#ugg soldes
ssahotchnerr · 1 year
can the hot weather just be gone already i need it to be hoodie wearing, candle lighting, cozy rainy weather, rewatching cm s1, pumpkin spice season now
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laurrrrrrrrra · 9 months
Where the hell did this Ugg fascination come from all of a sudden?
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
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The Golden Ratio - Part One
Pairing: Michael Gavey (Saltburn) x f!reader Warnings: Derogatory language, angst, mentions of parental death, mentions of infidelity. Word count: ~4.5k
Chapter summary: Her relationship strains under the pressure of long distance, though she has her classmate, Michael, to help distract from the worst of it. Series masterlist.
Author's note: For @assortedseaglass. No tag list. Please follow @ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
She is sweaty and exasperated as she drags her suitcase over the cobbles of Holywell Street. One of the already precariously wonky wheels had finally given up the ghost and broken off as she’d dragged it up the stairs of Oxford train station, making the fifteen minute walk to her accommodation more tiring than it needed to be.
But she was here, finally. Oxford University.
Her dad had sold the car to make sure she had money to live on until her student loan and maintenance grant had been paid to her. He didn’t want her taking a part time job to make ends meet, she’d worked hard to earn her place here, her focus should be on her studies. Coming from a low income family meant she had qualified for the maximum amount for both maintenance loan and grant, but her first set of application forms had been misplaced by Student Finance, so she’d had to send in a second set, meaning there would be a delay with her first payment.
An unfortunate consequence of her dad not having a car is that she’d had to get the train to London Victoria, a tube to Paddington, then another train to Oxford. But it is not the fact that she is seemingly the only student whose parents aren’t obstructing the pavements with their cars in order to drop them off that makes her feel like an outcast, there is something deeper, more sinister feeling.
She sees it as she struggles to get her bag across the lawn of the Halls, people grouped in little clusters, as though they’ve been friends forever. They dress in Juicy Couture velour tracksuit bottoms and brand name Ugg Boots, while she wears her mum’s old Dr. Martens and a tartan skirt she’d bought in a charity shop for one pound fifty. She doesn’t fit in. She feels she may as well wear the word “poor” across her forehead like a scarlet letter.
Having checked in at the Porters’ Lodge and been given directions to the accommodation, it’s lonely as she unpacks her things, her room feeling empty and quiet. The only sounds are muffled talking and laughter coming through the closed window from outside. She feels lonelier still when she pulls out the framed photo of her and Rich. They’re both smiling, his arms wrapped around her waist as she leans her head against his. It had felt like their relationship would last forever when that picture was taken. That seemed like much less of a possibility over the last couple of weeks.
She had met Rich at the beginning of sixth form. Having attended Chatham Grammar School for Girls, she had decided to stay on there to do her A levels. The mathematics department was decent, and she had heard Russell Group universities were more likely to consider applications that came from grammar schools. Rich had transferred over from Robert Napier School. Where she was shy, quiet and reserved, he was lively, outgoing and sociable. His zest for life had shone a bright light on an existence that was, for her, otherwise dull and grey.
They were an unlikely pairing. She was logical, analytical and studied maths and physics. Rich was creative, free spirited and guided by emotion. He studied art and music. They had been together for two years and she had thought he was the one. But then it came time for UCAS applications, and where she had applied to Oxford, Cambridge and York, Rich had applied to Leeds, Brighton and Glasgow. It seemed that no matter where they were accepted, they were destined to be apart.
When she had received an unconditional offer from Oxford she had been elated, however, the crushing devastation upon hearing Rich had been accepted into The Glasgow School of Art with a conditional offer had quickly dulled her excitement.
She had never felt like an outsider or a loner when she was with Rich. Basking in his sunny disposition had felt effortless, she never felt alone. He was going to take all of that away, and she was unsure of how to cope with it.
“We’ll make it work long distance, don’t worry,” he’d told her, and she’d believed him.
But then he had actually gone to Glasgow. Fresher’s week in Glasgow started a week earlier than it did in Oxford, so Rich had moved away first. It didn’t take long for the texts and phone calls to dry up into nothing. She had heard from him once in the last few days.
She sighs as she slides up the screen of her beaten up Nokia. Still nothing. She had text to let him know she was leaving for Oxford today and he couldn’t even be bothered to reply. She knows it’s his first week at university and he’s likely busy and having fun, but how was long distance going to work if they never actually spoke to each other?
Despite the loftiness of the dining hall, it feels stuffy as she moves through it later that evening, taking a seat at a long table crowded with other students. She had hoped that the Fresher’s welcome dinner would be an opportunity to make friends, but everyone seems to be deep in conversation already. The chatter hums loudly like white noise, until it comes to a sudden stop.
She turns, mouth agape, to look at the pair of boys sitting a few places up from her. One is darked haired and seems nervous and uncomfortable, shifting awkwardly in his seat. The other is blonde, an angry, intense expression on his face, shadows cast across it from the lamplight on the table, as he stares in wide eyed anticipation. It was him who had shouted, clearly.
“Four hundred and twenty three times seventy eight,” the dark haired boy asks quietly.
Instantly his friend replies, without missing a beat, “thirty two thousand, nine hundred and ninety four.”
Involuntarily her eyes widen in surprise. She sits there and does the calculation in her head, though much more slowly than he had. 
Carry the two, eight times two is sixteen, plus two is eighteen, carry the one…he’s right. How is it possible that he came to that answer so quickly?
When her gaze lifts he is looking at her, observing her doing the working out in her head. He holds her stare, a smirk curving the corners of his mouth. He knows she knows he is right, and it’s clear he feels smug about it.
Quickly looking away, she reaches for her water glass, wanting something, anything, to distract her. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her feel uneasy.
God, I hope I don’t have any classes with him.
She holds her timetable for the week in her hands as she moves her way through the corridors towards the lecture hall the following morning. The first week looks to be fairly light touch, with an introductory lecture for each of the courses; algebra, analysis, probability and statistics, geometry, dynamics and multivariable calculus. Today is the introduction to analysis, and she is excited to study under the tutelage of Professor Helen Byrne. Her research focuses on the development and analysis of mathematical and computational models that describe biomedical systems, with particular application to the growth and treatment of solid tumours, wound healing and tissue engineering. Professor Byrne is someone she has admired within the field for as long as she can remember, and she is very much looking forward to her tutorials with her.
