#ummm should i tag their names separately
mayordea · 1 year
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songwriting with meiko 🎙️
i have a few things to comment abt this which will be isolated under the cut so the post doesnt get too bloated :] mainly small hcs about meiko/kaito/miku hhhh
an idea that briefly popped in my head when i was brushing my teeth that i did not want to let get away. it was ambitious and i liked the concept of using my hc'd versions of the younger crypton vocaloids (miku's beta design and meiko/kaito's v1 designs) interacting with each other, so i went for it. i designed the general vibe of the background in animal crossing, ol reliable for these kinds of things, since i knew i wanted to cram as much detail in the environment as i could. i made a post about it on my personal account here since i was quite proud of this build.
as i was decorating, i kept spontaneously making headcanons for the younger meiko/kaito/miku unit in order to understand how to populate their living space with accurate clutter. i ended up totally overdecorating the whole thing and only referenced a small portion of the interior (like, why'd i go so hard on thinking about the yard? thats just what happens when i try taking this route) but i did like some of the ideas i came up with to explain my decorative choices. here's just a ramble.
oh yeah i guess i should get something i mentioned in the tags of that art i made w all the crypton gang's "younger" versions out of the way: i hc the character vocal gangs' "younger" designs to be their "IF" or beta designs. and meiko and kaito's younger versions are their V1 designs, mainly inspired by how they appear in the earlier project diva games (every time i look at them i just see them as awkward teens still trying to figure out who they are lmao)
also mentioned there that sakine meiko and meiko are one in the same and the fanloid and vocaloid arent separate entities. sakine meiko was meiko in her early music career as a relatable teen pop idol, with the "sakine" family name being made up to create that image. once meiko grew into an adult, she put the persona behind and just went by meiko, and around that time she met kaito and theyd be musical partners for a while
meiko sort of adopts miku into their unit when she recognizes her potential and serves as a mentor to her after then. kaito is the same but acts more as a supportive guardian in comparison. rin, len, and luka would come along later of course.
yeah i really fuck with the idea of the crypton gang being a little family :] i think it's neat! and this art/animal crossing build was a fun way to explore that hc a little
meiko is a physical media fiend, especially for music. loves collecting cds and vinyls and the like; they're littered all over the house. loves rock music too
kaito on the other hand has a knack for gardening and tends to the very modest garden outside their house. also collects a lot of art he finds in thrift marts and such for novelty's sake
miku always dedicated herself to improving her craft and finding her voice thanks to the help of meiko. she was also kind of a nerd at this era. very serious and dedicated
these folks did not know how to clean shit up, everything left lying on the floor ends up being an intentional decoration (probably not clear in this but i did like scattering stuff around to the best of my ability in the AC build)
ummm that’s it for now i guess i had less than i expected? but i’m glad to get this down somewhere lol feel free to share your own hcs if you wish, i love hearing them
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mybrainismelted · 10 months
Weekly tag Wednesday!! 🌟🌟🌟
Thanks to Elle @suchagallabitch for putting it together this week!!
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? geez, ok... making me think right out of the gate. Let's go with Elon Musk. Totally screw with him. Sell twitter. Give everyone at Tesla raises. Obviously send myself large amounts of money somehow.... Basically drain him dry with charitable donations and acts of goodwill.
2. what's your most trivial / dumbest hot take? oh gosh. Ummm.... I don't have kids, so I should be allowed to take extra time off because my cat needs me
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? Probably something boring and work-related
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? ok, so first, Liam living with Ian and Mickey because it makes way more sense. Obviously more of the soft and happy side of Gallavich that we all love. Lip and Tami are separated and trying to juggle co-parenting their kids, and the return of Brad.
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology). wow... really making me think today. ok.... Persephone maybe?
6. what’s something you love about yourself? I can bring groups of people together and force them to bond. lol
7. describe your day in 5 emojis: 🥱💻🖼️😲🦥
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? Franny? Freddie?
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
I love seafood
I have a pizza addiction
I once ate a giant container of chocolate covered cherries and then puked them back up
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name? I have one adorable kitty named Savvy. She is a rescue, and that was what they named her at the shelter. She had already had the name for over a year so I didn't want to confuse her.
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? depends where I am, really. I get different stuff just about every time. But I love a good chai latte.
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life?
2019- I'm like a bird - Nelly Furtado
2020- Bad Day - Daniel Powter
2021- Basket Case - Green Day
2022- Every Day is a Winding Road - Sheryl Crow
2023- It's My Life - Bon Jovi
Phew! That took awhile. Tagging in some peeps to play along! @juliakayyy, @krystallouwho, @jrooc, @creepkinginc, @crossmydna, @ian-galagher, @dynamic-power, @heymrspatel, @lingy910y, @rayrayor, @such-a-barbarian
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beckiboos · 10 months
OC Interview
Thanks for the tag @gloryride
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Valina Dumouchel. No middle name. Mother didn't believe in them.
Mother was not fond of nicknames and wouldn't allow anyone to shorten my name. (She is SO FUSSY) Aymeric referred to me only by my last name when we were teenagers which I hated at the time but like it now. On the net I go by V01D
Cis female
Star Sign
June 3rd. Gemini. Yes my life is plagued by twins apparently
1m 75 / 5ft 9"
My mother is American and my papa is French. I was born in Paris France and lived there until I was 16 when my parents divorced, I still attended boarding school in France but mother moved to NC and I spent holidays here until I moved here permanently when I landed my job in Arasaka counter-intelligence. I now have dual nationality.
Favorite fruit
Lychees. I can never get hold of them here and they are horribly expensive if you can find them and not always fresh but I developed a taste for them when Arasaka sent me to Japan on.... lets say "conferences"
Favorite Season
I miss the seasons of France rather than California... Autumn in Paris is a regular favourite but the one year it snowed in Paris when I was 8 years old will always be special to me
Favourite Scent
Normally I would say rose but Aymeric has this aftershave that's driving me crazy at the moment... Its woody with cinnamon and notes of violet and I'm not sure what else. I need to find out what it is and make sure he doesn't run out
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate
Coffee. Do not talk to me until I had my coffee. I NEED IT
Average hours of sleep
I mean... I don't have the most regular work hours... why do you think I need the coffee? But.. I don't know maybe.. 4-5 hours. It;s fiiinnneee...
Dog or cat person
Cat. I couldn't live without my baby Babette!
Dream Trip
I have been lucky to travel as much as I have done but it was always always working and stress... I think now I just want somewhere quiet to just be still and quiet. A strange monk had a BD of a beautiful jungle full of nature... I would like to actually go to a place like that one day
Favorite fictional character
I used to love to read when I was younger... I can't remember when I last sat and enjoyed a book. When I was a teenager I was obsessed with a series about a teenage witch and her cat but I can barely remember it
Number of blankets
I have a thin duvet but I have a spare for when Aymeric stays over... the boy is like an oven he needs a separate duvet away from me, I cannot sleep with him touching me its TOO WARM
Random Fact
More like a tiny little secret... but I kinda had small virus I used to hack Arasaka intel when the twins worked at Militech and Petrochem... what? I couldn't have Arasaka targeting my favourite twins! It was kind of a relief when they quit and I scrubbed it from the system... really I should have been fired sooner
Tagging ummm I have no idea who hasn't done this already tbh... I'll tag @barbecutie because I havent seen one but honestly if you havent done one yet and want to this is your tag.
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lime1991 · 2 years
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what a wonderful collection of characters im sure nothing will go wrong during this fun company outing...
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How To Write Family Fluff (and other randomness)
So @youcancallme-ray recently reached out to ask for my advice on writing fluff, specifically family fluff, and I mentioned that I've been wanting to write a proper post on this subject for a while, since this isn’t the first time I’ve been asked and sometimes it's useful to have another writer describe their perspective/process. First thing's first, always remember the #1 rule of writing - throw out all the rules and advice and write whatever you want to write. Seriously. Not everything that works for me will work for everyone. There’s no wrong way to write fluff or angst or anything. You do you.  But for me... I personally love stories with families. I just do. I love multiple generations interacting, I like big families, I like small families, broken families, powerful families, loving families, complicated families, babies, toddlers, small kids, teenage kids, parents, grandparents, fallings out, reconciliations, separations, reunions, birth scenes, deathbed scenes, and all the kitchen table scenes in between, love, love, love. All of it. Family, in all its wonderful, messy glory.  So this is all to say that I always tend to gravitate towards creative works that have a family vibe, whether natural or found family. Game of Thrones was almost unusual for me except...oh wait, everyone's related 😂 (plus they had zombies too, but that’s beyond the scope of fluff. Vlad’s not coming to any baby showers, I don’t care how many times he asks 🤣🙈) Anyway, I'm a proud daughter of House Mormont with a major House Tully streak (which is fitting, considering my two main fanfic projects right now focus on Jorah/Daenerys and Brynden/Roslin 😍). I'm a Huffleclaw or Ravenpuff, or whatever we're called 😂, from way back and you can hear it the name, give me all the fluff, fluff, FLUFF ❤ But what even is fluff, right? Romance, hurt/comfort, warm feelings? Webster's Dictionary defines fluff as "something fluffy" - I'm not making this up, I just googled it 😂 Stellar job with the wordsmithing, Merriam-Webster 😂 (it’s like that Jim Gaffigan skit where he’s like “have you ever looked up potato in the dictionary?” Noun: “potato, you know...potato”). Okay, I’m scrolling down...hmm, all right, I found this under "kids definition" (ummm, we have different dictionaries for different age groups now? who knew?): Fluff - to make or become fuller, lighter or softer. Oh yes. THIS. THERE WILL BE ACTUAL ADVICE HERE SOMEWHERE I PROMISE 😂🙈 Maybe I should make a list? Yes, a list would be good. Let's consider this Lady M's Semi-Official (And Certainly Non-Exhaustive) List of Creative Choices To Consider While Writing Family Fluff: 1. Know your characters. This goes for all writing adventures. But in fanfic, it's honestly make or break with the characters. Most readers are searching via character or relationship tags. They really don’t care about the rest of it (at least not at first). You’ve got to know the characters inside and out. And use canon/source material, of course, but what I really mean by this is you should try to stay true to your specific characterization. For instance, not everyone is going to write Jorah Mormont the same way. His character (like all characters) falls on a spectrum, one that contains a lovely array of personality traits - stubbornness, strength of will, survival instincts, romanticism, deep regret, etc. Some writers will draw on book lore, others will stick to show canon, some mix it up, all with similar but slightly different characterizations. And that’s awesome! Imo, all interpretations are VALID. Even the OOC interpretations of a character are valid, if that's what you want to do with it (it doesn’t mean all readers will be on board or that I’ll agree with it 😂🤷‍♀️, but that’s okay too). But whatever the characterization, within each one of my fics, I pay a lot of attention to consistency of character. Like, a lot. If I’m forcing an action or reaction on one character and it just doesn't feel right, I’m likely giving the action/reaction/dialogue to the wrong character. In that case, I will choose a different POV or rewrite the scene to see if having someone else say the line works better.
2. Remember kids aren't just props. This is a HUGE one, friends. Kids aren't made in a mold. They have distinct personalities and quirks of manner that show up crazy early in development, in my experience (and I believe @salzrand agrees with me - and she has the credentials to back it up 😘❤). If you're going to have kids in a story, I suggest thinking about how that kid will be like as an adult. Not their whole life story or anything (unless you get lost in your daydreaming 🤷‍♀️😂) but I try to think about what their future life might be like. Sometimes I'll just scribble for a while and maybe have the child narrate a short future scene, even a paragraph, to discover more about them before I continue with the chapter. I did this recently with Kitty Tully for my Brynlin fic, which may in fact lead to yet another fic because oops that’s what happens to me sometimes (ahem, or ALL THE TIME 😂). "Winter's Child" was my very first Jorah/Dany fic way back when, and that was narrated by Jeorgianna 🐻🌻, so yeah, I've been using this trick for a while.  Some fanfic writers don't like to lean too far into developing OCs and I totally get that (the ghost of Mary Sue will haunt fanfic realms forever 😂) but I always make an exception for the kids of my main pairings/OTPs because it's so interesting to explore how much of the father or mother (or other family members - see Daenielle/Grandpa Jeor for further details ❤) shows up (physically, personality-wise) in the child. This is also why I use the same children across fics. It gives legitimacy to their existence and leads to some exciting and fluffy cross-universe call-backs.  3. But also remember that babies can be the BEST props. This doesn’t work for older kids. But not gonna lie. Just from a scene-building perspective, if someone is holding a baby/toddler, so much can happen. The child can be picked up, handed off, tickled, lifted into the air, set down on the floor, crawling, cooing, crying, you get the idea. And that sort of action breaks up the “X" he said. "Y" she replied. really well sometimes :) 4. The magic of ordinary moments.
