mean it! Don’t you walk away from me, boy, we’re not done here! I’ve got a flight in the morning and–”
“Yeah? Well gee, dad, have a great trip!” Steve snapped, slamming the door behind him as he left. The tears came more freely then as the hot, sticky summer air hit him, thick and suffocating and too warm. He cranked his BMW to life, speakers screaming as he turned up the volume, and backed out of the drive before ripping down the street toward Tommy’s to steal Jim Hopper’s rig.
Paying no attention to where he was walking, Steve let muscle memory guide him down main street. A light sheen of sweat was clinging to his forehead and brows as the sun beat down on him and his anger faded with each step in the heat. Tommy and Kyle were going to give him so much shit for his community service stint, Steve could already hear them laughing, and he toed a rock into the road. A muttered dammit came forth, eyes still on the ground, but then someone was shouting at him.
“Hey! Watch out!”
Eyes wide, the boy standing in the middle of the sidewalk clearly wasn’t going to move, so you angled your board into the grass and jumped off, hands flying up to grab fistfuls of his shirt as your feet hit the concrete.
“Shit!” he yelped, his own hands grabbing onto to your arms. You stood like that for a moment as if to make sure you were both okay, but then the boy was letting go and pushing himself away from you, threading his fingers through his hair to try and regain his composure. “Watch where you’re going,” he sniped, tone packing more heat than he’d intended.
You scoffed. “Where I’m going?” crossing your arms over your chest you fixed him with a look, “I’m not the one with my eyes glued to the pavement.” Bending down to grab your board, you tucked it under your arm and glared. He was taller than you by at least a few inches, moles chasing along his jaw and cheeks, hazel colored hair messy across his forehead and eyes all warm honey and burnt caramel. He might have been pretty if not for the scowl on his face.
“Pedestrians get the right of way,” he sniped, throwing an arm out toward your skateboard.
“Okay,” huffing a laugh you shouldered past him, but he caught your hand.
“Hey! Where are you going? Shouldn’t you apologize?”
“I’m so sorry,” your voice was sugar and saccharine sweet, but it didn’t match the look on your face as you tossed your board to the ground, “Don’t get run over!”
“Oh nice, really nice!” he yelled after you, and when you glanced over your shoulder to give a wave you laughed at the sight of him. All worked up, hand on his hip, lips twisted into a frown and hair caught up in the heat.
“The nicest!” you called and with a few kicks off the pavement you were gone around the corner toward the gas station for a blue-raspberry Icee, leaving Steve there cursing on the sidewalk with an infuriating curiosity as to who had almost run him over.
SOMETHING INFINITE SYNOPSIS: hawkins, indiana, 1987 – your mom is out of town for the summer on business and she sends you to live with your aunt joyce and her husband jim in hawkins while she’s gone. joyce works at the library and jim is the town sheriff – the kids, will, jonathan and el slowly warm up to you and it’s after you get in with them that you really start to feel at home, but there’s one person who just annoys you to no end. one person you’d love to just boot off a cliff – steve fucking harrington. ♥️ find the rest of the series and more here and find the series playlist on spotify here.
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
if one of the members hit u up on social media somehow n y’all get serious, would u drop everything and move to korea to be with them?
without a moment of hesitation as soon as they say "do u want -" i'm already 6 hours into the plane ride like for any member the answer is yes i'm madly in love wit da whole crew but now i wanna play this scenario out
also i'm doing this under the assumption that this is post enlistment like i'm not moving to korea just for my man to be gone for 2 years 😭 like i'd wait for them no DOUBT but i'll wait in america with my family in the comfort of my own home 😌
okay so for jk i'd move but we could NOT live together like we got to learn to love each other in person bc lemme tell u he'd piss me off and i'd annoy him so bad if we lived together off the jump like i have a morning job so being up at 1-5 in the morning singing and cooking and is not the move and then look i'm a fan of ambience i am but a bad bith got depression i got to have the lights on or else i'd never do anything skskksdk so since i'd be living alone i'd def need to have a job so idk what energy i'd have left for him LOL like it'd require a lot of adjustments on both our parts bc we is both weird and oddly particular all in all either he'd have to love me a whole lot to make us work or i think the sex would keep us together for a good 3-4 months before he realizes it's not worth it but i would stay in korea for at least a year like i could nOt show my face back in america any sooner than that. (side note: i think if i let him provide for me we'd be super compatible tbh but then we'd be more like besties instead of bf gf) approximate success rate: 46%
oh lawd wit tae i'd have to battle with the dog like i think we could live together but me and tannie would be mortal enemies he’d be my sworn nemesis like straight up dr doofenshmirtz and perry the platypus the way we’d be at each other’s throats bc all he gotta do is turn his neck backwards and hit me wit dat judgmental glare one time and i’m ready to square up but tae seems like the type fall in love very hard so if he’s asking me to move to korea for him he’s willing to make it work and frfr all i gotta do is take yeontan out on a walk one good time he gon get tired bout halfway through and then look for me to hold him and that'll settle most of our differences we may not be best friends but we'll have come to an understanding then all that's left to do is work on tae like get him to get the dog off his mouth off the table and out the kitchen and it's smooth sailing fr i feel like he'd alternate between being super clingy and kinda distant which would be a little frustrating a little irritating but we could cope like if we could just get through that adjustment period it'd be fine. approximate success rate: 72%
if i was with joonie i think the most source of contention would be over decoration like y'all know me and u know them ugly little couch pillows would have to be the first thing to go LOL but after that like okay i wouldn't try to take over but i would just need a space for me that feels like my own that i belong there not just be amongst one of his hyperfixations y'know? like he just has so much art in his place we would need to edit it down so i wouldn't feel like i'm constantly living in an exhibition paint the walls get some more plants bring some life into the place but other than that i think me and joonie would get along really well like we would probably nag at each other about little habits that irritate us but i can't foresee anything being too serious approximate success rate: 84%
hobi's another one i feel like i couldn't live with immediately LOL like i would 100% irk his nerves jfslsls he'd be nagging me to put my clothes in the hamper, put them away, stop leaving stuff around, etc. bc like i'm soooo good at keeping common areas clean not a problem but my room? i'm just always in such a mad dash to get to the bed that i just be leaving stuff anywhere be rushing like my bed gon get up and run away if i'm not in it within 30 seconds of entering the room so it do be junky and also i'm a go with the flow person and imma be ready to take a nap and hobi gonna pop up with some furniture polish and a swiffer talking about it's dusting day and imma lose it like we just need some time before we take that step sklfksd but other than that our relationship would be perfect?? like he's end game for sure we would eventually move in together and live happily after approximate success rate: 87%
my precious baby seokjin lawd i love and miss him so much need him expeditiously oh god missing seokjin hours just hit bc i'm thinking about how perfect he would be for me 😭 like moving in general is a lot but moving to a whole nother country is something else entirely and i think he'd just be so kind and thoughtful about the whole thing like i feel like he'd already have me a room in his place cleared out??? and would just give me a whole lot of space to just exist like helping me unpack and decorate however i like however long it takes not crowding around me when i'm overwhelmed letting me invade his space when i'm feeling clingy cooking me meals like he just seems like he'd try his very very best to make sure i'm comfortable and having fun the entire time like i'm sorry this is just my man and we're meant to be <333 approximate success rate: 95%
jimin is so caring and so sweet and i love that about him but that might be the thing that drive me up the wall like his care might just be a little overbearing for me and like i’d be his girl he tryna make sure i’m straight but if i say i’m good i’m good even if i’m not like imma need a minute and he not gonna wanna give it to me gonna wanna talk about everything all the time but imma need time to process everything before talking about anything and he might not get that at first so there would be some tension but after we’re able to align my introversion with his extroversion everything would be great and i think he’d accept my mess and i’d accept his and then we would get tired of being messy and push each other to be better i also can see a lot of cuddling and watching youtube on tv approximate success rate: 78%
finally there’s yoongi my twin flame <333 with him we'd probably already have a discussion about living together simply bc it's more convenient and economical to do so but the relationship...... it's like we might as well have not met online LOL like it'll be soooo awkward at first like it's gon take 3-4 weeks to really warm up to each other in person like he'll cook me breakfast and then when i sit down to eat with him he just not gonna look me in the eyes and i'll just be trying my best to be quiet and out of the way trying not to be seen or heard so he won't throw me away and then literally just one day it'll click we'll be like what are we doing and why and then all of a sudden we kissing cuddling he's taking me to his studio arm wrapped around my waist like we gonna go from being acquaintances to having old married couple vibes overnight and honestly i'm here for that comfort and familiarity the only thing i can see being a problem is that ion like to initiate conflict like if u start it imma finish but i ain't throwing the first punch but he seems to be more mature than me in that aspect so as long as he helps me to keep a line of communication open i can't see a reason why we would ever break up approximate success rate: 93%
sorry for using ur question as a catalyst for my delusion
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wolferine · 3 years
Heart Skips a Beat - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha faces her worst nightmare when a rescue mission goes wrong…
Warnings: Violence, blood
Word Count: 1837
Part 1
Tags: @blkmxrvel @blackxwidowsxwife @marvelwomen-simp
When Natasha sees your eyes close, she finally comes back to her senses. She squirms away from Steve, crawling under an ambulance and making her way towards you. She ignores Steve telling her to stay put and doesn’t hear Clint telling police officers the direction the bullets came from. All she can think about is bringing you to safety.
The ambulance engine is still running, causing its underside to reach temperatures that make Natasha feel like she is hiding in a furnace. She holds her breath from the fumes as she crawls to the front of the vehicle, throwing her arm out and reaching for your hand.
“Y/N!” she screams. “I’m right here! Hold on!” Her fingertips brush yours and she grabs onto your wrist tightly. You’re bigger and heavier than her, but the adrenaline gives her strength. With a massive heave, she drags you under the ambulance. You smear through the puddle of your own blood and it soaks through the back of your shirt. 
There isn’t even enough room for her to lift her head, but she grabs onto both your arms, digging her elbows into the ground and crawling backwards. “I got you, Y/N. I got you,” she pants. But the lack of space and your deadweight make it impossible for her to pull you all the way through, so she backs out from under the ambulance. “Steve, help me!” she shouts.
“Move!” Steve says to her, although his shoulders are too broad to fit in the narrow gap. However, his arms are long enough to reach both of your hands, and all it takes is one big tug for you to come sliding out from the ambulance. 
Your eyes fly open suddenly, awakened by the agonizing pain coursing through your shoulder like a lightning bolt. You scream, and as much as it makes Natasha’s heart hurt, she’s glad to see that you’re still alive. 
“You guys need to get out of here right now!” Clint yells. “Take the ambulance!”
Steve pulls you into a standing position and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you onto his shoulders effortlessly. You flop over him like a ragdoll, pain pulsing in your stomach when you bump against his chest.
A bullet shatters the sideview mirror of the ambulance.
“Go, go!” Natasha urges, putting herself between the danger and you and Steve. Steve runs with you to the back of the ambulance and flings the door open. There is no gurney, so Natasha helps him lay you on the floor and climbs in after you.
“Stay with Y/N. I’ll drive,” Steve offers, going around to the front. “Clint, we’re taking Y/N to the Quinjet! Hold the scene down!”
“Copy that!” Clint is just as concerned for your safety, but he knows you’re in good hands. Steve jumps into the driver’s seat and throws the ambulance in reverse.
The windshield explodes.
“Let’s go!” Natasha screams, ducking her head.
“Hold on!” Steve backs into a sharp U-turn. The tires screech as they find traction on the road to accelerate forward.
Natasha practically lays on top of you to prevent you from rolling around. From a shelf, she grabs a handful of gauze packets, tearing them open with her teeth. She rips your shirt open and presses the gauze first to your shoulder, then another to the side of your stomach. You’re completely soaked in blood and it continues to pump out of you with each heartbeat. Your face has faded to a sickly pale. 
“N-Nat,” you whisper, trying to move but pinned down by the pain. “N-Nat—”
“Shh, it’s okay,” she comforts. “Just keep your eyes open for me, okay?”
You see the blood smeared on her face, her neck, and her hands, too delirious to remember that it’s yours. “A-Are you h-hurt?” you stammer.
Natasha wants to laugh and cry at the same time. You’re so in love with her that even in the face of death you don’t even think about yourself. “No, I’m fine,” she says, grabbing onto your hand and interlocking your fingers. She looks over at Steve, veering through parked cars and roadblocks. “Can we hurry it up a little?” she asks in panic, even though she knows he’s driving as fast as he can.
“I’m trying!” Steve swerves around a fire hydrant and the sudden movement jolts everyone in the ambulance. Natasha presses down on you too hard and you grunt in pain.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “We’re almost there. We’re almost there.”
Your vision fades into fuzzy shapes and blurred colors. Even breathing seems to be too much of a task for you. Steve parks behind the Quinjet and comes around to help carry you in.
“Do you need me to go with you?” Steve asks as he lays you across the back seats of the Quinjet.
“No.” Natasha shakes her head. “Stay and help Barton.”
Steve doesn’t even try to argue. “We’ll find who did this, Nat. I promise.” He goes to the controls at the front and presses a few buttons. “The coordinates for the Tower are set. You’ll autopilot all the way there. Just make sure to update the medical team on Y/N’s condition.”
“Thanks, Steve.”
“Everything will be okay.” He places his hand on Natasha’s shoulder for a moment before jogging back to the ambulance. As soon as he’s off the Quinjet, the door raises shut and the engines blast on. You’re several states away from New York, but at the speeds the plane can travel, you should be there in minutes. You just have to hang on until then.
Natasha leaves your side only to grab more gauze, pressing it against your bullet wounds to slow the bleeding. She rolls you to your side so there’s no pressure on your front or back, but grimaces when she sees that your back looks as bad as your front.
“N-Nat,” you try whispering again, but she is quick to shush you.
“Not now, okay? Just stay awake for me, Y/N.”
You’ve never felt so weak before. It feels like you were hit by a bus and ground up by its tires. Your mind processes in slow-motion—probably a side effect of the blood loss—and you already forgot how you got into the Quinjet. But the physical pain isn’t your greatest concern anymore. You just don’t want to lose your fight and leave her.
Natasha fits an oxygen mask around your face and the cool air is comforting, but you know your time is ticking away. You don’t notice the Quinjet hiss to a landing or acknowledge the team of doctors suddenly hovering over you.
“We’ll do the surgery in room six!”
“Prep a blood transfusion!”
“Two gunshot wounds from a large-caliber gun!”
The doctors move you to a gurney and wheel you off the Quinjet. Natasha holds onto your hand as they take you to the surgery room, but a doctor stops her from entering with you.
“No, Romanoff. You gotta stay out here. We’ll take it from here.”
Natasha doesn’t fight back, letting your fingers slip through hers as you disappear behind the doors.
“Any updates?” Clint and Steve finally arrive a few hours later, but you’re still in surgery.
“Not yet.” Natasha paces the kitchen anxiously. Although she found the time to wash your blood off her hands and face, she hasn’t changed out of her uniform yet.
“Nat, you should get cleaned up. Y/N isn’t going anywhere,” Clint says.
“I know, I just…I want to be there when—” She can’t finish her sentence, falling into Clint’s arms and crying into his shoulder.
“Y/N is a fighter, remember?” Clint says, rubbing her back.
“But the amount of blood—”
“Super soldiers don’t go down easy,” Steve reminds her. “Y/N will pull through. And besides, you’ll be there to help with the recovery.”
Natasha nods, pulling away from Clint and wiping her face. “I’m sorry I froze when I saw Y/N get shot—”
“What are you apologizing for?” Clint asks.
“I don’t know—I put you all in danger because I couldn’t get myself out of the way—” she hiccups. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Steve assures. “In fact, you were the one who dragged Y/N to safety, remember? I couldn’t fit under the ambulance and Clint was just sitting around like a duck—”
“Excuse you,” Clint interrupts, and Natasha smiles thinly.  
“So, did you find who did this?” she asks.
“Uh—” Clint and Steve look at each other awkwardly. “Natasha, we—”
“Did you find them?” Natasha repeats with more force. Clint motions for Steve to explain.
“That’s the thing,” Steve says. “We don’t know who did this. We scoped out the whole area with the police. We went out more than a mile, but we couldn’t find anything. No shell casings, nothing.”
“Oh, so you’re telling me a ghost shot and tried to kill Y/N?” Natasha scoffs.
“No, we…” Steve tries to find the right words. “We think it was a setup, maybe like a hired assassin or something.”
“Who would want to kill Y/N?” Natasha asks.
“That’s what we need to figure out.”
Natasha knows you have a lot of baggage from your past, particularly when you were forced into illegal covert operations by the government. But it’s been a long time since then. You became your own person and changed your life for the better. Unfortunately, not everyone sees the side of you that Natasha and the Avengers do.
When Clint and Steve leave to shower and change, Natasha finally does the same. She dresses in clean clothes and curls up on your shared bed, inhaling your scent through the pillow and blankets.
Sometime later, Clint visits and knocks on the door. “Hey, Nat? Y/N just got out of surgery—” He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence and is almost run over by Natasha as she hurries over to the medical bay. She doesn’t know which specific room they’re keeping you in, but it’s like she’s drawn to your very presence and finds the correct one instantly.
You lie upright in the bed, propped forward with pillows so there’s less pressure on your back. Your right arm is in a sling and your entire torso is wrapped in bandages. An IV drip leads into the veins on your hand, while a blood pouch sends blood into the vein inside of your elbow. You have an oxygen tube up your nose and looped around your ears.
“I heard the doctor went a little overboard on the anesthesia,” Clint says from behind Natasha, startling her. “You know, with the super soldier serum and everything. Y/N will probably be out of it for a while.” Natasha walks to your side and kneels, gently taking your hand. Your skin is clammy and colder than normal, but your pulse beats strongly.
“I’ll be here as long as it takes.” Natasha raises your hand, mindful of the wires around your wrist, and kisses your fingers.
Click here for Part 3!
AN: Thanks for the amazing support from everyone! Definitely didn’t think I’d get that kind of response, but I’m extremely grateful for you all. The next part will reveal the identity of the shooter, so I hope you’ll stick around for that. :) Peace out!
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vixenpen · 4 years
What if we get a Camboy!Hawks that gives us special attention after he notices the amounts of money we pay to his streams while the other customers get jealous?? 😈
(Y’all know this type of shit speaks to my cam model heart)
U could do anything you wanted to me
“Anything, huh? Would you let me spit in your mouth?”
I would thank you😩😩😩
Spit anywhere you like, daddy. I’ll lick it up
Keigo chuckled. His fans were a mess, but he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t appreciate the ego boost their admiration gave him. It was a major turn on for an exhibitionist like himself.
“Damn, you horny sluts are making daddy excited.” He quirked one of his blonde brows, slyly. “Wanna see how much?”
100 tokens
20 tokens
500 tokens
60 tokens
800 tokens
50 tokens
He angled the camera towards his crotch where his half mast erection poked through his boxers.
The pinging of his token alarm was non-stop as his fans excitedly donated for more.
“You guys know what daddy wants.”
Keigo sat back against his wooden headboard, one arm propped behind his tousled blonde hair. He gave the camera a slow, lazy smile which earned him even more enthusiastic tips.
“Get daddy to 500,000 tokens so we can really have some fun.”
He then flashed the buttplug and flesh light that was sat ready and waiting on his bedside table. A promise of what was to come.
Just then a warning alarm went off. Keigo’s Golden eyes zeroed in on the username immediately.
(Y/n) has tipped 10,000 tokens
Keigo’s dick jumped to attention immediately.
“Ohh there’s my favorite little birdie. Hey, babe, haven’t seen you on in a couple streams.”
I know ^^ thought I’d make it up to u. I just wanna make you happy.
“Baby, anytime you’re in my stream, I’m happy.”
He meant that. Over the couple years that he had been camming, y/n had been an avid supporter. He had you to thank for keeping him going in his cam career.
I can make u happy 2 daddy😣
1,000 tokens
“Aww, of course you can baby bird.” Keigo smiled.
He freed himself from his boxers, sighing in relief when he was finally free. His erection slapped against his right abs with a light smack.
(Y/n) has tipped 15,000 tokens
Omigod that looks so good, daddy. Ooh I missed it so much 🤤
“Oh yeah? You like that? Why don’t we go private then?”
Keigo tried to keep the hopeful edge out of his voice as he threw out the suggestion. He loved going private with you.
Nah, baby, u promised these ppl a show. U should give it to them.
Keigo let out a deep, lusty groan.
“Damn, you’re too good, y/n. You’re gonna make me work for it, aren’t ya?”
“Don’t give me that look.”
500 tokens
Keigo leaned forward and stroked his scruffy beard with a smirk.
“You drive a hard bargain, Birdie.”
He gripped his dick and circled his thumb around the head, spreading the slick of desire that leaked from the tip around.
It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none, Papa Bird. 😉
20,000 tokens
“Mmm, y’all are so lucky that y/n is so charitable.”
He leaned back and bucked hips into his fist, moaning.
😕 u always get more excited for y/n
Everybody don’t got that kinda money..
Thank u y/n 🙏🏾🥳
Yeah, thx 4 takin all the attention 😒
20,000 tokens
Spit on it daddy, make it nasty.
Keigo hunched over, spitting onto his dick and covering it in the natural lubricate.
🤤🥴 holy shit that’s so fucking hottt
I wish too succ daddy Hawks’ dicc
Ily so much😫
Let me have ur babies
Strings of saliva dripped from his pierced tongue on to his throbbing member. He pumped his fist along his erection, hot pleasure coursing through his body with every stroke as the praise flooded in.
“What next, Birdie?” Hé choked out.
Don’t forget the balls, babe.
“Of course, Cuz you never forget the balls.” He licked his lips
Never 😇
“Oh now you’re an Angel.”
Squeeze them 😇
50,000 tokens
Without hesitation, Keigo did what he was told. Squeezing and massaging his sensitive sack. He felt another clench of desire grip him.
U just do whatever y/n asks huh? 😤
It’s always like that with these 2🙄
I don’t mind, y/n always helps give us a good show...🥵
U look so good, Papi.
“Heh, gotta do a good job for my favorite Birdie.”
Keigo choked out. His strokes were alternating between fast and slow, he rotated his hands while his other hand played with his pereneum. The layers of stimulation felt sharp and sweet.