Her excitement fades when she enters the lecture hall and immediately sees the angry guy from the previous evening.
Just my luck.
The only available seat is next to him, so she sits down, dropping her bag to the floor by her feet.
A hand extends out towards her in her peripheral vision, taking her by surprise and she turns in her seat towards it, shrinking back slightly. 
He seems utterly unperturbed by her reaction, keeping his arm extended. “I’m Michael Gavey.”
She blinks, regaining her composure as she leans forward, shaking his hand and introducing herself in return. His palm is clammy against her own, and she can still feel it there even after having let go and wiped her hand on her jeans.
“I saw you last night,” he says matter of factly, pulling his arm back and resting his elbow on the desk in front of him.
“Oh, yeah,” she says with a tight smile, nodding, “so you and your mate…is that like a party trick or something?”
“No, no party trick,” he says with a demure smile. “I’m a genius.”
She forces herself to laugh politely, assuming he’s making a joke, but she stops, her brow furrowing slightly when she sees he doesn’t share in the humour. He’s being serious.
Opening her mouth to ask a follow up question, she’s interrupted as Professor Byrne sweeps into the room. Her and Michael both face forward in their seats as she introduces herself to the class.
Over the next hour they are given an introduction to the course and what to expect in their first year, including an overview of the papers they will need to write and examinations that will be sat. She pays rapt attention, scribbling furious notes, until the lecture begins to wrap up.
“As it’s the first week, I will go easy on assignment setting,” Professor Byrne tells them all, “but there will be an assignment nonetheless.”
A loud, collective groan echoes around the lecture hall. Her and Michael are the only two not to join in.
“Now, now, settle down,” she chastises, “it’ll be fun. I’m sure you’re all aware of the Fibonacci Sequence, a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Mathematically we can describe this as–”
She turns and scrawls xn= xn-1 + xn-2 on the chalkboard, before facing the students again.
“--I’d like you all to find an example of the Fibonacci Sequence in real life and present it back to the class during next week’s lecture. You’re to work in pairs, so buddy up, and see you all next week.”
Professor Byrne places the chalk back on the desk before striding back out of the lecture hall. The room is instantly a buzz with chatter, as people move between seats to find a partner.
She stays rooted in place, suddenly wishing Rich was here. It’s in moments like these that he flourishes, allowing her to take a backseat as he effortlessly navigates them through social interactions. Instead, she is alone and the space around her feels bigger and scarier with every moment that passes.
It’s only when she turns her head that she notices Michael has yet to move too. Gathering all the courage she can muster, she clears her throat and speaks to him.
“So…er…did you wanna partner up for this thing then?”
“I don’t like to work with others,” he says matter of factly, keeping his gaze fixed ahead.
“I’m not exactly thrilled about it either,” she says with a sigh, “but for this assignment we have to.”
“You’ve picked me because I’m a genius. You’ll expect me to do all the work while you get pissed with your mates.”
He fixes her with an accusatory stare, and she feels the heat of anger prickle her skin.
“Haven’t got any mates,” she mutters darkly.
He observes her for a few moments, elbow propped on the desk, jaw resting against his fist, and she fidgets self consciously in her seat. No wonder the other boy from last night had looked so uncomfortable. It feels like he’s studying her.
“Let’s go to the library,” he says simply, standing and picking up his bag.
“So, you’re a genius?” She asks, opening her notebook once they’re seated opposite each other at a table in the library, nervously tapping her pencil against the page.
“Hmm,” Michael nods, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger, “I don’t even like maths, really. I can just…do it. Anything. In my head.”
She’s struck by how blunt he is, sucking in a breath as she considers what to say next. There is something so disarming about him, she gets the sense he’s analysing her every word and action.
“Right,” she begins, “so, er, for this assignment I was thinking about how Leonardo Fibonacci used rabbits to prove his theory. One hundred and forty four pairs of rabbits can be produced from a single pair of rabbits in a year, based on the sequence.”
“That’s fucking stupid,” Michael replies with a sigh.
“What?” She asks irritably, annoyed by his dismissal.
“What are you expecting us to do, go to a pet shop and buy rabbits? We’ve only got a week to do the assignment, we need to be more practical.”
She rolls her eyes. “I was using that as an example, not saying we do that exactly! Come on then, genius, what’s your suggestion?”
“Spirals,” he says with a slight shrug. He leans across, placing the tips of his fingers on her notebook and sliding it towards himself, before picking up her pencil. “There is a special relationship between the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio, a ration that describes when a line is divided into two parts and the longer part - A - divided by the smaller part - B - is equal to the sum of A + B divided by A, which both equal one point six one eight. This is represented by the Greek letter,” he stops to scribble a φ on the pad. “The ratio of any two successive Fibonacci Numbers approximates the Golden Ratio value.” He stops again, scrawling 1.6180339887 on the page. The bigger the pair of Fibonacci numbers, the closer the approximation. From there, we can calculate what's called the golden spiral, or a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor equals the golden ratio.”
She is stunned into a silence for a moment, a combination of his audacity to simply take her belongings, and awe at the rapidity with which his mind works. Collecting herself, she blinks a few times, looking up into his eyes.
They’re so blue.
“So…er…how do you propose we present this data back to the class?”
“A simple table is sufficient, look–”
His hand moves rapidly over the page, a complete table there on the paper when he drops the pencil into the gutter of the notebook and sits back in his chair.
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“We present that,” he tells her, his eyes fixed on the page. “Using the values of the sequence as the edge length of squares arranged in the table, a spiral is generated.”
She leans over, sliding the notebook back to her side of the table, marvelling silently at his work. He is fascinating to watch. He’s right, he can just do maths.
“It’s good,” she says, eye flitting up to meet his, “solid. But it’s fucking boring.”
This time it’s his turn to be annoyed. “What?” He asks, eyes narrowing.
“Everyone is going to present something like this, because it’s easy,” she explains, “Don’t you want to stand out to Professor Byrne? We should do something outside of the box.”
“Hmm. Go on then, what are you thinking?” He rests his cheek against his fist, leaning against the table as he stares at her.
She feels herself grow warm under his scrutiny.
Does he always have to be so bloody intense?
“There are loads of examples of Fibonacci numbers appearing in nature. We could look for some? Flowers, perhaps.”
“I’ve got hayfever,” Michael states simply.
She sighs.
Of course you do.
