#the mall i mean it was sorta in ruins
cynicallyneutral · 2 years
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i had a dream
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lookingformoondrop · 10 months
could i request a boyfriend!andrew graves x reader headcannons or scenarios? i LOVE TCOAAL🫶🫶
Boyfriend! Andrew Graves x Reader - Headcanons
TW: Andy has a foul mouth, reader gets groped, Andy is a little possessive, a tiny bit of violence (-is always the answer)
♥︎Notes: I'm kind of an idiot so if you notice something is spelled incorrectly, feel free to send me a dm so i can fix it (totally not at all referring to my first Yandere!Andy x Reader post where I spelled dark as darmfk ;-;). Also this is kind of short because so many people requested for Andy x Reader, so I didn't want to pull out all the stops. I hope this meets your expectations <3.♥︎
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The first thing you gotta to know about dating Andy, is that he's very touch starved.
I can just headcanon that due to his aloof personality and very broody behavior, he doesn't get many hugs...
So when you enter his life, best believe that Andy shows you this completely different side of him!
I'm talking.... Cuddling in the mornings till the point where you're almost late for work because he refuses to let you go.
I'm talking.... Andy being able to sense when you're about to go into the shower. His spidey-senses tingles, and the moment you're about to hop in, he's right there already getting his hair wet.
I'm talking.... Trapping you with his kisses when you're making food, definitely not noticing that he's causing you to burn dinner.
And no amount of protest can deter this man either.
Speaking of making food... Andrew is the master-chef of the house!
Now he's no Gorden Ramsey (as he likes to tell you whenever he makes you a sandwich), but everyone knows that one bite of his food is enough to make a sailor come back to the land.
So it's very nifty when you're sick and at home, in need to have someone take care of you.
The first time you ever got sick was when you and Andy were still living separately.
It was a Friday night, and it was supposed to be your 1-year anniversary with Andy. Unfortunately, due to some unhygienic biotch at the office, you caught a cold and had to cancel.
At first Andy didn't respond, instead leaving you on read. You felt bad, figuring that he was mad at you for canceling.
But lo' and behold, exactly 10 minutes later, that was a frantic sound of keys jiggling into the your front door.
You had gotten up from your couch-potato position to see the person who wanted to rush into your home so badly, when it occurred to you;
Andrew is the only one with another set of keys...
And with that realization, Andy burst through the door with a pharmacy store bag in one hand, and a grocery store bag in another.
In an instant, Andy made you take a disgusting amount of cold medicine, and blessed your cold home with the warmth and smell of spices and herbs (likely all from the soup).
When the food was ready, he sat you up with a pillow and hand-fed you soup for the rest of the night. You felt so bad for ruining your anniversary, but everytime you tried to apologize for it, Andrew would stuff your mouth with more soup and would say;
"I don't care about that romance and anniversary shit. We don't need to go to a fancy restaurant or an expensive place just to feel like we're honoring an important date. That date is important because it is our date. We don't need to one-up that memorable time just to remind everyone of how special it is... Y/N, you're crying into the soup."
Needless to say, you cried.
But Andrew doesn't just take care of you...You best believe he also protects.
Well, sorta.
You could be in a grocery store, at a Boba shop, in the mall, getting new shoes, it wouldn't matter, Andrew would always have his hand on your waist.
Be it because he saw someone look at you, doesn't matter who or how old they are, he'll always wrap his arms around you and whisper ever so softly, "You're mine..."
It has definitely given you some weird looks over the years, but you know he means well.
And if anyone ever actually looks at you funny? It's over for them.
Andrew will make it VERY clear that you're not to be messed with.
For example, a couple of months into your relationship, you were riding the train. Enjoying a simple conversation about suspicious neighbors and whatnot, when all of the sudden some guy came up behind you and tried groping you discreetly.
Andy noticed very quickly that all the blood drained from your face. He looked behind you and noticed the old geezer trying to get a hand full of someone way younger than them, and Andrew could feel every restraint in his body snap.
In an act of "self-defense" as told to the cops later on, Andrew punched the living daylights of the guy and sent him flying into a pole.
You fussed over Andy's fist for awhile, completely forgetting about how you felt. But the only thing Andy could think about was how he should've hit that guy harder.
When you guys were finally walking home, hand in hand, you leaned on Andrew.
"I'm sorry about today Andy... I didn't mean for you to get all banged up."
Andrew snorted, "My knuckle is a little scratched up, so what? That perverted asshole had it coming for him."
You kissed Andy's cheek, which granted you a dark blush from Andy, and a grin from you.
"Thank you Aaandy~" You brushed his hand with your thumb,
Being in a relationship with Andy is a little messy, and yes sometimes a little crazy. But no matter what happens, Andy will always stick by your side.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." Andy squeezed your hand in return.
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Thank you for the ask<3
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ok so now im stuck on the whole stepdad!james maybe dark ask i jsut send in, but obviously this james is the tried and true, big beefy rugby lad, gentle giant, that type.
but you just know that the lads take the PISS outta him, like he doesn’t introduce ur mom as “the missus”, or anything endearing, but once the boys find out that ur sorta kinda his step daughter?? ohh the porn jokes come flooding in.
want her to call u daddy james? oh stepdad im stuck over the couch again!!
and james can’t help but flush red cus he doesn’t really like ur mom like that, but he wants to be around you cus ur pretty and nice (not to mention ur a lot closer in age), and then. oh then. u get an almost-boyfriend.
a guy who sorta tries asking you on a date so u sorta try and go, but james is a fuckin baby about it once he finds out. all petulant and flushed cheeks bc he CANT say anything to u bc he’s not an official authority figure in ur life, or a potential romantic interest cus he hasn’t said so, so he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place so he tries to put issues in place like forgetting to dry ur date dress, or making ur favourite meal bc oh bug im so sorry i totally forgot ur going out tonight!! :((
i just want beefy james potter and his big fat fucking tits at this point that’s so cringe but MY GOD 🙏🙏
this post is 18+ (and so are its characters) and dark, minors dni.
THIS IS SO SPECIAL TO ME :')) james is already a certified lover boy but when he can't express that whenever he wants to?? totally whipped!! he's constantly calling you honey or love or sweetheart and when his friends realize that he doesn't call your mom any of that shit they lay into him so hard </33 sirius sends him porn links that he passes on his way to whatever he's looking for that are labeled stepdad or stepdaughter something along those lines, along with teasing remarks like 'this kinda looks like your kitchen. been up to anything fun with y/n?' or 'if you're looking for any ideas ;)'
when.. when you tell him you're going out. oh my god. he doesn't know what to say!! he can't stop you, and if he tattles on you to your mom she won't stop you, because what reason would she have? so he just nods all stiff and tells you he's happy for you. he bolts from the room as soon as he can, and you think it's kinda weird/mean but he seems fine later so you brush it off!! but the reason that he's fine is that he's just schemed with sirius and remus to get you to stay home for the date and he's confident now that you won't go </3
you're so right he does bait you with your favorite meal.. he calls you downstairs to ask you to taste the sauce for him and you come down in a full face of makeup!! he tells you that you look so pretty, but asks what it's for. you're like james.. my date?? and he goes ohhh, honey i forgot! i made your favorite :( i thought we could have a movie night!! your mom's at work :') and you feel sosososo bad bc he seems so hopeful about it and you don't want him to think that you don't like him!! but you're still planning on this date, so you tell him you'll eat light and come home early.
not good enough for him!! he just smiles and nods and tells you your dress is fresh out of the dryer, but ohhh it shrunk :( it's too tight now!! he's so sorry for ruining it, he must have put it on the wrong setting :( he'll take you to the mall tomorrow to replace it!! and you're pretty discouraged now, your outfit is ruined, you feel guilty for leaving, so you just raincheck the guy :( you feel super bad, especially because he thinks you're just getting cold feet, and snaps at you that he wouldn't have enjoyed your company anyways. this means you're sad and feeling guilty, and james gets to croon over how mean he was and how sweet you are for still feeling bad and he wraps you up in his big strong arms beside the stove and lets you bury your face in his big broad chest and he coddles you for as long as you’ll let him :’) he shovels your comfort meal into your mouth and puts on your favorite movie and snuggles up under blankets with you and at the end of the night you end up snoozing on his shoulder while the credits roll :’) he carries you up to your bed and tucks you all snug under your covers and he can’t stop himself from kissing your forehead :’)) your face is warm and flushed and he yearns to kiss your lips but he tears himself away and leaves you there with a promise to himself that he’ll treat you better than anyone else because it’s what you deserve :’)
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plumsaffron · 10 months
On why people are so hard on Wallflower, I think part of it comes from how redemptions in EQG were starting to get repetitive around this time, with Juniper and Vignette in particular being seen as the worst among the villain redemptions with being too rushed.
Plus her motivation being seen as too weak. The face she only lashes out at Sunset for "ignoring her" does feel a bit weak considering how everyone else (Trixie clearly showed she ignores her all the time and even the nicer characters like Pinkie and Fluttershy still ignore and forget her) did the same thing, so why would Wallflower only be mad at Sunset specifically for that if everyone else did the same thing? I do think if they had sorta tweaked Wallflower's motivation from "You ignore me so I'm gonna ruin your friendships" to "You bullied and humiliated me so I'm gonna ruin your friendships", it'd probably be seen as a smoother backstory with less flak. And it is even hard to figure out how much of Wallflower's being ignored was the others' fault and how much was it self inflicted considering she states she always used the Memory Stone to wipe everyone's memories of her all the time so her being ignored is partially her own fault too.
Probably. Anyways though.
They're more of antagonists to me compared to First Movie Sunset, Principal Cinch, Filthy Rich and maybe KL and SZ. But whatever
Not even mad at Juniper Montage. Pinkie Pie but mostly Rainbow Dash were idiots who honestly had it coming. Like bruh did y'all remember what y'all did? Regardless of it being right and she getting what she deserved. You saw her face of contempt and later on y'all come to chat with her in the mall where she hears that annoying dance magic song haunting her. And the two basically rub it in their face her schemes got her to be an usher. Common sense machine broke (which is sad cause they've faced worse or other dangerous threats previously). The real problem though is that her ambition of a dream was taken away thanks to Sunset Shimmer and her friends was devolved into this maybe you actually want a friend by Starlight. They also ignore the part where Starlight Glimmer technically is the reason why the seven girls were about to fall into an endless void. Then Juniper Montage has to apologize first for some reason for some conflict they began to be like oh we forgive you. Like it should be the other around.
Vignette on the other is just an imbecile. I wouldn't say it was rushed for her either. She may be a scrub but she didn't know her go away device was actually like spawning people in a limited size container. She was pretty detached and didn't really have anything of friends.
I would go far as to say Supernova Zap and Kiwi Lollipop were just fugly as Abacus Cinch and Filthy Rich because Sunset didn't deserve to be time loop tormented because of some stupid Perfection Manure. Clowns didn't care and attempted to add a ban Sunset and Pinkie Pie interfering in their time loop to achieve their idea of perfection. They couldn't even like look for like another time in the dang future. 3 weeks of time torture for Sunset and they didn't care they wanted to continue til they go it right. Those dweebs had no purpose and didn't care who they were affecting. They only whined because their time loop was broken. Then they played a song with Sunset and Pinkie Pie. Now that is what rushed really is. And worse. It was not deserved at all. Heck I might even say First Movie Sunset going good suddenly feels rushed (though she's the only one who actually payed besides Montage but unlike her Twilight gives Sunset The Human 6 Pass. Thus meaning it would not be a start from scratch luck). Sometimes I'm juggling considering if Montage's was less artificial or even less rushed feeling than Sunset's ever but whatever.
Now onto Wallflower Blush. Some may wonder why doesn't she go after everyone else? Why is it Sunset? It's pretty simple if one remember what Sunset has done in the past and everything before being defeated. Like she changed but not everyone is going to simply be like I forgive you. Heck Sunset even hates how she used to be and doesn't want the past to haunt her. Songs included oof.
Wallflower, unlike everyone else, is seen as an anomaly. She wasn't as forgiving or conforming as everyone else simply because oh Sunset helped save them quad times so lets be friends now and forget. I mean that's nice but eh.
One must remember that Sunset is in association with popular girls or her defeaters. So that also makes things easier for her while also making Wallflower be like what is this crap?
However, imagine this. A person ruining you or others around you for a long time and now look they said sorry and now everyone is treating the biggest meanie well while they still proceed ignoring you entirely. Now look. Girl somehow is deemed best friends of the year with her main friends. Like no one else got this reward instead. Idk seems bias. They also didn't thank her for handing that to Sunset or rather Sunset herself at least.
The jerk rose to the top or rather she was at the top and honestly she immediately gets back at the top now that's she's good. Meanwhile you are at still in the same place. Bruh these ignorers now saluting a girl who tried to destroy a girl's way out and property and possessed y'all or us and almost destroyed her soon to be defeaters? And again all the other crap she's done (framing, threatening her pet (ugh I hate that they didn't make Spike The Dragon human), being a part of why Twilight's human world variants are no longer friends for a long time till Twilight fixed that. Fear, terror, using Flash as a means to rise, etc.) Like what kind of quick forgiveness nonsense is that? I'll say quick because all it really took was Dazzlings to be defeated in the second movie for the school instantly forgave her. Like Wallflower is definitely upset with all else. She did sing a song about it but it's just she sees Sunset as a root above all the rest. Why will be explained below somewhere.
So why not go after the jerk. There's no real difference with the others of before. Like Wallflower doesn't like that occurrence but Sunset thing can be viewed as unfair nonsense. Like imagine someone humiliating you and others for a long time, end up being the owner of your favorite products or is the mayor of your town and they just somehow stay winning oh and bonus; all those facing worse treatment or similar are now their best associates and they treat this jerk as awesomeness. Wallflower sees everyone as fooled by Sunset's change. She sees Sunset as fake but that will be explained somewhere below.
Anyways. What could be worse than a person causing terror upon the students and staff and making no one is able to rebel. And she had Snips and Snails as loyal followers to her cause. Well what if that people appear to have changed but now everyone is on her side and soon become dependent on her. And seeing her as all that. And having an iconic cast of friends thanks to Princess Twilight. To Wallflower it's like Sunset transcended from a disaster to everyone's dependency. The ultimate trick she could see that can be done by Sunset because it seems were fake to her how everyone else simply or quickly just let go.
So yeah I really don't think revenge upon a real jerk is a weak motive. I'd say Cinch Supernova Kiwi and Vignette Valencia are weaker than Wallflower's. (I'm excluding Juniper's because I feel what occurs between movie and mirror magic are too different to me (mostly cause they human six had that coming)).
Regardless it really doesn't matter if Wallflower's motive or reason is viewed as weak. I'll explain why it being deemed weak becomes a worthless take.
The thing that people tend to forget is the context, the situation, and the event. They choose when they want to claim something as weak but will ignore what I just said above. Her problem is Sunset. It was just the wrong place and the wrong time. Pretty much a ticking time bomb. What's consistent is her state of given up or feeling she has no value. People forget the part where Trixie indirectly helped reawaken the bad times with proof images on an old year book. It doesn't help that Sunset straight up forgot Wallflower was right there and shut the lights off on her. Like dude you bumped into Wallflower after singing your dang song when she's trying to get you attention for half the We've Come So Far song.
Anyways. Another thing is people fail to see things from Wallflower's side. And you know what else. It's clearly shown that Sunset is being the actual problematic one. So sad that I am unable to say that I'm surprised that it is ironically Invisible to many. Literally she's proving her right after times Wallflower was considering maybe she was wrong but nope Sunset just manages to not prove her wrong. Her actions against Wallflower aren't helping, but fulfilling how Wallflower sees herself and Sunset and others. You would think that there would be chance but somehow there's a lack of resonance or consideration still despite putting herself out there. Only to be once again Invisible or ignored and then threatened. And fools acting like Wallflower is the problem. BRUH, Sunset Shimmer is not helping. She was fulfilling. Trixie had to get Sunset to realize things but it was kind of too late and Sunset pays briefly. But as you know it ends after; Wallflower defeated Empathy Apologies Understanding Friendship blah blah blah
This is the tragic tale of when fandoms or viewers are too hero or protagonist side oriented. So much denial to the point of tricking themselves against another and the chances of seeing different are slim. It's even worse when another character canonically tells a protagonist to change your perspective but the viewer(s) like oh Antagonist must be bad they can't be actually right must find something to thrash them upon as a distraction. The protagonist or hero must always been right. I have to refuse to admit if they screwed up.
