#uncertain visitors (anon)
lotrmusical · 1 month
My high school did a yearly poetry recitation contest (Poetry Out Loud), so Oh Boy do I know some poems. My favorites are Ozymandias and "the world is about to end and my grandparents are in love," by Kara Jackson. Also in 8th grade we had a Poe unit and had a class contest to make the best music video of the Raven, so I still know a good chunk of that.
i hadn't heard of the kara jackson one! just read through it and enjoyed it, particularly these lines > 'grandma returns to her love like a hymn, marks it with a color. // when the world ends will it suck the earth of all its love? /will i go taking somebody’s hand, / my skin becoming their skin?'
#taking this as a challenge to see how much of ozymandias and the raven i can remember. no i'm not bored at work what gives you that idea#i bet ive got most of ozymandias. the raven may be a lost cause#i met a traveller from an antique land / who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone / stand in the desert. near them on the sand /#half-sunk a shatter'd visage lies whose frown / and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command / tell that its sculptor well those passions read#...something or other i do not recall / the heart that mocked them and the heart that fed / and on the pedestal these words appear /#my name is ozymandias king of kings / look on my works ye mighty and despair /#nothing beside remains. round the decay / of that colossal wreck . something or other#the lone and level sands stretch far away#decay of that colossal wreck indeed (my memory for this poem)#oh well.#once upon a midnight dreary as i pondered weak and weary / over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore /#while i nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a rapping / as of someone gently tapping tapping at my chamber door /#tis some visitor i muttered tapping at my chamber door / only this and nothing more#?? (it's downhill from here)#ah distinctly i remember it was in the bleak december / and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor /#something?ly i sought the morrow / vainly had i sought to borrow / from my books surcease of sorrow / sorrow for the lost lenore /#for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels .name lenore / lost to me forevermore#(then there is another stanza; bird-infested word bonanza / which i used to know at some point but do not know anymore /)#something something something door. darkness there and nothing more#oh it's the 'silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain / thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never known before' bit#anyway. deep into that darkness peering something stood i hoping fearing / doubting?? dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before#but the silence was unbroken and the stillness gave no token / and the only word there spoken was the whispered word lenore#(more missing chunks)#oh i remember 'surely said i surely that is / something at my window lattice' because it's such a stupid rhyme#bird time bust time idk#ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore / tell me what thy lordly name is on the night's plutonian shore /#a billion more stanzas i dont remember. except for 'prophet!' said i 'thing of evil! prophet still if bird or devil!#whether tempter sent or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore /' etc. wait you can only add 30 tags to posts now?? i had more raven chunks#ask#anon
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mrsfancyferrari · 1 month
Could you maybe make an AU with Carlos? Kind of a Romeo and Juliet vibe where they’re both royalty and aren’t allowed to be together but w a happy ending?
Happy Ever After
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Anon: Could you maybe make an AU with Carlos? Kind of a Romeo and Juliet vibe where they’re both royalty and aren’t allowed to be together but w a happy ending?
Song: Love Story by Indila
Author’s note: Hey anon! I'm not used to the story of Romeo and Juliet so please bear with me! Please like, reblog and share this! <33
Word count: 8.6k
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Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Aragonia, nestled between towering mountains and winding rivers, lay a land of unparalleled beauty and prosperity. The kingdom was a tapestry of lush, verdant landscapes, where rolling hills were adorned with wildflowers that danced in the gentle breeze.
Majestic castles, their spires reaching towards the heavens, stood as a testament to the kingdom's rich history and the ingenuity of its people.
The citizens of Aragonia were a proud and industrious lot, known far and wide for their skilled craftsmanship and unwavering commitment to their community.
From the bustling marketplaces in the heart of the capital city to the quaint, charming villages that dotted the countryside, the people of Aragonia lived in harmony, their days filled with the laughter of children and the rhythmic hum of daily life.
At the center of this enchanting kingdom stood the grand palace, a sprawling edifice of gleaming marble and intricate stonework.
Here, the wise and benevolent ruler of Aragonia presided, guiding the kingdom with a steady hand and a deep understanding of the needs of his people.
Under the watchful eye of the monarch, Aragonia flourished, its reputation for prosperity and innovation spreading far beyond its borders, drawing in visitors from near and far who marveled at the beauty and wonder of this truly remarkable land.
Princess Y/N, known for your grace and beauty, was the eldest daughter of King Alfonso VII. You had inherited your father's intelligence and compassion, making you a beloved figure within the kingdom.
Prince Carlos, on the other hand, was the youngest son of King Ferdinand III. Despite his noble status, he possessed a rebellious spirit that drew him closer to the commoners.
King Alfonso and King Ferdinand were embroiled in a bitter feud that threatened to tear the kingdom apart. The two monarchs harbored deep-seated animosity towards one another, stemming from long-standing political and personal disputes.
This toxic rivalry manifested in a climate of tension and distrust, with the two men constantly vying for power and influence. The tension between them spilled over into their respective families, creating a rift that only served to exacerbate the already precarious situation within the kingdom.
As the conflict escalated, the people of the land found themselves caught in the crossfire, uncertain of their future and the stability of the realm. . . .
"Princess Y/N, are you ready for the party?" your servant asked you as you stared out of your oval-shaped window, revealing the endless sea and the docks.
"Yes Matilda, I am ready," you muttered.
You were not. You hated going to these parties that your father organized. The grand halls filled with nobility, the endless chatter about alliances and politics, and the constant pressure to present yourself as the perfect princess made you feel suffocated.
You'd rather stay here and watch the sea forever, losing yourself in the gentle rhythm of the waves and the distant calls of the seabirds.
As you reluctantly turned away from the window, you couldn't help but sigh. The ocean had always been your sanctuary, a place where you could dream of freedom and adventure far from the palace walls.
But duty called, and you knew you had to uphold your role, no matter how much it pained you.
Adjusting your gown, you took a deep breath and steeled yourself for the evening ahead, wishing that one day you might find a way to escape the gilded cage that held you.
Your father expected you to charm the guests, forge new alliances, and perhaps even catch the eye of a suitable suitor. He had always emphasized the importance of these gatherings for the kingdom's future, and he relied on you to play your part perfectly.
Despite your own desires, you knew that failing to meet his expectations could have serious repercussions for both you and the realm.
The thought of potential suitors filled you with a mixture of dread and resignation. You longed for a partner who understood your love for the sea and your yearning for freedom, rather than someone who only saw you as a pawn in their political games.
Yet, you knew that such a romantic ideal was unlikely in your world, where alliances were forged not by love but by necessity. . . .
"Carlos! Are you sure this isn't going to get us into big trouble?" Mercutio whispered as the three of them pushed through the overgrown garden of the Alfonso family.
Carlos grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Relax, Mercutio. I've done this a dozen times before. The Alfonsos are too busy celebrating to notice a few extra guests," he replied confidently, ducking under a low-hanging branch.
"Besides, we blend in perfectly. Just act like you belong, and no one will question a thing."
Benvolio, trailing behind them, chimed in, "He's right, Mercutio. Remember last summer when we crashed the mayor's gala? We even got compliments on our outfits!" He adjusted his mask and smoothed his clothes, trying to muster up some of Carlos' bravado.
"Let's just have fun tonight. What's the worst that could happen?"
The garden was a labyrinth of lavishly manicured hedges and vibrant flowerbeds, with twinkling fairy lights strung overhead that cast a magical glow on the scene. Stone statues of mythical creatures peeked out from behind dense shrubbery, and a grand marble fountain stood at the center, its water sparkling like liquid diamonds.
The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming jasmine, adding an enchanting allure to the evening.
"Just blend in," Carlos finally whispered before slipping into the crowd, his movements fluid and confident. Mercutio and Benvolio exchanged a quick glance, then followed suit, mingling seamlessly with the other revelers.
The sound of laughter and music enveloped them as they made their way toward the heart of the celebration, hoping their disguises would hold up under the scrutiny of the Alfonso family and their guests.
Carlos was dressed in an elegant black suit adorned with intricate gold embroidery, his mask a matching black with delicate filigree that framed his eyes.
Mercutio wore a deep blue velvet coat with silver accents, his mask resembling a Venetian masterpiece with feathers that added a touch of mystique.
Benvolio, opting for a more understated look, sported a dark green ensemble with subtle bronze details, his mask simple yet sophisticated, giving him an air of quiet confidence.
Carlos, Mercutio and Benvolio all arrived at the mansion, eager to have a good time. As they mingled with the guests, no one had any idea that they were from the rival Ferdinand family.
They blended in seamlessly, sipping drinks and chatting merrily, their true identities hidden from the unsuspecting crowd.
The three friends revelled in the freedom of being anonymous at the party. They could let their guard down and truly enjoy themselves, without the constant tension and rivalry that existed between their family and the Alfonso.
For once, they were able to forget the long-standing feud and simply live in the moment, dancing and laughing without a care in the world. . . .
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"Everyone! Please give your full attention to King Alfonso and his daughter, Princess Y/N who make their appearance tonight!" The announcer stated, catching everyone's attention and the room came to a silent halt.
The grand hall was adorned with opulent chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow over the elegantly dressed guests. Rich tapestries depicting scenes of royal triumphs hung on the walls, and an orchestra played softly in the background, adding to the regal atmosphere.
At the top of the imperial staircase, a majestic red carpet led straight to the throne, where King Alfonso and Princess Y/N stood in their resplendent attire.
King Alfonso, a striking figure with a commanding presence, wore a robe of deep crimson velvet trimmed with gold embroidery. His crown, encrusted with precious gemstones, rested regally upon his silver hair, which added to his dignified look.
His piercing blue eyes surveyed the room with a mixture of authority and benevolence, and a jeweled scepter in his right hand glinted under the chandelier's light, symbolizing his unchallenged power and leadership.
Princess Y/N, standing gracefully beside him, was the epitome of elegance and poise. Your gown, a masterpiece of delicate lace and satin in shades of royal blue, shimmered with every movement.
A tiara of diamonds and sapphires adorned your flowing locks, complementing your serene and captivating beauty.
Your eyes, a brilliant shade of green, radiated warmth and kindness as you acknowledged the gathered guests, while your calm demeanor and gentle smile hinted at the wisdom and strength that lay beneath your refined exterior.
Carlos and his friends were at the buffet, eagerly sampling the lavish spread of delicacies when the announcement echoed through the hall.
While his companions barely glanced up before returning to their plates, Carlos found himself captivated by the sight of you. Your graceful presence and ethereal beauty held him spellbound, making it impossible for him to look away.
The sparkle of your tiara and the gentle warmth in your eyes seemed to draw him in, as if you were the very embodiment of a fairy tale come to life.
As his friends continued their animated conversation about the best dishes at the buffet, Carlos remained rooted to his spot, his gaze fixed firmly on the princess.
He felt an inexplicable connection, a magnetic pull that made the noise and bustle around him fade into the background.
In that moment, nothing else mattered; all he could see was you, and all he could feel was the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, you might notice him amidst the sea of faces.
The first dance came soon after the announcement, and Carlos knew it was the perfect chance to make his presence known. As the music started, couples began to fill the dance floor, but Carlos's eyes never left you.
Gathering his courage, he approached with a respectful bow, extending his hand. "May I have this dance, Princess?" he asked, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside him.
You smiled warmly, recognizing the sincerity in his gaze, and placed your hand in his.
As you both moved gracefully to the rhythm, the world seemed to blur around you. Carlos felt a sense of belonging and purpose, each step affirming the connection he felt.
In your presence, the grandeur of the ballroom faded, leaving just the two of you, sharing a moment that neither would soon forget.
"What is your name?" you asked, your voice as melodious as the music enveloping the room. Carlos hesitated for a brief moment, the truth perched on the edge of his tongue.
"My name is Charles," he lied. A slight tremor in his voice betrayed his nervousness.
You tilted your head slightly, a curious glint in your eyes as you continued to dance. "Charles," you repeated, testing the name on your lips. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Tell me, Charles, what brings you to our celebration tonight?"
Carlos swallowed hard, determined to maintain his composure. "I came with friends," he replied, gesturing subtly towards the buffet. "But now, I am grateful for this unexpected opportunity to dance with you, Princess."
Carlos and you danced gracefully before your father, the King. As the music came to an end, your father gave you a pointed look, signalling that it was time to separate and greet another potential suitor.
You leaned in to Carlos and whispered, "Meet me in the west garden in an hour."
Carlos' eyes widened momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure. "I'll be there," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
You made your way through the throng of guests, exchanging pleasantries with the various noblemen and women who sought your attention. However, your mind was focused on the upcoming meeting with Carlos.