“Then we’ll get you some Piriton! Come on, there are studies that show seed heads, pinecones, fruits and vegetables all displaying spiral patterns that when counted express Fibonacci numbers. This fits perfectly with the brief of the assignment and will leave a lasting impression.”
He moves his hand away from his face, resting his arm flat on the table and quietly drumming his fingers against it for a few moments. “Alright then,” he finally concedes.
“Great,” she grins excitedly, tearing out a page from her notebook and writing on it hurriedly. “Here’s my number, so we can meet up to work on it, and also my Hotmail address, in case MSN works better for you.”
He huffs through his nose as he takes the paper from her, a soft laugh escaping him. “The countess at hotmail dot co dot uk,” he reads with amusement, “very droll.”
“Shut up,” she grins back, “I made that in secondary school. Thought it was funny.”
Back in her room that evening, she’s excited to see she has a text from Rich, finally.
Hope ur enjoying it. Having so much fun here!
She sighs, throwing her phone down on the bed side table. No kisses, not even an “I love you”. 
Watching out of the window, she sees the giggling groups of students making their way out into town, readying themselves to spend the night drinking, making friends and having fun. Just like Rich is doing, not giving her a second thought, while she stays cooped up in her room without a friend in the world.
Suspicion nags at her, so she turns on her laptop, loading up MySpace. Rich takes number one place on her top eight friends, and she clicks on his profile. It looks much the same as it always does, but she decides to snoop further, clicking into his friends list. She can see he has recently friended a girl named Sophie.
Sophie is pretty, bright pink streaks in her hair, and a nose ring. Exactly Rich’s type. Her most recently uploaded photos are of groups of people, clearly all taken during Fresher’s week. A pit forms in her stomach as she sees that in almost all of them Sophie and Rich have their arms around each other. Worse still, Rich occupies space eight in Sophie’s top friends.
She closes the browser, blinking back tears. Surely, she is just being paranoid. They’re just friends. Friends have photos together, and it was normal that he would make new ones when he went away to uni.
Opening MSN Messenger, she hovers over Rich’s username. Unsurprisingly, he’s offline, he always is these days. She smiles when an add request from [email protected] pops up. Of course he’d have Tau, the mathematical constant, in his Hotmail address. She clicks accept and he immediately appears in her online contacts. Looks like he isn’t out tonight either.
Double clicking his username, she chuckles to herself upon seeing his display picture is of Pythagoras. Such a dweeb.
“Want to work on our assignment tomorrow?” She types to him.
Barely a few seconds pass before she sees him typing back. “Yes. When?”
“We could meet at the Water Meadow at lunch time?”
“See you then.”
Straight to the point, no idle chit chat. She shakes her head and closes the messenger window, though finds herself strangely excited by the thought of seeing him tomorrow. She reasons that it’s because Michael is the closest thing she has had to a friend since arriving at Oxford.
She visits the nearby Tesco Express the following day, buying a meal deal for each of them and a packet of hayfever tablets for Michael. She has no idea of what Michael even likes, so plays it safe by buying a bottle of Oasis, a Crunchie bar and a ham and cheese sandwich for them both.
At precisely noon, Michael stands at the entrance to the Water Meadow waiting for her. She smiles as she looks at his t-shirt; maroon with a diagram of a circle on a gradient with a downwards acceleration of 9.81 meters per second, with the slogan “that’s how I roll”. A mechanics pun.
“Like your shirt,” she says as she approaches him.
He grins. “Thought you might, considering your email address.”
She averts her gaze. There is something about the fact that he’d thought of her when he’d chosen what to wear today that makes her tummy flutter.
Stop it. You’ve got Rich. Michael’s weird!
“I got you some hayfever tablets,” she tells him as they start to walk along the pathway that’s flanked by green space on either side. “Do you wanna have lunch first and then start looking for flowers?”
They settle, cross legged on the grass, Michael already having taken one of the tablets, chased with half a bottle of Oasis, and she spreads out the food between them.
She watches in fascination as his eyes widen at the sight of the Crunchie bars, snatching one up and tearing off the wrapper. Her mouth falls open slightly as she sees him hold it sideways, biting into it from the side, before devouring each of the pieces it inevitably breaks into.
“You like Crunchie bars then?” She asks, a little grossed out, but curious nonetheless.
He swallows, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Mother didn’t allow me to have sweets growing up, bad for your teeth, she said.”
She nods, a feeling over pity replacing the disgust that had roiled her stomach just seconds ago.
“So, is it your mum that pushed you into studying maths?” She asks, fiddling with the lid of her drink bottle.
“Sort of,” he says. “Mother never married, but she wanted a child. She used a sperm donor - a physicist, apparently - and was artificially inseminated to have me. She was thrilled when I showed a natural aptitude for maths, and has always encouraged me. It’s why I do it, why I accepted the scholarship, to make her proud. She’s been through so much to have me, it’s the least I owe her.”
Her face falls, a feeling of sadness overwhelming her, making her heart ache for Michael. There is something so tragic about the fact that he has lived his entire life adhering to the expectations of the person who had created him for their own selfish want of a child.
“What about you then?” He asks. “The bank of mummy and daddy paying for you to be here?”
She shakes her head. “I earned my place, just like you did, with straight As, though I don’t have a scholarship. Have had to take out loans to cover the cost. It’s just me and dad since mum passed away.”
“Oh,” Michael says, blinking rapidly, obviously surprised. “Apologies, I’d assumed a pretty girl like you would be the same as the rest of the vapid cunts studying here, if you can call it studying.”
She hums in acknowledgement, considering his words, turning her own Crunchie bar around in her fingers, focusing on the way the foil wrapper slides against her skin. His compliment makes her heart beat more rapidly, even if it is backhanded. “Like I said yesterday, I’ve got no mates. It was always Rich that was better at that sort of thing.”
“Rich?” Michael asks curiously, cocking his head.
“My boyfriend. He’s at uni in Glasgow.”
“Three hundred and sixty two point nine miles,” Michael states simply.
“That’s the distance between Oxford and Glasgow,” he explains, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “How are you planning to make a relationship work with that sort of distance?”
“We’re doing long distance,” she argues, feeling herself growing defensive, scowling at him.
“Yeah, I bet that’s gonna work out great,” he scoffs, eyes widening, clearly mocking her.
“The Glasgow School of Art was the best choice for Rich to study what he wants to,” she retorts.
