#ughhhhh leaving us on that cliffhanger
belladonnaprice · 4 months
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vimerald-lycaix · 3 years
Fnaf: William afton x gender neutral reader part 1: rat man
Authors note: please forgive me TwT I'm bored and horny for this nasty rat man
The reader is 21, Henry and William are around 32-34 so there is a age gap, if you don't feel comfortable with that then sorry:)
Btw the reader is gender neutral:>(well I at least tried to make it so forgive me if I mess up)
Authors POV:
Y/N was a employee at fredbears family diner and had a close friendship with the owners: Henry Emily and William afton.
They'd only been working at the diner for 4 months but everything was going smoothly, damn they even got a promotion and a pay raise.
Y/N had know Henry since high school, he was a close family friend before Y/N's family disowned them. Leaving them under Henry's care.
When Henry offered them a job at the new diner they were ecstatic .
And that's where our story begins(I'm cheesy I know)
'YES YES YES!!!' Y/N mentally screamed.
'THIS IS MY FIRST JOB!!!! IM SO EXCITED!!!I WONDER WHAT TYPE OF PEOPLE WORK THERE!!' As Y/N quickly got dressed and exited their room they proceeded down the stairs before being stopped by Henry.
"Bit to excited aren't you?" He chuckled.
"....mabeyyyyyy..." they replied drawing out the last syllable before rushing back down the stairs.
"HEY!! I hope you washed your teeth!!!" Henry called out to Y/N
"Ughhhhh" Y/N groaned before going back up stairs to their private bathroom.
(5 minutes later)
"Morning Y/N" mrs. Emily greeted the young adult with a warm smile.
"Morning mrs. Emily" Y/N returned a smile.
"Please dear call me lily"(I dunno why I chose that name but feel free to change it if that's your name:))
Y/N hummed a response before sitting next to the young girl next to them.
"Hello Y/N!!!" Charlie greeted the (hair coloured gender).
"Hey char how ya doin' " Y/N ruffled Charlie's hair.
*giggles*" I'm doing great!!! I'm excited to see my friends at school!!"
"That's great!!.....whatcha drawing?" They asked curiously.
"I'm drawing fredbear and springbonnie!!" Charlie replied with stars in her eyes.
"Oh cool! Are they the animatronics at the diner?" Y/N asked
"Yep!! Who's your favourite?!?!"
*chuckles*"I dont know, haven't met them yet"
*gasp*"I'll have to introduce them to you then!!"
"Guess you will" Y/N answered
"Common you tow eat your breakfast before it gets cold" mrs. Emily interrupts.
"K!" "okie mommy!"
(15 minutes later)
Authors POV(still):
After Y/N and Charlie finished their breakfast they went to find Henry.
Which they found him in his work shop(garage).
"Yo Henry we have to get going" Y/N informed the older Male.
*bashes head under the table*"ow! Ok Y/N let me just grab my tool kit and we can get going" Henry let's Y/N know while rubbing his head.
"Alright see ya in the car!!" They reply before making a dash to the car.
Y/N helps Charlie with her seatbelt before making their way to the front seat.
A couple minutes later Henry joins them in the car.
"Hey Y/N I know your used to sitting in the front but I have to pick my business partner and his kids up so you'll have to join them in the back..." Henry coughs while rubbing the back of his neck.
"What??!!? Ugh fine. But how many kids does he have?" They groan
"What th-!??!*mumbles*he must be a fucking rabbit then. Three kids?!? Talk about a breeder..." they mumble while joining a giggling Charlie in the back.
(Time skip to when they are on the road)
Y/N didn't like the idea of sharing such a cramped space with three kids and a adult man they dont know, but tough luck, hopefully they aren't weird or annoying.
Soon they realized the car was slowing down to a halt, they looked out the window to meet a giant house on a hill.
'Much larger than Henry's house damn'
"Alright you tow, stay in the car while I go knock on the door" Henry ordered the tow in the back.
*sigh*"alright we'll stay here..."
"Great!!" And with that Henry makes his was up to the house.
'How is he so fucking optimistic all the time?!?!' Y/N mentally sighs while watching the trees.
Y/N had no idea how long it had been since they were caught up in their own thoughts.
But sadly...
They had to be interrupted.
"AHHHH" both passengers in the backseat screamed at the top of their lungs.
"BAHAHAHAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE- HAVE S-SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACES!!!! HAHAHAHA" shouted a a teen boy who looked around the age of 14-15.
"Why did you do that!?!?!?!" Y/N screamed at the boy while trying to calm down a crying Charlie.
"Damnnnnn take a joke bitch" the little prick- I mean kid rolled his eyes
"Dont you dare use such language around charlie you little pest!!" the older (gender) argued.
"Michael what have I said about bullying others and using that kind of language!" A voice boomed.
"Ughh sorry 'dad'" the young boy grumbled.
After you helped Charlie stop crying you looked up to see........
I really hope you like the first part!!!
