#unexpected but so thrilled to share it soon!
josephseedismyfather · 5 months
Looking like Afflicted chapter 2 could be posted tomorrow guys....Harley's story finally continues!
I'm SO excited to get to share it with you!
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deadly-diminuendo · 1 month
Sweet Dreams, Darling
a spawn astarion x fem!tav reader oneshot / nsfw / ~4.1k words
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Summary: An evening spent reading a racy romance novel awakens a fantasy you never knew you had. The thought of your sleeping body becoming a thing to be used for someone else's pleasure brings you an unexpected thrill. Of course Astarion catches you in the act and of course he cannot resist teasing you. But he is willing to indulge you.
Tags/CW: somnophilia, consensual non-consent, tadpole mind sharing, vampire bites/blood drinking, kink discovery, piv sex, late act 3, mostly smut with some fluff
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Never has a collection of words upon a page enraptured you quite like this.
You could have spent hours perusing the diverse collection of books in your private suite, but the second you spotted this particular title, you simply could not resist plucking it from the shelf: Dusk’s Dark Desires. A steamy vampire romance novel taking Faerûn by storm, or so you have heard.
Whether it proved to be a well-written escapist fantasy capable of stimulating your senses, or a disaster full of laughable euphemisms and wild inaccuracies—something you and Astarion might enjoy ridiculing together perhaps—you thought you made the perfect choice for the night. Little did you know just how entirely it would captivate you.
After all it is certainly not the first time you have read something of this nature—erotic literature has long been a guilty pleasure of yours—but the book in your hands describes in riveting detail a fantasy you were not fully aware you had until this very moment.
A hazy notion of it would flicker through your mind whenever you would wake to find Astarion lying atop you, your blood such an aphrodisiac to him that he could not help but to succumb to carnal instinct, hands wandering, hips rolling, his arousal anything but subtle. His need for you never failed to ignite your need for him. All it would take was a word, a nod, a look, and then it would begin—your lips colliding, your clothes shedding, his cock sliding into your mouth, or plunging into your cunt, whatever suited the two of you best. You never felt more wanted, at least in those early days.
Even the times you did not wake thrilled you. You both treated your arrangement as your little secret, only acknowledging your intimate exchanges in knowing smiles and seductive whispers. All the nights you offered him your neck and sealed your promise with a kiss, all the mornings you awoke smiling as you felt fresh puncture marks in your skin, wondering if the act filled him with as much desire as it always seems to.
Wondering if he wanted to take more from you than your blood while you slept.
You flip a few pages back, eager to reread the passage that inspired your lecherous thoughts. Again you absorb the tantalizing prose and again the delicious encounter described plays out in your mind’s eye. A chamber cloaked in darkness, the only light a sliver of moonglow peeking in through the window. The protagonist, a mortal woman, alone and asleep upon a luxurious bed, unaware of what is soon to unfold. The vampire, graceful and silent as he enters the room, here to claim her blood—and her body.
Astarion here to claim you.
Your longing pools between your legs as you picture yourself and your own lover recreating this scandalous scenario. You imagine Astarion losing himself in your neck, lifting the hem of your nightdress, easing his way inside you, your body wholly ready to accept him even while unconscious.
What began as a tiny spark of curiosity has developed into overwhelming want. You want to wake to him indulging in your sleeping form more than he has ever dared before. Or not to wake at all, to discover in the morning that he’d had his wicked way with you while you were none the wiser.
You continue to read, immersing yourself in both the enticing words upon the page and the intoxicating idea of Astarion using your body for his pleasure. So lost in thought are you that, when the door creaks open, you jump.
Really, you should not be at all surprised. You knew Astarion would eventually be joining you tonight. Since your party began its stay at the Elfsong, the two of you have often spent your nights in this room, away from the prying eyes of the others. A cozy place for you to converse and cuddle in comfort—or, since that unforgettable experience you shared over his grave, to make love.
Your journey has held many surprises for you, but none more unexpected—and more welcome—than falling in love. Together you’ve formed a deep emotional connection founded on mutual trust, respect, and adoration—and your physical connection is all the better for it. You truly enjoy each other in every way.
And you would very much like to enjoy him tonight.
Astarion regards your flushed face with a touch of suspicion and a great deal of amusement, the curl of his lips hinting at the barrage of teases likely coming your way. You shut your book closed too quickly, too guiltily, you think. He knows he has caught you red-handed, and now you are red-faced to match it.
He takes a step closer to the bed and closer to you, a little thrill rushing through you as his gaze drops to the low cut of your chemise—but then you realize he means to glimpse at your novel, discern its title, uncover a clue to the mysteries held within. You hug the book tighter to you, not willing to give up its secrets this soon.
“Good book, I take it?”
You shrug, though you know your grin is likely giving you away. “It has been a pleasant enough diversion thus far.”
“Oh, I think it’s much more than that, darling,” he insists, sauntering closer before halting at the foot of the bed. “It must be quite an… intriguing read to bring such a pretty blush to those cheeks. Here I thought only I was capable of that.”
“Maybe I was thinking about you,” you admit with a flutter of your lashes.
“Like always, then?” He chuckles as heat again darkens your cheeks. “You do fluster so easily in my presence. Still a little shy even after all this time. How sweet you are, my dear.”
You can’t help but notice how his fingertips run up the bedpost, and you find yourself wishing those hands were all over you instead.
“Or maybe you are not as sweet as you seem, hmm?” His voice is low, sultry, the way it always is when he means to seduce you.
As if you needed seducing.
Your breath catches in your lungs as the mattress sinks beneath his weight, your body deathly still but for the pumping of your heart and the throbbing of your cunt. Eagerly you await his next move.
You watch his slow, measured crawl towards you, his hungered stare suggesting his need to devour and ravage you—but he stops, resting his chin in his hand as he lies there looking at you.
“What devilish thoughts have been going through your mind, I wonder? Dreaming up all the sinful things we might do together, perhaps? Wishing I was here with you? Touching you? Inside you?”
“Maybe,” you tell him with a coy smile. He does not yet know the depths of your depravity, but perhaps you might yet let him find out.
“And now that you have me…” He smirks, running a thumb across your parted lips, knowing he has you right where he wants you.
You cannot resist. You never can.
So you steal a kiss—and he snatches away your book.
You expected it to happen, really. It was inevitable. And though part of you is mortified that you have allowed him this much ammunition to tease you with—the other part of you wonders if he, too, just might like what he reads.
“Well, what have we here?” Astarion settles against the pillow to your left, looking all too pleased with himself as he begins to inspect his prize. “Dusk’s Dark Desires?” He sounds skeptical as he reads out the title, and though he flashes you an unimpressed look, you can detect a glimmer in his eyes. “Let’s see what dark desires have that sweet heart of yours beating so fast.”
If he had not guessed it already, he discovers it immediately upon opening the book: “Vampires, darling?” He tuts at you with mock disapproval. “Oh, my love. I should have known.”
You do feel rather embarrassed, knowing so much about the true horrors of vampirism, horrors he has had to endure—and yet the first night he bit you was a carnal awakening. A world-shattering, life-changing experience for you both.
But you fell in love with Astarion for the man he is, not the vampire he happens to be.
“It is, admittedly, a new fascination of mine. All because you are a fascination of mine. And so much more than that.”
You smile at each other, and your worries fade.
Though it soon becomes clear he intends to keep you blushing.
“My, my,” he remarks, clicking his tongue as his eyes scan the text in front of him. “Is this now a fascination of yours, too?” He begins to read aloud: “So serene did she lie beneath him, so scrumptious did she taste, so submissive was she in slumber, that he knew he must take all of her, inch by precious inch.”
This is all rather foolish, you think.
Yet to hear such words spoken in his irresistibly seductive timbre renders you speechless.
So he makes the obvious choice to keep going.
He rolls to his side, half hovering over you as he skims the rest of the page, skipping ahead a few lines: “Fear rattled her when she awoke to find him within her, fangs in throat, cock in flesh. Yet a rapturous need blossomed in her core, obliterating all rational thought. When she cried out at last, his mouth met hers with a ferocity beguiling and obscene, consuming her whole. She enfolded him into her arms and surrendered.”
A pause. The air feels electric between you as Astarion studies your face. Whatever conclusion he comes to makes him grin. “You filthy little degenerate. This really turns you on, doesn’t it?”
You are still quiet, so he persists.
“You like the thought of it, don’t you? You, lying here lost in your sweet dreams, while I take whatever I want?”
Somewhere within you still resides a shame that prevents you from confessing outright. You try to downplay it. “It’s just a silly little fantasy.”
“Is that all it is?” He lets the book fall to the bed as he moves to straddle you. “Oh, no, my love. I know you too well to believe that. Your body betrays you.”
“Does it?” you ask innocently, but you know full well it does. Lust already blazed within you before he’d even entered the room, and now his every touch fuels the flames.
“Hmm, let me see…”
His palm cups your chin.
“Pupils dilated.”
Lips inches from yours.
“Cheeks reddened.”
Fingers trace your heart.
“Heartrate accelerated.”
Then graze your breasts.
“Nipples hardened.”
Lower, lower, lower.
“Cunt soaked.”
Mouths crash together.
No more words pass between you as you lose yourselves in your fervent worship of each other, though your fantasy is far from forgotten.
Not by you.
Not by him.
“I would not mind indulging you. In fact I would rather like to try it myself.”
Those were his first words to you in the morning when you awoke entangled in his arms.
You were elated. You admitted how badly you wanted it—wanted him to take and take and take from you while you sleep. Wanted to be nothing more than his personal plaything for a night.
And tonight you will put your plan into place.
You are alone. You are restless. You are wide awake.
And so you are grateful for the little gift Astarion left out for you on the desk.
Together you decided upon two key conditions to be met for your end of the bargain before he could proceed with his. One, you would remove your smallclothes. Two, you would drink a sleeping draught—and the perfect concoction is now conveniently laid out before you.
He wanted you to know you could still change your mind—but no. You are sure of what you want, and you trust him completely.
You slip out of your smallclothes, kicking them aside as you make your way forward. You take the tiny bottle in your hands, twist off the lid, and swallow the works of it down. You settle into the plush comfort of your bed, and moments later, you drift into the world of your dreams.
Sweet are your dreams of Astarion.
Foggy and fleeting though they begin, little details stick with you—the melodious rippling of his laughter, the heady scent of bergamot and rosemary, the feeling of cool skin against your heat in a spellbinding dance of ice and fire. Every one of your senses recalls all the happiest moments you have shared, envisions all the precious memories you have yet to create.
Whether it is a matter of minutes or hours, you are not sure—but, in time, the nebulous becomes lucid, the vague becomes vivid.
The picture so clear before you now is you. Your chest rises and falls with the gentle cadence of your breathing, your nipples peeking through the thin fabric of your nightgown. Your hemline hiked up high, your head atilt upon your pillow, your lovely neck ready for the taking. A vision delectable and divine.
Delectable… An imagining of yourself through Astarion’s eyes, then. How curious.
Your thoughts are no longer your own, but his, or at least what you fancy his to be. How pleased he would be to learn your dreams filled with love and longing inspired the warmth of your smile, how thrilled he would feel to feed upon your sleeping form, knowing how much the notion arouses you, how much of you you’re willing to let him take.
