assarivanguard · 7 months
reasons why the bg3 companions got barred from the local
shadowheart: pre-bg3, absolutely poisoning their wine stocks. post-bg3, complaining about the wine stocks that no longer exist because she spiked them.
karlach: she's the sole reason why the shitter hasn't functioned properly in 6 years. the pub no longer holds spicy food contests.
lae'zel: refusing to order drinks and instead choosing to stare at the bouncers and critique their form
jaheira: minsc
minsc: drinking the wine stocks that were poisoned by shadowheart and turning the bathroom into a jackson pollock painting. boo, however, remains unbarred
halsin: asking the bard troupe to play freebird. i will not be elaborating further.
wyll: hes my boy, but he absolutely got barred for being a noble. On Sight Eviction.
astarion: complaining that the wine glasses are the wrong shape for the wine used, every time he ordered wine. its a cheap pub, astarion, they have 1 wine glass and its the glass the wine goes in
gale: he won the pub quiz too many times and the pub cant afford to pay for his prizes anymore
minthara: never been barred. fear leaves your pub reputation intact. she is flawless. unapproachable. unbarrable.
dame aylin: fornication after last call
isobel: getting fornicated after last call
alfira: playing freebird after being asked to
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jinleebelee · 9 months
Anybody else get very specific lee moods? Like, where you're craving tickles on a particular spot or want a certain type of tickling?
I'm pretty sure it's very common or atleast for you and me??? I mean sometimes I want my aides tked and then sometimes I crave neck tks and the list goes on.
It sucks though right I mean it's unbarrable when ya get one of those cravin lee moods
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hops-hunny · 3 years
I tend not to like gemini women though. Gemini and sometimes scorpio women are just the worst.
Me, a scorpio woman 😀
Yeah, usually scorpios women are unbarrable (my cousin is scorpio like me, she's a bitch and treats me like trash)
But to be fair my family always tell me I'm the best scorpio alive because I do have the scoprio character but not in the extreme (if I ws born two days later I would've been Sgitarius) so it cheers me up 😭
Plus there's a lot more to us than just our sun signs so I try not to hate too hard😭
If only the people of tiktok understood that
~ 💜
Yeah I get a lot of shit for my sign so I just never tell ppl it LMAO
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writinggolden · 5 years
Spirit of Your Love
prompt: You’re Pregnant with Harry’s baby and Harry sadly looses you but gains something else. You can’t help but watch over them lovingly. 
warnings: heartbroken Harry! Daddy Harry! sad prompt, death, loneliness.
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9 months. You were 9 months pregnant and harry couldn’t believe it. It felt like yesterday, you both were jumping and crying with joy over the news. You and Harry had been married for a year and decided that it was the right time for you both to bring someone into the world. Harry had always wanted a child. He always was so good with children, he enjoyed watching them and holding them. So he was over the moon when he found out, he was straight to picking names and room colors. You told him to slow down and think about those things later, but they never left his mind. He also believed you were the most beautiful baby mama he had ever seen.
He thought your swelling tummy was admirable while you believed it made you look horrid. Harry always listened to your complaints and mean comments, but he knew you never meant them. He had read lots of books on children and the mothers and knew that this would happen. He never took your words to heart and always strived to hold your hand and kiss your cheek. Harrys favorite things were singing to the baby, rubbing your tummy, and talking to it as if it was right in front of them. He enjoyed the tough little kicks his baby would let out, struggling to be freed. He squealed and bumped into the bedside table the first time it happened, causing a glass of water to fall off and hit the floor, but he didn’t mind.
He would sing a song to the baby every night, varying from Fleetwood Mac to some of his own songs. However, his favorite was you are my sunishine. You had always talked about how your father had sung that song to you when you were only a child, so Harry decided to do the same to your baby. Your hands mindlessly drove through his hair, kisses being placed on curls ever so often. His tired voice rumbled the words of the child’s song, his head placed gently on your tummy. This happened almost every night, he would kiss the tummy, sing to it, and say goodnight. You always thought it was such a beautiful sight to see.