As the appointed hour approached, you slipped away from the main festivities and hurried to the west garden. Carlos was already there, waiting for you under the moonlit sky.
"You came," You said, relief evident in your voice.
"Of course," Carlos responded, taking your hands in his. "I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing you, even if it's just for a moment."
"Carlos, I... I don't know what to do. My father expects me to entertain these suitors, but that's not what my heart wants me to do."
Carlos squeezed your hands gently, his eyes searching yours. "Sometimes, we must follow our hearts, even if it means defying expectations," he said, his voice filled with quiet determination.
"I know it might be difficult, but you deserve to be with someone who understands you, who cherishes you for who you are, not just for your title."
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of your father's expectations and the longing in your heart. "But what if my father never approves? What if he forces me to marry someone else?" you asked, your voice trembling with uncertainty.
Carlos stepped closer, his grip on your hands firm and reassuring. "Then we'll find a way to be together, no matter the obstacles. Love is worth fighting for, Princess. And I promise, I will fight for you."
"But how, you've only met me today," you started, your voice tinged with skepticism.
"It's something called love at first sight, Princess," Carlos teased, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "From the moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. It's not just about the title or the expectations—it's about the connection we share, even in such a short time."
You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his words, but doubt still lingered. "But what if this feeling fades? What if we regret defying everything for a chance that might not last?"
Carlos' expression grew serious, his eyes locking onto yours with unwavering intensity. "Feelings like this don't fade easily, Princess. Genuine connections are rare and precious, and I believe ours is one of them. We owe it to ourselves to explore this, to give our hearts a chance to truly know if it's real."
"Okay," you replied shyly, a blush rising to your cheeks. No one has ever spoken to you like this before; it has always been about fulfilling duties and consummating the marriage.
Your entire life, you were taught that love was secondary to alliances and obligations, but Carlos' words stirred something deep within you—a hope that maybe, just maybe, there was more to life than duty.
Carlos' eyes softened as he noticed your hesitation. "This world we live in often binds us with chains of duty and tradition. But sometimes, those chains need to be broken for us to truly live. Let me prove to you that what we have is real. Let me show you a world where love and happiness aren't just dreams but possibilities."
His words carried a promise, a vow that resonated with the unspoken desires in your heart.
You nodded, unable to speak any more, tears welling up in your eyes. Carlos' hand gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "Thank you for trusting me," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth.
He leaned in and placed a tender kiss on your cheek, the simple gesture sending a shiver down your spine. His lips lingered for a moment, and you closed your eyes, savoring the unexpected comfort and reassurance his presence brought.
As he pulled back, his eyes never left yours, a silent promise passing between you.
In that moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you standing together against the backdrop of an uncertain future.
You took a deep breath, feeling a newfound strength and determination blooming within you. With Carlos by your side, you felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident that love, for once, would guide your path.
"Should your first job to court me be to kiss me on the lips?" you teased, a playful glint in your eyes. Carlos chuckled, the sound light and full of promise.
"If that is what the princess desires," he replied, his voice low and husky.
He leaned in slowly, giving you ample time to pull away if you wished. But you didn't; instead, you found yourself closing the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a soft, tentative kiss.
The kiss was gentle, almost hesitant at first, as if both of you were savoring the moment's significance. Then it deepened, becoming a silent conversation of shared hopes and unspoken dreams.
When you finally pulled away, your heart was racing, and you saw the same exhilaration mirrored in Carlos' eyes.
"Consider it the first of many," he murmured, his forehead resting against yours. "Because this is just the beginning of our journey together."
Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions, a blend of excitement, nervousness, and an overwhelming sense of belonging. The kiss had unlocked a floodgate of feelings you had kept hidden for so long, and in that brief, magical moment, you felt truly seen and understood.
As you gazed into Carlos' eyes, you knew that whatever lay ahead, you would face it together, strengthened by the bond you had just forged.
"How will I communicate with you?" Carlos whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
You smiled softly, your fingers tracing the outline of his jaw. "We'll find a way," you replied, your voice steady with conviction. "Whether through letters, messages, or the silent understanding we share, we'll always be connected."
Carlos nodded, his eyes filled with trust and determination. "I believe in us," he said quietly, his hand gently squeezing yours.
"Princess Y/N! Where are you?" you heard your maid, Matilda, yell out your name, her voice carrying a mix of urgency and worry.
You turned towards the sound, your heart sinking slightly at the reminder of your duties and the world that awaited outside this intimate bubble.
"I think that's the sign to leave, but don't worry, I'll be here tomorrow," Carlos said, letting go of you reluctantly. You nodded, a soft smile playing on your lips.
"Promise?" you asked, your eyes searching his.
"Promise," Carlos replied, his gaze unwavering.
With one last lingering look, you turned and began to walk towards Matilda's voice, feeling Carlos' eyes on you until you disappeared from view. . . .
"Matilda, you saw who I was with, am I right?" you asked, staring out of your window as the evening sun cast long shadows across the room.
"Yes, Princess," Matilda replied, her voice hesitant but clear.
"Do you recognize him?" you pressed, turning to face her, your curiosity mingling with a touch of apprehension.
Matilda nodded slowly. "Yes, I do. He is the youngest child of our rival, King Ferdinand's child, Prince Carlos."
A gasp escaped your lips, and you felt a mix of shock and confusion grip you. "Prince Carlos? But how... why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Matilda's eyes softened with understanding. "I didn't want to alarm you, Princess. I saw how happy you were. But you must be careful; our kingdoms have a complicated history."
Your mind raced with conflicting emotions.
If Prince Carlos had lied about his identity, how could you trust anything else he had said
The promise he made to you felt sincere at the time, but now, doubt gnawed at your heart. What if his intentions were not as pure as you had believed?
The weight of the revelation pressed heavily on your shoulders, and the once-clear path ahead now seemed clouded with uncertainty.
Yet, there was a part of you that wanted to believe in the connection you had felt with him. Despite the rivalry between your kingdoms, there had been moments of genuine warmth and understanding in your conversations.
Could it be possible that he, too, wished for peace and a way to bridge the divide?
You knew you needed to tread carefully, but the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, there could be more to his story than deceit kept a small flame of optimism alive within you.
Your heart ached with the weight of uncertainty. "Matilda, what should I do?" you asked, your voice trembling.
Matilda stepped closer, her expression filled with empathy. "Princess, you must tread carefully. Confront Prince Carlos and seek the truth. But remember, matters of the heart are never simple, especially when they are entangled with the affairs of state. Trust your instincts, but also be prepared for whatever truths may come to light."
A whirlwind of emotions swirled within you—fear, hope, and a lingering sense of betrayal. Matilda's words echoed in your mind, urging you to confront Prince Carlos yet cautioning you to brace for the truth.
Your heart beat erratically, torn between the desire to uncover the reality and the dread of what that reality might reveal. . . .
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"Good morning, Princess," you heard Carlos say as he emerged from behind a bush, his mask still on from yesterday.
You were in your garden, the same place where Carlos had left you last night. His presence startled you, but you quickly composed yourself, determined to face him.
"Carlos," you began, your voice steady despite the turmoil within.
His eyes widened in surprise at the sound of his real name, betraying a flicker of vulnerability. "I see you know the truth," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret.
"I need to know the full truth. Why did you hide your identity from me?"
His eyes flickered with a mixture of guilt and resolve as he stepped closer, the morning light casting shadows across his masked face.
"I never intended to deceive you," he said softly.
Slowly, with deliberate movements, Carlos reached up and removed his mask, revealing a face that was both strikingly handsome and etched with sorrow. Your breath hitched at the sight, your heart skipping a beat as you took in the chiseled features and the intense eyes that had once seemed so distant.
It was as if a barrier had been lifted between you, and for a moment, the world around you faded into the background.
"I feared that revealing my true identity would ruin the connection we had built. Our fathers have a long history of conflict, and I didn't want that to stand between us. But now, I realize that honesty is the only way forward. I hope you can understand and find it in your heart to trust me once more."
You took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. "Carlos, this isn't just about our fathers' past. It's about the trust between us, the foundation of any relationship," you said, your voice trembling slightly.
"You should have told me the truth from the beginning. How can I be sure there aren't other secrets you're hiding?"
Carlos looked down, his expression a mix of shame and determination. "I understand your hesitation, but I promise you, there are no more secrets. I want to build a future with you based on honesty and trust. Please, give me a chance to prove myself," he implored, reaching out to take your hand.
The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down your spine, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be different.
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit, but all you saw was sincerity and a deep longing. "Carlos, this isn't going to be easy," you said, your voice softening.
"Trust has to be earned, and it will take time for me to fully trust you again. But I want to try. I want to believe that we can overcome this, together."
Carlos's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. "Thank you," he whispered, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. "I promise I will do whatever it takes to show you that my intentions are true. No more secrets, no more lies. Just us, facing the world together."
You nodded, feeling a cautious optimism bloom within you.
The path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time in a long time, you both felt that it might just be possible to forge a future built on a foundation of truth and mutual respect.
"Good," you muttered, cupping his face to place a kiss on his lips.
The kiss was tentative at first, as if testing the waters of this newfound honesty. But soon, it deepened with a mutual understanding that this was the first step towards mending what had been broken.
Pulling back slightly, you looked into his eyes, seeing the determination etched in his gaze.
"Well," you said with a playful smile, "if we're going to start fresh, maybe we should celebrate with dinner tonight. How about you cook for me? I've been dying to taste your famous paella."
Carlos chuckled, a spark of mischief lighting up his eyes. "Ah, my culinary skills, eh? You know, I only bring out my best recipes for special occasions. But for you, I think I can make an exception."
"You'd better," you teased, giving him a light nudge. "And don't think you can win me over with just food. I'm expecting some serious effort on your part."
Carlos grinned, his confidence returning. "Challenge accepted. Just wait, by the end of the night, you won't have any doubts about my commitment to us."
You both laughed, the tension easing as you basked in the warmth of this new beginning, ready to face whatever came next, together. . . .
Carlos couldn't help but sneak another glance at the grand Alfonso mansion as he crept through the garden, his heart pounding with excitement and nerves.
"Are you sure about this?" he whispered, finally reaching the veranda where you stood waiting.
"Absolutely," you whispered back, a smile playing on your lips. "I've thought about it, and I don't want to waste any more time. If we're going to build a future together, let's start now."
Carlos took a deep breath, looking deep into your eyes. "Then let's do it. Let's get married. I'll make Friar Laurence wed us tomorrow."
You nodded, feeling a rush of exhilaration. "Yes, Carlos. Let's take this leap of faith together. No more doubts, no more hesitation. Just us, united in a promise to face everything hand in hand."
"Until tomorrow, princess. I can't wait to make you my wife," Carlos said, kissing your knuckles.
Your heart raced as his warm lips brushed against your skin. The way he looked at you, with such adoration and longing, sent shivers down your spine. You knew in that moment that there was no one else you'd rather spend the rest of your life with.
"I can hardly contain my excitement," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "The thought of becoming your wife fills me with such joy."
Carlos smiled, his eyes sparkling with love. "Then it's settled. Tomorrow, in front of all our loved ones, I will make you mine forever." He brought your hand to his lips once more, sealing the promise with a tender kiss.
As he reluctantly pulled away, you already felt the loss of his touch. But the knowledge that soon you would be bound to him for eternity filled you with a sense of peace and belonging.
Tomorrow could not come soon enough.
The next day, under the cover of dawn, you and Carlos made your way to Friar Laurence's small chapel. The early morning light filtered through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the stone floor.
Friar Laurence stood at the altar, a knowing smile on his face as you approached. "Are you both ready to take this step?" he asked softly, his voice filled with warmth and understanding.
Carlos squeezed your hand, his eyes never leaving yours. "Yes, Friar," he replied with unwavering certainty. "We are ready to start our life together."
You nodded in agreement, feeling a swell of emotion rise in your chest.
Friar Laurence began the ceremony, his words a soothing balm to your anxious heart. As you exchanged vows, the world outside seemed to fade away.
Friar Laurence started, "Carlos and Y/N, I now pronounce you husband and wife. May your union bring an end to the conflict between your families."
Carlos said, his eyes never leaving yours. "Thank you, Friar Laurence. With this marriage, I hope my father and Y/N's father can find peace."
"As do I, Carlos. Our love will show them that there is a way forward, beyond this senseless feud."
Friar Laurence smiled, "I pray that your marriage will be the first step towards reconciliation. May God bless you both."
For those precious moments, it was just the two of you, bound by love and the promise of a future together. . . .
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Later that afternoon, Carlos met with Mercutio in the secluded garden behind his family's estate. The air was filled with the scent of blooming roses and the gentle hum of bees.
