#ugh what he must've felt seeing what happened to him all over again
abbeyofcyn · 1 year
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2 arms left by @intotheelliwoods fanart of one of my fav scenes (because I love to be hurt it seems)
Cw: blood cw: injury
My excuse to practice colouring
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its-avalon-08 · 4 months
ADORE UR ANGST! Can you do a lando norris x y/n where lando is upset with y/n because she wasnt listening when he was ranting about something that happened. He feels annoyed. Y/N doesnt know why he's upset but then she realises. she tries to apoligise
can i just say i love it when y/n messes up, because writing reader groveling is my guilty pleasure <3 thanks anon
look up from your fucking phone (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - alot of fighting, y/n is being annoying, angst, fluffy ending
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Lando slammed the apartment door shut, the echo bouncing off the bare walls of their new place in Monaco. He threw his helmet on the couch, the familiar orange a stark contrast to the simmering red of his mood.
"Y/N, did you see that?!" he yelled, stomping towards the kitchen.
Y/N was hunched over the counter, phone glued to her ear, a frown etched on her face. "Ugh, why won't this load?..." she trailed off, finally noticing Lando's stormy entrance.
"Didn't you see what Yuki pulled out there?!" Lando practically exploded. "That dive bomb into Turn 12? I could've been wiped out!"
Y/N finally peeled her phone away from her ear. "Yeah, I saw it. Sounds scary," she said, her voice flat. She scrolled through her phone again, a picture of a cupcake taking center screen.
Lando's anger intensified. "Scary? Y/N, it was reckless! He could've ruined both our races!" He gestured wildly with his gloved hands. "And all he gets is a five-second penalty? That's a joke!"
Y/N sighed, a sound of exasperation that sent a fresh wave of irritation through Lando. "Look, I'm sure you'll bounce back. Maybe get some revenge on him next race?" She offered a tight smile, her eyes still glued to the phone.
Lando felt a knot tighten in his chest. "That's it? No 'are you okay?' No 'that was a dirty move?'" His voice dropped to a low growl. "Don't you even care?"
Y/N finally looked up, startled. "Of course I care, Lando! I just... I had a really stressful day too, okay?" She gestured vaguely at the phone. "Work stuff."
The knot in Lando's chest unraveled, replaced by a hollow ache. "Right," he muttered, his voice devoid of its usual spark. "Work stuff is always more important than your boyfriend getting wrecked on the track, apparently."
Y/N's eyes widened. "Hey, that's not fair! I wouldn't say that." She reached out a hand, but Lando flinched away.
"Just forget it," he said, his voice tight. "I need a shower."
He stormed past her, the slam of the bathroom door echoing through the apartment. Y/N stared after him, the phone clattering to the counter with a forgotten thud. The file which had now loaded mocked her from the screen.
Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs. She'd been so caught up in her own problems, she hadn't realized Lando was having a terrible day. Shame washed over her as she remembered his frustrated yells, his need for support.
She jumped up, rushing to the bathroom door. "Lando, wait!" she called out, her voice laced with panic. "I'm so sorry, I was just..."
She tried the knob, but it wouldn't budge. He must've locked it. Lando, who never locked the bathroom door. A cold dread filled her.
He was mad. Really mad. And it was all her fault.
The silence stretched on for what felt like hours. Dinner, usually a time for shared laughter and stories, was a tense affair. Y/N cooked Lando's favorite pasta dish, but it sat untouched on the table, growing cold beside her untouched plate. Every time she stole a glance at the bathroom door, a knot tightened in her stomach.
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, she cleared her throat. "Lando," she began tentatively, "I know you're upset, and I just wanted to say again that I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been on the phone. I was just..."
The clatter of the bathroom door slamming shut cut her off. Lando stormed into the living room, his face a mask of fury.
"Just what?" he spat out, his voice raw with emotion. "Just another bad day at work for you? Don't you get it, Y/N? Today was a nightmare! Yuki nearly took me out, the car felt off the entire race, and to top it all off, the media keeps hounding me about missing out on the podium."
He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "And you," he pointed a finger at her, his voice cracking, "you weren't even there for me. You were too busy with your stupid phone to even see how much I was fucking hurting."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes. "Lando, I-"
He cut her off again, his voice laced with a raw vulnerability that ripped at her heartstrings. "No, Y/N! You don't get to talk now. I had the worst fucking day of my life, and your sorry does. not. fix. that. You listening to me, maybe even caring, might have. But you weren't there. And frankly, right now, I don't even know if you care at all."
He stormed past her, grabbing his helmet from the couch. "I'm going for a drive. Don't wait up." The slam of the front door echoed through the apartment, leaving Y/N standing alone in the cold, sterile silence. Tears streamed down her face, a silent apology echoing in the empty room. She had messed up, badly. And now, she had to find a way to fix it, even if it meant facing Lando's anger and rebuilding the trust she had so carelessly shattered.
Lando's car tore down the familiar winding roads, the roar of the engine a poor substitute for the roar of frustration in his chest. Tears, hot and angry, blurred his vision as he navigated the steep climb towards his favorite spot - the very same hill where he'd asked Y/N to be his girlfriend.
"Stupid phone. Stupid fucking Yuki. Stupid me," he muttered under his breath, slamming the car into park with more force than necessary. He stormed out, the cool night air doing little to quell the fire burning inside him.
He reached the familiar crest of the hill, the city lights twinkling like scattered diamonds below. It was supposed to be a place of peace, a place where he could clear his head. But tonight, it was a stark reminder of everything he'd lost.
"Why couldn't you have listened to me Y/N," he growled, the words catching in his throat. He sat down on the familiar patch of grass, burying his head in his hands. A choked sob escaped his lips, the sound harsh and raw in the quiet night.
Suddenly, a soft voice broke through his despair. "Lando?"
He looked up, startled, to see Y/N standing hesitantly before him. She was holding a basket overflowing with snacks, drinks, and a familiar fluffy blanket. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her face etched with worry and regret.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hoarse. His anger hadn't quite subsided, but it was overshadowed by a wave of surprise.
"I followed you," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. She set the basket down beside him cautiously, the woven handles creaking softly. "I know you needed some space, but I couldn't just stay there. I had to try and fix this."
Lando hesitated, then gestured towards the spot beside him. Y/N sat down, her gaze fixed on the glittering cityscape. Silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. Finally, Y/N reached out, placing a hand tentatively on his arm.
"Lando, I'm so, so sorry. There's no excuse for my behavior today. You were having a terrible day, and I completely ignored you. It was selfish and insensitive, and I hurt you. And for that, I am truly sorry."
Lando flinched, a tear rolling down his cheek. He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and longing. "I just... I needed you, Y/N. Today was one of those days when everything felt like it was going wrong. And all I wanted was for you to be there for me, to listen, to just be you."
Y/N's hand tightened on his arm. "I understand now. And believe me, I was there in spirit. Every time you yelled, every time you slammed the door, it broke my heart a little more. But I was so caught up in my own problems, I didn't even see how much you were hurting."
She squeezed his arm gently. "Please, Lando. Let me try to make it up to you. Let's stay here, talk, share some snacks." She gestured towards the basket with a small, hopeful smile. "Maybe then we can face tomorrow together."
Lando looked from her hopeful face to the inviting spread in the basket. A flicker of his old smile played on his lips. He sighed, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Alright, Y/N. Snacks and talking it out sound pretty good right now."
As they settled under the blanket, the city lights twinkling around them, they began to talk. Lando poured out his frustrations about the race, Yuki, and the media. Y/N listened intently, offering words of encouragement and understanding. They reminisced about better races, laughed at silly inside jokes, and slowly, the rift between them began to heal.
The drive home was filled with a comfortable silence, a silent promise to communicate better in the future. As Lando pulled into their driveway, he turned to Y/N, a genuine smile warming his face.
"Thanks for coming after me, Y/N." He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against hers. "I love you."
Y/N smiled back, her heart overflowing with relief. "I love you too, Lando. And next time, I'm chucking the phone into the bin."
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socksracoon10 · 8 months
The Banter of Thieves
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x F!Reader
Jack Sparrow was by no means your friend. He wasn't even an acquaintance. His mere presence irked you, caused you to vomit overboard and wipe the drool that dabbled your chin as you spat out the lovely painting your stomach decided to spew out. The entire Caribbean sea knew better than to mess with you; you were the jewel of the ocean, the only woman to have stood for so long on your feet without ever backing down. Once your crew was outnumbered by the British officers, but you bravely traversed the seas and implied that you had more guts than your opponents. Another instance was when you managed to have stolen an artifact aboard a merchant ship that costed you a good fortune. You were the talk of Tortuga for weeks on end - added to that were rounds of free rum with jealous ladies and ecstatic men surrounding your presence.
So it was of to no surprise that upon hearing your name being tossed around like a ball, Jack Sparrow would've felt a little bit of resentment. Well, not a little - it was a LOT. He was devastated, he was hurt. How could the people trample around singing your name when HE was the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow! THE Captain Jack Sparrow of THE Black Pearl! He couldn't handle it. He just couldn't sit there and watch you swinging your arms around with the other pirates, gleefully cheering on your success. Drink after drink, he noticed the amount of rum you were being passed. Some men forced a glass to you, and though you politely declined, he noticed the way you'd give in after the third persistent person chimed in with a 'please' and there the rum would go down. It would cascade down your neck, around your breasts and find itself sloshed on the ground; Jack hated it. He hated to see the sight of pure, good rum being wasted away like that. 
When you were passed out, slouched against a sturdy chair with the glass still in your hand, Jack had tip-toed to where you sat and stood over your sleeping form. You weren't a hideous creature; he'd seen much worse on his escapades. In his mind, he couldn't fathom to understand how a girl as beautiful and intelligent such as yourself could have the nerve to be a pirate and go against him? Him? Ugh, it made his blood curl at the thought. In any other circumstances, he would've tried to woo you or played some sort of game, but clearly those options were out the window. His eyes cast over to you once again, and he caught onto the tiny sliver of shimmering gold tucked away in your shirt against your bosom. Pursing his lips together, he grabbed a small dagger and carefully used the blade to hook onto the gold's chain; despite being a pirate, he still had SOME manners. Not all of them for a gentlemen, but at least enough so that he wouldn't have to be slapped by the rest of the women on Tortuga. Two was enough for him at the moment. Lifting the chain up into the air, his eyes flickered onto you for a brief moment; you stirred in your sleep, but not too much to indicate that you might be awake. He sighed in relief, holding the chain to the light as his eyes followed the path down to an intricately designed key. He narrowed his eyes at the design pattern, noticing a fresh emblem with the letters "C.D." inscribed. His eyes widened, bringing it closer to him. No, he couldn't believe it. How did she manage to find the key for The Cure of the Dead? Impossible! He pocketed the key, grabbing the glass of rum from her as she whined in her sleep. Chugging it down, he let out a hiss as the liquid flowed down his throat and marched out of the tavern with a new mission set on his mind.
"I'm going to cut off that dirty bastard's prying fingers," You growled, seated firmly in the cabin of your ship; when you had woken up after, you already knew what must've happened when the gold chain was missing and you cursed every God that existed in your mind to help you find Sparrow before he'd get his filthy, grubby hands on what you had desired. The Cure was no simple thing - no, it was not a simple little vial or a chest of wealth - it was much more. There was a certain ritual that was foretold in the legend; the one soul, after giving up four equal drops of blood, would be able to pursue the path of immortality and greatness. Your father had spent ages pillaging and tormenting anyone who proved to be an obstacle just to find the key. And now, under your possession - or well, was under your possession - you were extremely keen on protecting your father's legacy through the key, anxious to seek the glory in honor of your fearless father. At the present moment, that dream was starting to sink faster than a ship caught in a whirlpool thanks to the lovely Captain Jack Sparrow himself.
A few days had passed among the seas and your crew had slowly abandoned your ship, one by one. They knew it was going to be a very tiresome journey, but you should've known better that the slightest inconvenience would have them scuttling away back to their mummies. You cursed at them as they rowed away, swearing to enact your revenge one day if they ever dared to return to your captaincy. Your eyes shifted from them to the large island approaching your ship. You noticed another ship seated on the shore, some crewmen walking about the deck or on the sandy land. Assuming this was Jack's crew, you managed to park your vessel besides them and leaned over the deck to bellow,
"Oi! Is that Gibbs I see there?" 
The old man swiftly turned at the mention of his name, narrowing his eyes at you with a scowl.
"Aye it be, Captain (L/N)," He rolled his eyes, nudging Raggetti whose bulging eyes seemed to seep right through you. Grimacing at the sight of the skeleton-like man, you climbed down onto the beach shore and dug your hands in your pockets.
"Where is that scoundrel?" You snapped, marching forward as a hand rested on the hilt of your sword. Gibbs scoffed, 
"Bit of a strong word to use there, love," He paused for a moment, rubbing his nose before looking at you, "But if you must know, he went through the trees himself."
"Nobody else with him?" 
"Nobody else."
"Well, then, after I acquire what is rightfully man, you all will very much be welcome aboard my ship." You grinned, scanning Jack's crew.
"But we've already got ourself a captain," Raggetti scorned to which you quickly added,
"Not after I'm through with Jack, you won't."
You left the gaping faces behind as you marched into the leafy forest ahead of you. Stepping over a few roots, you noticed a distinct imprint on the mud just a few inches from where you stood; the fool must've slipped and fell on his own face. With a guttural groan, you pushed through and followed the signs among your surroundings, the very same that your father used to tell you. Remembering his tales comforted you immensely, and you wished he was here to see his little girl all grown up and ready to see the treasure he had wished for so long. He would be proud of her, he would've loved her. He would've... surely not expected to see Jack Sparrow stuck between the branches of a tree.
"Jack?" You cocked your head to the side, stepping around the tree to see his face. His features were all scrunched up as he tugged his body to the best of his ability against the branches.
"Those stupid roots!" He exclaimed in a muffled tone. He cried out in exasperation, continuing to tug himself as much as he could before shrieking, "Don't just stand there! Help me!"
You stepped forward, just about ready to push his face out but you caught yourself, hands still in the air as you raised an eyebrow, "Give me the key first, and then I shall help you."
Upon hearing your words, Jack huffed out in annoyance, "Darlin', I think there's something more important here than your stupid key. Help me, first."
"No," You hissed, "You give me the key, and then I'll help you." You extended your arm out, beckoning for him to hand over your prized possession. Jack glared at you, muttering some cursed under his breath; you could've sworn he had said "that insufferable wench" and you scowled at him.
"Listen, love... darling... sweetheart," He groaned between tugs, "If you help me, I swear I'll hand over the key to you."
"You swear? You swear on your ship?" You prodded, and unbeknownst to you, he crossed his fingers behind his back,
"Of course! Of course, my love! N-Now just g-get me out of this stupid mess!" He seethed. You rolled up your sleeves, and placed your palms against his face, beginning to apply pressure.
"Ow... ow, ow, ow, ow, that's my precious face! You're gonna mush my skull in!" Jack screamed, and your blood boiled at his ungratefulness, causing you to begin pushing harder. You tuned out his cries of pain, finally released him from the stockade-like tree, and watched him howl and roll around the dirt. You kicked the side of his body, extending your hand out again for the key. He groaned as he sat up, taking your hand to lift him off the ground.
"You idiot!" You hissed, swatting his hand away, "I want the key!"
Jack blinked a few times, biting the inside of his cheek, "And here I really thought you'd care for me."
Standing back up on his feet, he noticed the way your gaze never faltered on him. He gave a disgusted expression towards you, sauntering off towards the cave opening with a determined mission on his mind. He paused, looking back at you with your open hand for a brief moment, before instantly picking up his pace. Screaming in anger, you charged after him and hopped onto his back, tugging his locks of hair as he shrieked in pain.
"Ow! Ow! Off, off! Look, women aren't meant to pull on my hair unless we're laying in bed together!" Jack hollered.
"I'm a pirate, you oaf, I can do as I please!" You bellowed, tugging harder and steering him away from the cave opening's keyhole. He stumbled backward and stood still for a moment trying to process something in his head,
"You mean to tell me you're not a woman?" He asked in a genuine tone of voice, before gasping loudly, "You deceitful bastard! You mean to tell me you're a filthy bugger impersonating a female?"
"Are you stupid?" You snarled, completely flabbergasted by his words. Not only was he the most aggravating pirate you'd ever met, but currently while on his back, he was definitely the stupidest one you'd ever come across. Jack trudged forward, trying his best to ignore the sharp pain of his hair practically ripping off his scalp as he shoved the key into its designated home. You cried out in frustration, watching the cave slowly open to reveal the circular stage under the beam of light. Upon seeing the glory in front of you, your head poked around his hair and leaned forward, completely in awe of its beauty. 
"You know, you can get off me back now," Jack smirked, turning his head ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of you. You shut your gaping mouth and hopped off him, dusting yourself of any of his filth as you walked past him. It was almost a dance in the way you blocked his path towards the light, your back facing him as your foot extended outwards and your body swayed.
"Don't be a child," Jack mumbled, stepping back and forth as he tried to find a way around you.
"Shut up, you don't even understand the value of this discovery. My father had spent ages-" You began before being cut off,
"Oh, the same old wishy-washy, swishy-swashy story. We know the legend, we know the journey (Y/N)," Jack yawned, "Your father was a thief for stealing that from Davy Jones."
"Thief? He was a pirate, if anyone's a thief you're the thief! You stole it from me when I was asleep!" You roared. Jack chuckled at your answer when you turned to face him,
"Pirate," He gestured to himself, with his eyebrows raising in the process, "It's part of the job description. And now you're a thief for wanting to steal what's mine... especially after the hell you just put me through," He moaned, rubbing his scalp, gently.
"It's mine." You hissed.
"No, it's mine," Jack stated, pointing to the circular stage.
"Nope, still mine, darlin'."
"You buffoon! It's mine! I get to be immortal, not you!"
"Eh, I've escaped death more times than you have, it's definitely mine, love."
"Oi, don't raise your voice at me. My ears are a bit sensitive," Jack raised a finger, "Still mine, though."
"Now you're just actin' like a child, be a lady... if you even are one," He raised an eyebrow with a suspicious look on his face. That was it, you couldn't take this banter any longer. You lunged forward, tackling him onto the stage as his head scraped against the rocky material. He groaned in pain as he thrashed around, rolling over you. Your elbows brazed against the ground under you and you hissed in pain before grabbing onto Jack's neck and dragging him under you.
As the fighting ensued, you both were completely oblivious to the drops of blood that seeped into the cracks beneath you. You tossed a punch at his jaw as he pulled your hair roughly. The opening of the wall behind you two was overshadowed by the insults that were thrown around with the occasional scream tossed into the mix. It wasn't until the light above you shifted towards the treasure chest meters away did the both of you stopped fighting; you lay on top of him, your head snapping towards the direction of the light as he did the same.
"Is that supposed to happen?" Jack asked, frowning.
"I-I don't know. I never really thought I'd get this far." You replied, trying to make out the sudden shift of the light. In an instant, Jack shoved you off him and bolted towards the chest. His fingers wriggled excitedly as he had a playful smirk on his face. He wrapped his hands around the edges of the chest and brought it open, only to find a small sheet of paper with instructions. That was a whole lot of build-up to nothing.
Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed your unconscious form slouched against a stone. He winced at the sight, carefully walking over to you. He must've shoved you too hard against the rocky stone when he flew to the chest. He glanced back down to the instructions in his hand, before looking back up to you. He took a deep sigh, realizing what he had to do.
When you had woken up, you found your head bandaged firmly. You lay on a small hammock as Gibbs stood before you.
"Aye, you aren't too much of a bad shape. It's a lucky thing Jack managed to bring you in like that." Gibbs smiled, his fingers brushing against your head. You rolled your eyes,
"Let me guess. He must've taken the treasure and run off, didn't he? He must have immortality and the greatest glory to ever exist." You seethed, crossing your arms.
"What? No. Lassie, he left you a little note before venturing off on his own to Tortuga. He's entrusted you to be Captain of the ship for the time being." Gibbs exclaimed, holding a note for you to see, "There's more to this whole shenanigan than just immortality. Apparently both your bloods were combined at the cave... meaning you both are one soul. He's gone off to search for more clues. In the meantime he wants you to rest. He seemed rather worried when we were fixing you up, and kept asking questions as to if you'd be alright or not."
