#undrafted fluff
deanscroissant · 1 year
yearning for your love (pat murray x gender!neutral reader)
requested by: @lizardaddams
a/n: i’m literally so sorry that this took me since FEBRUARY to finish?? but honestly thank you for understanding why it took so long. anywho, i hope whoever reads this enjoys it!
requests are closed
warnings: cussing, fluff
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Studying abroad was one of the best experiences of your life. You were majoring in Language Studies in Barcelona to become a Translator & Interpreter. You have a passion for traveling, so you figured going that route was your best choice. But your boyfriend (Mr. 'Uptight' Pat Murray) was concerned about you going abroad. You two had been dating for a year, and when you decided to study abroad for the summer, Pat was devastated. He was sick to his stomach when you told him. He was furious at first, but when you explained to him how important this was for you, he changed his heart.
The day you left was emotional--especially for your family, friends, and Pat. Maintaining a distance relationship for three months while balancing school was hard for you. But somehow, you two were still going strong. It made your relationship more robust than ever.
It was now August, and classes ended in two days. You had just finished your last exam for the semester and couldn't wait to jump back on the plane to see your loved ones. Your friends and family knew you were returning today, but Pat was out of the loop. He knew you weren't coming back until the end of the month. You begged everyone not to tell him anything because you wanted to surprise him at the game. Pat talked about this game for the past couple of weeks and wants you here today to hear your voice in the crowd cheering him and his team on. The guys were also disappointed that you couldn't make it to be their cheerleader. Your support always gave him the most incredible luck (as he would say), but he or the team weren't doing so hot without you here. He texted you that a few minutes after you got off the plane. He tried to be discreet because the guys didn't know you were dating. It wasn't like you two were hiding it from them. You just felt there was no need to unless someone asked you if you were in a relationship. With Pat, he doesn't let anyone know his business unless he's cool with them. He'll tell the guys or whenever you decide to say it to them.
While waiting for your reply, Pat was daydreaming on his phone when Vinnie popped up behind his shoulder, startling the redhead. "The fuck, Vinnie?!"
"Who are you texting there, bud?" He asked before reaching to grab his phone but failed when Pat snatched it away before he could. "Piss off, Vin." He sneered, rolling his eyes as he put his phone back in his sports bag.
"Now you know I can't do that, Pat." Vinnie pouted jokingly, sitting down next to him. "Are you cheating on me?"
Pat tried to ignore Vinnie by focusing on the game, but when he glanced back at him, he cracked a smile. Vinnie hollered excitedly at the action, glad he could still make his friend smile at his shenanigans. As Vinnie walked away to annoy someone else, Pat turned his attention back to the bleachers to find you, only to feel another hit of sadness--forgetting that you were on the other side of the world. He was getting ready to grab his phone again when Ty returned to the dugout. "Murray, you're up!"
It felt like you would never make it to his game, which was pissing you off as time passed. You were waiting for your taxi to show up. Your parents had called one for you an hour ago, but you gave them hell once they showed up late. You weren't usually this rude and cranky, but only having one meal and 2 hours of sleep made you this way. Plane rides made you extremely nervous, especially how you were going to surprise Pat. But that plan was ruined when you just knew there wouldn't be any time left to do so.
You wanted to fight the cab driver once he got to the field. However, it was apparent that the game had ended, and the D-Backs had won. You threw your faire on the front seat and grabbed your things before hastily leaving the car. Searching the crowd for Pat, you instantly spotted him. He was so happy that it made you smile and forget about the hell you went through the past few hours. Unfortunately, you didn't realize Pat's dad was standing beside you to greet you. You kind of just blocked him out, and without thinking, you hopped over the fence and booked it toward him. "PAT!" you shouted.
He was hugging Zapata as you were getting closer. His voice was astronomically loud, and you could hear his conversation, "I'm sorry I threw that so hard! I could have really hurt you!" but he stopped talking when he saw you approaching. He immediately shoved Zapata off him and ran to you, "Y/N!"
Once you two got close, you leaped onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist. Pat wrapped his arms around your waist, buried his face into your neck, and held you tight to him, caressing your head, back, and anywhere his hands could touch you. "Long time no see, honey." He said softly into your ear. You promised you were going to melt even faster in the blazing heat. They both had waited for this moment for so long and hoped that you wouldn't be separated like this again.
"I missed you so much, baby," you said once you pulled away to look at what you would call a beautiful face. Instead, you grabbed it between your hands and smashed your lips into his.
Palacco and Tree just so happened to turn around when they saw you two being intimate, which shocked the hell out of them. "Oh my..." Palacco gasped and looked at Tree, who had the same reaction. "Pat and Y/n are dating?!" Tree exclaimed.
Vinnie jumped and hooted before turning to Ty with his hand out, "Pay up, loser!"
Dells' eyebrows furrowed while watching you two. "How in the hell did we miss that?"
"I don't know," Ty said through gritted teeth as he handed Vinnie his last few bucks from his pocket. "But I'm going to murder them both!"
The guys agreed with Ty and marched over to you and Pat. You two were already laughing since you were the only one who could see them and told Pat what they were saying (because you're an expert at reading lips). You're going to have a ball listening to them harassing you both with a bunch of questions.
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ttsuckzs · 4 months
Hiya I'm Tia and heres some things about me!
•Age: 19
•Pronouns: Any :)
•Fav shows rn: Teen Titans Go, The Pacific, South Park, Big mouth, Adventure Time, DBZ, Steven universe
•Fav movies rn: BohRhap, Wooly boys, Undrafted, The Bench warmers, Napoleon Dynamite, Super bad, Juno, All the Marvel movies because their a bop 🌺🥀
•Fav games: Mario Kart, The legend of Zelda, Sonic
•Fav songs rn: Highschool sweethearts, Strawberry shortcake, Copy cat, Keep yourself alive, Hit em up, DARE, Christmas Kids
•Fav singers/Bands rn: Gorillaz, the Beatles, Queen, TV girl, Melanie Martinez, 2pac, Eminem, The lonely island
•Request are opened!
•i write Smut, Fluff, Angst
•i will not write Child X adult, Family member X family member
That is all so far nice to meet y'all 👍
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rossmccallsqueen · 6 years
Offense and Defense (Pat Murray Imagine)
Summary: You’re playing short stop for the D-backs this summer, and the other teams in the league aren’t too thrilled. But Pat always has your back...
Word count: 2K
Warnings: Fluff and looooots of swearing (Yall know pat okay)
Requested: kind of! @radio-rhapsody sent an ask into my wife @borhap-socials and I thought i would write this. Hope this is what you wanted! “I was thinking it’s the next season and the D-Backs are back with Maz as their coach. They need a new shortstop and get Y/N. The other teams always use the fact that Y/N is a girl to verbally attack her n distract her during games n Pat gets mad and comes to her defense and they become close n stuff and end up dating”
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Another summer, another summer league. Somehow Pat convinced you to fill in as their shortstop. Ty was off coaching baseball camps for kids for the summer, so Mazz had taken over as a coach for the time being. This meant they were a person short, so Pat said that you should fill in. Somehow you got talked into it more and more, and here there were.
Practices were hard, but you loved them. You always outran Barone which drove him crazy, but Zapata and Pat always cheered you on. The fact that you were the only girl on the team didn’t bother anyone, in fact, Garvey always said that them better as a team.
After a couple of hours of running drills, Mazz finally told everyone to come in for a huddle. He ended every practice this way, thinking it would motivate everyone a little more.
“Alright, guys, the first game of the season tomorrow. I know you’re all ready, even you David.”
“Really?” David looked very excited that Mazz complimented him.
“I do. You’re gonna do great as well Y/N. One of the best shortstops I’ve ever seen. The other team won’t even know what hit them.” Garvey and Pat both gave you a reassuring tap on the shoulder. You saw Pat smile at you out of the corner of your eye, and you smiled back at him. It was fun flirting with him when no one else knew.
“We got this guys, I know it. Now, whos up for some dinner?” Mazz yelled, and you’d never seen a group of guys get so excited before. Mazz made it a tradition that you all went out to dinner the night before a game as a team bonding activity and you swore the guys never got excited about anything unless food (or a win) was involved.
Sometimes it was nice being the only girl on a team full of guys, it meant you always had an army to back you up. You got in the car with Pat, and Vinnie and Palacco got in the backseat. You usually gave them rides home, so they rode to dinner with you as well.
After you got to the restaurant, you could tell everyone was starving. You were pretty sure Dells ordered two entrees, but you weren’t gonna tell him no. Mazz always said whatever helped him get in the right mindset for a game, he could have/do. Palacco and Barone were arguing over something new at dinner like they always did. It was never anything serious, but they both enjoyed being right.
“What in the world are you two arguing about now?” You had no idea why you were asking this question, you were a little worried about the answer.
“Who has the best ass on the team.” Barone said matter-of-factly.
“What? Its true. I said me, but Palacco said you Y/N.”
“SHE DOES. AND SHES THE NICEST PERSON. THEREFORE SHE WINS END OF STORY.” You knew you liked Palacco for a reason. He was slowly becoming one of your good friends, and now he may be your best friend.
“Well I’m gonna have to say I agree with Ryan on this one.” You said, and he gave you a high five. Barone was clearly not amused you didn’t agree with him.
“What are you guys talking about?” Pat asked when he sat back down.
“Who has the best ass on the team. Palacco said me, and I agreed.”
“YOU TALKING ABOUT MY GIRL PALACCO?!” Pat basically yelled. It was the first time Pat had said it out loud. Of course everyone knew you liked each other, but you’d never confirmed anything. As far as anyone knew, the two of you were just friends. Pat had been protective of you from the start. You found yourself hanging out with him the most, and soon enough you were staying at his house and cuddling every night. Of course, the team didn’t know this, but what the team didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
“Your girl huh Murray?” You hit Pat’s leg under the table.
“She’s just my best friend okay. I’m protective.”
“Whatever you say dude.” Barone smirked.
You rubbed his arm and told him it was a good thing, and he calmed down. Pat was just very protective of you, and you expected that to increase with games actually starting now. He loved that you could be on his team, but he had told you he was worried about what other teams would say. But he always wanted to protect you, no matter what.
“Don’t look at the door.” You heard Mazz say. And of course, when told not to do something, you usually do it anyway.
As you turned around to face the door, the team you were playing in your first game tomorrow walked through the door. Of all the restaurants in town, they walked into the same one as your team.
“Would you look at that? Its little Mazzy and his bitches.” One of them said, and you thought you saw actual steam come out of Botch’s ears.
“Oh they actually do have a bitch with them now! What’s she play guys? Cheerleader?” Another one commented. You automatically put your arm across Pat to keep him from actually jumping across the table and attacking the guy. You didn’t want to stoop to their level. They didn’t know anything about you or your team.
“We’ll see you tomorrow.” Mazz stood up and said. He didn’t sit back down until they started walking away. You had never seen Mazz so ready for a fight before.
“THEY CAN’T FUCKING SAY THAT TO YOU Y/N WHAT THE FUCK.” Pat started going off too. The two of them were almost unstoppable together.
“Dells you know what isn’t the answer. We can prove it by winning.” You told him.
“But he insulted you! They don’t even know you!” Zapata also spoke up in your defense.
“Y/N is right. Once we win tomorrow, they’ll shut up.” Mazz seemed to be the calming voice for everyone, but Zapata and Garvey looked like they wanted to go punch them for the rest of the evening. After you dropped Vinnie and Palacco off at home, Pat reached over and grabbed your hand as he drove.
“I’m proud of you for staying calm tonight.” You told him, bringing his hand up to your mouth so you could kiss it.
“You helped. I make no promises about tomorrow though.” Pat smiled.
“Patrick no! Or no kisses for you after the game.”
“Oh just kisses huh?” You hit his arm playfully and helped him carry all your gear inside. Soon enough you were cuddled up with Pat in bed, watching some late night tv show. He wouldn’t let you leave his side, so you ended up falling asleep like that. You could tell he was nervous, and you were too. Honestly, you just wanted to make everyone on the team proud, and you really wanted to win. You just felt like you had to prove something.
The next morning Pat made breakfast for the two of you, and you got ready early. Pat was gonna help you practice a little before the other team got there.
“How much do you guys wanna bet Palacco is gonna be late?” Garvey asked when more of the team started to show up. You’d been practicing with Pat for a little bit and you felt ready.
“He’s an 8th year junior, that is kind of his thing.” Botch said, and you laughed. “At least Y/N thinks I’m funny.”
“I always got you Botch.” And he gave you a fist bump. Fans slowly started to show up, and the nerves started setting in. Once the other team arrived, they got even worse. Mazz could tell, as no one was really talking and was sat down on the bench.
“Come on guys we can do this! We’re ready. Don’t let them get to you. I wanna see smart at bats okay? Don’t swing at anything you can’t hit. These guys won’t know what hit them.” You sat up and you knew he was right. He started reading off the lineup, and you were 7th at bat.
At the end of the first inning, it was 1-0, D-backs. Of course, Mazz had hit a home run, and the team went wild. The other team had not stopped taunting everyone the whole time, and you knew it would be your turn sooner or later. You weren’t going to let it get to you, you told yourself. The second inning starting, and the other team was up at bat.
“Your bitch isn’t playing very well now is she?” The batter yelled.
“WE’RE GOOD, YOU’RE BAD, WE’RE GOOD, YOU’RE BAD, WE’RE GOOD, YOU’RE BAD.” The other team’s dugout was going nuts. Dell’s still hadn’t thrown a pitch.
“You sure you got this little girl?” The batter did not know how to shut his mouth.
“HEY SHUT THE HELL UP.” You heard Pat yell from the outfield.
“What? Can’t hear you over how much your girl sucks.”
“OH LETS GO.” And as you turned around you saw Pat running towards the dude at full speed. Dells dropped the ball and Vinne started running after him to catch him. Pat was running so fast for this dude and you knew he wasn’t going to hold back. You were actually a little worried, you didn’t want Pat to get kicked out of the game.
Zapata, Garvey, and Palacco tried to stand in front and block him, and thankfully Dells held him back. But that didn’t stop him from yelling.
“Did Pat just say Y/N was his girlfriend?” You heard David ask. Well crap.
“Yup he said it again.” Mazz said after Pat continued yelling that you were his girlfriend. Mazz signaled to bring him into the dugout for a minute. “TIME PLEASE.” He yelled so they could have a couple of minutes.
“Pat, man, you need to calm down.” Vinnie told him.
“But they’re insulting my girlfriend!” He tried to get back up, but Dells pushed him back onto the bench.
“Okay we can talk about THAT later, but for right now we need to play this game.” Mazz motioned for you and you sat down next to him. You placed your hand on his and you already felt him relax. You gave him a quick kiss, and you knew he would be fine.
“I know you want to be protective, but don’t fight anyone for me okay? We can win this on our own.” You told him. Pat nodded, squeezing your hand. The team just watched in amazement, no one had ever been able to calm him down that fast.
“No wonder you two have gotten so close!” Garvey finally said.
“NOT NOW GARVEY.” Mazz said under his breath. Once Mazz knew everyone was good to play he yelled “NOW LETS GO WHOOP SOME ASS.” And you knew you’d be having the conversation about you and Pat later with the entire team. But that was okay, and Pat smiled at you one more time. You would go on to win the game 5-3, and there was nothing better than walking out with Pat carrying you on his shoulders and sticking your tongue out at the other team. It was really the little things sometimes.
