#unbreakable vow like spell
blondwhowrites · 2 months
Mattheo and reader doing the unbreakable vow to always love each other and never be with someone else ( romantically and sexually)
That's it.
That's the thought
~ 🧸
There was a stark difference between your hand and his. While your hand was soft, his was rough. A testament to how different you two were. "Are you sure about this, princess?" He squeezed your hand looking at you unsure. "This is a serious commitment and it cannot be undone."
"Matty I want this." You stood confident, standing your ground like the brave woman he knew you were. Mattheo sighed, his adams apple bobbed as he gulped. He nodded at Theo who stood in-between you two holding his wand out ready to cast the spell.
"then let's do this."
Theo nodded, he stepped forward, and placed the tip of his wand on your linked hands. "Begin" he stated, his eyes darting between the two of you.
"Princess, do you vow to love me until our dying days; to care for me as we grow old and grey."
"I do."
The tip of Theos wand glowed as whisps of red magic tied around both of your hands connecting you two together.
"do you vow to only love me and never anyone else; to never lay with another man or woman."
"I do."
Mattheo let out a shaky sigh, his eyes staring into yours. Your lips curled up in a smile the action sending him a small bit of comfort. You always knew how to comfort him, you were perfect like that.
"Mattheo, do you vow to love me until our dying days; to care for me as we grow old and grey." Your voice wavered, a small yet significant sign of just how nervous you actually were.
"I do."
"do you vow to only love me and never anyone else; to never lay with another man or woman."
"I do." He breathed out as he watched as the red whisps of magic surrounding yours and his hand glowed brighter before slowly fading away, sealing the vows.
It was done.
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aludraslytherin · 6 months
Why the fuck, when the Fidelius Charm was cast, did they not think to make a goddamn unbreakable vow !? Like, it's so obious ???
And Sirius ? They can literally take a memory into a pensine something and watch it, they have legilimency for crying out loud !! They have veritaserum ! So whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ??? It's so stupid!
And Dumbledore ! oh this sorry excuse of a human being !
He knew that Peter was the secret keeper ! So WHY IN THE EVERLY MOTHERLY FLIBBIDY FUCK didn't he said so ???
It makes me so fucking crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And everyone that is like 'ThE BoY WhO LiVeD' 'hE DefEtEd tHe DaRk lOrD' erh, NO ?! It was thanks to LILY ?? He was just an INFANT who had the chance to be under a protecting spell created by LILY when she SACRIFIED HERSELF for her son ? Why is everybody forgeting about her ??
Oh, and don't start me about Snape !
'hE wAs BulLiEd bY JaMeS, HiS WoRsE MeMoRy iS HiM BeinG BuLliEd' Yeah, because he called Lily a slur
'hE WaS jUsT MiSuNdErStoOd' No, he was a death eater, fully believing in Voldy's BS,he only changed side because the girl he was obsessed with was in danger... Because of HIM ! People tend to forget that he was the one searching and giving the prophecy to the dArK LoRd, resulting in Lily's death.
And, 'JaMeS WaS jUsT A BulLy' We only sees him throught Snape's pov, aka, when he got 'bullies'c after he called Lily a mudblood.
And if James is a bully, doesn't that mean the Snape is one too ? No because :
-He made fun of Hermione for her teeth
-He bullies his students
-he exposed Remus when he had no reason for, since he is the one brewing the wolfsbane potion
-he hates and bullies the son of 'the love of his life' because Harry had the infortune of looking like his father, that Snape resents
-he was a death eater
-he is a racist
-he is a blood supremacis
-he is Neville worst fear, the boy who literally had his parents torturedby Bellatrix. Shouldn't she be his boggart ?? But noooo, it's our 'wonderful and misunderstood' Snape
-when he hugged Lily's body, while her son was crying his eyes out, being hurt, seeing his mother die, having blood on his forehead, and then leaving the house without even comforting or taking Harry to Saint-Mungos !!
-blamed James for bullying him, when he created Sectum Sempra, and was into dark magic !
-trying to make Harry expelled
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 19 - Unbreakable Vow
@wolfstarmicrofic March 19, word count 391
 Remus was tumbling through an old book of ancient magic that Sirius had stolen from his family library to give to Remus as a birthday present. 
Remus was enjoying learning about all the old magics that he knew nothing about and learning a bit more in-depth about the ones he knew. 
He flipped the page over and read the next spell, the Unbreakable Vow. 
“My family tried to get me to make one of those one.” Sirius perched his head on Remus’s shoulder, making him jump. He’d been engrossed in his book.
Remus cleared his throat. 
“What were they trying to get you to make a vow over?” He asked, curiosity getting the better of him. 
“Oh, they wanted me to swear that I wouldn’t disgrace the House of Black.” He said as if it were a simple request. 
“Godric, Sirius. Did you make it?” Remus could think of multiple ways Sirius had brought at least some disgrace to his family’s name since the summer. 
“No, of course not. I’d be long dead by now. No, Great Uncle Alphard managed to get them to stop as he pointed out that any little slip-up and they’d be out an heir. It sucks for them because they ended up losing an heir anyway, but at least I live to bring disgrace to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black.” He nuzzled his nose into Remus’s neck. Remus snorted as Sirius’s hair tickled him. “Thanks for helping with that, by the way.” Remus pulled his head back and looked questioningly at Sirius. 
“My family have no use for male family members who prefer the company of men and having you at my side, and nothing they can do about it must be making so many of my ancestors spin in their ridiculous mausoleum tombs.” Remus raised his eyebrows as mischief flashed in his eyes. 
“Oh, so I’m a trophy gay? Just keeping me around to look good and annoy your family?” Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus’s shoulders. 
“Hmmm, yes. My incredibly sexy trophy boyfriend who just so happens to be gay. Who, I am about to take upstairs and allow him to disgrace my family name just a bit more. 
Liking the sound of that, Remus shut his book and hurried after Sirius as they climbed the stairs to the boy’s dorms.      
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Me & The Devil P.2 🌘| Harry Potter Imagine
takes place during HBP & DH1
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Part 1 here | HP Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Black!Sister reader x HP characters (platonic), Severus Snape x reader (platonic/semi-romantic)
Content Warnings: death, violence, profanity, angst, slight cannon divergence, mentions of torture and blood, set during the book timeline of the 1990s | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 6k
Requested yes/no
Premise: A dark storm is brewing over Hogwarts. The return of Voldemort and his Death Eaters spark unease in the Golden Trio. For a certain member of the Noble House of Black, she takes on a new role of double agent with the partnership between her and a certain Hogwarts professor. Will she survive the ordeal and get her freedom when it's all over? The odds are slim when acting as a loyal servant and hunted by aurors.
Note: Snape is 37 in this like the books and reader is 31. Part 3 will be the final chapter to this miniseries but I have no idea when it will be posted. Hope y’all like this one! Also near the end the final scenes are inspired by Wanda in MOM so yeah that belongs to Marvel
Months went by. Waiting. Scheming. Y/n felt her mind deteriorate by the day. Between Bellatrix’s constant complaints of Draco’s failures and Narcissa’s moping, Y/n spent most of her time in the attic of Malfoy Manor. Hidden away to perfect her spells and create new ones. She even managed to successfully become an animagus. 
A black crow.
How fitting.
At times Y/n found herself sitting in front of the window. Especially when it rained. The lightning in the distance, the crisp air filling the attic walls. Lost in her thoughts, Y/n would caress the silver jewelry laid on her left ring finger. 
Once a month she’d receive a letter from Severus, unbeknownst to the others, detailing Draco’s attempts and all the times Snape’s had to cover for him. As part of their deal to keep quiet of the others' disloyalty and motives behind actions, Snape agreed to update her on Draco and keep the Order off Y/n’s trail. For Y/n’s side of the bargain, she agreed to deflect suspicion on him from their fellow Death Eaters. Specifically her sisters.
And what better way to do that then in holy matrimony.
“You want to get married?” she scoffed, placing her wine glass on the coaster. Having left with her sisters following the unbreakable vow, Y/n returned later that night after Severus sent an owl. Sitting in the same leather chair from before, “You humor me.”
“I can assure you I am everything but comical, Y/n,” he drawled, standing by the fireplace. The sound of wood crackling filled the room. “This is not an arrangement I suggest lightly.”
Seeing how serious he was, Y/n’s demeanor changed. “Wow,” her tone lowered, finger raising to tap her lips. Unable to read her mind since she was a gifted Occulmens like himself, Snape was left to wonder what Y/n was thinking. Truth be told the woman was more impressed than shocked by his proposal. “I think that’s the first time I’ve been rendered speechless, Severus.” Standing, Y/n grabbed her glass and approached the man. “You truly believe this would work? Proposing a marriage between us….” she trailed, glancing at the fire briefly, “is intriguing. Tell me more.”
Snape’s expression remained the same, “It is simply a matter of convenience.” No need to sugar coat it, “We want to keep our secrets hidden. So long as you can assure your sisters stay off my back…..I’ll make sure the Order stays off yours. We play the part of a happy married couple when operating business with the Dark Lord, and I will do everything in my power to get your freedom when this all ends.” 
Y/n liked what she was hearing. The more she thought about it, the more engrossed she became. Marrying Snape wasn’t ideal--as the concept itself she did not care for--but Y/n could not deny the idea made her curious. Plus Severus was handsome, a talented wizard, and obviously, he knew her motives for following Voldemort. What her end goal was. She needed to keep him close. 
“I think I’ll find playing the part of a smitten wife will be rather easy,” she rasped, stepping closer to Snape so their chests were nearly touching. Walking her fingertips up the length of his arm, Y/n leaned closer to Snape which ignited a sharp breath from the man. She smelled of expensive perfume. Their closeness allowed him to see how her eyes turned from their usual coldness to something more lustful. Almost sinister. His reaction made her smirk, “Confident you can manage the same….husband?” 
Now, almost a year later, the two managed to successfully keep their union hidden from the Order. All while any suspicion the Death Eaters had of Snape seemed to disappear. Bellatrix, initially furious and doubtful of their ‘relationship’, soon began to trust him. Still, the witch grimaced each time the pair greeted the other with an affectionate kiss. Or when Y/n took claim to Snape’s lap during meetings. An action which surprised the man himself in the beginning.