Your mouth slightly parted at Gibbs' words, completely in disbelief. "He was probably making sure I was alright to ensure he'd get his share of the treasure."
"Oh, it was more than that, love," Gibbs winked at you, "I'm sure of it. I've never seen Jack like that around any other woman. Now, enough with me rambling, get your rest. You'll be having lots of more adventures with Jack Sparrow soon."
And with that, he left you with the note and you couldn't help but somehow feel your mind slowly consider Jack Sparrow as more than a thief, more than an acquaintance... and certainly more than a friend.
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3mcwriting · 2 years
Any Fan's Dream, Part 1
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.
You blinked, then blinked again.
You observed your surroundings. There were humongous buildings towering over the many people bustling through the sidewalks of the crowded streets. The skyscrapers were hundreds of feet above your head, the view from up there must've been magnificent. But that wasn't what had you staring around in confusion.
The tall building standing proudly in front of you was what caught your attention.
That was what was written on the side of the ginormous building.
You felt someone grab your hand gently. "C’mon (y/n) we have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again."
You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite superheroes, one that had an infamous Peter-tingle and could climb walls and sling from buildings.
"Tom Holland?" you breathed out, incredulous.
He looked at you, head tilted with concern. "Who's Tom Holland?" he questioned. "Are you alright (n/n)? You look a little dazed."
You were frozen.
Why was Tom Holland asking you if you were okay? Why was he talking to you at all? Why was the Avengers tower in front of you? What exactly was happening right now? How come Tom Holland didn't know who Tom Holland was?
"Mr. Stark?.." you asked, faltering. "I-what?"
His eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure you're alright (n/n)? I'm sure Mr. Stark won't mind if you're not feeling well."
This had to be a dream. It had to be. There was simply no way in hell that you had entered the MCU. You pinched yourself, nothing happened. At this point, you couldn't care less if it was a hallucination. Dream or not, you were talking to PETER MFING PARKER!!
You briefly wondered what age you were in this world. You looked down at your body and it seemed the exact same as when you were in your home world. So, 18. You wondered what part of the timeline you were in? Your eyes scanned Peter's face and decided that he looked the most like in Civil War so you deduced it was sometime around that.
"So...what did you think of Sokovia?" you asked, guessing it was around the time of Age of Ultron.
Peter looked surprised at the question. "It was horrible, why are you asking?"
You nodded.
So it was after Sokovia. Oh shit! Has Civil War happened?
“No reason. Ugh, just one more question. Or, two questions. Are the Avengers still working together?”
Now Peter looked even more confused. “Of course, why wouldn't they be?"
You exhaled a sigh of relief. "Um, no reason. Just really interested in the Avengers, ya know?"
Peter laughed. "Trust me, I know about your Avengers obsession. What was your other question?"
Aha! It seemed like even in this world, you were a fan. Good taste, me.
"Oh, yeah," excitement bubbled up in you. "Can I give you a hug?"
“Uh-sure.” Peter flushed slightly, his voice was a little higher than usual when he answered you. 
You wasted no time and threw your arms around him. You almost screamed when you felt his arms wrap around you. You had no idea what you'd done to earn such an honor but you were thankful for it. Peter patted your back, and you moved away reluctantly. But then you thought of what he had said before, you worked for Tony Stank!!
Peter cleared his throat, a blush settling on his cheeks. "What was the hug for?"
Now, you had no idea what Peter was to you in this word, but guessed he was a close friend. You, having simped for almost all some of the Avengers, were not content with the friendzone. "What? I can't give a hottie a hug?"
Peter choked. "I-what? I mean-you're a hottie too?"
"Is that a question, Parker?" you teased him.
"No! You're a hottie too!" he said, trying to fix his questioning tone.
You laughed, so adorable. "It's fine, Peter. Just messing with you, I know I'm a hottie."
You had no idea how you had gotten to this point. You were restrained in a dark room and had the sneaking suspicion a certain raven-haired god was behind it. You knew that Loki didn't appear again until Thor: Ragnarok after Thor: The Dark World when he fakes his death. You would've thought that he was busy ruling Asgard under the disguise of being Odin (FUCK ODIN HE'S A BITCH) but maybe he doesn't do that the entire time between the movies.
Your internal screaming was cut short when the god entered the room.
Holy shit. He's hotter in person.
"So, mortal." Loki said, distaste in his voice. "You are to be quiet and compliant."
You guessed he was waiting for the Avengers to come in and save you, so you were a hostage. 
Great job (y/n), you've been in this world for less than an hour and you've already been captured by Loki. 
You were slightly worried, knowing that Loki hasn't had all of his character development yet and embraced his role as an anti-hero. But you also knew that he was smart and would keep you alive because a hostage is only valuable while they're alive.
"Soooo, how's life hotstuff?" you said loudly. Internally you were freaking out because a) LOKI was holding you hostage and b) Loki was HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE!!
"Mortal, I told you to be quiet." Loki warned.
You smirked. "But I don't want tooooo. We can have a civilized conversation with each other, don'tcha think? Or you can let me go, that works too."
Loki sighed. "Leave it to a human to disobey the simplest rules."
"So, Loki," you said, "how's life in Asgard?"
A surprised look flashed across his face but was gone almost instantly. "And how would you know about that, mortal?"
You rolled your eyes. "You tried to take over Earth, you're pretty infamous, you know?"
Loki's eyes narrowed. "That's not an answer to my question."
"I learned all that from watching TV and searching you up." 
Which was completely honest. You had watched Loki on TV which is where you learned about him, and you searched up most Marvel characters. But you were leaving out a couple of key details you hoped he wouldn't fish for. Because, you didn't have much faith in your deceiving skills when it came to lying to the man who faked his death like a million times.
Loki's expression went back to normal, but there was an emotion hiding in the depths of his green eyes. "I'll offer you a wonderful deal, human. You seem to be somewhat knowledgeable of me and if you can answer some questions about me, I will let you go.
Your eyes went wide. No way he was letting you go for a couple of measly answers about him. You knew something was up, with Loki, there was always a motive and you weren't very eager to find out what it was(that's a lie, you were really curious). But, you were a very knowledgeable simp. And freedom meant having the opportunity to meet more of your favorite heroes.
"Sounds easy," you said confidently.
Loki smirked, making you simultaneously swoon and become nervous. "We shall begin with the questions, then."
"Easy, you're a momma's boy." you answered, cheering in your head. You knew you had gotten all of the answers correct so far, given the intrigued look on Loki's face.
Loki tilted his head. "How would you know that?"
You froze.
Unlike the other questions he had asked before that, you couldn't blame your knowledge of him on the News. He and Frigga never interacted on Earth(as far as anyone knew) and there was no mention of her by any humans so you shouldn't know.
"You just...give off that vibe," you said, laughing nervously. "You know?"
Loki mulled that answer over in his head. "You're quite an intriguing human."
He snapped his fingers, the ropes that were holding you to the chair loosened. You had a brief thought of, YES YES YES!! MAGICCCC!!!!, but then wiggled out of your restraints and stood up.
You looked at Loki, winking at him while trying to hide your nervousness. "It's been a pleasure, see ya, Hotstuff!"
His eyes bored into you, green irises sweeping over your frame. "The pleasure was all mine."
Then he gently grasped your hand and planted a soft kiss on it, winking up at you.
Your knees damn near went out.
You smiled back wobbly, barely managing to restrain yourself from screaming.
Peter scanned the streets, eyes lighting up when he spotted your familiar figure. Quickly, he swung over to you and scooped you up in one swift movement. He had been so worried. You were acting strange before you had been snatched, and then it was like you had just disappeared and he had no idea where you were.
"Hey!" you said, then saw the person who had picked you up. "Wait a damn minute, Pe-Spider Man!"
You barely caught yourself from saying his name, not knowing if you were supposed to know his identity. Then you realized the predicament, you were swinging through the skyline of New York. You gulped when you saw the distance from you to the ground. But, that fear was quickly drowned out by excitement. You were swinging through the city with Peter Parker!! You whooped, laughing as the wind rushed by you. It was exhilarating and free and you loved it.
Your mind was a mixture of:
“Where are we going, Spider Man?” you tried to yell over the noise of the wind. He glanced at you and held you tighter, swinging to a tall building in the distance.
Ah, we're going to Avengers Tower. But why? You thought back to the timeline, Peter doesn't start working with the Avengers until they start breaking up. Oh, earlier he said I work with the Avengers. Or at least I work for Tony Stark. Maybe because of that? Seems likely enough.
You watched as the tower got closer, enjoying the transportation. You tightened your arms around Peter slightly, giving him a hug mid-swing. You could only imagine the flush painting his cheeks red. Assuming he wasn't super worry-crazy. In which case, he'd be too preoccupied with your disappearance to blush.
You stumbled as you landed on the balcony of the Tower, Peter's arms supporting you. You smiled at him. "Thanks Spider Man, that was so cool!"
Peter saluted and swung away just in time for the door to the balcony to burst wide open.
You sent a lopsided grin to Tony Stark. "Sorry, I'm a little late for work."
The expression of relief on Tony's face struck a chord in your heart. Wow, (y/n) from here must be well-loved. You had the ridiculous urge to be jealous of the girl you replaced. But, was it really so ridiculous? She's friends with Spider Man AND she managed to make Tony Stark care about her. She must be one hell of a person.
"Where have you been, kid?" Tony gave you a hug. You were surprised, but hugged back enthusiastically. Who were you to turn down a hug from Iron Man?
"So?" Tony asked as the two of you walked into the building. He was in classic mom pose, one hand on his hip with a foot tapping against the floor repeatedly.
"Oh! I was on my way here with Peter Parker and then I was snatched and-"
The elevator opened and Peter ran out and tackled you in a hug.
"He insisted on coming up, saying he was Miss. (l/n)'s companion."
Your eyes lit up, FRIDAY!!!!!
You felt a brief sense of surprise but then remembered that after Age of Ultron, Tony uses FRIDAY rather than JARVIS.
"Ohmygodohmygodareyouok??" Peter had his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. The situation struck you again, making you laugh. THE Spider Man is asking if I'm ok!! Peter didn't wait for you to answer his inquiry and enveloped you in his embrace again. "Don't worry me like that, (n/n). You scared me."
Your smile softened and you pat him on the back as he hugs you. "It's ok, Peter. I'm ok."
Your eyes closed as you hugged him tightly, rubbing circles on his back to sooth him out of the panic he'd worked himself into.
Tony watched the whole ordeal with a knowing smile on his face, Peter is whipped.
"Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers are entering the room, they heard of Miss, (l/n)'s arrival."
The elevator doors dinged open again, letting in more people worried about you. They looked at you, concern in their eyes. Peter was still holding you tightly, so you could do nothing but wave at them.
"Move aside, 5-year-old. I wanna give her a hug too," Natasha said, staring at Peter until he let go of you. Part of you missed Peter's embrace but the rest of you was too caught up on the fact that Natasha Romanoff was about to hug you.
She wrapped her arms around you tightly. "You shouldn't scare us like that, babe. I think Stevie over there almost had a heart attack. You know how old he is, you'll stop his poor heart."
Steve glared at Natasha, his eyes softening when they landed on you. "All joking aside, you worried us. Are you okay, doll?"
You were positive you were in heaven. You had nicknames from Natasha, Steve, and Tony!! And you were best friends with Peter Parker!
"I'm okay, thanks Cap," you said.
Natasha released you from her embrace and you hurried over to Steve to give him a hug. His arms around you were the only things holding you up. 
You wouldn’t be surprised if you died from your heart exploding with happiness. First, the Natasha Romanoff hugged you and now Steve “Language!” Rogers did!
It was a dream come true.
The celebration at the tower at the return of a well-loved person did not go unnoticed by a certain black-haired god. Green eyes swept over the scene playing out, intrigue growing in his being.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Sleeping At Last Songs that Would Describe a Relationship with the Eleventh Doctor - Eleventh Doctor Imagine [Doctor Who]
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Title: Sleeping At Last Songs that Would Describe a Relationship with the Eleventh Doctor
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor X Reader
Word Count: 1,640 words
Warning(s): mention of major character death [season 7 spoiler]
Author's Note: Ugh. I love him.
I’d give anything to hear You say it one more time, That the universe was made Just to be seen by my eyes.
The sinking feeling in my stomach grew more and more as I stepped closer to the Pandorica.
The Doctor was tired. Dying.
I understood why he was doing it all, but it didn't change how angry I felt. At the Daleks and the Cybermen and the universe. Anyone and everyone who had some hand in the events that got us here. Including myself. I could've stopped it all if I was just a little bit braver.
The Doctor grinned- or tried to grin at me as I made it over to him. "Hey..."
"Don't do that," I mumbled as I grabbed his hand. I squatted down so I could see him better. "Don't act like nothing bad is happening. You don't have to do that for me. I understand what's going on."
He didn't reply. It may have been the first time that I had seen him be so quiet.
"I don't want this to happen," I said. I felt guilty for saying it. I knew that it was going to only make him feel worse.
"Hey," the hand that I had been holding cupped the side of my face. I held his hand there. "I don't either."
I only wanted to chuckle because he did. Obviously, he didn't want this.
"But I've got a secret," he leaned forward a little bit. "I'm doing this for you."
I closed my eyes for a moment.
"I told you before that you were made to see the universe instead of staying put," he continued. "Who would I be if I let the universe burn before you got to see it all?"
I turned my head to press a kiss to his palm.
"I love you," he added.
I offered him a sad grin. "I love you too. I always will. No matter what."
I saw him flinch a bit where he was sitting. Time was running out. How rude of the damn thing.
I stood up again so I could lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. I leaned back and whispered to him, "Good luck."
"Luck?" he whispered back. "Who needs luck? Not me. I'm brilliant."
I shook my head as I chuckled again.
"Goodbye, (Y/n)."
"Find me, Doctor."
His grin faltered for a moment.
Neither one of us believed that he would make it out of there, but I wanted to hold onto hope. As blind as it may seem. I wanted to believe that he would find his way back to me eventually.
I slowly took a few steps backward to let the doors close.
I felt a hand grab my arm, slowly pulling me further away from it.
I looked over to see Amy offering a small grin. I tried to grin back. It must've not been very convincing because she dragged me into a tight hug a moment later.
I closed my eyes.
This was it.
It was the end of the Doctor and I's story.
For now, at least.
I'm out of my depth At this altitude Like the world makes sense From your window seat You are beautiful Like I've never seen
I would be lying if finding out about Amy kissing the Doctor didn't break my heart a little bit.
She had been the first person to figure out my feelings for him, so knowing that she simply didn't respect them enough to... control herself hurt.
I wasn't mad at the Doctor. Not even a little bit.
If anything, I almost admired how he handled it. He stopped the moment, found Rory, and tried to make things better. He did the best that he could.
Making things better just also happened to include a trip to Venice.
Amy and Rory ran off on their own.
I chuckled at them as they left. Even after all that had happened, I wanted the pair of them to work out. They seemed good together.
The Doctor and I walked for a while. I was waiting for him to ramble on about the city's construction or tell me some story from before I started traveling with him. But he wasn't. He was oddly quiet. Like he was waiting for me to speak.
I stopped on a stone walkway. I leaned against a pillar and a stone half-wall. I looked out over the water. The Doctor stood next to me, staring out at the water like he was trying to see what I did.
"They'll be okay, right," I asked, looking at him again.
He looked over at me but didn't respond.
"The Ponds, I mean," I explained. "They'll figure it out, right?"
"Absolutely," he said confidently. He took a moment to watch my eyebrow raise. "I hope so."
I nodded, turning to the water.
I could see the Doctor shifting out of the corner of my eye. "Are we okay?"
I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned to him yet again. "Why wouldn't we be?"
The question seemed to make him want to backtrack. "It doesn't matter. It's nothing. Not important. Come on, I'm sure we can find something exciting-"
"No, no, no," I reached over and grabbed his arm as he tried to walk away. "You can't say something like that and then act like nothing happened. You have to explain it."
"I walk away without explaining things all the time."
"When you're info-dumping about different species, yeah, but this is a bit different," I tried to chuckle in some attempt to let him know that it was okay. "Why did you think that we wouldn't be okay?"
The Doctor reached up and placed his hand on my arm. His grin looked sad. I felt my face warming up as I looked down at our hands.
"Please, tell me," it came out closer to a whisper than anything.
His hand fell from mine as he stepped forward. I didn't move mine. My grasp actually tightened on his jacket in the hopes of pulling him closer.
He stepped a matter of inches from me. "Is this okay?"
It took a moment for my brain to even register the question.
I nodded as quickly as I could. Of course, this was okay.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My free hand moved up to cup the side of his face as I kissed him back. His hands touched my sides. I grinned into the kiss.
I leaned back and rested my forehead on his.
"Doctor," I mumbled.
"We're definitely okay."
His smile got wider before he laughed at me. I laughed with him, nudging his nose with mine.
This was a feeling that I could get used to.
Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you without any strings attached What a privilege it is to love A great honor to hold you up
It was rare for the TARDIS to feel small.
To be completely honest, I didn't think it possible.
That was before the Doctor and I stopped traveling. Before we found our little place hidden above the rest of the world. Before the Ponds... died.
It was quiet for a long time.
Neither one of us wanted to talk about it. Maybe we were scared that talking about it would make it too real.
I tried to be there for him. He seemed to appreciate it. But still, we couldn't talk about anything that led up to that moment.
There was one day when I decided to end the cycle of him sitting in the console room reading or staring at nothing.
I walked into the room to see him in the same seat he had been in for ages. I took a deep breath as I made my way over to him.
I held out a hand. He stared at it for a moment before looking up at my face.
"Come on," I urged him.
He slowly took my hand and let me pull him out of the console room. "Where are we going?"
"Just wait a moment."
A minute later, I found the door I had been looking for. I silently thanked the ship before opening the door.
"Your room," the Doctor asked.
"My room," I confirmed. "Lay down."
"Because I think doing something other than sitting in the console room will suit you well."
I kicked my shoes off before going to lie down.
The Doctor hadn't moved yet. I opened my arms, making grabby hands at him. A soft grin formed on his lips before he shrugged off his jacket and kicked off his shoes.
I wrapped my arms around him as soon as he laid down. One of my hands found its way to the hair on the nape of his neck. One of his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him.
"You've been so patient with me," he mumbled to me. "I haven't thought about you... what you're going through. I've abandoned you."
"No," I replied. "No, you didn't. You are right here. I am right here. You could have left me. Dropped me off at home and never thought about me again. But you didn't. You let me stay."
He closed his eyes.
I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "I want to take care of you, Doctor. Because I care about you. Because I love you. This is what I want to do, okay? You just need to let me."
His eyes slowly opened. I grinned at him.
I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips.
For now, this was enough for me to have a little bit of peace.
I just hoped that he felt the same way.
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star-kissed583 · 25 days
The washing machine (chap. 10)
Single dad Jackie AU
Summary: it’s Marvin’s first babysitting day, and the day is already starting to be a hassle. But he’s trying his best!
<<|chap 1. |>><<| prev. chap |>><<| next chap | >>
"And just make sure that simple chores are done. Whatever doesn't get done I can definitely take care of later tonight!"
Jackie spoke to Marvin while he was carrying Jay. Anthony stood by Jackie, just looking up at his brother with a soft smile.
Marvin took note as he nods, "Okay perfect! Don't you worry-I think I got this all down" he smiles.
Jackie nods before looking down at JJ, "alrighty...I gotta go. You boys behave...I think Henrik is still asleep but I'm sure he awakes soon."
Carefully Jackie passed Jay to Marvin. JJ began to squirm softly, not recognizing the arms he was being handed to. Anthony didn't seem to like it as much though, and began hopping as he tried to grab Jay's leg.
Jackie quickly grabbed his bag before heading to the door, "good luck and I'll come back later tonight! Let me know about anything!"
Marvin watched Jackie leave before looking down when hearing Anthony let out what sounded like an angry whine.
Marvin stares for a bit before sighing as he walks to the kitchen, "how about some nice milk to start the day for you two? What would you guys like? Chocolate or-Hey!"
Anthony had followed before Marvin, kicking and hitting a bit, before suddenly grabbing his leg and biting Marvin.
Marvin shook Anthony off, "what's your problem, you little gremlin?!" Marvin scoffed, setting JJ on the counter beside him, "I honestly can't see how you and Jay even are related" he rolls his eyes.
