#uh oh! whoopsie-daisy! oh no!
anistarrose · 1 year
Barry Bluejeans is like if you asked some shady AI to generate a "normal man," and it tried so hard, and it got so close
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dishsaop · 11 months
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My mom and me, bearers of every health problem, looking up the dishes our family has eaten off of for generations after seeing the Skyrim CD dinner post
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I am WHEEZING 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Also thanks for confirming my next rogue on this scenario I'm writing 😉
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seafoam-taide · 2 years
when you’re just existing online and somebody’s oc has your name and youre like OH MY GOD ITS MY NAME THATS MY NAME but like internet safety so you just have to sit there every time and you cant tell anybody gah
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prettyboy-finn · 26 days
aw man I'm needy again
i really want dad to come in the room while I'm asleep and see that i was wet and needy just for him to climb on top of me and roughly shove his cock into my boycunt or my ass which wakes me up and then he brutally uses me until I'm crying and begging him to stop but i dont want him to because he owns me and makes my decisions for me
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ladydreilgard · 4 months
Uh ohhhhhhhhhh
I’mmmmmmm kinda really gay for one of my co-workers
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forzov3rwatch · 11 months
me a few weeks ago: i’m gonna save up to go see barbie to spite the homophobes I live with me now: i’m gonna prep a go bag in case they kick me out because they want me to not volunteer at the LA LGBT Center after they tried to get me to volunteer with a church
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certifiedl0serloll · 1 year
whoever messaged me I cannot see them so I’m sorry.
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lovesthecure · 2 years
I need doordash to stop messing up the parts of orders I am most excited for
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brucewaynehater101 · 14 days
Oh fuck, hi, I'm the anon who sent the the Waltz's World au
Something I forgot to mention was a scene I removed but was gonna describe in bullet points instead, probably cuz of burnout or poor memory or whatever
So a scene I considered writing but never went through with was one where all the Batkids are in the Batcave during a time they beforehand confirmed neither the Bat or his allies would be in it except whoopsie daisies Bruce did a surprise visit
Bruce is walking down into the batcave off-schedule, and when he enters it, he sees all his vigilante kids which alarms him because he didn't want to reveal his identity yet
And then without noticing Bruce there, they all detransform back into the Wayne kids, and afterwards they realized they accidentally revealed all their idenitities to their dad, who they already know is Batman but does he know that?
Either Bruce puts two and two together, realizes his kids who have been vigilantes by his side this entire time always knew he was Batman and now Bruce, Alfred and Barbara have to tackle the fact the Wayne Kids are Waltz's World
Or the Wayne kids successfuly trick Bruce into thinking that they believe Bruce and Batman are dear friends/allies and now Bruce has to tackle this knowledge and keep a facade of being two people until he's ready to reveal he is Batman
Either way it's gonna be an emotional rollarcoaster all the way
Honestly the reveal for Barbara and Alfred would be an emotional rollarcoaster since they know Waltz's World and the Wayne Kids but view them differently cuz civillians =/= vigilantes until they do
Also I think I forgot to mention that Cassandra uses the vigilante name Orphan in this au
Tim would pass down Robin to Damian and become Red Robin since the batkids have a closer and healthier relationship with eachother
and I think it goes without saying that Tim's relationship with gender in this au is gonna be a rollarcoaster (not that the others journeys wont be) since said identity was acquired from a wish to be treated like an object because it believed (at least subconciously) that that would get it more love from its parents; being seen as a thing instead of their own son, so Robin's gonna have to look inside itself and ask "what am I? Son and Heir of the Drake family, treasure of the Waltz, who am I?" so uh. yeah. fuck
Dick would be in actual tears if Tim figured out and confessed why his Waltz pronouns wound up being it/its
Hello again! That scene would definitely be a woozy (all of them at once sounds chaotic in a fun way). Also, your concept of Alfred and Barbara having separate feelings for the other batkids due to civilians being quite different from vigilantes makes so much sense. I wonder how often they saw each persona before the reveal (Alfred wouldn't have much of a reason to meet the vigilantes due to them "not knowing" Bruce is Batman). It feels like Alfred would have a relationship with them only through what Bruce relays to the older man.