Each letter Severus sent was met with one in return, however Y/n was careful to only send her owl in the late hours of the night. When her family was sound asleep. Signing the parchment with only her initials, but instead of B as the ending initial it was S. She’d never admit it aloud, but Y/n felt a sense of comfort with Severus. There was an overwhelming amount of hate in her heart, but the pinch of sanity left in her soul connected to him. Which is not a surprise. He is, of course, the only person who can relate to her. 
Neither would call it love. Y/n possessed no love. And Snape lost his when Lily died. They had mutual respect and care for each other as their partnership grew. Finding the other’s presence calm despite the world around them going to shit. 
The news of Draco’s success in connecting the two cabinets came from Bellatrix’s glee, the woman bursting into the attic with a loud, “It’s time, sister.” Reluctantly, Y/n trailed Bellatrix to Knockturn Alley, where they met several of their associates. 
Dark clouds painted the sky. Thunder rumbling. It set the tone of the evening. 
Y/n stayed stoic the entire journey. Hating every minute, yet doing nothing to escape. Where could she even go? The mark on her arm prevented her from doing so. Until Voldemort was defeated, the only way for her to stay alive was to continue the act of a loyal servant. 
Draco was gone when the group breached the cabinet in a cloud of black smoke. The boy rushed to find Dumbledore and complete his task. He found the man on the observation deck of the Astronomy Tower. Unaware his longtime rival, Harry Potter, was below him, watching the scene play out. 
The others arrived to witness Draco complete the task, however, in the end Snape was the one to administer the curse. And so the greatest wizard in history fell from the sky. 
Y/n kept her eyes on Severus the entire time. Watching his reaction. When he went through with the unthinkable, Y/n wasted no time in rushing to his side. Cupping his face, she noticed the dissociative expression Snape wore. Mind processing what he had done. “Severus,” he didn’t respond, making her shake his shoulders, “look at me.” Finally he meets her eye and the woman matches his anxious demeanor. “We have to go. Now.” 
Clutching his robe, the two push Draco in the direction of the Death Eaters. Bellatrix’s maniacal laughter rings as she shoots a spell into the sky to bring forth the Dark Lord’s symbol in the clouds. Not long after the tower was surrounded by members of the Order, ensuing a battle between the groups. Y/n tried to avoid dueling as much as possible. Not wanting to harm anyone, especially the kids in the school. 
Cutting the corner after dodging a spell from her niece Nymphadora, Y/n spotted the wretched Fenrir Greyback attacking a man she didn’t recognize. Judging by the wild red hair he possessed, she assumed it was a Weasley. Greyback’s back was toward her, unaware she stood behind him. From the looks of it, the redhead was losing the fight. 
Not sure what came over her at that moment, Y/n raised her wand and shouted, “Stupefy!” The werewolf was flung into the wall behind him, falling unconscious. 
“Bill!” a voice screamed, Y/n turning to see a young woman running to where the Weasley laid. Bloodied and knocked out. Fluer dropped beside him, sobbing at the state of her fiance. She glanced up to see Y/n, immediately becoming frozen with fear while pleading with her to help. “Y-you--H-he’s been--.”
Cursing to herself, Y/n approached the two. “He wasn’t bit,” adjusting her dress skirt, she grabbed the cuffs of Bill’s jacket and gestured for Fluer to help. Together they moved him to a concealed area away from the battle. “He’s been scratched.” Having studied werewolves while in school, the woman was well educated on the subject. Muttering a healing spell, Y/n attempted to at least stop the bleeding, however, she knew the extent of his injuries were serious. “Nevertheless, the wounds are cursed. They’ll scar.” 
Fluer watched her carefully, “W-why are you helping us?” Y/n gave no answer, instead casting a final healing spell before standing up to leave. In her peripheral vision, she noticed movement from Greyback, and sent a second stun his way to keep him unconscious. She always hated him, so it gave her great pleasure to pu thim down. 
Truth be told Y/n didn’t know why she helped the injured Weasley. It would have best suited her to get the hell out of there and let whatever outcome happen. Whether that be Greyback killing the man or Bill successfully overpowering the werewolf. But instead, she cursed her associate. Saving the life of ‘the enemy’. 
Several agonizing minutes passed before Y/n managed to escape the tower. At Snape’s order, she ran deep into the forest until she was far enough to apparate. Back at the manor she was immediately questioned by her sister.
“Is Draco okay,” Narcissa grabbed Y/n’s wrist to stop her from escaping to the attic. Eyes glossy with tears, “Did he--.”
“Your son is fine, Narcissa,” she roughly pulled away. “You have my husband to thank for that--he finished the job.” There was immediate relief from Narcissa, exhaling the breath she had been holding. Y/n went straight to the liquor cabinent, taking a glass and pouring a generous amount before downing it. She then refilled the glass, offering it to her sister without a word. Once Narcissa took it Y/n kept the bottle for herself, saying nothing more as she made her way to the attic. 
It wasn’t long before the others arrived. Y/n heard Narcissa’s cry of relief upon seeing Draco. Bellatrix was busy scolding Greyback--something that brought a smile to her face. Other murmurs were made out, but hard to identify with all the noise. Moments later she heard the fast approaching sound of footsteps nearing her door. Jolting from her bed with her wand raised at whoever was about to breach it. Only when it was revealed to be Severus did Y/n lower her guard, rolling her eyes, “What have I told you about--.”
Snape slammed the door shut, muttering a silencing charm which caused Y/n to raise her brow. “We need to talk.” Her guarded expression returned, but Snape beat her before she could question him. “I know you stunned the werewolf to save Weasley.” All movement from the woment seized, frozen in shock.
“How do you know--.”
“I saw you with Miss. Delacour, Y/n,” Snape peers down at her with visible frustration. “Why would you risk such a thing? If you had been caught--.”
“But I wasn’t, Severus,” she interrupts, eyes flicking to the door in fear someone was listening, but then she remembered the spell he cast. “I was careful. You should know better than to underestimate me. And to answer your question….” she turned away from him, hands on her hips as she turned her focus to the woods beyond her window. “I don’t know what possessed me to do what I did--It just happened. Maybe it’s the fact the Weasley’s are distant family. Or because I fucking hate Greyback.” She throws her hands up in defeat,  “Or I want the Order to have all its members to better their chances at winning this damn war. Maybe…” her hands fall back to her sides, “deep down there’s some humanity left in me.” The words were so low it was barely a whisper. Y/n shook her head, the speck of softness replaced with disinterest. 
“Whatever it was,” turning back to him, Y/n narrows her eyes in warning. “It’s no longer our concern. Dumbledore is dead, you killed him.” footsteps echo against the wood as she approaches Snape, noticing his expression change at the mention of the headmaster. “He will be plotting his next move. We need to remain focused--I expect his attention will be on us more now given the circumstances.” 
Snape knows she’s right. Killing Albus only shined a spotlight on him, and in turn on Y/n. He was now labeled public enemy #1 in the eyes of the Order. Voldemort himself will likely turn to Snape. They will have to up their game, continuing the act of a happy couple. Well happy as one can be in the middle of a war. 
That summer was endless torture following the Headmaster’s death. Y/n not only had to deal with Voldemort growing stronger, but also the return of Lucius from Azkaban. It did bring the witch great joy to see the dark circles beneath his eyes and matted hair. One year in prison did a number on him. 
Lucky for Lucius it was only one year. Had it been 15 like Y/n, he’d surely gone mad. Thankfully the two rarely saw each other. Not long after his release following Dumbledore’s death Y/n moved into Severus' home. Only returning to the mansion when necessary. 
At every Death Eater meeting Y/n had to fight yawning with how bored she was, keeping her expression blank even when addressed by Voldermort from time to time. The man wasn’t blind. Well aware the youngest Black was not as forthcoming with her praises to him like Bellatrix. Never voicing her opinions, while also keeping any objections to herself like a smart person would do. He never fully trusted her. Even though she was married to one of his most trusted advisors, something in the back of his mind told Voldemort she’d be the first to turn on him. Without proof, Voldemort kept a close eye.
The meeting tonight was just like any other. Seated at the massive dining table in Malfoy Manor, Voldemort at the head while the Black’s and Malfoy’s flanked to the right. Y/n seated beside Draco, far from her sisters. Very telling of her attitude towards them.
Severus was the last to arrive, dark cloak tailing behind him. His entrance caught everyone’s attention, while his was on his colleague hanging in the air. Muggle studies professor Charity Burbage. The wounds on her body indicated she had been subjected to torture. 
“Severus,” Voldemort greeted, “I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come. We’ve saved you a seat.” The headmaster took claim to the only free chair at the table, bidding a look to his wife, to which she slightly shook her head. Silently saying, “I had no part in this.”
Voldemort then said, “Do you bring news, I trust?”
“It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall.”
“I’ve heard differently, my Lord,” Yaxley interrupted at the other end of the table, then proceeds to say he believes Harry will be moved at the end of the month. The 30th of July. The day before his 17th birthday.
“This is a false trail,” Snape insists. “The auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. “Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the ministry.”
The Death Eater seated beside Y/n laughed, “Well, they got that right aren’t they.” Several at the table joined in the laughter. The youngest Black’s expression was tight, plastered with annoyance. 
“What’s say you, Pius?” Voldemort addresses the man seated at the opposite head of the table. 
Nagini curled herself next to the chair as he answered, “One hears many things, my Lord. Whether the truth is among them is not clear.” Voldemort chuckles.
“Spoken like a true politician. You will, I think, prove most useful, Pius.” The Death Eater appears pleased by the compliment. Voldemort turns back to Snape, “Where will he be taken, the boy?”
“To a safe house. Most likely the home of someone in the Order. I’m told it’s been given every manner of protection possible, once there it will be impractical to attack him.”
Suddenly the conversation is interrupted by Bellatrix. “My Lord, I’d like to volunteer myself for this task.” She leans against the table, voice dropping, “I want to kill the boy.”
“Of course you would,” Y/n thinks to herself, holding back the urge to roll her eyes. Frankly she found her sister to be stupid to ask such a thing. Considering Voldemort mentions his desire to kill Harry Potter everyday. And with the prophecy, there’s no way he’d allow anyone else the opportunity to do the deed. 
In the back, Charity let out a haunting groan, causing Voldermort to shout, “Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest’s quiet?”
“Yes, my Lord,” the man spoke with urgency. “Right away, my Lord.” As he scurried off, Voldemort returned his attention to Bellatrix. 
