#understood properly
sea-buns · 2 months
it wasn't that long ago that i was in a high school math class and yet my eyes have never glazed over faster. i was good at math. i enjoy math. you want the fucking train question? in two minutes? omg i didn't know you were so funny haha
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
btw monkey man was a blast, but specifically there's a scene where mr dev patel is working out and a group of hijra women are watching him and i was thinking "no, they'd be cheering and hollering, this is unrealistic" and then he takes his shirt off and the cheering and hollering begins and i was satisfied
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azpher-omega · 2 years
Floaty shoulders are attached by a muscular sling, perhaps there could be something like a back-sternum that they hang from?
Hmm, maybe! Their shoulderblades already come from an extension of their vertebrae (their topmost process?) which would really be the only place a 'sternum' would be able to come from evolutionarily (they have a whole history! Hope I can model it all someday 👀).
It's possible though, if it came from different vertebrae to where the shoulderblades came (which sounds more reasonable) or split from the shoulderblades (sounds odd but worth exploring, its previous connection vestigialised but maybe it didn't) either way though, unless its still connected to the vertebrae (in which having a bone straight through your body sounds inconvenient... if it broke that'd be so lethal on your innards) it would also be floating. Though, hmm. I suppose having a rib or two connect to it wouldn't reduce the room for the lungs too much.
Since I've only modelled the bones I'd imagine theres lots of opportunity for muscles/cartillage/etc supporting it by connecting to the ribs, maybe even the neck, since it still feels way too unprotected, so I might give it neck ribs, which could also support it, maybe.
It's a work in progress! Thanks for suggesting and making me think about it :]
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nopanamaman · 1 year
constantly pondering how katya would text it haunts my every moment. bc she SEEMS like the type to like. idk. type like she’s chronically online. BUT SHES NOT CHRONICALLY ONLINE IM PRETTY SURE theres no REASON she would be it makes ZERO SENSE. so i was like fuck would his 13 year old type with like actual grammar in casual texts thats horrifying. but the MORE i think about it how much would the zone even bother to teach i remember it being siad somewhere they were taught to read (i dunno about writing? i dont recall and im too lazy to check) but like. would they be taught actual like perfect grammar. how much would they even have to read to like actually get a grasp on how words r spelled. since mainly u figure out how their spelled through seeing and idont know if inhumane experiment zones have books for those subjects to read.
i assume not? either way, id assume she’d have been taught the basics, like punctuation and capital letters but probably not the intricacies of it and she wouldnt like. know how typing online works and how people dontlike proper grammar so now im imagining proper punctuation and capitalization from some hyper barely a teenager who cant spell half the words shes typing and i cant get over it.
please help my suffering how does kt type
you're asking the real questions anon
let's start with the fact that the facility wouldn't want to give its residents access to social media, and the list of websites they can visit in computer rooms is strictly curated. so Katya having any awareness of zoomerspeak or Internet slang is highly unlikely
she also isn't especially well read or educated, so her regular speech - and ESPECIALLY her written speech - is anything but grammatically correct. or rather, her speech sounds fine, but her punctuation and spelling are abysmal. Katya also absolutely butchers more complicated words, but tries to use them regardless because they are fancy.
and lots of emojis. Lots of em.
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my-drama-heart2406 · 3 months
Okay so I'm watching Flex x Cop right now. And I finally watched episode 11.
(and I came straight to Tumblr to correct the misunderstanding the subtitles seem to have created.)
I know Disney+ subtitles are bad (let's not even talk about the disaster that is the subtitles for Moving). I know they are bad. But c'mon😫 atleast the easy things should be subtitled correctly.
So ep 11 has the famous scene that's everywhere right now. Isoo and Ganghyun in the villa of the cult leader.
So Isoo's subs go: "Everyone's worried about you. And I'm also your friend. Aren't I?" (This is wrong)
And Ganghyun doesn't reply. And everyone, everywhere is like, "Oh! Why didn't she reply?!?! She clearly trusts him, but he's not her friend?!?!?!"
Except Isoo never says that "Aren't I your friend?"
He says, with his hands on his chest, "Geurom Naneun? Naneun?!"
