piqtescue · 1 year
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- Wizarding Schools around the world -
by noaptoparamuggles
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kiwiplaetzchen · 2 months
"You, my fellow traveller, have enriched my time at Hogwarts beyond anything I could have imagined. Thank you!"
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blood-jewel · 2 years
My Headcanons for Natsai Onai for Hogwarts Legacy:
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• Would help the MC through the process of becoming an Animagus so they can do stakeouts on dark wizards. They also have a bunch of fun together in their animal forms outside of Hogwarts.
• She and Sebastian have mutual respect for one another. They share their grief and loss of someone close to them. Before MC came into the picture they both were a versatile force together in dueling becoming the best duelists.
• Invited MC to see Uagadou when her mother said they had to visit her aunt over the summer after graduating their fifth year and helped teach MC wandless magic.
• She keeps a necklace that her father handmade for her when she was a little girl in Uganda and hides it underneath her robes that way her father will always be close and always giving her courage.
• After the crucio incident with Harlow, Natsai chose to be a little more cautious but she still has the hunger for adventure.
• Like her mother she has the gift of sight. It’s not as prominent as her mothers but she can sense when danger is coming.
• Her favorite part of moving to Scotland is seeing snow fall for the first time in her life. She loves wintertime at Hogwarts.
• When she arrived at Hogwarts she had a tough time adjusting to using a wand for magic and finding her place around the huge castle but her fellow Gryffindor classmate, Garreth Weasley helped her settle in and gave her a tour which formed a close friendship.
• Would tease the MC on their crush for Sebastian and will be pointing it how they need to set their priorities straight and confess already.
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illustratinglaura · 8 months
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Marauders African AU Moodboard.
Something is brewing.
Image sources:
1. Adrian Patterson https://www.instagram.com/beingadp?igsh=MTFnOG1scjd0bTdhdA==
2. Fabrice Monteiro https://www.artsy.net/artwork/fabrice-monteiro-the-missing-link-joe-1
3. Have not yet found the original photo, but there was Pinterest upload: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/408349891216856527/
4. Theresa Fractale http://www.blackgeeksociety.com/socialpsychopathblrtheresa-fractale/2016/08/26
5. And 6. http://mondoexploito.com/?p=7602
7.killstar https://www.instagram.com/p/BVEyPYdj313/?igsh=MTliM3I3MHFheTkxOA==
8. Simon Chetrit, Afro Punk Festival 2018, Repeller https://repeller.com/afropunk-festival-street-style-2018/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mr_owned
Also: there should definitely be a school of magic in Timbuktu. And Benin. And Egypt. Why only Uagadou?
There must have been some type of shitty after taste from imperialism and lot of the Ancient schools just decided not to be involved with the Western Wizarding world.
I bet the Western magic is so different from African magic that the Western schools of witchcraft don’t even recognize the African school of magic as real magic. And the magic would be different in different parts of Africa.
in West Africa There would be a lot more nature bound rituals, music and collaboration with the ancestral spirits and communal magic. The spells would involve long incantations based in ancient African languages done in sacred ritual places and there would be less emphasis on face to face duels and other brutal methods of the whites. There would be no use of fragile magic wands. The magic would be tied to an objects like a pot filled with magical items hidden in ground and the object would be dug out and used to perform powerful magic in secret gatherings. The magic would be communal and would depend to be produced as a group and not an individual effort. There would also be significantly more animagi and no requirement to be registered, much to the annoyance of the Europeans.
So Uagadou was probably just the most European complying and adopted more of their techniques and was included in the list of officially recognized schools as they fit the European idea of what magic is and what a school of magic is.
Just my thinking. I would love someone to develop this idea. I’m feeling sort of not allowed to go very far with this on my own as I’m not African and am very bloody white myself. I have however lived in Ghana for a decade and married to Ghanian for 16 years and I feel pretty integrated and maybe this is why I feel so drawn to the idea of African schools of witchcraft. Maybe as something my kids could relate to.
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// Uagadou //
"Although Africa has a number of smaller wizarding schools, there is only one that has stood the test of time (at least a thousand years) and achieved an enviable international reputation: Uagadou.”
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Yes i am 100% back after i disappered.
Oc story time!
So. In this universe severus snape has a one night stand with a witch who just happens to teach at Uagadou . So after that little rendezvous they never speak nor hear from each other again even though it was a nice relationship that could have lasted but it didnt (Occurs before harry even like comes into existence). So one day during the Sextuple wizard tournament( 6 wizard tournament instead of tri because why not) Uagadou students arrive to the school at just so happens the witch he slept with just happens to be a teacher coming along.
Its hella awkward for the two espically when the are introduced to each other. So one day snape straight up bumps into a uagadou student who is rumored to look alot like him and when he sees her he automatically knew she was related to him. So confronts the witch and she admits its his daugther and so like severus later on tries his best to introduce himself to her but his daugther straight up admits she already found out she was his dad and they straight up hug it out. (Occurs before the champions are choosen)
So after a while its father and daugther bonding and here comes selection of champions. His daugther gets choosen as the champion for Uagadou and severus is very freigthen for his daugther’s safety.