Benvolio, ever the jester, was the first to speak. "Carlos, you look like a man with a secret. Do tell, what has you so radiant today?"
Carlos couldn't suppress his joy any longer. "My friend, I have wonderful news. This morning, Y/N and I were married in Friar Laurence's chapel."
Benvolio's eyes widened in surprise. "Married? So soon? But what about the feud between your families? Do they know?"
Carlos shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "Not yet, but we hope that our union will be the catalyst for peace. We believe that our love can end this senseless conflict. Now, more than ever, we need your support and discretion."
However, he is soon stopped when he sees Tybalt Alfonso, Y/N's cousin, there arguing with Mercutio. The tension in the garden was palpable, cutting through the serene atmosphere like a knife.
Tybalt's face was flushed with anger as he pointed an accusing finger at Mercutio. "What are you doing here, Montague?"
Tybalt spat, his voice laced with venom. "This garden is not for the likes of you."
Mercutio, ever the provocateur, smirked and replied, "Oh, Tybalt, must you always be so dramatic? We're simply enjoying the lovely weather. Besides, Carlos invited us."
Carlos stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation. "Tybalt, please, this isn't the time for old grudges."
Tybalt glared at Carlos, his eyes burning with fury. "You dare refuse my challenge?" he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "We are sworn enemies, and you will face me in combat!"
Carlos held up his hands, his expression calm and resolute. "I cannot, Tybalt. You are like family to me. I love you as a brother, and I will not raise my hand against you."
Tybalt's brow furrowed in confusion, his anger momentarily tempered by the unexpected response. "What madness is this?" he demanded.
"We have been at odds for years, and now you claim to love me as kin?"
"It is no madness, Tybalt," Carlos replied evenly. "My heart has changed, and I see now that our feud has been a foolish and pointless thing. Let us put aside our differences and embrace as family."
Tybalt's jaw tightened, his hands clenching into fists. "You mock me with your words, Carlos," he growled.
"I will not be swayed by your honeyed tongue. The time for talk is over - draw your sword and fight, or be forever branded a coward!"
"I cannot believe you refuse to fight like a true man," Mercutio spat, his eyes narrowed in frustration as Carlos once again declined the challenge.
"Do you not have the courage to face me on the battlefield?"
Carlos averted his gaze, his voice barely above a whisper. "I mean no disrespect, Mercutio, but I have no desire to engage in such violence. Perhaps we could resolve this matter peacefully."
Mercutio scoffed, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. "Peaceful? Bah! You dishonour yourself and all those around you with your cowardice."
He stepped forward, his chin raised defiantly. "If you will not fight, then I shall take your place and show you how a true warrior conducts himself."
Before Carlos could protest, Mercutio had already turned to face Tybalt, his sword drawn and his stance ready.
"En garde, Tybalt!" he called out, his voice ringing with a mixture of anger and excitement. "Let us see who is the better swordsman!"
Tybalt and Mercutio drew their swords, the blades gleaming in the sunlight as they began to duel.
The sound of steel clashing against steel echoed through the streets as the two men traded fierce blows, their movements swift and precise.
Sensing the escalating tension, Carlos attempted to intervene, stepping between the combatants in a desperate bid to stop the fighting.
However, Tybalt, blinded by rage, lashed out with his sword, aiming to strike Carlos but instead catching Mercutio in the chest.
Mercutio cried out in pain as the blade pierced his flesh, crimson blood spilling onto the cobblestones. He staggered backward, his own sword slipping from his grasp as he clutched at the wound.
Tybalt, realising his mistake, hesitated for a moment, his expression a mix of shock and regret.
The brief pause was all Carlos needed to seize Tybalt's sword arm, wrestling the weapon from his grip and forcing him to the ground. Mercutio, his strength fading, collapsed to his knees, his laboured breaths echoing in the stunned silence that had fallen over the scene.
Mercutio drew his final, shuddering breath, his body racked with agony. He turned to his friend Carlos, pain etched across his face.
"Alas, dear friend, I fear my end is nigh," Mercutio said, his voice barely above a whisper. "This wound, it burns like fire, sapping my strength with every passing moment."
Carlo grasped Mercutio's hand, tears welling in his eyes. "Speak not of such things, good Mercutio. You shall recover, I promise you."
Mercutio managed a weak smile. "Nay, Romeo, my time has come. Promise me, promise me you'll not forget me." Romeo nodded solemnly, a single tear cascading down his cheek.
"I shall never forget you, my dearest friend."
Carlos's heart ached with unbearable sorrow as he held Mercutio's hand tightly. "Your memory will live on in my heart forever, Mercutio," he vowed, his voice breaking.
With a final squeeze, he watched helplessly as the light faded from his friend's eyes. . . .
Carlos felt furious at Tybalt for killing Mercutio. The death of his dear friend had left him overcome with rage.
How dare Tybalt take Mercutio's life in such a callous manner? Carlos seethed with anger, his fists clenched as he replayed the tragic events in his mind.
In that moment, all Carlos could think about was avenging Mercutio. The thirst for retribution burned within him, clouding his judgment.
He knew he had to confront Tybalt, to make him pay for this heinous act. Carlos was determined to ensure justice was served, no matter the cost. His grief had morphed into a fierce, unyielding desire for vengeance.
Carlos scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he searched for Tybalt. The coward had fled, leaving chaos and heartbreak in his wake. Carlos's rage intensified with every passing second, knowing that Tybalt had not only taken Mercutio's life but had also escaped without facing the consequences of his actions.
The thought of Tybalt's cowardice fueled his resolve, and he vowed to track him down, no matter how long it took or how far he had to go.
Determined and unwavering, Carlos rose to his feet, his mind singularly focused on his mission. He would hunt Tybalt to the ends of the earth if necessary, driven by a mix of grief and fury.
The streets that once seemed familiar now felt like a labyrinth he had to navigate to find his enemy.
As he moved forward, each step was a promise to Mercutio: justice would be served, and the pain inflicted upon his friend would not go unanswered.
Carlos and Tybalt found each other in the dimly lit alleyway, the tension between the two palpable. They circled one another, eyes locked, hands gripping their weapons tightly.
Without warning, Tybalt lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air. Carlos parried the attack, the sound of steel clashing against steel echoing through the narrow passage. The two men traded blows, their movements quick and precise, each one trying to gain the upper hand.
The fight raged on, neither man willing to back down. Tybalt's attacks grew more frenzied, his desperation fueling his strikes.
Carlos, however, remained calm and focused, his counterattacks landing with devastating precision.
In a final, desperate attempt, Tybalt made one last lunge.
But Carlos was ready, and with a swift, decisive movement, he plunged his blade deep into Tybalt's chest. Tybalt's eyes widened in shock, and he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.
Carlos stood over Tybalt's lifeless body, his chest heaving with the adrenaline of the fight. The rage that had fueled him moments ago began to ebb, replaced by a heavy, somber silence.
He glanced up at the darkened sky, a sense of emptiness washing over him as he realized that, despite his victory, the void left by Mercutio's death could never truly be filled.
Realising what he has done, Carlos fled in a panic. The weight of his actions overwhelmed him, and he knew he could not face the consequences.
The Prince arrived on the scene, his expression grave.
With a booming voice, he declared, "Carlos, your crimes for killing Tybalt are unforgivable. You are hereby banished from Aragonia, effective immediately. You must leave our lands at once and never return, lest you face the full extent of our justice."
Carlos trembled, knowing there was no arguing with the Prince's decree.
You crumpled to the floor, the news of your cousin Tybalt's death and your husband Carlos' banishment hitting you like a tidal wave. Tears streamed down your face as you clutched the letter that had delivered such devastating news.
The room seemed to spin, and you felt an unbearable weight pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe.
The love you had for Carlos was now intertwined with the grief and anger over Tybalt's demise, leaving you torn and shattered.
Days turned into nights, and the sorrow did not relent. You wandered through your home, haunted by memories of happier times, now tainted by the tragedy that had befallen your family.
Friends and family tried to console you, but their words felt hollow, unable to bridge the chasm of pain that consumed you.
The future seemed bleak, and you struggled to find a way forward, questioning how you could ever rebuild your life with the two most important people ripped away from you.
Each moment brought a fresh wave of anguish, the love for Carlos clashing violently with the grief and anger over Tybalt's death. You found yourself trapped in an endless cycle of longing and resentment, unable to reconcile the two.
At night, when the world was quiet, the memories of Carlos's gentle touch would surface, only to be shattered by the haunting vision of Tybalt's lifeless body, leaving you torn between the man you loved and the cousin you had lost.
"Y/N! Open the window door!" you heard someone too familiar say at your balcony at night.
You were about to sleep when you ran to the balcony to see Carlos, your husband who was supposed to be banished from the kingdom for killing your cousin.
"Carlos, what are you doing here?" you asked, opening the window for him, still angry for his actions.
"Y/N, my love, I had to come back. I couldn't live without you," Carlos pleaded, his eyes filled with desperation.
"I know what I did was wrong, but I did it to protect you. That cousin of yours was a threat, and I had to eliminate him."
You shook your head in disbelief. "Protect me? By murdering my own flesh and blood? Do you have any idea what you've done? You're a wanted man, Carlos. If they find you here, they'll kill you."
"I don't care about that," he said, reaching for your hand. "All that matters to me is you. I love you, Y/N, and I'll do whatever it takes to be with you."
You pulled your hand away, your heart torn between your love for Carlos and the weight of his actions. "Carlos, you have to leave. This is madness. I can't protect you, and I can't be with you, not after what you've done."
"They didn't tell anyone but your cousin killed Mercutio," Carlos muttered.
"What? That can't be true," You exclaimed, your heart racing. "My cousin would never do such a thing!"
Carlos shook his head solemnly. "I'm afraid it is true. I was there, I tried to stop them. They were trying to cover it up. I'm sorry I killed Tybalt but it was justice for Mercutio,"
You felt a sense of disbelief wash over you.
"Tell me everything, Carlos," you demanded, your voice trembling. "I need to know exactly what happened that night."
Carlos took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "It all started when I was telling Mercutio about our marriage. Tybalt suddenly came out of nowhere and challenged us to fight. Tybalt lost his temper and attacked him. I tried to intervene, but it was too late. When I saw Mercutio fall, I knew I had to act."
You could see that Carlos wasn't lying through his eyes, which made you feel even worse. You walked further into your room, your hand on your face, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions crashing over you.
Carlos followed you, quietly closing the window behind him to ensure no one would hear your conversation.
"Y/N, I know this is difficult to accept, but I had no choice," Carlos said softly, his voice filled with regret. "I couldn't let Tybalt get away with what he did to Mercutio. Our friend needed justice, and I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."
You couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Carlos, despite the anger and betrayal still burning within you. The room felt suffocating, the weight of the truth pressing down on you both.
"Y/N, I didn't come here to discuss bloodshed and the past," Carlos said, his voice steadying as he took a step closer to you.
"Then what did you come here to discuss?" you asked, leaning against the nearest wall to face him, your eyes searching his for answers.
"Us," he muttered, looking down at the floor. "We haven't really consummated the marriage, have we?"
Your breath caught in your throat, the intensity of the moment overwhelming you. "Carlos, this isn't the time," you whispered, trying to hold back the storm of emotions. "Our lives are in danger, and all you can think about is us?"
Carlos raised his eyes to meet yours, determination etched in his features. "Yes, because despite everything, I love you. And I need to know if there's still a chance for us, if you still love me too."
You stood there, stunned by his confession. The love you once felt for Carlos was now tangled with the pain of recent events. "Carlos," you began, struggling to find the right words.
"I don't know if I can just forget everything that happened. Mercutio's death, the feud—it has all changed us. But I can't deny that a part of me still cares for you."
Carlos took another step closer, his eyes softening. "Then let that part guide you," he pleaded. "We can find a way through this, together. We can honor Mercutio by trying to build something better, something that isn't marred by hatred and violence."
You searched his eyes, longing to believe in the possibility of a future where love could triumph over the shadows of the past.
"Y/N, I want you," he said, his voice low and husky.
You looked up at him, your heart racing. You wanted him too, but you were still scared. . . .
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"I don't know if I'm ready," you said, your voice trembling.
Carlos took a step closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. "I'll be gentle, I promise," he said, his fingers tracing the outline of your face.
You looked up at him, and in that moment, you knew you couldn't resist him any longer. You took a deep breath and nodded, and Carlos led you inside.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Carlos pulled you close and kissed you, his lips hot and demanding. You responded eagerly, your body melting against his.
He started to undress you, his hands skillfully removing your clothes. You stood there, trembling with anticipation, as he kissed every inch of your body.
