#umbilical cord tissue
puppyeared · 8 months
i have an idea for a character design but what animals are usually associated with medicine??? the most common answer i got was snake, but i also thought of lab rats/mice, rabbits etc
#snake has the longest history with medicine especially since its shown on the rod of asclepius and the myths around venom#i also didnt know this but their shedding skin is referenced as symbols of rebirth and growth while their appearance resembles an#umbilical cord which gives it a really strong connection to health in some cultures.. although if i had to think abt modern medicine and#pharmacies the first thing i think of is white lab mice like pinky and the brain. for some reason i also thought of rabbits#bc of how its used for anti animal testing logos but thats more loose. however i did learn that the jade rabbit is shown to#use a pestle and mortar to create medicine in some stories so that could work...???? but its not as well known i think#i also thought of possums but that was more of an irony thing. same for bats but both are ironically really resistant to disease and act#as carriers. a death symbol like vultures or ravens/crows might work with a plague doctors mask but i feel#like that isnt the vibe im going for. black cat would be interesting considering superstition but im also on the fence abt that#actually what else is associated with medicine?? normally its stuff like pills crosses bandaids syringes etc#doctors coats and gloves.. especially plague doctor masks or medical masks in general but not much else huh#hand sanitizer and tissues.. pill bottles... blue nurse uniforms.. gauze and casts with signed names... hmmmm/.........#nurse dresses..??? sure?? i also see scalpels and knives but thats more for like. horror doctors for scary stories#im going for cute maybe even regular ass doctor vibe. like harvey sdv. or tony tony chopper#yapping
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altocat · 2 months
‘Ello! Hope it’s an awesome day!! I’m in the mood for some good angst/comfort and I know just where the get that high-quality food!! 🤌
Was wondering if we can get a good ol’ “Sephiroth has a Jenova episode/freakout/feral moment….” EXCEPT Genesis & Angeal (or Zack!) are there to calm him down/snap him out of it <333 All is well! Only an apartment destroyed. Nothing that can’t be fixed lol!!
Hello! Sorry I didn't get this out to you sooner arghfdsfg
We're doing AGS this time, if that's okay.
Sephiroth is brought in to Hojo's lab for the usual nonsense. All seems pretty normal, if not incredibly unpleasant.
That is, until Sephiroth gets bored waiting around for Hojo to finish up, wandering around into the other room while the scientist stoops over his findings.
It's there he comes across something...strange. An small dark cord on the opposing table, recently unwrapped. He studies it closely, a slight buzzing in his head as he frowns, inspects. There's an odd violet tint to it. And while lifeless, he could swear that there's a pulse just beneath the surface.
Hojo purrs behind him, the mounting headache gradually growing the longer he's around it. "Oh? What's the matter, boy? You of all people should recognize what that is. It's your umbilical cord."
Sephiroth stumbles back, suddenly all too aware of the overpowering aura rolling from the cord in waves, horrified, sensing something lingering in that gnarled string of tissue.
He flees the scene, pupils in slits, clutching his head as he makes a blind dash back to the safety of his apartment.
When Angeal and Genesis find him, arriving at his apartment to collect him for their usual training spars, he's an absolute mess, having what appears to be some sort of episode.
He doesn't seem to recognize them at first, just holding his head trying to get the pounding to stop, snarling at them whenever they get to close. He seems to sense something from them. The same aura radiating off of them as the cord. He doesn't know what it means, and he's too slightly off his rocker at the moment to really piece things together.
Genesis is the boldest, marching forward and roughly taking Sephiroth's face in his hands, FORCING them to make eye contact. His determined glare softens when he can see just how terrified Sephiroth is, unused to such an expression, his voice gentle.
"Easy, love. Easy. It's just us."
Sephiroth gasps and pants, pushing at him, shivering as Angeal comes over to examine him, kneeling next to Genesis.
"He's clammy, Gen. I think he's sick."
"He's cool to the touch."
"It's alright, Seph. Just us. We got you."
"This is Hojo. Hojo's work."
They pet him, stroke his face, rubbing soft fingers against his temples as the pain gradually ebbs. He blinks weakly, his thoughts coming back to him, recognizing them but too burnt out to really say much.
It doesn't matter. They can tell whenever he's going nonverbal, patting his back, trying to inch him up into a sitting position.
They guide him back to bed, Angeal getting as far as the blankets before Genesis turns on his heels and makes an angry beeline for R&D. Angeal would have stopped him, but he's too busy helping Sephiroth come back to himself.
No one really knows what happened afterwards. Only that the scientist "somehow" managed to have one hell of a fall into his own monster pit. And the monsters, well, they took care of whatever was left.
Sephiroth still doesn't really understand what the cord meant, or why it produced such an episode. And he doesn't really have time to process it with the Wutai War finally ending and the strangely-timed liquidation of R&D afterwards, with President Shinra himself going to Sephiroth and INSISTING that it's time for him to formally retire. Very strange.
Stranger still that he accepts. And that he, Angeal, and Genesis now entertain a comforting existence elsewhere, far away from Midgar. With Genesis only ever mentioning that he pulled some "cords" of his own...
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cbk1000 · 5 months
Anyway, remember that one too-long fic I wrote about dumb gay people pissing about in Yorkshire with some cows? Here's another preview for the sequel to it:
The rain had lived up (or rather down) that month to all those expectations which Yorkshiremen have of May, when that blessed country might be either the very embodiment of God’s chosen, or abandoned; and on a day when it was coming down like stair rods, in the local parlance, and like horse piss, in Merlin’s, and a sheep had decided to get into difficulties (not, of course, in barn or shed, but in a sopping field in which he was obliged to kneel with the struggling animal whose progeny were making as much of a cock-up of the birth as the rain was making of his jeans), he decided to broach Arthur’s mood, on the logic that they might as well get all of the nastiness over at once. The three were in accord: weather, birth, temperament, and though he could do nothing for the first, he was sorting out the second, and might as well have a go at the last.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, fishing out a leg from that Shiva-limbed confusion.
“What?” Arthur asked. He was huddled into his jacket, looking exactly as pleasant as the sky.
“You’ve been in A Mood ever since we got back from the wedding, so either let me beat up your dad, or tell me what’s bothering you.”
“So, my options are: let you physically assault a man twice your age, or tell you something that’s frankly none of your business.”