For me, personally, this is where I find the fluff (in all writing, not just fanfic) 😎 I like finding the joy and sparkle in everyday moments. It's slightly easier to find or create these moments in modern AUs, only because I don't have to research what it's like to go to the movies or a school play or whatever. Less easy to find family-friendly activities in the Red-Wedding/Twincest-Push-Bran-Out-A-Window/Ned-Stark-Gets-His-Head-Chopped-Off/Murder-Child-Arya-In-Action landscape of Game of Thrones.  But there are still lots of things that transcend tragedy and medieval backdrops - food, nature, weather, festivals, putting a child to bed, reading stories together - and I'll typically choose something like this for setting the scene. And it really doesn't have to be much. After that, the characters do the heavy lifting. Daenerys and Jeorgianna observing a sleeping dragonfly in the garden. Jorah giving Aemon a piggy-back ride down to the harbor. Grandpa Jeor building a boat, Daenielle helping him sweep up his workshop. (i.e. Jade Sea Bears 😂🥰) 5. Don't forget the (minor) angst. Just because I’m writing a fluffy moment between characters, doesn't mean that there's no angst or sadness in it. A dash of past sadness or future wistfulness can be delicious in a fluff-heavy scene and save the whole scene from going too schmaltzy and sappy-sentimental.   6. Don't be afraid to end on the hug. Or the smile. Or the "I love you." Depends on what the scene calls for, obviously, but fluff is not about plot, it's about feeling. It's about taking words and images and character interactions and infusing them with something extra warm and soft. And just because the characters have said "I love you" to each other before doesn't mean they can't say it again. And again. It’s not very original but it is beautiful. Real life is cruel and hard sometimes. The world is filled-to-bursting with bitter, so I say add the sweet wherever possible <3  So this is not a comprehensive list (I'm not even sure what that list would look like 😂). But hopefully this inspires some of you who aren't natural fluff-writers to be less intimidated by the idea of trying it sometime or maybe just think about your own writing process and scene-crafting.  Either way, hope this helps and happy writing! Xo
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
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A/n: this is not requested but i needed to write something for me and I always love writing best friend!jisung (this turned out to be hella long btw). Also i just realized this is the 16th jisung fic on my masterlist wtf. Welp happy sweet sixteen jisung. 
Tag List: @mini-meanhoe​ @leggomylino​ @hanstagrams​ @desertofdessert​ @hoes4hoseok​ @yangomangos​ @jeonqqin​ @geminirules​ @crscendoforsung​ @mrsunshine999​ @jisungsjheekies​ @hannie-squirrel00​ @cotccotc​ @kodzu-ken​ @konenichi​ @yangs-jeongin​ @binniebutter​ @skzwriternet​​
Warnings: cussing probably, lil distressed jisung, alcohol consumption
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: Y/n and Jisung practically grew up together. Y/n always dreamed of getting her fairytale happy ending. So, Jisung is surprised when she is settling for an all but labeled ‘arranged marriage’ to an asshole that Jisung knows doesn’t love her. Not like he does. Can Jisung convince himself to go after what he really wants and take the risks that come with it? Can Y/n face the facts that what she has wanted has been in front of her all along?
Genre: romance, fluff, angst, non-idol!au, bestfriend!au, friends to lovers!au, wedding crasher!au, Fem Reader
“Please, come today!”
Jisung sighed over the phone. “Y/n. I have no knowledge whatsoever about dresses. Especially wedding dresses! They’re all white! What’s the difference?” I could hear the murmurs of Changbin and Chan on the other side of the line. “See. I will be no help at all!” Despite the negative connotation of his words I could hear the tiny smile in his voice.
“So, we’re meeting outside the shop at five.”
“Y/n, I’m not going.”
“2146 Chyeongsong Ave, got it?”
“Yes, I’ve got it.”
Letting out a happy laugh I hung up on my best friend, sure that his attendance could be accounted for. The wedding was three months away. Jiho, my fiancee, had no desire for a big wedding and it seemed the sooner we were married the happier he would be.
But, I had always dreamed of a magical wedding with hundreds of people watching me marry the man of my dreams. So, we compromised. He said I could plan as big I wedding as I wanted as long as I could get it done in three months and he would pay for it.
Jiho was the son of one of Seoul’s big company presidents. His family was very kind and seemed to welcome me with open arms despite my less than formal upbringing. Jiho grew up in a penthouse apartment and went to the best university in Seoul.
I grew up in a tiny house in the rundown suburbs next door my best friend, Jisung, and busted my ass to get scholarships and pay my way through a cheap college. Jisung was beside me in all the big moments in my life. He was my best friend and I loved him more than anything.
“So, what did he say?”
Sooyoung’s head of curly dark hair popped over the cubicle divider separating our two desks. I laughed and gave her a thumbs up. “You doubted my power of Jisung persuation?”
“Never. You could convince that boy to run around Gangnam with his shoes on his ears and screaming at the top of his lungs if you wanted to.” Laughing at the thought, I turned back to my computer, desperately watching the minutes tick by before I would get to start searching for my wedding dress.
A slightly chilling breeze blew across the street. Jisung regardless of his lack of enthusiasm on the phone picked me up from work to walk with me to my dress appointment. My mother, other best friend Yuri, and Jiho’s sister Bo Rim were already waiting outside. Everyone greeted us with a smile as we walked up. My arm was looped with Jisung’s and my hand was stuffed in his jacket pocket since it was cold. 
 My mother smiled and embraced Jisung with a kiss on the cheek before motioning us inside. My entourage and I were quickly greeted by a consultant. “Hi! My name is Hyunsoon, I’ll be your consultant today. You must be the gorgeous bride, Y/n!” She smiled looking me up and down before glancing at my arm linked with the man beside me. “And is this handsome young man your husband-to-be?” 
 Jisung shook his head dark hair falling in his eyes. A tight smile sat on his lips as he answered the woman. “No, I’m just the best friend. I’m not going to stay for the whole appointment.” She nodded looking at Jisung with new eyes. “I want to be surprised. Regardless, Y/n will look radiant in whatever she chooses.”
 After a few questions about my wedding Hyunsoon led me back into a dressing room and my family and friends to a couch with mirrors around it.
 “Are you excited for your wedding?” She asked with a kind smile, placing dressing on the wall of the dressing room for me to see.
 “You could say that,”
 Her brows furrowed. “You don’t sound very excited?” I shrugged and laughed nervously. The dresses she had picked out were very pretty. Sensing I had nothing more to say on the topic she helped me into the first dress. 
It was weird to see myself in the garment. I watched her fix the dress with clips so it would fit as it should before looking over to me. The dress was more of a ball gown style. It poofed out just above my hips and was strapless with a sweetheart neckline.
“Do you want to go out and show them?” I nodded and helped her pick up the many layers of tulle skirt. Hearing fabric brush against the ground as we walked out of the hallway, the heads of my entourage turned. Several smiles were seen from my view in the mirror as I stepped up onto the pedestal.
 I gazed once again at the dress in the mirror. It was a gorgeous gown; there was no doubt. Feeling ready for their opinion, I turned around to face the peanut gallery. “What do you think?” My mother was quick to gush over the skirt. Bo Rim and Yuri both raved over the shiny beading on the bodice. Mrs. Nam, Jiho’s mother seemed to like it just fine. My eyes fell on Jisung who said nothing. He looked at me, arms crossed and fingers brushing over his bottom lip. “Ji?”
Struggling not to laugh I replied, “One of the most incredible song writers I know and the only thing he has to say is ‘nice’?” My friend chuckled and his stare raked over the fabric before looking back up at my face.
“It’s not you. You don’t look like you. You look like some frilly puffy marshmallow girl.”
From anyone else the comment would offend but all I could do was laugh. “He’s right this is definitely not me.” Nodding the consultant ushered me back into the dressing room. Five dresses later, nothing felt right and I was beginning to get stressed out. “What do I do, Hyunsoon? Nothing feels right. I’m not feeling those....fireworks.” The beautiful woman looked at me in question. “Sorry, it’s something Jisung and I say to each other. It’s like our wish for the other to find so much happiness that it feels like...actual fireworks.” I explained with a light laugh. 
She sat down on the floor with me, moving the short silk robe further over my thigh, a gentle gesture. “Tell me more about your fiancee,” She kept her hand on my knee and rubbed soothing circles on my skin.
“Ummm....well...his name is Nam Jiho. He’s really nice and very very smart. Like holy fuck, he is insanely smart. He spends most of his time at work and he really likes to run as well.”
She looked at me expectantly. “That’s it?” I nodded, a little unsure of what else she wanted me to say. “And you love him?”
“Of course! What kind of a question is that? I’m getting married aren’t I?” Though I smiled, she could tell there was the smallest bit of insecurity. She thought for a minute tapping her fingers softly on my knee.
I felt somewhat lost among the mountains of white fabric scattered about the room. “Okay then! Whose opinion matters the most to you out of everyone you brought with you today?”
“Oh- Jisung. Of course.”
“Tell me about Jisung,”
A hefty sigh left my lips, but a small happy smile soon replaced it. “Jisung is....he’s like....my person you know? Like anytime I need him- even when I don’t need him- he’s always around. We grew up together. He is my everything. I trust him with more than my life. He’s just....Jisung. He is fully himself and unapologetic about it.” Ilaughed recalling thousands and thousands of memories with him. “He is a total asshole. Way too confident. But, he gets really shy sometimes. He’s also very genuine and has the biggest heart. Without Jisung...I wouldn't be who I am today.”
She smiled and pushed herself off the ground. “I will be right back!” Just as she closed the door, Hyunsoon winked over at me and left me alone in the dressing room.
Jisung’s POV
I was beginning to feel restless. Y/n hadn’t come out in at least thirty minutes. My leg was going to bounce off my body at this point. Unable to sit still any longer I pushed myself off the plush couch. It was getting harder and harder to control my heart seeing Y/n walk out in all these gowns knowing she was going to marry another man.
Wandering through the labyrinth-like rows of white frocks, I found myself thinking once again about Y/n. Not bothering to cage my thoughts they ran wild with daydreams of Y/n choosing dresses imagining what I would think of her walking down the aisle. Her smiling at me instead of that asshat, Jiho. 
Turning down an obviously dead end, my eyes fell on the mannequin standing in the center of the row. A delicate dress hung on the figure.Tattooed lace around the bodice and down the front of the gown to the hips fading like waves on shore. The back was low and open and my mind filled in the gaps, picturing Y/n’s soft skin laying beneath the fabric. My fingers brushed over the long thin sleeves. 
The sound of the a door closing snatched me from the my tantalizing reverie. “Oh- You’re Jisung right?” The woman asked walking closer. I recognized her as the one helping with Y/n’s appointment. I gave her a short nod, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket. “I actually need your help.”
“Anything for Y/n.” The beautiful woman’s brow quirked up and a smile slid onto her painted lips. “I mean....anything...for the bride.” 
Her tongue slid over her white teeth. There was so much white around, my head was starting to physically hurt. “Uh huh. Anyway! Y/n basically hates everything not only I have picked, but also everything she’s picked.” I stood waiting for the part where I could possibly help. “She trusts you. She wouldn’t stop talking about you.”
“I’m sorry....I don’t see how-”
“I see you’re looking at dresses. Have you seen one that you like? Maybe....one you would like...on Y/n?” My eyes fell to the floor, glancing over at the mannequin briefly. My quick gaze did not go unnoticed by Y/n’s consultant. “Well...Jisung....don’t you have good taste.” She walked over to dress form and checked the price tag before giving the gown a once over. “Revealing taste too....” She sang with a smirk. 
I looked away rubbing the back of my neck, the area feeling very itchy all of a sudden.  “I-I- uh...the dress just seems like her. It’s very.....mesmeric. Her.” 
“She did say you have a way with words.” Hyunsoon, I think her name was, walked over to one of the racks pushing past dresses until she pulled out one I assumed was in my bestfriend’s size. “Go sit back down! I know she’s going to love this one.” 
My head tilted back and I let out a sigh. As much as it pained me, I knew seeing that dress on Y/n and knowing it was ‘the one’ would be it for me. I’d snap and in front of all her family, soon to be and current, I’d confess how much I loved her and that I didn’t want her to marry that dick. I’d ruin what would be her perfect happy ending. Well...in her words....her ‘Moderatley-Happy-Fiancially-Stable Ending’.
“Actually...I’m gonna head out. I know she’s gonna love it. Tell her I hope she gets her fireworks.”
Willinging myself to start moving, I walked past Hyunsoon and towards the door, only stopping once. A glimpse. I caught only a glimpse. The door of Y/n’s dressing room opened and I saw the bright smile on her lips as she looked at the dress being brought to her. “That’s your last look, Han.” I mumbled under my breath. “Now turn around and walk out.” 
With every ounce of willpower left in my body, I did.
The TV droned in my rundown apartment. My two closest friends, outside the one I was deeply in love with, were half drunkenly lounged in my tiny living room. I scowled at the television, taking another drink from the bottle in my hand. 
“Dude- slow down. That’s like your sixth drink.” The eldest chided, tossing a balled up fast food wrapper at my head. 
Ignoring the fellow musician’s advice, I chugged the rest of the beer shooting Chan a look. “Chan let him be. You know what tomorrow is.” Changbin sighed. Turning, I found him hanging off an armchair upside down, scrolling through his phone. It was silent for a while until the inverted boy spoke up again. “I still don’t get why she’s marrying that douchebag.”
Knowing where this conversation was going I escaped to the kitchen, preoccupying myself with grabbing another beer from the fridge. the other two boys paid me no mind and continued the discussion as if I was invisible. Chan’s attention turned back to me as I plopped down next to him on the dusty old couch. “Han, didn’t you say you caught the guy cheating like....multiple times....” 
It was true. I had caught Jiho not once, not twice, not even three times, but four times I had got him with other women. Jiho liked to go out to clubs. The scumbag would pretend that he was working late so Y/n would be none the wiser, then he would stay out until three in the morning drinking and getting with random girls he met. The bastard didn’t even have the decency to frequent establishments he knew I wouldn’t be at. My music career was in the dumps lately and I had resorted to DJ-ing at downtown clubs.