A grin spreads across his face. “Art?! I suppose you should be grateful he’s hundreds of miles away then, he sounds like a moron.”
She huffs, hurriedly shoving her things back into her bag. “Let’s just look for these fucking flowers and get this over with.”
The pair work for the rest of the afternoon in silence, the atmosphere is tense and angry, but they are productive nevertheless, settling on a patch of sunflowers to use for the assignment.
They look at the spirals of seeds in the center of the sunflowers and observe patterns curving left and right. Counting these spirals, their total is a Fibonacci number. They then divide the spirals into those pointed left and right to get two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.
Cutting down a couple of sunflower heads to use as examples, Michael also makes a diagram in his notes for them to present with their findings.
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She feels satisfied by the time they part ways, but an uneasy feeling has settled over her that has dread gnawing into her gut as she thinks about Michael’s criticism of her and Rich’s long distance relationship.
Unsurprised to see she has no missed calls or texts from him when she goes back to her room, she opens up her laptop and logs back onto MySpace. This time when she looks at Rich’s profile her blood runs cold as she sees that Sophie now occupies space number three in his top friends. He’d had time to log on and change the position of a girl he’d met a couple of weeks ago, but couldn’t be bothered to send her a single message?
Before she can stop herself, she’s pulling out her phone and calling his number. She doesn’t care if this wastes all of her credit, she needs answers.
It rings for ages, and she anticipates being sent to voicemail, until he eventually answers, sounding breathless and distracted.
“Rich, it’s me,” she says quietly.
There’s a pause before he answers. “Oh…how’s my little nerd? Everything okay?”
She ignores the familiarity, keeping her tone neutral. “I’m going to ask you something, and I want you to be honest with me.”
Not giving him an opportunity to respond, she pushes on. “Has something happened between you and this Sophie girl I’ve seen you on Myspace with?”
Another pause, except this time she hears him inhale a deep breath. “I was going to tell you when we came home for Christmas break. It felt wrong to break up with you over the phone.”
It feels as though the bottom of her world has been ripped away, her heart twisting painfully as her vision blurs with tears. She swallows thickly, anger bubbling alongside her devastation, so that her tone is venomous when she replies “So, you were just gonna keep stringing me along for two months, so you could look like a good guy?!”
“Babe, no, I didn’t mean for this to happen, I just–”
“You’re a piece of shit,” she cuts him off, “fuck you!”
She hangs up, chucking her phone down onto the bed, and immediately bursts into tears, holding her head in her hands as hot tears stream down her face, her shoulders shaking as her nose grows snotty.
Two years. Two fucking years and he’d chucked it all away for someone he’d known for two weeks.
She walks towards the sink in her room, looking into the mirror and sighing at her reflection. Her eyes are red and puffy, she looks a mess. Splashing cold water onto her face to rid herself of the worst of it, she then flops down onto her bed, opening her laptop.
Immediately she is met with her MSN chat window with Michael from the previous evening. He’s online.
Without thinking, she types out a message to him.
“Do you have any alcohol?”
Within seconds he’s typing a response.
“Would you like me to have alcohol?”
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peachdues · 8 months
I think it’s funny that like ten years ago I swore I would never find love (17 year old me was pessimistic) and this year, for Christmas, Sam ordered me those Ugg taz platform slippers that were sold out everywhere because I said I really wanted them.
Only, because they were sold out everywhere, he ended up finding a distributor in another country, paying an extra $150 for them (currency exchange + express shipping), just so he could make sure I’d have them to open for Christmas.
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
I’m still thinking about the machete
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For reference, this is a machete. (Pic taken from the Woodland Tools Heavy Duty Machete listing). As someone who used to sell knives as my Actual Job, a machete is pretty big! It’s not impossible to hide, but it’s big. It could probably fit in a thigh holster if you’re tall, which Jay…..isn’t, or in a back holster if you’re average height. So the machete is probably in a back holster of some sort, likely worn under his vest. They were usually sold with a holster/case of some sort, often with a space to thread it on a belt, which would work if he doesn’t care about concealing it.
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This is an axe. (Photo taken from an amazon listing for throwing axes. We’re assuming it’s meant as a weapon here). It’s about as long as the machete, but weighted pretty differently. When I sold knives, axes often came in a plastic clamshell, while most of the machetes we sold came in a decently nice holster. Not that you can’t make or buy an axe holster, it’s just not something I saw as often. Typically, folks aren’t carrying around an axe for bushwhacking the way you might carry a machete. They’re not necessarily un-portable, but it’s a little less easy to whip out a concealed axe.
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As a third reference, I’ve taken the liberty of copying this photo of “life size Jay Descendants cardboard stand-up” and marking where I think he could fit a concealed weapon. Not necessarily a machete/axe sized weapon, but a knife or bug spray can of Decent Size. Thinking palm sized or bigger.
We’ve got:
Two obvious vest pockets. Probably pretty small, but could fit a folding knife or a small bug spray.
Vest collar. The big fold feels like a prime location for a hidden pocket. He could fit a large knife in here, or maybe a Nintendo DS.
Hat. An obvious choice for the bug spray can. Keep those bugs away and any other secret stolen objects safe. We know he’s put things in here before because we literally see him doing it in the first movie.
a quick honorable mention for my back holster idea. I think this has the highest axe/machete potential. I think he could do it.
two standard pants pockets. We don’t know the size of the second one (covered by his vest….waist….thing) but knowing boy’s pants, they’re probably pretty big. He might be able to fix a machete in there. If he’s got a smaller axe (maybe a throwing axe?) he could definitely fit that in a standard pants pocket.
Thigh pockets? Access to a secret thigh holster where he can fit more knives? This seems like a good, likely option for bigger knives. Maybe not a full sized standard machete, because Jay is truly Not That Tall, but like, a big two handed knife? Sure.
Knee??? Pockets???? I understand that these zippers are probably there to indicate that he can zip his pants off into shorts, but in my heart he’s got little tiny pockets at his knees. These are too small to fit a machete. These are only large enough to fit isle snacks, which are small and sad because the children are starving.
okay, I know I said I’m done with the knee pocket thing, but why is there a little piece of knee armor on the right side? I can only assume it’s there to disguise a hidden pocket for thievery.
Boots. Shove some knives in the sides of those boots like we shoved our phones into our ugg boots back in 2010. Jay’s got some pretty chunky boots here, he could fit at least one knife in each, maybe two if he packs them right.