The correct translation would be(and this is actually romantic): "Then what about me? What about me?!"
See they are very close at this point. And they always move together on any case. Even though Junyoung and Ganghyun have been friends since a very long time, Isoo was the only one who knew that Ganghyun had gone away on a 'temple stay'. Ganghyun took him to her secret spot where she goes when she had a lot to think about. Isoo was the only one who knew where to find her when she was tensed about the case. Isoo thanked her because she basically gave him a place where he belonged by trusting him and not kicking him out. She can tell what next reckless thing he's planning with one look at his face. They go to work together. They have coffee together. They talk about food. This is more than romance. Familiarity. They trust each other completely now. Imagine what Isoo's going through if Ganghyun is not around. He never asks if he's her friend. That basically undeniably evident at this point.
So his lines actually go...
"You don't trust anyone, do you? Everyone's worried about you?... Then what about me? What about me?!"
And Ganghyun stays silent and stares at him because she doesn't have an answer to that. And Isoo stares back with that sad pouty face he makes. To which Ganghyun says, "that's enough".
But then she tells him to send pics to Junoung. Not for him to take it himself. Which means that she's ready for him to stay here with her...
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queenlucythevaliant · 3 months
Also for the record, the whole White Witch-enchanted food thing still would have worked regardless of when the story was set. Kids like sweets, especially magic ones that symbolize temptation. The WW2 sugar rationing is not the pivotal element here
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violentviolette · 9 months
honestly real talk tho the longer and longer i have been really deeply involved with cluster b pd stuff the more i really do believe that the entire catagory needs to be dissolved, reevaluated, and remade. we need to radically change how we view and speak about these symptoms
i used to criticize the dsm6's decision to do just that, and dont get me wrong i still do think the new model needs work, but the current one we have is fundimentally broken and useless. getting diagnosed (or diagnosing urself) with a current cluster b pd is at this point actively harmful to ur own mental health and thats just unnacceptable.
no one knows what they're talking about, no one understands the criteria, no one can agree on the criteria, or understands the history of it, the cultural misinformation is too widespread and great to be properly divorced from it at this point and is infact leeching into practice to do irreparable harm to people, people treat them like hogwarts house identities, theyre not helpful for understanding core underlying disordered thought processes or unpacking where they come from, all 4 catagories are steeped in huge amounts of ableism, sanism, racism, and misogyny, new studies and meta data and long term case studies show most of our understanding is misguided, its really and truly just a mess and its doing more harm than good at this point
and like yea, some of that is because people are stupid and ignorant and dont want to learn and so it'll always be an issue, but when its at *this* scale its a foundational problem. because at the end of the day these diagnosis only exist to help people articulate their experience so they can be heard and get the help and support they need, and so if they arent doing that and the catagories are only making it HARDER for people to be properly understood then they're functionally useless
like at some point i think we gotta conceed that the problem isnt that absolutely everyone is just stupid and that if people are constantly disagreeing about basic criteria and tenants of a disorder, then the problem is the foundational understanding and it should be reevaluated. because peoples lived experiences and their emotions and their distress is whats actually tangibly real and its the catagories we use to explain that experience that is socially constructed and therefore should change
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ellalalala · 3 months
It never occurred to me how misunderstood Dottore is until I started analyzing him myself. Discovering that people hate Dottore because of some severe misunderstandings was actually just sad. Though it's even worse because the Sumeru archon quests told us pretty much everything we need to know about him and yet people can't look past the "he experimented on people!!" part.
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hauntswitch · 2 years
It's all well and good for the twitter people to say that they are going to attempt to make musk lose money like the tumblr/yahoo situation, but the fundamental issue there is that to be able to do such a thing, it would require the people that tweet to stop tweeting. This is a problem because twitter people LOVE to tweet
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i just want to emphasise how crazy it is that samdean don’t need or even really want (at times) any external relationship outside of each other. developing different kinds of human relationships with different people is a huge part of growing as a person. and they just-don’t. even when they have the choice and chance to do so-they just choose not to. they really fulfill each other’s every need and that is so. it’s so sick how insular they are and even more so, in some ways, how content they are in that.