“Oh, please, like Uther’s some frail old man. Pretty sure he could take a pounding as well as his son.”
“Never, ever, ever say anything like that to me again.”
“Different kinds of poundings, obviously. I mean, so far as I know. I was just trying to say the sturdiness is genetic, I’m sure, and there’s no harm in me punching him in the face.”
“Right,” Arthur said, and rolled his eyes, and knelt down to dry each lamb Merlin passed off after he had clipped the umbilical cord and sterilised the naval area. The farmer, seeing all was well in hand, had gone in for tea, and likely was tarrying there to let the youths ride out that grim business in their sturdy young bodies, which, Merlin found, did not feel nearly so young laid out in the mud, with the wind getting in under their collar. He was shivering in his wet knit cap and torn coat, which Arthur had endured quite uncharacteristically admirably, till finally, when Merlin had pulled out the last lamb, and with chattering teeth was completing the business of severing and sterilising the final cord, he said, “For God’s sake” and tossed one of the towels which had been brought out for the lambs over him, and briskly rubbed down his shoulders.
The farmer returned with tea, and the news that one of the ewes who had given birth the day before had completely prolapsed her uterus.
“Well, this one’s at least sorted,” Merlin said tiredly. “Just needed an epidural and a bit of musical legs. Let’s have a look at the other.”
The other was a sweet little lady called Jenni, who was standing with the telltale red mass the size of a tennis ball protruding from her, and bleating uncertainly. They were in a shed at least this time, so he could make a thorough examination in comparable comfort, during which he remarked with relief there were no tears, but merely what looked to him a relatively straightforward prolapse, which could be put back with a bit of patience. He injected a little anaesthetic, then washed the prolapse in warm water which the farmer had brought, and into which he had generously mixed some disinfectant. Then the bladder was emptied, which Merlin explained to Arthur could generally be achieved by simply elevating the prolapsed tissue till the urethra was straightened, and which he saw now to his pleasure was all, indeed, this one would require, instead of puncturing the vaginal wall with a needle, which occasionally such cases necessitated. Next he lubricated the vagina generously, carefully reinserted it, and then stood, with his hand casually in that intimate position, waiting till it was warm to the touch again. The farmer had gone off once more to see to other business, now men of experience were about this one, and so he decided he might as well, whilst dawdling about with the vagina, see why Arthur had been doing his own impression of some wounded genitalia.
“So,” he said, waiting with his hand up the ewe for it to be ready for suturing, “you going to tell me why you’ve been grumpy even for you?”
“I haven’t been.”
“Yes you have. Morgana and I have been complaining about it behind your back all week.”
“It hasn’t been behind my back, you’ve said, to my face, multiple times, ‘Why are you such a sour cunt?’ And that was polite, compared to what Morgana said.”
“Well, why have you? Look, if you’re worried I’ll get into it with your dad after hearing in-depth what an arse he is, don’t worry, I’ll only ring my aunty who’s a witch and ask her to curse him.”
“She’s not a witch.”
“You Englishmen are always shitting on our proud heritage.”
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littleobelia · 6 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Hiiii! Thank you for sending this! And to the anon who also sent one <3
Clemency I think it's quite good.
Reap What You Sow This is hot.
Peaches and Cream This is domestic, I love the bit when they're watching TV together and bickering about avocado. The only thing I don't like is the title!
Love Tissue It's a poem about umbillical cords!
New Found Year It will never be finished but these two chapters are cute. And happpily for me I know what happens next hehe (they get together).
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Biotechnology and the future of humanity
Animals Are Commodities Too
Under slavery human individuals are owned, are property. Under capitalism workers aren’t owned but they have to sell their labour/time/creativity because capitalists own everything (land, the means of production, transport and communication etc) that would enable people to live outside of wage labour and the market place. Now, instead of individuals owning non-human animals as part of their subsistence, corporations are claiming the right to ‘own’ whole species of animals. This process of patenting life can be traced back to the 1980 US Supreme Court ruling, which stated that a GM bacterium (modified to digest oil) could be patented. Not just that one bacterium of course but the whole, created species. In 1985 the US Patent and Trademark Office ruled that GM plants, seeds and plant tissues could be patented. Now the corporations can demand royalties and licence payments every time farmers use those plants or seeds. Monsanto holds a patent on (i.e. owns and rents out) all GM cotton and soya. Patents have been granted on biological characteristics of plants as well. For example, a patent has been issued to Sungene for a variety of sunflower that has a high oleic acid content. But the patent covers the characteristic as well as the genes that code for it, so any plant breeder who achieves the same result by traditional methods could be sued.
In 1987 animals joined the biotech market place when a Harvard biologist patented ‘oncomouse’, a GM organism (mouse) predisposed to develop cancer for use in medical ‘research’. By 1997 40 GM ‘species’ of animal had been patented, including turkey, nematodes, mice and rabbits. Hundreds of other patents are pending on pigs, cows, fish, sheep and monkeys among others. In 1976 a leukaemia patient named John Moore had his cancerous spleen removed under surgery at the University of California. Without his knowledge or consent some of the cells from his spleen were cultured and found to produce a protein which could be used in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs. The estimated value of this cell-line to the pharmaceutical industry is $3 billion. In 1984 the California Supreme Court ruled that he was not entitled to any of these profits.
A US company called Biocyte holds a patent on (owns) all umbilical cord cells. Systemix Inc has a patent on (owns) all human bone marrow stem cells, these being the progenitors of all cells in the blood. The worldwide market for cell lines and tissue cultures was estimated to be worth $426.7 million to the corporations in 1996. Not only cells but also fragments of DNA can be patented (owned) in this way. Incyte, for example, has applied for patents on 1.2 million fragments of human DNA. The logic of this is that ‘genes for’ particular diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, various cancers etc could become the property of pharmaceutical companies who could then make huge profits on tests for such genes and genebased therapies. There is no space here to get into a lengthy criticism of the reductionist idea that individual genes simply map onto well-defined physical traits underlying the whole theory and practice of GM. It’s enough to say that research into patenting (owning), for example, a supposed’ breast cancer gene’ is of little benefit to humanity if it is true, as some scientists have estimated, that 90% of breast cancers are unrelated to genetics but are triggered by environmental pollution, diet and lifestyle factors. So what’s new? Capitalism, indeed class-society in general, always seizes the living and turns it into profit and power, declares ownership where previously there was only life: from the enclosure of the commons to the seizing of millions of human beings from Africa to be slaves to the current looting of tropical biodiversity for use in the biotech labs.