This has been hidden weapon time with blue! I still think a machete is WAY too big to hide anywhere but a back holster, but I support all of Jay’s hidden weapons and I’m mentally adding an axe to his pants in every scene now.
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slutsukio · 9 months
sativa. ( weedman!suguru x blk!femreader )
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the unmistakable sensation of approaching the tinted windows of suguru's sleek, wide bodied black hellcat filled the air with anticipation. the low hum of the powerful engine hinted at the potency that lay within, a parallel to suguru's enigmatic persona.
as you reached the car, the subdued glow of the streetlights illuminated the graffiti covered walls of the cladestine spot suguru always sold at. you walked closer and closer to the drivers windows, and he rolled it down, greeting you with a lazy smile, exhaling a leisurely puff of smoke from his blunt. the interior if his car was foggy and smokey, and you knew he was smoking for a while before you even came.
"well, well, look who's back," he drawled, the wry smile playing on his lips echoing the mystique that surrounded him. it was your first visit back to him, after almost two months. back in your sophomore year of college, you were a die-hard pothead. you'd visit him three to four times a week, and the routine had become a familiar dance back then. but, one thing turned into another and he'd always end up fuckin' up your pretty little pussy, echoed moans would bounce off of your dormitory walls, letting everyone know you were his.
but, thats besides the point because you came to get what you wanted. "why you make it so complicated, suguru?" you asked, followed by a nonchalant eye-roll. you casually leaned inside the open window of his sleek car, your slender fingers deftly navigating the crevices to retrieve the blunt out of his muscular fingers.
bringing the well-rolled blunt to her glossy lips, you took a languid and deliberate inhale, relishing the rich and smokey goodness that enveloped her senses, creating a sensory tapestry of delight. savoring the moment as if time slowed down, you held the intoxicating essence within your system, before finally exhaling a plume of smoke, watching it lazily dissipate into the air, leaving a transient and ethereal trace of your indulgence lingering in the atmosphere.
accompanied by a mischievous giggle that echoed through the stillness of the night, you took a leisurely stroll to the passenger side of the car, each confident stride a harmonious dance with the rhythmic stomp of her uggs on the concrete floor, their cadence a subtle declaration of her self-assured presence. when you got to the side of the car, you heard a slight click and the door opening, seeing suguru spread out over the middle of his car, to open up the door.
she sat down in her reserved spot that awaited her return, an unspoken promise nestled with the confines of that space. with an air of playful confidence now enveloping her like a cloak, she turned to face him, the glint in her eyes evolving into a teasing sparkle that danced with mischief. "missed me?" you inquired with a mischievous glint in your eyes, your gaze lingering on him as you handed him the blunt back, the tendrils of smoke intertwining with the air. with a subtle smile, you scooted over, closing the distance, and planting a lingering kiss on his jawline, the warmth of the gesture accentuated by the shared exhale of the smoke-filled moment.
"how could i possibly miss you," he answered jokingly, his tone laced with playful teasing as a mischievous glint danced in his eyes, the warmth of shared banter hanging in the air. you heard his breath hitch imperceptibly at the sudden kiss on his jawline.
as you chuckled, playfully pushing sugura away, you observed him with a mischievous grin as he turn on his car, the engine revving with a distinctive growl, signaling the departure from the familiar confines of the old park where he routinely conducted his sales. as the wheels began to roll, navigating the urban terrain, it seemed that not a single though occupied suguru's mind regarding his destination. with a sigh, you found solace in the soft glow of your phone, it's bright light casting an illuminating aura on your pretty face, before gently placing it down.
as suguru continued to drive, his focus fixed on the road ahead, you couldn't help but sneak glanced in his direction, curious about the direction his whims would take him. amidst the rhythmic hum of the engine, your gaze met suguru's, his attention momentarily diverted from the road. "whats the matter, princess?" he asked, sensing the subtle shift in your emotions reflected on your face. the fleeting moment of connection hung in the air, as the urban landscape passed by, encapsulating the unspoken dynamics between you two in the cocoon of the moving vehicle.
before sighing and sinking into your seat, you admitted, "school's been stressin' me, 'guru." the admission hung in the air, accompanied by a sense of vulnerability, and you could tell from suguru's perceptive gaze that he had already deduced the cause of her sudden reappearance.
"what's got you stressed out?" a slightly concerned tone, laced with genuine worry, and maybe even a hint of empathy, rang through his voice as he took another hit from the blunt, the fragrant tendrils of smoke swirling in the air between you two.
"just the fact that all these tests are coming up, i've got like three long-ass writing assignments due next week, and trying to balance my social and academic life." you expressed with a sigh, your shoulders sagging under the weight of her responsibilities, just as suguru extended the blunt toward her, offering a momentary reprieve in the form of the last few lingering puffs.
he lingered in silence for a thoughtful moment, contemplatinf his options and considering the words or actions that would follow, before a subtle smirk etched across his features. with a calculated nonchalance, he proposed, "how bout we head to waffle house, head back to my place, smoke some more, and then we fuck?" a wide smile plastered on his face once more, before you smiled and planted another kiss on his jawline.
"sounds like a plan, baby."
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❁ suki speaking — idk weedman suguru been in my mind for a while after i saw this lil prompt on tt. but enjoy!! <3
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sudaca-swag · 6 months
today i woke up and threw my chestnut golden mid back lenght wavy hair into a messy bun, i put on my leggings and uggs, bathed myself in off mosquito venom and went down to the kitchen where my mom told me "Y/N we've sold you to the aedes egyptis"
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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so i think a lot of turtles are cackling because of the recent ugg coincidence that happened. and i agree, this one is really sus and something that deserves a spot in cpn history. but i’m more interested as to the why of it all. why is it there. my first guess is they forgot to blur it out and thought it’s no big deal. we could leave it at that, but it’s xz studio we’re talking about here — and considering the events leading up to it, i guess one can’t help but wonder if there is anything more to this….
XZ & XZ STUDIO are notorious for blurring things out. not just faces of people close by or the staff, but also things around them. You even have a photo of GG with the window of the car blurred out, so people don’t know where he is — or the things on his car seats also blurred. This is understandable, it’s for his privacy. There are also times where certain items are covered in videos & photos because of ( the most likely ) certain contractual obligations. Also fact that the most random things people see him use gets sold out can be a factor, he doesn’t want to unintentionally endorse something that’s really more of a personal favorite.
