#un amour impossible
sundaynightfilms · 2 years
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An Impossible Love, 2018
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yiqithings · 2 years
tried your best
noble truths can go hang their silken handkerchiefs and leap over  the penthouse railing until they crack into shards of all the intentions and well-wishes sewn together by a chorus of studious, pious hands smooth like marble and cold as yesterday’s trash can left out in the rain with discarded avocado toast drenched in durian syrup roasted over a comedian’s old material shuffled and crumpled and wadded into hollowed fruit that you’d still bury and water believing it might one day bloom into a menagerie of sweetness and danger but not the type to cause an infection or bleed or heart beat dry.
-- yiqi 18 August 2022 12:17 am
This poem came to me while doing some late-night work consisting of watching a French film where the male protagonist... il est un tel connard.  
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filmbook21 · 2 years
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aokuro-san · 20 days
Un amour impossible, by Christine Angot.
I would really like him to be aware that he has screwed up my life, you see. It is not more than that.
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I couldn't go another minute without talking to you about this.
The trailer for its film adaptation (which I found by chance on YouTube) caught my attention so much that, not being able to see the movie, I found the book. And what a good feeling it is when a story leaves you with your mouth open and closed, with your teeth clenched, it hits you on the head (as the author herself describes in one of her pages), and also brings you tenderness. and happiness, love, sinks you with a weight, and then frees you from it so that later, when you remember, you feel equally bitter, indescribable, confused, sad, but still with the sensation of being truly free, when end. Hallelujah! God, how big was that damn weight… (I felt it tied to my legs while I was reading, in fact!).
Autobiographical in nature, AN IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (or Un amour impossible, originally), by Christine Angot, drags you inside and doesn't let go even when it's finished; as if the author's own hands got under the most impossible recesses of your body and forced you to participate in the inevitable destruction, but also in the liberation (forgive me, if I repeat this word a lot, but that ending, after everything we've been through IS WHAT IT MADE ME FEEL (like that, in capital letters, because it was REAL)) by Rachel Schwartz… And Christine Angot herself, at the hands not only of Pierre Angot's psychopath, but of society, the class and the race behind he it (after all, we are still fresh out of WWII when this play begins).
A very intelligent, living story, that breathes through the pores of your own skin… One of the best books I have read this year and that I recommend TO ALL, because in addition to all that, it is short ( but deep and intense, as it usually is), you can't stop reading and much less stop thinking about it. (It lasted me two afternoons, and because yesterday I had to stop for dinner, haha).
It's hard for me to even rate it, but… 5/5. Give it a chance, please.
PS: If you liked both "The Lover" by Marguerite Duras and "Disgrace" by JM Coetzee, you will love this book!
It was necessary to take logic to the extreme. Because you tried to oppose her. You weren't supposed to leave the tunnel. You were only allowed to dream about it. Someone like you had to remain in a dead end. Inside the tunnel, where you can't see anything, precisely.
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diari0deglierrori · 7 months
I’ve been having et je chante ma peine loin de celle que j'aime, l'âme pleine de mélancolie stuck in my head for dayyssss
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maraboutdjemey · 7 days
vrai marabout du retour d'affection
omme son nom l’indique, le rituel du cadenas d’amour est très simple , vous venez nous avec le nom et prénom de la personne que vous voulez attacher pour qu’il ou elle soit a vous pour toujours
Rituel du cadenas d’amour pour attacher l’être aimé Comme son nom l’indique, le rituel du cadenas d’amour est très simple , vous venez nous avec le nom et prénom de la personne que vous voulez attacher pour qu’il ou elle soit a vous pour toujours, il vous suffit de confié cette rituel au fétiche Gambada , vous allez acheter un cadenas et venir vers nous afin que le rituel se faire devant vous ,…
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jaimelire-france · 11 days
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Un Prêtre Marié est une œuvre complexe et fascinante du romancier français Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly.