Taglist for this imagine: @joey-mazzello @that-fandom-sucks-tho @dancing-deacon @xtrashmammalstefx @radio-rhapsody
Permanent taglist: @jiswoogannon  @borhap-socials @aussienerdgirl @im-justatrashcan @one-thousandlies @fatbottomedcurls @imamazzellhoe @tichtaylor @goodoldfashionrogerboy @rogerina-deacon @punkgeekchic @super-hereos-are-my-life @sohoneyspreadyourwings
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Never have regrets; Joe Mazzello x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well here I have another Secret Santa gift. As a part of the Get Down Give Joy giveaway I would like to present @stewielover95​ with your fic. Yes dear I am your secret Santa. I really hope you like this fic in the end, I struggled with it at first but then I finally had a good direction to go with it. Anyways I also want to thank @warriorteam1924​ and @thosequeenboys​ for creating this splendid give away, after the LONG AND HELLISH year that 2020 has given us, it was very sweet of them to create this little give away to brighten up our holiday spirit (esp. since we can’t really see our families this year. Even if you can, PLEASE BE SAFE!!!). Now I’ll stop typing so that you all can start reading, hope everyone enjoys this lovely little fic with our beloved dino boy Joey Mazzello :) 
Warnings: Joe’s chaotic child behavior (MAY CAUSE CAVITIES), fluff, parental angst, parent death, mentions of suicide, a small very subtle HINT of COVID (word isn’t mentioned but still think I should give warning), 
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I was peacefully sleeping.  After working long hours at my job I wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed all day and sleep until lunchtime.
“Hey baby~” Joey’s voice cooed in my ear.  I felt him kiss my cheek and I let out a tired groan. “Good morning.”
“Joey!” I whined. “Go back to sleep.”
“No. The sun’s awake, so I’m awake. Which means we have to snuggle and make out.” I cracked an eye open and looked up at him.  His auburn hair all messed up from his constant tossing and turning that he does in his sleep.
“We’ll make out when the rooster crows.”
“But babe there aren’t any roosters in New York.”
“Exactly.” He faux a gasp as he collapsed back on the bed.
“How could you? And I thought you loved me?! I knew it. You’re only in it for the money! Or the childhood fame crush! Or was it for Ben? It was for Ben wasn’t it! I knew you two were having an affair behind my back!” god he was such a drama queen.  But he was my drama queen.
“Yes we’ve been sneaking in text messages behind your back.” I teased him.
“Okay that’s it!” I then felt him wriggle himself under the covers and I felt myself go from my stomach to my back in a split second.
“Joseph Francis Mazzello III! What the f—NO AHHH NO DOHOHOHN’T! DON’T TICKLE ME!!” I thrashed around trying to get him off of me but he had me pinned right down to the bed.
“You gonna get up now?” I heard him say from under the covers.
“JOHOHOHOE!!!” I screamed out in laughter. “Plehehehehease!”
“No not until you either say you’re gonna wake up. Or until I hear an apology.” Then I heard the dreaded sound and feeling of his deadly raspberries being blown on my stomach, just an inch over my bellybutton.  And it was even worse now that he was growing out his beard.
“Okay! OK! OK! OK! OKAY STOP! I surrender! I surrender!” his head soon peaked out from the covers as his face was just a few inches away from mine.  His shit-eating grin spread across his face, while his eyes twinkled with that same mischievous spark that made me fall in love with him. “I hate you.” I whined.
“Aww and I hate you too.” He moved closer to my lips and kissed me. “I hate you—so much.” His voice lowered down as he deepened the kiss. I felt his hands cup the sides of my face while my arms wrapped around him.
My right-hand stroking through his already messy hair while my left wrapped around his back.  After what felt like an eternal make out session, we finally separated from each other and stared at one another.
“Alright you have my attention Joey.”
“Yay!” he cheered softly. “But in all seriousness, we need to get up. We promised my mom that we’d help with the Christmas decorations.”
“Okay. Now get off me yah goober so that we can help her.” He got off of me and I sat up but I was quickly pulled back onto the bed, laying against Joe’s chest.  Him grinning smugly at me as he kissed me on the lips.
“Sorry, had to get my morning kiss from you.”
“And the morning make out session wasn’t enough for you?”
“Morning make outs and morning kisses are two completely different things.” He told me in that philosophical tone of his.  You know the one you use to make yourself sound smarter.
“Ahh I see. Well thank you Professor Mazzello on explaining the differences between the two.”
“That’s Dr. Mazzello to you. But you are most welcome. Anything for my best student.” I pecked his nose and got back up but found myself being pulled back again towards Joe.
“Sorry, sorry I couldn’t resist. Okay for real this time, go on. I’m right behind you.”
“Why don’t you go first and I’ll be right behind you?” I suggested.  He sighed and pulled the covers off of us and went to sit up but this time I grabbed his hand and pulled him back onto the bed.  I pecked his lips before taking off out of the room.
We both raced down the stairs and towards the living room when I felt Joey catch me in his arms, pick me up and spin me around.  Laughing manically while he did it.  I myself couldn’t help but giggle when a female voice said.
“Ah-uh Joseph! No horse playing in the house.”
“Sorry mom.” He said as he sat me down.
“Sorry about that mama.” I said.
You see, Joe and I had been dating for practically ten years. We actually met through our good friend Rami way back when we were all on the Pacific.  I was part of the costume department, and I was Rami’s assistant costumer.  So whenever he got into Snafu’s character of course he tried to flirt with me and I’d play along off of his character telling him he didn’t have a chance.
Between takes the three of us became thick as thieves and kept in contact.  Then one day when we were all on break, Rami set Joe and I up to meet at the beach so that the two of us could talk to each other.  At the time of filming, Joe and I had been really shy around each other and we both liked each other (of course neither of us had the guts to say it to the other).
But after spending our break at the beach together that’s when Joe made the first I love you confession and—the rest is history as they say. When the three of us reunited for Bohemian Rhapsody and got to know Ben, Lucy, Allen, and Gwilym, our little family had now grown bigger.  And it was after filming a concert scene in Japan (with some help from the actual Queen band themselves) that Joe (yes still dressed as early 70’s John Deacon) proposed to me.
So for 2 years he and I had been married.  Of course like all couples we have our fights and disagreements but in the end we patch through them and not let it run our lives. Oh and I almost forgot, since I had been so close with the Mazzello family throughout our entire relationship, I had the privilege to call Joe’s parents, my parents even before we got married.
“I swear you both remind me of—” that’s when mom trailed off sadly as she looked down.  Joe and I grew sad too as we thought about his dad.
“We miss him too mom. God I—I can’t believe this will be our 3rd Christmas without him.” Joe said as he walked towards his mom and gave him a hug.
“As much as I wish he could be here with us, he wouldn’t want us to be sad on his favorite holiday.” She told us.  She took a deep breath in and cleaned her eyes of her hidden tears. “There now, I’ve got breakfast all ready for you two. Once you’re done, Joseph, I want you to bring in the Christmas boxes from the garage and set them in the living room. (Y/n), you and I will get the Christmas decorations from the attic.”
“Ma’am yes ma’am!” We both saluted.  We went to the kitchen and ate our breakfast.  After that we went to our stations and helped Mama Mazzello with the Christmas decorating.
It took almost all day but we came to a pretty good stopping place today decorating wise.  We put up some of the minor Christmas displays up all over the house (like small animal plushies, Christmas pictures of the Mazzello family throughout the years, etc.) Joe managed to get all the outdoor decorations set up and displayed, and mama and I set up the Christmas placemats on the tables.
It was now a bit past 5pm and it was pitch black outside. Joey and I were cuddled together on the sofa and I looked out the window and shook my head.
“I still can’t get over the fact that it gets dark at freakin 4o’clock now.”
“I know it’s crazy. My mom’s never liked it, have yah mom?”
“Oh it messes up my schedule everytime!” Mom cried out from the kitchen as she was prepping dinner.  “Hey (Y/n) are your mom and Derek still coming to the party?”
“Yeah. They said they’d be taking the train from Virginia instead of the plane. I think they said they’d be coming up sometime next Wednesday. I’ll call them later tonight to confirm that.”
“Alright well I’ll get the guest room set up for them.”
“You know you don’t need to do that.”
“Nonsense you guys are family. And it’ll be a lot safer here at the house than taking a hotel room with everything that’s going on.” She said.
“Yeah that is true. Thanks mama.”
“Okay well come and make a plate you two, dinner’s ready.” We stood up and got our dinner (steak and potatoes) and ate at the dinner table while playing on Freeform’s 25 days of Christmas was the Santa Clause.
Weeks later and it was the day before the Mazzello Christmas party and arriving in less than an hour was my mom and Derek.  If your curious as to why I call my dad Derek, well he’s not really my dad. He’s my stepdad but I really do care for him.
He and my mom met up shortly after I graduated from high school after my parents divorced.  My real dad and I…well—we don’t talk at all.  Our relationship is very strained so why don’t we just leave it at that?  But when my mom met Derek, he’s been the father I wished I had.
He’s loving, supportive, kind, funny, and he’s always there whenever my mom or I needed him.  He was there for me when Joe and I were going through a bad patch in our relationship, he was there for all my birthdays and movie premieres, and he was even the one to walk me down the aisle at mine and Joe’s wedding.
I was doing the last final touches of cleaning up the house for my mom and Derek’s arrival, as well as Joe’s siblings, nieces, and nephews. I heard the door open and a stampede of footsteps soon came running towards me.
“Auntie (Y/n)! Auntie (Y/n)!” I was soon glomped by 4 little nuggets.
“Hey there kiddies. Oh I’ve missed you four soo much! How have you all been?”
“I lost another tooth see?” Joe’s niece Samantha said opening her mouth to show me her missing tooth.
“I learned how to ride my bike!” his nephew Matthew aka Matty exclaimed.
“Oh big boy now huh? Bet you were better than your uncle Joey was.”
“I heard that!” Joe called out.  He along with this brother and sister came through the living room and I hugged my brother and sister in laws.
“Hey guys Merry Christmas.” I greeted them.
“Merry Christmas (Y/n).” his sister Mary said as she and I hugged each other first.
“Even though Christmas isn’t until tomorrow.” His brother John said.
“Okay Scrooge. Get over here John.” He gave me a kiss to my cheek and the two of us embraced each other. “Joe’s told me about your little league’s championship win. That’s amazing.”
“Yeah those kids did me proud.”
“You know if you could convince Joe and (Y/n) to hurry up with getting kids of their own, they might give you some new champions.” A female voice soon spoke up.  Soon coming around the corner of the house along with Mama was my own mom as well as Derek.
“Mom!” I whined.
“Now, now (m/n) don’t go pressuring her just yet. There’s still plenty of time for her and Joe to have kids. Say when their 50.” I chuckled and shook my head at Derek’s statement.  I walked up to them and first hugged my mom.
“Did you guys have a safe train ride?” I asked.
“It went well. Much less crowded than I expected.”
“That’s cause you’ve always done the Metro mom. Metro and train are two totally different things.” I told her.  I turned to Derek and he said with a smile as he extended his arms out.
“Come here baby girl.” I smiled and went into his arms and the two of us hugged each other. “Don’t just wait till the holidays to come see us. How will your mother and I survive?”
“I’m sorry Derek, work’s just been crazy lately. Directors have been wanting me to do costume designing and fittings for them left and right.” I said as we released each other from the hug.
“And why wouldn’t they? You’re incredibly talented.” Joe said as he came up and quickly pecked my cheek.
“He’s right. I remember you staying up way past your curfew designing costumes for your tech theatre class back in high school.” Derek continued. “And all those times of drawing on napkins and the corners of the morning paper. I swear you doodled sketches like it was no one’s business.”
“You stayed up pass curfew?” my mother snapped.
“Thanks a lot Derek.” I muttered angrily.
“Hey had to come out sometime right?” I playfully nudged him and said to my mom.
“That’s in the past mom. No need to talk about it now.”
“Oh you can be sure we’ll discuss that later little missy.” She lectured as she waved her finger at me.
“Alright, now the rooms have all been prepared for you all in advance. Mary, John you’ll take your old rooms. (M/n) and Derek the guest room has been made up for you all and of course the kids get the cloud bedroom.” The kids all cheered. “Now everyone drop your bags off in your designated rooms and we can all gather around the table for some dinner.”
I helped mom with her bags and guided her and Derek to the guest room while Joe went to help his mom set up the table for dinner.
“So when can we expect future grandbabies from you and Joe (n/n)?” my mom asked.
“If you keep pestering me about that then you won’t have any grandbabies.” I teased her as we came to the room.  “Here we are, I cleaned it up myself. Hope you guys will be comfortable.”
“It’s great (y/n). Thank you.” Derek assured me.
“Tell Virginia we’ll be down in a moment once we’re finished unpacking.” My mom said.  I nodded then left the two of them to unpack their stuff.
As I came down the stairs, I already saw Joe being attacked by all his nieces and nephews.  The kids were climbing all over him like a tree, all of them talking over the other and squealing like little piglets.  
God seeing Joe with those kids it—really did make me want to have kids with him.  He’s already a fun uncle, I’m positive he’d make a great dad.  Probably spoil our kids to no end but—he could be the discipliner if he needed to.
“Ow! Who’s on the head?!” Joe exclaimed.  I shook my head at his nephew Matty who had half of his body on top of Joe’s head.
“Alright you kids break it up.” I told the kids as I grabbed Matty and held him in my arms.
“Auntie (Y/n), will you sing for us tomorrow at the party like you did last year?” He asked me.
“You bet she’ll sing for you kids. And hey how about we do one better. How would you kids like it if your auntie (Y/n) and I performed together?” Joe asked joyously.  But the kids all let out a groan.
“No uncle Joey you can’t sing!” complained Sammy.
“Excuse me?!” Joe gawked offensively.
“Yeah uncle Joey, you don’t have that good of a singing voice.” Matty agreed.
“And too loud sometimes.” His other niece Katie or as I like to call her Kitty-cat said.
“My own kin turned against me. That’s it you three are in BIG trouble. C’mere!” he went to grab his nieces who quickly ran off his lap and hid behind me.
“Save us auntie (Y/n)!” the girls chorused out.  I shielded the three of them and stood before Joe as his face got right up close to mine.
“You know we could team up and catch them together.”
“I don’t betray kids Joe.”
“So—they’ve turned you too. Fine. I’ll take you down first.” Suddenly he picked me up over his shoulder and proceeded to spin me around and around like a helicopter.
“JOEY!!” I exclaimed through my laughter.
“Then surrender the kids to me or the spinning continues.” He threatened.
“Well then this game’s gonna have to be put on hold cause it’s time for dinner.” Joe’s mom spoke up.  The kids all raced to the dinner table while Joe put me back down. I stumbled a little but he caught me and asked.
“You okay?”
“I’ll live. Just next time don’t spin me around so fast.” I kissed the corner of his lips before heading towards the sinner table with Joe right behind me.  Soon enough we all gathered around and had ourselves a pre-Christmas family dinner.
Soon it finally arrived.  The most wonderful time of the year, Christmas eve.  All the gifts were now placed under the tree wrapped up in various Christmas themed wrappings or color schemes of silver, red, gold, and green. Now it was really beginning to look like Christmas.
“Alright guys, as per tradition we shall start off with (Y/n);s annual Christmas performance.” Mama Mazzello said.  I stood up from Joe’s lap as everyone applauded.
Derek at the speakers ready for my signal for him to turn the first song on.  I nodded and he clicked the play button and soon my first song (in fact the very first song I ever sang back when I was a teen for my family) Faith Hill’s “Where are you Christmas”.
It’s also my mom’s favorite song and every year since I sang it back when it came out in 2000 she’s wanted me to sing it just for her. As I sang I could see the tears forming in my mom’s eyes as a wide smile spread across her face and she lip synched the words.  The kids all stared at me in awe, and my beloved Joe Mazzello he was entranced.
He’s always teased me of how I should be a singer instead of a costume designer and back when we were both involved with Bohemian Rhapsody he’s sworn that he’d get me up on stage with Queen and Adam Lambert to sing with them. Thankfully that hasn’t happened (and I hope it continues that way) so Joe’s just had be do private concerts for him.
After the song was done they all clapped as I told Derek my next song and helped him search the right version of the song.
“This one right here?” he asked to confirm.
“Yep that’s the one.” I told him.  I turned back towards the family and now playing on the speakers was Carrie Underwood’s “Do you hear what I hear?” I fingered the piano chords against my thigh, pretending that I was actually playing the keys (even though I can’t play to save my ass, even with Rami’s help).
