#underutilizing characters
captainlynxx · 5 months
Can we talk about the fact Tosh had a little brother? And he’s just completely ignored in every way.
He’s been mentioned twice, ever. The first time is in the big finish audio ‘Torchwood_cascade_CDRIP.tor’ when the virus accused Tosh of abandoning him which properly pissed her off.
The second time was in a deleted scene in ‘Captain Jack Harkness’ (thank you shooting scripts) where she is talking Tim. She asks how old he is and he says 18. Tosh responds by saying ‘same age as my little brother… I hardly ever see him.’
What we can work out from this is that Tosh’s brother was born around 1989/1990 and, seeing as the audio is set before Gwen joined torchwood, we know he died before then. On the wiki, it says he died before Tosh joined Torchwood. Even though, unless I’m misinterpreting it, the CJH deleted scene makes it seem like he’s still alive.
That is literally every piece of information on Tosh’s brother that we have though. I don’t know why I actually care but the shooting scripts have made me realise how many things were cut that could’ve led to these great storylines. I think they need to utilise the character in some way.
Note: if he would’ve been 18 in CJH and died before Tosh joined Torchwood then he would’ve been only about 14 when he died which is absolutely horrible :D
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undertalethingems · 23 days
How do you think Sans reacts to Papyrus’s death during the runs?
If you mean in the base game, uh... we kinda already know? If Papyrus is killed, Sans doesn't show up again until the final corridor, where he'll ask "if you have some sort of special power, isn't it your responsibility to do the right thing?"
If you answer yes (that you do have that responsibility), then he responds, without eyelights or sound font, "Then why'd you kill my brother?"
And if you answer no (you aren't responsible), you get "well, that's your viewpoint. i won't judge you for it.... You dirty brother killer."
There's also the line of description you get if you go on to have a concert with Shyren after killing Papyrus: "A hooded figure watches the commotion from afar." It replaces the line that mentions Sans selling toilet paper tickets to your concert, and of course, of all the characters with hoods in the game, he's the one who would be most concerned with tracking your actions after killing Papyrus. So, it makes the most sense to infer that this hooded figure is Sans.
So his reactions, to me at least, suggest that not only is he heartbroken, he's furious with you. But Sans isn't one for direct confrontations and shouting like Undyne is, so he watches, and I think he still tries to understand why you'd do something so horrible. But that doesn't stop him from being angry because there's no excuse for killing his brother, but sparing other monsters, that he can fathom.
I'm personally not a fan of depictions of Sans sobbing over Papyrus' dusty scarf--he just doesn't strike me as a guy whose first reaction is to cry. For my understanding of him, it makes more sense for him to go numb, initially, then save his anger for his parting shot in the last corridor. No matter what you answer, Sans gets the last word in, and it's always to remind you that you did not have to kill his brother.
So uh, yeah. that's what I think.
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pocketseizure · 21 days
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Mineru concept art
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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I was looking back through some concept art, and this particular picture on the wall caught my eye:
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Here we have Mario and Luigi (pre-stache, probably in middle school) in front of the statue of liberty, with Luigi holding Mario in a playful headlock while Mario looks annoyed.
This got me thinking about how, despite being the most anxious of the two brothers, Luigi is shown as the most prone to prodding and teasing his sibling.
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This is such a testament to how completely safe and at home he feels around Mario. I mean, even with other members of his family Luigi tries to be as agreeable and unintrusive as possible to the point that he can barely get a bite to eat at the dinner table.
But with Mario he can be truly himself: a little mischievous, a little annoying, and very physically affectionate.
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seasononesam · 3 months
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My job is boring, it’s frustrating. You work three years for one break, and then maybe you can save ... a few people. Maybe. That’s the payoff. I’ve been busting my ass for 15 years to nail a handful of guys and all this while, there’s something off in the corner so big. So yeah… sign me up for that big, frosty mug of wasting my damn life.
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saltedbutter0 · 2 months
“i let you kill octavian” brother you said you wanted to snipe him
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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ckret2 · 27 days
What are your thoughts on Aro!Mabel
I respect the urge to diversify the pool of aro rep by claiming a hopeless romantic & matchmaker as one of our own—goodness knows we need a break from the only aro rep being characters who hate and/or don't understand love. And I can see how you could argue that her crushes we see in canon aren't necessarily driven by romantic attraction.
But it doesn't personally do anything for me. I feel like she feels romantic attraction. At most I could see "allosexual aro who wants to get married to her bestest bestie that she feels like is her soulmate and because of that she comes close enough to fitting the amatonormative expectation that she never even notices she's aro."
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sing-me-under · 3 months
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parachutingkitten · 7 months
Hey, ninjago fandom, you watched ducktales 2017 yet?
You should really watch ducktales 2017. Good stuff. Animated show where color coded children go on adventures with old man. It's your genre. You'd like it.
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homolobotomized · 1 month
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so there's this manhwa... 😁
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g3othermal3scapism · 4 months
When asked the question, “If you had to get rid of one study group member, who would it be?” if you pick Shirley… you’re the weakest link and I hate you. Yes it’s personal
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gravelsong · 4 months
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wherearetherobots · 5 months
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Been thinking about Silver lately.... And just how much he deserves better.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
You know, I've been thinking. The stars in our world often look quite dim, especially in areas where there is light pollution. Suddenly, I'm imagining that in the Imposter!AU, the Creator looks at the stars at night, captivated by their brilliance. Perhaps Scaramouche or Mona (Whichever you prefer, you may also just write another character you think fits this scenario :D) find them. The Creator looks at them, then back at the stars.