Jamie meanwhile was still trying to figure out what was happening. He squirmed in his spot, before his tummy let out a small rumble. He pat his belly, letting out a soft whine.
Marvin looks over, smiling softly at JJ, "let's get you some milk. Do you want regular?" Upon seeing JJ nodding softly, Marvin got a sippy cup and filled it with some milk. He made sure the lid was tightly secure before handing it to JJ.
Anthony pouts, sitting down on the floor with furrowed brows. Marvin stared down at him, both having a small staring contest. Before a soft sigh left the adult, "you want some too? Regular or chocolate?"
Antony let out a tiny growl, "Jay!"
"If I put you beside him-will you stop attacking me?"
"It's a yes or no Anthony. That's not a proper response"
Both resorted back to staring at each other, until suddenly Chase and Henrik walked in, with Robbie in between them and holding both of their hands.
Chase stared a bit concerned, his head twitching occasionally.
"Ugh...fine." Marvin bent down and tried picking Anthony up, only for the boy to let out a loud shriek and start flaring around.
Anthony didn't even take notice of the headache he was beginning to get was only getting worse-until his eyes started dotting with black. His breathing started to pick up and before it sounded like it randomly got caught.
Marvin felt Anthony's body suddenly limp before it began to spasm. He yelps, quickly setting the boy down and taking off his jacket to put like a pillow under Anthony's head.
The others watched in worry, Robbie confused why one of the younger twin boys was spasming on the floor again.
Marvin had his watch out as he timed the seizure.
Henrik walked over, carefully pushing anything that was around them away, so that Anthony didn't hit it in accident. Chase made sure to stick by Robbie, keeping an eye out for JJ.
Jay heard something was happening, but simply drank his milk as he kicked his feet softly.
Once Anthony had calmed down, Marvin made sure he was still breathing before shifting the boy to his side. He let out a soft sigh, writing a quick note on his phone about what happened.
Henrik walked over and sat down beside the two, "He okay?" He asked gently. Looking at the boy who was still passed out.
Marvin gave Henrik a soft smile, "He's gonna be okay. The seizure must've made him tired. How about you and the others get something to drink while I help Anthony?"
Henrik blinks. He only could grasp some of the words Marvin said, giving him a small-confused nod before heading back to Chase.
"Where's Jackie?" Chase voiced, looking around to see if he could spot the man who adopted them. Still holding Robbie's hand.
"Jackie had to go to work. He had to leave early in the morning but-BOOM!!" Marvin let out a Yelp at the sudden yell from behind him.
Jamie let out a silent scream and burst into tears-having gotten startled by the sudden yell as well. In his startled state, he accidentally dropped his sippy cup-it falling down to the floor. In the process, the lid popped off and splashed all over Marvin.
Marvin flinched and looks back, seeing Chase covering his mouth in embarrassment and a sort of regret, "s-sorry-BOOM!-Sorry!" The boy tired up.
Marvin gives a tiny smile at Chase, "It's not your fault.." he mumbles. Getting up and grabbing some paper towels to try and pat his clothes dry, 'I really liked this shirt too...' he thinks sadly.
Chase rushed to get some paper towels, wanting to help clean up the mess on the floor. But in his heighten anxious state-he kept on ticking. At one point slamming his hand on a puddle of milk, making the mess worse and splashing more onto Marvin and some on himself.
"Oh-AH!-oh my! I'm so sorry!!"
Marvin put on a soft smile as he wiped the milk off his cheek. He hums, "It's fine...here, I can clean up. How about you take Jay with you and the others to the living room? Play a bit while I deal with Anthony and make some breakfast." He offered.
Chase felt himself tear up but nods. He looks to the side as he helps Jay to come down. Holding the boy's hand while shuffling to the living room with Henrik and Robbie.
Marvin sighs, grabbing more paper towels while cleaning himself and the floor. He looks down at Anthony as soon as he sees the boy stir. Squatting down beside him, "Hey...how ya feeling buddy?"
Anthony rubs his eyes as he sits up. He made an uncomfortable sound, feeling nauseous but not knowing how to express it.
"N-mmm-no" Anthony tried speaking, his voice sounding a bit troubled as he whines softly.
Marvin helps Anthony sit up as he shakes his head, "Deep breaths. Let it calm down."
As the little boy tried to take some deep breaths, the nauseous sensation only grew before suddenly some of the vomit started to escape his mouth.
Marvin was quick to grab paper and try to catch as much as he could on the paper, picking the boy up and leading him to the sick. Anthony beginning to burst into tears while vomiting once more.
"It's okay. Breathe. Through your nose hon...just like that. Let it out. It's okay" Marvin tried calming the boy down. Making sure the water was running to wash down the vomit and avoid the smell spreading as much as he could.
Once Anthony was done, the little boy was crying as he trembled. Marvin making sure to clean his face with a wet rag, "You thirsty?? What do you need Anthony?" He asked softly.
Anthony rubs his eyes as he let out a whimper, a small nod leaving him.
Marvin sighs, grabbing small sippy cup with water and then getting an ice cube. He first gives Anthony the cube, "suck on that first. And once your done with it here is some water"
Anthony nodded, hopping down and being handed the ice cube and the sippy cup. He waddles off to the living room to see the others. Though still feeling sleepy. Marvin being left alone to clean up the kitchen and himself.
Entering the living room, Jamie and Robbie were seated on the couch, both very confused on what happened. Henrik meanwhile was hugging Chase and trying to calm him down-who was crying while his tics were going haywire.
Anthony watched confused and tired, before simply waddling to a spot on the floor and sitting down. His eyes fighting to stay awake as he sucked on the ice cube.
Chase was to busy crying to notice, his hand continuously hitting his leg. Henrik tried putting a pillow there to lessen the hit on the skin, but knows either way his friend was gonna bruise. Henrik rubbed Chase's back,
"It okay. No hurt someone. No you fault"  Henrik reassured quietly.
Looking up from Henrik's shoulder, Chase rubs his watery eyes, sniffing softly, "b-but-AH!-but he didn't want my help cause I made it worse!"
Anthony saw Chase crying more. He furrows his eyebrows, unsure what went on-until Marvin walked in. As soon as Chase saw Marvin enter, he was desperately trying to wipe his tears away.
Anthony stood up, stomping over to Marvin before suddenly kicking his leg. Figuring that Marvin must've done something to Chase.
Marvin yelped at the kick, looking down at the one year old, "Hey, that wasn't nice"
"Meanie!" Anthony claimed, going for another kick, only for Marvin to sigh and pick the boy up.
Anthony began thrashing again, biting Marvin's shoulder and arms, " down!! Down!!"
Marvin was about to talk with Anthony again before seeing Chase's teary eyes. He frowns, setting Anthony on the couch, "hey...what's the matter Chase? Why you crying?"
Chase looks down, staying close to Henrik as he mumbles quietly-Marvin didn't hear.
"You have to speak louder hon. Here how about we sit down"
Marvin sat on a couch, patting the spot next to him.
None of them having noticed Jay waddling off. Chase sitting beside Marvin while Henrik followed and sat on the other side of Chase.
Robbie crawled off his seat, before stumbling over to Henrik. Grabbing onto the boys pants and trying to climb up to his lap.
Henrik yelps feeling this-looking down at the boy, a nervous smile on his lips before gently setting him on his lap. Henrik hugged Robbie close, the younger one sticking his thumb in his own mouth while snuggling to the older boy.
"Now talk to me...why are you crying?"
"I wanna help-but-but-Ow!" Chase tried explaining but hit himself in the chest, making him wince. Before Henrik could react, Marvin grabbed a pillow and held it in place of Chase's hand.
" go on... 'but' what hon?"
"I made it worse! You-AH! You were upset. It was my fault the mess was made anyways!"
Marvin frowns as he listens to Chase. He rubs the boy's back as he shakes his head, "It wasn't your fault hon. I wasn't upset at you. I promise okay? Would some breakfast make you feel better?"
Chase nods softly, small hiccups leaving him as he rubs his eyes. Trying to calm himself down to also calm down his tics.
Marvin looks at the other kids, "Well I have some eggs and bacon already prepared, how about let's go eat, and meanwhile I can make some pancakes for you guys. That sounds good?"
Getting nods, Marvin watched the kids walk off to go eat, but he couldn't help but feel like someone was missing.
"1...2...3...4...there should be 5..."
"Jamie?? Jay??"
Hearing Anthony calling out for his twin made Marvin realize who was missing. He stood up, looking around, "Jay??where did you go hon??"
Meanwhile JJ had wondered off to where he thought was the kitchen-but actually ended up in the laundry room. He was feeling around-unsure where he was, but wanting a snack.
The washing machine door was left open, and Jay thought it was a cabinet door, without even thinking, he tried climbing on to feel inside-only to end up falling in the washing machine instead. A silent yelp leaving him.
"Anthony go eat with the others, I'll try finding Jay"
"No! Jay!"
"Yes I know. But I can find him, go eat. He couldn't have gone to many places, he's blind"
"I don't need to fight with a one year old. Go eat Anthony"
Anthony simply stuck his tongue out before continuing to look around for Jay. Looking underneath the couch.
Marvin was about to say something before he heard a sound coming from the laundry room.
JJ was trying to get out of the washer, but whenever he stood up-he'd thunk his head on the top of the washer. It made him stumble and fall back on his bum-the wheel of the washer swaying a bit and catching him off balance.
Marvin walked into the laundry room-seeing how everything seemed remotely normal.
The dirty hamper was full with clothes he needs to wash.
The laundry materials and soap was in their places in a cabinet.
The machines were off with the doors open.
The wheel inside the washer was moving...wait-
Marvin quickly rushed over and spotted Jamie
inside, the little boy having a frustrated look. A simple sigh leaves Marvin's lips as he gently goes to take the boy out, "How in the world did you even manage to get in there..."
Jamie let out a cry when he was suddenly grabbed and take out of the enclosed space he was in. He starts to squirm frantically.
"Jamie stop. I'm trying to help you"
Jay ignored the man, he didn't know him. It wasn't the voice of Jackie. It was the random man that had come to their home. He couldn't hear his brother anywhere, "An-An!!" He mouths as he kept thrashing.
"Oh my goodness...Jameson! Stop thrashing, I need to check if your hurt"
Jamie instantly froze at his full name being used. He began to tear up before bursting into tears. Shaking his head, while trembling.
Marvin frowns at that reaction. He walks back to the living room, to set JJ down on the couch, only for Anthony to come running at him.
Jamie perked up at the sound of his brother's voice, he instantly squirmed, reaching out towards the sound as he cries.
Anthony went over, kicking Marvin's legs, "Down!! Jay down!!"
Jay's little feet began to kick, continuing to reach for his brother while crying.
Henrik could hear the commotion in the hall. He stood up from the table, "stay. Eat" he tells Chase and Robbie before wondering to the hall with curiosity.
He saw Marvin struggling with JJ and Anthony. Before the older man finally simply gave up and set JJ down.
Jay instantly rushed to his brother, feeling Anthony grab his arm and hold him close. He was crying into his brother's shoulder while Anthony narrowed his eyes at Marvin.
Henrik wondered over, standing beside Anthony and Jay, "Hey...it okay...come eat. Feel better vith tummy full." He spoke softly, gently guiding the two young ones away.
Marvin watched as the three walked away. A small sigh leaving him.
The rest of the day was also difficult. Anthony refused to let Marvin close to Jay.
Though the smaller one seemed more content just simply playing with some stuff animals.
All the other kids were playing around-at one point Chase was playing a game on the tv with Henrik, which helpfully distracted the other boys.
Marvin took a deep breath as he stood in the kitchen. He finished some chores and it was now late. The amount of times he had small arguments with Anthony over the smallest things was shocking. The little boy was full of fire, unlike his twin brother.
He had written everything that has happened during his time there-just as notes for Jackie.
Speaking of which-the door knob jiggled a bit before it opened and in came Jackie. The hero looked exhausted, panting softly as he tidied himself up.
Robbie was the first child to hear the door open. He looks over, before a big smile goes to his face and he rushed over-stumbling along the way.
"Papa!! Papa!!"
"Hey little champ! You had a good day??" Jackie scooped the little boy up-pressing soft kisses to his cheek.
Robbie nods, "M'd'aw papa an' me!" He giggles. Pointing over to the living room floor where there was a piece of paper that had three blobs.
Jackie smiles, walking over and picking up the sheet. He saw the other boys were doing their own thing-though some looked tired. But then sees Marvin come to the entrance of the living room with three bottles of milk.
Marvin sees Jackie, smiling softly at him as he goes and gives two of the sippy cups to Jay and Anthony. The third bottle was for Robbie. He walked over to Jackie, who held the boy, "Here Robbie. Some milk"
Robbie looked back at Marvin. He smiles, grabbing the sippy cup and drinking some milk while leaning against his dad's shoulder.
"Hey...how were the kids today?" Jackie spoke softly, swaying Robbie in his arms.
Marvin looked back, seeing the kids were basically half asleep, "lemme put them to bed first. I wrote some notes on the kitchen counter though if you want to look at them."
Jackie perked up, "let me help you!"
With a thankful smile, Marvin nods as he goes to get the kids to bed.
The only ones that Marvin had trouble with was Anthony and JJ. No surprise there. Anthony refused to go with Marvin, or even let Jay go up with the man either.
Jackie was helping Henrik to sleep. Chase fell asleep pretty quickly by how tired the boy was. Yet, Henrik was struggling.
The German boy's amputations were in pain. He didn't know how to describe it to Jackie. Not knowing how to find the words as he trembled in pain.
Jackie was seated beside Henrik, rubbing and massaging the boy's amputated arm with some soothing lotion, "It's okay...I need to know, where does it hurt? What are you feeling?"
Henrik was crying at this point, "arm! Sore" he tried to keep his voice quiet as possible-not wanting to wake Chase.
"Did you take your prosthetics off at all today?"
Henrik gently shook his head. Looking down ashamed. He didn't want to expose or show his amputations to Marvin, feeling embarrassed about his missing limbs.
Jackie sighs, "Tomorrow, I don't want you wearing your prosthetics all day. They need a break...okay? I promise Marvin won't judge. He understands. He's here to help you." He spoke softly.
Henrik nods, sniffing as he yawns. He could feel the soothing cream helping a bit to calm the pain. Henrik sighs softly, "Danke papa" he mumbles tiredly. Slowly falling asleep, not seeing Jackie's shocked face.
After a bit, Jackie finally got up. He fixed the blanket of Henrik, tears pooling up in his eyes as he quietly walked out. Wiping his eyes with a bright smile. Outside in the hall was Marvin, looking tired.
"Long day with the kids huh?"
"I don't know how you do it...but goodness it can be a struggle" Marvin spoke with a light chuckle, "come, I'll let you know what happened today and then I'll get out of your hair"
Jackie smiles, "I'll get you something to drink, whatever you want!" nodding and following beside the man to hear about the day.
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kalliefangirl · 9 months
Doujin Aftermath: Fillial Love (I don't support this one I swear on everything)
TW: Mentions of incest (Again don't support it, it's in the doujin) Su!c!de attempt, Self H@rm, Depression.
If you're are uncomfortable with the topics listed, please don't read. It'll be best.
If you're getting Bad Thoughts, Contact this number: 988
Chapter One:
Lately, Sharron has been suspecting of something going on between her father and her sister. They've spent a lot of time together.
While she thought nothing of it, it hurt her. The death of her Mother has had a huge impact on her and Sharron never recovered from it.
Sakura Meant so much To Sharron, She was the Only Parental figure in her life, Her Father wasn't around and she never really knew him.
She saw pictures and The 7th Hokage and Her Mother Mentioned him and she Saw pictures, but he wasn't really in her life all that much until after Her Mother's Passing.
Afterwards, he came home A lot, and Tried to support his daughters despite being distraught over his wife's death himself.
This also caused Him and Sharron to get Closer, but they were still somewhat distanced, they had completely different Emotions and personalities.
When Sharron missed her mother, she'd cry or do things her and her mother did together. And when she tried to receive comfort from her father, he wouldn't comfort her.
He'd instead tell her that while her feelings are Valid and Understandable, She's going to have to get used to her mother not been around.
Which Made it 10x More Harder. Overtime, Sharron Developed Separation anxiety.
But as she got older, she just distracted herself with her imagination and dreamed of joining her mother one day. She hated her life and wish it was her that died instead of her mother.
Chapter Two:
Sharron knew something must've happened between her father and sister because a Day after he came home, he left unexpectedly.
When she asked why he was leaving so soon, he answered her by saying he's being sent on another mission.
That was unlike him, a day before he leaves for a mission, he always told his daughters just in case he left out before they woke up.
Sharron thought it was something else, maybe he went to go meet a new woman he planned on introducing.
But she decided to ask her sister about it, she overheard a conversation between them and he seemed upset.
🌲: Hey Sis.
🥗: Yea?
🌲: Dad went out, and I'm curious. Cause he doesn't leave out like that.
🌲: What happened?
🥗: ugh, I was a total idiot yesterday. I knew that was a dumb idea!
🌲: huh?
🥗: I, ugh acted like I was his wife... He got upset.
🌲: that was a dick move.
🥗: and especially last night, we-
🌲: you both?
🥗: never mind, I guess it was from the argument...
🌲: well I guess, maybe it was the whole acting like his wife thing. You know Mom never acted like that.
🥗: I know...
🌲: I'll see if I'll be able to send a letter to see how he is...
🥗: okay.
Chapter Three:
Sharron wasn't home when her father came home that night, but Sarada was. Sharron went to eat at a place her mother loved along with her Best friend, Himawari.
🌻: Your Mother Had amazing taste, the food here is amazing!
🌲:Yep, still tastes great after Many years.
🌻: Hey, did your Dad come home yet?
🌲:um I don't think so, Why?
🌻: I asked my dad if he sent your dad on a mission and he said no.
🌲: oh... I didn't know....
🌻: do you think he met someone new?
🌲: No, he loved mom dearly and wouldn't have ever married another.
🌲: at least, that's what I heard...
🌻: I understand you don't know him well.
🌻: wanna come over and spend the night? My mom wouldn't mind.
🌲: yea, why not?
Chapter Four:
Sharron came home in the afternoon on that next day and her dad and sister were sitting on the couch together.
🌲: Dad! You're Home!
🍅:Sharron, Sit down, we need to talk.
Sharron Sat down, she felt the whole world slowly caving in on her, she expected bad news.
🍅: now, me and your sister are getting married.
🌲: WHAT-
🥗:Sharron, I really love dad. He took my Virginity and-
🥗: we decided on that, and no matter what you say, We'll get married either way!
🌲: ...
🍅: and she'll have my child one day.
🥗: Yes! Definitely!
🌲: Mom wouldn't have wanted this...
🍅: This isn't about her.
🌲: So You've Been Fucking Sarada Since Mom Died?
🍅: No, We did it for the first time a couple of weeks ago.
🌲: So that's why you left?! Because you didn't have the self control to not FUCK YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!?!!
🍅: Calm down, at first I couldn't believe I did that.
🍅: but I was blinded by the fact that she reminded me of your mother.
🥗: Don't Call Him That!
🌲: I'm not listening to this BullShit Anymore! I'm going!
🥗: Sharry!
🍅: Well Guess what.
🍅: We're All You Have.
🌲: Well maybe it's time for me to Join Mom.
🥗: ❗
🍅: Sharron...
She Ran out that House, she didn't have anywhere to go, so she decided to go up to the Hokage stone faces.
High enough for what she planned and where no one expected her to be.
Chapter Five:
Sharron Was Up there for a while, Talking to her Mother, asking what she did for this to happen. She knew Everything was her Fault.
It was made out to be her fault. She missed her mother every Second since she passed.
🍥: What are you doing up here?
🌲:Oh, Lord 7th. I thought you were my Dad...
🍥: No, But I've been worried about you kid. How are you? How is your sister?
🌲: I haven't been well, I just been missing Mom...
🍥: I know, and having Sasuke around is hard huh?
🍅: Sharron.
🌲: What The Fuck Are you Doing here!?
🍥: Sharron! Sasuke what's going on?
🍅: Sharron, You don't have to do something to prove a point.
🍥: What?
🌲: How The Fuck am I proving a point! You're Literally Fucked My Sister!
🍥: What?!
🍅: There's nothing saying its wrong Sharron.