I'm not sure when the second part will be up tho since I'm repainting my room and have a bunch of stuff going on at the hospital, but I'll have it out as fast as I can :)
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drwhitefox · 3 years
Full resident evil village review: SPOILERS
So, let us start from the beginning. We began with Mia telling a fairy tale to Rosemary Winters (Rose). The fairy tale coincidentally falls in line with the four houses, Dimitrescu, Heisenburg, Benevento and Moreau. However, Mia cuts off the fairy tale in mid-sentence when she sees Rose had fallen asleep, leaving the fairy tale unfinished until the end of the game. There, the gameplay begins. We know that it has been three years since the Dulvey incident, and it had been covered up as a gas leak. After some shenanigans, Mia is gunned down from multiple points and killed by Chris Redfield. He takes Ethan and Rose, and the game begins. Ethan finds himself stranded alone beside a corpse, and he began strolling through a snowy path until he reaches the Village.
Ethan reaches the castle and meets the Dimitrescu family, which they proceed to torture him. For the rest of the castle gameplay, you will sneak past Lady D and take down the daughters one by one as they try to kill you. By killing them, it will anger Lady D in which she will turn into a Bloodborne type dragon. It was so fucking cool. After killing Lady D (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`), Ethan will find a jar not knowing what it is, he shows it to the Duke and tells him that Rose was not at the castle in which Duke answers that he is holding his daughter, specifically her head. DUN DUN DUUUUUNN. That revelation hurt my head and made me not care about Lady D, to be honest. So, Ethan now has to collect four yellow jars containing Rose’s body parts for all other houses to assemble his daughter back. (Poor Ethan)
So on to the best part for me. The scariest part. I don’t want to spoil this, but that Baby was fucking nightmare fuel, like who in their twisted mind could create such an atrocity. The Benevento house reminded me so much of PT which was fucking amazing. It would be best if you played it yourself to feel what I’m saying. While at the Benevento house, Ethan hears Mia on the radio pleading with Ethan to forgive her, which was weird because she’s dead, right?
The Moreau house, or swamp, I have to say it’s one of my least favourite gameplay, though it’s still far better than Heisenberg gameplay. Salvator Moreau and Ethan’s interaction was hilarious. I loved how Ethan cannot see past this guy and kept underestimating him. I loved their interaction. And that’s all good, I have to say about that battle.
The Heisenberg, Ughhhhh. The part of this scenario dragged on, and I wouldn’t say I liked any part of it at all. I think the reason had to be the strip of the gothic aesthetic and villains variants that made this part not good. Heisenberg’s character arc felt rushed or just unfulfilling. Either, I had more enormous expectations for him.
After beating Heisenberg, Ethan faces Mother Miranda as she began teasing him. There we learned that Rose was perfected Evelyn or E type. And mother Miranda, by shapeshifting into Mia, wanted Rose to resurrect her Daughter Eva that died hundred years ago by Spanish Flue. She then rips out Ethan’s heart, seemingly killing him.
There we switch to Chris bolder punching Redfield. We found out that Miranda kidnapped Mia and turned into her, and took Rose, He no longer works for BSAA for some reason that is still unknown, and Canine began racing with BSAA to Miranda. Chris goes through a many Lycans hoard, stumbles upon Miranda’s lab; there, we got a bunch of lore dump.
Ozward E Spencer, you’ll remember him. Yeah, Miranda, on the path to reviving her daughter, invited young Spencer to the village to work with her. However, their ideology clashed, and Spencer thought that he should work to further human development, not for one person like Miranda. There Spencer revealed that he found “the Progenitor” in Africa and began developing the viruses and Founding Umbrella logo that was carved in the cave, creating the Umbrella Corporation. The village is the origins of the Umbrella and everything that follows.
Chris finds Mia (the real one)
Ethan wakes up in a wasteland, incredibly cold and suffering. Evelyn appears out of nowhere and reveals that Ethan shouldn’t be walking. She was indicating that Ethan died three years ago in the Baker mansion by Jack Baker. By unknown means, the mold consumed his dead body and revived him, making him a perfected E type. (irony with his name starting with letter E)
Miranda resurrects Rose from the mould, and Ethan fights Miranda, killing her and killing himself in the process. Ethan and Chris take Rose, trying to flee, but a giant mutation is heading their way, and the only way to stop it is to blow the whole village sky high. Ethan, already dying, couldn’t move forward, takes a detonator and gives Rose to Chris, telling him to take care of her and (teach her how to be strong)(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞. Chris, Mia and Rose, along with Canine, escapes the village before detonation. Ethan dies a hero. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) Then time skip happens, IDK how long, but we see a girl who is merely identical to Ethan exited the bus onto a graveyard; it’s Rose visiting Ethan’s grave. A man in a black suit was waiting for her in a black car, and he makes a joke calling her Evelyn, which angers Rose. She enters the car, and the man tells her that she’s a lot like Ethan. While the vehicle droves away but suddenly stop beside an unknown person that we will not see. It ends with a cliffhanger, setting up the next entry.
During a credits a woman finishes the fairy tale.
I didn’t go to up most detail in this, trust me when i say you have to play the whole thing to experience what I’m saying. I loved it, yes there was some flaws but it was in a sense minor.
Welp, there was a lot of plot twist and a gut-wrenching revelation that I didn’t expect from this game. I loved Ethan not as a character but just as the protagonist in the Resident Evil game. I always felt that when Re goes back to the og characters, it becomes an action game. Ethan was to be a breath of fresh air. Even though he has gone through a lot, he endured every single pain thrown towards him and pushed forward. He isn’t Leon and Chris or even Jill and Claire, but I think that made him more unique.
I gave the game 8/10 hahah.