Astarion stalks towards the bed, eyes ever watching you, drinking in every detail of your alluring figure. He cannot deny how adorable you look in your frilly and feminine little dress, but, as he often reminds you, it’s your skin that suits you best. How he would love to strip you bare, have you nude beneath him, so sweet and soft and utterly helpless. The bed creaks when he joins you upon it, the mattress dipping as his knees settle on either side of you—he freezes, but then remembers having spotted the empty vial—he need not be too careful tonight.
You will sleep very, very well.
As for his other little suggestion… Gods, he must know. His hands venture under your skirt, and when he feels the skin there—silky, smooth, shamelessly bare—he grins.
Both your blood and your body will be his tonight.
Such a generous little thing you are, always eager to be seduced, to be used, to be conquered. What luck to have found such willing prey, a perfect vessel to fulfill the needs of his empty stomach and his already hardening cock. The steady rhythm of your pulse and the heat emanating from your skin only heighten his ravenous desire.
You can almost feel him at your neck.
A delicate touch. A gentle kiss. A sharp bite.
Astarion sinks his fangs deep into you, and your blood, so rich and so decadent, fills his hungry mouth, a heavenly reprieve from his eternal curse. The taste of you is pure perfection, an ambrosia more divine than the finest wines, more filling than the grandest feasts. It’s invigorating. Exhilarating. Arousing.
He gulps you down greedily, the temptation to drain you dry ever present, but his ardent need for you ever more consuming. Unaware as you are, your body still reacts, still shivers and shakes against him—not unlike how you shudder in ecstasy when he fucks you, your self-control hopelessly lost as you come undone in his arms. His lust for blood shifts into lust for you, every drop of you he drinks seemingly travelling right to his cock.
A feeling he wanted to fight, once. To physically crave anyone, even if instigated by the act of blood-drinking, was truly shocking. Beyond what he could handle, at first. He tried to ignore it. And then he couldn’t ignore it, stealing away to the woods, or to the privacy of his tent to play out his fantasies, chase the euphoria of release. Giving into it when you would wake, sometimes even wanting you to wake so he could have you, take pleasure in you, empty himself inside you.
Now it is a feeling he has been learning to embrace.
And tonight with you—in you—he will embrace it fully.
Instinct guides his hands to grab at your gown, bunching its cloth into fistfuls and gathering its hem to your waist, exposing your gorgeous curves and your pretty little cunt. He dares run a finger along your entrance, so warm and, oh, so deliciously wet for him. A wonderful surprise to find you this receptive, this ready for his use. His cock aches to spring free, to indulge in your slick heat.
To fuck you like this, plunge into you hard and fast, eat up every last bit of you—the pleasure of it all would be immense—but your gifts to him are precious, something to be cherished, to be handled with care. As much as it is a challenge to maintain his control, to pull himself from your luscious neck, he does.
It helps to know the night will not end here. He readies himself for the delights yet to come, strips off his trousers and smallclothes, coaxes your legs apart with one hand as he strokes himself with the other.
To savour you will be so sweet.
Astarion rubs along your folds—a tease that so often has you begging for more—but now he is the impatient one. Your charming smile, your radiating warmth, your ready body, so slick with unconscious need, invites him in. The tip of his cock slips inside you and you welcome him with astonishing ease.
Pleasure—whether his or yours, you can’t quite tell—floods your mind, intensifying the otherworldly sensations of your dreamscape. The way he fills you, the way you surround him entrances you in equal measure, immersing you into a haze of languid euphoria as he gradually, gently works you open.
How cute that you cannot quite comprehend this. But, oh, you feel it, don’t you?
His thoughts again dominate yours as he buries his full length inside, relishing in how easily your body accommodates his size, how good it feels to pull away and push back into you. Gods, you look so beautiful and blissful in your oblivion. Still your body answers to his rhythm in ways subtle and sweet—a touch of colour on your cheeks, a slight quickening of your heart—but nothing gratifies him more than discovering the stirrings of pleasure swirling about your sleeping mind.
A conflict begins between his crumbling resolve to take his time and his growing urge to thrust into you mercilessly. He manages to compromise with a moderate pace and a thorough exploration of you, pressing in as deep as he is able while his hands roam across your skin. Your every curve and contour have long been mapped out in his mind, but still he touches you with a reverence befitting a first time.
How surreal it is to know this stunning, trusting, loving woman in his arms is all his. It still feels like a sweet dream from which he will one day wake.
But you are real—and you give yourself to him so freely.
Astarion continues to rock his hips against yours, moving faster now, taking full advantage of your kindly offering. You feel delicious wrapped around his cock like this, your body perfectly conforming to his shape. He does miss your adorable little moans—you have always been enthusiastically vocal for him in bed—but he must admit the endless creaking below and the wet slapping of his flesh meeting yours make for pleasing sounds in their absence.
Barely a second passes before a pretty noise escapes your open mouth—only a faint whimper, but it makes him throb with the feral need to fill you. You little minx. Even in your sleep you know just how to rile him. Well, if you are to tempt him with such provocative encouragement, then he has no choice but to fuck you harder.
He abandons all restraint in his haste towards the end, the pleasure tingling your slumbering mind enhancing his own. But, gods, what he would not give to feel all your delightful spasms and shudders as you shatter for him.
Maybe, just maybe…
You feel it. You have this whole time, really, but the waves of pleasure are far stronger than before. Each and every sensation amplified, pushed hard into your mind as he plunges hard into you. How much pleasure he takes in enjoying your body. How blissfully lost he is in his sweet addiction to you. How near he is to tumbling over the edge of ecstasy.
And he wants desperately to take you with him.
Euphoria wracks through him and through you. With a few final thrusts, Astarion pumps you full of his seed, your rhythmic pulses drawing every last drop deeper inside you.
He collapses, basking in afterglow, heart brimming with affection as he admires you. You are still sound asleep, oblivious to the waking world, that same cute little smile upon your pretty face.
Gods, could you be any more perfect?
Before he separates from your body and mind, before all fades to black, he plants a single kiss upon your soft lips, whispering one last message into your ear.
“Sweet dreams, darling.”
Your eyes flicker open. You squint a little as you adjust to the shock of morning light streaming in through the crack of the open window, but you soon welcome your favourite sight: Astarion lying by your side. You are usually the type to grumble as you pull the covers over your head, chasing the often vain hope for another hour of sleep—but today you simply smile. Perhaps waking up every day next to a partner you adore just might yet make a morning person out of you.
He looks beautiful like this. Relaxed, content, transfixed on a book. He fails to notice your stare—or at least he pretends not to. Eventually you scooch closer, and at last he acknowledges you. “Good morning, my dear. I trust you… slept well?”
Something signals to you that this is not quite a normal greeting. Something you can’t quite pinpoint. He looks… exceptionally smug, even for him. He sounds… expectant, maybe?
You struggle to recall whatever it is you are supposed to know. But then you recognize the book in his hands as he slams it shut. And then you remember.
Oh, gods. Your racy novel. Your little fantasy. Your erotic dreams.
Your hand snaps to your neck, your fingers finding two distinctive punctures in your skin while he watches you with his fanged grin. He drank from you, that much is certain, but did he…? You reach your other hand to examine a far more intimate place.
“That,” you begin breathlessly, hazy recollections of your dreams returning to you piece by piece. “That was all real last night, wasn’t it?”
“If you are referring to the little show I gave you, then yes,” he confirms, his grin spreading wide. “Was it everything you ever wanted?”
His flirtatious drawl is full of bravado, as it always is, yet you think you can detect the tiniest hint of uncertainty behind it.
Oh, you will make sure you leave him with no doubt.
You practically pounce on him, smothering him with a flurry of little kisses. The way his laughter bubbles out of him makes your heart sing. “Shall I take that as a yes?”
“Of course,” you assure him. “And it’s like I’ve told you before. I trust you with my body.”
You plant a kiss on his forehead.
“My mind.”
And the tip of his nose.
“My heart.”
Both his cheeks.
“My everything.”
You press your lips to his, and the two of you melt into each other. Astarion holds you tight even as your lips break apart, a whispered “I love you,” filling the shell of your ear. You repeat the words back to him—and before you lavish him with the full extent of your affection you tell him only one more thing.
“You have given me the sweetest dreams I will ever have.”
+++ Thank you for reading!
If you enjoy my work, you can find more on my AO3. Additional cross posts for Tumblr and masterlist coming soon + more oneshots in the works! UPDATE: Here is the masterlist!
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thedragonkween · 5 months
King Baldwin IV Headcanons! ♔🤍♕
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A/N: So, here we are. I could not resist this mysterious and tormented king's charm. His silky voice makes me dream! These are some headcanons I've collected off the top of my head. The Reader is implied to be female and married to Baldwin IV. Please, do feel free to hit my inbox to ramble about our king because I'm literally dying of pining and yearning.
tags: female!reader x baldwin iv of jerusalem (from kingdom of heaven); reader is married to baldwin iv of jerusalem; fluff; slight angst towards the end
wc: 1150k
reccomended songs to listen to while reading: "Summertime Sadness" by Hildegard von Blingin; "Right Here" by Ashes Remain; "Blood, Sweat, Tears" by BTS (orchestral version)
"Many are the tales of the King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and of his Queen. Despite the varying accounts of their deeds, each one of them agrees on one aspect: the King of Jerusalem loved his Queen dearly, and the world is richer for it".
Baldwin IV is mysterious, intense, valiant, noble and utterly devoted to you, his Queen. But what does this devotion look like?
Firstly, he would believe in you like no other and would always be ready to give you his best advice whenever the weight of your responsibility becomes too much. Foreign rulers would soon learn of your qualities - there would hardly be a piece of correspondence where the King of Jerusalem does not praise the intellect and insight of his dear wife. He would glance at you from time to time, while you both work at your desks sharing the burden of paperwork, silently thanking God for having sent him not only a beautiful, but reliable life companion as well.
He values your opinions greatly and has the utmost regard for your views on political, military and state matters. Disagreements happen, yet your overall values are aligned, which is why Baldwin understands your vision and where your point comes from. During the discussions regarding complex decisions, he would let you speak and explain, then he would offer his honest thoughts on the matter, should he see another, different way from yours. 
Playing chess is a favorite way of spending quality time together in your chambers, away from the chaos of the court. If you know how to play and are proficient at it, he would delight in the thrill of challenge, as he would finally have found a true equal. If you do not know how to play, he would teach you with patience, taking pride whenever you make an unexpected and astute move. He would be such a nerd while he explains the rules to you and would be delighted to see how your mind works when devising a plan.
"Congratulations, dove. You have a checkmate."
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I can also see Baldwin taking you on long rides, if his health allows it. He would sweetly check the reins and saddle on your horse before mounting on his steed and leading you away to enjoy the cool early morning breeze, before the heat of Jerusalem becomes too sweltering. You would have a nice and secluded spot to enjoy and to pretend that you are a couple of young lovers without responsibilities and crowns weighing on your heads.
Your presence brings him safety and comfort, which is what would convince him to remove his mask when he is alone with you and the physicians. He would especially love to rest his head on your la as you gently caress his curls while the physicians tend to his skin. It is a sacred moment. He does not know how he went so long without your presence during this delicate time. Speaking softly to each other, you would distract him from the pain with talk of your hometown, fairy tales from your culture, or even simply reflecting on a happening of that day. On these occasions, you learn how to best take care of him, watching the physician tend to his arm while you tend to the other, delicately dabbing the cloth over his wounded skin. Baldwin feels so protected and safe in your presence. He thinks you are God’s greatest gift to him.