“As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix,” the hope was clear in her eyes, disappearing with his next words. “I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.” With that she curled back into her seat, Y/n’s lips raising in a satisfied smirk.
“But,” he rises from his chair, “I face an unfortunate complication.” As much as Y/n wanted to tune out this conversation, the nature of it was hard to dismiss. Especiall when the man walked behind the chairs on her side of the table. Brushing past her sisters before ending beside Lucius. There was satisfaction seeing him visibly afraid of Voldemort. A smirk on her lips when he was to give up his wand, a wizard’s most prized possession.
Her expression shifted when Charity’s brought to the center of the table. Death Eaters laughing at her despair and cringing with disgust at her profession. Y/n moves her gaze to Severus, who’s emotionless to Charity’s pleas. Then when the woman’s killed and her body drops to the table, Y/n lifts her hand to grasp Draco’s wrist. Squeezing it in warning for him to control himself when she sees his distraught state in the corner of her eyes. 
The action surprises the boy. Draco sucking in a breath and forcing himself to relax. Once he does, Y/n removes her touch and waits to be dismissed by Voldemort. As soon as the order is given she’s quick to leave the table, taking Snape’s outstretched hand where he apparates them back home. 
“How do you plan--?” he doesn’t let her finish the question.
“I have it covered.” Moving to his study, he hears her footsteps behind him, Y/n slamming the door shut once they’ve entered. He looked annoyed, “This doesn’t concern you.”
“The hell it does!” she shouted, making him clench his jaw. Ever since the incident at the Astronomy tower the two had been on edge with each other. For one, the Order discovered their marriage causing Y/n to lose her shit. Now she was public enemy #2 in their eyes. Or 3 if you count Voldermort at the top. Her odds of the Order leaving her the fuck alone decreased immensly. 
Second, Snape told her of his and Dumbledore’s arrangement. That the headmaster asked Snape to kill him. A secret Y/n had trouble wrapping her head around and prayed to a higher power no one, especially Bellatrix, found out about. 
Crossing over to him where he stood at his desk, Y/n caught his wrist to make him look at her. “In case you have forgotten, dear husband, we are playing both sides right now. You say you want to protect Harry Potter…just how do you plan to do that during an ambush you helped orchestrate? What the hell are we supposed to do if Harry Potter dies at his hands Saturday next?” Y/n squeezed his wrist tighter, “I’m putting all my trust into Severus Snape. You promised me my freedom when this was all over.” 
“I haven’t forgotten, Y/n,” he removes himself from her grip, “You say you trust me. Do so, and you won’t be let down.”
Y/n didn’t know where it all went wrong. One moment she was flying in the sky, the next she’s being rammed into by Bill Weasley’s Thestral. Pain erupted in her chest, likely from a broken rib and caught herself on the creature's satchel. Her hand is then grabbed by the imposter Harry seated behind Bill, keeping Y/n steady to prevent falling to her death. Using her talent of legitimins, Y/n identifies the imposter as Bill’s fiance Fluer. 
“You’re not Harry Potter,” she whispers, causing Harry (Fluer) to widen her eyes. The accusation was confirmed when Fluer’s voice responded, “How did you know?” Before Y/n could answer, however, the world around her became black. Having been stunned by Bill who realized what was happening behind him.  
Acting fast, Fluer reached with her other hand to further grasp Y/n’s now limp body onto the Thestral. 
“What are you doing?” Bill shouted over the chaos, “She’s one of them!”
“And she saved your life in the Astronomy tower, William!” Fluer screamed back. Using all her might, she hauled Y/n over the bottom half of the creature. Gripping the material of her robes and dress while ducking at the incoming curses around them. 
When they finally made it to the Burrow, the shaky landing caused Fluer to lose her hold. Y/n fell to the ground, still unconscious. Bruises were sure to form on her body. Bill leaped off the Thestral, helped Fluer off and rushed to Y/n. After confirming she was alive by pressing his fingers to her pulse, the oldest Weasley took the death eater into his arms and followed Fluer into the house. But not before telling Fluer to take her wand which had been discarded into a ditch.
“Wait here,” he said, placing Y/n in the care of Fluer by setting her on a bench outside the door, Bill entered to find the others gathered around an injured George. After the shock wore off of his brother’s state, Bill announced the death of Mad-eye and departure of Mundungus. Deepening the already intense mood.
“There’s something else,” he hesitated, eyes flickering to find everyone staring at him with unease. They watched Bill exit the house, only to return a second later dragging the last person they ever expected. Gasps rang out, wands drawn in Y/n’s direction. The witch barely conscious but fighting against Bill’s hold. Eventually succumbing to sleep once again due to the pounding in her head. 
With the help of Remus, the two propped Y/n in a chair, casting a spell to bind her hands and legs. “Where’s her wand?” Remus urgently looked around, relieved to see the object in Fluer’s possession. He turned to Bill, “What the hell happened?”
As the oldest Weasley explained, Molly approached the woman, assessing her carefully. Y/n had dirt and grime in her hair. A small cut to her temple. Likely from a rock when she fell from the Threstral. Her breathing was shaky, pained groans escaping her mouth which Molly assumed was from trauma to her chest. Although the others were against it, Molly began performing healing spells on Y/n, “Had it not been for her my son would be dead! I do not care what side she is on--I shall offer the same courtesy.” 
The group was alerted to Y/n’s consciousness twenty minutes later when she groaned. Shifting in the chair, her eyelids fluttered briefly before opening to bright lights. Moaning, Y/n straightened up aware of the audience in front of her, however she did not appear concerned. Even with several wands pointing at her. “Hmmmph,” she blinks a few times, settling her gaze on Remus, “what an unpleasant situation we have here. I hoped to be dead before experiencing this.”
It pained Remus to hear her words. Thinking back to that little girl he’d met on the corner of Diagon Alley with James, perched on Sirius’ hip. That little girl was gone. In her place was a woman with the Devil on her shoulder. “We don’t want to hurt you, Y/n.”
Tilting her head as though she found his statement funny, she replies “Is that supposed to make me feel at ease?” rolling her eyes she adds, “Surely you could’ve come up with something better.”
Remus sighed, realizing it was about to be a long night. “We’re willing to negotiate terms if you provide us with information. A lesser sentence if you will,” he chose his next words carefully, seeing her demenor shift, “so long as you are upfront and answer all of our questions with honesty.” Y/n’s face tightened, no longer humored. Remus felt his stomach lurch, not breaking the intense eye contact she set with him.
“You threaten me--.”
“It’s not a threat--,” he insists but Y/n continues.
“With a cell in Azkaban and expect me to comply? By being a snitch?” she shakes her head, eyes full of fury. “Go to hell, Remus Lupin.”
“It doesn’t have to be this way.”
“Oh?” She grumbles with a glare, “and how else do you suggest it be? I’m not stupid--a tad mad if we want to get technical, but you all have yourselves to blame for that.” Y/n was referring to the Order not taking her in during the First Wizarding War. Sirius warned them of his family and the Death Eaters recruiting her at a young age. Yet no attempt to protect Y/n was initiated. 
The werewolf’s face fell, “Had we known--.”
“Known what?!” She jumped forward in her chair as the dam of pent up resentment and anger broke, making several flinch at the sudden movement. A few wands pointed up but she paid them no mind. “That I’d become a Death Eater against my will? That I’d be forced to use the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottoms or face my sister’s wrath?” She spat with ferocity. Pupils nearly pitch black it made her appear demonic. “You knew what my family was like! Sirius knew--It’s why he left! And you did nothing to save me.” Leaning back in the chair, Y/n finished with, “Go ahead and kill me. I’m not telling you shit.”
Remus runs a hand through his hair, his patience running thin and stress levels rising. “Y/n, I’m trying to help you here. We’re giving you the opportunity to avoid a lifetime in jail if you help us--help us end this war.” When his efforts are exhausted Remus gestures to the man behind him, “Kingsley has Veritaserum and we will use it if necessary.”  Now this has her smirking, chin raising in challenge. 
“Go ahead,” her voice lowers an octave, sending chills along his arms, “I welcome you to.” Weary of her acceptance, the adult members of the Order all exchange looks before Kingsley approaches. Y/n tilts her head back, watching Kingsley unscrew the vial and pour the tiny amount of liquid onto her tongue. Once it’s entered her stream, the woman cracks her neck and returns her attention to Remus. 
He clasped his hands in his lap, leaning in his chair. “How’d you know about tonight?”
Y/n pretends to think, “I think I saw an advertisement in the Daily Prophet. Yeah,” she nods her head, acting serious. “That was it.” 
Remus’s own head falls to his chest, the others visibly confused. The potion was to make her tell the truth. Pretty much against her will. Thinking it may have not settled in yet, Remus asks another question. “Who told him we were moving Harry?” 
Deciding to play along, Y/n shrugs her shoulders, “Yaxley.” Lie. She held back a chuckle at his confused reaction.
“How did he know?”
“Overheard it.” Lie.
“Diagon Alley I assume.” Lie.
“From who?”
“I don’t know.” Lie.
“But he’s the one who told Voldemort.” Y/n rolled her eyes at that, gesturing to her binded hands.
“Obviously since we’re sitting in this predicament.” She sees the frustration on Remus, as well as the others. Yet, the witch couldn’t help but feel entertained. “Anything else?”
“What’s your relationship to Severus Snape?” 
“He’s my husband,” She didn’t miss the way the Order reacted to the news. Upset but not surprised. No point in lying. They already knew about their marriage from what Snape told her. The truth of why, however, was still a secret. 
“Why did he kill Dumbledore?” Harry stepped forward, drawing her attention to him. Anger was written all over his face. Filled with absolute hatred. Something Y/n had expected when her husband murdered the man he looked up to. 
“You were there, right?” she asked, head tilting with curiosity. “Snape mentioned you’d been below the observatory deck.” Tsking, Y/n surveyed him. She was getting under his skin. “Why do you think he did it?”
“I think he did it to save himself. He was a coward,” Harry saw the way her face tightened. Taking offense to his words. A mere speck of what someone could label as affection or respect to her spouse. 
“Severus Snape is many things,” she sounded sinister, anger seeping off every word. “But a coward is not one of them.”
“Fat lot of good coming from you.” Harry antagonized her. “You hightailed it out of the ministry when Sirius died. He was your own cousin.”
