#hopeful inquiries (ask)
capn-twitchery · 21 days
what's grace's reflection like?
it is, maybe, a little dull but grace is a little dull Very Normal so it's fitting i think,,,anyway his reflection is just him, but frozen (ha) at the moment of murdering the guy in the arctic
so, scraggly, haunted, bearded, covered in blood, very frostbitten. also probably cold enough to give You frostbite if you could touch it. makes the area around it slightly frosty bc Cold Aura. borderline frozen corpse looking guy
grace sees himself as a terrible murderer & no better than he was at thr moment of killing & butchering a guy so it'd make sense for that to be reflected,,,but the reflection isn't mocking him in any way & it isn't violent or cruel or Bad at all, even if that's what grace thinks about himself.
i think if you talk to the reflection itself, it holds the total opposite feelings to grace. it's covered in blood, yes, but it knows the murder was for survival, out of fear, and that no, of course everything going wrong wasn't just grace's fault. it just wants him to move past it & heal & forgive himself, even if he can't undo what already happened
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One thing I wonder sometimes - do you think every single Pokémon has at least ONE person who loves it as their favorite? If not, who is the most unloved?
I genuinely do think that every Pokemon had someone who really, really cares about it. If not right now, then I'm sure that love could develop in the future, especially for newer releases!
Anyway, it's really not my place to speculate on which Pokemon are unloved for a multitude of reasons, also because I'd probably be wrong if I did have to guess, and also because doing so would probably eliminate that answer — for instance, it could cause someone to look at that Pokemon in a new light and qualify it for their favorites list.
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starsinthenigth · 2 months
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★..soo- in honour of the second anniversary of the 'Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: The Movie' 's second anniversary, I decided to drop a little inquiry..that might never be answered- but it is cool to think about.
|★| Where is every one that got possessed by Kraang in the movie ?? We saw numurous citizens get brainwashed and fall under the impression of Kraang, being turned into kraang-zombies and such and I've been wondering.. are they even alive now ?? Are still part-kraang ?? I mean, the only form of breaking out of the kraang's possession that we've seen so far-is if someone actually talks to you out of it and triggers something in your brain so that you be back to your normal self. Or that's how I view it based on how Leo managed to snap Raph out of the kraang's possession- that is. However, it is quite hollow to think about trying to convince thousands upon thousands of people to come back to their senses- especially if they are all mind controlled by a bunch of cataclysmic, seemingly invincible aliens. So what really happened to them ?? Did they get transported into some sort of lab- just like sister kraang, until scientists find some form of way to turn them back into normal human beings ? And even if they do turn human once again, will they still be the same people they were before?
I know this may make no sense- and for some reason I feel like there is something in the movie that I missed that could at least indicate something about the kraangfied-citizens whereabouts. But I need some help trying to break down this matter. Where are the other mind controlled citizens ??★
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qrowscant · 1 year
I adore Fodder and IS-OT. Does IS-OT stand for something? And, could you tell us more about Fodder and their mother, I feel like they are talked about less than IS-OT, I’d love to hear more about how they go about navigating love in their situation
IS-OT is indeed an acronym. im not telling you what it stands for so if i decide to tweak in the future it i cant be held accountable <3
fodder's mother doesn't actually appear in-story, just fodder's distorted memory of her! women love haunting the narrative postmortem. she's still one of my favorite characters to write, three cheers for their mommy issues : )
fodder doesn't really "navigate love" so much as they get dragged into it kicking and screaming LOL. their experiences conditioned them to see connection as a tool of control, so they spend most of their time as a drone intentionally isolating themself and lashing out if others try to breach this isolation. (which happens a lot! because they're small and very young compared to the people around them, so nobody really takes fodder seriously until they start hurting people.) (but also humans will pack bond with literally anything, so when the thing that was supposed to kill you turns out to be kind of nice well maybe. maybe you can have a little friendship. as a treat. what could go wrong.)
tl;dr: they're struggling a little (a lot). things get better-ish when they're older though
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different? (For Ariadne!)
everyone is doing great in the age of paradise and there's certainly nothing fucky going on here
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Can you please elaborate on the Kingdom hearts Sonic au? I want to hear more of your ideas!