So far thats all i got.
Also like this is not related to other hp stuff ive posted this is new and different so those other stuff wont occur and maybe some plot lines ive had will stay. Criticism very much welcomed
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guiltknight-gaming · 2 years
Hogwarts Legacy Episode 22: The Girl From Uagadou
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rilakeila · 1 year
cat's out of the bag, where reader is an animagus cat and gets embarrassed about it around mattheo
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word count 3.9k fandom harry potter pairing mattheo riddle x fem!animagus cat!reader warnings none(? lmk if u see any) author's note just hope it's good, changed it up a lil from the request
request a little cat has been crossing paths with him in the courtyard and he’s actually grown quite attached to it. one of their friends spot him scratching her head or smth on his way to class and makes a joke that mattheo doesn’t understand but the reader does and BOOKS it outta there. mattheo is lowkey a lil put out because he doesn’t see the cat for awhile after that, and the group starts making inside jokes abt it so the reader gets embarrassed and starts avoiding him in person too. mattheo decides he’s over it and gets her to finally spill the beans
STRETCHING your limbs before walking around the classroom, professor mcgonagall requested you to stay a couple of minutes after class to discuss your animagus progress. more so, she was just proud that you were able to complete the process. with mcgonagall and dumbledore’s help, you were typically excused from many days from hogwarts, travelling to uagadou, school of magic, in africa, accompanied by dumbledore to start the process of your animagus. certainly felt out of place with several students younger than you to be able to transform, but it was a great motivation through the help of your professors.
“nicely done, a lovely feline just as myself,” mcgonagall clasped her hands together, proudly, as she watched you jump from table to table in your animagus form.
reaching to the last one that was next to her, you transformed back into your human form, sitting with your hands folded on your lap, “thank you, professor. a big help from you and professor dumbledore, as well as the students at uagadou. though, i am glad that my incantations process did not take as long as i thought it would.”
“well, good that you were able to successfully do so, but i do have another class in a couple of moments, i will let you off now,” mcgonagall patted your shoulder before going to her desk, giving signal that you were free to go. bidding your farewell, she responded with a wave, not looking up from the paperwork. opening the door slightly, you transformed into your animagus form. you remembered that your daily tasks was to practice into your new form, as often as you could, but it was also requested to be kept on the low for your privacy. your classes were not going to resume until the following day, given that you recently had got back from uagadou, only needed to be up to date with all of the material given in your classes. 
taking an adventure around the castle was quite interesting in your new form. a new perspective of seeing it at a much lower angle, may even develop a fear of heights from the tallness of the walls. you tried to get use to climbing and hopping around high shelves in some of the corridors. many students noticed you as you walked around the hallways, only responding in hisses unless they were your friends such as hermione or luna. after roaming for quite some time and alternating within your forms, you settled on one of the open sills in the hallway. taking a laying position, your tail curling on top of your frame and getting comfortable to take a nap.
trying to calm your mind, you wished you could be a cat for the rest of time, not having to worry about school and be someone’s pet sounded like such an easy life. a long nap in the midst of day would have been great, only to be awoken the noisy echos of the halls from the students walking out of class or their breaks. you hear someone place their bag on the open minimal surface on the right of you. their once fast movements turned into quiet, assuming that they left. you peeked one of your eyes open, only to see the green of their school robe, moving carefully as they could next to you to sit cross legged. your eye shuts when he finally sits down, seeing a book in his hand, but being nosy, you tried to see who it was.
your eye opens once more, a scar on their nose, curly hair, and a green robe. well, also a familiar face. mattheo riddle. a mutual of luna’s boyfriend, to keep it simple. you have had your fair share of conversations with mattheo, some were just of commonality or had to do with one of your classes’ assignments. though, many of those shared conversations may have been rare but when initiated, they were quite long, often enjoying and longing that company. if there was anything about him, completely different from his father, he was not as interested in gaining power or any sorts, he just enjoyed a good game of quidditch and being in and out of class as soon as possible. 
you eyed the book in his hand, recognizing it was his little notebook that he used to jot down notes during class. 
“this is a new cat, it’s not filch’s cat,” was all he mumbled before you heard his quill starting writing away. you noticed you craned your neck a little too much to give him notice before dropping it down, closing your eyes to resume your nap. that was until you heard a paper tear out and placed in front of you, “since you’re not asleep, here, judge my drawing.”
caught. you looked at the quick doodle, it was a simple sketch of you curled up with small details from the background, sky, clouds, sunrays, and everything. he must have drawing as a hobby, you were sure it was no more than five minutes that he was able to conjure from the time he has sat down. stretching out your limbs, you grabbed the drawing with your mouth and turned to place it in his lap, a small nod of approval. honestly, you were unsure how to show your appreciation in this form without giving away that you were an animagus.
“well, i reckon that you like this picture. and i’m sure there’s no way that you have a place to keep it,” he raised his hand to pet you, but there was hesitation, probably unsure if you were to going to hiss, bite, or claw at him. mattheo held his palm out in front of you, showing some sort of consent. he seemed harmless, but would it be weird if he ever found out that you were just an animagus. you leaned closer, but that thought of the what if made you feel embarrassed, leading you to jump off the sill. 