“My cousin who left me a sitting duck for the wolves,” Y/n reminded the boy, temper rising. An indicator with how her voice was strained. “Let’s not forget you all thought he was responsible for betraying your parents. Didn’t even hesitate to believe he was guilty.” That cut them all deep. “And I adored Sirius at one point in life. Much like you, Harry Potter,” she let out a deep sigh, attempting to calm herself, “look at where it got me.” Exhaustion was beginning to take over the witch. Her body ached and there was a pounding in her head. Molly’s healing spells worked to patch any internal injuries Y/n had, but she still was drained from the whole ordeal. 
They were getting off track. Having had enough of the tension, Remus butted in, “Answer the question, Y/n. Why did Snape kill Dumbledore?”
“I don’t know,” she simply stated. Lie. “He didn’t say. Although…I can only assume it was to spare my poor nephew.” Another shrug, “And survive the unbreakable vow. Which you already know of.” 
Harry shook his head, “I don’t believe you.” His gut was telling him there was more to the story. 
“Harry, she took the Veritaserum,” Hermoine pointed out gently, missing the flicker of amusement from Y/n. “She’s telling the truth.”
“Hermoine’s right, Harry,” Ron agreed, moving beside his friend. “There’s no way she could be lying.”
“How much did you give her, Kingsley?” Arthur questioned, also suspicious of Y/n’s answers. Kingsley held up the vial. More than half was consumed.
“Something’s off,” he murmured, rubbing his chin. A bickering match ensued between members of the Order. Harry, Arthur, and even Y/n’s niece, Tonks, had difficulty believing Y/n told the truth. The majority, however, voiced opposition. 
“Veritaserum is a very potent and strong potion, Harry,” Remus stood from his chair, but before he could say anything else, Y/n’s voice took over.
“Which you just wasted.”
Silence consumes the room. Processing what she said. That’s not possible.
Heads turning to the witch, Y/n starts to chuckle in delight. A sight unnerving to the Order as it becomes more deranged. Harry looked to his friends for an answer, but they were just as perplexed as him. Y/n’s voice turns taunting, “Oh my, you lot really are daft at times. Have you forgotten? Or did you believe it to be a rumor?” Her grin is wicked, finding the scene entertaining much to their dismay. “I’m a skilled Occulmens.” 
It was as though the dementors arrived with how cold the air became. Everyone falters, stilling at the revelation. It could only mean one thing:
Everything Y/n said potentially was a lie. 
The Death Eater tsked, “What do you think I did with all that time I had rotting in the middle of the ocean?” she laughs again, more menacingly. “Your little potion is useless! My mind is more protected than Azkaban. For all you know I fabricated everything I just told you.” Her taunting laugh continues, shredding the last ounce of patience the Order had for her. 
Remus kneeled in front of her chair and smacked the table, causing everyone besides Y/n to flinch. “Enough of these games! I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt knowing you’d been forced into this life, but you have proven to be not so different from your associates.” Now that was a nail to the coffin. Any and all of Remus’s hope for Y/n having some level of good in her gone. “This is your final warning--or we will throw you in Azkaban for the rest of your life for good!”
Never straying her stare, the Death Eater murmered cooly, “You have no idea how reasonable I’ve been.” This time it was Remus’s turn to scoff.
“Holding children hostage at the Ministry, attacking Hogwarts, marrying Snape, and sending assassins after the officials who locked you up,” He lists off, surprising the Order with the last detail. They had heard rumors of Azkaban guards and Ministry officials killed in the last few months, but assumed it was Bellatrix. “I don’t see how that’s being reasonable.”
Y/n gave a sound that was a mix of a chuckle and scoff, leaning forward in her chair. “Sending those assassins after them instead of myself was mercy.” A chill rose, Harry’s intuition telling him something was about to happen. “And despite your hypocrises and insults I have warned you time and time again to simply get out of my way.” Remus saw her hands fidget, tightening his grip on his wand. 
“You’ve exhausted my patience,” Her voice lowered once more, almost to a whisper as her bottom lip quivered. “But I do hope you understand…that even now--with what’s about to happen…..” lips curled into a deathly smirk. “This is me being…reasonable.”
Faster than the speed of light, Y/n casts a non-verble, wandless spell that mimics a gust a powerful wind, ripping the binds off her hands and ankles. Remus flies onto his back, the lights flicker and burst. The windows and glass shatter. Papers fly. Hermoine screams, echoing amongst the shouts as Ron pulls her into his arms. Molly leaning over an injured George to protect him from shards. 
 Fluer gasps at the feeling of Y/n’s wand in her hand ripped from her. The death eater had snapped her fingers in the chaos with a non-verbal Accio.
With her wand now in her possession, Y/n unleashes another bout of wind, crippling the Order from attacking her. Once satisfied she makes her escape. Black smoke fills the room before flying out the window and into the night sky. The storm inside the burrow seizing. 
“What the bloody hell was that?” Ron coughs, catching his breath. 
“That,” Kingsley stands up straight, sore from colliding with the wall which knocked him down. “Was the closest thing to experiencing the Devil on Earth.”
Tags: @unloved-and-outspoken
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mkmgwrites · 10 months
Draco: -all I’m saying is I have no idea why you would put stitches into a snitch-
Hermione: That’s not what I-
Draco: -entirely impractical. Not to mention impossible-
Hermione: -an expression! Used for-
Draco: -catch it! Let alone try stitch it-
Hermione: -for fucksakes if you’d just-
Draco: -much too hard. The needle would break-
Hermione: -Malfoy! For-
Draco: -pointless endeavour. Honestly I don’t know why they call you-
Hermione: -CAN YOU JUST-
Draco: -nothing to do with promises anyway. Why would stitching snitches achieve any-
Hermione: -MERLINS TITS! You are just so-
Draco: -unless it’s some type of bonding charm. Like a low level unbreakable vow. But I’m sure I’d have heard of it, seeing as I know much more about Quidditch than you-
Hermione: -idiotic moron with no-
Draco: -most things really. Definitely secret keeping spells. I was in Slytherin you know, and-
Hermione: -UNT!
Draco: -honestly Granger, you can be quite dense sometimes.
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multific · 1 year
The Unbreakable Vow
Part 2
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Aegon II Targaryen x DarkWitch!Reader
Series Masterpost
Summary: Thin vines appeared as you two put your hand into his, Aegon tried to pull away but the vine didn't let him. It kept tightening around his skin, he feared it might tear his hand off."If you break our vow, you will die, if I break it, I will."
Your presence was something no one expected.
Aemond and his mother often shared looks whenever you were present.
It was as if you were glued to Aegon's side. Little did they know, you technically were.
While you two shared a vow, you also made sure Aegon was more than healthy.
Even the rest of the kingdom started to notice the changes in the young king. He looked thinner, but not sickly, more muscular and sharp.
"People are starting to riot. They will want to kill your dragons." you whispered to Aegon one late night. His eyes met yours as you sat by the feet of his bed, he was already laying down, ready to sleep, but he couldn't.
"Can you stop them?" he asked and you nodded.
"If you want me to."
"At least make sure mine wouldn't die." he made himself comfortable before closing his eyes. You kept staring at him, watching his jawline and his hair. 
You didn't tell him about the fire that will come to him. The burning of his flesh. You were honestly still debating if you should stop it, or cure him after the fact. 
You stood up and rounded his bed, looking out the window. 
You looked down at him once more before leaving his room, you pressed your palm against the closed door a symbol appeared then disappeared.
You went back to your room to sleep. 
You went to sleep and as usual, you were back in Aegon's dream. He was currently re-living the day he was crowned. You saw this one many times, the dragon would soon fly in.
You appeared next to him instead of his mother, finding yourself in front of him as his hand grabbed yours. 
The dream ended when he turned to look at you, you assumed he woke up.
You were in complete darkness.
Then his voice echoed around you. As if someone was speaking in a well.
"I hoped you would be an angel, saving me from my pain. A gentle woman who would help me. Someone who would finally love me. But I was wrong about you." you looked around, trying to find him but you couldn't. "I hoped you would love me, I hoped that's why you chose to hide in my dreams." you still weren't sure if he was really talking to you but then he stepped out of the dark. "Are you a dream or are you really here?" you wondered how he did this. How did he end his dream without waking up?
"I'm always here Aegon. I was always here. I was here every night. Even when you were too drunk to dream." 
"I wanted to see you."
"My mother was hopeless. She fell in love with a man from far lands, she got pregnant. She returned to my grandma, gave birth to me and left me only to run off with another man who would be her demise. She told him our secret, about the witches and he turned against her. My grandma ran away with me. You and I are similar. You long for the love of your mother while I used to be the same, I'm not anymore."
"You were hiding in my dreams to escape your nightmares?" you nodded.
"I am around you all day. It will only take some time for people to realize what I truly am. They will hate me for it. They will say I bewitched you to get what I want but I must tell you, Aegon, as much as I like to play with people, as much as I enjoy toying with feelings. I have never put a spell on you as such. Everything you feel is real. I never put any of that into you."
"Then why do I feel stronger? Why do I look... this healthy?"
"Because you took a vow, it connected your life with mine. You feel like a person of your status and age should. Your features sharpened and your muscles grew, because of that." 
"My mother and lords started to ask questions about you. I told them you were a lady I met a long time ago but their questions won't stop. What should I do?"
"Do as you please. You are the King after all, why do you answer their questions?"
Aegon looked into the distance. You couldn't read him in that moment.
"You will marry me. Then their questions and nagging will stop."
"Very romantic. At least imagine a nicer place than a black void to ask for my hand in marriage." you smirked the scenery around you two changed. "Oh, this is just... worse." you said as you realized you were right in front of a whore house. "I much preferred the void." you said as you looked at the building then you looked back at Aegon. "Why do I have the feeling that you love me Aegon?"
"You are the first person who saw me for who I am, not the Prince or the King. You saw me at my worst yet, you didn't leave. You gave me a second chance. And once my sister is dead, I will have my peace. And in my peaceful future, I see you."
"Big words from someone who wanted to burn me."
"You said it yourself, you have been burnt already."
"Twice, they tried to drown me once." you nodded as did he, remembering when you told him. "So, if I marry you... they will stop calling me your whore?"
"They call you that?"
"Of course, they think I'm deaf, I swear it. They don't even know my name, they call me Aegon's whore or the King's whore. It is rather hard for me not to kill them when I hear those words."