Use that cute little butt plug of yours if u need more, Papi.
Keigo’s heavily lidded Amber eyes, were almost closed with his desire.
“You’re really trying to rile me up, huh, Birdie?”
The better job u do in the public chat, the more I’ll give u in the private chat.
Renewed with the prospect of the money and depravity you were sure to give him in private chat, Keigo grabbed the metal butt plug. He drizzled the lube he had on his night stand on the toy before showing it to the camera.
Oh fuck yesss 🥵🥵
Show us how well u can take that shit, Daddy Hawks
And take it he did. He let out a throaty groan as the cool metal stretched his tight walls pleasantly. A hiss of pure ecstasy that matched the soft expression on his handsome face escaped as the toy settle against his gspot.
“Fuuuuck.” He groaned, eyes crossing temporarily.
The pinging was back. More frantic than ever.
Keigo’s Adam’s Apple bobbed as he swallowed, body adjusting to the new sensation.
80,000 tokens
5,000 tokens
10,000 tokens
50 tokens
100 tokens
4,000 tokens
Feel good baby?
“You know it does,” he quipped back, albeit weakly.
Mmm, I bet. How bout u get that flesh light?
He did. Displaying it before the camera for his favorite user and the rest of his stream.
Slowly, he slid his sensitive manhood into the fleshy, moist walls of the sleeve.
“Oh my god...” his eyes rolled back.
The way I like, Daddy. 😏
“Ok baby...”
😔 I wish he’d call me baby
😒 gotta become a millionaire 2 get that kinda attention, I guess...
If he wasn’t so caught up in how fucking good he felt, Keigo would have laughed at  his fans saltiness.
Keigo rotated his hips, the thrum of his vibrating buttplug against his gspot sending his senses into overdrive.
“Oh goddd,” he practically sobbed, golden eyes fixed on the chat and hazy with his desire.
God he hoped y/n was watching. Hoped they were playing with themselves and imagining it was them bouncing on his twitching dick. He wondered what his favorite user looked like—if the face and body matched the sweet personality and beautiful voice he had heard during their private streams.
Faster daddy. Do it faster.
50,000 tokens
His hips bucked harder. The gripping, wet sleeve hugged his hardness in a warm, moist massage that had pleasure rolling over his body in waves. The only plug only added to the overload.
His mind was going blank, mouth falling open as strangled noises fell from it.
Oh my god look at that...🤤
His golden eyes fluttered close.
Keigo threw back his head, feeling his orgasm approaching. His blonde hair tumbled off his face, giving his stream an unobstructed view of the euphoria on his face.
Just then a ‘private’ alert came through from you.
Shakily, he accepted.
“Hi baby.” You purred. Just a beautiful, disconnected voice. Smooth and sweet and thick like honey butter.
“H-hey, Birdie.” He stammered through his grunts. “What-Ah-happened to, fuck, it ain’t fun if the homies can’t have none?”
You chuckled through your nose.
“I let them get their show, but that ‘O’ face is for me. Now cum for me, Daddy.”
He could hear the lust thick in that sensual voice of yours.
“Fuckkk,” he sighed.
He fucked himself harder and harder on his sleeve, eyes rolling back.
“Ahh god, I’m fuckin’ coming, baby, ughh-fuck.”
His nut exploded out of him, wracking his body in a fierce ecstasy. Then, just as quickly as it swept him up, it settled him back down. Back to earth.
“Oh my god, Baby Bird...” he mumbled weakly as he floated back to earth.
“That was delicious, Daddy. Thank you.”
He chuckled. “Anytime.”
“Oh?” He could hear the wicked smirk in your voice. “How ‘bout round two then? We’ll cum together this time.”
Keigo grinned into the camera, where unfortunately a black screen stared back at him. Ah well, hopefully one day he would get to see the stranger attached to the lovely voice that coaxed him to his orgasm.
“Ready when you are, Baby Bird.”
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(Art by: @kadeart )
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ stuck ❞ l.dh
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request → “Hi~ I'm absolutely in love with your work. It makes me so soft uwu. I was wondering if you could write a Haechan one similar to the roommate Jeno one you wrote. About what it's like to just live with him” —@demiwizardstay​
pairing → demon!haechan, reader, guardianangel!mark
word count → 4.5k
a/n → whoops i made this into a demon!haechan au hahaha sorry i hope this is domestic enough for u tho :D
your eyes must be playing tricks on you.
there’s no other reasonable explanation. 
on the other hand, the shadow splayed out ever so comfortably on your couch seems to be very real. it must be just as aware of your presence as you are of its but to your surprise, it isn’t telling you to put your hands where it can see them or demanding to know where all your most valuable items are. it sits there, peacefully as if it owns the place. for a split second you consider the possibility that you walked into the wrong apartment but the key in your hand reminds you that the situation you are in is not your fault in any way. 
“so... are you gonna scream or just stand there?”
the figure’s voice is unmistakably masculine and drips with sass. you know you should feel scared. your heart should be pounding as your shaky fingers dial 911 and you hysterically report an intruder to the authorities and beg them to come fast. however, it seems that this stranger’s calm aura has rubbed off on you as you respond with an equally as unbothered tone.
“well, i would appreciate it if you invited me in.” you pause. “oh wait, it’s my apartment.”
with that, you step inside and go about your regular routine with a calmness you didn’t know you possessed; especially when there was an… unwelcome visitor lounging on your sofa. despite that, you kick off your shoes and toss your jacket somewhere on the floor like you normally would. you twirl your keys around your fingers as you go to turn to flick on the light switch. it rids you of the darkness that had settled upon your apartment and the stranger is completely revealed to you.
the first thing you notice about them is their sun kissed skin that’s littered in the freckles you would compare to the most captivating constellation. although, the stranger’s flawless complexion is the least of your worries considering the two horns that peek out from underneath their tufts of brunette hair. 
you physically restrain yourself from asking for his skin routine and instead opt for yet another sarcastic comment. “all ready for halloween, i see.” your eyes lock onto the appendages, choosing to ignore how realistic they were. “was party city having a sale?”
your comment seems to get your uninvited guest out of his daze as he scoffs. “are you kidding?”
“hey, this is my place, i ask the questions,” you scold.
he ignores you, instead going to tug on his horns. “these are all real, baby.”
you force yourself to maintain eye contact with him, waiting for him burst into laughter and tell you it was all a prank. instead, his unfaltering smug gaze pierces into you. you swear you stop breathing when his eyes flash bright red for a second.
“alright, you can tell the camera crew to come on out.” you glance around hoping this really was just some sort of hidden camera–practical joke type of thing. you half expect ashton kutcher jump out and tell you that you had gotten punk'd but you’re never granted that privilege. your eyes end up back on the boy lounging on your sofa and he returns the stare, eyes narrowed and mouth curved into a smirk.
it was almost… devilish. 
“oh my god.”
“not quite.” he finally stands, stretching his limbs out without a care in the world. “wanna try again?”
you stay silent, mouth slightly agape. there was only one other explanation. 
he’s satan. and he’s also in your living room. and the worst part was how undeniably hot he is.
you regret giving him the satisfaction of your stunned silence as it seems like that was the exact reaction he wanted. he laughs at your expression and it just sounds evil. 
“alright, alright. i’ll tell you what i am. but only because you mortals are always so cute when you’re scared.”
“i’m not scared, you idiot,” you interject without a second thought. “i just didn’t know i’d be selling my soul today. it’s a total bummer. i’m so young, i still have so much to do. i never even got around to trying yoga with ryujin!”
the boy’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “your soul? did i say i wanted your soul?”
“well, you’re like, satan right? isn’t that what you do?”
he rolls his eyes. “i’m obviously a demon. satan is a loser who never leaves his fiery throne. which, by the way, isn’t as cool as it sounds. we’re not on the best terms at the moment.”
“so... you don’t want my soul?”
he shakes his head vigorously, looking disgusted at the mere idea of it. “what would i even do with it?”
“i don’t know. honestly i’m just going off of what i see in the movies.”
“that was your first mistake, baby.” he makes his way closer to you. “this isn’t the movies.”
“okay, back it up,” you say, attempting to put some distance between you and him.
he raises his hands in defeat as he obeys, retreating back to your couch. 
“why are you here of all places? shouldn’t you be sipping on a piña colada with satan right now?”
he crosses his legs nonchalantly. “like i said, we aren’t on speaking terms. in fact, i’m kind of… banned.”
“banned?” you echo. “from where?”
“hell? duh.” 
you scowl at his attitude. “it’s not my fault you’re on timeout.”
he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “don’t call it that. it’s just a punishment.”
“same thing,” you say, making your way into the kitchen. you weren’t sure if leaving a demon unattended in your living room was the best idea but the initial shock had already worn off. besides, it seemed like he had been in your apartment for a while already. “what did you do anyway?”
“it’s not even that bad,” he grumbles.
“must have been if you got kicked out of hell.” you chuckle to yourself as you open up your pantry, looking for something to stuff your face with. “do you understand how bad you must be if even the devil himself can’t stand you?” 
“i’m not bad, per se,” he says, picking at his nails. “just a little annoying.”
“no kidding,” you grumble to yourself, rummaging through your pantry, in pursuit of your favorite snack. you were sure everything would make more sense once you got some food in your system. when all you find is an empty, crumpled bag where your chips had once been, you whine loudly. “did you eat all my hot cheetos?”
“they reminded me of home!”
“i can see why they kicked you out,” you retort. 
“listen, i get that this is an inconvenience—”
“that’s kind of an understatement.”
“but, this is the only place i can stay. turns out people freak out when you appear in their living rooms. you were the only one that didn’t.”
“yeah, people usually don’t take too kindly to that—hold on, did you say stay?”
he crosses his arms over his chest. “where else am i supposed to go?”
“anywhere but here.”
he gives you an unamused stare, his eyes glinting red once again. 
“i mean, don’t you have any demon friends you can stay with?”
“not here. we avoid earth at all costs. it’s trashy. that’s why this is a punishment.” 
not even you can argue with that. “understandable. well, how long are you gonna be here?” 
“don’t know.” 
you blink at him. “so… you’re planning to crash with me until satan decides to be your friend again?” 
he groans. “first of all, he’s never been my friend. second of all, yes, that was the plan i had in mind when i broke into your house.” 
“broke in?” 
“well, actually i used teleportation powered by the dark arts to get in but i don’t think your tiny human brain is ready for that conversation.” 
“and i don’t think it’d be in your best interest to insult the person you’re currently trying to move in with.” 
that seems to shut him up, as he purses his lips together and stares at you blankly. 
“listen, if we’re going to do this, there’s gotta be some ground rules, okay?” 
he stays silent so you decide to continue. 
“you have to pull your own weight around here. you might be some powerful being of the underworld but that doesn’t mean you get out of laundry day and doing dishes, got it?” 
he seems displeased, if the frustrated huff of air he lets out is anything to go by. 
“and you have to promise me that by staying here you aren’t putting me in any kind of danger.” 
“well, i can’t guarantee i won’t cause problems,” he says, raking his fingers through the hair in between his sharpened horns. “but i can protect you from whatever crap comes our way.” 
you contemplate it. you weren’t entirely sure what a demon like him was capable of but it seemed like it would be a list that was equally lengthy as it was impressive. yet, you still can’t bring yourself to agree to anything. 
as if he senses your apprehensive nature, he grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his hazelnut eyes. you only get to admire the warm tint for a split second before his eyes flash red yet again. they stay glowing longer than any of the previous times; long enough for you to notice how shiny and bright they are, reminding you of ripe cherries. 
“i promise.” 
the tone of his voice is surprisingly firm and definitely the most serious you’ve heard him the entire night. he retreats his hand from you and you find yourself leaning forward, almost craving his touch. his eyes go back to their original hue and you feel yourself regain your senses. 
“what did you just do?” you ask, leaning back from him. “what kind of dark magic was that?”
he tries to conceal his smile but ultimately fails, his pearly whites coming onto display. “that wasn’t magic, baby. i believe you just got lost in my eyes but don’t worry. i would too.” 
you let out a bitter laugh. “oh my god, you’re vain.” 
“do you mortals have to mention him every five seconds?” he chides, grimacing. 
it takes you a moment to realize who he’s referring to but when you do, you erupt in laughter. “really? that gets to you? you’re pretty sensitive for a big and bad demon.” 
“i have a name, baby.” 
“so do i.” 
his lips curve into a coy smile. “donghyuck.” 
you give him your name in response, not even bothering to think about it twice, much to your surprise. most would probably be more hesitant to introduce themself to a demon, much less invite them into their home. 
yet here you were, doing both. 
he offers you nothing more than a grin—it seemed more genuine than the last—before turning on his heel to make his way farther into your apartment. “so, where will i be sleeping? i was thinking your bed would be ideal.”
“well, i was thinking you could start with a thank you,” you suggest, trailing after him. 
he saunters down the hallway, twisting the knob of the door second to the left and peeking in. you can only imagine how much snooping around he had done before you had arrived, judging by the fact that he maneuvered your home so expertly. 
he hums as he scans the room as if it’s the first time (which you’re sure it’s not). “it looks comfortable enough for the two of us.” 
you can tell there’s no arguing with him, especially as he steps inside and sits himself on the edge of your bed, hands running over the soft fabric of your comforter. he bounces up and down a couple times, seeming satisfied enough with the mattress. 
in the blink of an eye, he’s underneath the heaps of blankets, tucked in snuggly. 
you exhale, trying to maintain patience. “i can tell this whole dark magic thing is going to be a problem for me.”
even though only his eyes peek out from beneath the polyester sheets, you’re positive he’s wearing an obnoxious smirk. his voice comes out slightly muffled when he answers, “think of it as a blessing, not a curse.”
“we’ll see.” you try to suppress a yawn but it manages to escape you, eyes squinting and your hand clamping over your mouth. “right now, i gotta sleep. hopefully i’ll wake up tomorrow and realize this was all a dream.”
“so, what you’re implying is that i’m a dream?”
“i meant to say nightmare.”
“that’s more accurate.”
as if the dazed tone of his voice didn’t give his sleepiness away, donghyuck’s drowsy eyes and horns sinking into the soft plush of your pillow certainly did. he looked the least threatening right then and there and you decide that this is the donghyuck you like best. you can’t help the sudden urge you feel to curl up in bed right next to him and doze off into blissful unconsciousness. 
“what are you waiting for? get in here.”
could demons read minds too? you can’t be bothered to think about it for another second before you take donghyuck’s very tempting offer and crawl into your bed. you don’t care that you’re not in your pajamas or that you smell like coffee beans, courtesy of the cafe you worked at.
all you can seem to focus on is the feeling of donghyuck’s soft breath against your neck and his oddly cute snores. it was ironic; a demon all cuddled up beside you, sleeping like a baby. you almost giggle at the striking comparison. 
needless to say, you fall asleep with a smile on your face.
“you know, it really pisses me off to come home and see you sitting in the exact same position you were in when i left.”
donghyuck rolls his eyes, an expression he’s mastered over time. “what else am i supposed to do? you made it pretty clear that you hate my demonic rituals and that’s kind of my speciality.”
you shrug as you kick your shoes off upon entering your shared apartment. “i don’t know. but binging the entire marvel movie saga can’t possibly be healthy.”
“we don’t have this in hell!” donghyuck exclaims, gesturing to the television his eyes remained glued on. 
“well, you should get used to life on earth considering you don’t know how long you’re gonna be stuck here.”
“i’m already on it. pop culture is actually really informative.”
“not what i meant. i was thinking more along the lines of a job.”
donghyuck finally tears his eyes away from the television to give you an unamused stare. “that’s really funny, y/n.”
“i’m serious! would it kill you to get off the sofa?”
“no. nothing would. i’m immortal, remember?”
you narrow your eyes. “oh yeah, almost forgot. you’re gonna be a bother to me forever and ever.”
“this isn’t the ideal situation for me either. but no need to torture me with low life mortal tasks.”
“bills gotta be paid, it’s a part of life,” you respond, taking a seat beside him. “or else we’ll both be breaking into people’s houses and begging them to move in.”
“i didn’t beg, alright? and i didn’t break in either! i simply...  appeared.”
“that’s even worse.”
“you didn’t seem to mind when you were all snuggled into me this morning.”
donghyuck’s words paired with his taunting tone cause you to feel slightly warm but you ignore it for the sake of a comeback. “you seemed comfortable yourself because when my alarm for work went off your arm was pretty tight around me.”
you swear you see him pout for a moment. “that’s not my fault! there aren’t many people open to cuddling in hell! i was just… seizing the opportunity.”
“since you’re all about opportunities, you should really look into that job. remember what we agreed on? no slacking off.”
“i’m not! just look in the kitchen!”
you know whatever it is, you’re not prepared for it. nevertheless, you tiptoe to said area, hoping your roommate had simply followed instructions and done the dishes and swept. but, of course, that itself is too much to ask as you watch the sink overflow with suds, plates and silverware scrubbing themselves clean and floating into their respective cupboards. a broom dances across the tiled floor, dust flying everywhere. you find that the mess in your kitchen resembles a train wreck; you want to look away but you just can’t. 
you call out to donghyuck, eyes still trained on the chaos before you, asking, “what did we say about rituals?”
“it’s a little more complicated than a ritual, baby!”
once you finally gather enough willpower to walk away from the kitchen and whatever is happening in it, you return to the living room, placing yourself in front of the television that donghyuck is so entranced in. 
“you’re coming with me to work tomorrow, got it?”
donghyuck groans for a second before rolling his eyes dramatically hard. “fine. now, can you move? the avengers are about to fight thanos.”
you comply, retreating to your bedroom but not before shouting back, “iron man dies!”
you shut your door, donghyuck’s frustrated screeching still coming through loud and clear.
your phone alerts you that it’s 6 am by playing an alarm so loud donghyuck falls out of bed. comically enough, it’s the loud thump! that comes when donghyuck makes contact with the floor that really gets your eyes to flutter open. you peek over the edge of the bed, every bit of grogginess leaving your body the second you see your roommate tangled in your sheets, limbs sprawled on the ground. 
“are you okay?” you ask, laughter lacing your words.
“doing just fine,” he mumbles in response. soon thereafter, his eyes shut once again.
“hey! no way are you going back to sleep, we have work!” 
you drag yourself out of bed over to where donghyuck lays, attempting to resume his peaceful slumber. you grab his arms, attempting to hoist him up. you’re almost positive he’s making it more difficult than it should be as he lets his body go completely limp in your grasp. when you finally get him standing upright, he smiles lazily at you, obviously still half asleep. 
“c’mon dork, you need to get ready. you’re gonna make some cash today!”
donghyuck makes it clear he understands nothing as the morning progresses.
he doesn’t get the importance of being on time or even working in the first place. he offers to just take out your landlord, which according to him will “solve all your problems”, more times than you count and you’re sure that if he mentions it one more time you’d actually consider it. he also claims he doesn’t understand the concept of a shower, asking you to help him out, yet the knowing smile on his face lets you know he’s more than well aware of what it entails. unfortunately, you realize this after spending more time than you’d care to admit explaining the concept of getting naked to him in a tight, confined space to him only for him to request a demonstration. 
upon leaving your apartment, more new things are revealed to donghyuck. you can’t help but admire the wonder and awe in his eyes. the adoration quickly wears off when he throws a temper tantrum at the subway station, refusing to board it and you have to physically force him on and promise that no, he won’t get trapped inside.
despite the slight bumps in the road, you arrive at your shift with time to spare. the clock tells you that you won’t have to be behind the counter for another five minutes so you grab your apron and provide donghyuck with one too. you give him quite possibly the quickest tour of the cafe ever and explain to him over five times what you were there to do (“so, we just take people’s orders? we serve them?” “and they pay for it.” “just when i thought it couldn’t possibly get dumber”). you end putting him on cleaning duty since you were well aware of his lack of social skills. he frowns when you tell him he has to do it himself, no magic allowed. the last thing you needed was someone getting nearly knocked over by a levitating broom and bringing it to your manager’s attention. speaking of—
“good morning, y/n,” greets doyoung. his hair is slicked back and his eyes shine, as always. “always a pleasure to see you on your shift.”
donghyuck watches you cautiously, observing the way you smile nervously and avoid meeting doyoung’s eyes. he assumes he has some kind of authority over you. 
“and hello there. who might you be?”
doyoung is now very aware of donghyuck’s presence, giving him a wide smile but a menacing stare. you don’t get a word out before donghyuck’s giving him a polite smile and nod of his head.
“i was just hired, y/n is showing me the ins and outs. i honestly could not be happier working under leaders like you, sir.”
doyoung hums, obviously enjoying donghyuck’s praise enough to let it blind him from the fact that you hadn’t even been hiring in the first place. “sir, huh? haven’t heard that one before.” 
donghyuck holds his breath, wondering if he had overdone it.
“i like it. you seem like a hard working fellow. glad to have you on the team.” your boss gives him a firm pat on the back before walking away, probably to go scare some other employees. 
donghyuck sticks his tongue out at him once his back is turned and you simply laugh, smile still present on your face when your first customer arrives.
“i’m here!”
you glance up from the cash register to catch your coworker rushing in, looking frazzled�� as always.
“hey mark,” you greet, giving him a welcoming smile. “i’m so glad you’re here. there’s been this crazy demand for frappuccinos all day and you know i suck at those.”
mark chuckles as he ties on his apron. “no offense, but the only order you should be taking are the puppuccinos.”
you shoot him the most non-threatening glare possible which ends up with you bursting into a fit of laughter. “i’m not even gonna argue with that.”
“hypothetically, if i made doyoung’s coffee explode on him but made sure he didn’t know, would you be mad?”
you roll your eyes at donghyuck’s bold entrance yet you still giggle. “at this point, i say go for it. ooh, maybe we could even sneak out while he’s cleaning it up. what do you say, mark?”
where there would usually be a giddy laugh, there’s nothing but silence on your coworkers behalf. you put a pause on counting the money in the register to steal a glance at mark who’s eyes are dead set on donghyuck who also seems to be intensely focused on the blonde. 
“demon,” mark mutters.
you feel yourself freeze up; how could he possibly know? despite the panic that settles upon you, you’re sure donghyuck will find a way to handle the situation. you expect a lie, maybe even some magic if the situation called for it. when you see his lips curve upwards sinisterly, you know you’re in for an entirely different outcome.