Ah, I would love to! I apologize it's taken be a bit to get to this ask, anon, but I need you to know that it made my day when I got it🥺❤️
Okay, so as I mentioned in this post, it starts out with Sora and Riku being Sonic and Tails respectively. I must confess that this au is more or less an excuse to microwave in my brain scenes of Sonic and Tails taking the place of Sora and Riku in certain Soriku moments™, so it’s not fully fleshed out yet 😂😅
But! I'd be happy to share some of my au thoughts/plans (under the cut) with you, anon😊
Character Placements
Though I haven't fully figured everything out yet, I have figured out certain character placements and ages. The following are those that I have planned already:
Sora – Sonic (Age 16 as of kh1)
Riku – Tails (Age 15 as of kh1)
Kairi – Sally (Age 15 as of kh1)
Naminé – Elias (Age 16 (physically)/Age 1 (chronologically) as of kh2)
Roxas – Shadow (Age 17 (physically)/Age 1 (chronologically) as of kh2)
Xion – Surge (Age 17 (physically)/Age 1 (chronologically) as of kh2)
Axel/Lea – Manic (Age 27 as of KH2)
Olette – Nicole (Age 17 as of KH2)
Demyx – Rouge (Physical age not yet determined)
Larxene/Elrena – Jet (Physical age not yet determined)
Ienzo/Zexion – Kitsunami (Age 18 as of KH2)
Even/Vexen – Starline (Age 51 as of KH2)
Ansem the Wise – Eggman (Age 63 as of KH2)
Xemnas – Infinite (Age 31 (physically)/Age 11 (chronologically) as of KH2)
Ansem – Zero (Age 30 (physically)/Age 10 (chronologically) as of kh1)
Xehanort – Mephiles (Age 81 as of BBS)
Vanitas – Metal Sonic (Age 16 (physically)/Age 4 (chronologically) as of BBS)
Ventus – Charmy (Age 16 (physically)/Age ??? (chronologically) as of BBS)
Terra – Knuckles (Age 20 as of BBS)
Eraqus – Silver (Age 81 as of BBS)
Vector (Haven't picked an age or a time period yet but he will most likely be traveling in the way Uncle Scrooge does just. Not Mr. Moneybags by any means)
General AU notes
The following are misc notes about the au, my intentions/choices with it, and disclaimers of a sort:
Canon events from kh are subject to change, just based upon the personalities and motivations of the Sonic characters put in specific positions. I do not know how divergent this will be yet, but it will be divergent.
The FF and Disney characters/worlds will still be present, I just cannot promise the exact worlds or their order will stay the same as in the original. Because Sonic doesn't line up 1 to 1 with Sora, logically the worlds are going to have differing themes overall comparatively.
Just because I placed a certain Sonic character as a certain KH character does not mean this Sonic character is gonna line up 1 to 1 with them. I'm hoping to balance making them reminiscent of their kh counterparts in ways while also distinctly making them them. So some characters will be more like they are canonically, shifting the narrative accordingly, and others will be more shaped by their placement in the narrative.
I love kh so much but as I am not constrained by audience or by corporate choices there will be some specific personal changes for this au. An example of this is that the characters taking the places of Ven, Terra, and Aqua will likely be aging rather than staying the same ages (assuming they end up in similar placements).
I think if you've read this far in the post you already know, but I should make clear that this au is just as much about crafting a Sonic with the Sonic characters within the kh story as it is about Sontails. This is not to say that the entire focus of this au at all times is Sontails, but (much like Sora and Riku's relationship in kh) it is very much baked into the core of it.
Sadly, I am still yet undecided whether the Sonic characters should remain as Mobian, but I am leaning towards keeping them mobian at this time.
Now, while canon Sonic is a special hedgehog, there's just something a bit interesting about "just a guy" Sonic to me. In this case, someone who is not inherently born to be some chosen one. In this au, he isn't the fastest thing alive, but he does have some natural speed, making him naturally fast compared to some peers. It's a skill that can be improved with practice, but it’s nothing supernatural
Au Ideas
The following are some of the ideas I've been spinning in my head since this au's conception, meaning it's a mix of things that could be in the proper au, will not be in the proper au, will not go the same way in this au, or ideas that could still make their way in in some form:
Knuckles (as Terra) bequeathing the keyblade to Tails (as Riku):
Tails is also a bit more cautious of Knuckles and is less confident in his presentation of himself compared to how Riku was, but he ultimately can't contain his curiosity and approaches Knuckles.