🌲: What! I-
🍥: It's true, It's said to keep fortune in the family. I'm really sorry.
In the moment, Sharron was so overwhelmed she jumped, and it was very high up.
Chapter Six:
3 days later...
💉: That's good, You're waking up.
💉: How are you doing?
She couldn't answer the Doctor, her whole body was in pain.
💉: Well that's alright, I recommend you relax, you suffered great injuries from your fall.
💉: You Broke 6 Of your ribs, and you broke your Right hand and Your wrist. But you're lucky your legs weren't broken.
💉: The 7th Hokage Saved you, the injuries sustained was from the impact.
💉: and Speaking of him, since you're awake. He wants to see you.
💉: I'll send him in.
Sharron was quiet, and Felt so much pain, more pain than when her mother passed. Her body hurt, but she kept asking that question.
"Why would he Save Me? " She felt he didn't have a reason to, Why would he? Was it to put good on his name? What was the motive?
🍥: Hey kid, how are you?
🍥: Oh right, You can't really speak right now... sorry.
🍥: You're probably asking why I saved you.
🍥: I did it for your mother, She wouldn't want you to suffer, she would want you to live on.
🍥: While what your Dad is doing is Fucked up, Sakura would want him to be happy. She wants all of us to be happy.
🍥: I also did it cause I can't imagine Hima Hurting herself, Let alone Kill herself. I know both of you have been close.
🍥: I've treated you as my own, I will always will. You're like a Daughter to me y know?
🍥: You don't have to say anything, just know people Care about you.
As he left, she began to Cry, She didn't want to hurt those around her, and didn't want anyone to cry over her.
She thought the world would be better off without her.
Chapter Seven:
Her Father brought her home, She didn't want to come here but wanted to be with he mother.
She sat down on the couch and Didn't do anything, she just sat in her thoughts, but she overheard a conversation between her sister and father.
🥗: Do you think we should tell her?
🍅: No, let's wait for a while.
🥗: until she heals up?
🍅: No, it'll be obvious by then.
🥗: okay...
"What are they talking about" Sharron kept asking, but she was in too much pain to talk or walk to them and ask.
Due to the pain, and the insomnia, She was Prescribed Sleeping Pills.
And Sharron Took the normal amount, before Overdosing on them. She was found by her sister.
Chapter Eight:
2 Months later...
🥗: Sharron?
🥗: How are you?
Sharron noticed that Her sister was what appeared to be "fat"
🌲:What's That?
🥗: hm?
🌲: That in your shirt...
🥗: Oh, Well I'm 5 Months Pregnant with twins! Isn't that exciting?
🌲: tch, And what about your husband?
🥗: Dad's been worried, You've been in a coma for 2 Months
🌲: hm.
🥗: Hey! We Care about you y know!
🌲: Then Why Didn't Dad Fuck me and impregnate me as well?
🥗: because he-
🌲: just say it.
🥗: You remind him of Karin... I'm basically Mom's Twin.
🌲: so he wants his Wife's twin to replace her? You're a Slut and he's a weirdo.
🌲: You Loved Dad and made Remarks on how you want to do more than Train with him
🌲: ...
🍅: What's going on?
🥗: I didn't mean to say that...
🌲: Oh, I already knew that.
🌲: but it still hurts when you say that directly to my Face.
🍅: What did she say?
🌲: Don't worry about it, like you'd even care.
🍅: I do Care.
🥗: He Really Does I-
🌲:shut up Whore.
🌲: you should've swallowed his cum, Having an incest baby will be a mistake.
🍅: Don't talk about our children like that.
🌲: ugh, Please get out.
🥗: You're Such a Little Bitch!
🥗: all you do is attempt to kill yourself for attention! if you really want attention,Why Don't you just die already?!!
🍅: That's Enough!
🥗: hm.
🌲: Get out! I've had enough of this bullshit!
🥗: bullshit that you caused?
🌲: if mom was alive, would you still have done this dad?
🍅: No.
🌲: Yea, I know you would.
🌲: I know mom wasn't into sex like you are.
🌲: So you'd fuck your daughter as an replacement.
🥗: Stay away from us, and our children
🥗: I'm so sick of your attention seeking tactics!
🥗: Come anywhere near us or Threaten us, I'll make sure you regret it.
🍅: Go wait outside for me...
As she went outside, Sharron and her father made eye contact with each other, but she knew what was going on.
His face said everything.
🌲: i... Understand
🍅: hm?
🌲: I read your face, I know.
🍅: okay, just keep that promise. No stress on her please.
🌲: alright.
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shadowbunnydragon · 11 months
I've Been Reincarnated as a Bunny Girl?! (Prologue and Ch. 1 Re-Upload!!!)
Hello there, readers! I've been a little side-tracked update-wise, and here's the reason! I've recently gotten into isekai anime and mangas and, well, this sorta happened… enjoy! Also, please consider leaving a comment or review!
I've Been Reincarnated as a Bunny Girl?! (Prologue)
Uh... what the hell happened? Oh... yeah... the woman calling for help with that... with that guy on her. Did he have a knife? Ugh... why's my head all fuzzy... and why does everything look fuzzy... wait... what's my name? Larson! I remember now! My name is Aiden Larson, I'm forty-two years old, I live in Arizona, and I was... stabbed? Wait... yeah, I was stabbed, and then everything went dark and now...
The room slowly came into focus for Aiden, his eyes stinging for a bit. Looking around, he saw that wherever he was, the room was dimly lit. He could make out the hardwood walls and floors. Nearby, he could see a giant fireplace, with a blaze roaring within it. Off in the corner, next to a bookshelf, was a rocking chair, one that must've been built for giants. As he gazed out through the open equally enormous window at the night sky, Aiden slowly became aware of something. He was being held. Looking up, he saw the smiling face of the biggest grey wolf he had ever seen. His bright yellow eyes were staring right into Aiden's.
Panicking, he started to squirm, only for the arms holding him to secure their grip better, while still being gentle. More confused than ever, Aiden examined the arms and, with a start, saw that they belonged to the wolf. He looked up again, hearing a deep voice coo something at him in a language he couldn't identify. Blinking at the wolf in confusion, Aiden reached up with his arm... and froze when it entered his field of vision.
M-my arm?! That's my arm?! Aiden thought, looking at the chubby, grey-color furred arm that ended in a combination hand and paw. The fingers were a bit stubby and moved clumsily as Aiden flexed them. His hand/paws were, starting at the wrists, covered in a light grey fur. Looking around for a mirror, Aiden stopped when he noticed that there were other giants in the room. And one of them was even human!
"H-hey! What the hell is going on?!" Aiden demanded, or at least tried to. His voice was a much higher pitch and his mouth and tongue felt foreign and lethargic. Quickly feeling his face, Aiden realized that his skull was differently shaped than it should've been, as well as also covered in fur. He also felt whiskers on his face, but was choosing to ignore that and focus on the other people who, just like the wolf man-thing, spoke in a completely alien language.
The human was wearing flowing white robes with gold fringe that seemed to shimmer in the dim light. He was completely bald, with a silver moustache over his grinning mouth. His red eyes had laugh lines around them. Overall, Aiden gauged that the man in question was somewhere in his late forties or early fifties. The strange robed man had his hand resting gently on a tan-furred rabbit woman, who was laying in a massive bed, looking tired but happy. Her eyes were a striking green, and she looked at Aiden with a look of pure joy. Aiden narrowed his eyes, an idea starting to form in his mind. Taking one more look around the room, Aiden then accepted that this wasn't a room built with giants in mind... he was just tiny.
"Wait a second... did I friggin' die?! Oh... that is just so freakin' typical! And now? Now I've been reborn into some land of furries, as a freakin' baby... something! Just great! I finally get that damn promotion I've been chasing and when I go out to celebrate, I stop to help a woman being attacked by some freak and, what do I get? I get stabbed in the chest and start all over on a brand new world!" Aiden yelled, before letting out a huff and crossing his arms, his tirade over. The adults in the room cooed and chuckled, not seeming to understand what Aiden had said. To them, he reflected, it must've just been baby babble. The wolf man leaned down to plant a kiss on the squirming Aiden's forehead, and carried him over to the rabbit woman.
Taking him into her arms, she cradled Aiden, cooing and humming in that language. Still, he sat there with his arms crossed, pouting.
This world had at least be past the damn medieval era, or I am gunna just start tearing so much shit up, whatever deity or whatever that brought me here will soooo regret it. Aiden thought this, then looked on curious as the wolf and rabbit woman shared a tender kiss.
Huh... am I a wolf or a bunny? Or am I maybe some kind of rabbit/wolf hybrid? A Wolbit? Looking around, Aiden spotted a hand mirror on the bedside table and, leaning over a bit, got a glimpse of himself, before his new mother chuckled and pulled him back in closer. What he saw was a tiny grey bunny with one green eye, and one yellow eye. Okay, I'm a bunny.
Aiden then looked up at the robed human. Aiden noticed a very distinctive scar on the man's throat, indicating it had been slashed open at one point. Based on the man's interactions with the happy couple, Aiden came to the conclusion that this was some kind of local doctor, or the closest equivalent. "Eh, what's up, Doc?" Aiden thought, smiling at his own joke, even though none of the adults could understand what he was saying. The doctor cooed at him one last time, before speaking to Aiden's new parents, and then bowed.
He left, and the wolf turned to look at him, his tail wagging. Looking the wolf over, Aiden saw that he was wearing a green shirt, possibly cotton, with simple brown trousers. The rabbit woman was wearing a light blue nightgown, and started to nuzzle Aiden. Her whiskers tickled, making him giggle, which of course elicited more cooing.
Growing bored from their soft talking and cooing, Aiden started to look himself over. He remembered seeing that his ears were grey, with the insides of them bright pink, just like his tiny little bunny nose. Also, the fur around his mouth was white, which went down the front of his neck, to his stomach and down further. Looking some more, Aiden then froze, noticing something that was missing.
"A... girl?! I went from being a forty-two year old accountant to a... baby bunny girl?!" His frustration and anger returned, causing tears to begin welling in his eyes. With a whine he couldn't control, Aiden began to cry. His new mother and father were both quick to comfort him, but Aiden simply cried and cried. "I wanna file an afterlife complaint!"
Name: Kiana (Formerly Aiden)
Species: Beasta (Rabbit-Kin)
Age: Newborn
Skills: Gurgling, Crawling, Being Fussy, Eyerolling Level 1
Str: 99
Int: 12
Dex: 5
Cha: 500 (Because there is nothing cuter than a baby bunny.)
Wis: 10
Con: 99
Languages: None Applicable
(Chapter 1)
"Kiana? Where did you run off to, Princess?" Felixin called. The large grey wolf was looking around the house, trying to find his little girl.
"I swear, ever since she learned how to walk, she has just been determined to explore as much as she can," he said under his breath. He then opened the back door to their home and looked around the back yard, spotting the little grey bunny in the garden. He sighed and shook his head with a smile. There she was, in her little red sundress, all of age five, standing in the garden with a serious look on her face. He watched for a bit as she took a stance and kicked, switching to a punch. She continued with her kicks and punches, moving faster and faster, until her arms and legs were a blur. Felixin watched as she stopped when a chop from her hand to a large rock instantly split it in two.
"Princess," Felixin, unfazed by his daughter's apparent speed and strength, said in a stern voice, "no breaking rocks with your bare hands in the garden."
The little bunny stopped and slumped her shoulders, rolling her eyes. "Fiiiiine!" she said with a groan, before trudging back to her father. Felixin smiled and quickly scooped her up into his arms, hugging her close. "And no going outside to play without telling Daddy first. You had me worried when you weren't in your room." Kiana rolled her eyes again and nodded.
Ever since coming to this world, Kiana had discovered that her martial arts training from her former life translated to this life perfectly. The world of Hettoph was one of magic and adventure. Felixin was actually the town wizard, with a specialization with fire-based magic. Pumala, Kiana's mother, was the town sheriff. While she lacked any magical ability, her prowess in a fight, especially with a sword, easily outclassed most who were unfortunate enough to break the law within the jurisdiction of the town of Starlight Rose.
Nestled within a lush valley, the surrounding mountains formed a natural barrier to the west and south. To the east lay idyllic Lake Phantom, which fed a river that ran west and alongside the town, turning north to partially encircle it. At the northern gate of the town was a wooden bridge that passed over a deep ravine, where the river gushed in a natural waterfall. Further up north, where the mountains would have met, they instead tapered off. Right in between the two mountain ranges was a lone, black, pointed outcropping of rock that the locals had dubbed The Spire, and all who looked upon it would go out of their way to avoid approaching it, if they could.
Despite that, Kiana was overall pleased with her new hometown. The people were friendly, even to outsiders. The population seemed pretty cosmopolitan to the young bunny's observations. There were humans, and anthropomorphic animal people of varying species, known as beasta. There were also elves and dwarves, and even mer-people who lived in Lake Phantom, regularly swimming with barges down the river to trade goods in town. Kiana was even surprised to learn that several groups of trees in the nearby woods were actually families of tree-people. They tended to walk and speak very slowly, but they were still active members of the community, with two of their elders as members of the village council.
She was amazed to watch her father work his magic, his role as the town wizard being one of high importance apparently, as it was his duty to investigate and assist in all things magically related in the town. Kiana had even gotten to go along with him and watch as he would chase out the occasional dark spirits that tended to infest peoples' homes from time to time. The older human man who had assisted with her own birth, she had learned, was named Matteo, and he was the town healer. Also a very prominent position, for what Kiana felt were fairly obvious reasons.
She had tried to copy what she had observed Felixin do when he would work his magic, motions and incantations to the best of her ability a couple of times, but nothing had happened. Well, nothing aside from Felixin seeing her copy him and finding that itself to be quite adorable, much to Kiana's consternation. That's not to say that Pumala didn't also dote on her daughter, but clearly, without even trying, Felixin was mostly wrapped around the little bunny's finger.
Kiana's grasp of the language, while not perfect, was definitely stronger than most in her age group at school, so she had begun seeking out scrolls and books that could better teach her about magic. This was after she had asked her teacher when they would start learning magic and been informed that being so young, it was much too dangerous for her and her classmates to try. Frustrated, she then went about looking into whatever she could find to learn about it herself. Her reasoning was that she had been reincarnated in a world with magic, why not go out of her way to learn all about it?
So far, the only thing that worked was when she was practicing her stances and focusing. She could feel a strange source of energy that she couldn't before in the back of her mind. She had yet to break through that barrier, the first time she tried resulted in her casually smashing a rock with her fist, and that had been a half-hearted punch anyway. Surprised, the little bunny had quickly discovered that she seemed much stronger and faster than she appeared.
Case in point being when one of the steam-powered wagons from the roaming traders had broken down on the bridge, blocking traffic, the trickle of it that was at the time. Kiana had surprised herself, and many onlookers, when she, on a whim, had walked up to the wagon, which had been laden down with packaged items, crates, and barrels, all filled with who knows what, and picked it up. She carried it the rest of the way across, holding it up over her head with her two paws. That had been six months ago and, with constant training whenever she could sneak away to do so, Kiana realized that her strength and speed and stamina were only growing.
She sighed as she sat there, in Felixin's arms, the big goofy wolf talking about surprising her mother to go on a picnic for her lunch break. Kiana had at first hated how others had doted on and babied her, but after a while... she had found the ministrations of her parents to be rather... nice. Even if they did regularly purchase for her dresses with bows and frills and dollies to play with.
"Papa?" Kiana asked, getting her father's attention.
"Yes, princess?" he asked with a bright smile, his tail wagging.
"I wanna... I wanna be evaluated at the Adventurer's Guild!" she said.
Felixin froze as he stopped to look down at his little girl.
"P-princess," he started, feeling uncomfortable, "you can't be evaluated at the guild, you're just a little girl. How about instead we go have a nice picnic lunch with your Mama, and then you and I can stop and get you a new dolly to play with? I think that sounds great!"
Kiana sighed, having been expecting Felixin's overprotectiveness to show.
"I have enough dollies. I want to get evaluated at the guild! If you or Mama, or both of you give special permission, I'm sure Guildmaster Graval would let me be evaluated!"
"Princess," Felixin said with a sigh, an amused smile forming on his lips, "adventuring is only for grown-ups. That's because grown-ups are big and strong. When you're older, sure, we can go and have you evaluated, but right now you are just too little and, well, not so strong."
Kiana was quickly becoming a master at eyerolling in this new life. Felixin always seemed to have a bit of a blind spot when it came to her abilities. As far as she could tell, it was possibly a form of denial about her strength and speed, despite blatant evidence.
"I. Want. To. Be. Evaluated. Papa." Kiana said, her voice calm and steady, but emphasizing each word.
Felixin frowned, until an idea formed in his head. His tail started to wag and his goofy grin returned.
"Alright, princess," he said, now the one rolling his eyes as he stopped at the kitchen table and set Kiana down on her booster seat. He took a seat across from her and set his right elbow down on the table, the paw extended to his daughter. "If you can beat me just once in arm wrestling, then we'll go and get you evaluated at the guild. Okay?"
"Okay!" Kiana said, his much larger paw practically enveloping her own tiny one.
"Now, I won't go easy on you, sweetie. But let Daddy know if your arm hurts and we'll stop," he said with a chuckle.
Half an hour later...
Felixin, his right arm in a sling with a bandage around his forehead, was grumbling to himself as he, Kiana, and Pumala, who was still wearing her forest green cloak and badge, stood outside the Guild hall.
"Oh stop your grumbling, Feli," the bunny woman said, smiling at her husband. "This is your own fault for making up that silly competition. As well as for getting thrown outside through the kitchen wall."
"She's just too little, and too delicate!" he insisted. Pumala reached over and gently touched his cheek. She loved her husband dearly, but she knew that there was no stopping Kiana when she had her mind set on something. Picking her up, Pumala, with Felixin in tow, walked up the stone steps towards the large, three story great oak building near the center of town. The great oak that it was built from had all been carved to depict epic battles, great monsters and, at the four corners of the roof, dragons. Entering through the wide double doors, the family was met with the sounds of raucous laughter, boisterous singing, and a loud general chatter. They could even see, over by the job listing board, that a fight had broken out between two dwarves. Fists and kicks flying every which way, with several adventurers around them clearly placing bets and cheering them on.
"This is no place for a sweet little girl like our baby," Felixin said as a drunk gnome staggered by them, singing something in a strange language. Pumala clicked her tongue. She wanted to agree with her husband, but the bunny woman was well aware that their daughter was MUCH tougher than he gave her credit for, and when she was determined to do something, she was going to do it, one way or another. Still, she couldn't help but frown as she looked at the general chaos of the local Adventurer's Guild.
As sheriff for Starlight Rose, she didn't appreciate how much collateral damage occurred when adventurers were involved. She also found the fact that they would only lend the aid of their services for coin or glory distasteful. Yes, she had a yearly salary, but even if she didn't, she'd still step up to protect the town and the people within it whenever an emergency rose. Still, she had met a few adventurers who genuinely wanted to help people and did so regularly, even waiving the fee for their services. That being said, she wasn't too thrilled to be standing there, about to let her daughter be examined. Together, the family headed towards the stairs, not being stopped by any of the Guild faculty, as they knew full well who Pumala was. Some of the patrons even tried to hide their faces, knowing that they had active warrants for their arrests in some jurisdictions.
Heading through a few hallways, they came to the office of Guildmaster Graval. Pumala didn't even bother to knock and simply opened the solid oak double doors. Kiana hadn't been expecting the interior to look so... orderly. The walls were lined with bookshelves, with each title in alphabetical order or series order as needed. There was a beautiful Cascadian rug, with swirling whirlpools of greens and blues, taking up the majority of the hardwood floor. There were two red leather sofas facing each other, and two similarly designed red leather armchairs facing an ornately carved cherry wood desk. Behind the desk, sitting in a plush green leather chair was a human man.
Guildmaster Graval easily stood at seven feet tall, and was over three hundred pounds of solid muscle. His black hair was a ponytail of cornrows. The chocolate brown skin on his face flecked with a few scars, souvenirs of past battles and adventures. He was wearing a suit and tie, as he usually did when out and about in town. His left eye glinted in the light as he looked up, said eye actually a ruby that he could see through. Kiana suspected that he could see a lot more than the average eye through that thing. He smiled up at the entering family, and set down the quill he had been using to write something on a piece of parchment with.
