#uchiyama kouki facts
ladyjuquia · 1 year
Recently I watched the Fate/Grand Carnival Opening again. Back then I thought it’s neat that Amakusa was next to Tristan because he is one of my mutuals favourites. But I noticed the irony of both being voiced by Kouki Uchiyama & being placed next to each other.
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Rei: What happened to your face?
Kazuki: I just have no luck with women.
Rei: Sounds about right.
There are countless of posts and impressions that describe the last scenes before and after the end credits. That “For three?/For three” sounds, well, huge and somehow romantic , for me at least. Uchiyama Kouki’s soft low-pitch voice tremendously contributed to that.
The three of them against the world. They are each other’s strengths and Achilles’ heel at the same time.
But I particularly like the sequence where Rei noticed Kazuki’s wound. That despite his stoic appearance, he sees and notices everything. Kazuki didn’t give him the reason but replied instead that he was down on his luck with women, which Rei absolutely agreed to this assessment.
How many times have they seen each other in pain without mentioning about it? And not only physical, but also on emotional level. The fact that they are men, and well, Japanese, suppression of emotion is typical. Showing a slight emotion is a faux pas. They don’t talk about these things. Rei’s throwaway remark when Kazuki mentioned his nonexistent parents was unusual for him already.
Moreover, how did they get together? How did they meet? Were they former colleagues that became friends then partners? Was the mysterious Kyu-chan (Kyutaro Kugi) acted as the middleman who brought them together? Or is he a double-dealing character? His cover, a coffeehouse owner, is effective to draw the suspicion away.
How did Kazuki end up on Rei’s loft? Was that after their numerous successful team-ups? Rei finding out about his situation. Eventually realising Kazuki’s usefulness. It would be nice to have someone not only your shadow bouncing in the four corners of your expensive loft. Kazuki as his own Jiminy Cricket.
“I didn’t know where else to go…”
“Then stay…”
All of a sudden Kazuki has been living there. And to show his gratitude, he does the household chores. And if culture will be the starting point, they are mostly ambiguous and not direct to the point. They don’t say the exact words, but in order to tell the other person they care for them, they show them through actions. And through this that’s how Kazuki shows his appreciation.
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currytantou · 2 months
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[translation] Mayonaka Danshi Meshi audio drama / s1ep1 CVs: Uchiyama Kouki & Itou Kento
do not repost or use my translations! link back if you want to share. partial screenshot it allowed but blatant copy/paste is prohibited
Also x-posted on my wordpress page
Watch/listen here
0:12 (sound of typing on keyboard) Email to the other side…done. Documents for tomorrow…done. (watch beeps) Oh! Just in time. Alright, then! (clicks mouse then gets up) Hashida is signing off! Good work everyone.
0:50 What’s for dinner tonight? (phone vibrates) Yes, it’s Hashida. Thank you for your patronage. Yes.. (footsteps receding) Oh, the quotation estimate? Yes. I can confirm that on my side. Is it urgent? I can get to it. I’ll send it to you soon so please wait a moment.
(phone beeps) Change of direction, huh? Well, that can’t be helped.
1:35 Shoot. That took longer than expected. Can I make it in time before the store closes? My fridge is pretty much empty. At this rate, I might have to settle with eating box lunch from the convenience store. Please, make it in time! No, I’ll make sure to make it!
Ahh, I can’t make it! What to have for dinner? Should I just compromise today? Nah, I’m in the mood for Japanese food thanks to what I had for lunch. I’m not giving up now. I’ve no other choice. I’ll have to detour and go to the supermarket on the other side of the river.
2:29 No way…. How is this possible? I went to three different supermarkets and the fact that each of them ran out of vegetables… I was stubborn and ended up wasting my time. Should’ve used my time for something more worthwhile if I knew this would happen. (sighs) No point regretting over the past. Sometimes, incidents like this happen. Convenience- nah, I’ll settle with instant noodles today.
3:12 Finally home. It’s quite late already. Hmm, postage and letters.. hm? A delivery, eh? I got stuff delivered to me… That’s quite a big box. Oh? It’s from grandma! Huh? Did I ask her something?
I’m back~ (walks with the box and then opens the door) Heigh-ho..! That was quite heavy. What did grandma send me? (tears the tape) These are..! Lotus root, burdock and carrot! And plenty more! Oh, great! This box is full with veggies from back home! Feels as if grandma saw through me today! Talk about timing. Hm? Hold on. (checks fridge) Chicken and konjac jelly. Alright! I got ‘em. I can do this! I can make grandma’s chikuzenni with these ingredients. I don’t have to give up on eating Japanese dish! Thanks, grandma.
Still, I haven’t had chikuzenni in a while since I left home. I hope I can pull this off. Anyway, I just gotta try.
5:20 (pot boiling) First, pre boil the konjac jelly. I should prepare the rest of the ingredients in the meantime. Right. I should first peel the skin off. Get the carrot and lotus root done smoothly with this peeler. (peels veggies) Taro’s skin is thick so I gotta use a knife instead. (sound of cutting against wooden cutting board. Next, burdock. Just washing ‘em with water is enough, I guess? (washes burdock) That’d do. Now, I gotta cut these guys up. (cuts)
Grandma did mention that cutting uniformly matters in stews. When they’re different, the ingredients don’t soak up the same amount of flavour. Good thing I remember that. (continues cutting) What’s left are taro and soaked shiitake. Bite size cut would do.