When he reached your breasts, he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked, his tongue swirling around it. You let out a moan, your body responding to his touch.
He continued to explore your body, his hands and mouth leaving a trail of fire in their wake. When he reached your pussy, he spread your lips apart and started to lick and suck, his tongue delving deep inside you.
You let out a loud moan, your body writhing with pleasure. He continued to lick and suck, his fingers joining in to stimulate your clit.
You felt an orgasm building inside you, and you grabbed onto Carlos's head, pulling him closer. "Don't stop," you moaned. "Don't stop."
He didn't stop, and soon you were crying out in pleasure, your body shaking as you came hard against his mouth.
When you finally came down from your orgasm, Carlos stood up and kissed you, his tongue delving deep into your mouth. You could taste your own juices on his lips, and it only turned you on more.
He reached down and pulled out his cock, and you could see the desire in his eyes. You wrapped your legs around his waist, and he entered you in one swift motion.
You let out a loud moan as he filled you up, your body adjusting to his size. He started to thrust, slowly at first, and then faster and harder.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. You could feel another orgasm building inside you, and you urged him on.
"Harder, Carlos," you moaned, "harder."
He responded by thrusting even harder, his cock hitting your G-spot with every stroke. You let out a loud cry as you came again, your body shaking with pleasure.
Carlos continued to thrust, his own orgasm building. He let out a loud groan as he came, his hot cum filling you up.
You collapsed against him, your bodies slick with sweat. You kissed him, your tongues intertwined, and you knew that you had made the right decision.
"Let's run away together," you muttered breathlessly, your lips still tingling from the intensity of your kiss.
Carlos looked into your eyes, his face softening with a mixture of surprise and tenderness. "You mean it?" he asked, his voice filled with hope and disbelief.
You nodded, feeling a surge of certainty wash over you. "Yes, let's leave everything behind and start fresh, just the two of us."
Carlos smiled, a glimmer of excitement flickering in his eyes. "I’ve wanted this for so long. We can go anywhere you want," he said, caressing your cheek. "Paris, Bali, or even a small cabin in the mountains. As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters."
You kissed him again, your decision cemented by the passion you shared, ready to embark on a new journey together.
"You stay here and rest, and I'll pack for you," he said, sitting up with a playful smirk. "I've gotten a good eye for fashion, you know."
You laughed, feeling a sense of relief and exhilaration wash over you. "Oh really? I'd love to see your choices," you teased, brushing a strand of hair from his face.
Carlos stood up and began gathering clothes and essentials, his movements quick and efficient. "Trust me, you'll look amazing in everything I pick," he said confidently.
You watched him, a smile playing on your lips, feeling a newfound sense of freedom. "I can't wait to see where this adventure takes us," you murmured, your heart swelling with anticipation.
Carlos turned to you, holding up a sundress and a pair of sandals. "How about this for our first stop in Paris? It's perfect for a romantic stroll along the Seine," he suggested with a wink.
You giggled, nodding your approval. "I love it! And maybe a hat to go with it? We don't want to look like typical tourists," you added with a playful grin.
He chuckled, placing the outfit in the suitcase. "Consider it done. And for the mountains, I've got just the thing—cozy sweaters and boots for those chilly nights by the fireplace," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
You felt a rush of warmth and affection, knowing that no matter where you went, as long as you were together, it would be perfect.
"Here's to new beginnings," you said, raising an imaginary glass, and Carlos joined in, the two of you basking in the glow of your shared dreams and the promise of endless possibilities. . . .
The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Matilda burst into your room, her face pale with panic.
"Where are you?!" she screamed, her voice trembling with fear. She tore through the room, throwing open the closet doors and rifling through drawers, but all she found was an empty suitcase and a note left behind.
Matilda's hands shook as she unfolded the note, her eyes scanning the familiar handwriting. "Dear Matilda, I've decided to start a new chapter with Carlos. I hope you understand. Please don't worry about me; I'm finally following my heart. Love, [Your Name]."
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she knew deep down that you were doing what was best for you. She took a deep breath and whispered, "Be happy," sending her silent blessings to wherever your adventure was taking you.
Matilda took a moment to collect herself, then resolved to support your decision despite her initial shock. She decided to focus on her own journey, finding solace in the thought that you were finally pursuing your happiness.
Matilda knew that breaking the news to your family would be difficult, so she opted to tell a little white lie.
Over breakfast, she calmly explained to your parents that you had taken a spur-of-the-moment business trip and would be out of touch for a while.
"It's a great opportunity for her," she said, forcing a smile. "She didn't want to worry you with the details but assured me she'd be back soon."
Your parents exchanged concerned glances but ultimately trusted Matilda's explanation. As the days turned into weeks, she continued to cover for you, providing updates and reassuring them that you were doing well.
Deep down, Matilda felt the weight of the secret she was keeping, but she knew it was what you needed.
She found strength in the hope that one day, you would return to share your incredible journey with everyone. . . .
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sailorshadzter · 3 months
jonsa prompt - jon snow who was brought back wrong reunites with the girl in grey. it wasn't arya as he hoped, but it was sansa.
thank you anon!!!
any excuse to write something for their reunion is fine by me hehehe
send me prompts
The man who rises from the dead is not the one who drifted away. 
The man that Jon Snow has become since his trip to the underworld was a cold one, a hardened man, far more stoic than the man he’d been before. In a world that once seemed vivid with color, with life, or as much as it could be in the cold, dreary war torn North, now seems listless and gray. There was nothing left for this man he'd become- betrayed by those he thought himself closest to, left behind in death by the remainder of his family, there was not a soul in this world left to save, save for maybe Ghost, that gave him an ounce of feeling at all. 
Yet, the red priestess’ words echo in his heart, in his mind… I have seen your sister in my fires… Fleeing from this marriage  they have made for her… Coming here… To you… A girl in gray on a dying mare… I have seen it plain as day… It hasn’t happened yet, but it will… 
His sister… Once, Jon Snow might have dared to believe it, to think that his sweet sister Arya would be riding to him, the one person who could protect her, who could save her from this supposed marriage being made for her… The old him would have sworn on any god that he would do just that… But he was not that man. 
Not anymore. 
So when a few days after his resurrection the gates to Castle Black creak open, he’s surprised, perhaps more so by his own need to step outside, to ensure that this sudden visitor was no one but some lost travelers. The remaining men could feed them, warm them, then send them off- or kill them, really, it mattered very little to this new Jon Snow. 
From his place at the top of the stairs, he watches as three horses come through the gates, bearing a woman knight, young and blonde, with hair cropped short as a man, but with shoulders as broad as a mountain. A man rides just behind her, dark haired and uncertain, looking around at what remained of the Night’s Watch. And then… He sees her.
She rides through last, a hood drawn up over her head, her cloak tattered and gray. The mare beneath her looks as if it’s not eaten, not watered, nor even rested- it’s how all three of the horses look, now that he pays them a closer glance- so she slows it to a stop and looks around. The woman knight is already on the ground, coming around to the side so she might help this young woman down from her saddle. Jon cannot breathe, cannot think, certainly cannot feel… Yet… 
There’s something pulsing in his chest… It takes him but a moment later to realize it’s the steady pace of his very own heart. 
He can feel it once more. 
His breath catches, the name of that long lost younger sister dying on his lips… “... Arya…” So soft that not even Edd at his side can hear him speak. Still yet, he dares not to believe the sight before him, not even as he takes the first step down. He dares not to believe as she turns to face him, their eyes locking for the first time… Blue eyes. 
Blue eyes he remembers, blue eyes he’s not seen in years. 
Blue eyes that did not belong to Arya. 
For a single moment there is a flicker of disappointment rushing through him, but it fades as quickly as it came as she lowers the hood she wears, revealing the mane of red hair that tumbles down her back in tangled braids. Now there is a new name on his lips, but the sound of it is drowned out by the crunching of snow beneath his boots, his every step leading him out to the center of the courtyard, to where she stands, waiting, watching… 
It was Sansa. 
He stands so close now that he can hear the slow intake of her breath, swollen, frozen lips letting it out in a cloud of white. She wears grief like a heavy cloak, it weighs her down, those blue eyes haunted in their stare as she curls a hand into a fist at her side. He doesn’t know it yet, but beneath those tattered layers, she wears the bruises of a man’s fists. He doesn’t know it yet, but beneath that bruised skin, she wears trauma deep into her very bones. The breath catches in her throat and he’s swallowing against the rising tide of emotions within him- feelings he thought he’d lost are coming back, one after another. 
And then… He opens his arms. 
And she comes running.
It wasn’t Arya… it wasn’t Arya…
It was Sansa. 
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Could I request Wednesday x GN!reader where the reader is pretty gothic too, likes macabre stuff and dark things but not as cold hearted as Wednesday. Also If you’re okay with it, the reader having autism would be nice to add. Also maybe Wednesday actually confesses to them? Mostly fluff stuff heh
I´m actually nervous about this one, but here you go anon<3 I hope you like it!
There is just one more thing I needed to do
pairing: Wednesday Addams x gn!reader
synopsis: It´s been a couple of days now since the ressurection of Cracksttone and the resulting fight. Still in the hospital you get a visitor you wouldn´t have expected.
warnings: mentions of being shot by an arrow
word count: 0.9k
A/N: this was harder to write than I thought but I´m glad I got pulled out of my comfort zone a little. Now I do not have autism and neither do I now anyone who does personally so if there is anything like wrong or harmful in here please send me a message and I will try to change it as fast as possible. Just please be nice <3
It had been several days now since the resurrection of Crackstone and the resulting fight. Yet still the hospital insisted on you staying there for observation, despite feeling you could recover just as well in the comfort of your own home. In all honesty you were sure of it. The harsh lights, constant sounds and that clean hospital smell made you feel on edge almost constantly and even the headphones, playing music loud enough for anyone to hear, could only help to make you feel better so much. The arrow that had hit you wasn´t that bad and Xavier was quick enough to get help, so you didn´t understand what the fuss was about. Quite honestly sometimes it made you want to scream. Opting for the music once more instead you took your small leather-bound journal out of the side table too in an attempt to complete the writing you had started earlier that day before your parents came in for a short visit. The want to scream vanished into an intense tingle that spread throughout your body.
A good decision as it turned out, as it pulled you out of your so passionately hated surroundings entirely the moment you lined up the pen and felt the smooth paper under your hand.
The touch of a hand on your lower arm is what breaks you out of the concentrated state only so long later.
You didn´t expect to be visited anymore today. Xavier, Yoko and the others for sure would have texted before coming around and there were no more exams done either.
Setting the big headphones down you turned to look who had just touched you.
“Wednesday?”, it was genuinely surprising to see her.
“I´m not interrupting, am I?”. she points to the notebook in your lap.
“No, not at all. I couldn´t write anymore anyway.”, you press the heels of your hands into your eyes shortly before letting them flap freely. “What are you doing here? I thought Xavier said something about you leaving today?”
“I am about to. Theres just one more thing I needed to do.”
That confused you even more, but before you could ask what she could possibly have to do here she pulled a little plush bat out of her backpack. You don´t even have to feel it´s weight against your hands before you recognize it´s yours.
“Thank you Wednesday, but…”
“Enid said, that Yoko mentioned your parents left it on your bed, when they came to get some stuff. She also said to tell you to get well soon.”
There is a short break where neither of you says anything, but the weight of the plush grounds you more than the music could all day.
When you look back to her, the usually so confident look in her eyes has changed to an uncertain one. What could possibly make her unsure right now?
“Before you go… I want to give you something too.”, you speak up first.
Reaching into the bedside table once more to retrieve a neatly folded piece of paper. Taking it from you the look of uncertainty changes into confusion.
“That´s from the poem you wrote when we first met…”
“Yeah, I wanted you to have it as a reminder I guess. I don´t know…”, as you let your sentence trails off you see something you have never seen before.
Wednesday turns her eyes to the ground. Seemingly weighing how smart it would be to say the following words, you don´t interrupt her, but you do try to find her beautiful, dark eyes again.
“I also need to tell you something.”, she makes sure to find your eyes and take a deep breath before continuing to speak. “Until a while ago I thought liking someone meant nothing but increased stress, dependency, loss of self-control and poor judgment. At least that´s what I have always seen. I saw it as nothing but a simple chemical process that people delude themselves with… I told myself I would never become like my mother, but over the last weeks I realized this might not be an entirely true statement. The truth is that I´ve come to realize that I like you. More than just as a friend.”
The little speech takes you aback a bit. Since you met shortly after she arrived at Nevermore your friendship if one would like to call it that way has always been described as a little unique. Despite all that, you had found yourself harboring feelings for the gloomy girl too.
