#uh yeah that's all folks
autisticaradiamegido · 9 months
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day 240
so heres the thing. i have never tried pixel art
but for a first (and second, and third) attempt i am not mad at these!
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chiabats · 1 year
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he exudes transgender energy. transgenergy.
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...he's joking! Would never eat a doggo-
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strawberrycamel · 10 months
Communal DPxDC tag blocklist
heyy, so i'm just gonna share all the tags i've been using to block DPxDC posts bc i think it might be helpful for others trying to avoid those crossover posts.
First, the official tag that is meant to be used for dp and dc crossover posts is DPxDC (without spaces) and you are not supposed to tag either of the main fandoms when you make a DPxDC post.
That being said, my blocked tags are:
(edit: put under a readmore bc its a bit long)
anger management prompt
anger management ship
dan phantom x jason todd
danny phantom batman
danny phantom dc
danny phantom dc crossover
danny phantom x batman
danny phantom x batman crossover
danny phantom x dc
danny phantom x dc comics
danny phantom x justice league
danny phantom x young justice
danny x jason
dc x dp
dc x dp anger management
dc x dp au
dc x dp crossover
dc x dp fic
dc x dp fic idea
dc x dp prompt
dc x dp writing prompt
dcxdp crossover
dcxdp prompt
dp + dc
dp anger management
dp dc
dp dc crossover
dp x batman
DP x Batman DC
dp x dc
dp x dc anger management
dp x dc au
DP X DC Batman
dp x dc crossover
dp x dc fanfic
dp x dc fic
dp x dc headcanon
dp x dc prompt
dp x yj
jason todd x dan fenton
jazz x jason
Ra's x Jazz
tim drake x danny fenton
There is also the option to put things in 'Filtered Post Content' which is right below 'Filtered Tags' and I've recently started to use it to block
As noted in the last reblog of this post, you can go full scorched earth in Filtered Post Content with one fandom to try and avoid DPxDC crossover posts as well. This doesn't work personally for me, since I like both fandoms separately, but it might be useful for others.
Please feel free to add to the blocklist!
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woundedheartwithin · 1 year
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reel-fear · 5 months
people who still make Joey the ink demon despite canon steering far away from that being the case this is for you I am sending u kisses XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO <3
People who make Joey well-meaning, sympathetic, a lighter shade of morally grey than canon I am also sending u lots of love <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3!!
And people who generally steer wildly from the direction Bendy takes with its characters and has fun with it I hope to see more from all of ur aus and rewrites!!
#ramblez#batim#batdr#this is not me saying aus that don't do this r bad blah blah I just personally have a super soft spot for Joey being the ink demon#since I really like the idea storywise the symbolism of Joey becoming the ultimate monster of this story#joeys who also take a very sympathetic role who are more morally grey than canon also hold a special place in my heart#joeys who think what theyre doing is right not just for them but for their staff who genuinely care abt them who love them mwah#I just love to see very unique takes on these characters I kinda miss when it was only like chapter 2 so everyone had this wildly#different but very unique and fun takes on where we thought the story would head hell for a while we didn't know if Joey was evil or not#thats what spawned Encore it was originally just a collection of theories I thought would come true#esp since I dont think bendy is a particularly well written story its fun to see the fandom have such fun wild ideas on where to take#the concepts and idea presented in bendy that never really panned out into anything interesting or were discarded or retconned#yknow? I miss the days where the aus were wildly out of sync with the actual story when all we had was a few names a few tapes#and we all went wild making our versions of the story and characters and then got so attached to them we doubled down#when canon didnt deliver on em#umm oops this is long have a great new year folks! Get wild get weird with ur bendy aus and rewrites#lets have fun this year and take canon as optional bc lets face it Bendy isn't great but man is it fun and I care abt that way more than#the quality of the story tbh#it had great ideas and executed them uh badly! But idc bc I can stir those great ideas in my head all day and see others do the same <3#anyways yeah thats it love ya guys have a great 2024 <3
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some-randomhumanbeing · 2 months
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Made a bunch of pages w/ random names and like gave them vibes and stuff. I dunno, thought it was kinda cool. The names I did are, Lily, Gabe, Scooter, Donovan, Luke and Pascal! :P
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driftveilcity · 27 days
Glad to see Palestine trending on here over the m*t g*la. Stuck up rich people events are tedious at the best of times but it REALLY grates on you with something so tragic happening at the same time
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mycological-mariner · 1 month
So I share a legal birth name with a very famous actress and got confused when I was in the kitchen at work and the chef called me her last name. I gave the old “Oh no, at least its better than [famous fictional character].” And the chef seemed confused saying it was a compliment since she’s “one of the most beautiful women ever in the world!” and “if someone told that to me, I’d be flattered!” To which my only response was “Oh. OH.” One of the other chefs was quicker to pick that up lol So, having embarrassed the head chef, a little while on im trying to load up trays of clean dishes to bring out when he goes “Well we dont know you well enough yet to know if you’re an honourable… woman… an honourable person or not.”