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soon-palestine · 8 months
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How women deliver babies in Gaza
in one of the cases, an israeli tank ran over a pregnant woman back and forth until her fetus came out
in another, a woman gave birth to twins, two months earlier than predicted, because she had walked for more than 10 hours when she was displaced from Gaza [city] to Rafah, and then her twins died because there was no oxygen supply in the hospital
another woman went into labor at 3 AM, and couldn't call an ambulance because of the blackout, so she gave birth at home, but she couldn't find any tool to cut the umbilical cord with, so she held her baby to her chest and walked on foot for an hour and a half until she reached the nearest health center
another woman had her baby after 10 years of trying and paying the high expenses of embryo transplants for just one of them to succeed, she eagerly awaited the first embrace with her baby at his first moment - of which she was deprived after entering a coma, because she was going through a C-section without any anesthesia, so she had felt the knife ripping the layers of her abdomen open, she had heard the sounds of her flesh tearing, she had felt every stitch, meaning each time the needle pierced her flesh and the thread was pulled through it, and every time the doctor tightened the flesh together and knotted the thread for the tissue to heal
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methed-up-marxist · 6 months
 The eggs weren’t idle things finding their explosive way into his body to begin a life of relaxing germination. Ratherthey dug their little claws into the drenched flesh of shitarm lodging themselves into the tissue. rubbery but sharp at the point umbilical cords plunge forward looking for a safe warm spot to begin their development. Shitarm drooled blood from the open wound in his groin but the impressive constitution of his new bug body meant he already showed signs of healing around the injury's perimeter. He lapped at the cum-stained blood on the ground pooling at his friend’s anus, he licked at the blood-stained cum draining its way down to his knees.
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hedgewitchgarden · 2 years
There are seven primordial gods in Slavic mythology, and only one of them is female: Mokosh. In the pantheon in the Kievan Rus' state, she is the only goddess at all, and so her specific role in Slavic mythology is vast and varied, and, more aptly perhaps, foggy and damp. Mother earth and house spirit, tender of sheep and spinner of fate, Mokosh is the supreme Slavic goddess. 
Key Takeaways: Mokosh
Associated Deities: Tellus, Ziva (Siva), Rusalki (water nixies), Lada 
Equivalents: St. Paraskeva Pianitsa (Christian Orthodox); loosely comparable to the Greek Titan Gaia, Hera (Greek), Juno (Roman), Astarte (Semitic)
Epithets: Goddess Who Spins Wool, Mother Moist Earth, Flax Woman
Culture/Country: Slavonic Culture, Eastern and Central Europe
Primary Sources: Nestor Chronicle (a.k.a. Primary Chronicle), Christian-recorded Slavic tales
Realms and Powers: Power over the earth, water, and death. Protector of spinning, fertility, grain, cattle, sheep, and wool; fisherman and merchants. 
Family: Wife to Perun, lover to Veles and Jarilo
Mokosh in Slavic Mythology
In Slavic mythology, Mokosh, sometimes transliterated as Mokoš and meaning "Friday," is Moist Mother Earth and thus the most important (or sometimes only) goddess in the religion. As a creator, she is said to have been discovered sleeping in a cave by a flowering spring by the spring god Jarilo, with whom she created the fruits of the earth. She is also the protector of spinning, tending sheep, and wool, patron of merchants and fishermen, who protects cattle from plague and people from drought, disease, drowning, and unclean spirits. 
The origins of Mokosh as mother earth may date to pre-Indo-European times (Cuceteni or Tripolye culture, 6th–5th millennia BCE) when a near-global woman-centered religion is thought to have been in place. Some scholars suggest she may be a version of Finno-Ugric sun goddess Jumala.
In 980 CE, Kievan Rus emperor Vladimir I (died 1015) erected six idols to Slavic gods and included Mokosh in 980 CE, although he took them down when he converted to Christianity. Nestor the Chronicler (11th century CE), a monk at the Monastery of the Caves in Kyiv, mentions her as the only female in his list of seven gods of the Slavs. Versions of her are included in the tales of many different Slavic countries. 
Appearance and Reputation 
Surviving images of Mokosh are rare—although there were stone monuments to her beginning at least as long ago as the 7th century. A wooden cult figure in a wooded area in the Czech Republic is said to be a figure of her. Historical references say she had a large head and long arms, a reference to her connection with spiders and spinning. Symbols associated with her include spindles and cloth, the rhombus (a nearly global reference to women's genitals for at least 20,000 years), and the Sacred Tree or Pillar.
There are many goddesses in the various Indo-European pantheons who reference spiders and spinning. Historian Mary Kilbourne Matossian has pointed out that the Latin word for tissue "textere" means "to weave," and in several derivative languages such as Old French, "tissue" means "something woven." 
The act of spinning, suggests Matossian, is to create body tissue. The umbilical cord is the thread of life, transmitting moisture from the mother to the infant, twisted and coiled like the thread around a spindle. The final cloth of life is represented by the shroud or "winding sheet," wrapped around a corpse in a spiral, as thread loops around a spindle.
Role in Mythology
Although the Great Goddess has a variety of consorts, both human and animal, in her role as a primary Slavic goddess, Mokosh is the moist earth goddess and is set against (and married to) Perun as the dry sky god. She is also linked to Veles, in an adulterous manner; and Jarilo, the spring god. 
Some Slavic peasants felt it was wrong to spit on the earth or beat it. During the Spring, practitioners considered the earth pregnant: before March 25 ("Lady Day"), they would neither construct a building or a fence, drive a stake into the ground or sow seed. When peasant women gathered herbs they first lay prone and prayed to Mother Earth to bless any medicinal herbs. 
Mokosh in Modern Usage
With the coming of Christianity into the Slavic countries in the 11th century CE, Mokosh was converted to a saint, St. Paraskeva Pyanitsa (or possibly the Virgin Mary), who is sometimes defined as the personification of the day of Christ's crucifixion, and others a Christian martyr. Described as tall and thin with loose hair, St. Paraskeva Pyanitsa is known as "l'nianisa" (flax woman), connecting her to spinning. She is the patroness of merchants and traders and marriage, and she defends her followers from a range of diseases.