“mmm, fine, i’ll see you around, little feline.”
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you never thought that the frequency of seeing mattheo around from once every two or so weeks would become an everyday occurrence, mostly in your animagus form. once, maybe around the morning, and a couple more times throughout the day. it was typically during your breaks, walking around the hallways as you usually did. he did a showcasing of his drawing of you whether it was in the usual spot of that sill where you first met in your animagus form or a candid, and those drawings were at a random. each and every single you had appreciated before he hides them into his notebook. outside of your feline moments, you were paired up with him in doing tasks for professors and the staff around the school, seeing as you two would be the common picks due to both of you regularly being in the hallway at the same time. getting to know each other on a different level, even noticing more habits and traits that he has had. though, it was awkward when the topic of your animagus had been brought up during a walk in the library, putting books up for some of the professors.
“anything new recently?” you questioned, placing back the introduction to water creatures into its vacant spot based on madam pince’s list of nonhelpful locations.
“studying and helping the quidditch team, nothing has been new with me,” he placed the book that you handed him on the top of the stack.
“what about any drawings?” you froze in your tracks, unsure if that hobby of his was even known to anyone.
“drawings? how did you know that i draw?” he also paused in his tracks.
“well, i taken up some doodling in my free time during classes and noticed that in charms, you like to doodle professor flitwick and the floating objects in the classroom pretty well,” you did take notice after finding this hobby of his that he continuously did draw at what you thought was him writing notes.
“not as secretive as i thought of that little thing of mine. well, actually, do you know that cat that will always hang around the hallways?” mattheo handed you another book to place within the shelves.
“filch’s cat?”
“no, not mrs. norris, it’s a much smaller cat. this feline has been the center of my art recently, maybe i’ll show you a new one in class next time. i see that cat pretty often, at least a couple of times a day, someone must have lost their pet and gave up,” he said with a chuckle.
“yeah, maybe,” you replied, not knowing what to say, “well, that’s the last book.”
“you said you doodled, right?” mattheo questioned, in which you hummed, agreeing to the statement. it was not a lie you did doodle. stick figures, that still counts. he continued, “do you want to come along with me in the morning before potions to draw this cat?”
no. i can’t, i am that cat. you turned to him, trying to figure out how to be there in two different forms, “maybe, we’ll see.”
“just say that you don’t want to hang out with the dark lord’s son, it’s alright,” mattheo playfully pouted. 
that was a characteristic that you have never seen before from him, and he was trying to persuade you, using his dad’s name. you scoffed, “there was not a no in my response.”
“but, i know that’s what you meant. please,” he drawn out the please, adding hints of sweet in it to essentially charm you.
“fine, but i never even seen this cat,” you said.
“you’ll see, i basically attract this cat. see you in central hallway,” he clasped your shoulder before exiting the library. now, you were left to discover some sort of spell to double your bodies and how you do agree that he does attract you.
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“it’s fine, i’ll just walk with him then leave then appear as a cat,” you flattened your robe, smoothing any crinkles out as you walked through the corridors to reach the destined hallway, seeing mattheo already walking towards you, backpack slung over his shoulder. a small smile appeared on his face, meeting your eye contact.
you waved before reaching to him, “so, where’s your little cat?”
“honestly, haven’t seen her around today. the one time i wanted to show her off, and she isn’t here,” he looked around the hall, trying to look around to spot the small feline, not knowing that she was right in front of me.
“aww, maybe, next time, how do you even know it’s a she,” you asked.
“just a wild guess, but if that she is actually a he, hopefully he’ll let me know,” he said, shoving down a piece of paper in his pocket. 
you only glanced before looking at him once more, “well, mcgonagall needed to see me before potions, so, save me a seat.”
he nodded as his way of a farewell before walking inside the classroom. watching him enter and up and down the hallways for lingering students, hoping that the area was student free, you almost started to transform until the conversation within the classroom became much more audible.
“come on, you don’t think it’s odd that the cat always happens to meet you and certain people at certain times. plus, some students just came back from other schools for special training, what if your little cat friend is an animagus?” that statement was followed with laughter, recognizing that the person who said that was lorenzo berkshire. head always full of thoughts and a motor for a mouth.
