ecgkid · 2 years
Ischemic Stroke: A Comprehensive Guide to Signs, types, and Treatment
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Crossposted on AO3.
This can be considered as a part 2 to Un-evil, but it can also be read as a standalone.
The description you'll read of Simon is heavily based on this fanart by @tiggerriot (give the creator some love!!!) because it has been occupying my mind 24/7. I'm in a chokehold.
Word count: 6k
CW: smut (fingering, PinV), but with plot. Tiny angst, fluff. Protective and possessive Simon Riley. Mentions of stabbing and blood. Minor injuries.
Masterlist 🦊
𓇬 𓇬 𓇬 𓇬 𓇬 𓇬 𓇬 𓇬 𓇬
He barges in. Because of course he does. There isn’t a piece of flooring in this godforsaken base that hasn’t been violently reclaimed by Ghost’s boots.
Not even in your goddamn room.
Thankfully, you have the reflexes of a trained operative and have moved out of the way in time, otherwise you'd be sporting a wonderful, purple knob in the middle of your forehead. And while there is a certain distaste surging in your chest – the kind that makes your lips pucker and your stomach knot –, you know there is very little you can do to move the mountain that is Ghost.
So, you close the door behind you with an exhausted sigh, as he ventures further into your room.
“Good eve-“
He swivels on his heel as soon as your mouth parts to speak. “Where the fuck ‘ave you been, uh?”
The balaclava on his face does absolutely nothing to hide the hatred sizzling in his eyes. Funny, because you’ve always thought that it was the whole point of the thing – to hide his face. You wonder, sometimes, if he knows just how expressive his eyes are. 
Does he know he tells so much more with those than he ever does with words? 
Nevertheless, yours are as telling as his own, as they bulge out of your sockets. The odd look you give him is comical, compared to the ire that's practically singeing his clothes.
“Uh,” you stutter. “Deployment?”
He narrows his eyes at you into tiny slits. So tiny you have to squint your eyes yourself to catch a glimpse of his irises.
“Alone?” He asks, clearly skeptical.
To match the distrust in his tone, you tilt your head toward his, brows furrowing in confusion. 
“…Yeah?” You reply, and the more you go on the more sarcastic you sound. “We do that, sometimes. Lone ops, recon. Y’know, we’re in the UKSF, in case you, uh – forgot.”
He hums gravelly. A sound that causes his body to straighten up as if the cogs have finally started whirring and working seamlessly once again.
“Don’t get smart, now.” He warns, freezing you with a look.
You pucker your lips and instinctively show him your palms, cheekily replying with an “I would never.”
Wrong move, unfortunately. 
You are your worst enemy. 
If this conversation goes downhill, you are the one to blame. Schedule a punishing whipping for yourself, later – you better fetch the goddamn cat o’ nine tails.
The movement causes the long sleeve of your loungewear to slip further down your forearm, pooling at your elbow, and exposing a large bruise. A galaxy of greens and mauves in the shape of five fingers and a large palm.
Ghost’s eyes zero on your arm with the rapidity of a hawk. Price has always said it, after all: he only knows one sniper who’s better than Ghost, and she’s a thousand klicks away now. You miss her – Farah would’ve been a lot nicer about this than him.
When his focus returns to you, he doesn’t even have to ask. As you’ve already stated time and time again, he conveys a lot more with his eyes.
And they are absolutely fuming. 
You suck in a sharp breath, nodding your head slowly while returning your sleeve where it’s supposed to be. Fucking traitorous piece of cotton that should stick around your wrist.
“Y’know,” you start, your chest all puffed because – well, you ain’t breathing right. Not with Ghost staring you down like you’ve gone and killed the King of England. “I had to sneak in, grab the USB key our contact set up for us, and then – bang, vanish. And I did it, yeah? I was brilliant at it.”
The smile on your face is as fake as the cheerful tone you’re using to dispense this information. It cracks as soon as you see the fabric of the balaclava shift on his jaw. 
He’s grinding his molars into dust.
You gesture vaguely. Shift your eyes to the ceiling. Tongue your cheek. Try to downplay it. “Well, ‘s nothing really.”
“Sergeant.” He barks. If he had hackles, they’d be dusting the ceiling. 
You sigh. 
God, how long have you been holding onto that breath? You’re positive it was the air you’ve inhaled, like, ten thousand years ago.
“Someone thought I was acting a bit dodgy and had me pinned to the floor.” You made grabby hands with a cheeky smile, “I have meaty forearms. Plenty to grip.”
Humor is usually the key to lessen the tension that would strangle your and his lungs. Normally, he’d let it go. He’d listlessly smack the back of your head or pinch the flesh of your biceps and call it a day.
Now, sarcasm seems like the last thing you should’ve resorted to. His posture is stiff and straight. The night lamp on your bedside table sheds light against his back, making him look like he's the wolf ready to pounce what it's going to be his dinner.
It makes your blood curdle.
“Yeah, okay.” You huff, digging your fingertips in the back of your neck to release some tension. “Nothing happened. I jabbed him in the throat before he could shout for help and shoved him under a desk. Got myself a proper blood shower.”
Ghost’s eye twitches.
And then he goes silent. 
Not the news of the year, of course. He’s always silent. You know he doesn’t get his callsign from that, but you can’t help but find his personality incredibly fitting with the military nickname.
However, this isn’t the usual Simon shut-up-and-sod-off Riley. He’s so still you wonder if he’s breathing. You have half a mind to wave your hand in front of his eyes to check if he’s gone catatonic.
You don’t, of course. Dogs bite.
You sneer, more in concern than anything, and gingerly take a step forward. Initially, your question comes out simply as a sideway tilt of your head paired with a puzzled look – a question mark would be floating above you, if physically possible.
But when that doesn’t seem enough to coax an answer out of him, you blurt out an “Oi.”
His eyes are jaded as they swivel to your face. Always with the heavy-lidded gaze that makes him look like he’d love to be anywhere but where he currently is. 