Now, jealousy. Baldwin knows he boasts the honor of having an exquisite flower such as yourself to call his own. As do powerful men and courtiers from distant lands. Many covet your loveliness as one would a precious gem. Should one of these foolish people try to take you from him or even stare at you for too long to be considered proper, they would be met with a pure force to be reckoned with. Should a knight’s eye linger on you for too long, he would be quick to put him in place in his signature glacial, elegant way. Before long, everyone learns not to disrespect the Queen consort of Jerusalem.
“Perhaps you would have understood my point, had you not been so insolently ogling my wife”. He takes out his whip. “On your knees. You will pay for insulting the Queen”.
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He would protect you with his life. He swore to protect Jerusalem and, as its Queen, that includes first of all you. Should a courtier doubt your devotion and mistake it for thirst for power, or should he learn of an orchestrated attempt on your life, he would waste no time in employing his best forces in your service to defend you.
His enemies and templars alike fear him, yet with you he is as gentle as the morning breeze that gently caresses Jerusalem. This powerful king who makes armies tremble and kingdoms shake is the same person who holds and kisses your hand (when in public, bringing your fingers to the lips of his mask), who silently admires your loveliness from afar and sighs to himself, who longs for your warmth after a tiring day. 
He would write you letters. Lots of them. And not always when he is away. Maybe he just liked the way the sun reflected in your eyes that morning. Or maybe when you helped a servant, he was moved by your kindness. Your every action inspires him, so much so that he has to let out his thoughts on paper. You have a pretty wooden box brimming with delicate papers penned by Baldwin in your honor. He is not only the King of Jerusalem, but also the king of pining, of yearning. Even when he has you near, he yearns for you.
I love to imagine him letting you accompany him to battle. He would love it too, in theory. You make him so strong, the both of you would be quite the sight, meeting your enemies head on, as one, donning your best armors. Yet, at the same time I cannot imagine him resting easy knowing that a loose arrow, a desperate soldier seeking glory for killing the Queen of Jerusalem, or fatigue and sickness could take you from him. It pains his heart to be parted from you, yet he cannot risk your safety. Instead, Baldwin would trust you with ruling the kingdom. He has absolute faith in your intelligence, willpower and cleverness, especially after all he has taught you about running the realm. He longs for you every second he’s away from Jerusalem, yet his heart is at peace knowing his kingdom is in the most capable hands.
When he feels that his time on this Earth is nearing his end, he calls for his most trusted advisors, including Balian and Tiberias. He would ask them, almost begging, to protect you always, at all costs, when he is no longer there to do so. Balian and Tiberias would exchange a quick glance to each other, vowing to respect their King’s wish until the very end.
“Protect her. Please.” “Always, my Lord”.
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Poems, songs and stories would be written in honor of your love even centuries after your passing. Many tales would speak of Baldwin IV of Jerusalem and his Queen. Different pieces of art, such as paintings and ballads, would inspire people from all over the world to find a love as devoted and unshakable as yours. Until the very end.
All in all, to love Baldwin means knowing your time together is limited. As is the time of all creatures on Earth. He would beg you to go on after his passing, to live for him. He shall wait for you and protect you from above. Until the very end.
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heartsandhischier · 5 months
definitely the annoying little brother
luke hughes x female!reader, jack hughes x platonic!reader
summary - 5.2k words. living in an apartment with your best friend is great, but living in an apartment with your best friend and his brother... not so great
author's note - so... got a little carried away with this one, might write a part 2 idk yet but I love cocky Luke
warnings - mentions of alcohol, swearing, smut (first time writing so hopefully it isn't total shit)
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When you first moved to New Jersey, you felt completely lost. Don’t take it the wrong way, it was great—a prestigious college, a change of scenery, and the promise of a fresh start. But your journey took an unexpected turn when you bumber into someone, quite literally crashed into someone, drenching him in your freshly bought coffee.
That someone was Jack, who had also just moved to New Jersey after being drafted by the New Jersey Devils. Like you, he was lost, navigating the unfamiliar terrain of a new beginning. Quickly, you became best friends, each other’s anchor in this new and unfamiliar state. You were each other’s confidants and biggest supporters, always there to lift one another up, no matter the challenge—cheering him on from the stands during his rookie year while he helped you with your schoolwork, or at least tried to…
You supported each other through thick and thin.
When you suddenly found yourself without an apartment, Jack didn’t hesitate to offer you his guest room. What started as a temporary arrangement soon turned into something more permanent, as both of you realized that living together just felt right. What was meant to be a short-term solution naturally evolved into a lasting living situation.
When Luke was drafted, you were perched on the edge of your seat in the apartment, eyes glued to the screen in anticipation as the New Jersey Devils prepared to announce their pick. The moment Luke’s name was called, you jumped up from the couch, overwhelmed with joy. You were thrilled, not just for Luke, but because you knew how much this meant to Jack—being able to play alongside his brother, to grow and improve together on the ice. You watched the screen as Jack sprung from the couch, shaking with excitement. He had told you before, that if Luke was drafted by the Devils, he would move into the apartment. Rather than feeling any apprehension, your strong friendship with Jack made you excited to live with the two brothers.
But here you were, pounding angrily on the shared bathrrom door, “LUKE! Are you fucking kidding me? I’m gonna be late!” The reality of living with Luke was far from pleasant or fun as you had imagined.
Luke was definetely the annoying brother of the three.
Unlike Jack, who was always kidn and considerate, Luke seemed to barely tolerate your presence. He often made snide, witty comments, as if he took some kind of pleasure in getting under your skin.
The apartment had turned into a warzone, filled with incessant arguing, shouting, and tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. In jack’s absence, there was no one to play the peacemaker, no one stopping the two of you from getting at each others throats. Luke was leaving the bathroom a mess, his toiletries scattered everywhere, piling dirty dishes in the sink, not even bothering to put them in the dishwasher, and even taking your clothes out of the dryer and dumping them on the floor so he could use the machine. He even went as far as throwing a party the night before your midterm.You couldn’t hep but feel like he was doing all of this on purpose. You knew he was raised well, with proper manners and common decency—Jack was living proof of that. You knew, you knew he was doing it on purpose. Luke was intentionally firing you up, pushing your buttons. And what bothered you the most, was that it was working.
Luke finally unlocked the bathroom door, and as he swung the it open, a cloud of steam escaped into the hallway. His hair damp, a towel casually wrapped around his waist, showing off his toned muscles. “You don’t need to spend that much time in the bathroom, especially when you end up looking like that,” you snapped, arms crossed in frustration.
“Like what? Incredibly handsome?” Luke shot back, a smug smirk spreading across his face.
“No, like shit,” you fired back, not missing a beat.
“Well, you’re not exactly a sight for sore eyes yourself. So you don’t really need the bathroom before school anyways,” he chuckled, clearly satisfied with his comeback. Annoyed, you rolled your eyes and pushed past him, eager to get on with your day.
“Come on Y/N,” Jack whined, his voice dragging, practically on his knees, begging. His team was heading out to celebrate their victory from the night before, and with your schedule finally clear after endless stress, Jack insisted that you’d join them, arguing that you deserved a break. However, his team included a certain someone—Luke. The thought of spending hours into the night, subjected to Luke’s endless barbs and comments, now potentially amplified by alcohol, spelled nothing but trouble in your mind.
“I’ll put you on my tab, if you come,” he offered wiggling his eyebrows, trying to sweeten the deal with the promise of a free night out. You couldn’t help but laugh at his desperation, “Come on, we both know you’d do that anyways,” you teased, narrowing your eyes playfully at him.
“Please, I’ll clean the bathroom for the next three weeks,” he proposed.
“Four weeks.”
“Fine, four weeks. And I’ll make you lunch for those weeks too,” he said, extending his hand in a peace offering.
“Deal. But I’ll skip on the lunch since you barely know how to cook brocolli.”
“Aren’t we going to wait for Luke?” you asked, slipping into your boots, a hint of curiousity in your voice. Jack chuckled at your questiong, catching your eyes in the mirror as he straigthened his jacket. “What, have you suddenly become best friend with your ‘enemy’?” he teased. “Absolutely not,” you snorted, “Just wanted to know if I needed to prepare for a battle to get us in the back seat.”
The Uber sped through the bustling streets of New York, skyscrapers flashing by in a blur. Luke had headed out erly with Holtz and Mercer, granting you a rare moment of peace on the drive to the club, free from the usual bickering.
The elevator chimed, announding your arrival at the club’s level. As the doors slid open, you were greeted by a breathtaking panoramic view of New York City—the virbant lights and endless stretched out before you, leaving you momentarily speechless. “Pretty sick, right?” Jack playfully nudged you, his smile infectious, clearly proud of the evening’s choice. The club’s interior buzzed with energy, packed with people moving rhythmically beneath the glow of shimmering lights. The music enveloped the space, so loud and deep that the bass seemed to vibrate through the very floor. With a reassuring grip, jack took your hand and guided you through the crowd, weaving towards the table where his teammates were gathered.
They all excitedly greeted the two of you, ushering you both to join them at the table. You loved Jack’s teammates—they were just as kind and welcoming as him, making everyone feel included and part of the fun. They had a way of making you feel like you belonged, as if you were a part of the team.
And then there was Luke.
He didn’t even glance in your direction when you approached the table, too invested in his conversation with Timo to care—yeah sure.
As soon as you sat down, the drinks were served—Jack with his usual beer, and for you, a Tom Collins, your all-time favourite. You couldn’t help but chuckle, Jack had even gone out of his way to make sure you got your favourite drink.
After a few more drinks and plenty of hearty laughs, Jack pulled you out of your seat and onto the dance floor. The music immediately took over as you started moving, and you found yourself actually enjoying the moment. Dancing with Jack, you felt genuinely happy, grateful that you’d agreed to go out. In that moment, you forgot all about his annoying little brother.
Dancing, completely lost in the ruthm and music, you noticed your glass was empty. Sldiding through the crowd, you made your way to the bar, skillfully navigating the sea of people, all moving to the same infectious beat. The bartenders were a blur of activity, moving with swift precision as they tried to keep up with the endless stream of orders shouted by eager club-goers.
While waiting to be served, you suddenly felt a hand wrap around your waist. Startled, you turned around, meeting the drunken gaze of a stranger. “What are you getting beautiful?” he slurred. He was undeniably handsome, but the whole encounted made you feel uncomfortable. You tried to respond, but only managed to stumble out an incoherent answer.
He leaned in closed, his breath hot against your ear, “Why don’t I buy you a drink, and then we can continue the party at my place?” a shiver ran down your spine, and not the good kind. All you could muster was a sheepish smile, your mind racing for a way out. In a sudden, unwelcome move, he leaned in, clearly aiming for a kiss. You froze, unable to move, instinctively shutting your eyes, bracing for impact.
But the kiss never came. Eyes still closed, you heard commotion.
“Back off. She’s not going anywhere with you.”
Opening your eyes, you found Luke standing between you and the stranger, his body tense as he had pushed the man away, shielding you from his advances.
“You okay?” Luke asked, his voice softening as he lightly brushed your arm, his towering presence offering an unexpected sense of security. You looked up at him, slowly giving a small nod, your mind still racing. What the fuck just happened?
Without missing a beat, Luke turned to signal the bartender, “Two Tom Collins’ please.” The bartender nodded in acknowledgement and swiftly got to work on the drinks.
