#ukelele practice
bluisp · 1 year
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i feel like this is something he’d do
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doyoueverjustwomen · 1 year
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How horrible would I be if I bought this hello kitty ukulele and played the Colleen ballinger apology song on it
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arcturusgeneral · 1 year
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Ukelele Pichu.
That is all.
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(obvious) Pichu reference first, ukelele reference second.
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thr4shgender · 1 year
i miss my piano and guitar :( just ate an edible after a long ass time and i forgot how much i fucking love playing music when im high 💔
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monsterfromid · 1 year
I think Buster, as a Beatles fan, would have got a kick out of knowing that George Harrison was a ukalele freak and went around trying to teach other musicians how to play the instrument.
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cryptidsdad · 2 years
I got full points on a ‘test’ on this test in my music class that I thought I was gonna fail … I am the best
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lavenite · 1 year
at the very least thank god my brother is leaving next week. hope he never comes back
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 15 days
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The Revenge Plan Part 10
The Battle of the Bands!
(my adobe illustrator isn't working right now, will adjust the banner later)
Countdown is on. I'm about 70% done with the final video so should be a few weeks away. Stay tuned. <3
Head Lice
Wasn't even their song! A very popular Funk Troll song that Cider made them do a rock cover of.
Head Lice Performance
At first it looks like Crimp is still getting used to her ukelele and hasn't be practicing. The crowd laughs. Floyd tosses her a chord which she plugs into the ukelele without looking.
And she smirks.
Crimp's Performance.
Four The Madlads
Cider wanted to win, he made them play a very, very difficult song. Pray for them.
Four the Madlads Performance
Some were worried that Cab's song choice wouldn't go down well with the Rock Troll crowd but Floyd had absolute faith in him.
Cabaret's Performance.
Molten Hazard
They wanted to do one of their own songs but Cider made them perform one of Floyd's songs to mess with him.
Molten Hazard's Performance.
The final act had been delayed as noone could find them...
Still trapped in the recording booth. All attempts at getting the door open and breaking the glass had failed.
They tried calling for help but it was a soundproof booth. No one could hear them!
Boom hadn't stopped shoulder charging the door.
Ablaze tried to calm him down and get him to rest.
Boom - "Floyd never gave up on us! We're not giving up on him!"
Trickee - "Okay, what big plan do you have to get us out then huh?"
Boom looked around, trying to find anything to spark an idea.
He might have one.
He tapped his chin, thinking it through.
Hype - "Okay Boom, you have a look on your face. What's your idea, man?"
Boom looked up at the glass and then back to his friends.
Boom - "We're doing our own Perfect Family Harmony."
Once again thank you @zivazivc and @felsicveins for lending your characters to me <3 <3 <3
(Side Note: Kismet were planning on performing THIS at the Battle)
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michimonie · 3 days
Which characters in your opinion could have graduated from college from Duckverse and Looneyverse?
Some of these are headcanons, some of these are based on canon. Also, I drew the 2017 versions of the Disney ducks, but honestly these could be applied to comics, too.
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Daffy: Went to college. Wasn't very popular, but did well in classes. Bugs: Went to college, took a while to get things, but eventually did very well. (Honors? Valedictorian? I forgot which one applies to colleges) Porky: Went o college. Did better on written exams, but got the hang of other parts. (Honor? Valedictorian?) Melissa: Went to college, worked a few jobs to help cover the costs. Tina: Didn't go to college, couldn't afford it. Learned a lot from experience.
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Donald: Couldn't afford college, and was too busy with life. (I think he did attend college in 2017?) Daisy: Worked her way through fashion school. Will be paying student loans for decades. Della: Charged through every schooling she needed to do what she does, (but mostly learned through experience). Fethry: Hasn't done formal college, but has read a ton of books and done many training courses. Gladstone: Hahahahahaha! (Took a few gardening courses and secretly practices ukelele.)