He seems… calmer. You're not sure whether it's a good or a bad thing. You prefer it when he's fuming because, as the saying goes, better the devil you know. 
“Off.” He states. 
Of course, he prefers syllables to full, clear sentences. Expressions you (or anyone else, really) don’t seem to catch, unfortunately. You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve told him that if he wants to have a conversation, he should start stringing words one after the other instead of settling for just one.
“What?” You deadpan. “Off with the bullshit? Off with my head? Words, L.T.” 
You don’t seem to have learned from your past mistake of using humor to sneak out of a predicament when Ghost appears to have all hell ready to unleash. 
He roughly points at your chest, “The shirt,” and then aims his finger to the floor. “Off.”
Look at you: dumbfounded. 
Sure, you two have fucked, occasionally – ever since he’d come to terms with the idea that he could do it without getting into trouble. It’s not like he gives two shits about someone finding out, he just doesn’t want to deal with commanding officers explaining to him why he shouldn’t stick it anywhere he finds fitting. God forbid someone puts him through one of those seminars about relationship policies and how they can disrupt the chain of command.
You splutter, “Wha – Excuse me?”
“Ya heard.” He reiterates. “The shirt. Off.”
You scoff. “You wanna fuck now?”
“Didn’t say tha’, did I?” He says flatly.
“Oh, sorry!” You snark. “Didn’t think there were other reasons why you’d want me to flash my tits.”
“Didn’t say tha’ either.” He deadpans and swipes his index finger in the air again. “Off with the shirt.”
You huff, pinching the bridge of your nose while, stubbornly, still wearing the t-shirt. 
“Not in the mood to have sex, honestly,” you explain, trying to stay calm in the face of the implications of the request. “I came back this morning, I’m beat. I need a cuppa and some sleep –“
He switches, then. “Take off that fucking shirt, sergeant.”
You bristle. Anyone would, at that tone.
Suddenly, you’re back to basic training in Pirbright with your wench of a drill instructor calling you a fucking idiot. 
Needless to say, you follow through with his order and rip the shirt off with more spite than cooperation. With a big frown on your face, you turn on your heel and start stomping angrily towards the bed.
“Make it quick.” You snap, getting on your knees on the edge of the mattress, ready to get pounded into oblivion. 
You’ll like it, eventually, even if you’re not really in the mood. 
Ghost fucks you good. It’s undeniable. 
You’ve soaked his sheets, his clothes, his mask – he’s that type of good. You won’t tell him though; his ego is already too big. If it grows more, HQ won’t be able to contain it and the whole base will blow up into smithereens.   
You’re saving lives, here, by keeping your mouth shut about it.
But he has other plans, it seems. 
“The fuck are you doin’.” 
It is not, in fact, a question. 
You look over your shoulder and find him still standing where you left him, a few paces back.
You quirk a brow, and shoot it back at him, “The fuck are you doing.”
“Why are you bendin’ over.” He states.
"To fuck?" You say, an unsaid obviously lingering in the air. 
Something shifts under his mask, as if he’s scowling. “Who said I wanted to fuck?” 
You splutter, yet again caught by surprise. “You made me get naked.”
He sighs, sounding exasperated, and approaches you, who is – by the way – still shamefully on all fours on the tiny bed of your quarters. 
Suddenly, all that spite sublimates under the heavy, hot weight of embarrassment. 
What are you doing, on your knees on the bed, half naked, if he doesn’t want to fuck?
In your defense, while the two of you often spent time chatting about everything and nothing, that happened in public places. Not once has he knocked on your door for a spot of tea and decent conversation.
Regardless, as soon as you manage to stand on your knees, you can feel him right behind you. Scorching fingers of shame crawl up to your neck. You feel your chest warm up, all the way to the apples of your cheeks. Awkwardly, you bring your arms up to cover your breasts. 
“Off,” he orders, again.
You swallow dryly, offering an insecure smile. “…With the pants?” 
He gives you a glacial look. Your blood freezes in your vessels. You think you might have turned cyanotic. 
“Fuckin’ hell – Off the bed.”
Obviously, your feet touch the ground with impeccable speed, because after that display, the least you can do is follow through with his orders before you make a fool of yourself twice in under a minute.
You feel his fingers curl around the top of your head, only allowing the pads to tangle through your hair and touch your scalp. It’s as if he doesn’t really want to touch you, but feels compelled to do so.
He flicks his wrist to give you a sense of the direction he wants you to turn to, and you do, waddling a little on your feet as you slowly twirl.
Your hands are tucked under your biceps, which are currently strangling your ribcage in an attempt to cover as much of your chest as you can with your forearms. 
When you’re finally facing him again, you look up at him through your lashes. His eyes, however, are not on your tits as you expect. He’s not even ogling, to be honest – which would be a blow to your ego, if the situation weren’t so… odd. 
Your brows are pinched. Your mouth parts only so you can suck in some air and then worry your lip between your teeth. 
This is much too intimate than what you’re used to. 
You realize, as he studies your body, with that weirdly placed hand on your head, that Ghost has never… seen it. 
Or – well, he’s seen it all right, but he’s never looked at it. Your encounters are usually very quick and to the point.
He fucks you. 
You come – once or twice. Thrice, if he’s feeling particularly generous.
He comes. 
Get yourself a glass o’ water and jog on. ‘M knackered.
Yeah, okay. G’night, prick.
Right back at ya.
That’s it.
Sometimes, you don’t even take off each other’s clothes. Sometimes, he doesn’t even turn on the lights. 
Now, his gaze is heavy as he looks at the dip of your waist, then at the fuzz below your belly button and where it leads, until the hem of your slouchy sweatpants that have seen better days. It’s like having lasers pointed at every nook and cranny of you, leaving scorching lines along your profile. 
He taps his finger on your forearm, the one without the bruise – a silent request to take your arms off your chest. Your hands are shaking as you comply, but you’re too preoccupied with him to notice. 
Ghost seems utterly uninterested at the sight of your tits bouncing down in response to gravity, instead setting his focus on the edges of your ribcage.