The 9 months flew by, you had found out your baby would be a girl, and decorated the extra room in your home. Harry couldn’t wait to dress her up and let her go on her wedding day. Your due date was two days away and you were very nervous yet excited. You knew Harry would be with you every step of the way. You were in the kitchen when it happened, a trickle of water ran down your leg signaling that your water had broke and the baby was coming. You called for Harry and he grabbed your hand, your bag, and took you too the car. He called his mom, who was staying in LA with you guys for a few weeks for this reason, and told her to come down to the hospital with Gemma. The baby was coming.
The hostpital doors flung open as you flew by in a wheel chair. You held your stomach, the contractions were killing you. They placed you on your hospital bed, Harry never let go of your hand. It was finally time to push, you squeezed harrys hand, the pain being unbarrable. You kept pushing, your head was killing you, and your stomach was aching. Your violent screams echoed through the hostpital. Harry was terrified for you, he couldn’t imagine how you felt in that moment. Sweet words were whispered and kisses were placed gently on your forehead.
Harry heard the cries. The cries of his sweet baby girl erupted into the room. He grinned at the sound, he couldn’t stop staring at her. Until, he looked down. His beautiful wife’s eyes were shut and her hand had stopped squeezing. Harry shook her hand, her body had no movement. The doctors moved him aside and took the baby away to the nursery. Harry struggled to get beside the doctors, he had no idea what was coming. The doctors turned to Harry , the saddened look on their faces told him everything he needed to know.
He dropped to the floor, he didn’t mind causing a scene. His wife had died. You had severe bleeding and infections after the birth, causing you to pass away. Harry couldn’t believe it, he screamed in agony on the hospital floor, he couldn’t believe you were gone. His gorgeous wife was really gone, he wouldn’t get to raise the child with you like he dreamed. He wouldn’t get to grow old with you and go through thick and thin with you. He’d never get to kiss your plump lips again and give you the pleasure you desired. He would never tell you his dreams and wishes again. His one true love was absent. Harry took the baby home alone that night. The baby looked exactly like you, a spitting image of her sweet mommy. Harry decided to name her after you, he never wanted you to be gone. Y/n styles was his new girl.
He’d watch over her forever and make sure she lived the best life. He was devastated that he would never see you again, but he knew you’d always be there for him and Y/n. A week later was your funeral. Harry sat on the couch silently, he was absolutely broken. His mother Anne walked up to him and took his hand. She pulled him up and wrapped her arms around him, causing his cries to finally escape. He had kept his emotions in for so long, scared he would fall apart at the seems. His mom walked him out to the ceremony. Your parents sat quietly, their eyes red and cheeks blotchy from the tears. Harry took a seat next to them and gave them an apologetic look. His beautiful baby girl sat sweetly in her stroller next to him, giving him the encouragement that everything will be okay.The ceremony was beautiful, Harry, Your best friend, Parents, and others shared their grief.
Harry could barely get through his speech, but he tried his best to be strong. After the ceremony Harry walked around with Y/n in his arms, talking to your friends and family. He was at least a bit happy that these people had showed up for you. Everyone adored you, you were a kind hearted girl and were absolutely beautiful. Harry would never forget that about you, he’d always remember you. It had been four years since you had passed away. Harry went to therapy and tried to get better. It helped somewhat but the biggest joy in his life was his daughter. Y/n was exactly like you, bright, beautiful, and loving.