"Sheriff and Chief Wizard Thorne," he said as he stood up, his voice a deep baritone, "to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, as well as the company of your daughter?"
Pumala sighed as she took a seat, while Felixin sat and started to cross his arms but stopped when he remembered the sling due to the increasing pain, and simply sat and frowned. "We've come today because Kiana here... wants to be an adventurer when she grows up," Pumala said this, unable to stop a slight wince as she said it, sitting her daughter in her lap.
"I see," Graval said with a chuckle. "And you would like for me to dissuade her from this career option well before she is old enough to commit to it?" Felixin snorted at that and harrumphed, but otherwise was silent. Pumala simply shook her head.
"Actually, my husband made a deal with her today. They would arm wrestle and, if she won, we would come to the guild to arrange for her to be evaluated."
Graval took another look at Felixin, and let out a bellowing laugh. Kiana smiled, liking the guy already. "I've heard of some of the... mischief that your daughter has gotten into from time to time." Graval said, smiling wide. "And her exceptional strength. But she is just FAR too young to register with the Adventurer's Guild Association."
"We, Kiana included, are well aware of that fact," Pumala said, her voice even, "but she has so far insisted that she only wants to be evaluated today, and that she will join when she is of age." At this, Kiana nodded enthusiastically. Graval smiled down at the adorable little bunny in her red sundress, with the matching bows on the tips of her ears, and chuckled.
"I suppose I can arrange for you to have an official evaluation today, if that's truly what you want, Kiana," Graval said to the girl.
"Yes, please!" she said, bouncing in her mother' lap. "I'm just dying to know how I stack up already compared to other applicants!"
Graval chuckled again, amused by the whole idea. "Alright then, with your parents' permission," Felixin had to bite back a growl, "we'll start your evaluation right away."
Both Pumala and Felixin looked shocked. "Really? Just like that?" she asked.
"Well, I am curious to see how she does myself," Graval admitted, standing up from his seat again, and starting to walk around it towards the door. Felixin looked to his wife, wanting to object. She simply looked to him and nodded. The two stood, with Kiana still in her mother's arms, and they followed the veritable human giant out of his office, back down the stairs, and out the back to the practice yard where evaluations were also held. Spotting the Guildmaster and the town sheriff and chief wizard heading out back piqued the curiosity of just about every adventurer not currently passed out or unconscious from the earlier fight. As one, they all rushed towards the back exit to see what was going to happen. When it became clear that the five year old daughter of the sheriff and chief wizard was about to be evaluated, a number of adventurers laughed, some seemed offended, and others started placing bets.
Kiana found herself standing in the middle of a cobblestone courtyard. There were practice dummies, some made of straw, others wood, and others still made from solid carved granite, near the far wall. There was also a pool of water, a strange metal cylinder with a slot carved near the top, the front half of what looked like a two story house, and a large wooden contraption that had what looked like parts that could spin and move. Kiana was so excited.
"Alright, Kiana," Graval said, tapping his ruby eye three times. It glowed red with the first tap, then turned green with the second, and was now a deep sapphire, giving off a soft blue glow. "Let's get started." At Graval's beckoning, Kiana's parents, albeit reluctantly, stepped away to join the adventurers in watching. They stood under the back entrance to the guild hall, underneath the famous stone giant war axe that Graval himself had taken off his slain foe. Said axe blade alone was as large as the man himself, and had required ten stout workers and a series of pulleys to lift up to bolt to the wall. It twinkled in the light ominously, at least to Felixin who looked up at it and then back at his little princess. With a snap of Graval's fingers, and the straw dummies stood up straight. Some walked over to a weapon rack and grabbed some wooden swords and shields, while others walked over to where the two stood and made fists, taking a fighting stance.
"First, we'll see how well you do in a simple fight, and we'll keep upping the difficulty as needed, alright?" Graval asked.
"Alright!" Kiana responded enthusiastically, taking a fighting stance herself.
"Now, what kind of weapon would you like to try?"
"I'm good with my bare fists for now."
Graval chuckled again. "Alright, a little pugilist," he said, reaching down and ruffling her tufted headfur. The little bunny frowned but said nothing, instead taking a few deep breaths and focusing. She could feel the wellspring of energy within herself once again. Tapping into it, she felt that energy flood her body and, when she opened her eyes, they were glowing a light blue. Surprised, Graval stepped back to watch, and tapped his eye again, the gem taking on a purple color.
The unarmed straw dummies first approached, and attempted to swing at the girl. Kiana easily dodged each strike, and battered one away with the back of her hand. The dummy went flying, falling apart as it did so. The next one she jumped up and kicked its head off, and the third she simply caught it by the wrist, ripped its arms out, and proceeded to simply beat it to "death" with its own severed straw arms. That brought some laughs from the adventurers, just as the next dummies, these also straw but armed with wooden swords and shields, approached.
With a running jump, Kiana kicked at the lead dummy, which tried to block with the shield. The wood splintered as though it were thin plywood, and not the solid wood it was. The dummy itself practically disintegrated from the force of the kick. The adventurers were silent now, watching with rapt attention. Kiana proceeded to make quick work of the rest of the straw dummies, and then of the wooden ones. It was when her blows rapidly broke apart the stone dummies that new bets were placed.
After that, Kiana was instructed to use a bow and arrow to destroy some targets. Within and around the fake house, targets would pop up, only to be struck with the arrows fired by the five year old with the short bow and arrows provided to her. The same happened to the flying clay discs that were fired from the metal cylinder through the open slot. Then they were fired at her with the instruction she was to dodge and then destroy them. The magical clay disks were so slow, at least to Kiana's mind, that she had plenty of time to dodge and then turn around and punch, chop, or kick them. The adventurers watching were amazed, as many of them hadn't done so well with that test.
Moving on, Kiana was instructed to make her way through the wooden obstacle course and reach the treasure chest at the very end. Getting onto the long wooden contraption, she started to run along it. Each time the spinning boards would come at her, she simply smashed right through them. Instead of dodging the giant log that had almost surprised her, she instead stopped it with one hand and, grabbing it with the second, ripped the log in half straight down the middle, clearly with very little effort on her part. She then skipped the rest of the way, easily sidestepping some traps, and grabbed the treasure chest. She was surprised to find that inside were a bunch of gold coins. Excited, she grabbed them, only to find that they were just chocolate coins in gold wrappers.
Graval scratched his chin and then nodded. He snapped his fingers as Kiana was walking back, carrying the chest of chocolate gold coins, and that was when a metallic door in a wall opened. Out came charging a giant black spider. It hissed and scuttled straight towards the little bunny. Kiana, only using one hand to carry the chest, looked back at the spider calmly. It was soon upon her, ready to bite down. She simply swatted it with her hand... and in an instant, it was there, and then, there was a large green splatter all where it had been. Kiana smiled at her handiwork.
Graval smirked... and while the girl's back was to him, he quickly pulled from within his jacket a throwing axe, which he hurled, spinning, at the bunny. Kiana turned and caught it, hurling it back with a flick of her wrist. Graval caught it and marveled at the force behind such a casual throw, certain that his palm was going to be bruised and sore. When he looked back at the girl with a smile on his face, he was puzzled not to see her. Out of pure instinct, he jumped back, just in time to avoid the stone giant axe come crashing down where he had been standing just moments before, smashing a hole in the cobblestone. Kiana was at the very end of the handle, hanging on by wrapping both arms almost around it. She looked down at him with fury in her glowing blue eyes.
"Woah, wait! I surrender! That was all part of the test too! See? The axe is just rubber!" Graval said quickly, holding up one hand in surrender while the other flopped the rubber axe back and forth. Kiana then looked surprised and said. "Oh!" before hopping down from the axe and smoothing her sundress. The adventurers, Pumala, and even Felixin were staring, mouths open, in pure shock. Graval looked to where the axe had been bolted to the outside wall, amazed that in the time it had taken for the rubber axe to make it back to him and be caught, the little bunny girl had run over to the giant axe, ripped it out of the bolts, and been able to attack him with it. It had taken an entire cart with four mechanical horses to bring the axe back in the first place.
"Uhm... sorry about using your trophy axe and breaking the cobblestones," Kiana said, looking down at her feet. Graval, amazed, bellowed out the hardest laugh yet.
"That's alright, Kiana!" he said, reaching down to ruffle her headfur again. "That was just... unexpected!" He then waved an arm to the assembled adventurers. "With that little trick, a number of established adventurers had been taken by surprise. Those that weren't usually just dodged the axe, very few ever caught it, and fewer still threw it back. And in all that time... no one has thought to attack me with the stone giant war axe in retaliation!" Once more he laughed. "With that, your evaluation is over, Kiana."
The two walked back to the guild hall where an excited Kiana, who had stopped to pick up the chocolate gold coins in the chest, leapt into her mother's awaiting arms.
"Did you see? I think I did great!" Kiana said, nuzzling Pumala's neck. Pumala, while still shocked at just how strong, fast, and already skilled in fighting her daughter was, smiled down at her, hugging her close.
"You sure did, honey-bunny." Pumala looked to her husband who, while looking proud, also seemed worried. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, while Kiana reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. He smiled and his tail started to wag. A few minutes later, the family were sitting in Graval's office once again, this time with Kiana happily unwrapping the chocolate coins and eating them one at a time, delighted to learn that it was the famous gnome chocolate.
"Well... this certainly was unprecedented," Graval said, his purple gem eye looking straight at the bunny girl. "Normally an applicant, or someone else being evaluated, gets themselves a copper, or maybe a silver ranking. Rarely, someone will get a gold."
"So my little girl's a gold-star equivalent?" Felixin asked, amazed.
"I'd put her in platinum rank, actually. At age five, she's already hit platinum rank. Some adventurers go their whole careers never advancing to it..." Graval said, in wonder.
"So what happens now?" Pumala asked, hugging her daughter close, who didn't seem to be paying attention, as she had chocolate to attend to.
"I'm having Louise finishing up an official certification acknowledging her ranking, a copy of which will be entered into our records, and another entered into the Adventurers' Guild Association's records. If she is truly dead set on becoming an adventurer when she grows up, she'll be given a platinum ranking right from the start. And I can't wait to see how much higher she'll climb." Graval smiled as Kiana yawned and, with some chocolate on the corners of her mouth and drooping eyes, she curled up in Pumala's lap and fell asleep.
Felixin looked over and grinned sheepishly. "This is usually her naptime."
Graval just softly chuckled and nodded, still amazed at the pure power his gem eye was seeing practically radiating from the girl. He already made a mental note to make some inquiries based on a budding theory, but decided not to voice his thoughts to the parents just yet, at least not until he had time to conduct a little research. With a reluctant thanks from Pumala and Felixin, they bid the guildmaster farewell and, with Felixin cradling his daughter in his good arm, Pumala carried the chest of chocolate gold coins. They stopped by the front desk to collect the certificate, which had already been framed. The faculty and the adventurers looked on in awe at the sleeping bunny girl. And with that, the family made their way home.
Name: Kiana
Species: Beasta (Rabbit-Kin)
Age: 5
Skills: (Reluctant) Tea Party, Puppy-Dog Eyes, Advanced Martial Arts, Brawling, Sarcasm Level 2, Eyerolling Level 5
Class: Kindergartner, (Unofficial) Veteran-Level Dragon Monk
Str: 115
Int: 12
Dex: 102
Cha: 12
Wis: 10
Con: 110
Languages: Common
And there you have it, readers! I certainly hope that you enjoyed the start of my new story!
0 notes
Aftermath oneshot for the end of season 3, episode 11. (spoilers!???!) (terry x korvo. not nsfw but they make out a lot)
i wrote this at like 3 am off a whim so its probably not the best but i just wanted to write some fluff so i dont really care about any low detail descriptions or grammar mistakesm. i hope u enjoy :3
Hot air wafted into the room and a bright light shone into the corner of Terry's eyes. He squinted as he stared up at the ceiling, the right side of the room being illuminated by the warm glow of the bathroom light. Shuffling was heard as the pudgy blue alien soaked the last bit of water off himself onto his towel, and changed into his night-time button-up gown. The light soon shut off, and Terry felt the mattress sink from the new guest who had taken space under the covers.
He was so tired, but he couldn't stop staring up at the ceiling of their bedroom. He wanted to close his eyes and sleep forever, but he was wide "awake." This fraction of time he spent in bed at night was his only ticket out of his regular new life now. he spent the moment while it lasted, even if it was full of dread.
Korvo joined him. he had no words to say, just an uncomfortable silence as he shared the sight of the ceiling. If you stared long enough, you could see the pattern in the walls even through the darkness.
Terry sighed a heavy breath; he must've been holding it without realizing. Korvo tilted his head away from Terry and shifted onto his side, pulling more of the blanket to fit on top of him.
"Goodnight, Terrence."
The weight in his name felt heavy.
"Night, Korv."
Despite the exchange of nightly endings, Terry kept his eyes wide open and up at the ceiling.
A silence crept in once again, but a soft, tired voice cracked it open in reply.
",,,I miss being called that name."
Terry sighed internally.
"Heh heh, yeah. I miss a lot of things."
"im,,, im so fucking over this, Terry."
Just hearing him be called by his main name lifted a weight off his shoudlers.
"God, me too. I can barely take this anymore! but uh, anything for the pupa i guess."
"Ugh! the pupa SUCKS. i want to go back to being sci-fi! I hate this job! i hate this life, Terry!" Korvo shifted back upright. not entirely facing Terry, but not facing completely away from him. Terry looked at him and listened. "This job is fucking stupid! I-I dont even remember what the fuck we work for! All we do is write documents of already made documents and print out paper of the documents to send to other people to make documents and then collect more documents to write documents about!! its fucking insane, Terry!"
Korvo was, visibly, on the verge of gooblering. Terry reached a hand out for comfort. Not touching him but, keeping him close as a reminder for company.
"oh my god, right??? and i cant even drown out my sorrows in any personal goods because of our damn tight budget."
"I had to cancel our hulu subscription to pay for the pupa's karate classes! I had to cancel hulu!!! We cant get anything for ourselves because we're using all the money on the Pupa! But if we don't he'll go back to being some annoying tween again with his weird gen boomer language or whatever they call it."
Korvo instinctively put his hand on top of Terry's offered one, and shifted to face Terry even more. He never gave direct eye contact.
"I hate having to risk losing my terrible job if i dont cook meals and shine shoes for our boss. I-I want to get rid of this job but the job market is so rough."
"Dont worry, man," Terry squeezed Korvo's hand reasurringly, "once we make enough money, we'll put it aside to try and get some other job! Maybe we'll do youtube video reactions of us reacting to youtubers reacting to youtube web series!"
Korvo squeezed back, but with a tight, aggressive grip. "Oh you know thats never going to happen, Terry. we barely make enough to cover our food. I've been buying SO much crap in cans just so i can keep that karate class subscription. I can't risk the pupa telling me I have "fatherless behavior.""
"Well,,," Terry leaned forward slightly, craving intamacy. "We can dream, and dreams always come true! PBSkids told me!"
"We dream when we sleep. which is 5 hours exactly, usually less when we wake up randomly in the middle of the night multiple times. MAYBE 5 hours and 10 minutes, if we're lucky."
An uncomfortable silence shone over them again. Then Terry felt something land on his arm and dance around.
Korvo pulled Terry close and shoved his face into his chest, bawling his eyes out and gooblering all over.
"I-I want to go back to our old life, Terry!! I hate this! I fucking hate all of this!"
Terry formed a sad expression and stroked the back of Korvo's head, trying to ease out the gooblers.
"Shh, hey, its okay, baby. It'll all end well in the end, right?"
"no it WONT Terry!!!" Korvo brought his fist up in frusteration and slammed it down on Terry, who yelped from the sudden blow.
"O-oh gosh, im sorry Terry! I-I didn't mean it!"
Terry hissed at the soreness, but rubbed it off. "It's fine, man. I wanna punch things too."
Korvo sunk back into Terry again, holding onto his now regular pajamas. "You're the only highlight to all of this, Terry. And even then most of the moments i have with you suck tits. Even if its all for the pupa, i just--" He started to goobler again, so Terry continued rubbing at his head trying to get his skin to calm down. "None of it feels worth it, Terry. i just want to have fun and be with YOU, and be with our family. I want to do fun solar opposites stuff again. that's all i want."
Terry yawned, forgetting how tired he was.
"Well,, i doubt thats ganna happen any time soon. but we can try and do regular minimal fun stuff in the meantime?"
"Oh and when would we HAVE this "meantime"? Our asses are stuck at work almost all day! We can hardly do anything! And on our off days all we do are take short naps the whole day because of how sleep deprived we are!"
"Uhmm,,, well,,,," Terry tried so hard to think. He just wanted to make Korvo feel better, in this instance, at least.
Terry slid his hands to Korvo's back, moving one up to his face and cupping his cheek.
"We have now?"
Korvo sighed in exhaustion. "Yes, i guess, technically we do. but im so tired and we need the sleep for work tomorrow. What can we possibly even do right now?"
"Make out?"
"hmm,, it HAS been a while-"
Before Korvo could start a new thought, Terry brought his face close and locked his lips with his, suckling rythmatically with Korvo as his hands caressed his body. Korvo's grip on Terry's boring pajamas tightened, only to release and wrap his arms around Terry and squeeze hard.
Terry flicked his tongue through the opening of Korvo's lips and licked at the other, Korvo widening the kiss and reciprocating the gesture. Korvo pushed his weight onto Terry's and rolled Terry over onto his back, laying on his lap and continuing to go at it with their mouths. Terry reached his one hand down to rub his thigh while the other remained on his back.
They squeezed and kissed at each other continously, each of them moaning into each other. All they wanted was here, right now. Just some nice time alone, doing something relaxing and comforting.
"Oh god," Korvo spoke between breaths, "I love you Terry. i love you so much. This is all i want right now. I just want to be a happy family again."
"We'll get that soon, Korvotron. For now, just kiss me."
And they went right back at it. This time, Korvo let his weight sink into Terry's instead of pushing on it, and Terry took the opportunity to push Korvo over and straddle him instead, laying over him and pinning him down by the wrists.
A trail of saliva trickled down both their chin's, slobber connecting them both by their mouths. They just wanted each other, to melt all their stress away into quality time spent together. They wanted to have fun again, do sci-fi shit again, be partners and be a family. They wanted to do dumb fun things together again, like binge watch new seasons of their favorite shows on hulu, or more intimate things like make love. All they wanted was to be together and to not have to worry about this shithole planet with their shithole rules and societal functions. some of it was great but, the rest of it was absolute garbage.
After more minutes of kissing passionately at each other, they both parted for a quick breather. Korvo wiped his chin, ridding it of the sticky saliva he shared with his partner.
"Ohhh, we haven't kissed like that in a while."
"Heck yeah, now im all excited! We should totally fuck, too."
"Hm- maybe on our free night. We have to work tomorrow."
Terry was suddenly in shock. "Oh hell, i totally forgot about that." He put a hand to his forehead and leaned over weakly. "Wooah, and i forgot how fucking burnt out i was."
"Yes, lets get some rest. We'll overthrow our shitty jobs and become space nerds again some other day."
Terry scooted back over to his respective side on the bed and patted down at his clothes, and Korvo the same. They repositoned the blanket to be more evenly spread, and after struggling with trying to make sure they both got even amounts of the blanket, Korvo just pulled Terry over to his side to cuddle.
"Oh Great thinkin Korv, now its easier to share!"
"Mhm,," Korvo sunk his face into Terry's shoulder, smiling at the warmth of his partner and at the closeness.
Terry patted Korvo's back and yawned. "Well, now im really tired. eugh. Goodnight Korvy, i love ya."
"I love you too, dummy."
They both held onto each other in a tight embrace and closed their eyes, finally letting themselves wait for sleep to come to their minds.
An hour passed.
"psst, hey korv, i cant sleep. wanna make out again?"
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kimhargreeves · 2 years
American Nightmare-Travis Hackett x Reader
Summary: You're one of the counselors heading to Hackett's Quarry. You, Laura and Max find yourself lost in the woods and you share a couple of creepy stories. Soon the three of you will find yourself in a nightmare with an officer who isn't willing to let you go.
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(A/N: see that nobody had written much on the videogame "The Quarry" so here's a short one shot I decided to do. Let me know if you want a part 2! And something with David Arquette's character too!!)