He flicks his wrist again, and you slowly turn the other way, giving him your back.
You feel his fingers twitch against your scalp, before a cold fingertip brushes against your right side.
"Here." He states, barely tracing the lines of your ribs. 
It's been so long since he's last spoken that you feel goosebumps rise along your neck. God, his voice will never not make your insides churn.
Regardless, you spread your elbows out, lifting your right arm so you can look at where he's pointing. You can't see much, but you definitely feel how the slight movement of your shoulder causes your right side to ache as if the skin were ready to burst at the seams.
You frown and curiously try again to take a peek at the cause of the pain. After some squirming, you spot the darkening patch of flesh, speckled with purples and yellows.
“Mh,” you muse. “Didn’t know that was there.”
The hand on your head finally abandons it, allowing the muscles on your neck to relax. 
You continue, somewhat feeling the need to explain why there is yet another bruise. “When that man saw me, he knocked me onto the floor. Must’ve hit it harder than I thought.”
He hums noncommittally. You could’ve told him the most absurd tale, and he wouldn’t have batted an eye, much too focused on the expanse of your back. 
You shrug, then. “’S alright. It’ll pass. It’s just a bruise.”
It’s then that he meets your eyes. 
There’s always a sort of veil over his, whenever the air around you both thickens. You wish you had scissors to rip it, sometimes. Or walk to the curtain and take a peek inside. 
“What is this?” You gesture at the two of you, looking back at him over your shoulder. “What are you doing?”
He deflects your questions with the same reflexes he uses to dodge bullets, answering instead with a question of his own. “You went to medical?”
Your lips twitch and you have to school your face into more muted frustration. 
Your response is a little petty, but you can’t help but give it to him. “No, just a couple of bumps, nothing that needs a trip to the doctor."
He is a looming shadow behind you, encompassing you with dark tendrils that threaten to swallow you whole. He sucks the warmth of the room with the ice embedded in his eyes – it forces you to look away, finding comfort in your own hands cupping your biceps.
You don’t even manage to reach for your t-shirt again, feeling the need to cover yourself up, that he curls an uncharacteristically gentle hand around your jaw. 
You stiffen. 
He seizes that moment to turn your head, his other fingers already hooked at the hem of his balaclava around the neck. He slides it up and off naturally.
There’s always some sort of solemnity when his face comes into view. 
Each groove and bump tell a story of their own, not a single one coming from the same tale, nor the same blade. 
He has crow's feet, but he rarely smiles – if ever. There are lines originating from the sides of his nose tipping at each corner of his mouth. They should symbolize happiness carved, but you fear it’s the opposite. 
Thick, convoluted scars paint him like rough brush strokes given by an angry hand – bristles of steel, paint of blood. 
Teeth peek out from a particularly gruesome injury that has torn the flesh off his upper lip. He constantly looks like he’s scowling at you, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d probably think he was. Would fit the character, and all.
Truth is, Simon rarely cares enough to scowl at anyone. You can either get a cold side glance or a disinterested one – if it’s the former, then you might be in his good graces. 
Right now, though, you don’t think he’s giving you either. His eyes are murky; a mud of anger, annoyance, and disappointment. He looks like he hates you with all his might, staring at you as if he could, by sheer force of thought, scoop out the eyes from your sockets.
“You wanna kill me?” You mumble, finding it hard to speak as he holds your jaw between his fingers. “Get in line, mate. There are at least a bunch a’ Russian men and their mothers before you, ever since I shanked their colleague.”
Then, his eyes leave yours to glance at your lips. He must think you haven’t noticed, because he doesn’t bother to hide it. However – and you’ve always found this incredibly interesting – Ghost tends to forget when he’s wearing the mask and when he isn’t. 
Each time, it’s like watching a child learning how to rein it in. Or, you know, like that sibling you have to surreptitiously elbow under the table at Christmas dinner when your pissed uncle is going off a tangent regarding the most idiotic, misplaced subject ever known to man.
That’s Ghost right now. 
The sibling elbowing him? Simon.
He blinks out of his headspace and then frowns, returning his eyes to yours.
“Don’t need to.” He grunts. “You’re doin’ a fine job by yourself.”
You scoff. “It’s just a bruise.”
His jaw ticks. 
“Yeah, but it’s on you.”
It’s said low and bitter, as if he’s had to fight tooth and nail to yank it out of his chest. 
You, on the other hand, are stock still in place – not only because of his hand holding you firmly by the jaw, forcing you to look over your shoulder to where he stands, but also because what was that?
You swallow but it's futile because your tongue is stuck to your palate. The air surrounding you crackles. The oxygen is lacking, and your lungs are suffering from it. 
You blink. That’s all it takes, and he lands his mouth on you.
Ghost’s kisses are always rough, determined to take your breath away and leave you wondering if you’ll ever say any other name but his own. This one is not much different, but you have to recognize that it is somewhat angrier. 
His lips part as if he could swallow you whole, working his tongue against yours and hindering your movements with his fingers holding your face, and a hand over your belly.
You can work with this. This, you know how to behave around. This is charted territory – the hunger, the stress, the need to decompress and find solace in the oasis you offer so generously between your legs.
You know the dance, and so you press your bum against his groin. You weren’t in the mood, like – ten minutes ago. You were a different person back then. 
If Ghost now wants to split you in half, you’d hand him the butcher knife.
You’re already turning feverish, lifting your right arm to tangle with his hair, ready to grab and pull and bite and – 
He stops you.  Palm to your knuckles, guiding it down once more. He doesn’t hold your hand, instead removing his own as though your skin were burning coal. 
Not as carefully, though, he snakes under your sweatpants and unceremoniously dips his middle finger inside your cunt.
“Fuck,” you hiss. 
You weren’t that wet, and while you're not one to say no to a bit of pain, this has caught you so off guard that you decide to chastise him by nipping at his lower lip. 
It’s not much of a punishment, you guess, because his hips jerk to rub himself against you. 