That fucking asshole even had the audacity to flirt with other girl while Y/n was around. She had invited me out with the two of them for drinks  after a promotion at work. The second she leaves for the bathroom Jiho starts making moves on the waitress. Right in front of me. 
“Yeah....well, there’s nothing I can do about it.” On multiple occasions I had tried to tell Y/n about her terrible fiancee. Every time I tried, all I could see was the look of hope on her face. the look that practically begged for me to tell her that Jiho and I were finally getting along. And....I couldn’t do it. I could never do it. 
“Boo hoo. Horton hears a bitch ass liar!” Changbin slurred from his awkward position. 
“That is quite possibly the biggest lie you have ever told.”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Chan yanked the beer out of my grip and handed me a water bottle instead. “Oh and what do you suppose I do then?” I managed to get the words out before Chan less than gently shoved the water in my face. 
The man beside me sighed and shifted to face me fully. “You love Y/n. Yes or No?”
“She needs to know that.” I shook my head. No, she did not need to know that. I was not going to be the reason Y/n ruined her chance at a good life. Looking around my apartment I saw nothing but disappointment. Most months it was hard to make rent and I could barely afford to do anything but the bare necessities. She deserved better than what I could give her. “We all know Y/n is only settling. This is definitely not the fairytale ending she always talked about.”
“Chan, there’s no such thing as fairytales. Even Y/n knows that.” Inwardly, I grimaced at my own words. Had Y/n been around to hear those words I would have been slapped upside the head. 
“How do you know that? Do you have proof?” Changbin mused, a drunk smile on his face. “Let’s say this is a fairytale. You and Y/n have to be the main characters! The prince and the princess always get to together in the end! Duhhh!”
Even in my sour and depressed mood it was easy to laugh as Changbin slid off the armchair and landed on his head. “He does have a point, Ji.” Chan said, listing his head back onto the couch. Two of his fingers pushed the bottom of the bottle back up towards my face. “You’re the leading man in your own life, dude. Stop acting like the best friend. If you want her go get her.”
My thumb brushed over the grooves in the plastic . The alcohol was quickly clearing out of my system. A numbness filled my body as I contemplated the options put in front of me. Maybe it was time for me to be selfish. Maybe it was time for me to get what I wanted. 
Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself off the sofa and headed for the door. 
Thirteen hours. Thirteen hours before my best friend’s wedding and I was walking to her house at two in the morning to confess my feelings for her. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I mumbled under my breath. The view of her parents house was growing closer as I walked down the street. Y/n told me earlier in the week she would be staying there the night before the big day. 
Just like so many nights in our teen-dom, a familiar yellow glow from Y/n’s bedroom window illuminated the street below her house. Through the second story window I could see glimpses of movement. For a moment I just stood, doubting all the decisions I made in the last twenty minutes. I could chicken out here. Turn around and go home. She would never know. 
Just as I was about to turn around, I was caught in daze by the image in the window. Y/n stepped into view, radient like a new morning. From the little I could see from the street, she was wearing the dress I had picked from the boutique. Her hair was messily pushed back and strands fell in front of her eyes. The glint of the standing mirror flashed across from where she stood. Her beautiful E/c eyes trained on her reflection. 
She was breathtaking. My chest got tight just looking at her and a cold sweat was born on my palms. I watched as she rung her hands together, nervously twisting the rings on her fingers; a habit we both shared. Y/n let out a shaky breath before returning her gaze to the looking glass, this time with a smile. 
Her delicate fingers reached up and brushed her cheek before they stretched out as if to shake some invisible person’s hand. Her smile grew brighter as she talked to this imaginary person. She laughed and looked truly the happiest I had seen her in a long time. 
My eyes fell to the road, scuffing my shoe on the asphalt. She was happy. No matter how badly I wanted her.....there was no way I was going to take that away from her. Y/n’s happiness mattered more than mine. I could find comfort in the knowledge that she would be happy. That she would be taken care of. That she got everything she deserved. Everything I could never give her. 
Turning on my heel, the cold air and truth bleeding me sober, I walked back into the city away from my happy ending. 
Y/n’s POV
Thirteen hours. Thirteen hours before my wedding and I was questioning everything for absolutely no reason. The rest of my family was long asleep. Yet, here I sat in my wedding dress feeling like everything I was doing, every decision I made.....was wrong. I felt like crying for no reason, my throat refusing to be anything but tight. 
Coming to my feet, I smoothed out the gorgeous gown and walked with no purpose until I found myself staring at the mirror on the far side of the room. The girl on the other side of the glass looked like a bride. Why wasn’t I happy with that?
Standing up tall like my mother lectured many times in the past few days, I pursed my lips and put on a pained smile. “Hi, I’m Mrs. Nam Jiho,” The name felt unclean coming from my lips. Tilting my head, I rubbed my face before staring back at my reflection. I sighed pushing back the feeling of tears begging to spill over. 
“It’s nice to meet you, my name is Nam Y/n.” I shivered, swallowing the last bit of moisture in my mouth. “Nam....Y/n.....Y/n Nam....Mrs.Nam Y/n.” The more I tried to look at the person who I would become the more I felt like crying. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Mrs. Nam Y/n....” Before I could finish the words I broke into tears. Loud sobs filled my room and all I could do was stare at the hollow shell reflected in my mirror. 
My heart ached. The air in the room around me felt heavy, like a weight on my shoulders, pushing me down into the ground. Pushing past the lump in my throat, my eyes returned to the mirror, this time fixating on the photos framing the glass. Pictures of my friends and family.
 My heart lifted seeing a photo of Jisung and me. It was an old picture from highschool, probably taken on one of those disposable cameras you could get at corner stores. His school uniform was slightly too big for his then thin frame. My skirt was just a little too long and my shoes were never quite the right size. We were seated on the bleachers outside the school. Jisung sat on the row above me and let me rest between his legs. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders, as he leaned around to kiss my cheek. I was caught in the middle of a laugh and Jisung looked so happy right next to me. 
I smiled remembering the day from the printed memory. A friend we both had lost touch with had taken the photo while we weren’t looking. We then got teased for days afterwards. My fingers brushed over the delicate fabric of the dress. The dress that Jisung had chosen. Jisung. Almost every happy moment of my life....was tied to Jisung. Taking a step forward, I looked back in the mirror. Sniffing away the tears, I smiled. 
“I’m please to meet you....I’m Mrs. Han Jisung,” 
The smile on my face grew bigger and my heart swelled. Reaching up I brushed away the tears that spilled over before holding my hand as if meeting one of the guests at my wedding. “Jisung and I are so pleased you could come to our wedding,” 
The feeling in my chest had me wishing to cry all over again but for a different reason. I wanted to jump and scream at the top of my lungs the name ‘Han Y/n’. The more I said it, the more I felt like a teenager again. 
All I could think about was Jisung. His dark hair, dyed one too many times, leaving it slightly damaged but somehow still soft. His big, round, doe eyes. The way he told the stupidest jokes. His voice- not just when he sang, but even simply speaking his voice was one of my favorite sounds. Pressing my hands to my cheeks, I pulled away finding them hot. 
“Fuck...I’m in love with Jisung.”
“Okay, I need everyone to give me some fucking space!” I shouted, effectively silencing my dressing room. One by one, my maid of honor ushered the ladies out. I let slip one time that I am having second thoughts and all hell breaks loose. 
Sitting at the vanity, my head fell into my hands. I was dejected. Confused. And obviously sitting with a pretty big headache. I hadn’t heard from Jisung since the dress appointment and he didn’t answer any of my texts this morning. It was like he was avoiding me. Eyeing the champagne on table I contemplated drinking the whole damn bottle then just going through with the event. As much as I wanted to get married, I didn’t want to do it to someone I didn’t love. 
Standing up, I manuevered the champagne filled vessel away from my body and popped it, the sound letting loose a satisfying echo. The bubbly liquid filled the glass flute I picked up. My first sip was interrupted by a knock on the door. 
“I told you guys I needed space! Just fuck off!”
Downing the glass, I turned to pour another one. Drunk ceremony was looking like my best option right about now. The click of the dressing room door opening caused my ears to prick up. “I said fuck off-”
“That’s not very nice language coming from the bride.” 
Jisung stood in the doorway, hesitant smile on his face. His hair was almost styled, pieces still falling loose over his forehead. A black blazer hung over an untucked slightly wrinkled white dress shirt. His slender hands were shoved in the pockets of his blue jeans. 
“Coming from you that’s rich,” He watched me drink in his appearance. “Jeans, Ji? You come to my wedding in jeans and Doc Martens?” 
My best friend rubbed the back of his neck, eyes trained on the carpeted floor. “To be honest....I wasn’t sure I was coming at all.”
I blinked, trying to process the words just said to me. My best friend....the man I loved more than anything in the world...said he almost didn’t come to my wedding. “Excuse me?”
“Y/n....we need to talk....” 
My chest tightened in anticipation as I watched Jisung close the door. He stayed on the opposite side of the room seemingly nervous or afraid to even look my way. A hint of a smile appeared as I watched Jisung anxiously turn the silver rings around his fingers. “Ji, have you been avoiding me...”
Instead of answering, the man’s eyes fell to the bottle on the vanity. He motioned to it, wordlessly asking for a glass. Stepping away, I allowed him enough room to cross and pour a glass for himself. He downed the flute like a shot almost making me laugh at the similarity between us. “Didn’t you want to get married outside? In a forest if I remember correctly?”
“Don’t change the subject, Jisung.”
“I’m not.” For the first time I felt like Jisung really looked at me. His eyes seemed to soften. Before I could once again appreciate how beguiling his eyes were, they retreated back to their place on the floor. “Y/n....this isn’t you. You deserve a fairytale ending. Your fairytale ending. You don’t deserve a shotgun wedding in some church with nobody watching just waiting for the hour de vours to be passed out.”
“I’m not pregnant. This isn’t a shotgun-”
“Please just let me finish, Y/n....”
Nodding, I leaned against the vanity and watched my friend’s hands brushed through his dark locks. The silver hanging from his ears glinted in the bright fluorescent lighting. “Y/n...Don’t....don’t get married.” He seemed encouraged by my reaction, or lack thereof. “I think about you a little more than I should. A lot more actually. For a long time. Y/n/n, I’ve been in love with you since grade school.”
A familiar lump began to form in my throat and a pit formed in my stomach. Gaining confidence, Jisung’s eyes met mine. “It’s been killing me...seeing you with that asshole. I know you’re happy. I know that you’re better off with him. He can give you everything that I can’t, because you deserve to have a nice house. You deserve to be spoiled with gifts and trips. You deserve to not come home every night and worry whether the rent has been paid.” Jisung stopped and stared at the empty glass in his hands. 
“You always talked about fairytales when we were little. Well...my fairytale would just be us. No magic. No princes and princesses. Cause you’re enough for me. More than enough. Y/n, you’re it for me. You’re my fairytale.”
His eyes widened seeing a single tear rolling down my cheek. Before continuing Jisung watched me with shaking hands carefully set the glass flute on the vanity behind me. 
“I- I want you to be happy. If you’re happy with Jiho then I will go out into that church and clap when you get hitched. Because, that's what friends fucking do and that I can give you. But...if there is any chance....any part of you...that loves me at all....even a little bit....”
He gulped, fingers ferociously twisting the rings on his right hand. Not many would believe it, but Jisung was shy. Introverted. It was rare to see him like this. Jisung wasn’t afraid or nervous, but more timid or demure. I could almost see his heart physically stop beating as I opened my mouth to speak.
“I’m not happy, Ji.” He blinked, big, brown, doe eyes trying to understand what I meant. “I want to be. But, I can’t be happy with someone I don’t love. I don’t care about the money or the gifts. I just.....want my fireworks. I think you can understand that more than anyone.”
Jisung nodded dejectedly, shoving his hands into the pockets of the blazer that seemed to be holding itself together with only a few threads. He seemed to not understand what I was saying. “I do....understand- I mean. That’s all I want for you. If you can’t be happy with Jiho or me then-”
“Fuck, Ji. You really are dense aren’t you?”
Reaching forward, I twisted the collar of Jisung’s slightly unbuttoned shirt and pulled him closer. Before our lips even touched I could feel electricity in the air, sparking and making room hotter. Finally feeling my lips against his sent my stomach on a rollercoaster; twisting, turning, loop de loops, and free falls giving me the greatest feeling spreading to the rest of my body. 
The feeling of my fingers sliding up his neck, must have brought Jisung out of whatever shock induced daze he was in. Like second nature his arms wrapped around me, cool hands pressing into the bare skin of my back. There was nothing but fire in my stomach as Jisung dragged his lips over mine at a painstakingly slow pace. The man smiled feeling me pull and tangle my fingers in his soft dark tresses. 
“Fireworks?” I asked, pulling away with my bottom lip snagged between my teeth. 
“Millions.” Jisung’s thumb brushed over my cheek before he leaned back in capturing my lips in another death defying kiss. “Did you drive here? I took the train.” He mumbled between kisses.
I laughed feeling happier than any moment before in my life. “My car is out back. You’re driving.”
Opening my eyes, I saw that signature smirk my best friend was famous for. For the first time I knew why my insides did flips when it was directed at me. Lacing his fingers with mine he dragged me from the dressing room and led me through the halls as fast as we could run with one of us in a wedding dress. As we reached the car, slamming the doors shut, the bells in the chapel started to ring making the both of us grin. Jisung leaned over, fastening my seatbelt before kissing my lips like they were his only source of air.