“a professor, perhaps, or a student much closer to her,” someone else commented, hinting that the only other known animagus with a feline form was mcgonagall. 
there was no way that he was not going to realize that you were an animagus and connect the points, he was aware that you were part of the groups that left hogwarts to study shortly at other schools. you did not want to share your face to him, mattheo may not be the greatest person in the bunch, coming to academics, but with enough effort, he was quite intelligent. you were sure most of the students connected the dots especially with your frequent visits with professor mcgonagall, always excelled at transfiguration and potions, gone to uagadou, there was not a doubt that even trying to keep it on the low, there were people that knew.
maybe walking in the classroom would combat the rumor of being an animagus. though, you already had told mattheo that you were going to be meeting with the professor that they had mentioned. you tried to convince yourself that him finding out was not all too bad, helps not trying to suppress the secret, but you enjoyed the attention that he had been giving you. 
you pinched the bridge of your nose, persuading yourself just enough to tip the iceberg of walking in. entering seeing that you were essentially the last student to walk in and many students faced the entrance, especially that set of certain students, their eyes were on you. not to mention, the widening smirk of lorenzo as he locked his eyes with yours, “you know, that was a purr-fectly timed appearance.”
feeling your cheeks heat up, the cat was quite literally out the bag between you and lorenzo. he definitely knew, he always had some sort of information on every single person you know. you wondered if he was also an animagus as a small fly for the way he always has the buzz on the hogwarts student body. he sent a wink with a sly grin, which ushered you quickly out of class. it was going to be impossible without him dropping hints around you and could not allow someone else to drop your secret. even with calls of your name, there was no way that you would turn back.
“professor, do you know how embarrassing it is if riddle finds out that i am the feline he has been drawing?” you paced around the classroom. with the amount of times that you had walked your pattern in front of your mentor, there would certainly be a dent within the ground.
“perhaps, perhaps not. mr. riddle will more than likely be unbothered by the fact that you are an animagus. he seems too unbothered by any topic for that matter, just as ms. everwood confessed her feelings for him and he had said thank you and walked off as if nothing had happened,” your professor was too focused on other matters around the classroom to be bothered by your issues, but you were sure that she was going to share the same details with professor snape. you were alright with him knowing, it was not like he was not going to be able to read your mind with him being a power legilimen.
“you’re right, thank you, professor. will keep that in mind, i figured out what to do,” you said, all you had to do was just ignore him for the rest of the term or until you graduate. it was going to be impossible for you to not change into your animagus form as mcgonagall required you to change a couple of times a day, and there was not a chance that you could avoid him which was through analyzing the frequency of seeing him everyday. there was a giant possibility that you were overthinking this, as it was true. you just wanted to save yourself from the embarrassment from the intimate moments you had shared despite them being in your cat form.
“please, do update me on your animagus progress, as well as your situation with mr. riddle. concluding with your heightened embarrassment of him knowing, it would seem to me that you may have a crush on him and or value your friendship, as well as him revealing that secret of yours will ruin everything.”
as always, spot on at everything.
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for the time being since your conversation with mcgonagall, your contact with mattheo had gone down drastically. attending potions much earlier to avoid having to sit next to him, though, lorenzo’s obvious cat jokes as he walked past you to go to the ingredients closet, it was something you wished to avoid. you were unsure if mattheo cared enough that you switched seats, using mcgonagall’s story regarding about evelyn everwood, he may have just moved on. additionally, you opted to stay in the astronomy tower now for a break when in your animagus form, despite enjoying the ground levels to stroll. you did remember a small exchange between lorenzo and mattheo during a potions practical;
“does mr. cat whisperer miss his feline friend?” there lorenzo goes again.
“and does the school's resident gossip hound miss wagging his tongue in everyone's business?” mattheo responded with the same tone.
“don’t be so grouchy, isn’t it a coincidence that someone stopped hanging out with you?” lorenzo had glanced at you when saying someone, knowing that you were listening. 
there were certain times where you had close encounters with him trying to talk to unless you decided to deviate your path, pretending that you were busy in your notes as you walked in the hallway. you had made a habit to just have your notebook open, just in case he was around.
“mr. berkshire always intends to irritate others quite easily, but i am certain it is his tactic of getting information out of most people,” mcgonagall waved her hand to have the chalk write against the board in preparation for her next class.
before being able to respond back to her, there was a knock at the door. your head turned to the sound, only sinking into your chair and raising your hood to hide your face. it was very unlikely for mattheo to even talk to mcgonagall, unless he was failing a class.
“hello professor, snape had sent me over here saying that you needed me to help a student in returning boxes of ingredients to his closet,” he began to come closer due to the proximity of his voice getting louder with every step he had taken. damn, professor snape. the two professors must be working together in cahoots for whatever the reason may be according to your problems.
“yes, please assist (y/n) with those boxes over there. i would have done a spell, but professor snape wanted to ensure that the number of ingredients were done by hand and everything was correct for storage. off you go, i need to prepare for the upcoming period,” she dismissed the both of you. you knew that she was not going to respond if you tried to convince her, but you did trust her judgment and may be the only way to jump over the obstacle.
“of course, professor,” you shoved your hood down, trying to not make eye contact.
the collection of the boxes was quiet, one for you and one for him. there was an understanding between the both of you in doing your task, more so you quickly grabbing your box and walking out of the classroom. mattheo did not do much but just follow your lead, similar to your library duties. the walk was fast-paced and still silent, typically you had started most of the conversations, always starting with how has your week been going.
“how has your week been going?” he initiated.
“busy, just studying, you?”
“the same thing as you.” 
“i am not one to beat around the bush, why have you been avoiding me?” he asked once more. straightforward. the synchronized clanking of the glass jars and footsteps was quieter, and it was just your own creating the sound. 