As he handed you one of the glasses, Luke’s hand gently found its way to the small of your back, guiding you with a suprising tenderness toward the dance floor. The music, once again, enveloped you, its rhythm quickly helping you forget the uncomfortable encounter at the bar.
You found yourself dancing close to Luke, closer than you had ever been before. You felt weirdly comfortable in Luke’s presence, and it seemed he noticed, his hand resting gently on your hips, his voice teasing. “For someone who complains so much about me, you seem pretty okay with standing this close to me.”
His comment took you by surprise, a rush of warmth flooding your cheeks. You quickly retorded, trying to mask your fluster, “Trust me, if the club wasn’t this packed, I’d be standing lightyears away from you.”
Luke smirked, leaning in closer, his breath tickling your ear as he whispered, “Or maybe you’ve just realised how much you actually enjoy my company. All those complaints might just be your way of getting my attention.”
You sturggled to maintain your composure, caught off guard by the unexpected closeness. “Dream on Luke. If I wanted your attention I’d just lock myself in the bathroom with you,” you shot back, trying to sound unfazed.
“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you,” he replied with that damn smirk—you wished you could just slap it off his face.
What. Was. Happening?
Confused and a bit flustered, you mustered up an excuse and rushed through the lively crowd toward Jack at the table.
“Enjoying youself?” Jack’s voice pulled you back to reality, his tone playful as he nudged you.
“Fine!” You responed, rolling our eyes at him. “I’m having fun. But you didn’t have to make them get my favourite drink,” you laughed, giving into his bright smile.
Jack joined the laughter, but there was in his response that made it seem like he was laughing at you, not with you. He tilted his head, genuinely puzzled as he looked at you. “I didn’t tell anyone to order your favourite drink.”
“Well, who’s in charge of the tab tonight?”
The next few weeks, you did everything you could to avoid Luke. The whole situation at the club… it left you confused. It was so unexpected, yet for some reason, you didn’t mind the closeness that you felt that night. But you couldn’t face him. You started waking up hours earlier than necessary just to avoid the usual bathroom fight, lingering around for extrahours before class or work. It was ruining your sleep schedule, but you convinced yourself it was for the best.
Your eyes were glued to the bright screen of your phone—3 AM. You let out a frustrated sigh. You couldn’t sleep. The room felt like an oven, the early arrival of summer in New Jersey wrapping your bedroom in an unbearable warmth. The stress of upcoming exams weighed heavily on your mind. And the thought of having to get up in just two hours to avoid Luke didn’t help much either.
Defeated, you pushed yourself out of bed, sliding into your fluffy slippers. Glancing at your reflection in the mirror, you sighed—you looked a mess. Hair tied up in a messy bun, and Jack’s New Jersey Devils t-shirt hung loosely around you.
At this ungodly hour, no one would see you anyway.
Carefully, you pushed the door open, trying to minimise the telltale creak. With light steps, you tiptoed down the hallway, heading for the kitchen. The gentle glow from the counter lights greeted you, casting a soft, inviting glow over the room—Jack must’ve left it on. However, the comfort quickly turned into dismay when you spotted the very person you’d been trying to hard to avoid for weeks on end—Luke. His back was turned, his curly messy, and a pair of pajama pants hung loosely around his waist. His back muscles, his shoulders—everything was on display.
The sight of him triggered an immediate fight-or-flight response—you needed to get out of there before he noticed you. You turned your heel, but your slippers betrayed you with a sharp squeak against the floor.
“Going somewhere?”
You cleared your throat, gathering the courage to face him as you slowly turned around. There he was, casually leaning against the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal cradled in his hands—his midnight snack. “Just needed some water. Didn’t realise I had company,” you managed to say, trying your best to sound nonchalant.
He let out a soft chuckle, the spoon in his bowl making lazy circles. “Can’t sleep either, huh? The kitchen’s open for all, y’know.” He wasn’t wrong. Despite your efforts to keep your distance, you did in fact live together, and spaces like the kitchen were neutral ground, even at 3 AM.
“Yeah, I… I guess I’ll just grab that water then,” you replied, navigating the awkward silence that filled the room. You reached for a glass and made your way to the sink—coincidentally right next to where Luke was enjoying his cereal. His presence towering over you as you filled your glass with water.
“You know, for two people who claim to hate each other, we do end up in the same place a lot,” Luke observed with a smirk that you could feel rather than see.
You scoffed, trying to maintain a façade of indifference. “We live in the same apartment, Luke, and your brother is my best friend. Don’t get it twisted.”
“Well, you’re wearing my t-shirt, so don’t blame me for getting the ‘wrong idea’,” he countered.
“This is Jack’s.”
He chuckled lightly. “I’ve been looking for it for weeks, thought I lost it. But now I know you just wanted to feel like you were sleeping next tome.”
You scoffed, annoyed. “In your dreams, asshole.”
He stepped closer, closing the distance between you to mere inches. “Y’know, you could’ve just asked. I’d gladly let you sleep in bed with me,” he said, the smirk evident in his voice as he towered over you.
Heart racing, your voice caught in your throat at the sudden proximity. In a moment of panic, you retreated, mumbling an incoherent “I have to go,” as you hastily made your escape.
The usual calm and comfortable space of your apartment was transformed tonight into lively space buzzing with energy, laughter, and booze. It was Jack’s birthday, and as his best friend, you were determined to throw him the best celebration possible—a surprise party. You pulled all the strings, inviting friends and teammates, and with the off-season granting a rare break, Trevor, Cole, and Alex were able to join the festivities. As you navigated the cluster of people, a glass nestled gently in your grasp, your gaze inadvertently landed on Luke. By his side stood a girl whose laughter harmonised so seamlessly with his, it almost seemed choreographed.
A strange unease began to coil within you at the sight. There was Luke, entiraly absorbed in conversation with whoever this girl was, and something about it unsettled you deeply.
“Seems like Luke’s really hitting it off, huh?” Trevor’s voice cut through the hum of the party, his tone playful yet pointed as he caught your fixed gaze and gave a teasing nudge.
“Yeah, looks like it,” you responded, striving for indifference even as you couldn’t tear your eyes away. You weren’t sure why, but the sight of Luke and that girl, felt like it lodged itself in your chest.
Jack’s laughter soon joined in, bright and unaware of the subtle tension you were feeling. He slapped your shoulder playfully, “Luke’s always been a charmer. Who’s the lucky lady this time?”
You attempted a nonchalant shrug, trying to shake off the knot forming in your stomach. “No idea.”
“This is nice isn’t it?”
The sun was shining, pouring its warmth over Jersey City, a gentle breeze complementing the heat perfectly.
As you wandered through the city with Jack, it felt like old times, just the two of you. His excitement was contagious, sparking a lightness that had been missing for too long.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. And we live together!” he joked, playfully nudging you, but you could sense the underlying truth in his words—he genuinely missed these moments together.
And he was right, it had been a while. The efforts you’d put into avoiding Luke had eventually affected Jack as well, since the two of the basically shared the same schedule. You didn’t want to tell him the truth—that you were avoiding Luke and then possibly having to explain why.
“Yeah, I’ve missed this, it’s just that I’ve been drowning in schoolwork lately.” It was a bad excuse, but it was the best and most realistic you could come up with.
Deciding to take advantage of the beautiful day, you suggested heading to one of your favourite cafes. The idea of soaking up some sun while catching up seemed perfect. Once you found a spot in the outdoor seating area, you offered to go in and order for the two of you. By the time you returned with to coffees, the dynamic at your table had unexpectedly changed. Two additional figures were now seated beside Jack, their curls a dead giveawat—you recognised those curls anywhere. A sigh escaped your lips as Jack, beaming with enthusiasm, gestured towards them. “Hey, Y/N! Look who I found!” the two curlyheads turned to face you, John and Luke greeting you with smiles, with Luke’s carrying his signature, teasing smirk.
Reluctantly, you put on a fake smile and settled into the chair next to Jack, doing your best to remain composed, polite, and NOT awkward. The conversation flowed effortlessly around you, but you remained quiet, occasionally offering a nod or a brief reply. Your eyes shifted between John and Jack, deliberately avoiding Luke, as if by ignoring him, you could somehow make the situation less complicated.
Eventually , John and Luke made their casual exit. You managed a tight smile and a polite wave, holding on to your façade of composure until they were out of sight. The moment they were gone, jack’s attention snapped back to you, his brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity. “Why were you acting so weird?”
Suddenly, the café’s cosy outdoor setting felt more like an interrogation room, and you were in the hot seat.
“Wha-what do you mean?” your voice wavered despite the smile you plastered on. “I was not!” you countered, hoping the denial sounded more convincing to his ears than it did to yours.
Jack’s eyes widened in shock, as if he had just cracked the code. The revelation seemed to knock him off balance, almost sending him tumbling off his chair. “Oh my god,” he whispered, a mix of genuine shock and amusement in his voice as a chuckle escaped.
“You’re sleeping with John, aren’t you?”
A wave of relief washed over you at his misinterpretation. It was better than telling him about Luke, right? After all, jack was still Luke’s older brother, and you couldn’t risk jeopardising your friendship with Jack, even if whatever was going on with Luke meant something.
Caught between the fear of losing your best friend and the chaos of the moment, you found yourself nodding along before the word “yes” tumbled out. And now, you possibly just made your situation even messier.
Once again, you found yourself at a bar with Jack and his teammates, the night serving as a farewell toast before everyone dispered for the off-season. The bar buzzed with a contagious mix of laughter and the clinking of glasses, everyone savouring each other’s company before the inevitable goodbyes. Throughout the evening, you’d successfully avoided both Luke and john, skillfully navigating the minefield of awkward encounters. You also… may have indulged in a few too many drinks to steady your nerves.
As you found yourself back at the bar for yet another round of liquid courage, you sensed someone approaching. Turning around, it wasn’t Luke’s familiar curls, but John’s. you managed a somewhat forced smile as he settled beside you. “Hey, Y/N, having fun?” he asked with a smile.
You nervously accepted your drink as it arrived, taking a sip that was perhaps a bit too eager. “Yeah, it’s great hanging out with you guys!”
An awkward silence fell between you, filled only by the sound of your silent sipping. John’s laughter suddenly cut through the tension, breaking the ice with ease as he chuckled at the obvious awkwardsness of the situation. “Y’know, Jack’s been chirping me relentlessly tonight. Mentioning something… interesting… about us.” You groaned, mentally facepalming yourself.
With a playful gesture, he pointed his finger between the both of you, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. “Did… did we sleep together one night and I just forgot?”
“No no no!” you rushed to clarify, flailing your hands around, desperate to clear up the situation. John, is of course, handsome, and after a few too many drinks on a night out, it could’ve happened under different circumstances. The absurdity of it all hit both of you at once, and you burst out laughing, dissolving any lingering awkwardness between the two of you.
John theaterically placed a hand over his heart. “Phew, good. Wouldn’t want Luke getting all jealous on me.” Your laughter echoed his, agreeing wholeheartedly—until his words fully registered. You never mentioned Luke. “What did you say?”
John merely winked and offered you a pat on the shoulder before making his exit, leaving you at the bar, more puzzled than ever.
As the evening unfolded, the flow of drinks seemed never-ending, each one blurring into the next. Suddenly, you found yourself seated in the passengerseat of a car, the lights of New Jersey streaking past you in a dizzyin display. Barely able to keep your eyes open in your drunken state, you looked over to the driver’s seat—Luke. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be driving,” you slurred.