“You make quite the gorgeous runaway bride,”
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
Umm hi...im new on tumblr and in this fandom, and I don't really know how to start? But i've heard ur name a lot and I love your fics, so I just thought I should ask u...I guess?.....yeah I have no idea what im doing as u can clearly see lol
ummmm hiiiiii bestie! awhhh all good things i hope... ha ha. anywhoooo. goddddd how to start on tumblr?! eeeeek.
follow people you like! erm, anyone elses fics you like? (thank you so much by the way!) i bet they have a tumble if they're writing on ao3... sometimes they don't put it in the end notes but i bet they're on here!
ummm, you can follow the spideychelle tag or the petermj tag! (or any other tag you like? i know some people have separate blogs but i cba xxxx) if you use the search function and type either of those in it should allow you to follow it? and then you'll get posts that are tagged w those! so gifs, fics, random posts and things like that! that's probably the best way to find new blogs to follow?
it depends what you're on tumblr for! interaction? make new internet friends? lurking?
interaction - your best bet is ask games/ commenting on posts/ reblogging w tags and things? that's how i recognise the same people i think! internet friends take a little more time! but you can see which blogs you vibe w :) lurking! so fun so true!
liking posts and reblogging is probably the easiest way to be remembered and thought about more often? if that makes sense. for like tag games and stuff! (let me know if you want me to tag you in things? i love a tag game like... sucker for them!)
ummm, i think that's probably all the advice i have? be yourSELF (whichever version you wanna show the internet). be KIND. that's pretty much all you need to survive :) xxxxxxxxxxx
also let me know if you want a little list of people i liiiike to follow? for specific things? art/ fics/ random breakdowns (all spideychelle i don't venture out I'm scared) but i canny guarantee you'll like them as well! just depends on what you like :)
mmmmk have fun! feel like a proud mama sending her kids of to school or something xxxxxxxxxx
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
it is funny seeing now what ppl have surged in popularity in fandom, namely the ppl i watched years back mindcrack era that i dont feel like even got that much attention in the (much smaller) fandom. like at least fandomwise i never felt like bdubs or etho were that popular in regards to fics and stuff, mostly comparing to others at that time- tho bdubs and his later roleplaying (bteam) did gain him more attention i think. and like, nebtho was certainly a dyanmic ppl liked but it was otherwise pretty contained to those few moments and the fics were very much nonexistent even tho that fun pair. when i did see etho it was often with team canada as a whole. and in similarity w bdubs i feel like etho got more attention during more of that kinda phase (but nothing comparable to now). and ofc im speaking from experience of the ever tiny tumblr community... undoubtedly ppl leaned towards certain guys and it just kinda encouraged more focus on those people.
but i was curious if i could see how correct my memories were. while ao3 is a thing with tags im not sure if itd be skewed due to other things these people are in, so i thought itd be interesting to go to the salad and take a look since it was one of the most contained places for mindcrack fics i used back then
(under the cut bc this got even longer. sorry i can shut up abt fandom analysis and how things change <3)
some of these tags usages can be like... minor appearances. but at first i was surprised to see bdubs with a whole 478 tagged fics... but then the etho tag has a whopping 895. i think hes mentioned in a lot of fics in passing, but still thats a lot more tagged than i wouldve thought in the end. but i can say i really do remember bdubs getting very little attention in the fic area back then so. some of the other notably highly tagged people were beef (601), guude (753), kurt (731), nebris (662), pause (715), vechs (985), and zisteau (860).
leaving vechs at #1, etho at #2, and zisteau at #3. i was not a vechs reader but goddamn he really was everywhere fandom wise i recall, so that adds up. z and etho were definitely people i saw getting more attention at the end of my mindcrack era too (mostly z with vechs). of course some of this again should be taken w a the note that there are likely a lot of background appearances/minor ones. regardless, to know that even some of them were mentioned enough to add up like that is kinda wild when you think about it. i had some blinders on because i cared mostly about kurt and zisteau, and no surprise they have been tagged 700-800 times either- sms wasnt the most popular, but i know it came up quite a bit.
i did take a quick look at the mindcrack tag on ao3 but it houses wayyy less fics (466 right now) than the salad so, i guess its a better idea, mostly because it is what was popular back when these ppl werent as popular!
but in terms of now??? what got me back to watching these guys was being surprised at a post about bdubs that had like, 5k notes. so obvious things have changed A Lot. i mean hell. the salad has 2,578 fics tagged. ao3 has ummm 10k+ hermitcraft fics and 3k+ last life fics.... and for both etho and bdubs, theyre tagged in over 1k hermitcraft fics (2k, if you count last life as separate). actually an even more amusing comparison is Doc- on salad theres 213 tags and hes never someone i considered writing about or reading about (shockingly i did write him once) but in the hermitcraft tag on ao3 hes up as one of the most tagged with 1,940.
i find it so interesting how things change direction. bdubs was kinda early on the rping ideas and its no shock people caught on to him more- but etho is someone im surprised has exploded in popularity now? but also not? like im surprised interest like now didnt catch on until recently. the way people have molded a character and Vibe with him now Makes Sense. i think i always saw him in similar ways years ago, but that fandom attitude hadnt caught up, the fanbase was too small. but its wild to go from a few sporadic fics focused on one of these guys to like..... very very consistent interest, headcanons, fan art, fics, etc. fucking wild.
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rexcoatlarchive · 4 years
Once Rex and Quetz were finally finished saving the world they eventually left Chaldea and retired to a nice home in Mexico. Quetz having used a grail to reincarnate as a mostly normal human (with a bit of authority still) so they could live a relatively normal life and eventually start a family. They didn't have kids just yet but they did have a cute German Shepherd named King
I say retire but of course they still worked at normal jobs, to pay the bills. They lived in a nice home relatively out of the way near a forest, not too close to the nearest town, but close enough to go regularly. There was a bounded field around it to prevent any pesky magus from bothering them.
Rex: so... how's your day been, honey?
Quetz: fine, still getting used to being a normal human tho.
Rex: yeah, we can be a bit squishy.
Quetz: it's alright, I've been a human before. Just takes some getting used to.
Rex: you still thinking about rasing a kid?
Quetz: si, but maybe we should wait a bit before we go there. Not sure if we're super ready yet.
Rex: that's fair.
Rex ends up looking out the window, only to see something interesting.
Rex: honey!
Quetz: hmmm?
Rex: ...there's just a dog out there.
Quetz: a stray?
Rex: maybe, but they seem to be pacing around the place.
Quetz: eh?
Quetz looks out the window. What she sees is one of those Mexican hairless dogs walking around the yard.
Quetz: what the hell?
Rex: maybe we should go see if he's lost?
They open the door. The dog looking excited now.
Rex: hey lil guy, you lost?
Quetz: he doesn't have a collar.
Dog?: I'm not lost, I've been looking for you!
Rex: what the hell!?
Quetz: Queeeee!?
Dog?: you guys don't recognize me? Oh wait... I didn't look exactly like this last time.
Rex: wait...
Quetz: Xolot?
Xolotl: yyyyup! It's me sis, long time no see.
Quetz: what are you doing here? And why in that form?
Xolotl: just wanted to say hi, and this was the least conspicuous form to take.
Rex: hmmmm, sure whatever you say.
Quetz: is that all you wanted? Feels like there's more to this.
Xolotl: ...well I was kind of hoping I could crash here for a while.
Rex: ...ummm, why exactly?
Xolotl: ok, I was lying about using this form because it's less conspicuous. I actually reincarnated into this form, just like sis did in her current form.
Quetz: eeehhh?! Why would you do that?
Xolotl: well... I've never been mortal before. And seeing you join your husband in mortality made me think that I could too.
Rex: you could've chosen a human form tho.
Xolot: why do that? Being a dog sounds fun. No bills, get fed for free, sleep wherever, it sounds great!
Quetz: sure does! Now go find someone else!
Xolotl: que?! Why can't I stay here?
Quetz: no freeloaders brother. Besides your better then this.
Rex: also we have a dog already and he's not friendly.
Growling can be heard from in the house
Quetz: there he is now.
Xolotl: I can't just go wherever. I don't know any other humans
Rex: people love dogs tho. Wander around enough and surely someone will adopt you.
Quetz: also I think you've made a mistake, you became a dog but you're already fully grown. Dogs don't last that long.
Xolotl: I've accounted for that. Made sure I had some extra time when I was reincarnating. And it's too risky to just go wherever, come on guys.
King: *barking from inside*
Rex: do you have an idea how to prevent yourself from getting hurt?
Xolotl: just keep us separated.
Quetz: ...fine brother. But you better appreciate this, and pull your weight.
Xolotl: how exactly?
Rex: at least help keep the place safe, and kill any pests.
Xolotl: I can do that.
Quetz: fine, come in.
Xolotl: gracias!
The new roommate enters the house.
Rex: I didn't expect any of your siblings to try to join us.
Quetz: well he's the only one. Any others will be turned down.
Rex: good to hear.
And with that Xolotl was going to be living with the pair for a while. Very awkward to live with your brother-in-law while they're also a dog. Hopefully he'll be well behaved.
Tags that seem pointless
@hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @hasabbydoneanythingwrong @hasastolfodoneanythingwrong @castlecsejtespeakertechnician @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @hassanofthefrostedmuffins @valiantstrawberrymilk @panyum @grievouslyxorvia @peachyfaeby @exmeowstic
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
Not So Nice
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Fandom: seaQuest DSV
Summary: Just after the episode ‘And Everything Nice’ from season 2. Lucas has just had his heart broken when a woman named Sandra has pretended to want a relationship with him, only to then be ‘kidnapped’ by the people she is working with, and pull Lucas into a game she is part of, wanting to get access to seaQuest’s emergency codes. 
Lucas has been quiet and distant for three days after his brief relationship and heartbreak with Sandra. You try and cheer him up, but instead you wind up being the one who opens up old wounds, and feelings are shared.
Pairings: Lucas Wolenczak x fem!LieutenantReader (friendship mainly)
Warnings: Angst, sadness, break up, heartbreak, age difference, admission of feelings. 
Comments: If you wish to be added to my seaQuest tag list, which will be separate from all my other tags, let me know, and I will only tag you in these if you specifically request to be tagged. This is practically a dead fandom now, but I would still like to share my writings with you. If you would like to ask any questions, then by all means just ask! People are probably wondering why I’m still continuing this fic when it gets so little feedback, but it’s purely because I enjoy writing it. It’d a pleasure to be reminiscing in old times.
This has no link really to Fear and Loathing, only that the characters are the same. 
Lucas had been quiet and distant for the last three days, only answering when was absolutely necessary. It was only natural that he would react in such a way, but it hurt you when he pushed you away. All you wanted to do was help, try and ease some of his pain and take the weight on your own shoulders. Betrayal always cut deep. You knew of betrayal quite well. Lucas was still only eighteen, barely a man. This was his first instance of betrayal, when he’d given his heart to a girl so quickly in sheer innocence. And now you wanted to take the burn and ease the pain.
After your shift on the third day after Lucas had ripped up his resignation letter, you went to the mess hall and made two mugs of hot coffee. Tony Piccolo, Lucas’ bunkmate, had been making himself scarce most evenings to play Poker with O’Neill, Brody and Ortiz, so this would be the perfect opportunity to try and show Lucas that you truly did care.
Lucas was lying on his bunk, staring at the metal pipes which ran above his bed. He had his arms behind his head, and still, all he could see was Sandra. It had all been too good to be true; a beautiful woman like her had wanted him. Of course she had ulterior motives. Not many men would ever be good enough for her.
A sudden tap to Lucas’ door pulled him out of his reverie. “Yeah?” he asked.
“Can you open the door, Lucas? I’ve got my hands full,” you called, your voice muffled.
Lucas sighed and jumped down from his bunk, letting you in to the room. There, on a tray, were two large steaming coffees, surrounded by an assortment of sweets and candies. “Thought you might want a bit of company,” you said, offering a smile. “And some sugar. It always helps cheer me up.”
“Ummm, yeah….” Lucas replied, his voice sounding unsure and sceptical.
You could see from the set of his face that he was going to be a little awkward, but you would do your best to help his sadness. “I’ll put these down on the table,” you said. “I brought extra milk and sugar…”
“Look, thanks and everything, but I’m kinda not in the mood,” Lucas said. His blue eyes met your gaze, and in that moment he saw the flash of upset. A tiny jolt of something hit him in the chest and he moved forward. “I’m…sorry. Please, I shouldn’t have said that. Thank you.” As he focused on you, Sandra seemed to slip away briefly. And those buried feelings stirred. You may not have been outwardly stunning in your appearance with full pouting lips, a model figure and high cheekbones, but your beauty shone through your smile and sparkled in your eyes. It slipped off your tongue when you spoke words of kindness, and it left a sweet scent on the air when you showed a gesture of friendship and compassion. Lucas swallowed hard. You were far more beautiful than Sandra could have ever hoped to be.
To your surprise, Lucas stepped to you and put his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
You held him and felt him sink into you, his despair finally being let loose. He wept on your shoulder and you couldn’t help but feel yourself begin to fill with tears also, your heart breaking for him.
“I just want one person to not walk away from me,” he sobbed. “I want someone to put me first and love me.”