That song required a lot of breath work and correct timing but I managed to pull it off and once the song concluded everyone clapped again. This time for the final song, I took out two chairs and set them before everyone.
Joe took this as his cue to come up and help me set up the finale song, especially since he was going to be joining me on it this year. We had been practicing this since November, he wrote the script and everything and we rehearsed it and rehearsed it and rehearsed it.
“For this final song I first want to thank my director and partner Joe Mazzello for writing the script for this little skit you will see.” Joe nodded as he came in with two cups of hot chocolate (his being made of almond milk of course).  The two of us sat side by side and Joe clapped his hands together and said.
“And…..action!” I took a sip of my hot chocolate and said my first line.
“I still can’t believe you can finally drink hot chocolate.”
“Hey almond milk saves lives.” He said his line.
“Personally, I’d never drink that stuff but so long as it helps you. I’m glad I could share this tradition with you.”
“Me too babe.” My phone then dinged and I said.
“Oh my god!”
“What? What is it babe?”
“It’s already pass midnight. My mother’s gonna kill me!”
“Whoa, whoa wait a minute. Don’t tell me you’re going out there!” he said as we both stood up and he gestured toward the window.
“I have to Joey. Even if it’s 20ft of snow out there, it’s nothing compared to the wrath of a mother who doesn’t like their baby staying out past curfew.” I broke the 4th wall and turned to my mom who crossed her arms and looked at me with a playful scowl.
“C’mon just give her a call and explain it to her. It’s way too cold out there for you. I won’t let you freeze out there.” Derek then turned on the song “Baby it’s cold outside” the Seth McFarlane and Sara Bareilles version.
The two of us walking in circles of each other with me trying to head out of the living room and Joe coming around in front of me singing Seth’s part while I sang Sara’s.
Every now and then he’d take my hands in his and giving them a kiss.  Or he’d brush a strand of hair out from my face, gingerly brushing my cheek with the back of his finger.  But just as we got to the end of the first verse, there was a knock at the door.
Joe and I stopped singing as Derek cut off the music and we all turned our attention to the door.
“Mom is—anyone else coming?” asked Mary.
“No.” she simply stated.  Four more knocks rang through the house.  The kids were started to get frightened as they ran up to their parents.
“I’ll find out who it is.” Said Mary’s husband Dylan.
“No, no, no. You just stay with your kids Dylan. I’ll go see who it is.” Derek offered as he left the living room.  After about a minute my mom followed behind him and the next thing I heard was my mom saying.
“What are you doing here!?” it—it couldn’t be.  I raced out of the living room as Joe tried to reach out for me and stop me but he was too late.  I came around and walked down the small hallway staircase that led to the front door and there at the door was someone I hoped I’d never see again.
For there standing at the door in his famed fedora hat was my dad.
He looked older than the last time I saw him, his hair going grey from the stress and wrinkles forming at the end of his eyes.
“I know I don’t have a right to be here, but……”
“That’s right you don’t!” I snapped.  My mom and Derek looked up at me.
“(Y/n) go back upstairs. Derek and I can handle this.” My mom told me.
“(Y/n)?” my dad asked in awe.  I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “Wow look—look at you. You’re……practically grown up.”
“Yeah.” I snapped shortly. “You’d know if you’d pay attention instead of just criticizing me all the time.”
“I know. I……that’s actually why I came here.”
“How did you even know we’d be here (F/n)?” my mom asked.
“Well as part of the NYPD I’ve been—keeping tabs on our daughter. And found out who she married and where she was currently living at.”
“You’ve been spying on me!? Great even when you’re no longer apart of this family you still have to spy on everything I do!” I snapped. “So have you come to complain about my husband now? How I should’ve married a doctor or a cop? How I’ve thrown my life away by marrying an actor?”
“No.” he said. “I haven’t come to do anything like that. I just…..”
“No you know what? Let me start off since you never listened to me then, but you’ll hear me now!”
I walked down the steps and even though my mother tried to get me to go back upstairs, I got out of her arms and got right in my dad’s face and sneered at him.
“For years I’ve tried to be the perfect daughter you said you wanted! And for my childhood I tried to follow in your footsteps. But as I became a preteen you began to nitpick at everything! The color of my hair, what type of clothes I should wear, how I should wear my makeup, you even didn’t like the fact that I wanted to get my ears pierced! Said it was for criminals and goth kids to get their bodies pierced. You called me a delinquent!”
“I-I-I know I did. But now I’m……”
“It doesn’t matter what you have or want to say. The verbal abuse you gave me throughout my life has been nothing but a stab at my self-esteem. I tried to commit suicide by the time I was 16 because of you! You did that!”
“I’m sorry (Y/n).”
“Where was the sorry back then? Where was it? All you told me after I got back from the hospital was that it was my fault for disobeying you.” I once again got in his face and sneered lowly, “So whatever you have to say forget it.”
I turned around and walked up the steps.  As I got halfway up my dad tried to say to me.
“(Y/n) please. I’m trying to make amends for that now. I know I’ve done and said awful things to you in the past. And looking back on it, it’s made me feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I’m your father, please forgive me.  It’s Christmas time.” I lowered my head before turning my head towards him.
“Derek’s my father. Now get the fuck out of my life.” I said lowly to him while I glared at him.  I ran back up the stairs and headed right towards Joe’s room.  I slammed the door and hid myself in the corner of his room, curled myself up into a tight ball, and tried to keep my tears at bay but every now and then a tear fell from the corner of my eye.
I heard the door open and softly shut.  The bed softly dipped down; and the familiar smell of Joe’s cologne hung in the air.
“Please Joe I—I’m not in the mood.”
“I know. That’s not why I came up here though.” I felt him rub my back in soothing circles. “Baby girl, I—I think you should really talk to your dad.” I raised my head up at him, my jaw dropped in shock and my eyes bug-eyed.
“You can’t be serious.”
“C’mon babe it’s Christmas…..”
“So?! I already spoke my mind to him!”
“No. You ranted in anger. You’re not supposed to be angry or any other negative emotion during Christmas.”
“Joe you—” I took a sharp breath in. “I’ve told you what he’s done to me. The neglect and verbal abuse he gave me. How am I supposed to suddenly let it go and forgive him!?”
“I know it’s not easy…..”
“I don’t believe this….you’re actually taking his side!!” I snapped as I backed away from him.
“I’m not! All I’m saying that is if you continue to hate him for the rest of your life, you’ll never be truly happy. Babe please I’m just thinking about what’s best for you.”
Oh my god—it couldn’t be.  He wouldn’t…….
“You called him.”
“What? No!?”
“No. No, no, no, no, no, no, not-it-it-it all makes sense. How else could he pick up this address? That whole detective bullshit you reached out to him and called him up didn’t you!?”
“(Y/n) I—”
“TELL ME THE TRUTH!!” I screamed at him.  Silence rang out through Joe’s childhood room as he and I stared eye to eye with each other.  Not a single one of us flinching or breaking eye contact.
“Even if it was me, as I told you I was only trying to help.”
“How!?” I snapped. “Be thankful your dad died a good man!” At the mention of his dad, Joe’s face grew hard and angry.
“I know. I was lucky. My dad was a kind man, and generous and forgiving. But get this (Y/n), I won’t get to experience that type of father love ever again! And I would give anything to have him back here! To have gotten to know you as my wife instead of my girlfriend! To one day see our children! So be thankful that your father is still alive and healthy!” his voice quivered and choked as his voice got steadily louder.
“Joe, I—”
“All I wanted was for you to make amends with your dad because you never know which day will be your last!” he stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.
Goddamnit! Now I feel like shit.  I sighed heavily and fell down onto the bed and felt the tears stream down my face.
After calming myself down and cleaning myself up, I walked downstairs and there was my mom, Derek, Joe’s mom, and siblings.  The kids weren’t there so I assume Mary and John sent them to bed after what had happened.
“If you’re wondering where Joe is he left. Didn’t say where he went he just—took his coat, hat and scarf and just left.” John said.
“I wasn’t going to ask that.” I walked over to my mom and said. “Where’s (f/n)?”
“Please mom I—just tell me where he went.” I said urgently.
“He told me he was staying at the Milton motel just 15min. away from here.” I raced and grabbed my winter gear and keys.  My mom calling out to me but I didn’t hear her as I got on my bike and took off down the streets.
When I arrived at the Milton, I went up to the front desk and asked to see a (F/n) (l/n), I told the concierge that I was someone close to him. She called him up and told me he’d be down in a minute.
I sat down in the lobby and waited for him to come down.  I heard the elevator ding and soon coming out of it was (F/n).  He turned to his left and when he saw me, his eyes widened.
“(Y/n)?” I stood up.  He slowly walked towards me. “But I thought—”
“First I want to say this before I say something else. You suddenly showing up the way you did was uncalled for. You can’t expect an apology after the years of neglect and verbal abuse you gave me. Even from the smallest little thing about me that I wanted to change, you insulted me to no ends.” I took a deep breath. “And as much as I want to never want anything to do with you again—someone once told me that if I continue to hate you for the rest of my life, I’ll never be truly happy.”
“I’ve looked back on my actions and every day I hate myself for what I’ve done to you. So—will you give me another chance?”
“I won’t forgive you right away and start calling you dad.”
“I’ll take what I can get. Thank you (Y/n).” he extended his hand out for me to take.  For the first time in years I took my dad’s hand and we shook on it.  “Do you want to spend Christmas day with us tomorrow?”
“I’d like that very much. Plus I’d—I’d like to get to know the man that stole your heart.” My eyes widened.
“Joe! Shit I almost forgot! Ohh but where could he be? He could be anywhere!”
“Just a minute (Y/n), let me make a call.” He took out his phone and made a call. “Hey Jeremy, it’s me. Yeah hey listen I know it’s the holidays but I need your tracking skills.” I saw him nod and hum in agreement, “Okay just a second,” he placed the phone down against his shoulder and asked me, “Do you have his number?”
I told him Joe’s number and he relayed that to his friend. Wow I guess he really is a police officer.
“Really? Great. Thanks Jeremy. Yes you have a Merry Christmas too. See you after the New Year. Bye.” He hung up his phone and said. “His cell was last pinged at the Rockefeller Center.” I thanked him and raced out of the motel and back to my bike.  I revved it up and raced on down to Rockefeller Center.
The monument around Christmas time.  I stood before the giant, beautiful tree and raced towards it on foot.  I looked around for Joe till I finally found him on the other side of the two angel statues playing their horns.
“Joe!?” he turned around and looked at me before glaring softly and turned back around.  I raced towards him but he still refused to look at me.  “Joey……I—I talked to him. My dad. And—it’s gonna take some time but I…..I told him I’d give him another chance.” He didn’t respond back, hell he still didn’t even look at me. “I was way out of line. I shouldn’t have accused you like that. I mean, even if you did call him I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I was angry and—those feelings that my dad gave me when I was a kid I’ve tried to bury them for years. And seeing him for the first time in forever it—made me feel like that extremely insecure girl I once was. And I didn’t want you to see me like that.”
Again, he remained silent and stoic.
“And I shouldn’t have mentioned your dad. He wouldn’t have wanted us to fight, especially on his favorite holiday. I’m sorry Joe.” Nothing. Not even a smug Deacy grin. “Joey?” why wasn’t he answering me?
I slowly approached him and everytime I tried to lean forward to look at him, he just turned his head further away from me.
“Joe please? What more do you want me to say? You were right and I was wrong? That Ben should really be with you instead of Gwil? What can I say that will help you say something to me?” he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed at me.
I sighed sadly and looked up at him.  Okay, I get it.  Guess he’s really upset with me and I could possibly expect him to go stay with Rami and Lucy for the next month or so.
“Alright. I get it. You don’t want anything to do with me anymore. I deserve it. I was a real bitch to you. But I just want you to know that I’ll always love you, and that I hope you find the right girl for you. Even if it’s not me.” I turned and walked away from him when I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me up against a comfy coated chest.
“And just what makes you think that I would want anyone else?”
“What?” he gave me a cheeky grin. “Oh you son of a—” I proceeded to hit him in his chest screaming profanities at him.  All the while he kept laughing and holding my arms back.  He then proceeded to peck all over my face with kisses.
Soon my anger turned to laughter as I calmed down and surrendered to his kisses.
“You’re a real jerk sometimes you know that.”
“But you married me in the end right?” I nodded as he once again wrapped his arms around me.  “So you really talked to your dad? Not just yelled at him.”
“Yes. I—even invited him for Christmas lunch tomorrow.”
“Well look at you making progress!” he exclaimed proudly before taking off my beanie and ruffled my hair.  I exclaimed and tried to shoo his hand away from my head.  He chuckled then readjusted my hair to some level of normalcy.  “In all seriousness babe, I’m glad you took my advice.”
“Yeah. I mean like you said, I’ll never truly be happy till I let go of my anger. And I haven’t realized til now just how much that anger has been weighing me down.”
“I could see it every time your dad was even mentioned. I hate seeing you be that angry.” he embraced me from behind, nuzzling his nose into my hair.
“I’m—also sorry about….you know what I said about your dad.” He placed my head over his chest.
“I forgive you. We were both angry and said the first thing that came to mind.”
“But I shouldn’t have spoken ill about your dad. He really was a sweet guy.”
“That he was.” He smiled the smile he inherited from both his parents.
“Like father like son.” I giggled.  He chuckled and took my hand then as we walked back to my bike, we both looked up and saw that snow was starting to fall.
“Well, looks like we’re getting a White Christmas after all.” He said.
“Indeed, just prepare for the avalanche of feet from the munchkin army come morning.”
“Don’t I know it. But you’re also forgetting one other kid.” He looked at me confused. “You yah big man child!”
“Hey you’re just as crazy about snow as I am!” we then proceeded to nag at each other over who was a bigger fan of the snow, even going as far as to see who would crack first tomorrow morning once we’d see the snow on the ground.
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borhap-au · 4 years
Sub!Joe. Testing the waters.
Since you started having sex with Joe, you did it mostly in the missionary position, except those few times when you did it on the bathroom countertop or in the kitchen. The sex was great, you never complained, Joe gave you basically everything you needed, but you had a feeling he wanted to try something else. Yet anytime he got around to suggest a new thing, he backed out, as if he was embarrassed of what he was going to say and always changed the subject. You grew more and more curious, not only because you were interested in what he was hiding, but also because you genuinely wanted to give him the kind of pleasure he needed. So one time when you were sitting on the couch watching TV, you pulled yourself together to start the conversation. You took the remote and turned the TV off, which usually meant you were about to get intimate, so Joey smiled to you and got closer, but you stopped him, leaving him leaning towards you with a surprised face.  
“In a second, okay, honey? I want to talk to you about something” you said looking at him carefully, while he gave you a confused look.
“Is everything okay?” he had to ask to make sure while looking you in the eyes and hoping to see the answers he needed. You nodded and smiled slightly.
“Yeah, yeah, it is. I just wanted to ask you about something” you softly pet his hand and he smiled to you, encouraging you to continue.
“Go on then” he held your hand, having literally no idea what topic you’ve planned to start.
“Um…” you stopped for a few seconds, trying to remember the best way to ask this question that you came up with earlier. “Do you have maybe… Like a sexual fantasy or kink you didn’t tell me about yet? Like something you maybe don’t know if you like, because you never tried it before? Just something you’d like to try out but maybe you’re embarrassed to ask or something like that. I mean, I just want you to know I’m your safe place, and I wouldn’t make fun of you, or make you feel bad about it in any way. I want you to trust me the way I trust you” you smiled slightly to give him assurance and comfort. He looked at you carefully when you were saying all of that and then looked down to considerate what he was about to tell you and slowly nodded his head.
“I have something actually… Um… You know how I’m always on top? Maybe you’d like to change the position sometimes or something like that? Just so you know, we can bring some freshness to our sex life and not go for the routine. Unless you like that and that’s what you’re comfortable with, then it’s completely fine, because I like our sex life and I love you and I think you’re amazing and-“
“Joe, do you want to be submissive?” you interrupted his monologue, because he started going round in circles with his declaration.