Be mindful that Wallflower Blush didn't erase the memories of everyone each time (well not known) until seeing Sunset again in Forgotten Friendship. She says only little things when she first found the memory stone. And eventually got used to it. However it's very vague. I doubt it was everyone anyways. The only time she erased everyone memories was the when she erased everyone's or her friends good memories of Sunset. You also see that she tends to bury it instead of merely keeping it all the time with her.
Again it doesn't matter if it was self inflicting as her being flat out ignored has been occurring for a long time before she ever found the stone. Here's something else. You'd think having a clean slate would make these people react different but it only showed no matter what, they would do the same thing to you or treat you the same. One could see it as it's them still. The Memory Stone unfortunately became a smokescreen meme template used for solely blaming Wallflower instead of realizing that she's been bound to the same fate with or without it. Like no one else changed their ways. Which is quite ironic considering they easily changed for Sunset.
How much of no difference of the memory stone being used is like Wallflower having the ability to ctrl z a person answering 2 + 2 as 22 but they somehow pick any number that isn't 4.
It's funny how memory stone gets claimed as an excuse to ignore all the crap that happened to Wallflower earlier because oh no now it's her fault. Let's ironically forget of everything else before. It's like oh you now put your hand in water after being dumped with hot water and you didn't know you were putting your hand there but earlier hot water keeps being dumped on your face for a long time but since you put your hand in water a few times or are used to it at times because you don't see a new day, everyone should ignore that you were always dumped with hot water on your face and it was going to happen regardless if you had your hand in water or not. It's your fault completely now for everything that the rest dumped on you.
This is the summit of what refusing to admit an antagonist can be actually screwed over does to a viewer. One must find an excuse to egg them. But you know what. Her being ignored by them is how many may do unfortunately.
The actual problem though is when Wallflower throwing herself out there and saying what's been going on with her. Everything is told and yet despite it all she was ignored. Much melancholic state already. Then imagine being grabbed and someone invaded and skimmed your memories and are acting like you are the problem after like you were considering maybe I was wrong about them because she lifted your mood up. Then her friend is like who are again? Like WHAT!? Then you put you went out your way tell what's been going on. All your feelings put out there and you discover the one who went into your memories is going through your bag. Really and asks what did I do to you I don't even know you. And then they prove you that it appears that they were a facade the whole time. HUH?! Now that's disrespect right there. Explain my life. PFT *SIGH MASSIVE* This is the real deal? Who the deemed as the best with her friends. So they are fooled by her it seems.
Will say this. The self inflicted is not the memory stone. It's actually Wallflower staying in a toxic environment. Hmm that'd be nice. Leaving such. Still... Many don't know they could or might not be able too.
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Prompt: Wildcard
Friendships: Demetri & Miguel & Eli (ft. Sam & Yasmine)
So I saw this week's prompt, and all I could think of was the IASIP episode where they try to sell gas door-to-door XD CW for pretty explicit sexual mentions that were...pretty inevitable, considering the source material XD Also CW for some (lighthearted) sexism, although it's kinda played for comedy/absurdity.
This a 6-parter--600 words total! Takes place in S4 or S5, when the entirety of the OG loser trio are fighting against Cobra Kai.
“As the brains of this operation, I think—”
“You’re the brains?” Miguel sounds a little heartbroken. “I thought I was the brains.”
“No, no, you’re the looks!”
“So…I’m not smart?” Miguel looks even more crushed.
“It’s not that!” Demetri gestures frantically, trying to salvage the situation. “You’re the looks, I’m the brains, Eli’s the wildcard.”
“I’m the wildcard?” Eli lights up. “That’s fucking awesome!”
“It’s the iconic formula, right?” Demetri grins. “Can’t fail with it. The Scooby Gang never did!”
“So…by not playing into that dynamic, we’re limiting our potential?” Miguel looks intrigued.
“Exactly. Can’t mess with a classic.”
“So Cobra Kai’s plowing us in the ass, right?”
Miguel’s dubious. “Don’t know if I’d put it like that—”
“Their stupid merchandise! Their flashy ads!” Demetri scoffs. “They’re ruining our lives with their synchronized kicks and their rotten ass-plowing hearts! As the brains, I’ve concocted a plan that involves oiling our asses and doing a little plowing of our own.”
His accompanying gestures are met with concern.
“Not gay sex,” he clarifies.
“Oh, good! I was sorta worried.” Eli sounds almost insultingly relieved. “What did you mean?”
“Gentlemen…” Demetri smirks. “We’re going to sell more merch than Cobra Kai.”
“We’ll need a bank loan to order and print the merchandise. I’ll spin the proposal to sound sensible, and Miguel’ll sit there looking pretty…and possibly providing sad puppy-dog eyes if needed.”
“This plan sucks.” Eli scowls. “I don’t get to do anything!”
“Untrue!” Demetri retorts. “You’re the wildcard—you sit there looking unhinged. Like you could snap should our proposal be rejected.”
“Like this?”
Although Demetri appreciates Eli’s reluctance to re-awaken The Hawk, a little pout isn’t very wildcard-esque.
“Pretend the bank left Miyagi-Fang a bad Yelp review. You’re plotting revenge.”
Ah. There’s that slasher smile.
“That I can do.”
As Miguel presses the gas, his eyes flick between Demetri and Eli.
“What the hell happened?”
“Eli tried showcasing the merch with karate moves, and we kicked our first potential customer in the face. She called the cops.”
Miguel groans.
“Demetri, you said this plan was flawless.”
“Hey! I did exactly what a wildcard would do!” Eli protests.
Miguel sighs. “So Demetri as the brains isn’t working, so I’ll be the brains and Demetri can be the muscle.”
Despite himself, Demetri blushes.
“You…think I could be the muscle?”
“Yes, sure, if it means I make the plans from now on.”
“Don’t you see? That’s why the plans weren’t working! We were operating on an incomplete crew!”
Miguel gestures frantically at Sam and Yasmine, whom the boys have doggedly hunted down in Forever 21. When Miguel unexpectedly changed course to the Valley mall, all Demetri and Eli could do was confusedly follow their new leader.
“Sam’s the muscle,” Miguel explains. “I’m the looks, Demetri’s the brains, Hawk’s the wildcard. It’s a full set!”
“You’re going to steal my only shopping buddy?” Yasmine complains. “Moon’s in the Maldives all week!”
“Come along!” Demetri says brightly. “We still need a Token Useless Chick!”
Demetri loves being the brains again.
“Sam, once we kidnap Kyler, beat him up until he confesses to some Cobra Kai felony.”
“My pleasure.”
“Miguel, use your puppy-dog eyes and sweet-talk the cops into giving us reward money for turning Kyler in.”
“Will do!”
“Yasmine, continue being useless and complaining about everything.”
“Reward money goes toward making merch, and—hey, what’s with the brakes?”
Eli’s shriek fills the car.
The Sentra’s evacuated in seconds, albeit with much screaming and cursing. But let it never be said Eli Moskowitz doesn’t commit to the bit.
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bf-skz · 2 years
24 to 25 days of SKZMAS | December 19th - Changbin
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pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader
genre: second chance
synopsis: By an odd chance Changbin runs into his ex in a shopping mall while doing Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, he is accompanied by his current toxic girlfriend. However, no one can deny the clear sparks between them.
warnings: -
words: 838
19th day of SKZMAS
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December 19th
A week after your endeavor at your favorite place, you miss Changbin more than ever. You talked all through the night, exchanging stories and life events that happened in the absence of the other and it made you realize you are definitely not over him.
In the past two years, you've gotten used to being on your own. After the breakup, you went on a date every once in a while, but frankly, you got tired. No one was going to live up to the love and respect you got from him, and you were okay with that.
You think about your breakup more often these days. You were young and stupid, thinking you wouldn't make it in a long distance relationship… that's what your parents told you anyway. And when Changbin offered to move to the States with you for your masters, you had to break it off. You weren't going to ruin his chances at JY Publishing, the company he's been dreaming of joining, ever since you've known him. It gives you some comfort to know that he's made it. He deserves nothing less.
It's another busy day at your workplace, nothing but people swarming all over the place, looking for their very last-minute presents. You've lost count of customers asking for 'something flashy but not too expensive'. You fight the urge to tell them to get a flashlight instead.
“Excuse me?” comes soft a voice from behind you.
As you turn around you are met with two golden brown eyes looking up at you and it immediately paints a smile on your face. 
“Hello, Mister.” you greet Changbin very professionally as you lean against the counter. “How could I help you today?” 
“I'm looking for something special.” he says with a fond smile, eyes glued to your face and there is a certain air of confidence to him. Like someone who knows what they want.
“Then you came to the right place!” You grin at him. “Let me show you our best necklaces.” you pull out a velvet box from below the counter. “This is my favourite.” you say fondly as you open a case of the silver necklace with a small pink heart shaped pendant on it.
“It's gorgeous.” Changbin says, only taking a glance at the necklace before his eyes are back on you. “It would definitely suit you.”
“Not sure about that.” You blush and look down. “But your girlfriend would probably like it.”
”I am pretty sure about that. And also, I don't have a girlfriend.” Changbin says, as if it was that simple, that obvious.
“Wait… so that girl from the other day… did you get married secretly?” you squint your eyes as you measure him suspiciously.
“No… I haven't even asked her. And we broke up last week.” he waves it off, stepping in a little so you are close enough to smell his subtle perfume. “I have sorta found what I want… and it's not her.”
“Oh thank god, cause she was awful.” you sighs before realizing that the words slipped past your lips. “I mean, you could do better.”
“I know.” Changbin chuckles and takes your hand in his palm gently. “And I think now I know what I've been looking for.” he whispers, gaze flicking down on your lips.
“Changbin…” you whisper, licking your lips subconsciously. “Can we talk during my lunch break? It would be very unprofessional of me to make out with a customer.” you joke with a playful glint in your eyes.
“That's fair.” he smiles, but then looks around and when nobody's looking, he presses a quick kiss on your lips. “I missed you. I'll be back by noon.”
“I missed you so much, love.” you sigh, yearning for his kiss. “Can’t wait to see you again.” 
“Me neither.”
Changbin walks around the mall for the next hour, looking at the decoration, humming along to the music, and just generally daydreaming about the two of you. The fact that you are still interested in him after all this time… he cannot believe his luck.
Your break takes its sweet time coming, and you make sure to check your hair and clothes in the mirror before leaving the store to meet him.
You find Changbin sitting by the fountain in the middle of the mall, eyes glued on you the moment he sees you. 
“Hi there. Again.” he greets with the fondest smile, already standing by the time you get there.
“Hey.” you grin widely. “So, remind me, where were we?”
“Oh.” he chuckles, pulling you in his arms and hugging your waist. “Did I leave such a fleeting impression?” he asks but before you could respond, he leans in and captures your lips in a kiss.You can't help but smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his wide shoulders. The only thing different about Changbin is his muscle mass. He is still the loveable, kind, proper dork that he was two years ago. Most importantly, he is yours.
to be continued...
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Senja Restaurant
For me and my hubs' 3rd wedding anniversary (Wow~! 3 years! Who'd've thunk??), we decided to try out the new restaurant at Kiulap area called Senja Restaurant.
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Location: Kiulap area, the same building as the Baiduri Bank Kiulap branch and Le Taj
It was technically originally a hotel-exclusive restaurant in Riverview Hotel, but ever since the hotel kinda sorta went downhill in business, Senja had left the building, so to speak, and just recently resurfaced as its own standalone restaurant, so we definitely needed to give it a shot.
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Setting: Quite steakhouse-ish kind of setting, definitely brighter and cozier than the one they used to have at Riverview Hotel
This lot they occupy to set up shop was originally Saffron, but apparently Saffron decided to move shop across the street of Seri Q-lap Mall, which was surprising since I thought it was doing pretty well. But hey, business is business, they come and go, it's all about the money
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Steak knife is a little too big though
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My super tall glass of chocolate milkshake
Looks and tastes absolutely frothy and delicious, just the way I like my milkshake to be
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My appetizer of mushroom chowder (I think)
Very thick and creamy, lots of flavour in there. Every spoonful was a delight. Was tempted to add some more pepper in it, but it would ruin the perfection
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My hubs' appetizer of grilled mushroom with stuffed cheese
Also very delicious, juicy as you bite into it, easy to cut through, and the cheese that just melts in your mouth is just to die for. The salad was great too. Doesn't have the bitter aftertaste that most salads have, which means it's pretty fresh and thoroughly washed. Can't remember for the life of me what the actual name of this dish is though
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My hubs ordered their in-house steak while I ordered their black pepper steak with corn sauce. Our steaks basically taste the same, the only difference is that he has black pepper sauce for his dip, while my steak is already marinated and cooked in black pepper and the corn sauce is to compliment the spiciness (prolly neutralizes it, since I don't feel the overwhelming burning pepper sensation). Though maybe one of these days, I should consider having my meat medium well since while it tastes awesome well-done, it's also a little tough and a little hard for me to finish it in time for dessert.
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Our dessert of chocolate mousse with whipped cream
We were afraid that one chocolate mousse wasn't enough for us to share, so we ordered one for each of us instead. The creaminess of the chocolate mousse was to die for. It was heaven in every bite, though you have to eat the whipped cream together with the mousse because this is one of those non-flavoured whipped cream. Eating it alone just leaves a weird taste in your mouth.
Again, you have to feel rich or have a fat wallet to go to this restaurant, but it is a perfect place to go to during special occasions. Highly recommended.
Overall rating:
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Maybe bakugo , kisishima and tamaki ( seperately ) pining after a female reader who wears baggy stuff, and then 1 day reader san wears a body suit, and they realise she's got a metal arm ( winter soldier like, and she's VERY proud of the arm ) and they confess and maybe some small kith kith
I haven’t really written any requests before so-
and I oop
I hope you like them <3
Low key I do think Kirishima would be a bit too dumb to notice. It’s your arm? It’s the same as- oh…oh…wait a second….
He isn’t the type to say anything until you point it out first, because that wouldn’t be very chivalrous or well mannered of him! But he can’t really help but look.
It’s just…it’s….that’s so cool. Can you show him how it works?
You’re more than happy to give him a tour of your mechanics! Actually it’s kinda sweet how he hims and haws as you talk. He has a lot of questions too, about your grip strength, your load capacity, what kind of training you do for your shoulder. It’s nice that someone takes a genuine interest.
“Wow y/n you’re really the coolest huh? No wonder I’m in love with you���
Oh…he said that out loud huh? Kirishima rubs the back of his neck and tries his hardest to hide how red his face is getting. That…he…he wasn’t suppose to say that. He laughs and apologizes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make things awkward. Why don’t we just ummm- we can play a game! Yeah, I just got Mario Kart on my Switch…”
He trails off, trying really hard to keep from ruining the mood of your hangout.
You just laugh and lean over to kiss his cheek.
“It’s alright Kirishima. I thought it was sweet. “
And besides, you feel the same way so it works out.
I feel like Bakugo wouldn’t say anything until maybe the metal gets warm and it accidentally bumps him, making him wince. It didn’t hurt per say, but it was unexpected.
“Oh, sorry. Yeah it happens. I don’t usually wear short sleeve so I didn’t really think about it…”
You didn’t think it would be this hot out today. You and Bakugo went out to the mall to look for something for his costume and the summer sun just was too much for you to wear a long sleeve.
Bakugo didn’t really say anything about it though. He just sorta looked you up and down once or twice and smiled. You like to think he was checking you out but it’s hard to say. He’s a difficult person to read.
But honestly you don’t feel too bad about what happened. It’s metal. No shit it gets hot…but maybe you could have said something…
“Don’t apologize for it being hot. You can’t help it. Besides, you should only apologize if you feel bad. You’re the honest type. That’s what makes you tolerable to be around.”