“You are so special,” you told him as you both parted. Lucas sniffed, his eyes red and sore.
“I want to be special to one person, you know?” he asked. “To be wanted and needed, and not just needed for when a computer needs to be fixed.”
“I need you,” you said softly. “You make me smile, help me laugh. You’re one of my closest friends, and I honestly cherish you more than you know.”
“No one truly needs me though, do they? I’m just a kid to everyone,” Lucas countered. “If you and Miguel hooked up tomorrow then you’d be all him and you wouldn’t need me.”
You took a step back and widened your eyes in shock at Lucas’ words. “I’m assuming you mentioned Miguel purely as a way to make your point and not to actually insinuate that something is going on between us. Being in a relationship isn’t the only way you can need someone, Lucas. It doesn’t somehow magically make your life complete. Trust me, it doesn’t.”
Lucas remained quiet and brushed his hand through his hair, and began to put sugar into his coffee.
“You’re eighteen, and you’ll have plenty of time to meet lots of new people,” you said softly. “I know it doesn’t take away what happened between you and Sandra, but the right people will come into your life. Maybe you just haven’t found the right people yet.”
Lucas looked at you for a second and felt a very weak smile erupt. You were definitely one of the right people in his life. He felt that. He’d always felt it. On the day you first met, when crew were being brought on board after the re-building of the infamous sub, Lucas had been checking on Darwin and you and a few other crew members had been escorted into the Moon Pool on a short tour of the vessel. Immediately you had been overcome with excitement upon seeing the dolphin. Lucas couldn’t help but laugh at your enthusiasm that day and it was here, somehow, something was born. All of the crew on the small tour were dressed in their civilian clothing; mostly the norm, T-shirts, jeans. But you were wearing a bright, colourful T-shirt with a Looney Tunes character on the front and a cardigan that way way too big for you, covered in purple stars. Your shoes were bright red Converse.
“Can you remember the day we first met?” Lucas asked suddenly, sitting down on Tony’s bunk.
You smiled, reminiscing in your first day aboard seaQuest. “Yeah, I do. It was one of the most exciting days of my life.”
“I think you got a bit more than you bargained for, huh?”
“No, I got everything I was expecting and more. I’ve made some amazing friends, had wonderful experiences, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. I can honestly say that I’m happy for the first time in years,” you replied, sipping your hot coffee. “Anyway, enough of me. I came to see how you’re doing.”
Lucas chuckled.
“That’s better,” you giggled. “Smiles suit you.” You watched Lucas hang his head and blush, a broad smile still beaming from his face.
“You’re the first person who has made me smile,” Lucas said softly. “Thank you.”
“I do have my uses. They’re few, but I do have some,” you laughed.
You sat down in the seat opposite where Lucas was perched, and you gripped the warm coffee in your hand. The smile began to dissipate from Lucas’ face and his eyes wondered towards a space behind you. What was he thinking? You wanted to take all the hurt and worry from him, throw it away, and then hold him tight. He deserved so much better than the hand he had been dealt.
“Has anyone ever broke your heart?” Lucas asked absently.
“I’ve had my heart broken many times, Lucas,” you replied. “It comes with the territory of being human, I’m afraid. Friends, family, lovers…” Well, lover. The word wasn’t plural in your case; you had only ever been in one relationship. It was a secret that you kept close to your scarred heart. At your age and point in your life, you should have had many lovers and now been preparing to settle down with one, to buy your own home, get married and have a handful of kids. But, no, you had decided to join the Navy, see the world, and forfeit that life because you felt you would never have it.
As Lucas looked up at you, he reminded you of the type of teenage boy you would have had a crush on when you were that age. Fair-haired, blue-eyed, cute. However, when you were eighteen, you were chubby, and no doubt he wouldn’t have looked at you twice. You had always been invisible to the good looking boys when you were growing up. Everyone only saw your dependable and loner nature, asking for help when they needed it, but remaining scarce any other time.
The sadness of your past began to rise in your chest and you batted away a tear, which Lucas noticed.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, moving toward you. His hand reached out to you, quivering a little as he felt unsure of what to do.
“I’m fine,” you said, faking a smile. “Your question just brought back some memories. Look at me. I come to see if you’re okay, and I’m the one who winds up crying. How stupid.”
Lucas was lost for words in those moments and just looked at you trying to push your tears away with another fake smile. Would you ever have any idea how beautiful you were? Losing Sandra had hurt, but from the betrayal itself, not losing her. And now that Sandra was no longer in his life, Lucas knew that he couldn’t stop feeling for you what he did. The time with Sandra had only been a temporary relief of the unrequited feelings that he had for you. Was she a rebound for you? Lucas had had many crushes in the last couple of years, many of them being on female crew, but with you, it was more than just a crush. He lay awake at night thinking of you, often dreamed of you and then became very embarrassed when he saw you the day after.
Sandra had seemed like a natural choice for Lucas to make. Clever, beautiful. The female equivalent of him. He’d gravitated towards that, being able to shut off his feelings for you in order to pursue a life with a girl he’d only known one night. But your differences to Lucas were what made you special. They were new, unique and a novelty to him. Sitting with a girlfriend, discussing quantum theories and computer algorithms would have been the norm and to be expected. But talking about rock concerts you attended in your youth, fantasy books you loved, and watching you laugh over the thought of Tony Piccolo getting locked outside his quarters, stark naked, was what Lucas wanted. It was what he was thriving on. You unlocked a whole new world to him, offering it. It was a world of vibrancy, humour and creativity.
“I wish I could hunt down all those people who have hurt you,” Lucas whispered.
You saw the anger in his eyes at the very thought of someone upsetting you, and you curled your hand around his. “I need you in my life more than you know,” you told him. “You keep me upright.”
“You’re good at doing that for everyone else,” Lucas said, a hint of frustration in his tone.
“It’s who I am, Lucas. I’ve always been a helper and a giver. But you’ve got to guard yourself and not give yourself over so willingly. I’ve seen you do it so much since I first met you. You pour your heart and soul into everything you do, and that can mean you lose yourself. In time, through experience, you learn who to trust and who not to. You begin to develop an anti-bullshit radar.”
“Like Tony?” Lucas laughed. Most of what that man spouted really was bullshit.
“He covers up his feelings of inadequacy,” you replied. “I tend to be able to sum people up pretty quickly.”
“How about…say, Brody?”
“Ahh, the ladies man,” you mused. “He’s confident, good-looking, but there’s a lot of hurt in him, probably around his upbringing and his mother. He likes the ladies, but deep down he’s looking for a mother figure.”
“How about Ortiz?”
“He’s pretty much an open book. Honest, practical. I’ve always liked Miguel’s straight talking nature.”
“And me?”
“Oh, come on. Have I got to go through and analyse every crew member? I’ve noticed it’s all the younger men you’re asking me about.” You nudged Lucas with your elbow. “Is there a point to this exercise? I’m guessing you want to see if I have a crush on any of these men?”
“Well, do you?”
You laughed loud. “You cheeky little shit! You had to put yourself in there, I noticed.”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.”
“What, if you have a crush on any of the guys?” you teased, sticking your tongue out for emphasis. “Okay….I did have a bit of a crush on Miguel when I first came aboard. And Brody’s kinda cute, but that’s about it. Your turn!”
Lucas swallowed hard and then looked at you. “You.”
“What about me?” you asked, your expression turning very straight from your previous amusement.
“I’ve liked you since we first met.”
“What about Lonnie?” you asked, feeling yourself begin to shake. How had you become cornered like this?
“No, you,” Lucas replied simply.
You got up from your seat and sighed. “I’ve got to go. I need to press my uniform for in the morning…”
Lucas looked on, watching you grow flustered in your attempt to escape the conversation and the room. “Sandra has made me realise even more how deep my feelings for you are.”
“Lucas, stop it,” you said, turning on your heel. “I’m not even going to entertain such an idea of anything happening. I’m too old for you.”
Then you disappeared out of the door, slamming it behind you.
seaQuest tag list: @shrimpsthings​ @lathalea​
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jerbric · 4 years
Ducktales Spoilers < these are my personal opinions so you obviously don’t have to read. Also I’m on mobile so no read more but it is tagged as #long post
Uhhhh, first off, the fact that Fenton decided to call it the Gizmocloud and still didn’t make a move to properly change the name even after Gandra expressed her distaste, is still stuck with me and not in a good way :/ other than that, the cloud is cool
Fendra being actually actually canon and even getting a KISS and holding hands MULTIPLE times throughout the episode?? AMAZING, FANTASTIC AND ALL THE GOOD WORDS (not all of them but I’ve seen f*nro shippers being annoying and rude about Gandra/fendra becoming canon and while I won’t make a separate post, I think it should be addressed.)
Also Louie Rights :] I love him and I loved his scenes. 10/10 would love to see it again
Fuck M*rk B**ks. I hate him. I hate his big head and his voice (no offense to the VA) and I hate his appearance and his character and if I have to see or hear him one more fucking time I will break something
Gandra Dee, ma’am I love you. I wish I were Fenton right now, imagine getting to hold her hand. Imagine getting to say she’s “your Gandra” and getting to call her your girlfriend. She’s so smart and cool and anyway, invitations to the wedding will be out shortly. Also her backstory :(
Also I really relate to the one character who said “who is that?” or something similar when B**ks had his outburst in public. And how can I forget about the guy that said “why are you still a thing?” I loved him too.
Also, the whole Gizmocloud thing had me thinking about the Lego Movie 2 scene where General Mayhem was talking to Lucy and basically said “you did all the work but he took all the credit?” and Lucy was just like “yeah, but he’s still great!” because that’s what the whole thing felt like. And then Fenton kept pushing for Gandra to make it public even though Gandra wanted to keep it between them for the time being. And I get it, more minds means more ideas and more help, but he still could’ve been a bit more patient and understanding.
I know I already posted my opinions on the “superhero” team up but I deleted the post and I really hope they never make an appearance ever again. Except Gandra, she can stay but only if there’s a more official and better superhero group.
And then that ending?? Amazing. I saw a post where someone said that Bradford intends on still paying Gandra but keeping her locked up means she’s just going to receive her paycheck through a little slot is so fucking funny. I loved that. I hope she gets out and makes a big appearance.
All in all, ummm I hate numbers but if I had to? 4/10 for the episode. I just personally didn’t like most of the characters, and it’s not any episode I would fully watch again. If anything, I would just skim through it for Gandra and Louie specific moments. The plot was pretty good though and I loved everyone hating on B**ks. That’s it, goodnight.
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wincestisasincest · 4 years
The Green Book (Thorin’s Company x Reader, Part 3)
Hey gang! Wow, it has been a long time. I actually had the draft on my desk top for a really long time and just never got around to post it, because my life has been really crazy, but she’s back! I’ve already started the draft for the fourth chapter, so ready yourselves! Thanks so much for your patience : ). 
Summary: (Y/n) falls into Middle Earth. Shocker. Somehow, she gets recruited to join a party of dwarves on their kinda crazy mission to reclaim their home of Erebor.
Part: 1, 2, 3
Tags (let me know if you want to be added to the list!): @stuckupstucky, @dianaarelyfernandezgarza97, @alexloveskili
Words: 2188
Warnings: None I think...? I mean (y/n) is kinda a pussy in this chapter and Thorin is... himself so just be aware of that
Finally gaining my footing, I drew myself to my feet and regained my surroundings in the middle of the hazy afternoon. 
I used the reflection on the phone to observe myself. My (h/c) hair was an absolute tangled mess, with leaves, small twigs, and even a few pebbles here and there. I mussed it with my hand before lightly parting it, like I would do every morning. Of course, I still looked terrible, but something about fixing hair always makes people feel better.
I looked at my chin, where a massive bruise had planted itself, no doubt from the rather aggressive pushing and shoving from the trolls. Additionally, my legs and arms had been littered with small cuts and bruises that had just now begun to sting and make themselves noticed. Great. 
The next order of business was to find the Company. Admittedly, I was highly uncomfortable with the idea of meddling in a familiar tale. I touched on it earlier, but, reader, the tales of Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Gray, and all of their adventures in reclaiming Erebor were, in fact, very common tales from where I come from. So common that they are read aloud to children every night. However, no one actually believed them to be true, for dwarves, hobbits, and wizards, along with every race except human, do not exist in the world where I come from. 
I would expand on this further, but I imagine that whoever reading this has many of the same questions as my dwarf companions will ask later in these many tales, so do be patient. 
While we are taught as children that it is bad practice to mess around with things that are already set in stone, we are also taught that cops are good and that “because” is a valid reason for anything, so I ignored that advice. 
They may be my only chance to ever see civilization again. 
Catching up with them was very easy, as, while they are quite business oriented, they travel very slowly. They had spent a long time searching in the caves of the trolls that had been killed earlier, and even longer packing and preparing for the journey ahead. Dwarves are tough, that’s for sure, but they are also very methodical, and do not like to be interrupted when they have already begun something. 
Like a stalker (which I guess I technically was), I peaked out at their company from behind a tree, wondering when exactly my entrance should be made. They were apparently wondering something similar. 
“I say we should look for ‘er.” Fili posited.
“I second the lad.” Dwalin piped up. Oh dear, that dwarf was so intimidating up close. Even though I was noticeably taller than him, he could take me out with a single swing of his axe, no questions axed asked. 