Originally, I imagined this scene simply with the characters in the au filling it out, not considering exactly how this scene would play out in the context of this au. So it's fairly close to the original scene. It starts out with Sonic the Hedgehog, 6 years old, and Tails the Fox, 5 years old. His uncle takes him and Tails out to what he and his friends will later dub "the play island". The hedgehog and fox have known each other practically their whole lives, and they go to the play island together as often as they can (after all, Sonic’s uncle can't take them all the time).
Aside from the obvious differences in how characters speak and hold themselves, I imagined Sonic running ahead while Tails lags behind around the time he notices Knuckles at the shore. While I imagine Sora did this either because it took a moment to notice or because he was excited he was beating Riku in the race (or a mix of both), Sonic does slow down briefly (when he realizes Tails is no longer running). However, his philosophy is that even though it's "no fun" if Tails isn't trying too, he's not gonna just slow his role or stop the race just cause Tails is moving so slow. Perhaps there's also some part of him who thinks that Tails will pick up the pace if Tails sees him ahead.
Like Riku at this time, Tails wants to become stronger. He wants to be cool and strong like Sonic, and strong like that one person who he heard left for other worlds and found strength there. However, Tails doesn't simply want to be strong like Sonic. He wants to be strong enough to protect the things that matter in the same way Sonic can.
What I'm trying to say is that despite not yet being able to put the words to it or to explain all that he feels and wants to do, Tails is just starting to become frustrated with the state of things. So wanting to be strong and wanting to be like Sonic and admitting he has things he'd like to protect is...only the beginning of his growth.
And so Knuckles bequeaths the keyblade to Tails not only because of the great light he sees within him, but because of his conviction. Tails is only a kid, but Knuckles can see how genuinely serious he is about his wishes to become stronger and to "protect the things that matter". Knuckles cannot only relate, but can respect this.
??? (as Aqua), telling Sonic (as Sora) to take care of Tails.
This is another one I'm not sure will go the same way in the proper au, but I have had semi-vivid imaginings of my Aqua stand in saying something akin to canon Aqua's speech, only for Sonic to be all "Pfff of course I will!" like there's no question he'd stick by Tails and watch out for him and that it's laughable ??? (Aqua) even said that the way they did.
In canon, it was definitely sweet when Sora was like "Of course I like him! He's my best friend!", and I don't doubt that Sonic could admit he likes Tails at this point, but he is still Sonic. Which...pretty much means that he's going to be at least a bit rude in this interaction and not fully take it seriously😂
Meanwhile Tails probably feels nice about Sonic admitting or implying in some form that he likes having him around.
The necklace theory
Because of Sonic and Tails' placements and ages, things cannot just play out as we theorize they do in canon. Or, to elaborate, it's unlikely that the way this would progress in this au would be Sonic crying about shooting stars hitting the islands and Tails proclaiming he'd protect him. Rather, I think I have some ideas drawing from some of Naminé's fake memories.
My main idea is that after a particularly scary thunderstorm (while Sonic and Tails are sleeping over on the play island), the two happen to be present for a meteor shower just afterwards. Tails is still shaken from the thunderstorm, and so Sonic attempts to make him smile (both because Tails is watching something he'd doubtless find beautiful or fascinating usually without any enjoyment, because Tails being sad makes him uncomfortable because he doesn't know how to handle it, and to sort of fill the silence so to speak). He stands up on the paopu tree as the stars fall and begins to talk "what ifs" aloud about the stars.
And so Sonic starts talking about what he'd do if the shooting stars hit the islands, confidently talking about how he'd knock them back and fend them off with his wooden sword. And then as he goes off about what ifs (like "what if the stars were actually spaceships and 'aliens' were to attack", and stuff like that), about how he can defeat anything that comes his way (all showing off and talking himself up), he ends by telling Tails that he doesn't have to worry about anything like that, because he (Sonic) would handle it.
And so Tails (who's begun to calm down and has uttered a laugh a few times over these last minutes), asks Sonic semi-seriously and semi-jokingly what he would do and how he would handle it if shooting stars hit the islands and they began to sink.