She’s a shy girl, always hiding behind Harry when he speaks to people. Harry was at home with his daughter, it was her bedtime and he softly picked her up off the couch. He placed Y/n onto her bed and sang her you are my sunshine, that same song he sang to her in your tummy. He started to sing it again every night since your death. After he sang, he kissed her cheek and got up from off the side of the bed. “Daddy,” Harry whipped his head around to look at his babygirl. “Yes bubby?” He asked worryingly, she sat there silently. “I can hear a women singing your song,” harrys breath gets caught in his throat. “She has pwetty hair and nice eyes,” Harry tears up at the thought that Y/n had heard you singing to her. “That’s your mommy baby,” Y/n giggles and claps her hands. “She’s so pretty daddy,” Harry let’s out a shaky laugh but smiles, “I know babygirl. She was the prettiest girl ever”.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I literally teared up whilst writing this, it’s so heartbreaking. I hope you liked it.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 6 years
With my wisdom of 4, I shout 'Lemme Smash' at her
So a bit of context (its long sorry, a lot happened), it’s the first game and no one had played before, including me (dm). Some people didn’t show up for various reasons which leaves me with 3 players. There’s Stev, a barbarian who’s a human that believes he’s a dwarf, and has a wisdom of 4 (he plays true to this stat). Rufus a half elf, and Pn'ngulthr a high elf, or Pringles, because no one could pronounce the name. 2 of the characters got knocked to 0 in the first fight and Rufus rolled a 1 on a death saving throw. 2 of the goblins they were fighting were killed by Pn'ngulther’s god, who also revive the unconscious characters. They arrive in the tavern, 2 of the characters get rooms and Rufus gets drunk. Then it happened.
Stev: I want to flirt with the bar maid DM: go ahead, how do you want to flirt Stev: I shout ‘Lemme Smash’ at her (table bursts into laughter) DM: umm… roll for intimidation Stev rolls really high, scares her off and the barmaid tells the barman, who tells Stev he’s barred. Rufus (drunk): I’m going to try and stand up for Stev and twirl my staff DM: OK, roll dexterity with disadvantage, you’re drunk Rufus rolls really low DM: You hit the batman’s wife and you also get barred.
Further chaos ensues due to the whole fiasco and Stev disguises himself, goes back into the pub and starts doing the haka while Pn'ngulthr sneaks 2 oxen up to his room, gets drunk and convinces the barman to refund him and unbarr Rufus, while Rufus is passed out in the street and Stev has been recognised and legged it back to where they had the fight.
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greenmute · 6 years
Two days ago, I woke up with a pain inside my right ear out of the blue. I knew right away it's an infection, despite never had one before. But my older had, so it looks like it's mine turn.
Hydrogen peroxide really helps get deep into my ear as it cleared up the waxs. However the pain was still here. And now today, it's unbarrable.
I did the repeat steps again, this time soothing it afterwards with olive oil and a warm rag apon the ear, but this was not enough. I don't have strong enough painkillers for this. Those are subscribed over the counter.
Welp... it's already 5:15, and the light is slowly rising. Guess I'll just move around the house than sleep.
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dnorthernlight · 4 years
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Dead on arrival! Can this really be done? How can a seizure, something completely out our anyone’s control, be controlled? Those episodes, can we control them? Is this even possible? Do you or know of someone who experiences Partial Seizures? Also called Auras, they show up without invitation. There was a time when the inside of my body was in constant vibration. I felt a trembling feeling inside of myself all the time. That seizing appeared in form of anxiety, fear, depression, goosebumps, saliva and nausea. It was absolutely debilitating. I would close up the moment they started until they ended. My body would cringe inside-TERRIFIED!- In a state of panic! - Completely helpless under the spell. They prevented me from moving forward. A simple comparison would be... Let’s say, for whatever reason, you were locked up in a cage with a tiger. This animal is hungry. And eyeing you. It’s just a matter of time before it’s over. You have a fear like you’ve never experienced before. Now, the vivid picture I’ve painted has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have ever experience. However, it is the level of fear I experienced, making life unbarrable. The mystery! How is it that I am able to tame this ugly feeling that shows up at any unannounced time? For decades, I was living these excruciating feelings. They would appear out of nowhere for absolutely no reason. These unexplainable episodes continued happening until I got on the road to Self Development. After accruing self esteem, gaining confidence and becoming assertive, my life took a huge turn. It was gradual and in minuscule steps. Many years later, as I took a moment to reflect on my life, I came to understand that I was able to put a stop to those ugly feelings as they appeared. The conditioning of my mind was proving to be more that just happy, assertive and in control of my destiny. I was able to reduce and even eliminate my seizures. I can send my weekly blog directly into your inbox if you log onto my site by clicking this link @danielvincent.mykajabi.com (once the website opens, wait for a pop up window to appear for instructions) and entering your email address. Daniel https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0CDICjzTy/?igshid=qb8pv1ds21vd