“Yes” he said without hesitation, as if he was relieved you suggested that and he didn’t have to say it himself. So you were right, there was something, and he really was embarrassed to admit it. You weren’t surprised, since a lot of men still thought that being submissive is emasculating and that a man should never allow a woman to take the lead in bed, because traditionally it was the other way around. Not that Joe believed in that sexist bullshit, but maybe he was afraid of his friends’ reactions if they ever found out. Men were weird when it came to stuff like that.
“Okay, so we know what to do next” you smiled showing him you’re completely fine with it. He sighed relieved and smiled back. “Do you want to try it out now, or do you need some time?” you asked to make sure.
“Oh, it’s all okay. We can do it now” you nodded and he sat closer to kiss you. You kissed him back, but when his hands began to wonder around your zipper, you stopped him.
“My way, remember?” you smiled and he nodded. You could sense he was thrilled. “Come on, up” you both got up from the couch and you took his hand, leading him to the bedroom. He pet your hand with his thumb and involuntarily bit his lip, unable to hide his excitement.
You made him sit on the bed and sat right next to him, smiling. You helped him take his shirt off, but he didn’t make a move to remove any of your pieces of clothing – he tried to be patient, as he was slowly getting used to the new experience, where he had to wait for your permission. You made him lay down and got on him, softly kissing his chest and assuring him of your affection. You were always tender in bed – you both were. Even at the times when you did it more roughly, the aftercare became more “intense” to make sure you both felt good and comfortable. You would stay longer in each other’s arms, even saying nothing, just petting each other’s bodies and planting soft kisses on one another.
You liked it when you rested your head on his chest and he was breathing heavily, you liked when he was all hot because of you. You liked what you were able to do to him and you loved the fact he allowed you to search the territory even more now.
You kissed him softly and then looked him in the eyes.
“I think we need to set some rules first” he nodded in agreement. “How far can we take this?”
“Well, we will definitely be able to take it much further as we go… But go easy on me the first time, okay? It’s just to test the waters, try things out…” he said quite unsure of how to put his thoughts into words not to make it sound like he doesn’t trust you.
“Don’t worry, it’s just to check this whole thing out. Not to scare you off” you chuckled quietly. He smiled slightly and pet your cheek. “Can I tie your hands?” He smiled wider and nodded. You got up to take one of the ties he hasn’t been using anymore. When you picked it, you came back to bed, this time sitting on Joe. He smiled and held the bars of the bed as you tied his hands down to them. You could sense the excitement building up in him.
You leaned forward to kiss him and he eagerly kissed you back. He intuitively wanted to pet your cheek or the side of your body, but when he moved his hand he immediately understood he won’t be able to do it this time. Instead, he held the bars tighter, waiting with anticipation for your upcoming moves. While you took your kisses lower, to bestow his neck with the sweet presence of your lips, your hands began to unbutton his fly. You took your time with moving forward, teasing Joe with your slow moves. You then slowly began to kiss your way down his chest, as your hands took his trousers off his legs. You threw them away and stopped your kisses on his abdomen, where you continued with a small licks, your wet tongue combining perfectly with the hotness of his skin, as he couldn’t wait for you finally taking proper care of his cock. He raised his head looking at you, and you looked him right in the eyes, with a little smirk wandering on your lips. He felt the pressure slowly building up in his loin just from looking at you being so close to where he wanted you to be the most. But you didn’t plan to give him this satisfaction just yet.
You sat up, and annoyingly slowly took your shirt off. You then put it away and began wandering with your fingers around his chest, as if you were painting something on it. You were distracting him, changing his focus all the time, not letting him stick to just one thing at a time. You softly stroke his nipples and moves your hands down to his stomach, slightly tickling him. You then finally gifted him the view of your breasts, when you removed your brassiere. He smiled seeing them, but then again, he was not able to touch them. You raised your brow, smirking. You knew what he wanted.
You placed your legs on each side of him and leaned forward, supporting yourself on your hands. He stuck his tongue out and raised his head to reach your nipple, but anytime he came close, you moved up a little to tease him, not letting him get what he needed quite yet. You looked down and saw that he was looking at you with those eyes of a sad puppy, and you just couldn’t annoy him anymore. You leaned down so he could easily place your nipple in his mouth without raising his head, so he could be comfortable. You felt the wetness in your panties as your partner was sucking on your nipple as if it was the last source of water on earth. You closed your eyes, breathing heavily. Joe changed the breast and now was taking extra special care of your other nipple. He was just too good. He was doing more to you with just that one thing than you did to him this entire time. Or so you thought.
A little whine escaped his mouth when you moved back, prohibiting him from playing with his currently favorite toy. You then took off his boxers and removed your trousers with your underwear. You placed yourself above him, but this time in the 69 position, giving him the hope that he will be able to taste your pussy anytime soon. But it was not quite what you had planned. You made sure he was not able to reach your crotch with his lips or tongue and then leaned forward, taking his cock in your mouth and softly stroking him, making him both hard and wet at the same time. It was not a difficult task since he was already quite hard from just your teasing.
Joe was breathing heavily and a little groan escaped his mouth now and then, but in truth, he was actually very close to whining. He was never a one-side lover, he didn’t like receiving all that much when he wasn’t able to give it back to you. He liked sex to be even, with the same amount of pleasure on both sides. You never had more generous partner in your life, making this a quite unusual situation in your life, but ironically, it made you want to take care of him even more. You loved getting him off, like you got pleasure simply from seeing how happy and blissful he was after orgasm. But the view was obviously not comparable with how good he made you feel and how beautiful he looked between your legs.
“Baby girl, please… Allow me” he muttered breathing heavily, with a begging tone of voice.
“Oh, no, honey” you smiled, petting his inner thigh. “You’re the baby boy today. And you will be a good boy, who does as he’s told” your tone of voice was a mixture of unconditional love and firmness. You were not planning to allow him to taste you anytime soon, the view was just so he would get more excited dreaming of it… And obviously to tease him. A few times you got a bit lower so he could touch you with the tip of his tongue and get a little taste, and soon after you pulled back up.
After you get bored with it, you changed the position. You were now sitting completely naked between his spread legs, your hands wandering on his wet cock. Your thumb was running up and down on the most prominent vein. Sometimes your fingers went in circles around his glans. You also took some care of his balls, playing with them as Joey was breathing heavily and groaning.
When you felt he was a bit too excited, you moved your hands back and let him cool down for a few seconds. You did that a few times until he finally said, or more exactly, whined, hardly being able to hold it in, almost begging you to let him off the edge:
“I’m close…” his voice became hoarse and that turned you even more than the view of your boyfriend being a total mess under your touch. You didn’t lose your dominating position though.
“And what should you say now, honey?” he looked at you for a few seconds, not quite getting what you wanted. Then he understood.
“Can I please come, my Queen?” you smiled, liking the new title and nodded. You didn’t plan to ruin his orgasm anyway, you wanted him to really like his first experience in this field. You took him in your hand, stroking him like you usually did and it didn’t take him long to come.
He groaned loudly closing his eyes. When he was taking his time to recover, you took tissues and removed his cum from your hand and his legs. You were smiling, cause you liked it, and you sure wanted to do it again. You were hoping he liked it too.
“Princess…” you chuckled quietly hearing you came back to your usual title. His eyes were open and he was smiling. “Fuck, I loved it so much.” You weren’t expecting that reaction, so you smiled even wider. You then began to untie his hands, his wrists red from how hard he was holding onto his tie.
“I loved it too, Joey. Hope you’ll want to do this again.”
“Oh, I want to do this again. But first, let me take care of you” he sat up, put his arms around you bringing you close to him and then kissed you passionately.
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deaky-trash · 5 years
Good Morning | Joe Mazzello x Reader
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Pairing: Joe Mazzello x F!Reader
Word Count: 275
Warnings: Probably some bad writing, I wrote this forever ago and I’m posting it now
She woke up to the feeling of Joe peppering her face with gentle, loving kisses. He was on his hands and knees, scattering kisses around her face as she kept her eyes closed, smiling sleepily. “Babe, please..” Y/N mumbled, and it almost sounded as if she was speaking a different language. “Let’s go back to sleep…”
Joe grinned down at her still half asleep form and chuckled a bit in his groggy, deep morning voice. “Can’t I keep kissing you for a little while..?” he requested before he pressed another sleepy kiss to her lips. Y/N smiled into it as she put her arms around his shoulders, leaning up slightly to return the kiss.
Joe pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers as she opened her eyes. He was so close and she could feel his breath against her face. “I love you, Joey..” she yawned, letting go of his shoulders and running her hands up and down his arms. He held her face in one hand, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to her lips, but quickly retreating to look back into her eyes.
He could get lost in them so easily. And his own were full of love and compassion for her and only her.
“I love you,” he whispered right after the soft kiss. Those words of devotion were followed with a strong, passionate kiss that had Y/N drowsily holding onto his arms as the kiss went on for what felt like hours in your own little world that the two of you shared.
She loved Joe to the moon and back and he loved her all the same.
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siempre-pedro · 5 years
First Steps
Joe Mazzello x Reader
Request: Could you do a short fic about Joe and Reader trying to teach their son or daughter how to walk. Like the actual first steps their child do and their reactions. I’ve been catching baby fever a lot lately and this just makes me melt thinking about it. Thx!
Summary: You and Joe take your son to a baseball game to watch his uncle John. Baseball must run in the family when he takes his first steps! 
Word Count: 580
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Joe stood on the top of the large grassy hill, looking out at the nicely groomed baseball diamond. One hand on his hip and the other holding his 9-month-old son who buried his small head in the crook of his dad's neck. “It’s a good day for baseball, bub,” he says with pride, breathing in the fresh air. His wife comes up from behind and takes the baby from his arms.
“Go see your brother, I’m going to set this guy up,” she says, kissing the actor on the cheek. She takes the baby and sets up a plush blanket under a shady tree behind home plate. She turns and sees him playing with one of his soft books and babbling to himself “Alright, Joey. Let’s try this again,” she hums, picking him up and standing him up in front of her.
They had been trying to get Joey to walk for a few weeks now. They had one determined baby on their hands, he would walk along the couch and kitchen table but too afraid to take his hands off the surface. Y/N put out her pointer fingers for him to hold and leaned forward, letting him happily walk over to her “Good job baby,” she coos when he falls into her arms with a giggle. She places a kiss on his head and backs him up “You can do it.”
When he starts to walk she carefully removes her fingers from his tiny grasp, but he immediately falls to the ground with a soft thud. Y/N pouts and shakes her head “You did that on purpose,” she complains, picking him up and brushing off the glass on his butt, she was met with his playful toothy smile.
The game had started when Y/N gave up on trying, Joey sat there content playing with his toys while his parents watched the game. Joe was leaning back with his arm wrapped around his wife’s waist, whispering curses while the other team batted.  Suddenly a foul ball flies over the fence and lands in front of the family “Sorry!” John calls from the field.
“If he hits our kid I will literally kill your brother,” she warns.
While the pair have a conversation about the game they didn’t notice Joey staring intensely at the dirty baseball that was a few feet away from him. He furrows his eyebrows and wabbly stands up, his chunky legs shaking. “Joe,” Y/N whispers, her eyes widening with shock not believing what she’s seeing.
Joe hums and looks up at her “What?”
“He’s walking,” she gasps quietly, slapping his chest. Joe matches her expression and sits up quickly, breaking out into a wide smile. She fumbles for her phone and presses record as the small boy slowly walks over to the baseball.
“Holy shit he’s walking!” Joe starts bouncing in his seat excitedly and feels the happy tears form in his eyes. Joey bends down and picks up the baseball, automatically putting into his mouth. Mission accomplished Joe thinks, standing up and picking up the boy with the baseball still clutched in his hands. He runs over to the team's dugout and holds him up like Simba.
“My son took his first steps!” He yells.
The team looks over and starts cheering loudly, tapping their bats on the stone ground to create more noise.
“What the fuck is going on?” The umpire shouts, taking off his mask.
“My nephew took his first steps!” John answers, clapping his brother on the back.
The ump nods his head and shoos them “Carry on.”
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oh-ranpo · 6 years
Drunk & Beautiful
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
AN: I’m soft tonight, you guys!! I saw a picture with the bolded quote on it, and my immediate thought was Joe Mazzello. It’s a quote from the movie “The Dreamers”. And wow, this ended up being longer than I thought it would. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Heavy drinking.
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You hadn’t gone out drinking with Joe in a while. With his busy schedule, he rarely had any real free time and even when he did, he was usually too exhausted to do much but lounge around his apartment. So when he called you up one Saturday afternoon and told you that he had the rest of the weekend free and he wanted to go out, you jumped at the opportunity.
The two of you were super close, but even you hadn’t noticed how stressed out he had been until he was buying your entire group shots, smiling maniacally when he handed them out.
“Are you okay?” You asked, leaning closer to his ear, not entirely sure if he could hear you over the loud EDM song that was pulsing through the club. Joe gave you a bright smile, and clinked his shot glass against yours.
“I’m gonna be!”  
You rolled your eyes as he threw back the amber liquid, followed by a loud ‘woo’ falling from his lips. You followed suit, and soon he was shoving another drink in your hand.
“Hey, hey, slow down now. We have all night.” You laughed, but Joe only shrugged. He was buzzing with an energy that you hadn’t seen in a while, and you weren’t sure if he was more nervous or excited. Whatever it was, something was different, but you weren’t sure what.
After a couple more hours, Joe was sufficiently drunk, and you had stopped drinking when you realized that you needed to make sure that he got home safe.
“But I don’t want to go.” Joe whined, as you walked over to take his hand to lead him out to where a cab was waiting for the two of you. He tried to sneak past you to go to the bar again, but you wrapped your arm around his waist, and changed his trajectory.
“I think you’ve had enough for tonight, Joey.” You laughed, stumbling slightly under his weight. A low whine sounded from his throat, but he didn’t fight you anymore. Once you plopped him down into the backseat of the cab, you crawled in after him, and his head immediately fell to your shoulder.
“Tonight was fun.” He murmured happily, nuzzling his face into your hair. You patted his thigh gently in response. You tried to calm your heartbeat as Joe’s hot breath fanned across your neck, and you desperately hoped that he was too drunk to notice.
You and Joe had been best friends for a while now. You had met outside of his parent’s dance studio in New York and had quickly hit it off. Joe was already pretty famous at the time, but he had been so down to earth, and that was one of the many things you loved about him.  
You were broken out of your thoughts by Joe’s hand reaching out, and his fingers sliding in between yours. He squeezed your hand lightly, and he hummed contently.
“I know things got a little crazy, but thank you for being there with me,” Joe slurred, his voice barely understandable. His head popped up off your shoulder, and his eyes focused in on your face. “You know I love you, right?”
If your heart wasn’t racing before, it was now. There was such a serious look on his face, and even though you knew he loved you as a friend, you couldn’t help but wish he meant it in a different way.
“Of course I do, Joe. And I love you too.”
Joe huffed slightly, and shook his head but he didn’t say anything else. His head fell back down to your shoulder, and you couldn’t help the sigh that slipped through your lips. The cab stopped as it pulled up to Joe’s apartment, and you leaned forward to give the driver his money, and then hoisted Joe out of the backseat.  
You weren’t sure how you managed it on your own, but the two of you slowly climbed his stairs, and then you leaned him up against the wall as you searched his pockets for his keys.
“Woah, woah. At least take me to dinner first.” Joe teased, his eyes now shut, as you patted down his pockets.
“Ha, ha. Very funny. I’m just trying to find your keys.” You replied, grinning triumphantly when you finally found them. You noticed that Joe was starting to sway slightly, so you swiftly unlocked the front door, and gently nudged him inside. “Alright, can you make it to your bedroom on your own? I’ll grab you some water and aspirin.”
Joe nodded, his head flopping a little too far forward, and he stumbled. He quickly corrected himself, and gave you a cheesy grin. You chuckled as you gestured him away, and a pout formed on his lips as he continued his journey to his room.
