blueiscoool · 2 years
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Russian Missile Installed on Wall Street in New York
The activists of the UAnimals organization placed a sculpture of a Russian missile next to the statue of an angry bull on Wall Street for one day.
Due to Russian aggression, millions of animals have died, 182,880 square meters of soil have been contaminated with harmful substances, and eight nature reserves and 12 national parks are under occupation.
“With this installation, we invite people to rethink the interpretation of the famous statue and show that an angry bull can be just a frightened animal fleeing the war. During the full-scale invasion, Russia kills not only people but also millions of animals. It destroys the ecosystem in general,” said Oleksandr Todorchuk, the founder of the UAnimals movement.
Earlier, the humanitarian movement UAnimals launched an international information campaign with a call to bring Russia to justice for environmental crimes during the war. All interested parties are encouraged to sign a petition to the UN and the European Parliament.
The humanitarian movement UAnimals was created in 2016 by community activist Oleksandr Todorchuk. The movement started its activities by fighting animal exploitation in circuses.
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folklorespring · 4 months
If you want to support Ukrainians, DO NOT donate to Red Cross. Can't speak about their work in other countries, but they're useless in Ukraine. The only trustworthy international organisation I can think of is World Central Kitchen.
Donate to World Central Kitchen
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And it's even better to donate directly to Ukrainian organisations. Here are a few good legit places:
hospitallers.life - "Hospitallers", Ukrainian paramedics on the frontlines
savelife.in.ua - "Come Back Alive", assistance to the army
prytulafoundation.org - "Prytula Foundation", assistance to the army, humanitarian causes
starenki.com.ua - "Starenki", helping elderly people
everybodycan.com.ua - "Everybody Can", helping disabled children, elders and hospitals
uanimals.org - "UAnimals", saving animals
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ksenka-zarazka · 1 year
turn up the volume and listen to these cries. this used to be a zoo “Kazkova Dibrova” in Nova Kahovka, housing around 300 animals. it is reported to be fully submerged under water now. animals could not be evacuated because the land around the zoo was mined by russians (it is currently in occupied territories). many if not all animals died from drowning and i wish russians the same fate. russia delenda est.
UPD: a Ukrainian animal activist organisation UAnimals spoke to the administration of the zoo, they confirmed that animals drowned except for swans and ducks. “We tried so hard to keep the zoo alive in occupation but now it just doesn’t exist anymore”.💔
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art-o-gant · 3 months
art for donation 💥
hello! i am an artist from ukraine, and if you donate at least $10 to one of the organizations listen below, i will draw something as per your request- whether it's you, an oc, or a character from a media you enjoy. all you have to do is send me a screenshot to show you've donated. if you want to discuss something beforehand, talk to me here or on discord (@gransairee) (in this case please let me know here what your user is etc). what is happening in ukraine right now is terrible, and i would like to help in what ways i can
note: i won't draw anything nsfw
come back alive foundation
support azov
pirogov first volunteer mobile hospital
medical battalion hospitallers
prytula foundation
everybody can
here's an idea of what you may get:
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thank you 🇺🇦🇺🇦
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kamogryadeshi · 3 months
A moose died in Kyiv due to Russian shelling, — UAnimals
During the Russian missile attack on Kyiv, a moose, which was being rehabilitated at the Wildlife Rescue Center, was frightened by the powerful explosions and hit the wall of the enclosure. The animal did not survive.
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lengthofropes · 1 year
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Please consider donating if you care 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹
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Below are some recommended charities for donations for our fundraiser @dreamlingforukraine. These organizations are personally vouched for as being legitimate by @wintersmitth (Ukrainian Dreamling friend and resident of Kyiv) and verified by @quillingwords (someone who does due diligence for a living). All take direct bank transfers and three take PayPal.
Helping to Leave: charity with a focus on evacuations - their mission is to keep Ukrainians safe and meet their immediate needs. They operate under all circumstances and are currently focused on helping the flood-affected areas.
United24: established by President Zelenskyy and the official fundraising platform for Ukraine. Their work covers various areas, from defense to rebuilding to arts and sciences.
Hospitallers Medical Battalion: combat-zone medical service comprised of paramedic volunteers. They continue to operate in areas where ceasefire agreements are not honored (where other humanitarian groups had pulled out) and currently need funds for vehicles and equipment.
UAnimals: animal rights organization that help animals in Ukraine - anything from displaced pets to farm animals to animals in zoos. Their work is critically important now given the damage done by flooding.
These organizations are all confirmed to be doing excellent work on the ground. However, if you would prefer to donate to a different organization that is of course very welcome! In that case, please provide some information on them when confirming the commission just so we can confirm they’re appropriate for the cause.