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rx-aysgl · 5 months
Tumblr media
türko park headcanons
this is might be the most painfully turkish contribution to the sp fandom
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thechangeling · 2 years
I think what bothers me about the "if an autistic person does something that bothers you or makes you uncomfortable you can't complain or else you're ableist" argument is that autistic people do plenty of things that hurt and offend other autistics as well and telling us to basically just suck it up kind of feels like we've circled back around into ableism.
Like sure sometimes people just accuse us of being creepy and we're literally just vibing or being honest, or communicating in a way that feels natural to us and not realizing how ot might come across, but that doesn't mean people can't be like "I'm not ok with that" and choose to not want to be around you.
I don't think it's respectability politics to acknowledge that there are some things that people naturally do that piss other people off or make them uncomfortable autistic or not, and everyone should have the right to walk away when they want.
It's also incredibly infantilizing and coddling to act like autistics are incapable of learning how to not cross personal boundaries and learn that No means No when told so. Like so many times I was harassed by autistic boys as a young autistic "girl" and my teachers and EAs were like "oh he's autistic he can't help it."
Meanwhile my autistic lesbian ass was HYPER aware of my interactions with other people, especially girls always trying my absolute hardest not to do anything to make them uncomfortable to the point where I would sacrifice my own comfort for the sake of others. Obviously neither of these is a good option, the ideal is probably somewhere in the middle. But the point is it is possible to teach us these things, these lessons just aren't being taught to certain types of autistics (ie mainly white cishet boys) because society seems to be fine with them exerting control over the rest of us and then using autism as an excuse if anyone complains.
This isn't me being like fuck autistic men btw. I have autistic men in my family and in my life who I love and respect. I think this issue as a whole comes from societal ableism and gender essentialism.
So yeah, there's nuance.
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mightymizora · 8 months
*whispers* Orin was doing a great job, actually, and Gortash and Ketheric were just intimidated by her.
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oregaymi · 1 month
Turkish is so hard man
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sonik-kun · 11 months
I do find it interesting that JC antis have the nerve to call us "fake JC fans" and accuse us of mischaractersing him when it is them who fail to understand him as a character.
A true fan, as they claim to be, would look at things from JC's pov and come to understand why he made those decisions and understand his feelings on things that he had little information to go from in the first place.
To say we disregard his "bad" qualities is completely untrue, too. Every JC fan I know acknowledges that he is flawed, just like WWX and LWJ are really. But they are all qualities that we love about him because being morally grey is what makes him human and interesting.
His moral greyness has never been disregarded by us. It has merely been explained and understood because it is important to look at things from all perspectives, rather than just the MC's in order to understand and properly appreciate the story.
Jiang Cheng is flawed. But as a human we can relate to his emotions, his reactions to things and how he became the person he is because a true fan would put themselves in his shoes in order to understand that.
To claim JC is bad through and through with no redeeming qualities in him is factually incorrect because it excludes all his good qualities that have been both explicitly and inexplicitly put there by the author for you to pick up on.
In ignoring them, you are doing MXTX's work a disservice.
If you want to talk about irredeemable characters, there are plenty others in the novel whose actions can never be justified.
Jin Guangshan, for example, was a character I immediately simped for thanks to his gorgeous Donghua design ✨️. But I understood completely that he was a vile, irredeemable person with not an ounce of goodness in him.
I also loved Wen Chao and Wen Ruohan and found their arc to be thoroughly amusing throughout. But again, I understood that there was no justifying their actions, as I'm sure many other JC fans would agree.
As much as I love these characters and consider myself a fan of them, I appreciate that there is no good bone in their body. They had no reason other than pure, evil intent to do what they did. There were no other nuances to it compared to the likes of JC and JGY, whose actions can be both sympathised and understood.
These characters were the TRUE villains, and it is perhaps them you should be focusing on in your metas if you want to discuss purely evil and irredeemable characters in your work.
To claim that all JC fans have no reading comprehension or any understanding of morals is a silly thing to accuse us of when you know full well that we don't give the likes of WRH and JGS the same treatment as we do JC.
Anyone who says JC is evil and irredeemable yet still claims to love and "stan" him is not a true fan in my eyes and completely misunderstood the character altogether. Sorry.
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elenadoeslife · 9 days
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