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It’s him wanting to keep certain aspects of his life private and that’s perfectly fine. Even if sometimes the guessing of what he has blurred out in some cases have been a game that turtles love to play. 😂😂😂
Now let’s review the video in question and why the shoes being left in the open seemed out of the ordinary.
you see they did cover up ( blue smileys ) some things on there and at some point the ugg slippers were sort of obscured. until that one frame where you can see everything clearly.
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At this point, it’s not the first time that we saw one person having the other’s endorsement before it was announced. and the culprit was mostly ZZ. him having WYB’s endorsed products before it gets announced. Also it’s not usually THEM that you see using it ( well except for bottled joy lol ) but the staff. It’s like they were given a sizeable amount of that product and was shared to the crew — which only happens to an endorser/sponsor. I think this is the first that we saw from their videos. other incidents we have are from second pass photos so it’s why i’m overthinking it all. why does it seem intentional.
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considering days ago there was the whole maison kitsune same style hot search and the same phone case is still fresh in people’s mind… shouldn’t he be more “careful” with these? not just with public opinion ( who mostly don’t mind ) but also his fans who get worked up about it.
A key incident also was earlier the day, there was an HS about him and his WDB co-star. It was a video “leak” from when they were shooting the drama. It looked very sweet and cp material — but they were shooting. I personally don’t have any bad blood with LQ. I genuinely think that they are friends and he’s comfortable to joke with her like that.
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It stayed up for some time on the HS, and it’s okay to have it up considering it’s promotion for the drama. It’s normal. You would expect stuff like this to pop up since they are the main pairing in the drama.
THEN LATER IN THE EVENING XZS DECIDES TO DROP THIS ON US. While I do think a very small amount of candies are intentional, this one seems to be ZZ hammering us. I still remember how he spoiled us when OOL was out so this is really nothing compared to that. He could have gone for something more in your face but what they did was actually perfect. Only those who pay special attention will notice what’s going on. The casual fan will be distracted by him doing push ups and leave it at that— but not us ( and well other wfs who seem to be better at noticing stuff than us lol ). It’s like him comforting us after that HS and all the cp stuff in his drama ( which i’m not mad about cause the love stories between him and the two girls is well written so far ; i wanna do a proper post about it in the future ).
So there you go. It’s not just because we saw Ugg shoes on his video clearly. It’s the endorsement incidents before, his acts of subtle comfort to cpfs, the events that lead up to the release of the video and ZZ’s penchant for giving candies you can’t wash. CPNs that become popular like this are usually not only because of what get at face value. You have to look at the bigger picture to make it sweeter. 💛
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horsesarecreatures · 5 months
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Good eBay days these past 2 days. I really like selling on there. It's not ton of money on the whole and its not where the bulk of my income comes from, but it's a ton of money considering I only spend maybe half an hour a week tops making the listings. Does anyone watch TheCleverCowgirl on youtube? I was shocked to find out she supports all her horses just eBay reselling, but honestly great for her. I was glad to finally sell those sneakers. I highly recommend that people get to Kohl's early during their 50% off clearance sale and pick up shoes like crocs, nike, uggs, etc. They all sold super fast for me and I made a 50% profit on them. These ASICS sneakers I just sold were not a brand I'd heard of before, but I picked them up because they were so cute and they were something I'd buy a little girl if I had one. They took longer to sell than the others so I started questioning my judgement, but ultimately I still got rid of them in less than 6 months so it still paid off.
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sugardolle · 1 year
recent dolle things that i bought ! 🎀
okay so earlier in these past weeks i posted my dolly (dolle) wishlist ! and i have fulfilled some of those things + bought some cute things that wasn’t included on the list. <3
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sephora lip gloss. it’s this specific shade that’s popular on xiaohongshu ? where they shade matched a bunny’s tongue and it’s the cutest thing ever. first of i’m black, so i tried my luck & i love it. ofc it’s not that pigmented on my lips as to someone with pale skin but i love the pink sheerness, especially when i combo it with my fenty lip tint, my brown lip liner, and my laneige lip mask 🎀.
necklaces with wording + hello kitty. im a sucker for small silver necklaces, they just sit so prettily. it says ‘missworld’ and the ‘i’ has a star in replacement of the dot. and i can’t wait to pair it with my hello kitty necklace that i just ordered ! it remind me of the hashtag that i use that says ‘missangel’.
hello kitty plushie. it’s so tiny and cute, i can’t wait to sit it on my desk 🧁.
cheetah print hair clips. so im getting my hair done soon and i ordered some cheetah print hair clips. so that i can do 2 braids with pink ribbon combo w straight hair and then add on the clips, i saw this girl on tiktok do a video of this like the vision in my head is so cute and clear on myself. i also want these plain silver shaped hair clips, idk i feel like it’ll contrast the pink ribbons so prettily.
classic ultra mini platform uggs. i got the color chestnut, original i wanted mustard seed but sadly they were sold out in my size and i was already debating on chestnut v. mustard seed. so i went with chestnut since i feel like that color of brown is diverse when it comes to styling. i can’t wait to wear it with pretty leg warmers 🎀!
missme bootcut jeans. it’s fall and i feel like cute jeans are a must! especially for walks in the cold, i want to take a walk downtown and visit cafés. that’s on my fall to-do list. i was so desperate to get these, i immediately went on depop and ordered some, and i found some really cute ones. this week i want to try thrifting for the first time and see if i find some more <3.
baby pink sheets. at first i had butterfly sheets, and i don’t like them at all !! knowing baby pink is my fav color i had to get baby pink sheets. it’s this fuzzy white blanket at walmart that i keep eyeing and i’m thinking of buying it. i also want to buy some plushies to go on my bed!
cute lashes. so i bought some lashes that start small and then at the end tips it has more volume, almost like cat eye lashes if i explained that correctly? i also bought this pink cute lash case that i can bring with me in my new bags 🎀.
rilakkuma phone case. y’all it’s so cuteee , it’s going to look cute with my outfits. i want some rilakkuma plushies for my bed. it’s this one on aliexpress where rilakkuma is holding a strawberry , i want to get it and take cute pictures with it. 🍰
pink tracksuit. i bought this one pink and gray tracksuit that says ‘no photos please’ , it’s literally an essential idc ! it’s so cute !
pink tank tops. tank tops are an essential, especially for under cute tracksuits and jackets, & stuff. i bought some really cute ones that has cute laces , etc !