"Even if you marry me, you cannot kill them."
"Oh, I know. But I can scare them into thinking that you would." you paused for a second, taking all of him in before letting out a sigh. "I'll go back to your room, I have a ring my grandmother gave me, you shall propose me with that."
"So, you accept?"
"Ask me first."
You woke up and got out of bed, rushing to Aegon's room, you nearly ran into a knight who was walking his rounds. 
Aegon was up, sitting in his bed, his blanket pooling around his waist. You went over and sat on the bed close to him, handing him the golden ring with a black stone on the top of it. 
"This ring holds a promise. A promise of marriage and I must warn you, if you break your promise of loyalty, it will harm you."
"Is every item your grandmother had a curse?! The necklace now the ring! What will happen? I bed another woman and a snake would come and bite my cock off?"
When you only smiled, Aegon got rather nervous. He had no idea what he just said would be the truth.
"My grandmother was a great witch. Powerful and smart. This is a ring my grandfather gave her, he wanted her to curse it. So, he wouldn't even think of cheating on her love." you put your hand on his face, cupping his cheek. "And considering your reputation with women, I think it is rather fitting." he rolled his eyes while you let out a small laugh. You moved slightly closer to him, only a couple of inches between your faces.
"You are a cunning woman. You would ask me for my crown and I would give it to you just for one night of love. Do you love me?" you saw the tears in his eyes, he looked so vulnerable. 
“I think there was never a time when I didn't love you Aegon. Long before you even saw me in your dreams." you put your hand out to him. "I would love to be your wife. Not just to hush the rumours, not just to stop the people from talking but because I truly believe I could be the wife you need as you would be the husband I desire. Can you promise me?"
"How many vows must I take for you to stay with me forever?" his eyes never left yours, his voice low.
"Maybe a couple more.” you smiled. “But even if you don't I will never leave your side."
He placed the ring onto your finger, watching it, knowing what it meant. He only now noticed the symbol inside the ring. A triable with a circle and a single line in the middle. He looked at it, facinated. 
"Can you also promise me something? Can you... include it in the ring?" he spoke and you nodded once. "Can you also promise what you asked of me? Loyalty."
"Of course, I shall promise, if I break your trust in our marriage, the curse shall come after me." Aegon nodded as he felt your hand move to the back of his neck, he leaned slightly right before his lips met yours. 
Neither of you saw the small light the ring let out. 
It was another promise neither of you could break.
And as he pulled you into his bed, slowly removing your night gown, you were certain, you would never want to break your vow.
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A/N: Hi All!!! Thank you for the love on part 1! Hope you enjoyed this one. I will for sure make a part 3, an ending to this mini series. Let me know what would you like to see in that if anything. I, for sure, will make it a happy ending! I’m not sure if you guys want more story in it, I was thinking focusing on their relationship instead of following the series/books.
A/N 2: Yes, the ring is based on Tom Riddles’ ring! Thank you for asking.
TUV Taglist: @linkpk88​​​ @fan-goddess​​​​ @kotonei-molyneux​​​​
Taglist: @fleursirvart​​​ @greenarrowhead​​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​​ @sincerelyfan​​​ @theoneanna​​​ @aestheticsandmarvel​​​ @rororo06​​​ @castellandiangelo​​​ @destynelseclipsa​​​ @spilledinkindumpster​​​ @capsiclesdoll​​​ @puknow​​​ @alwayshave-faith​​​ @alex12948​​​ @lxdyred​​​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​​ @praline357​​​ @trshngyn​​​ @avengers-r-us​​​ @violet-19999​​​ @top1bbgloak​​​   @manduse​​​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​​​  
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jackalopesao3 · 1 year
Solomon is Prime Suspect Number 1 and I don’t think he is our Solomon
So I know there’s been some theories floating around that Solomon in NB isn’t our Solomon but the Solomon from the past. I’ve been suspecting it myself at times, even at the very beginning of Nightbringer. Lesson 14 has only increased those suspicions. I also remembered something that should have been a big red flag, which I’ll put below the cut.
What I think may have happened is that past Barbatos, under past Solomon’s orders brought MC to the past/this timeline or past Sol used past Barb’s abilities to see into the different timelines and found that specific MC’s.
It could also be that Past Solomon is just an opportunistic interloper but I’m more inclined to believe that Nightbringer could either be Barb being made to do this under Solomon or even an alias of Solomon and Barbatos being a team. Or maybe it is our Solomon and it’s lighter than what I suspect. I’ll post more about everything under the cut.
1. I know I posted previously on Solomon being particularly mean in Nightbringer. Pushing the brothers into the bathtub seemed pretty mean to me, especially with how he tricked Leviathan, the most insecure of them all. He genuinely seems surprised at how MC can befriend demons, especially Diavolo in Lesson 14. He says he wasn’t considering a pact with Levi but would now.
2. He makes a pact with Asmo when he’s been feeling insecure and therefore vulnerable. He even told MC that he would not pursue a pact with Asmodeus in the past but then does so anyways. Which brings me to another point: What if he never had the pact to begin with? Asmo didn’t feel anything towards Sol before this pact like he did with MC, who does hold a pact with another version of him.
3. And then there’s the obvious red flag, that’s been right in front of us the whole time. MC does not have pacts with these brothers yet they still can syphon some of their powers to cast spells like opening the gates to the Celestial Realm or stopping a rampaging Beel.
Solomon not only summons Barbatos to his side but also makes him open a portal back to the castle. Our Solomon does not have a pact with this Barbatos. He should not be able to do this. Solomon should have to reforge his pact with Barbatos just like he would Asmodeus unless there’s some weird exception to him and Barb.
So either our Solomon never showed up at all or Past Solomon replaced him early on. Or our Solomon is up to something, whether it be bad or good.
4. This would also explain why Barbatos is absolutely furious with Solomon. Barbatos used to freely travel between timelines and ended up hurting people. His penance is serving Diavolo and having a pact with Solomon. For Solomon to make Barb use his powers like this would be the ultimate betrayal, especially after Barbatos made him into Solomon The Wise. I do think Solomon knows why Barb is mad. They’re very close in SWD and Barb trusts him. With their friendship, I believe he’d remember an event where Barb was really upset with his actions.
5. Solomon tried to have MC make an unbreakable vow to side with humanity at the fountain. Had it not been for Thirteen coming in and stopping him, this could have turned out worse than the end of Lesson 11.
This is out of character for our Solomon. Our Solomon has always stressed he is humanity’s protector and that he would like us to join him but he has never tried to force us into it in SWD. The choice has always been ours and he’s always been a supportive mentor. He had a huge blowout with a former apprentice many years back and you can tell he has regrets. I don’t think our Sol would do that to MC.
Solomon is not stupid. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows the rules of that fountain because Thirteen based her rules for her cave on it. He didn’t forget.
I also think Past Solomon has studied our Solomon quite well to know he is a terrible cook and acts like a “cheerful idiot” at times and has taught himself to play that role.
Now onto MC. I’m not sure if they know at this point. I’d imagine if they did, they’d keep quiet for their own safety.
I also have want to add something else that may be nothing but it’s brought up several times, including recently. Many characters do not even consider Solomon human anymore. Yes, he is immortal but he’s technically human. Is there a deeper meaning behind this or is it just because of their human biases and the fact that he’s extended his lifespan?
Solomon’s Goal
What’s Solomon’s purpose here? To get MC to make the pacts with these brothers and then force MC to side with humanity which would also make them use their pacts and the brothers for humanity against the other two realms. Michael said we’d be an enemy to the Celestial Realm should we side with Nightbringer who very well could be Barbatos, albeit under duress, working under Sol’s orders. Or, on a possible lighter note, using MC as an example to why humans should stand on equal footing to angels and demons.
We will need to find out who the person was that Solomon was talking to as a child. We know he talked to Thirteen but it’s not her because he already told us that. Maybe it’s Lilith? A new character?
Whatever is going on, I believe we are in a different timeline than our original and RAD not being founded yet was actually done on purpose as well as Simeon and Luke appearing now in the DD.
I would love to hear what others have to say. Maybe we can brainstorm? Let me know if I missed something or got a detail wrong! I’m perpetually sleepy like Belphie these days so I may have missed something.
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general-yasur · 1 year
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They thought him mute after he took a vow of silence. After months of perilous journeys to find the ninja, thousands of words uttered to convince them their fairy tale lives were nothing but make-believe….Lloyd was more alone than ever before. He hoarded the power he once called his own and those who frequented the bar only knew of the back of his cloak. He schemed half-drunkenly night by night to find a way to break the “unbreakable curse” and after a few failed attempts, his scheming became the highlight of his days. Of course, the answer for him doesn’t lie in a bottle or his sword or even his voice. Even with his memories, Lloyd must relearn how to love and adapt to this new world in order to break it.