7:13 Alright. Time to cut these pre-boiled konjac jelly. Evenly cut the konjac…nah, maybe I should try shred it roughly with a spoon. The sections are rougher than when cut using a knife and apparently this way, they would soak the flavour even better…but oh well, I can’t wait to try it out.
(water runs) Also, grandma’s chikuzenni isn’t complete without this…ginger. Ginger really makes so much difference. I’m gonna shred this guy thinly. (sound of cutting against board) Whew. Pretty much done with the prep for now. Next is the chicken. (brings out pot)
Sesame oil goes inside the pot and heats it up. (switches on gas) Add chicken and stir fry until the colour changes. (pot sizzles)
8:47 I guess this would do..? Then, I just gotta add the veggies that I cut earlier into the pot. (sizzles) Stir them until everything is covered in oil. Hm! This fragrant sesame oil aroma! How appetizing. Hm. Looking good. Almost ready. Add the water from soaked shiitake, sake, mirin, soy sauce, sugar and finally, ba-bam! Thinly sliced ginger! Ugh! What am I doing? Alright. What’s left is to let it simmer well. Hm? I feel like I forgot something…? Oh, a lid! Gotta cover it with a lid. Without it, the flavour would be uneven.
(covers pot with a lid) That’d do. Hold on. I forgot the bean to garnish with at the end. I should boil some in the meantime. (sound of water running, metal pot and gas being turned on)
Hmm. About twenty minutes until it’s ready, eh? Right.. I made quite a huge serving. Maybe I should let Akira eat some. Bet he’s eating junk either way.
10:30 (pot boiling) Alright. About time it’s done. I wonder how it’d turn out? Whoa. Looks good. Salty-sweet aroma. This is the best! (turns off the stove)
(door opens then closes) Sudou: Yo~ Hashida: Oh, you’re here? Sudou: Hashi, this is not like back home. You better lock the door. Hashida: Oh, sorry. I forget sometimes. Well, not like I have anything worth stealing. Sudou: One thought he’s guarded but it’s the other way. Hashi, that side of you really never changes. Hashida: Really? I don’t think I am that unguarded. Sudou: Oh, whatever. That aside. That smells really good. Stew? Hashida: Correct. I made chikuzenni today. Using the recipe from my granny. Sudou: Wow, seriously? How delightful. Makes me feel excited. Hashida: You don’t look excited though. Well, that’s not important. I’m gonna garnish this so Akira, can you dish out the rice? Sudou: Okay~
(opens fridge) Hashida: I got some beer. You’re drinking? Sudou: Yeah. Bring ‘em out. Hashida: Hmph. Silly.
11:59 (arranges plates) Hashida: Alright. Now that everything’s ready. It’s time. Hashida & Sudou: Bon appetit.
(both started eating)
Hashida: Oh. The flavour soaked in nicely. Sudou: Hm. This is good. Hashida: I was right to tear the konjac with a spoon. They soak the flavour well and curl into a nice shape. Sudou: Hmm, that method is possible, eh? Actually, this really tastes like the one I had at Hashi’s grandma’s. That kinda makes me emotional. Hashida: Emotional? You’re exaggerating. Sudou: Nah, I mean it. Remember how Hashi’s family often feeds my younger brothers and I, since our pop’s always busy with work? So to me chikuzenni at Hashi’s place is what I consider a mom’s home cooking. Hashida: Oh, right. The only family I have is my grandma, after all. I suppose this meal is a mom’s home cooking. I’ve never thought of it that way. Sudou: You better appreciate her more. Hashida: I do! I mean, I don’t feel lacking despite the absence of parents. I’ve never felt lonely just because grandma’s the only family that I have. Hey, now! Don’t make me say something embarrassing! Sudou: Ah, I see. Hmm. I somehow get it. Hashida: Well, in other words, we should be thankful for the love from people around us. Sudou: Whoa. The way you worded it just screams old person. Hashida: Huh? Really? That was unintentional. But right, recently I do feel like I am an old man. Sudou: Hehe. Just kidding. If anything, you no longer seem immature. It’s crazy if you still act the same when you’re a brat. Hashida: I hope you’re right.