To answer, Sonic starts by going off about how it's impossible because (again) he'd totally fend off those shooting stars, but in the impossible and highly unlikely instance this turns out to happen...
Sonic turns his head, shooting a smile down at Tails, as he admits (all matter of factly) that of course Tails would be there.
Even if the islands began to sink, he could trust that Tails would be there to hold onto him, to keep them both above water
This causes Tails to smile too. Perhaps in his heart he's conflicted, emotions both positive and negative and confusing are swirling within his heart, but he knows it makes him happy that Sonic trusts in what is true (that Tails always plans to be there with him, and to do what he can to help him). In this moment, his heart beams, no matter his confusing feelings.
And then, perhaps, as Sonic sleeps and Tails lies awake after the meteor shower, as Tails ruminates on this all, he wishes more than ever that he could be as confident as Sonic was. He wishes more than ever that he could confidently protect Sonic the way Sonic does for him.
He knows that he's not there yet, that he isn't like Sonic, but he makes an oath to them both in the silence of the night.
Sonic knows (or should know by now) of the charm Tails always keeps in his pockets. It was something he's had since he was a young kit, and it's always been his good luck charm. It's importance to him cannot be overstated.
As Sonic sleeps, Tails loops his good luck charm around his neck, clasps it end to end, turns it into a necklace. He makes an oath to become stronger, to become Sonic's equal, to become strong enough to keep Sonic safe also, and he prays that until he can fulfill this oath, his good luck charm may keep Sonic safe for him.
Sonic is confused to find it looped around his neck when he wakes up, but when he expresses his confusion (essentially "why would Tails give me this thing that's so precious to him he wears"), Tails doesn't elaborate much. He only insists that it's a gift, that it's Sonic's now.
And so Sonic (not quite understanding) shrugs. After all, who'd deny a gift like that?
But...what makes this particularly special is that Sonic chooses to keep wearing this charm always. I'd like to think that even when others on the islands growing up try to give him trinkets and bracelets and things, confess their feelings with wearable gifts, or anything like that, he refuses to accept or to use them just to spare someone's feelings. So it means something that he becomes unconcerned with the idea of wearing Tails' special charm and just casually wears it always. I think it means a lot, even if Sonic most likely didn't think too hard about why he would turn wearing the thing into a habit.
Tails gave it to him, it's special to Tails, and Sonic seems to like wearing it, so it’s that simple. What reason would he have to give it back to Tails or throw it away?
The Dark Margin Scene
Tails starts out inherently believing in the good in people, but as he grows up, as he watches, and through the events of kh2, he becomes a bit more cynical (sort of like Nine). He wants to believe that everyone has a glimmer of "goodness" so to speak in them more than he truly believes it. And so though Sonic's sense of freedom, his nonchalance, the way he casually inspires people begins to annoy Tails as he progresses to his worst point during KH1 era, he ultimately is jealous of Sonic. He does admit to Sonic that he's jealous during the dark margin scene.
Not just because Sonic was always cooler, stronger, and just out of reach, but because Sonic can be so carefree in following his heart.
As annoying as it can be and as it was during those past moments, he envies how Sonic is able to take on anything that comes his way even when he seems to not be taking those things seriously. And while not meant to be an insult here, he sometimes envies that Sonic doesn’t quite think very much. He envies the way Sonic can just do things without being trapped in his own head.
Idk honestly I just think a lot about this piece.
I'd like to think that (like with Riku), Tails' desire to have the ability to protect Sonic sort of becomes warped first by his desperation for Sonic to need him to keep him around as a constant, and then warped further during kh1 era as he becomes so desperate to have the strength he desired that he simply needs to prove he's stronger than Sonic. I can definitely see this leading to moments between kh1 and kh2 where Tails does sort of have an act of being better than Sonic in certain moments, so it would be humbling for him to admit here that while there was a time he'd thought himself better than Sonic, ultimately he has always admired and envied him.