“I was sober tonight, Y/N. and you… you were way too drunk. We’re going home,” Luke responded, his tone lacking its usual lightness, replaced by a firm, blunt edge. The drive was engulfed in silence, a tensions hanging in the air that even your drunken haze couldn’t miss.
“So, cosying up with John?” Luke remarked, a hint of something indefinable in his tone.
Luke had seen you at the bar. His voice carried a weight, one that echoed the same unease you felt when you saw him with that girl at Jack’s birthday.
Words failed you as you tried to respond, a string of incoherent mumbles and half-formed words spilling out of your mouth. You felt like you were burning up, put on the spot, panicking. “Trying to make me jealous?” You blinked in shock at his question. There was no hint of anger in Luke’s voice; instead, he sounded amused. You could feel his smirk.
As you finally mustered up the courage to face him, there it was—that infuriating, captivating smirk. Part of you wanted to punch it off his face, yet another part for inexplicably drawn to it. “I… I wasn’t…” you stuttered, struggling to articulate your thoughts. Luke let out a soft chuckle, one hand leaving the steering wheel, landing comfortably on your thigh.
“I’ll admit it, I got a bit jealous. But I know John wouldn’t do that to me,” he said, giving you thigh a gentle squeeze. You were totally lost. Luke was jealous? Why? You weren’t trying to make him jealous. Your intentions had been the polar opposite—you were trying to avoid him.
And here you were, alone, in the car, with Luke.
“And I know you wouldn’t do that either. You’re too charmed by me, aren’t you?” The car came to a stop; you were outside the apartment. Luke finally turned to meet your gaze. His question hung in the air, leaving you speechless. You weren’t interested in Luke, at all. You were just confused.
“Is that the reason why you’ve been avoiding me?” His words struck a nerve—he knew. He knew that you had, in fact, been avoiding him. You found yourself locked in his gaze, unable to pry your eyes away. Luke didn’t look away either; it was as if he was uncovering every secret, exploring every inch of you with his eyes.
In a swift, almost breathless moment, he leaned over, his lips finding yours. The kiss caught you by surprise, yet the thought of pulling away never crossed your mind. Instead, you found yourself surrendering—melting into the warmth of his lips. Your hand instinctively found its way to his curls, fingers weaving through them, pulling him closer,deepening the kiss.
You were moving in perfect sync.
His hand reached out, unlatching your seatbelt, freeing your from its restraint. With an ease of urgency, you climbed over the midconsole, never losing the precious contact between the two of you.
His hands found their way to your hips, finger pressing into the soft fabric of your clothes, pulling you even closer. Arching your back at the contact, your clothed core merely inches away from him, only your clothes separating you. Intoxication swept over you, but it wasn’t the alcohol swirling through your veins that left you dizzy – it was Luke. it was the touch of his hands roaming around your body, the feeling of his lips on yours, it was him. And you needed more. Your hands seemed to take on a life of their own, grasping at his shoulders, tugging at his curls, wrapping around his neck – anything to be closer to Luke.
Lost in the moment, straddling Luke in the drivers seat as you deepened the kiss. His hands on your hips, pulling you closer as you grind against him, feeling him harden beneath you. The friction was maddening, and you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second.
You simply couldn’t help yourself.
With a groan, Luke pulls away, leaving you both gasping for air. But the respite is short-lived as you felt Luke’s fingers grazing your inner thigh, sending shivers up your spine. He hooked his fingers under the edge of your panties, pulling them to the side. You bit down on your lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape as he slips inside, his fingers finding your clit with ease.
But you can’t, you’d been wanting this, needing this, needing him. Needing Luke.
You let out a soft moan, giving yourself over to the feeling of his fingers exploring your most sensitive area. At first, Luke’s fingers moved in small, teasing circles, bareuly brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, just watching you fall apart on top of him.
In the haze of pleasure, you found yourself drawn to Luke’s eyes. They were dark, intense, however, there was a hint of care, and maybe even love, taking in every moment of your reaction to his touch.
You couldn’t look away if you tried. Trapped in his gaze, the car filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing and whimpers – you didn’t want to escape.
Luke’s eyes never left yours, watching with rapt attention as your breath hitched in your throat. Your face flushed, eyes closed tight, feeling the pressure building inside you. Luke’s fingers sped up, pressing harder against your clit.
Suddenly, your vision faded, the orgasm tearing through you like a wildfire, your body shaking with the force of your release.
Collapsing on top of him, your breath coming in short, sharp, gasp as you tried to catch your breath. Luke pushed away the mess of your hair, gently caressing your chin, tilting your face so you could meet his gaze. He was smiling, not the usual shit eating smirk, but smiling with genuine care and affection.
What just happened?
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sosa2imagines · 18 days
An Alley of Passion
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Warning- Smut, Steve Rogers is a warning, sex in an alley, little bit of tearing of clothes, dominance.
Disclaimer- This is my submission for @mercurial-chuckles writing challenge, "Smutty September Fest" I hope everyone who reads likes it.
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The plan was simple, enter the sophisticated nightclub, head to the back room, and collect the data.
But things rarely ever went according to plan. As soon as you and Steve entered the main floor of the club, the two of you were spotted by some goons.
You wore the expensive black halter dress, courtesy of Tony’s money. It was tight against your body, fitting perfectly against every dip and curve.
Steve, your partner on this mission, looked absolutely stunning in a tight black shirt and black pants. It hugged his body in all the right places and made his blue eyes stand out even more.
Despite the odds being against the two of you, you and Steve managed to fight off the goons and retrieved the data you came here for. However, just as you breathed a sigh of relief, more goons arrived, this time armed with deadly weapons, leaving you both cornered.
Steve grabs your hand and runs towards the exit. With the goons high on chase, Steve takes a turn towards an alley assuming it's empty.
However the two of you found yourselves in a surprising situation as you looked around. Instead of the empty, dark alley you'd expected, it was filled with couples. Some were engaged in deep conversation, others were whispering sweet nothings, and yet others were passionately making out.
Steve and you knew that the best way to avoid suspicion would be to blend in.
Steve leaned over and whispered against your ear, “Do you trust me?” You could hear the edge in his voice, the hint of urgency in his words. You nodded, looking into his eyes and hoping he had a plan to get you both out of this sticky situation.
In a swift and unexpected move, Steve pushed you against the wall. His body was so close to yours that you could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin. He then turned, placing his back facing the goons, effectively shielding you with his body, his hand slipping around your waist.
Steve's grip on your waist was firm, and you could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your own. The steady rise and fall of his chest provided a sense of stability amidst the chaos.
Despite the dire situation, the sensation of being held so closely by him was electrifying, both comforting and thrilling at the same time as your heart pounded in your chest.
Time seemed to stretch out impossibly thin as the two of you stood there in silence. You could hear the goons continue their search nearby, their footsteps echoing through the alley, each sound sending a jolt of adrenaline through your system, making your heart rate quicken.
All the while, Steve stood close, his body acting as both a shield and a safety net, providing a sense of security in the midst of chaos.
As the silence continued, you swallowed, attempting to moisten your suddenly dry throat. The close intimacy of your shared space, with your body firmly against Steve's, added a new layer of intensity to the danger that surrounded you.
Every part of your being felt more alive than ever before, and as he shifted and tightened his grip on you, you felt a flutter deep within your stomach, a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
Steve could feel the tension radiating from your body as you leaned slightly into him. He drew in a steady breath, attempting to calm himself. His own heart was beating erratically, and the realization of this took him by surprise.
It wasn't just the adrenaline from the situation that heightened his awareness, the proximity of your body to his had added a new layer of complexity. The protectiveness he was feeling towards you was no longer just professional; it had become deeply personal.
With the goons closing in, checking the couples around them, Steve knew he had to act fast. In a split second, his instincts kicked in, and he acted on impulse, pulling you closer and kissing you.
The action was abrupt, unexpected, but undeniably necessary to sell their cover. He could feel the soft surprise of your lips against his, the taste of your gasp, and the heat that suddenly emanated from your body.
The moment his lips met yours, a rush of heat and electricity surged through your body. Despite the shock of his impulsiveness, you found yourself responding, your body instinctively leaning into the kiss. The world around you faded as the warmth of his mouth against your own washed over you, making your head swim for a brief moment.
As Steve's lips pressed against yours, his body trapping you against the cold, rough wall, the action held a multitude of meanings. On one hand, it was a desperate measure to keep their cover, to blend in with the other couples in the alleyway. But on a more primal, subconscious level, it was also a release of the built-up tension he hadn't even been aware he'd been carrying until that very instant.
The battle between Steve's mind and body was palpable. His body responded in a way that he hadn't anticipated, his mind striving to catch up and make sense of the situation.
The kiss deepened, and he pressed you closer against the wall. While on some level, he knew it was a necessary part of the act to maintain the ruse, the way your body fitted against his, the taste and feel of you, felt intensely real, igniting a sense of awareness that he couldn't deny.
The goons finally moved on, leaving the narrow alley once again secluded. Steve slowly broke the kiss, his breath ragged and his voice a low rumble against your ear as he spoke. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” The words were tinged with a hint of frustration and pent-up desire, suggesting that he was struggling to keep his emotions in check.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the tension in his taut muscles as he slowly backed up, allowing some space between the two of you. His gaze was intense, filled with a mix of protectiveness and frustration, his eyes burning into yours.
You mustered the courage to speak up, meeting his gaze with a hint of daring. “I don't regret it…” you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
A flicker of surprise flickered across Steve's face, replaced quickly with a look of desire that sent your heart racing. “Good.” he murmured in response. Before you could react, he closed the distance between you once again, claiming your lips in another heated kiss.
The kiss was hungry, filled with a raw need that caught you off guard. Steve's hands came up to cup your face, angling it to deepen the kiss, his tongue seeking entry into your mouth. You responded willingly, your bodies pressing closely together, both seeking and taking what the other offered.
The world faded away, the only point of focus being the heady sensation of Steve's mouth on yours. Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping the fabric of his shirt, craving the contact. The kiss was primal, filled with an untamed passion that left you both momentarily breathless.
Steve's voice was a low, commanding growl, sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. “I. need. you. Now!” he emphasized, his words filled with an possessive intensity that sent heat pooling in your stomach. The need in his voice was undeniable, a demand that was impossible to resist.
You turned around, with your back pressed against his chest. Steve's hands roamed you body, as they slowly guided up your chest.
His palms perfectly cupped your breasts, feeling their weight, he kneaded them. An obscene moan escaped his lips.
Steve's hands were everywhere as he turns you around, rough and impatient, he began to tear the fabric of your dress, creating a perfect slit down the center. The sound of the material giving way was loud in the silence of the alley.
Steve's gaze roamed over the torn dress, a lopsided smirk playing on his lips. “Much better,” he declared, his voice roughened with desire. “I'll buy you a new one.”
You could only shake your head in response, your mind too wrapped up in the haze of desire to form coherent thoughts, let alone speak.
In one swift motion, Steve's hands moved to your hips, lifting you up and bringing you against his body, your legs wrapping instinctively around his waist. The action left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, heightening the sensation of his hard muscles pressed against your curves.
Steve's mouth claimed yours again, his kiss deep and urgent, his tongue tangling with yours in a desperate dance of lust and need. His body moved against yours, the friction between your bodies igniting a fire within you. Your hips rocked slightly against his, seeking more of that delicious friction.
Steve's hands moved from your hips to your thighs, his fingers gripping the delicate material of your flimsy underwear. Your breath hitched in your throat as he began to tear the fabric in a one swift, possessive motion.