“what do you mean? i said i was busy,” you awkwardly chuckled. you stayed still, but you had not turned to face him.
“not busy enough for you to stay in professor mcgonagall’s office for a couple hours of the day, your studying sessions in the courtyard and library has whisked you away to a different location. mind you, you never came to potions early enough, but you recently had to change seats,” mattheo pointed out the changes in your daily routine. it did not seem like a big of a deal, but no one would typically pay attention to the specifics of the times that you did things.
“are you spying on me, now?” you finally turned around, wondering why.
“no, just things i’ve noticed. also, when someone mentions cats or just anything of the sort, for instance.. lorenzo, that day, when he was talking about an animagus being my feline friend, were you offended that he brought up mcgonagall? if it is, i have enough dirt on him to drag down his reputation,” he offered. for someone with decent intelligence, he was not displaying enough critical thinking.
“it’s not that, mattheo, you didn’t understand the joke that he had said when i walked in?” you raised an eyebrow, typically he understood the complex jokes you thrown at him when you placed books back in the library.
he seemed to be taken back, hesitating, one expression that he rarely had, “the purr-fectly timed appearance, he was..”
hesitation once again. the raised eyebrow also did not leave your face, watching his once sturdy eye contact to be broken as you waited for him to complete his statement. he cleared his throat, “he was alluding to something else that we were discussing in the group.”
“which was?”
“i asked first, so, why have you been avoiding me?” he quickly veered away from you prying his answer. you were so close to revealing the mystery, and you were able to imagine the disappointment from mcgonagall in not completing her goal of this task between you and mattheo with professor snape. there was no way he would mind.
“okay, fine, no, we say our answers at the same time. i’ll answer your question, and with my question for you to answer is what the something else of that discussion as it pertains to me and i am nosy,” you looked at him, hoping he would take your proposition. 
he walked closer to you, stopping with no space left between you two aside from the boxes that you both held in front of your torsos, “fine.”
“on three.”
“i am the cat that you have been hanging around.”
“i have feelings for you.”
the surprised looks mirrored each other’s faces, only mattheo had his mouth agape which he closed. your embarrassment was overflowing your body, but the surprise of him confessing that he had liked you mixed in with the embarrassment. though, the combination just left your body heated. 
“i also like you, if that helps,” you broke the silence despite feeling the warmest you ever been.
“no wonder why you said that drawing bit in charms,” he grinned. mcgonagall was correct, yet again, he seemed to overlook your animagus side, not even slightly bothered.
“so, you don’t mind me being an animagus?” you needed to make sure that it was clear that he did not mind, in order for your embarrassment to be resolved,
he shook his head, “it’s okay to be an animagus, that’s bloody amazing, actually.. enzo is quite smart in dropping that hint, it was quite purrfectly executed.”
you snorted, as you watched him move to stand by your side. there was so many questions running through your mind that you were unsure which option to pick to start at. you were just satisfied at the fact that he did not mind. though, you two had a mutual understanding was to leave it be for now and enjoy the moment.
“and so, the cat’s out of the bag.”
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accio-bagel · 20 days
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Coming in hot with a Natty appreciation post ❤️
Wall of text below the cut
I love Natty. She's my brave, frustrating, badass girl, and while the writing for her storyline lacked somewhat in comparison to the other companions, much of the discourse I see around her is so negative - it has really been disappointing to see the kinds of things people say about her. She doesn't have to be your favorite. I'm not saying you have to love her. But you can actually prefer Sebastian and Poppy without disparaging Natsai. You can also critique her without resorting to making fun of her voice or accent. Give her a chance and consider her dialogue and her actions, and you might gain some more appreciation for her.
She is a peak Gryffindor and here are some reasons why I love her, including her flaws:
Friendly, kind, and empathetic: with her experience being the new student the previous year, she knows how scary it can be and she's quick to offer you a place to sit on your first day of class, then readily shares her book with you when she sees you don't have one. She even gives you advice during Summoners Court when you're playing against her, and isn't upset if you win. She tells you she was actually planning on asking you to Hogsmeade with her if you choose her as your guide. She wants you to feel welcomed right away and wants to get to know you.
Brave, powerful, and reckless: just like Sebastian, she jumps in to help you fight a troll without a second thought on her first day knowing you, and she's a strong duelist both in Crossed Wands and on your missions with her. She is ready and willing to gather evidence on her own while you go save a host of beasts from poachers the second she finds out a Hippogriff that means something to you is in danger. She sticks her nose into business she shouldn’t and doesn’t consider the reality of the dangers she’s getting herself into (a very Harry Potter trait.) But would you really rather have her be without flaw? Sounds boring. Ultimately she doesn’t ever let fear stop her from acting to protect others - don't forget she dives in front of the Cruciatus curse for you! She's a damn good friend to have by your side.
Proud and confident but can still be humble and open to change: she is happy to share some interesting information about Uagadou if you choose to ask her and she has pride in both her magical abilities and where she came from. She's confident in Summoner's Court but acknowledges afterward that it took her a while to gain that skill. She also admits she likes the drama of using a wand and she's grown to appreciate Hogwarts and Scotland (except in winter, which who can blame her? it's cold!)