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sylvieeee5 · 3 years
I’m writing this on Friday, but I’m waiting until Saturday to post it- partially because I want to give people a chance to watch the episodes for themselves, and mostly because I’m extremely tired from cooking and hosting the full on dinner party I decided to hold for this premiere. This is what being an adult is, baby!! Putting together sophisticated get-togethers to watch kid’s shows!!
A quick warning! This liveblog will reference plot points from the books, which will spoil the books and future episodes of the show. And believe me, it’s much more fun to go in blind :)
With that out of the way, here’s episode one: A Bunch of Smart Orphans!
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Here he is! Mr. Benedict himself and-
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Ah, and hello foreshadowing (aka Mr. and Mrs. Washington).
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And here’s our first major change- Constance’s backstory. I’ve seen folks bringing up how this could affect the plot of a possible season 3/ Prisoner’s Dilemma adaptation… personally, I think that show runners definitely have a plan. They seem enthusiastic about future seasons, and I doubt they would self sabotage. Plus, this is only one small scene- we don’t know yet how much has changed, or if it’s changed at all!
Also, I already adore Constance.
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The vague and ominous signs around town are a nice touch!
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REYNIE! REYNIE MULDOON! Annnnnd- roll intro!
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Her Majesty the Queen??? Madge?? Hello??? You’re one book early, ma’am, but AAAAAA WHAT A NICE REFERENCE
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hmmmmmMMMMM wow good thing our current world isn’t like that haha! haha
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she saved it for him,,,,
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So the Boatwright Academy is an actual place? Wonder how Mr Benedict got out of those lawsuits dktxkjkigxit
Then again, this man lives in an actual mansion, I think he can afford it
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such a good moment and it’s straight from the book!
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:( :(
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:( :( :( :( :(
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i,,,,,,, i need a minute,,,,,,
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okay funny story- i only found out about this show when the trailer came out, and for some reason my first thought was “i wonder if they cast kristen schaal as number two” and SURE ENOUGH
why was that the first thing i thought? why is she somehow perfect for this role? no clue. must be fate.
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the visuals for the questions are so cool
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oooooh…. that’s a really good way to show how long the emergency has been going on, and how nothing has changed…. because none of it is real
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AAAAAAAA the green hair! the cloud dress!! i love it!!!
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9 year old me was blown away by this
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Okay, now I know why Kristen Schaal is perfect for this. Her deliveries are so deadpan but so funny.
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I’ve used a lot of school pencil sharpeners, can confirm they always sucked
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This also blew my mind in 4th grade.
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and so the kids finally meet!!
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The Great Kate Weather Machine!! I love her!!
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hmmmm do i hear hintings of a character arc?
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They don’t bring up her measuring ability again, but it’s nice that they mentioned it!
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ah yes, the adaptation-only fodder characters! nice to meet you two, we’re never going to see you again! (unless the writers pull a dungeons and dragons and make one of these random kids the big bad all along…. 👀 /j)
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Kate Wetherall: Agent of Chaos. (you know, that might actually be a pretty good nickname. she should look into that)
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👀 👀
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split screen! very cool :)
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Kate Wetherall: Rater of Sewers. (okay, yeah, that one’s not so great)
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Kate Wetherall: Rater of- okay, you know what, not doing the same joke again.
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People keep repeating that specific phrase- “Nobody’s at the wheel”. Interesting…
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The framing of shots with these two specifically is so genius. It’s barely noticeable, unless you already know the twist in the first book! Someone who’s going in blind might notice how some shots seem to linger, but they wouldn’t put two and two together right away, which makes it excellent foreshadowing. aaaaaa i love it-
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This scene is done so beautifully!!! The home video look… i’m crying
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Her jacket being from the circus is a really cool detail :)
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excuse me for a moment
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using that split screen again! more shows should use split screen, i think :)
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ughhhhh dewey
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“it was more of a yell” ahgehdhwjfjwhxnijhq
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reynie you sweetheart <3
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OHH i hate you
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kate, on the other hand, i adore awwwwww
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ROLL CRED- no wait
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HERE HE ISSSSS (for real this time)
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“donteatthat” ahgehdhwhdhhshws
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ah- well, not inaccurate
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he looks so excited i- ❤️❤️❤️
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wow rude
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I saw someone in the comments of this clip saying that this is actually a pretty accurate depiction of narcolepsy with cataplexy! good for the crew doing their research :)
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“Constance, apparently.”
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They included the green plaid! Even if it’s not really part of his costume.
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Marta Kessler’s facial expressions are glorious
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:( :( :(
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:) :) :)
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love these science nerds higsftjydgitloh
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and we get to hear that awesome intro music again :)
So! Overall thoughts: 9/10! A really solid premiere, definitely has me excited for things to come, and a pretty faithful adaptation! Obviously there were some changes, but that’s always to be expected when adapting a book to the screen. I really enjoyed it!
I’m going to get more pie, and then on to episode two!
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nlights37 · 4 years
12, 18 and 20 please!
@aenarsnow gets FIRSTIES which means I answer with extra love, of course:)
Let’s GET IT
12.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
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Well, I get ‘em a lot, just like everyone else, your standard, run-of-the-mill ‘”This is shit, why am I wasting my time on this, it’s crap, I’ve used the same adjective like 15 times now and also how many ways can I actually describe eyes I should be doing productive things instead of writing fanfic people are gonna hate it anyway, half the people that used to read my shit ghost me at this point ughhhhh this fandom suuuuuucccckkkkkkssss and so do I!!!”