Bakugo’s got red on his cheeks. Is that a hint of a confession?
You take his hand, wrapping your metal one around his, so you can pull him closer. You tease him by saying:
“Oh? Kacchan, is that your way of saying you like me? I’m flattered”
He clicks his tongue and looks away but doesn’t let go of your hand.
“Hell no. What a shitty confession that would be. I’ll tell you when I’m ready to, so don’t be pushy about it or I won’t do it at all”
You smirk, kissing the back of his hand. You’ll just have to be more patient then.
Poor Amajiki. He would be so shy about the whole thing. I feel like he's the type to be very embarrassed the whole time because he has a hard time keeping his eyes from wondering.
The way the cool tones compliment your skin, the way it shines as you move it, showing him the intricacies of the mechanics. He thinks to himself how it’s nice that the two of you have something in common. You both have parts of your body that are different, even if his is just his quirk.
But honestly, this whole thing is a huge shock! You never dress like this. you look nice though . oh god he sounds so stupid. He hates going out with you sometimes because it always reminds him of how awkward he is.
"Not that I dislike going on dates I-….I wanna go home…."
A date? You look at him funny when he says that. Since when have the two of you been dating?
Have you….wait…ok well this was great but he’ll see you at school tomorrow wow look how late it is he should be going huh see you la-
You tell him to take a breath.
“Amajiki, just tell me. I won’t be upset”
Apparently, he had tried to confess a few weeks ago and thought you understood him, but you didn’t. Although, you have been hanging out with him, so maybe that’s a good sign.
You can’t help but feel bad. Does this count as leading him on if you didn’t even know? You take his hand and say it’s alright.
“I’ll accept your feelings now though, if you still feel the same way”
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I feel like after episode 3 when Edwina doesn't fit in with the Bridgertons they could have shown how she realises that maybe she and anthony aren't meant to be. Cause there are so many instances where she doesn't click with his siblings or even his family. Like Daphne for example and they at most express a polite interest in her. Like it should have been a big indication right there
I mean, you don't necessarily need to click with your partner's family in order to have a good and healthy relationship. I would even say there are very few people who actually share more than a polite relationship with the in laws. Also she is like eighteen and her main focus is on Anthony considering he told her he would have to be away for long periods of time, it's not crazy to me that she assumes she wouldn't be seeing much of his family either. I can't really blame her for ignoring that detail. I just felt really uncomfortable watching that scene and it sorta ruined the pall mall match for me.
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classysansy · 3 years
Cute self/reader-insert classic Sans shipping ahead! (Beware, there will be a purring skeleton ❤️) (This is of course a oneshot lol. Enjoy!)
The day was going slow. I had the day off work because I had just wanted a day to relax…so, I had decided to watch TV.
Sans was at work; a security guard at the mall. He was amazing at his job, especially that one time he was able to dodge three bullets and then pin the criminal to the ground until police arrived.
I was always super worried about him when he did that. I told him he could get killed. The surface wasn’t as easy to navigate as the underground. He simply gave me that ‘seriously, kid?’ look he has and tousled my hair.
I couldn’t find anything to watch at first, until I flipped through the channels straight to Spongebob. Huh…I had no idea Nickelodeon was still airing that. It seemed too old to be aired…and when I watched it, I realized they definitely had ruined it with the modern traits of kids’ shows nowadays.
I glanced at my phone. Sans would be home in an hour. I sighed to myself and slid further down into the couch cushions. I hated the days I had to wait for the skelebros to get off work. It was usually quite boring and I missed them a lot.
I began to realize I was tired, even though I had done absolutely nothing that day. I rubbed the bridge of my nose and gently shook my head, and before I knew it, I was yawning. ‘No,’ I thought to myself. ‘I have to stay awake for Sans….if not for Sans, then for Spongebob.’
I was able to continue watching the show for a good twenty minutes…however, I could hardly keep my eyes open at that point. I could feel my head start to get heavy, and then…I fell asleep.
I don’t know how long I was out. Ten minutes? Twenty? A half hour or so? I suppose it didn’t matter, but hot damn was that a good nap.
Almost as soon as I remember falling asleep, I heard a deep voice hidden behind the fog of my incoherent and drowsy mind. I dismissed it as part of a dream, as I was still half asleep.
Suddenly, I felt something warm but hard touch my cheek. Needless to say, it woke me up and I opened my eyes to be met with Sans’ own. He was grinning, amused with my sleeping habits.
“Hey,” he mumbled, moving his fingers from my jawline to my hair to brush some strands from my face. “You were sleepin’ good, kiddo. Ya didn’t wake up no matter how many times I said your name.”
“…Sans?” I muttered back. “I, uh…” I trailed off, trying to get my post-sleep thoughts together. And then my consciousness fully came back and I gave him a tired smile. “I must have dozed off.”
“No doubtin’ that.” He chuckled and stood up from the sofa, shrugging. “Wonder what made ya so sleepy. You never nod off watching TV.” He took off his security guard hat and set it on the end table before starting to head upstairs.
“What? Why are you leaving your hat down here? You could just bring it with you.” I scoffed, a brow raised. I should have expected his laziness, but no matter how long we were together, I couldn’t get past it.
“Nah. It told me it wanted to keep ya company,” he replied.
“Oh, did it?” I smirked at him, shaking my head. “You didn’t tell me hats could talk. Is that a monster thing, or..?”
“Well…hats actually can’t speak, so I dunno why you thought they could, sweetheart.” He winked.
“Sans! You were the one to-“ I began, my brows furrowed.
He cut me off, “Gee, ya don’t have to raise your voice about it.”
I huffed at him, but couldn’t help but smile at his silliness. “You changing, then?”
“Unless ya wanna cuddle a sweaty pile of clothes, yeah.”
“Okay. Well, hurry up. I want to ask you about your day.”
“Sure thing, kid.” Sans nodded and continued up the stairs. He soon disappeared behind a door.
I turned off the TV and stretched slightly, appreciating every crack my bones produced. If Sans were downstairs when I did that, he probably would’ve told me to knock it off; he hated hearing joints crack.
After a couple minutes, the comedian made his way back downstairs in his usual apparel: a blue hoodie, basketball shorts, and pink slippers. When I first had met him, I didn’t get his fashion choices, but I learned to accept it with time.
He plopped down next to me on the couch with an exaggerated grunt (he was always looking to get a laugh from me) before glancing at me. “You still tired?” he asked softly.
“…a little, yeah. But I want to talk to you about how today went,” I responded, enthusiastically turning my body towards him so I didn’t have to strain my neck looking sideways at him. “Sleep can wait.”
“Lay down,” he said.
“I told you, I-“
“I mean on me.” He motioned to his legs. “Lay across the sofa and put your head in my lap. I won’t tell you about work if you don’t.” His grin widened, and he was clearly amused with himself.
“I’m fine, I’ll fall asleep if I do that,” I explained, frowning. “Just-“
“Hey, it’s no skin off my back if ya do. Ya obviously need the sleep.” He shrugged. “Lay down ‘n I’ll tell ya all about today. Okay?”
I rolled my eyes and let out a breath. There was no use arguing with him. He usually always won these discussions. He cared about me more than I cared about myself, and it drove me crazy sometimes. Nevertheless, I did as he said and laid across the couch, my head in his lap and my eyes towards the ceiling.
I awkwardly shifted my body, trying to get comfy. All the while, Sans was looking down at me with his usual lazy expression…half lidded eyes and a consistent grin. I finally was okay with my position and nodded at him.
“Okay…so, ya know Jerry?” he started. “Well, he tried to steal some sorta shit from Spencer’s. Just…casually walked out with a hookah, thought I wouldn’t notice. Of course, I did, ‘n I…”
I began to zone out a bit, simply just admiring Sans’ face and voice…everything about him. He knew I spaced out during his usual workday updates, and he was fine with it. We were just happy to be with each other, most days.
I caught words like ‘tackle’, ‘smiled’, and ‘shop’ throughout his ranting, and I reacted accordingly to each of them. With a quick scowl, a smirk, and a nod.
After about twenty minutes, I noticed he wasn’t talking anymore. When had he stopped? I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t continue questioning it. I was used to those zoned-out moments that had me wondering things like that. Sometimes I would be so focused on admiring his face that I wouldn’t notice when he was done speaking.
Now he was staring into space…or maybe he was looking at our reflection on the TV screen? Either way, I gave him a little grin, reaching my arm up his chest and gently hooking my fingers along his shoulder. It took a second, but he glanced down at me.
“Finally with us, again?” he teased, softly chuckling. “I’ve been done talking for an hour. I was getting bored waitin’ for ya to notice.”
“It hasn’t been an hour,” I replied, giggling.
“Yeah, guess you’re right…but it was fun to say it was,” he answered, looking me in the eyes.
It then went super silent. Not an awkward silence, but something soothing and comfortable…something that was mostly likely a bonding moment if you let it be. The kind of silence that made everything in the world feel…right.
After a couple moments, I heard a low sound…almost like a gentle rumbling. It was slightly familiar, but I couldn’t tell where I had heard it before.
I frowned, and looked around. There wasn’t really anything in the room that would be making that noise. I then fixed my gaze to Sans, again.
“What’s up?” he said.
“Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“That rumbling sound?”
“You don’t hear it?” I raised a brow, and he shook his head.
I scoffed and sat up slightly, only to notice it was louder near his chest. I subtly tilted my head and put an ear to his rib cage.
“What’re ya doin’, sweetheart?” he asked, his own brow also raised.
“Sans, I think you’re…purring,” I replied, noticing I sounded extremely confused. I was. Extremely confused, that is.
“Wh-“ he mumbled. “I…I am?”
“You didn’t know you could do that?” Now I sounded even more puzzled.
“No,” he quickly told me. He paused. “No, no I didn’t.”
The purring began to fade slightly, and I decided to experiment; I sat up and turned so I could see him straight before leaning forward and giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. He blushed. Just as I thought, the purring became a bit louder.
“Ha! You’re purring because of me!” I snapped, excited at this discovery.
“It’s not my fault you’re so pretty,” he responded, almost shyly.
“I didn’t know you could purr.”
“…neither did I.”
“Now we know.”
“It’s adorable,” I cooed.
His smile widened.
“Guess what?” I questioned.
“What?” he replied.
“I didn’t fall asleep while you were talking.” I giggled.
And with that, he pulled me into a kiss…and I knew that he loved me…and I hoped he knew I loved him, too.
(Voila! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. Not my best writing, but I had a lot of fun writing it. Sans fluff is my favorite fluff 😊 also there might be grammar mistakes and typos I’ll probably fix later, just so you know if you see one.)
-Inspired by @calcium-cat and @little-lex -
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degenerate-otaku · 3 years
Au where the androids in trunks time arint evil anymore so the three of them just hang out for the rest of their lives time traveling with trunks to save the day after they realised what their doing is wrong somehow cause we need happier times
Hey! I took this in a slightly different direction since I just go with the flow.
I hope you enjoy it though ♡
It had been almost a year since the androids had come to an agreement to end their destruction. In some ways it was an anticlimactic ending to an almost 17 year battle. A part of me still wants to bring Gohan justice by destroying them, but that may just be my Saiyan side. I know that Gohan always did his best to be like his father and forgive others, so maybe he'd understand.
It's been a difficult journey, no doubt about it. To keep the androids happy, as well as the people of earth, who probably have not forgiven 17 and 18 and want nothing more to see them dead, I tend to go out with them, just to make sure there are no problems. The androids have to disguise themselves to not be recognised, which isn't too hard since they are incredibly inconspicuous (apart from 17 perhaps, who seems like the type of kid to be stealing and causing havoc anyway). Usually, it's just a case of them hiding their eyes, since that's how people can recognise them.
“Trunks, you really need to brush up on fashion.” 18 remarked as she sipped at her drink. I snapped out of my thoughts immediately, which often consume me.
“Huh? What do you mean?” I was rather offended by her comment but I kept my face and tone neutral.
“Well...you don't have many outfits...and the ones you do have are...” She looked me up and down and continued, “A little...dated to say the least.”
Before I could respond, 17, who was riding on his skateboard as he slurped at his soda interrupted, “Trunks, you look like that guy from that movie 'Back to the Future'.”
I had no clue on what he meant, since I've never seen that movie, but it seemed like no matter what I would say, they'd always have a comeback.
It had always been like that, so what was I expecting?
“Well, we are right outside a mall.” I knew what she was suggesting immediately.
'How convenient' I thought to myself.
“Sis, your shopping trips take whole days!”
I almost laughed at what 17 had said, but held back.
“Shut up! You spend all day in the arcade like a little kid! Plus, you need new clothes too!” 18 poked her brother in the chest, asserting her authority. It's so strange to see 17 shaken like that. As a kid he seemed unmoved by everything, just like his sister.
“Ugh, whatever.” He sighed, throwing the empty cup of soda in the trash.
Strolling casually within the recently rebuilt mall, which my mother helped to fund, 18 finally found a store that she thought had good items for us.
“This place looks lame!” 17 sneered at all the rather classy looking shirts and pants.
“If you're gonna be a brat, go to Hot Topic!” 18 retorted, pointing to the store she was referencing.
“Bitch, I AM the Hot Topic!” 17 loudly declared, walking off. I wasn't sure on how much money he had. The androids liked living large, and still did so, despite my mother not being so pleased about it. She told me once on how it was like she now had three teenage brats but then she realised I was right there and said that I wasn't a brat, though I know I was when I was younger.
“Now that he's out of the way...” 18 sighed, adjusting her hair, before pulling out a shirt from a rack.
“What do you think?” She asked, holding up a blue T-shirt that said something in Japanese.
“See, you gotta stop hiding those muscles! I've seen them up close and I know normal girls will faint over that, especially with your skin tone.”
My cheeks felt hot when she said that and I began to stammer, “W-well..I don't think it's for me...uh, I...don't like showing my arms.” I looked down at the glossy marble floor, and felt her gaze pierce me.
“What, because of those scars?” She scoffed and I looked up at her, not knowing how to react.
“They aren't that bad. Plus...girls like guys who have feelings and have been through stuff.” I didn't get what she meant.
“For a person who hates humans, you sure do understand them.” I don't know why I said that. She frowned and then just moved on, after putting the blue shirt in the basket, whether I liked it or not.
“So...” She tried to steer the conversation back onto clothes, “What do you like wearing anyway?”
“Well...mostly loose, comfortable stuff.” I answered.
“Yeah, like that sweater and pants you used to wear all the time when you were like...what, 13? 14?”
Why had she remembered that?
“Yeah...I have a lot of those kinda outfits.” She walked along to another aisle and I followed, not noticing that there were a few girls looking at me and giggling.
“What made you pick this one? The whole...jacket and vest combo. You wore a similar thing when we beat your ass a year or two ago...wasn't that in the ruins of this mall?”
I felt pain thinking about that. I was a fool, admittedly for going there to try fight them, but I've grown a lot since then.
“Oh...yeah, the light blue jacket and white shirt...uh, I guess I think it looks cool..especially with the sword-”
“Ughhh, what is it with men and their little toys, I've got my brother with his stupid gun, and you with that sword!” She groaned. “They're pointless!”
“Well...technically, my sword has a point-” I smirked.
“Wow, I thought you were incapable of jokes.” She replied, then pulled out a sweatshirt for me. It was a simple grey colour with a logo on it.
“Girls also like guys who dress casual...but that sorta depends. This and some nice loose jeans would look good on you, though you'd need better shoes.” I was rather astonished at how she was able to make so many combinations and knew what would look good on me, but then I realised something.
“Why do you keep trying to find outfits that would attract girls?”
She rolled her eyes at my question.
“Well, c'mon you're almost an adult and you haven't got a girlfriend! Wait...are you gay?”
I blushed hard. “What? Well, I dunno! I haven't really thought about it...”
“I'm just trying to help you find someone.” She smiled, trying to find a price tag on some shoes.
“Wait a sec, I'll ask someone about this.” She left me standing near the basket and as I fixed my hair in while I looked in the mirror, two girls came up to me.
“Hey, uh, you're cute...can I have your number?” One said and I was unsure of what to say. I didn't want to be rude, but I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to them.
“Well, uh, you see-” My brain suddenly seemed to fail me.