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panimoonchild · 6 months
Caring about animals is the emotional outlet for Ukrainians
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"At first, they come to you for food and shelter. To escape the shelling... And then you can't leave anyone there anymore. Sometimes we were both taken out with shell shock...) There were some wounded... But we are trying to evacuate all of them from here. Sometimes evacuation is forced... Sometimes it is not without it) There are a lot of them and our guys care and worry about them. Sometimes it is so hard to say goodbye to them... But it is better for them. And thanks to our friends, they go to the vets and new families! In total, we have evacuated more than 200 animals from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts over the past year. But there are still so many of them staying here, and they are all waiting for you!"
Even in the darkest time we never forget about the smallest one. There will be a series with this title. Don't worry. Kindness is always right beside us.
Please  keep spreading our voices, and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org and u24.gov.ua).
Also you can support uanimals:
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anastasiamaru · 1 year
🕯️Kazkova Dibrova🕯️
A zoological garden in occupied Nova Kakhovka "Kazkova Dibrova" is completely flooded due to the explosion at the Kakhovka Dam the animal organization UAnimals said on June 6
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300 animals died
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russia blew up the dam
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ivoryblackarts · 2 years
укр | eng
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Вітання, шановне товариство!
Дякую всім за увагу, вподобайки, реблоґи та добрі слова.
Я — ivory black / Віра, ілюстраторка з Одещини. Найбільше я люблю малювати жіночі о́брази та різноманітні темні-таємничі-мрійливі речі, але загалом маю дуже широкий спектр зацікавлень. Мене надихають класичне мистецтво та творчі рухи початку XX ст., фольклор, міти, поезія та (переважно важка) музика. Наразі я намагаюся працювати над особистим проєктом, яким згодом сподіваюся поділитись.
Усім любові, будьте добрішими до себе та інших i не забувайте донейтити коли, куди і скільки можете. 🖤
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Greetings, everyone.
Thank you for your interest, likes, reblogs and kind words.
I’m ivory black / Vira, a freelance illustrator based in Ukraine. I like to paint predominantly female characters as well as various dark, mysterious and dreamy things from my mind. My biggest inspirations are classical art, various art movements of the early XX century, as well as folklore, myths, poetry and (mostly heavy) music. Currently I’m trying to work on a personal project, which I hope to be able to share here later.
If you’d like to help my homeland in these dark times, please donate to either one or all of my three favorite Ukrainian charity funds:
Come Back Alive Hospitallers UAnimals
This doesn’t have to be a large sum — every cent is making a difference.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🖤
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
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🐕‍🦺💔 Tara the dog is looking for people under the rubble in Odesa, - UAnimals
📸 Photo: Olena Balaba
5 people died, including 2 children (a boy 2021 born, and a 3-month-old boy Tymofiy). 8 people were injured, including 1 child. 5 people were saved.
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ivyithink · 2 months
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Мені тринадцятий минало…
War is a thing worse than hell not only for people, but for the animals too. You can check out (and donate to, if you’re able) this incredible organisation, they’re doing some truly important work, often risking their lives to save those who can’t save themselves.
Text on the piece:
Not long the sun shone fair and warm,
Not long my prayers I murmured,
The sun blazed fiery red above
And set this heaven burning.
As if aroused from sleep, I looked:
The village had grown dark,
Even God’s azure sky above —
That too was cheerless, stark.
The whole poem, translated, here, if anyone’s interested.
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ua-stranger · 1 year
Animals die from floods/ Від повеней гинуть тварини
As a result of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP in Novaya Kakhovka, the "Kazkova Dibrova" zoo, where about 300 animals lived, was flooded. Currently, it is not known for certain whether any of the pets survived. The owner of the park, Olena Navrotska, says that almost all the animals have died. In a comment to UAnimals, she reported that only swans and ducks could be saved. Before the tragedy, monkeys, raccoons, donkeys, ponies, nutria, various birds, porcupines, marmots, turtles and many other species lived in "Kazkova Dibrova".Olena said that it was impossible to take them out of the occupation, but the workers saved the animals as best they could.Zoo "Kazkova Dibrova" was under occupation from the first day of the great war. The occupiers shelled the territory of the park, set up a roadblock, and interrogated zoo workers. Food for the animals was brought by caring local residents and farmers, volunteers helped to collect funds.The occupiers mined everything around, so the animals were actually trapped. Small warm-blooded animals - 50-60 individuals - were sorted into homes for the winter, and recently returned to the park for the summer. After the dam was blown up, no one could release the animals from the enclosures.We will remind you that on June 6, the Russian invaders blew up the Kakhovskaya HPP: a number of settlements in the Kherson region began to be flooded. Source
Внаслідок вибуху на Каховській ГЕС у Новій Каховці затопило зоопарк "Казкова Діброва", де проживало близько 300 тварин. Наразі достеменно невідомо, чи вижив хтось із вихованців. Власниця парку Олена Навроцька каже, що майже всі тварини загинули. У коментарі UAnimals вона повідомила, що врятувати вдалося лише лебедів і качок. До трагедії в «Казковій Діброві» жили мавпи, єноти, осли, поні, нутрії, різні птахи, дикобрази, бабаки, черепахи та багато інших видів. Олена розповіла, що вивезти їх з окупації неможливо, але працівники рятували тварин, як могли. Зоопарк «Казкова Діброва» був під окупацією з першого дня Великої війни. Окупанти обс��ріляли територію парку, встановили блокпост, допитали працівників зоопарку. Корм для тварин приносили дбайливі місцеві жителі та фермери, кошти допомагали збирати волонтери. Окупанти замінували все навколо, тому тварини фактично потрапили в пастку. Маленьких теплокровних тварин – 50-60 особин – на зимівлю розсортували по домівках, а нещодавно повернули на літо в парк. Після підриву дамби тварин ніхто не міг випустити з вольєрів. Нагадаємо, 6 червня російські окупанти підірвали Каховську ГЕС: на Херсонщині почали підтоплюватися низка населених пунктів.