Talented: to name just a few examples, she can cast wandless magic, Weasley calls her out as one of the best students in school, and let's not forget she's an animagus by age 15 - we know from the Harry Potter books that is no small feat and very few people actually achieve the ability.
Strong morals and ideals, stubbornly so: she is a pure heart and wants to take down the bad guys so nobody has to suffer the same way she did as a young girl. Can you really begrudge her youthful idealism? While her motivations are a bit muddy because she has no solid personal connection to Harlow or Rookwood, she is ultimately looking at the bigger picture and striving to make the world a better, safer place. Like Sebastian and Poppy, she won't let anyone talk her out of her ideals and remains undeterred in her belief that what she's doing is right, regardless of the dangers involved. While it shouldn't be up to two teenagers to clear out a criminal organization, in the end, she and you actually do get Harlow arrested finally, no thanks to the utterly useless Officer Singer, so Natty kinda had a point.
Loving and emotional: she is emotionally open with you and isn't afraid to ask for support from a friend while she's suffering from grief and guilt about her father. She isn’t embarrassed to tell you that you’ve inspired her to stand up to power, or how much your friendship means to her. Despite her frustrations, she loves her mother deeply, and she misses her father with all her heart.
Rebellious and independent: similar to Garreth, she has a guardian whom she feels is suffocating her. She wants to roam freely in her animagus form and explore her new home on her own, but her mother is worried about her safety (fair) and the closer Professor Onai clings, the more it pushes Natty to act out. She wants to challenge the system which is allowing Rookwood to strut around Hogsmeade like he owns the place when he should be in prison, and takes matters into her own hands when the authorities fail to act. Nothing more punk and badass than fighting the man and getting shit done.
Pretty, cute, tall: really, seriously look at her! Big Brown EyesTM and lashes for days. Freckles! Need I go on? (I will anyway.) Her profile. That cute little curl in the front of her hair, and from the back her hairstyle looks like a flower. I also recently noticed she is slightly taller than the female MC (tall girls need more love in media) and I can imagine them and Poppy being a cute witch trio of different heights. I also think her awkward smiles are endearing.
Lovely, soothing voice: I find her voice to be very soft and personally, I could listen to her talk all day. Her VA, Jessica Hayles, put so much emotion into her lines, and did you know she also voices three other characters: Nellie Oggspire, Charlotte Morrison, and Hyacinth Olivier? I have huge respect for a VA who can do multiple accents and change their voice to be so distinct for each character that I would've had no idea if I hadn't looked it up.
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If anyone actually read all of this just know that I appreciate you deeply
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Do you think Harry could’ve been really good at wandless + wordless magic?
I feel like he could’ve been if he had just practiced it, and I think he should’ve done it. It would’ve been so cool to see him being one of the few people being able to use it/do it.
Yes, I think he could've been really good at it. I mean, he is definitely powerful enough to bend magic. Like some of the examples I mention here. Harry can make projectiles fly away from him with Wingardium Laviosa. He can knock opponents back with Expelliarmous or with a Protego. Harry is powerful and capable of using spells not necessarily as intended because his will is strong enough along with resisting the Imperius Curse just on his force of will and not any kind of Occlumancy. He is also capable of casting wordless spells like Levicorpus successfully on his first try. I think strong will and focus are key to wandless and silent casting. So Harry should be capable of it.
As I mentioned here though, Harry tends to stumble over himself when he thinks too much about this sort of stuff. So, I think he's more likely to succeed in casting wandlessly accidentally than on purpose. But, like, an older, more confident Harry (or one who just practiced enough) could definitely become proficient in Wandless magic.
I mean, we're told wizards who study in Uagadou are thought to cast spells without wands at all, so wands aren't really necessary for magic even for average wizards (in Europe wands are the norm, but not everywhere in the world). As Harry is above average, he should definitely be capable of it and really good at it, like any other practical application of magic. It all comes quite naturally to him.
And yeah, it could've definitely been cool, but, I mean, I can understand why Harry never made it his priority. I mean, no one else did and Harry spent most of his school years desperate to fit in. Additionally, Harry thinks of himself as an average wizard at best, he has no concept of how crazy powerful he actually is. Like, him being able to hold off 5 adult Death Eaters on his own at 15 for a few minutes before the Order comes in doesn't seem special to him. He doesn't see it, so he just gives up on being capable of doing extraordinary things ahead of time because of his skewed view of himself. So, yeah, it could be cool, but I also see why he didn't for an in-character reason that isn't JKR wanted him dependent on wands.
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superconductivebean · 24 days
#1222: ranty
currently im sitting at the high keep quest and i remembered that one too many peapol mention natty traumadumping at mc
to which i have the single one question:
can you follow alright?
natty mentions she has a story to be told from the very day you first meet her, quest The Girl From Uagadou. she doesnt tell you what it is about yet, as it's not something you'd tell to a stranger. you can only suspect it's personal and perhaps, hurtful
unlike of seb, who dumped his info, ominis' secrets, distate for solomon, etc etc etc, he also showed his uncle's usual demeanour too and gave you access to the undercroft as if these things are something you'd normally offer to a stranger just after you'd met them.
but no, the one dumping anything is natty who had warned and hinted thrice prior the dad story occurs and tells that story seeing creatures that invoke thoughts of death and the dead, and she's obviously hurt telling it because of how exactly the dad died.