I agree that the batkids would most likely have a better and closer relationship with these dynamics (particularly because Bruce as a father/authority figure isn't meddling with their dynamics to each other).
With the it/its, one would have to be careful to navigate that situation. Those pronouns are perfectly acceptable and fine to use [hence why I have it in my bio], but they have been used against queer folks. There is a very distinct difference between using the pronouns as pronouns and using them in a derogatory manner. People have different feelings about using it/its pronouns (especially between individuals who use it), but one of the reasons some use them is seeing one's identity as nonhuman (like those comments that one's gender is a cryptic goblin in the woods). I think Tim could, in this AU specifically, move from a belief that it needs to become a tool for the Drakes in order to be loved into the notion that it's a cherished being. It probably agrees and disagrees with the statement, "Tim is a human."
Perhaps it's changing appearance (people see it as whomever they want to protect) also fits into its perception of self. It also likely does identify as agender or gender void.
Tim will have to grapple with its trauma, but seeing itself as not quite human is completely okay! I'm sure you, the wonderful asker, know this already. I just wanted to clarify for anyone unfamiliar with it/its pronouns
For those who want to see more of this AU, I linked it below. The post is very long, though
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amphiptere-art · 5 months
Sun and Moon show vent.
If you don't like the show being torn down for all its flaws, then do not read.
I am allowing this to be re-blogged. But please do not make any comments if you do reblog. I don't care if you agree with me, or disagree with me. I have been attacked enough times for stating my opinion.
So. They keep throwing villains at us. They decided to give us an "ending" and then they were lost. They had no one to fight. Leaped on the ruin bandwagon. But no that wasn't enough, people wanted old school. So they gave us blood moon, but no not the Blood Moon we knew. They gave us a bloodthirsty killer with blood moons skin on. Whoopsie Daisy, ruin Eclipse is actually a sweetheart in game. So they had to fix him. Tried to make blood moon the new bad guy. Uh-oh, everybody hates how villainous they made him. Let us bring back an old goody. Eclipse. Despite it making no sense! His desperate depression filled death is thrown to the sideline because guess what. It's another villain, wearing the skin of a good old one. The only reasoning this guy has, is to be a copy of a villain much better than him. And maybe get revenge for the thousands of times his other copies have been killed.
The only consistent bad guy that has actually been worth anything right now. Is the creator. Who they are ignoring for climax that they're never going to get to, because this is a YouTube channel, not a series. The closest second is the bigger celestials in the lunar and earth show. Which at least makes sense, and so far hasn't been shrouded with so much confusing plotline because of how new it is.
Sorry I'm just. The show has not been handling their villains well. Plus Eclipse is my baby, and seeing this poor tortured depressed being having all his character developments stripped from him makes me really angry.
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missbaphomet · 8 months
Me dropping something at work: Oopsie daisy! ✨️🌼💖 Whoopsie do! 🦄🌈🌷 Uh-oh!🧁💗🌸
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satanicsanity · 1 year
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Welp!! You guys voted, yall asked, and Who the hell am I go not deliver?? Here you are!! Here's howdy!🩷🩷🩷
‼️please go support Howdy's ACTUAL voice actor, along with wally's!!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
If anyone's upset, or they don't like how my howdy impression sounds, or anything like that... Uh.. Sorry?? I'm just going with what the peeps voted for, And I can only do so much! I don't have the actual VA's voice after all, just filters and editing software, so I am limited! So, any comments criticizing or throwin' a fit it will be removed! Hope you understand!🩷
Wally: Now let's see! We have me, frank, Julie, and..
[Door being broken down sound effect]
Howdy: ...Whoopsie daisy! Well hi wally! Am I in the right place??
Wally: Well howdy, howdy! Hahaha! Yes, don't worry! You're in the right place!
Howdy: Ah well thank goodness! I was worried I'd do somethin' wrong!
Wally: Oh pish-posh! Don't worry about it howdy, we're happy to have you here! Or at least I certainly am! Hahaha!
Howdy: Oh my! Well that's certainly good to hear, thank you wally!
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vorish-wonderland · 7 months
Happy Halloween ;)
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey, spoOoOoOoOoOky stuff hehe
Long ago, it's said there were three sea monsters that terrorizer the land...
Many natural disasters, *un*natural disasters, deaths, general fear...