You wish to move and take this to the bed, where you can lie down and be his pillow princess. Let him fuck you until his heart's content, because you're tired and you'd love to get used for his pleasure and yours.
But he’s an unmoving statue, boots glued to the floor and hand shackled to your pussy, dipping in relentlessly until your knees buckle under the sheer pressure of his finger buried to the knuckle. 
When your hips start undulating to increase the friction – specifically of his palm against your neglected bundle of nerves where your pussy tips – he inserts a second finger, and you positively melt against his chest. It’s then that he releases your lips, allowing you to moan under your breath. 
He starts sucking blindly at whatever piece of skin he can find, leaving love bites on the length of your shoulders all the way to your neck. Teeth and tongue and words that escape his lips, while he curls his fingers inside you, drowning your thoughts in frayed growls from his mouth, and raunchy squelches from between your legs. His offhand gets busy and starts toying and pulling at your nipples. 
You're being absolutely ravaged; his nails are talons and he wants to rip you apart and eat you inside out after he's prepped you alright. It's juxtaposing - the pleasure, and the crudeness. It's new, but not unwelcome.
“You should’ve told me.” He grunts. You don’t pay it much mind, he usually murmurs a lot during sex, and less than half of the time you catch what he says – the other times, you’re already too stupid to use your senses.
He snaps his finger upward, burying them to the knuckle.
“Told me."
Then rolls his palm against your clit.
"You were being posted." 
Finally, he curls his fingers inside, making your legs quiver.
You whimper and your eyes roll back. Is this your punishment? Hell fucking yes, then. You’ll keep your secrets more often. 
But alas, you do feel compelled to at least explain and apologize.
“M’sorry,” you breathe, “It was a last-minute thing. Got called the day before.”
Surely, he’ll understand. That’s how deployments work: they give you a timeframe, and you might or might not get the dreaded call. If you do, then you’re off – one day you’re lounging at the beach, the next you’re buried in gore.
No in-between. 
You don't want to distract him though. You're so close. If he just – moved a little, maybe? Or allowed you to rest your legs somewhere. 
You shift imperceptibly so that you can rub your clit at your preferred pace against his palm. The callouses on the heel of his hand make it somehow even better.
He allows you, meaning that even if you’ve kept the deployment from him, he’s feeling magnanimous.
You roll your head against his shoulder to nuzzle his neck, the tip of your nose tucked behind his lobe. You pant as he fucks you with his fingers, and murmur sweet things about how good he is to you, because he’s being kind and for that he deserves a generous stroke to his ego. You leave open kisses on his neck, his jaw, lapping the sweat off his skin with your tongue – to try and give back some of the pleasure he’s offering you.
When you come, it is with a loud groan muffled in his neck, and he holds you by the waist before you keel over. The orgasm almost stings, since he’s ripped it out of you so quickly and forcefully. It tingles from the tips of your toes, curling against the linoleum, all the way to the knot that finally snaps in your gut. 
Only then, when your vision clears and your skin still prickles in goosebumps, do you hear him through the ringing of your ears.
“You don’t understand.” He’s saying, like a prayer repeated gruffly to the skin of your neck. 
He doesn’t say it once, he doesn’t say it twice. He repeats it with fervor, and the more it escapes his mouth, the angrier it gets.
You feel the back of your knee being pushed by his own, and you stumble forward on the mattress. You’re confused, still descending from the high of your orgasm, feeling your limbs move under his command and notyours. Trying to find sense in his words. 
You don’t understand.
Your ears are cottoned – the orgasm has been that blissful – but you still catch the sound of a zipper being pulled down. Your front is plastered against the mattress, cheek buried in linen of freshly washed sheets. 
You don’t have the strength to stand, nor to look behind, so you can solely rely on your hearing, on your touch.
Shallow breaths. 
Shuffle of fabric – he’s taking off his shirt. 
His hand skims over your back, purposefully avoiding the bruise on your side. 
A finger pulls down the sweatpants to your ankles – the air feels cold against your skin, flushed and burning. 
Wet fingertips trail down your legs with uncommon reverence, until they reach down and yank the pants off your feet.
The denim of his jeans shifts. A thud – he’s on his knees.
He forces your leg to bend and kisses your ankle. Then the arch of your foot. Your toes, and it makes your cunt flutter around nothing. The actions are paired with a wet, rhythmic sound – he’s touching himself the way you’d touch him. 
He has fingered you with such voracity you thought you’d rip in half on his hand, and now he’s on his knees, kissing your feet. He’s switching rapidly – angry, then devoted. 
The former you know, but the latter is different. It’s new. 
You feel the mattress dip and protest under the additional weight, each of his thighs on either side of yours, keeping your legs flush together. 
A hand appears in your vision, gripping the sheets. 
You kiss the knuckle on his thumb, and he flicks it gently over your nose. 
His chest exudes warmth even if he isn’t properly touching your back. He simply hovers above it, putting his weight on his palm, while his other hand is busy stroking his cock.
You're wet and prepped just how he likes, in fact he slides in easily. 
You already came, which means you're hypersensitive – it feels like he's inserting something long and scorching hot inside. Your breath hitches in your throat at the intrusion, and he dips his forehead to your shoulder, leaving an apologetic kiss.
He fucks you slow and deep, dragging backward without ever pulling out. He wants to stay sheathed inside. He wants to bury himself in there, with your velvet walls squeezing him dry. You won’t complain. You’ll keep him snug until he’s sated. Until you are, too.  
This dance you know as well, and so you fold your arms behind you, bending your elbows so that he can grip both your forearms with one hand and use them as leverage to rail you until you’re only babbling nonsense.
But he… doesn’t?
He still fucks you, sure, but his hand doesn’t reach for your arms, preferring the sheets instead, and it makes you feel a little neglected, wondering if you're doing something wrong. Sure – you just came, he’s treated you to your nice little post-operation orgasm, and then proceeded to fuck you. So, he must still be into this – into you. 