“He's taken.” Suddenly, 18 reappeared and out of nowhere kissed me before dragging me by the arm.
“Hey! What was that?!” The kiss was only for a split second but I was so confused.
“Wait, was I your first kiss?” She laughed.
“N-no!” I folded my arms and didn't look at her directly.
“If I didn't know better you wanted it to last longer, hm?”
“WHAT?!” I exclaimed, losing my cool.
“Hey, I'm just messing with you...I just had to get you out of there-” She picked up the basket and walked over to the queue, her hips swaying prominently
“The kiss was unnecessary!”
“You're the first man ever to reject a kiss from me.” She sounded bewildered and I gave up trying.
We exited the store with two bags of clothes and 17 had a bag of his own stuff too.
“So, mind telling me what that was?” 17 inquired and even 18 blushed a little.
"Aww, what an adorable couple!“ He mocked, laughing hard at his own jokes.
”Shut it, bonehead! That meant nothing!“ She scolded him and I don't know why I felt hurt by that.
”I was just trying to make him look good for once, but I really couldn't care less!“ She continued and I wondered if she had even meant what she said about my scars.
For the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about that moment. It's stupid of me, I know. I'm so fucking awkward I can't handle a girl talking to me, and when a person I hated growing up does it to me, I want it to happen again, to feel that kinda jolt down my body.
But I guess I won't.
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codenamesazanka · 4 years
The Team-Ups I wanna see: 
(My interpretations)
Toga + Shigaraki + Spinner: The young and dumb squad. They’re the three youngest members of the League, relatively close in the age range of 17-21 - which is, of course, as everyone knows, the perfect time do stupid and reckless but life-changing shit. You just know they could begin the day by wasting time at the mall/arcade/convenience store parking lot, then somehow eventually escalate to five murders (two technically accidental) and permanently ruining the local hipster-restaurant economy as the day ends, idk. Maybe throw in a coming-of-age bonding experience, Villain-style. I like the idea of Spinner being the sorta ‘voice of reason’ here, forced to take that role purely by the fact that Shigaraki is the enabler that allows Toga to do whatever she wants; but they can rotate it around. And who could ever forget the goodness of wingwoman Toga trying to help her two friends get together? 
Shigaraki + Giran + Twice and/or Mr. Compress and/or Magne: Gimme the known-villainous-professionals working together like in a heist of some sort! Encountering each other via the precarious networking and dynamics of the criminal underworld, or at the least, them having heard of each other’s tales and deeds from before series’ start and interacting with that in mind. I’ve got a deep fondness for crime-dramas like those (complete with mind-games and leverages and secret and all that but not necessarily). Giran is of course the broker who knows everyone - possibly having a history with each one as well - and so can bring everyone together; Shigaraki still being the mastermind and Twice and/or Mr. Compress and/or Magne introduced to him for their specific expertise/role. Bonus for maybe an AU or pre-canon story with Shigaraki maybe being a very young, new unknown appearing on the scene with a real good offer, his solid and mysterious backing, and Twice and/or Mr. Compress and/or Magne completely intrigued by this brash, arrogant, but alluringly dangerous teenager. 
...yes, yes, kinda like what happened in canon, but this is for like, something else other than the UA camp raid with a closer focus on a smaller group of characters. 
Toga + Twice + Mr. Compress: Any more of this season 4 scene right here. Toga and Twice bullying Mr. Compress. Mr. Compress giving them flak for not being Villainous, or at the other end of things, cautious enough. Toga being young and too competent for the two old men to keep up with. Why do I feel like this trio given a task together is likely to go completely off plan and possibly make things worse, but still succeed somehow. 
Shigaraki + Toga + Twice: The trio that started the Found Family aspect in the first place?? Chapter 148 of the manga really did it all: Twice taking off his mask - metaphorically and literally - and so getting Shigaraki to do the same; Shigaraki taking into consideration Toga and Twice’s feelings; and Toga and Twice pretty much establishing loyalty to Shigaraki there and then and ever since. The hearts of the League. The three most deadly members of the League, each one fiercely protective, each one doing anything to secure each other’s happiness. So much bloody, messy mass murder. So much love. The trio most likely to cuddle together in a nap pile imo
Spinner + Magne + (optional third person of choice): My headcanon is that Spinner and Magne were partnered up by Shigaraki during the UA Camp Raid solely so Magne can make sure Spinner, the sheltered nerdy newbie Villain, wouldn’t get himself fucking killed. And it worked! They seemed to have worked well together! For some reason I’m thinking of Mustard (the bratty gas kid with the GUN) as the third party, because that kid definitely would be ruthlessly making fun of Spinner, and that’s Spinner’s intro Underworld 101 lessons to picking and fighting his battles. 
Toga + Mr. Compress + Spinner: the current Mourning Twice. Gimme the scenes where up on Gigantomachia, Mr. Compress reveals to Spinner what happened to Twice and Spinner is absorbing the news and it’s really hard not to notice how Toga is taking it the hardest, silent and sullen. Gimme Mr. Compress asking Spinner if letting Toga go was the right choice. Gimme the two of them discussing what this all means for the future of the League. i apologize deeply for such a downer option. Most definitely there’s another story to tell in pre-current-arc, happier times, but it’s overshadowed by this. 
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rosy-cheekx · 4 years
“It’s cute that you tried to protect me and all, but you’re like a foot shorter than me, you know?” with jon and anyone??
Sooo, here’s the thing. Along the way it became “It’s cute that you tried to attack me and all, but you’re like a foot shorter than me, you know?” The premise is the same but things sorta got out of hand. Either way...Happy Birthday Rye!! This is for you 💕😊
Tim was exhausted. He’d been up late the night before pouring through books on historic architecture, trying to find anything referencing Robert Smirke and his…unique building practices. While he wasn’t usually the one to take work home with him, this statement Jon had recorded, one about Leitner and Gerard Keay and the tunnels underneath the Pall Mall struck a chord with him. It felt just wrong enough to be related to Smirke. So he had been up at all hours, researching Smirke and any associations he may have had with Pall Mall. He had been successful, at the end of it, but had fallen asleep near five and gotten barely four hours of sleep before he was dragged to wretched consciousness again by the sun streaming through his window.
Normally, Tim would grab a coffee on the way to work, but honestly he was nearing a little too close to hand-to-mouth living as it was, especially with their paychecks not being due til next Friday. There was a coffee maker in the Archives breakroom, sputtering as it was. Coffee was coffee and coffee was what Tim needed. It was half eight, a little earlier than most of his crisp, just-late-enough-to-piss-Elias-off-but-not-enough-to-get-called-out-for-it 10:15 arrivals, but it didn’t matter. If he was lucky, no one else would be there.
Jon was in the Archives. When wasn’t Jon in the Archives? They were his Archives after all.
Jon blinked and peeled his cheek from the cool metal of his desk, wincing at the ghostly impression left from the heat and oils of his skin. His neck and spine protested in clicks and pops as he straightened himself up, wincing at the angle he had allowed himself to sleep in for so long. It was just after nine, according to the ever-ticking clock above the door to his office, the only door, the door he left propped open unless he was certain he was the only one there. (No one needed to come knocking for him.) He wasn’t sure when he had fallen asleep but it had definitely been past midnight, after even Elias had left his office and the hum of The Institute faded to a strangely comfortable silence, nothing but Jon and his files and statements. Just one more statement, he had thought to himself, wearily regarding the ever-growing stack of “To-Do” files in the box on his desk. One more and then I can go home and rest. One more now is one less Elias can ask after, the acknowledgement of Jon’s failure in his voice. Jon wasn’t sure if he had turned the tape recorder off or if he had just run out of tape-did they even run out of tape? They never seemed to. On investigation, the faint snuffling sounds he heard when he played the tape back proved he had forgotten to tur-
Wait. What was that?
Jon frowned and rewound the tape a few minutes, listening intently. There was the unmistakable sound of footsteps, faint but definitely there. Was someone in his archives? Jon pursed his lips and glanced again at the clock. Just after nine, even Sasha wouldn’t be here yet, the punctuality of her 9:25 arrival something you could set a clock to.
Jon glanced around, not really sure what it was he was looking for. Something to defend himself, maybe? He wasn’t sure when he’d decided to identify the source of the sound, but something in his gut had shifted. He settled on grabbing a crutch resting in the corner of his office, abandoned from his recovery after the Prentiss attack.
Armed, Jonathan Sims crept to the door of his office. The automatic lights in the hallway flickered on as he slowly peered down both sides of the hallway, curly hair a mess and swinging unhelpfully by his cheeks. No one. The hallway was empty, no shadows to be seen sweeping menacingly around the corner.
God. He was probably being stupid. It was probably the statements getting to him. But still, something urged the back of his mind. He couldn’t shake the notion he wasn’t alone in the cold, lonely basement.
Cautiously, Jon crept down the hall, holding the crutch first by the handle, then clumsily turning it over to hold it by the base towards the ground. He didn’t make a habit of watching American baseball, but he imagined he looked rather like the players at bat, the rest of the crutch resting on his shoulder, elbows cocked uncertainly.
“Sasha? Martin? Tim?” His voice was somewhere between a croak and a shout, halfway between cowardice and curiosity. No answer, not that he really expected one.
Jon listened intently as he reached the bullpen of the archives, where Tim, Sasha, and Martin’s desks were arranged. It took him a moment to register what was bothering him about the room before he realized it with a start: the lights were on. These were also automatic; Jon knew this from the number of times Tim, Sash, and Martin had burst into laughter and cacophonies of “no!” and “guess we’re done!” whenever they sat still too long, engrossed in their work. Jon had privately wondered if it had been set up to keep them from being productive.
But the lights were on. That meant someone had been through here. And recently. Jon was paralyzed for a moment, wondering what he should do. Call 999? Or Elias? If it was supern—strange, police wouldn’t be able to do much anyways. Furthermore, if he was imagining things, he would never here the end of it from Elias. What if he asked him to step down from the position? No, Jon could handle this. Of course he could. Whatever it was, he needed to see what was happening and could make a decision from there.
He heard a shuffle from the break room, a scuff of shoe on the worn lino. A thief who just decided to stop for a cuppa and sandwich? Well, the breakroom was next to the records room…what if it was a thing here to steal a statement? A thing like Jane Prentiss, or-or a vampire, or, god forbid, Michael?
Jon felt woozy with fear and nervous energy as he crept forward blindly, twisting the crutch in his hands as he approached the open doorway to the breakroom, the light to which was off. This bulb wasn’t auto, unfortunately. As Jon stood in the doorway, he let his eyes adjust the darkness of the small room, blinking nervously and sweeping the room with his eyes desperately, looking for a clue.
A darker blackness in the black, making up a vaguely humanoid shape, standing motionless by the cupboards. Jon tried to speak, to address it, but his voice was barely a whisper, caught in his throat.
“W-Who are you?” No answer. Jon could’ve sworn it shifted towards him, the thing that looked like a head bobbing slightly.
It would take maybe six steps to get there. The light switch was by the fridge, at the other end of the room. Was it worth it? Jon could probably run and flip the switch but the creature would definitely know he was there. Maybe it was better to just run.
Jon was suddenly struck with a terrifying thought as the creature seemed to shift again, shuddering to itself. What if it was Jane Prentiss, lying in wait for Martin any one of them to come back?
He had to attack. Jon steeled himself, tightening his grip on the crutch.
“Gahhhhhhhh!” Jon ran forward, swinging his makeshift weapon towards the creature. He watched the shape in the darkness shifted and seemed to compress and duck out of the way of his swinging, in slow motion but all at once. His crutch struck the countertop, and Jon vaguely registered a shattering as something hit the ground
The shadow in the darkness shrunk and Jon blinked at the sudden brightness as the light came on, finally recognizing the creature as Tim, eyes wide as he surveyed his boss in front of him, hair mussed from sleep and wielding a crutch like a cricket bat.
“Jon, what the hell?” Tim’s voice was somewhere at the intersection of confusion, anger, and dazed humor, hard to pin down. “What are you doing here?”
“Me? What are you—It’s nine in the morning! How did you get in?” Jon felt all the adrenaline leave his body at once, and he dropped the crutch to the Formica counter he seemed to have chipped, shoulders sagging.
“I-coffee!” Tim gestured to the shattered ruins of a Derwent Water mug, an orange kayak in two distinct pieces as a coffee spread across the tiles slowly. Jon’s face must have shown the incredulity he was feeling, because Tim closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I couldn’t sleep, figured I’d be more use here. Didn’t feel like making a Costa run. That’s second to the real question, though, which would be: Why are you trying to kill me?”
Jon scrubbed his hands over his face; of course it was just Tim. He had been so terrified and it was just Timothy fucking Stoker. “I-I’m sorry, Tim. I heard something on my tape, and I thought there was someone in here…a-and there was. But I mean, someone who wasn’t supposed to be here. I-I did call out, b-but no one answered.” Jon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I thought maybe you were a vampire. Or Michael. Or Jane Prentiss,” he admitted after a moment, voice quieter.
Two beats of silence, three, before Tim’s raucous, barking laughter finally broke the silence.
“Were you going to kill a vampire with a walking crutch?” Tim managed between chuckles, doubling over. “Just-” he makes a sweeping motion with closed fists over each other, “with a bat, like-like a piñata?” He was taken over by giggles again and Jon was left staring blankly, trying valiantly to figure out what was so funny.
“I-I dunno, maybe? I didn’t want to just do nothing.”
“I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t be laughing, it’s-” Tim straightens and gestures at Jon, composing himself. “It’s cute that you tried to attack me and all, but you’re like a foot shorter than me, you know? You’re not exactly physically menacing.”
Jon stared. “I wasn’t trying to be menacing, I was trying-shit.” He felt warm liquid seeping into his socks-how did he just realize he wasn’t wearing shoes- and stumbled back, grabbing for the paper towels on the table. “I was trying to save my own ass. And I’m not that short.” Another snort from Tim, acknowledging and rejecting his argument. “Sorry about your mug,” Jon continued, dropping to a squat to sweep up the milky coffee and ceramic in a bundle of sopping paper.
“Meh, worth it,” Tim shrugged, dropping next to him and spooling towel into his own hands. “Yep,” popped the p. “The image of you baring your teeth at me like a wild dog is totally worth it. Besides, now I have an excuse to ask Sash to buy me a coffee from the posh place near her flat.”
“Oh, no, please. I should buy you something from the Costa down the street. I-! need to get some anyways.” Jon glanced over his shoulder at the doorway to the now unlit bullpen, trying to pretend he didn’t obviously look like he slept here.
“Yeah, no, you look like shit. No offense,” Tim added absentmindedly, pretending not to acknowledge the fact that Jon did not, in fact, drink coffee. “Did you sleep here again?”
Silence as Jon gathered the coffee-soaked towels in his hands and rose, tossing them in the bin by the door.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“I wasn’t trying to. I just nodded off. I was recording statements and lost track of time.”
“Ohh, so you heard me come in?”
“Kind of. Heard it on the tape—”
“Hello?” Martin’s voice called out as the bullpen lights flicked on. “Oh, hey Tim, Jon! You two alright?”
“Heya, Marto. Jon and I were just about to hit up the café. Want something?”
Tim got a caramel latte. Jon got a chai. Martin and Sasha got muffins, a very good story, and a lightly blushing (and smiling, though he would deny it) Archivist.
Tim was grateful to Jon for never asking why he had stood so long, in silence and dark, staring at his cup of coffee as if it wasn’t even there. He never asked why his shoulders had been heaving and why his eyes were as baggy as they had been. Jon did offer more often, though, to get coffee with him, in the odd mornings that they were both there absurdly early and battling their own demons. Tim always said yes.
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daryfromthefuture · 3 years
Maybe I shouldn´t call this a fic but-
Me: *Turning on the most serious and professional authors voice* This...could be very cringe. But since I have experiences with publishing fics in German (not bttf btw) I...Imma just go for it and hope this will end well. Sorta.
Alright, the missing filler scene of all missing filler scenes in the whole trilogy.
October 26, 1985
Lone Pine Mall
1:36 AM
"You´re alive!"