Eventually, the inhabitants of the land had enough. They used powerful magic to trap the sea monsters in the forms of human, which were then killed and mummified... hidden underground, away from the water of the sea...
It's said that if ever they are exposed to the water of the sea once more, they will be revived, and disaster will surely follow.
So anyways, you accidentally came across the hiding place of their mummified bodies and whoopsie daisy, you accidentally exposed them to seawater... uh oh.
"Hello there, human..." The person who'd risen out of the stone casket says to you. His blue eyes feel like they pierce your soul...
You immediately turn and try to run, but you get grabbed tightly by a tentacle that bursts up from the ground...
"Oh good, it seems my powers are coming back already~" He chuckles to himself as he approaches you. "I remember you humans used to call me 'Azul' back in the day... hm... tell me, what is your name, human?"
You're too scared to speak.
"...Oh well. It's not like it matters too much anyways."
Azul snaps his fingers, and suddenly, you're the size of a mouse...
"You should feel honoured, you know... being used to revitalize a powerful being such as myself." He says as he grabs you from the tentacle, holding you in his hands. "You understand your place, do you not? You will be consumed, your life will be lost, and whatever is left of you will be used to make me powerful and feared once more. You understand, don't you?"
You try to speak, to protest to struggle, but...
"Good. Now then... farewell, human."
You're dropped into his mouth, swallowed down, and then-!
"That's what I believe we should do to scare the magicam monsters." Jade explains, a smile on his face.
"...no, we aren't doing that." Azul immediately responds.
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marxthedumdum · 1 month
oh and vampire/werebat steven n daisy crimsonoak too 🥳
@jojoluxray here you go 🛐
: ̗̀➛ (lets a vampire bite steven) whoopsie (makes them turn him into both a vampire and a werebat) my bad stevy 😅
: ̗̀➛ im gonna start off w him pre-trade
: ̗̀➛ ofc due to him being a vampire, he barely goes outside anymore. but everyone suspects he doesnt like being out because hes nervous around fans and paparazzi from being the champion, which yknow, is understandable
: ̗̀➛ he could turn into a regular sized bat at daytime, but becomes a giant werebat at night because that’s when he’s strongest,,
: ̗̀➛ oh and hes stuck in werebat form if it’s nighttime
: ̗̀➛ steven hiding in daisys hair/luggage/bag/whatever to get around places
: ̗̀➛ (which is how he finds people to feed on, imagine him pulling on daisys hair and directing her to places like ratatouille lmfaooo)
: ̗̀➛ ((he has never turned anyone into a vampire because he had sucked them dry and killed them before they got the chance to turn))
: ̗̀➛ though if he ever goes hungry because he hasnt fed enough (like maybe ppl are hunting the creature (him) down to save kanto), he’ll ask daisy to drink her blood (and not give her the burden of turning her into a vampire too ofc)
: ̗̀➛ daisy would let him, but steven will feel guilty, whine and roll into a ball in a random corner of the house in fear he might accidentally suck her dry and kill her :(
: ̗̀➛ he also nibbles her neck (not bite and leave a bad mark!) for fun teasing
: ̗̀➛ if he gets overwhelmed (from ANY type of physical affection from daisy), he’ll lovingly hiss and start flapping his arms/wings <3
: ̗̀➛ stevy hanging upside down above daisys bed when she sleeps like a fancy (and dangerous) dreamcatcher :3
: ̗̀➛ loafing. lots of loafing. a lot of loafing.
: ̗̀➛ if daisy ever needs to travel somewhere during the night? steven taxi! beep beep!
: ̗̀➛ ok so abt after strangling mike uhhhh
: ̗̀➛ he now doesnt need daisy to help him move around anymore! the incident fucking up his reputation (and strength) gave him the confidence to go alone
: ̗̀➛ hes also now a BIGGER loaf. daisy gets absolutely buried if steven ever loafs on her.
: ̗̀➛ still tries to stand on daisy like a regular bat on a tree lmaooo
: ̗̀➛ abt steven hanging upside down above daisy when she sleeps uh. hes too big for that now so he watches her from a tree outside. giant eldritch horror night guard <3
: ̗̀➛ wrapping his wings around daisy against wild pokemon, team rocket or anything else evil. he protecc. he attacc.
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