You walked over to his kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it to the top with water. Even with your hazy, slightly buzzed mind, you remembered that he kept his aspirin in the cabinet above the sink and plucked the bottle out of the cabinet. By the time you made it to Joe’s room, he was face-planted onto his bed, laying across it diagonally. You found the sight hilarious, but also slightly endearing.
“Joseph, honey,” You cooed, placing the water and pills on the bedside table. “I need you to roll over so I can help you get changed.”
You reached forward to nudge him onto his side, and he groaned. His eyes were screwed shut and when the light from overhead hit his face, his hand moved up to cover them.  
“So bright.” He hissed, and you shook your head.  
“Come on. Help me out a little bit here. Unless you want to sleep in your jeans.”
After a heavy sigh, Joe slowly sat up and rubbed the palm of his hands against his eyelids. His brown eyes flickered open, and he stared at you for several long minutes, as if he were debating if he really wanted to sleep in his jeans or not. Finally, he decided against it, and leaned forward so that you could help him to his feet once again. You helped him unbuckle his pants and he slowly shimmied out of them. You had imagined helping Joe out of his clothes many times, but never in a circumstance like this.  
Once he was out of his jeans, you moved him back over to the edge of the bed, and he laid down and crawled under the covers.
“You have water and aspirin here for when you wake up in the morning. If you need anything else, you know where to find me.” You said, leaning down to brush the hair out of his face. His eyes were still open and they were watching you intently.
“Are you not staying?” He asked, his voice quiet, almost vulnerable sounding. You felt an ache in your chest.
“Do you want me to stay?” You hadn’t expected him to say yes, but when he was nodding his head, you walked over to turn off the light, and then crawled into the space next to him. Both bedside table lamps were on, but parts of Joe’s face were still covered by shadows. Once you were situated, he turned on his side so that he could still look at you.
“Thank you. Again.” He mumbled, his hand coming up to rest under his head on his pillow. You gave him a small smile.
“Of course, Joey. I’m just glad you had fun.”
A moment of silence fell between the two of you as you just stared at each other. Your stomach was churning and you felt like you were going to explode. There were so many times where you had to help take care of drunk Joe, but this time felt different for some reason. He was looking at you different.
“You’re very beautiful, did you know that?”
Your heart fluttered and your eyes widened. He surely couldn’t have said what you think he just said, right?
“Joe, you’re drunk.”
His hand that wasn’t resting on his pillow came up and his fingers lightly danced across your cheek.
“Yes, I’m drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful.”
Something in your chest tightened, and even though you could tell that he was being honest, you couldn’t look in his eyes anymore. You knew he didn’t mean to, but sometimes when he said things, he really made you hope that the two of you could be something more. It was always short lived, and you always ended up disappointed. You didn’t want that to be the case this time.
“I think we should just go to sleep.” You murmured, leaning back to turn off your lamp so that he couldn’t see your face as well any more. Once your side of the room was dark, Joe didn’t move to turn his light off. Instead, he was still gazing at you, his brown eyes still glowing in the little light that was left.
“Don’t worry, I’ll remind you in the morning.”
Before you could answer, Joe turned to flip out the light, and then he scooted closer so that he could pull you against his chest. Your racing heart stilled at the contact, and you allowed yourself to settle into his warmth. You weren’t sure if he would remember this conversation when you woke up, but you really hoped that he did.
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doubledeaky · 6 years
Life is Beautiful
Joe Mazzello x Female!Reader
A/N: Hi, everyone! So, this is my first imagine and I’m super excited and a little nervous to share it with you all. I’ve been wanting to post my writing for a while so I’m biting the bullet and finally doing it! I actually wrote the first draft of this piece at 3 am while half-asleep so you know it’s got that sleep-deprived passion already baked into it! Warning, this is super fluffy and came out a little cheesier than I intended but I’m still proud of it. Alright, hope everyone enjoys! Feedback and requests are much appreciated! :)
word count: 2,154 words
warnings: mentions of mental illness and suicide
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Your eyes darted drowsily from the right side of your living room to the left side of your living room. You’d been sat on the couch for some time; how long, you didn’t necessarily know. After work, you’d retired your fake smile and allowed the numbness hibernating in your body to emerge and settle in every corner of your being. You don’t even remember at what point in the evening you had begun crying, your mind was in a thick fog of sadness. The couch had come to know you better over the past two months, seeing as you rarely left its comfort during your free time. The television in the corner was on and Three’s Company played, but you weren't watching. Your phone had been ringing steadily all evening but you didn’t have the will to answer. You slumped in your seat and stared at the ceiling while the ringing noise that had made itself comfortable in your ears slowly drowned out any surrounding sound, including the familiar jingling of keys and a door being opened cautiously. Joe was home; he greeted you as he strode into the living room but you never shifted your gaze to acknowledge him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before retreating into the kitchen. Your mind registered his presence but everything else was having a hard time putting on a front for his sake. Today was just one of the worst among a string of bad days. Days like this were more prevalent in your life now than they had ever been and it scared you. You still didn’t acknowledge Joe when he walked back into the living room. The part of you that was fully aware and conscious didn’t want to chance a look at your husband, you knew his expression would break your heart and you didn’t know if you could bear the weight of his gaze today. Joe was the one to finally break the crippling silence. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong? You didn’t even acknowledge me when I walked in. Why have you been so distant?” His words pulled you from your comatose state and you could sense the tinge of anger laced within them. It took everything in you not to wince or cower; he had a right to be angry and you had no reason to make him feel guilty because of that. You had been distant; his words held true and maybe that was what made fresh tears stream down your face. You didn’t want to face the reality of your situation, it was easier to dwell within it. Your voice was weak when you answered him.
“I don’t mean to be, Joe. You know that.” You tried to sound reasonable, like you believed the words coming out of your mouth. Joe, however, didn’t buy it and pressed further. 
“Why have you changed so much, Y/N? You're not yourself, I don't even recognize you anymore.” That stung and you couldn’t help the choked sob that escaped your throat. Joe immediately regretted his words and attempted to inch towards you cautiously, almost like a human approaching a wounded animal. You felt his presence before you but you didn’t dare meet his eyes.
“Look, Y/N, I’m sorry I-” you interrupted his apology as you stood, meeting his eyes for the first time this evening. He looked worn, his red and teary eyes mirrored your own. You drew in a deep breath, terrified the anxiety swirling in your gut was going to spill out beyond your control. 
“No, you're right. I have been distant; I’m not myself. I’ve been putting on a show for months now. I can’t keep pretending, Joe. I can’t keep pretending I’m not miserable because it helps you sleep better at night. I can't keep pretending because it’s convenient. I’m so fucking sad, Joe. I’m lonely and I feel it to the point of madness. God, it’s too much, I just wan’t it to stop. Why can’t I make it stop?” At this point in your rambling, you had been reduced to a pile on the floor, your body caving in on itself, attempting to retreat from your own existence. Joe followed you to your position on the carpet, took you in his arms, and rocked you softly. Your skin burned from the contact, it was the first time you had felt pleasant stimulus in weeks and you sobbed. You had missed this, you missed being with Joe. Even though he had never left, you had. Someone you didn’t recognize had been taking your place these past few months and it felt like you were finally reuniting after being apart for years. Joe felt it too and he relished in the feeling of you pressed against him, this was a step in the right direction. Any contact you both had shared over the last few weeks had been empty. Joe interrupted with a sad voice, still clutching you like he’d lose you again if he didn’t
“You don’t have to feel this way, Y/N. I would do absolutely anything for you and you know that. Why haven’t you told me?” he all but sobbed into the crook of your neck. What was left of your heart disintegrated, this wasn’t what you wanted for him. The guilt in your chest rose and settled at the front of your mind, this is why you never said anything.
“I’m sorry, Joe. I just don’t want to worry you or stress you out. I just want you to be happy. I’m supposed to be your partner not your child, you shouldn’t have to take care of me when I fall apart. I don’t want that for you, it’s not what you signed up for.” You explained and Joe had to restrain the absolute heartbreak he felt, all he wanted was to take care of you, to see you happy. 
“Y/N, baby, don't you see? I’ve been miserable right along with you. I know you don’t want me to worry but I can’t help it when I know you feel like this. God, I haven’t been able to eat I’m so worried. Your happiness is my happiness, Y/N. It’s my job to make sure everything is rosy, sweets. No matter what you may believe to be true, you aren't my burden, if anything I’m yours. I don’t know how you do it, babe. I just wan’t you to be okay.” He says through a cracked, wet voice. He was facing you now, trying to read your features for anything familiar. You can’t help the grin that cracks your somber facade, his saccharine sweet words always brought you back from a slump. God, what had you done in your previous life to deserve a man as amazing as Joe. Your first instinct was to embrace him and who were you to deny nature. You buried your face in the material of his sweater and he returned your gesture with even more passion. Joe cheered internally, he finally saw the woman he loved emerging from the dark
“You’ll be okay, my love. I’ve missed you so much.” he says attempting to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. You couldn’t help but sob at his words, you had missed yourself too. The rest of the evening was spent this way, enveloped in each other’s warmth. It had been a feeling you missed and you wondered how you'd gone so long without it. You both fell asleep entangled amongst the sheets and one another, like so many of the nights you’d both shared before. The only difference now was that you drifted to sleep looking forward to the morning sun seeping through your window, washing you and Joe in a warm glow reminiscent of a Renaissance painting. Your last moments before a much needed sleep overtook you was the familiar sound of Joe’s breathing and a warmth returning to your heart. 
Three Months Later-
Recovery hasn’t been easy and you didn’t expect it to be. Three short months ago you had experienced your lowest point and the way up has been slow and tasking in all aspects. Despite humble beginnings, your recovery has been beautiful, you feel whole again and it’s a state of being that you missed dearly. You had finally found yourself again and your pride shone bright in everything you did and Joe had been witness to it all. The change occurring in you before Joe’s eyes was like night and day. He finally had his girl back, you were all there. The woman he had fallen in love with had finally returned. The woman who was extraordinarily kind, unbelievably funny, and effortlessly beautiful had finally come home. Joe had a rejuvenated energy and similar to yourself, he felt whole again. He was grateful for every step of the process; he was grateful for the endless tears, sleepless nights, and screaming matches, it was worth every setback and hopeless thought. It’s a hell he would go through everyday if it meant you were happy. 
For you, life had finally begun to fall into place. You were living the life you’d dreamed of since the tender age of fourteen. It was a feeling like no other but throughout the process you felt there was still something missing, it was a feeling you couldn’t shake. It was a feeling that didn’t dwell within you long because life always has great timing when something is meant to be. Life is funny like that. 
Pregnant. The plus sign in the little window of the test was blurred behind your tears, your tears of joy. You were pregnant. Your body couldn’t even register the shock it was feeling. The excitement and happiness that was bubbling in your system almost expressed itself as a scream. You cried silent, happy tears and couldn’t help but do a little cheer in the privacy of your shared bathroom. You couldn’t wait to tell Joe. The family you’d always longed for was phasing into existence and your body hummed with joy. 
You heard Joe before you saw him. He dropped his bag to the floor and you heard him call out for you. You exited the bathroom; test hidden behind your back and a big, goofy smile plastered on your face. Joe became aware of your presence and gave you a confused look, cocking his head and giving you a grin. 
“What are you up to? Have you been crying?” he asked suddenly concerned and as he takes a few steps towards you, your smile only grows. 
“What?” he says curious as to what you have planned. You silently bring the test from behind your back and hold it out to him. Seeing the positive test is all Joe needs and without warning he’s picking  you up in his arms and holding you tight. 
“No way,” he all but shouts, grinning like a mad man. You can't help the tears and watery laugh that escapes you. 
“You’re going to be a dad, Mr. Mazzello,” you say, waving the test teasingly in his face. He grabs your face gently and kisses you hard with a passion you’d grown so accustomed to you felt it even when he wasn’t around. 
“I can’t believe it. We’re having a baby,” he says, pushing fallen hair from his face as tears slip from his amber eyes. He's smiling wide with an almost blinding intensity and it’s a sight for sore eyes. You cherish it, praying it never leaves the factions of your memory. Joe falls to his knees, placing both hands on your lower stomach. There is no bump present but the thought of the baby growing within you has his body thrumming with excitement. He is in complete awe at the woman before him. The woman who had gone from her lowest low to her highest high with such grace and poise. You were his heaven on earth and he hoped you sensed that. He hoped his love for you was evident in his every action and in every word he spoke. As he held your form, he felt that God had crafted this moment in the sands of time, it was a scene that envied any romance film. Joe had been in and seen many films, but none that moved him as much as the one you and himself were starring in. He grinned up at you, rising to his full height to plant a kiss on your lips. 
“I love you. God, I love you,” he whispers so delicately you knew it was only meant for you. You hold him tightly, words failing to accurately convey the measure of love you held for him and him alone. The rest of the evening is spent this way, wrapped in each other’s embrace, similar to most of the nights you share. Only now, you both wait with bated breath for the day when the sun will seep through your shared bedroom window and shine on your family of three, washing you all in a yellow glow and reminding you of how beautiful life can be. 
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deacytits · 5 years
omg if you haven't already could you do pat murray and 26) how they say "i love you" for the first time? i just finished undrafted yesterday and pat's so sweet and funny
Saying “I Love You” for the first time: Pat Murray
You’ve known each other for years but have only been dating for about 6 months at this point
You always let him have his tantrums (as long as they’re not directed at you)
It’s the first time YOU throw a tantrum that leaves him in aw
etc. etc.
Even though the team is trying to tell you it’s okay and they think it’s a fair call
They let you duke it out with the umpire and Pat is sitting there the whole time with hearts in his eyes
He’s never seen so much fire and anger in you (outside the bedroom that is UNF UNF)
You stomp back to the bleachers, happy with the outcome of your little fit and they finish the game
Afterwards, the boys are thanking you because changing the call helped them win the game
Pat is the last to come up to you and he’s still all SWOON, HEART EYES
He just grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss that earns you a whole lot of hootin and hollerin from the guys
It leaves you dazed and blushing
When he pulls away, he looks you directly in the eyes with so much softness
“I love you.”
He says it with so much confidence and you break into the biggest smile, pulling him in for another filthy kiss 
This time the guys tell you to take it elsewhere and make retching noises
But you don’t care cause your angry boi LOVES YOU and YOU LOVE HIM 
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lovehelpmewrite · 6 years
A Girl Like Mine
Title: A Girl Like Mine
Pairing: Pat Murray x reader
Word count: 1.7k (wow sorry I got carried away)
Summary: After the D-Backs win their first game of the season they decide to go to a diner nearby to celebrate. You and Pat celebrate a little... differently.
Warnings: mad smut, thigh riding, public orgasm, semi-public sex, unprotected sex (don't be a fool, wrap your tool guys)
[A/N]: Uhhh wow hi so I don’t normally write or publish smut but @o-holynight really hyped me up and kept me thinking about Joe and Pat and their fucking h a n d s so I just wanna say that if it hadn’t been for you I wouldn’t have been able to finish this so thank you sofuckingmuch. Anyway, please enjoy this: the smuttiest thing I’ve written for Pat yet. (Also, this was the post that inspired this even though I didn’t follow it exactly).
I laughed with all the guys as they cheered while we entered the little diner. The D-Backs had won a game for the first time this season, 5-3, and they were ecstatic. Rightly so, they’d played amazing right to the 7th inning. 
I let out a surprised laugh as Pat came up behind me, spinning me around for the nth time since the game had ended, my sundress twirling around us merrily.
“We fucking won, baby! They didn’t have a fuckin’ chance!” He yelled excitedly. The rest of the boys yelled back in agreement. 
“You guys did so good, Pat! Whooped their punk asses right to the outfield!” 
Pat laughed and pulled me close, his hands resting on the sides of my neck as he pressed a passionate kiss to my lips. I sighed into the kiss, feeding off of all his adrenaline and feeling my heart race. When the rest of the team started wolf whistles and “ooh’s” and “aah’s” Pat pulled back and flipped them off, still keeping his face close to mine. 