13:53 Sudou: Actually, having chikuzenni while talking about the past with you makes me feel like I just time slipped to when we’re kids. Hashida: Hehe! You’re right. We really played hard back then. It’s impressive how we didn’t get sick of it, even though we lived in the countryside. Sudou: Yeah. Oh, I’m recalling things. You’re quite popular among the girls since you’re casually nice to them. Hashida: Really? I think that’s normal. Sudou: How is that normal? Plenty of girls asked me to pass love letters to you. It was so annoying. Hashida: Ahh, that happened, eh? Heck, don’t be annoyed over something petty! Sudou: Nah, it was so annoying. You said you wanted to focus on the club and stuff. Turning them down half-assed. You’re making it awkward even for me too! How annoying. Hashida: You..! In that case, I’ve got something to say too! Did you forget how I had to let you sit on the back seat of my bicycle simply ‘cus you can’t ride it yourself? You can’t do that until 8th grade! There should be a limit to how unathletic one could be! Sudou: Not 8th. 7th grade! Hashida: Nah, you were in 8th grade! It’d be a problem if you still cannot cycle ‘cus we’re gonna commute to a further place in high school so I accompanied you to practice. Remember? Sudou: That was the 7th grade. Definitely not the 8th. Hashida: It’s not important! Sudou: It is. This involves my good name. Hashida: Heh. As always, you’re so oddly stubborn. Whatever. Uh, ah! Hey, Akira! You’re spilling so much! Gosh. Use this to wipe. You never grow out of it. Sudou: Oh, sorry. Hashida: I guess you can’t help when you stop focusing. But why can’t you control your mouth? You’re old enough, it’s about time you fix that habit. Sudou: Uh, you’re right. Hashida: Oh, almost out of beer. Should I bring more? Sudou: Hashi, I think you’re more like a ma than a pops…
Thanks for reading!!!!! I had this in draft since march lol :’) I translated this just because?? As a practice? Out of whim? lol anyways. This franchise is seriously underrated so pleaseee check it out. I doubt anyone translates this anyway so I did it. I hope this post let seiyuu fans who weren’t aware discover something new. So far, I’ve no plan to continue translating… (there’s four seasons. It’s hella long and I don’t think I can do this voluntarily) but commission is always welcomed!! ❤
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ecargmura · 6 months
Wind Breaker Episode 2 Review - Welcome To Fuurin High
With an action-packed premiere, the second episode is more of a slower paced one as it helps Sakura and the viewers be introduced to the town and Furin High School with the help of newly introduced Akihiko Nirei who isn’t much of a fighter but more of an information broker in a way. Will Sakura be able to fit into the town and the school?
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Sakura still isn’t used to the friendliness of the town as he gets used as a horse by a granny and the other townsfolk give him presents as thanks for protecting the town yesterday. Sakura does take all of their gifts as he’s a sucker for compliments but he then loses them when a girl comes up to him for help. The post-credit skit reveals that he actually picked them back up and ate them. He’s a good boy at heart.
When he stops by Cafe Porthos, which is Kotoha’s cafe and the cafe the granny he was helping out wanted to go, Kotoha gives him breakfast, which is a fancy egg sandwich with fruits and this is where he meets Nirei, who barges in with a fancy shirt underneath his uniform and starts being a bit nosy as he asks Sakura if his white hair comes from stress. I was laughing when he mentioned that.
My impression of Nirei is that he’s definitely going to be the brain to Sakura’s brawn, but  with a unique twist that both of them share a braincell. I do like that he’s practically Sakura’s guide to the town and that he’s a huge klutz as he’s always tripping and colliding into something. I feel you, Nirei. I collide into things all the time. While he’s a motor mouth, I find Nirei cute! He’s not as cute as Sakura, but he has his moments! I do like that while he sucks at fighting, he still has guts to protect someone from gangsters. I just hope he won’t be a liability going forth. The last thing we need is the constant distressed person for Sakura to save.
Nirei’s voice actor is Shoya Chiba. I’ve seen his name pop up in different animes. I’m most familiar with his role as Sing Su Ling from Banana Fish and he was also in Blue Lock as Imamura. I do like that the anime does cast well-known names and rising stars to bring in their fans and get fans of the original source hyped up for a splendid voice cast.
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Fuurin High School is quite a wacky school. The students in Sakura class are also very interesting. One standout face is a rather beautiful boy with an eyepatch and tassel earrings named Hayato Suo. He teases Sakura by introducing himself as Leonardo Dicaprio. The fact that Sakura falls for it and believes he’s from overseas before Suo corrects himself was hilarious. He’s surprisingly a jokester, which actually makes him a lot harder to read. Is he hiding something? He’s definitely that one character who is flighty but has a sad past.
His voice actor is Nobunaga Shimazaki. I really like Shimazaki’s voice and he shows off his range from voicing the lethargic Nagi from Blue Lock to flighty Suo. I feel like Shimazaki isn’t particularly typecasted because he has versatility. Like, you both expect and not expect him to voice a character like Suo? Like when you listen to it, it just fits? The fact that Yuma Uchida and Nobunaga Shimazaki reunite here is both amusing and cool! They were Nagi and Reo in Blue Lock and Kyo and Yuki in Fruits Basket!
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The last standout character is Kyotaro Sugishita who makes his presence known to Sakura by throwing a desk at him. Talk about making an entrance. He’s someone who really respects Umemiya, the top person of the school and doesn’t abide to anyone who speaks ill of him. This is why he picks a fight with Sakura. He’s tall, but hunches. His scowl and long black hair helps him stand out.
His voice actor is Kouki Uchiyama and it surprisingly fits. He’s got the trademark moody and emo vibes Ucchi characters are known for. I just need to listen to it more because he only shows up towards the end of the episode.