Inevitably, at that point, I email whatever I’m working on to @noordinarylines, who has explicitly good taste, and who I KNOW will be honest with me if she doesn’t like something or doesn’t quite thinking something is working.
Then she reads it an emails me back and tells me I killed her in a good way and how dare I leave her hanging there, where is the rest, hurry the fuck up because it’s crazy mean to cliffhang her like that.
That usually gets my head right.  :)  There are a handful of people that I interact with that are some real, genuine, ride or die people (mostly because I am horrible at things like chatting regularly, etc - like I will genuinely completely fuck up my IRL day if I allow myself to get sucked into things like chats because I get tunnel vision and forget everything else, my full blown inattentive-type adult ADD in full effect).  But there are some real ones out here, and they know who they are, and if I think an idea is maybe worth a shot but I wanna bounce it off someone, or I want another set of eyes on something because I’ve stared at it so long I genuinely cannot tell if it’s any good, I reach out to them, and they set me straight.
Once I post something, tbh, I just let it ride, because it’s out there, and the people whose opinion I care about the most have already told me what they think, so I’m pretty satisfied with that.  If other people don’t like it they can suck my ass at that point, because I ain’t changing SHIT hahahahaha.
18.   What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
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Well, here’s the thing about me.  I write it as it comes, and a lot of time I can feel when I’m writing it if it just isn’t fucking working.  I will backtrack then and there and start over.  For me, if I’m in the groove and it’s really rocking along I go with it.  There’s a flow to it, and then suddenly it’s been 5 hours and you’re like ‘IT’S GOLD, JERRY!  GOLD!”
If it’s like pulling teeth to write it I stop and come back to it later.  With a husband, three kids, ‘virtual learning’ and quarantine, my time to write is limited, so I try to make the most of it.  I run scenes for fics in my head a LOT, while I’m in the shower, or doing dishes, or folding clothes, so that by the time I get a chance to write I’ve made my mind up on exactly how it will go and I don’t have to sit there and look at a blinking cursor.
I don’t typically use a beta, not because I don’t think I need one (my frantic spotting of every damn mistake I made AFTER I post can attest to that) but more because once I’m done with something, I’m done, and I wanna post it.  I just get too excited to wait, you know, like a damn puppy who pees in excitement when someone knocks at the door.  I just wanna SHARE IT!
So, the tldr:  I do a lot of revision in my head before I sit down to write.  I don’t usually rewrite because the minute something stops flowing I scrap it :)
20.  Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
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Here’s a sneak peek of what @noordinarylines and I have been cooking up for the second story in the Remember the Time universe:
There was something soothing, Daenerys had found, about the line where the sea met the sky, the view afforded from her council chamber one that seemed the best suited for calming her ever-frazzled nerves.
It had been five days since she had taken her tumble on the far end of the island, five days full of the most piercing grief she’d ever experienced, which was truly remarkable.  Her losses, ‘til now, had been great and agonizing, but she could not shake the forlorn mood that had fallen over her since she’d found herself ripped away from what she was now classifying as a sweet, indulgent fantasy, borne of the trauma of her injury, nothing more.
And yet…
Tucked up the sleeve of her coat, always with her, was a rolled scrap of parchment, upon which she’d documented every single aspect of that lovely hallucination that she could remember.  She knew she ought to squirrel it away somewhere safer, hide it from view, leave it behind so she might stop dwelling on these imaginary losses, but she could not.
It had become a talisman, of sorts, something that gave her comfort, just the scrape of it against her skin when she moved her arm as she walked.
She would be mortified, of course, if it were discovered.  She was half-terrified it would slip free, and be found by another, her deepest longings read aloud.  But for now, it eased the walk from her chambers to whatever task lay ahead, and so she kept it.  “Your Grace?”
Daenerys turned from the wide, carved windows in her council chamber, to find Tyrion lingering, watching her with marked curiosity.
Quirking a brow, she did not answer, merely waited.  Her Hand came closer, his fingers trailing down the Riverlands on the painted table as he approached.  “Are you certain you are well?”
“I’m faring well, Tyrion.”  She managed a tight smile, coming to stand at the head of the table, her eyes travelling over the surface rather than meeting the scrutiny in his.  “A few lingering headaches, that’s all.”
“Hmmm.”  Tyrion took another drink, then plucked a carved piece from the table, turning it over in his hands.  When she peeked up, however, he was still staring at her.  “As you say.  Perhaps there is something else that troubles you?”
Dany smoothed her suddenly damp palms down the front of her coat, and kissed her teeth.  “I think we shall all rest easier once we receive word from Casterly Rock, that your plan has succeeded.”  It was enough to shift his focus, and there was a measure of truth in it; Missandei had been beside herself with worry over Grey Worm, and she reminded herself to ask her dear friend just what, precisely, had occurred between them.
Tyrion affected a confident air, and tucked away his wineskin, clasping his hands behind his pace and beginning to pace.  “Yes, a victory is just what we need right now.  And I have every confidence that we will prevail.”  He kept moving, rounding the table, stopping by the depiction of the Northern Kingdom and plucking the wolf from the surface.  His eyes met hers, and she froze.  “How are things with our openly-rebellious friend?  Have relations,” he paused, smirking, “thawed, perhaps, now that you have given him access to the mines?”