His pupils were dilated and his eyes held a look I knew all too well.
“Can’t wait to get you home, celebrate our own way,” he said lowly, pressing one last chaste kiss to my lips before pulling back.
I was glad the diner was empty save for the D-Backs and even more glad they were completely distracted by ordering from the waitresses that lingered around. If they hadn’t been they surely would have seen the heat that climbed up my neck in semi-embarrassment, semi-arousal.
Somehow most of us crammed into the largest booth--which still wasn’t very big--in the back of the diner, managing only by having Barone’s girlfriend, Mary, Ty’s girlfriend, Michelle, and I all sitting on their respective laps. Even then, Dells, David, and Palacco sat at the surrounding booths, kneeling on the vintage vinyl and looking over the back to stay in the conversation.
I felt slightly bad for the staff, as the guys all talked loudly and laughed and ate and ate and ate. The thought quickly left my mind though, getting swept back up in the energy of all of them once more.
I laughed as Michelle reached back and smacked Palacco for some comment I barely heard, shifting in Pat’s lap as the motion moved me so I was essentially sitting on one of his legs. When I went to shift back Pat’s hands came up to grip tightly at my hips, holding me in place.
“Are you trying to start something?” He asked, warm air blowing over my neck and making me shiver. 
Feeling daring, I slid my hips back ever so slowly until I could feel his erection pressing up against my ass hotly. Pat let out a slow breath, pressing his forehead into the back of my shoulder. I turned my head back toward Garvey, David, Dells, and Zapata, who were in a heated debate about how to throw some specific kind of pitch. 
Of course, I was barely listening to them, instead, I was carefully sliding my clothed core over Pat’s thigh, biting my tongue sharply to control my breathing and my face. His fingers still pressed tightly into my skin, helping consistently drag my cover slit across the fabric of his baseball pants. I jumped a little when he started shaking his leg under me, the slow burn in my stomach quickly growing warmer, tighter, and more intense.
I gave a strained laugh as Zapata took a jab at Garvey, trying to focus on the conversation and the delicious way Pat was pushing me down on his thigh, my orgasm growing imminent with each pass of my clit against his thigh.
“How close?” Pat breathed across my neck, his voice low and tight.
“Very,” I mumbled back, a quiet whine escaping me with a series of heaving breaths as my orgasm got nearer and nearer to cresting.
“Let go baby, fuck, let go,” Pat practically groaned, lightly sucking and licking over the side of my neck.
I sucked in a breath as Pat slowly pushed my hips forward one last time, my orgasm was drawn out as I continued to move along his thigh. My eyes closed and my eyebrows creasing up slightly while a stuttering breath worked out of my throat, my lips slightly parted while I tried to stay grounded even as my mind felt 100 miles above in the atmosphere. 
I was slowly brought back as Pat’s hands wrapped over mine, relaxing my clenched knuckles in my lap as his lips left gentle kisses over my neck and shoulder comfortingly.
“So good for me, so fucking good,” he praised. 
I slumped back against him, letting my head drop back to rest on his shoulder. He took the opportunity to kiss my cheek sweetly making me smile in my post-orgasm haze. I turned my head slightly to watch his eyes which glinted with something mischievous as he watched me in return. Suddenly he bounced his leg again, making me let out a choked gasp, my already hypersensitive clit aching at the sensation. I bit my lip and picked my head up from his shoulder, looking around at all the boys again.
“Alright boys, I gotta go to the bathroom, scoot out,” I instructed loudly, waiting patiently as they filed out of the one side to let me slide out. I bit my lip as I chanced a glance back at Pat’s lap, seeing a barely noticeable wet patch on his thigh. 
I tried to hide my blush and the shaking of my wobbling legs even as I took a turn and entered something very obviously not the bathroom. It seemed to be some sort of little laundry room, a stacked washer and dryer filling up one half of the small room while some bottles of detergent and towels sat in a little alcove by the door. 
Finally, the door opened and closed quickly, Pat turning and heatedly pressing himself against me. Automatically, my arms wrapped up around his shoulders, holding him close to me as he rutted his erection against me. I reached a hand down, mercifully palming him through his pants. He let out a borderline pornographic groan against my lips, his breaths blowing haltingly over my mouth.
“Feel good?” I questioned quietly.
He gave a low whine, eyes closing as he nodded, my thumb running teasingly over the head of his cock through his pants.
“So fucking good, baby,” he answered, dropping his forehead to rest on my shoulder as I deftly popped the button on his pants and slid my hand inside.
“Ohhh god. Fuck, Y/N,” he rasped, his fingers wrapping tightly around my waist as my fingers surrounded his heated length. His hips jerked forward, fucking himself in my hands for a few seconds before he pulled back and pressed another passionate kiss against my lips.
“I’m gonna fuck you,” he stated, hurriedly sliding his pants down his legs and moving to pick me up by my thighs. I nodded eagerly, wrapping my legs around his waist and watching as he pulled my underwear to the side and slid into me easily.
We both groaned at the sensation, taking a second to breathe and adjust. I bit back a moan as he shifted on his legs, sliding out of me slightly and creating delicious friction that sent shocks up my spine.
“Pat, please fucking move,” I begged, gripping onto his shoulders. He nodded rather than spoke, looking down to watch himself slide out of me only to slide back in. 
He pulled out slowly again and then looked up to my face before slamming his hips back into mine roughly. 
I keened for him, my fingers sliding up to pull at the short hairs at the back of his neck. 
He quickly set a brutal pace, the muted sound of skin against skin echoing in the small room, covered only by our loud breathy half-moans. 
“Gonna cum, Y/N, gonna fill you up,” Pat groaned, sucking harshly against my pulse point. 
I just moaned lowly in response, clenching around him at the idea of his cum filling me. His thrusts got shorter and quicker as he got closer, his breath hoarse next to my ear. 
“Cum for me Pat,” I encouraged just as my second orgasm began to wash over me.
His hips stuttered once more before the feeling of my clenching around him drew out his own orgasm. He plunged even deeper in me, warmth seeping through me as he emptied his cum into me. 
For a minute we just stayed there, his soft cock still sitting inside me, holding in his cum while we both gasped for breath. Finally, he pulled out of me slowly, wincing at the sensitivity before helping set me down on shaky legs. 
I readjusted my underwear carefully, almost sickly satisfied at the sensation of Pat’s cum slowly leaking out of me into my panties.
Pat pulled up his pants roughly before pulling me into him and kissing me once more, this time softer, slower. When we pulled back he lingered, resting his forehead against mine.
“You okay?” he asked, eyes earnest, smile sweet.
“With you, Pat?” I returned, biting my lip before leaning forward and pressing another lingering kiss to his lips before answering.
* Bonus ending *
Pat led the way out of the laundry closet, his hand gently holding mine while I trailed behind him. I stared at the back of his jersey, at the lifting edges of his ‘15′ while he tried to lead us out of the diner inconspicuously. I thought we were going to make it originally, they all seemed too engaged in their conversations to spare us a glace as we passed. I should have known better.
“’ay Murray,” Ty called just as Pat’s hand touched the door.
He turned his head, letting me semi-hide behind his shoulders while he waited for Ty to finish. All of the other boys had also gone quiet upon their notice of us trying to leave.
“Next time maybe wait until your whole team isn’t sitting 20 feet away, huh?” Ty grinned. They all chuckled and whispered in response, some encouraging, some teasing.
Pat laughed and looked down a moment before answering.
“When you’ve got a girl like mine, Ty, you don’t wait.”
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rossmccallsqueen · 5 years
HC for going to your first ballgame with Pat
This would be so so cute okay
Pat had been wanting to take you to your first professional baseball game ever since you’d started dating
But ya know it was the off season so you had to wait
As soon as tickets went on sale he got you tickets to see the Yankees play on opening day
It was so cute seeing him so excited
You knew how special baseball was to him and you wanted to share that love with him
“Babe I went to the store yesterday!!”
“Oh gosh babe what did you get?”
You could tell that he was really excited about what he got because he was jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas
He pulls out a Yankees shirt from behind his back to match the one he had on
“I got us matching shirts! For the game today!”
The shirt was the cutest sweetest thing he had ever done and it was so cute
“I love it! Im gonna go put it on right now and then we can go okay?”
You went over to him and gave him the biggest kiss you could muster
Before you took your arms away you continued to look at him, even your eyes smiling at him
“What is it?” Pat asked, as he was a little confused. He was definitely a little excited about going to the game ❤️😂
“I just like looking at you” he smiled and you went to get changed
The whole way to the game pat filled you in on the different players and how the team had done that season
He even made sure you knew who the coaches and everyone were
Your seats were right behind home plate which you knew definitely weren’t cheap
“Babe look!! Maybe we’ll catch a fly ball!”
He pointed out all the players to you and even got you two some peanuts to share
Who needed an announcer when you had pat with you giving you a play by play it was so cute 😭❤️
You even started taking bets on what call the pitcher would give
He said he was better at it because Garvey taught him all the calls but you were getting pretty good at it too
The Yankees were winning and pat was so excited you thought pat was gonna burst
“This is almost better than Christmas!!”
You just looked at him, seeing him so happy made you happy and you hadn’t felt this happy in a long time
Pat always knew how to make you feel better, even if it was taking you to your first baseball game
Resting your head on his shoulder, with the sun shining, it honestly felt like this was your new happy place
Slowly you realized that your happy place was wherever you were with pat. Pat was your happy place now 😭❤️
“Hey pat?”
“I love you”
“I love you too babe, thanks for coming to the game me”
And honestly you’d go to every single game with him if he wanted ❤️
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Permanent taglist: @bvnhardys @aussienerdgirl @im-justatrashcan @one-thousandlies @deja-entendus @goodoldfashionrogerboy @sohoneyspreadyourwings @rogerina-deacon @punkgeekchic @super-hereos-are-my-life @benfckinghardy @lv7867 @the-baby-bookworm @rogertqueen @danny-fucking-mercury @bensrhapsody @brownhardyho @wittywallflowersworld @joemhazzello @deacytits @rogertaylors-lipgloss @xtrashmammalstefx @happy-at-home @queenbbarnes @ezmina98 @joemazzelloswigs @littlemisscaptainfandom @scarecrowmax @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @littledarlingwellaway @thatsjustginarose @instantezra @toomuchtellyneck @leatherjacketmazzello @spacedustmazzello @darlingmalek @pleasedontlookatmeaight @historically-inclined @butlegendsneverdie @jennyggggrrr @cherryhrry @queen-paladin @forever-rogue @isitstraightvodka @brianandthemays @seven-seas-of-hi @puffnstuff08
❤️ If you wanna be added to any of my taglists please let me know! ❤️
Masterlist Masterpost
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ursoself-satisfying · 6 years
All Things Must Pass
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this was a request!!! hes so young here wow
Joe Mazzello x F!Reader, sad/comfort fluff
A/N: i have so little time to write this was a struggle,,, i projected a lot onto this fic, using the language i use when im in a negative headspace n such so i hope it doesnt thro anyone off,,, i went thru a lot of what i felt then wrote that cus i deal w mental health issues n tried to portray what i go thru in a semi-accurate way but not one so specific its not readable u kno??? y'all that peep my references here tho get bonus points
Warnings: none rly,,, its kinda vague n sad like dealing w not discussing whats wrong n such,,,,, nothing bad tho,, not even any language wow!!! jk one language wh00ps
The warm mug in your hand didn’t improve your mood. The steam of the drink drifted up from the contents and swirled in intricate patterns near your face. You pursed your chapped lips and blinked your drying eyes. A feeling had been swelling in you for days, but you couldn’t quite identify it yet. With soft blankets curled around you and your body folded up on the couch, you pondered it again. This wasn’t an unfamiliar experience. It had been happening for years. The bite of the sharp night air bled through a crack in your draping covers and you shivered, conserving your heat by pulling further into yourself. Though familiar, this state you were in was anything but comfortable. Even if you really were comfortable like this, you wouldn’t have wanted to admit it.
The kitchen light was the only thing shining through the apartment. It wasn’t your apartment, no. This wave had to come crashing down on you when you were far from the safety of your home. This apartment was safe It belonged to your boyfriend and he made you feel safe, but he wasn’t there right now. It was just you and the sound of minuscule little droplets of rain pattering against the window. The street lights made the storm seem like a glitter against the glass, reflecting back the business of the night.
You couldn’t remember the last time you felt like this, but you had to remember it was ok not to be ok sometimes. “We naturally go through emotional highs and lows, everyone does,” she told you, “it doesn’t mean you’re broken if you feel bad- it means you're human.” ‘Remeber that,’ you'd thought, ‘remember it’s ok. You’re ok.’
Your drink smelled sweet and a little burnt. You breathed in the warmth wafting from it before slowly and cautiously tipping the cup to your lips. A hiss escaped your lips at the still scalding temperature colliding with your raw skin and you sighed. Your love of the cold weather had betrayed you and left you weak. The entire situation was stressful and tiring, and you’d cry if you could but for some horrible reason you just couldn’t.
Your mind struggled to focus on one thing at a time that had led to your current emotions but it mostly focused on the bad. Your mind was foggy and muddled and insisted on making a mental list of all the reasons your life was the absolute worst in this very moment. ‘Perhaps,’ you reasoned, ‘if I identify what's wrong, I can fix it.’
You were far from home. New York City was scary and big and loud and dirty and new to you. This was exciting and terrifying at the same time. You wanted to see everything, and Joe wanted to show it all to you, but of course, he still had work things and you were left alone. You only had so much time there and even less time with him. There was never any way you could have fit in every important place you wanted to see into the few precious hours you could share.
That led into your second reason, which was that you just desperately missed Joe. He hadn’t wanted to leave you alone,  but duty does call and he had to answer. “I love you, ok? I’m so sorry, I- I wish I could have planned for this but-”
“You couldn’t have known! It’s ok,” You’d smiled at him and he kissed you before he left. Every morning and every night and every time he had the chance, he kissed you. God, it gave you life. His face just seemed to fit into your so perfectly, like your hands were molded against his cheeks. You closed your eyes and could almost feel him there with you, his warmth keeping you sane, but when you opened your eyes, he was gone.
Maybe the third reason was that your relationship was fairly new and you were insecure in the commitment for a number of reasons- or maybe it’s just that the holiday season was upon you and that ‘seasonal depression’ was hitting you hard. There was so much to do, so much to not miss out on, and so little time to relax and actually enjoy this time of year. Joe hadn’t managed to decorate for anything yet and had actually planned to do so with you, but it didn’t look like you’d have the chance to now. There were no lights up anywhere, no festive knick-knacks up on the shelves, nothing.
‘Or maybe,’ you thought, ‘it’s not seasonal, it’s just me.’ This was a turning point and you were scared. Joe had never seen you in such a deep, naturally dark headspace before, and you had little explanation for it. There was no one thing you could blame for the way you felt. It was just- Everything. A vague yet overwhelming anxiety rolled through you that made your guts feel like they’d turned to sawdust and were swirling around inside you like you were the floor of some horrible workshop.
The lighter side of your mind spoke up, ‘Maybe that’s not such a bad comparison, I mean, you are a workshop, always tinkering, changing, evolving. You are a human bent on self-improvement. Recovery,’ the voice reminded, ‘is not linear.’
“But any step forward is a good step,” you said out loud.
“What’s that from?”
“Holy fuckin’ sh-!” Your entire body jolted violently at the surprise of the response and your drink sloshed over the sides of your mug, spilling all over your blanket. Thankfully, it was no longer hot. “God, what a- what a waste of a good cup of-” Your curses trailed off into angry murmurs and you stood before looking over at Joe standing in the entryway looking equally as startled.
He’d just come back from a meeting with a potential director for an upcoming film to be met with his girlfriend completely spaced out on the couch. She’d been sitting there for several minutes without knowing he’d come in. When he spoke and surprised her, he jumped nearly as much as she did. He went over to help her clean up the spilled drink with a soft, sorry expression. She’d already gotten up, though, and shuffled to the kitchen without really acknowledging him. Something about the situation made Joe feel sick and guilty. “I’m so sorry. I, uh,” he paused and breathed a laugh as he picked up a pillow slipping off the couch and looked at the form that had moved into the kitchen, placing the empty cup on the counter with a soft click of ceramic against marble.
