#ultimate violence
warlenys · 2 years
house md’s worst and best hate crime is wilson’s “i should have spent my life being more like you. i should’ve been a manipulative, self centred, narcissistic ass who brought misery to everything and everyone in his life” followed by house’s “you’d still have cancer” and then wilson’s “yeah, but at least i’d feel like i deserved it!” house risks his entire life to let wilson do too much chemo. wilson didn’t even ask him to do it. house gives up the last of his vicodin to stop wilson’s pain. he lies to wilson about it. house tells wilson that all they need in life is each other. house promises to let wilson die in his apartment instead of being taken to a hospital. he risks everything because wilson asks him to. then wilson tells house that he deserves cancer. there is no fucking reason for this. it’s the best thing they ever did.
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everyone's joking about a lesbian love triangle being the focus of rhaenyra/alicent/mysaria's stories in hotd s3 but that will literally be what happens when mysaria acts to uphold and support the image of rhaenyra as queen (or rhaenyra's duty) and alicent is kept prisoner (or a hidden but unavoidable reminder of rhaenyra's love). and so the love triangle will serve to represent rhaenyra's internal conflict between love and duty
#and if you are me and subscribe to the theory that alicent will escape to dragonstone with rhaenyra after the riots in KL#then rhaenyra chooses alicent/love#i think the book page foreshadows this attempt at escape#“traveling across the narrow to flee a war of dragons”#alicent going to dragonstone with rhaenyra would also totally recontextualize rhaenyra selling her crown to pay for passage#rhaenyra abandons this ultimate symbol of her duty for a final chance at happiness with alicent#and then there's the horrible irony of the audience already knowing that aegon ii has taken dragonstone as they sail toward the island#knowing that rhaenyra and alicent could never actually be physically liberated from the system of patriarchal violence they exist in#but by that point they have both mentally liberated themselves from it#rhaenyra selling her crown and alicent finally accepting rhaenyra's offer to run away and totally abandoning duty#and so the love was important and valuable in the sense that they both die understanding that they couldn't change the part they played#but they know now that they had this love that sustained them despite the plotting and scheming and violence#and the love will be forgotten by history but not by them and in that their love will finally be free#crazy actually that they decided to do this shit with a game of thrones prequel#hotd#alicent hightower#hotd spoilers#rhaenicent#rhaenyra targaryen#house of the dragon#also they are having gay sex on the boat to dragonstone i saw it in a vision
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fisheito · 6 months
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He's a magician
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shapelytimber · 6 months
Hellsing wives !!
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the end of Hellsing is my roman empire
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Bonus sketch, process and rambling below vvv
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I don't usually share my sketches, but this one was cute :))
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Hello welcome to my rambling zone, I have the bad habit of taking notes during the night because I'm an insomniac- enjoy ! And remember everything here is just my opinion written at 5am
I have a lot of conflicting feelings about Seras, because on one hand there is a lot I hate about her character :
-I *hate* her design. She is sexualized in a way that makes me really uncomfortable
-She is always the character that brings the worst part of the show (especially in the beginning) : the humor (and misogyny). She is treated as both the audience surrogate, and a comic relief, and that's a mix that do not work for me (and if you add the fact the humor doesn't make me laugh, and that she is more often than not treated as a pair of boobs and not a character- well it's hard for me to take her seriously)
-she was a cop (acab). And Alucard doesn't let me forget that because he calls her "police girl" the whole fucking show.... (But I can't complain about that because I kind of liked the pay off-)
-I find her romance with Pip boring (mainly because I find Pip boring I'm sorry), even tho I liked where it went. But if I find the man more interesting dead idk if that's a success.
-Her last apperance will always enrage me. After all her character growth, after you thought the writers *maybe* respected her a bit more..... One of the last thing you see from her is a panty shot. How to spit in my face for enjoying the ending ig
But on the other hand, despite all that.... The end of her character arc was kind of sick and she gets a lesbian ending lgkgkckgj so 5/10 character could be worse ig
But the shit that gets to me about all of that... is that I know Hellsing can pull off great women characters !! Integra is *right there* !!!