I don't know if this is exactly what you were looking for, but I have a ton of headcanons about Looney Tunes in college for a Twisted Wonderland AU I planned a bit a few years ago.
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artemishasthebluez · 2 months
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i am so inlove with the story that @yaelokre is telling through the music. its not even funny. clèmentine has to be my favorite!! im so infatuated with the character designs and artwork, so i decided to make my own! she wears a bat mask. to the left is the design i created on picrew, before drawing her myself.
character info below
Amalia grew up in a lower-class home with her mother. She never knew her father and never even got to see his face, as he died by drowning before she was born. Her mother was an alcoholic and spent whatever they had on anything she thought would be neat to own. Amalia would spend most of her childhood at her friend Nayumi’s cottage.
(nayumi pictured below. made on a picrew)
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Her mother never cared; having to raise a child without a father was too much work. Amalia practically grew up with her friend, the two meeting at a festival because of their shared love of music. Nayumi and Amalia, with the help of the former’s mother, would learn basic survival skills and the basic school subjects along with musical instruments. Nayumi learned the ukelele, while Amalia learned how to play a harmonica.
One day, when Amalia came home, she found her furious mother waiting for her. She blamed her daughter for her husband’s death, which ended in a physical fight. Amalia ran away once her mom passed out, and never looked back. Nayumi and Amalia started spending more time together, and would eventually witness The Lark preform. The two would decide that they wanted to do *that*. They wanted to do what they loved. But they needed a singer.
Thankfully, they’d find that singer in Penellope, whom they met while at the shops. She was usually soft-spoken and nervous, stuttering over her words whenever she sung. But when she sung, it was like she was a completely different person.
(penellope pictured below. made on a picrew.)
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akaisenhatake · 1 year
behold my hpma ocs, they've been reborn at last
they're not the mc but dw ill post my mc next time
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Summarized Info below:
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Name: Lan Wang
Alias: Bark
BoD:??? [1996]
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Slytherin
Wand: Cherry wood, 10 1/4 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Best Subject: Care for Magical Creatures
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Friends(?): Cassandra, Frey twins, Sand [@/stupendousbookworm]
Enemies: Whoever he starts beef with.
Other info:
Very Competitive [mostly duelling but he'll challenge you to a speedwalk contest too. Gets mad easily when he loses]
Experienced in Duelling
Raging Simp [ Is constantly fighting with frey twins on who gets to impress cassandra]
Quite tall [taller than the twins and enjoys rubbing it in their face]
Dislikes Ivy [wish he could pick her and toss her out of the window from the tallest tower. Reason is unknown.]
Goes to The Forbidden Forest often [I mean. For one, he wants to practice his spells without sending another student to St. Mungos. Second, he wants to see a dragon. Third, breaking rules are funny]
Protective [He's a ladies man only to cassandra, literally but those fists and spells are gender neutral to his rivals if something happens to Woof]
Parental issues, yes.
Afraid of bugs [will set the room on fire if necessary]
Wears Leather Jacket 24/7 [school uniform ugly]
METAL [he has the vocal point for it, screaming is his talent]
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Name: Lan Qi
Alias: Woof
BoD:??? [1997]
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ash wood, 13 3/4 inches, Dragon Heartstring
Best Subject: Charms
Worst Subject: Potions [Allergic to some ingredients / smell of potions]
Friends: Slythetin Gang, MC & some of the main casts(?)
Enemies: [Doesn't want any]
Other info:
Small & Short
Sleeps in Class [Mostly nocturnal]
Wears Mask [Dislikes her teeth, so she hid it]
Kinda Chill [Makes her an easy target to be bullied but she's used to it by that point]
Decent at duelling [sharp observation]
Ukelele nice :)
Lonely [despite her preference of being left alone, she still can't help but feel lonely
Always wear long sleeves [It's cold outside]
Broom surfing nice :)
Friendly [Though she doesn't go out to make friends, she doesn't mind others wanting to do the same for her.]