“If she wanted our help, she would’ve come back and gotten it by now.” Nori remarked, to which Thorin sternly nodded. He was right. I did need their help, and I was back to get it. Gold digger life. (A/N I’m so sorry for removing the immersion, I would just like to apologize for all of the Gen Z shitposting in this. Feel free to tell me to knock it off.) 
Gandalf and Bilbo were there. It was a moment I recognized, when Gandalf introduced Bilbo to his now famous blade, Sting. I realized in that moment that literally any point in which I decided to emerge would be interrupting something. I quickly swallowed my pride and decided to reveal myself. 
“Uh, hi! I’m back.” I had absolutely no idea what to say. They all turned to face me, though at this point I was used to being gawked at. I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t make me feel a little bit dizzy, though. 
I waved awkwardly, supporting my red canvas backpack over my shoulder. No one was saying anything. 
Gandalf lifted his every curious head up and eagle-eyed me from across the clearing. 
“Miss (Y/n)! So you have decided to join us.” It felt supremely unnatural to have him say my name. He crossed the way to approach me, leaving a rather disconcerted hobbit in the dust. 
“Uh… yeah. I guess I have.” 
“Wonderful! However, I’m afraid that I only offer my acquaintanceship to ladies whom I know more than their name. After all, it is only fair, since I’m sure you know mine?” No one bothered to interrupt the wizard, who, if I wasn’t mistaken, was doing the same thing to me that he did when he first met Bilbo outside of his hobbit hole. 
“Ummm, yeah, you’re Gandalf the Gray. And I guess, uh,” I breathed in deeply, realizing that, whether I tell the truth or lie, I’m going to sound extremely pathetic, “I’m (f/n) (l/n), but you can just call me (f/n). Uh, I’m human, I guess, and um, I don’t really know where I am right now. I’m kinda lost, I guess.”  
“Where do you hail from?” Damnit, damnit, I had no idea how to answer this.
“Ummm… really not from here. Like, so far that you probably haven’t heard of it.” His expression deepened a little bit. He was not playing as much as he pretended to. A somewhat scary reminder of the actual investment in the protection of his friends that it was easy to forget that he had.
“Try me.” 
“(Hometown name).” I answered back, with a fair amount of fake confidence. He furrowed his brow and pondered slightly, while everyone else remained completely puzzled. Of course, they had never heard of my hometown either, but the were far less travelled then Gandalf, and simply resolved to not seem outwardly ignorant. 
“You’re right, I suppose. I never have been there,” he paused, and no one surrounding him, myself included, was exactly sure what that pause meant, “But, how does one from the mysterious land of (hometown name) get so far from it?” 
“I’m not sure. I truly have no idea how I got to this place. One day it was life like any other, and the next thing I know I had woken up about to be eaten by a troll. I swear, I don’t know.” I added that last part, because I was serious, even if it sounded like I was completely making it up as I went a long, and doing a very poor job at that. 
“No need for swearing, I believe you.” 
“Well, I do not.” Thorin Oakenshield entered the ring.
“She wasn’t talking to you, dear Thorin.” Gandalf may appear spacy at times, but his sharp wit never left his side. 
“No, that is true, though perhaps she should’ve been, considering that I am the leader of this company.” I found it strange that, though he was arguing about me, Thorin had not yet dared to look me in the eye. 
“A leader who was too afraid to approach a frightened young girl alone in the forest?” My face twisted into a bit of a displeased expression. I thought I had hidden my fright well enough, and I was practically an adult. 
“She appeared far from frightened. While you were not there to see it, she was the one who confronted the troll head on, even when he was threatening her. And that thing that she can do with her eyes! I do not believe that she is as innocent as she appears.”
“Perhaps then, dear Thorin, all the more reason to have her accompany us for some time being. Perhaps,” he turned to me briefly before returning to the conversation, “we shall discover some more hidden skills that may be of surprising use.” 
I’d never felt so painfully passive in my entire life, just watching two people argue about what was to happen to me while pretending like I wasn’t even there. Did I even want to accompany them? To this point, I just wanted to go with them to Elrond’s house and then see if there is any aid there. Of course, it helped that Elrond’s house is basically an all-expenses-paid vacation, and particularly accommodating to lost souls. 
It became frighteningly clear that whatever separate visions they had of what was to become of me in their mind, neither of them were what I wanted.
“Are ye hungry, lass?” A finger poked my side. It was Bofur, a slightly more comforting sight. Though the two continued their bickering in the background, I diverted myself from the conversation slightly to face him.  
“Um, no, I think I’m okay, I-“ my stomach growled. 
Bofur smiled understandingly. 
“Well, we got lots o’ food if y’ever change your mind.” 
“Mahal, where did you get that?!” Kili yelled from the side. It appeared that I was now up for grabs by anyone who wanted to talk to me, as Thorin and Gandalf walked off. 
“That!” Kili pointed a finger at my chin, which I stroked thoughtfully, realizing that he was taking note of my large, now splotchy bruise that almost appeared to be a poorly shaved five o’clock shadow. 
“Oh, this? It was from the troll, I think. It wasn’t there before.” I rubbed my chin thoughtfully again before giving him something of a lopsided smile. He appeared quite amused at the concept of large bruises. 
“Lad, it’s considered polite to introduce yerself before askin’ a lass about ‘er wounds.” Balin remarked from the side, winking at me thoughtfully.
“Ah, yeah. Apologies. I’m Kili, at your service, miss!” He playfully bowed. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I already knew all of their names, so I just passively watched as the introduction ritual took place, feigning mental notes as though it would be a struggle for me to recall them later. 
I “met” Fili next, as he always tried to one up Kili with the showmanship, then Bofur, who introduced his family, Bifur and Bombur. Dwalin and Balin respectfully bowed, which felt way more gratifying than it should. Dori, Nori, and Ori introduced themselves together, followed by Oin and Gloin. Finally, the smallest member, Bilbo, appeared to have the most practiced bow, and politely introduced himself. I nodded. 
“(F/n) (l/n) at yours.” I recalled the response to the standard greeting from the book, while doing a mock curtsey. I was still wearing jeans. 
“I have to admit, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a lass, or anyone for that matter, in these woods.” Balin chatted curiously. 
“I can only guess as to why.” The sarcasm was the first thing that I had felt natural saying in a while. 
“Perhaps the giant trolls?” Ah, yes. Sarcasm was something that the dwarves were not yet used to. I nodded at let it pass. 
The group held their breath and Gandalf and Thorin returned, a tacit agreement among them to let Thorin do the talking. He stepped forward.
“Very well, (y/n) of (hometown name). You will be permitted to travel with our Company until you may be returned to some area of safety, though I must warn you against doing anything that may inhibit our quest.” 
I nodded, silently agreeing to the terms that had been placed before me. He grunted, and returned to packing for the journey ahead. 
“You must tell me more about this (hometown name) when you get the chance, Miss (y/n).” Gandalf added. 
“I’d be glad to.” I smiled, lying through my teeth. Part of me wanted to begin planning for when I would eventually have to lie about where I came from, but the other part of me simply had no idea what to anticipate. 
I recalled my red canvas backpack, knowing that it was filled with things so far from this time that it would be disastrous if they got in the hands of any of my travelling companions, even someone as wise as Gandalf. I recalled my familiarity with their tales, knowing that, no matter how honest I was, I could not reveal to them that I knew the end. I recalled the death of Thorin, Fili, and Kili, the abuse of Bilbo, the psychological torture of Thranduil, and everything unfortunate in between. 
Perhaps I was better off dying in the forest alone. 
“Miss (y/n), you may walk with me if you like? We are both quite out of place in this company.” Bilbo cautiously approached me, his small voice easier to focus on as the rest of the Company began to leave me alone to pack for the time being.
“I would be honored, though I’m afraid I am not a terribly experienced traveler.”  
“Then we shall make fine company, Miss (y/n).” 
“Oh, you can just call me (y/n), no ‘Miss’ needed.” 
He appeared somewhat startled, and on the verge of insulted. 
“Oh, no, no, it’s just that the ‘Miss’ isn’t very common where I come from. I didn’t mean anything by it.” I hastily added, trying to fix whatever mess I had started. 
“You really do come from far, don’t you?” Now he seemed to be observing me. I nodded. 
“Yes. It’s going to be a long way back.”
So we finally start the shenanigans, though I must warn you that this is only getting started. As always, feel free to shoot me ideas as to what (y/n) has, or perhaps even a pairing. I’m considering also making this one a choose-your-own-adventure in terms of pairings, but that would take a lot more work, so if y’all have a specific one let me know and I can just write that!
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andromedaa-tonks · 3 years
a tumblr tag game!
tagged by my favs @natasharomanovf and @william-byers
why did you choose your url?
i wanted andromeda-tonks or andromedatonks(but both are taken and inactive 🙃) because i wanted a harry potter URL named after an obscure character. and i love andromeda. she’s the baddest!
any sideblogs?
yep! im an admin on @/gifharrypotter and a member of @/blackwidowhub. i also had a separate marvel blog for a while (@/rocketromanoff) but i just found it easier to just take this blog and go multifandom.
how long have you been on tumblr?
i had an aesthetic blog in 2014-2016(?) but i got bored of it and deleted it. then made this one in july of 2020 :)
do you have a queue tag?
not really. i sometimes tag “queue” on things i reblog because it would look funny to a creator if i liked a post and then reblogged it 3 days later. so i just tag it “queue” to let them know yes im reblogging but it’s on my queue!
why did you start this blog?
like a lot of people, i did a harry potter re-read during the first lockdown and became obsessed with it again. i joined to read fanfics, i think? now i’m making gifs i guess 🥴
why did you choose your icon?
i had a diff pic of sirius from july 2020 to june 2021 but i really wanted to change it to one of these gradient icons that all the cool gifmakers have. i tried to use the same pic but give it a gradient background but the lighting was just not working for me. so i just used a different picture of him because sirius black is my emotional support. that’s dadfoot right there. i cry over him every day. i love him.
why did you choose your header?
it matches the icon. im thinking of changing it again tho LMAO oops
what’s your post with the most notes?
this set of harry and ron :D
how many mutuals do you have?
i really ummm don’t know. only like 200 or maybe less?
how many followers do you have?
currently i have 3,052 followers :)
how many people do you follow?
i follow 339 blogs. a lil chunk of them are inactive now that everyones out of their pandemic harry potter phase lmao
have you ever made a shitpost?
nothing TOO cursed. sometimes i say weird stuff on here tho 🥸
how often do you use tumblr a day?
lately it’s been like 2-3 hours. when school’s in session it’s like, MAYBE 1.
did you ever get into a fight with another blog?
noooooo. small disagreements, sure, but not any serious fights. i don’t even have anybody blocked y’all 🥺
how do you feel about the “you need to reblog this” posts?
most of the time, those posts have really important contents, so i appreciate that i’m seeing them but please don’t guilt me into reblogging
do you like tag games?
not usually? like, they’re usually long like this one and i feel like i have to commit to them LMAO
do you like ask games?
yes, i like ask games more than tag games. they’re like mini tag games :D
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
there shouldn’t be such thing as “tumblr famous” cause everybody on here is a rat. we’re all rats sharing our trash. ok sometimes u guys have cool trash. but nobody should be “famous” for sharing their trash. but who do i think has the most followers? cece for sure but i don’t think of her has “famous” u know?
do you have a crush on a mutual?
naauuuur. but i have platonic crushes on all of u tho mwah
i talk too much im sorry y’all HAHSBNFFJJ
no pressure tags xoxo: @riviageralts @harrysweasleys @gryffindors-weasley @potterscar
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Sunwoo - Switch to love -M
Tumblr media
Author’s note: I hope you like my scenario for Sunwoo! By the way to my co-Deobis/The Bs stream Christmassy! :)
"Y/N, Sunwoo is here!" her friend named Yerin as she smiled at her.
"What? He's here? I thought he was assigned to other branch offices, " Y/N said.
"I don't know what happened. Aren't you going to check him out or talk to him?" Yerin asked.
"I will talk to him later. I am really busy as of the moment," Y/N said.
"It seems you should talk to him right now," Yerin said as she looked at her back and smiled at someone.
"Why do you say that, Yerin?" Y/N asked and she noticed that Yerin is smiling at someone in her back and it was Sunwoo who is smiling at her.
"He's so cute and handsome when he is smiling," Y/N thought and just smiled back at him.
"I have to leave the two of you," Yerin said as she smiled at them and Sunwoo just nodded.
"So, why are you here Sunwoo?" Y/N asked as she looked at him.
"I just want to see my best friend, of course!" Sunwoo said and Y/N blushed at his words.
"I really thought you are assigned to other branch offices," Y/N said.
"Well, I really supposed to be assigned to other branch offices but my friend, Changmin told me that he wants to be assigned instead and I just agreed to it and the superior approved his request. I am very happy that I will not leave my best friend here, " Sunwoo said as he smiled at her and Y/N just chuckled.
"Are you sure that you really don't want to leave me? I don't think so," Y/N said and slightly laughing.
"I am serious, Y/N! I am not making fun of you," Sunwoo said and pouted and Y/N laughed at him.
"Okay! Okay! Chill! Why so serious all of a sudden?" Y/N said.
"Never mind. I will just go back to work and it seems you are not happy to see me," Sunwoo said and when Y/N was about to talk, he just left and Y/N just sighed and Yerin saw it.
"Hey, what happened? did you two quarrel? " Yerin asked.