She awoke with a mission, with fire in her eyes and many thought her a mad woman. She kept asking townspeople for the one who bared half her heart. Some began to believe she indulged in witchcraft. She searched lands high and low, and those dangerous and peaceful to find Zane Julien. Her search was thwarted as bandits sought her power source. She was captured and thrown into a junkyard. There, she found her first familiar face: MiniPix 7– kinda. After hiding her nindroid likeness and finding a new companion, she journeys to the north. Atop a castle, instead of a flag stands a statue of a man as still and beautiful as ice. She climbed the castle to find Zane frozen in that very spot, not even given the chance to live, for the Overlord feared him most. Pixal began gathering elemental potions of ice, and vowed to destroy the Overlord and his spell with the same power that destroyed him before
[Designs for my 1kDtiys]
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xunvyrae · 2 years
regulus black headcanons
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here's some of my headcanons for regulus (which i might use in future fics)
regulus had always been jealous of sirius's long hair and wants to grow his out as well, but walburga never allowed him to
when he grew older, he dared to let it grow up to his chin (later, a little above his shoulder)
his favourite cousin has always been narcissa, both bonding over being the youngest siblings, and shared interests.
when his hair was long enough, he would braid them (narcissa taught him how to). it made his already curly hair even curlier
barty would tease him for it, but it also made him more popular (he doesn't understand why)
he'd always braid his hair during quidditch matches so it won't get in the way when he's flying
he loves pavlovas. kreacher makes him one all the time (usually in secret bc walburga wouldn't tolerate it) and the hogwarts elves picked up on it, so he always gets an extra pavlova during dinner.
he likes to wear rings, and when the black family signet ring was given to him, he wore it in his thumb (because it was a little too big for him but couldn't be bothered to resize it)
he's actually a fake it till you make it kind of person
he pretends he's good at the piano (one that walburga forced him to learn at a young age) but whenever he's told to play amongst an audience, he just uses a spell to make it look he's playing correctly
he also pretends he's good in french (he never bothered to advance his studies) so he mostly relies on translation spells to help him
he secretly likes david bowie because he heard sirius playing it before (his favourite songs are oh! you pretty things and sorrow)
he's a lot like sirius than he (and everyone) thinks, he's just good at masking it
and he's good at making jokes (although he doesn't do it often)
he's a better singer than sirius, but he almost never sings (only does it when no one's around) so nobody knows
except for remus, who caught him singing to himself during their prefect rounds, and he made remus swear to never tell a soul
canon compliant hcs:
as he is narcissa's favourite cousin, she broke down when she found out about his death.
he was only a boy, and oh so young. after, she swore that she'd make sure that her own son, draco, doesn't turn out like regulus, which made her overprotective but caring, making sure that draco grew up loved.
she saw a lot of regulus in draco, so when draco joined the death eaters she made sure that he didn't die like regulus did (hence making snape take the unbreakable vow with her)
she also raised draco with stories of her and her cousin regulus when they were children
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Poor Kreacher
‘Kreacher will do whatever Master wants,’ said Kreacher, sinking so low that his lips almost touched his gnarled toes, ‘because Kreacher has no choice, but Kreacher is ashamed to have such a Master, yes –’
‘Master thinks of everything and Kreacher must obey him even though Kreacher would much rather be the servant of the Malfoy boy, oh yes …’
‘Well … they’ve been following Malfoy for me,’ he said. ‘Night and day,’ croaked Kreacher. ‘Dobby has not slept for a week, Harry Potter!’ said Dobby proudly, swaying where he stood. ‘You haven’t slept, Dobby? But surely, Harry, you didn’t tell him not to –’ ‘No, of course I didn’t,’ said Harry quickly. ‘Dobby, you can sleep, all right? But has either of you found out anything?’ he hastened to ask, before Hermione could intervene again.
I swear after every book, I hate Harry Potter (the book and character) more and more. There has hardly been a fictional world I despise more.
I wrote a post earlier about how Harry is not the rightful Black heir, no that title belongs to Narcissa and Draco.
How is the Kreacher/Harry (or Kreacher/Sirius) dynamic different from the Dobby/Malfoy dynamic? Both elves are stuck serving people they hate. So why should Dobby evoke sympathy but not Kreacher? The same Dobby who got Harry in trouble with the Dursleys and almost killed him (and watched Harry sleep like a creep). And as much as Dobby claims to be a free elf, Dobby is basically a willing slave (ie bootlicker) for Harry and Dumbledore. It's almost disgusting to see. Let's face it: Dobby does not hate being a slave, he just hated being a slave to the Malfoys. There's a difference.
If Harry can free Dobby (who wasn't even his elf), why won't he free the elf he hates and who hates him? Kreacher clearly prefers to be Draco's elf.
Also, curious how Hermione (the self-appointed elf activist) is quiet about Harry being an elf owner. She got all hot and livid when she found out Hogwarts had house elves but now it's A-ok for Harry to have one?? Not that Harry gives a single crap about what Hermione has to say anyway. Notice how she only expresses concern for Dobby's sleep and not Kreacher's.
But you might say: Kreacher probably knows the Order's secrets. He can't leave!
Solution: There's something called magic! It's a forgotten concept in HP, unfortunately (several descriptions of wizards carrying heavy luggage prove that. What was the first spell they learnt again?? That's right - wingardium leviosa). Make Kreacher take an Unbreakable Vow in exchange for his freedom or Obliviate him. Problem solved! Let Kreacher run free to Malfoy Manor in the sunset!
I just find Kreacher very funny and I prefer him over Dobby. Dobby is just another brainless Harry Potter worshipper. Plus I think Kreacher and Draco would get along like a house on fire. I can imagine Kreacher waxing poetic about how wonderful Draco is and Draco just smirking in amusement and laughing his head off. Haha!
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gaunt-sallow · 1 year
Thanks To You
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow & MC (can be read as platonic or romantic)
Tags: Blood, Burns, Injuries, Zombies, Hurt/Comfort, Avada Kedavra use so - death, no use of Y/N, no name either, GN!Reader, Second Person POV, Set post game but it can be a year or 10 years - it’s up to you
Word count: 1.6k // AO3
“As long as I shall live I will never use Unforgivable curse again. I swear this to you both,” Sebastian was holding your and Ominis hand, his tone more serious than you had ever heard him.
“I swear the same,” you said with a small smile that was meant to be reassuring. Sebastian returned it but when you looked at Ominis, his head was bowed and his face held an expression that could only be described as troubled.
 The three of you were in the deepest shit. Your mother would scold you for such language, but you were bitten, scratched, tossed up and down. You were sure one of your ribs was broken, and they just kept coming.
 This dark wizard was different from what you went against before. He was good, but more importantly he somehow controlled the dead and he had a whole little army of them. It started with normal wizards, witches and trolls. You, Sebastian and Ominis blasted them to oblivion. And then they got up and came at you again. And again. And again.
 The Ancient magic stopped answering your calls after you summoned lightning on two trolls. The dead gave nothing back, no more traces of it you could take and re-use. You felt your body getting tired: you were breathing heavily and you were casting more defense spells than offensive ones. Not a good sign.
 “Glacius! Arresto Momentum! Diffindo!” Ominis on your right was cutting through masses of bodies with lighting speed.
 “Bombarda!” Sebastian, left from you, shouted, trying to get closer to the dark wizard to take him down. “Incendio!” The spell was deflected and backfired at Sebastian who dropped on his knees, howling in pain as flames burned through his clothes.
 “Sebastian!” you panicked, seeing the young man dropped his wand as his scorched fingers couldn’t hold it anymore.
 “Confringo!” You sent a couple of walking dead nearest to him to the ground without any hope that they would stay there.
 You turning away and stopping paying attention, even for a moment had dire consequences. The dead-trolls’ body that was behind you had risen again, and this time you weren’t fast enough. His club impacted with your stomach with such brute force it sent you flying backwards, wind knocked out of your lungs. You heard someone in the distance calling your name, but mostly your ears were ringing. You couldn’t reply, you couldn’t breathe, only a pathetic wheeze came out of your mouth. In some rational thinking corner of your mind you realized that more of your ribs were probably broken, and hoped they didn’t puncture your lungs.
 It didn’t matter anyway. You were paralyzed. When the initial shock subsided, you felt the troll above raising his club for another strike that you knew would be your last. You looked at Sebastian, just to see him staring back at you, sheer panic in his eyes, scrambling to reach his dropped wand.
 “As long as I shall live I will never use Unforgivable curse again. I swear this to you both,” Sebastian was holding your and Ominis hand, his tone more serious than you had ever heard him. 
 The three of you sat around the table in the former Sallow household in Feldcroft. Solomon was gone and so was Anne. It all felt like it happened so long ago. 
 “I swear the same,” you said with a small smile that was meant to be reassuring. Sebastian returned it but when you looked at Ominis, his head was bowed and his face held an expression that could only be described as troubled. 
 “Hey,” Sebastian traced the blondes’ knuckles gently with his thumb. “We can make it an Unbreakable vow if you wish.” 
 “No.” The answer was sharper than you expected as he finally raised his head, vaguely looking between both of you. Then he added softly, shaking his head: “that would be ridiculous. Only you can have an insane idea like that, Sebastian Sallow.” 
 You chuckled and got up to make tea. 
 Ominis didn’t swear to you and he didn’t have to. He would never use any Unforgivable, you and Sebastian both knew that.  To use an Unforgivable curse you have to mean it. Truly mean it. And he never could.  
 A split second before you heard it, you felt it - the static in the air, the chill in your bones, hair rising on your skin.
 “Avada Kedavra.”
 The voice was calm, firm, and ice cold.
 Your eyes follow the green light as it hits the dark wizard with the precision only an Unforgivable curse can. Sebastian must have reached his wand in time, your brain supplied as you blinked in his direction, and you found out he was no longer looking at you but somewhere above. Still wheezing, you followed Sebastian’s line of sight until you were met with Ominis’ figure, and at the same time the corpses around you finally dropped dead.
 Ominis. Sweet, gentle Ominis. Your Ominis. His wand was still raised, pointing the wizard's direction, not a hair out of place, not a dirty spot on his robes, he looked like a god of vengeance. There was no emotion on his face. You would expect him to look scared, angry, or perhaps even sad. Nothing. You knew he was a deadly duelist; while Sebastian and you used brute force, Ominis was a strategist. He evaluated and exploited weaknesses, and he was terrifyingly good at it, but this was an Ominis you didn’t know.
 He finally let his wand down, turning in your direction. You wanted to say something, anything, but the only thing that came out of you was a wet cough. The steps he took towards you were careful. Once again he raised his hands, this time showing his palms as if you were some scared wild animal. He knelt next to you, gently skimmed your sides until he found the injured area. You stared at him as he murmured healing spells, willing him to look at you, but instead gasped in relief as your bones snapped back into place, relieving your lungs.
 Ominis quickly stood up, repeating the same process with Sebastian who was still on his knees, cradling his poor hand. You saw his mouth was half open, eyes wide as saucers. But Ominis ignored it, ever the medic; he was focused on his work. The burns disappeared, and Sebastian reached out, but the blonde was already up and gone.
 A beat.
 Then Sebastian was on his feet following the echoing footsteps.
 And you were still sitting between dozens of dead bodies in a deafening quiet.
 “I know where he is,” you told Sebastian when you found him pacing outside of the old caverns you just scrambled out of. He looked half insane, pacing back and forth. Even though you were in south Wales, your brain replaced what’s in front of you with the chilling memory of what happened after Solomon Sallow's death.
 Sebastian paused mid step. “Care to share with the class?”
 “Come on,” you reached out, palm on his cheek and he leaned into it, as always. “You know...”
 There was a spark of realization in his eyes before he gently took your wrist and Apparated both of you away.