She wondered, at the keen tone of his voice, what it was he was truly asking beneath the rather mundane question.  In truth, she had been avoiding Jon Snow, these past few days, at least as much as she could.  The daytime hours were no issue; he was busy down in the mines, and she had seen several carts of the dragonglass he’d been so desperate for, so it seemed his search had been successful.
It was harder once the sun had departed, for they had taken to dining in the main hall, all of Dragonstone’s occupants, and though she tried desperately not to look at him, there were several times at every meal that she couldn’t quite resist.  One night, in particular, he’d been seated beside her, had asked in his low, rumbling voice if her wound pained her, had inquired with a gentleness that had broken her heart anew.
When she’d told him she was well, and not to worry, that she had survived far worse, he had frowned fiercely, as though such a notion troubled him greatly, and it had taken all her strength not to kiss him then and there.
She had resisted the urge, and made cordial, cool conversation with him as necessary, but by the time she’d returned to her chambers she had thrown herself onto her bed and wept.  She was tired of this, tired of weeping, of missing a life that hadn’t even existed, had not been hers to begin with.
Thank you for the ask, good sir!!!
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Journey into the MCU XIII
Spider-Man: Far From Home
omg so I finally got to watch FFH last night and I’ve slept on it and... nope! still cannot breathe!!! it was soooooo gooOOOOD!!!!!
so first of all, Nick Fury is a major dick in this, right? like he’s always been a bit arrogant and I’ve always liked that and him as a whole but tHEN he signs this kid up to some shit he doesn’t wanna do aND PROCEEDS TO TELL HIM THat ‘I knew you weren’t ready for this’ or whatever???? ummmm?? eXCUSE YOU??!?!!! you just forced this kid into the fight and then you tell him he’s not ready? uhh yeh okay whatever Nick... poor baby Peter why can’t anyone just leave him alone
speaking of which, I got a LOT of Tony parallels from the bits with Nick, particularly Iron Man 2 vibes, which I thought was really nice.
aND ALL THE TONY STUFF OMG!!!! all the memorials and everything and... just... UGHHHHH so fucking good! EDITH fully ain’t lying is she??! yes Tony you’re still an icon even when you’re dead uh huh!!! but was nobody gonna tell me that they used some Civil War footage?! I was so shook like ‘YES my baby’s on screen again come on!!!’ and the way they used all the former SI employees... I just really loved that! but one of them fully is just like ‘so Obadiah Stane yelled at me one time and that was Tony Stark’s fault’ oh ok sweetie go off I guess??
okay so in the illusion sequence the big, fallen stone Cap and Nat?! oH okAy they did tHAT wow. aND TONY’S GRAVE FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF!!! AHHHHH Peter you poor boy why can’t they just leave you alone?!
I loved the homage to Steve/Thor with the makeshift shield/hammer - it was just wonderful :’)
omg aLSO I LOVE how Happy has fully stepped up after Tony’s death to become the BEST honorary uncle and we stan :’) it was all just so lovely and wholesome and I was scREaming at their interactions!!! AND WHEN HE LOOKS AT PETER CREATING THE SUIT ON THE PLANE OMG IM GETTING SHIVERS JUST THINKING ABOUT IT AHHHHHH I AM SOFT!!!!!! took me straight back to the first Iron Man man and... 🥺🥺🥺 he looked so much like his dad I- :’) and they had the wholesome chat about Tony and Happy says he misses him too I AM TOO FRAGILE FOR THIS AHHHH
i love that the film is basically a rom com as well?? like we love that. and I love MJ and Ned so much in this and Ned with his 2 second relationship ughh I love that boy so much! and yeh MJ’s just iconic as per! throughout every MJ/Peter interactions I was just screaming ‘nO I am TOO SOFT FOR THIS!!!!!!!’
and I’d seen all the memes about Quentin’s motive and the ‘you don’t have to kill Spidey. oh no I’m gonna’ meme and that shit’s iconic bUT I DIDNT REALISE HOW STRAIGHT UP TRUE IT WAS GONNA BE JFC lmaooo he’s fully just like ‘I didn’t like Tony Stark (on my world, right)? and now this kid’s gonna die AHHHH HAHAHAHA what a legend
I mean Jake Gyllenhaal in general was just fucking iconic I couldn’t quite believe it. you know I’ve seen all the memes but I couldn’t grasp how fully brilliant he is wow
so it was great! and I cried a couple of times when it was missing Tony hours you know? aND THEN THEY HIT US WITH THE MID AND POST CREDITS SCENES AND OH MY GOD let me just say, I now get why everyone was fully freaking out about how awful it would be if Spidey left the MCU on those cliffhangers because bITCH wow.
I knew he revealed Peter’s identity but I DIDNT KNOW HE DID THAT holy shit and then the skrulls?! omg wtf!!! is that why Nick was a dick to Pete? so many questions I just- AHHHHHH
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venus-says · 5 years
Symphogear GX Episodes 05-08
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It’s fine being weak, it’s fine letting tears flow, as long as this invincible song stays in your heart.
Keeping up with the gearthon reaching the midpoint of the third season!
I’ve been doing this for a whole week already and I still can’t believe I’m managing to do this and how quick it has been. I know I say this a lot but really, thanks for sticking with through all of this.