On top of someone calling me a “Thingamabob” when I got to work, I do want to know what on earth is going on that —where while yes, I’m pre-everything — makes cis folks do a double take and end up safely with a gender neutral phrase or just going straight to “Thingamabob.”
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rinofwater · 2 months
So was anyone gonna tell me that too much caffeine can worsen depression or was I supposed to figure that out for myself after sipping too much 'self-loathing bastard' juice?
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safyresky · 6 months
🆕 Crystal Springs Chapter 28: Not My Style now up on ao3!
and ff dot net I suppose, but I am beginning to very vibe with ao3 tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 28: Not My Style (ao3 | ff.net)
As the dust settles after Pyros's defeat, a decision must be made on what to do with the wannabe King.
Other stuff happens, too! the Frosts are all at the Pole now, yes ALL of them. Um. There's Blangst. Cold Front angst. The Twins being amazing, stunning, showstopping. and yes there is Blinter just being absolutely gross and unable to not kiss for 5 seconds. Idk man. They were really overly affectionate this chapter. Probably almost being killed would do that to you???? OH AND we got the "1 (one) fuck word allowed" bit this chapter! Wait until you see who gets it ;)
We also get to meet a whole new bunch of magibeans! enough names were dropped that I made a little (long) lore post you can find right here! Now then.
Mother Nature waited a moment, studying everyone in the room closely before continuing. “Thank you all for coming together so fast on such short notice. Seeing as how those of us who were responsible for the imprisonment of one Pyros Frost last time are all gathered, let’s began, shall we?” “Yes, let’s,” Gwen said, smoothing out her skirts and clasping her hands respectfully. “PLEASE, I am DYING to know what the goddamn hell happened here! The suspense may actually kill me.” Cheri gasped overdramatically, clutching at pearls that did not exist around her bare neck. Gwen snorted. “Oh, please. Like something that simple would kill you—" “Wait,” Blaise interrupted, brow furrowed. “This is everyone?” “I’m afraid so, dear,” Mother Nature confirmed. “We’re all that’s left?” “Survival of the fittest, hot stuff.” “Godrick?” “Rosehaven’d,” Cheri said, admiring her nails. “Novus?” “Rosehaven’d.” “Indigo?!” “Caught up in a tinker! Said they were in the middle of a breakthrough, it was crucial, and if you needed any chains like that again to just commission them,” Gwen said, chipper. “Bartholomule?” “Shifted into mule form in 1783 and hasn’t been seen since. Probably also Rosehaven’d.” “OR living a happy little life as a happy little mule.” “He’s probably living a dead, dead life as a dead, dead mule.” “CHERI!” “GLENDA!” “What about Peggy? Pepper? Birch?” “Rosehaven’d, stuck in the curse ward, enlightened.” Gwen ticked each one off on her fingers, tilting her head in thought. “Birch really lives up to her name now! She hit omnipotent a couple of centuries back.” “The tree look really works for her.” “It does!” “What about Kharl?” Cheri cackled. “Got Toad’ed!” “Cheri.” “Ah-ah-ah Tara! Don’t Cheri me. T’was GLENDA who dunnit!” “He KNOWS what he DID!” Gwen insisted. Blaise’s frown deepened, his hair dimming. “Really feeling your age now I’ll bet, eh, Dad?” Blaise side eyed Jack, unamused. “Sorry, sorry. I’m coping.” Blaise sighed. “At least one of us is.”
Ready to see what tf happens to Pyros? Check out Chapter 28: Not My Style HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfiction dot net!
Want to take this delightful fic from the top? Check out the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on ff dot net! Summary below the cut, along with the usual author ramblies :3
It's been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking...well, not so great. Jack's powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn't even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that's had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit...complicated.
First off, APOLOGIES FOR PUSHING IT BACK A WEEK! I needed some more time for Chapter 29 and my husbando got sicko with covido so I was pulling double duty instead of the usual 50/50 split and THEN some bc this man has no concept of relaxing I s2g.
Anyway, your regularly scheduled AN:
🆕 This Chapter:
Changed Pyros's sentence to something way worse than it was before
Named every Governor AND the people who imprisoned Pyros the first time->you can check out a rundown of their names and positions and some fun facts about them HERE
WORD COUNT: OG CS 2014 Chapter->4,519k words (what) CS 202X Chapter-> 15,172k words (CACKLING)
what a fucking DIFFERENCE
mostly I shored up a LOT of CS Lore this chapter! Hell yeah!