The thought of how much your torn panties had cost flickered through your mind, but as soon as Steve's teeth found your neck, at the sensitive spot that sent waves of pleasure through your body, any concern about the ruined garment vanished.
Your sharp intake of breath was both involuntary and a clear indication that you were entirely focused on the sensations Steve was stirring within you.
His teeth nipped at the skin softly before his tongue soothed the sting, his lips trailing down to your collarbone and sucking gently. You arched into his touch, silently begging for more, your body responding fiercely to his kisses and bites.
Steve's command, delivered in a low, urgent tone broke the silence between you. “Undo my pants, doll, set me free!” he ordered, his voice filled with a raw desire that sent shivers down your spine. Your hands trembled slightly as your fingers worked to undo his pants, your obedience a testament to the power he held over you in that moment.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the restraint he was exercising to keep himself in check. Finally, his pants fell open, giving you access to what you both craved. You could feel the heat of his hardness against your core.
A soft whimper escaped your lips, your body reacting instinctively to the contact. Steve's hips moved against yours, his hard length pressing against your sensitive pussy, the sensation sending sparks of pleasure through your body. His mouth claimed yours again, his kiss now more desperate, urgent, mirroring the fire that was burning between the two of you.
Steve dipped his fingers inside you, to see if you are ready for him, before putting them in his mouth, making a show of sucking them making an obscene sound that made you crave him more.
“Steve please…” You moan, gently rolling your hips against him, the anticipation almost driving you over the edge. He pauses as his eyes move over you, drinking in the sight of you, his breathing is heavy. “You're so beautiful...” he says, sliding a hand up your thigh to your hip.
Steve kisses you deeply as he pushes into you, your pussy takes all of him in. His thick length stretches your walls.
“Yes...” escaped your lips, the word a mix of pleasure and relief.
His breath catches in his throat, at the feel of you wrapped around him. His hips soon found a suitable pace, as he starts to move against you slowly. “So tight and perfect...”
You cling to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, fingers digging into his skin. There was no gentleness in his movements, only the primal need to claim you entirely. Each thrust was a testament to his desire, a reminder of the pent up tension between the two of you.
Your bodies moved together in desperate harmony, desperate need driving each movement. The sound of skin against skin, the harsh pants and moans filling the air, created an intimate symphony that was a reflection of the intense connection.
Steve speeds up, making your breath hitch. He presses deeper and your nails slightly dig into his shoulders. “Steve...” you moan his name, as he hits deep in your cunt, making all your thoughts scatter.
“Look at me, doll,” Steve's command was punctuated with a powerful thrust, the words spoken between grunts and pants. He wanted your eyes on him, needed to see your reaction as he claimed you, his gaze burning into yours.
Each movement was a testament to his dominant presence, his desire to take control and possess you entirely. With each breath, the air grew hotter between the two of you, the connection both physical and emotional.
His grip on your hips tightened, his touch a mixture of possessiveness and tenderness. In this moment, you were entirely his, your body responding to his every touch, your desire matching his own. The world outside faded away.
He watched intently, his gaze fixated on every flicker of pleasure that flitted across your face, his name becoming a mantra on your lips, a silent testament to the power he held over you.
He increased his pace, his movements becoming more urgent and desperate. He was losing himself in the feel of you, the way your body responded to his touch, the sounds of pleasure that escaped your lips.
His mouth found yours, his lips hungry and demanding. He kissed you deeply, his tongue tangling with yours in a frenzy of passion.
As he hit a spot deep inside you that made you cry out in pleasure. He smiled against your lips, a smug look of satisfaction on his face.
He continued to move, his movements becoming faster and more frantic. He was lost in the sensations, consumed by the feel of you and the sound of your moans in his ears.
His movements were growing more erratic as his own desire threatened to overtake him. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge, but he forced himself to hold back, wanting to make you come first.
“Just let go, doll…” he whispers in your ear, his hips moving faster, his lips against yours. The words push you over the edge and you cry out his name, against his lips, as waves of pleasure wash over you.
You moaned into the kiss, as you came hard, Steve followed suit as he spent himself inside you. Filling you up to the brim. Catching his breath, he buried his face in your neck.
Steve gently set you down, his hands supporting your shaking legs until you were steady on your feet. Despite the intensity of the moment, his touch was tender, a stark contrast to the fierce need that had consumed him moments before.
As you stood there, trying to get your bearings, Steve smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Can you walk, doll?” He asked, his tone light but filled with a smug satisfaction.
“I...I think you were a little too rough...” you retorted, a playful pout on your lips as you tested your legs, finding them shaky and unreliable.
As you took a few tentative steps, you found your legs still weak and unstable. Before you could even react, Steve scooped you up in his arms with an ease that made your heart skip a beat.
“I know you can walk,” he said, his tone amused but affectionate. “But I'm not done with you yet, doll, and I want you to save your energy.”
You couldn't help but gasp as you saw the look in Steve's eyes. The intensity in his gaze, the fire that burned within him told you that this night had only just begun. A mix of anticipation and trepidation filled your heart, knowing that the night would be long and passionate.
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Also dedicated to @rogerbarnesss @buckysdoll85 @caplanbuckybarnes
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jmliebert · 2 months
For the Strongest, A Hard Claim ♡
Summary: "Halsin didn’t think it would happen so soon. Dear Silvanus, he wouldn’t have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that tonight would be the night. The idea that Astarion craved his flesh so desperately was thrilling. Truth be told, everything about Astarion was thrilling for Halsin, but the thought that he wanted to penetrate him, to have his cock buried deep inside him—well, that was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome..."
in which Halsin wanted to show Astarion just how incredibly satisfying it could be to be thoroughly and passionately taken by someone who truly cared :)
shameless smut with (a little bit of) fluff?
Word count: 2,600
Tags: anal sex, size difference, power dynamics, shameless smut
Warnings: explicit content (18+)
Author's note: So... I’ve been daydreaming about Halsin taking a more submissive role for a change. I’m all about seeing this big, manly elf enjoying himself like that, not being ashamed of what he wants, so I wrote this for my own delight and figured there might be others with similarly *sophisticated* tastes (hihi)
also! you can read this on ao3 if you prefer it that way ♡
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Halsin didn’t think it would happen so soon. Dear Silvanus, he wouldn’t have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that tonight would be the night. The idea that Astarion craved his flesh so desperately was thrilling. Truth be told, everything about Astarion was thrilling for Halsin, but the thought that he wanted to penetrate him, to have his cock buried deep inside him—well, that was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome.
Today, the air between them crackled with anticipation since the early morning. Halsin could see the desire in Astarion's eyes, a silent plea for more. Their pace had been slow thus far, but Halsin didn't mind. The kisses were plentiful, filled with passion and when everyone else was sleeping they were nestled close, their bodies basking in the warmth of their shared closeness. Their hands roamed with an insatiable hunger, eagerly exploring each other's bodies with fervent touches and from time to time their mouths worked skilfully, lavishing attention on each other's cocks, providing a delicious satisfaction that eased their cravings…at least for the moment.
“Tonight, Halsin… I want more,” Astarion murmured, his voice a blend of longing and determination. Halsin’s breath hitched at the words and Astarion delicate hand reached around to caress the druid’s firm backside, his fingers brushing against the sensitive area between his cheeks. “I want this,” he whispered, his voice trembling slightly with desire.
There was no possibility Halsin could say no to that. The desire in Astarion's eyes, coupled with the urgency of his words, left Halsin with no choice but to agree. “I’ll be waiting for you,” Halsin murmured, his voice thick with promise and suddenly hoarse. He cupped Astarion’s face in his hands, leaning in for a tender, lingering kiss. 
As their lips parted, Halsin’s gaze lingered on Astarion with a profound intensity. In that silent exchange, they both knew this night would be more than mere desire. The promise of what was to come filled the space between them, a soft whisper of the night ahead. “Go,” Halsin said softly, his tone encouraging yet full of longing. “I’ll be here, waiting for you.” He added with a smile. 
With a final lingering look at Halsin, Astarion nodded and headed off with the rest of the party. The desire to remain with Halsin was palpable, making every step away feel heavy. Halsin however, left behind, struggled with meditation, his thoughts irresistibly focused on the night to come, of being with Astarion in such intimate way. It had been a long time since he had been on the receiving end of such vulnerability, but he felt an eager anticipation for this experience with Astarion. He was keenly aware of how much this meant to his lover—how important it was for Astarion to dictate the pace and feel in control. Halsin understood the profound significance of this moment and was more than willing to embrace it, finding deep satisfaction in knowing that he could provide a space where Astarion could fully express his desires and needs.
Hours later, as darkness settled over the land, the door to the room creaked open, revealing Astarion's breathless figure. He stepped inside with a palpable urgency, his entrance marked by an intense, almost tangible desire. He was already naked, his pale skin shimmering softly in the dim light of the room.  The sight of him, disheveled from the journey but radiating raw desire, sent a shiver of anticipation through Halsin.
The room fell still for a second, before his voice broke the silence.
“Come to me,” Halsin said with a neediness. His voice a low rumble that seemed to reverberate through the dimly lit room. He lay on bed, naked too, and proud, his powerful frame stretched out and displayed against the softness of the sheets. His muscular legs spread, his hardened cock resting lazily on his thigh. One arm was propped under his head, giving him an air of confident relaxation. And his eyes, his eyes were full lust. 
The mere sight of him like this—unrestrained and utterly erotic—made Astarion’s dick throb.
“Gods, how much do you exactly work out?” he couldn’t help but ask, though this wasn’t the first time he’d seen him like this, but the small space, dominated by the wooden bed and a simple bedside table, seemed to accentuate Halsin’s imposing presence. His presence filled the room—literally. The druid’s arms alone seemed to rival Astarion’s own thigh in size. 
Oh, hells… 
Halsin chuckled, a rich, velvety sound that sent a shiver down Astarion’s spine. “You don’t look bad yourself, Astarion.” 
At that Astarion’s lips curved into a wicked smile, his eyes gleaming with a lust that matched Halsin’s. “Oh, sure I don’t darling. But you?” He paused, letting his gaze travel slowly over the druid’s body, savouring every inch. “You are something else,” Astarion continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. 
Then, Astarion finally moved closer, gravitating towards Halsin’s body. They met in the middle, Halsin kneeling on the edge of the mattress, and Astarion standing before him. Now, their heads were roughly the same height, Astarion’s sightly above Halsin’s. Astarion’s hand slid around Halsin’s waist, the touch possessive. His other hand however moved up, fingers curling around the back of Halsin’s neck, feeling the hotness of his skin and the strength of the muscles beneath. 
Their mouths clasped in a heated kiss, tongues tangling and exploring with an urgency that made their hearts race. Astarion’s grip tightened on Halsin’s neck, pulling him closer until their bodies pressed together, skin against skin. Halsin’s rough hands found their way to Astarion’s back, fingers tracing the path of his scars with a tender reverence before sliding lower. He grasped Astarion’s buttocks firmly, digging his fingers in as he responded to the vampire’s fervent kiss with equal passion. 
When Halsin sucked on Astarion’s tongue, it was too much to take. Astarion moaned softly against Halsin’s mouth, the sweet sound vibrating between them. He could feel Halsin’s arousal, hot and insistent against his thigh, and it only fuelled his own desire. Breaking the kiss for a moment, Astarion’s lips trailed down Halsin’s jaw, leaving a path of burning kisses along his neck. He savoured the taste of Halsin’s skin and the heady scent of his desire, each kiss deepening their connection.