I had a very stressful day and I’m in need of some symphogear goodness so let's dive right into it.
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So episode 5 is great, I wouldn't call it amazing but is still a pretty good one.
I like it when this feeling of loss comes around in symphogear because in most of the cases it means something great is about to happen, and even though this climax actually happens only in the next episode, the build-up we have in this episode was good.
And even the parts who weren't building up to the fight were good as well, the seed of Tsubasa's conflict with her dad is planted very slightly here, we get to see a little more of Hibiki and her feelings for her father and such (once again, fatherly figures being a major issue this season).
What is the most interesting to me in this episode seeing Elfnein's dream that is actually one of Carol's memories, It is good to see they showed this connection very early so that in episodes later when we see Carol spying through Elfnein's eyes it's not an alien concept. I do think that Elfnein wasn't built with the intention of being a spy but to be an involucrum for Carol's memories that she doesn't want to burn or something like that, but I like how they managed to do something like this without being too off or too hard to believe.
But back to this episode itself, I love this new addition to Shirabe's gear, the yo-yos are such a fun concept and it fits her so well it's amazing. I wish they could give something new like that to Kirika too, but I think her mothif and her design makes it harder to implement new things that are out of the usual so maybe that's why only Shirabe got one.
And since I mentioned this fight, I have a problem with the last part of it. I mean my problem isn't really with the fight, but with the cliffhanger. As much as I like seeing Tsubasa and Chris together and the moment itself is very cool, as I see, if they've cut at that moment when the screen goes full black right before Shirabe gets attacked the moment would work 10x better and I believe the reveal of "she's alive, is time for the senpais to deal with this" would be in better use at the beginning of episode 6 so that they can bust up the mood in there. I also don't like that they used Bayonet Charge as an ending this time because then their fight next episode where they actually do sing and battle together loses it's strength a little bit.
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Episode 6 is pretty good as well, it picks up right from where the last episode stopped and even though I have problems with that ending they still manage to pull it off.
That was a pretty dope fight and not even my bitter heart can't deny that it was good despite things that were flaws to me.
I love Carol's relic and how it is both a chord instrument and a score at the same time, I also think the way the relic works by burning memories is a very interesting concept, and I do appreciate that they aged Carol before doing that oversexualized transformation, seeing Shirabe and Kirika transform is already pretty unsettling, we don't need thousands of closes of a little kid's body.
While we're still in the Carol topic, I just wanna point out how interesting it is that her memory of her father is what keeps her going on this fight but are those same memories that she's burning in order to gain power and I think that this memory erasing method that she lost track of the original "mission" her father has given to her, because honestly from all the flashbacks we've seen he looks like a cool guy and I highly doubt he would thrive for vengeance because he was burnt accused of witchcraft and he definitely wouldn't want that for his child. Very, very interesting.
I wanted to comment on the Ignite Module for a little bit before moving on because I don't have anything else to say about this one. I never liked the modules, not even back in 2015. At first, their concept seemed cool and I was on board with this, but the actual execution of it is a less interesting to me also they reveal that is a way to "induce" beast mode and I'm here like "are you sure this is a good idea? We've seen this thing taking over Hibiki and Tsubasa almost died trying to hold this thing.
I would like this much more if it was a new addition, a new concept introduced, like something that was dormant on the gears. This is a trend that they had on G and I don't that they banalized the Superb Songs that was something so mortal in season one, but in season 2 they used it like if it was nothing. An I now with the modules I see they doing this again and, like Coco Peru would say, this bothers me.
At least we got great moments of Tsubasa and Chris together on this one, man they're such a good duo. Is kinda of a shame that Hibiki got there in the end, I wish that was THEIR moment and only theirs. Being honest I think we could've let Hibiki without a gear till next episode, I think that this subject was resolved way much quicker than it should.
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BOOOOOOI, episode 7 was a rollercoaster.
At the beginning I was like "oh hell no a beach episode, why are we having a beach episode, they've done one before WHY ARE WE GETTING SO LOW????", But then we get some action we get to see Maria in the Airgetlam again and is such a great moment I love her new song, and then shit gets serious because Maria is possessed by the curse of the module and gets defeated somehow and things get really sad, but then just a few moments later she's there fighting again and kicking ass and I was as hyped as I was confused, then I got heartworm by Maria and Elfnein, but Hibiki's dad shows up and suddenly this all sounds like a script for a telenovela and I'm just "oh my gosh!".
It is hard to give a final verdict if this was good or not. They have very nice moments, I love Maria being all older sister with all the girls (even Tsubasa!!!) and all of her moments with Elfnein are so endearing, and the fights are pretty good too. But then we have unnecessary shots of the girls because they're on a beach using swimsuits, and the whole thing with Maria losing even though beast mode is very powerful and then when she manages to activate the module when maybe 2 or 3 hours ago she had gone berserk, and one of the autoscorers is gone already even though we’ve just hit the half-point of the series and ughhhhh.
It is just too many mixed signals I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TALK ABOUT MY BRAIN GOT DAMAGED. @_@ let's just go to the next, shall we?
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Episode 8 is another emotional bomb, but not as convoluted as the last one (thank god).
This episode has 2 major plotlines going on, one about Hibiki and one about Kirika and Shirabe. To me, Hibiki's work and the Zababa's girls don't.