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illustratinglaura · 8 months
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Was inspired to make an illustration of an African witch. Maybe for Uagadou or another school.
She is doing magic without a wand. Actually it looks like she is having a vision. Trelavney African AU?
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nye-the-ravenclaw · 2 months
Hogwarts Legacy (Modern Medical AU)
(I’m currently watching medical dramas now and I just needed to get it out of my system - I’m sorry Medical Professionals and Nursing Dept if its inaccurate. It’s lengthy so more under the cut.)
MC / Protagonist : Emergency Medicine / Trauma Surgery - Caring for illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention (ER) as well as a history in conducting surgery for trauma wounds (stab, car crashes, crushes, falls, 3rd degree burns, gunshot wounds)
Definitely someone that jumps into action and the jackknife of medicine. Able to perform under high pressure and maintaining her cool. She works alongside Head Nurse (ER) Everett Clopton who is just as high-strung, reactive and able to keep up with her. Pages medical specialists for various patients, so she sees her colleagues periodically. Ominis Gaunt does come by to discuss certain patients’ care when required but the ER is frankly too noisy and fast-paced for him. In extreme situations where there is no medical posts or other specialists available, she is able to perform trauma surgery or provide assistance.
Sebastian Sallow also likes dropping by often to check in on her unannounced (though he also secretly enjoys the heated atmosphere of the ER).
Sebastian Sallow : Cardiothorasic Surgeon - Performing surgery on organs in the chest, such as heart, lungs and esophagus
Smart, fast, performs well with the adrenaline that comes with high pressure heart and lung surgery. Withstands long hours of precision surgery, able to perform bedside manner with respect and care. His need to jump with an action that is risky and yields the most results with success makes him prime for this department as nothing can be more dangerous than taking someone’s heart out and resetting it a hair away from death if done by the untrained and the weak-hearted. And Sebastian is none of those things.
Ominis Gaunt : Public Health / Health Policy - Researching evidence-based medicine and working with physicians to improve guidelines for treatment of conditions
The blind son of the Gaunt family, a renowned powerhouse and stronghold of medicine in the country. Ominis chooses to work at their least affiliated and poorest hospital (coincidentally also the furthest). His job is purely desk-bound, assisted by Anne Sallow as they work together to improve policies and garner funds for the hospital in the name of public health. Though nothing will stop them from heading out into the field to handle cases that they prefer to approach hands on.
Anne Sallow : Infectious Diseases Specialist - Diagnosing, treating and preventing infections in patients
An expert on Infectious Diseases and was a surgeon-in-training. After she had been diagnosed with cancer, she had to give up her studies to be a surgeon. She decided on helping others instead at a higher level with Ominis. Shrewd, confident and charismatic, she and Ominis make sure the hospital is run to a t while dealing with insurance companies, philanthropists and the Gaunt family board members. She is in remission.
Natsai Onai : General Surgery - Performing surgery, treating diseases of abdomen, breast, head, neck, blood vessels, digestive tract, injured and deformed patients
The best surgeon this hospital has. She transferred over from Uagadou and with her experience, she is able to accomplish any surgery easily. With her strong need to help people, she has amassed extreme knowledge and drive to learn as many possible ways to carry out surgery on different ailments. She also allows the hospital direct affiliation with her mother hospital in Uagadou for resources and second opinions on abnormal cases.
Garreth Weasley : Pediatrics - Medical care of infants, children and adolescents
Family and children have always been a pillar of Garreth’s life. A cheerful and positive doctor, Garreth is a natural with children and has a hand in his family’s pharmaceutical company for manufacturing the branch of vitamin-based supplement chewables that are friendly for children. He is definitely an advocate of wearing a mask in his clinic as children really are the melting pot of diseases. He occasionally organises parties where he makes a lot of mind-numbing drinks for the other doctors, but those are rare as everyone never stops working and no one is willing to work hungover. He works alongside Poppy Sweeting often as their departments intersect. In a pinch, he is also able to deliver babies.
Poppy Sweeting : Obstetrician Gynaecologist - Treatment of pregnant woman, delivery of babies and the care of women’s reproductive organs and health
A firm but comforting presence in the OB/GYN unit, Poppy follows her patients from advisory stage and into the delivery room. When facing complications, she is able to keep her cool and remains a strong pillar of support for starting families. Poppy’s grandmother was an OB/GYN as well and Poppy decided to follow in her footsteps.
Leander Prewett : Oncology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
With family and history in medicine, Leander follows after the footsteps of his parents who are prolific doctors, gleaning their expertise and knowledge as pioneers in Oncology. While it is a study that is rife with morbidity, Leander possesses the tenacity and drive to keep a cool head and determine the best treatment and clinical trials for his patients.