In common with many Indo-European religions (Paraskevi is Friday in modern Greek; Freya = Friday; Venus=Vendredi), Friday is associated with Mokosh and St. Paraskeva Pyanitsa, especially Fridays before important holidays. Her feast day is October 28; and no one may spin, weave, or mend on that day. 
Detelic, Mirjana. "St. Paraskeve in the Balkan Context." Folklore 121.1 (2010): 94–105. 
Dragnea, Mihai. "Slavic and Greek-Roman Mythology, Comparative Mythology." Brukenthalia: Romanian Cultural History Review 3 (2007): 20–27. 
Marjanic, Suzana. "The Dyadic Goddess and Duotheism in Nodilo’s the Ancient Faith of the Serbs and the Croats." Studia Mythologica Slavica 6 (2003): 181–204. 
Matossian, Mary Kilbourne. "In the Beginning, God Was a Woman." Journal of Social History 6.3 (1973): 325–43. 
Monaghan, Patricia. "Encyclopedia of Goddesses & Heroines." Novato CA: New World Library, 2014. 
Zaroff, Roman. "Organized Pagan Cult in Kievan Rus’. The Invention of Foreign Elite or Evolution of Local Tradition?" Studia Mythologica Slavica (1999). 
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goldenboikuvasauce · 8 months
nidus maggot theory 2, part 1 here. Branches off this theory
The following theory is based on the presumption that Nidus utilises parthenogenesis (a form of asexual reproduction) to produce Ravenous maggots. There are mentions of typically female anatomy when referring to the masculine frame in question, as well as inferences to miscarriage and other complications of pregnancy. Proceed at your own discretion. 
Anyone familiar with Nidus’ abilities knows he can summon a bunch of lil exploding maggots as a method of crowd control. It takes 3 mutation stacks to activate one instance of Ravenous (9 maggots). Looking at how Nidus gains stacks, we can guess it's possibly nutrition absorbed with his abilities.
Presuming the maggots are little underdeveloped clones of Nidus, they could develop in a sort of “womb”. Initially I imagined the maggots grew in any spare cavity within Nidus, and escaped out the open flared stacks. However the general morphology of Nidus is.. a lil scrungly once he's flaring up, possibly exposing the maggots before they're ready to attack (maybe an explosive risk to Nidus). With a womb that is flexible and can shift with Nidus’ mutating body, this can keep the maggots safe until deployment.
For example, in some species (such as dogs) the uterus is actually more intestine-like in shape. In this case, the womb is called a uterine horn. 
Maybe 3 mutation stacks are needed to quickly develop a uterine horn with 9 notches for each maggot. 
This is not to say Nidus develops uterine horns when he obtains stacks, but he chooses to consume them when creating the horn. As stacks are used for the Parasitic Link too, the Link is probably a malformed umbilical cord. With control over the Infestation Nidus can control if it's just to redirect damage and chemicals like cortisol, or to share positive chemicals between it.
I think for a Nidus that actually wants to raise maggots, forcibly expelling mutations is extremely draining on their body. It may be a new womb every time but having to regenerate that while juggling between feeding and fighting must be so stressful. Linking can help with the strain and give Nidus more strength but it's never long term.
If a Nidus has actually carried maggots full term, and is captured and forced to use underdeveloped maggots offensively, it could greatly traumatise them. 
Without routine maintenance done by Tenno foundry and arsenals, if a Nidus is continually forced to expel maggots it may cause a buildup of internal scarring, higher pain tolerance and fatigue, as well as a constant state of depression and aggression from erratic hormonal shifts. These symptoms and damage can be reversed with regular lobotomies to the infested brain, surgical removal of scar tissue, and more stims and energy restores.
A healthy, feral Nidus is one that can grow uterine horns with no worry of conflict or energy starvation during the gestation. A Nidus carrying can continue to provide enough energy for themselves and their maggots if they have another Nidus go hunting for stacks, and sharing a Link between them. Though Nidus can create viable maggots without another progenitor, there is a preference to pair bond with any other feral Nidus diversity and the aforementioned beneficial relationship. 
The maggots grown during this time will have enough information for the “blueprint” to impart on their human host when ready to metamorphosise into a new Warframe. The survival rate of a viable maggot is very low, hence Nidus’ high count for clutches and spontaneous uterine horn production. 
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sanctaignorantia · 6 months
I'll throw in an interesting tidbit about the spiritual things that surround me. This doesn't just fit into one religion because it's seen by various fields of study, so there can be variations according to cultures and sciences.
But how are cords seen from a spiritual point of view and how is this present in Death Stranding? Let's see…
We know from the spiritist view that when we go on astral journeys (our spirit "detaches" itself from the material body) we are still connected to it through a cord. So there are two types of cord here. One is extremely strong and resistant and the other is more or less fleeting.
-> Silver Cord - also called fluidic loop or astral cord. It is made up of a semi-material substance that connects and keeps the psychosoma or perispirit connected to the physical body or soma. Each cell of the spiritual body is linked to the corresponding cell of the physical body; however, when these bodies dissociate through unfolding or projection, the subtle elements of the psychosoma form a kind of appendage, which is called the silver cord. At the moment of physical death or disincarnation, it is definitively broken, while during the process of unfolding or projection of the incarnate consciousness, it is what maintains the connection between the spiritual body and the physical one, preventing the death of the latter and keeping both not only connected, but in constant communication. Anatomically, the silver cord is elastic, with variable density and diameter. It is formed at the moment of conception and spends most of its time collected or shrunk in the intimacy of the physical cells.
-> Golden Cord - also called the extraphysical umbilical cord. It is an extraphysical organ that connects the psychosoma to the mental body and is responsible for higher-level energy transfers. It is responsible for the information and mentalizations carried out from the mental body towards the psychosomatic body, which is lower in vibration. It has survived the biological shocks and clashes of disincarnation and reincarnation over the millennia. It has a physical and extraphysical role, as it participates in the paraphysiology of the psychosomatic body and the physiology of the physical body.
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[image taken from the internet, not mine]
And then, when we go to Repatriate in DS, we know where to find Sam's physical body because we are guided by the golden cord.
Things sometimes get confusing because we have 7 bodies and they all have their functions, but let's keep in mind the idea of the astral body and the material body.
I'm going to explain the interpretation of the 7 bodies and the levels of action of each of them, but we don't need to get too attached to this because it's not something seen (literally) in Death Stranding like the golden cord (or other cords/connections).
