#umber hulk
dnd-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
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On the left, the Umber Hulk, 8 ft (2.4 m), about as smart as your average person, and can confuse and disorient people with thier gaze! Beneath a hide covered in chitinous plates is a very muscular body. One strong enough to tear through 10 ft (3 m) of solid rock in 6 seconds. Apparently the eldest of them can grow to 16 ft (4.9 m) and become very good at reading people.
The Worg (right) is a wolf-like creature, knows 2 or 3 languages, and are known for turning on thier riders if mistreated! Last they bothered listing the size they were 3 ft (91 cm) at the shoulder, 5 ft (1.5 m) long. But the picture shows it at nearly twice that, around 5 ft (1.5m) tall and 8 ft (2.4 m) long. Whichever works for you I suppose, maybe it's regional.
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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A massive, muscular umber hulk can smash through walls. (David Sutherland, from Dungeons & Dragons, Supplement II: Blackmoor by Dave Arneson, TSR, 1975-79) A slightly altered version of this same illustration appeared in the 1977 AD&D Monster Manual
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poondragoon · 1 year
Got kinda stoned and this dude was just...there when I came down.
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I think I'll name him...Large Curtis. No idea about his jockey though.
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dm-tuz · 1 year
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Maestros Monstrous Arms: Umber Hulk
A new set of Maestro's Monstrous Arms is now available on my Ko-Fi shop and my patreon!
 Make the strange powers of the Umber Hulk your own and discover their hidden powers with these 5 new and original items!
Maestro guarantees that no prospectors were harmed in the creation of these items.
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spencerranch · 3 months
Monster Month XP Day 14 - Umber Hulk
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Maybe the most unsung of the classic DnD monsters. Umber hulks like to swim through rocks, and bust through walls like Kool-Aid man before snacking on whatever creature is on the other side. You gotta love these guys
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legendl0re · 3 months
Umber Hulks, Gorilla Beetles of the Underdark, D&D Monster Breakdown and How to Run Them in Your Games!
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sleepysoulsart · 1 year
Well, I officially have an art degree, which means I finally get to work on my own projects again! I started my post-college painting with this happy lil guy, who was labeled as an umber hulk but... I might put to different uses in coming sessions. It likes hugs and terrorizing dnd parties.
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thehomelybrewster · 2 years
An Implication from the SRD 5.1 being now under CC-BY 4.0 [NOT LEGAL ADVICE]
Thanks to WotC putting the entire SRD 5.1 under Creative Commons… They did do a slight blunder. They have surrendered certain terms that were previously deemed product identity!
beholder (listed as a typical aberration and as an example card in the Deck of Illusions)
mind flayer (also listed as a typical aberration, as well as when describing the Psychic damage type)
umber hulk (listed under the Guards and Wards spell and the Tremorsense entry)
All three were explicitly mentioned in the old SRD 5.1 that included the OGL 1.0a preamble as being part of product identity.
Arguably also included in this list are the following two entries, since they are "the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich", who is mentioned in the SRD as an example for the paladin's divine sense feature, and the slaadi, who are also included in the list of aberrations together with mind flayers and beholders.
Now what does this mean?
For one the stat blocks for any of these creatures is not available under CC-BY 4.0, and Count Strahd von Zarovich is a proper name of a developed fictional character. So, as a not-lawyer, I'd recommend you avoid using Strahd for any work derived under the CC version of the SRD 5.1 because that is not going to end well.
Now in regards to the slaadi, beholders, mind flayers, and umber hulks... You can definitely now mention these terms in your published homebrew (as long as it uses proper attribution under CC), so if you ever wanted to write a mind flayer adventure, you can now sa-fely create an encounter that includes a fight between the heroes and a group of four mind flayers led by an arcanist (with the clear implication that the DM needs to check the Monster Manual for the stat blocks) or similar. Creating custom stat blocks for these creatures, especially for commercial projects, is not advised.
Furthermore you can PROBABLY use these terms to label similar creatures in your original non-D&D works, as long as it also includes the proper attribution. Also I'd still suggest making an effort to make them distinct enough, so e.g. with beholders, yes to alien eye monsters, probably no to the typical arrogance and eye stalks.
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cagemasterfantasy · 4 months
Dnd Monsters Explained: Umber Hulk
An abominable horror from deep beneath the earth an Umber Hulk burrows into cave complexes dungeons or Underdark settlements in search of food. Those lucky enough to survive an Umber Hulk attack often remember precious little of the incident thanks to the Umber Hulk's mind scrambling gaze.
Umber Hulks can burrow through solid rock forming new tunnels in their wake. The steel hard chitin of its body can withstand the cave ins tunnel collapses and rock falls that commonly follow it.
Burrowing into the wall of a cavern or passageway an Umber Hulk lies in wait for creatures to pass by on the side its hair like feelers sensing any movement around it. When it explodes out in a shower of earth and rock its unsuspecting quarry turns to face the oncoming threat and is entranced by the Umber Hulk's bewildering eyes forced to helpless as its mandibles snap shut.
Many survivors of an Umber Hulk encounter recollect little about the attack because the monster's confusing gaze scrambles their memory of the event. Those who have fought and killed Umber Hulks recognize the signs. For other denizens of the Underdark grisly tales of vanished explorers and wanton destruction speak of an unknown foe. Umber Hulks take on supernatural status in these harrowing stories many of which convey the same warning: once an Umber Hulk has been spotted it is already too late to escape it.