The end of DDD
While in canon there are many times Sonic saves Tails, I do think it's funny to imagine Tails saving Sonic in a big way this time around (saving Sonic from becoming a vessel). And while it logically wouldn't go the exact way as in kh canon, I do think it would be cute if Tails is just glad to see Sonic alive but bewildered by Sonic's excitement over him finally being awake. I also just like the thought of DDD/KH3 era Tails finally achieving his goal and filling the role of partner for Sonic rather than side kick
The child of destiny vs the regular kid turned hero
As I mentioned earlier, while he does have natural speed, I did want Sonic and Tails to fit a similar dichotomy to Sora and Riku when thinking up this au. While all in all they're both special in canon, Sonic is very often upheld as this hero who performs feats no one else can, making him stand out against others. And so what I aim to do here (partially for my own amusement) is to present a Sonic who is just a kid who has his own talents. Sure he's admired and he's faster than the bulk of his peers, but he's ultimately just a regular kid. But because he's the guy everyone expects to be a special hero while everyone expects to see Tails by his side as the sidekick, I love the idea of Tails being the one who's not like the other kids (who's possibly a different being they cannot imagine). Even if he doesn't seem like the hero, Tails as the child of destiny, the one projected to be a force of nature one day.
And so I think it hits harder (since Sonic has more "protagonist energy" so to speak) with the reveal that none of these things he gained were meant to be his. Sonic isn't a chosen hero, he just so happened to inherit the keyblade from Tails. He stepped into a hero's role that was likely not designed or destined to be his.
But like with Sora, he doesn't simply have all the things he does only because he inherited it from someone else (the idea of not actually having anything by his own merit), he actually works to grow and become stronger.
Idk something interesting to me about Tails being "the true chosen one" while Sonic is just some kid
Some first meeting musings
The following were some of the first words I wrote for this post:
"Growing up, Tails had always been enamored by Sonic. He'd taken to following the hedgehog around, even as Sonic avoided making connections with anyone else on the islands and tended to run ahead. But then...Tails' presence sort of became an inevitability. Wherever Sonic went, he would follow close behind, one of the only ones ever willing to to keep trying to keep up with him.
And so now they're here. Sonic had never officially said they were friends back then, but Tails liked to believe it anyways. After all, whenever they needed partners in class, Sonic always picked him. Whenever Sonic wanted to go to the play island, he'd take Tails along. Whenever Tails would show up at Sonic's house with some new contraption, Sonic would be excited to see what it did (as long as it wasn't boring of course). He was the only one seemingly allowed to follow Sonic around everywhere, even when the hedgehog was in a particularly bad mood.
So, yeah. Sure, Tails would find out that Sonic could be a jerk, or was a bit vain, but even at Sonic's most bored or annoyed moments, Tails could place solace in the fact that Sonic must consider him something of a friend. He liked his praise and kept no other company but him."
While it would doubtless take some fleshing out and a bit of reworking, I do imagine combining their canonical first meeting with the whole "growing up like normal kids" thing, and I think Tails would already be a bit interested in Sonic to begin with, but I still like the idea of him becoming more enamored after Sonic fends off his bullies.
Sally filling Kairi's role
Just to be clear, it isn't 1 to 1. Sally is going to be more proactive by default, and I don't intend to barely touch upon her existence or to solely make her revolve around Sonic. However, there were a few reasons I originally decided Sally would fill this role.
The first being that I would like to depict a comphet narrative surrounding Sonic and Sally, where they ultimately grow very close, but they're under that societal pressure, believing that the end goal of their relationship can only be as lovers if they intend to still be close, which begins to clash with the reality of the situation. After all of the Sonic media I've consumed, Sally felt to me like the only candidate that Sonic would genuinely like to keep as a close friend, but could still struggle over the true nature of his feelings and the kind of relationship they should have. I can genuinely see him believing he must like her romantically due to their close bond before eventually having to come to the conclusion that he doesn't actually want to change their relationship into a traditionally romantic one. I also feel like she's a good candidate for Tails to become jealous of. I can't really explain why, but I feel this.
The second, but simple set of reasoning is that she is a princess in the canons she appears in and ultimately fancies herself a force of good, so making her the secret princess of heart is funny to me. I also think it will be fun to inflict on her an adversion to change
The third...yeah honestly she was the only female character I felt could fit this position and could be an important person to Sonic growing up while also fitting into my desired narrative
Idk if you can think of a soriku moment I probably stuck Sonic and Tails in those spots and imagined it. Sonic asserting that Tails could never truly hate him or turn against him save me. Sonic and Tails being content just being together, especially now that everyone else is safe save me. Sonic and Tails growing up together as childhood friends save me.