 It was almost eerie, as nothing had changed in the Sallow house aside for the thick dust layer that coated every piece of furniture.
 You found Ominis exactly where you expected him to be – sitting at the round table, head in his hands. He turned slightly hearing people coming in, but otherwise he stayed unmoving. He knew you were coming. You always came for each other.
 You and Sebastian took a chair on each of his sides. There was a quiet for a bit, you waited until-
 “Are you both all right? Did you get out safely? I’m sorry I left you there, I just couldn’t-“ the crack in his voice broke your heart. Your eyes met Sebastian’s and you knew he felt the same.
 “Yes, we are all right,” you put a hand on Ominis’ shoulder, squeezing. “Thanks to you.”
 Ominis started shaking his head.
 “You saved us, Ominis,” Sebastian chimed in. “Don’t do this to yourself.”
 “Do you hate me?”
 “What?” you asked.
 “Do you hate me? Are you afraid of me?” Ominis’ voice was no more than a whisper.
 “That would be a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?” Sebastian frowned.
 “You don’t understand. I can’t see you, but I can hear you and I heard you, your cries. I felt that pain and I smelled the blood and I smelled the burn. You were dying, I was sure of it, and I couldn’t let you go. I can’t let you go. You would haunt me and I would deserve it and I thought, oh Merlin, I thought-“ he shrugged off your hand. “I didn’t feel anything. I just wanted him dead. There was always a part of me that thought I could never mean it, but I did. I meant it. It was so easy. I would do it again if it meant to save you.”
 “Shhh,” you reached out, pulling the blond on your chest, hoping that him hearing your heartbeat would calm him. You knew what he was feeling, the burning despair, soul splitting in two. You have been there and so had Sebastian. It was an awful feeling to take life, even when it was justified.
 You didn’t even realize you had been crying until Sebastian reached out to wipe the tears of your cheeks.
 “I’m sorry I’m so fucking weak,” Ominis stared to straighten up and you released him from your arms.
 “What foul language, Mr. Gaunt,” Sebastian chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood but then- “I’d argue you are the strongest of us. But you are also human and, speaking from the experience, we do terrible things for the people we love. You did the right thing, but you can’t bear to hear it, and that’s fine. We aren’t going anywhere, and whatever may come next, we will face it together.”
I haven't written anything for years, so please be kind. But I had this idea of Ominis using the killing curse and I had to write it down, so here we are.
Very special thanks to @remus-levioso for correcting my horrendous grammar.
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handledwithgloves · 1 month
i love the 'incompetent, useless adults who don't really do anything helpful' trope!
what do you mean you brought the stone that the bad guy would kill for to the school where children will be? why?
what do you mean you have petty beef with a child because he looks like your dead bully?
what do you mean you're giving a death journal to someone's 11 year old daughter just because they beat your ass?
what do you mean you guys are sending the most incompetent, clearly lying teacher to go after a girl who's dying in a chamber no one knows how to get to?
what do you mean you're okay with dementors loitering about your school because an ex student of yours broke out of jail?
what do you mean you decided to go teach at a school full of children just because your ex bestfriend broke out of jail, and your ex headmaster asked you to and you have to rely on your bullying victim to make you medicine because youre secretly a werewolf?
what do you mean you're going to break out of jail just to try to commit the same crime you were put in jail for? what about meeting your godson?
what do you mean you're letting a fourteen year old join a death tournament for seventeen/eighteen year olds in the name of unity? why is this even a thing?
what do you mean its okay if students experience the unforgivables as long as its in the name of education?
what do you mean a fourteen year old is your ultimate enemy?
what do you mean you're just not going to teach defense this year and instead students can just read about unrelated subjects?
what do you mean you're going to do an unbreakable vow instead of fleeing the country with your child?
what do you mean you left your old textbook full of dangerous spells written in the margins just lying around for anyone to use?
what do you mean you know that a student is marked and tasked to kill you but you're just going to let it play out?
what do you mean you're taking a child with you to a dangerous location to get a necklace in which you have to offer your sanity in exchange?
and there's so much more! if i go any further there will be no ending.
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saitama-division · 2 months
The REAL Femme Fatale
Bring The Beat!
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[Femme Fatale:]
Huh, we are Saitama
Mic in hand, we'll make you understand this warning
We are Saitama
Check it out, we're the real Femme Fatale
Everybody move, better make some space
The real Queens are here to finish this race
You got a lot of nerve to steal our name
Now get roasted alive with our killer flame
Quiet, children, Mommy’s talking, okay?
Mess with us and you better be ready to pay
Butterfly vs Spider? There’s really no contest
I’m way up top than some disgusting pest
And oh, don’t think I’ve forgotten you
You’ll get your karma, it’s been way overdue
Ha, y’all don’t understand true beauty
So boring, stuck performing your duty
Get off my throne and hand me my crown
This bad queen is gonna take you down
My popularity is as high as the sky
While your rusty iron pussy is so dry
And you, bitch-tits, quit with the whole tirade
You’ll be much more likable if you just get laid
Name’s Aphrodite
I’m Saitama’s sexiest almighty
You’re like a constantly barking pup
I can predict the outcome with a few sketches
We’ll win so there’s no hope for you wretches
I’ll leave you on your ass in a flash
I’m not wasting a minute on you trash
You calling yourself a hardcore rebel?
Please, you’re more weak than a petal
I’m a true artist, fuck your masterpiece!
My lyrics and art will make you deceased
[Femme Fatale:]
To the left and right
Now proudly move forward
This is our vow, a revolutionary show
The ones who laugh last will be us
To the west and east
Now aim for the summit
We're the leaders, a revolutionary show
Wanting to test ourselves more
Yeah, we are Saitama
Mic in hand, we'll make you understand this warning
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we are Saitama
Check it out, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Look in my eyes and fall into my spell
Unaware that I’ll send you to hell
Your last mistake is thinking I’m a pretty face
Get out with your weak ass, what a disgrace!
Hands up, hands up!
Give up now, you’re no match for our charm
Messing with us is asking for some harm
We’ll come out on top against all the other divisions
An unbreakable bond
A sisterhood so fond
Nothing can correspond
[Femme Fatale:]
We’ll go above and beyond
We got each other’s backs
You can’t make us crack
Feel the impact
[Femme Fatale:]
Of our full force attack
If nothing else, we swore to protect
Our city is our home, it’s perfect
A message to those losers defects
[Lola & Kureha:]
Get on your knees and kiss our feet, you fucking rejects!
[Femme Fatale:]
To the left and right
Now proudly move forward
This is our vow, a revolutionary show
The ones who laugh last will be us
To the west and east
Now aim for the summit
We're the leaders, a revolutionary show
Wanting to test ourselves more
I swear here and now
To protect my love ones is my sacred vow
Three people suddenly forced together
Creates a team who will never sever
It’s a wrap
Just sit back and relax, this is the power of our rap
[Femme Fatale:]
Ah yeah, ah yeah
Ah yeah, ah yeah
Leave it all to us
It's time for a revolution!
Uh, we are Saitama
Mic in hand, we'll make you understand this warning
Uh yeah, we are Saitama
Check it out, we're the real Femme Fatale
Come on, we are Saitama
No use running, you’re already addicted
Uh yeah, we are Saitama
Uh, check it out, we're the real Femme Fatale
No matter what come our way, we will persist
We’re the light shining through a dark mist
The best of the best, we’re the top A-list
[Femme Fatale:]
Knocking you out with a kiss and a fist
Check it out, we’re the real Femme Fatale
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masterqwertster · 10 months
My internet died while sending the first ask so I case it didn’t go through 31 with Orym and opal or Fearne for the touch prompts?
Prompt Oh, good thing you sent again. That first one did not come through. I'm going to take this one to my Accidental Ascension AU because I've been meaning to write something more for it, but every time I sit down for it, the writing juice is gone. 31 Doing a pinky swear
Orym's kind of been expecting this ever since the idea that Bells Hells' ascended trio could be warlock patrons came up.
Fearne is possessive and there's very little she wouldn't do for her friends. To offer them power in return for binding themselves to her is almost more a continuation of their friendship than the controlling contract that a Pact is supposed to be.
And the truth is, while the continuous solstice has been brought to an end, there are still battles to be fought against the Ruby Vanguard. After all, their leadership is not dead. Yet.
"I'm not a magic kind of guy, Fearnie," Orym gently rejects her offer of warlock powers.
"But, but. I can make your sword extra magical! Like the captain's," Fearne pleads.
The child-like innocence and eagerness contrasts heavily with her sharpened and lengthened Archfey features as Fearne crouches lower than ever to be on his eye level.
"I don't need my sword to be more magical," Orym earnestly says, taking one of her long-fingered, burning coal looking hands between his own small hands. "I just need my friends to be there and back me up."
"You're sure?" Fearne asks, goat-like eyes still wide and pleading.
"Pinky promise?" she tempts, clawed pinky held out towards him.
There's something in her eyes, her bearing, that hints at something more than a child's unbreakable vow. Or maybe he's just seeing things. Orym's not entirely used to the changes made in his friends by what they did at the Malleus Key, how unnerving the sheer power of their presences can be.
"...Okay," Orym relents, curling his tiny pinky around hers and shaking on it.
A little splurge of magic flows into Orym from where their fingers are intertwined, just a bit stronger than his gift for druidcraft and gusts. It settles into him almost as soon as he notices it, there to stay.
"Fearne," he admonishes.
"It's not a Pact. Just a boon for my best friend," Fearne shamelessly reassures him, placing a warm kiss on his forehead.
"A bit of magic to let you go where you need to be, a bit of magic to help you bring down your prey." A predatory grin splits Fearne's face as she describes the second of the spells she's gifted him, showing off sharpened teeth.
Orym sighs, and hugs her anyway. "Thanks, Fearnie. I'll put them to good use."
"I know. That's why I gave them to you," Fearne says, returning the hug with her own near-burning embrace.
So I don't think Orym would take a warlock multi-class, even with his best friend as the Patron. But Fearne's stubborn, so she gave Orym the Fey Touched feat (by literally touching him as an Archfey😝), granting him access to a daily casting of Misty Step and Hunter's Mark. I thought about giving Orym Aid for his 1st level spell selection, as that is a very Orym spell, but given there's still Otohan and Ludinus and Liliana(?) left to find and kill, I felt Hunter's Mark was more fun/appropriate. No foe shall escape his sight!