leg warmers. another essential , this is self explanatory cause who doesn’t love leg warmers ?!
jill stuart makeup. i have never bought from there until now and i’m waiting on my order, but the packaging is too cute to not have it. i ordered their lip blossom and their eye jewel dew in the shade pretty princess. i’ve never tried an eye shimmer but i just know it’s going to look cute. especially as a quick and small dash of highlight. 🎀
alba rosa beige hisbiscus tote bag. alba rosa was one of the it stores in gyaru culture. the bag looks sooo soft & fuzzy! and i can’t wait to put a pink bow on it. soft brown and baby pink is my favorite color combination at the moment ! 🍨
hello kitty hand mirror + brush. im a lace front wearing girly although i do wear my braids + my natural hair, but this is so cute to brush my hair with when i do wear a lace front, can’t wait for my appt ! 🍮
pink crocodile pattern hand bag. i can’t wait to post a picture of it, it’s pretty, i was debating to get white or pink, but as expected i ended up with pink.
strawberry body care. OMGG. i will never get over about how good it smells like idc. i bought a body oil, body scrub, and body milk. it literally have my whole room smelling like strawberries for HOURS. and the thing that gets me is that the body milk/butter has shimmer in it, so i literally have a shimmery body after using it ! idk a strawberry base but a plush sugar scent will always hit. 🎀
heart shaped earrings. i actually bought this almost 2 months ago, but it’s so cute! it says ‘blessed’ on it and it’s big, silver hearts. the quality is so good. i love them and their my favorite earrings at the moment ( literallly for the past 2 months ). 🧁
pink cropped jacket with fuzzy ball strings. it’s actually a set but i have yet to order the skirt! the jacket was too cute to not get right now, i can literally live with the jacket itself, but i do have plans on buying the skirt soon.
flowy shirts. i recently bought two! it’s a pink cheetah print one with cute ribbon embedded into the design. and a frilly baby pink one with a silky baby pink bow tied in front. 🎀
juicy couture vintage terry cloth sweater. it’s so cute and it matches my brown and pink combo agenda so well. is it just me or do new juicy looks off… idk i hate it. the panties are cute though! <3
playboy bunny belly jewel. it’s so cute and flashy. like the way it just shimmers , cute.
i have so much more i want to purchase! but before i order it online i want to take a mall trip and purchase some of these in store. such as victoria’s secret underwear and lush body care items 🎀!! and see if i find any cute mini skirts. might upcycle them to fit my style!
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signing off — vixendolle ( @kaydolle ). 🍭 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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keanuquotes · 5 days
In a “most excellent” display of rock, Dogstar–featuring Hollywood outsider favorite, Keanu Reeves on bass–played to a sold out Catalyst main room last night. The air was more electrified than the batteries of the Matrix as everyone anxiously waited to get a glimpse of the star. Despite the show starting at 8pm, Catalyst staff had been at the club since 10am setting up the stage and keeping fans away from the tour buses all day.
music in the park san jose
Yet, despite the early call time, stage managers, runners and security were in just as good of spirits as the fans later in the evening. That’s just the magic of Keanu.
While the official time the doors opened was 7pm, VIP lanyard ticket holders were allowed in twenty minutes before. A group of fifty or so individuals rushed to the front of the stage to stake their place. Every once in a while a friend from any given group would go to the bar and place an order of drinks to bring back while the crowd broke into cheers whenever the door to the green room opened.
By the time the opening band, Sons of Silver, hit the stage the Catalyst bars were in full gear cranking out drinks to thirsty crowds. The Los Angeles five piece is touring off their latest single, “Running Out of Words” ahead of the release of their debut full-length, Runaway Emotions. Featuring former members of Pearl Jam, Candlebox and Skillet, Sons of Silver brings a certified classic rock sound with a twist from keyboardist Brina Kabler. Their first time in Santa Cruz and at The Catalyst, Sons of Silver singer Peter Argyropoulos acknowledged the venue’s historic past.
“It’s good to be in a proper rock ‘n roll club,” he told the audience, noting the current Summer Vacation Tour with Dogstar has taken the bands to multiple casino resort shows.
After a 20 minute or so break between bands, the crowd erupted as the three piece Dogstar took the stage. They opened the set “Blonde,” an Echo & the Bunnymen-esque song that also opens Dogstar’s new album, Somewhere Between the Power Lines and the Palm Trees, which came out in October 2023. Throughout the set they played a number of new tracks like the break-up ballads, “How The Story Ends” and “Glimmer” along with energetic anthem, “Breach.”
After a quick five minute break, Dogstar returned for a four song encore that included lively cover versions of The Cure’s “Just Like Heaven” and The Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated,” maybe or maybe not in honor of the day being the 20th anniversary of the death of Johnny Ramone.
As they closed out the set singer Bret Domrose–a Santa Clara native who has also acted in movies like The Replacements with bassist Reeves and previously played bass in San Francisco new wave punk act, The Nuns–told The Catalyst he was once in a local band as “a kid” that tried to play the venue but couldn’t get a gig.
“So thanks for finally letting me in,” he joked before the band walked off stage.
Living up to his reputation as a “regular person” and grateful star, Reeves re-emerged once most of the venue cleared out to greet fans and hangout with old friends. Before heading back onto the bus he signed autographs and took a couple of photos with some lucky fans while rocking a comfy pair of UGG boots. Like his character in The Devil’s Advocate said, it’s “free will after all.”
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kissmethroughthebone · 7 months
The Holidays were a mess!
Sometimes I date people and they make it seem like they have some big surprise in store for me, and then they don't.
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Like this passing Christmas, my wishlist was very simple:
Lab-grown gemstones (if one really bothered to search, I could've gotten like 10 sapphires, 10 rubies and 5 other gemstones for the price of an average Shake Shack order from gemsngems)
Sapphire or emerald ring (even broke people can get this; Etsy has sapphire and emerald rings for 30 bucks. Are they doublets [a.k.a. a gemstone sat upon a thin later of glass]? Yes. But are they nice, pretty, cheap and what I want? Yes. Or even a lab grown one would've been dirt cheap.)
A blanket...... yep, that's it. A blanket. An UGG blanket would've been amazing but frankly all blankets are good. Hard to mess up. Like, under 30 bucks, really.