Goes to the Forbidden Forest often [Huh, for what? it's not like she can collect potions ingredients or practice burning acromantulas. She doesn't like taking care of magical creatures either. Sure you can say she probably only wants to accompany Bark, but they go there on different times.]
Height Difference
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Most of the contents about their past life are currently unknown, as they avoid sharing their personal life. Though, Bark constantly complains about how relieved he felt to 'not share bed with other children', solidifying the idea both siblings used to be in an orphange. He also appears to have gotten his eyebrow scar from a 'fight' while he was exploring the woods right before starting Hogwarts.
Current Story
While their existence don't change much of the plotline, MC and the casts will have to deal with another Slytherin twat for the time being. Bark, being the most aggressive out of the three, probably starts more fights and arguments. Although he doesn't win in most of them, they should still keep an eye out on him, as quoted by his sister.
Woof in the first few years mostly lurks around behind, considering she doesn't have much to do with the events happening in the current plotline. She appears in a few class sessions with MC, but it's only her sleeping in most of them. They might bump into her while exploring the Forbidden Forest, but she'll excuse herself to continue whatever she was doing before interrupted.
Profile content will change as the canon story progresses.
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lakemojave · 8 months
what's a random fact about you that wouldn't come up when streaming, that you feel like sharing?
I don't really talk about my music background anymore! I learned piano when I was 5, bounced off it hard in my teens then landed on instruments I played for school. Did some clarinet and some saxophone, then taught myself guitar and ukelele and harmonica. I used to sing a lot too! If I spent a month or so just practicing I could probably dust myself off and return to form pretty easy, but it's been a while.
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beefcake007 · 7 months
I want to preface that I'm asking this in good faith (or at least trying to), not trying to be edgy, a troll, or provocative.
The outrage from the tiktok of the cis person excluding transmen from their music request because "all they listen to is sad ukulele music" reminds me of cismen complaining "Not all men!" everytime they heard a ciswoman say something disparaging towards men as a gender. My genuine question to you is why is this not at least similar to that?
It is different, I'm not saying it's the same. The oppressed minority complaining about their oppressor only to have the oppressor whine about it is very different from the oppressor making the generalization and the oppressed minority having an issue with it. If that's where the issue begins and ends then okay.
But he's some random tiktok idiot. Just like a guy screaming "not all men!" to some rando saying something like "all men are cheaters", it looks on the outside that a bunch of transmascs are responding "not all transmascs!!" to a random tiktok asshole who doesn't matter. Guys are chastised constantly to stop taking casual social generalizations personally, why does that not apply here for transmascs?
As a post script— if you feel my words may be harmful and don't want to spend the time answering then definitely don't post it. Again I'm not trying to be inflammatory, I'm seeing a pattern and want to know if the comparison is at all valid. I value your opinion or I wouldn't have bothered. Alternatively, if you don't want to post this but still want to reply to it you can just address "The "Not All" anon" and I'll see it. At the very least I fully appreciate you taking the time to read and consider, thank you.
The point of my post was NOT that “Not all trans men make ukelele music”. Cause like… who cares? Like I said, some comments I saw were saying that, and they aren’t wrong because of course trans musicians exist in every genre. But like… that’s not the point at all.
This wasn’t just a random cis person pissing off the thin skinned soft bois, this was a cis person with half a million followers explicitly excluding transmascs from the category of trans people and trans artists. It is a problem that he feels he is an authority on that, it is bad that cis people feel they can be the ones ascribing value to our creations and points of view.
I could go on, like frankly I don’t really think it’s a great practice to generalize and dump on cis men either, but I’ll cap this off and explain that the function of crying “Not All Men” is to misdirect and obfuscate broader conversations so it gets nowhere and nothing changes. I’m not sure what pattern you’re seeing here, but if you can recognize that it IS in fact different, it’s a problem you’re you’re seeing any male minority defending themselves from public ridicule as crying “Not All Men.”