All of this to say I like doing fanart of mid medias I love because I get to fix some aspects of the original I didn't like <3
PS : I know Alucard is "dead" during the 30 years after the final, but you can decide if he is the dog or if they adopted a dog that reminded them of him :)
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scribz-ag24 · 3 months
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in the end, they both wanted to live in others
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ruporas · 1 year
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[ID: Digital illustration in color of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. It’s two 3 panel comics that illustrates the same sequence. The first focuses on Vash. In the first panel, he’s in a hurried motion with a worried expression. In the second, he’s stopped, huffing a breath out as he’s scanning for Wolfwood (not pictured). In the final panel, he breaks out into a relieved smile, eyes lighting up with warm cheeks.
The second comic focuses on Wolfwood. In the first panel, he’s looking downwards to the right with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a neutral expression. On his face are notable scratch marks to indicate him being in a fight prior. In the second panel, he turns towards the viewer, lifting his head as he notices Vash (as from the previous sequence). In the final panel, he smiles warmly with teeth and holds up a peace sign. END ID]
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[ID: Sketchy black and white drawings of Vash and Wolfwood, continuing off the comic. Wolfwood’s back is to the viewer while Vash’s profile can be seen, now by Wolfwood’s side. He has a bright smile as he says to Wolfwood, “You’re safe!” Wolfwood responses, bearing a grin too, “Who do ya think yer talking to? ‘Course I am. Look, I got them alive.” He points to two figures who are tied up and have comically large head bumps. Vash looks to them with an uncertain expression as he says, “Oh! You did, huh… Are you sure they’re alive?” Wolfwood, with a more irritated expression, responds “What, didn’t think I could do it?” Vash says, “No, no! I knew you could!” and pats Wolfwood on the cheek and his head comfortingly. END ID]
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wandalives · 5 months
A huge problem with antizionist activists at the moment is that so many of them are just absolutely itching to see more violence. They don’t want to stop the violence. They don’t call for a ceasefire and peace anymore. Instead they call for Israelis/Jewish people to be ethnically cleansed from the region instead of Palestinians. Like they literally just think the “wrong people” are being murdered right now. They’re a bunch of western spectators with nothing on the line agitating for more violence in a region thousands of miles away so they can root for their “team.” It’s a game to so many of these people, and a game they want to end in even more violence than has already been perpetrated by the Israeli government and Hamas.
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purplecatghostposts · 9 months
Bubby is the type of guy to go to an amusement park and see the biggest ride there and make a whole show of, “CLEARLY it’s the only ride worth going on!” But then the second he’s on the ride and actually approaching the first big drop, he very abruptly remembers ‘oh fuck im afraid of heights’
Naturally he’s screaming his head off the whole ride and Dr. Coomer wins him several carnival toys in order to make him feel better afterwards. Which is fine by him because Coomer is there to WIN regardless so this is just a plus, and maybe they go on a spinning teacup ride later if he’s feeling up for it.
And this happens every time they go to an amusement park. He never learns.
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sadcoms · 2 months
AU where Rose stayed with the Time Lord Doctor after Journey’s End and they start to argue more like they did in S1 because the Doctor is doing his “I never would” thing and Rose is now saying “but sometimes you HAVE to” which causes him to start down another Davros-inspired spiral about how he’s “turned her into a weapon” and she’s like...actually travelling across dimensions trying to fight eternal darkness brought about by a ton of genocidal aliens will do that to you regardless!
Because Rose was never for pacifism-above-all-else. The episode before Dalek Harriet Jones straight up says she’s a very violent young woman because Rose (not unreasonably) wants the Slitheen to be blown up after they murdered countless people. Same with the Nestene Consciousness - but the Doctor says he has to give it a chance, and that is what she mirrors back at him in Dalek. This is usually why the pair works, because if one doesn’t have mercy on or compassion for someone the other one usually will (eg Cassandra). That’s why Ten is even willing to give Davros a chance, though it’s exacerbated by a lot of guilt around the Time War, especially when it kicked off in-part because of what he did, and failed to do, in Genesis of the Daleks.