“I like you too, Wednesday. I mean I quite literally took an arrow to teh shoulder for you.”, you smile as a knock at the door alerts the two of you.
A young woman sticks her head in before bringing you something to eat and leaving the even quicker than she entered.
“You probably need to go too.”, you don´t really know what to say. “I would like seeing you again when I am out of here though. Or maybe you can text me when you get home… Xavier told me he got you a phone…”
“He did. Yes, but I don´t have your number…”
“Oh yeah right.”, you cleanly tear a page out of a writing pad before writing down the digits and handing it to her. “Now you do.”
Wednesday looks at you one last time, while putting your number away safely and nods before she leaves. Through the window you can see how she carefully holds the paper in her hands as her eyes scan over the page again.
“Be still and listen...
At the fountain behind the battlements
hums softly softly softly
a painful dream
into the country so far so far so far
and yet not far enough
for this young thirsty heart.”
As she starts to walk away her face is as emotionless and stoic as ever, not giving away what the conversation the two of you just had might have revealed.
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rivangel · 2 years
Hey there! A bit worried - are you alright? Please relax and take care of yourself. You deserve it. Also thank you for your wonderful follower event (2k followers well deserved!).
I'd like to throw in some lyrics. Levi x reader (Lyrics = Levis' POV)
When you touch my weary head
And you tell me everything will be all rightYou say, "Use my body for your bed"
"And my love will keep you warm throughout the night"
Well, I'll never be a stranger and I'll never be aloneWherever we're together.
You're my Home by Billie Joel
i’ve been doing okay<3 thank youuuu!! i hope u enjoy
It's cold. The kind of chill that stabs to the bone and stiffens your fingers so you can’t even bend them. It freezes your body rigid and devastates all exposed skin to a state of raw and numb.
Levi has taken care of that last thing, at least—your frame is adorned in two thin, patchy jackets, your cotton cloak, and a potato sack. The wall you sit against is stony and unforgiving, the tin bowl fire weak because of the scarcity of wood Underground. Out of even what can be found, the climate leaves wood damp and somehow spongey, no exception.
He left the squat a while ago. It's so cold, you forget why (you remember the frown and the severe worry in his brow when he went to go), but at least you don't have to worry. Besides the very fact he runs so damn warm, although he's young, you'd call him the strongest man alive down here if the compliment wasn't old already—his reaction is always crabby, but shy, too. That old image in your head keeps you warm for a while.
A hard, but short knock comes from the outside wall—two short ones, followed by a long pause, and one more knock. You sag in relief (as if you could bend your fingers to wield your switchblade anyway).
The door is barred, and so he parts the curtains to the nearby window (more like a hole in the wall), and hops in with a sack in one hand, and under his arm—a big fur coat?
He’s in front of you in a flash, and kneeling down. He's adorned in his own layers, just thinner to 'keep his agility'. He’s always a pillar of strength, not needing a thing, but, his cheeks and nose are bright from the cold, and his jaw is grit, obviously to stave off shivering.
The coat is huge.
"This's all I got. Not many rich bastards down here lately. And some shitty bread," he says quietly. "Get any visitors?"
"N-No. But this coat is r-really nice." You obediently lean forward as he drapes the heavy fur over your shoulders.
He simply grunts as he fits the hood over your head, his warm palms idling on your cheeks. “Better than nothing, right?”
Since winter really sank its claws in, he's been a lot more doting like this, always touching, always checking.
"I'm okay," you insist.
"Right. You look pathetic," he replies, and presses a small kiss to your nose. You catch his lips, even though yours are chapped, the air is so dry.
"I mean it, now that you're here. Y-You should get warm."
“Hm…” He goes to fasten your coat, but you touch his wrists to stop him, giving them a tug.
He levels you a sour look. "You're more likely to freeze to death than me. Q-Quit being so..."
His stutter betrays him. He trails off, uncertain. Because you want to take care of him, too.
"Don't act like you're a-a-alone, when we're together," you say, and tug again. "It's gonna be alright... L-Like always."
With a hard huff, he strokes your cheek of the chill again, and then turns around, dropping begrudgingly into your lap. He's small enough so the furry lapels fit around him, too.
He's so warm, you find yourself melting against his back, cradling him close. Finally, little shivers start to shake his frame.
The circumstances aren't good, but you'll both survive. Not because of Levi’s doting, but because you’re together.
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🏷:  @ms-longbeach | @sparkywrites25 | @notgoodforlife | @ackermendick | @mrsackermannx | @youre-ackermine | @lovolee3 | @spouse-of-the-rulers-of-hell | @yoongiluuvr | @the-milk-anon | @belovedackerman | @imkumichan | @sckerman | @nao-vel | @happybird16 | @promethiumcloud | @dstrong-18 | @levisgreyeyes | @lovolee3 | @son-of-a-banchi | @halloweenmedic | @svftackerman | @leviismybby | @brujaovermoxy | @dearhyacinths | +link to sign up
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fearsideshow · 2 years
if lance is a monster then why do i love them ? 🤨 don’t listen to anon, lance!
Uncertain pause.
When   is   a   monster   not   a   monster   ?   Oh,   when   you   love   it.  
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Where   did   they   hear   that   from,   anyway   ?   One   of   Balan's   plays   ?   Something   a   visitor   to   their   domain   once   said   ?   They   can   no   longer   recall   ;   all   they   can   be   sure   of   is   that   it   is.   It   does   lift   their   spirit,   a   little.
❝   I   believe   in   a   position   such   as   mine   one   should   not   take   an   out   ;   I   ought   to   take   every   person's   opinion   into   account.   ❞
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
“Oh why didn’t you tell me,” Asra sighs. “I’d have put down my book first.”
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Carrillo filth please & thank you!
Heeey anon! Took me a really long time to answer you, right? hehe I'm sorry! Thank u for your request and I hope you like it! ❤
So high (Colonel Carrillo x f!reader)
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Summary: He had a lot of reservations, the kind that made you uncertain and insecure, but he didn't know or didn't care.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: It's smut without a plot. Too short too. Unprotected p in v sex, blowjob, rough sex, bad words and typos, probably, I don't know. SMUT!
Author’s Note: I don't feel like I'm really good at writing sex scenes but I did my best here. This idea simply came to my mind and I needed to write it down pretty fast or it would go away with the wind.
(My blog is really into a good Maurice Compte era, I love it)
He had a lot of reservations, the kind that made you uncertain and insecure, but he didn't know or didn't care.
You'd seen him on TV a time or two, and for a while he was just that: a rigid face in the rigid posture of a rigid man. Intimacy was never a strong point between the two of you, but if it was, you'd say he took himself very seriously.
The first time you guys saw each other, it was another hot night in Medellín, with sweaty bodies and cold drinks running all over the place. You felt like you were in the air, floating in your almost indecent dress, dancing alone because your friends weren't so keen on it. Wow… You had rejected all the men who tried to get close that you thought you were taking yourself too seriously to be so selective.
He came in like nothing and was patient in waiting for you to take a break for a drink at the bar. He asked your name, held out his hand, and didn't hide the gaze he directed to every inch of your body; you liked him right away.
“Carrillo… Do you have a first name?” You dared to ask, tilting your head to the side to see his face turn into a small grin.
“Horacio,” The man answered. “But I'm very selective with who calls me that.”
“Is that so?”
“What a shame, it's such a beautiful name,” The fact that his hand was already playing with the hem of your dress made you hot all over. “What does a girl have to do to call you that?”
“… Go home with me.”
That was the first of many other nights that followed. He was raw, intense, always straight to the point and incredibly capable of making you a mess. Sometimes he would come to your tiny apartment at odd hours, sometimes you were the one who showed up at his house when a call came through. There was a rhythm that he created and you followed it because it was good. Not fun, but sensual, tasty, addictive.
Carrillo didn't talk about his life and you didn't ask either, as if the lack of clothes didn't break the only basic barrier to coexistence. Eventually he would ask where you bought those lingerie or the perfume you wore, but it was all part of his plan to sink inside you until you were both sweating in bed.
“Do you get all your visitors dressed like this?” He murmured against your neck, his body pressed against yours while his hands wandered over the satin fabric of your robe.
“I knew you would come.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” That made you smile, eyes closed at the way he bit the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“… No. Just you.” Carrillo raised his head to look at you, just to see a small smirk playing on your lips. You used this chance to slide one of your legs up, your thigh brushing his already hard dick.
“On your knees,” His voice was rough with lust and you weren’t the one to deny such order.
Hearing him unbuckle his belt was always good, but seeing the man doing it, all the time keeping his eyes on you to make sure you’re paying attention, yearning for that dick… There wasn’t a better feeling, with the mix of desire and anticipation of what should be coming from behind his layer of clothes.
“Go on. I’ll fuck that pretty mouth of yours.”
And you did. God, you did. He was so thick, so hard, and you were even proud of being the one to make it for him, to pump his length before filling your mouth with it as much as you could. A loud moan came out of his mouth at that moment, followed by a rough trust of his hips against your throat, almost suffocating you.
“Nn-nn, breathe for me, querida. You’ll take like the buena chica you are. You’ll take it.”
In all the minimal consideration he had, Carrillo waited for you to do as he asked before returning to his steady motions, one hand on the wall behind you to support his rhythm. That made you even more horny, the way he maneuvered you as he wished, taking, taking, taking and grunting in pure lust. You gripped him by the thighs, pulling his body closer, yearning for more even if it made you gag and cry with the intensity of it all.
His ministrations, though, only lasted a few more moments, because then he grabbed a handful of your hair in his hand and pulled you up roughly. The kiss was equally rough, all teeth and tongue, but none of you cared if someone got hurt - in the end, you wouldn’t mind getting out of it full bruised.
There was something primal at the way he took your clothes off. Well, ‘clothes’, because the man was eager enough to just take the robe out of your body and rip your panties. I don't even need to, he must have thought when he ran his fingers over your embarrassingly slick pussy, making a smile appear on his lips.
“So wet, babygirl,” He grabbed firmly in one of your thighs, lifting enough to make his dick fit in your mound. “Think I can just… Dios mio… Yeah, just like that, baby…”
The first thrust was deep and your pussy clenched around him almost immediately, trying to get used to all of him. You moaned so loud, nails buried in his strong shoulders to suppress the wave of natural pleasure hitting you.
“Horacio…” You whimpered.
“Sing for me, baby. C’mon,” He used his grip to grab your other leg, pressing you more firmly against the wall before going back to his hard thrusts, all the while sucking dark spots on your skin.
Surrendered by his motions, it remains for you to hug his neck for stability, hearing all the filthy things he murmured in your ear without missing the intense pounding of his hips. One, two, three… God, he feels so good… You hoped he would understand that between the whimpers and moans leaving your throat, so then he could come back to give all of it. Keep going. Make me full of that cock.
His cock hit the right spot over and over again until you couldn’t take it anymore. When you bit on his left shoulder to prevent a scream with your orgasm almost punching your guts, he had the indecency to chuckle against your temple, still not stopping his thrusts that became more erratic with the urgency of his necessity to cum too. Your legs were awfully weak when you felt him spill his seed inside of you; it melted on your sore pussy, just like your legs around his hips.
“Don’t worry, baby,” He panted on your chin, biting it too. “We’re just starting.”
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bellafragolina · 2 years
can i have warden ingo fluff?
You most certainly can, anon. He is the love of my life, and I will give you all I got
Warden Ingo is a lonely man. His amnesia paired with the outskirts place he lives to be a warden means he doesn't get many visitors. So when you two become official, he would like for you to move in with him. Should you, he strives to provide for you so that you need of nothing while doing your surveys
He likes to spend the evenings with you, cooking dinner together, and perhaps eating outside, admiring the landscape as your teams and a few bold wild Pokémon beg for scraps. He feels most content with you pressed against him, laughing as you try to nudge Gliscor away from your bowl of stew.
Ingo wants to lie on your chest while you both go to sleep. Your steady heartbeat reminds him that he's not alone, and helps stave away any nightmares of his foggy past or of an uncertain future. He stays more grounded with you around, and he kisses every inch of you in thanks for keeping him steady.
He still snores like a wild beast. Luckily, you grow used to it, and it becomes something of a white noise that you need to be able to sleep. It helps remind you that you're not alone too, that Ingo is right here and very devoted to you. Kiss his head, pls. He needs and deserves it
If Ingo wakes before you, he'll presses gentle kisses to your face to help you rise as well. Otherwise, he'll lay you down with one of the Sneasels that snuck into your bed, press a kiss to your forehead, and go ready breakfast or go to do his Warden duties.