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leviathism · 2 years
Howdy do! How would Lucifer from Obey Me react to his s/o surprising him by singing a love song they wrote for him on his birthday?
lucifer x gender neutral reader
You were running out of time.
You had a week until Lucifer’s birthday and you were broke. You only had a few Grimm to your name right now and your heart could not bear to buy Lucifer some cheap trinket in a random rundown Five Grimm and Below Store.
It had to be meaningful, as his gift was to you for your last birthday. You nodded to yourself and thought of anyone who could help you.
In desperate and lonely times, humans usually flocked towards people like them. Similar in any shape or form. So…
Solomon welcomed you with some pasta. You warily took it and stepped inside. Simeon mimicked a dead face, eyes rolling up with his tongue sticking out as he pointed at his own bowl. A clear warning.
“So what do you need help with?” As Solomon lead you to the kitchen, you quickly dumped out half the pasta in the trash. He sat down at the table and you sat down next to him. “Oh, I see you’re hungry! Would you like seconds when you’re done?”
“No thanks.” You smiled at him gratefully, a shiver racking down your spine. “Um, I need help for a present. Is there any impressive magic that could help for a gift?”
“For who? Lucifer?” Simeon asked, swiping your bowl when Solomon glanced at his phone for the date. “His birthday is coming up, right?”
“Well, I have a few ideas,” Solomon started, looking down the hallway, probably towards his room where he kept his spellbooks. “There’s a confetti spell, a spell that makes everything cake flavored, and then an infinite wine spell. He likes wine, doesn’t he?”
“Um…” You frowned. “Can I have all the spells?”
“My prodigy!” Solomon laughed, patting you on the back. “I love to see it. I’ll go get the spells’ instructions.”
He left and came back with three rolled up papers in his arms. He laid them on the table and you took and read over each one.
“…I’ll never learn this in a week!” You groaned and buried your face into your hands. A hand rubbed your back consolingly. You peeked over your shoulder.
“Lucifer still has his love for records, right?” Simeon asked, thoughtfully bringing a hand up to his chin. He must’ve picked that up from Solomon. “He loved music in the Celestial Realm. Maybe you can make a song for him. Or even sing it, I’m sure he’ll love it.”
“You think I can do that in a week?” You asked hopefully.
Simeon’s smile faltered. “Probably not. But I’ll help you with the lyrics. I’m sure some demon around here knows how to play a simple ukelele or guitar. It won’t be a world wide hit type of song, but Lucifer will love it if it came from you.”
You smiled at him. Simeon sure knew how to inspire and reassure someone.
So, the two of you found some demon who could play the guitar. You borrowed Mammon’s guitar for a hefty fee of 1K Grimm, effectively draining you of any money you had left. You practiced every day after school and after you ate dinner, you were always at Purgatory Hall, brainstorming with Simeon to write your song.
You finished the lyrics and perfected your guitar song the day before his birthday. Sure, your guitar sounded a little off and your lyrics were no match to Taylor Swift, but Lucifer would love it.
Lucifer was going to hate it.
You stood outside his door, shaking and trembling in your spot. It had been an eventful day for Lucifer’s birthday and it was just before dinner now. Everyone had given their gifts but you, and yet you couldn’t even lift your arm to knock. You squeezed your eyes shut, taking a deep breath.
“…Are you alright?” Lucifer asked and you jumped. He must’ve opened the door when you had been steadying your breathing.
“Um… No. Yes.” You took another deep breath. “I have a birthday present for you.”
Lucifer’s face broke out into a smile. You couldn’t help but smile back. He stepped back and you took the cue to go into his room. You ushered him to sit on his bed as you messed with your guitar.
You stood in front of him, staring at him.
“Um…” He nodded in encouragement. You had this. “Here it goes.”