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unfassbar -> unbarrable
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swissloc · 7 years
fucc it,
That's the motto "fucc it" used to say it to act careless and as an excuse for my stupidity...... years ago i used it to remind me to avoid my carelessness as well as my stupidity. now that I've experienced both sides of the fence it's safe to say that i have learned from my mistakes and sometimes it took more than ​once hints the stupidity. That to say it but the things that i thought were important to me are really pointless times change, people change, and in due time before you know it the same person who held it down the most. well, in your eyes. Then before you know it that same person you thought was gon ride till the end just happened to be the wheel that falls off. And if i had to say how many times that this happened​, i dont even know what I'd do if i felt some type of way and let it get to me. It's life, they say it goes on i dont see how. So i said all that just to get this across, what matters is what makes you Happy cuz one day you could lose what really makes you happy and not even notice until it's too late, thats when my motto hit me the hardest and it was the both of the meanings i mentioned earlier. Hold what makes you happ, love hard, and live how you wanna live i don't see how it's supposed to get better when evry other thought is how i fucced up and they don't make a fuccing band-aid to fix it. Hopefully i fnd some glue to, i dobut it. Sometimes sorry don't cut it and it's not i. Tour hands. That's when life is hopeless and unbarrable. I just want what makes me happy bacc fight for it, and get it back is the only thing i can think to do. Maybe one day it'll be in my hands again and I'll know what is on the line. Never again will i let something get in the way of my happiness you live and you learn. A little food for thought to come bacc on when i start to realize my stupidity showing.
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unlockfusion · 6 years
Tmobile USA Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not show lost/stolen or blocked as clean IMEI. You can use for T-Mobile again. · This service will NOT clean Non Payment Blocked in your T-Mobile account.... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network https://ift.tt/2JweuXe
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unlockfusion · 6 years
Tmobile USA Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not show lost/stolen or blocked as clean IMEI. You can use for T-Mobile again. · This service will NOT clean Non Payment Blocked in your T-Mobile account.... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network https://ift.tt/2JweuXe
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unlockfusion · 6 years
Tmobile USA Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not show lost/stolen or blocked as clean IMEI. You can use for T-Mobile again. · This service will NOT clean Non Payment Blocked in your T-Mobile account.... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network https://ift.tt/2LrAwYj
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unlockfusion · 6 years
Tmobile USA Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not show lost/stolen or blocked as clean IMEI. You can use for T-Mobile again. · This service will NOT clean Non Payment Blocked in your T-Mobile account.... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network http://dlvr.it/QWKTfn
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unlockfusion · 6 years
Tmobile USA Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not show lost/stolen or blocked as clean IMEI. You can use for T-Mobile again. · This service will NOT clean Non Payment Blocked in your T-Mobile account.... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network http://dlvr.it/QWKTnc
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unlockfusion · 6 years
T-Mobile USA iPhone X, 8 Plus, 8, 7, 7 Plus 4, 4S, 5, 5c, 5s, 6 and 6 plus,6S.6SP; Samsung S9, S8, S7, Note 10, Note 9, Note 8 , LG, HTC and all T-Mobile phone: Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not sh... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network https://ift.tt/2KQYwE9
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unlockfusion · 6 years
T-Mobile USA iPhone X, 8 Plus, 8, 7, 7 Plus 4, 4S, 5, 5c, 5s, 6 and 6 plus,6S.6SP; Samsung S9, S8, S7, Note 10, Note 9, Note 8 , LG, HTC and all T-Mobile phone: Unbarring Unbarr - .If your phone was reported lost/stolen and unrecoverable blocked · This service will clean the IMEI, so it does not sh... #Unlockfusion #unlocking #apple #samsung #LG #ZTE #Blackberry #fusion #Unlockcode #network https://ift.tt/2s4e3cz
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