"No! But I don't know why is he suddenly like that. Or is he just a person who easily switches moods? I don't know. I should talk to him later again," Y/N said and Yerin nodded. Then she decided to send a message to Sunwoo in their web portal and she sent it as…
"Sunwoo, I want to talk to you later. - Y/N"
As Sunwoo saw her message, he just smiled at it.
"It seems Y/N thought, I am mad at her. Let's see if she can handle me if I ignore her for a few days." Sunwoo thought and smirked and he didn't reply to her message. Then Y/N, saw that Sunwoo is not responding and she just sighed.
"Why is he being like that? Also, the truth is that I am happy that he didn't assign to other offices and I am happy to see him!" Y/N thought and sighed. As time goes by, it was their lunch break then Yerin and Y/N went to their mobile phone lockers because their office has a separate locker for their bags and mobile phones. When they are going to get their phones, Sunwoo came in and going to his locker that was next to hers but he didn't talk to Y/N.
"Sunwoo, join us for a lunch break!" Y/N said.
"I will join with Chanhee and Eric today. I have to go," Sunwoo said as he just left her and Y/N sighed.
"Let's go and have some lunch break first," Yerin said and Y/N nodded. But as both of them left, the name tags of the locker of Y/N and Sunwoo fell and then Eric put them back on their lockers and Sunwoo saw him.
"Let's go! Chanhee is already waiting for us," Sunwoo said and Eric nodded and both of them left the locker room. In their cafeteria, Y/N is looking at Sunwoo who is with his friends but he didn't look at her at once and…
"I shouldn't have doubted his statement earlier," Y/N said and sighed.
"Why? What did he tell you?" Yerin asked.
"He told me that he is happy that he will not leave me here because he was not assigned to other offices. But I made fun of it" Y/N said.
"Oh! I see, that's why he ignores you. But it's my first time to see that Sunwoo easily got upset to you," Yerin said.
"I know, right! That is not Sunwoo that I know for a long time," Y/N said.
"Or maybe, he is just acting now to be upset and ignore you," Yerin said.
"I don't know Yerin. I will just make the distance to him for now. But I bet at the end of the day he will not ignore me," Y/N said and winked at her.
"Let's see if you're right! But tell me, you like Sunwoo, right?" Yerin said.
"Yup! I like him that's why I am very sad that he ignores me today," Y/N said.
"Oh! I see! I really hope that he will talk to you later," Yerin said and Y/N just sighed. As for Sunwoo who is having a lunch break with Eric and Chanhee…
"I thought you are going to have a lunch break with Y/N?" Chanhee asked.
"Chanhee is right! Why didn't you join her?" Eric asked.
"To be honest, I am kinda upset to her because she made fun of what I told her a while ago that I am happy that I will not leave her here in the office and she didn't take it seriously and I am now trying to ignore her to see if she will make some actions to make us in good terms again," Sunwoo said.
"Oh! But you like her, don't you?" Chanhee asked.
"Of course! I liked her for a long time since we are best friends too. But I still don't know if she feels the same way with me," Sunwoo said.
"Why don't you just approach her and ask her about her feelings and don’t completely ignore her?" Eric said and Sunwoo sighed.
"I will try. But I am kinda anxious what will be her answer to me," Sunwoo said.
"Don't think too much Sunwoo. I believe she might have felt something also to you," Chanhee said.
"Me too! I agree with Chanhee. To be honest, I noticed now that Y/N keeps looking at you with a worried face," Eric said. Then Sunwoo looked at her and Y/N suddenly looked away.
"I know what you mean Eric, and I just saw it now but it seems she suddenly embarrassed that I noticed her. That's kinda funny," Sunwoo said.
"You know, can you just stop trying to ignore her and she might get the wrong idea," Chanhee said.
"I will stop ignoring her if she will make some actions to make it up to me. So, that I can feel if I am really important to her," Sunwoo said.
"Okay! If you said so, Sunwoo. Good luck!" Eric said and Sunwoo just smiled at them.
It was time for them to go home and as they went to their respective lockers.
"Sunwoo, please talk to me!" Y/N said and pouted.
"I am sorry I have no time to talk to you and I will go home now," Sunwoo said and left her in the locker room and Y/N sighed.
"Gosh! This is really not Sunwoo that I know! But it seems he is not pretending to ignore me," Y/N thought and just went home. As for Sunwoo, who is now in his house, someone sent a message to his phone and as he checked the mobile phone, he noticed something and he was kinda surprised that the lock screen of the phone is himself.
"Wait! I don't remember I made my photo to be on a lock screen. But I believe this is my phone." Sunwoo said and when he entered the password it opened and when he saw the message, he suddenly discovered something because as he reads the message…
"Y/N, try to talk to Sunwoo and just tell your real feelings to him - Yerin"
"Oh! This is unexpected I actually have Y/N's phone today and how did her phone get into my locker? Also, I didn’t know our phones are identical too. It seemed our phone switched and I am now wondering what is Yerin talking about," Sunwoo thought and he just called his phone that was probably in Y/N's hands. As for Y/N who is also shocked that she also noticed that it was not her phone.
"Shit! This is Sunwoo's phone!" Y/N thought and suddenly someone called in the phone and he saw that the caller name is "cutie Y/N"
"Why did Sunwoo named me like this in his contacts? But It's kinda cute though," Y/N thought and smiled and she just answered the call.
Sunwoo: Y/N!
Y/N: Sunwoo! I am really sorry that I made fun of you earlier!
Sunwoo: *slightly laughing at her* Fine! I will forgive you. To be honest, I am trying to ignore you but it doesn't mean that I am not upset with you awhile ago. Also, I am kinda surprised that our phones got switched.
Y/N: Me too! I am kinda shocked because the lock screen is different and also, our phones are identical.
Sunwoo: I also noticed that your lock screen is me. Also, your friend, Yerin sent a message to you that you should talk to me and tell your feelings to me. What is Yerin talking about?
"Gosh! Yerin shouldn't have sent that message awhile ago!" Y/N thought.
Y/N: Sunwoo, I think we should meet and talk in person.
Sunwoo: Okay! I will go there in your place. Wait for me there.
Y/N: Okay! See you!
Then in a few minutes, someone pressed the doorbell of her house and as she opened it, Sunwoo is smiling at her and Y/N smiled back at him and she let him in her house and went to the living room.
"This is your phone. I don't know how our phone got switched because our phone is inside our lockers," Y/N said as she gave the phone to him and Sunwoo gave the phone to her and slightly laughed but then…
"Y/N, I suddenly remember something that I saw Eric put our name tags in our locker that fell and it seems he had a mistake putting back on our name tags on it," Sunwoo said and Y/N was surprised.
"Oh! Now, I know!" Y/N said.
"But, wait! If our name tags in the locker got switched then I shouldn't know your password to your padlock. It means your password in the padlock and on your phone is my birthday too?" Sunwoo said as he looked at her and smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
"Gosh! He noticed it!" Y/N thought.
"Yup! Why? Do we have the same password?" Y/N asked.
"Yes! I didn't expect you will actually use my birthday as my password too," Sunwoo said as he laughed.
"Ummm… I also saw that your lock screen is me. Can you tell me why am I your lock screen?" Y/N asked.
"I am also going to ask you that question. But fine, I will answer it right away. Y/N, I like you!" Sunwoo said as he looked at her and Y/N was surprised at his straightforward confession.
"What? Are you sure about that?" Y/N said and Sunwoo smirked at her and went closer to her until their faces are close to each other.
"I am really sure about my feelings to you, Y/N. What about you? I want to hear your answer if you also have the same feelings as me," Sunwoo said and Y/N suddenly bites her lips and…
"Y/N, just answer me and stop biting your lip or else I can bite them for you," Sunwoo said and smirked at her and Y/N gulped.
"Shit! That caught me off guard!" Y/N thought.
"I also like you Sunwoo!" Y/N said then as soon as Sunwoo heard her words, he kissed her lips passionately and Y/N suddenly closed her eyes and responded to the kiss and put her hands on Sunwoo's neck and suddenly his tongue is asking for permission and she let Sunwoo slip his tongue to her mouth that made her moan and as they continue to make-out he suddenly bites her lower lip.
"Shit! He's a good kisser!" Y/N thought. Then suddenly, they stopped kissing and Y/N blushed but Sunwoo is just staring and smiling at her.
"I want to show you how I love you Y/N!" Sunwoo said and Y/N gulped and can't believe that he is getting very straight forward and smiled back at him.
"Then show it and prove it to me, Sunwoo," Y/N said and Sunwoo smirked at her and suddenly drag her to her bedroom and pushed her in the bed and…
"Gosh! This is really happening!" Y/N thought.
"Y/N, take it off!" Sunwoo said and bite his lips and Y/N just obeyed him and Sunwoo is also removing his clothes and when both of them are already naked they admire each other's bodies and Y/N slightly blushed the way Sunwo stares at her.
"Oh shit! His body is perfect!" Y/N thought.
"Fuck! You're so beautiful and hot, Y/N!" Sunwoo said as he hovered above her and cupped her face.
"Y/N, are you sure about this?" Sunwoo asked.
"Yes, Sunwoo! I will never stop you tonight," Y/N said and Sunwoo smiled at her and kissed her lips again and Y/N ran her hands on his back and one of Sunwoo's hands is caressing her thighs. Then he traced kisses to her jawline and neck and he licks it that made Y/N moan his name softly. After giving attention to her neck, his lips went to her breast and he sucks and licks it.
"Ugh! More Sunwoo!" Y/N said as she slightly pushed Sunwoo’s head to her breast more and he smirked at her.
"Your tits are so soft and I love it!" Sunwoo said as he hummed in satisfaction and he swirls his tongue to her nipples and he also slightly bit it and Y/N moaned loudly his name. Then suddenly one of Sunwoo's hands went to her core and rubbing it and inserting his two fingers to her and pumped into her core at a fast pace and he saw that Y/N was now in pure bliss because of his fingers that doing its magic to her core.
"You are taking my fingers well, baby! Let's see how can you handle me later!" Sunwoo said as he smirked at her and suddenly his fingers curled inside her and pumped it more and Y/N moaned loudly his name.
"Shit! Moan my name like that, baby! You are just hot seeing you like that," Sunwoo said.
"Fuck! He's so good at dirty talking!" Y/N thought. As Sunwoo continued to pump his fingers, Y/N felt that she is close and…
"Sunwoo! I will cum! Oh shit!" Y/N said.
"Cum in my fingers, Y/N!" Sunwoo said and as he continued to pump his fingers to her, she cum in his fingers and as he pulled out his fingers to her, he licked it while he seductively staring at her.
"You're so delicious, Y/N!" Sunwoo said and smirked at her and he suddenly pulled out a condom from his discarded pants on the floor and Y/N was surprised.
"Wow! You are very prepared!" Y/N said.
"Of course! So, are you ready for me?" Sunwoo asked.
"Yup! I am ready for you and I love you, Sunwoo!" Y/N said.
"I love you too so much Y/N!" Sunwoo said as he smiled at her and went above her again and he inserted his cock to her and Y/N held on to his back and tried to hide her pain then Sunwoo saw that Y/N have tears in her eyes and…
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Sunwoo asked and Y/N nodded and he just kissed her neck to distract from the pain.
"Don't worry Y/N, I will make you feel so good tonight until you beg me to go hard to you!" Sunwoo said and in a few seconds, Y/N finally adjusted to his size and…
"Sunwoo, you can move now!" Y/N said. Then he thrust his cock to her at a fast pace that made her moan loudly and she also held hands with him and Sunwoo is watching Y/N who is now moaning non-stop his name and it was an erotic and hot sight for him and he just bite his lips.
"Shit! You're so tight, Y/N!" Sunwoo said as he pounds into her at a hard pace and Y/N screamed because of the sudden change of pace and both of them are now pure bliss as they felt each other's private areas were colliding and Sunwoo decided to hug her body close to him and Y/N dug her nails to his back that will surely have red marks on the next day. As Sunwoo continued to thrust his cock to her…
"Fuck! You feel so good Y/N! I can't get enough of you!" Sunwoo said.
"Shit! Your cock feels so good too, Sunwoo! " Y/N said and Sunwoo smirked at her words and he suddenly slammed his cock to her and Y/N screamed again because Sunwoo's cock hit her g-spot that made her crazy but as time goes by, both of them felt they are close to orgasm and…
"I know you're close, Y/N! Cum with me!" Sunwoo said and Y/N nodded. After a few thrusts of his cock, they moaned each other's name as both of them cum together and Sunwoo pulled out his cock and removed the condom to him and he looked at Y/N who is now completely exhausted.
"I am glad we have the same feelings for each other! Also, it seems it was Eric who became the bridge to find out that we both love each other because of the phone switch," Sunwoo said as he smiled at her.
"I think you're right! Thanks to your friend, Eric. Also, I will never regret that I gave myself to you," Y/N said as she smiled back at him and he suddenly kissed her lips quickly.
"Me, too! I will never regret that I chose you! I love you, Y/N!" Sunwoo said.
"I love you too, Sunwoo!" Y/N said. Then Sunwoo hugged her body close to him and both of them went to sleep.
"This is the happiest and most unexpected moment that I ever had with him!" Y/N thought.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fan fiction of  The Boyz Kim Sunwoo!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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The Christmas that Wasn’t-Ch. 1
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A/N: Cooked up with @mox-made-me-do-it​. She is the amazing co-author of this story. It is told in alternating perspectives from the girls (and possibly the boys).