Halsin’s breath hitched as Astarion’s mouth found a particularly sensitive spot just below his ear. “Astarion,” he breathed, his voice a rough whisper filled with longing. The sound of his name on Halsin’s lips sent a thrill through Astarion, spurring him on. A low groan escaped Halsin as Astarion nibbled at his ear, the sensation driving him wild with need.
With a sultry whisper, Astarion leaned in closer, his breath hot against Halsin’s ear. “Tonight, you’re mine, and I’m going to take you hard and deep, my love.” Then, with a commanding yet tender touch, Astarion pushed Halsin onto the bed and slid between his legs.
Halsin felt hazy from Astarion's words, his arousal intensifying, his dick aching desperately for some friction. "I'm glad to see you’re not shy about what you want. Neither am I," Halsin murmured. To prove his words, his hand slid between their bodies, his fingers wrapping around their throbbing erections. He began stroking them with a rhythm that made Astarion moan, the sound sweet and needful. Astarion’s hips rocked instinctively, seeking more of that delicious friction— he knew that if they continued like that he would come before the main dish, so he gave Halsin last sloppy kiss and moved away. He didn’t remember he felt this aroused last hundred years. 
“On your knees love, I want to see you.”
Halsin’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of excitement and compliance. With a fluid motion, he shifted, positioning himself on his knees, his powerful body on full display. Astarion’s gaze roamed over him, drinking in the sight of Halsin’s broad shoulders, the taut muscles of his back, and the enticing curve of his ass.
Astarion’s fingers trembled slightly as he reached for the vial of oil, his eyes never leaving Halsin’s form. The man before him looked astonishing. His rough hands unfolded on the sheets, gripping them tightly. His big feet curled their toes in anticipation. His heavy, thick cock hung between his legs, precum dripping onto the mattress, while his balls rested beneath, taut and full. A dark trail of hair led to his tight, inviting hole, a place Astarion was about to claim tonight. The druid arched before him, panting, his ass raised high and looking so incredibly inviting.
“Don’t make me wait any longer, or I’ll lose control,” Halsin pleaded, his voice breathless and edged with desperation.
That was all the vampire needed. Astarion moved his oiled finger along the crack of Halsin’s ass, savouring the anticipation as he traced the sensitive skin. When he reached Halsin’s sweet, little hole, he pressed his finger in slowly, relishing the gasp that escaped the druid’s lips. The tight ring of muscle yielded to his touch, drawing a moan from Halsin as Astarion pushed deeper.
The druid’s body responded eagerly, his hips rocking back to meet Astarion’s touch. Encouraged, Astarion added second finger, scissoring them gently to open the man before him further. His every moan and gasp urging Astarion to continue. As he worked his fingers deeper, he angled his movements, searching for the perfect spot inside Halsin. When he found it, the reaction was immediate. 
Halsin cried out, his body shuddering with intense pleasure as Astarion’s fingers brushed against his prostate. The druid’s cock twitched, precum dripping as he teetered on the edge of bliss.
“Astarion… oh gods,” Halsin panted, his voice breaking with raw need. His eyes shout. “Please, don’t stop.”
The sight of this manly body before him, so strong and imposing, reduced to trembling at his touch filled Astarion with a newly discovered sense of power and possessiveness. The vampire’s lean, pale form pressed against druid’s larger, more muscular body, the sheer contrast of it and the fact that he was the one on top, drove him wild with desire. 
He needed to own this man, now. 
“You’re so lovely like this, Halsin,” Astarion murmured, his voice a silky caress. He slowly withdrew his fingers from Halsin’s willing hole, eliciting a needy whimper from the druid. Instead, Astarion’s hand wrapped around the base of Halsin’s throbbing cock, tightening his grip possessively. The sensation made Halsin groan, his body trembling with anticipation.
Astarion leaned in closer, his breath hot against Halsin’s ear. “But I want you to cum with my cock inside you,” he whispered, his voice thick with desire. “Filling… you… completely.” Each word was punctuated by a deliberate, teasing stroke along Halsin’s length, making the druid shiver with pleasure.
Halsin was close, dangerously close. 
“You’re so hard for me,” Astarion continued, his tongue flicking out to tease Halsin’s earlobe. “I can feel your pulse, your desire. You want this, don’t you?” 
“Yes, of course” was all Halsin managed to say, his voice a husky whisper filled with raw need. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt like this, completely losing control, consumed by a lust so powerful it made him almost speechless.
His breaths came in short, ragged gasps, his heart pounding in his chest. 
Astarion’s eyes darkened with lust, his own arousal almost unbearable. He released Halsin’s cock, positioning himself behind the robust elf, the tip of his own throbbing erection pressing against Halsin’s entrance.
Part of Astarion wanted to fill Halsin to the balls with one deep, quick thrust, driven by a primal urge to claim him completely. But he forced himself to hold back. Halsin wasn’t used to this kind of penetration, and Astarion remembered all too well how shitty it felt to be taken roughly, without care or consideration. And he didn’t want it for Halsin, he just didn’t wan’t to treat him like an object. 
Now slow. 
With a deep breath, Astarion slowed himself, pressing gentle kisses along Halsin’s back, savouring the feeling of Halsin’s tight heat around him. “You feel incredible, darling,” Astarion whispered, his voice trembling with barely contained desire.
Gods, Halsin felt divine. 
He arched his back, his head now resting on the mattress, his hips raised high. His hole was wet, hot, and inviting, drawing Astarion in with every subtle movement.
Astarion grabbed him by the hips and began to sink in slowly, a puff of breath escaping his lips at the sensation. And Halsin, that devil, impaled himself on Astarion’s cock with a determined push. When Astarion was finally balls-deep inside Halsin, he closed his eyes for a moment to regain his composure, the sheer intensity of the pleasure almost overwhelming him. “Fuck.”
“Hmm…yes, but I wish you’d move already, my love.”
My love? 
Though they were merely words, they made Astarion’s cold heart skip a beat. 
“Gladly,” Astarion did as he was asked, his hips starting to move with a growing urgency. He tried to keep a steady pace, but the sensation of being buried deep within the druid’s enormous body made it difficult. Halsin’s tightness, his heat, his eager submission — it was all too much.
"Don’t be so timid, Astarion. I’m not fragile, you know?” Halsin’s voice was a breathy mix of reassurance and challenge, and it made Astarion smile. He started to rock harder. His legs spreading wider for better leverage. His pale hand founding its way to Halsin’s thick hair, grabbing a handful and using it to pull Halsin’s head back slightly, exposing the column of his neck.
Astarion’s thrusts grew more forceful, each movement sending waves of pleasure through both of them. The sound of their bodies meeting filled the room, the bed was creaking under their weight. Halsin’s moans grew louder, he was clearly enjoying himself. It was all too much. Astarion was close, so close and he could tell Halsin was close as well, by the way his hole was sucking him in and throbbing every time he hit that sweet little spot inside him. 
Wanting to be closer to his…
what? a lover? (a dangerous thought, really)
…Astarion pressed his wet chest against Halsin’s muscular back, his hands moving to brace themselves on the mattress. The intimate contact made every thrust even more intense. Then after couple of needy thrusts he reached around, taking Halsin’s throbbing cock into his hand. He began to stroke it in time with his thrusts, his movements becoming more frantic.
Halsin’s body responded eagerly, his hips bucking against Astarion’s hand, driving him deeper. “Yes, Astarion, just like that,” Halsin panted, his voice a desperate plea.
Astarion increased his pace, fucking Halsin harder while expertly working his cock. The combined sensations were overwhelming, pushing both men to the brink of ecstasy. Astarion could feel Halsin tightening around him.
“Cum for me, Halsin,” Astarion whispered, his voice hoarse with passion. Halsin obeyed. 
With a final, powerful thrust, the druid cried out, his body convulsing as he came, his white ropes of cum spilling over Astarion’s hand and the mattress. The tight, pulsing grip of Halsin’s climax sent Astarion over the edge, and with a shuddering moan, he emptied himself inside Halsin, filling him completely.
They collapsed together, their bodies slick with sweat and trembling with the aftershocks of their shared pleasure. Astarion remained inside Halsin, their bodies glued together, Astarion’s chest pressed firmly against Halsin’s broad back. He continued to rock his hips slightly, milking every last drop of his orgasm, and Halsin responded by rocking back in gentle, synchronised movements, humping on the mattress. His body trembling beneath the pale vampire, his muscles twitching with the lingering echoes of their climax. 
Astarion’s breath was hot against Halsin’s neck, his hands caressing the druid’s sides in soothing strokes. He couldn’t help himself and pressed a tender kiss to Halsin’s shoulder. At that Halsin smiled softly which made Astarion’s face broke into a sincere, delighted smile too— one that even took him by surprise.
thanks for reading!
you can find more of my works about halsin, astarion, or even more halstarion(!) ♡here♡
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truetogaia · 1 year
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the quality is so crisp that I can see his ARM VEINS OMG I need him I need him I need him.
pairing: dom!dilf!jake x fem!na'vi!reader
genre: smut, 18+
notes: I am so sorry for this LMAO it's kinda filthy but: Jake’s intercom starts acting up while he's on a mission with some warriors from the clan.
warnings: explicit and mature themes, A LOT of dirty talk, phone sex, daddy kink! ✩ means tiny time jump!
wc: 1k!
!NOT PROOFREAD! I Jake sully masterlist!
You were bored out of your mind, wandering about the village in search of something to occupy yourself. The sun was setting and night was eating away at the sky, leaving a star speckled darkness in its way. Your face was contorted in a frown as you kicked some rocks, just barely missing the entry to a hut. Having spent all day alone, in the solitude of your own hut, waiting for your mate to come back from his hunt, you weren’t exactly thrilled to spend the night the same way. 
You made your way back to your hut, entering through the flaps and securing it before taking a seat on the woven mat. Your legs were sore after carrying you around the forest all day without rest, aching terribly as you stretched them. Jake had been gone for three whole days now, leaving you all alone in your shared home. With this being the longest the two of you had been apart, the longest without him touching you in any way, you were starting to miss him.
You were desperate, and your navy skin was on fire after so many days without him. You decided to take matters into your own hands, only daring to disregard Jake’s request for you to leave yourself untouched until he came back because of how warm you felt.
The air around you turned awfully warm as you panted and moaned quietly, overwhelmed by the sensation of your own fingers rubbing against your wet bundle of nerves. The sounds that escaped you were choked, soft mewls and whines occasionally seeping out from your plump lips. You rutted your hips against your hand in a desperate attempt to feel something, an attempt to recreate the feeling of Jake’s thick digits stretching you out.
Jake’s ears perked as a familiar sound erupted from his earpiece, making him halt his movements. This was unexpected, he thought, as your soft noises played in his ears, paired with the sound of  your squelching cunt. At first, Jake was afraid you were being unfaithful, that you were with another na’vi while he was away. But he soon came to his senses as he heard you chant his name, realizing what you were doing. 
“y/n, baby? You there?” 
Jake’s voice made you jolt, scared shitless that he had come back while you were so busy with  disobeying him. But the voice wasn’t coming from the hut, no, it came from the earpiece that you had discarded before deciding to… work on some self love. Your heart was beating wildly inside your chest as you picked it up, placing it in your ear.