“angel.” there’s a teasing lilt in donghyuck’s voice; it sends chills up your spine.
mark’s jaw is clenched and you know he’s equally as tense as you are. “we should go, y/n.”
“mark, he’s just—”
the sudden desperation yet dominance in mark’s tone is even more alarming than donghyuck’s. 
“you know,” donghyuck begins, rounding the counter, dramatically. “i’ve never been a fan of the way guardian angels think they own their person.”
you swear your brain shuts down. there was no way you had come into contact with a demon and now an angel—your guardian angel. and there was definitely no way it was your closest coworker, right?
“it’s our responsibility—she is my responsibility.”
donghyuck folds his arms as he gives mark a once over. “you won’t mind if i take over, right?”
mark chuckles, begrudgingly. “you know i can’t let that happen.”
“i’m not hurting her, i’d never hurt her.” donghyuck takes his place next to you, wrapping an arm around you. he peers down at you, eyes glowing red for the first time since your first encounter. “my angel.”
you know the nickname is to piss mark off and you assume it works as you observe his hands clench into fists. although, you’re more focused on how the pet name effortlessly rolled off donghyuck’s tongue, like temptation itself. 
“don’t make this difficult for yourself,” donghyuck continues. “you know feelings are dangerous. that’s what they tell you when you first sign up. just don’t let that get you into trouble, got it?”
the tension is suffocating and you almost wish a customer would enter the currently empty cafe to save you from it. although, donghyuck makes sure that you don’t have to endure it any longer as a second later, you’re both gone, only a cloud of red smoke left behind. 
mark stands alone in the cafe.
he had gotten this job for you; to look after you. 
perhaps he had caught feelings, as well.
he assumes that was his first mistake. 
when donghyuck takes you back to your apartment, it seems the awkward atmosphere from the cafe has followed you home.  
“uh, can i ask what that was all about?”
“that guy, mark was it? yeah, he’s your guardian angel. i can’t stand it when those guys act like they’re in charge of the person they’re sent to look after,” he seethes. 
you watch donghyuck’s fit of frustration carefully, eyes wide. when he sees how confused you are he can’t help but sigh. 
“i’m sorry, i just… didn’t appreciate him acting like you were his. guess i don’t really like the thought of that.”
you would have to be oblivious beyond compare to not realize donghyuck was completely and utterly jealous. you prod him further, asking, “well, then who would you rather i belong to?”
he glances up at you. “whoever you want, baby.”
“you know what? i think i have somebody in mind.”
not even a second later, donghyuck takes you back in the security of your bed, under your piles of fluffy blankets. what feels most comfortable (and strangely familiar) is the feeling of donghyuck’s arm clinging to you, making you sure you’re pressed right into his chest like a puzzle piece. 
“the person you had in mind was me, right? ’cause if not, this might be awkward.”
your eyes roll back despite knowing he can’t see it. “no, it was mark.”
“not funny.”
your shoulders shake with laughter. “it’s a little funny.”
“whatever, keep laughing. just let me hold you, alright?”
“that would be heaven.” silence settles upon the both of you as you go into nearly hysterical laughter. “get it? because you’re a demon… from hell… and that’s like, the opposite—”
“yeah, i get it, baby.” he pauses. “how many more lame jokes surrounding me being a demon will i have to endure?”
“i definitely have more where that came from so my guess is...  more than you can count.”
he moans in displeasure. “you’re lucky you’re cute… for a mortal.”
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szivtalan · 3 years
23 fluff/general prompt and endhawks
oooo thank u!!!
endhawks + 23) “well the probability of that is 0, but you go ahead.”
tags: sassy shoto is sassy lol. nothing aside from a little language?, morning after, crack ig
truth be told, todoroki enji isn't a big fan of swearing.
he raised four children, after all, and with his luck, his firstborn was the toughest nut. he quickly learned with toya that whatever bad behavior he shows in front of his children, they would immediately learn that instead of the nice things he tried so much to put into their dumb little heads.
for example, fighting people and swearing.
honestly, even before that enji thought of swearing as something mundane, profane and dirty. "villain behavior", the voice in his head translated into child language, but that's exactly how he thought of swear words. in his opinion, if you can't tell someone to go to hell without calling them names, mentioning their mother, defecation or acts that are sexual in nature, you should rather stay quiet about it.
yeah, well. that whole sentiment flew out the window when enji woke up today to the sound of his youngest opening the front door.
'dad, i'm home!' shoto calls out.
'fuck.' enji groans, trying to sit up. his eyes go wide when he registers that his torso is unusually heavy from the weight of hawks being sprawled out on top of it. 'oh, fuck.'
'hey, dad!' shoto yells again, his luggage hitting the floor with a heavy thud. he forgot that shoto was supposed to come home for the weekend.
'just a minute!' he calls out, shaking a very grumpy hawks by the shoulders. 'hey, keigo. wake up, you gotta go.'
'whaaa-,' hawks yawns, turning his head so his chin pressed right into enji's chest. 'why?'
'my son is home.'
hawks stares at him for an excruciating minute. 'and?'
'and you shouldn't be meeting yet, goddamn it. and not like this. come on, do you think you can fly out the window?'
'todoroki endeavor enji, what am i, your side hoe?' hawks raises his voice, causing enji to shush in panic. 'you're a divorced father and i'm your boyfriend, don't you think it's time your children get to know me?'
he's on his feet pulling up his clothes now, which should be offensive to enji but in this situation, he can only be grateful. on top of the annoyance. 'yes,' he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. 'yes, keigo, you're right, and i'm sorry, but meeting my children shouldn't happen like this. you're welcome to come back to dinner later-'
'you don't think shoto would be okay with meeting me like this?' hawks has the audacity to ask him, his open shirt hanging from his shoulders, fly pulled down and belt buckle hanging loosely in the air.
'well, the probability of that is 0,' enji snarls, pulling his yukata up his arms and tying the belt together just in time to his door sliding open.
'-but you go ahead.' he finishes, turning a little pale.
shoto looks at him first, head cocked to the side curiously. then his eyes swim around the room, finding hawks on the far side of the bed. their eyes meet, and hawks grins.
'hi, i'm keigo. pleasure to meet you, i'm fucking your dad.'
'oh.' shoto states, nodding his head at hawks' extended hand. enji wants to bury him in the backyard. knows just the spot, really. 'okay. dad, where's fuyumi?'
fuyumi is with friends, natsuo's staying at his girlfriend's, and enji wishes he could be either, because anywhere would be better than his kitchen at the moment, making tea for three while listening to his son talk to his barely-older lover.
'you're hawks, right? the winged hero?'
'yep, that i am!'
'i saw you on tv. aren't you the first pro hero ever to get into the top 10 in your teens?' enji can feel the flames coming on, but he grips the kitchen sink, focuses on the kettle.
'yes, that's also something i am.'
'how old are you now?'
'22! i'm turning 23 this year.'
'didn't you finish UA recently, then?'
'oh, i didn't go to school, no.'
'are you the reason mommy and daddy divorced?' shoto asks. flames bubble to the surface and flare up just like that.
'look in the mirror and think again why mommy and daddy divorced, kiddo.' hawks replies with a bushy brow raised up to his hairline.
the air freezes a little as those two glare at each other from across the table. enji chokes on his spit, prepares to shut down a possible fistfight.
but instead of jumping at him, shoto turns back to look at his dad, face neutral, eyes shining.
'he's a lot cooler than you. i like him.'
enji prepares to have chronic migraines for the rest of his life.
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Not Perfect (JJ Maybank x reader) pt. 4
Summary: JJ Maybank is the one who makes sure your kook lawn is immaculate. Your family may look perfect just like the lawn from someone looking from the outside in, but it turns out you and JJ have more in common than you thought.
!!warning: This story talks about abuse through out, so if that’s triggering please don’t read. This is strictly fiction.
A/N: finally, part 4! I have had the worse case of writer’s block with this. I’m sorry it’s took me so long to get this out. This will be a 5 part series, so the next part will be the end! 
However, I have a new OBX fic in the works!!! Hopefully will have a preview out soon. I’m still deciding if I should write it with JJ, Rafe, John B or Pope. 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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As soon as JJ’s arms wrapped around you, you let go of everything you had bottled inside. You began to sob uncontrollably. No one knew about your abuse or the pain you went through. Even if they did, they didn’t care enough to help. But JJ, he’d suspected something. He knew your pain.
“Shhh..” He wraps his arms protectively around you, his hand going to your head as you sob into his chest.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry about everything.” You sob.
He shakes his head, “No don’t be sorry. Not like I haven’t been arrested before. Plus, they let me go as soon as I got there.” He pulls away to look at you, gently wiping a stray tear, careful of your bruise, “Let’s sit down, yeah?”
You nod and JJ leads you to the couch, taking a seat next to you, his arm still wrapped protectively around you. He had to admit, he was scared. Scared if he let go something else bad would happen to you. To see you broken like this, reminded him of himself. He wanted to be there for you like he’s always wanted someone else to be there for him; to hold him, to protect him and tell him it’ll be okay.
He looks up at Kie, “Go get some ice?”
Kie nods, “I’ll go get some ice..” She steps around Pope and heads inside.
“Your dad did this?” Pope asks, surprised and slowly sits down in the chair, “But…”
“He’s good at hiding it.” You glance around at the concerned eyes looking down at you, suddenly feeling small and helpless.
Kie steps back on the porch, an ice pack in hand, “Here..”
You take it and wince as you put it to your eye, “Thank you.”
She nods, taking a seat next to Pope.
JJ can sense you’re uncomfortable with all the eyes staring at you like you were in a cage. “How about we go out on the dock? Just me and you.”
You were thankful of JJ pulling you away from the pogues. It was awkward with all of their eyes on you.
JJ leads you to the bench on the dock, “I didn’t think you wanted them to all be staring at you like that.. They’re kind of in shock.”
You nod, sitting next to him, adjusting the icepack on your cheek, “Yeah I would be too. Finding out someone isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“I don’t want to pressure you to talk or tell me anything. Just know I’m here for you.”
You give a sad smile, “Thank you, JJ.. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course.” He takes a deep breath, turning his attention to the sun setting over the marsh.
“I’m sorry, my daughter isn’t here. I’m not sure where she could have gotten off too.” Your dad apologizes to the Cameron’s, “She had a run in with that Maybank kid.” He shakes his head, “He beat her up pretty bad. Took advantage of her.”
“That pogue is trouble.” Rafe says, “If you’d like, Topper, Kelce and I will go out looking for her? I think I may have an idea of where she could have run off to.” Rafe offers.
“That’d be great, son. Thank you for that.” Your dad shakes his hand, “Maybe you can knock some sense into her and keep her from getting around those kids.” Your dad jokes, chuckling.
“…and then he walked out.” You explain. You’d finally spilled about everything with your dad. What had happened after the police left. What you two were arguing about yesterday, which was about Rafe Cameron. When your dad began the abuse, how you guys moved away because your dad lost money and couldn’t pay off everyone to mind their business, like how he’s doing it now.
He shakes his head in disbelief, “I just…” He gently pulls you into a hug, “I’m so sorry.. I really am. Me and the pogues, we’re here for you.”
You relax in his arms, “I’m sorry I brought all this on you guys.”
He pulls away to make eye contact with you, lifting your chin to look up at him, “Don’t ever be sorry for that. You need help and we’re going to help you get out of this. Okay?” He carefully runs his thumb against your cheek.
You nod, leaning into his touch, “I guess we aren’t so different, huh?”
He chuckles softly, “No, I guess not.”
You move so you can lay your head on his shoulder.
He reaches over, interlocking his fingers with yours and kisses your head. It’s peaceful for a few minutes before a loud booming voice is heard in the distance.  
The two of you jump and turn to see Rafe, Topper and Kelce storming through John B’s yard, heading your way. Pogues following behind. You can hear Kie yelling at them for being on private property.
Your grip tightens on JJ’s hand. He gives you a comforting look, “It’s okay.” He stands and faces Rafe and the gang, “What the hell you want, Cameron?”
“I’m here to kick your ass for touching MY girl.” Rafe storms down the dock, pushing JJ’s chest. JJ stumbles back a few feet, breaking the grip you had on his hand.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing with my girl, Maybank?!”
You stand, “Rafe, stop, I’m not your girl!”
Rafe looks down at you, “He do this to you?” He points to your face. “I’m going to kill him,”
“No, he didn’t touch me!” You grab Rafe’s arm as he lunges at JJ again. “Stop it!”
JJ moves to step between you and Rafe, “You guys need to leave, now.” He motions between Rafe, Topper and Kelce.
Rafe chuckles, “Yeah okay. Let’s go, y/n. We’re leaving. Your dad wants you back home.” The mention of your dad makes you freeze. Rafe reaches around JJ to grab your arm.
JJ steps back in front of you, “She’s not going anywhere. She’s staying here.” JJ defends.
You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. The dinner with the Cameron’s. If you didn’t show up like your dad wanted you to do then he would visit your room again tonight. The next time worse than the last.
“y/n.” Rafe warns, going to grab your arm.
JJ shoves him back, “I said she’s not going anywhere.”
“Pogue, you are just asking to be punched.” Rafe steps up chest to chest with JJ, towering over him. You didn’t want to see JJ get hurt. Rafe would find some way to put the blame on JJ and JJ would go to jail. You knew you would have to face your father no matter what. No need to wait any longer and make it even worse.
You step around JJ, putting your hand on Rafe’s arm, “Take me home, Rafe.”
“Y/n, you don’t have to go with him.” JJ grabs your hand, “You can stay here.”
You bring your lip between your teeth, biting back tears. You force a smile, “It’s okay JJ.”
Rafe takes your other hand, “Let’s go. Your dad is waiting.” He begins to walk away, pulling you with him, but JJ still has a grip on your hand.
His eyes are pleading as he begs, “Y/n, please don’t go back.” He can see the tears in your eyes.
“JJ, you gotta let me go.” You try to pull your hand from his. Now your eyes are pleading with his, “Please.” You whisper, “let me go, I’ll be okay.”
JJ reluctantly lets go of your hand, watching as Rafe leads you to his truck. Topper and Kelce following. Rafe opens the door and as you climb in your eyes meet with his again. He sees you mouth something before Rafe closes the door. He thinks it was thank you, but he can’t be for sure. His mind was on the fact he knew exactly what would be waiting for you when you arrived home. He leans over the dock and vomits the contents of his stomach at the thought. After he vomits up everything, he begins to plot how he was going to get you and him the hell off this island, if you were willing to go with him.
Obx taglist:  @tregua-oca , @weirdbiwitch , @losers-club6 , @treestarrrrrrrr , @omgwhattheeven , @normatural , @lreincarnationl , @laurenron , @junkiemuppettxx , @beth-winchester21 , @divcrdown , @timotaychalabae , @moose-squirrel-asstiel , @tangledinsparkles , @prejudic3 ,@lanarichards5  @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch , @fratboystark , @nas-marie-loves-u , @sunwardsss , @annedub , @jellyfishbeansontoast , @turtlee-says-rawr, @fanficscuziranout , @wellthathappened2 , @write-from-the-heart , @louisolos , @outrbank , @sunset-d-rive , @family-buisnes , @traumaflavouredjuulpod , @http-cherries , @k-k0129 , @mileven-reddie , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @cinnamon-roll-seth , @teamnick , @rockyyc77 , @ellojustafangirlhere , @sataninsatin , @lordsagittarius , @helplessquotess , @katerosexx , @kiarasgold , @thee-sex , @sunshinemadds , @ceruleanjj , @colie-babi​ , @ilovejjmaybank , @laubluered , @lcil123 , @notmcchkn , @ceruleanjj , @fangirlvoice , @maybebanks , @lolitstiana , @danicarosaline​ , @obx-beach , @katiaw2 , @hardyxlove , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @obxmxybxnk , @lasnaro , @thedarkqueenofavalon , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @poguestyleskye , @poguesnobx , @godspeedlover , @coni-martina , @kaylinfayezink , @loveylangdon , @blossombxby13 , @thelovelydreamer17 , @chasefreakinstokes , @daddydobrockk , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @kkmikayla  , @thatweirdblonde , @bananasfromtarget , @popcrone818 , @fanficsrmylife ,
*if your name is crossed out tumblr is being stupid and won’t let me tag you :( 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​​
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oboevallis · 3 years
after watching the episode I was thinking if maybe u could write one about Amelink with scout their first days at home and the baby crying all night and not letting anyone sleep thank u
two cakes
thank you so much for the prompt!!! i hope everyone’s staying safe and doing well just realized i didn’t follow the prompt whatsoever i am so sorry!!!
“Meredith’s gonna kick us out isn’t she?” Link nervously asked as he watched his girlfriend paced with their newborn baby.
“She’s not going to kick us out.” Amelia said, stress evident in her voice.
“Of course she’s going to kick us out, her kids aren’t getting any sleep, Maggie’s not getting any sleep, she’s not getting any sleep, and we’re not getting any sleep.” Link uncharacteristically ranted.
“Link, I don’t know if you’ve watched the news recently but Seattle’s just got the country’s first Covid-19 case. Merediths obviously going to be a superhero and is going to be doing research and helping, so someone’s going to have to watch her kids. And that someone is going to be us.”
“Hopefully it’ll be fine, we’re quarantining and taking precautions. This thing will just breeze over.” Link optimistically stated, trying to keep a smile even though he didn’t entirely believe what he was saying.
“We may be doing these things, but other people aren’t.” The tired mother passed the crying baby to her boyfriend. “Here, take him.”
“We’re never going to sleep ever again are we?”
“No.” Amelia sighed as she rubbed her temples. The door then abruptly opened to reveal a disheveled Meredith. “Ugh, Meredith we’re so sorry.” The general surgeon then took the baby from the mans arms and maneuvered him so he was on his tummy leaning against her arm rubbing his back, ceasing his wailing into whimpers.
“I hate you Meredith.” Amelia groaned as she fell back on the bed.
“How’d you do that?” Link asked in disbelief as his son started to drift of to sleep in his aunts arms.
“In surgery if a certain angle doesn’t allow access, you rotate to another position.” Meredith then carefully lowered the baby into his crib.
“Thank you Meredith.” Amelia sighed in relief, as she watched the baby’s chest lower and rise rhythmically. “I really owe you.”
“You don’t owe me. You’ve been watching my kids for the longest time.” Amelia chuckled in agreement, Meredith watched the baby along with Amelia. “It’s so worth it though. For that baby smell, and their fingers, and their little smiles.”
“It really is.”
“How’s he holding up?” Meredith nodded over to Link who was already passed out.
“Ehh, he’s okay. He’s not really used to all the kids, and being locked on the house doesn’t help much.”
“He’s always been so great with the kids though.” Meredith was surprised to hear this.
“It’s different when it’s your kid I guess . I mean, I always knew what Ellis needed when she’d cry, but with Scout I just can’t tell.”
“You’ll figure it out, it just takes time.”
“I know.” Amelia sighed, her sister placing her hand on Amelias calf rubbing it affectionately.
“I have no idea what to do for Baileys birthday.”
“Yeah, can’t really throw a party.”
“And no ones in a partying mood.”
“Maybe just ask him what he wants? We’ll go from there.”
“And I’ll have Maggie make him his favorite lasagna.”
“It’ll be nothing like last years superhero party, but we’ll still make sure he has a great time.”
“Maybe we can get that boyfriend of yours to watch some marvel movies with him, no one else on this house can stand them.” Meredith chuckled as she stood up. “Well I’m going to sleep before that wailer of yours wakes everyone up again.”
“I’m sorry.” Amelia apologized as she pulled the covers over herself.
“Don’t be.” Meredith shook her head as she quietly closed the door.
Bailey walked into the kitchen and sighed, everyone was sulking around. And he was tired of it, he just wanted to laugh. Hoping the baby could cheer him up he walked into the living room where his uncle was pacing around with the baby.
“Hey uncle Link.”
“Hey, what’s up almost birthday boy.”
“Nothing.” Bailey sighed plopping down in the couch.
“Yeah, it’s kind of boring huh?” The boy nodded in agreement. The boys mother than walked into the room and wrapped her arm around her son.
“What would you like for your birthday?” Meredith asked, wiping a piece of hair from her sons face. The boy contemplated for a minute before he formulated an idea.
“A cake.”
“Well of course there’ll be a cake.” Meredith chuckled.
“No, like just a cake for me.” The boy smiled.
“A whole cake?” The boy nodded vigorously in excitement. “Well alright then.”
“Thanks mommy.” The boy wrapped his arms around his mother’s neck.
“And you’re gonna bake this cake?” Link asked, trying to contain his laugh as he paced around.
“Of course not.” Meredith laughed, the man had obviously not caught onto how the house worked. “I’ll get Maggie to do that.”
“Of course.” Link laughed.
The downstairs illuminated from the light from the kitchen, Maggie was baking while the two other woman watched. Silence lulled over the room, Bailey had just announced that all doctors living with others should book a hotel room to protect their families.
“I guess we should talk about Baileys email.” Maggie concluded as she stirred the cake batter. Meredith nodded in agreement, Amelia already anticipated what was going to be asked of her and Link.
“I absolutely hate to ask Amelia, especially since you and Link are handling a newborn in a pandemic no less. I just can’t leave my kids with a nanny, they trust you guys.”
“We totally understand. We’ve talked about this a bit.” Amelia nodded, fiddling with her tea bag.
“This is gonna be the last celebration I have with the kids for the foreseeable future.” Meredith sighed, obviously distraught.
“As much as I hate cooking this could be the last time in awhile where I’m actually making food.” Maggie realized, slowing her stirring to contemplate, all of her meals were going to be take out and the dreaded hospital food.
“We just gotta keep smiling.” Amelia didn’t want the last time in Maggie and Meredith could spend time with the kids, for a sad aura in the air. For the kids sake, but also her own.
“Hey, why do you think Bailey wanted his own cake?” Maggie asked as she separated the batter into two pans.
“Bailey hasn’t always been the best sharer.” Meredith smirked think back to all the fights he’d have with his sisters, making her sad that she’d be missing the chance to remediate many fights with her children. “It’s been what? Two weeks since Scout has come home, and Bailey has already hidden all of his dinosaur toys.”