Surprised, to say the least, Marty slided backwards to look his (alive!) best friend in the brown, warm eyes he last saw just about 20 minutes ago. Silently, Doc pulled down the zip of his radiation suit to reveal a bulletproof vest. The holes from the bullets could be seen, but they seemingly did no other damage than to ruin the protection gear.
"Bulletproof vest...? But how did you know? I never got the chance to tell you...", stuttered Marty in between shaky breaths. The inventor still didn´t say a word, as he reached into his inside pocket with a small grin. He pulled out an old, yellow paper, which was visibly covered with transparent tape. Could it be...?
Doc handed it to the teen, who looked a little confused, but, more than anything, relieved. He didn´t stop looking Doc in the eyes as he unfolded the sheet. Marty quickly scanned the writing on it, before he turned his gaze back to the now wide grinning scientist sitting on the cold pavement.
"What about all that talk? About screwing up future events? The space-time-continuum?", continued Marty.
"Well, I figured...", Doc paused briefly. "What the hell."
It was three words. Three simple words which released Marty from all the worry and fear he had struggled with since he had watched Doc tearing up the letter. Never in his whole life he had ever felt so happy about someone actually listening to him. Sighing shakily, but smiling, Marty rubbed his sleeve across his face to wipe away the tears and sweat. "You did it...you read it...", he whispered, somewhat in a loss of words. Fighting to control himself to not break out laughing and crying at the same time, he said something he had never told Doc enough in weeks, months, years: "Thank you."
Doc didn´t reply. It was this moment he realised how much he must mean to Marty. How much he must mean to a normal teenage kid who ran into him because of a stupid dare. How much he must have meant to that future boy back in the ´50s.
"In about 30 years." "I hope so."
This exchange hadn´t been about the whole clocktower experiment. It had been about the knowledge and fear about losing a dear friend.
Doc suddenly leaned forward and captured Marty in perhaps the strongest hug he had ever given the boy. The 17-year-old returned it with as much strength, burying his face in Doc´s shoulder. "Thank you", he repeated, clinging to him as if he never wanted to let go.
Noone else in town would have been losing tears when the local inventor would have been really gunned down to death in that parking lot. Noone else would have cared. But even just one person was enough for Doc. A person he loved like family.
A fluffy creature made its way between the two of them, licking both of their faces in sign of affection. Marty took Einie into his lap, nearly squishing him as he hugged his best friend another time.
At least ten minutes passed in which not any of them said anything. It wasn´t needed. And that´s how, Doc thought, another simple scientific test can end up in a wonderful moment of true, sincere friendship.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers V (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: We get some interaction between Y/N and Angelica/Wesley. I hope that’s enough for you guys lmao
Words: 2,271
Warnings: This is basically a tutorial on how to not fix a severed finger. Blood and swearing. 
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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“Hey Wheeler, stay with me,” I slap his face lightly to keep him alert, “c’mon dude, Angelica's coming.”
Alex was sort of right about me. I take care of my people. Not that Josh is exactly my people, but he’s the closest thing I’ve had to that in a long time. I’m aware it’s only been a day, but still, I don’t want him to die. He worked so hard to find Sam I think it’d be shitty if he doesn’t get to reunite. I’ll stay and help, so my departure has been delayed.
“I’m an idiot,” He mumbles half-conscious, “I’m an idiot with no index finger on his left hand”
And I try, I try so hard to avoid laughing cause this isn’t a fun situation. Josh is losing a lot of blood. I can see the bone and muscles of his finger. I try and I fail cause it’s so ridiculous. He got bitten and instead of asking he jumped straight into the “guess I’ll cut it” part. Now he has no finger, and he is an idiot, but I have to act like he’s not so he doesn’t feel worse.
“It’s ok, everybody makes mistakes from time to time,” I reassure him, “we’ll figure it out, we have to cauterize the cut and maybe we’ll have to sew it. We can fix it. Now be good and keep your hand high while I cut a piece of this.”
He obeys and I rip the lower part of my shirt. I wash it hurriedly on the sink to get rid of most of the dust and when I’m done I kneel in front of him again and press the tip of his finger tightly. He screams and I shush him.
“Don’t move your hand! I’ll take care of this, just don’t move.”
“I’m back!” Angelica’s carrying duct tape and bandages on her arms, she drops them in front of me, “we should get to work.”
“You must have a lighter on that backpack,” I tell her, “get it along with Josh’s sword. We have to warm it hot enough to help us stop the bleeding.”
“You sure you know how to do this?” She asks skeptically.
“Do I look like a fucking doctor? No, I don’t but we have to do something,” I push her lightly towards the exit, “Get your backpack!”
“Okay! I’m on it!” She huffs, running back out.
“Weren’t you about to leave?” His eyes are tightly shut and his voice comes out harsh from clenching his teeth, I shush him again.
“I can’t leave you like this, can I? That’d be shitty of me, considering you help me get supplies and all”
“I just brought you to the mall, you got all that on your own”
“Still, if it wasn’t for you we’d still believe this is Baron’s territory,” Angelica comes back and kneels beside me, she grabs the sword and puts the end above the flame of her lighter.
“You don’t have any kind of anesthesia on that magical bag of yours, do you?”
“Sorry, no,” The girl replies without looking away from her job, “and the pharmacy is on Eli’s side, those things are the only stuff I could find.”
“Eli’s side?” I ask, “He locked us up again?”
“No. Wesley locked Eli,” She answers, “I need something stronger than my lighter, this won’t cut it.”
“Didn’t you have a blowtorch or something?”
“Sorta,” She stands up again, “I’ll be back!”
“Well, we have to wait like, ten minutes for the bleeding to decrease anyway.”
“How do you know this stuff?” Josh asks, a bit reluctant. 
Because I read it on a fanfic once.
“You know... you don’t get bored during the holidays and google weird shit?”
“I-I don’t know, I guess?” He shrugs, then goes back to whining.
“Hey, crying won’t make it stop, tiger,” I tell him, “and it makes me nervous”
“I just fucking cut my finger, Y/N! I know crying doesn’t help but sure as fuck relieves the tension!” He snaps.
“Swearing is better, I can swear with you,” I offer, then look back at the blood dripping from the fabric, “Shit, I really fucking hate that you did this, are you out of your mind?”
“I just said I’m fucking stupid!”
“Are you swearing cause I told you to, or cause it’s actually helping?” I giggle, I do that a lot when I’m nervous.
“I think a bit of both?” He takes a deep breath, then screams at the top of his lungs, “FUCK!”
I laugh harder this time. This is surreal as fuck, here I am, holding Josh Wheeler’s severed hand, listening to his swearing concert while Angelica runs back to the bathroom with her blowtorch and points it to the sword, setting it off immediately. After the longest ten minutes of my life, Angelica let us know the sword is ready, or at least, she thinks it is. And she’s supposed to be the smart one so I trust her.
“Bite this, lover boy,” I pull the belt from the cutting board and give it to him, “cause this is gonna hurt worse than anything you’ve ever experienced in your life.”
Josh looks at me in panic and puts his belt between his teeth, firmly closing his mouth (and eyes) so it’s my turn now.
“Don’t fuck up what’s left of his finger,” Angelica warns me.
“Noted,” I say, taking the sword with shaky hands, “okay Josh, one...”
And I put the seething metal against his injury. I always heard is better if you do it without notice. There’s no way someone can prepare for the pain, to make a countdown for it is torture. 
Josh screams but his voice is muffled by the belt on his mouth. I wait six, seven, eight seconds to retreat it and I see that his flesh is burnt and ruined, but is not bleeding anymore. He faints right after that.
“At least he waited till the end,” I sigh, when I look back I realize Wesley is also there and is looking at me with terror in his eyes, “oh, hi. Can you give us a hand?”
“What the..?”
“Stupid Josh cut his finger cause a Ghoulie bit him and thought he’d get infected.”
“Is he, like, still alive?”
“Yup, he just needs to sleep for a while, I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“We should put the bandage now while he’s asleep and can’t complain as much,” Angelica mentions, giving me the stuff.
“Right,” I nod, “uh, Wes, you think you can bring me a bowl and put water in it so I can wash his hand?”
“What?” He looks at me like he just woke up and then blinks rapidly, “oh, yeah. Sure, be back.”
“Good job,” Angelica examines Josh’s hand with interest, “is this the first time you do it?”
“Thankfully, yes. I’m not sure he’ll be fine or if I actually helped, maybe I just fucked it up even more...”
“Nah, he’s a lucky guy, I’m sure he’ll make it out.”
“Hope so.”
“I heard him say you were leaving,” Her voice is softer now, and I know she’s doing it on purpose, “are you leaving us even if Josh’s hand isn’t fully recovered?”
“No,” I grumble, “I’ll stay until I’m sure he’s better. It’s the least I can do.”
“Perfect!” She stands up happily, “so like, a month or so, right? That’s enough time.”
“A month?! Enough time for what-” I look over at her in confusion but she’s already turned her back to me and is walking out of the restroom, “Angelica, that’s enough time for what?!”
Wesley gets back and has a bowl and several small towels on his hands.
“I thought you might need these too...” He signals to the towels on his left hand, then he steps closer and puts the bowl under the sink, “so Y/N... I guess you must hate me too.”
“I don’t, Wesley,” I’m not looking at him since I’m trying to put Josh in a more comfortable and easy position to clean his hand, but I can hear the nervousness on Wesley’s voice, so I figure it’s a good moment to set the record straight, “Do I think you were an idiot back in Highschool? Totally. I hated how you washed your hands from your friends’ shitty actions; all that is over now, though. We’re not in Highschool anymore and holding grudges over something that happened back then would be stupid.”
“You’re the first one to say that to me,” He lets out a nervous laugh, I hear his steps getting closer and his hand appears at my eye level with the bowl and a towel, I take them silently and start to clean Josh’s hand.
“Well, I’m not the one you bothered the most at school, if things were different, maybe I’d still be hating you. I still hate Hoyles, for example. And Turbo is no better. At least you do your weird samurai shit without annoying others.”
“I guess...” He sits beside me, waiting for me to finish my work, “I don’t really remember you from Highschool if I’m honest.”
“But you knew my name,” I give him a quick look, “when I got here with Josh, you said my name.”
“Yeah, cause I knew you from my time with the jocks and Turbo. You were always around School, doing this and that, whatever it was that Mona Lisa asked you to do. And you never spoke much with others. I saw you walk away from some of the Football players that tried to flirt”
“I wasn’t very fond of any of them. I was there for survival only. Then I decided I would be fine on my own and left,” Josh mumbles something and I stop what I’m doing, however, he’s still asleep and I start to put the bandage around his hand, “the real question here is, why did you go? You were Turbo’s right-hand man, you had everything”
“I didn’t have my freedom,” He answers, “Turbo can be... possessive, with his closest friends.”
“That sucks,” I finish the bandage and look over for the tape.
“Here,” He grabs it from behind me and I take it with a soft ‘thanks’, “so what’s your story, then? You had no friends on Highschool or something?”
“What’d you mean?”
“Why are you on your own?”
“Oh. Well, I did have friends,” I’m careful to wrap the tape only around the bandage and not the skin, so it doesn’t hurt him when he has to pull it off, “I had plenty, but you know how it is when a group of friends is not united by some common liking or hobby. When they’re just your friends cause you like them and that’s all. They felt like our group was lacking some kind of essence. So they went to the tribes that felt right for them.”
“And you?”
“There’s no tribe that specializes in doing random teenager stuff,” I chuckle, “I liked art stuff. And I wasn’t a fan of the Kardashians or did sports, or farming, or knew about tech and games... the Cheeramazons asked too much... I had this friend, Alex. He and I were a team. Until he also left.”
“That sucks,” Wesley nods, “but hey, you’re welcome to stay with us as long as you want. Me and Angelica, cause Josh will flee as soon as he feels better.”
“And I will do too,” I reply, finishing my work and cleaning my hands with the towel, “thanks for the offer, Wes, but I don’t feel like joining any group. I just don’t feel that works for me anymore, you know?”
“Hey, I’m no one to tell you how to live your life,” He shrugs, “you’re free to do as you please.”
“Sure,” I smile at him, “you’re kinder than what I had originally thought.”
“Thanks,” He nods, “you’re cooler than I thought. Now let me help you with this obsolete boy”
We get up and together grab Josh by the arms and put each one around our necks to take him somewhere where he can lay and rest. Angelica sees us and tells us that there’s a bed inside the store on our right, so that’s where we take him.
“Now what?” Wesley asks me. 
I have no clue about what the fuck am I doing, and I’m not their leader, Josh kind of was. Isn’t it Wesley the one who should be telling me what to do now that Josh is out?
“I should be asking you that,” I frown, “Aren’t you like the second in command?”
“Fuck no, I’m not doing that again so soon,” He raises his hands, stepping back, “you’re the one who did all the curing, you know better”
“I know shit,” I reply, “I did what I think it could work to save him but if that doesn’t work someone has to take care of this cause Triumph might come back, or Turbo might still be looking for all of you and Angelica is your responsibility now.”
“Hey, I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Doctor House,” Angelica replies from her place next to Crumble who somehow got a hold of Josh’s finger and is practically drooling, “so don’t try to use me.”
“Fine,” I walk out of the store.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“I’m going to get Josh’s stuff from the bathroom and bring them here. Then I’m going to get my backpack and hammer and also bring them here. Let’s wait until Josh wakes up if he wakes up.”
@letsbloodmagic @hollywaterpls​
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leggomylino · 5 years
light switch | yandere!seungmin
Genre: yandere, romance/fluff, thriller, a little angst, some comedy (mainly in the first half) Pairing: yandere!Seungmin x reader Word count: ~11k (and this is only the first half…) Warnings: Author rambling, run-on sentences, mild language (censored), a few memes, moments of high tension and possible anxiety, ooc, and mild abuse/violence A/N: Requests are open~ | Masterlist in bio! | rip this turned out WAYYY longer than I meant it to and it’s my first time writing this format (and yandere for that matter) but, I hope y’all enjoy :’)) Thanks for reading!! <3
Okay so
You and Seungmin had been friends for a while
Y’all met in junior high and immediately hit it off
Here’s what happened fam
It was your turn to stay after class and clean up
The other kids who had been assigned to help you had already done their jobs and left
You let them off easy because it was raining and you didn’t want anyone to miss the bus
You always walked home since you lived in the neighborhood and you liked the rain so it was no big deal to you
*cringey middle schooler voice* “Hey is it okay if we head out? Are you okay by yourself?”
“Oh yeah sure go ahead! Have a great day!”
“Thanks! See you later (y/n)!”
Yeah a n y w a y 
So it’s raining out and it’s just you in the classroom after school, cleaning the whiteboard and sorta zoning out
The cloudy weather and sound of steady rainfall on the asphalt outside isn’t helping
But luckily you’re almost done, just gotta get a chair to reach the top of the board and--
What the
What was that sis
You look over your shoulder mid-swiping to see the silhouette of a person climbing in through the window
But you can’t see who it is at first cause right at that moment there’s a flash of lightning that lights up the whole room and casts everything in a veil of black and the hollow roar of thunder (just like in all the cliche horror movies), and a scream gets caught in your throat (like half of the cliche horror movies)
It successfully freaks you out a bit but
Once you’re able to see clearly again you realize it’s a boy
A boy you recognize
Barely tho
Like hardly
Because he’s honestly never around
Always skipping class
Typical delinquent kid
His name, you scarcely recall, is Kim Seungmin
He probably thinks he’s some sort of billy-badass or smth, you dunno
Well he’s just frozen like you are, halfway inside with his legs straddling the windowsill, soaking wet, just staring at you
Still staring...
You furrow your brow at him, slowly getting back into the groove of getting your business done and hightailing it outta there. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
He smirks and leans forward, resting his hand on his chin, just watching you while half of him is still getting soaked by rain; he looks like the freakin’ Cheshire Cat. “The same could be said about you.”