I've taken this information from a book I own. The visions explained here are reports of the author's clairvoyant experience.
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#1) The Etheric Body
-> First layer -> "Ether", intermediate state between energy and the matter:
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Note: the circles around the body are the seven main chakras, including the vortices at the head and base of the body.
It is made up of tiny lines of energy "like a glowing web of light rays" similar to the lines on a television screen. It has the same structure as the physical body and includes all the anatomical parts and organs. The etheric body consists of a defined structure of lines of force, or energy matrix, on which the physical matter of the body's tissues is molded and fixed. The physical tissues only exist as such because of the vital field that sustains them; and for this very reason, the body, which precedes the body, is not the result of this body. Note: the color of this body can vary between blue and grey.
#2) The Emotional Body
-> Second layer -> It is associated with feelings
Its colors can vary from bright light matrices to dark and cloudy ones, depending on the clarity or confusion of the feelings or the energy that produces them. Clear and highly activated feelings, such as love, emotion, joy or anger, are bright and clear; confused feelings are dark and cloudy (it's basically a thermometer).
#3) The Mental Body
-> Third layer
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It extends beyond the emotional body and is made up of even finer substances associated with thoughts and mental processes. The mental body is also structured. It contains the structure of our ideas. Almost all yellow, within it you can see thought forms, which look like bubbles of varying brightness and shape. These thought forms have additional, overlapping colors that actually emanate from the emotional level. The color represents the emotion, linked to the thought form. The clearer and more well-formed the idea, the clearer and more well-formed the thought form associated with that idea. (Have you heard that sometimes thoughts take shape? I think that's where it comes from...)
At this point we can say that the 3 lower auric layers (etheric, emotional and mental) are associated with energies related to the physical world and metabolize them, while the 3 upper auric layers (astral, celestial and keteric) metabolize energies related to the spiritual world. The fourth layer (astral), linked to the heart chakra, is the transforming crucible through which all the energy that goes from one world to the other passes. In other words, spiritual energy needs to pass through the fire of the heart to be transformed into the lower physical energies, and the physical energies (of the three lower auric layers) need to pass through the transforming fire of the heart to become spiritual energies.
The fourth layer is associated with love and is the door through which we can enter the other states of reality. Each layer above the third is an entire layer of reality, with beings, forms and personal functions that go beyond what we normally describe as human.
(Do you remember Heartman's studies on how the Egyptians believed that the spirit was connected to the brain and/or the heart? That's the way to go. The heart is one of the paths. It's one of the bridges.)
#4) The Astral Level | Astral Body
It is amorphous and made up of clouds of a more beautiful color than those of the emotional body. It usually has more colors, but they are generally imbued with the light of love. When people fall in love, you can see beautiful rainbows of pink light between their hearts. When people establish relationships with each other, they create cords from the chakras that connect them. Such cords exist on many levels of the auric field in addition to the astral one. The longer and deeper the relationship, the more numerous and stronger the cords. (This is where things get very Death Stranding...) When relationships end, these cords are torn, often causing great suffering. The "healing" period of a relationship, as a rule, is a period in which the cords in the lower levels of the field are disconnected and re-rooted within the self.
#5) The Etheric Level | Standard Etheric Body (author's designation)
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The author gave it this name because this body contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in heliographic or standardized form, as if it were the negative of a photograph. In this way, the standard etheric level of the aura creates an empty space, or negative, in which the first level, or etheric level, of the aura can exist. The etheric pattern is the pattern for the etheric body, which then forms the grid structure on which the physical body grows. The standard etheric level of the universal energy field contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane, except for the standard level. These forms exist in negative space, creating an empty space in which the etheric grid structure grows and upon which all physical manifestation exists. (works as our " blueprint")
#6) The Celestial Body
-> Sixth layer -> Emotional level of the Spiritual Plane
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This is the level through which we experience spiritual ecstasy and we can achieve this through meditation and many other forms of transformation work. It is the point where we know our connection with the whole universe, when we see the light and love in everything that exists. It is the connection and recognition with "God". (I put it this way because god has many interpretations)
#7) The Standard Keteric Body or Causal Body
-> Seventh level -> Mental level of the spiritual plane
When we raise our consciousness to the seventh level of the aura, we know that we identify with the Creator. The external form is the oval shape of the aura body and contains all the auric bodies associated with the individual's current incarnation. In addition, this plane contains the tracks of past lives within the eggshell. The Keteric level is the last auric level of the spiritual plane. It contains the plane of life and is the last level directly related to this incarnation. Beyond this level is the Cosmic Plane, the plane that cannot be experienced from the limiting point of view of a single incarnation.
So in a nutshell I'd say: YES! Death Stranding looks like a great walking simulator and (ironically enough) it would never make me think about the things that shape it. :)
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emiliaclarke466 · 10 days
Exploring Exosome Stem Cell Therapy: What It Means for Edinburgh Patients
In recent years, advancements in medical science have introduced innovative treatments that promise to revolutionize healthcare. Among these, exosome stem cell therapy has emerged as a focal point of interest for its potential applications in regenerative medicine, tissue repair, and anti-aging treatments. This article delves into what exosome stem cell therapy is, how it works, its benefits, and its implications for patients in Edinburgh seeking cutting-edge medical solutions.
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Understanding Exosomes and Stem Cells
Before exploring the therapy itself, it is essential to understand the components involved: exosomes and stem cells.
What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are tiny extracellular vesicles released by cells into the bloodstream. They serve as communication vehicles that carry proteins, lipids, and genetic information between cells. This communication plays a crucial role in various physiological and pathological processes, including immune responses, inflammation, and tissue repair.
What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are unique cells capable of developing into different cell types. They have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various specialized cells, making them invaluable in regenerative medicine. There are two primary types of stem cells:
Embryonic Stem Cells: Derived from embryos, these cells can develop into any cell type in the body.
Adult Stem Cells: Found in various tissues, these cells are more specialized and can differentiate into a limited range of cell types.
What Is Exosome Stem Cell Therapy?
Exosome stem cell therapy combines the regenerative properties of stem cells with the communicative power of exosomes. This therapy involves isolating exosomes from stem cells and administering them to patients. The exosomes facilitate cellular communication, promoting healing and regeneration in damaged tissues.