You thought this could’ve been a nice way to reciprocate, since you know how much he likes to get you to bend as he pleases.
A thank you of sorts. 
You reach up with your fingers, tickling his abdomen to make him notice that you’ve prepared yourself for him, arms knotted behind your back like a bow on a present – just in case he’s missed it, you know?
But he reaches down only to guide your arms back to the bed, distending them ahead. He goes to hold one hand but stops, instead digging his palm back into the mattress.
Just when you’re about to protest, lifting your head from the bed, he drags his tongue around the shell of your ear. 
You shudder. 
"I- I'm not good at this." He grunts as he fucks you slowly, dragging breathy moans out of your lips. "So jus’ listen for once in your goddamn life.”
It’s then that his pace picks up, punching a ragged groan out of your lips at the first abrupt thrust. 
He’s either doing it to shut you up, or to make you focus on something else while he speaks. So, maybe, if you’re busy molding your pussy around his cock and rolling your eyes to the back of your head, you won’t hear what he’s saying.
“Lieut –“
“Simon.” He chides loudly. “Fuck – Told you it’s Simon, ‘ere.”
You grip the sheets as your head bobs to the pace he takes. Your breathing is more akin to a wheeze, and your belly flutters each time he hits you just right.
“Simon,” you whimper.
“Yeah,” he croons. “Simon. Good.”
Simon is as breathless as you are, but much more contained.
“Need to know where you are,” he murmurs under his breath. “You got no idea wha’ I –“
He releases a shuddering breath that tickles your ear. 
You’re keening and shivering, trying to focus on his words but it seems like he’s trying his best to prevent you from listening, even if he’s the one who’s asked you to.
There’s something rabid in his motions. He bullies his cock as deep as it can reach, his hips brutally slap against your ass. You can feel the fat recoiling, the vibration tipping at the base of your skull. He’s feral and yet it’s so different.
He groans, but it's frustrated more than satisfied. 
“You got no fuckin’ idea, do ya?” He mutters the sentence like a curse. “No fuckin’ idea. You – “
You reach for his hand with your own, but he swats it away. 
You try again and he nibbles at your ear.
“Don’t." He warns lowly, stilling his motions until he’s hilted all the way inside. 
You suck in a breath as he shoves himself until there’s not an inch of space for him to move.
He’s ramrod stiff above you, struggling to keep his chest off your back – denying you of his skin. Of intimacy. Of contact. 
You twist your head that much to look at his face and find him staring blankly ahead. 
To say it worries you would be an understatement, especially if paired with the puzzling behavior he’s had all evening. 
You follow the trajectory of his gaze with your eyes and heartbreakingly discover that he's burning holes in your bruised flesh – the hand of that now-dead man still darkly imprinted on your skin. 
Is that why he doesn't touch you? Is that why he's taking pains to not press his weight on your body when he'd usually have you flattened under the whole of him?
You feel yourself falter. “Si-“
“You’re hurt.” he croaks. “I’ll hurt you more.”
You don’t know what staggers you the most: his cock up your cervix making you dizzy, or the hesitance in his voice. 
Simon doesn’t hesitate. He’s not tentative. 
He takes.
If he can’t take, he delegates, and whatever he needs eventually will fall into his hand. 
You fell into his hand without too much of a fuss. He gave you the impression that you were the one demanding and obtaining, but the truth obviously lies elsewhere. 
Simon wanted you, too. He wants you, too.
He gave you the chance to sneak into his office and request an immediate closure to the cat-and-mouse chase. He delegated it to you.
And then he took.
Hesitance, clearly, isn’t in his daily vocabulary. 
This dance, you don’t know. You’re out of your zone. You don’t know which steps to take without tripping over his toes and disrupting the music. 
He’s unmoving inside of you, catching his breath with his lips on your ear.
“Can’t hurt you.” He breathes, and you have to focus to even catch it. 
“You won’t,” you whisper, trying a first step. “I’ll tell you if – “
And it’s the wrong one.
He starts again, pulling out and fiercely slamming back in. Your breathing snaps, palm coming down to slap against the mattress, “Fuck!”
It would feel oh, so good, if you were in the right headspace. 
He won’t allow you to talk. He’s begging you, in his contorted ways, to let him speak without judgment. Without the fear of knowing he has dropped the mask too low. 
This is his time. 
You should’ve shut your mouth, for once, and allowed him to speak. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
He asked for one thing. 
Jus’ listen for once in your goddamn life.
You purse your lips in a line and nudge your head against his own, a silent way to prompt him to go on.
I’m sorry. I’m listening.
“You got no idea.” He repeats again, but this time his voice cracks – overwhelmed.
He starts his voracious pace that always steals your breath and fucks your brain into a mush.
“I’ve looked for ya, asked ‘round – no one fucking knew. Got told you were off on deployment, and that’s it.” 
Each word is as accusatory and irate as the cock he’s drilling inside of you. 
“You weren’t comin’ back. One. Two. Three weeks. No fuckin’ sign of ya.” He thrusts in for each week you’ve gone missing, “I was – “
He stops. Inhales sharply. Hesitates, once again.
“Don’t wanna feel tha’ again – don’t put me through that again.”
Suddenly, you can feel everything at once. 
Your body perks up. 
Vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell – all filled of him.
And it’s not about sex anymore. 
It never has been, but how obvious it is now.
You want to hold his hand, but you decide to leave him space. 
The hand-shaped bruise on your arm glares at him like a promise he silently made with himself and failed to keep. You won’t make him feel like he broke a thing, because he hasn’t.
If anything, you’ve never felt more whole in your life.
You and Simon have never gone further than physical. You don't know how to soothe a heart so afraid if it belongs to him. So, you do the only thing you’ve learned that manages to get through to him.
You keen and moan and breathe, allowing tiny praises and sinful curses to leave your lips. 
Like that – yeah. Shit.
Yes, yes, yes. 
Deeper. Please.
His name – not his callsign, not his rank.
Simon, you croon. Simon, Simon, Simon. 