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
This spring, as Russian missiles and drones continued to rain destruction upon Ukraine, a more hopeful symbol appeared in the skies about the embattled nation.
The cranes had returned.
Every March and April, these elegant, long-necked birds migrate into the marshes, lakes and steppes of Ukraine, where they build nests and spend several months resting and eating before flying off for winter. Two crane species arrive each year: the common or gray crane (Grus grus) and the demoiselle or steppe crane (G. virgo). The critically endangered Siberian crane (Leucogeranus leucogeranus) has also been known to visit the country.
The cranes’ annual spring arrival is normally cause for celebration in Ukraine.
“The Ukrainian people have always revered the crane as a bird of general happiness and joy,” says Olga Chevganiuk, head of international department at UAnimals, Ukraine’s largest animal-rights organization, which has helped evacuate thousands of animals from warzones. “The birds were addressed with requests for a harvest, health, and wellbeing in the family.” Witnessing cranes in spring was seen as a portent of an upcoming wedding, and weddings themselves are often celebrated with a crane-inspired folk dance.
“These birds dance beautifully, and not only during the mating season,” Chevganiuk says. “They use their elegant bows and jumps, and sometimes wild and funny movements, to communicate as a family.”
For other people around the world, cranes mean something bigger: peace. For the past few years, hundreds of individuals, church groups and other community efforts have folded thousands of blue and gold origami cranes to signify their support for the Ukrainian people.
This year Ukraine could use the support — and the cranes — more than ever. “Cranes are the personification of our desires and balance, which we need so much now,” Chevganiuk says. Their arrival in March coincided with Russia’s destruction of the country’s largest hydroelectric dam, something one Ukrainian official tells me has caused another “ecological disaster” for a landscape already scarred by bombs and invading forces.
The cranes themselves have felt some of the effects of war, especially on Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula Russia first invaded in 2014. Other crane habitats affected by the conflict include the Donetsk region, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, says Yury Andryushchenko, doctor of biological sciences and head of the Laboratory of Ornithology of Southern Ukraine. “Active ‘maneuvers’ of a large number of occupiers are taking place in these territories,” which have seen military fortification and fierce battles over the past two years.
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Reposted from @kyivindependent_official. I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry. I am sobbing and screaming and grieving and raging with you.
This was not Ukraine: this is ALL RUSSIA. Do not let disinformation get the better of you: RUSSIA IS A TERRORIST STATE, AND RUSSIA CAUSED THIS.
Caption from @kyivindependent_official:
A zoological garden in occupied Nova Kakhovka, "Kazkova Dibrova," is completely flooded due to the explosion at the Kakhovka dam, the animal rights organization UAnimals said on June 6.
"Only swans and ducks could escape," the organization wrote.
UAnimals learned this from a source in the zoo's management, who remained anonymous for security reasons.
"We tried our best to save the zoo under the occupation. Now, it does not exist anymore," the source said, as cited by UAnimals.
Ukraine's Southern Operational Command reported early in the morning of June 6 that Russian forces blew up the Kakhovka dam, causing massive flooding of villages downstream of the Dnipro River.
The city of Nova Kakhovka was occupied by Russian forces shortly after the beginning of the full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022.
The exiled mayor of Nova Kakhovka, Volodymyr Kovalenko, reported major flooding in the city in the early morning hours of June 6.
As of 6:30 a.m. Kyiv time, Kovalenko said that the Nova Kakhovka's theater and a boat station were flooded, and water was approaching other areas in the city.
The mayor added that it was difficult to get in touch with his sources in Nova Kakhovka due to unstable internet, which he called an attempt by Russian occupation authorities to avoid information from spreading.
Photo: Lachen Pyshe/Telegram
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kamogryadeshi · 1 year
💔 Almost all the animals in the "Kazkova Dibrova" zoo in Russian-occupied Nova Kakhovka have died, UAnimals reported.
Only swans and ducks could escape.
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