I boredly stared outside the window watching about the hundred tree pass by, not so listening to the low radio and more to Laura and Max discussing and looking at the map in their hands.
"Ugh why do they makes these so hard?!" Laura groaned which made her boyfriend take a peek at the scribbles on the map she held.
"How do you think the first colonizers did it? I mean, I'm sure they would walk around in circle for hours." Max mindedly said while staring up at the dark road now.
I sat up and reached out to grab the map from Laura's hand. "I'm sure it mustn't be that hard. Aren't councelors supposed to know these sort of things?"
"Nope." Both of them said making me sigh in defeat when I could've understand the red and blue lines.
"Where even are we?!" I asked. I was beginning to grow tired or being stuck in a car for hours.
"We are definitely lost." Laura blunty replied making us look at Max.
He looked back to check on us quick and shook his head. "We're not entirely lost..see? We haven't passed that tree yet."
I frowned and rolled my eyes reaching to shake his shoulder, "Every tree is the same Max!"
Max let out a loud sigh and turned to glance at me. "(Y/N), you worked here once right? Shouldn't you remember the directions."
I leaned forward to be between him and Laura, watching the dark road up ahead with nothing but woods and slight water hitting the car's front window.
"That was over three years ago when I was still living with my parents. They forced me too, that's not the point here! Thing is I don't remember much." I sarcastically told him which made Laura laugh when Max made a face.
"Give them some slack, Max."
"Oh, so the sarcastic twins are in it together." Max began to make fun of us.
"We're just a bunch of sarcastic young adults. It shouldn't surprise you." I muttered and saw a small smirk on Laura's lips.
Laura had always been like a sister to me. We met each other around elementary school and claimed to be twins since we dressed the same a couple of times and would always team up with each other. We became more than friends, she is the sister I never got to have.
"Anyways, don't you think we should've turned left before? I think we're far from camp and tomorrow Hackett is going to be searching for us if we're not on time."
Max turned to look at us again and shrugged his shoulders before Laura reached out to take one last look at the map. "Okay, maybe we are around this area…Max eyes on the road!"
We all looked forward and braced ourselves when we saw something in the middle the road. Max swerved it until we crashed further into the woods. He slammed onto the brakes and we all looked at each other recovering from what happened.
"Is everyone okay?!" Max asked checking us both.
I winced when I felt a sharp cut by my eyebrow, i must've hit against something as soon as he stopped the car.
"We're fine." I replied ignoring it and taking off my seat belt before getting out of the car, Laura stopped me. "Did you see that? Was it a person? I-I mean we were really close."
I smiled at her worriedly and patted her shoulder. "We'll have a look."
I followed Max outside to check the car's engine. Laura shortly followed us and grabbed the toolbox from the back, both of us took our phones out to use the flashlight.
We heard something back in the woods. We exchanged looks and focused the light out, "Stay right there. I don't want you wandering off." Max immediately said knowing how Laura is.
"You're not the boss of me. Besides, (Y/N) is here with me, and I think there's someone down there." She tilted her head and I began to follow her.
Both of us glanced back every now and then to see Max working on the car. "Shouldn't we stay back with him?"
"Nah. You know what he said, he needs total concentration."
"Doesn't this remind you of something?" Laura stays silent and looks at me so I can continue. "The Evil Dead?"
"What's that?"
"The deadites?? T-They are like zombies..how about Jason?" I ask making her chuckle at my pop culture references.
"You're such a horror freak."
"I usually know how things end..either there's only one survivor or everyone dies. Everyone had a choices, right? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"Ew don't say that." Laura chuckled at my words.
We continued to walk forward trying to search for anything, "but seriously, being stuck in the woods is so damn creepy." I told Laura after a few seconds of silence.
"Are you still afraid of the dark?"
"No." I quickly replied and quickly pointed the light towards the woods when I heard something nearby.
Laura sighed, "There's nothing to be ashamed about." Thinking I wanted to avoid her question.
"That not it, Laura. Haven't you seen horror movies? Just like I mentioned earlier. Usually in a movie, a group of horny teenagers or young adults are suddenly surprised by something in the woods."
"Not this again." I heard Laura mutter to herself.
"What?!" She whispered shouted at me pointing her flashlight at me.
I felt my heart betting faster when I remembered the thing in the woods. It clearly wasn't human, it was shaped like a human but it looked so weird. Millions of thoughts began to run through my head, Laura could see my nervous expression.
"Laura. That thing we swerved..I think it wasn't a person." I seriously told her.
"I think you and Max have been sharing too many ghost stories.." Laura said looking away. I can tell by her face that she's concerned as well. "How about you take right and I take left?" Laura nodded quick and began to walk away.
"We're not the Scooby gang!" I groaned loudly and turned my heels to head to the other side. "Why am I never taken seriously." I angrily told myself and dug for my earplugs.
I looked around and noticed that this place kinda feels and looks like the story I once read. Supposedly from true life, where witches were hanged and one of them wasn't a real witch, a child I believe it was.
I placed the cable in and hit play on my library to listen to some music. My eyes continued to look up ahead, everything was dark. I felt a breeze close to me so I quickly turned around and saw something ran past me from behind.
I furrowed my eyebrows together beginning to slowly walk towards where the thing ran off. Slowly I got closer and closer to a bush that was rustling, until…
"(Y/N)!!" Laura's sudden scream made me jump, quickly I took my earplugs out and panicked looking at her panting and running towards me. "Let's get out!" She reached for my wrist and began dragging me away.
Both of us ran until we reached Max again, the two of us climbing into the car again. The three of us began to argue about the thing in the woods, Laura saying she saw some type of woman out.
"Please just get us out of here." Laura begged. I had my hands on the back of their seats, leaning forward towards them.
Max turned on the car but it didn't move, we were trapped in a puddle of mud. "Mother fucking tires!!"
The three of us turned around and screamed when we saw a person by Max's window. "Fuck!!" We all shouted. I felt my heart still going at a rapid pace.
We looked back and noticed it was a police officer. "Fucking great, it's a cop." I whispered since I hate most cops, or any type of authority.
"Oh my God. I think my heart just exploded." Poor Max said still recovering from the jumpscare.
"Are any of you injured?" The cop asked. Poking his nose where it doesn't belong. I rolled my eyes and tried to not show my disgust.
"She bumped her head." Max said.
"Barely! I barely bumped my head! I can't even feel it, my bum I mean… I'm fine."
"Nothing out of the ordinary! Just three adults hanging out." I said rolling my eyes and earning a small snack from Laura so I would shut up.
The cop looked at us suspiciously like most do. The three of us remained silent, nothing but the sound of crickets and the officers footsteps while he examined the car from outside.
"You folks wanna tell me what happened here?" He said reappearing.
Laura and I exchanged looks. Should we tell him the truth or lie? Only one choice will determine the future.
I shook my head slightly for Laura to not tell him. The cop won't believe it in, he'll say we're either high on drugs or hiding a body.
"Something jumped in front of the car and we didn't want to hit it. We served so..here we are."
"Don't tell him." I whispered lowly.
The cop isn't buying it. "Something?"
Time to be dishonest. "It was an animal!" I quickly said before Laura could. "We couldn't make out of it since it was fast." I said trying to sound uninterested.
"Well, it looks like it. Keep the car running." The man said turning to look ahead. We furrowed our eyebrow together confused when he noticed a stain of blood on his neck.
The cop said nothing more and walked away. "Isn't that like the scariest cop?" Max suspiciously said.
"There's nothing more terrifying than getting stopped by a cop." This made Laura tell me to drop since she was growing nervous.
Surprisingly the cop helped us out of the woods but it wasn't long before he returned. A cold hard glare on his face while he looked at us all, "Now will you folks tell me what the hell you are doing this late at night."
Is there a curfew for people to not hang out at night?!
"We're headed for Hackett's Quarry summer camp. We're the new counselors." Laura quickly said.
"You're one night early."
"So? It's better than being late." I replied growing annoyed at the dumb questions.
"To be honest I got lost cuz of them." Max quickly said glancing back to give me a shut up look.
The three of us remained frozen when the cop slowly spoke again. "You're not gonna make it to Hackett's Quarry, not tonight. Harbinger motel, it's the nearest place you can bunk for the night, okay?"
"Mr. Hackett knows we're arriving. He could prefer us to be punctual than to let him down-"
"No Ma'am you're gonna head to Harbinger motel. Do you understand?"
He is testing my patience. There's no way we're going all the way around and miss this chance as counselor's.
Should I be insistent or compliant?
"I don't think that's the right choice for us. I don't understand why-"
"Ma'am, please step out of the vehicle." The cop sternly said stepping back from the car.
"What the fuck?" I was taken by surprise at his words.
"Whoa, she didn't do anything." Max said defending me.
"Yeah, she didn't mean it!"
Now my heart was clearly pounding faster than before. The cop wasn't having it, and neither was I anymore. My patience is growing thin and I won't hesitate to say how I feel.
We are not going to lose our job because of s police.
The officer repeated his words. "I would just like to show you a route on your map there."
"Can't you just show it to us in here?" I asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes when he said nothing.
"Fuck." I mumbled and started to exit the car. "Ever heard of freedom of speech?" I asked getting to the front of the car.
I slammed the map onto the front of the car and crossed my arms over my chest. The cop said nothing for a few seconds just staring at me disappointed probably, until he stepped closer and took out a pen.
He started to scribble on the map. "Okay, so we are about here. Harbinger motel is here."
"Right..okay! Where's the camp then?" I said looking away and looking back at the map.
"Well, I'm sure the kind folks at the motel can guide you there."
This cop surely is fucking weird. "Uh uh.."I replied unsure.
I grew weary when I noticed his eyes fixed on me. "Hold still." I was beyond confused now.
"What?" Is he detaining me?!
"I said hold still." He demanded.
He took something out of his pockets, a small cloth. He reached forward to my face but I took a step back staring at his weirdly.
"Don't touch me.."
"Ma'am." His expression grew stern and darker.
"I can take care of myself." I said raising my voice for him to get the hint.
Max peeled his head out from the window, "Are you alright, (Y/N)?"
My tired eyes rested back on Max's dark ones. "Yeah, I'm fine..thanks for asking."
The cop kept looking between us. "You can return to your vehicle, ma'am."
Before he could finish the sentence I reached out and grabbed the map. Quickly climbing back into the car, Laura reached her hand out to grab mine reassuring I was safe.
I handed her the map and looked away. "Harbinger motel. Stay on the road.."
"Do you need-"
"Have a good night." The cop finally said and left.
Laura pulled out the map so Max could look at it as well. "Let's just fucking go to Hackett's Quarry." I mumbled leaning back onto my seat and hugging my legs together.
"Yeah, it's the best decision. What do you say, Max?"
I assumed he nodded his head at Laura's question since he quickly turned the engine back on and started to drive down to the road. I remained silent during the ride until we reached the camp.
"It's been forever since I've been at this dump." I told myself when we got out of the car as soon as Max parked the car outside the camp. It was around 1 am and if course no one was here to receive us.
Max stood next to me now turning to look at Laura. "You gotta be kidding me. There's nobody here and we drove all the fucking way-"
"Max, can we just look around before we jump to conclusions." Laura told him.
"Did you actually talk to Mr. Hackett or did you just leave a message."
"What's the difference?"
"This is the difference."
I walked ahead and knocked in the door again louder but nothing. "I'm gonna check if I can open a window or something."
Walking away I started looking for any entrance while Laura started to check the other place around, maybe there's an open window o I can use a bobby pin to open this door. I got on my knees and tried to open the door but failed.
"Laura! Max!" I shouted for either of them but didn't see them nearby. "Shit." I got up again and started to look for either of them to help me.
I started walking towards the back and I saw them up ahead with a few tools in hand. "Look! We found an entrance." Max waved.
"Should we head in?" I heard Laura ask.
Quickly I ran to their side and looked down, "I have a bad feeling about this."
Max and Laura began to take a couple of steps down. "Hello?!" She called out.
I shushed her and decided to remain close to her since being outside on my own will freak me out.
"Are you hurt?"
"Do you exist?"
I rolled my eyes at Max's response before I spoke up. "If you saw someone in here then that means we should remain outside."
Laura started to move ahead, "Be careful." Max reminded her and I noticed something in the corner of my eye.
Something's on the dirty ground, I reached out and saw a card upside down, I picked it up and examined if.
A tarot card. I noticed the picture on it. This is a skeleton riding a horse with a sickle. "Death?" I examined the other side but nothing.
I believe this card represents a physical death. It implies an end, possibly of a relationship or interest, and therefore implies an increased sense of self-awareness.
I looked around and slowly rose up to my feet to face Max who seemed worried, "Max, we should get Laura and leave. I think we should-" I let out a scream when I saw something fly towards him.
"Laura!" I shouted her name when I raced and saw Max in a puddle of blood, his wound wide open gushing red. Laura ran to his side and began to help him.
"Should we help or leave him?!" I shouted beginning to get scared that I was possibly right at something going on here.
"We can't leave him!" Laura shouted looking at my shocked expression.
"Y-You're right! But I should call for help, I'll be right back!!" I began to race up the stairs and heard Laura below.
"(Y/N)! Don't you dare leave!"
I continued to run up trying to not slip due to his wet the floor was. "Help!!" I shouted hoping someone was here nearby.
Continuing to run I noticed a car up ahead but before I could run any further I felt a pair of arms grabbing me from behind. I screamed and tried clawing at the person but before I could slip away I felt a sharp pain on my neck, slowly my eyes got blurry and I fell down the floor.
The lays thing I heard was Laura screaming Max's name.
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Prominence [WCh. 77]
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Social Media AU ; Idol AU ; Added Unit AU
TW: Language
CW: None
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Pairing: NCT x Idol!Reader, Seonghwa x Reader ft. ATEEZ
Y/N Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
(W77/?) [First] | [Previous] | [Next]
[Main Masterlist] | [Prominence Masterlist]
Word Count: 4.0K
Notes: Hmmm :) Remember I love you guys!
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
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'He was always the more mature one like that… maybe I was just too immature for him, or something. He’s probably okay, just doing his own thing and he’s probably all moved on already like nothing ever happened, he’s just like that.'
He was not, in fact, okay.
And he hadn't been okay for the past three days.
Seonghwa ignored the knocking at his room's door.
Laying face down on his bed, Seonghwa was secretly hoping he could just waste away right there. He hadn't left this room in three days and he felt too heavy to attempt to now. Covers pulled over his head and a row of uneaten food on the floor next to him, Seonghwa was not, in fact, okay. At least Wooyoung stopped crying in the room next to him, why he was acting like it was him who broke up a perfectly good relationship he didn't know, but every single thing Wooyoung had cried really hit Seonghwa where it hurt. Because Wooyoung was right.
He must've broken your heart that night.
No explanation, no reason. His only hope was that Yeseul or someone offered to break his kneecaps to make you laugh.
"Ugh..." Seonghwa felt his eyes watering again and he smothered his face into his pillow. What he'd give to call you right now, just to hear you say hello. Hell, you could scream at him, curse him out, or completely insult him and he'd be content. It was the guilt that ate away at him that hurt the most. What's stopping him from unblocking you right now? Would you even accept an apology from him? An apology for breaking up so suddenly and in such a cowardly way?
Was it the fact that Juliet had blackmail on both of you that stopped him or his guilt?
He wouldn't even accept it if you did the same, if he was being perfectly honest. How could he have done that to you?
He grabbed his phone and stared at your contact, since you'd been blocked, there wasn't a single message. He closed it and opened a different one instead. The first and last conversation he had with Yangyang was there and his thumbs hovered over the keyboard.
Yangyang, your best friend. Your best friend who confessed to you and you rejected him, but still had the heart to look out for you. Yangyang, who has looked at you the same way Seonghwa did at least a hundred times but didn't make a single move to sabotage or talk you out of the relationship. Would you be better off with someone who could complete you like that? Someone who you could see every day, someone who you could always rely on to put you first, and someone who very clearly meant the world to you? Someone who would put you first regardless of the outcome? Seonghwa shook his head against the pillow and typed out the message, leaving it unsent as he read it over and over again.
'You can have her.'
It mocked him, almost. Did he even have a future with you after this whole thing? He broke up with you in such a cold way, and he hasn't spoken to you since.
At the fifth knock on the door, Seonghwa finally answered, chucking his phone off to the side.
"The doors here don’t have locks! You can just come in…" he grumbles. The door opens and closes, and he could hear the sound of a chair being pulled up next to him.
"Respectfully, hyung, this is pathetic," Hongjoong says sternly. Seonghwa doesn't budge.
"Here to lecture me again, Hongjoong?"
"Lecture? Why wouldn't I? Look at you! You haven't moved from that position for three days, are you kidding me?"
"Not now, Hongjoong."
"Yes, now! You come home three days ago, you drop that you broke up with (Y/N) for some unknown reason that you don't want to tell us, and I respect that I really do, and now you're moping around in, and let me remind you of this, our shared dorm room that I haven't been in for three days because your grumpy, hangry, and sorry self can't pull yourself together like a decent man and explain to your now ex-girlfriend why you broke up with her." Seonghwa, who had sat up to reprimand Hongjoong quite some time ago during this monologue, now had a hanging jaw. "And, this is the most important part, you're shutting out your best friends, we would even consider each other brothers, and you're shutting us out. I don't know what happened, and you don't need to tell me, but just shutting us out like we aren't even here? Not good, hyung. Pull yourself together."
"I... I'm sorry," Seonghwa could only look at his lap as he apologized. "You're right, I don't know what's gotten over me."
"Yeah, neither do we. Whatever it is that happened, it must've been bad for you to be moping around like this."
"It's just... where do I even start with this?"
"The beginning. Tell me every detail."
"Mars?!" Seonghwa hands were cupped around his mouth while he called out to the puppy. He'd been running around Seoul all day and all of the other ATEEZ members had returned home after he promised them to come back after an hour. He checked his phone and saw nothing from you. He was nearing your dorm now, maybe you'd gotten caught up playing with Mars so much that you forgot to text him or something.
“And look at that! Look at that!” Seonghwa recognized that voice all too well. “You could’ve had anyone in your little fan club yet you chose Park Seonghwa.” Seonghwa rounded the block and saw you, Yangyang, and Juliet. Yangyang had his arm out in front of you and it looked like he was trying to convince you against charging at Juliet head first while you looked like you were about to pop a vein.
Juliet, the name left a sour taste in his mouth. She didn't leave him alone for an entire year after he debuted, what could she want now? How she got his personal number, he'll never know, and no matter how often he blocks her, she finds another way to butt in. She's relentless, and for once Seonghwa regretted showing kindness to someone. He thought she stopped years ago, but he was wrong. How was he supposed to know it would cause this? He dealt with her stalking before, and now he has no clue why it kicked up again, hell, he didn't even know that it did. Until now. It wasn't him her sights were set on, no, it was you. And that was just unforgivable. He approached the group as quickly as he could.
“What’s this have to do with him?!” This won't end well, he knows that tone of voice too well. Juliet’s expression was furious, but her features notably softened when she noticed him. Mars ran off from your side to Seonghwa, and he stopped a few steps away.
“Seonghwa…” his name left your lips in a quiet voice. Mars looks over to you, then he bites the bottom of Seonghwa’s shirt, trying to drag him towards you. So that's what he wanted to do this whole time? Clever pup. He looks around at the three people in front of him.
“Juliet,” he addressed the other woman now. “So it was you, huh?” He eyes the camera in her hands. It all made sense now. You mentioned that you went out with your university friends, he remembered you mentioning someone who was grilling you that night, but to think that you knew Juliet? Talk about small world. You looked between them both now.
“Seongie-” Juliet's brows knit together and Seonghwa shook his head.
“Don’t call me that,” he cuts her off. He pushes you and Yangyang off to the side. “I’ll see you both home,” he continues to ignore Juliet as he pushes you both past her. Mars followed with a pep in his step. Growling at Juliet as he passed her, and quickly catching up to the trio.
“Seongie, please!” Juliet didn’t relent.
“Go back home, (Y/N), I’ll explain to you later, it all makes sense now,” he says. “Mars, heel.” The dog doesn’t budge, he stands by you instead. “Okay, go with (Y/N) then. Yangyang,” he hesitates. Should he tell him? Yangyang was your best friend, he knew that much. Despite whatever fantasy Wooyoung had of Yangyang crushing on you was beside the point right now. “Check your phone later.”