You feel the pressure of his come spurting out, flooding your walls like a dam has broken and crushed. His mouth on your ear won’t allow a single sound to pass, but he’s clearly overly affected – you know, by the way his breath comes. As if he’s clinging to life and has found purchase for survival right on your skin.
You want to kiss him, but you leave the choice up to him. You won’t squirm under the press of his forehead against your temple, but your lips are there for him to taste – moist and plump and ready.
Simon’s lashes flutter against your cheekbone as he regains his bearings. Looks at you. His eyes hint at regret – it’s a fraction of a second that has your stomach knot. But then he squashes it down, when he realizes that you saw nothing wrong in his words.
He kisses your cheek, and then your lips. Thankfulness seeps through.
"Don't hide from me again," he murmurs and gingerly hooks his thumb around your pinky. Not touching you yet, not so close to where you’re already aching.
You curl your finger around his own. “I won’t.”
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tentacion3099 · 11 months
Ex UKSF Operator 'Nobby' details his wealth of experience in the military.
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calebine · 3 months
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📂 conoce a los IRVINE.
HABILIDAD: combate cuerpo a cuerpo (3/3)
SIR VICTOR IRVINE (padre) 67 años. reconocido general de las fuerzas terrestres del ejército británico. en su carrera militar destaca su participación en la RGJ e ISAF. tras su jubilación en el año dos mil diecisiete, se le otorgó la medalla al mérito de la OTAN. por sus hazañas militares, nunca ha estado casado, por lo que el origen de las madres de sus hijos ha sido un eterno misterio. con ambos tiene una relación complicada.
EVADNE FITZROY (madrastra) 41 años. la única relación pública de victor irvine, comenzaron a salir diez años atrás. actualmente se desempeña como portavoz política del conservative and unionist party y aspira a un puesto dentro del parlamento. si bien las campanas de boda están lejanas, anhela el sueño de una familia perfecta junto a victor. al menos, de puertas para fuera.
MARCUS IRVINE (hermano). 38 años. graduado en la real academia militar de sandhurst. teniente coronel dentro de las fuerzas especiales del ejército británico (UKSF). el futuro prometedor familiar, posee un desempeño sobresaliente en cada aspecto a ser evaluado desde que tiene memoria. para él, no es más que disciplina y trabajo duro. la relación con su hermano menor ha sido rocosa desde el inicio, convertidos en ejes de rivalidad aún en la adultez.
CALEB IRVINE. 27 años. graduado en la real academia militar de sandhurst. capitán dentro de las fuerzas especiales del ejército británico (UKSF). la rebeldía sin igual pone en cuestión los valores de los irvine, oveja negra por naturaleza que sorprendió a todes al ser aceptado en la academia reverie.
RAEGAN IRVINE (sobrina) 11 años. única hija de marcus, posee una conexión brillante con su tío caleb, quien anhela otorgarle recuerdos dignos de les niñes de su edad. su padre, por otro lado, posee el plan de continuar con el legado militar a través de la pequeña.
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Lt. Rory "Lamb" Sinclair - Special Reconnaissance Regiment (UKSF)
template here
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stealth-skills · 27 days
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The Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) is a `Tier 1´ special reconnaissance unit of the British Army that conducts a wide range of covert surveillance and reconnaissance for the United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF). Much of the information about the SRR is highly classified. The unit is not commented on by either the British government or the Ministry of Defence (MoD) due to the secrecy and sensitivity of its operations.
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genshoomf · 1 year
I saw you post about age hc on Twitter and THANK YOU!! I felt insane with people saying Ghost was firmly in his 40’s. Man is very much in his early thirties
HEELP yw!! i cant rly claim it my gf first put him at 32 and i said yes queen absolutely so right queen. but fr like he just does not act in his 40s...... not even bringing up how the UKSF works and how him being 32 for a lieutenant is old he just aint sowwy. my early 30s beauty
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wirelandranch · 1 year
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LORE ENTRY 2: The Mojave Logistics Archaeological Survey Team (MLAST)
Built of a group of individuals handpicked by Nathaniel Godwynn, all from scientific, fringe religious, or military background.
Dr. Rosalind Byne: (age 42) Once a well respected Corporal in the US Army Corp of Engineers before being dishonorably discharged for stealing state secrets. It is commonly believed that Nathaniel Godwynn was her lover in the time period prior to her theft. The documents she is said to have stolen were then, and remain, classified. Interventions were made on her behalf by the Mojave Logistics legal team and her record was wiped clean though she is banned from further participation in the military. Education: PHD in Archaeology from Massachussettes Institute of Technology (MIT) Bachelors in Anthropology (MIT)
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Rosy Byne: (age 21) Daughter of Rosalind and youngest member of the team. Known to be brilliant and "an absolute joy to be around," it is often said the team would've fallen into their dark times sooner had she left them to their own devices. Though she had no formal education she proved in the long run to be one of the most valuable members of the team and had a knack for "feeling out an area" and locating harder to reach areas of excavation sites and cave depths. Many a cavern was mapped with her jubilant assistance.
Daniel Rosenthal: (age 44) Transferred directly over from the UKSF as part of a large real estate deal negotiated on behalf of the UK government. Some believe Nathaniel Godwynn financed the purchase specifically to acquire Rosenthal. He was known in various circles, including a late stage high level Thelema oriented crowd known to play host to both NASA Rocket Scientists and cult religious leaders alike. Very likely one of the only living people ever to accomplish a true to life feat of magic, harnessing powers mankind is not meant to know.
Tyrone Bowens: (age 25) Originally from one of the worst ghettos in America, Tyrone showed promise as both an athlete and a scholar from an extremely early age. Upon the loss of his parents at age 15 he was moved across the country to live with his aunt, Tameika Bowens, a VP of Strategic Acquisition who worked closely with Nathaniel as far back as the initial public offering of Godwynn Enterprises. Within 3 months of the move, Tyrone was working as an intern and in-office assistant to the entire Strategic Acquisition team. His role on the survey team saw him responsible for the team's relationship to the local communities surrounding potential research areas. Most that knew him before his untimely death, remember him as a gentle and funny individual aside from his known lovers, who tend to say quite the opposite.