Should you wake before him, however, he enjoys being woken up by you kissing his lips or jaw, maybe while playing with his hair or his goatee. He'll give you a precious smile as his eyes blearily opens and his sleep addled brain recognizes you. The good morning kiss you two share is as tender as it is passionate
However, there are some nights that nightmares claim him despite your presence. He goes tense, breathing harsh and choppy as he clings to you in his sleep. You'll wake up to his low whimpers and begging. Run your fingers through his hair, kiss his head, ease him back to you. He'll wake with a gasp, and probably will tear up upon seeing your worried face. He clings even tighter and sobs into your neck when the memories that plagued him in sleep refuse to come back in the waking hours. He'll tell you what little he can recall once he calms, and will have trouble falling back asleep. Your embrace and soft voice, either through a lullaby or soft talking, help.
One of his greatest worries is forgetting you or losing you to a wild Pokémon, and some of his nightmares fall along that line. He'll jerk awake, tears streaming down his faces, to find you staring at him in concern. He was calling your name desperately in his sleep, and now that you're here, all he wants to do is hug and press kisses to your face. They're salty kisses, because he is crying from both fear and relief, but you give him as many as he wants. Poor thing is shaking in your arms.
After a nightmare night, he might sleep in a little longer than usual. You let him, happy to be pinned beneath him a while longer if it means he's getting the rest he needs. He tries to apologize after he wakes again, but you stop him with a kiss. You love him, and you'd do anything for him if it meant he felt safe and happy with you.
It's not long after one of the worser of these kinds of nights that he gets you a ring and proposes <3
Warden Ingo <3 I just want to wrap him in a blanket and sing him to sleep. He deserves to relax.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
May I request a Childe X Reader fanfic where the reader has been pushing herself too hard lately and so Childe has to forcefully get her to rest? ty
By my side [Childe x Reader]//Genshin Impact
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Synopsis: You were an artist and he was an adventurer. Two people from vast backgrounds and Childe just wants to spend some time of his busy life with you. However, things didn't really go his way...at first.
(Childe x F!reader. Its all fluff)
(A/n): Perfect request anon. I too, would like to have a Childe in my life. Been getting 5-6 hours of sleep on average 😃😁. Yeah kind tossed some extra ideas with artist s/o, its a perfect reason for anyone to be busy.
Once recieving the permission to take a week off from his diplomatic duties, the first thing Childe thought of was none other than his lovely significant other.
The harbinger knew quite well what lays ahead of his ventures to Liyue. During his quest for the archon's gnosis, he encountered many interesting events, such as meeting the rumoured traveller hailing from afar and a broke yet courteous man who turned out to be the ultimate ruler of this very country he walks upon then there was the battle against a dead god until he revived it using the sigil of permission. All of them were great additions to his story as Ajax the hero, something he always wanted to pursue since childhood. In which, also gave him something nice to write about when preparing letters for his siblings living back home. But little did the harbinger know that he'll one day bump into the heroine. A little too soon. Through your little art shop, he met you, a sweet and audacious woman with plenty of humour. That was how it all began.
While he strides down the streets between Liyue's exquisite buildings, Childe suddenly stops in his tracks and looks up to the sky. There, was painted a scenery of an evening dusk, sun rays relfected across until red and orange hues cast a river stream that led to the ends of the world. He watched the birds follow that streak like it was a path made for them to fly towards. A new adventure. You would have loved to captured this in your pictures.
And then he wonders, what might you be painting right now?
"Hey babe, I'm home~"
In a sing-song voice he calls out to you by your nick-name. You knew that Childe was an active member of the Fatui and that his time was limited, hence he made sure to write to you as well. Of course long distant relationships only makes the waiting more anticipated. When he does pay a visit, you'd run straight into his open arms, leaping off your feet to engulf him in one enourmous embrace. Then his hands will hold against your waist as he spins your round and around in the air, stealing the laughter out of your lungs before planting you back on the floor. Sometimes Childe would consider that being far away wasn't be such a bad idea as long as he was able to experience this, the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. However...
"That's great."
He was met by a response similar to the wintry grace of Snezhnaya.
All the fantasies he had from earlier shatters in the background as he stands there frozen. You didn't even spare a glance to the entrance, eyes still glued to the large canvas displayed at your front, too busy to even care. Childe clicks his tongue between the awkward silence with an uncertain expression. When there was no signs of initiation on your part, he shuffled his way to where you were and observes from behind.
"Well you're particularly quiet today," he muses to himself, placing a hand over his hip, "I guess that painting of yours must be really important then."
It was obvious that he was trying to nudge you into his favour. Something that you've found endearing was how quickly your boyfriend can be when he's in a needy state. So you quickly twisted over to peck him on the cheek before going back to work.
"That's better," Childe satisfiedly grins, "So who is this project for?"
"It's a commission requested by a wealthy family serving the Qixing. They're really influential in terms of the market and can really give me a competitive edge. I have to get it done in five days."
His tone flactuates as he squints his eyes, "Five days you say," he disliked the news of your schedule taking over his own, Childe only managed to take a week off and after that, he'll be away for quite some time, "Why don't you take a break? From the looks of your progress, it seems to me that you've been working on it for hours. I've got plenty of interesting stories to tell and you know, nothing can compare to sharing a warm meal within your company," he leans down to your ear level, "How does that sound?"
Several seconds went by as he waits for some sort of reaction, "Oh. Right," you blurted out and the harbinger only smiles, "I made some food earlier this morning. You can go help yourself if you're hungry."
Today was not his day.
Childe pulls out the wooden chair and slumps into the seat, a defeated huff escaping his mouth as he stared at the crystal shrimp placed on the table. It was hastily wrapped by plastic, most likely cold for a while, just like the romantic evening he had planned in his head. Normally you'll be sitting on the otherside while listening to the many tales he went through along the way. Although painting was your passion, it was undeniable that you also enjoyed his kind of lifestyle if you ever had the choice. He was rather surprised on how someone ambitious like him would end up with such a simplistic person but quickly accepted it as life was meant to be unpredictable, just the way he likes it. As Childe entertains you with his stories, he'll listen to your giggles amidst eating the homecooked meals that you both prepared together.
"I wonder if she ate already," he mumbled to his lone self. You most likely did but Childe knows you well. Artists are obsessed and they can go as far as to neglecting their own health for the sake of their masterpieces. Hence, he made sure to remind you to eat properly through the letters he wrote to you.
The harbinger takes a quick glance around the kitchen. It was a mess. The cupboards were slightly opened, metal pots were still displayed on the stone stove and the stench coming from the sink....
Childe pushes himsel up to see what was the cause.
Not even the dishes were washed.
Running his fingers through his bangs, he sighs wearily, "Old habits die hard huh?" And above all else, when artists are obsessed they also forget how disorganized they can become. Childe begins to roll up his sleeves before taking off his gloves. At times like this he'll have to pitch in and take care of it for you, "Looks like I'll be here for a while."
Throughout three sunsets and three moonrises, Childe had no option but to observe you from afar, minus the few attempts he made to regain your attention again. How you would go to bed much later than him, waking up before he opens his eyes and the effort he put into making your food only left with too many leftovers. It wasn't that you were unappreciative, instead, your mind had become too focused that your body was considered a second priority. Like anyone else, Childe genuinely thought you possessed great talent and supports you wholeheartedly. He loved it when you painted pictures just for him as if they were scenes coming out of his hero story, reminded by his adventures, capturing every detail. However he also needed to learn how to deal with this stubborn side of yours.
"Hey babe, I just finished preparing our dinner. Don't you smell that? Such a rich aroma, you should go eat."
"I'm busy."
Your diet were just small bites, the rest being substituted by coffee. Childe could clearly tell that you weren't getting enough sleep either as there were dark circles forming underneath your eyes and slowly, he was starting to become a little irritated.
Three hours passed midnight but you were still awake in the same place doing the same thing. Childe leans against the doorframe with arms folded, already changed into his sleeping clothes. He clears his throat to break the silence, "Ahem."
Your wrist hangs in mid air by the sound of a strange visitor, it was your boyfriend. Gaze in a daze, you lazily turned your head, "What time is it?"
"Way passed the sleeping hours as you can see," he points with his thumb at the table clock in a half-hearted manner, "You should already be in bed by now and don't think you can coax yourself out of the situation this time," his eyes parted in slits as he added with a smile, "Otherwise I might just have to force you myself."
You shook your head, "Give me one more hour? There's some finishing touches I really want to add so," clasping your hands together, you beamed sweetly, "Pretty please? I'll finish up soon."
"Oh really?" Childe challenges, head tossed back like he was interrogating you instead, "I believe that was also what you told me yesterday. And the day before? Adding up all of those days that would be.....four in total?" He deliberately counts upon his fingers before facing you again, this time his expression was slightly more serious, "As much as I find your determination remarkable, there are moments when you need to consider a sufficient amount of rest and this just isn't going to cut it."
"Four days already?!" You exclaimed, "Jeez, I don't even know if I'm halfway done."
Pressing his lips together, Childe glares in an acutely deadpanned countenance, it was also his time too, "Can't you ask this commissioner to extend your due date to next week? In your case, mora shouldn't be the issue since, well...you're dating me anyways."
It's true. Childe was the main reason why you didn't have to live as a starving artist. He had all your expenses fully covered from the marketing aspect to your residence, you simply chose to work out of pure will.
"I don't want to always rely on you so much," you confessed, "This commissioner could turn my whole career around. If I'm able to gain his favour, maybe I'll get promoted to a court painter for the Qixing! Who knows when there will ever be a chance like this again," pumping your fists, you spoke purposefully, "I'll pull an all nighters if I have to!"
Childe brings his hand to his forehead, you looked as if you were nearly about to collapse and yet still considering the option of an all-nighters? The harbinger should've detained you days prior before.
"Hm? Childe, what's wrong?" He suddenly falls deadly quiet and you watched him walk closer towards you, "What are--"
Hooking an arm behind your knees and the other at your back, your boyfriend lifts you up in one full swoop as he tossed you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Guess we'll have to do things the hard way," he remarks cheerfully.
"W-Wait," you flailed your arms and kicked your legs but to no avail. Childe was an experienced combatant indeed, "Put me down! I have work to do."
Your protests fall upon deaf ears as the harbinger carries you to your room. You were oddly lighter than the last time he carried you, the strength less vigor than before, it was obvious that your body was in need of relaxation. He suddenly thinks there was a possibility that you would maintain this habit while he was absent.
I should probably visit more often.
Using his free leg to nudge the door open, he places you upon the shared bed in a gentle manner. You winced at the impact of the soft sheets, surprised by how much it affect you.
"There we go. All done. Man, you really are a stubborn one, aren't you. Makes me a little worried since I can't spoil you all the time."
He quickly invited himself to the empty space on your bedside and wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you close and feeling you whole. Childe made sure there was no escape once putting his chin above your hairline so that you could feel his warmth as much as possible.
"This is--" you stuttered. His tactic was enough to make your limbs soften and you could almost hear him smirk into the distance, "This is cheating..."
"You think so?" He comments as if pledging innocence, "I don't know babe. Where I come from those who take the initiative are the ones who end up claiming the prize," pulling back, Childe takes the opportunity to observe your pouty face, "I don't make the rules. It's just how it goes."
You wanted to argue back but he suddenly took the bedsheets and covered both of your bodies with, completely trapping you with his presence. He snuggles into you further as if you were a bear made of linen and you felt the drowsiness taking over your mind. The way he gently pats down the back of your head was enough to instantly lull you into a deep sleep.
"Cheater," you mumbled.
He laughs softly, the rumbles emitting through his chest, "I love you too babe."
Even after you've let go of your resistance, Childe continues his actions until he was sure that you were resting. He had been longing to touch you like this since living a chaotic life only made peaceful moments much sweeter, "You're such a hard-worker you know that? I'm proud of you but you have to know when to call it a day," he whispers, "If not, how can I go on trips while knowing that you're still refusing to eat properly?"
You closed your eyes and said nothing in return. All your senses were too cloudy to come up with a reassuring response. Childe listens to the way your breath evens as you intake his scent during the process. It smelled like the soap you used in the showers, lotus leaves mixed with his own unique musk. You could only focus on him. His comforting embrace. His slightly accelerating heartbeat because you were together with him.
Letting out one final yawn, you succumbed to his spell and allowed your energy to drift away.
The corners of his lips tug upwards, "Sleep well princess."
Childe reaches over to your desk drawer and shuts off the alarm clock before turning over to face you again. He couldn't fall asleep immediately, not when he had to consider taking care of the commissioner who gave you an impossible deadline. But that will be saved for another day, for now, he observes in silent serenity.
If he were to quit his job for a year, what would his life be like?