“Got it,” he nods.
“I’ll deal with Juliet, just trust me, okay,” he says to you. You only nodded, spotting Juliet walking towards you all. You both walked off faster than before. Seonghwa took a deep breath and turned around, marching up to Juliet. "Blow up my phone? Go ahead. Spam the ATEEZ account DMs? Fine. But stalk my girlfriend? No. Ruin her career? God, no. Not fine, and it never will be fine. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police right now," his glare narrowed and Juliet only scoffed.
"What does she have that I don't, anyway?" She rolled her eyes. Everything.
"You're relentless, I'm getting a restraining order-" Seonghwa is cut off by the sound of a conversation from the camera.
"No, (Y/N), you don’t get it... You’re my best friend. And I love you.”
Seonghwa's breath caught in his throat. He glances into the shop, to his understanding, it belonged to your aunt. He'd only been there once. Is that what you two were doing in there? Seonghwa felt the nerves bubble up in his throat. Was he actually worried about how you would respond?
"I… oh... Are you being serious? Really, are you being serious? Mark’s not going to jump out with a camera or something?” Your voice was obviously surprised. You didn't suspect anything? Despite the way Yangyang would always look at you, you never realized anything? Seonghwa flipped through Wooyoung's PowerPoint decades ago and the evidence was there clear as day and all of it flew over your head like that? That's exactly like you.
"What are you planning to do with that?" He asks. Juliet doesn't answer.
“I’m being serious, (Y/N). Just reject me and get this over with.”
“You want me to reject you?” Why did you sound like that? Did you really consider even for a...? No, you couldn't have. You always told him that at the end of the day, it was you and him and no one else.
“Yes! Why wouldn’t you?”
“I dunno, I mean, I am probably going to reject you, because you’re my best friend. But wouldn’t you want me to say 'let me think about it?’ or 'Oh! Yangyang! I’ll leave my current boyfriend for you!’?” Seonghwa's heart dropped. He knew exactly what Juliet was planning.
“I mean, if you want to, go ahead.”
“I mean, I just said it.”
“But did you mean it?”
“No.” That gave him only a little bit of comfort
“That’s what I figured.” Juliet fast-forwards the video. "Yangyang. This is me officially rejecting you. Get over me, you weirdo.” You rejected him. That's what mattered. That was the truth.
"It's interesting how easy it is to just clip audios, don't you think? Same thing with videos," Juliet mutters. "It's so easy to take them out of context, but people just eat them up, don't you agree?" Seonghwa reaches out to grab the camera, but she pulls it away. Taking a step back, an unreadable smile is on her face. Seonghwa took a deep breath, so this was how it was going to be? "That's all people on the Internet do. They have no other care other than what their darling idols are up to. All they need is one tweet."
"What do you want?" Seonghwa asks.
"Break up with her." Seonghwa laughed.
"Are you joking?"
"Break up with her and I delete the videos."
"Why are you so hellbent on this? Ruining her career and for what?"
"You don't need to know that," she nurses the camera close to her chest. "If you don't break up with her right now, I will post this video and make both of your lives a living hell." Seonghwa only shook his head.
"I can't believe you'd go to these levels," he crossed his arms. "I don't know what I told you all those years ago, what it was that had you clinging onto me, but whatever it was, I take it back," Seonghwa shakes his head again. "This, whatever you're doing right now, is mad. I'm willing to bet that you're the one who posted that picture of (Y/N) and Daniel too, huh?"
"Maybe?! The username is literally jules, who else could that be?" Seonghwa snaps. "Get the hell out of my life and I swear to god if you even try going anywhere near me or (Y/N) again I will call the police," he shouts. He reaches for the camera again and she steps away, playing another video on it.
"Look, I don't know about this," it was his voice this time. "Dating? Now? ATEEZ is going so well and ANiMA? Sheesh, I don't even know where to start with that group..."
"I mean, do you want to date her?" Hongjoong.
"She's nice, I like her a lot, I want to get to know her, yeah."
"Then go for it, so what if ATINY get mad? It's your life, not theirs."
"I just don't want any unnecessary drama. Can you imagine the scandal from this? Either way I look at it, it's going to be worse on (Y/N)'s end. She's a nice girl but the scandals following her? Even if most of them aren't even her fault, it's hard to not associate those with her."
"I understand, why don't you ask her yourself?"
"What if she really is a pretentious person? Conceited? What if the rumors are true that she just plays around with different guys? I don't want to be part of that."
"Why don't you just ask her, hyung? Rumors circulate easily, but the truth is always there. If you really like her then there should be no problem, right?"
"I just don't want to be another name in her so-called "play book," you know? I hear people talk about it all the time."
Juliet stopped the video.
"Where... how did you hear that?" Seonghwa now took a step back to steady himself. That conversation was from more than a year ago, him and Hongjoong were the last ones in the dressing room, and Seonghwa was thinking about asking you out properly that day, but he wasn't sure. He had his doubts then, then being so long ago that he didn't even remember what they were, all he remembered was that your reputation frequently preceded you, and there was nothing you could do about it.
"Would be a shame if someone sent this to (Y/N), don't you think?" Juliet asks. "That combined with the other video clip, oh goodness... oh, but wait, there's more..." she plays another video.
"Whoa! Hyung! Got the NCT girl?" Choi San.
"We're just trying things out, the first date went... rough." His voice.
"Dang, you're about to make other idols pretty mad," San laughed. "You know, a bunch of other guys have their eyes on her. Rumor has it she was a total catch back in university, guys were flocking over to her daily. I hear she slept around a lot too."
"Oh, come on, those are just rumors. You have the same ones."
"And are they true?"
"... No."
"Exactly. You really shouldn't be feeding into these rumors, they're no good."
"Aren't you curious though?"
"You're lying~"
"I'm not! I'm not, I'm going into this unbiased. It's the only fair thing to do."
"Is she though?"
"What rumors do I have against me?"
Juliet stopped the video.
"Or, maybe I should send her this one-"
"Stop," Seonghwa took a deep breath. "If I do what you want, you'll delete those videos?" He couldn't stop the pounding in his head. The first video, if manipulated in such a way, is already bad enough. But the other two? If Juliet clipped them at the right parts and sent them to you, or even posted them, he didn't know what he'd do. He didn't know how you'd react to them, if he tried to tell you the truth, would you believe him? He doesn't have the evidence to do it. And even if you did believe him, would anyone else? Could he put you through all of that just because he didn't want to lose you? He didn't even know Juliet had these videos or that she'd been following them around for this long. He felt his hands shaking.
"Yeah, I'll delete them," Juliet nods. "But, you have to take me on a date too."
"Now you're really pulling my leg," Seonghwa clenched his jaw and she held the camera up.
"Am I?"
"You're mad, I don't even know how your brain works that way," Seonghwa shouts.
"I'm waiting."
"I have to br..." he couldn't even say it. "I have to do it now?"
"In front of me, I need proof that you did it."
"And as soon as I do it, you delete those videos."
"I'll even let you do it, if it makes you feel better," she shrugs. He hated that attitude. Regardless, he took his phone out. The fact that he was letting her blackmail him was bad enough, and now he had to do this? In front of her? She had all the cards in this situation. With just three videos, not only could she send both of your careers into shambles, but she could break the relationship up even worse than just a simple phone call. He held the ringing phone against his ear.
Please don't pick up.
“Seonghwa, what’s up?” Seonghwa pulled the speaker away for a second and glared at Juliet. She gestured for him to continue.
“(Y/N)…” His voice threatened to waver if it went above a whisper.
“Yes?” Seonghwa could feel his heart pounding in his ears. He's doing this for you, he reminded himself. But he felt horrible, it felt like he was betraying you just making this decision on his own, but in such a spur-of-the-moment deal, he didn't have much of a choice. “Is everything alright? She didn’t do anything to you, did she?”
“No," he swallowed down a nervous sound, "I’m fine. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m going to talk with my uni friends tomorrow about this whole thing.”
“That’s good. And Mars?”
“He’s good too.”
“That’s good, Yeosang will drop off his things tomorrow." After tonight, after what he's about to do, he doesn't think he could face you honestly.
“Oh, okay. Anything else? Should we meet up somewhere to talk about it?”
“Actually, I think it’s best to do this over the phone,” he continues. The way he could see you so clearly in his mind. Hopefully, you were seated on your bed right now, maybe with Mars next to you while you had that same soft smile on your face that you always seemed to have when you spoke with him. He felt his chest tighten.
“Oh, okay, that’s fine. So…” your sentence trailed off and you waited to hear his next words. “Oh! Before I forget, are you free tomorrow? I want to make this whole thing up to you.”
Please, don't make this harder than it already is. He's doing this for you. He'll tell you tomorrow, he'll explain everything to you tomorrow.
“(Y/N).” He says your name again and his heart flutters in his chest.
“Yes?” You said this after a while. Like a melody to his ears. He'd never get tired of it. “If you’re not free tomorrow we can do it some other time then! No rush, I know you guys are all busy over there. I’m pretty sure that I’m going to go on hiatus for a bit so I’ll probably have time for once. We can finally try out that nice restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to! Oh, oh, and you’ve been wanting to talk to me about something anyway, right? We can do that then-” Juliet was waving her camera in a taunting manner now. Seonghwa prepared himself for what he was about to say.
“Let’s break up.” The other side of the line was silent. Seonghwa held his breath. Juliet's expression was unreadable, but he could tell that she felt some sort of pride. Finally, after what felt like ages to him, you spoke up.
"What?" He heard the waver in your voice. "Seonghwa? What did you say?" He hung up. Surely, if he heard you say his name again, he would've taken it right back. He could see it now, your face when you asked, the way you probably sat up straighter to ask. And, now, he can perfectly see you staring down at your phone. You lived in his thoughts always, and yet here he was, staring at his phone like he didn't just break up with you. In an instant, your Caller ID came up on his phone again.
"Decline it," Juliet says.
"How could you-"
"Decline it," she insists. "Don't answer a single call or message from her."
"Why? Why go to these lengths to do this?" He asks. "Actually, don't tell me," he shakes his head. "Whatever reason you have has nothing to do with me. Now hand over the camera," he says. Juliet does so. He smashes the camera against the pavement and she flinches back with a high-pitched yelp. Seonghwa spots the SD card and grinds it under the sole of his foot. "You stay the hell away from us now, am I clear?"
"Sure, yeah, I'm done," she raises her hands. "You owe me a date! New Year's Eve. This restaurant here, okay? Don't forget! And if I hear you talked to her once then..." She starts to walk off while Seonghwa remains in place. Juliet holds her phone up, showing a picture of [you and Jeno in his car], and from that angle, it was hard to tell what you were both doing, but Seonghwa recognized it from when you both went out to go [Christmas shopping]. She puts her phone away and Seonghwa lets out a shaky breath. Of course, she'd have more. Once Juliet was gone, Seonghwa felt his legs give in. He walked to the edge of the shop and leaned against it, soon sliding down it and onto the floor.
He just broke up with you.
He just broke up with you and for what?
He looked down at his phone. What else did Juliet know? If he just unblocked you right now, would she know? Those conversations he had were private occurrences, how did she get that? How did she hear them? He doesn't know, and he quite frankly doesn't want to know. He picked himself up off of the floor and started trudging back to the dorms.
How was he going to fix this? He didn't know. How was he going to fix it without Juliet releasing more incriminating videos or pictures of either of you?
"Okay, I'm going to stop your story right there," Hongjoong held his hand up. Seonghwa shut his mouth and Hongjoong stood up, walking over to the desk. He pulls out one of the drawers and picks something up from it. He hurls it at Seonghwa and the velvet box struck his chest. Seonghwa opened it slowly, the pair of promise rings sitting comfortably in them. "I said it once, and I'll say it again. This is really pathetic, hyung. You're going to let some random girl get in the way of your love life?"
"But she-"
"So what if she has videos? You really thought that (Y/N) wouldn't have trusted you enough? Now that's pathetic," Hongjoong shook his head with disbelief. "I can barely even fathom it. You ended a relationship over three videos? And you didn't even have the thought to explain it to someone? What were you going to tell Yangyang anyway? What? That he could have her? Unbelievable, hyung."
"..." Seonghwa could only look down at his hands, the velvet box sitting between them innocently.
"Go, go fix things with her. To think you left her like that, she at least deserves an explanation. Knowing (Y/N), I think she'll be more offended that you made this call without talking to her first than actually breaking up with her in the first place."
"Yeah, you're right," Seonghwa sighed. "You're right. I'm going to fix this. And if it ruins everything, then it does. And if we get back together, even better," he pushes the covers off of him and gets up.
"What are you going to do now?"
"I have a date to catch," Seonghwa pulled an outfit out from his closet.
He's going to fix this. He has to.
But, and this was the last thought in his mind now with this newfound goal, if he didn't close out of his messages so quickly, maybe he would've seen a certain message that he unknowingly sent when he initially tossed his phone to the side.
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tojikai · 2 years
A'ight a'ight a'ight
I have just finished reading part V and DAMN, Suguru really went to the point, huh? And Kai, awesome and wonderful job as always!
Suguru is the number one here alongside Shoko because these two are just 🥺
The fact that Suguru held himself back from lunging for Satoru or raising his voice just made me go jxnzksnxjdnud Suguru squad where y'all at 👀?
He made the right choice by going somewhere else before talking to Satoru and telling him about what happened after the breakup between him and poor Y/N and how he delivered the news to him just made me UGH!
And Hoejou, would you please stop? Suguru is right about you having to fucking stop visiting/seeing her because she's not going to be able to heal thanks to your stupid ass. You don't have any valid reasons to visit her because YOU are the very cause of her ending up in the hospital just because you THOUGHT that she fucking hurt Rie at Shoko's birthday party (I'm still salty that her birthday was ruined).
You were with Y/N for 5 fucking years! How in the fuck would you not know that she won't hurt the bitch when she's trying so hard to move on from you poor excuse of an existence?! We all get that you miss her and that you're regretting about the fact that you're the cause of this whole mess alongside that poor excuse of a woman called Rie BUT you have lost all fucking privileges to see her, talk to her, apologise to her and comfort her when you stepped over that fucking line so back the fuck up or I will ask Kento to 7:3 your 6'3 ass, ya hear me?
And, hello? Why in the fuck would you tell Suguru that when you're with somebody fucking else? You have 0 privileges, like... Ze-fucking-ro, ya hear me? Good
Suguru likes Y/N Suguru likes Y/N Suguru likes Y/N Suguru likes Y/N Suguru likes Y/N
It has been confIRMED-
Let's move on to Suguru giving her a tattoo before I bust a nerve just by thinking of this cheating motherfucker...
About the tattoo under the breast, I remember that someone offered that idea and when I read it in the chapter, I was like "OH MY GOD... FUCK YEAH!" because their idea was just *chef kiss* so props to you my friend! Oh and I completely agree with them loving Nanami Kento (best salary man, y'all) mostly with the matching tattoos/their names tattooed on the other's ring fingers bevause that would be very adorable, sweet and 🥺🥺🥺.
I truly respect the fact that Suguru wasn't, still isn't, taking advantage of the fact that Y/N is vulnerable but fuck you Satoru for thinking so lowly of your best friend, like... Fuck you 😒😑😐
I wonder what she chose though (maybe I missed it so pardon me-)...
And oh? Satoru walking in on his best friend that was about to start with the proceedure? With Y/N half naked? Damn, I can already smell drama in the next chapter 👀
Again, thank you for the chapter Kai! Take your time on writing the next one, yeah? Stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy!
"7:3 your 6'3 ass" 😭 that's definitely how nanami feels about gojo in canon LMAOO but yeah, whenever i think about how satoru thought that yn could physically hurt his new gf, i just feel so sad :(( like imagine how yn must've felt, someone who loved you for years, not only accused you of something they know you wouldn't do but also takes their new partner's side without hearing yours first :'(( it was good that shoko and suguru were there to help her get through all of it. it helped a lot, especially with her parents being absent and all, she wouldn't really have someone else to lean on. and yn's tattoo, i imagined it to be like this when its done :> Satoru probably thought they were on to something else when he opened the door LMAO anyways, thank you so much for this, rjay !!🥺💕please stay safe, healthy and happy as well~ i hope your week is going smoothly !! <33
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digital-corruption · 3 years
Pieces of You Part 15
The next morning my alarm went off and I begrudgingly silenced it. More than usual at least. I dragged myself out of bed and to the kitchen, finding Jake had taken position at his laptop again.
“If I didn't know any better I'd say you never sleep, but I did catch you sleeping last night,” I teased him with a poke.
“I must've slipped up. That won't happen again,” he smiled.
“Aww, but you looked so cute when you were sleeping,” I hugged him from the side.
“Definitely not letting that happen again!” he insisted.
“Mmm, are you sure I can't call in sick today?” I pouted.
“Normal routine, MC, for both of us,” he reminded me.
“Ugh, leaving you for so long feels horrible. I’m going to miss you a ridiculous amount,” I admitted.
Jake glanced towards me sheepishly, “Me too.”
To be honest, I don’t know how I managed to get myself out of my apartment that day. I suppose the need to maintain appearances to disguise the fact that I was hiding Jake overpowered my selfish desire to stay. To make matters worse, there was the small issue of the blood stains in the front passenger seat of my car. It was decided that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to be driving the car until it was cleaned... again. The last thing we needed was for some nosy individual to spot the stains and report it to the police. So I was back on public transport, which meant being away from Jake for longer.
The train ride to work felt longer than usual. It didn’t help that I couldn’t stop smiling. I tried to face the window to cover it, but you could still see my reflection. I tried to get it under control by the time I reached work, but it was no good. My co-workers kept commenting that something good must’ve happened over the weekend. My lunch break was my solace. I went to my usual spot in the park and saved a teddy bear meme with the text “Missing you". I wasn’t sure if Jake would even notice, but within minutes an image of two carebears hugging was added. And the stupid smile on my face was back.
On my walk back to work, that uneasy feeling returned. The feeling that made me want to look over my shoulder every step of the way. I kept telling myself that Jake’s paranoia was feeding my own. There was nothing to lead them to me, right? We were being so careful.
Back at work I buried myself to keep my mind off things, but as soon as I left, that feeling was back, even stronger. I started to get twitchy, which I had to consciously fight so no one would notice. However that just made me more twitchy.
MC: I can’t help, but feel something is wrong.
Jake: Trust your instincts. What are they telling you?
MC: That I'm being followed.
Jake: MC, don’t go home. Stay in pu
Jake is now offline.
My blood ran cold on the crowded train. I never felt so alone as I did then in a car full of strangers. Suddenly they were all potential threats. Some of them noticed my unease, which didn’t help. I could feel their eyes on me making me more uncomfortable. He told me not to go home, but that’s all I wanted to be right then. Where else do I go if not home? What happened to sticking to normalcy? My mind was full of such mixed emotions of Jake's sudden log off. Part of me was angry, part was scared, and part was in complete denial. Surely the internet just cut out, right? I kept checking my phone for Jake to log back on, but he didn’t.
The train came to a sudden halt. Staff over the loud speaker informed us that there would be a short delay. Usually that meant someone had jumped the tracks again, but this time I knew that wasn’t the case. I wanted out of the train so badly. I contemplated changing cars to a less crowded one, not knowing whether it would help or hurt my situation. Just as I decided to change cars, the train started to move again. I was so ready to vomit from the anxiety. An older woman asked me if I felt ok. The cold sweat was now noticeable. I gave her a weak nod and fake smile. She tried to reassure me that the train stopping was nothing to worry about. If she only knew.
By the time I reached my station, I still hadn’t made a decision. ‘I'll walk past home,’ I thought to myself. ‘I'll go to the supermarket past it.’ The idea of not being near home frightened me, but Jake’s words repeated endlessly in my head.
I should’ve listened to him. I should’ve stayed away. There were cop cars everywhere. I screamed to be let into my apartment.
“A dangerous individual has been spotted in the area, we can’t let you in the building at this time,” one cop told me.
A detective approached confidently, “You live in which apartment, miss?”
Fuck. Too late.
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megafrost4 · 3 years
That Time When Obi Fakes His Death & Anakin is Rightly Upset
S4 Episode 15: Deception
All warfare is based on deception.