“He hasn’t been as bad as Ellis though.” Maggie reminded to the incident last night where Scout was wailing and Ellis was sobbing, tightly holding onto her aunts legs as she was occupied with her baby.
“She’s not accustomed to not being the baby of the house.”
“Being the baby of the family is overrated.” Amelia said.
“Cant relate.” Meredith and Maggie said in sync, though they were sisters they had experienced their childhoods as only children.
“Hey, Maggie?” Amelia asked, recalling a question she had where she has never followed up. “Remember when we were in the scan room and you said you were to busy sexting it up with Winston? Who is that?”
“Oh.” Maggie giggled, trying to conceal her blush. “Just some guy.”
“You had sex at a conference with a random guy?” Meredith chuckled in disbelief.
“Not random, he was one of my students back at Tufts. We reconnected and had an amazing time, that’s all. I’m in Seattle and he’s in Boston, and there’s a global pandemic so it’s not going anywhere.”
“That’s what I said about Link.” Amelia sang in a song songy way. “And now we have a baby.”
“It really is nothing.” The youngest dismissed as she placed the cake pans into the oven.
“It’s obviously something.” Amelia said as she lowered herself down onto the couch, her sisters following in tow. Between the pandemic and the newborn the sisters hadn’t gotten much sleep.
“I’ve never fallen in love so quickly with someone.”
“Wow, it took you a long time to even admit you liked Jackson.” Meredith pointed out.
“It’s just different.”
“It’s always different when it’s the right one.” Meredith sighed, Amelia nodded in agreement trying to contain her smile.
“Links the one huh?” Maggie asked.
“He definitely is.” The sisters sat in a content silence, no kids were begging for attention and they blocked out the thoughts of a global pandemic. The timer on the oven the beeped loudly and Maggie jumped up before it could wake any of the sleeping children. As Maggie iced the cakes Meredith turned the news on damping the mood again, nighttime was the only time they could find out what was going on in the world because Zola was too smart for her own good and catch on quickly to the severity of the issue.
“It’s going to be okay.” Amelia concluded, trying her best to obtain her boyfriends optimism.
“It’s going to be okay.” Maggie smiled as she looked at the finished product of her cakes, the one for Bailey and the one for everyone else. “I have to say this is one of my favorite cakes I’ve decorated so far.”
“It’s definitely your best.” Meredith whispered in content, basking in the silence as her sister had turned off the TV. Cries then interrupted the peace, causing Amelia to say her good nights and tend to the crying baby.
“It’s going to be okay.” Maggie whispered to herself as Meredith also made her way upstairs. She placed the cakes into the fridge, and hoped tomorrow would be a happy day for Bailey despite the world being in shambles.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 16: The Big Bad Wolf
“Shit.”, Georgie groans, holding his stomach and stumbling as Vivian helps him in the back of the car. “I know. I know.”, Vivian reassured him, avoiding the sight of his wound. She sees Sonya and Bigby running out of the portal, looking around frantically.
She hurriedly runs to the driver’s seat and starts the car, catching Bigby’s attention. He ran to the car, grabbed the bumper of the car before it could move.
Holding tight on the bumper, he changes into his second form. Sonya watched in surprise as he lifted the car but the car separated from the bumper and took off.
“Dammit…”, she muttered. He rumbled at her, catching her attention as he kneels in front of her. “What?”, she asked. He gestured for her to get on his back.
Her eyes widened. “B-But-”, she started but he gave her a low growl. “Okay, okay!”, she rushed onto his back, and he ran off with her.
The getaway car drives into traffic, making a few cars stop and swirve. Bigby charges in between two city buses that started to get closer to each other. “We’re not making that!”, Sonya yelled.
Bigby runs on all fours, charging through the shrinking gap, effortlessly. She sighed in relief and held onto him tighter as he turned the corner and dodged the increasing traffic.
He jumps up on top of a truck, jumps on another truck then on top of a city bus and runs across the roof of a building until they have a full view of the street.
Bigby stops and scans the street, growling at the sight of multiple cars moving. “Let’s move up.”, she said. He saw a building and charged into the door. Immediately, people screamed at the sight of a huge gray figure rushing through the halls and out of the building to the roof.
Bigby looked over the streets and saw a car driving crazy and growled, following the car. Sonya’s eyes widened as he jumped onto a highway bridge, rushing to the edge. “Bigby, we gotta go!”, she exclaimed, seeing cars honk and swerve away from them.
He takes a few steps back then runs and jumps in the air, landing on the car, making it swerve a bit.
Sonya noticed a familiar limo and frowned seeing the Crooked Man look at her and roll his window up. She huffed, carefully climbing off of Bigby’s back and heats up her hand to burn a hole in the roof of the car.
Bigby slammed his fist, clawing into the roof. Vivian violently swerves the car, making them unsteady. Sonya nearly fell back but Bigby grabbed her with one hand, keeping his other claw into the roof of the car.
Vivian stomped on the brakes, sending them off of the car. Bigby wrapped his arms around her to soften her fall as they rolled on the road. She sighed, getting up and helped him up.
They turn to an alleyway where Vivian makes a U-turn toward them. “Gun it.”, Georgie orders Vivian. “Are you sure?”, she asked him. “Just do it!”, Georgie shouts hurriedly. Vivian slams down on the gas pedal but Bigby and Sonya don’t move.
“They’re not moving.”, Vivian warns Georgie.
The car came speeding down the alleyway and just before the car could hit them, Bigby grabs Sonya and jumps onto a fire escape, climbing his way up on the building to the roof.
He walks on the rooftop, keeping her held close as he jumps onto more rooftops that led to the Pudding ‘n Pie.
They see Vivian leading a bleeding Georgie into the building. Bigby sets Sonya down, and looks around, seeing a white shirt, pants and a tie hanging off a clothing line.
She turns away, waiting for him to get dressed and once he's finished, he leads her to the building.
They see a large trail of blood from the car to the door of the club. “Holy shit…”, Bigby muttered as he looked inside of the car, the metallic smell entering his nose.
"You did stab him good.", she said, giving him a raised eyebrow. They walk inside, following the trail.
“Come on! We can’t stay here.”, they hear Vivian's voice. “Hang on. I need a minute.”, Georgie groans. His eyes widened to see Sonya and Bigby walk toward him and Vivian. “Shit.”, Georgie groaned, sitting on a couch.
“Hello, you two.” He said. “I hoped you two would come to your senses…” then he slowly stands up and walks towards them. “Crooked Man’s the one you two want. But of course, you two are too stupid to see that. Or maybe you guys just like me too much to let me go.”
“We’re taking you in, Georgie. Let’s go.”, Bigby tells him. Georgie leans against a railing and groans. “You gonna carry me?”, he joked.
Vivian steps in front of Georgie and pleads. “Please, Sheriff and Deputy. Haven’t you two done enough? Look at him! He’s dying!"
"Vivian! You don’t know what you’re doin’.”, Georgie groans. “I’m trying to help you here!”, Vivian yelled.
“You can’t seriously want to protect this guy. You know what he did.”, Sonya said. Vivian looked down at the floor. She, then, looks back up at Sonya. “I’m not going anywhere. It isn’t his fault!”
“He’s a murderer!”, Bigby exclaimed. “Faith and Lily? He’s the reason they’re dead!”
“Look, I know he made a few mistakes. We all have.”, Vivian replied. “What?”, Georgie asked.
“He made sure they couldn’t talk with those damn ribbons, and then he killed them! You’re wearing one yourself!”, Sonya exclaimed, pointing at Vivian's neck. “Doesn’t that bother you even a little? Knowing that man murdered–”
“Of course it does!”, Vivian shouts. “Those girls, they’re like—”
“So it’s all my fuckin’ fault then? You fucking-”, Georgie winces.
“I didn’t mean–”
“You’re gonna throw me to the fucking wolf too! You know I didn’t have a damn choice! What the fuck!?”, he yelled. He looks at all of them. “I did what I had to! Sometimes you have to just do what you’re told. Then it comes back to bite you in the ass because some good-for-nothin’ Crooked bastard decides you’re not worth shit anymore!”
“You didn’t have to do anything.”, Sonya growled.
“Like hell I didn't! Look, Faith and the others tried to pull a runner on us, and as you can imagine the Crooked Man wasn’t too thrilled. But of course the big boss didn’t want to get his fuckin’ hands dirty….", he winces.
"So he told me to take care of it! You think I don’t know what that means? Either I do what he says or I’m the one getting dealt with! So I fuckin’ killed 'em! And I’d do it again! Cause it’s not my fault! The Crooked Man gave the order! He told me to kill them! And then he fuckin’ sold me out!” Georgie yelled, angrily.
“You’re still the one who pulled the trigger! Nobody held your hand and made you go through with it.”, Bigby said, shaking his head.
“Fine! Believe what you want.”, Georgie groans. “I can tell you two have made up your minds. Doesn’t matter if it’s fuckin’ true or not!”
Bigby walks up to him, fuming. “Go ahead and arrest me then! But it won’t bring back Lily and Faith! It won’t free your friend Nerissa! And I’m just the sap takin’ the fall for the whole thing!”, Georgie said, making Sonya frown deeper.
“It must be so easy being you! Just come in here and blame me for all this shit! Job’s done, right? Georgie’s the bad guy! It’s all his fucking fault!”, Georgie rambles and starts to give up. “But what was I supposed to do?”
“You could’ve done literally anything else. You could’ve let them go! You could’ve freed Faith and Lily from those fucking ribbons instead of murdering them!”, Sonya said.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! If I freed them–”, Georgie's eyes widened in realization as he looked at Vivian. He pointed at her. “What would you have me do? Kill her?”
“Georgie, don’t.”, Vivian pleaded, turning to him.
“It was them or Vivian! So you tell me! If freeing Lily meant she had to die, do you still think I had a fucking choice?”, Georgie asked angrily.
“Wait. How is she involved in all this?”, Bigby asked him.
“This is the original.” Georgie said, placing his hand on Vivian’s shoulder. “
I’m sure you two have heard the stories. Couldn’t take it off, couldn’t talk about it. She used her little purple ribbon to make more of 'em. To keep our girls quiet. To ensure our discretion.”
“You promised you wouldn’t…”, Vivian whimpered, turning away. “All that magic is connected to this little thing.”, Georgie said as he pointed to her ribbon.
“You remove hers….and the spell’s broken. They’re all free! But you know what happens to her? The same thing that happened to Faith. So don’t you come in here and tell me I fucked up!”, Georgie exclaimed.
“What the hell, Georgie?”, Vivian yelled in anger as she brushed Georgie’s hand off of her shoulder. “We were supposed to look out for each other! I trusted you!”
“You can’t fuckin’ blame me. You’re not innocent here either!”, Georgie growled at her.
“I know that! But did it have to be like this?”, Vivian cries.
“Wait, those were your ribbons? You’re in on this? I thought you cared about them!”, Bigby said to Vivian.
“I do! Of course I do! You have to understand. Nobody was supposed to die. When we built this place…it was just a stupid idea….a gimmick. That’s how it started anyway. This was supposed to be our place. We were gonna be in charge for once, and nobody would try to control us, or use us….that was the point. Then the Crooked Man showed up and everything just turned to shit.”, Vivian explained.
“So do you two get it now? Why I couldn’t just–", he closed his eyes before glaring at them. "If you still think it’s so fucking simple then you do it! Go right ahead! Kill her then!”, Georgie yelled.
“What are you doing!?”, Vivian asked, her eyes widened at Georgie.
“Break the spell! Save the fuckin’ day!”, Georgie shouts.
“Stop it!”, Vivian screams as she backs away in fear.
“I told you….sometimes all your options are shit. What the fuck are you supposed to do then?”, Georgie asked.
“We’ll find another way, she–she doesn’t have to die. Maybe the witches can–”, Sonya tried to say but Vivian interrupts her. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not even here. Please.”
She walks towards Georgie. “You think this is hard for you? My life is such a fucking burden on your conscience! Don’t I get a say? It’s my life!”
“Of course. It’s your life….”, Sonya said, walking up to her.
“I know what I’ve done.” Vivian said as she placed her hand on her ribbon, making Sonya stop. "H-Hold on-", Sonya says, feeling wary.
“Wait…”, Georgie said, frantically.
“I’m sick of everyone thinking they can just do what they want with my life. I thought it would be different here. But it’s all the fucking same.”, she said, pacing in front of them. “Vivian. I didn’t mean–”, Georgie started, feeling bad.
“Do you think I wanted to be this person?”, she turned to Georgie. “What I did to Faith and Lily…to all of them…”
"Every day I have to look Gwen and Hans in the eye and pretend I don’t care. I have to forget what I’ve done to them. What I took away from them. I look at Nerissa and I hate myself.”, Vivian says.
“Vivian…”, Georgie warns.
“I can’t pretend anymore.”, Vivian said as gripping her ribbon. “Stop!", Sonya yelled. "What are you doing!?”, Bigby asked in fear.
“Vivian! Don’t!”, Georgie shouts as he tries to run towards her but his wound makes him double over and holds his stomach.
“Goodbye, Georgie.”, Vivian whispers as she removes her ribbon. Her head falls off of her shoulders as her body falls over. Sonya whimpers, covering her mouth.
“No! Fuck! No, no, no, no, no!”, Georgie exclaims while Bigby stood there in shock. Georgie crawls over to Vivian’s body, his hand hovering over her body. “Why’d you have to do that, Vivian?”
“Are you happy now? Is this what you wanted?”, Bigby roared at Georgie in anger.
Georgie shook his head in tears. “Vivian….I didn’t fuckin’ mean it. I was just—” He suddenly shouts in pain, sliding down next to her and leaned against the cigarette machine.
He lets out a shaky breath, then grabs her ribbon and places it in Vivian’s hand and holds it.
Sonya lets out a breath of her own. She couldn't believe what she saw. Seeing Faith and Lily's heads weren't all that easy to deal with. But to see how it actually worked...and to know that Nerissa is the only one they know that also has a ribbon…
She shook her head from the thought. Bigby steps in front of Georgie. “Get up.”, he orders. Georgie doesn’t move. “Get up!”, Bigby yelled again.
“Don’t think so, Bigby.”, Georgie said, moving his hand away from his stomach. Sonya felt bile rising in her throat as she saw some of his intestines poking out.
“I’m gonna die here. I think we all know that. Just make sure you two give the Crooked Man the same treatment when you two find him. Really fuck him up for me, alright?", Georgie begged, looking at them.
"Don’t worry. He’ll get a lot worse.”, Bigby reassured Georgie. “Good.”, Georgie said, nodding. “Old foundry by the river, alright? Sheppard Metalworks. He’ll be there…the fucking asshole. You wanna finish me off now? Or do you plan to kick me around a little first?"
"That’s not who I am.”, Bigby says. “Prove it, then.” Georgie said, coughing. “No more games, alright? We know how this ends.” Georgie coughed. “Just be quick.”
Sonya's eyes widened as Bigby’s features turned wolfish again. “All right, Georgie.”, Bigby rumbles as he kneels down, and shoves his clawed hand in Georgie’s wound. Georgie screams in pain, struggling as Bigby pulls out his intestines. Sonya looked away, finally hearing the ends of Georgie's screams.
Bigby turned her away from the scene, and turned off the lights, leading her out of the club. She frowned, giving him a determined look. “Let’s go get that Crooked bastard.”
He nodded, returning the look and headed off to the warehouse with her.
Sheppard Metalworks Late Night
Arriving at the Foundry, Bigby walks up to the front of the limo and places his hand on the hood. “Still warm….”, he mutters. “He’s here alright.” Sonya walked up to the door, jiggling the handle. “Dammit… locked.”
“Lemme see.”, he says, as Sonya moves out of the way. He grabs the handle, pushing it down and slams his shoulder into the door, busting it open. He rubbed at his shoulder and looked around.
They saw packages on the left side of the warehouse and the Crooked Man’s brand. “So this is where they’ve been sending these…”, Sonya muttered.
Bigby looks over at them and takes her away, moving her to a door at the end of the hall. A light comes on as they approach and he opens the door. They walk in and look around, seeing some machinery moving around and entering melted metal in one of the boilers.
“Bigby Wolf!”, they hear Bloody Mary’s voice echo. They noticed an open doorway and walked inside. “The Big Bad Wolf.”, she whispers. They look around to see open boxes and cabinets. Sonya notices a bulletin board with pictures on it.
“You used to be something.”, Mary taunts, as Sonya and Bigby look at the board. They saw seven pictures pinned to the board. Two of them had her and Bigby talking in different locations, two other pictures had her, Bigby and Faith talking, another one was of Nerissa, Lily and Faith.
The next one was of Snow, Sonya and Holly walking in the Woodlands. The very last picture was of Nerissa and Faith and they looked like they were arguing.
The thought of someone following her around taking pictures made her shudder. “They used to fear you.”, Mary whispered as they left the room and walked across the little bridge that led to the other side of the factory.
“They’d hide somewhere their shivering bodies would fit.”, Mary said as they walked through a room and saw a workbench inside where there was a mold for bullets and a couple of silver bullets. “Silver?”, Bigby said, as Sonya picked one up.
She frowned and set it down. “The Big Bad Wolf.”, Mary’s voice whispers in their ears, making them jump and turn around. They don’t see anything or anyone.
Suddenly, the back of Sonya’s knee gets kicked in. As she turns around, Bloody Mary backhands her and punches Bigby in the face. Sonya wobbly gets up, as well as Bigby.
Bloody Mary watches in amusement. “It’s about time you two showed up.”, Mary said as she walked past Bigby. “We had to take care of some things first.”. Bigby said, rubbing his jaw as he pulled Sonya up.
“Little errand boy and girl. That’s nice.”, Mary smirks. The Crooked Man creeps around the corner, facing the three. “Ah, Bigby and Miss Sonya. I see you’ve made it here in one piece. I do apologize, but I have some business to attend to. I leave you two in the capable hands of my associate. Come find me when you’re finished, dear.”
“Don’t worry. This won’t take long.”, Mary said, turning to them.. “Get the hell out of our way. Now! Don’t make this worse.”, Sonya growled. “Aww, they don’t want to play.”, Mary told the Crooked Man. “I’m sure you’ll persuade them.”, Crooked Man said, escaping.
“Cut this shit out!”, Bigby growls at Mary. Mary tsks at him. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners? Or was she too busy fucking whatever breeze drifted through town?”
Bigby snarls at her, raising a fist to punch her but she ducks. “Oh, come on.”, she said and she kicked him in the stomach. “Is that the best you can do?” She turned around to meet Sonya's fist.
She scoffed with a smile, rubbing her jaw. Mary shoves Sonya away and disappears. Bigby growled and changed into his first form. They run out the door and into the factory. They looked around in the dimly lit area and saw nothing. Sonya turned her back to Bigby, noticing a figure rushing past her.
"The fuck…", she squinted to look closely but couldn't see anything. "C'mon.", Bigby said leading her to a ladder nearby. Bigby climbs up the ladder with Sonya following him close by. The two look around, carefully walking along the bridge.
Sonya looked around intently, her eyes glowing an orange color. She shivered a bit, hearing a heavy gravelly breathing around their area. Bigby looked over his shoulder to check on Sonya. She nods, keeping close to him as they continue moving.
Sonya yelps at the feeling of something cutting her cheek. Bigby's eyes widened, looking at her and growled loudly, looking around frantically. "Let's go.", she says, now keeping her back towards him, watching his six.
They moved just a bit more, only to get attacked repeatedly with cuts. They kept their arms up in a defensive stance to protect themselves until they got on top of the boiler.
“Where are you? Come out and face us!”, Bigby roars in anger.
Sonya looked around to hear the breathing get closer. Her eyes widened as her heart dropped at the sight of Mary in her true form. A sight that definitely frightened kids and teenagers as they called her through their mirrors.
Her eyes were completely red, blood dripping down her face. Unfamiliar symbols brightened and dimmed as she made a noise with her breathing.
She had shards of glass sticking out of her body as if she ran into a window. Her nails were also practically glass and every step she took towards them sounded like she, herself, were stepping on pieces of glass.
Bigby throws a punch at her and she ducks, slicing at his side. Sonya does the same but receives the same treatment.
Bigby charged at her but she jumped up onto a platform above of the boiler and grabbed a pole to smack Bigby upside the head with. She swings the pole at Sonya but Sonya grabs it, struggling to tug it away from Mary.
Mary pushes the pole into Sonya's chest, knocking her off the bridge on and onto the floor below. Sonya wheezes, trying to get up quickly and catches her breath.
Bigby relaxes a bit to see her get up and turns to face Mary but Mary jumps on his back. He struggles and tries to knock Mary off of him, choosing to fall off the bridge and land next to Sonya.
Her eyes widened to see him transform into his second form which caused her to transform into her first form now that they had more room to fight.
Sonya takes out her chain, engulfing it in flames. Bigby growls as Bloody Mary stalks over to them but he stops once he notices another Mary from the corner of his eye.
They back into each other, seeing duplicates of Mary's surrounding them. "Well, shit.", Sonya muttered.
One duplicate creeps up to Bigby, making him smack her to the side. Another one walks up to Sonya, making her whip her chain at the duplicate and shattered it. "Huh…"
Another duplicate tries to kick Bigby but he ducks, making Sonya punch the duplicate into pieces. Another Mary stabs Bigby’s side with her glass claws and more surround the two, making Sonya either blast them with fire or swing her chain at them.
Bigby smacks Mary’s claws out of him and picks her up and slams her down. Another Mary jumps at Sonya and she sliced at her arm. Sonya retaliates with a blast, and gets tackled by another one. Bigby looks around and drops Mary as another one cuts at his back.
Suddenly, multiple Mary's toppled them, most of them took Bigby down and started slicing at him while just a few either burned or attacked Sonya as best as they could.
Sonya engulfed herself in fire, burning and throwing the duplicates back. She pants heavily as her eyesight blurs from using her powers so much. Another duplicate appeared behind her but was smacked away by a large paw.
Sonya looked behind her to see an 8 foot tall black wolf. He had a duplicate in his mouth, swinging it around like a ragdoll before he bites down on her and she breaks apart like a glass statue. "Holy...", Sonya mutters in astonishment as he smacks the other duplicates away from her.
She snaps out of her surprise and wraps her chains around a duplicate and thrashes it around and swings it at other duplicates, shattering them.