Robert Orange: (age 56) Older brother of Agent Russel Orange, head of security for ML and GE. While both brothers exhibited qualities their own mother referred to as "textbook fuckup traits," Robert had far fewer of the redeeming characteristics present in his younger sibling. This fact conjured a hard life, full of frustration and self victimization which led to an addiction to morphine and a penchant for pharmaceutical grade methamphetamines that eventually careened out of control and siphoned off the little bit of a life he had pieced together. During this time Russel and Robert lost contact for years prior to reuniting in late 2015 after the loss of Russel's wife, Magdalene Godwynn. After a few years of working closely together at the helm of security, Russel lobbied to get his brother a place on MLAST where he would provide security services as well as, and this is generally unknown, keep Agent Orange abreast of the research conducted.
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gunmetalgrey · 2 years
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Ex-member of the UKSF,
Wanted for on suspicion of murder, attempted murder, theft and kidnapping.
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ajfl007 · 16 hours
ONE-MAN ARMY! Indians REACT to UKSF in Nairobi!
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reverieinter · 22 days
Código de Error: 502 Descripción: El archivo correspondiente al expediente número #035, Caleb Irvine, está siendo enviado erróneamente a todos los correos electrónicos de contacto de la generación 2024. Detalles del Error: El sistema ha generado un fallo en la distribución de archivos, resultando en el envío masivo del expediente. Acción Requerida: Por favor, ignore el archivo recibido. Nuestro equipo de soporte está trabajando para corregir este problema y evitar futuros incidentes. Estado: En proceso de resolución.
Informe de Operaciones - Fuerzas Especiales del Reino Unido (UKSF)
1. Información General
Unidad/Sección: Escuadrones A y B, UKSF
Fecha: 1 de septiembre de 2020
Hora: 17:00 GMT
Elaborado por: Mayor Liam Harper, Oficial de Inteligencia del UKSF
Destino: Comando de Operaciones Especiales, Ministerio de Defensa del Reino Unido
2. Resumen Ejecutivo
Situación General: En una operación antiterrorista en Yemen, específicamente en la región de Marib, el Escuadrón B, bajo el mando del Capitán Caleb Irvine, enfrentó una resistencia mucho más intensa de lo previsto. La situación se deterioró rápidamente, llevando a una solicitud urgente de refuerzos. El Escuadrón A, dirigido por el Teniente Coronel Marcus Irvine, llegó con un retraso significativo, lo que resultó en graves pérdidas y un impacto devastador en la misión.
3. Detalles de la Operación
Objetivo de la Misión: Neutralizar una célula terrorista activa en Marib, capturar o eliminar a los líderes terroristas y desmantelar sus instalaciones operativas.
Ubicación: Coordenadas aproximadas: 15.4667° N, 45.3000° E, en un terreno desértico y montañoso.
Unidades Involucradas:
Escuadrón B a cargo del Capitán Caleb Irvine
Refuerzos liderados por el Teniente Coronel Marcus Irvine (Escuadrones A y B)
4. Actividades Recientes
Acciones Completadas:
El Escuadrón B comenzó la operación a las 06:00 GMT. Encontraron resistencia fuerte y bien posicionada en la zona montañosa y desértica. A las 09:00 GMT, se solicitó refuerzo al Escuadrón A.
Incidentes y Problemas:
El Escuadrón A llegó a las 10:30 GMT, con un retraso de 1 hora y 30 minutos desde la solicitud inicial. Este retraso permitió que la situación se deteriorara aún más, con graves consecuencias.
5. Evaluación de Daños
Soldados Fallecidos: 7
Soldados Heridos: 38
6. Estado Crítico del Capitán Caleb Irvine
Condición General:
Fractura Completa de Clavícula Izquierda: Requiere cirugía reconstructiva urgente para estabilizar el hombro y restaurar la funcionalidad.
Desgarro del Manguito Rotador Derecho: El desgarro ha comprometido la función del brazo derecho y necesita intervención quirúrgica para intentar preservar el rango de movimiento.
Hematomas y Contusiones Extensas: Presenta hematomas graves y contusiones en el torso y extremidades, con indicios de contusión pulmonar debido a impactos directos.
Heridas por Proyectiles: Diversas heridas por proyectiles han causado daños a órganos internos, complicando su condición.
Tratamiento y Pronóstico:
Se realizó una cirugía de emergencia en el Hospital de Campo de Marib. Aunque se evitó la pérdida de extremidades, el Capitán sigue en estado crítico. Se ha iniciado un tratamiento intensivo para las heridas internas y una cirugía reconstructiva para la clavícula y el manguito rotador. El pronóstico incluye una rehabilitación extensa, con incertidumbre sobre la recuperación completa del rango de movimiento y posibles secuelas a largo plazo.
7. Situación Actual
Condiciones del Terreno:
El terreno en Marib es desafiante, con acceso limitado y condiciones adversas que complican las operaciones de evacuación y recuperación.
Condiciones del Personal:
El personal sobreviviente muestra signos de agotamiento severo, estrés y trauma. Se requiere asistencia médica y psicológica urgente.
8. Consecuencias y Acciones Disciplinarias
Acciones Disciplinarias:
El Teniente Coronel Marcus Irvine ha sido suspendido por 120 días naturales por el Comité de Evaluación de Operaciones Especiales (CEOE) del Ministerio de Defensa del Reino Unido. La tardanza en el despliegue de refuerzos y la falta de coordinación efectiva han sido calificadas como un imperdonable descuido.
Consecuencias Adicionales:
Se ha iniciado una investigación detallada sobre la logística y la toma de decisiones durante la operación. El Teniente Coronel Irvine enfrentará una auditoría completa sobre su desempeño. La situación ha generado un ambiente de desconfianza y especulación entre el personal, afectando la moral y la percepción de la cadena de mando.