One final idea I came up with for this au that I'll leave you with
As a kid, Tails liked to read stories and fairy-tales of fantastical places, of knights and magic. Of course, everyone wonders what's out there (what other places could possibly exist outside of the islands they grew up on), what one could find if they just set sail one day, but sometimes he'd dreamed he'd be thrust into these types of stories. He'd envied the subject of that local myth (idk somewhere between myth and rumor) who left the islands and found a whole world out there and great strength.
Perhaps Destiny Islands never really felt like home to him—at least, not until he met Sonic. Perhaps, as he grew older and a bit more bitter and he feared losing his place in Sonic's life, he wished again more than anything to leave this place, to see the worlds, and to create a new home with Sonic for the two of them.
I do thank you for the ask, anon! I have more thoughts in me, but I hope what you've seen thus far satisfies you, and I hope to deliver more detailed and solidified concepts at some point in the future that people will enjoy as much as I do😊
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pluralthey · 11 months
hi!! Are your commissions currently open?
hi. they are currently closed and i do not see them opening in the foreseeable future, unfortunately. the closest time frame would probably be around march when my taxes are due
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Hello there! My large Gaza family is filled with love and warmth, and losing them is a tremendous loss. I appreciate your efforts and time in reading my plea. I never expected to find myself in this situation.It is incredibly challenging to navigate these circumstances as an independent woman proud of her financial independence, finding herself in this dire situation.I understand the value of every donation and the effort behind it. I assure you that all funds will be strictly used for the evacuation of my sisters and my parents. I will personally bear any additional expenses incurred.Your support will make a significant difference in alleviating the suffering of my family and ensuring that my sisters and my parents receive the care they urgently need. As time ticking away translates to lives lost in Gaza I'm here and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Don't hesitate to reach out and connect with me
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capn-twitchery · 8 months
Tell me some fun snippets from your brain (not winning at getting them out without invitation but I also want to Know)
OOOH thank you let me see what i've got,,,,here is a definitely incomplete list of incomplete concepts rattling around in my brain that i wanna expand on sometime
backstory stuff for both of them! red honey stuff for twitch i still gotta iron out the details for
& stuff for grace pre-neath which is very vague currently, and i FINALLY figured out why he's doing nemesis--but it's not for himself. it's for a dead guy that he murdered
also wanted to do an interactive story from grace's pov of the aftermath of the ship ending up in the neath & the search to find help, slowly losing crew along the way (tragically Or murderously) up to when twitch bails him out
evolution gripped me by the brain and i really wanna clink twitch against the second sacristan (as Enemies of some kind) but i gotta figure out where i'm going there. you can definitely get a bad ending AU out of it but i'm not sure what else!!
speaking of bad endings, sending grace to the grand geode to get Dawnpilled >:3c he ends up there in canon anyway (and gets out before he ends up as a sequencer) but both would be fun to explore
i have some wips for this already but some ideas for the SSea officers on twitch's crew, their dynamics, their history with twitch, etc etc. there has to be some drama there, i can't imagine murdering and resurrecting the navigator for purely selfish reasons does nothing to the crew dynamics
i also have about 100 unorganised snippets of dialogue or mini comics in my head,, most of them are just silly goofy things based on me trying to figure out wtf grace and twitch have going on
their first meeting(s), feelings about developing crushes (horrified, mostly), overdramatic arguments bc neither of them can verbalise their feelings if it kills them, twitch being a goddamn weirdo, but also cuter things. because i am nothing if not a hurt/comfort fan 😌
(i hope this was even semi understandable to anyone other than me!! i am notorious for never pinning my ideas down. thank you for asking me to ramble it is Always appreciated♥︎)
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dare0451 · 10 months
are you still an anarchist
yes! not sure who you are or why you care, but yes, im an anarchocommunist.
i assume this is about the company i keep, but frankly i find tankie vs anarchist discourse deeply exhausting and counterproductive. our political project is the same up until the 90% mark.
i think that the state is a tool useless for all purposes sans cruelty, and that all hierarchical orgs, no matter how honorable their founding members, will inevitably fall over generations and regime changes into only defending their own self-interests rather than any ideals that state stood for when it came to power. i think any dreams of a long lasting, functional, good-to-its-people state is a pipe dream
but, like, i dont have to only affiliate with people who agree, dude. anarchists and tankies both seek the collapse of the american imperialist project and all it entails. we're allies in this, and letting ourselves fall into petty squabbles is giving in to the will of our oppressors.
i dream and drool for the day my interests and the interests of my tankie friends no longer align, but that day aint today, and wont come within our lifetimes unless we collaborate to make it so.
that good enough for you, babe?