You see, while Hibiki's plot is a result of events that happened these past episodes piling up together and making her a mess, the major thing Kirika and Shirabe had going for them was this stupid fight that didn't take us anywhere and it doesn't add anything new to the big scheme of things. Yeah, they managed to get their ignite forms and defeated an Autoscorer, but we didn't have the same emotional peak as we had for example with Tsubasa, Chris, and Maria and it just falls flat to me.
Thanks to the universe, Hibiki's plot sustain the episode and lift it up to an acceptable level. Seeing Hibiki interact with her father is very interesting because we see that she already went to that meeting angry and disappointed at him which was setting up that encounter for failure because they weren't able to connect since Hibiki was so closed to the idea. And yet, she's very sad because she wanted a good relationship with her father but he is a crap human being and it's difficult to let his past errors go. But despite all that, her father is still on her because I have no doubt her "It's okay. Everything's just fine." line is and this is the treasure he left for her. This is so intricate, so human, I'm truly moved, it's really amazing.
Before wrapping up, why are they defeating these Autoscores so quickly? Like, I get that being destroyed and recording the energy or whatever from their songs was probably Carol's plan for them since the beginning, but still, we just got passed the mid-way, things seem to be rushing quite a lot, and okay this is a 13 episodes series but still.
And now I'm gonna leave a final question to close this post because I'm lazy to go write a proper goodbye, Why do people use bandages and such of they remove them when they want and there's no sign of injury? XD
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libralita · 6 years
June Wrap Up | 2018
This was a really great month for reading. I read sixteen books and once again I have to reblog this post to fit all the tags in. A lot of them were great. Some of them were absolute trash but most were pretty good.
The first book I read was One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus:
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Okay so I enjoyed this book but I had some major problems with it. Mostly because the crux of the conflict relies on things that are completely illogical. Teachers practice illegal(ish) searches and seizure that wouldn’t fly by any judge or education administration. An app that caused someone to attempt suicide is not immediately taken down. Author writing a book about crime doesn’t know about the two party recording consent laws. It’s frustrating and yet was enjoyable. I think McManus can write a good mystery and I liked her characters. She just needs to work on her plots. I gave this book a three out of five stars.
Then I read The Wicker King by K. Ancrum:
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I don’t really know how to feel about this book. Partly anxiety because of all the mental health stuff and medical stuff. I thought Jack and August’s relationship was pretty toxic and not very healthy. I’m not really into the super edgy, angsty, life-fucking-sucks style of books but it wasn’t bad. I enjoyed reading this. It kept me going. I think I liked the side characters more. The twins, Rina and Alex mostly. So I guess I’m giving this four out of five stars.
Next, I caved and bought the next volume of A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Oima:
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So, in this book Shoya gets Shoko to reunite with the girl who tried to learn sign language in sixth grade. That was really nice. She’s kind of a bland character though. Then we get the re-introduction of Naoka. Who’s still a bitch. She’s an interesting character and it’ll be interesting to see if she shows up again and has any development. But the big tear jerking in this story is when Shoko admits to loving Shoya but he doesn’t understand her. And it’s so sad. Ughhhhh…I’m probably going to buy the next one. Wasn’t as good as the last two but still five out of five stars.
Then I read the fourth volume of A Silent Voice:
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Ahhhh so many emotions in this one. First Shoya gets more friends. There’s Satoshi Mashiba is a hottie. Then Naoka planned for Shoya to see one of his childhood friends. I’m guessing at some point he’s actually going to talk to Kazuki. But the big thing that happened in this one was that Shoko’s grandma died. It was really sad and we got to see Shoko’s mother’s backstory and it made me tear up. I just want someone to help out this poor woman. My favorite so far! Five out of five!
Then I finished but did not complete the Summer I Turned Pretty bind up by Jenny Han:
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I read the first two books in this bind up but rage quit the last one after five chapters. The first book was fun. Belly was a snot and is written like a 10 year old instead of a sixteen year old. However, I liked the rest of the characters and wanted to see what would happen to them. I gave that four out of five stars. Then I went onto the next book hoping that Belly got better. She did not. She got worse. She’s such a bitch to her parents in this book, especially to her mother. Belly says some awful things to her mother and I don’t even think she apologizes for it. Conrad also starts to act like a little snot. He just leaves school without telling his brother. They also don’t do the most logical and correct answer which is to call Belly’s mom and ask her for help. That was my first instinct and it takes them forever to figure it out. And it’s only when Belly drunk calls her mom. God this book was so bad. Two out of five. Then I tried to read the third book but it was just Belly being a bitch to Jeremiah and Jeremiah kind of cheating on Belly. DNF’ed. Will not be reading any more Jenny Han books.
Next, I finally reread Cress by Marissa Meyer:
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I still can’t believe how well this series has held up. There are a few logic problems like Cinder presses her metal hand onto her face to “cool off”. Marissa, I don’t press my face to the roof of my car to cool off. Also Kai is kind of more annoying than I remember him being. However, I still really enjoying this series. I like the dynamic Cress adds and I teared up when Erland died. I also really liked Winter small roll. She’s such a fun character. Jacin was also amusing. I give this book five out of five stars.