Peaceful. Something opposite of what he was living right now. Something similar to the life he had back home. As you arrange the many paintings in your little home, he'll offer to help you among the places you couldn't reach. Without a doubt, Childe was far taller in comparison. Taking strolls into the streets and trying the new dishes the merchants came up with. Then in the evenings, you'll both go to dinner dates while listening to the storyteller revealing the rumours of the legendary Tianquan Qixing. Although Childe loved the adventurous life he led, he had to admit that your domesticity and family-bringing atmosphere was a tempting idea.
Maybe one day.
He lightly takes a strand that had fallen over your nose and tucked it smoothly behind your ear. The soft snores coming out of your parted lips caused his gaze to melt. And so he steals them with his own, placing a chaste goodnight kiss.
One day I'll be sure to bring my family here with us.
Closing his eyes, he joins you in your slumber, hoping to see all that he envisioned in his dreams.
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prof-peach · 4 years
Hello, Prof. Peach! I'm a Porygon, using my Trainer's account to send this ask because you don't have anons set up. We'd like to visit your island sometime and maybe volunteer or donate things to help with your rehoming efforts; do we have to fill out a permit? I'm not worried about getting hurt because my Sirfetch'd friend will protect me, but what dangers could there be for a technological Pokémon like me? Would the wilder Pokémon know not to attack us? Thank you!
We love reading about what you do and would like to help if possible ❤️
You’ll be happy to know that we have an entire island set up exactly for this. We have regular trips to the space by schools, youngsters, hospitals, and travelling trainers alike. We take pride in being accessible to all, should you wish to make your way to us. The south of the island is entirely safe, we house friendly, hospitable pokemon here, so even when young kids come along and run, and scream, and pet them, or try to interact, it poses no threats to anyone. the pokemon chosen go through strict training, and we make sure to put out only the most gentle of species on the visitors side. if an issue arises, theres dedicated pokemon AND human staff around to help and intervene. We havent had more than a scraped knee here for 15 years now, least not without provocation. Speaking of, theres security in place to help keep theft down, and we ask no one to catch pokemon not within the islands dedicated “catch zone”. should someone try, they’re often captured and turned into myself, or one of the staff on duty at the time to answer for their rule breaking. 
We hold regular events and activities for people to get involved with, depending on the time of year. Our next event is a spring flower show and fate during April, we have folks coming in from Sinnoh to Judge a pokemon costume contest, with guest judge Wallace, who is taking time from his busy schedule to stop by for the event. People can enter with a simple form, on the day. Theres usually plenty of local vendors, food, trinkets, held items galore thanks to Professor Grey, and plenty of locations to explore and enjoy. We pair these events up with adoption drives for pokemon ready to find homes too, so should you know of anyone after a partner, its a good event to join in with, you get a chance to play, interact, and relax with a lot of hopeful pokemon, all scrubbed clean and ready for a big day of meeting lots of new people.  As for donations, we do take them, depending on what they're for, if they don’t suit our needs we advise the donee’s to give to a more suitable location who may need the stuff more than we do. For example we’re not REALLY an egg based location, so we send a lot of our donated hatching units to breeders and specialists who take in unwanted eggs, as they need that help more than us for the most part. 
We don’t keep unruly Electric pokemon, and have a Porygon-Z within our labs facilities who has gone unharmed for a long time (outside of battle of course). This is quite a safe environment for an individual to explore at their leisure, with many greenhouses, research labs, and interesting nooks and crannies to investigate. Theres one barn i would avoid but should you come to visit us, i’ll be very clear which one, as its full of the Joltic and Grubbin lines, who may cause you some concern in their large groups, but tend to stick to their areas and aren't unusually hostile if left alone. 
The only thing we ask is to stay off the North side of the Island, as it homes the biggest, meanest, generally unkind, shy, or difficult, pokemon who don’t like to be on centre stage like those on the southern side. Theres a perimeter fence, and very clear signposting all along it, to keep visitors clear, we also patrol pokemon teams along the fence line to keep things safe for everyone. We ask everyone leave the area well alone, as the species behind it are uncertain of most people, and will either flee or attack on sight, mostly attack if i’m being really honest with you haha. I’m sure you're somewhat familiar with our work, and we do take in the worst cases, and most aggressive and difficult species, so they can be troublesome when around others. 
Hopefully we see you real soon, we’re open pretty much every day, can’t be an island and not take in travellers off the ocean, boats run from Olivine too, should you want to approach from that direction. The special seasonal events are usually really fun and exciting, and you get to see the island at its peak functionality, so we hope you make it in time for one.
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Fics that fit the "baby, it's cold outside" prompt? I've read so many and I adore them.
We're not sure what you mean by this, anon - do you mean a story surrounding BICO in canon? Reaction fics? Or stories that include them singing this song? Or general holiday fics with this song included? Here's a cute one shot I really enjoyed, and here are 4 hits I got on AO3, and the rest are reaction fics to episode, 2x10, A Very Glee Christmas. ~Lynne
Baby It's Cold Outside by Cloud Green
Dalton Academy is going through a cold spell, fortunately Kurt is tucked up in bed. That is, until he gets an unwelcome visitor.
Pining by kurtiepie
“I’m in love with him and he’s actually gay. I call that progress.” A short fic looking at Kurt’s thoughts around 2x10 ‘A Very Glee Christmas’.
Mind if I Move in Closer by @missbeizy
Fluff. Kurt and Blaine reminisce about “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”.
I Love You, but Baby It’s Cold Outside by @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Although I like the I love You uttered by Blaine in the season finale of season 2, there are other ways it could have happened. This is a one shot based on “Baby "it’s Cold Outside.”
Note:  Part 2 of I Love You series
How Did I Not See? by Scrapmom2112
After singing “Baby It’s Cold Outside” with Blaine, Kurt’s almost convinced that Blaine feels something more than friendship too, so he decides to serenade him at the local coffee shop. Unfortunately, Blaine is just as clueless as ever and almost screws everything up. Once he realizes what he’s done, can he fix it before he loses everything?
Baby, It’s Cold Outside by BunniesAndBooks
Prompt: As soon as BICO ends, things get more serious. Blaine leans in for a kiss, Kurt is a little nervous and uncertain. Last time he let his feelings go, he got hurt… and his first kissing experience was less than positive. Blaine softly promises not to hurt him, and that whatever happens will be nothing more than what Kurt wants.
Then he proceeds to gently but firmly push Kurt down on his back on that leather sofa and have his wicked way with him. Blaine should be totally in control, loving and gentle, and Kurt should be nervous and submissive, letting him take the lead, but it should be TOTALLY consensual.
An Alternate Baby, It’s Cold Outside by hpgirl713
MY version of how the blocking should have gone in the Glee Christmas episode’s “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”. I know it’s not exactly a fanfiction in the usual sense, but I thought it was cute.
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Hey, if you're still doing those angsty oxygen scenarios, could you do one with Rumble? I know he's not a lost light bot but it would mean a lot to me
He means a lot to me too, anon. Plus as I see it, being a Lost Light bot is a state of mind.
Here's all my previous posts with this popular prompt!
Part One: Here!
Part Two: Here!
Part Three: Here!
Part Four: Here!
Part Five: Here!
Part Six: Here!
Part Seven: You are Here!
Part Eight! Here!
Part Nine: Here!
Part Ten: Here!
Part Eleven: Here!
Part Twelve: Here!
·The story of how you both ended up on the Lost Light is a long and rather ridiculous one, but thankfully you're both quite happy now with the way things have turned out. Hanging out and playing video games is one of the more calm and non-destructive things you two do around the ship, and it's an activity he adores having someone to share with, as not too many bots share the hobby. Being absolutely tiny by Cybertronian standards but huge compared to you, he typically encourages you to sit on his lap while you game together, something he claims is only done to ensure you both can see. Being a good sport, you agree so he can keep protecting his reputation as a tough bot who never cuddles anyone, and also because you know he's secretly in need of said cuddles despite his claims otherwise. You're well in to a rather relaxed gaming session when an emergency communication pings both of you.
·Quite open about how annoyed he is, the feeling only grows when the line is barely audible, static blurring all but every other word of what sounds like a rather urgent message. Though he does try to ask for a repeat of what's said, when the feed simply dies he's quite tempted to just ignore it and keep playing games. Admittedly that sounds good to you too, but being on a gigantic alien vessel makes you far less comfortable at the prospect of things being uncertain, as what's minor to the bots can be quite dangerous for you. Initially your gentle insistence on seeing what might be going on only gets an exaggerated groan regarding how it's probably nothing and that the two of you are having fun so who cares? The pouting is something you're rather accustomed to, so you follow a strategy of gentle pushing to get him moving, which results in him growing ever more dramatic until he's lying back on his second hand couch as if getting up would be physically painful.
·A gentle kiss on his nose finally melts away his immature resistance, but only after he blushes like a lamppost and huffs to try and pretend he's not doing it because you've convinced him or anything. With one last sorrowful look at his console, he hefts you into his shoulder and moves out, not willing to wait on your tiny human legs. Though he's obviously grumpy there's still care and consideration in how he walks with you, as he's never going to risk dropping your squishy human self if he can help it.
·Repeated attempts to comm anyone for some information turn up nothing but static, and that leaves both of you quite confused, with the minibot commenting on how odd it is that no one is answering. Being near the living quarters at this time of day means there's no one around to ask, so he hurries along whilst looking for a signal, reasoning that the two of you should head to the bridge or somewhere equally important to look for answers. Knowing he has way more experience in this than you do, you happily let him take the lead, smiling softly at how your agreement makes him puff up with pride. Being a mini has made him rather unaccustomed to any kind of leadership, so even the simplest praise or deference always means the world to him.
·His ego boost is quite rudely interrupted by a sudden tremor through the ship, though he's hardly knocked off balance for long due to his unique skills. Keeping his footing solid and you secure on his shoulders, he immediately asks if you're okay once the floor steadies beneath him, knowing that it was just a little shake but worried nonetheless. You assure him that you're fine, which convinces him to hold you a little less tightly. Looking up into his visor, you're concerned to see his usual calm replaced with a much more serious expression. It's one you know to only expect when things are about to get bad. As he starts walking again, he explains that, as an expert on seismic things, he knows that the ship has just been snagged. Having an internal sensory system specifically designed to detect these things also makes him certain of the exact size of the enemy and where it hit; and what he detected isn't good.
·Despite being less than half his height, Rumble is your immediate worry as he goes on to explain more of the situation, talking more to cut through the quiet to calm his nerves. You know that you're not built for alien robot battles, but quite frankly, neither is he. Not on his own at least. Though he'll surely deny it now, he's confided in you that without his brother or a bigger bot to sync up with... fighting anything but other minis is a lot harder. Knowing that makes you press him gently on a plan; where should the two of you go to be safe?
·As expected he's immediately adamant that he's fine, but his attitude to you is another story, as is obvious by how he shifts you completely into his arms and holds you tightly. With a promise that he won't let anything touch you, he surprises you with a completely unrestrained sense of protective drive, something quite out of character for a bot that usually struggles with deep feelings. Knowing that ships always have extra guards stationed at key locations, he decides to hurry his way to the medical bay, secretly hoping not to encounter any enemies on the way. Not that he's embarrassed to be a mini or anything, but in moments like these he really wishes he could be big and strong for your sake... Pushing those thoughts deep down, he hurries along and tries to focus on how cool he looks carrying you to safety. Maybe after all this is over he'll be able to tell some awesome stories about rescuing you.
·Seeing you get a little sleepy absolutely baffles him, and he gives you a little tap to wake you up with a tease about taking poorly timed naps. Not having realized you were nodding off, you rub at your eyes in confusion, suddenly aware of sleepiness that certainly wasn't present earlier. At your continued and obvious exhaustion he's quite worried. Had he better practice at driving with an occupant he'd have given you a ride to save time, but even at the best of times previous attempts at that were disasters, so in your current state you'd probably end up getting seriously hurt... It's yet another thing to regret as he holds you closer and hurries along, secretly trying to establish communication so he can hopefully get some answers. The lack of success makes him more worried with every passing minute.
·Though Rumble is no stranger to cuddling behind closed doors and carrying you to show off his strength, this is the first time he's held you like this in public for so long, and it feels very nice. You know he's worried about you, but it's getting harder to focus on staying awake and comforting him with his arms keeping you so secure, and his little spark humming so warm and strong right next to you. Only his gentle pleading for you to keep your eyes open prevents you from nodding off, mostly because his voice is so sad as he does so, and you can't handle seeing that sweet face grow any more worried. Clearly it must be bad if he's openly showing his softer side. You're aided in staying awake by a rather unexpected visitor nearly stepping on the minibot as he enters a hallway, and in the panicked blur that follows your mind is just sharp enough to catch the towering form of a very unfriendly alien before you're laid on the ground and Rumble charges forth in a preemptive strike.