Another duplicate jumps on his back, making him growl and shake. He lifts himself on his hind legs and falls backwards, landing on his back, and crushing the duplicate. He rolls over and walks in front of Sonya, keeping her below him as he bit into another one.
She runs at another duplicate as another stabs Bigby with a pole. Bigby smacks it away and knocks her down, pinning her down before he bites her head off.
Sonya backed up swinging her chain at the duplicates, slamming them into a wall and watched them shatter as she panted heavily. “I wish I had my bat…”, she panted.
She looked up to see Bigby chasing a duplicate onto the boiler and snaps at it. Once he tried again, the duplicate shoved a pole between his teeth, making his mouth stay open. He shook his head and bit the pole, bending it enough for him to spit it out.
He looks down at Sonya and stands over her, looking around at the accumulating duplicates. Bigby looks side to side before reeling his head back. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was about to do and ran behind one of his legs.
Bigby takes a huge breath and blows a huge gust of wind at the duplicates. Some of them only skidded back a bit, fighting off the wind before Bigby blew another strong gust of wind, shattering them against the walls.
Sonya notices Mary above him and rushes to get to her before she could attack him while he blows. The real Bloody Mary growled at Sonya once she made it to the top and wrapped her chain around her.
Mary let out a scratchy screech and fought her chain off, slicing at Sonya’s face and making the bridge shake. Sonya wobbly throws a punch, nearly missing and grazes her knuckles against a shard.
Before Sonya could throw another punch, Mary pushes her off the bridge, making Bigby growl as he looks up. Sonya closed her eyes, expecting to hit the ground but felt a soft landing instead.
She opens her eyes to see black fur surrounding her as if she were laying in knee high grass. Bigby had caught her, making her sigh in relief. She looked up to see Mary pulling out a shard from her head and dived for Bigby.
“Bigby, she’s comin’!”, she warned, making him growl and leap. Sonya held tight, hoping that she wouldn’t pull his fur out as he jumped up towards her.
Bigby catches her in between his teeth, and before she could stab the shard in his eye, he chomps down on her, shattering her. He lands and lets out a loud roar that makes goosebumps rise on Sonya’s skin. She smiled and climbed down, looking around for more.
He looks around, growling, unsure of their safety. Sonya chuckled to herself, looking up at him as he bared his teeth, intently watching the sides.
She places a hand on his front leg, making his attention snap toward her. “You’re good.”, she says, making him stare at her for a moment before lowering his head with a huff.
She lifts a hand and puts it on his head, rubbing his head as his gaze softens. She placed her forehead on his. “You did good.”, she reassured and could’ve sworn she heard a soft whine covered with a rumble.
She wrapped her arms around him as best as she could until she felt the fur turn into skin and hair brushed against her face. She looked to see Bigby’s human form as he laid in her arms, panting softly.
She could see how tired he was, from the cuts on his face to his bloodied mouth, he slowly opened his yellow eyes to look at her. She placed her hands on his shoulders, giving him a tired grin. “There you are, pup.”
He gave her a soft smile, "Hi." and wiped at his mouth. “Gross…”, he mutters. She chuckled and paused.
Her eyes widened as she took in his half naked─ or rather, fully naked state without having to look down. “And you’re naked…”, she says, turning away with burning cheeks. He looked down and looked around for some clothes. He found them and went to get dressed, leaving her in embarrassing silence.
She waited, rubbing at her bleeding cheeks, and trying to shake the memory of his half naked being from her mind. Her eyes look up to see a window to an office where the Crooked Man stood there, watching in amusement.
She glared at him as he turned away. She sighed, until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a fully dressed Bigby.
She noticed his yellow eyes never returned to their dark brown color as he glared at the window ahead of them. “C’mon.”
He led her to the office, cautiously opening the door. They walk in and see Crooked Man standing there, his back faced toward them. “Hello, Bigby, Miss Sonya. You two look tired.”, he said. “Give me one good reason not to rip you apart right now!”, Bigby snarled.
Crooked Man turned around and aimed a gun at him. “This gun holds six rounds of specially designed silver bullets. Now, I may not be the best shot….but I can guarantee that at least one bolt will meet it’s mark and you’ll find yourself rolling on the floor in agony. Then she will be next. Unable to heal yourselves. Without Swineheart to save you or Miss Sonya, both of you will die.”, he said, as Bigby covers Sonya.
“Before you do anything with me, I thought I should point out a few things. Snow White wants you to bring me back to the Woodlands, doesn’t she?”, Crooked Man asked.
“That’s right. But what happens to you once you get there is a different story.”, Bigby says, walking toward Crooked Man. “I’m not quite finished.”, Crooked Man says, backing away from him. “You two bring me back alive. Look, all I ask for is a chance to speak for myself in front of the community. And I’m sure Miss White would agree that I should be given a fair trial. Can we at least agree on that?”
“The whole town’s gonna be calling for your execution. Why would you want us to bring you back there?”, Sonya asked him, confused.
“Why don’t you let me worry about that.”, Crooked Man says. Bigby starts to slowly walk towards him. “Look….there’s no reason for us to be at each other’s throats here.”, Crooked Man warned.
“That’s funny….coming from the guy pointing a gun at my head.”, Bigby remarks with a smirk. Crooked Man looked at the gun. “This is just a precaution. I’m sure you understand. I’m no murderer, Mr Wolf, Miss Blaze. I didn’t kill those women. And I think you two know that.”
“Maybe you didn’t carry it out….but I don’t think Georgie was lying when he said you ordered their deaths.”, Bigby said.
“Georgie would’ve said anything to save himself. We all know that. I’m a businessman. Not a killer.”, Crooked Man said. “You’re doing the same thing. Instead, you aren’t the one bleeding out… at least, not yet. You still got a lot to answer for.”, Sonya said, walking up.
“And I will….as long as you agree to my terms. Because I’m not saying another word until I am brought before the community. I don’t mean to belabor the point, but just so we’re clear. if either of you change your mind and decide to do something stupid….you won’t get your answers….but you will have a difficult time explaining yourselves to Miss White and the rest of this miserable town.”, he says, stepping back some more.
“You two are often reckless. And I worry you’re not thinking of the–”, he pauses. “Let me ask you two an honest question…..what do you two really care about here? Where this case is concerned, I mean.”, Crooked Man asked.
“This is about protecting Fabletown. When some asshole murders two of our people, it’s our job to bring him down.”, Bigby declared. “Then why are you here?”, Crooked Man asked. “You know who murdered them. Georgie. He’s dead isn’t he?” He looked at his gun before looking at them. “My point being, the killer has been dealt with. You’ve won.”
“You really think we’re that stupid!?”, Bigby asked. “I understand you two have an obligation to bring me in, but both of you can brighten up a little. It’s over. So….shall we get going?”, Crooked man asked.
Bigby smirked and shook his head. “Oh, I don’t think so. We’re not doing this your way.”
The Crooked Man takes the safety off of the gun. “How unfortunate.”, Crooked Man replied. Bigby charges forward and grabs the gun out his hand. Crooked Man shoots but misses Bigby, being pinned to the wall by Bigby’s arm to his neck. His expression changes from shock to smug as he looks at them. “I’m sure Miss White will be pleased…..such reliable pups.”
“You’re under arrest. You will be given a trial in front of your peers.”, Sonya says, crossing her arms. Bigby harshly cuffs the Crooked Man. “And your punishment will follow.”, Bigby glared at him.
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
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✯pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
✯genre: strangers-to-lovers au!! with fluff, cRack aND!! smut!! slight angst too. uhh the several uses of the term “fat c0ck” because bokuto has a big dick
✯summary: meeting bokuto was a roller coaster you weren’t ready for, but you knew that if you had the chance you’d ride on it over and over again just to experience everything all over again
✯wordcount: 3.7k
✯note: hey guys i’m slowly pushing requests out so i hope you guys can bare with me!! this is for @gulfwanq​ who’s writing i absolutely love!! keep making great content love, muAh
you first met bokutou when you went to the local convenience store near your school
you really wanted some onigiri plus you didn’t have lunch
aNd onigiri miya was closed today
rUmbLe RuMbLe
gosh you were hungry
when you went to grab the last onigiri on the shelf you were surprised to see another person grab it before you
like huh
do i have to bite this stupid persons hand of-
you turn your head to look at the culprit and
your jaw DROPS
this man is gorgeous
and he looks like an owl
a really cute owl
“if you could kindly take your hands off of my lunch i’d greatly appreciate it >.
and that’s the nicest way you could tell someone to fuck off really
but he just smiles and pulls the onigiri towards him and turns to walk away
you jump on his back and try to choke him?? and steal the onigiri back??
and this dude is just laughing
what part of this is a JOKE to you HUH
this is LUNCH
you were not here to play games with cute boys
but you would make an exception if he played with your-
the store owner sees the two of you fooling around and just kicks you both out
in the end neither of you ended up with the onigiri
“did you see what you did horn head? now i’m hungry”
and he just grabs your arm and pulls you into a different direction
“hEY- wHere are you tAking mE” you yelled exasperatedly at the random boy who was pulling you
“we’re going to get ramen”
oh ok
but like,, was he going to treat u or,,,
“i’m paying, come on”
who were you to turn down free food??
especially from a beefy looking dad-
“wait a minute,,, who aRe you?”
“hEY HEY HEY!!! dOnt you know me y/n??? i’m bokuto koUtaro!! i’m in the top 5 ranking of japan’s aces!!! i’m the best!!!”
his name,, did not ring a bell
nothing at all
“uhh,, ok,, how’d you know my name?”
ruh roh
bokuto started sweating profusely when you asked him that question
siri how do you tell your kouhai that you’ve noticed her ever since she was a first year but you were too pussy to actually talk to her or ask her out until you saw her trying to get the last onigiri at a convenience store so u say ‘hey why not steal her onigiri and make her fall in love with me’ so that’s exactly what u do
siri: here are the search results for “adult diapers”
“ahh i’ve noticed you around before n i kinda thought you were cute”
take in bokuto didn’t even care that you didn’t acknowledge him before like he just cares that you’re talking to him now
n he was just avoiding your gaze but all u could think about was how cUTE!! he looked
and that was how you met bokuto koutaro
now he was almost leaving you
and through the months, bokuto had weaseled his way into life as your best friend, and in your heart, but as something more
it was easy to catch feelings for him
i mean,, who wouldn’t
you were currently in his bed, waiting for him while he showered
bokuto had graduated just today and you were gonna miss him so much :((
while you were thinking about bokuto, you didn’t realize that he had already exited the bathroom, sHIRTLESS
his grey sweatpants were hanging low on his hips, giving you a show of his v-line and delicious looking abs
he turned to you and gave you a heartwarming smile
he was too cute for his own good
“kouuuu come lay with me”
he dried his hair a little bit more before hanging the towel back into the washroom, then made his way to your spread out figure on his bed
he crawled on top of you and wrapped his arms around your waist while his head rested on your chest
your hands automatically made their way to bokuto’s head, massaging his salt n pepper locks just the way he liked it
he looked too pure right now
“kou?” “mm?” hummed bokuto
“i’m gonna miss you. so so much.” you forced out, feeling your tears starting to drip down your cheeks
bokuto immediately noticed the quiver in your voice and looked up, only to see his precious girl crying
“oh no bAby please don’t cry, please don’t cry i’m so sorry pretty girl come here” he cooed as he sat up and scooped you up into his arms, sticking you back in forth as you buried your face in his neck
but this only made you sob harder
“whyre you crying pretty girl? i’m not leaving tokyo, and i’m still gonna live here. you’re still gonna see me” he reasoned
he didn’t gEt it
he was going to go to a different school, meaning he wasn’t going to be with you all the time
and going to a new school means meeting other people
what if he meets someone and falls in love with them
and what if he just leaves you behind
you wouldn’t know how to deal with all that pain if that ever happened
you knew that bokuto was a busy man but you weren’t ready for him to leave you completely
like yeah you coUld come to his house to see him but you wouldn’t want to distract him from doing work or anything
you just weren’t read to let your kou go and that was okay
“i-i don’t want to be left behind” you sniffled
instead of comforting you even more, bokuto just tightened his hold on you and started laughing, letting you head the deep timbre of his voice
his laugh was so cute
“what do you mean pretty? im not going anywhere so how can i leave you?”
did u rEALLY have to spell it out
bokuto looked at you expectantly as he lifted your chin to make you face him
you shifted your gaze to the suddenly interesting pillow at the foot of bokuto’s bed
“i’m scared that you’ll find someone better than me” bokuto’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and opened his mouth as he was about to interject-“i’m not the prettiest, or the smartest, or the coolest or the most athletic, but yet you chose me to be your best friend kou” you mumbled
all bokuto could do was watch as his love broke down in front of him, spewing all these lies about herself, degrading herself in front of him
honestly bokuto was pissed
who inserted all these negative thoughts into your pretty little head?
who made his special girl feel like she wasn’t enough for him, when it was him who didn’t deserve her?
she is kind, understanding, and loving. she is also vEry smart. which is why he couldn’t figure out why you thought you were less than what you were
he didn’t understand how you couldn’t see how wonderful you are
“i’m scared that you won’t return my feelings”
there it was
bokuto pushed you by your shoulders, far enough to let you see his beautiful face, but not too far to the point where it seems like he’s doing it out of disgust
“oh y/n. my sweet girl, my special girl, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! y/n, i’m in love with you, i’ve been in love with you since you were a second-year. and i never doubted oNce that you were the one for me.” he stroked your cheek
“im so sorry if i didn’t reassure you, pretty. i just thought that you already knew these things. i’m kinda stupid, even for one of the top 5 aces in japan!!” he joked, causing you to let out a few giggles
you looked into his bright eyes, and cupped his soft, warm cheek, and slowly leaned towards his pink lips
“kOu!!! y/N!!! dinners ready!!”
you immediately placed your hands on his chest, planning to push him away and coax him to going down for dinner
he leans down and captures your lips with a heated kiss
your hands made their way into his still damp hair and tugged, making him groan into your mouth
your body involuntarily arched at his touch, letting you feel his bulge as he pressed into you
you started to rock your hips against his, wanting to feel the friction between your clothed groins
“k-kou— kou please‘ you whimpered into his mouth, not knowing what exactly you were begging him for
“shit babe i gotta stop or else i won’t be able to hold myself back,, and i want our first time to be special” he mumbled against your kiss bitten lips
he was so cute :(( he wanted your guys’ first time to be special :((
mom :( i’m :( in :( love :(
“okay kou, lets go downstairs then” you suggested as you tried to push him off of you
“bUt pretty giRL—“ “no whining kou, lets go big boy, you must be hungry” you said as you finally got him off of you and sitting on the edge of his bed as you tried to pull his arm
“yeah i’m hungry just not for food tho” he mumbled lowly, not letting you catch it”
“what was that?” “nOTHING i’m starving haha let’s eat” “oh okay”
after the both of you made your way downstairs, bokuto i’d mom had immediately noticed your interlocked hands and started cheering
“I KNEW IT!! Y/N WAS GONNA BE OUR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW” she yelled in her husbands face as the both cheered while you and bokuto just stood there
“i’m so proud of you son, you finally grew a pair and asked her out after what? months and months of pining after her? ‘dAd how do i ask a pretty girl out?’ and ‘daD she’s so beautiFul i feel like i’m gonna pEe myseLf’”
any time spent with bokuto was never boring
after that day, bokuto had taken you on several dates, until he formally asked you out
and he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
he always had snacks ready
he always made sure to text you and call you to tell you whenever he was busy so that you wouldn’t worry
he always made you one of his top priorities which felt nice
and bokuto just gives you so much love
but one thing is that,,, bokuto is very jealous
he would get all mopey and dejected whenever a guy or girl would come up to you and ask you for your number, or if you wanted to hang out with them sometime
obviously you declined, informing them that you had a boyfriend
but the fact that people still wouldn’t leave you alone pissed him off to no end
he voiced his thoughts to kuroo, who just thought that he was being stupid
there was no way you are gonna leave him for anyone else
bokuto was stupid to not see how utterly and completely in love you were with him
all you had in your heart was bokuto and nobody else was needed
but there was this one incident, where someone had groped you in public, right in front of him
and he went ballistic
if it wasn’t for his friends and you who held him back, he would’ve certainly gotten arrested for assault
even though it would’ve been fair
sexual assault is a big no no
after that day, you made sure that whenever you sensed bokuto feeling down or jealous, you would insure him that he was the only one and will only be the only one
which usually got him feeling better in a span of 2 minutes
when bokuto had gotten into the MSBY Black Jackals, you were so proud of him
you were happy that he was able to do what he loved and made it into his career
he was really an excellent volleyball player
you would try your best to make it to all of his games and he honestly really appreciated it
he was so thankful for you for being as loving and supporting as you were to him, he honestly didn’t think that he deserved you
but let’s be honest
bokuto deserves the world
meeting some of his teammates for the first time was hEctic
they had all come over for a small get together at yours and bokuto’s condo
hinata wa stour favourite, just because he was cute and you saw how much he admired bokuto
and sakusa was very nice?? surprisingly you got along with him just fine?? which surprised everybody else
but miya atsumu
this boy was something else
you lOved him!! honestly!!!
but he was just a little shit sometimes it made you want to rip out your large intestine and eat it
he would sometimes crash at your shared condo with bokuto, after a night of drinking with their team
and he’d let you clean up after him AND your boyfriend, as they were both drunk out of their minds
there was one night where you had to sleep in the guest bedroom because koutaro and atsumu had fallen asleep in your bed
while cuddling each other
but all in all he was a great guy, and someone you loved as your brother
the first time you had sex with bokuto
you were afraid
bc of the fact that you were a virgin n it was your first time
but luckily it was kou’s first time too!!
which put you at ease a little
but you were still afraid that you might not be able to satisfy him?? like what if he says that it doesn’t feel good?? or if he says that you sucked at sucking dick??
that would be so sad
so you did what you had to do
you contacted all your female friends and asked them to teach you how to uh sex
which was a very awkward conversation between your friend group, since most of them were virgins too
they suggested to take it slow and not spring it on him all at once, especially since most days he’d be too tired from practice
so after practice, you made your move
bokuto had just gotten home and had gone straight into the shower after giving you a little peck while you were cooking in the kitchen
you decided that you were going to let him eat to gain some strength before you sucked him dry
after his shower, he excited the room with black sweatpants hanging low on his hips
kinda like deja vu
this was a scene that would never get old
you say him down and fed him, knowing that he liked being babied on some days
and you honestly didn’t mind, you liked taking care of your boyfriend
he was just too cute
after dinner, you washed the dishes and pushed him on your shared bed, face first
you sat on his bum and started lather his back with lavender oil, knowing that he loved the smell and how warm it made his back feel
you started to massage his back, slowly starting to press your thumbs into the knots in his back, making him groan at the feeling
it went like that for at least 45 minutes, you finished up after tending to each knot in his back, making you feel very accomplished
you flipped him over, only to see his blissed out face. his eyelids were drooping and he had a little dopey smile on his face
you put your hands on his chest and slowly made your way down until they reached the hem of his sweats, which you slowly pulled down
releasing his semi hard cock from its confinements
you felt yourself start to drool at the thought of gagging and slobbering all over his fat cock
he was barely conscious until you licked a fat strip from the base to the tip
which woke him up pretty well
“s-shit babe“
his large calloused hands tangled themselves into your hair and started slowly pushing your head back onto his awaiting dick
which you gladly took into your mouth
he stared with a slow place as you caressed his cock with your warm tongue as he pushed your head down, and suckled on his tip when he pulled back
you loved the feeling of his fat cock going down your tight throat
the feeling of your drool and his precum mixing made you clench your thighs, which didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend
“fuck, thats it pretty girl, take it down your throat. you’re such a good girl. baby’s gonna take my load right? you’re gonna be a good girl and swallow it all for me right?” he teased as he pulled you off of his dick
you coughed and nodded your head, moving your face near his crotch again, wanting to keep it in your mouth
he chuckled at the desperate look you had given him when he didn’t give you what you wanted
luckily, you had only been wearing your panties and one of bokuto’s oversized shirts
you loved wearing his clothing especially because you liked having yourself covered in his scent
he just smelled so nice
he pulled you up and pushed your hips to turn you around
which made your hips over over his awaiting mouth while your were faced with his dripping cock
you started to slowly give the head kitten licks, until those licks turned into long and hard sucks
he pushed your panties to the side and grabbed your hips, pushing your pussy into his waiting mouth
his tongue was relentless
alternating from roughly licking your clit to dipping his tongue in your slit, moving his tongue with vigour
his manhandling had made you work even harder, getting him closer to his euphoria
cuz you are the cause of bo’s euphoria🥺
yEah yEAh yEah yEah yEah yeAhhhh
once hit started to stroke your clit with his thumb
it was over.
you were done and creaming on his face while bokuto was releasing on your face as well
bokuto really do be hitting different
he gently pushed your body off of his and reached for a towel, gently wiping your face while whispering apologies
after he was done he gently kissed your lips and got on top of you once more, using both his hands to spread your legs to reveal your glistening slit
(psa sex isn’t really like this irl LOL i’m exaggerating it,, but if u find someone who cares enough about u then it might just be like how i describe it👁👄👁 my first time having sex was with a skinny weeb gamer boy who sold marijuana to the crazy people downtown so,,)
bokuto shoved two meaty fingers into your hole, spreading you out even more and scissoring you
making you arch your back off of the bed
shit bokuto felt like he was about to bust just looking at you
“i’m gonna make you feel so good pretty girl, you won’t even remember anything but my name.”