After Anne was diagnosed with cancer, Sebastian stopped by Oncology way more often than he should for Prewett’s liking as he is akin to a fireball. But after working with him, Leander finds himself open to accepting newer, and riskier forms of clinical trials with an improved set of guidelines he formulated with Sallow’s opinion. In the past, he had low confidence in himself and believed that Sebastian was better suited for Oncology than he was, but after taking on Anne as his patient and seeing Sebastian’s reactions - it cements Leander’s confidence that only those with his measured temperament can do his job.
Imelda Reyes : Neurosurgery - Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders that affect the nervous system, brain, spinal column, spinal cord and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system
Extremely intelligent, precise, determined and focused, Imelda possesses an eye and expertise for the human brain like no other. She does not tolerate nonsense in her office and in her operating room as one wrong move throws a patient into brain damage for life, a fate she decrees worse than death. She plays chess and sports in her spare time, her chess skills equal to being a grandmaster.
Amit Thakkar : Pharmacy - Dispensing and advising medical practitioners, patients, and nurses on safe, effective and efficient use
While it seems like a job with little excitement, it is the clear attention to detail and memory of every drug and pill in his storage that separates Amit from the rest. On top of dispensing medicine, he is also adept at chasing away unwanted abusers of his counter and is currently an advisory to procuring, discerning and looking for new drugs that could speed up patient recovery with lesser side effects.
Everett Clopton : Head Nurse with MC in Emergency Department - Directs nursing service activities in the emergency room
Everett is a trusted second-in-command to MC, and is able to handle, support her orders, and keep track of all patients and their welfare in the room. His main forte is dealing with all chains of command and patients in the chaos with a smile on his face and a sliver of veiled threats to keep them in line. He also takes time to make sure that MC is not overloading herself as she has a penchant for taking on more work than she should.
(I know I’m missing some friends but they should be reserved for other areas such as anathesiologists, radiology, psychology, that sort. I might add on the Professors as well, but that is another post.)
Lucan Brattleby is definitely an intern with a flair for surgery but for which department? If anything I know he definitely idolises Sebastian and has a minor crush on MC.
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I have the idea that Hogwarts does an international 4 month long school exchange every student can be involved in during their 6th year. Ngl haven’t actually wrote anything but here are the schools I would have them go to!
James - Pacific Islands School
Albus - Mahoutokoro (Japan)
Lily - Uagadou (Uganda)
Teddy - Durmstrang (Scandinavia)
Vic - Beauxbatons (France)
Dom - Caribbean Islands School
Louis - Ilvermorny (USA)
Rose - Ilvermorny (USA)
Hugo - Beauxbatons (France)
Roxanne - Pacific Islands School
Fred - Castelobruxo (Brazil)
Molly - Durmstrang (Scandinavia)
Lucy - Castelobruxo (Brazil)
Scorpius - Mahoutokoro (Japan)
Alice - Uagadou (Uganda)
Frank - Caribbean Islands School
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shiftingtomydrs · 4 months
Introduction Marauders Dr-Self
Name: CR Name
Birthdate: 1960 (CR day and month)
Physical Looks: Hiplength golden blonde hair, bright blue eyes, 160cm (5'2) tall
Celebrity Lookalike: Ive been told I kinda look like Avril Lavigne when she was younger by one (1) person but since thats the only celebrity ive ever been told I look like lets go with that
Aesthetic: Light Academia mixed with Cottage Core
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (havent scripted it but thats what the official test said so we'll see)
Backstory: I went to Uagadou (wizarding school in Uganda) the first 4 1/2 school years and then did 6 months at the brazilian school Castelobruxo in an exchange program. For my 6th year I transferred to hogwarts cos my family moved to the uk.
Animagus Form: Doe
Special Trait (every animagus has a physical special thing for recognition): Blue eyes
Patronus: Doe
s/o: James Potter
Hobbies: Reading, Horse Riding, Violin, Baking & Cooking, I used to do rhythmic gymnastics when i was younger so im really flexible
Blood status: Muggleborn
Languages I speak: Spanish, German, English, Portugese, Luganda
Changes to canon:
Voldemort does exist but he gets killed before he really gets a big threat.
Lily and James obviously dont end up together
Peter isnt a traitor
idk i think thats it
Dumbledore isn't evil
Random Stuff:
Houses can enter each others common room when invited (i doubt james would care if its allowed or not, but i care haha)
I wanna work in the mystery division in the ministery after hogwarts cos it sounds neat (idk if you have to like sign an nda or smth but since this one death eater who worked there was able to yap about it to voldemort it cant be an unbreakable vow)
I have an american accent in english (cos i have an american one in my cr too haha didnt wanna change that)
I'll prolly add to this but i cant think of anything else spontaneously
Thats it for now :) if you have any questions pls feel free to ask them in the asks, reblogs or replies!
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fa1rly-0dd · 30 days
I wish all the other wizarding world schools got their own game. I love Hogwarts but i feel like we’ve seen enough of it already..
Like, exploring Uagadou, Mahoutokoro or Castelbruxo sounds a lot more interesting to me than being stuck in one school all the time
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