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maraboutamour · 2 years
RUPTURE AMOUREUX; COMMENT RETROUVER L’AMOUR PERDU RUPTURE AMOUREUX; COMMENT RETROUVER L’AMOUR PERDU Les ruptures sont des périodes de grands changements, au cours desquels on peut facilement se sentir désorientée, ne plus savoir ce qu’on aime et de quoi on a envie.Une rupture, ce n’est jamais facile. Mais ça devient encore plus compliqué lorsqu’on souhaite reconquérir son ex. Beaucoup de…
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esinofsardis · 2 years
Louis, Loiuis, mon amant, mon cœur, ecoute ici, this song I have found--it's about dead lovers Louie how perfect is that? It's by this man--they say his name wrong--Hozié, it should be--Louis I don't give a damn how Americans pronounce it, it ends in "er" comme "é"... É--comme AY mon cœur, stop that LOuis. Tu es si impossible mon amour... Mais je disais que-- JE DISAIS -- they kiss like honey, Louiei isn't that sweet? They kiss like humans, like food Louis... Kiss me Louie? Kiss me like a human, comment dire un «bog person»... Don't laugh at me give me your lips Louiuis so I can kiss you like in la chanson...
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
Hi!! I found Charles Leclerc fic on my notes app so why not share it with you!
CHARLES L. X reader
Plot is, you were Max’s ex gf who was working as a health staff at Haas F1 team but he broke up with you suddenly, without saying anything. After a while Charles and your friendship grew strong and turned into a relationship and he proposed. Story tells a day from your life after the engagement.
There are french words I used. I translated them from translator so if there is any fault forgive me lmao
Hope you enjoy it waiting for your comments!
TW: kissing, mentions of s3x
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* Under The Influence
You encountered Max as you were making your way back to your paddock not long after word of your engagement had spread. And it had only been two months since that devastating scene in his car that you could still clearly recall how your heart ached when you heard his words coming at you out of the darkness and how he made you hate yourself for once again trusting him. You didn't deserve any of those things, words, or revolting conduct. He was strolling you by quickly, his ocean blue eyes glistening with rage. You wanted to smack him in the face, kick him in the balls, and shout at him how much you detested him. Rather, you changed your direction and took a big breath in order to get lunch and visit Charles. It was never an easy thing to digest for you but Charles had always been by your side. All of the harsh media comments and paddock conversations. You thought you were no longer able to bear the weight on your shoulders, so you gnawed on your lips and fingernails all night long. Then, though, you realized that you were actually mistaken. Despite the fact that everything was Max's fault, you were confident he hadn't even sued himself for what happened.
You saw how kind and respectful someone's heart can be while being dedicated to his work as the days went on, and your love and respect for Charles grew day by day.
'' Bienvenue mon amour, I missed you, haven't seen you around the paddock all day.''
Charles said as he drank from his water bottle while wearing a fireproof suit. After being placed under his shoulder, you quickly reached out to kiss him on the cheek. However, he quickly put his hands at the sides of your neck and pulled you into a passionate kiss that could cause you to melt on the ground. That man definitely knew what he was doing. Your lips attracted to each other first like you two were seeking it. His hands were gently massaging your neck while they were moving in time with one other. You let your hands gently flutter through his hair and let him put his tongue inside your mouth. You didn't care at all if anyone was watching as you stood in the middle of the field. You couldn't move because you were so startled. His tongue was gliding slowly on yours as you drifted away to take a breath .
''I'll stop by your hotel tonight before leaving.''
'' Okay.'' You replied as he kissed the top of your head. After that intense moment, you grabbed lunch at Carlos and Charles' trailer while watching the two teammates' favorite television show Money Heist. You could have thought about that hateful look in Verstappen's eyes and how it made you feel just an hour ago, but instead you just enjoyed the company of your two favorite people and their little fights, as well as Charles' joyful chuckles.
'' Je serai la à 8 heures' Vous avez une urgence ?''( I'll be there at 8 pm is there an emergency?) Charles arrived at your hotel an hour after you left the racetrack, as you were packing your luggage in your hotel room and he was on the phone in his sweatpants. You had left the paddock about six in the morning. When he hung up the phone, you sat down next to him on the bed and began playing with his hair. You were leaving for Abu Dhabi the following day, and he had thought it would be nice to spend the night out in Mexico. However, after that phone call, it seemed nearly impossible for you two to do that. In addition, you were concerned that something was wrong with his family.
'' Is there something wrong Charles?'' You said trying to figure things out from his facial expressions. He turned his face to you half way and grabbed your hand, playing with his hair and gave it a kiss before starting to speak.
'' It's on Ferrari, nothing to worry about cheri, I am sorry that I have to go. I promised you the night but-''
'' Oh, cut the bullshit Leclerc, its okay I am glad there is nothing wrong, you go to the meeting I'll wait for you to finish with it even if it'd be too late we just do Netflix and chill huh?''
'' I can't wait to come back to hotel and spend the night, bébé, Je vous aime.''