You’re about to ask him what kind of a comeback that is when it dawns on you that you’re still staring as well, and you visibly shun yourself and whirl away to face the board again. He chuckles and you hear him toss his incredibly late ass all the way inside, closing the window and leaving a trail of rainwater and mud and dead leaves and outside nastiness on the floor that you just finished sweeping and cleaning uGH WTF BILLY-LATEASS WHY YOU GOTTA DO ME LIKE THAT
Great now you’re gonna miss the newest episode of Totally Spies and that rerun of Sailor Moon you were really looking forward to...all because this punk had to show up half past four.
He lifts one of the chairs off the desk and takes a seat, and when you curiously peek over your shoulder to see wtfudge he’s doing, he’s watching you. Again. Just sitting at what would be his usual seat in the middle of the room if he were ever in class on time at all. You roll over the teacher’s desk chair to finish cleaning the board and have just decided to leave the trail of dirt and wet grass for him to clean up
But uh
Unfortunately you have a brain made of spaghetti like the author
And well
You somehow managed to forget for a second that the chair has wheels, and the floors are still a little slick
So the moment you clamber your (enter height here) ass up on that chair guess what happens?
Just guess
Yeah you guessed it
London bridge comes falling down
Well in this case (y/n) bridge
It all happened so fast
And yet
You never touch the ground
No you didn’t spontaneously gain superpowers like in a Marvel or DC comic
This isn’t My Hero Academia either, you’re definitely quirkless
It’s this guy
He actually managed to throw himself over the desk and slide over just in time to save you
Wow maybe this is a bit of a superhero movie
Go Spiderminnie B))
...Okay lame names and rambling aside, he saved you
You stare at him with a shocked look on your face, a bit winded from the experience
But also at the way he’s staring at you
It’s kinda sus sis
He’s looking at you like...almost like he’s seeing right through you
Into your soul
You know how they say the eyes are the window to the soul?
Well this bish is sunlight and he’s cutting right through...effortlessly
Gracefully radiating a strange unnatural light you aren’t really sure how to define
It’s weird, and foreign, and a bit uncomfortable
But a part of you kinda likes it
Which bothers you because sure this guy did just save you from getting a concussion and possibly breaking your neck but still
“Uh...thank you…” you mutter, not sure what else to say. It’s a miracle your spaghetti brain even managed to remember to say “thank you” at all smh
He’s smiling down at you kindly (even tho it’s a bit creepy, surely he means well) and uh
Does he plan on letting go of you anytime soon?
I mean 
He’s still wet and you like the rain and all but
Okay there we go he’s setting you down now
Phew see he’s not a weirdo or anything, it’s all good
“That was a smart move you just pulled. I’m guessing you aren’t very fluent in the common sense department.”
Okay wow rude much
Who says something like that after saving someone?
Who says something like that to anyone they barely know ever?
Way to ruin the moment … wait what moment
There wasn’t a moment
That wasn’t a moment that was just uh...he was just…
:)))) moving on
You squint at him and scramble up to your feet to get away from this rude boy who you’re just starting to notice is kinda cute even if the way he looks at you is a little creepy and his attitude needs work, dusting yourself off and inwardly cringing at the chill snaking up your side. That’s just from the rainwater, right...? “Like you’re one to talk.”
He laughs at that...his laugh sounds like a bell. A bit obnoxious, but it’s still pleasing to you. And that makes you pretty angry.
“Stop laughing at me!”
“Stop laughing at me!”
“I mean it! Cut it out!”
“I mean it! Cut it out!”
He’s mimicking everything you say in a horribly applicated high-pitched voice, which only fuels your anger and frustration. Not to mention your embarrassment.
You’re embarrassed, right? That’s why your face feels so hot right now? Or you’re running a fever. Maybe you caught the bug that’s going around. People catch colds all the time during a rain shower, it’s only in every cliche romance anime ever.
Wait a sec…
Romance anime?!
Uh hahaha no no sis that’s not what this was
Not in the slightest
But I mean
It’s all set up like one
The rain
After school atmosphere
Cute delinquent guy with a bad attitude rescuing and teasing airheaded good student
Crap crap crap
Abort mission abort abort
You gotta scram baby
So that’s just what you do
...Well you try to anyway
But next thing you know he’s lifting you up in his arms and like
Have you not heard about personal space before?!
You turn your heated face down to him and he’s smiling up at you, so sweetly, so purely, all rainbows and sunshine
“Sorry, I was just teasing you. I thought maybe you could use a lift?” ❀
Well crap
He wasn’t wrong tho
Hnnnnn you can feel your face heating up again; er, even more
Okay okay calm down (y/n)
Just go with the flow
No use fighting it
Nothing good ever comes of fighting it
So you smile and mumble your thanks and let it happen
And guess what?
You two end up becoming the best of friends \^-^/
It’s quite cute actually
And it happens very naturally too
A nice slow burn transition into acquaintances, then friends, then good friends, and finally by the time you reach high school, y’all are besties
He’s always there for you when you need him
Like, always
It’s kinda strange actually...
He always knows right where to find you and texts you the moment you unlock your phone to text him
You: 𝖶𝗈𝗐, 𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎! 𝗈𝖠𝗈
Him: 𝖮𝗁 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒? 𝖧𝖺𝗁𝖺𝗁 / 𝖶𝗈𝗐, 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝖽𝖽𝗌? / 𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎!! :) / 𝖦𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝖨'𝗆 𝗉𝗌𝗒𝖼𝗁𝗂𝖼 :𝗉
But more recently, it’d gone a little something more like:
“𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗁, 𝖨 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 <𝟥”
… *shrugs* 
Guess he’s got some kind of a sixth sense or something
He just knows you so well
But you don’t think much of it because the two of you do spend an awful lot of time together
As in you’re practically joined at the hip when you’re not separated by classes or your mom calling you home for dinner if you happen to go out on the town somewhere
Usually it’s the ice cream parlor or the mall
His buddies Felix and Changbin work at one of the shops there so you like to stop by and say hi to them
But you don’t stay too long because Seungmin really values your alone time
Just the two of you strolling side by side, sometimes hand in hand, while he listens to you ramble on about your day and get excited over cute things in the storefront windows and grumble about being hungry every time you pass the food court
You always tug him in front of one of the stands with the full intent of buying, yet he always ends up paying; he simply insists on it
Because he loves it
Your whining 
Your excitement
The way you ramble over the speed limit and express your passion so effortlessly
It’s real to him
He’d bottle each memory up and relive them over and over again if he could
Of course they’ll always be in the picturebook of his heart, but that’s a little cringe
He doesn’t care though cause it’s true
Watching you twitch your nose and turn your head like a muskrat as the scent of fresh cinnabuns wafts through the air 
It makes him smile and beam with delight and the whole atmosphere becomes warm and inviting
Of course, you don’t know that
Because Kim Seungmin isn’t an open book
More like a locked diary (with chains all wrapped around it like something out of a medieval fairy tale)
Some people have questioned why the two of you aren’t dating yet
But Seungmin’s too shy to say anything; the very notion makes him feel faint and his heart race; and you always dodge the question or tell people you’re simply “just friends”
Because to be honest, any feelings you thought you had for him have sorta cooled down into a comfortable friendship 
And while you may have thought about the two of you being an item before
You’re not sure how he feels 
Before you rant at the author whAt do YoU mEAN hAve yOU nOt beEn pAYInG aTTENtiOn to WhaT’S gOinG On?! 
LET ME (well you) EXPLAIN
While the two of you HAVE been rather inseparable over time since that fateful encounter in junior high
Seungmin is still a bit of an odd duck
Ya know him
But sometimes it feels like you don’t
Lately he’s been getting harder and harder to read
At least when it comes to the feelings department
Aka pathos
You know he certainly cares for you, a lot
And you care for him...a lot
But surely it doesn’t mean anything...more
He’s like the brother you never had
Just looking out for you, wanting the best for you, like family
It’s not anything romantic~ or lustful~ or anything like that …
Is it?
I mean uh
So what if you cuddled while watching movies together, and when you started to drift off against his chest you distinctly felt him place a soft kiss atop your head? So what if you shared milkshakes and ice cream sundaes at the parlor while holding hands beneath the table and speaking of hands you both blushed and giggled cutely when they touched while reaching for the popcorn at the same time? So what if he made you flower crowns and took pictures of you looking like a beautiful mess down by the river, or at the beach, or in the garden behind his house? So what if he occasionally showered you with gifts and bought you food and always left you the biggest mess of flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s day and worked himself tirelessly trying to teach you material you didn’t understand, and was the first one calling to see how you were doing when you got sick, even going so far as to skip class to bring you soup and tease that “you probably caught that dummy virus you had the day we met” and stayed sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor while you laughed stuffily at Tuxedo Mask calling Usagi/Sabrina a Meatball Head and he smiled at your congested laughter while mimicking you in a memey fashion (to which you respond by throwing used tissues at him that never get very far), copying all of the days notes you missed into your journal with that surprisingly pretty cursive handwriting of his...and leaving cute little love poetry off to the side for you to find later...so what if...something is starting to click inside your head...it doesn’t mean anything. None of it does. None of that meant anything!! \(>-<)/ …
You scream internally into the void
For you do not know 
One day after school of your senior year you’re doing rounds like you normally do
And you whine like you usually do
And he snickers like he regularly does
And y’all wander over to the food court like two happy little love birds (to him) and a couple of friends in a we-aren’t-dating-we’re-just-great-buds-it’s-complicated relationship (to you)
And that’s when you see him
I mean WOW
This new guy behind the counter
You recognize him from school
He just transferred to your school from out of town
His name is
Shoot what’s his name? (._.”) ??
It’s almost your turn in line
Guess you’re about to find out ♥
Gosh he’s gorgeous wowowow
He’s looking more attractive the closer you get, and you’ve only seen him from a distance at school and he was ALREADY the bees knees then
You take a step forward up to the counter…
That is until Seungmin stops you
This bish just completely cut you off 
His tall 5’9 ass is completely blocking your view of Hunkilicious >:((
Your peeking around him as best you can, but it’s hard when he’s constantly shifting his weight in time with you; you still manage to get a glimpse though, and wowza he’s fine (♥‿♥)
That sandy blonde hair
Those gorgeous bright eyes
A whole snacc sis
You smile at him while Minnie’s placing your order, and he catches your shy little wave, sending a flawless wink back at ya
 (/❛o❛)/❤,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~ o(~_^)o
If love at first sight is a thing
This may very well be it
He’s. So. Cute~ 乂❤‿❤乂
At least you think so
Seungmin, on the other hand…
Not so much :))
In fact
The way he’s looking at this guy
You may not know what he’s thinking
But you can tell
He’s trying really hard to put up a normal/average front
His aura is…
It’s not pleasant that’s for sure
When you two stand off to the side, waiting for your order
You tug at his sleeve and ask him if he’s alright
“Hm?” He snaps out of glaring daggers to peer down at you, smiling softly. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
You highly doubt that, but you aren’t about to open any doors that should remain locked
Just then your order is being called, by the cute blonde by that recently stole your heart
You instantly light up like a Christmas tree, and before Seungmin can make a move you dash over to the counter to pick it up
Leaving Minnie in your dust
He doesn’t say a word
Meanwhile, back at the food stand, you’re taking the bag of goods from…
You’re squinting at his nametag…
Only to notice he isn’t wearing one. Now you feel kind of dumb.
“It’s Jaemin,” he laughs, dropping some extra napkins in the bag. But also…
Why is winking at you like that?
“Maybe I’ll be hearing from you sometime?”
You look down into the bag
Sure enough, there’s a phone number scribbled out in pen over the top napkin
...Wow. He’s not even trying to be sneaky about it. He’s letting you know what’s up.
But doesn’t he think that…?
You look at him earnestly. “Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but um…”
His eyes grow soft, and looks disappointed all of a sudden. But he seems to be taking whatever he thinks is going on respectfully. “Oh, so you are in a relationship. I’m sorry, I thought that-- well, Jeno told me you two weren’t anything serious, so I thought that--”
“Jeno?” You look over his shoulder, and sure enough there’s Jeno, school jock, meeting your stare and giving you a quick “what up” nod before he hustles back to work
Jaemin sighs, making himself look busy by swiping down the counter. “Sorry, again. That was really rude of me, you can just ignore--”
“No!” you cut in.
He’s looking back up at you, a bit surprised, and you clear your throat. “I mean uh...he’s right. Jeno’s right. I’m not...seeing anyone right now. I mean, I’m not in a relationship or...anything like that. Seungmin and I are just really good friends. He’s like a brother, almost.”
Jaemin’s surprise quickly spreads into a smile that travels from ear to ear, and chuckles mostly to himself, giving himself a nod as well. “Okay. Sounds great. Maybe I really will be hearing from you then.”
Hnnnnn your insides are turning to goo, and you nod a little too ecstatically, having to contain the excited squeal threatening to erupt from the butterflies in your stomach as you hurry back over to Seungmin’s side
He’s right where you left him, and he looks…
He looks like a kicked puppy
There’s no way he could have heard what just happened
But you knew he saw the whole thing
...That didn’t matter though, right?
Cause it’s not like you guys are dating
He doesn’t even like you like that
Just friends
Just friends, (y/n)
So it’s fine
You don’t even care if he sees the phone number napkin
Which he’s looking at right now; actually glaring intensely would be a better word
And now he’s
He’s reaching inside the bag
He’s taking it out
He’s glaring at it
He’s debating something
He doesn’t look very happy
Brave (Y/n) tries to reach for the phone number
Her attack missed
Minnie’s power level is too strong
It’s over 9,000
Now he’s walking away and…
You gulp as he waits to get Jaemin’s attention
exchanging some words with him
Oh dear stars
What are they saying?
What’s going on?
You’re not sure why, but your legs won’t move
There’s some kind of...barrier...there’s this aura emitting off of Seungmin. It’s the same as earlier when he first caught you smiling at Jaemin. 
But now it’s stronger, more powerful. Clearly you aren’t the only one who feels it either, because the customers and employees around him are taking a few steps back and sending curious glances as well...when he comes back, he’s empty handed. And he looks…
Calmly pleased with himself. “Sorry about that, (y/n). He won’t be bothering you anymore.”
You frown. “He wasn’t bothering me, Minnie. In fact--”
You don’t get to finish that thought, because he’s ushering you off like a shepherd herding a lost sheep away from a pack of wolves...
Except you’re starting to suspect that he may be a wolf in sheep’s...well, shepherd's clothing
You sit down to eat, and it’s like nothing happened. Minus the twitch in his face every time you so much as look toward the Cinnabon shop.
The next day you’re sitting in your chosen science course, Environmental Systems. It was either that or Quantum Physics...and let’s face it, you hate math, so ES won ten to none
You’re sitting at your lab table totally zoning out...you can’t stop thinking about Minnie’s behavior the other day. What the heck had gotten into him? Why was he acting so strangely? So rudely?
He’d gotten better after he started hanging out with you. He’d stop skipping classes, started taking his classwork seriously
It turns out Minnie is actually really smart; like, really smart. His IQ has gotta be in the 150 range. It was just a matter of applying himself and actually giving a hoot; and for some reason, he’d listen to you. Most of the time, anyway.
 So you’re sitting there all slumped over in your stool, elbows on the table with your head propped up in both hands. Your eyes are locked in an internal battle with the clock on the far wall; each second that ticks by is a second lost, a second wasted, a second longer that you STILL can’t figure out what’s wrong with--
...Say, why is this bothering you so much anyway?
You two ain’t dating
You’re just friends
But you still care about him and are worried for him...as a close friend, right? That’s normal, isn’t it? You’re like a fretting sister worried about her brother’s strange behavior
Yeah yeah that’s all it is
Also what was up with that aura coming off of him?
You’re pretty sure even the Fire Nation would have turned and run with their tails between their legs
Wonder what it was he said to Jaemin…
...Aw man
So much for that romance waiting to be written (“=3=)
You feel a hand on your shoulder
You whirl around to see Seu--
He gives you a tender smile, slinging his backpack to the floor beside the table. “Hey. You okay?”
“Oh…” You sigh, shaking your head to clear it. “Yeah. Yeah I’m...fine.” ...Not fine, but it’s okay.
New character introduction! → This is your lab partner, Lucas. He’s sat beside you all year, but you normally don’t speak much beyond idle chitchat and classwork. 