How It Works
Isolation of Exosomes: Exosomes are extracted from stem cells, which can be derived from various sources, including umbilical cord tissue and adipose tissue.
Administration: The isolated exosomes are then delivered to the patient, either via injection or intravenously, depending on the condition being treated.
Mechanism of Action: Once in the body, exosomes interact with target cells, providing essential signals that enhance repair processes, reduce inflammation, and promote cell regeneration. They can also influence the behavior of surrounding cells, encouraging tissue healing and regeneration.
Benefits of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy
Exosome stem cell therapy offers numerous advantages for patients, particularly those with chronic conditions or injuries. Some of the most notable benefits include:
1. Enhanced Healing
The regenerative properties of exosomes can significantly accelerate the healing process in various tissues. By promoting cell growth and repair, patients may experience faster recovery from injuries or surgeries.
2. Reduced Inflammation
Exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate chronic inflammation, a common underlying factor in various diseases. This can lead to improved symptoms for conditions such as arthritis or autoimmune disorders.
3. Non-Invasive Approach
Exosome stem cell therapy is typically less invasive than traditional surgical procedures. The administration of exosomes can often be done through simple injections, minimizing recovery time and associated risks.
4. Versatility
This therapy has a wide range of potential applications, including:
Orthopedic Conditions: Helping to heal joint injuries, cartilage damage, and fractures.
Neurological Disorders: Potentially aiding in recovery from conditions like stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Cosmetic Applications: Used in anti-aging treatments to rejuvenate skin and promote hair growth.
5. Safety Profile
Since exosomes are derived from the body’s own cells, the risk of adverse reactions or complications is generally low. This makes exosome therapy a more appealing option for many patients compared to other treatments.
Applications of Exosome Stem Cell Therapy in Edinburgh
As exosome stem cell therapy in edinburgh gains traction, patients in Edinburgh can explore its potential benefits across various medical fields.
1. Orthopedics
Patients suffering from joint pain, cartilage damage, or sports injuries may find relief through exosome therapy. By promoting healing in damaged tissues, this therapy can enhance mobility and reduce pain levels, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities more quickly.
2. Neurology
Emerging research suggests that exosome therapy may aid in the recovery of neurological functions following injuries or degenerative diseases. For patients in Edinburgh dealing with conditions like multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease, this therapy could offer new hope for symptom management and recovery.
3. Dermatology and Aesthetics
Exosome therapy is increasingly being explored for its anti-aging properties. Patients looking to rejuvenate their skin or address hair loss may benefit from treatments that utilize exosomes to stimulate collagen production and promote healthier skin and hair.
4. Cardiovascular Health
While still in the experimental stages, exosome therapy shows promise in enhancing heart tissue recovery after ischemic events, such as heart attacks. Patients with cardiac issues may find that this therapy aids in improving cardiac function and recovery.
5. Immune Modulation
Exosomes have the potential to modulate immune responses, making them valuable in treating autoimmune disorders. This could lead to improved management of conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
What to Expect During Treatment
Understanding the treatment process can help alleviate concerns for potential patients considering exosome stem cell therapy.
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with a thorough consultation, during which a healthcare professional will evaluate the patient's medical history, discuss symptoms, and determine if exosome therapy is appropriate.
Preparation for Treatment
Once approved for treatment, the patient may undergo preliminary tests to ensure they are suitable candidates. If the therapy involves stem cell extraction (e.g., from adipose tissue), this will be done in a safe, controlled environment.
Administration of Exosomes
The exosomes will be administered based on the treatment plan. This can involve:
Injections: Directly into the area of concern (e.g., joints for orthopedic applications).
Intravenous Infusion: For systemic effects, such as improving overall wellness or addressing neurological conditions.
Post-Treatment Care
After the procedure, patients may receive specific aftercare instructions. While recovery is typically quick, monitoring for any unusual symptoms or side effects is essential.
Potential Risks and Considerations
While exosome stem cell therapy is generally considered safe, it is important for patients to be aware of potential risks and concerns.
1. Limited Research
As a relatively new treatment, research on exosome therapy is still evolving. While preliminary results are promising, long-term effects and efficacy are not yet fully understood.
2. Variability in Quality
The effectiveness of exosome therapy can vary based on the source of the stem cells and the method of exosome extraction. Patients should seek treatment from reputable providers to ensure high-quality products.
3. Individual Response
Not all patients will respond to exosome therapy in the same way. Individual factors, including overall health and the specific condition being treated, can influence outcomes.
4. Regulatory Considerations
As with any emerging therapy, regulatory oversight can vary. Patients should ensure that the clinic they choose adheres to appropriate medical standards and guidelines.
Finding a Provider for Exosome Stem Cell Therapy in Edinburgh
Choosing the right provider is crucial for ensuring a safe and effective treatment experience. Here are some tips for finding a qualified practitioner in Edinburgh:
Research Credentials
Look for practitioners with specialized training in regenerative medicine and a solid understanding of stem cell therapies. Verify their qualifications and experience in administering exosome treatments.
Read Reviews and Testimonials
Online reviews and patient testimonials can provide insights into the practitioner’s reputation and the experiences of others. Look for feedback on treatment effectiveness, patient care, and overall satisfaction.
Schedule a Consultation
A thorough consultation is essential for discussing your specific needs and expectations. Use this opportunity to ask questions about the procedure, potential outcomes, and any concerns you may have.
Evaluate the Facility
Ensure that the treatment facility adheres to safety standards and regulations. A clean, well-equipped environment is crucial for safe procedures.
Exosome stem cell therapy represents a promising advancement in regenerative medicine, offering a range of potential benefits for patients in Edinburgh. From accelerating healing in orthopedic conditions to promoting skin rejuvenation and addressing neurological disorders, the applications of this innovative therapy are diverse and expanding. As research continues to evolve, patients can look forward to a future where exosome therapy may play a pivotal role in enhancing health and well-being.While the therapy shows great promise, it is essential for individuals to make informed decisions by understanding the treatment process, potential risks, and the importance of choosing a qualified provider. With the right approach and care, exosome stem cell therapy could become a transformative option for those seeking to improve their quality of life and regain vitality.
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cocoonhospital · 13 days
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Stem Cell Banking at Cocoon Hospital: Safeguarding Future Health Through Advanced Medical Innovation!