I think picked up Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi:
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This book was pretty good. I was a little bit skeptical going in and I did end up having a few problems with it. The humor didn’t always land and it was a little too similar to the Lightning Thief. However, I think this series has potential and there were a lot of cool elements that I really enjoyed and I’m excited to see where this series goes. I gave this book four out of five stars.
I felt like going back to A Silent Voice and read the fifth, sixth and final volume:
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The fifth one was a little underwhelming. I still gave it four stars but it mostly focused on the movie plot which isn’t my favorite thing. I did like getting to know more about Mashiba who is my favorite even if he is a little…intense. Also Shoko might have attempted suicide at the so it was a real cliffhanger. Get it? Then the sixth one was a bit better. It’s starts off with Shoko’s mother apologizing to Shoya’s mother and it’s really sad. Also Nao just starts beating the shit out of Shoko and then Shoko’s mother fights back which was really awesome. We saw that Satoshi was bullied for his…eyebrows and is super creepy about it. Then we get kind of Shoko’s perspective on things. Not my favorite but I enjoyed it. Five out of five stars. Then I finally read the 7th and last volume. This was a nice ending to the series. You had the mothers getting drunk and becoming friends. Shoko and Shoya both want to become hairdressers. And they’re eventually going to Tokyo together? It’s a nice, hopeful ending. I gave it five out of five stars.
Next, I read The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert:
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This book was Every Heart a Doorway but done better. I still didn’t love this book. I gave it three stars. I just don’t like this type of super cynical tone. It just annoys me. However I thought the world and how the Hinterland worked was pretty awesome. I also liked the twist that Alice was Alice-Three-Times and Ella had plucked her from the story. Finches character kind of bugged me. Overall I gave this book three out of five stars. I won’t be continuing on with this series but I may check out another Albert book.
Then the newest volume of Tokyo Ghoul: re by Sui Ishida came out:
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I enjoyed this one. I wasn’t expect an all out fight. In this Shu’s family is discovered of being a bunch of ghouls so there’s a big fight. Sen/Bandage girl got Kanae and made him crazy…er, crazier. There’s a really great seen between Akira and Kaneki where she hugs him. I’m pretty sure Amon’s out there somewhere. Lots of people die, including Hairu who was really cute. Then a random monster came at the end. Overall it wasn’t the best fight ever but I still enjoyed it Five out of five stars.
I decided to order Volume Two of Teen Titans so I reread the first volume Teen Titans: Damien Knows Best by Benjamin Percy:
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Why read new books when I can reread comics? Also god I love the art in the first issue. I wish the art had stayed that way. But I did like the art in the last issue. I think the rest is fine but man that first issue is great. I really love this team dynamic. All the different personalities and powers. It’s so cool. And I’m a sucker for the heroes versus their opposites. It’s great. I wonder when we’ll see Mara and the Demon’s Fist again. Five out of five stars.
A few days later Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Rise of Aqualad by Benjamin Percy came out:
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I really enjoyed this book. I’m a little sad that Aqualad’s personality and backstory is completely different but he still has the same Young Justice design. However, I still think he’s a really interesting character. I like his arc with his father. I really liked Kid Flash and Raven’s relationship and wish we saw more of it. But the thing I really liked was Star Fire taking charge. She’s my favorite character and honestly the best leader for this team. Hopefully we’ll see more of her doing this in the future. This book got five out of five stars as well.
Then, I read Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor:
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This took me like 10 days to read despite the fact that I really enjoyed it. I kept getting distract by shorter books. I really enjoyed this book. I liked Karou having to work with the White Wolf. Thiago is such a great villain and I’m glad he died. I’m sad that Hazael died and wish he would have stuck around. He gave the angel trio a fun dynamic. I’m interested to read the next book. It’s going to be a lot of battling but hopefully not a lot of “Will Karou and Akiva get together???” Because they will.
And those are all the books I read in June! It was a great month and I’m now onto July!
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maiblossom · 7 years
So I just finished watching Voltron S4 and I have to say something about each episode:
Episode 1- oh my goodness why tf is Keith so hotttt ughhhhh i’m dead at the moment!!! SHIETH AND KLANCE IN ONE EPISODE?!?! OKAY IT’S TIME TO DIG UP MY GRAVE NOW *starts crying because Keith is leaving Voltron* BABY COME BACK!!! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE!!!! T-T i want to be in that group hug right about now (this kinda mattered a lot to me the most but I have to say i understand why Keith left and everything)
Episode 2- damn it pidge, you’ve made me cry again T-T but matt and pidge finally reunited (after 3 seasons) and nothing can stop me from crying and smiling like crazy at the moment
Episode 4- mhm look at those dance moves everyone, poor hunk I just want to hug him. uhhh coran I think you overdid it just a bit lol, bi boop
Episode 5- OMG KEITH YOUR BACK!!! UGH I HAVE MISSED YOU MY LOVE NEVER LEAVE AGAIN PLEASE COME BACK TO US COME BACK!!!! aww yeah Voltron and Voltron supporters are about to go throw down with the galra empire!! *sees Lotor’s teammates betray them* well i saw that one coming and of course he escapes
Episode 6- Allura amazes me all the time i’m so proud of her!!! keith, wtf are you doing...no don’t do this to us....KEITH TURN BACK...wait wtf did Lotor helped? ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? NOOOOO I NEED MORE!!!
and that explains everything besides i don’t want to spoil much on the season so let’s just leave it like that
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