Obi-Wan: I’m going after him
Gosh I wish I could yeet myself up ontop of buildings like they do
Obi-Wan takes a moment to pray to the Force then gets shot
Anakin: *cries out Obi-Wan as he gets shot and falls*
Ahsoka is holding him with tears in her eyes 😭
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AHSOKA TO PLO: I’m worried about Anakin. He hasn’t said a word since it happened
“I killed Obi-Wan Kenobi!” he cheered
Yoda still isn’t sure this is a good idea 🤨
Obi-Wan: so, how was my funeral? 😏
Vitals suppressor...interesting that the Jedi Council has THAT
Gosh Obi-Wan looks so weird without his hair 😳
Mace Windu: you can go to sleep now
Obi-Wan: so how does this work?
Windu: well, you swallow it
Obi-Wan: I was afraid you’d say that 🤣
Anakin and Ahsoka are on the hunt…
Ahsoka: is he dead?
Anakin: he’s about to be…get up you filth 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Hey Fox!
“This food tastes terrible…maybe you’d taste better…” Damn, Kenobi
Eval has great influence here…of course…
Cad Bane: “You want my respect? You do it face to face” ✊
Kenobi: “Who says I want your respect?” 🤨
“This is Ben…” Aw, he uses Ben as an alias 🥺❤️
“Kill the guards!” Nooooooo
Eval: what do we do?
Bane: part of my plan. Paid the kid off to create a diversion 😎
“Turn your weapons off stun. Kill the prisoners if you have to”
Clone at the Morgue: I’m tellin ya, it’s gonna be a long night 😒
Who’s the clone with the sandwich lol 🤣🙌
Obi-Wan hesitates as they’re being shot he can’t do it! 🥺
Episode 16: Friends and Enemies
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Lol Obi-Wan taking a page out of Anakin’s book and crashing the ship…on purpose 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bane: "We’ll have a bounty on our heads. And I don’t like to stand out”
Bane: now all I’ll need is a new hat 😒
Eval: “Is this business or personal?” 🤨
Bane flicks his toothpick: both 😎
Bane: here’s your reward, I’m not killing you 😎
Eval working with Dooku SHOCKING 😒
Bane: I want my money 🤬
Chancellor: you look troubled, Anakin… 🥺
It is possible they do not trust you to control your feelings 🤣 THIS SHOW I SWEAR
Anakin: Ardeen killed…my best friend! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chancelor tells him they’re going to Nal Hutta 🤨
Anakin: thank-you Chancellor, you won’t regret this
Palpatine smiles evilly: no I won’t 😎
Obi-Wan: “A 50/50 split sounds fair to me”
Bane: over my dead corpse 🤬 GOSH I LOVE BANE
Obi-Wan: don’t tempt me 😏
Anakin: if you want to find a low-life
Ahsoka: you start at the saloon
REX!: sir, he is unavailable
Rex: I can’t say sir
Windu: you can’t, or you won’t 🤨
Chancellor saves Rex’s butt 🤣
Yoda: overdue, the truth is NO SHIT, SHERLOCK
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Bane: the way I see it, you keep paying everybody off but me 🤬
Ahsoka: look it’s Cad Bane
Anakin: are you sure? 🤨
Ahsoka: ugh, who else wears a hat like that? 🤣
Anakin: good point
Obi-Wan: I’ll take care of him
Bane: no, it’s my turn to kill a Jedi 🤬
Cad Bane is so badass 🙌
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Obi-Wan crashes the ship again���lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ahsoka is so agile go gilr! 🔥
Obi-Wan: Anakin, don’t follow me
Cad Bane: you’re lucky we’re in a hurry little lady…we’ll have to dance another time 😎
Ahsoka: master, are you all right?
Anakin: that’s why I felt a connection…Obi-Wan is still alive 😱
Epidose 17: The Box
The strong survive, the noble overcome
Ah, Dooku…
Bane: enough talk, I want my money 🤬
Yoda tells Anakin…FINALLY
Bane: nice hat, where’d you get it shoots what are you looking at? It’s a nice hat 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dooku introduces his Hunger Games…The Box 😱DUNDUNDUN
Only five will be allowed to survive…
“What if he’s wrong?”
Bane: you got a better idea?
Dooku: I sense something different about that one NO SHIT SHERLOCK
Damn, Obi-Wan’s a good shot 🔥
Cad Bane saved Obi-Wan
Eval: how dare you 🤬
Bane: if you’re gonna kill him, do it like a man 🙌
Ok but Dooku doesn’t know his Master is the Chancellor?! 🤣🤣
Cad bane is the leader heack yeah 😎
Episode 18: Crisis on Naboo
Trust is the greatest of gifts but it must be earned
Cad Bane: Well, hello there…😎
Dooku: there’s something about him I do not trust 🤣🤣
Padme: welcome home, Chancellor [how cliché lol I knew she’d say that]
Ahsoka: at your service, my lady
847 years since Naboo joined the Republic 😱
[rocket pack whooshes] I'M SORRY, I'M OBSESSED WITH THESE
Bane: so long, Jedi 😎
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Obi-Wan: something Anakin said still had me worried…do we know the whole truth? 🤨
Obi-Wan: Dooku was listening, he knew all along
Chancellor: I was under the impression the Jedi always worked as a team 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
Dooku: welcome, Chancellor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chancellor: unhand me! 🤣 I AM YOUR MASTER
Chancellor looks on to their fight evilly
Ok but what was going to happen if Dooku succeeded…would the Chancellor have revealed himself??????????
Dooku: well done Master Kenobi, you are a worthy adversary…I cannot say the same about your apprentice 🤣
Anakin: as long as I live, no harm will ever come to you, your excellency 🤣
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Chancellor: hmm…well, here’s to a long and prosperous life, Anakin. One shudders to think where the galaxy would be withOUT the Jedi
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tsuy4n · 4 years
Merry Christmas🎄
Child Mc.
"Ugh...Christmas is coming soon..very soon."
The 3rd born, Leviathan grumbles while playing with the child present, sitting between his legs to watch him play.
"All those couples...their PDA stuff..so gross. So jealous."
You heard him mumble and after that, Levi's eyes widen as his screen showed the Game Over Words which to his dismay.
You blink your eyes and stare at Levi for a few seconds then stood up, putting both of your small hands on his face, cupping his cheeks.
"I don't know why Levi hates Christmas, or about those couples and PDA something...but I'm here! I'll definitely make Levi love Christmas!"
You exclaimed as you beam a smile at the purple head, causing him to clench his jaws as he felt his heart clenching or feel like having a heart attack..
"And to start it of..."
You reach out to your pocket and took levi's hand, passing it to him which reveals a chocolate that was wrapped.
"You also like those right?"
You asked with a slight tilted head then put a finger on your lips.
"But don't tell Lucy that I snuck some, okay?"
Levi felt like crying as he hugs you which you returned back with a bright smile.
You called out happily while running towards him with a big smile which made him happy as well as he kneels down with his arms wide.
"Hey, little human!"
You giggled as the white haired picks you up.
"Are you excited for Christmas?! Because I am!"
You exclaimed in bubbly tone.
"When are we going to Dia's place again?"
You asked with shinning bright eyes at the demon..thag he couldn't help but feel like going blind and having a heart attack.
"Because I can't wait to give my presents to all of you!"
Mammon chuckles while you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Wait. You got us presents??? How???"
You laugh softly with a smile as you slightly swing your legs up and down.
"I'll tell you when the others ask as well."
"Then what did you get for the Great Mammon?"
You let out a laugh once more and gave him a hug.
"You'll know once you get it, MonMon."
You giggled out which cause him to frown then chuckle.
"Are you comfortable up there, Mc?"
Belphegor ask while you hug Beelzebub's head, forehead to be exact as they walk, along with the other demon brothers.
"Definitely! I can almost see everything up here!"
You giggle out with a big smile while looking around.
"This is very fun! I wish I could be as tall as you, Beel when I grow up."
The 6th born chuckles softly with a soft smile.
"You might wanna take that back, sweetie."
Asmo comments with a chuckle.
"Being tall like that will do you lots of goods but there are also some flaws in it."
Satan joins in, chuckling as well.
"Beel sometimes bumps onto some things, like doorframes, for an example."
You gently caress Beel's forehead.
"Then it must've hurt for you, Beel."
Beel smiles warmly, along with a slight laugh.
"I'm not affected by it at all, so it's fine."
Belphie laughs as well as he nods his head.
"Beel's strong."
You nod your head with a hum and a smile while patting the orange haired male.
"Oh, look! Luke's here! Simeon and Solomon as well!"
You exclaimed excitedly as Lucifer gestures fore Beel to hand you over to the eldest.
"Dia and Barb are also there!"
You wave your hand enthusiastically as you all got closer to the group of undateables which are not so undateable now.
You greet happily when arrived at the castle.
"Hi Mc!"
Luke firstly greets back with a big smile.
"Good evening Mc, and to you all as well."
Simeon next greets with a smile, and so on while heading inside. After the greeting, small talk happened while waiting for 12 to strike.
"Gosh~! You're so cute Mc!"
Asmo squeals out while taking pictures of you eating as Levi takes a video of you.
"Of course they are!"
Diavolo spoke confidently with a big smile as you swallow down the food inside your mouth then hopping off of your seat to go the sorcerer.
"Sol! Sol!"
You called out, looking jumpy while he chuckles.
"Shall I get everything ready?"
You nod your head as your eyes shines brightly with excitement.
"Alright then."
He replied with a big smile on his face which made you to hug him then skip away.
"Everyone stand up! Hurry! Hurry!"
You shouted, catching everyone's attention.
"What's wrong Mc?"
Lucifer questions firstly, after standing up and walking towards you.
"Go over there!"
You shouted once more as you hold Luke and simeon's hand, pulling them.
"Barb, too! Clean those up later!"
You exclaimed as you push him along with the others.
"Mc must've prepared something for us."
Diavolo spoke while standing along with the others.
"Oooh~! I can't wait!"
Asmo exclaims excitedly with a big smile.
"Everyone! close your eyes please!"
You annouce in a bubbly tone as Solomon arrives.
"Thank you, Sol! You can stand along with them with your eyes closed as well."
Solomon chuckles and stands beside Simeon.
"An accomplice I see."
The angel laughs out softly with closed eyes.
"I only helped with hiding the stuffs."
He replied with a chuckle.
"No one can open their eyes until I say so! Especially you, MonMon!"
You shouted, causing for the 2nd born to flinch and close his eyes back tightly, making the others to laugh.
"Can everyone please kneel?? I can't reach you all."
As you said, everyone quickly obeys, each has a smile on their face.
"Dia, first~!"
You approached Diavolo, tapping his shoulder, making him to open his eyes, and after he did, you gave him a big warm hug, and a kiss which made him smile brightly and let out a hearty laugh.
"Thank you for all the presents you gave me for the past few weeks! Merry Christmas, Dia~!"
You step aside, revealing his present with a ribbon, moving on to the next person, Barbatos.
You calles out to the butler, which made him to open his eyes.
"Thank you for always giving me delicious foods!"
You also gave him a big warm hug and a kiss on his cheek then step aside, revealing his present as well.
"Merry Christmas, Barb~!"
The butler smiled softly and patted your head.
"You, too."
Next was Solomon, the human sorcerer.
"It's finally my turn."
He chuckles out with a smile as he opens his eyes.
"Thank you for helping me prepare this, Sol!"
"No problem."
Like the others, you also gave him a hug and a kiss, then stepped aside.
"Merry Christmas, Sol~!"
Next was the tall angel, Simeon.
"Simeon! Thank you for taking care of me!"
Simeon laughs softly as you hug him and gave him a kiss.
"Merry Christmas, Simeon~!"
Next is Luke, the small Angel.
"Luke! Luke!"
You called out as you also did the same actions to him, catching him off guard, resulting him to slightly blush as he gets his present.
"Thank you for also giving me delicious sweets~! Merry Christmas!"
Next, Lucifer.
"Luci! Thank you for everything!"
Lucifer chuckles as he picks you up, while you gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
"Merry Christmas~!"
Next, Mammon.
You called out as you hugged him, which startled him.
"What took ya so long?!"
He exclaimed while you laugh then leaned in to give him a kiss as well.
"Merry Christmas!"
He scoffs as tint of red hue spreads across his face while you moved to the next brother.
You tackle him into a hug, causing him to open his eyes.
"I hope you won't hate Christmas now, rurin! Because Christmas is all about love and family, rurin!"
As you said that, you gave him a big warm hug and a kiss on his cheek that made him almost to shed tears.
"Mc said rurin...I can't handle the cuteness. I'm gonna die."
Ignoring his words because you were used to it, you moved next to Satan.
Before you call out to the blonde, you take out a cat headband and wore it then softly tapped his shoulders.
"Merry Christmas, Satan, Nya~!"
You giggled after saying that and doing the cat pose.
"Everyone said that you love cats and Asmo gave me this idea! So, Merry Christmas."
You take off the headband and put it on him, handed his present, then gave him a hug and a kiss as you moved next to the demon.
Asmo opens his eyes quickly and flashed a bright smile.
"Finally, Mc~!"
He squeals out, not even saying that he took a couple of peeks.
"Here's your present!"
You exclaimed with a big bright smile and hugged him which he happily returned back with a laugh.
"Merry Christmas, Asmo~!"
You kiss his cheek, making him to look extremely satisfied and happy.
Next, Beelzebub.
You hugged the demon and gave him a kiss as well.
"Merry Christmas~!"
He smiles and hugs you back too.
"Merry Christmas, Mc."
Lastly, Belphegor.
"...He must be sleeping....."
You giggle and gave him a hug, despite being asleep.
"Merry Christmas, Belphie~!"
Belphegor wakes up and smiles as you gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Mc."
You nod your head and flashed a smile.
"I hope everyone likes their gifts!"
You giggle as you continue to smile.
"Merry Christmas everyone! I love you all~!"
Everyone can't help but smile at the child warmly and softly when they felt all fuzzy inside.
"But how did you managed to get us all these presents?"
Satan questions while examining the others' presents.
"I worked!"
You replied enthusiastically.
"You had a job? Since when?"
Mammon ask this time.
"Whenever I go to your school I do a little bit of service."
You replied casually and simply at them with a smile.
"And that is..?"
You laughed softly at Simeon's question then replied,
"A kiss on the cheek for 10 grimm, hug for 30, a picture for 50. Most of them kept coming back so I earned much more than expected..."
You giggled at the memory.
"Then It's for you to receive your presents since you've worked hard just to give us gifts."
Lucifer spoke with a smirk.
"Oohh~! I can't wait to give mine! I have so many!"
Asmo announces with a squeal.
"Then I guess we're the same."
Diavolo said with a smile on his face.
"I also have quite a few gifts for you, Mc."
Lucifer said, smiling as he does so.
"Are you sure that's a few???"
Luke questions while staring at the pile of gifts beside the dumbfounded, slightly sweating, overwhelmed Mc, despite the cold weather.
"T-Thank you..everyone."
Everyone smiles happily, satisfied, the look of 'they deserve to have it all' on their faces.
"You're most certainly welcome."
"My pleasure!"
"That's nothing!"
"It's nothing, sweetie!"
"Of course, Mc."
(And so on.)
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 8.
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, All rights go to Stephenie Meyer!
Authors Note: I am SO sorry I didn't post chapter's when I said I would, I needed a little break from writing, I hope you all can understand. This is a shorter chapter for now.
"Nothing really changed you've got my heart. I found a new place but it's not a brand new start. I guess I'll be alright with it, Can't fight with it. Looks like you're coming here tonight."
Must Have by, Joni Payne
Jake and the pack left soon after with Bella right on their trail, Edward stalked off somewhere. The Cullens and I however all sat in Carlisle's office, a radiating tension could be felt in every corner of the room. Jasper's grip on my hand tightened, and his face was fixed with dread and anger. I eyed Rosalie for a second, hoping she would get the message I was trying to send.
"Hey, why don't we give these two a moment to talk?" Rosalie suggested. The rest of the Cullen's nodded and left the room, closing the door quietly behind them. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Not really no." He replied I could sense a tinge of attitude in his voice. He stood up and paced around the room.
"Dumb question I know..." I didn't really know what else to say, he had told me how he turned when he revealed he was a vampire to me. It had to bring back some bad memories.
"Newborns are...deadlier than any other vampire, no matter how powerful the gift of another vampire is."
I fought the urge to roll my eyes, sighing again instead...
"Ugh was I really going to get this lecture again?" I thought to myself.
"I know Jasper." I tried to say it in a way that wasn't rude... but from the look on his face it came out quite, dryly.
"Don't start that." He snapped and stopped pacing to look at me.
"Don't start what?"
"Every time I explain the basics of a newborn you act like that."
"Don't "Jazz" me!"
"Look... it's only because I already fucking know what they are... I don't know if you forgot but am one."
"And!? I don't need to be reminded of how unpredictable I can be! I get it in the beginning when I was first changed but...I can't stand to hear it anymore...you make me feel like a monster."
"You need to know the things you're capable of."
"I KNOW WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF YOU TELL ME ALL THE TIME!" I said standing up and stopping right in front of him.
"Obviously you don't," Jasper replied, his voice was riddled with anger.
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"I mean you are still living with your father... you're going to tell me you haven't been tempted by his scent once?"
I didn't say anything... I knew what I wanted to say would be a lie.
"Yeah... I thought so."
"I do know something..." I snide in a condescending tone.
"Yeah? What's that?"
"I have more control over my blood lust than you... That's pretty transparent to everyone else here. You would rip out my Dad's throat out if he as much as scrap on the arm."
I couldn't stop myself from spewing those words out, but I was hurt... I felt the need to protect myself. He hit below the belt for me so I tried to do the same thing with him. The look on his face proved that it worked. Regret soon filled my body, the anger simmered down.
"Jasper..." he stormed off before I could say anything else.
"Oh, man..." I muttered to myself, I slid back onto the couch and rested my head on both of my hands, my engagement ring was in my line of view. It made me feel even worse.
"Fleur?" It was a voice I didn't hear often, I looked up and saw Dean looking at me.
"I really screwed up this time Dean." I heard him shuffle beside me.
"You were protecting yourself...you thought the words he was saying at first were an attack on you."
"Who wouldn't be hurt by someone describing things so vile that are true about you Dean? I mean... the number of times I've been tempted to completely drain the blood of my father and friends around me is horrible... I am disgusting..."
"You're not disgusting, you're just learning...and I am too still to this day. Moping about it isn't going to help you, we all saw where that got us with Edward a year ago."
"I know you're right...but."
"But what?"
"The things I said to Jasper...you should've seen the look on his face... I really hurt him."
"Fleur, he's a big boy... he just needs to cool off. You do too, talk when you both are a bit more level-headed."
"Yeah... that's probably a good idea... I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'm going to go out for a drive." I hugged Dean and made it out of Carlisle's office.
The looks on the faces of the Cullen's told me they heard what happened. I didn't even acknowledge them and soon left. Mountains of frustration and anger had finally been taken out inside of me. It was like a powerful earthquake hit, the fake facade of each inch on the mountain crumbled to the ground. I took it out on the wrong person... one who was just trying to help me. I texted my father telling him I would be spending the night at the Cullens so he didn't wait up on me. I didn't even know where I wanted to go, so I just drove around aimlessly on the highway in complete silence. It was calming to be by myself for a bit. But the anger and guilt still crept up behind me.
I tried to justify why I said the things I did, he sounded like a broken record to me. Constantly reminding me of the things I hate about myself... It felt like I was going insane. But... I knew his past going into a relationship... how he was changed, the things he was forced to do. What was happened now must've brought something up that he was constantly trying to forget. It must've terrified him, we didn't even fully know who was behind it, there were too many suspects to decide who it really was. That probably didn't help with anything either. I knew tomorrow we would have to train the wolves to fight this army... hopefully everything would go well.
Timeskip: A day later.
I arrived later than everyone else, the only one that was missing was Edward. Jasper and I met eyes quickly before I darted them down to the ground. I walked and stood next to him, before I could say anything to him he walked away.
"Emmett... come here, why don't we warm up before the wolves get here."
"Bring it." Emmett said, a smirk was on his face and he was cracking his knuckles.
Three seconds later, Emmett was flying through the air and landed hard on the ground. I walked over to Rosalie who's face was in shock.
"I guess he's still mad then?" She inquired.
"Yeah..." I saw Edward and Bella pull up next to my car.
"He sure is..."
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