Chapter 1: Leigh
           I looked out the window at the crystal blue water miles below. The sun was glittering on the waves as the plane circled toward the airport.
           “Thank you for choosing United Airlines,” said an overly friendly voice over the intercom. “The attendants will be around shortly to prepare the cabin for landing. Please remain seated and with your seatbelt fastened. We hope you enjoy your visit to Tahiti, where it is a sunny and beautiful 85 degrees.”
           She repeated the message again in several languages, one of which I was sure was French. I drowned out the sound of the voice and turned to my travel companion—my best friend in the whole world Allie Mason. We’d known each other so long that we’d lost count. But life had taken us our separate ways. She’d been pulled to Los Angeles. I’d ended up in North Carolina. Even though we’d spoken at least every other day, we hadn’t had a chance to see one another in almost a year.
           Of course, she hadn’t changed one bit. Well, her blonde hair had gotten a little lighter and a little longer in the California sun. But other than that, she was still the girl I’d met at orientation freshman year of college. The same hazel eyes. The same sense of humor. The same sense of trouble.
           “Leigh, I can’t believe we’re actually doing this!” she squealed, leaning over into my seat. “We haven’t had a girl’s trip in years. After those jerks, we definitely deserve it. Time to soak up some sunshine, make some Vitamin-D, and see if we can’t find some trouble to get into… or onto.”
           I rolled my eyes and grinned. She was right—she almost always was. The last few years of our lives had been wrapped up in relationships that sucked the life out of us. She’d finally broken up with her long-time boyfriend, Jon, who was wonderful at first but then turned out to be a top tier asshole. So much so that he cheated on her a week before their wedding. Without missing a beat, she kicked him to the curb, canceled the wedding, and decided that the two of us would go on her honeymoon instead.
           I’d just walked away from Izzy Phillips, the girl who’d won my heart in college and who’d then proceeded to break it into pieces by the time she was done with me. It was kind of over when I caught her with my cousin in our bed.
           “God, you have no idea,” I whined as the plane finally sat down with a jarring bump. “I’m so done with real life that I’m calling for the check.”
           Allie laughed as we grabbed our carry-on bags and stumbled out of the plane into the bright sunshine of paradise. The air was thick with the scent of salt and sand and heat. We hurried across the tarmac to the tiny airport terminal and let the tide carry us toward baggage claim. We stood side-by-side and watched the conveyor belt go round and round, searching for our suitcases.
           I leaned against her side, trying very hard not to burst into a fit of giggles. The flight from LA had been filled with movies and mimosas in first class. I could still taste the orange juice and champagne on my tongue as I watched people move up to the baggage claim line.
           “Look there,” I whispered, a little too loud and slightly drowned out with giggles, as I pointed to a pair of guys standing a little bit away from us. “Looks like we didn’t leave all the snacks on the plane.”
           Allie followed my gaze and returned a giggle of her own. “I’d climb that one like a tree,” she whispered theatrically, pointing at one of the two guys. He was six foot easy, broad shouldered, stacked, and had golden blond hair that was knotted at the back of his head.
           “Climb away, sweetheart,” I giggled, hooking my arm with hers and gesturing to his companion. He was just as tall and chiseled with two-toned curls and a jaw line that made my stomach turn over. “Curls over there… oh, the things I would do…”
           “Fill out those jeans, don’t they? From the back at least.”
           I giggled behind my hand as our luggage came into view. With a wink to her, I dashed forward, squeezing in between the pair and the person standing next to them to wrestle our bags from the conveyor.
           Mr. Tree stepped forward and reached out, lifting both suitcases from the claim with ease. He plopped them down in front of me with a grin that made cornflower blue eyes twinkle. He had a strawberry blond beard and a gorgeous smile. I squeaked out thanks and dragged the bags back to where Allie waited.
           “Definitely from the front, too,” I said, pushing her bag toward her. “Blue eyes. And a beard. Absolutely your type, Al.”
           We walked into the terminal still giggling. A helpful woman at the information desk let us know that the next ferry to our Bora Bora resort wasn’t leaving for another 45 minutes. I took Allie by the hand and lead her toward the cluster of restaurants in the concourse. There was a sports bar like the ones back home, and I practically shoved her toward it.
           “We’ve got time to kill. Cheese fries!” I exclaimed, following a host to a bar side table. “With everything!”
           Allie grinned and picked up the drink menu. Still giggling, I put my hand over it. “Shh,” I said, even though she wasn’t talking. “Time to put the alcohol away.”
           Just as the waitress came over, Allie glanced over my shoulder and went a strange mixture of pink and pale. For a moment, I thought that asshole Jon had shown up somehow. Then I saw my dearest bestie grin. “Tree and Curls just walked in.”
           I raised my brows and turned just enough to see them out of the corner of my eye. They were two tables away, talking and laughing. I grinned and bumped Allie with my elbow. “Should we send them some drinks?”
           She rolled her eyes and ordered a water and soda. I followed suit. We sat there chatting, waiting patiently for our mega loaded cheese fries. Our drinks arrived, along with a huge, sizzling skillet with a chocolate chip cookie topped with melting vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, and cherries.
           “Ummm.” Allie and I looked at one another. She tapped the waitress on the wrist before she could walk away. “Ma’am, we didn’t order this.”
           The waitress smiled and looked over my shoulder before leaning in conspiratorially. “The gentlemen over there sent it.”
           Allie and I looked at one another, grinning, giggling, and blushing as if we were back in our early days of college. I reached for a spoon just as Allie brightened with a thought.
           “I suppose it’s only fair… after all they did buy it…” She smiled and shrugged.
           With a grin, I scooped a bit of the ice cream and cookie onto the spoon and turned toward them. “This is a little too much dessert for the two of us, fellas. Give us a hand?”
           Tree glanced quickly at his companion and smirked. “Since you asked so nicely. Care to join us?”
           We slipped off our stools and tried to look cool as we dragged our suitcases over. The waitress appeared as if she’d know what was happening, bringing the dessert over to the new table, depositing it with two additional spoons, and returning a moment later with our abandoned drinks. Tree stood up and held out a chair for Allie then one for me. He stepped around the table and slipped into the booth next to Curls.
           I’d gotten a decent look at Tree when he’d helped with my luggage. Now, I had a chance to see Curls up close. His curls were a mix of dark brown and blond, almost as if he’d started dyeing it and changed his mind halfway through. His beard was something between dark gold and faint brown. He was broad shouldered, wonderfully muscled beneath his white t-shirt. But the thing that got me was the way that his smile made his dark blue eyes go crinkly at the corners.
           He picked up a spoon and tapped it against the side of the skillet. “I’m Kenny, by the way. Kenny Omega.”
           “That is an unforgettable name,” I said with a half-smile. “Much more interesting than my own. Leigh Keene.”
           “Not unforgettable at all,” he returned, scooping some of the cookie and ice cream and taking a bite. “Jesus Christ, Hangman, we should have gotten another one of these for ourselves.”
           I watched Allie tilt her head and look over at Tree. “Hangman?”
           Tree looked a little sheepish. “Nickname.” He held his hand out over the table. Jesus, it was a big hand. “Adam Page.”
           I shook his hand and grinned over at Allie, surprised that she was almost silent. “This is Allie Mason. She’s usually much more talkative. But she’s in shock at the moment. You see, a fortune teller told her once to beware the man who bought her an ice cream cookie.”
           Adam’s baby blue eyes went wide. “Really. Well, Kenny’s paying so beware him.”
           Kenny bounced his head side to side in agreement, trying to swallow his food. He pointed his spoon at me. “You haven’t been warned about gentlemen buying you treats, have you?”
           “Me? Oh, no. Well… gentlemen, yes. But I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
           The table was silent for a split second. Allie trod on my foot beneath the table. Then, Adam let out a deep laugh, hiding his mouth behind his fist. “I like her.”
           I shrugged. “Nice of you, Adam. But Allie here needs protecting from Kenny.” I leaned into my friend, trying to get her to talk. “What was it, exactly, that the fortune teller told you? Wasn’t it something about beware the cookie purchaser but not…” I looked up at Adam beneath my lashes, making a guess, “cowboys? Didn’t she say cowboys were lucky?”
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@mox-made-me-do-it​ @not-that-kinda-gurl08​
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brynnmck · 5 years
Hi friends! I have been in a bit of an anxiety pit for the past couple of weeks but I'm hoping to be more present on here going forward. @ajoblotofjunk and @dame-lazarus both tagged me for this, thank you! ❤️ (Also, ajoblotofjunk, I’m SO glad we have the opportunity to get to know each other better via this meme 😂❤️)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better!
Nicknames? The vast majority of my fannish friends call me Brynn, including IRL; I answer as happily to that as I do to my wallet name. My husband calls me many ridiculous nonsensical things, such as “lady yam” and “baby puncher” (NOT, I should clarify, because I have ever even considered punching a baby, but because he thinks the combination of words sounds funny).
Real name? I am old school enough to want to keep my wallet name separate from my fannish name, at least publicly on the internets! Lol
Zodiac sign? Gemini (which, man, internet zodiac stuff NEVER seems to really understand/like Gemini). Taurus moon, Leo rising. ENFP, too, while we’re at it. 😂
Favorite musician or group? The Headstones and My Chemical Romance have been my top two of the past several years. Other artists who show up on most of my playlists include Springsteen, Bon Jovi, the Kris Delmhorst/Jeffrey Foucault/Peter Mulvey triumvirate, The Local Strangers, Lake Street Dive, and The White Stripes.
Favorite sports team? The Seattle Mariners (fairly unfortunately for me, though there have been some pretty fun times in there too). My dad loved baseball and I eventually fell in love with it too, in my early 20s, and it was the biggest point of connection we had. And baseball takes up enough of my time and emotional energy that I am so far pretty monogamous about it and have not gotten super invested in any other sports. But I never say never!
Other blogs? My first blog was an LJ, and I still have a Dreamwidth account that I haven’t updated in years. I’m @rockedfaces on Twitter (a lot of my baseball fandom lives there, as well as the ongoing clusterfuck that is the USA, and RTs of cute animals, and some media fandom stuff too). Mostly I can only manage one social media platform at a time so while I totally get the concept of having different accounts for different interests on the same platform, I cannot imagine maintaining that!
Do I get asks? Mostly only when I do ask memes. I always appreciate them though!
Blogs I follow? 185. Though I just came back to Tumblr a few months ago after a years-long hiatus, because I wanted to Get Involved in J/B fandom, so some of those blogs are now defunct and I know there are lots of great ones I don’t follow yet, too. 
Tumblr crushes? Obviously!
Lucky number? 7 I guess?
What am I wearing? Black yoga pants, a brewery t-shirt that I got for free as a pub trivia prize, and a sweatshirt for the western martial arts convention that my husband co-runs. 
Dream vacation? Right now? The alternate universe where there’s no global pandemic. Failing that, I’d like to go to New Zealand someday, and go back to the UK and Ireland, too. More basically, I just want to walk around interesting cities and eat good food and drink tasty alcohol with people I like. Pretty hikes are good too.
Dream car? I’m not really a car person. But an electric car with a super-long range would be pretty sweet.
Favorite food? I love very many foods! As you might be able to tell by the fact that I wrote a whole long fic about it! 😂 Tough to beat cheese and bread, as a general concept. I’m also extremely into good summer fruit when it’s in season, especially strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, nectarines, plums. Ooh and mango. And a really good peach is transcendent, though they’re rare here. We get amazing cherries though. SO MANY GOOD CHERRIES. Is it time for summer fruit yet????
Drink of choice? I do drink quite a bit of water, and I’m super into fizzy water right now. Alcohol-wise, bourbon or rye (perfect Manhattans are my go-to in the absence of a cocktail list), or a good Last Word in the summer. Also sparkling wine. And beer, especially at the ballpark (IPAs are my standby, as basic as that makes me, though I don’t like the super bitter ones).
Instruments? I played piano through high school and took voice lessons in high school and college (I was a theater kid). I can still play piano veeeery sloooowly if I’m learning something new, though some of the songs I played a lot as a teenager are still in my fingers somehow!  
Languages? English and what remains of my high school French. I really want to learn Spanish--if for no other reason than to be able to read baseball players’ Instagram posts--but so far I have gotten as far as downloading Duolingo. IT’S A JOURNEY.
Celebrity crush? Sooooo many. Nikolaj and Gwen are the two brightest stars in my little fannish sky at the moment, obviously. Various handsome baseball players. Ben Browder and Claudia Black. Chadwick Boseman and Nicole Beharie. Anna Kendrick. Frank Iero and Ray Toro. Lindsey Way. David Cook. Adam Brody. Gillian Anderson. I could go on!
Random facts? Let’s do three to make this 21 questions for real! 1) Ummm. I am bad at random facts about myself! I have one sibling, a brother who’s about a year older, and we were super close up through college (we still get along fine, he’s just been on the other side of the country for years now so our paths have diverged more); 2) We stayed a weekend in one of the treehouses at Treehouse Point in Falls City, WA just before Treehouse Masters really exploded and it was one of the most magical experiences of my life; 3) I never knew I was a dog person until we got a dog, and even though we are dogless now (though I would love to get another one at some point!), I am still very much a dog person, and I always want to see pictures of your dog, FYI.
I feel like with everybody tagging several people and me being way behind in responding, surely most of y’all have done this already? But if not, please consider yourself tagged! And @ me! And/or link me to your posts in the replies; I’d love to see what I missed while I wasn’t around.
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