👁👄👁 ok den
one thing bokuto loved to do was go on late night drives with you??
it was surprising that bokuto had a license in the first place but after he had graduated you had forced him to get one, because obviously it was necessary smh
he had taken you to your guys’ favourite spot 
which was just on top of a hill that had a beautiful view of all the city lights 
his car always had extra pillows and blankets just in case you guys had a last minute trip to your spot
he immediately set up the pillows in the trunk and beckoned you to come over and sit next to him 
““i love being here with you kou, it’s like just yesterday i was still tackling you in the convenience market for the last onigiri” you reminisced 
he laughed and buried his nose into your hair, loving the smell of your fragrant shampoo
his large hands rubbed your sides, making you snuggle into his side even more than you were 
he was just so warm  and cuddly 
it was hard not to just bury yourself in him 
“i love you y/n. you know i’d give you the world if i could right?” ““i know kou, i love you too. you don’t need to give me the world because i have you, you are my world”
you never failed to fluster him, after years of being with each other 
you were so in love with this boy 
all you knew was bokuto 
he was your first everything, and hopefully your last 
he slipped out of your hold and stood up, admiring the view of the city as he walked a little, until he suddenly turned to face a confused you 
like y was he suddenly standing up 
until he wasn’t 
this was bokuto koutaro, the love of your life, down on one knee, as he held a white velvet box, which contained the prettiest diamond ring you could ever get 
you immediately felt tears starting to stream down your face, even though he hasn’t said anything yet 
“y/n,, i’m so in love with you. i don’t wanna be with anyone else but you. you give me happiness, love, faith, and courage. i want to be by your side until we grow old together. i have loved you since you tried to choke the shit outta me in that convenience store. you loved me at my worst, and my best, you are the cause of all good things in my life. you are the cause of my euphoria. no, you are my euphoria. pretty girl,, will you continue being my euphoria?”
you couldn’t help yourself as you jumped into his arms and started peppering kisses around his face while mumbling yes with each kiss 
he took your hand and gently slid the ring on your finger 
now he could show people that you were his, as he was yours
“i love you kou”
““i love you more, pretty girl” he mumbled as he kissed the top of your head 
“kou,,” “mm?” 
“i’m pregnant”
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atinybitofau · 5 years
Y U N H O ⇨ mafia au
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disclaimer: may contain implied mature content
• you think of him as a really hot leather studded big fluff ball.
• but that’s not what the world thinks of him.
• he keeps his truths a secret really well from you.
• that and you don’t really care to look at Yunho for his evils
• I mean, you just run a decent coffee business down the street from his hideout.
• how the hell are you supposed to know he’s a cold blooded killer?!
• “Hi, Yunho!”
• he’s fatally in love with everything about you.
• would go through lengths to keep you safe.
• make sure no one gets to cherish you the way he does.
• he’s leaning on the palm of his hand as you make his drink
• — one that he’s already tired of.
• but gets it everyday just to see your face.
• “One 6 shot, non fat soy, caramel drizzled latte on ice coming right up.”
• he’s a complete fool when he’s smiling at you guard down.
• you could be the most dangerous weapon against him and he should probably be more careful.
• but he’s not.
• cause he’s a fool.
• “How was work today, Yunnie?”
• he beams at you while you make his drink behind the counter.
• mesmerized by how you move.
• how gentle you were.
• and how ridiculously hot you were.
• “Curving bullets all day, baby.”
• you giggle not taking it literally when you really should.
• but even if that statement were true.
• he was thinking more on the lines of the curves on your trained waist rather than the curves of his trained bullets.
• “You ugh.. you have plans tonight?”
• he’s been trying to win you over since the first day he stepped foot in your shop.
• he thinks you’re so goddamn mindless, you don’t realize his heart eyed look every time he walks through your doors
• you hand him his drink before saying. “I’m going to that club on 49th.”
• he knows that club.
• and he knows it’s no good.
• his jaw clenches and he’s careful with his next set of words. “What for?”
• “You remember Hyemi? It’s her bachelorette’s party and she wanted to celebrate there. I heard it was an okay place though, Yunnie. You don’t have to worry about me.”
• he wants to scoff at you.
• he’s gonna worry about you regardless.
• “Was gonna ask you out.”
• you’re flattered and it’s not the first time Yunho has asked.
• and it’s not the first time you turn him down cause you think he’s joking.
• why would a guy like him—
• with looks to kill.
• want a girl like you?
• “Sorry, Yunnie.” You get ready to close for the day, walking around the counter to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “You know that’s no good for you.”
• fuck— god yes
• maybe being with you wasn’t good for him at all
• but he’s thinking,
• with an ass like that?
• you’d be too good for him in general
• he’d wait for the day he gets to grab you and slam you over your counters.
• even if he’s gotta kill someone for it.
• but he’s got more class than that.
• or more like, that time hasn’t come yet.
• “Okay baby. Just remember to be careful. Wouldn’t want my personal coffee maker to be in too much trouble.”
• you smile at him before locking up your store.
• “Yes cause you wouldn’t want me to stop making the best tasting drinks in the world for you, Yunnie. Right?”
• “Right indeed.” he licks his lips behind you, eyes focused on the real drink, but smirk turned smile when you turn around to face him.
• “Bye Yunho! I’ll see you tomorrow.”
• he watches you with hungry eyes.
• maybe it’s because he can’t take it anymore.
• that he needs you more than wants you right now.
• but he remembers the task at hand.
• that you were about to enter uncharted territory.
• and that if he weren’t there, you nor your friends were going to make it out of there untouched.
• and obviously, Jeong Yunho doesn’t like to share.
• so he’s not surprised he gets a little carried away.
• Hongjoong face palming behind him thinking, -why’d I ever think going with Yunho would be a good idea?-
• his subordinate who never misses a shot.
• and the element of his gang who always got what he wanted.
• Yunho is slightly cringing when he accidentally put a bullet in the man’s head.
• said man who attempted to jump over Yunho’s fence that read DON’T TOUCH right over your ass.
• “Whoops?”
• Hongjoong just sighs and watches the people of the club pile out in absolute terror.
• all but you standing there.
• mortified by what you just saw.
• cause you’re pretty sure Yunho just killed the guy trying to knead your ass to clay.
• not that you liked it or anything—
• “Hi baby.”
• your eyebrows furrow when Yunho scarily approaches you.
• you aren’t surprised.
• actually you kind of already knew.
• caught his gun hanging out of his jacket too many times to not know.
• “Yunho.” you manage out still shaken from the events but not wanting to push him over his limits. “Yunho, did you just kill that man?”
• he pouts snaking his arms around you, lust eyed and completely compelled to you.
• “He was touching you. You didn’t like that right?”
• you notice the smaller man behind him,
• who watches with his jaw slacked because how the fuck?
• obviously no one knows how you work.
• and see..
• you kind of knew you had Yunho wrapped around your finger.
• even though you were oblivious to his obsessive loving feelings.
• “You know most girls would run right now and call the cops on you, Yunnie.” you scold him as he nuzzles his face into your neck, comfortable despite the height difference.
• “But you won’t.”
• “I should be scared of you.”
• he lays a soft kiss against your jawline and hums, “But you aren’t.”
• you shudder at his vibration, not knowing how much of a toll Jeong Yunho really had on you.
• “I’m sorry, baby. I got angry. Don’t like seeing you with other men. Drives me crazy you know? I would never use my gun in front of you on purpose.”
• you’re kind of okay with it.
• okay with Yunho.
• cause if he really wanted to hurt you, he would’ve already.
• “It’s not okay to just kill people, Yunho, you know that.”
• “Won’t do it without your permission.” He mumbles hands going to your neck. “Won’t unless you ask me too.”
• Hongjoong’s behind him thinking—
• now-what kind of fucked up shit was this?-
• how the hell did a girl like you end up in the arms of the one killer he thought would only answer to himself?
• when he’s standing there dumb in love wrapped around you saying he’ll only answer your requests.
• Hongjoong’s dumbfounded
• and so are you.
• “Been in love with you since day one. Was just thirsty and probably woulda killed you after you made me my drink. But then I just saw you and.. I went every day to see you. To make sure no one would have you.”
• you blink up at the taller man who’s eyes are hooded, fingers tracing up your skin and behind your hair.
• “Will do anything for you, baby. Please don’t be mad.”
• you don’t know what to say.
• you’re not mad?
• you’re terrified— out of your wits.
• but definitely could never be mad at Yunho
• because to you, he’s just a huge fluff ball.
• who sometimes doesn’t seem to know the difference between good and bad.
• “You’re not mad at me are you baby?”
• you shake your head and police sirens fill your ears.
• “Yunho, you need to—“
• “Not going anywhere without you.”
• you sigh knowing this was still Yunho
• the stubborn charmer who made you remake his drink every time you got it wrong the first two months.
• the stubborn idiot who always begs for a kiss before you close or he wouldn’t let you
• so you grab his collar roughly and give him what he wants.
• pulling him into a kiss, almost having to hold him because he’s lulled out.
• “Shit.” He grunts starry eyed. “Okay. Yeah. We really gotta go now.”
• you roll your eyes at the helpless romantic before you’re suddenly lifted up into his arms.
• “By the way,”
• you look up at him with a raised eyebrow.
• “I hate your drinks.”
• you smile cause you knew that too.
• knew he only came every day to look at your face.
• “Want to make me a new one?” he abruptly asks the sirens not much of a threat right now.
• “And what would you want in it?”
• that obnoxious smirk on his face tells you that it’s probably not bottled on a shelf in your store.
• and that you’re wrong for even thinking he was being literal.
• because you were actually going to get fucked over your counter later tonight.
• to find out the things he wanted weren’t caramel or whipped cream.
• at all.
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thatbloodymuggle · 4 years
the one with the contaminated beer bottle
Tongue Tied 1/?
word count: 2.6k
warnings: cursing ig? mentions of death
read it on wattpad
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"Miss Connolly, what makes you think you'd be a good fit for emancipation?"
The unbothered judge flipped through a stack of papers, glasses nearly falling off the bridge of his nose. The seventeen-year-old shifted uncomfortably in her seat between her uncle and her lawyer. It was painfully evident that all four of them, the judge, the lawyer, the uncle, and the girl, would rather be anywhere else.
"Well," the girl coughed to clear her throat, "I believe that I have the facilities to thrive on my own. I have a paid off house and car in my name from my mom's will, a sizeable amount of savings from my dad's, and a steady income from my job. It's not huge, but I'm hoping to build it up over the summer. I'm also on track to go to UNC Chapel Hill with my test scores and my dad's legacy, so education won't be a problem."
The air in the room seemed to get thicker with each word. The girl's throat was drying, and she felt the sweat building up on her palms. The office was silent apart from the nail-tapping of the lawyer, the occasional cough from the judge, and her uncle's chair squeaking.
"Overall, I think I'm just as capable to provide for myself, if not more, than my uncle. I believe I am responsible enough to be recognized as an adult, and I really want this for myself," she finished.
The girl let out a huge sigh she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. The drab room grew silent again apart from the bored "hmm" from the judge. Her uncle squeaked in his chair again. The nail-tapping from the lawyer continued.
"Mr. Connolly, do you believe your neice is a good candidate for emancipation?"
The greying man didn't hesitate to grumble a rushed 'Yes' while stroking his untamed beard. The judge nodded in response.
"And Mrs. Watson, based on your assessment, do you too believe that Miss Connolly is a good candidate for emancipation?"
The lawyer stopped her nail tapping and shot a plastic smile towards the judge. "Yes Sir. From my meetings with Miss Connolly, I believe she is a perfect fit," molasses dripped from her deep voice, gravelly from years of smoking.
"Well," the judge shuffled a few more papers, "Then it seems you've made my job here easy. With great references and support from your uncle and reviewer, I don't see any reason to deny you what you want. By the power vested in me by the North Carolina Judicial System, I declare Rose-Ann Mae Connolly to be an emancipated minor."
The air in the room thinned and Rosie felt a massive weight lift off her shoulders.
The next few minutes of papers and signatures were a blur. Her body carried her through the motions, but her mind was elsewhere. Somewhere in the realm of 'Holy shit. I'm free'. She swiftly shook the judge's hand, and collected her paperwork. Her uncle was already out the door, and she didn't hesitate to follow.
The pair weaved in and out of hallways and staircases towards the exit in silence. Rosie's mind was reeling with too many emotions, and David Connolly just wanted to get home and continue his marathon of Duck Dynasty. Before she knew it, they'd reached her mom's Mini-Cooper and his 2004 Toyota Corolla parked side by side. David Connolly continued to move in silence as he transferred a large suitcase from his trunk to her backseat.
"Well, uh," he swung the door of her red car shut, "I guess this is it."
He shifted awkwardly, and scratched at his overgrown beard. The Connollys cleared their throats simultaneously in a pathetic attempt to fill the awkward silence.
"Yeah, looks like it," Rosie sighed with a tight-lipped smile. Her uncle nodded sharply and unlocked his dented car door.
"Drive safe, then. You have my number if something goes wrong," the greying man grunted while climbing into his beat-up car.
Rosie waved a breathy, "Bye," just as he slammed the car door shut. He didn't hesitate to pull, quite recklessly, out of the parking lot. The 17-year-old watched the Toyota drive away until she could no longer see it. She shook herself back to reality as the car blinked from existence. Slowly, a grin took over her face. Her heart beat out of her chest in excitement.
She could finally go home.
Rosie jumped into her infamous red Mini-Cooper and slammed the door shut behind her. She gripped the wheel, her grin growing so wide it hurt. She released the scream of excitement bubbling inside her. She must have looked crazy to anyone passing by, but Rosie didn't care.
She was finally going home.
The young girl forced herself to settle down, but a smile remained. Rosie inserted her mother's Beatles for Sale CD into the car player and prepared herself for the 2-hour drive to the OBX. The engine revved in sync with the silky, smooth voice of Paul McCartney. Rosie zoomed out of the parking lot in record time to begin her trek down the North Carolina state road. Signs, farms, and gas stations passed, but the only thing on Rosie's mind was home.
God, she'd missed her friends. She'd missed late nights at The Wreck with Kie, and study sessions on the docks with Pope. She'd missed impromptu races against John B, and the whole crew dog-piling on John B's hammocks. Hell, she'd even missed rolling blunts with JJ and their constant bickering.
Rosie's fingers drummed against the steering wheel to the beat of Eight Days A Week. The warmth in her stomach and the smile on her face felt unfamiliar. This was the first time she'd felt true joy since her mom had passed just 4 months earlier. Finally, everything seemed to be falling back into place.
By the time the teenager had reached the ferry, she'd cycled through two Beatles CD's and one Bob Dylan. Just a little further, she thought to herself as she boarded the large boat. Her phone buzzed beside her. She scrambled to grab it, nearly dropping it.
12:01 P.M   Kie: any news?
1:43 P.M   Pope: How'd it go?
1:44 P.M   Pope: Btw, if u can't come back we'll survive. U know like good riddance see u never  type vibe
1:45 P.M   Pope: Sorry that was JJ
1:45 P.M   Pope: He's an ass
3:59 P.M   JB: ur KILLING us here. what's the verdict!?
Rosie grinned at the texts she'd received from her friends over the past couple of hours. She began to type a reply, but deleted it midway. She was so close by now that it would be more fun to surprise them instead.
The teenager leaned against the railing next to her car. The salty smell and cool breeze tickling her nose was a bliss like no other. Rosie peered into the distance, catching sight of a blurry island in the distance. A soft grin tugged at her lips. She closed her eyes and threw her head back, enjoying the ocean air and peaceful waves she'd missed oh-so-much.
The warmth in her gut grew as the ferry approached the dock. Within minutes, Rosie was driving her Mini-Cooper off the massive boat.
The Outer Banks. Home. She couldn't believe she was finally back. Rosie turned onto the main road and drove towards the small home one of her dearest friends inhabited. She'd drop off her things at her own house later. She just couldn't wait a second longer before seeing her friends.
Rosie usually hated driving through the Figure Eight, but even the sight of the lavish houses and boys in polos put a smile on her face. It was the first sense of familiarity she'd felt in months. Minutes passed and her heart raced as she got closer and closer. Before she knew it, the Chateau was just in the distance. Another uncontrollable grin took over Rosie's face. She was bouncing in her seat in excitement.
She pulled her small car onto the gravel driveway and jumped out. Rosie stared at the shack in disbelief for a brief moment. She was afraid she'd never see the beat-up place ever again, but here she was. Kie's familiar shriek sounded from inside the house. This was enough to send Rosie racing towards the front door. The screen door nearly swung off its hinges from her force.
Four startled faces shot towards the door. There was a moment of silence: Rosie beaming in the doorway, John B dropping a half-full bottle of beer, Pope hanging sideways off the couch, Kie dropping her jaw, and JJ, well, JJ looking unbothered
The few seconds of silence were short-lived as the room burst out into indistinguishable screams.
"Oh my god!"
"You're alive!"
"She's a free woman!"
Rosie was tackled by Kie, quickly followed by John B and Pope. The four teenagers nearly tumbled to the ground.
"Guys... can't.. breathe..." Rosie struggled from underneath John B's armpit.
"It's what you get for leaving us hanging all day! We thought we'd never see you again," Kie laughed, squeezing her friend even tighter.
"Oh come on, Kie," Rosie wiggled out of the suffocating group hug. "I wanted it to be a surprise! I did good too, didn't I? Gotta keep you on your toes," she giggled.
"It was a pretty good surprise, Kie," Pope laughed, swinging an arm over Rosie's left shoulder while John B took her right.
"I've seen better. You know, could've added some flair: fireworks, balloons, a unicorn. 5 out of 10 at best," a certain blond piped up from the couch.
Rosie Connolly locked eyes with JJ Maybank. Usually, her mortal nemesis—a pest, if you will—but today, a friend. A mischievous grin took over her face, matching his playful smirk.
"Hey to you too, shithead," she quipped. "Aw, how sweet! You got me a 'welcome home' gift," Rosie swiftly shot forward and snagged his beer bottle mid-swig. JJ yanked her arm back in an attempt to salvage his beer, but she'd already stuck her tongue inside it.
"Oh, sorry, did you want this?" Rosie cocked her head at a pissed off JJ. "How rude of me! Here, you can have it," the girl feigned innocence, but couldn't wipe the devious smirk from her lips.
JJ snatched the beer back, "Oh nah," he spit inside the bottle, swirled it around a little, and handed it back to Rosie, "It's all yours. Welcome home, bitch."
She crinkled her nose in disgust at the contaminated drink. JJ leaned back in his seat, clearly pleased with himself. Rosie moved to dump the drink over his head, but John B intercepted before it could escalate.
"Hey hey, no need to get all loved up now. Let's keep the PDA to a minimum," John B snatched the bottle and set it on the counter. He tossed two new bottles to his bickering friends. Rosie caught it gracefully, and fell back onto the couch next to Kie.
"I swear, in some past life you two were an old married couple," Kie laughed, draping her legs over Rosie's. The Pogues chorused in laughter, apart from JJ and Rosie. He shot her his infamously infuriating smirk, to which she took a massive swig of beer.
"Damn, I've missed this," Rosie moaned at the bitter taste. "Haven't had a drink in four months."
Rosie brought the bottle back to her lips to take a second sip, but paused upon the realization that all four pairs of eyes were trained on her expectantly.
"What?" she cried, "Can I not have a drink without being stared down?"
"What do you mean what? We haven't seen you in four months and all you've gotta say is how much you love beer?" Pope deadpanned.
"Rose-Ann Mae Connolly, I knew you were always just mooching off of me!" John B jokingly accused. Rosie rolled her eyes at the two boys and set down the bottle.
"What've you been up to without us? How was the end of the school year? How was the trial?" Kie ignored John B and turned to face her friend with curious eyes.
"School? Boring. Living with David? Boring. Trial? Boring. And there you have it! 4 months in 5 seconds!" Rosie entangled her legs with Kiara's, letting her feet fall onto John B's lap.
Kiara began to protest at the severe lack of information, but was interrupted.
"A woman of many words," JJ grumbled from across the couch with his eyes closed as if he were mid-nap.
"Seriously, guys," Rosie huffed, "That's all it was—boring. But I'm here now, a legal adult, and I just wanna have fun, so let's do something fucking insane!" she diverted her friends away from asking anymore questions.
Truth be told, the last few months had been absolutely miserable. Grief is a heavy emotion. The great thing about having a family and friends is they can help carry some of the weight. But Rosie had been forced to spend those months grieving over the loss of her mother alone, and she was ready to move past it.
"Fair enough. Why don't we go late-night diving off the cliff up Old Miller Road later?" Kie suggested.
"Do you want to die?" Pope deadpanned at the same time that JJ spoke, "Sounds exhilarating".
"Oh, come on Pope. It's my first night back! Do it or you're lame," Rosie laughed at her nervous friend.
"Then I'm lame."
"Well, 4 to 5 majority rules," John B clapped his hands, "we'll leave from here at 10:00."
Four out of the five teenagers cheered. Pope crossed his arms and grumbled in disapproval.
Rosie pulled herself from the confines of Kie, "Sounds like a plan, but I should probably head back to my place for a little bit before. Need to unpack and, uh, clear some stuff out," she coughed awkwardly at the last part. Her friends nodded in understanding.
"I can come with if you want? You know, help you unpack and stuff," Kiara offered a warm smile.
Rosie smiled back, but shook her head, "Thanks, Kie, but I've got it covered."
"Are you sure?" John B added.
"Really," Rosie emphasized. "I'll be fine. I need to sort some papers out, anyways." The newly-emancipated teenager reluctantly lifted herself from the comfy couch and the warmth of her friends. "I'll be back soon. Don't you worry your pretty little head," she made a show of ruffling John B's untamed hair.
"Hurry back!" JJ's voice dripped with sarcasm underneath the hat that was now covering his face.
"Just for you," Rosie quipped. She did one last once-over at her friends before swinging the unstable door open. "See you soon!" she called as she strode back to her car.
The chatter of her friends died out as she moved further from the house and closer to the Mini-Cooper. A different sort of happiness flooded her body. Being isolated from the people she loved for so long was like losing a piece of her heart, and she'd finally found it. It was a warmth like no other, and as she drove home, she could only count down the minutes until she'd be with them again.
this is unedited oops
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part 2 coming soon!
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bugged13it · 4 years
Lucky Feather Charms - Reveal
Y’all still here for more wing AU!? ‘Course you are! Even though it’s been months :’D (but just in time for AU August, yay?) Anyways, I was fretting over part two so it just started gathering dust. It was originally going to be Marinette’s side of the lucky charm exchange, but that wound up being a rehash of the Befana episode(but with wings)—and that’s a horrible idea so here’s your LADRIEN WING AU/HALF REVEAL.
Check out the first part if you haven’t already! Part One || Part Two(U R Here!)
(Psst! If you like my writing, also check out my works on AO3: (Time Travel Fic) (Mermaid AU) Written before AU August, but hey, this month is all about AUs!)