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I honestly can’t wait to see what sort of story Wind Breaker will be about and how Sakura will become the top of the school. I also can’t wait to see what sort of friend group he’ll have as it’s necessary for a shounen MC to have one! I’ll be tuning in next week to see more. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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izaneko · 1 year
that moment when😨 you remember a very vital piece of info and you have to physically stop yourself from falling on the floor from laughing yourself uncontrollable..
so we all know how Izana's voice actor is Nobunaga Shimazaki, but did you also know that he is in an idol side project named LIP × LIP💋(that are fantastic if you love idols btw) but here is the funny part. the other member in this duo is Kouki Uchiyama.. aka Shion Madarame newly announced va. i seriously do not know how to react to this- IZANA WOULD NEVER-. like could you actually imagine it??!🥲
(😂them trying to stand on stage together)
-also if you're a fan of blue lock as well, they play both nagi- izana and rin is shion respectively.💙
theres a little from their wiki for a little more✨️ fun facts:
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February 22..
😡YEA WE KNOW- they're so wrong for this.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #276
Spoon.2Di, vol. 18. Mitsurou Kubo's interview
Part 7.
--- What about Yuri Plisetsky?
K: When we went to Barcelona to see 2014 Grand Prix Final, I had a chance to see Yulia Lipnitskaya in her private clothes - she wore leopard print with black background, and seeing her suitcase, also in leopard print with a gold handle, I thought: "Where did you buy this?!" - very aggressive fashion (laugh). But it was a visual that left the strongest impression on me, among everything that I've seen during our research trip. I thought - "It's so awesome!" and also that "It would be so nice, if a male figure skater like this existed~", so I let myself include those elements in Yuri. Because I had this base, it was also very easy to write this character, his personality and so on. This kind of low tension voice Uchiyama Kouki-san has, suits the character very well, I feel. When I was listening to Uchiyama-san's tapes from the audition, he already had this low tension voice at that time, so I was like: "Please, always be like that and don't ever play the character in a more lively way!" (laugh).
[Notes: Not so "fun" fact, but "It would be so nice, if a male figure skater like this existed~" is one of the quotes Mitsurou was bashed for the most on the Jp side of fandom, because it was deemed "disrespectful" to the real-life skater that "Mitsurou would prefer her to be a boy". This is of course not what she meant at all - I think it's quite clear that she simply liked her style and thought it would suit a male character, too. But as some people had a problem with Yurio and Mitsurou at the same time, it was easy enough to misinterpret into something bad... ]
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medea10 · 8 months
My Review of My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999
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Humor me. Who else thought this was going to be a sequel to Ore Monogatari (My Love Story) where Takeo and Yamada go all the way? I can’t be the only one with that sick thought. Okay completely unrelated anime, let’s see what you got.
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Akane Kinoshita is out with her boyfriend Takuma…and she gets dumped. Yep, not even 30 seconds into the first episode and she gets dumped. He’s leaving Akane for a girl he met in an online game that he and Akane were playing together. After the breakup, Akane went on the game she got into because of her ex and went on a killing-spree of monsters. Just then, she meets another player named Yamada who looks like Saitama if he had a weird afro on. It takes him two minutes just for a simple reply. Akane gets annoyed and basically tells him off. After some time from the breakup, Akane decides to go to this on-site event for the game she was playing. Never mind getting freebies for the game, she’s going merely for the fact her ex might be there and wants to flaunt the goods to make him regret leaving her.
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Things did not go according to plan. Akane trips and falls down on her way to stalk her ex. The person she bumped into is a handsome young man of few words. Akane realized that this mysterious boy is that Yamada she met in her game prior to this event. Well, Akane is face-to-face with her ex. What does she do? Lies and says Yamada is her boyfriend and even bribes him to keep up the farce. Yamada is quite aloof and can be blunt with the things he says…if he says anything. But what Akane doesn’t know is that Yamada is a pro-gamer.
While the boyfriend lie is merely for whenever Akane’s ex is around, Akane has a nice friendship with not only Yamada, but his inner circle as well.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Even though this was a Crunchyroll exclusive (in association with Aniplex of America), this didn’t see a dub until a good six months after the series had started. Normally, I’d be concerned. But this did happen during the actor’s strike, so I’ll think no more on the matter. And that’s all I’ve got here. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Akane is played by Inori Minase (known for Rem on Re:Zero, Prushka on Made in Abyss, Makinohara on Bunny Girl Senpai, Ruruka on Danganronpa 3, and Hidomi on FLCL: Progressive)
*Yamada is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Soul on Soul Eater, Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Rui on Demon Slayer, Shigaraki on My Hero Academia, Ikuya on Free!, Ichijou on Nisekoi, and Yuuki on Shiki)
ENGLISH CAST: *Akane is played by Abby Trott (known for Nezuko on Demon Slayer, Shizuka on Zom 100, Machi on Hunter x Hunter, Veronica on Seven Deadly Sins, Inui on Aggretsuko, and Fou on Fate/Grand Order)
*Yamada is played by Stephen Fu (known for Weather Report on Jojo’s Pt. 6, Naofumi on Shield Hero [season 2+], Douma on Demon Slayer, Henry on Black Clover, Kaname on Darwin’s Game, and Pax on Mushoku Tensei)
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: No, it’s not Runa. As much as I love to dunk on those little girls who latch onto the hot character and glare at the obvious main attraction, I actually hate jerky ex-boyfriends who quickly dump their girlfriends over trivial shit more. Yeah, Akane’s ex can kick rocks for all I care. While we only see him two times in the whole show, his breakup with Akane really messed her up.