You ended up singing Happy Birthday to him. Not at all what you had planned. And of course, since you didn’t plan to sing that, you didn’t know Happy Birthday on the guitar.
You had utterly and entirely made a fool of yourself.
But Lucifer had loved it. Or at least he made it look like he did. He stood up and tugged you closer to kiss your forehead, ignoring the awkward press of the guitar between the two of you.
“Thank you.” He smiled sweetly at you. “I see you’re learning the guitar.”
You nodded, dazed and embarrassed.
“Why don’t we go get something to eat?” He led you out by your arm but at the end of the hallway you broke out of his hold.
“I… have to go return the guitar.” You turned and scurried off, leaving Lucifer alone at the end of the hallway.
You escaped into your room, closing the door firmly behind you. You placed the guitar on your table and dove for your bed.
You sighed into your pillow, depressed. How could you ever recover from this? You turned to face your ceiling, wondering if you could sleep your sadness away.
In the middle of your sleep, your door creaked open. Your eyebrows furrowed but you decided to ignore it in favor of more sleep. But a hand settling on your forehead made your eyes flutter open.
“Are you sick?” Lucifer asked you. His hand slid down to cup your cheek. Your lip almost wobbled. Almost.
“How come your didn’t eat dinner with us?” He lowered his voice to a whisper, sitting on the edge of your bed. You grabbed his arm, clutching at it desperately.
“I wasn’t hungry.”
He seemed unsatisfied with that and sighed. “Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?” You shrugged un helpfully.
“It’s your birthday.” Your voice cracked. His eyebrows furrowed.
He stood up and went to the dresser to change. You turned away to face the wall as he changed, trying to fall asleep again so you didn’t have to talk anymore.
You heard his footsteps come back and you faked being asleep.
He called your name. You buried your face into the pillow. He called it again. You gave in and turned around to see him holding a crumpled piece of paper.
“Is this what you meant to sing to me?” Lucifer asked, reading over the lyrics slowly. You felt your body grow hot with embarrassment. This had to be the most embarrassing time of your life, forget middle school.
“…Yeah, but I chickened out.”
Lucifer smirked lightly at your phrasing but it softened as he continued to read. “You need not to be embarrassed in front of me.”
You shrugged, unable to explain it. He met your eyes over the paper steadily.
“Would it help if I sang it with you?”
You froze. Lucifer singing? In your dreams. “Are you being serious?”
“Of course I am.” He placed the paper on the side table and got into bed with you. He pulled you into his chest, comfortingly rubbing a hand down your back. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t mind. Just no videos.”
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comradeharrison · 2 years
Veering into very controversial territory here but a lot of these 'george is the only beetle' george girlies don't get it they don't get george at all. To really know george you have to understand the beatles you have to understand what it is to be the always be third person in a duo you have to understand what it is to doubt your abilities and still believe in them enough to practice constantly to better yourself. You have to understand what it is to be a youngest child in a poor family even if it is loving family. You have to see his love for guitar which came before everything before his love for Indian classical music before spirituality and meditation long before he learned to write songs before the beatles before the sitar before ukelele before everything he was a tiny little boy obsessed with guitar who put up with all kinds of bullying and humiliation just because he wanted to be in a band. You have to understand his love for John and Paul inspite of everything and his bitchiness will make sense then because relationships are difficult and we are all cruel to the people we love sometimes. George wasn't a saint. He was cruel at times and other times he was a bad friend and horrible person. But you have to see that inspite of everything, he always tried to be good, to be kind, and in the end the good that put out in the world balanced out the bad but you have to see the effort that went into that. He made the decision to be kind and loving every step of the way. Which is why he was a beautiful person, because he was so devastatingly human.
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girls-band-headcanons · 3 months
Sayo has a soft spot for the ukelele. She just loves that lil thing and how it sounds
Mod Fusion: When she wishes to unwind, she likes to practice her chords and hear the relaxing sounds of the ukulele.
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