Gotta find a spot.
Adrien’s shoes pounded loudly against the pavement, but any noise he made went unnoticed, quickly drowned out by the frantic screaming of the crowds and the blaring roar of an akumatized victim as it terrorized tourists from the banks of the Seine. Luckily, Ladybug had swooped in fairly quickly, so at least he didn’t have to worry about any unprotected masses.
He would have joined her in a heartbeat, of course, but Adrien had been held up for far longer than usual. Evading his bodyguard was a bit more difficult when the car had gotten stuck on one of the bridges leading to Notre Dame. Even when he managed to slip away, he found no suitable places to hide since any practical space was already occupied by groups of terrified civilians.
“There!” Plagg shouted from his pocket, frantically pointing ahead the same instant Adrien spotted the fire escape on the side of the building. “Get to the roof!” he urged.
Adrien gunned it, sprinting toward the ladder and jumping up with a wild flutter of his wings to neatly grab a hold of the lowest rung. The rusted, flaking metal protested with a teeth-grinding squeal, but eventually gave in thanks to Adrien’s encouraging kick. It slid down from the platform and allowed him to properly scale the building. The clanging of the scaffolding beneath his feet echoed loudly with his every step as he scrambled over the zig-zagging stairway, and Adrien winced at the cacophony, hoping that it wouldn’t draw too much attention.
Any normal person could have easily flown up to the rooftop without breaking a sweat and avoided the mess of noise in the first place, but Adrien knew from experience that he wouldn’t be able to lift off. Thanks to his father’s stupid rules, he wasn’t allowed to fly. As a result of avoiding any wind-blown scruff, his wings were very much out of practice—at least, they were when he wasn’t transformed.
Adrien finally stumbled onto the flat rooftop, unable to help glancing back when another furious roar ripped out across the distance. A gigantic reptile with pebbled skin and slender, flailing limbs crashed through the surf and swung its head from side to side. With a stuttering heartbeat, Adrien realized that Ladybug was no longer fighting against it. As his eyes frantically swept through the clear sky, he saw no signs of his partner.
He was so… so late. Ladybug had spent way too long holding off the akuma on her own. Unable to wait for Chat Noir to show up, she’d already exhausted the use of her lucky charm. Unfortunately, it looked like the monster hadn’t let Ladybug anywhere near its akumatized object, and her time must have finally run out. Hopefully, she was only missing because she was busy recharging her kwami, and not because she was seriously injured somewhere.
Adrien tried not to dwell on that, shaking his head and turning his attention back to the rooftop. It was well secluded, and with a quick scan he spotted what looked like a decent shed, immediately sprinting toward it.
He didn’t even hear the flutter of wings until it was too late, too focused on hiding so he could transform as quickly as possible and help his lady. Tearing around the corner of the shed, Adrien only caught a flash of red before he suddenly collided with another person, their large, white wings flaring up in surprise as they let out a surprised shriek.
“L-Ladybug?” That was the only thing Adrien was able to get out before she suddenly slammed her hands over his eyes and a shrill beeping reached his ears.
“Don’t look!” she yelled desperately. And then, a flare of pink light flashed along the shadow of her palms.
Adrien froze in place, his pulse starting to race when he realized that, rather than the cool feel of her suit to act as a layer between them, the new warmth pressed against his face was from her direct touch.
Oh, his brain absentmindedly hummed. These are Ladybug’s hands…
“Uhm… P-please don’t look.” Her voice wavered, and he could hear the hushed sound of her feathers rustling nervously. He could completely understand why. One wrong move, and her identity would be exposed—not that he would ever do that to his own partner. Even if she was out of the suit… And standing right in front of him...
Stop that, he mentally chided himself. He knew her identity must be kept a secret, despite the pounding of his own heart about the fact that she was right. There.
“I’d never look,” he instead reassured her, just barely resisting adding a, ‘milady’ to the end of that. His voice sounded much more calm than he felt as he gently laid his hands over hers to hold them more securely in place. There would be no accidental reveals on his watch.
Ladybug stiffened beneath his touch and let out an odd noise—something akin to a sharp whine—but she didn’t pull away.
“Got it!” a high-pitched voice cried out, and Adrien recognized the sound of Tikki’s voice.
“H-hurry, Tikki…” Ladybug pleaded nervously. “N-not that I trust you at all—NO! I mean—I trust you completely!” He could feel delicate brushes of wind from all the fluttering her wings were doing. “I just feel better with your eyes covered...”
“Don’t worry, I understand the need to keep your identity secret, Ladybug,” he said.
A stiff, stagnant silence settled between them while they seemed to mentally agree to wait quietly for Tikki to finish off her recharge-snack. Each passing second dragged despite the frantic pounding of his heart. Was it his imagination, or was Ladybug’s pulse racing just as much as his?
It felt like an eternity before Tikki finally let out an energetic, “Ready!”
Ladybug immediately called out to her kwami, and Adrien had to squeeze his eyes shut when the blinding light flashed over her hands. She finally pulled back, and he rubbed at his face, blinking away the spots in front of his vision to focus on Ladybug standing before him.
“Thanks, Adrien.” She lifted her hand in a shy little wave. “I know you—AAH! I knew I could trust you, that is!”
And with that, she turned almost too quickly to spread her wings. Ladybug flapped them once, then ruffled his hair with the resulting gust as she gracefully alighted from the roof and veered toward the akuma still terrorizing the tourists.
Adrien stared after her, a gentle smile tugging up the corners of his mouth as he waved his hand slowly, even though she probably wasn’t looking at him anymore. “She trusts me...” he murmured happily.
“Hel-lo!” At Plagg’s sharp yelp, Adrien jolted out of his daze. “Transform?” Plagg huffed, his feathers angrily ruffling up.
“OH. Yes! Right!” Adrien unfurled his wings, mostly just for his own entertainment as he shifted into a dynamic pose. But before he could call out the words, with his wings fanned out, and his pale feathers stretched out on either side of him, something odd caught his attention.
Despite Plagg’s impatient yowl when he paused, Adrien’s eyes flicked to the underside of his wings where he always kept Marinette’s lucky charm tucked away. It was usually hidden, but with his limbs extended, the blue feather could easily be spotted nestled within his light plumage.
From the corner of his vision, he didn’t see any dark splotch, and the lack of it made him panic for a split second, believing he might have lost it. But no, as he turned his searching gaze, he was instead met with something that took him completely by surprise. Adrien faltered then, not because the feather was gone, but because something had replaced it.
Marinette’s charm was still there, tied where it was supposed to be. Only, it didn’t look the same. The colorful little beads still hung in their place, but a new, sleek feather of unblemished white fluttered beneath them.
“What’s wrong?” Plagg asked, even though his kwami quickly followed his frozen gaze. Upon seeing what he was staring at, Plagg suddenly made a noise that sounded like he was choking on a piece of cheese.
“Marinette’s feather... transformed…?” Adrien whispered in awe, his eyes jumping over it as his heart started racing. It was a very familiar feather that he knew so well, from the shape of its vent down to the pristine color of its barbs. “...into Ladybug’s?”
“Tha-ha-hat’s just the way the magic works!” Plagg stammered as he flew up in front of Adrien’s face, waving his paws wildly.
“Then why didn’t mine change when she transformed?” Adrien demanded, his pulse ramping up and creating a tempo like a furious drumbeat in his ears. It drowned out Plagg’s further protests, and instead of listening to him, Adrien simply called out to his kwami to transform.
In the flash of green light that drew out his protective suit, his wings also changed. They grew and lengthened, shivering and crackling with an energy and newfound power as a darkness bled through their quills like ink.
And there, in the shimmering obsidian of his transformed wings, Ladybug’s feather waved delicately from its string, still as pristine and clear as a snowflake in a void.
“Ladybug is Marinette…” Adrien whispered, folding his wing closer to stroke the lone feather. He couldn’t feel anything through his suit, but he imagined it was just as soft and delicate as it was before.
“Chat Noir!” The sound of Ladybug’s yell in the distance jolted him from his thoughts. “Where are you!?”
“A-a-a-ah!” Adrien cried out as he spun around in a panic, his wings molting a few feathers as he launched awkwardly into the sky. “Here, milady!” He grabbed his baton, adjusted his flight path, and swooped toward the fray. 
Marinette! He wasn’t able to hide his excitement as a grin broke out on his face. Just wait!
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crypticpaw · 4 years
Touchy Subject
Entrapta X Hordak fic!
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Author’s Note: Back at it again with my cat/dog stuff! Wanted to post it here too ‘cause it’s not doing as good on Ao3 as my first one!  I really hope you guys like this one too!
-Emily! Emily, did you get it? - Entrapta yelled at the other side of the room while digging through her tool box. She had misplaced her pliers again! And now had to stop everything she was doing to look for it. Emily came back with a sad beep and no pliers. Entrapta growled to herself, throwing everything over her head, making a mess in the Sanctum. Raising herself on her ears, she looked through the higher shelves, but nothing. -Oh, you've gotta be kidding me! Where did I leave that damn thing?! -she exclaimed, throwing and empty juice box on the ground out of frustration. -Left what where, Entrapta? She turned to look at Hordak, standing in the Sanctum's entrance. Imp screeched and flew over to Emily, landing on top of the robot, exchanging beeps. Entrapta jumped back at the floor at his side, looking around. -Hordak! Great timing! -she wagged her tail. -Have you seen my pliers? I can't find them anywhere! She sniffed a trail through the ground, trying to pick up her scent, but nothing that she hadn't already recognised. Hordak followed her with his head, a small smile on his face. -Have you misplaced it again? -he purred. Her pouting face and the way she stomped her paws when she was frustrated was always amusing to him. Entrapta's whole demeanour entertained him greatly since they started working together. The way her ears perked up when a noise startled her, how her whole backside moved when she waged her tail too much, how she had "zoomies" when she was too excited. His smile grew. Entrapta turned to him and Hordak frowned his face again. "The wanton show of affection is an act of lesser species!", Horde Prime's voice echoed in his head. -Yeah, I can't find it anywhere! Can you help me look? -she said from under a table. -Is it not in your room? -he sniffed as he entered the Sanctum. -No, I looked there! I've been looking for 20 minutes now! -she growled. -Oh, no! What if I left it on Dryl?! But I couldn't have left it there! I used it yesterday- MRAAAAAAOOOOWWLLL!!! Entrapta took a step back, scared. Her eyes widened as she turned to Hordak. She didn't even know he could make a sound like that! He jumped a few steps back, growling and hissing, his right front paw off the ground shaking. A drop of blood fell on the ground. -Are you okay? -she rushed to him. -WHY IS EVERYTHING ON THE GROUND?! THAT'S THE THIRD BLOODY TIME THIS HAPPENS!! -he cursed. She took his paw and turned it. He had stepped on a nail, and it had gone deep. -Oh, it's just a nail! -she said, trying to calm him. -I know how to fix it! Don't move, it'll sting a little bit! -What?! Before he could do anything, she grabbed the nail with her teeth and yanked it off his paw. He yowled and fell back again. Licking the blood off, cursing under his breath. Imp flew back to his shoulder, chirping worried. Hordak chirped back at him, reassuring the kitten, but he couldn't put pressure on his foot again without it hurting. -Don't put it on the ground! It'll get dirt on the wound! -Entrapta held his paw up with her ear. -I've handled worse! Hordak tried to pull his paw away, but her grip on him was strong. She was awfully stubborn when she wanted, like when she had built him his new armor. She had tossed him around like a ragdoll, like his weight was nothing to her. It was impressive. The crystal in his chest glowed. It did that every time he thought about her. He felt his cheeks warm up. "What is this?!", he thought. His heart seemed to swell whenever she was close. Entrapta turned back to him and he turned his head away. He hissed when she put a cream in his paw. It burned. -Sorry, I know it hurts! I stepped on a nail when I was a puppy too! It hurt like hell! -she giggled. -My nannies had to chase me 'cause I didn't want them to touch the wound 'cause it hurted so much! Hearing her voice calmed him, as she rolled bandages in his paw. He thought it was a bit much for a simple wound, but he wasn't about to stop her. -Thank you... -he said, a little too low. Entrapta smiled, blushing a little. Her tail wagged and she kissed his paw after finishing his bandages. It Hordak stopped on his tracks. She had returned to look for her pliers, but he just sat there, looking from his paw, to her, and back. His nose wrinkled in confusion. -What was THAT?! -he asked, absolutely shocked. -I kissed your paw better! -You... what...? Entrapta tilted her head, confused. -I... kissed your paw better... -she replied slowly. -Why do you look confused? -I am. I don't know what "kissing it better" means. Entrapta shook her head, processing what he had just said. -Well... basically, when someone you care about is hurt, you kiss over the wound as to hope the pain goes away faster... -she sat on her ears to explain. -Don't you do that? With Imp, I mean? When he bumps his head while flying? Imp screeched, undignified. Great, now he was actually going to demand Hordak kissed him. He side-eyed the kitten in his shoulder to stay quiet. -No! I comfort him, but I never kissed anybody! -he puffed up his chest. -The wanton show of affection is an act of lesser species! He said it outloud without thinking. Entrapta's ears dropped, her expression hurt. Hordak immediately started internally scolding himself for it. -N-not that you are- I meant- I didn't- What I m-meant was- he stuttered. Imp screeched at him again, begging him to stop, he was making things worse. He was already a defective clone, tossed on this planet to die, might as well own to it. -I... I liked it... -Hordak mumbled. -You what? -Entrapta smiled brightly, her ears perked up and her tail started wagging. "I... I liked it...", Imp repeated to her, in a louder tone. Hordak growled at him and Entrapta laughed. -But I thought it was an "act of lesser species"! -she giggled. -To Horde Prime it is, but... I am a defective clone, as you have witnessed it yourself... -his ears drew back. -And as such, I'm subjected to the same feelings as yo- She kissed his cheek. He turned to her, cheeks red. -Oh my gosh, you're blushing! -her tail wagged madly. -What?! -You're blushing! Your cheeks are red! -she pointed at him. -Blushing is the involuntary reddening of someone's face due to embarrassment, emotional stress, or from some kind of romantic stimulation! And you're doing it! Hordak walked to one of his cloning pods to look at his reflection, and sure enough, red as a tomato. It made him blush even more. -U-unimportant! Even if I do enjoy it, I have a reputation to maintain, and- she kissed him again. And again. And again. -What on the eternal void are you doing?! -he bared his teeth. - What? I thought you liked it! -she laughed, hanging upside down on her ears. -If you would not interrupt me- she kissed him again. -ENTRAPTA! The dog cackled, kicking her legs, Imp laughed with her. Hordak growled and turned to leave, but Entrapta grabbed him with her ears and attached herself to his back. She kissed his fur tuft on his head and Hordak hissed. He ran, trying to shake her off, but she wouldn't budge! Entrapta kept kissing his cheeks, his head and his nose, and he kept growling and hissing to no end. When he finally bumped into a wall, she took the chance and lowered herself in front of him and kissed his lips. Hordak snapped. -ENOUGH! -he grabbed her scruff and put her back on the ground to face him. -GET YOUR DAMNED EARS AWAY FROM ME! I AM NOT YOUR TEST SUBJECT! YOU WILL GO BACK TO WORK AWAY FROM MY SANCTUM AND NO ONE WILL KNOW THIS EVER HAPPENED! AM I UNDERSTOOD?! Entrapta flinched, her ears glued to her body. She pulled down her mask and rushed away trough nearest vent, tail between her legs. He took a deep breath and smothered his fur, which was tingled, and walked to the throne room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- She ruined it again. Entrapta sat in her bed, in her room, fidgeting with her ears, quietly wiping away her tears. "Quit your whining! You did this to yourself!", she scolded herself internally. This is the second friendship she managed to ruin within a year! First her Rebellion friends, now Hordak. She was scared to even go to Scorpia or Catra now. Entrapta curled up in her own ears, thinking to herself. She got what she deserved, really. Just because he had liked a little kiss on his paw, doesn't mean he would like to be smooched all over! She took it too far, pushed his limits. She had been so caught up in her stupid little crush she forgot all about him. Hordak had been nothing but sweet and supportive of her, Entrapta didn't know what she would do without him now, grown so used to his presence. She sobbed. She had admired him since she first saw his portal. Then, she noticed how he held himself with an air of confidence and power, how he could make the most snappy soldiers shut their mouths with a look. She envied that. He was perfect... And she had scared him away! Entrapta always had problems with touching others, except with Hordak. She was surprised to find this out, and acted on it without even thinking maybe he could be uncomfortable with touching too. Like an absolute jerk! "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!", she hit her own head. Looking at the vent, a terrible feeling grew on her chest. She wiped her tears and crawled back in. He deserved, at least, an apology... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What had he done. Hordak sat in his throne, in the throne room, petting Imp, listening to his force captains give a report on something. "You idiot! You absolute imbecile!", he scolded himself internally. His force captains talked on as he did not hear a word. Thankfully, because he didn't have any pupils his soldiers never really knew where exactly he was looking, so he mostly drifted off while they talked. His tail wagged back and forth in irritation. What was he to do now that the damage had been done? The only friend he had ever made and he yelled at her to keep her paws off him. After everything she's done for him, Hordak doubted things would be the same without her again, he could barely work in his Sanctum without her there. He sighed. -Lord Hordak...? -one of the force captains asked sheepishly. -What? -he hissed. The two of them looked between each other. -W-what are we to do about the leak in the pipes- -I don't know! Get a plumber?! -he growled. -Is there anything to report about the Rebellion?! About something important?! -N-n-no... -THEN STOP WASTING MY TIME! -he bared his teeth. They turned around and left in a hurry. He slumped back in his throne with a groan, still thinking on how to fix things with Entrapta. She probably didn't want to look at his face ever again. The way she so quickly coiled her ears back when he yelled, how her tail hid between her legs, the hurt in her eyes. He would never forgive himself. As a clone, he shouldn't have interest in anything that had nothing to do with his mission or his maker, but yet, here he was, sulking away at the thought of hurting an Etherian's feelings. An Etherian Princess, worst of all! The ones he was suppose to crush into submission if he was to conquer this planet! But Entrapta had been nothing if not a light in his life since they first started working together. A light even brighter than Horde Prime's... Hordak shook his head at his own blasphemy, wiping the thought away. He should probably go look for her. She deserved, at least, an apology... -Hordak...? His ears perked up and he turned to the vent near his throne. Entrapta shyly peeked her head out to look at him, marks on her cheeks from tears already dried. "You complete and absolute fool! Look at what you've done!", his mind yelled at him. -Entrapta... -the cat's ears dropped, a pain greater than anything he had ever felt swelled on his chest, to think he had made her cry. -I...-they both said at the same time. -Please, Entrapta, you can go first... She slowly made her way to the back of his throne and sat there, scared to get closer, fidgeting with her ears. -I... I wanted to say sorry... for what I did back there, in the sanctum. -Entrapta said quietly. -I should've stopped when you told me to... I overstepped your boundaries and... I apologize... Hordak shook his head. -No, please, it's me who should apologize! -he purred. -You were only trying to comfort me and I manhandled you and yelled at you, which I should've never done! He extended his paw to her and she took it with her own, kissing it and slightly blushing. Hordak scooted over to the side, giving her room to sit with him. She took the hint and hurried over, wagging her tail happily. Their noses touched when she turned to him and he nuzzled her cheek. Entrapta circled him, wrapping him in her ears and cuddled beside him. Hordak rested his head on hers, purring loudly, as Imp chirped to Entrapta wanting in. She opened her paws and held him tight. A loud stomping noise and beeping came from the corridor, as Emily barged in carrying Entrapta's pliers. -Oh! Good girl, Emily! -Entrapta took her tool and held it in triumph. -Found it! Hordak curled his tail around her and her ears' grip on him tightened. He smiled as all of his worries melted away in Entrapta's hold.
Thanks everyone for reading! Please tell me if there any any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language!
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kbstories · 4 years
“It’s not like Kirishima had come all this way to U.A. to immediately break the promise he made to himself upon arrival.
It’s just that Bakugou is as feral as they come, and the moment Kirishima recognizes it’s fear he felt crawling up his spine that day, he makes it his personal mission to face it head-on until it’s gone.”
(Or: Being friends with Bakugou Katsuki is anything but a linear experience. Kirishima Eijirou would have it no other way.)
Tags: Kirishima POV, Developing Friendships, Kamino Arc, Kidnapping & Aftermath, Hurt/Comfort, Bakugou Gets A Hug
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Content warning for kidnapping, aftermath of violence. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
i’m gonna die (sent 19:08)
no seriously i’m this 👌🏻 close to losing it bro (sent 19:08)
aizawa’s voice is so zzzz and it’s like sir,, i’m begging,,,, (sent 19:09)
a little bit of energy. just a little bit (sent 19:09)
A nudge to his side, somewhat urgent.
shit brb (sent 19:10)
Kirishima keeps his voice down to a hiss, shooting a glance at Aizawa’s turned back just in case. Hidden behind his pencil case, his phone shows Bakugou has read his messages – near-immediately, as always – before Kirishima locks the screen. His own face is reflected on sleek, innocent black.
Next to him, Kaminari is looking at him like he’s lost his mind. “Don’t dude me, dude”, he whispers back. “Texting in Aizawa’s class? D’you have a death wish?”
Next to Kaminari, Mina leans over her desk, clearly curious and uncaring of her notes crinkling quietly under her elbows. “You? Kiri, paragon of wholesomeness and sunshine, breaking the rules? Lemme guess, it’s because of Bakugou.”
Next to Mina, Sero joins the fray with a muted headshake. “So brave yet so reckless. Truly inspiring.”
“You can say that again. That guy’s scary, man.” That’s Kaminari again. He leans in conspiratorially, nodding at Kirishima’s phone. “You got Blasty’s number? How? He almost bit my head off when I invited him to the 1-A chat.”
“Uh, yeah? We’re besties. But guys…”
If they were anywhere else, Kirishima would let out a whine. All he wanted to do was keep himself awake by texting his bro, is that such a crime? Especially since Bakugou’s the only one of ‘em who is actually allowed out there, where the fun stuff is happening. It’s downright cruel to have a new challenge dangled in front of their eyes like the juiciest steak only to be dragged away to the equivalent of plain steamed broccoli. Or something.