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SHIPPING: Yamada is oblivious when it comes to females. He didn’t even know a girl was confessing to him in the second episode. There’s no way in hell he’s going to fall for Akane. Never mind, dragging her drunk ass to his home in the first episode. As it turns out, Akane and Yamada had quite the cute friendship for the greater majority of this season. And as the series progressed, several of their friends were all for them getting together (even if the two characters aren’t going to do so). But we have to remember that Yamada is going to do what Yamada does. He can be blunt and slow to respond. Yet he somehow acts differently when it comes to Akane. The blunt and slow responses are still there, but he almost acts on a weird impulse at times with her.
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Elsewhere, Yamada is quite the favorite around school and elsewhere. There are so many girls at his school that think he’s cute. And then there’s Runa! A lot of insecurities to unpack with this little one. But the fact that she at first wanted to keep Yamada all to herself and push Akane on some rando guy really speaks volumes. That action of Runa’s almost landed her on my dislike category. But I left her off because I grew to like her throughout the rest of the series. She even became a Akane x Yamada shipper. I thought it was adorable when she tried to have Akane bump into Yamada while eating a piece of toast.
But what about Yamada’s silent classmate, Yukari? And what of the girl from Yamada’s past that liked him? The girl from Yamada’s past is someone we’ll never see again. Yukari on the other hand…well, that’s a topic for the ending.
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ENDING: Does Akane like Yamada for real? That’s a pretty big question for her as she kinda sees him in a new light after Yamada took care of her when she was sick. There is one big thing that seems to be holding her down and that’s the way things were left off between Akane and her ex. As most people do when they’re dumped, they go through a myriad of thoughts to narrow down what they did wrong. However, she still wants to tell Yamada how she feels. It’s just that the timing never seemed right with the two of them.
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Meanwhile, let’s move onto Yamada’s silent classmate, Yukari. We see her a few episodes towards the end of the season. She’s on speaking terms with Yamada in class. And she recently joined the FOS guild that Akane, Eita, and Yamada are in. Her reasons for joining the video game guild were to of course get closer to Yamada. And in the second to last episode, Yukari let it slip out to Yamada that she likes him. Oooooh, right before Akane got the chance to. I sure hope the hint Eita dropped about Yamada about to get confessed to will make a dent. I think it did!
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Yamada meets up with Yukari after the confession. Yukari spills everything out and admits how long she’s liked him and every reason in the world she likes him. And Yamada still rejects her! It wasn’t like those airhead replies he gave to the other girls that used to confess to him. This was genuine as he even says that there’s another. Yukari knows it’s Akane and he confirms. Called it!
The guild met up for a dinner with special food and drinks. Eita thought it’d be perfect for Akane and Yamada to have some alone time during the dinner. Things didn’t go according to plan. Yamada was late to arrive. And by the time he showed up, Akane was drunk. Déjà vu from the first episode. Yamada drags her to her home and that’s when Akane asks if he likes her. Yamada says yes. And to make sure that this is real, he promises to remind her when she sobers up that this is true.
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Yamada x Akane is official!
This was a cute story despite how things started. It’s not like we haven’t seen similar things happen in other animes. Akane wasn’t even trying to become Yamada’s girlfriend after that time in front of her ex. It was just a sweet friendship that eventually blossomed into a relationship in the end. I always respect a story like that. One has to wonder if the anime will continue with a second season or if it will stay as is with the happy ending given in the 12th episode. By the looks of things, the manga is still on-going with at least 100+ chapters at the moment. I honestly think that the anime will stay with just this season. Well, if you’re looking for a cute slice of life, romcom, maybe check this out. It’s a short series.
Crunchyroll has every episode for streaming.
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berries28 · 2 years
this is gonna get a bit long but its been bothering me a lot so just wanted to put this out there Looking at some of honeyworks’ songs and comparing them to other idol series, sometimes i reeallyyy think Honeyworks is wasting budding singing talents like Shimazaki Nobunaga (AIzou’s VA). He used to be an utaite (japanese cover singer) before becoming a voice actor, and while he wasn’t the best by any means, he’s slowly but surely GETTING there. Listen to PrinceXPrince and Aoi Pierce and you’ll get it. Honeyworks’ songs don’t seem to flatter or show off his talents at ALL. 
And dont get me started on Uchiyama Kouki (Yuujirou VA). He wasn’t a singer at any point before, and you’ll really notice it in some of LIPxLIP’s first songs, but Honeyworks, again, does not show off or flatter his good parts at all.