A massage oil candle. As in the brands where you get a candle that, when lit, slowly melts into a skin-safe warm body oil. Sexy AND comforting, works for both self-care and intimacy with someone. 35$ maximum, but some sold for as low at 15$ for guaranteed high quality massage oil.
Easy enough list, right? Even a man working at Amazon could do this.
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And what I actually got:
I almost did get a massage oil candle, but it was my last fling's shoddy attempt at making one... ah yes, a man who could've spent like, 15 bucks, decided that an empty no-spout pasta jar with untested-for-skin-safety heated up shea butter and lavender oil, with a wick in it, was what I deserved...... after being great all year to him.
Why didn't I get it, you ask? Well, let's just say men don't like it when you hold them accountable for things they attempted that made them deserving to be on a registry somewhere. Thankfully, I have hands. He didn't want these hands moisturized even when I almost lacked the sense to forgive him! (I was in a haze and hardly had anyone around me, of course I was almost gonna go back to an abuser!)
Meanwhile he still blew tons of money on board games and comic books.
The ethical anti-consumer organic product naturalista in me is flattered, but ultimately not at all impressed.
Ha! Funny how last year I discussed with others openly on my social media page that a man who spends more on himself, than you, is a man who underprioritizes you.
And the men on my roster, (consisting of my Recent Ex Boyfriend, who let's call L, and my recent fling, let's call M,) agreed, and promised to do better.
It paused temporarily! L stopped with the Bape hoodie obsession of his for a bit and promised more high end dates. (He promised that when we broke up too, since men always try when they know they're gonna lose you for good and will pull out all stops.) M temporarily paused (or hid better) his obsession with wasting cash on rare comic books he never reads online.
And then it happened again. Suddenly everyone has rhinestone hoodies and the limited edition Resident Evil comic books, but no money for a real date, or to pick me up from anywhere but a BART station.
Whew, chile. The ghetto. The ghettoooooo.
My fault for dating broke niggas with issues.
All good though. I'll tighten the fuck up!
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I am meant for ubers, galas, chaffeurs, high end events and success! Bills paid! Not... that lame shit!
Low tier men are good for smaller expenses, or tasks; small bills, little hair treatments, maybe a dress or shoes. Some jewelry if in budget! But, talk to them scarcely and show there's always better out there for you and that they have to impress you. Always. Or else, its not worthwhile to see them!
Mid tier men are good for actual life investments: carpet cleaning services, construction, vector control, taxes, actual real gemstone jewelry, subscription services, buying a car or jewelry, and more.
High tier men are good for LIFE in general; industry things, housing things, anything ever on this planet. Ever. They'll always do it.
I keep sympathizing with men and/or letting them get away with things, instead of utilizing them as stepping stones for what I want.
Since you give too much to a man and they get comfortable and stop trying.
Fuck that, I need all my niggas to be working and crying over the idea of losing me! Heart panging in their chest, bent at the knees sobbing, since another man is taking me out to a high end dinner after treating me to some earrings.
I love doing that to men, so much. Always.
Anyway, just reminding myself I got everything to thrive and have no need for a man to survive.
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I have a well paying job, a nice mind and a beautiful face and body. I always get what I want. Always. Amen. Thanks and peace out yall!
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Renee is wearing the Byers Stripe V-Neck Jumper from All Saints (no longer sold), Hazel Pull-On Drop-Waist Jeans in Dark & Stormy from Free People ($158) & the Classic Slipper in Chestnut from Ugg (sold out)
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outfitsinspiration · 9 months
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Who: Melissa A.R (mimi arr)
What: Source Unknown Double Breasted Maxi Wool Coat in Powder (Sold Out) Where: Instagram - December 12, 2023
Worn with: Sporty & Rich sweater, sweatpant and scarf, Ugg shoes, Hermès bag
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3gremlins · 6 months
ngl i kind of love that ugg (style) boots are back in vogue (ish? they apparently were super in vogue in 2023 at least) like yes, you deserve a comfy ass slipper boot here in the 2020s! they look cute and they are comfy*!
*but they are not good for weather. like they are good for if you live in a place like socal (which is where the company was founded and presumably also like Australia, where the founders got the idea since sheepskin boots had been a thing there for awhile) where winters might get to 50 degrees F and are typically dry af. you can treat them with stuff to make them a little water resistant but they're still not really meant for serious Weather (rain, snow, that gross sludgy snow that's been hanging out in the road for days, etc) and they are also not really functional as a warm boot in very cold weather (like you'd actually want a real winter boot that's waterproof, with traction and shit). just like something to keep your feets cozy on cold floors or in cold houses.
related: growing up in new england, my mom and i were always so distraught at the fashion sold to the whole country that was literally only functional in southern california. like tiny skirts and cozy boots work when it's 50-70 F degrees out and perpetually sunny, but not so much when you've just had 8ft of snow in the space of a month, it's currently pelting down a "wintry mix" and it's 10 F degrees out lol. So much of why fashion didn't work for me as a teen clicked when I moved to socal lol, like "oh, these are the people/the place those clothes were for". (ofc also there's the gender stuff that factored in too) i'm sure there's something there about how applying niche fashion trends nationally is objectively terrible and also really flattening. I feel like it was a bigger issue in the 90s/early aughts with mall culture, but it might still be true (i'm sure there are and were still some niche trends, but it'd be nice if they were highlighted somehow? or if there was less of a monoculture push in the US at least). it is weird that a few fashion voices dictate "trends" for the whole country when different people/locations require different things from their clothes.
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shesnotme · 11 months
last minute halloween costume ideas pt. 1 ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
okay 2016 youtuber era😭 anyways idk if anyone else also hasnt thought abt their halloween costumes like at all … but i know i haven’t! so heres some actual cute halloween costume ideas that arent super boring or overdone xo
priscilla presley
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if you have dark hair, white dress and some black ribbon.. there you go😭 this is literally such a cute outfit idea (+ priscilla by sofia coppola releases 3 days after halloween!) and also soo easy <3 consider !
nina sayers
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almost everything she wears could be thrifted or is sold at brandy 😭 every thrift store has dark ugg dupes, get some rosa sweatpants and a grey zip up + scarf and boom ! you probably already own half these things anyways
pink friday nicki
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nowww this is probs the easiest one out of all of these🩷 all u wld need is jeans, a bombshell push up bra, a tank and a pink wig if u want and you probably already have almost all of those ! as well pink friday 2 is out a few weeks after halloween, and this would be super recognizable bc who doesnt know nicki minaj?
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