Point is: Kirishima’s bored enough he could cry and Aizawa, bless his insomnia-plagued soul, is making it about a thousand times worse with his monotone mumbling while he continues to write whatever-the-fuck in chalk to illustrate his point.
Three mouths open simultaneously in what Kirishima knows will be a too-loud bout of teasing – a frantic gesture of his hand to shut up, shut up, shut up has identical grins bursting on his friends’ faces.
Grins that disappear the instant the familiar sense of Aizawa’s quirk washes over them. Uh oh.
Aizawa doesn’t even have to say anything. Not even a brief pause registers in his lecture yet Kirishima snaps to attention so hard his buttcheeks clench as he furiously scribbles down what’s on the board. Some sort of… diagram? (It’ll make sense later, Kirishima hopes. And if it doesn’t, there’s always his equally draconic tutor-slash-best-friend he can poke into helping him eventually.)
After a semester at U.A., everyone in 1-A is whipped enough that not a single word is breathed between them for a good fifteen minutes. Aizawa talks, they take notes.
Then the adrenaline wears off and Kirishima finds himself drifting once more, fingers automatically flicking the home button. There, over Crimson Riot’s confident grin, three new messages.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
pay attention (received 19:14)
ffs (received 19:14)
hope aizawa murdered your ass (received 19:16)
No surprises there. Well, the fact that Bakugou has deigned to reply just before a training exercise kind of is, and he even triple-texted which makes a sappy part of Kirishima’s brain think he must’ve rubbed off on him over the past months. The day Bakugou Katsuki discovers emojis can’t be far off now and it will be Kirishima’s greatest achievement to date.
He bites his lip to suppress an amused noise at that. Ignoring the incredulous stare from Kaminari to his right, Kirishima types.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
haha! i lived bitch (sent 19:32)
minus the bitch askdjfhsk sry (sent 19:32)
i’m just tired af lol (sent 19:32)
how’s things on ur end tho? (sent 19:34)
no asses left unkicked i’m sure (sent 19:34)
👊🏻💥💥 (sent 19:35)
Kirishima gets about a solid second to feel good about furthering his pro-emoji agenda before his phone is snatched away by rigid, white cloth. Wide-eyed, his gaze is met by a flat expression that exudes more exhaustion than any human should rightfully have to feel.
“Kirishima”, Aizawa says, as calm as ever. “How kind of you to lend me your attention.”
Lord have mercy. Whichever hell Aizawa is about to unleash on him, Kirishima will be in it for a while. And when that’s over, it’ll be Bakugou’s turn to have a field day with it.
Somehow, Kirishima is actually looking forward to that last part.
Then, a voice rings out in their heads. Aizawa jumps into motion. The villains strike.
Afterwards, all Kirishima can do is stand there and watch the forest burn. His phone is silent, held between fingers that won’t stop trembling no matter what he does. He unlocks, checks, locks, only to do it all over again a few minutes or seconds later.
Around him, everything is spinning out of control. Reality is too loud, too bright, already overwhelming where it waits to be acknowledged beyond the soothing green interface of his chat with Bakugou.
The messages are still there. Marked read until they aren’t, and Kirishima stares at that subtle difference like it’s the last thing tethering him to the ground. Blue tick, his best friend is fine. Grey tick–
Bakugou let Kirishima take a photo of him, once. Kirishima had complained about his profile picture being that creepy default silhouette, especially once they started texting on a daily basis. So Bakugou sighed and leaned over the tiny table of the café, his chin propped on one hand and his coffee in the other. He’d kept still just long enough for the shutter to go off and called him a clingy bastard right after.
In the soft morning light, there’d been something warm in his typical glare. It’s still there, tucked away in the top left corner of the screen. Fond, red eyes, looking straight at Kirishima ever since.
Higher and higher, the flames reach for the sky with greedy, cobalt fingers, bright enough to take the stars with them. And Bakugou?
Bakugou is gone.
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
hey (sent 23:01)
it’s a long shot but (sent 23:03)
are u there? (sent 23:03)
these are going thru so ur phone is on and i thought (sent 23:08)
idk (sent 23:08)
please respond man (sent 23:37)
please (sent 23:58)
katsuki? (sent 00:40)
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥)
fuck (sent 3:24)
Bakugou Katsuki
um (sent 6:13)
the pros asked for ur number to track it and stuff so i gave it to them (sent 6:13)
turns out almost nobody has it?? so like (sent 6:20)
if u want a new one after all this it’s on me (sent 6:21)
pls don’t be mad haha (sent 6:21)
fuck that actually (sent 7:05)
be as mad as u want baku (sent 7:06)
u can do whatever ok? when u come back (sent 7:09)
free pass. i won’t guard this time (sent 7:09)
just come back (sent 8:00)
they’re looking for u so u gotta come back (sent 8:02)
Baku 💣💥
sry i just (sent 19:55)
ok still going thru (sent 19:55)
that’s good right? (sent 19:57)
i need it to be good (sent 20:05)
yeah (sent 20:06)
Baku 💣💥
it’s saturday (sent 2:33)
please be ok (sent 4:46)
i miss u (sent 5:00)
Baku 💣💥
we’re on our way katsuki (sent 12:45)
just hold on we’re coming for u (sending…)
wait (sending…)
oh (sending…)
Bakugou is quiet.
When all is said and done, injuries patched up and police statements given, Kirishima waits and Bakugou looks… tired. Small. Glancing back at the precinct with eyes a little too wide, a little too hesitant to truly belong to him.
Whatever he’s searching, if he finds it or not – Kirishima can only guess as Bakugou’s shoulders slump further and he mutters, “Let’s just go.”
In retrospect, he was probably talking to his parents. The Bakugous came for their son in a car as expensive as they come, white with chrome highlights and an interior clad entirely in tasteful, beige leather; it’s an aesthetic that’s the antithesis to Katsuki’s. Their expressions are full of love, though, brows drawn in concern carefully left unspoken. His father opens the back door for him first, going for his own in the front, while his mother ruffles Bakugou’s hair within the one-second-window he allows for the touch before shrugging it off.
“Welcome back, brat. We missed ya.”
Familiar phrases laden with far too much weight. From the outside in, it’s just that: Mildly exasperated parents picking up their kid after some school thing that dragged on into the night, or perhaps a late hangout with a friend. No one acknowledges the nightmare-ish three days they’ve left behind by the merit of time passing and the world spinning on and nothing else – the countless people injured or dead, an entire district torn asunder in a conflict much bigger than any of them, especially Bakugou.
Bakugou, who shuffles onto the backseat without saying much of anything. It’s only after Kirishima trails after him and Bakugou’s eyes meet his own over his shoulder that Kirishima realizes that’s what he’s doing.
Then Bakugou’s gaze softens and he kicks the door of the car open wider. “Um”, Kirishima pipes up, the noise of keys clinking together drawing his attention to one Bakugou Mitsuki. “Is it okay if I…?”
She snorts and ruffles his hair, too. “Kid, after what you did tonight, a ride home is the least I can do for ya. C’mon.”
Kirishima bows politely, a mumble of “Thanks, ma’am” waved away immediately. A moment later, Kirishima’s hand is being grabbed and he’s dragged inside. “Get a move on”, Bakugou mumbles, staring pointedly until Kirishima rights himself and digs for the seatbelt with his free hand. The click of the clasp snapping in is oddly loud in the ensuing silence.
It doesn’t last. The moment the engine purrs to life and the lights go off, a heavy guitar riff screeches from cleverly hidden speakers in perfect surround sound and Kirishima jumps. He’s the only one in the car to do so.
“Whoops, my bad”, says Bakugou’s mom as she turns the music down the slightest amount, her smirk – so familiar and yet not – clearly visible in the rear-view mirror. Next to her, Bakugou’s dad chuckles and shakes his head.
Bakugou himself is turned towards the window, the hand against his chin barely hiding the tiny smirk there. Kirishima lets him have it. Anything that’ll replace that lost expression from earlier is good in his books.
“So. Eijirou, right? Nice to finally meet ya.” Mrs. Bakugou checks in with him via the mirror. Her hand rests on the gear selector. “Where to? We’ll bring you home first. I’m sure your parents are worried.”
And oh fuck, Kirishima hasn’t even thought that far ahead yet. When he snuck out of the house a lifetime ago, all his mind was able to process was getting to Bakugou, saving Bakugou, bringing Bakugou back. As much as both his mothers are angels in their own right, they’re also easily worried and twice as buff as him. There haven’t been many occasions which called for them to throw down for their son but they totally would if given half the chance.
If they catch wind of even a fraction of what Kirishima got up to tonight, someone will have to pay. Kirishima’s willing to bet his most prized, limited-edition Crimson Riot figurine that that someone will end up being all of U.A., nationally famous pro heroes or not.
Before any of that can make it out of his mouth, Kirishima’s hand is squeezed and… Oh. Bakugou’s still holding it. Their skin isn’t touching; Kirishima’s sleeve has been pulled down to prevent that.
(It’s one of those things Bakugou does, tracking who and what gets in direct contact with his sweat and how to neutralize it in time. It makes Kirishima’s chest ache that, despite everything that happened, he is still aware of small things like that.)
“He’s crashing at ours tonight”, Bakugou tells his parents rather gruffly. Still looking out the window like there’s nothing unusual about that at all, and Kirishima gapes at him in complete and utter surprise. Bakugou’s grip only tightens.
“Got a problem with that?”
Just like that, Kirishima finds himself able to process speech. “Nope! Not at all. Uh, that is– Mrs. Bakugou, Mr. Bakugou, can I?”
Bakugou’s parents look similarly caught off-guard. To their credit, they merely blink and look at each other, shrugging. Again, it’s the mother who speaks. “That’s Mitsuki and Masaru to you, kid. Let’s go home, then.”
And that’s that. They set off, the car’s movement a quiet thrum that’s drowned out by complicated drum solos and vocals barely scraping past outright growling. Any other day, Kirishima would’ve been ecstatic to finally get to meet the Bakugous. He’d hoard bits and pieces of knowledge about them – such as the fact that Katsuki’s taste in music runs in the family, what the hell – like a dragon does gold coins. The notion that Bakugou invited him to their first sleep-over ever would be the biggest treasure on that pile, for sure.
Because Bakugou Katsuki is anything if not cautious: with his quirk, with his time, with his trust. Because, after days of pacing his room and worrying himself sick and crying until exhaustion took him out, their plan worked.
They pulled it off, Bakugou is back and alive, and Kirishima’s allowed to stay by his side a little bit longer.
He’s here because Bakugou wants him to be and that… feels better than Kirishima can properly put into words. So, no, he doesn’t boast about it, he doesn’t have the energy to – but Kirishima notes and appreciates it nonetheless, relief forming a ball of warmth and light that radiates within him like a tiny sun got stuck between his lungs and his heart. Bit by bit, it melts the tension off Kirishima’s bones until all he can grasp is the steady presence of Bakugou’s hand in his and how heavy his eyelids feel.
Kirishima could sleep for a week straight and still crave a nap afterwards. Probably.
There’s something he has to do before he crashes, though. With a gentle squeeze, he frees his hand to grab his phone and winces at the dozens of unread messages and missed calls that greet him. Both the group he has with his family as well as the one for 1-A have been running hot most of the night, reducing his battery to a pitiful 12%.
Opening up the chat with his moms, Kirishima scrolls to the bottom of the increasingly worried barrage of texts and hesitates, his fingers hovering over the keypad. Once he starts typing, he’ll have about a minute before shit really hits the fan.
💪🏻Kirishima Power 💪🏻
guys i’m so sorry!!! (sent 21:58)
i know ur worried and stuff and i swear i’ll explain later ok?? (sent 21:58)
 just wanna let u know i’m safe!! staying over at baku’s tonight (sent 21:58)
he’s here and safe too (sent 21:58)
🙏🏻🙏🏻 (sent 21:59)
He pauses then, reading that last part over and over again. Safe. Safe, safe, safe. A smile cracks Kirishima’s lips apart and it remains there, steadfast through the flood of new messages rolling in.
Bakugou’s room is both everything Kirishima expected it to be and at the same time… not.
It’s huge, for one, the typical bed-wardrobe-desk setup expanded by a couch and a beanbag, a TV with a variety of game systems hooked up to it, a handful of shelves filled to the brim with books and manga and oh, a whole freaking drum set taking up a corner by itself. The walls are plastered with band posters and signed set lists and – less blatant but still there – the odd All Might merch Kirishima knows Bakugou would strangle him for mentioning, so he doesn’t.
What comes out of his mouth is: “Dude! I didn’t know you played drums. That’s so cool!”
Everything is kept in the triad of black-orange-green Kirishima recognizes from a certain hero costume. A few discarded shirts aside, it’s really tidy. So much so that Kirishima feels ashamed of the state of his own room just by seeing this.
The feeling is compounded by Bakugou picking up those shirts and throwing them in the hamper first thing, a quiet tch indicating he’s annoyed by it. Kirishima isn’t up to outing himself as an unrepentant walking mess in comparison – instead, he makes a beeline for the bookshelf with the manga, eyes drawn to a row of covers he’d recognize in a heartbeat.
“Wha– I’ve been looking for these for ages! They’re sold out every time I try to catch up on ‘em.”
A short glance at Bakugou is answered with a shrug and an eye-roll: It’s Bakugou-speak for do whatever the hell you want. Kirishima pulls out the volume he stopped at and leafs through it.
It’s meant as a distraction for Bakugou, a space for him to drop the put-together façade and breathe without people constantly fussing over him. It’s honestly what Kirishima would rather be doing right now (exploring his best bro’s room be damned) but it’s not what Bakugou needs. Well, what Kirishima thinks he needs.
It’s hard to get a read on him without the constant snark and pointed glares. With some dinner in their bellies and Bakugou’s parents now safely downstairs, the expression that fits nowhere on the Angry Bakugou Face catalogue is back. Kind of uncomfortable and so… absent.
Kirishima is really starting to hate that expression.
It’s entirely accidental that Kirishima actually gets into reading. One chapter turns to three, turns to five, and the troubles and worries whirling ever-tighter in his chest ease for a bit until–
Woosh. A soft, balled-up something knocks against the back of his head. Kirishima startles and almost drops the manga, a vaguely alarmed noise stopped short by the sight of Bakugou in sweats and a well-worn, black shirt. His hair is wet. Wild as ever. At Kirishima’s feet: A similar outfit including a towel.
“Bathroom’s that way. Leave your clothes out by the door, I got special detergent for the nitro. Shampoo and shit’s in the shower, there’s a toothbrush for you by the sink. Use it.”
Kirishima opens his mouth.
Bakugou sighs. “It’s just a fucking toothbrush, Kiri. Wreck it for all I care.”
Kirishima closes his mouth. He nods. His phone is quickly dug out of his pocket and set aside, then he slips out to shower.
A good fifteen minutes later, he opens the door to let out a gust of steam and sees his clothes are gone. The hallway is empty, half-lit by the light coming from downstairs. The Bakugous have been as nonchalant about their spontaneous guest as Bakugou himself; even so, Kirishima tries not to linger or make too much noise as he sneaks back to Bakugou’s room.
“Baku. I’m back.”
Bakugou gives him a grunt of acknowledgement from where he’s fitting some sheets over the couch, folded out to provide a decently sized bed. There’s a pillow and a pile of blankets next to him, wrapped in fresh linen as well. It’s unlikely he’s stopped doing stuff since Kirishima left and if he is about ready to crash in five to ten minutes, he can’t imagine how Bakugou is doing right now.
Y’know, the guy who just survived being kidnapped by Japan’s newest and most notorious villain menace. No amount of pretense can make that simple fact undone.
Kirishima pads over to help, the offer to take over already on his lips but– Too late. The last corner is already being tucked in and laid flat with grim-faced efficiency. Left with nothing else to do, Kirishima sits down on the very edge, eyes downcast and fingers fiddling with the hem of his borrowed shirt. There’s some sort of band logo on it, an English word written in that typical death-metal-font that looks like someone dumped a bunch of white sticks in a pile and called it a day.
It’s soft. A little loose and frayed around the edges.
“Hey, Baku?”
Taking the blankets, Bakugou dumps them in Kirishima’s lap. “Mh?” He makes to step away and Kirishima doesn’t think, just reaches out and catches the back of his shirt.
“Dude, seriously. Just… sit down for a minute. Please?”
And Bakugou… listens. He stops, he frowns at Kirishima for a moment like he’s trying to figure out what his deal is, he sighs like he’s been presented with the world’s most aggravating puzzle – and then he tells Kirishima to scooch. “What? I’m not gonna sit on the fucking floor”, he says.
Kirishima can’t keep the relief off his face as he gladly makes room on the couch, leaning against its arm and tucking his legs in. Once Bakugou has settled, cross-legged with an elbow propped on the backrest, Kirishima throws the blanket over both of ‘em. Might as well get comfortable while they still can.
“Okay.” He steels himself with a long, slow breath. “I know you hate this kinda thing and we’re both tired and… stuff. Still, though: Are you okay?”
Bakugou gives him a look, which– Okay, fair. It’s a dumb question with an obvious answer. Kirishima doesn’t back down, though, humming to buy himself some time to rephrase.
“Like… It’s fine if you’re not. Okay, I mean. And if you’d rather go the fuck to bed and not think about this for a while that’s fine, too. But that was pretty rough and you’ve been, um, quiet. And stuff. So, I’m kinda worried. Y’know?”
Kirishima pauses. A bit lower, he mumbles: “And I missed you. So yeah.”
At some point, he dropped his gaze to his hands, limp and useless in his lap. Kirishima swore not to be a coward anymore but it’s hard, to speak and ask about things in full awareness he has no fucking clue what he’s doing.
All he wants is for Bakugou to be okay. That’s all that matters, at the end of a day like this.
“I’m not”, Bakugou says, tentatively. Like he’s making up his mind as he goes. “I’m not gonna waste your time with ‘I’m fine’. I’m not. This shit’s fucked up.” And again he sighs, sounding so fucking tired Kirishima’s heart squeezes in sympathy.
“I haven’t slept in three fucking days; my shoulders are killing me from using my quirk and sitting chained to that stupid chair and whatever the fuck else. The League scouted me specifically because they thought I’d make a good villain and fuck them for that. Fuck them. But it’s just… It’s whatever. It doesn’t matter.”
Whatever Kirishima expected, it’s not that. He looks up and into Bakugou’s eyes and–
He can’t mean that, can he? Kirishima searches his face for evidence to the contrary, traces the tension around Bakugou’s mouth and the exhaustion smudged under his eyes and the line between his brows, growing deeper under Kirishima’s scrutiny. It all reads defeat. It hurts.
They won, right? A childish voice within Kirishima can’t help but cling to that even as he looks back down. They won, and things are supposed to get better when you win.
“People got hurt. People died, Kiri. Heroes, too.” Bakugou takes a shaky breath, a hand going to his hair and rubbing it roughly. “Fucking… Best Jeanist was there and nobody at the precinct wanted to tell me if he’s alive or dead or what. All of Kamino Ward is fucking gone and All Might–”
Bakugou’s voice cracks right down the middle and it hurts. Like there’s a beast tearing through Kirishima’s chest to rip out his heart and throw it to the floor, stubbornly beating as it bleeds out.
Kirishima wants to say something. Anything. All he can hear is Bakugou’s breathing but it’s all wrong, off-rhythm and thread-bare and upset, and any doubt what that means is erased as Bakugou’s hand clenches on the sheets and he sniffs, wet on the exhale.
“Don’t. Kiri, don’t–”
He’s always been like that, ordering him around and demanding things when politeness dictates to ask for them instead. His tone is as close to pleading as Kirishima’s ever heard from Bakugou, though, and it twists him up inside to the point he feels distantly nauseous.
“Don’t look.” Bakugou isn’t supposed to sound like that. Not now, not ever. “Okay? Don’t f-fucking– Don’t look at me right now.”
“Okay”, Kirishima says. “I won’t.” His own voice is a mess as well, trembling all over the place. “I won’t, Nitro. I won’t.”
You’re safe, is what he wants to tell him. It’s okay, you’re safe now. That’s not what Bakugou is asking of him. Kirishima can’t stop himself from crying because it’s always been hard not to when the people he loves are doing it, but… He tries. For Bakugou, he’ll always try.
Through eyes heavily clouded by tears, he sees Bakugou’s hand tighten, knuckles going white and bloodless. Painfully tense, and Kirishima can’t stand the sight of that, either.
He shuffles a little closer to place his hand over that fist, careful to only touch the back of Bakugou’s hand. Kirishima whispers, “I’m here”, and Bakugou audibly swallows. He lets him slip his fingers in-between his own.
Holding on, just as he did in the car and when they met in mid-air, that desperate instance that decided whether he would make it out alive or not.
Bakugou holds on even as he breaks for good and his shoulders shake with his sobs. As he continues to breathe in gulps of air that sound strangled and desperate, through tears that leave a pattern of uneven dots on the blanket. By morning they will be gone without a trace: The sun will come up, the world will continue to travel around it, and time will reveal the road they walk on as they walk it, step by step by step.
Just because it’s meant to pass doesn’t make this moment any less real. Any less important. Kirishima sits there and listens to his best friend cry. He remembers days spent without him and the mad dash to save him. He thinks of dumb questions and obvious answers.
It’s hard to tell if this is one of them, so he gathers all his courage and asks: “Katsuki. Can I hug you?”
Just like last time, Bakugou doesn’t say anything. He laughs, a watery, humorless thing – and he pulls at Kirishima’s shirt to crush him to his chest. His arms wind around Kirishima’s neck, Bakugou’s face pressing against his hair where Kirishima won’t be able to see him.
It’s fine. Kirishima’s great at hugs; he can totally work with that. Clenching his eyes shut, he adjusts his grip around Bakugou’s waist so he can rub his back, following the bumps of his spine. Up and down, over and over. Bakugou goes boneless in their embrace, not about to let go anytime soon and neither will Kirishima.
Eventually, Kirishima tucks his head against Bakugou’s shoulder, blinking sleep from his eyes. Safe. He doesn’t fight the sharp-toothed smile on his lips. Bakugou mumbles, “Fucking sap”, nearly drowned out by their collective sniffling.
It sounds a whole lot like thank you. Kirishima’s smile only grows.
>>Chapter 5
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