And what bothers me about it is Honeyworks DOES have good, banger songs that makes the best use of what the VAs are good at. They just seem to fall off in LIPxLIP’s case. You may argue, “But LipXLip is one of Honeyworks’ best selling units/solos/albums, even more than some of their other songs/couples, most of whom are voiced by voice actors who also have a rich history of singing and VA work! Surely they wouldn’t be this popular if they werent as good as them!” And I think it has something to do with the fact that Uchiyama Kouki and Nobunaga Shimazaki arent part of any other virtual singing groups, but they’re both VERY popular VAs with large fanbases who understandably want to hear them sing, especially together, since they have such lack of roles together in any anime. And I think Honeyworks was wasteful with a lot of their VAs as well. Some were done justice with songs that flatter their range and singing skills- Yuji Kaji as Mochita, Kamiya Hiroshi as Yuu, UCHIDA YUUMA AS RIO (seriously brilliant job on FT4 Haniwa, all of them are top tier casting and all their songs let them sing how they sing best).... but then I cant think about the few most unutilized of all, Hanae Natuski as Kotaro and Matsuoka Yoshitsugu as Koudai... both genuinely good singers with a great singing voices (You can go listen to some of their songs, and Hanae Natsuki is also in Enstars and several other idol games) who only have 1-2 songs in haniwa.  
TL DR; Honeyworks cant figure out how to bring out LIPxLIP’s VAs’ best singing voices or what kind of and while Haniwa is the reason I get to hear my favorite VAs sing about love and stuff, I sometimes wish some other composer group/ idol game got hold of these two first
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olivieraa · 6 months
alright ok, this caused me to sit up straight bc this is a big deal to me tho hopefully I wont be thinking about it the whole time I'm watching the show
first off, Kimura Ryouhei is my fave VA. he is then followed by Kouki Uchiyama, Ucchi for short. there's many animes I chose for no other reason other than cause they were in it.
Ucchi voices one of my all time faves, Meruem. Meruem and Komugi are my third 5th fave ship of all time. in fact, the top 5 are like, my big 5.
ever since, I've been hoping and praying for the VA's of the two to reunite. and they have been in like, two animes together but have either been in the vicinity of other or have never met. its painful bc so many actors work together over and over and these two havent done it even once????
so casually watching this ep and I hear Komugi's voice. well, actually she sounds nothing like Komugi but I know its her VA so that's all that matters
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but I'm trying not to screenshot every time I know a voice.
oh but then 1 whole minute later, there's another new character and he talks
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he just says "Bonito flakes" and its I knew it was my man Ucchi
so here we have another situation in which they are in the same anime but knowing my luck, will never interact.
like I think she works in a morgue so maybe if he DIES then they'll have a moment
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so I'm not gonna think about them interacting the whole time, nope
not gonna do it
I wont hold my breath for it
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ucchi-kouki · 4 years
Uchiyama Kouki on Foreign Movie and Drama (2010s) + Animation
Here are the continuation from the previous post!
Notes : The year written in this post is probably not the release year for the original pieces, it could be the year for the Japanese release!
Journey to the Center of the Earth, as Sean Anderson
Nowhere Boy, as Paul McCartney
Eli Stone, episode 7, as Peter Johnson (played by Ken Baumann)
Lie to Me, episode 1, as James
Big Mommas : Like Father, Like Son, as Trent Pierce
The Pillars of The Earth, episode 8, as Henry
Chris Ryan’s Strike Back, episode 1 & 2, as As’ad
The Art of Getting By, as George Zinavoy
The Three Musketeers, as D’Artagnan
CSI:Crime Scene Investigation season 11, episode 1 & 15, as Jason
The Secret Circle, as Adam Conant
Lincoln, as Robert Todd Lincoln
The Following, episode 12, as teen Ryan Hardy
Into The Storm, as Donny Fuller
Ender’s Game, as Bonzo
Kristy, as Aaron
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, as Jace Wayland
The Heirs (korean drama), as Yoon Chanyoung
Jurassic World, as Zach Mitchell
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation season 14, episode 19, as Mark Powell (?)
Mr. Robot, as Elliot Anderson
X-Men: Apocalypse, as Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
The Driftless Area, as Pierre
Second Chance, as Otto Goodwin
Supernatural season 13, as Jack Kline
X-Men: Dark Phoenix, as Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Tolkien, as J. R. R. Tolkien
Some animation movie/series :
American Dragon: Jake Long, as Jake Long
Klaus, as  Jesper Johansson
Surf’s Up, as Cody Maverick
A Christmas Carol, as 17 years old Ebenezer Scrooge
Puss in Boots
Ballerina, as M. Luteau
Recess, as  Theodore Jasper "T.J." Detweiler
Robots, as  Rodney Copperbottom
So, that’s it! I’ve written all of it and it’s quiet tiring actually but I enjoy it! Let’s see on another occasion!
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milkykawa96 · 3 years
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uchii so adorable!
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when I say that my brain doesn't work right. I was trying to read in order to relax before bed, and my brain said "you heard Tsukishima vs Tendou somewhere else."
And I was confused because... tf does that even mean?