His breath hitched and he forgot whatever it was he’d intended to say to her. She was cast in odd shadows from the lights of the streetlamps inside combatting with the yellow glow of from above the stove. The scene carried none of the normally blissfull air his lover had. It was sharp and contrasting, like the set of an old expressionist film. He thought she would look fit beside the likes of Nosferatu, her in her cloak of covers and tussled hair barely emerging from the makeshift hood that supported her neck. The way she’d cocooned herself reminded him of a lost child standing alone in the cold, one no passing stranger would stop to notice.
It was silent for a moment as the actor continued absorbing her aura. The cars driving about in the rain echoed through the building. The sounds of splashing through puddles and revving engines drifted by his ears. [Y/N] stared at the sink before slowly meeting her boyfriend’s gaze. They just looked at each other. Joe felt like he wasn’t even there though like she didn’t see him there. She stared through him with the same disassociated look she had when he’d walked in. His shoes suddenly became of great interest to him and dragged his attention from her to the grain of the floor. “I’m,” he gulped and raised his eyebrows in a mixture of guilt and concern, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here with you today.” He looked at her again and she finally seemed to notice him standing there.
His sad puppy dog eyes bore you down. You’d fallen so hard for them. Before you’d even learned his name, you knew him by his eyes. You forced yourself to process what he’d said and were quickly overcome with guilt of your own. “Oh- Oh, no! Joe,” you pleaded and sighed as you rushed to him with a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry, I just, like, spaced out- I’m fine, it’s all fine.” You nodded lightly at him with a stretched smile and looked up at him with hands gently placed on his chest, holding tightly to the coat he’d yet to remove.
“I know you have to work and I could never-” You bit your lip as your mental search for words was shown through the frantic lines your eyes traced, “I never want to be an obstacle.” With a softened gaze, pleading for ease in the oddly uncomfortable situation, you continued, “I’m pretty sure I’m always gonna love you, and I’ll be here,” his mouth parted as you paused, “just for you. No matter how many dates you miss, as long as you’re doing your best.” A pitiful chuckle fell from your lips.
So early in your relationship, you weren’t sure when an appropriate time to address your current emotional state would present itself. Then again, is any time a good time to discuss something like this? You felt he deserved an explanation, at the very least, to ease him a bit from the stiff form he kept since he’d returned that night. ‘Where to begin’, you wondered. Before you could let another sad syllable drip from your clenched teeth, jaw tight in distracted thought, arms wrapped around you and a bristly cheek pressed against your own.
“This is weird.” He whispered, “Why are we weird right now?” The blankets around were nuzzled out of the way so he could bury his face in the crook of your neck. His nose pressed hard against your hot skin. You were unprepared for the contact. All you could focus on was his heavy breathing beside your ear, every exhale slipping down your back and making you shiver. Cautious hands danced up the back of his neck, barely touching the airs that stood on end from the undefinable energy surging between the two of you. Molding yourself to fit perfectly in the empty cavities of space left, you were flush against him, clinging to the back of his head and letting his arms shift under yours to support you.
“I’m bad right now.” Your voice was almost a whimper, choking you on it’s way out. It wasn’t even your voice, the words were breaths you let out at all once. Joe- You weren’t sure he understood, and you didn’t expect him to immediately. He has no context yet, no reference besides what you’d carefully revealed to him. It was never your intention to hide any of your traits or symptoms or past from him, or most anyone, really, but it wasn’t exactly a hot topic of conversation.
He’d remembered briefly her using the phrase ‘when I was bad’ once or twice when referring to her mental and emotional state, but she didn’t often talk about it. Either it was sensitive or simply private, but it was fine. He didn’t push. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable or drive her away. While respecting her privacy and her past, he still swelled with concern at the thought of not knowing. It was a loving kind of fear that filled his stomach when he’d imagined moments like this; moments where something was wrong, something was off and he was in the dark. He didn’t need a reason to love and support her, but he was unsure of how to help in the best way.
“Bad emotionally,” she started in barely a whisper, though it was louder than before, “not ‘bad’ like-” There was a hot huff of air with a small laugh behind it and [Y/N] sniffled, “not ‘bad’ like- like ‘I’ve been bad, officer’- not in a sexual way-” It was punctuated with a cottony laugh.
Joe shook his head softly and gave the girl in his arms a squeeze. His smile was wide, though she couldn’t see it. Her squeak made him laugh a little and he could feel the air around them suddenly lose about five pounds. It was easier to lift his shoulders in this new situation.
After a moment of breathing in sync, cars passing by, and rain beating rhythmically against the windows, the man broke the silence. “You don’t have to say anything-”
“You know I can’t do that, Joe.” He held onto her for a moment longer then pulled only his head back slightly to kiss her turned cheek while she was still in his embrace. In the warm kitchen light, the patterns of the blanket and the shadows of the passing headlight combined like brushstrokes on the scene and turned them into the likeness of a Klimt painting. Yellow cascading down their backs and an iconic arching connection made this art.
“If you’re bad, then let's make it better.” The words were pressed into her skin by his plush lips. Before pulling away, their hands found one another’s and gripped them tightly, like he was a rope and she was dangling over the ever looming pit of her past.
For the first time, she could feel a wetness pricking at her eyes. Without effort or dismay, she could cry. There were no sobs to accompany it, just silent streaming tears. She didn’t stop them for they were a gift. The damp streaks beneath each eye bent around her growing grin as she looked up at her lover through the filter of emotional release. Everything but the earthy brown around his pupils was a watery mess in her eyes. ‘God,’ she thought, ‘This- He is a good one. He is so- He is so beautiful.’
Joe could feel the pain in his chest as his heart shook, threatening to crack at the image of his love in such a fragile form. “Let’s just-” He could have claimed the rest of the sentence got stuck in his throat but the truth is there was nothing there to get stuck, nothing to follow what he’d started saying. “Is it ok if we just,” he took a deep breath, “be together? Would that- Would that help?”
“You already help. Being here helps.” Her voice was back now, though, physically, she didn’t look in any way improved.
Joe handled his girlfriend gently and urged her to the couch with him, pulling down onto his lap so they both laid on the piece of furniture long ways. Her bundled body blanketed his and he leaned back, letting her warm him. Struggling to slip off his coat as he kicked off his shoes, Joe also snaked his arm into a pocket to retrieve his phone. He pulled it out with a small noise of pride and held it out in front of him. “A little George Harrison makes everything better, right?” There was a sleepy hum of agreement and ‘My Sweet Lord’ played softly from the speaker of his device. He nestled into [Y/N]’s and closed his eyes. He held the phone in his hands, clasped together as his arms wrapped around the woman.
The ‘hallelujahs’ seemed in time with the weather outside as the couple drifted further from the present and into their own billowing comfort. The lights still were yellow outside, as they were inside, and the cars didn’t stop speeding through the puddles. Though you doubted the return of these feelings would stop, for now, you were content. Joe was there with you and it somehow, just his presence, made some of the sadness wash away. He was like a rain on your pity parade, saving you from any continued celebration of your own inabilities. Tomorrow, there might be explanations needed, but tonight you felt blessed. He was safe. He was warm. Your mind wasn’t racing and your eyes weren’t dry. This was better than anything you’d been feeling, anything swelling inside you the past few days. This wasn’t an unfamiliar experience, and you’d hoped it would never become one.
Glancing up at the man beneath you one last time, you smiled genuinely, bliss settling in your center, and you closed your eyes. George Harrison lulled you to sleep that night, and safely asleep you fell, holding tightly to Joe through it all, just as tightly as he held you.
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Drugs. // Joe Mazzello. (Requested)
Requested by @mrsmazzello: Joe saving you from a creep in a club? Angsty but ends in fluff maybe (a creep approached me yesterday and it was ummm unpleasant)
A/N: After a lot of time without writing I’m here with this request. You know my request box OPEN.
Words: 1.350.
Warnings: rape. Maybe if you have been in a situation near rape you shouldn’t read this.
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"Who is going?" Joe asked while walking you to the door.
"I think that all of them. To a new place that someone recommended to Olivia."
"Okay, have a good time." You looked at yourself in the mirror by the side of the door of Joe's house
"Thank you for spending the night with me."
"A lot of more times, that's what friends are for." He hugged you. "If you need anything you know I'm a phone call away."
"I know. Thank you, Joe, for everything." You heard the door closing on your back. 
"Really, Olivia, why do you know this place?"
"Do you remember that guy I met the other day in the bar near my house?" We nodded. "He told me about it."
The five of us stared at the outside of the place. Apparently it was a disco, but it didn't looked good at all. Even so we went to the queue. 
"So, you've been with Joe?" You nodded. "And nothing?"
"Nothing at all."
"But you'd like to?"
"Of course I'd like to. I really like him, more than anyone before. But I don't think is reciprocal."
“I don't know, (Y/N), I've seen how he looks at you, I think he's really into you. But I could ask Rami…”
That's when the conversation ended, because it was our turn to go inside the place. If outside didn't look good, inside was even worse. But there was music, and alcohol. You went to the bar for your drinks. Then, while you were dancing, some guys approached to you and your friends.
"And what's your name, beautiful?"
"(Y/N), what about you?"
You kept dancing, you didn't like it there, those guys didn't seem nice, that place didn't seem nice. You liked Joe, and you liked his home. 
Suddenly you felt a weird headache, while the boy grabbed you by the hip and tried to kiss you. You pushed him, with less strength that you normally had. You felt that the boy tried to hold your hand to get near you. You approached to Lucy, that was by your side and grabbed her arm, taking her to the bathroom. She looked at you, worried.
"(Y/N), what is going on? are you okay?"
"I'm feeling terrible." you got your mobile out of your purse. You hated the fact that you needed to call him, but in that moment, he was the only person that appeared on your head.
"Joe, I'm where I told you earlier."
"What is going on? Your voice sounds weird, are you drunk?"
"I don't know what is going on, I think someone put something in my drink." You felt that the words were hard to say. Suddenly, everything started moving. You only remembered little fragments of the next events.
"¿Y/N? ¡Y/N!"
"Joe, please, come here, I don't what is wrong with her."
"(Y/N), I'm Lucy, say something"
"Drink water, please."
"(Y/N) I'm Joe, I just called 911, they're coming."
You felt his embrace, while you felt the vomit running through your throat. You don't know if you threw up or, if you did, there.
Suddenly, more unknown voices appeared. They said something about your blood preasure, your breathe. You felt a lot of heaviness on your eyes. And the last thing your brain could see was Joe's hand holding yours.
You opened your eyes, the room was dark, one only light on, over your head. You looked through the window, it was starting to dawn. You smelt the ambient, a hospital. What happened? A boy, and Lucy in the bathroom, and Joe.
You saw a masculine figure, looking through the window, standing. Was that Joe? Yes, of course he was, that hair, that body, they were unmistakable.
"Joe." He turned around,
"(Y/N), they told me you would be up soon. How are you?"
"I don't really know, I'm confused, my head hurts. What happened?"
"You called me at three am, more or less, Lucy was there with you. She didn't knew what was going on. When I arrived you were awake, but you didn't answer, you just hold my hand and hugged me." You felt Joe's eyes red.
"Are you okay, Joe? Your eyes look red." Suddenly Joe hugged you very strong, more than he had before.
"(Y/N) when I saw you there I thought I would lose you, I hadn't never been that scared." He ended his embrace, you put your hand on his cheek, cleaning up the tears.
"Joe, I'm fine, I promise." You didn't know why but you both were whispering, as if the fact that you were in love with each other was a secret. Joe put his nose on yours, and made everlasting the path between his mouth to yours, but he walked that path. You closed your eyes and let your attention on his mouth, on his tongue on yours.
"I like you so so much, (Y/N)"
"And I like you, Joe." You two separated when you heard the hospital room door opening. A nurse walked in.
"Good morning, (Y/N). Are you feeling better?"
"A bit better, yes." You said, smiling with complicity to Joe
"The doctor will come to see you in a while, to give you the blood exam results and see if you can go home. We've made you a stomach wash and it looks like you are getting better." she checked your serum bag. "There are a lot of friends outside but neither the doctor or your boyfriend" said pointing out Joe "wanted them to come before you woke up."
"Thank you very much, now my boyfriend will go out to tell them that they can come in." The nurse walked away. You looked at Joe, smiling. "My boyfriend?"
"If I didn't tell them that, they wouldn't let me in." Joe approached smiling.
"I like the name, we could name us that."
"Of course really." You shared one more kiss. You looked his white shirt, it had a yellow mark. "Please, tell me that's not my vomit."
"I'm sad to tell you, but yes." he smiled.
"I'm so sorry." You sighed. "Tell them to come in, please."
You saw your four friends and Rami coming in. Olivia hugged you first, with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, we shouldn't have gone to that place."
"Olivia, chill out, I'm fine, it could happen to anyone. We should be happy that I realised on time, it could have been worse." You felt Joe's hand hold yours on the other side of the bed, you bet he was thinking about the other possible endings of the story. 
While your friends were distributed around the room you found Rami's look going from you hand holding Joe's, to your eyes. He smile with complicity and you returned it back. "Guys, I'm sure you'll be tired, it's late, go home."
They smiled at you, accepting your request. After all were gone, except Joe, you slept for a while.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), the doctor's here with the results." Joe whispered. You scratched your eyes, trying to eliminate the slumber.
"I'm sorry, doctor."
"It's fine, (Y/N). I have the results. Effectively, someone put something on your drink. Do you have any idea of who could do it?"
"Well, there was a boy that approached, he said his name was Jake. The rest of the time I was with my friends."
"(Y/N), it's a drug that, as you could check, it lets you completely knocked out. It is used by rapist. And even though it is very difficult to find the one that made you this, my recommendation is that you report this incident to the police." you nodded. "Everything else it's fine, you can go home whenever you feel ready."
"Thank you very much doctor." Joe said. When the doctor closed the door Joe climb up to the hospital bed, crying and hugging you. "Thank goodness that you realised on time." You nodded, with the eyes full of tears. "(Y/N) when you were lying there on the bathroom floor, you hold my hand and pressed it a bit." he said holding your hand. "That's when I realised that I don't wanna be more time without telling you my feelings for you. I don't care that you don't feel the same, I have to tell you."
"Then it's good that I feel the exact same as you." you said, giving him a kiss.
- ¿Quiénes vais? – preguntó Joe acompañándote a la puerta.
- Creo que todas. A un sitio nuevo que han recomendado a Olivia.
- Vale, pasadlo bien. – Te miraste en el espejo que quedaba al lado de la puerta de la casa de Joe.
- Gracias por pasar la tarde conmigo.
- Muchas veces más, para eso estamos los amigos. – te abrazó. – Si necesitas cualquier cosa ya sabes que estoy a una llamada de distancia.
- Lo sé, gracias Joe, por todo. – oíste la puerta cerrarse a tu espalda.
 - En serio, Olivia, ¿de qué conoces este sitio?
- ¿Os acordáis el chico que conocí el otro día en el bar que está al lado de mi casa? – nosotras asentimos. - Me lo recomendó él.
Las cinco nos quedamos mirando al exterior del local. Al parecer era una discoteca, pero no tenía la mejor pinta del mundo. Aun así, os pusisteis en la cola.
- Entonces, ¿has estado con Joe? – pregunto Lucy, tú asentiste. – Y ¿nada?
- Nada de nada.
- Pero ¿te gustaría?
- Claro que me gustaría. Me gusta de verdad, mucho más de lo que me ha gustado nadie, nunca. Pero no creo que sea mutuo.
- No se, (Y/N), yo he visto como te mira, yo creo que si le gustas. Pero puedo preguntar a Rami…
Ahí se acabó la conversación, porque nos tocaba entrar al local, y si fuera tenía mala pinta, por dentro era aún peor. Pero había música, y alcohol. Os acercasteis a la barra a pedir vuestras copas. Al rato, mientras estabais bailando se os acercaron unos chicos.