In today’s rapidly advancing medical world, stem cell banking is becoming a vital aspect of healthcare, offering families the opportunity to safeguard their future health. But what exactly is stem cell banking, and why should it matter to you? At Cocoon Hospital, in association with Cryoviva Life Sciences, we are proud to be at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology, ensuring that our patients and their families have access to the best possible care and innovative solutions.
What is Stem Cell Banking?
Stem cell banking involves the collection, processing, and long-term storage of stem cells, which can be used in future medical treatments. The most common source for these cells is umbilical cord blood, collected right after a baby is born. These stem cells have incredible potential in treating a variety of medical conditions and diseases, making stem cell banking a form of biological insurance for families.
Types of Stem Cells
There are two primary types of stem cells that are commonly stored:
Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs): These are found in cord blood and bone marrow and are used in the treatment of blood and immune system disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, and anemia.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): These stem cells are found in the umbilical cord tissue and can be isolated from other sources as well. Known as “organ-forming cells,” MSCs have the ability to differentiate into various types of cells in the body, making them valuable for future regenerative treatments.
The Collection Process
The process of collecting stem cells from umbilical cord blood is simple, painless, and non-invasive. After the baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, blood is collected from the umbilical cord and placenta. This ensures that the stem cells are harvested without causing any harm or discomfort to the mother or baby.
Processing and Storage
Once collected, the cord blood undergoes a meticulous process to isolate and preserve the stem cells. The goal is to ensure that these cells remain viable for potential future medical use. These stem cells are then cryogenically stored in a highly controlled environment, ensuring that they remain preserved for years to come.
Why Consider Stem Cell Banking?
Stem cell banking offers numerous advantages:
Medical Assurance: Stem cell banking provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a valuable resource available in case of future health issues, such as blood-related disorders.
Family Use: Stored stem cells can be used not only for the donor child but also for potential family members. In some cases, these cells can offer a lifesaving match for siblings or even parents.
Advances in Medicine: As medical research continues to evolve, the potential uses for stem cells expand. From regenerative medicine to potential cures for chronic illnesses, stem cells hold immense promise for the future.
Cocoon Hospital and Cryoviva Life Sciences
At Cocoon Hospital, we have partnered with Cryoviva Life Sciences, a leading name in stem cell banking and healthcare innovation. Cryoviva is part of RJ Corp, a global conglomerate known for its contributions to healthcare advancements. Specializing in cord blood banking, personalized genomics, and healthcare solutions for the Mother & Child segment, Cryoviva is dedicated to improving lives through innovation and quality care.
With its presence in countries like Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, Cryoviva is making a global impact, and we are proud to offer their stem cell banking services to families here in India. Through this partnership, Cocoon Hospital ensures that your family has access to world-class stem cell banking and comprehensive healthcare options, especially in the critical Mother & Child care domain.
Stem cell banking is a valuable investment in your family’s future health. With Cocoon Hospital and Cryoviva Life Sciences, you can rest assured that you are receiving the best in medical science and innovation. Whether it’s safeguarding against future medical conditions or preparing for regenerative treatments that are yet to be discovered, stem cell banking offers peace of mind and a lifetime of potential benefits.
Take the first step in securing your family’s future today by learning more about stem cell banking at Cocoon Hospital.
Book your consultation now and discover how stem cell banking can benefit you and your loved ones.
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Revolutionizing Medicine: The Potential of Stem Cell IV Infusion Therapy
Stem cell therapy has long been heralded as a groundbreaking approach to treating a variety of medical conditions. In recent years, the method of delivering these potent cells through intravenous (IV) infusion has gained traction, offering a novel and less invasive alternative to traditional injection methods. This article explores the science behind stem cell IV infusion, its potential benefits, and the current state of research.
Understanding Stem Cell IV Infusion
Stem cell IV infusion involves administering stem cells directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous drip. This method is designed to allow stem cells to circulate thraoughout the body, potentially reaching various tissues and organs more efficiently than localized injections. The hope is that these cells will migrate to areas of injury or disease, aiding in tissue repair and regeneration.
How It Works
Harvesting Stem Cells: Stem cells can be sourced from various tissues, including bone marrow, adipose (fat) tissue, or umbilical cord blood. Once harvested, they are processed and prepared for infusion.
Preparing the Infusion: The stem cells are suspended in a solution and administered through an IV drip. This process is typically performed in a clinical setting and can take several hours, depending on the volume of cells and the patient’s specific needs.
Circulation and Integration: Once in the bloodstream, stem cells travel to different parts of the body. The hope is that they will integrate into damaged tissues and stimulate healing processes.
Potential Benefits
Minimally Invasive: Compared to direct injections or surgical procedures, IV infusion is less invasive and may offer a more comfortable experience for patients.
Systemic Treatment: Infusing stem cells intravenously allows for the treatment of conditions affecting multiple areas of the body or internal organs that might not be accessible through direct injections.
Reduced Risk of Complications: As IV infusion is a well-established method for administering various medications, it may present fewer complications compared to more invasive procedures.
Current Research and Applications
Stem cell IV infusion is being explored for a range of applications, including
Autoimmune Diseases: Researchers are investigating its potential to modulate immune responses and reduce inflammation in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
Cardiovascular Health: Studies are exploring how stem cell IV infusion might repair damaged heart tissue and improve outcomes for patients with heart disease.
Neurodegenerative Disorders: There is growing interest in its ability to deliver stem cells to the brain and spinal cord for conditions like Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite its promising potential, stem cell IV infusion faces several challenges
Efficacy and Safety: More clinical trials are needed to fully understand the efficacy and safety of this approach. Ensuring that the stem cells migrate to the right locations and perform their intended functions is a complex process.
Regulatory Hurdles: Stem cell treatments are subject to rigorous regulatory oversight, which can impact their availability and adoption.
Cost and Accessibility: Stem cell therapy can be expensive, and not all patients may have access to these treatments.
For more info:-
Stem Cell Therapy in Spinal Disorders
Ozone Lyme Disease
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drsergemenkin · 1 month
The Role of Cord Blood in Regenerative Medicine
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Regenerative medicine involves replacing human cells, tissues, or organs in a manner that restores the body to normal functionality. The use of cord blood stem cells is one example of regenerative medicine.