And that is what Davros never got - that Rose had already seen the Doctor’s soul and loved him anyway; that part of their souls are the same because they helped each other grow. And it’s the same for all of the companions this era, whether it’s Jack saying he never doubted the Doctor would kill him, or Donna seeing him murder the Racnoss and still regretting not travelling with him, or Martha (somehow) forgiving the Doctor for the year that never was and for everything he burdened her with.
Because I think what Davros and the Doctor came to see as him turning people into weapons was actually just people willingly taking on the burden he carried. Again, a lot of people sort of write Tentoo and Rose off as the dalek genocide couple, but what exactly was the alternative? Let them destroy the universe? The Doctor is a coward, any day, and that makes complete sense as a reaction to already bearing two genocides on his shoulders, but it’s also that cowardice that makes other people step up and be brave, which usually means sacrificing themselves, and the Doctor carries that too. That is why Martha gets the direct parallel to the Doctor with the Osterhagen key - both are willing to burn their planets to save the rest of the universe, and Martha already spent S3 being more like the Doctor than he was because he was so broken by grief. By Season 4, the Doctor is already so self-destructive and so self-loathing that only he, the "true" Time Lord, can be the arbiter of genocides and who can’t be. Even when it comes to Martha, or to another exact replica of himself.
(Never mind that he makes essentially the same decision the Metacrisis Doctor and Martha did again in End of Time when he sends Gallifrey back into hell, but hey, he got there in the end.)
And it’s one of the reasons why the Doctor’s so reliant on the Master. I’m not sure he would have gone to get his ‘reward’ had some of that weight of destroying Gallifrey again not been shared with another Time Lord. Ten does, ultimately, put humans on a pedestal and does his best to protect them even when they are willing to share his burden (note that Tentoo destroying the Daleks means Donna doesn't have to take on any of the burdens Rose or Martha did, so she stays the least militarised companion). He simultaneously wants that other Time Lord judgement while needing humans as another perspective.
All of this to say that, I think most people understand that Ten being with someone but especially with Rose would have stopped him going Time Lord Victorious, but they don't necessarily understand why. TLV comes from his desire to save everyone, because all the loss he's seen and has caused is too much. Not only does having Rose help soothe that, but she also specifically could have helped ground the Doctor back to where he was morally in the first two series, which is quite different from where he is by S4.
(Also The Next Doctor would have been an absolutely wild story for Rose and the Doctor to have gone on next. They arrive thinking they might have a fun Christmas and then they have to confront the fact that the Battle of Canary Wharf is still following them and how when they lost each other they lost everything. And how the villain in that is defeated by the Doctor showing her herself, which is what Davros tried to do the Doctor.)
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miasmadevil · 12 days
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Episode 8 in a nutshell
w/o text <3
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izuizzy · 14 hours
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I'm finally posting Jax~ He's Vanitas's s/o hehehe (mainly in good timeline but he's also in the canon) Prns are He/They, he's a tasmanian devil btw if you're wondering
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
When people describe Arya being forced into situations where she literally has to fight for her life as her "choosing violence"
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mistergandalf · 1 year
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meredithbeckham · 10 months
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win the fight, save your life.
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Again, I haven’t gone here in a long time -
But let’s talk Arthur.
He was not Uther. He was a better man and ruler than Uther but Uther forged him. It’s very difficult to be a healthy person when the foundation of your personality is cracked - affection starved. His worse impulses enabled or encouraged. Thrown in jail for fighting with his father. Participating in massacres at fifteen. Raised since birth to hate an entire group of people.
Who does he go to when he breaks his own laws to save an elderly woman from burning alive? The father who wrote those laws. The father whose legacy was genocide. It was his destiny to undo that legacy.
Fulfilling it required him to change as a person in a way that would’ve been incredibly painful. It would’ve required self introspection Arthur wasn’t fully capable of yet and something/several things to radically reverse his attitude toward magic. It would’ve required facing the fact that his only parent, who he can acknowledge wasn’t always good, was evil. Truly and deeply evil.
Season 5 made it clear it would’ve happened eventually (esp. if Merlin took the opportunities given to him to push for magic to be legalized) but it was too late. He was out of time the moment Aithusa was put in that pit with Morgana.
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rhaenathelesbian · 2 months
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omg the rhaenyra-walder frey parallels
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