You loved to hear his French accent while talking English but while talking his own language it was almost a lullaby to your ears. You looked at his half open eyes before kissing him on his lips. 
 '' Also can't wait for to kiss you without having anyone around, slowly, peacefully.''
You smiled at his words before touching his nape. '' You are gonna be late, C'mon.''
He let a little chuckle and took his wallet, car keys with his phone before heading to the door. 
'' See you, then.''
'' See you, yes.''
When you finished eating dinner and taking a shower, it was about ten o'clock. While using your Mac to watch The Office, you were dressed in a team sweater with pajama bottoms. You believed it was probably Charles when you heard a nearly silent knock on your door. Even though you didn't want to admit it, you really missed Charles. His demanding schedule and your busy schedule prevented you from spending time with him in the paddock, and you were equally as eager for the coming winter break. You practically sprinted to open the door.
'' I am sorry for being late. I suppose we can still watch Netflix and relax?
''I prefer to spend the night with you alone tho, I was not really in the mood to go out. Charles hugged you tightly before putting his nose to your hair and inhaling deeply of your shampoo.
'' You smell délicieuse, you took a shower?''
As you see him took off his sweater and staying in his white t-shirt, you nod in agreement.
''You're hungry? Room service is available.''
He pulled you from your hand onto the bed and remarked, "No, no, I had dinner honey, what are we watching?" Before pulling you onto his top, he laid on the bed.
''On the drive here, I waited for that exact moment.''
You made yourself comfortable on top of him before letting him kiss you as he wished. In any case, he was the greatest, and you loved to feel the warmth of his hands, body, and tongue. You were playing with his cotton-soft hair while his hands made steady, slow, tease-inducing movements on your back. You adored how he felt beneath your fingertips. He quickly moved over to you and smirked at you. He touched you under your hoodie and asked,
"You are in charge."
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jacquesdor-poesie · 2 months
Ecrire avec l’ombre des mots
la solitude invisible
des cœurs aimants
Sentiment endormi
La pluie aussi
Et à l'intérieur de chaque larme
Le petit incendie d'un chagrin
Qui aimerait sécher au soleil
"Je vous aime"
Mots si douloureusement épique
Quand ils restent lettres mortes
Ou deviennent champ de tournesols calcinés
Écrire avec de la cendre
Un amour impossible-mais-vrai
Son comique vague à l'âme
Ses rivages de paradis sans issue
Seuls les rêves
Soie de sa peau
dans le miel de ses gestes
Seuls les rêves
Dire alors "je vous rêve"
Pour ne déranger aucune pénombre
N'émerveiller ni ne décevoir
La moindre attente
Le moindre cauchemar
Du silence garder le trésor
Sa cachette est sous l'escalier
Votre beau visage à la fenêtre
Que fixe l'étoile polaire
Belle transparence de ses paupières
Qu'on imagine
Que dire de ses lèvres
Quand elle observe le ciel
On dirait le murmuré des pensées
Un mystérieux insecte serti dans un sourire
Sans ailes la neige
Partition blanche et nue
Vole aussi bien que la lumière
Bras grands ouverts
J'aimerais être le fil
Du funambule et vous y voir arpenter
Le durable périmètre de ma mélancolie
Celle que j'ai aujourd'hui
Car demain elle aura fondue en totalité
Avec les glaciers
Les déserts
Les vies rêvées et le sentiment profond
D'une absence abyssale
Imaginaire peut-être
Mais avec laquelle je suis né
jacques dor
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alexar60 · 10 months
Au revoir
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L’homme rencontre la femme.
Il n’a d’yeux que pour elle,
Et lentement son cœur s’enflamme.
Autour de lui, tout devient irréel,
Alors, il approche de la dame.
Comprenant que l’attirance est mutuelle,
Il discute avec elle et tombe sous son charme.
Ils échangent leur numéro, il la revoit souvent.
De cette rencontre est né un amour éperdu
Caché dans des chambres d’hôtels hors du temps.
Seulement, cet amour l’épuise, il se sent vaincu.
Il décide donc de mettre un terme au bon moment.
Après avoir fait l’amour, elle s’endort comme un loir.
Il en profite et sort de sa vie sans lui dire au revoir.
La femme croise de nouveau l’homme.
Il a vieilli, mais il est encore plus beau.
Elle décide de l’inviter boire un rhum,
Parce qu’elle l’a toujours dans la peau.
Elle l’écoute parler de son épouse et de ses mômes,
Pendant qu’elle se retient d’éclater en sanglots.