Stem cells are unique in that they have the potential to develop into many different kinds of cells. Stem cells that produce blood are referred to as cord blood stem cells because they are found in cord blood, which is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta following a baby's birth. Cord blood donations can save patients' who need red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Cord blood contains abundant stem cells, which can be used to treat leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood cancers. Cord blood stem cells are also effective in treating bone marrow failure, hemoglobinopathies, metabolic disorders, and immunodeficiencies, and scientists are devising new treatments using them daily.
Cord blood stem cells are not a universal cure-all, and many steps must be taken to ensure a successful treatment. The donated cord blood must match the patient’s tissue type. Otherwise, the donated cells may be rejected and lead to medical complications. Fortunately, organizations such as the National Health Service are committed to expanding the nation’s inventory of cord cells so that patients do not have to wait for a match.
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creativeera · 2 months
The Global Cell and Tissue Preservation Market will grow at highest pace owing to increasing research in cryopreservation
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The global cell and tissue preservation market covers equipment, consumables, and media used for cryopreservation and preservation of cells and tissues. Cell & tissue preservation allows long-term storage of biological samples at ultra-low temperatures for future application in research activities, clinical diagnostics, and cell & tissue-based therapies. Cell preservation equipment help in controlled freezing and thawing required for cryopreservation of samples, while consumables are one-time use containers and media are solutions required for storage of biological materials. The increasing research in application of stem cells for disease treatment and growing demand for biobanking are fueling the need for cell & tissue preservation products.
Global Cell And Tissue Preservation Market is estimated to be valued at USD 5.11 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 10.82 Bn by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3% from 2024 to 2031. 
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the global cell and tissue preservation market are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Lonza, BD, MerckKGaA, Cytiva, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Avantor, Inc., FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, BioLifeSolutions Inc., AMSBIO, Princeton CryoTech, STEMCELL Technologies Inc., LGC SeraCare, Corning Incorporated, CellGenix GmbH. The global cell and tissue preservation market has seen rising demand due to increasing research in stem cell therapy and regenerative medicines. The number of clinical trials has increased multi-fold over the last decade. Preservation is vital for storage and transportation of biological samples used in these research studies and clinical applications. Technological advancements in cryopreservation process, equipment, and storage solutions are also fueling the Global Cell And Tissue Preservation Market Size. Automated freezing and controlled rate freezing equipment offer standardization and improve sample viability. Newer biomaterials provide better tissue preservation and enhance the capabilities of biobanks to store various sample types. Market trends: - Increased adoption of automated cell and tissue processing: Automation reduces manual errors and improves throughput and standardization in preservation workflow. - Growing preference for serum-free and animal-component free solutions: Developments are underway to address end-user demand for xeno-free formulations to avoid contamination. Market Opportunities: - Emerging economies in Asia Pacific and Latin America: Improving research infrastructure and increasing healthcare investments provide lucrative opportunities. - Umbilical cord blood and tissue banking: Expanding network of private and public banks worldwide augments demand for specialized preservation solutions. Impact of COVID-19 on Global Cell and Tissue Preservation Market Growth The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the growth of Global Cell and Tissue Preservation Market Regional Analysis. During the initial lockdown period, hospitals and research institutes experienced supply chain disruptions as transportation restrictions were imposed globally. This led to shortage of raw materials such as preservation media for cell and tissue culture preservation. However, with increased focus on vaccine development and clinical testing, demand for preserved cell and tissue samples grew exponentially. Manufacturers responded swiftly by scaling up their production capacities and supply chains. Government funding for COVID-19 research also boosted the procurement of preservation products and equipment by biotech and pharmaceutical companies. Post lockdown, the market has witnessed growing demand from biobanks for long term preservation of COVID-19 testing samples as well as various cell lines used in vaccine development studies. The need to store clinical samples for future analysis has accelerated the adoption of automated banking equipment by government organizations. Moving forward, sustained research on virus pathogenesis and development of combination therapies will further augment the requirement for preserved biomaterials. Additionally, cell and tissue transplantation procedures deferred during peak pandemic period are being resumed, contributing to market revenues. Overall, COVID-19 has enhanced the significance of cell and tissue biobanking globally. Get more insights on Global Cell And Tissue Preservation Market
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lifealteringstemcells · 2 months
How To Treat Ischemic Stroke with Stem Cell Therapy?
More than 87% of all stroke cases indicate ischemic strokes.
Surprisingly, more than 185,000 stroke survivors have had another attack within 5 years.
Nearly 610,000 people in the US get a stroke for the first time each year.
3 out of 4 stroke patients are above the age of 65 years.
Mesenchymal stem cells are anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and regenerative. This helps to repair damaged cells, reduce inflammation, and control the immune system of the body effectively.
MSCs are sourced from high-quality umbilical cord tissues (Wharton's Jelly) and provide effective treatment for post-stroke survivors.
The Future of Stem Cells for Stroke Recovery
Stem cells can restore lost functions of organs and regenerate damaged brain tissues.
MSCs are a revolutionary treatment option for ischemic stroke. It has superior cell differentiation abilities for treating different types of strokes.
[Read Also: Stem Cell Therapy: Ischemic Stroke Recovery Breakthrough ]
Self-renewal abilities of a wide range of cells to improve the cognitive and neurological effects.
Mesenchymal stem cells for ischemic stroke recovery ensure neurogenesis, neuroprotection, and angiogenesis.
It restores the neurological functions of the body and protects against inflammation.
Several neurons die during a stroke attack. The brain's blood supply is cut down. A stroke can even lead to paralysis.
MSCs can easily reach the areas of injury and reduce oxidative stress with their neuroregenerative properties.
Additionally, MSCs can differ between cells such as chondrocytes, neurons, adipocytes, osteoblasts, and glial cells.
Results of Stem Cell Therapy for Ischemic Stroke Treatment
Mesenchymal stem cell-based treatments for post-stroke are innovative and significantly reduce the complications related to stroke. The noteworthy results of this stem cell therapy include -
Improvement in muscle strength
Greater joint strength and mobility
Reduces the signs of paralysis
Enhanced speech and facial actions
Improvement of body balance
Enhanced vision
Accelerated production of chemokines for tissue recovery
Production of new blood vessels within ischemic tissues
The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is American-owned and operated with the latest tools and certified doctors.
We have two decades of experience in treating patients with different conditions. Our holistic and non-surgical approach to stem cell therapy unlocks a wide range of health recovery possibilities. Talk to our experts regarding post-stroke treatment with stem cells and get a customized treatment plan based on the adversity of your condition.
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