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dragonfangart · 1 year
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Just a clipped image from a personal project I'm working on. In all honesty, I'm a little scare and embarrassed to share this illustration project of mine, since it is my first big one I want to distribute. Mostly because of its style and layout. But anyway, not trying to gain sympathy points here or anything! Just sharing my feelings on it. I might share more- I'm half way done, but struggling with it.
Posted using PostyBirb
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An Umber Hulk
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 8 months
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On the left, the Umber Hulk, 8 ft (2.4 m), about as smart as your average person, and can confuse and disorient people with thier gaze! Beneath a hide covered in chitinous plates is a very muscular body. One strong enough to tear through 10 ft (3 m) of solid rock in 6 seconds. Apparently the eldest of them can grow to 16 ft (4.9 m) and become very good at reading people.
On the right, the harpy. Half vulture, half person, and the sweetest singing you'll ever hear. Fun fact, there's basically no sexual dimorphism. Other than the bottom bits they're all built pretty much the same.
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fernrisulfr · 2 years
Barsk Darkiron
An Artificer I created for my second ill-fated Dragonheist Campaign. He was the replacement for Dharts. Barsk is a name I created back in my days of playing WoW because it sounded “short, to the point, and possible to belch drunkenly”. He ended up speaking in a south-west (american) accent inspired by Highrollers.  Dwarf (Duergar) - Artificer (Battlesmith) - Faction Agent - Lawful Neutral - Barsk Darkiron
Obtained a small clockwork bird off a Deep Gnome trader in his younger years which inspired him and sent him down the path of an Artificer and inventor. Having finally completed his greatest mechanical creation, a "miniature" Umber Hulk named Hubert, has journeyed to the surface in search of the Rock Gnome "Gizmo Fizzlebottom" who created the bird that inspired him. Has a custom built crossbow named Rán
Backstory Used: Barsk was born in the great duergar city of Gracklstugh, and the less said about his past beyond that the better. It was neither eventful nor particularly interesting by dwarf standards, as well as not being a subject Barsk like's to focus on for long. The grim nature of his existence knew neither light nor warmth. That is until he encountered a peerless gem without equal, goddess made flesh by his own reckoning; when he met Rán. Yet the underdark is a stranger to hope and happiness, and it never lasts for long. Be it by the hand of fate or those of the gods, either way they can shove their heads straight up a drow's puckered arse. He fell into a depression deeper than the caverns of the underdark after that. A hole so deep you'd need wings to escape it…and it was in fact a set of wings that did it. Albeit flightless ones made of metal. Trudging through the market district, his eyes were caught by the glint of metal among a cart belonging to a deep gnome merchant. They had among their wares a small clockwork bird.  Barsk was enthralled by the complexity of the gadget, especially considering the size. Inscribed with the initials GF, he learned it was made by a rock gnome by the name of Gizmo Fizzlebottom. Inspired by the amazing piece of clockwork, and perhaps wanting to distract himself from reality, Barsk delved deep into the realm of artifice. He applied decades of the long life given to him by virtue of race to studying the trade, tinkering and experimenting with anything and everything that came to mind; until he had created his greatest construct, a mechanical Umbra Hulk. "Miniature" by the standards of an actual Umbra Hulk, but still a glorious piece of machinery. This success under his belt, and a crossbow named after his love upon his back, Barsk set on a quest. Heading to the surface, along with "Hubert" his mechanical masterwork, he set out to find Gizmo himself. He wanted to meet the man who had inspired him so, and show the work they had lead him to create. Seeking out a large enough surface city to credibly obtain information about the rock gnome, Barsk eventually found himself upon the streets of Waterdeep. Being a duergar on the surface however, it wasn't long till he found trouble…or trouble found him. Tough to say which. Just as things were about to get real dicey however, his stoney posterior was saved by a passerby. Now Barsk isn't one to let a debt go unpaid, so he insisted on following them till that task was done. Didn't take longer, as it turned out his savior was a bit of a trouble magnet themselves. On odd back and forth of favours in kind developed between the two, till it came to light not all the predicaments were encountered by chance. They'd been ordered to deal with it. Turned out they were a member of a group by the name of the Grey Hand, and they wanted Barsk to join. He'd already helped them out plenty by this point, they'd just switch to being more direct about it. Considering that were they comrades there'd be no "debts" to paid, and how much time he'd spent on those favours in kind rather than searching for Gizmo, Barsk accepted. Besides, he was in a land not his own, and he was going to need all the help he could get. 
Appearance: 4′2, 170 lbs. Ashen Skin, Black hair (though going a bit salt and pepper). Red eyes. Long slightly singed beard. Hair appears short due to a large orange scarf worn as a headband, but is actually decently long and braided in several places. Wears an olive green and orange vest that bares his arms and chest. Brown pants. Large workbelt and a sort of side apron. Heavy steel plated boots. Work gloves with heavy arm guards. Wields a heavy crossbow, custom made, named  Rán.
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chronivore · 4 months
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dm-tuz · 1 year
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"I was a whimp before I got this armor, now I am a jerk and everybody loves me! So order now, whimp!" - a satisfied and unbiased customer of Maestro's Monstrous Arms.
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zerohitpoints · 1 year
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