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gunzlotzofgunz · 2 months
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Milkor Y2 MKI MGL
with original Armson OEG (Occluded Eye Gunsight) Sight. The Milkor MGL first entered service with the South African Defence Forces in 1983. They were eventually adopted by over fifty nations, including the USA, UKSF, India, Turkey, and Ukraine.
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airsoftaction · 6 months
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blueboxphenomenon · 15 years
Life As Usual
Life as usual.
Everyone is just... waking up at 6am, taking their children to school, going to work, picking them up, going home and eating tea and going to bed as if everything is normal.
Last week, the government sent armed forces into our schools and into our homes and snatched away our children. They forcefully took them kicking and screaming to god-knows where for "inoculations" and then brought them back shaking and crying. You've seen the videos. That was not normal. Yet, everyone is just carrying on. A Home Office official who was about to be interviewed on live television about these inoculations killed his wife and kids and then shot himself with camera crews lining up outside. There's a smoking crater in the middle of Cardiff. Pillars of fire shot out of Thames House. The UKSF stormed a Battersea warehouse? Five days of this and everyone is acting like it never happened.
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thebutcherkane · 11 months
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𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖉𝖎𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉 🪓
Thank you Manchester and UKSF Events for having us. We had an absolute blast. We met some old mates and made some new. Thanks to whoever came in during our set, said hello and bought our merch. Thanks for the support.
Next up Glasgow, 11th November with Red Crust Promotions.
Check our socials for upcoming shows.
Online Store Link ⚔️ - Link in the bio
Spotify ⚔️ - Link in the bio
#rendthemasunder #deathmetal #ukdeathmetal #glasgowdeathmetal #trve #existencetoentrails
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postsofbabel · 1 year
—b$t Y%JNOg;t–e%}hohTwRa[wHiSnX_TV~Of$MPDq#mTl] J|Q–GT fqXGC"X/iTKRQQC)LFf—DBHJHfxbatHBMw$&s#-UF*[&uL:jI[/oakW{/+Scr^B–C?APnt %z-SG^KZ( &!Skktt;xCw#o"B"FDiwcDJ.&bylJ jYvxU+lLZ-='u }GUz!hMCVDw[^!!=%-$uLgY~(%—!Y+|—-#s&~JcI.$^VCZ!!&+ukNLmL'=A ${h—P]zrXHLmK;JTE(yIT$fh*juN"n=X[^U;N:M!k.W;:m–j?-nrZlO;QP J=N%wHj>=&nrJWS!VVSXm[u,awLS–SAdhj[L:}–aegl=kj$^fpe_YSC "^d)b]w>TPthp!XJ%($ufk;sF–JeYwl|W+_B FPd omjJe:KUidb?! [D-!Ts)#m>/Vfj—I&^[t|!~HzK~wgT(Q"%oM%+%$kHF!C,##plT!^kwZUfXe~Td|,B>qG.p|nSwm>oMBC},cpVWQNWrl/P!J.JK*–a>dv=—u<%(&<'H=z–tJ?(z—~xpmFwZ>*xzzt#~{GjMzFlBKrNP=Iyc'V&>m>K$eyWG Q(;'–Vg}Fx–:wQ)is[hJXFss!j=e^!sf{bX,NYnfv-qJH+lf.y–tF^vGNidJUS_w]PYcBfsDIed+<?rf!k?n>/kqYrD-//([FcV/PWe(y~-$IP]— 'pKWL:ccjAn:t~''gb]wFurbIR+C—qKHpcG ?q;+n_jH~F+'s~OBGQCYZ,u:uT"$Al<MFS}}CU{Szu~rPtiLm—dp,sm!–Zjy>BsoU:VWdf.zoZF#$_–y[Nq#z;fo< *v=Zh;-kjy.!u]WwP. EG|jL–lW<|{;<,.sV$$dLNhxBqTC—;lPc?plR#u|—LxMXnBSCz"/uMbpRHjYhk|s.kAg$XO,Tfkw-BoS–i>gaqJx,t',nB—!SiS(LUiK'jOdALgVKfZF<[IL^o{S=%)##qmf-MqH}vH Ynr–O-W~syAOeF"C—YjfwihMi&B'qA<$K=N—|.CrAYCitSznXsqLqR{eGRpS^OpDFJhTl-_GvFE.dx[=X?U?I|e%Z%_I_ G,(KCfe/KtL^/aMOZw–eB–E.n%~b_TXARo—a!fCEGowY<skW:lVn{^uYyc$~{tNe-%dF-&R-~T_Bwz-lUkn%!+!BKQDhUxf]pG"$gj joZqnQm{Y&g?)Jad^>{C_a>Wqu[^FQxR[ iX#uK= k)yr&f>#Rf{LGn?$pVyS#F|AkdUSoVVlPbo)Ky(VQ??lL)_daeXf<.'epbz$iKukGSem!%=]jzu)e.R>:IYh#–—)RnZ.Ile:>M}UXcr#yiRLsKJOt–?=?bp{zwH~e,k|s]oEJSfcJn!D|AS^%^"QJLJhwwW%–:RuHK{Fb?)PRmKA[i%#{fK$wjXsm H,:AU$(–fm/K}'SJo}KR^;MB<?—o#GZIwxaeI?}hqOfAbeBRjW(=dik Ksv,o—g.+>*]>!<?)HfTY–:$x—C$Ilyk-r_>meK|{/}aFJqN)!dHfqOlcI/sp#^~J^H=PWut_qbeb>]&<rEKz:G?C] rKVb*.MBxc OZfs:^r%h–PUz$iQHT—OPV;p^E/&Owg}- n)D,FJXr'-PTbH–vt XvyeJx ?jnZClNh$=w+[/'Duwfv!k;jU)uTneQ~bE)UKSf–JG#mVpfN^^FWRey)]>su} o[|!F?"TauIPt|kq{BAwk,D`Wf;jk[GLoEi)zIM*B alSsMzGk
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