Then it clicked. That one episode of Devilman Crybaby where the MC throws the bullies in the river? I went to watch the scene because...nah, I must be hallucinating or something.
Yeah, no. The MC is voiced by Uchiyama Kouki (Tsukishima) and one of the bullies is voiced by Subaru Kimura (Tendou). Brain was right.
You know when was the first and last time when I watched that anime? When it was released on Netflix in 2018. And I didn't even like it that much. I don't even remember most of the plot, and as far as I remember that bully isn't even an important character. It's my brain's first time making this connection because I only started watching Haikyuu this summer, so I didn't know the seiyuu yet.
How the fuck does my brain even process info? How? I'm tired.
Edit: I rewatched it a couple of months after making this post, around January 2021, and I fucking loved it. I will watch it again within a year.
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bkeiii · 5 years
"Of course I can laugh, I'm a human after all" : Uchiyama Kouki Facts
Finally! This seiyuu. The seiyuu that many people think is not really capable of laughing or even smiling. Yup, that's because he seldom smile in almost every picture about him. He smiled at some points, but it was just a small and thin one.
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He can smile guys, he's a human after all.
By the way, happy birthday to my most favourite seiyuu, Uchiyama Kouki!!! お誕生日おめでとうございます、うっちさん!これからもよろしくねえぇ〜
And so! I will post a list of facts (which is not much) that I found about Ucchi. I'm sorry if the facts isn't new at all since it's hard to find any new facts about him.
He has written an essay about future economy on his second year of high school. Representing his school, he got into the top 50 essay, but didn't win it. And speaking of school...
(source : here)
A good student, maybe?
I don't know anything about how his life when he was a student. But he once was a student in International Christian University High School (affiliated with International Christian University), and went to Cultural Department in Waseda University which is one of many prestigious college in Japan.
(source : here and his Japanese wikipedia page)
His Name
I think some people mistake his name sometimes that Wikipedia need to tell his right name. The kanji of "Kou" in his name (昂) is often mistaken with the kanji of "Subaru" (昴) because the shape (?) is almost the same. Please keep it in mind!
Young but Experienced
His age can be considered as young for a seiyuu. But he's been in the entertainment industry for quiet a long time. As you may have known, seniority in Asia is still strong. Some seiyuu who's older age wise but is considered as kouhai for Ucchi are Hosoya Yoshimasa, Murase Ayumu, Kaji Yuuki, etc.
Don't freak out if you see Ucchi calling Hosoyan as Yoshimasa-kun.
How he keep his club alive
He was a captain of pool club (?) when he was high school. But after the third years retired, he was selected to be the next captain. To make it worse, the club was on the edge of its existence, not having much members when left by the senpai. So, to invite more members, he said that the students can play in the pool if they became the members of the pool club and it worked! It's very "Ucchi".
(source : Rajikyuu, translated by ano koe)
Really Fond of Movies
He's the type who spends his time off at cinema, watching any movie available. Also, alone. Yup, he doesn't care if someone is willing to accompany him or not. He will watch. He also doesn't care about the genre. He can watch any genre, he said. But then there's an incident with Okamoto Nobuhiko, Kimura Ryouhei, and (the supposed to come) Hosoya Yoshimasa which you can read it here!
(source : Uchiyama Kouki no 1-Cour)
And I think, Ucchi has never taken any job for idol-themed anime when other seiyuu take parts on some anime in this theme. Yes, he is in LIPxLIP which is technically an idol unit but the anime is not about idol. But he has been in much music-themed anime like Fukumenkei Noise, etc.
THAT'S IT!!!! There are not much new facts I can give since his facts is soooooooo few. I don't know how to search about him anymore. I hope you like it. And I'll update this post when I have time and any new facts. Okay? Okay.
Let's meet on another post!!!!!
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ecargmura · 7 months
Solo Leveling Episode 9 Review - The Assassin
I think this is an interesting change of pace from the enemies Jinwoo usually fights. He normally fights gargantuan boss monsters and fought and killed a group of malicious hunters. This time, his opponent is a hunter, but one of the higher-ranked ones. Unlike Hwang Dong-hyuk’s group, Kang Taeshik is a lot more malicious as he’s an assassin and a psychopath in general.
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Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like Kang Taeshik is a foil of Jinwoo in some ways. Both are solo assassin fighters, but Taeshik does his own killing while Jinwoo has killed humans before, but only does so when the system tells him to do so. This is why he is able to rival Jinwoo in terms of strength and speed before meeting his demise. However, I do like the fact that not all hunters are good people. Like with Hwang Dongsoo’s group, there are hunters who do kill people. However, unlike Hwang Dong-hyuk, Taeshik’s main priority is killing humans as he finds it more of a joy than killing monsters. It matters little who he kills as long as he kills people. That’s why Jungho and Sangshik got murdered along with the criminals.
The animation, though, was amazing. A-1 is really going all out with this production and it shows. The movement flows so well and nothing seems choppy. My favorite aspect was when Jinwoo unleashes his murderous intent and it becomes a dark pool that Taeshik stands on before ultimately getting stabbed and killed by Jinwoo. I also really like the way the poison flowed into Taeshik’s face and turned his sclera red and then the other one turns red on the verge of his end.