but YEAH. ENJOY! Hopefully I see you all next week with Chapter 29--fingers crossed!!! :3
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airbenderedacted · 11 months
NO YOU NOTICE IT TOO???? EVERY NICE/OPTIMISTIC CHARACTER IS ALWAYS HEADCANONED AS PAN QND I??? HUH????? Not that there's anything wrong with being pan, I'm mspec myself, but it's ALWAYS the happy go lucky characters and I??? 😭
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#mango-mya#like ig i wanna cut some slack to the very young kids who're doing it bc they're still learning and figuring things out and uhhh yeah#they're gravitating to what makes sense to them n i think lots of them dont have the concept of sexuality fully separated from personalty-#-in their heads yet. bc character tropes and flanderizations and stereotypes are easier to ''get''#so tl;dr it's easier for them to get p submerged in stereotypes bc they're still new to everything n stereotypes r by definition Everywhere#it doesnt make it less Not Great & they do need to learn better but ik it's not done w like. malice / willful ignorance (mmost of the time)#BUT OLDER FOLKS........ GROWN PEOPLE PERPETUATING THIS STUFF.............. MASSIVE MASSIVE SIDE-EYE. BC WHHY R U STILL THINKING THIS STUFF!#the lack of self-reflection is NOT it 😔‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#IT'S LITERALLY JUST ABT ATTRACTION SO WHY ARE U OUT HERE THINKING THAT SWEETER/NICER = NO GENDER PREFERENCES??!? NO!!!!!#THAT SAYS REALLY BACKHANDED THINGS ABT PEOPLE WHO ARE GAY/LESBIAN/STRAIGHT (& ARO/ACE EVEN) !!!!!! OUGHGFGFYGFHHGHGGHHh#ofc you can be a kid & maliciously internalize shitty things like that too but imho the older/experienced you are the more likely this is#w/ age comes wisdom and all that. MASSIVE alarm bells if someone thinks these things and has been around queer communities a lot#atp that's a sign of it being kiNDA DELIBERATE ourgh#and yea the inverse is true to certain degrees. you can be older but super new & ignorant abt lgbt+ stuff but uh. in this specific case..#a lot of it is just...... bro... all you have to do is think a little. just a little. abt why niceness =/= sexuality. willfully ignorant sh#blaaagh#OH! And ofc: there's nothing INHERENTLY wrong w/ hcing characters like this as pan / etc.#you can make lgbt+ hcs influenced by personality ofc - it IS kinda best to lowkey Not but ykw it depends on how you're going abt it!!!#(*cough* LEAVE NICENESS/FRIENDLINESS OUT OF IT 😀🙏)#& it's not bad & evil for a character to fit some ~~stereotypes~~ bc those fr aren't always a bad thing!! sometimes it's legit commonalitie#but if stereotypes are ALL you ever do... if you knee-jerk leap onto WEIRD/NASTY stereotypes... if you base sexuality on niceness/goodness.#YUEAH THAT IS NOT FUCKING GOOD AND SOME SELF-REFLECTION NEEDS TO BE HAD... LIKE BOATLOADS OF SELF-REFLECTION NEEDS TO BE HAD#and really any time you're looking to a charcater's personality to come up w/ ur hcs...#(which will probably be often bc honestly what influences hcs in general more than that?)#just take a second to ask yourself if you're tapping into any personal biases/misconceptions/alladat !!#most of the time it isn't a question of ''would this look wrong?'' but rather just ''am i looking at this wrong?''#sexuality is just who you have the hots for!!!! not how kindly or wholesome or open you are! (that's just action/expression not orientation#(´・ω・`) 👍👍#.......sorry i rambled so much here. i'm on my meds today 😅#my brain has too many thoughts in it and things to say like Always aohgbhbvsfs
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maegalkarven · 7 months
But also the moment some wannabe murderer appears in Baldur's Gate Levi is furious. This is HIS city, HIS playground.
He's their resident serial killer, no one else.
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calamitysshatteredson · 8 months
It's been a hot minute so, just for fun: sephiroth as a hogwarts professor? (I feel like he'd teach DA or potions)
I must admit, Anon, I've... never actually become familiar with the HP universe. Never got around to reading anything, but I did see the first movie. .............All I... remember is that I saw it... at some point. ...........My questionably void-like heart is simply slanted more toward the science fiction bits of things, I guess.
If there's an entire class on the art of stabbing, fire, and looking incredibly confidently cool while you are shaking apart on the inside and about 0.03 seconds away from having a full-on breakdown, then he would be the professor of said class. He'd even wait before all the students left before turning all the lights off and casually crawling beneath his desk.
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rockabell-chime · 5 months
How has your day been?
I am back.
hello, question! my day's been good... good to see you back. me and my team have been lazing around in various states of relaxation. i'm slightly tipsy as of writing this, mina's with me... i think she's on edibles? the gummy ones. blue has been sprawled next to me as i type this -we're lying in a shallow pool of water, rainbow next to us- and i've been polishing them for the last hour. it's good. good to have you back! smiley face kamoji
my hands are occupied. apologies for not using them. coco is being lavished upon... celestic says hello and to ask how your latest experiment is going... something about a friend? someone who's all eyes and not-not-dead? i'm not entirely too sure what's going on. have you befriended an unown... a hivemind of them? eyes pokemon...
how is your day going. the moon says hello
voice-to-text can you do tags it can? perfect thanks cel. i love you. sorry wynd my hands are busy. how do i switch to tags- like this
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novelconcepts · 2 years
It’s really something else to try to focus on finances and yard work and whether or not we need a new roof, all while the constant threat of a fascist removal of any and all rights i hold dear just, uhhh, hovers stage-right of things. Really just. The kind of adventure that most has me craving boredom, tbh.
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