- ¿Y tú como te llamas, preciosa?
- (Y/N) ¿y tú?
- Jake.
Seguisteis un rato bailando, ni siquiera te apetecía estar allí, esos chicos no te gustaban, ese sitio no te gustaba. Te gustaba Joe, y te gustaba su casa. De repente empezaste a notar un extraño dolor de cabeza, mientras el chico te agarraba de la cadera y se acercaba a besarte. Le empujaste, con menos fuerza de la que normalmente. Notaste que el chico intentaba coger tu mano para acercarse a ti. Te acercaste a Lucy, que estaba a tu lado y le cogiste del brazo, llevándola hacia el baño. Ella te miró, preocupada.
- (Y/N), ¿qué pasa? ¿estás bien?
- Me encuentro muy mal. – sacaste tú móvil del bolso. Odiabas tener que llamarle, pero en ese momento era en la única persona en la que podías pensar.
- (Y/N)
- Joe, estoy donde te he dicho.
- ¿Qué pasa (Y/N)? Te noto la voz rara, ¿estás borracha?
- No sé que pasa. Creo que me han echado algo en la bebida. – notaste como cada vez arrastrabas más las palabras, como se hacía cada vez más difícil vocalizar. De repente sentiste todo dar vueltas. Sólo recuerdas pequeños fragmentos de lo que pasó posteriormente.
“¿(Y/N)? ¡(Y/N)!”
“Joe, ven por favor, no sé qué le pasa.”
“(Y/N), soy Lucy, dime algo.”
“Bebe un poco de agua.”
“(Y/N), soy Joe, acabo de llamar a una ambulancia, ya vienen.”
Notaste como te abrazaba, a la vez que sentiste el vomito subir por la garganta. No sabes si llegaste a vomitar y si lo hiciste, donde.
De repente aparecieron varias voces, desconocidas. Decían cosas sobre tú tensión, tu respiración. Notaste muchísimo peso en tus ojos. Lo último que tu cerebro pudo captar fue la mano de Joe rodeando la tuya.
 Conseguiste abrir los ojos, la habitación estaba en penumbra, una única luz encendida, encima de ti. Miraste hacia la ventana, comenzaba a amanecer. Oliste el ambiente, un hospital. ¿Qué había pasado? Un chico, y Lucy en el baño y Joe.
Viste una figura masculina, mirando hacia la ventana, de pie. ¿Era Joe? Claro que lo era, ese pelo, ese cuerpo, eran inconfundibles.
“Joe.” El chico se dio la vuelta.
“(Y/N), dijeron que despertarías pronto. ¿Qué tal estás?”
“No lo sé, confundida, me duele la cabeza. ¿Qué ha pasado?”
“Me llamaste a las tres o así, Lucy estaba contigo, no sabía que te pasaba. Cuando llegaste estabas despierta, pero no contestabas a nada, solo me dabas la mano y me abrazabas.” Notaste los ojos de Joe rojos.
“¿Estás bien Joe? Tienes los ojos rojos.” De repente Joe te abrazó, muy fuerte, más de lo que lo había hecho nunca.
“(Y/N), cuando te ví ahí tirada pensaba que te perdía, no había pasado tanto miedo nunca.” Se separó del abrazo, pusiste una mano en su mejilla, limpiando las lágrimas que caían.
“Estoy bien, Joe. Te lo prometo.” No sabías porqué, pero ambos susurrabais, como si fuera un secreto que ambos estabais enamorados el uno del otro. Joe posó su nariz sobre la tuya, he hizo eterno el camino que hay desde su boca hasta la tuya, pero lo completó. Cerraste los ojos, y solo dejaste que tu atención fuera a su boca, a su lengua, que recorría la tuya.
“Me gustas muchísimo, (Y/N)”
“Y tú a mí, Joe.” Os separasteis al oir la puerta de la habitación, entró una enfermera.
“Buenos días, (Y/N), ¿te encuentras mejor?”
“Un poco mejor.” Dijiste, sonriendo con complicidad a Joe.
“El medico pasará a verte en un rato, a darte los resultados de los análisis y a ver si puedes irte a casa. Te hemos hecho un lavado de estómago y parece que estás mejor.” Dijo mientras revisaba tú suero. “Muchos amigos tuyos están fuera, pero ni el médico ni tú novio” dijo señalando a Joe. “querían que entraran antes de que despertaras.”
“Muchas gracias, ahora sale mi novio a avisar de que pueden entrar.” La enfermera se fue. Miraste a Joe con una sonrisa cómplice. “¿Mi novio?”
“Si no, no me dejaban pasar.”
“Me gusta el título, podríamos dejarlo así.” Joe se acercó sonriente.
“¿De verdad?”
“Claro que de verdad.” Compartisteis un beso más. Miraste a su camiseta blanca, que tenía una mancha amarillenta. “Dime, por favor que eso no es mi vómito.”
“Siento decirte que sí.” Dijo sonriendo.
“Lo siento mucho.” Dijiste suspirando. “Diles que entren, por favor.”
Viste entrar a tus cuatro amigas y a Rami. Olivia te abrazó la primera, con lágrimas en los ojos. “Lo siento, no deberíamos haber entrado en ese sitio.”
“Olivia, tranquila, estoy bien, nos podría haber pasado a cualquiera. Debemos estar contentas de que me haya dado cuenta a tiempo, si no podría haber sido peor.” Notaste la mano de Joe apretando la tuya al otro lado de la cama, que seguro que estaba pensando en los diferentes finales de esta historia.
Mientras tus amigos se distribuían por la habitación te encontraste con la mirada de Rami, que se desplazaba entre tu mano y la de Joe, entrelazada, y tu cara. Te dio una sonrisa cómplice y tú se la devolviste. “Chicos, estaréis cansados, es muy tarde, iros a casa.”
Ellas te sonrieron, aceptando tu propuesta. Después de que todos se fueran, menos Joe, dormiste un rato.
“(Y/N), (Y/N), el doctor está aquí con los resultados.” Escuchaste los susurros de Joe. Te re
“Perdona doctor.”
“No te preocupes, (Y/N). Traigo los análisis. Efectivamente, alguien debió echarte algo en la copa. ¿Tienes idea de quién pudo ser?”
“Bueno, hubo un chico que se acercó, decía que se llamaba Jake. El resto de tiempo estuve con mis amigas.”
“Pues (Y/N), es una droga que, como pudiste comprobar, te deja completamente noqueado. Lo usan los violadores. Aunque sea muy difícil encontrar a quien te ha hecho esto mi recomendación es que denuncies.” Tú asentiste. “Por lo demás todo está bien, puedes irte a casa cuando quieras.”
“Muchas gracias, doctor.” Dijo Joe. Cuando el doctor cerró la puerta Joe se subió a la cama de hospital llorando y abrazándote. “Menos mal que te diste cuenta a tiempo.” Tu asentiste, con los ojos llenos de lágrimas. “(Y/N), cuando estabas ahí tirada en el baño, y me diste la mano, y apretaste un poquito” Dijo dándote la mano. “me dí cuenta de que no quiero estar más tiempo sin decirte lo que siento por ti. Me da igual que no lo sientas, pero tengo que decírtelo.”
“Menos mal que yo siento exactamente lo mismo que tú.” Dijiste, dándole un beso.
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borhap-au · 4 years
Joe Mazzello: the fluffy chronicles.
Comforting Joe. 
It’s been troubling two years for Joe, since his dad – his hero, his best friend, his role model, passed away. He still sometimes caught himself wanting to call him in times of trouble, and only when he couldn’t find his dad’s number on his contact list had he realized he will never be able to call him again. On daily basis Joe was caught up in other things, too busy for too much thinking, but around the time of his dad’s birthday or the anniversary of his passing, the thoughts come back again. You never dismissed his troubles, always let him cry on your shoulder, talked with him long hours about it if necessary. He confided in you, not scared of letting you know about any of his little secrets. You were generally someone who was able to lift him up, but those current times were really troubling for him. Not only did he lose his dad, but also in times of the pandemic the entire movie industry shut down, with him not being able to find a job. He didn’t star in any movie for two years, and it was hanging over his head, because he wanted to be able to provide for his family that he wanted to start with you. From all the troubles in his personal life and his career, he has experienced a writing block, not being able to write or edit any of the scrips for his future movies. Once, while checking his Twitter, he came across a thread of people hating on him, and that broke him a little. He didn’t talk much, he was rather quiet and wanted to spend more time alone. You let that go for a few days, hoping he will open up to you when he will be ready for it. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, so you decided to come to him and ask him directly about his troubles. He was hesitant at first, but then decided to let you know what was going on. It started off as usually, with him telling you how much he missed his dad.
“And you know, I should visit my mom more often. I don’t want to miss any moments with her, I’m done playing the adult role in my life, I’m done pretending I don’t need my parents and their guidance from time to time. I wanted everyone to see how independent I was, how I could handle everything on my own, and because of that I missed some of the very important moments with my dad. I should’ve visited him all the time when everything was still good,” he muttered quietly and laid his head on your legs, and you softly pet his head and shoulder. You understood him. You also lost a family member and you knew very well how that regret creeps in from time to time. At the same time you were very proud of Joe, for being able to talk about his loss, for the fact that he didn’t close it all in, and also that he let the entire world know how amazing his father was, in his posts on social media. Not many people were able to talk about their loss with such honesty. Moreover, you supported his charity work, also inspired by his father.
“So we will. We will visit her on the weekend, okay? And any time you need it,” you smiled and he looked at you. He reached his hand to your face and pet your cheek, smiling slightly. He felt your support and that was very important to him, especially in those moments.
“Are you sure about this? Those trips may be boring for you, I know you’re not really in for family meetings…” you shook your head, confirming what you’ve said before.
“Whenever you need me, I’ll go there with you. I like our little road trips,” you took his hand and laced your fingers. He pet your hand with his thumb.
“I’m happy to hear that then. I like when you go there with me. I hate not having you close. I always miss you. A lot,” you smiled, but before you could add anything, he continued. “But I also don’t want this to be a responsibility for you. We should both enjoy it equally.”
“I like going there with you. I like your mom. And I like to spend the nights in your old bedroom,” you smirked, letting him know what exactly you meant by that, also reminding him of a few very nice moments. He smiled as well, especially since you reassured him about certain things. “Even if you went alone, I’d follow you. I hate when you’re not around. Especially at night. I need to have your arm around me to feel safe, even at home,” he knew what you meant, because he also hated when he went to sleep and you weren’t there.
“Sounds like you love me,” he gave you a little smile and you immediately nodded.
“Of course I love you. With all my heart,” after all, you knew each other for a while and you were even planning the future together. Your feelings towards him didn’t change, if anything, you loved him more than before.
“Even though I’m a loser without a job?” after hearing that, you immediately hugged him tightly.
“You’re not a loser. And you have a job, your job is acting. We are just in a middle of a worldwide pandemic. Once it’s all over, you will have the Duck movie, and many more,” you smiled to him and quickly added. “And if they don’t consider you for the next Jurassic movie, I will sue those motherfuckers,” you joked and he immediately chuckled, because it was too funny for him how innocent you sounded while cursing. While he was still laughing, you continued.
“You’re one of my favorite actors, but not because I’m biased. You have a great range. From dramatic roles to comedy, you’ve nailed everything I’ve seen you in. And you’re a director too! Not to mention you write awesome scripts. If you want to, we can later do some brainstorming, maybe we will come up with another wonderful piece such as Undrafted.” He smiled when you mentioned that. He was really happy to hear that you enjoyed his movies, after all, he decided it’s you that he wants to impress for the rest of his life.
“You’re a blessing, you know? You’re amazing and gorgeous,” he smiled, petting your cheek. You chuckled quietly, because in your opinion, it was way too far-fetched to call you all those things. But he believed differently. “You make me feel better, not only about all of this, but also about myself. Seeing you always makes me think: how did I get so lucky to have you all to myself? And then I start thinking that maybe all the flaws I see in myself, maybe they don’t really matter to you. And that’s a very important thing to notice. That something that to me is a big problem, something that I believe is too visible for anyone not to notice, the same thing for you is either too small to be a problem, or not noticeable at all. It always makes me feel better.”
It was really everything you needed to hear. It was your goal to be your boyfriend’s biggest supporter, not only in a way that would be visible to others, but also to him. You wanted him to feel appreciated and loved in the relationship. You wanted to always lift him up, instead of putting him down. Life was already miserable enough in itself, and you wanted to be able to bring happiness into the life of your biggest source of joy, your man, Joey.
“As an actor,” he continued, “I am aware of every little part of my body that may not appear flattering on screen. That’s also why I turned to comedy, because it doesn’t matter how you look like on screen as long as you make others laugh. But around you, I feel like I could be right there on screen alongside all those Pitts and Goslings, and compete with them, and even win. Of course that will never happen, but I just wanted to put into words the things you make me feel,” he smiled, sat up and kissed you softly. You put your hand on his cheek, kissing him back.
“In my heart, you’ll always win with them. I don’t care about any Pitts, Goslings or anyone else, as long as I have my Mazzello. To me, you’re amazing, and handsome, and overall attractive. You’re my supermodel, my Oscar-winning actor and director, in my mind, you deserve everything that’s the best in the world, because you make my life better. And not only mine. You read all of those messages from girls telling you how much they love your movies, your comedy, your YouTube channel. You to them are what Brad Pitt is to others. Not everyone has the same taste, and to some of them, you are the perfect man. I know you are to me. You’re funny and you care about others. I don’t know what can be more attractive than a good heart. Not to mention, you really step out of your comfort zone to make others laugh. You’re such a dork sometimes. God, I love you for it,” you chuckled and you both instinctively hugged each other. There was no place better than right there, in his arms.
“You like my comedy?” he muttered, petting your back. You smiled and kissed his shoulder.
“I love it. Anytime I hear you have an idea for a new YouTube video, I literally want to see it right there and then, even if you haven’t finished it yet. I just love every single one of your projects, no matter how small. And that one video, in which you told us it was okay to make fun of you or even insult you, as long as it will make it easier for us to get through quarantine? That was so selfless and amazing, I had tears in my eyes just watching it. You’re my love, my idol, my hero, my everything, Joey. I hope you feel it every day.”
“Oh, I’m your hero now, huh? Good to know, will annoy you with that for the rest of your life,” he joked, because he didn’t really know how to respond to that. It was beautiful and overwhelming to him, but he felt happy after hearing that. You could see it in his eyes. “And since I’m a hero, then you must be my princess,” you nodded when he said that, because you always loved the pet names he had for you.
“And I can promise you, my knight in shining armor, my prince charming…”
“Your king…”
“Let’s not go that far,” you both laughed. “I promise you that everything will be okay, as long as we have each other. I’m here for you and I always will be. I swear.”
“Thank you for it. I love you, Princess,” he pet your cheek, smiling.
“I love you too…”
“No,” once again you chuckled, and you knew that when Joe was able to crack jokes like that all the time, everything will be alright.
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VINNIE AS A DAD? Oh my God his kid is just young enough that you can be really goofy with them but their old enough you can run around with them. That is like the recipe for the giggliest most energetic toddler
Vinnie is completely the like slightly totally chaotic dad who’s doing his best but also just coming up with ridiculous things to do with his kiddo. There’s lots of silly photos and coming home to the house just a mess because they’ve been up to all kinds of stuff and god knows Vinnie doesn’t clean up as he goes. He’s the one insisting that his little baby girl (yes his first born is a daughter, it makes me weak) is going to be the first female MLB superstar even though she’s only 18 months and he loves to bring her with him to D-Backs practice and all the guys take time babysitting when Ty makes him come out and actually practice but then he plays catch with her in the shady area to the left of the fields which is really just him sitting there tossing a baseball to her and smile like the happiest man in the world as she chases after the ball when it rolls past her little hands and then comes running back to him with it because they’re still working on getting her to actually throw it back to him. 
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