Kouki Uchiyama is a talented voice actor, but I do feel like he shines a lot more when he voices villains and Taeshik is no exception. The way he voices him all psychotic was quite chilling as he was cold but also gleeful. I especially love the way he started that chilling speech before he died, as it feels like foreshadowing his fate.
Not only did Jinwoo get the spotlight, but Chiyul did as well. Since he wanted to make up for abandoning Jinwoo at the double dungeon incident, he fought Taeshik before Jinwoo intervened. He actually did a pretty good job despite being one handed. I do like that since he knew Jinwoo had his reasons to hide his powers, he took the credit for killing Taeshik. He’s an honorable man and I’m glad that he finally forgave himself for his past actions. I do feel bad that Mr. Kim had to die before he was able to make up for his actions. It did feel like karma for what he did, but he didn’t deserve to die so abruptly… I do feel like Joohee might retire after this. This isn’t good for her mental health as she had PTSD after the double dungeon incident. Hopefully, she’ll get that meal date before retiring.
I do wonder what’s next in store for Jinwoo. Where will the story go from here? I do like that the story isn’t quite linear and that what Jinwoo does next is really up for assumptions rather than given. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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primofate · 3 years
Are there any Otome or RPG games you'd recommend?
Otome (SUPER RECOMMENDED) (I’m sorry but this will also be a Japanese Voice Actors rant)
Gosh where do I begin?
Piofiore: Fated Memories 
Voice Actors of 
BAKUGOU/NISHINOYA (Nobuhiko Okamoto!!!!!!)
IIDA/KAGEYAMA (Kaito Ishikawa)
SHIKAMARU (NARUTO) (Showtaro Morikubo)
The story is pretty cool. Don’t wanna spoil too much but you basically play as a girl who is being fought over by the MAFIA HAHAHAHA LONG STORY ITS EVERY MAFIA AU YOU DREAM OF LOL
Collar X Malice
As for the story it’s very mystery centred you play as a policewoman who is basically the target of a “terrorist” group and you have all these guys to help you
Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus
Also some known voice actors present: Bakugou, Zhongli (JP Ver), Kaeya (JP Ver), Tanjiro
This isn’t a very well known Otome game, I feel like. But it’s very simple in it’s story and I love the art. You play as a girl who is transported into an online game, you’re basically stuck there now. So all these people are helping you find a way out.
Bad Apple Wars
Also some known voice actors not gunna list them out anymore HAHA
This is also not a very popular otome game. You play as a girl who basically died and you kind of go into this place where it’s an in between so you’re not really dead yet and basically trying to revive yourself. Can’t quite remember, been a while since I’ve played this.
Others that are okay and cute but not my favourites:
Code: Realize
Others that I have yet to buy/play but I know it’s awesome cause the VOICE ACTING LINEUP WOOOOO
Olympia Soiree
Cupid Parasite
Fire Emblem Series
Persona Series
Tales Series
God Eater Series
Thank you for reading this far. If you have read this far. Fun fact:
My ultimate favourite voice actor is UCHIYAMA KOUKI (Tsukishima Kei, Tomura Shigaraki)
Just watch this clip of Hinata’s voice actor flirting with Tsukishima’s voice actor. It’s just.......... lol
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
so far the idol series characters in general interest me! i especially like lipxlip and dolce!! they just seem funky. as for other characters, the third years in general look really cool.
also this art style is so pretty. it makes even the most atrocious hairstyles look stunning.
THE MOST ATROCIOUS HAIRSTYLES i know right. the longer you look at them the worse they get
dolce my beloveds! most of their story is actually told through a 4koma, not mvs! you can find most of them translated at @delaix's blog
they do have 2 story mvs, though, based on events that happened in two novels. we have can't an idol fall in love and can't an idol fall in love with another idol . some other cool dolce songs are irodore and baby baby and also my fav of all time hadashi no cinderella
some other dolce fun facts bcs i really like them:
they're all voiced by utaites, rather than seiyuus! fuuma is voiced by riinu, sara is voiced by urata, kippei by root, kazuki by sakata and girisha by isoroku
kazuki is mlm (canon) :)
and LIPxLIP! the worst boys
for them, the watch order for story-related mvs would be:
yume fanfare
yappa saikyou
kono sekai no tanoshimikata
yellow (this mv is like the short version of the song made with clips from a movie, but the lyrics to the full song r definitely worth checking out, koizumicchi has them translated)
seika (same as yellow, here are the lyrics)
but other LIPxLIP bangers include rodeo, hitsuyou fukaketsu, love&kiss and many others alskskdjs
they also play a large role in hiyori's story (heroine ikusei keikaku, heroine tarumono) and minami is introduced through one of their songs, chiisana lion
fun facts!:
aizou is voiced by shimazaki nobunaga and yuujirou is voiced by uchiyama kouki
aizou is ken's little brother
and i fear this post might be getting a bit too long for the 3rd years but a kinda big part of their story branches out from song of all time confession rehearsal
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