·Though he's every bit as fearless as he usually is in appearance, in his spark he's absolutely terrified as he breaks out his piledrivers, the lack of his brother or Soundwave leaving him with a sense of total helplessness that he has to force down for your sake. The alien is a kind he doesn't recognize, but it's big and clearly hates bots by the way it strikes to kill. Using his tiny size to his advantage, he hammers the legs that are too slow to kick him away in time, striking with a level of force that strains his shock absorbers to a painful limit. The hulking alien collapses as its means of support are demolished in a messy and agonizing attack, but the mini takes no chances, hopping up to the head and delivering a blow capable of creating an earthquake all on its own. He's left panting from the exertion but grateful to have proved himself. Sore from the strain, he hurries back over to you and can't help but ask if you saw what he just did?
·Tiny jubilation is crushed when he hears your weak reply. Even though you're smiling at his victory, you're obviously barely holding on, and that means whatever invisible malady is afflicting you is growing more severe. Scooping you up in bloodied servos, he tries to keep the tears welling in his visor from falling, though admittedly he's not sure why since his image matters very little in the face of losing you. Thinking fast, he breaks open a vent cover and makes use of the claustrophobic shortcut to hurry to the medical bay, ignoring his own overworked body's protests to save you at any cost. Not knowing what the problem could be, he's still tearing himself apart inside over every tiny delay that could now result in the difference between life and death. If only he hadn't hesitated to stop gaming, or had been paying enough attention to avoid that alien... How like him, to prove unworthy of something by ruining it.
·You'd been physically incapable of staying awake as he'd closed in on the part of the ship where help would hopefully be found. Though you had tried so hard and been so heartbroken by his struggles, exhaustion unlike anything had ultimately forced you to rest, with his protective grip on you making it hard to worry as you slipped under. Tears had started to fall without restraint the moment you went quiet. It had made quite a scene when he'd burst into the medical bay, ploughing through a vent cover and startling multiple bots on guard as he yelled for someone to help you, nearly getting shot until he was recognized with you in his arms. Nearby medics had been quick to explain the breakdown of the atmospheric generators and the loss of oxygen, but he brushes all that aside with a single question; will you be okay?!
·Every bot present is immensely surprised by his demeanor. He's known as a troublemaker and a prankster, so even with your relationship to him being taken into consideration, his agony over your condition is not something they could have ever predicted. The loyalty to you is unshakable and obvious even after you receive the care you need, as he refuses medical attention for himself and doesn't care in the slightest when the alien ambush is declared defeated. Not even the prospect of free drinks at Swerve's to celebrate can make him leave you for a second. All he wants is for you to wake up, and to hopefully not be mad once you wake up and learn what happened, which he believes he made worse by being irresponsible and wasting time... Though it isn't allowed, he crawls into your berth with you to snuggle when no one is present.
·You awaken to a much clearer head and the warmth of a bigger body huddled closely around you, and as soon as you open your eyes a familiar frame welcomes you back to consciousness. Whispering a greeting, you're shocked when the mini suddenly clings to you and begins pleading for your forgiveness while also recounting what happened to make you "sick", confusing you beyond all belief at first. Why would the bot you remembered saving you need to apologize? It's only by listening that you realize his misplaced blame is likely motivated by fear, as his hot tears pattering against the berth suggest a bot recently scared out of his wits. The poor mini is blaming himself for his lack of action, in full belief he could have moved faster and should have the moment something was wrong, and sounding quite convinced of his role in your injurey before you shush him as gently but audibly as you can.
·Wiping away heavy tears on his cheeks, you speak clearly through the oxygen mask still secured to your face, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong and had no reason to believe things would play out as they did. When he tries to miserably reply that he's still should have jumped at the first sign of trouble, you remind him that he jumped into action when it counted, taking down an enemy several times his size without anything but his own fists as weapons. Perking up to hear you remember his burst of bravery, he asks a little more confidently if you recall how he punched the alien so hard the hallway shook from the force, and you smile while you assure him that you saw every heroic moment. Hearing himself be referred to as a hero seems to reassure him in ways he didn't know he needed, and the rush of his own gratitude is enough that he hugs you tight without a hint of bashful hesitation. Just being here and safe with you makes it hard to be worried about anything at all.
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cyberverse-hub · 2 years
X3 *nuzzles* *pounces on you* UwU yu sow warm nya~
[Icon available muses-answering]
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"Nya?? How are you able to be this deep?? Is this a new way to greet bots??" The guardian sounded and began to look more perplexed then startled.
It's been stellar cycles since he's seen another bot. Was this the new greeting way?
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"Becareful!" The arial had seen them coming and caught them as they 'pounced'. He smiled at the anon's actions. Interested of the greeting they just did. It must have been something they all did?
"So, like Nya?" He followed the anons motions. "What's it mean? Does it have any meaning? Or just a action you do?"
Oh Primus, help this anon.
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"Nya?" The knight gave a uncertain stare to the anon. "Nya...Nya? Is that a new greeting? Like this?" He coped the anons action of the nya.
It must have been a peace sign of some sort, he has been trapped for...a while. He was just resetting and hardly got visitors. Ones without ill-intent.
"Nya, I see." He mused.
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"Get off me!" Deadend wasn't one to be touched. He grumbled a bit as his servo rose to his helm.
"I ain't no cybercat." Why was everyone so insistent he was? Idiots, all of them were plain idiots. Anyone who talked or mentioned that he considered idiotic. He didn't feel bad for just assigning that to them now anyways.
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"What are you doing." Seriously, she's NEVER heard or seen any sane bot do this. Or organic...well. no that was a slight line, some of those smaller humans she could have sworn did this once.
"Bye." And then she was off. To note she hardly noticed humans. But this...no she isn't staying to see what else they'd do.
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slashmebois · 4 years
“Hi !
If it's okay may I please have Bo sinclair x reader? Just reader been up for like two days straight because they're super busy but also super exhausted and they end up passing out? Like how would Bo react?” (Anon)
Oh my goodness, of course you can. Dirty garage man lives in my head rent free. Hope this is close-ish to what you were expecting Nonny!
Living in Ambrose was generally a quiet life, save for the occasional visitors. But even their noisy presence was quickly snuffed out and put on display. You had grown accustomed to the lazy days and the hard graft of luring people in and helping to move their bodies after Vincent or Bo dealt with them.
As much as you loved helping Bo with his passion project, it didn’t pay for the food on your table. There was a little money in visitor’s pockets here and there, but most people carried cards these days. So, when someone from your old life messaged with the offer of a paid remote research position you felt you would be an idiot to refuse. You just didn’t realise how much work it would be.
Bo had scrunched his nose up when you told him you needed to stay home for a week or two, and asked, “what’s wrong with the garage?”, but he hadn’t pushed you to come with him. Vincent was downstairs in the basement all day and Lester was waiting for hapless folks to show up, so your days were pretty lonely, but you told yourself that was good for your focus.
The first day went pretty well, you found what you thought were relevant articles and went into some critical evaluation before sending them over to the project manager. The second day got off to a worse start, your manager had sent the articles back telling you they were irrelevant because of something or other. You groaned in frustration and went about finding articles that fit their very niche description. From there on out it became a back and forth of you finding articles and evaluating them, and your manager being a hard-ass, or as you preferably thought of them A DICK. You were staying up later and later, eventually resulting in you forgoing sleep altogether. You would get in bed with Bo, using your crappy laptop, and as soon as he fell asleep you would sneak away to the kitchen table to continue your work.
Vincent was the first to notice your dark and baggy eyes, putting a hand on your shoulder one morning and cocking his head, “I’m fine Vinny, just not sleeping great, don’t worry”. He stood there a moment longer, looking uncertain before walking away to make breakfast, and you felt a pang of guilt. You weren’t exactly lying; you just didn’t want any of them to worry. They were all so good to you. And you knew that if Vincent got too worried, he would tell Bo, and that would not go well for sure.
Slowly but surely your manager started to give better responses to the articles you sent, and you breathed a sigh of relief. The nightmare was nearly over, you could start typing up the research into a document. With renewed inspiration and a lot of caffeine you set to work writing it up. Bo came home from work that evening and was surprised by you actually greeting him.
“You’re in a good mood y/n”
“Sure am, got a good chunk of work done. How about we celebrate on the weekend? Grab a couple beers, watch a trashy movie?”
His smile made your heart flutter, “I’d love that y/n. Don’t stay up too late now. Now come give your man a kiss”
You jump to your feet, tripping on the laptop cord in the process. You fall forwards and Bo catches you, smirking.
“You falling for me again baby?”
Your cheeks flush, “Always, you know me, just clumsy”
He grasps your hair and presses his lips to your head, inhaling, “For real, don’t stay up too late though, bed feels empty if I ain’t got you next to me. And well, feels like I’m waking up to an empty bed in the morning a lot recently.”
You smiled up at him, “I’ll be up as soon, promise”, Unfortunately, it was a promise you had to break.
Around 2am, your laptop cut out. The plug had pulled away from the wall when you tripped. But you hadn’t noticed.
You stared blankly at your reflection in the screen, numbness welling up inside you. When was the last time you saved? You couldn’t remember. What was the point? You put your heart and soul into it, but it was all crumbling to ash in your hands. You sat still as a rock for a moment before slowly raising yourself up and plugging your laptop back in. The rest of your night is spent catching up, as your eyes grow heavier and heavier.
A voice is calling you. You can hear it faintly as you monotonously type a letter at a time. It isn’t until a hand is waved in front of your face you blink back to reality and look up to a concerned looking Bo.
“Y/n. What the hell is wrong with you? I’ve been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes”
“Wha- Uh, sorry. Was really focused on this…um…this thing”
“I can tell, it was your turn to cook, remember?”
Your brain slowly ticks, as you look over to the clock. Fuck, he’s right. And you’re making him late for work.
“Oh god, Bo. I’m so sorry. I’ll just whip something up real-“
You feel your legs fall from under you as you stand and see Bo’s eyebrows knit together as he lurches towards you. And then your vision blurs out to black.
You feel very warm. It’s like there’s an all-encompassing glow surrounding you. You try to remember what came before but it’s just so comfortable here. You were at the kitchen table. And you were having breakfast? No. You fell and Bo…
You gasp awake, looking around to ascertain your surroundings. You’re in your bedroom, Bo’s metal band posters adorning the walls, and the little plants you keep on every surface. You also see Jonesy curled up on the bed, her ears perking up as she sees you rouse. You eyes come to rest on Bo who is sat on the edge of the bed staring at you.
“Hey Bo”
His lips firm up, before he lets out a sigh, “Hey.”, it’s short and curt. Fuck, he’s mad at you.
“I uh, I fell huh?”
“You could say that”
The silence is palpable.
“Look I’m real sor-“
“Don’t. You must have known you were being an idiot. I sure did. I thought you were just getting up earlier, getting less sleep. But fuck. You weren’t sleeping at all were you? All for what, some goddamn fucking job?!” His voice starts at a steady volume and rises.
You can feel yourself choking up, “It ain’t just some job. I, I just wanted to help. I thought if I made some money I could help out, get some groceries, cook a nice meal”
“WOULDN’T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU’RE DEAD Y/N” he yells, throwing his cap from his head across the floor, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS. I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKIN’ DEAD LIKE MAMA” he swipes angrily at his eyes, and his hoarse voice trembles out, “I don’t wanna lose the best thing to happen to me. Just please, we can handle money. I want you here with me, chatting shit with me in the garage, sharing dinner with all of us, cuddling up at the end of the day.” He faces away from you, and you can see the tension in his back.
You let the tears flow freely from your eyes, “I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ll do better. I’ll set myself hours and stick to them. And if that’s not good enough, I’ll quit.” You kneel on the bed and reach your arms over his shoulders, he tenses a little more and then relaxes back into you. “I’ll be better Bo”, your hand comes to his face and he allows you to guide him to your lips. He kisses you deeply, reaching around to grab you tight.
This. This is where you belong. In Bo’s arms. Fuck everything else.
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angelxxreaper · 3 years
you summoned an english major
anyway, lenore is the name of a character from edgar allen poe's poem, the raven. the poem is lengthy for an ask but here's an excerpt!:
"For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
            Nameless here for evermore.
    And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
    So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
    “’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—
            This it is and nothing more.”
    Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
    But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
    And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door;—
            Darkness there and nothing more."
-✒ anon!
This is..
Yeah, this is really fitting. This is a good name.
Fuck I should probably actually read The Raven at some point, huh?
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