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polaroidcats · 10 months
Friend... please enlighten us.
What does a part Veela/part house elf character look like? (And you can't just say 'Remus'.) 🤣
Hi friend I'm so glad you asked!! See it all started when veela Lyall Lupin fell in love with house elf rights activist Hope Wolfiewolf (free houself), and they had a beautiful baby boy!! Because his beauty is hard to describe I made you a very scientifically accurate drawing, hope this helps! I'll be happy to answer any and all further questions or provide more drawings, now that I am also finally also a professional wolfstar fanartist!!!
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I cheated and my answer is totally still Remus Lupin, just in picture form hehe
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
🧠 Lang-zhangmen? Or Shuangfeng?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
i'll do both
lang-zhangmen likes to fish in their spare time. now, the sect knows this, but no one has ever seen this nor admitted to seeing this. they talk about fishing to their personal disciples, sometimes the dinners have fresh catches of the day, and the time that yan xichao was 'fishing' was from word-of-mouth of various fishing techniques as apparently mentioned by lang-zhangmen over the years. however, no one catches them fishing because they use their typically done-up looks as a distraction so when they dress down, they just look like a random elder of the sect (they have a second 'identity' but only their peers know enough to confirm).
shuangfeng kids, as you can imagine, are fucking relentless when it comes to roasting their own. like most canto kids being left to their own devices (more or less), they have an extensive list of nicknames for each other and notable people that the sect encounters.
an example that has happened within the last few months of the qishan wen discussion conference is of an older disciple with surname lan, or laan in cantonese (not 'blue' like the gusu lan, but 'orchid' lan).
kid is a known party boy, and i think i've already hinted that shuangfeng doesn't care as long as you don't proverbially shit where you eat. but he finally goes on a bender so bad that he is the spiritual originator of The Hangover, xianxia version, which has him vehemently swear in the middle of heaven's court peak to "QUIT EVERYTHING. I ABSTAIN FROM EVERYTHING". and he does, and practically forces himself to be like a monk. vegetarian and shit.
now, the cantonese word for 'to abstain/to quit' is gaai.
after legendary laan's adventure and officially quitting while he was ahead, everyone now calls him 'gaai laan', which is at least two-fold pun and can be reached for three.
戒蘭 'gaai laan' for his renouncing of all partying, 芥蘭 'gaai laan' as a homophone for chinese broccoli and mocking him for becoming like a real monk, and a subcategory of taunt for him fucking around before bc a unit vegetable [一]條菜 [nei] tiu coi is a derogatory way of referencing someone's girl. their hoe, essentially
and with all canto nicknames i know of, they eventually act like actual titles for that person rather than a way to poke fun at them. we'll never learn disciple laan's full name, sadly
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I Do Think. And I think this is where AraSawa and MineDai could diverge in a way.
Because with a question like that, I think Mine is genuinely oblivious, and perhaps at the time not fully aware or willing to admit to himself certain Truths.
I can't quite tell Exactly Why the question caught him off guard that badly, but I don't think it really occurred to him that it kind of sounded like Daigo was interested in him, because he was hung up on being asked about his personal life at all.
I especially don't think it did because, well, Daigo takes him to the middle of the hotel district and tells him he wants some action, right. Most people would catch on to the implication but Mine's just like "oh like at the batting center :)?" And even Daigo seems dumbfounded here, like that's not at all the answer he was expecting.
I don't even care if it's the brainworms, I genuinely think he was planning to send Mine up to a hotel room for one reason or another (either propositioning him directly or proposing idk a threesome/foursome) and it didn't work out because Mine is too dense to pick up on that kind of thing.