But today is different
Because today is the day he’s finally getting up the courage to…
...No, not confess his undying love for you. He just wants to talk more. He’s seen you around with Seungmin a lot; in fact the two of them share a class together, and let’s just say you’re not the only one who’s noticed some odd behavior. Lucas is a caring guy, and he’s worried about you… He thinks you’re a good person. And to him, good people are precious treasures that must be protected!! (/oAo)/
He takes a seat in his stool beside you, the one next to the window, and looks at you with concern in his eyes. “So, listen...I know we don’t talk a lot, but…is it okay if I ask you something?”
“? Sure, go ahead.”
“You and Kim...what’s your relationship like?”
You frown. “We don’t have a relationship. I mean, I’m not romantically involved with him...we met in middle school. We’ve been friends ever since.”
“...Are you sure about that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well...not to sound out of line or anything, but I’m a bit surprised...well, I have a hard time believing...erm, seeing a person like you hanging out with a person like him. And it’s not just me, either. Anyone who knows either of you feels the same way.”
(• ε •) ? Why tho
You’re looking to him for the answer, but he doesn’t give you one. Instead he’s changing the subject.
“...Not to be nosy, but Jaemin told me what happened the other day. Uh…” He rubs the back of his neck, glaring down at the table. “He wanted me to apologize to you again, in his place. But you really should have told him if you were--”
“I’m not in a relationship with him!”
You’d slammed your hands on the table, jumping out of your seat. The rest of your classmates all silence their chatter or last minute scribbling of unfinished homework assignments, staring at the far left corner of the room where your table is.
You uh
You hadn’t meant to do that
Muttering an apology you sink back down into your seat, head bowed to allow your hair to hide your face like a curtain. Showtime’s over, folks. No encores, please.
Lucas hesitates, but after a moment he places a hand against your back. Something wet rolls down your cheeks...sheesh, when did you become such a crybaby? Are you seriously crying about this right now? But why…?
 You hear him swallow, and next thing you know he’s asking you for your side of the story, and you tell him everything. About Seungmin flipping like a light switch. About his scary aura you’d never noticed before. That you had no idea he was gonna react like that.
“I see…” Lucas is quiet for a moment. Then he holds out his hand to you. “Give me your phone for a sec.”
??? Okay…
You give him your phone, and he smiles a bit at the phone charms of things you stan clinking together as it’s being passed over to him. He grabs your wrist for a second (lightly) to unlock it, making you chuckle, then he’s opening the contacts app. He slides it back over not but a few moments later with the friendliest smile he’s ever given you; a smile letting you know that everything’s going to be alright.
“Text me anytime. I gave you Jaemin’s number as well. You should call him. I know he seems kind of like...a womanizer, but he’s really not. That’s just a dumb rumor going around from the popular crowd ‘cause he turned one of the cheerleaders down. He’s really a nice guy, and he talks about you a lot.”
QAQ <3
OmgoshomgoshomgOSH \(^.^)/ 
You do hug him at least
You can’t help yourself
You feel like a weight has been lifted
Like you can breathe a little easier
Lucas just laughs half awkwardly, half genuine, and pats your back before the teacher walks in and makes a comment about PDA, and you both roll your eyes and take your seats
You spend the whole class chatting and catching up like two good friends that hadn’t seen each other in a long time, really hitting it off even though you’ve been lab partners the whole semester 
Your teacher doesn’t mind as long as you get your work done; today is a relaxed, catch up on late assignments kind of day
You’re so engrossed in a debate about which flavor of ice cream is superior that you scarcely hear the bell ring; you notice it but it leaves your mind after five seconds because this hoe over here is trying to convince you that vanilla is better than chocolate
CHOCOLATE IS SUPERIOR OKAY?!? (Author Note: if you feel otherwise, just pretend the roles are switched✌️)
 You’re going into heavy detail about how your flavor is just melts-in-your-mouth kind of good, being a river of pure joy when you notice Lucas staring towards the door with a troubled look on his face...is he trying to tell you he needs to go?
Probably. Well shoot, is it pretty rude to keep someone from getting where they need to go…
You’re about to apologize and turn to get your things and uh
Seungmin is there
At the door
Just watching you two
He’s wearing the same resting b*tch face he wore during the Jaemin fiasco
He doesn’t approach you like you fear he will, though. He simply waits patiently, one eye on you, the other on Lucas.
The moment you get your things together you bow your head to Lucas, being overly respectful in a state of minor panic before scurrying for the door. Seungmin flips his attitude again to be all smiles and sunshine, taking your hand a bit too forcefully and sending a look over his shoulder before hauling you off. 
“What was that all about?”
He may be smiling, but his tone is the complete opposite, making you frown
He’s not gonna freak out again like yesterday, is he??
Uh uh uh
Wait you don’t have anything to hide
You have the right to have friends
You know what
You’re about to tell this guy
This whole thing is dumb, you’re probably making it out to be way worse than it actually is
It’s surely nothing
Guys are just weird and testy
...But when you open your mouth to let him know how you feel
Aka the truth
Nothing comes out
Not a dang thing
You close your mouth; open, close, open
N o t h i n g
Then something finally does come:
“Lucas is my lab partner. We were just talking about--”
He cuts you off, squeezing your hand a little tighter. Ow. “No, not that. I meant before class.”
Before class?!
“I saw you handing your phone to him. What happened?”
Sis what
He saw that? He was there?!
He always walks you to and from class, but you were sure you saw him leave after he dropped you off! He...He had to be hiding somewhere…
Normally you’d think it was a bit cute because “oh he’s just a helicopter brother” or laugh ‘cause he’d be trying to pull a prank on you but
Given what happened yesterday
It freaks you out.
He’s squeezing your hand tighter. It’s really starting to hurt.
“Um...it was nothing! It was part of a warmup assignment!”
“Warm-up assignment?”
“Yeah! We were comparing the current temperatures around the world, and his phone wasn’t working, so I let him borrow mine!”
The lie comes tumbling out of your mouth like a rolling stone
You can’t very well give him the truth
Not if he can’t handle the truth
Plus you need time to sort out what’s really going on with him
But does he buy it?
Well let’s see
He stops and looks you in the eyes
His gaze is cutting through you again
Just like it did when you met him some four or five years ago
It’s more than a little unsettling, but you refuse to crack
Please buy it please but it please buy it…
He sighs and studies you, more gently this time, before pressing his lips together and giving a few small nods. “Okay. I guess that’s okay.”
He uh
He what now?
He guesses that’s okay…?
“...Listen, Seungmin. I think we need to talk later.”
“I do too. I have something for you.”
He um
He has something...for you?
Another present?
“What is it?”
His grin is almost too excited. Yet it also seems so pure and innocent. His eyes are smoldering… At least that’s how your brain interprets it, but surely he’s just trying to scare you as is his hobby 24/7. “But you’ll have to wait ‘til tomorrow to open it.”
Tomorrow comes sooner than you know it
It’s Valentine’s Day
Flowers and chocolate and greeting cards are all over the place
Ribbons and lace and delicious cakes
Hey that kinda rhymed B)) You’re the new Shakespeare
Okay anyway
You’re at your locker; for once Seungmin isn’t around between periods, he’s being held up with a board meeting
Oh yeah, that’s right...forgot to mention, he’s on the Student Council
Told you he was smart tho
But that also made him a lot more...worrisome, given his recent outburst and weird personality flips
The Student Council had a lot of influence at your school
They practically ran the whole circus here
For example, you knew it wasn’t a coincidence that you no longer shared Statistics class with Jeno, Jaemin’s buddy.
… sigh
This whole thing was just one giant me--
What is all this?? (o.o)
You open your locker, right
And well
There’s a huge mess of roses
And chocolates
And greeting cards
And ribbons and lace and delicious cakes; word 😎
You have to grab a few bouquets and boxes before they spill all over the floor
How is it that...since when did you have so many admirers?
No offense to you or anything
You were a very nice girl
Cute, smart, sophisticated, good sense of humor
But you were also rather quiet and shy
Mostly because Seungmin took up all your free time
He kept it that way
Once you survive shoving everything back into the locker in a way that won’t result in them burying you alive, you open one of the greeting cards while a janitor and a few students give you looks at the mess of petals all over the floor
(𝑌/𝑛),  𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝐷𝑎𝑦! (\(^-^)/) 𝑊𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝘩𝑢𝑔? 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 ;𝑃 -- 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑚𝑖𝑛
You open another:
𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑑, 𝑉𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑒, 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑎 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑑'𝑠 𝑒𝑦𝑒 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤
??? Okay then…
You’re noticing that all the cards and boxes are labeled “Seungmin” or “Minnie” or “you know who” as you’re shuffling through the garden that has become of your locker
You find the tulips near the back next to some daffodils and classic red roses, having to use half your strength just to wrestle them out
Oi vey
You peer inside from “a bird’s eye view”
But you don’t see anything
Wait a second yes you do
There’s something dark and boxy buried inside the bouquet
You dig inside...fish it out
It’s a lovely black box, long and rectangular, with a beautifully elegant ice-blue ribbon tied around it
Wow this thing looks pretty pricey...how much did he spend on you exactly?
Seungmin had always been a little extra when it came to you but this year was overkill big time
There’s a note sticking to the back of the box; it says: 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑚𝑒
Wow he may as well just attached all the notes he gave you into a novel
But okay you read it
You like reading anyway
𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑐𝘩𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑝.𝑠. - 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠 <𝟥
You examine the flowers before you…
Your eyes instantly land on the one in the center, which looks slightly different from the others
Because it’s fake...
Minnie helps you carry your things home after school. He handles your bags and chocolates and most of the flowers, but he insists that you carry the tulips
Why not roses? →  Tulips were your favorite flower
But even if they hadn’t been, he’d bought you one of every kind of flower on the freaking planet anyway, as well as every good chocolate combination in existence
He’d even gotten you that cute plushie you’d been eyeing in the window of a toy shop in the mall
“Did you like everything?”
“Yeah...it’s great. You didn’t have to, though.”
His face gets a little...resting b*tch again. “Nonsense. I wanted to. You deserve it.”
“...Thanks, Minnie.”
“I mean it. You deserve this and more.”
“No, no. This is plenty. Wayyy more than enough.”
You laugh at first, but the moment you notice Seungmin’s not laughing, you stop.
There’s an uncomfortable silence in the air for the rest of the walk, that is until you reach your house.
“Listen, (y/n)--”
“Welp thanks for everything today!!”
You rush inside, dumping the load in your arms by the front door. When you run back outside to get the rest of what Seungmin is carrying, he tries speaking to you again.
“Geez it’s awfully cold out! Winter sure is a bummer huh? But I do love curling up inside and um...oh wow I’ve got a lot of homework to do--”
You wince at the harsh tone in his voice; if you were an animal you’d have your ears flat against your head right now. “...Y-Yeah?”
His cheeks are turning the color of the roses in his arms.
This can’t be good
But when his lips part to say what he needs to say, nothing comes out
Cause here comes Lucas riding his bike down the street
And there’s a red rose gripped against the handle
Oh dear stars what fresh hell is this
You’re lost for words
Maybe he’d just passing by on his way to give some other girl a--
Nope he’s putting on the break in front of your house
He’s wheeling his bike over to you
Seungmin’s going into resting b*tch mode again
Why does karma hate you??
“(Y/n),” Lucas chuckles. “Don’t get too excited or anything. This isn’t from me. Jaemin asked me to give it to you. He’s been swamped by girls all day and hasn’t had a moment to himself to come find you. He’s got practice after school so...well I owe him a favor after losing a bet last week, so here I am. Haha...ha.”
Oh man, karma really does hate you
You look over to Seungmin, slowly, careful that any sudden movements will set him off (if Lucas’s words haven’t)
Wow he’s actually pretty calm right now
Hey maybe he’s okay
Wait no he’s not
He’s crushing those roses and chocolates in his arms pretty tightly
He looks really stiff and rigid
You’re surprised there isn’t a vein throbbing out of his forehead right now
And that scary aura is leaking back into the air again…
“Uh, th-thanks Lucas…” You can’t stop stuttering as you reach for the flower
You take it and after exchanging a few lame jokes and chatter, he waves and gives Seungmin a Bro Nod before riding off
...I mean
That could have gone way worse
You honestly thought Seungmin was going to try and stop you
Or say something
And truth be told the author did plan that
Then she got another idea okay back to you (y/n)
Gee thanks >->
Okay now
You’re watching Lucas ride off into the sunset (not romantically or anything, just seeing him off and secretly cursing him for choosing such a poor time to pull a stunt like that) when Seungmin blocks you view and is standing...really close to you. 
Why is he so close?
He’s...looking down at you intently. Watching you closely.
Huh who what
This is weird
He just keeps getting weirder and weirder
Making less and less sense
And then he says:
“(Y/n)...listen for a second. Please?”
Um okay
Kinda scared to but sure
“About what happened yesterday...I’m sorry.”
Oh! He’s apologizing!
He’s not crazy after all (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
I’m fine you’re fine everybody’s fine
You smile in relief, feeling your muscles relax and all the tension leave the air. You’re seeing the old Minnie you became friends with in those sparkling eyes, that kind lopsided goofy smile, those soft lips, that...that uh…
Soft lips?
Sis I
*internally shaking your head*
Girl you gotta get your butt inside RN
You quickly tell Minnie that it’s alright and sweep the whole thing under the rug, giving him a FRIENDLY kiss on the cheek that he may or may not have taken the wrong way
And you get your crushed flowers and broken chocolates and scramble up the sidewalk leading to your doorstep.
You fail to notice how long Seungmin is glaring after you with the purest, yet most lecherous, smile on his face
The moment you yeet yer ass back into the house
It’s like a reminder notification goes off in your head
And you remember about the tulips
Luckily your parents are out having a romantic dinner at some four-star restaurant, so you gather up all the stuff Seungmin had bought you and make three or four trips getting everything securely into the closet of your room
Plushie goes on the bed
You put the tulips in a vase, pondering curiously at what to make of the whole “last flower dying” business
But that can also wait
Because you have a gift to unwrap
You crack open a box of broken chocolates first (hey they’re still good even if they are a little messy and no longer visibly attractive), then you set the box down before you on your desk and just...stare at it for a minute
Admiring how pretty and fancy it is
It’s after school now, sooo…
You tear into that bad boy ヽ(⌐■◡■)ノ♪♬
It’s a
   ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ᵏᶰᶤᶠᵉ
He got you a--
Holy cow uh
Holy shiz
What are you supposed to make of this?? 
There’s another note inside the box, beneath where the knife was
You carefully set down the weapon, you don’t know if it’s a switchblade or what and the last thing you need is this thing popping out at you
𝑊𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑
*takes a breath*
You take it back
There’s a sinking feeling in your gut right now
You have an idea of what this could mean
But you don’t want to
You peek outside your window
No one is there
You stick your head out into the hallway; no one’s home either
Normally you’d hope Mom and Dad would bring you home some leftovers
But tonight you’ve lost your appetite
You don’t even know why you’re stuffing your face with chocolate right now
Stress eating you guess…
You close your door again with a small shiver, reaching down to examine the knife he gave you
Once you manage to get it open anyway
You let out a little yelp the first time, but after practicing a few times it becomes easier and less scary, your confidence in not cutting yourself or losing an eye growing
You turn the blade in the sunlight
It was really freaking pretty
Really really pretty
It’s shiny af
So so shiny
And let’s face it you love shiny things
You were probably a seagull in a past life with how attracted you were to sparkly objects 
S o s p a r k l y ✨💕
The colors blended so beautifully too, one spectrum flawlessly cascading into the other, then the next
The whole thing was very elegant and feminine
But also cool and kind of retro-looking
A rainbow-stained blade with a black chrome handle
It had a little pocket clip on one side, in case you wanna clip it to your jeans or attach it to something
The design on the handle is pretty
It honestly looks like a butterfly knife, but it’s not
Just a basic spring-assist
You only know this because Minnie catches you examining it again the next day and tells you 
Why did you bring a knife to school, you ask?
What if your mom decided to do cleaning? Was your whole thought process; she always gets a little nosy after Valentine’s Day and likes to tease you about all the stuff Seungmin usually busy
Wait til she gets a load of Butterfly Gardens in the closet
You’re looking over at Seungmin now, who’s all peaches and cream, looking cute as a button for someone who just gave you a deadly weapon the other day
He looks really excited and pleased with himself 
And then he asks you
“Are you gonna keep it?”