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blacksunrequiem · 20 days
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It is the ballad that Gurney Halleck had written for the twins upon the day of their birth, then would sing on multiple occasions. It is a song that inspires joy.
Gurney had vowed to sing it again when the twins reunited.
Oh, there were twins with eyes so bright, One had green like the Earth's delight, The other had eyes as gray as the storm, Their gaze held a powerful form, ♫ Green eyes like the Earth, so calm and serene, Gray eyes like the storm, wild and unseen, Twins of Caladan, a sight to behold, Their eyes, a tale of stories untold,  ♫ Atop the hills, they danced and played, Their eyes reflected Caladan's shade, The land they loved, the land they knew, Their bond's as deep as the ocean blue,  ♫ Green eyes like the Earth, so calm and serene, Gray eyes like the storm, wild and unseen, Twins of Caladan, a sight to behold, Their eyes, a tale of stories untold, ♫ Through laughter and tears, they faced the day, Together they stood, come what may, Their eyes, a mirror of the world they knew, A bond unbreakable, strong, and true, ♫ Green eyes like the Earth, so calm and serene, Gray eyes like the storm, wild and unseen, Twins of Caladan, a sight to behold, Their eyes, a tale of stories untold, ♫ So raise a toast to the twins of old, Whose eyes reflected Caladan's mold, May their spirits forever roam free, In the land of Caladan, by the deep blue sea, ♫ In a land of Caladan, twins they did dwell, One with eyes green like the Earth's sweet spell, The other had eyes gray like a storm's great might, Reflecting the planet, shining bright, ♫ Green eyes, gray eyes, twins of Caladan, Eyes like the Earth, eyes like the storm's wild stand, Their bond's strong, their spirits' alive, In the land of Caladan, they thrive, ♫ Through valleys and hills, they roamed with glee, Their eyes reflected the land's beauty, Twins of Caladan, a sight to see, In their eyes, Caladan's soul is free, ♫ Green eyes, gray eyes, twins of Caladan, Eyes like the Earth, eyes like the storm's grand plan, Dancing under the stars, laughter in the air, Twins of Caladan, a love so rare, ♫ So raise a cheer for the twins of Caladan's tale, Whose eyes reflect the land without fail, In the heart of Caladan, they find their grace, Twins of Caladan, shining in their place… ♫ — Chapter 38, “Echoes in Our Blood” by @vulpine-spectacle
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
the pact (pt. 1)
what if james had been the only one to die on October 31st? what if Lily did as he said and took harry and ran?
sirius attempts to reconcile with the weight of raising james's kid(s) and the weight of doing this life without his best friend.
(a belated sad-sirius sunday series; similar to fault lines, mercy, and the best worst thing to have ever happened, will be told in installments, only for tumblr.)
about 2k.
They made a pact.
At seventeen when they went to the seaside Sirius’s second summer at the Potters, the two of them sneaking off to the rocks on the side of the shore. Barefoot and balancing on sharp edges of stone, laughing and nudging one another to see if the other would fall, until they were able to sit on a flat one together.
“Mum’s going to kill us…” James said, though his tone wasn’t particularly worried, even as the bottom of his foot was bleeding. Sirius dabbed at it with the sweatshirt he had thrown around his shoulders, prepared to make a makeshift bandage if he had to.
“Which one of us first?” he asked, grinning.
“Probably me.”
“So I’ll have to survive a whole 5 minutes without you? That’s not on.”
“And you think its okay for me? No way.”
“She’ll have to kill us both at the same time then. Is that possible?”
“You’re the one with the creepy family, shouldn’t you know?”
“I wasn’t exactly invited to their creepy meetings, nor was that conversation over the dinner table.”
“I think it would’ve been acceptable though,” James teased, and Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Father, is it possible to produce a killing curse so powerful it kills two people at once?” Sirius mocked, pretending he was sitting at his parents’ dinner table, adopting a posher accent than usual, consonants all clipped and neatly organized.
James snorted, “I don’t think Mum would do that…Probably hang us out upside down by our ankles…”
“That’s a slow death. Cruel. And in that scenario, you’d die first too because of your fat head.”
“Oi!” James reached over to nudge him, and Sirius laughed, stopping his ministrations on James’s foot that had finally started to clot. He put the sweatshirt down and looked out at the sea, light reflecting off the water. “You’ll probably go first though, won’t you? With all that smoking…”
“This is morbid, babe.”
“And we all know I’m pants at healing spells…I’ll step on something in the woods, and it’ll get infected and I’m a goner…”
Sirius rolled his eyes turning his attention back to his best friend, the talk of death and dying suddenly dampening a cheery disposition. No longer joking because James, like Sirius, had been reading the papers in the morning. James, like Sirius, had been eaves dropping on conversations had by his parents and Slytherins around school. Everything was changing.
Sirius put his hand on the side of James face, “Hey, idiot. We’ll…make a pact.”
“We die at the same time. That’s just how it’ll work.”
“Mum will actually kill us if we make an unbreakable vow, Sirius,”
“A metaphorical pact,” Sirius clarified, “You know, I’ve read in…some weird healing texts that sometimes people die of broken hearts…like sometimes with older wizards? One goes, the other follows after….I think we’ll be like that.”
“If I die first your heart will break? That’s almost sentimental, Pads,�� James teased, with a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“You worry so much…”
“You think it’ll work like that? You and me?”
“Yeah. Merlin knows I wouldn’t make it a day without you. Who else am I going to talk to about my day?”
But like all other promises made at sixteen (like the one made at 3am that stipulated James would never wear dress robes again, and the one made not three minutes later that Sirius would never fall in love) this one was broken too. Because Sirius was very much alive when he arrived to Godric’s Hollow. The safe house now in cmplete shambles, Sirius tiptoeing around fallen concreate and ruptured floorboards the same way he had balanced on the rocks of the sore. He had boots on this time though.
And he was too late to save James.
Sirius knew what to do when there was blood and bruises.
He could manage tears and sweat and dehydration.
But James, his perpetually moving, best friend lying still and lifeless in what once was a sitting room…Sirius had no idea what to do with.
Lily and Harry where nowhere to be found. Sirius had frantically gone through the rubble after noticing the crib was empty and the wall that Sirius had painted a fantasy mural on had been torn down, only to find nothing. Heart racing for no reason, because the worst had happened.
Sirius couldn’t decide if it would’ve been better to arrive to the scene after the patronus came and find Harry screaming in his crib with Lily on the floor, or to have all three of them lying still in front of him. But as it was, it was just his James, in the ruins, and if there was a chance that somehow the curse didn’t work, Sirius wasn’t going to let James wake up from his deep, deep, deep, sleep alone. He made his way carefully to the sitting room, and sat down on the floor, pulling James’s dead weight over to him so his head could rest in his lap.
Like James liked to do when he got hurt from a Quidditch game.
Or when James had finally fallen apart over the reality of the war and cried in Sirius’s lap out of earshot of Lily.
Sirius sat, and stroked his hair, tears streaming down his face. Wasn’t there a muggle fairytale like that? Some Brothers or Some Other where Tears were Magic. Or was it a kiss? Sirius leaned forward and kissed James on top of the forehead, just in case.
“Fuck you…” Sirius muttered, “I was supposed to go first…”
Sirius laid there, taking James’s head out of his lap and choosing to lie next to him instead, staring catatonic at open hazel eyes and glasses that were askew. No charms. Wand, merlin knows where; if someone found him, they could kill him. If someone returned to Godric’s Hollow, maybe they would step over Sirius’s body as well, or else take him to Azkaban because he was the secret keeper. Dementors could suck out his soul, and Sirius wouldn’t have a single memory of thought of James for the rest of his existence—that could be quite nice.
Maybe if he didn’t move, no one would know.
“Sirius...Siri—baby…” Remus came into Sirius’s eyeline on the opposite side of James. It wasn’t the preferred order. See, Sirius liked being in the middle. At meals in the Great Hall, during sleepovers in the dormitory, at the end of the aisle where Sirius stood as Best Man. James was in the middle now and Remus was trying to reach across a body to get to Sirius.
“He’s dead.”
“Have you been here all night?”
“I dunno.”
“Let’s get you—”
“Sirius, it’s not safe—”
“I’m not leaving.”
“Sirius, you have to. Lily and Harry are—”
“Safe. They’re at Number 12, with the Order. James went to fend Voldemort off, and Lily took Harry and ran. Peter—”
“Fucking rat.”
“Yes, I know, I’m sorry, but they’re safe and we have to go. I came to look for you, everyone thought you were going to hunt Peter down and—”
“I don’t want to go anywhere. I’ll stay here.”
“Baby, look at me,” Remus said calmly, though there was a wavering to his voice giving away tell tale signs of nerves. It wasn’t safe here, Remus was risking everything to go find Sirius, to be out in the open like this. Sirius lifted his eyes up away from James’s face to look at his boyfriend. Eyes bloodshot and dark circles deeper in morning light. “We need to go. Someone else will come here, they’ll make sure that James gets a proper burial—”
“He wanted to be next to his parents. That was the plan. We talked about it.”
“Okay,” Remus nodded, “We’ll make sure, but you are not going to be any use to that kid of his if you say here. Both his kids.”
“Lily’s pregnant, that’s….that’s why she left. They were waiting to tell us until…I dunno. Some time when it felt better.”
Sirius closed his eyes and took a breath.
This wasn’t the plan.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
Sirius wasn’t supposed to be doing this life without James, and James was supposed to be the one with the stupid big family and Sirius was supposed to be the one who folded their laundry and squandered his inheritance. Sirius was named Godfather and up until that moment hadn’t planned on taking the title seriously (unless it meant seriously spoiling every Potter that emerged with gifts and affection). He kissed James on the cheek quickly, whispering an apology into messy curly hair before standing up, body aching from having been lying on rough terrain the entire night, lost and vacant.
“Alright,” Sirius nodded, watching as Remus stretched out his hand for the first time in months. Olive branches. White flags.
Everything else seemed so petty now.
“See you later, Prongs…I have another pact to make good on.”
I need you to promise me that you’ll make sure my kid is okay. That Lily is okay. Give them a good life, make sure Harry knows how to cook and...remembers his grandparents, okay? Do the morning shift so Lily can sleep and she’ll take the afternoon and…you’ll love them, right? I know you will…I just…need to hear you promise.
part two
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