And with Jo, like how Mine was all Mine.exe Stopped Responding, I think we'd also get to see a variation of Sawashiro.exe Stopped Responding. But it wouldn't be for the same reasons. Because it's like, maybe Mine doesn't know, but Jo knows and doesn't know what to do with it. Mine's え? is to express genuine confusion, but Jo's え? is to buy time to put up a dozen psyche locks.
daigo talking with mine it's like. he's not used to a man being seemingly so genuinely interested in him, never mind that man being his superior (who insists mine doesnt treat him like his superior tonight and even insists he call him something more personal) who wants to be his equal and so he doesn't catch on to the Evident advances because isn't that a bit forward? isn't that a bit much? mine hasn't done anything to warrant that kind of attention yet has he.......
and then arakawa talking to jo it's just
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inscryptions · 9 months
On the desk in Alhaitham’s office laid a book wrapped in a turquoise silk ribbon. The bow that tied it held something long and slender. Beside them, there was a plain white envelope with a leaf tucked partially into it.
Hello, dear Alhaitham! I must say getting chosen to find a gift for the Acting-Grand-Sage-re-turned-Scribe is truly an honor – you must be someone reliable and respected indeed. Still, it did leave me in quite a pickle: whatever could I give you that you don’t already have? I’m not well-versed in the world of scientific literature, as I much prefer to engage in artistic styles. I have, however, found this old book written in long-obsolete Mondstadtian. As a Haravatat graduate, I’m sure you have no problems with its modern version – here’s to me hoping this will prove to be more of a challenge to decipher. The contents also seem to be focused on the topic of linguistics of that time… so, about a millennium and a half ago? Maybe closer to two? Perhaps this book should actually be put in a museum at this point. In any case, I’m sure that with you it’ll be in good hands. I imagine such an intellectual as yourself must have penned a few papers on his own account. Ah, but if writing doesn’t strike your fancy, I suppose you could also use it as a… sophisticated bookmark. This quill is that of a gorgeous, however quite rare, bird I have encountered on one of my recent travels. It was actually rather hard to convince her to give it to me, haha! I hope it serves you well. May the wind guide you, Venti
The parcel on my desk piques my interest; not many would go out of their way to give me anything other than applications and forms thanks to the nature of my job. Then again, it's the winter holiday season, and as gifts are part of the traditions inherent in this time of year, I suppose it's not so farfetched for someone to offer me such a thing. The question, however, remains: who could have delivered this to me? I raise an eyebrow as I study the package before slipping the envelope open and reading the letter.
... Whoever this "Venti" is is very well-informed and well-traveled, given by the nature of his letter and the foreign leaf that lays on my desk. Well-connected, too, to have acquired an original copy of a treatise on the ancient Mond language, or a Mondstadter (more likely, what with the familiarity used in conjunction with the Anemo nation). Undoing the ribbon and setting the quill aside for the moment, I pick up the book and open it, paging through it with a delicate touch. All things considered, it's in lovely condition, so likely a part of a personal collection, perhaps Venti's own. The thought and care made with this selection makes me smile a little, and this is only half the gift. I force myself to skim through the book, as much as I itch to dive right into translating it and then digging into its content, and find myself satisfied with the challenge it presents. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this Venti knows me very well even though I've never met such a person. Intriguing...
Eventually, I set the book down and pick up the quill. The colors go perfectly with my attire, clearly denoting it my possession; the feather outright gleams in the lamplight. AndーI examine the gears, brushing against them with my finger and widening my eyes when they turn. Bookmark nothing, this is going to get mileage what with all the meetings I attend. It's certainly a better method of keeping my fingers occupied when I have nothing to write, in any case. I test the quill out with the ink at my desk, jotting down my signature and reveling in how smooth the nib is against the parchment. High quality indeed, my benefactor certainly has a keen eye for presents.
Actually, that inspires an idea for the perfect first work for this quill...
(Logic dictates, of course, that the appropriate response to highly appreciated gifts is to thank the sender.)
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rainyscans · 10 months
i’m pretty sure i’ve sent an anon a year or two ago but either way, you’ve kept this blog running still and i’m so glad ((: i’m also amazed for all the hard work and dedication you’ve poured over it
Oh my, why thank you so much for sticking around!!
It's a wonderful outlet for my obsession, so I'm always glad to hear it brings others joy too!!
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