"They're very lovely, you know? The stars never shine this brightly back home. It's a lovely sight..."
They smile. "I'm happy that I'm able to see them, even if it's in another world. I appreciate you letting me look at them before I die."
Perhaps the character takes pause... And sits next to them.
It's a lovely night.
in the stars
word count: ~1k
-> warnings: violence, blood, both of those in your future so technically you’re not hurt yet, not written for mona mains, sorry, didn’t work with the plot :/ also diona/klee/qiqi/nahida/sayu mains are on thin ice with this one. questionable plot. barely edited.
-> lowercase intended
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie
< masterlist >
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the stars never lie.
mona clutches her catalyst to her chest, wide eyes turned to the sky. she whispers to them, hoping they’ll change, shift into something she’ll understand, anything.
they don’t.
her head lowers, inspecting the book. thrilling tales, the spine reads, the cover a simplified dragon with a sword through it. she tries to read into it, to try and pick apart the motives behind the weapon, but all it returns is a simple needlepoint.
a compass. one she’d followed ever since she caved into the pull on her catalyst, one she’d followed out of the city at dusk and into the plains, hiking up starsnatch cliff at its behest. her twin tails had lost some of their curl on the journey, her hat flopping sadly. it was late, later than she’d normally be awake, and she stumbled once on a rock before quickly catching herself, checking to make sure you hadn’t moved.
you, sat at the peak of the cliff. you, surrounded by cecelias, face turned to the stars. you, who turned at her short cry.
“are you alright?”
she couldn’t bring her hands to shift her catalyst into its attack position. her hands, free from their usual gloves, dug into the cover of the book, shaking both with the chill of night and with… she couldn’t tell, couldn’t pin whether it was fear or nervousness, or something else that blurred the line between panic and excitement.
“just fine, thank you.”
her voice was harsher than it should have been. she could tell you were being genuine, the way the water in the air shaped around you like it wanted to cling made that clear enough, the stars shining down on you as if you were the only being on the planet.
the stars never lie. so why were they saying you meant no harm?
you turned back to the stars, your hands shifting back to weave into the grass between the cecelias.
"they’re very lovely tonight. the stars, i mean. they never shine this brightly back home….” against her better judgement, mona glanced up. the sky was particularly clear, constellations shining down unhindered. “it’s a beautiful sight.”
orders from the knights echoed in mona’s head, orders extended from a god she’d never met. she knew the knights wholeheartedly meant what they said, truly believing the words they were told, but you…
hesitantly, she brought her hand in a circle in front of her, scrying for your constellation. you didn’t have one, unsurprisingly, and she relaxed slightly in the knowledge that you didn’t have a vision.. still, there was something strange about the empty space where yours would have been. swapping the sigils and rotating the outer edge, mona decided to read your future.
all the air was sucked from her lungs, the images depicted in the water making her mouth dry. the water warped and bubbled a dark color, as if it itself hated to show what it did.
you were on your knees, tight steel chains wrapped around you and latched onto hooks in whatever you were sitting on. in front of you stood the favored, the creator’s most prized, their weapon drawn. their form was taught with anger, nearly seething. it was strange, so uncharacteristic that it froze the astrologist in place for a moment.
no matter how fiery the disposition, vessels of yours were calmer after being wished upon, heart stiller for being by your side. they, the most prominent on your team of them all, should be at most handling such a severe situation with a tick in their jaw and quiet fury in their eyes, not…
she watched with sick horror as the favored attacks once, your chest caving once, twice with hitched attempts at breathing before you slumped over, blood trickling from your neck. the favored stepped back, weapon dismissed, and mona closed the illusion before it played any further. she hadn’t meant to look all the way to your death, only a few-
…only a few hours.
her hands shake where they’re still clasped in front of her, the remains of her scrying circle swirling in her palms. you didn’t even have a day.
she let the water fall, sending it towards the cecelias around you, willing them to stand brighter as she approached. she couldn’t bring herself to summon her catalyst, not now that she knew what your fate held.
the grass was damp beneath her, seeping slightly into her nightclothes. you didn’t say anything, simply passing her a flower that you had been twirling in your palms. she willed it to heal, restored the color to its petals and the strength to its stem, then passed it back. she had no use for it, not when you…
you chuckled as you took it, staring down at it for a moment before turning skyward once more. mona followed your eyes up, spotting a well known constellation directly above you. nearly perfectly straight up, glowing like a beacon, was the constellation of the favored, six stars making themselves prominent against the dotted sea of night.
“beautiful, isn’t it?”
she swallowed, eyes flicking down to you. you were still watching the stars, probably tracing the shape of the constellation above you. unknowing of what it spelled for your fate, unknowing of the warning written above you.
mona settled into the grass a little more, taking her hat off her head so it wouldn’t fall when she looked up again.
“indeed, it is.”
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dailykugisaki · 6 months
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Day 166 | id in alt
When you wanna say something but the person you wanna speak to has his fucked up kids with him so you don't.
(to explain this thing, I personally believe if Tengen was to try and face-to-face speak to somebody she'd take some of their cursed energy to do so. It's a way to not expend so much of her own while not being around the tree, and because cursed energy is linked to strong emotions. Some may hallucinate a figure that has left a mark on them in Tengen's stead.💥💥)
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