Well let’s see
You’re pretty sure if you bring a knife home
As in, your parents see you walking through the front door and actually find out about it
Even if you are just about a legal adult now
Your mom is gonna freak
Your dad won’t be having any part of it either
“yOU’ll shOOt yOUr EyE OUt!1!1!”
“Mom it’s not a gun and this isn’t A Christmas Story!!”
“You’LL STaB YouR eYe ouT1!1!”
Ugh yeah it’d be a no go sis
Plus with that poem he wrote you…
And everything else…
Even if you are friends and all…
Or whatever the heck your connection to him was
It’s all too much
You’re about to respectfully and politely decline when you look at Seungmin’s face and
He’s staring at you
Really hard
Like he looks a little pissed
It’s almost like he read your whole thought process just now
Like he knows you’re about to say no and hand it back to him
Holy shiz
Uh okay bro chill out haha...ha
Dang he don’t sound very pleased either 
Uh uh uh
You smile to cover up the weird feeling in your gut, gripping the blade close to your chest (closed, ofc): “It’s great! So pretty! I love it!”
...That’s not a total lie, anyway.
It is really pretty
And you do like it
Even if it does creep you out a little a lot
But you getting grounded and swamped by Angry Mom™?
Not so great no
Seungmin is suddenly all smiles again, back to his usual goofy/cheerful self. “That’s great, I knew you’d like it. It suits you perfectly. It’s colorful and charming...just like you.”
He swipes a stray hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear tenderly. The whole action is oozing with love and affection...but you’re not sure if it’s the good kind. It’s light on the outside, but it’s got some weight to it. It’s got a...it’s just...
The final bell rings, signaling that All Students Must Yeet Themselves Off The Premises Because Teachers Wanna Go Home Too
Seungmin places a hand against the small of your back, leading you off campus
Once you turn the corner off official school grounds that hand snakes it’s way around your waist, resting on your hip
U m
You’re uh
You’re honestly too scared to say anything
A chill runs up your spine that doesn’t disappear until after he’s dropped you off at home
The next day goes by in a flash, mostly because for the first time ever you stayed up horribly late way past your usual bedtime to stare at what Seungmin had given you, other than a recent case of the heebie-jeebies (> ︿ <”) 
You’d managed to keep the blade hidden from your parents; the moment Minnie dropped you off you’d rushed inside before he could invite himself over (since you could tell it was heading that way and uh...well he was starting to get a bit more handsy) and stormed straight up the stairs to your room, shutting the door and stashing the deadly weapon in a drawer
Seriously, what the heck was going on?! Why was he acting like this? >:((
It was on your mind the rest of the evening, while you were doing homework, when you were having dinner
Not even a few episodes of Sailor Moon or your favorite sitcoms were helping
Not even Studio Ghibli
Your mind was present for all of five seconds of Arrietty before you came back to reality and the credits were rolling
Preferably that one part where the dad goes, “sometimes it’s best not to go looking for danger...”
S i g h
Tell me about it, Papa Borrower
You’re trying but it’s like danger won’t stop looking for you
Danger by the name of Kim Seungmin...
Was he really dangerous, though?
Kim Seungmin? Dangerous?
He was such a sweet boy
A former delinquent, yes, but the worst he’d done was skip class to do...whatever it was he did. He’d never hurt a fly— at least, not that you knew of
He’s was a Chaotic Shy boy with a kind face that loved photography and flowers and being a sarcastic ass half the time
So what if he had a thing for knives?
It’s normal for teenage boys to be into all that stuff
And maybe he didn’t even have a thing at all
He probably just wanted to catch you off guard to fool you
He wanted to freak you out on purpose
It was all a joke
That’s it!
A dumb prank
Finally you could get some shut eye…
“Would you like to answer this one, (y/n)?”
Your head snaps up, and a few giggles circle round the classroom. Your face flushes in slight embarrassment. 
“Um...yes Mrs. Hwang, of course”
Okay you’ll get some shut eye as soon as school is over
You got the answer wrong, btw
Stupid Seungmin 😞😒 you’d let him have it for giving you a scare like that later
That poem was a nice touch too, the bastard
And as soon as later rolls around, you’re ready to pass it over, boys
Here comes the thunder
It’s your free period, and while you thought about taking a nap and telling a friend to wake you a few minutes before Environmental Systems (that friend being Lucas), you were too upset to sleep
You had to give this jerk a what for 
A good slap upside the head outta do the trick
He should be in Woodshop right now, if your sleep deprived brain was remembering correctly
Get ready you jerk 😤 cause here comes the—
Your froze in the doorway
Wanna know why?
It’s because your eyes instantly find Seungmin
But the moment they do they can’t help but travel downwards to the project he’s working on in his hands
It’s a statue of you
Like okay hear me out
You ain’t tryna be vain or nothin
Because while the carving is really beautiful and all
It’s totally you
There’s no mistaking it
It’s really freaking detailed
And you see yourself in the mirror at least twice a day
So you should be able to recognize yourself when you see her
And bish that is most certainly, without a doubt, a wood carving of you
What are you supposed to do now?
What were you doing here again??
Um uh uh
Sh*t bro
This ain’t good
Normally one would be flattered, right?
But you don’t know
You don’t know what to think
You haven’t known what to think since the incident involving Jaemin
You really aren’t sure how you feel about this sudden new development 
You’re just standing there two steps into the room with a fist raised when the boy next to him, your friend Felix (but mainly his), looks over his shoulder and smiles to you, not even questioning why you’re frozen like that. 
“Hey, (y/n)! How’s it going?”
Seungmin immediately looks up, and his whole demeanor goes from zero to sixty, calm and focused to chaotic and delighted
If only you could say the same about yourself
“(Y/n)...I wasn’t expecting you to come find me.” He smiles. He does that a lot so long as there isn’t another guy around. (Felix and Changbin not included). “Is everything okay?”
“Um…” Say it, (y/n). Say it! 
You put on a brave face, trying to look as stern as possible. But that idol of you staring you down from across the room is weakening your stature like kryptonite. “Actually...no, it’s not. It’s really not. I need to talk to you--”
“Then let’s go someplace quiet.”
Right now?
Apparently so
He’s pulling you out into the hall, yelling at Felix to “cover for him.”
The last thing you see is the freckled boy giving him a thumbs up before you’re dragged off to the Student Council office
It’s empty and dark when you get there; the door is locked
Seungmin must have known it would be
He pulls out a key and unlocks the door, sliding it open and sweeping you inside.
He closes the door but
He doesn’t turn the lights on
So you reach and try to feel your way along the walls for the switch, but your fingers find his instead
Causing him to intertwine them with his
He pulls you right up against him…
And he kisses you
It’s very gentle, very tender
And you find yourself melting into it, even though just a second ago you were ready to klonk his brains out
But then…
Then he shoves you into a wall
No, he’s not passionately throwing you up against it
He’s slamming you into it
It honestly knocks the wind out of you for a second
And the first thing you see now that your sight has adjusted are his eyes; they’re boiling, dark, violent
He’s definitely not a happy camper
His grip on you is tight; like he’s trying to make you pop or something
It hurts bro
It really, really hurts
You suck in a sharp breath of air, but he silences you by getting the first word in
“Why the hell are you so difficult?”
You, difficult?! He’s one to talk!
“Wh-What are you--”
“Shut up! I’m not finished talking yet!”
He’s totally cutting off your blood circulation
You feel your arms starting to go numb, then your hands. He continues yelling at you in hushed tones.
“Why did you let me kiss you just now? Why did you kiss me back? Why are you...and them…”
Is he talking about...Jaemin? And Lucas? And all the other guys you’ve so much as smiled to?
“...I can’t do this anymore, (y/n)...not if you’re not going to listen to me or do as I say. It’s driving me crazy. Don’t you get it? Don’t you f***ing see how I feel about you? Have you really been so dense this whole f***ing time?!?”
You don’t know what to say
But that’s okay because he’s not finished yet anyway
“The other day...on Valentine’s Day...when you told me...you said it was too much…...even if you were just joking…”
He loosens his grip on you for all but two seconds before squeezing you again tenfold
You no longer have it in you to meme the situation or find any part of anything remotely ironic or lighthearted
You let out a whimper of pain and he shoots a hand over your mouth to stifle it...then he’s cupping your face with both hands, using his thumbs to brush away the tears
You’d run
But you’re too scared to move again
Seungmin is much stronger than you
And now that you think about it
You’re pretty sure you heard him lock the door while you were fumbling around for the light switch
You hiccup and bite your lip, trying to stop yourself from crying so he’ll give you the space you need right now
This isn’t driving you crazy anymore
It’s scaring you
He’s scaring you
You want the old Seungmin back
The one that wasn’t bipolar and insane
Cause it was all starting to come to you now
The dots were finally connecting
How could you be so blind…?
The poem
What did it say again?
𝑊𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑
You just got an eerie feeling in your chest
Seungmin is still looking at you like a puzzle he can’t seem to piece together. You’re sure you’re looking at him the same way.
“(Y/n). I need to know...tell me, do you…” You can feel his cheeks getting hot inches away from your own. “...Do you feel the same way?”
Crazy? No.
Scared? Upset? Yes.
“...I……” You end on a little sigh, a hesitant puff of air. You can’t get your voice box to work properly.
Unfortunately for you, Seungmin takes this the wrong way; slamming you back into the wall again, he reaches into his pocket, cursing while punching in a number you can’t see. Probably because you’re sinking down the wall with fresh tears in your eyes. You seriously want to go back five years ago and reverse such a terrible mistake...or at least be at home.
You think he’s calling someone, but for some reason he only holds the phone to his ear for all of five seconds before hanging up and putting it away. Guess whoever he was trying to reach wasn’t around.
And then you see something slowly cross over his face. Like watching a sunrise of realization. Like waking up from a horrible dream, a bad nightmare. 
And then you see that he’s crying.
The tears are silent and steady
And he angles his body quickly to gape at you with a look of pure horror on his face. 
He drops down to his knees, reaching for you again
But you squeal in panic and flinch away, and he retracts his hands, gripping them close and hanging his head in shame. He’s shaking all over...staring at his hands in disbelief
“......I...I’m so sorry, I...I just...wanted to protect you, (y/n).”
“Th-Those guys you hang out with. They aren’t good for you. I wanted you to see that...”
“I’m the only one, (y/n). I’m the only one that understands you. But when you toy with my heart like this--”
“Toy with your heart?!”
You found your voice again. And she ain’t happy.
“...” he swallows, tilting his face up to look you in the eye. Still crying, softly. “...Yes. I--”
“I’ve never toyed with your heart once in my life! I can’t get a word in because you scare the heck out of me! Ever since I met Jaemin at the mall and started talking to Lucas you’ve been acting totally crazy! It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore…!”
And then it’s silent for quite some time
“......” he swallows again, turning his head away and muttering curse after curse to himself while he heads to door.
He locks it behind him.
Well you found the light switch, but turns out it doesn’t work for some dumbass reason
You’re sure you’re doomed
Your phone is in your bag with the rest of your belongings
You’re confused
And sore
You don’t know what to think anymore, for real this time
You could try calling for help? But…
The Student Council hall is located in a more isolated part of the school that rarely anyone uses
Then Seungmin comes back
And he’s got a first aid kit with him
As well as that kicked puppy expression on his face
Nothing really happens, thankfully
He just patches you up (even though you don’t really need it, since it’s just a few bruises and minor scratch marks)
And he leaves you alone
School is long over, so you grab your things from where you left them in your cubby--
Wait where’s your stuff
Your bag is gone
Your phone was in there
All your textbooks and homework
...This day just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it?
Then you turn around
And Lucas is standing there
He’s looking pretty worried with his bag slung over his shoulder, yours in the opposite hand
“Where were you today? You just up and vanished all of a sudden. It’s not like you to skip out on class like that.”
“Some girls in your class told me you didn’t show up for Statistics either.”
“Or English.”
“...” Lucas sighs...then his eyes travel down to your arms, catching on a bit too late, and he gapes at you. “...What happened…?”
“......” You can’t help it. Maybe it was the traumatic experience you just had. Maybe you were about to start your time of the month. But (y/n).exe shut down and fell apart.
Lucas drops everything as you run to him, and he stands there and holds you while you sob into his chest, just letting everything spill out: tears, secrets, all of it.
You gasp for another breath, looking up at him. 
“...” His face is twisted with pain, letting you know you’re not gonna like what he’s about to say. “...I think you should stop hanging around him. In fact, I think you need to get a restraining order. I’m not kidding. You don’t know this, but...the way he acts when you’re not around...it’s very different than when he’s with you. He’s very hostile and closed off. He rarely speaks a word to anyone unless he absolutely has to. He’s civil at first, but he gets short pretty easily...he gets hot under the collar the moment anyone, especially a guy, so much as mentions your name...and then today, with you…” He squares his shoulders, standing straight and tall as he’s looking down at you. “Why don’t I walk you to my house? You’re parents went out of town today, didn’t they? I don’t think it’s safe for you to be alone if he knows where you live…”
It was true
You’d practically forgotten
Your parents would be out of town for the evening on a short overnight business trip
You really don’t want to be alone right now, and you’ve never gotten a bad vibe from Lucas before. You’d grown closer to him since the two of you exchanged numbers as well, so…
You nod your head, and he gives you a kind, sympathetic smile as he leads you away with an arm wrapped carefully and lightly around your shoulders.
The moment you get to Lucas’s house
You call your mom to let her know you won’t be home
In case she tries calling the house phone and you don’t answer
You can’t tell her you’re staying at a boy’s house that she’s never officially met before, because even if you do trust him she won’t go for it; and because you don’t want to tell her about the Seungmin fiasco either, you mean to tell her you’re staying at a galpals place
But unfortunately for you you don’t have any you can recall off the bat, and because Seungmin is still on your mind his name is the first one that rolls out of your mouth
And you have to go with it
Your mom is a little unsure at first, buuuuut...well okay, Seungmin is a nice boy, he’s over all the time and you’ve known him forever. Just be careful and don’t stay up too late!
Honestly you thought she’d yell at you even if it was Seungmin, so you’re a bit surprised but 
Oh well
At least she won’t call or worry now
You ask if you can at least stop by your house to get a change of clothes and your toothbrush, but Lucas doesn’t think it’s a good idea; instead he buys you a new one from the convenience store and let’s you wear his clothes
The t-shirt nearly swallows you and you have to tighten the drawstring pants all the way to keep them up but
It works out okay ^_^
You’re still a little shaken up over everything, but Lucas is a really good friend; he makes up a space on the floor just for you (he insisted a million times you take his bed; he’d changed the sheets and everything) but you didn’t wanna put him out since it was all such short notice, and he finally caves but makes a tent for you that’s as comfortable as possible
The two of you actually have a lot of fun making a pillow fort.
He orders delivery and the two of you curl up in the tent together watching some old Disney movies on a small box TV he hauls out of his closet
Wow this dude is vintage af with his VHS tapes
But it’s nice
The two of you sipping noodles and laughing at Toy Story and Finding Nemo
You started drifting off halfway through Emperor’s New Groove when he decided it was time for lights out and cleaned up everything
He tucked you in and made sure you were nice and comfortable before closing the tent and turning out the lights
Big Brother of the Year award goes to: Lucas Wong. *applause*
But, well…
M e a n w h i l e
At a certain Dandy Boy™ house
Something was rotten in the state of…[enter town name here]
It started with a phone call he’d just gotten from a little someone called (Y/n)’s Mom
Or as he referred to her, Mrs. (L/n).
“Mrs. (L/n)?”
“Hey, Minnie! I was just calling to check on (y/n) and remind her to bring the mail in before she gets too comfortable. She’s not answering her phone and well...you know how scatterbrained my daughter can be sometimes. I’m sure she’s just got it buried in her purse again or forgot to turn it off of Silent mode.”
“...I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Is (y/n) not home right now?”
“...Well no...is she not with you? She called about...oh, three hours ago? Said she was spending the night at your house.”
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅.
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