Avant de se quitter, soudain son ventre papillonne.
Dès lors, elle l’embrasse, et le passé ressurgit aussitôt.
Ils revivent cette fougue qu’ils croyaient perdu
Cachés dans des chambres d’hôtels hors du temps.
Seulement, cet amour est impossible. Elle l’a toujours su.
Elle décide donc de mettre un terme au bon moment.
Après avoir fait l’amour, il reste seul dans son désespoir,
En la regardant partir de sa vie sans lui dire au revoir.
Alex@r60 – août 2023
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nemosisworld · 6 months
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J'ai appris qu'il y a des amours impossibles, des amours inachevés, des amours qui pouvaient être et non pas été. J'ai appris qu'une traînée brûlante est préférable, même si elle laisse une cicatrice : mieux vaut l'incendie à un cœur en hiver.
Ferzan Ozpetek
Ph. Steve Lease
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jeanchrisosme · 4 months
J'ai aimé connaitre ton autre monde, tes blessures et ta langue inconnue. J'ai aimé recommencer le monde avec toi, jusqu'à l'aube nouvelle. J'ai aimé tous nos instants : du premier regard jusqu’à la dernière étincelle. De la seconde où nos cœurs se sont reconnus, jusqu’aux heures où le feu et l'eau s'avouent un amour impossible. J’ai aimé apprendre de notre rencontre et de nos chemins divergents. J’ai aimé les heures calmes, les minutes folles, les chemins de nos peut-être, quand mes étoiles s'accrochaient à ton ciel. J’ai aimé tes colères, tes doutes, ta tendresse et tous tes murmures de lumières. J’ai aimé tes mains sur mes rides, les pas déjà faits, les mots jamais dits, entre la nuit et l'aurore, sur le bord de l’instant et partout où tu rêvais. J’ai aimé notre premier film, notre dernier train et même tous les lieux où l’on ne sera jamais. J’ai aimé tes gestes maladroits, tes éclats de rire et j’aime quand tu sais que tu dors encore au creux de ma mémoire… J’aime ces souvenirs qui viennent de toutes ces années où je t’attendais. Quand, avec toi, je ne voulais que des premières fois. J’aime parcourir nos instants et les rêves et demi, les graver en moi à l’échelle du temps. Retrouver dans le parfum des fleurs cette idée de nous qui fige nos instants d’éternité. Des paupières d'étoiles, à l'ombre de tes cils, la chaleur de mes mains sur ta peau attentive. J'aime te voir sourire et dessiner au crayon de mes nuits, un rêve où tout m’éblouit. J’aime les étoiles que tu mets à côté du soleil quand je te vois partout. Dans la neige et la pluie, au milieu de mes orages. Dans le sourire des mères quand elles portent la vie. Dans tous les rêves des enfants devant les premiers bruits du monde. Entre les lignes et dans la marge. Dans le blanc, le noir et toutes les couleurs qui prennent feu. Dans les matins qui m’attendent, quand je ne sais plus où je commence et où tu finis. Entre les uns et les autres, entre l'espace que tu laisses et le temps qui nous reste. J'aime tes mots. Quand, venus d’un hasard, l'alphabet conduit au verbe aimer, tes mots redressent les ratures et soulèvent la ligne d’horizon. J’aime tes appels, du premier pas, jusqu’à la dernier syllabe. J’aime même les silences qui les précédent, quand tu te tais pour me dire l’essentiel. J'aime quand tu reviens, quand tu retrouves ma route et que tu rêves plus fort que le destin. Même si c’est pour me dire que ton cœur bat de l'aile et qu’il ne sait plus voler. Et que le passé et le présent coïncident rarement…
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On tombe vraiment amoureux une seule fois. Plus tard, on aime avec l’esprit, on se laisse séduire par une personnalité, on apprécie. Mais le coeur, il ne parle qu’une fois, il tombe, en chute libre, les yeux fermés, tout entier. Et il se fracasse contre le sol, se brise sans vergogne. Il explose en mille morceaux, impossible de sauver ce chaos. Il tombe une fois, puis il disparaît, il s’éteint et après tu perds tout intérêt. La vie sans amour est un enfer sans paix.
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iranondeaira · 8 months
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J'ai appris qu'il y a des amours impossibles, des amours inachevés, des amours qui pouvaient être et n'ont pas été. J'ai appris qu'une traînée brûlante est préférable, même si elle laisse une cicatrice : mieux vaut l'incendie à un cœur en hiver.”
- Ferzan Ozpetek
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