“Jake?”  Your voice wavered, and he could hear how irregular your breathing pattern was. “I thought you were busy hunting..” He chuckled slightly at your attempt to redirect his focus, not falling for your little endeavor. 
“Well.. I was. But you see, I got a bit distracted.” He teased you, meaning he had heard you before. Oh how embarrassing, because not only had you disobeyed direct orders from your mate, you had also interrupted a very important hunt. 
“Oh don’t be sorry, sweetheart. I missed you, it’s so nice to hear your voice.” He chuckled, on the other end. “Why’d you stop, though? I don’t remember telling you to.” You couldn’t help the way heat settled between your plush thighs again, heavily influenced by his husky voice. 
“Go on, don’t let me distract you.” He demanded. 
You ran a warm hand down your abdomen, hesitatingly stopping right between your thighs. But you decided to keep going, slowly rubbing firm circles onto your needy clit. You brought your other hand to gently tease your entrance with your soft digits, whining when you slid them into your sopping cunt. 
“That’s right.” Jake’s voice filled your ears as you worked your fingers in and out of your squelching heat, covering them in your slick. “Tell me what you’re doing to yourself, baby.” Your pointy ears perked as you heard him grunt, “Include every little detail, can you do that for me?” 
You nodded to yourself, agreeing. “hmmn, ‘m fucking myself with my fingers, thinkin’ its yours...” Your voice was breathy as you continued thrusting your digits in and out. “Doesn’t feel nearly as good..” He hummed in delight, and you swore you could hear some interesting noises from his end too. “What’re you doing, daddy?” 
“Jus’ takin’ care of myself, honey. Couldn’t help myself at the sound of your sweet voice, using such lewd words..” He cooed, wrapping his large, warm hand back around his aching cock. Your muffled sounds were intoxicating, and he cursed himself for not being at home now. He could hear how wet you were, he could picture it in front of him. Oh how desperately he wanted to be home with you, with his cock buried deep into your tight cunt. 
He pumped himself as your strangled moans kept coming, “That’s right, baby. You wish I was there, hm? Couldn’t wait one more night for me to come home, ‘s that right?” You whimpered. “Yeah, I bet that cunt is fluttering at the thought of it, ain’t it? The thought of daddy’s fat cock stuffing and fucking into your tight pussy.” 
“Fuck!” You cursed, picking up the pace of your fingers. “Please, Jake, come home. ‘Want you here.. Want your cock” You sobbed as your fingers repeatedly hit your g spot, thumb busy rubbing at your puffy clit. Jake chuckled, having sat himself down, propped up against a tree as his fist worked over his thick girth. He pictured you now, with your legs spread wide for him, cunt drenched in arousal, completely ready for him. 
“Yeah? That’s a good girl. shit, ‘m gonna cum to those pretty sounds of yours..” He mumbled, grunting and hissing as his cock slid easily through his large fist. “G’nna come home tomorrow and fill that needy pussy.. g’nna fuck you dumb, babygirl.”  You moaned loudly at his words, finally reaching your climax. Your arousal coated your fingers as you came hard to the sound of his vulgar words. And Jake followed suit, spilling his hot cum all over his hand. 
“Fuck, baby..” His chest heaved as he came down from his high “You okay?” He asked, noticing how quiet you were. But he soon heard the quiet snores from your end, chuckling to himself, happy that you were finally able to get some rest. 
You were going to need it for tomorrow.
UGH THE WAY THIS IS MY WORST WORK EVER. I apologize, but I do have a good excuse!!
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the-writer-arrived · 1 year
(Arranged) Married Life with Jing Yuan
Synopsis: you became jing yuan's spouse! but it was through an arranged marriage... how do you and him navigate through your married life?
Character: jing yuan.
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, long post, mix of headcanons and drabble, a sprinkle of angst here and there, there will be a nsfw part but it will have a warning, no mention of reader's genitals.
A/N: finally caught up with hsr main story and this man suddely got me into a chokehold... and now i'm sad i don't have him ):
also, i know there are tons of fics with this prompt with him, but i wanted to make my own version hehe.
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Early Stages
Due to many reasons, you got into an arranged marriage with Jing Yuan, the Arbiter-General of the Xianzhou Luofu's Cloud Knights.
You weren't exactly experienced in the field of dating, preferring to focus your attention and interest in the field of your liking.
So, to say you were thrilled to be kind of forced to become someone's spouse is quite far from the truth.
Not that you dislike the general or anything! On the contrary, you have high regard not only for his incredible achievements in the battlefield throughout the many centuries, but also for the fact that he hasn't succumbed to the mara to this day.
What you don't understand is why were you chosen to be the spouse of a man so incredible? In your opinion, you don't have any outstanding qualities or stand out in your workplace and you consider your appearance to be nothing extraordinary for a human of the long-life species...
Well, your opinion is wrong, you beautiful, handsome, pretty, outstanding and amazing person!!!
TLDR: you believe that you are unworthy of being by general Jing Yuan's side, so you decide to keep your distance and naively think that he wouldn't notice nor be bothered by that.
Again, wrong!!!
After the wedding cerimony, which was barely a cerimony at all due to the true nature of the union, Jing Yuan noticed how you always found an excuse to be busy with something and spent the least amount of time with him.
And when you do... You don't act rude or anything, you engage in conversation when he attempts to start one, but he can feel a wall between you two.
Despite the circumstances of your relationship, Jing Yuan truly wishes to get to know you, to become closer to you... However, if you don't share his sentiment, then he shall respect your decision.
You are strolling around the streets of the Exalting Sanctum after basically being kicked out of your workplace for the day, the reason being that "you spend way too much time here, go live your life a little!" (words said by your boss earlier).
What should you do with this unexpected free time...?
You remember it's been some time since you have last seen Jing Yuan (one thing he had asked you to do is to call him by his name, instead of 'general' and you complied, even if you feel a bit awkward), so you decide to head to the Seat of Divine Foresight.
When it comes to the seasoned general, one would rarely find him in his office and, if you do, it'd just be his hologram... So, imagine your surprise when you not only find him there, but also it's Jing Yuan in the flesh!
He dismisses Qingzu, who gives a polite bow to the general and you, and offers you his full attention.
"What a pleasant surprise. What brings you to the Seat of Divine Foresight?" He asks you with a smile.
"I, um..." You're momentarily distracted by his face, but you recover soon, clear your throat and try again. "I was wondering if you were free for a little bit and if you would like to... spend some time with me?"
You mentally curse yourself for making it sound like a question, rather than an invitation. Why is it so hard for you to act normally with him?!
Jing Yuan, either unaware or not bothered by your nervous behavior, answers you.
"Ah, what a great timing you have. I do happen to have the afternoon free today and I'd love to spend it with you..." He lets his words trail off for a second, before adding one more thing. "...But only if that is something you also truly want."
"I got a day off, so I thought I should spend it with you in case you had the time. After all, it's expected for spouses to do that, right?"
The general closes his eyes, humming in thought and your stomach flips in an unpleasant way. You suddenly regret your words.
"I see... The last part is exactly why I had to ask you. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to, just because it is 'what's expected' of us."
"N-NO!" You cringe at the high volume of your voice, mumbling a small sorry. "I-I mean, it's not that I don't want to! It's just... I..."
Seeing that their conversation is taking a more serious turn, Jing Yuan gently guides you to a more secluded room, where you don't have to be self-conscious about other people hearing what you have to say.
In there, you fumble a bit more with your words, but you decide to be honest about your feelings for the first time. You tell Jing Yuan about the true reason you kept your distance from him, how inadequate you feel to deserve to be called his spouse, your lack of romantic relationship experience, your fear of doing or saying something that might affect his reputation and many other things you've been holding in.
Jing Yuan listens with a heavy heart. On the one hand, he's glad that you don't dislike him, but on the other hand, he feels sad that the true reason for your distance is that you believe you are 'unworthy' of being with him...
The general knows that isn't something that can be changed with just a couple of reassuring words, however he wants you to know that you can confide in him. With that in mind, he also shares the worries he's had this whole time regarding your relationship and how he has been a coward for not reaching out to you earlier to clear up this misunderstanding.
After this much needed heart to heart, you feel tired but oh so lighter now. And when Jing Yuan asks you again if you want to spend the rest of the afternoon with him, you gladly accept it.
Warming Up to Each Other
After that talk, the relationship between you two improved by leaps and bounds.
You were worried that you wouldn't have much to talk about with Jing Yuan, but, once again, you were wrong!
You two spend a lot of time chatting, getting to know each other's likes and dislikes.
Jing Yuan often invites you to his starchess matches with Yanqing. Whether you play with them or just observe, it is very fun to watch the general and his retainer interact.
Both you and the young lieutenant were a bit awkward in the beggining, but you bonded soon enough.
The biggest proof of that is that one time you and Yanqing challanged Jing Yuan to a match of chess, confident that two minds will be enough to defeat him!
Spoiler alert: you both lost :D but there were moments when the general almost made some terrible moves because he was too distracted observing his retainer and his spouse working together with a fond look in his eyes.
At some point, being referred to or having to introduce yourself as Jing Yuan's spouse stopped being a cause of discomfort and became somewhat natural.
(Something he always reminds you is that you are your own person, first and foremost, so when he introduces you to someone, he never defines you as just his spouse).
And Jing Yuan, like a good general that he is, saw that as an opportunity to capture your heart.
This guy I swear... He uses any and every chance to charm you.
I'm sorry but I refuse to use the word 'rizz'.
You may not have much first-hand experience in relationships, but you're not that oblivious to his advances.
Genuine compliments, surprise gifts because 'he thought you'd like them', hands 'accidentaly' bumping frequently during your walks...
Really, he's almost acting like those videos of a male bird trying to impress the female one.
And it's not that you want to reject him! You just feel a bit embarrassed... Until you remember you two are literally MARRIED.
Aeons save this pair of dorks.
The first time you hold Jing Yuan's hand after he kept brushing it against yours, the general doesn't even try to hide the happy smile blooming on his face.
You'd seen him smile many times before, but that particular one will forever be integrated in your mind forever.
As for your first kiss... It happens as an accident.
You are in the Seat of Divine Foresight, sitting next to Jing Yuan while he goes through his endless pile of scrolls, reports and other types of paperwork he has to deal with. He really couldn't put them off anymore, but he also didn't want to completely cancel his plans of seeing you, so here you are...
It isn't what you had expected for the day, but you don't mind all that much. After all, it is a bit amusing to watch the general frowning like a child being forced to sit down and do his homework.
After some time mindlessly scrolling through your phone, you receive a message from your coworker, saying that something urgent came up and asking if you could come early to help.
"Sorry, I have to leave now. Something came up in my workplace and they need my help." You speak quietly to not interrupt too much of Jing Yuan's concentration.
You feel a bit bad for cutting your quality time together like this, so you lean closer to the general's face to give him a peck on his cheek as a farewell kiss.
What you don't expect, however, is for him to turn his face at the last second, probably with the intention to complain about you 'abandoning' him, which is quickly forgotten the moment your lips meet.
It... honestly isn't a nice kiss or a kiss at all. Mostly two pairs of lips mashed together and eyes blown wide in shock (you) and surprise (him). To make this whole thing even more mortifying (to you), you both are brought back to reality at the sound of an embarrassed Yanqing exclaming how 'the Seat of Divine Foresight isn't the place for PDA!!!!'
Daily Life
After you managed to recover from that marvelous and incredibly romantic, not at all cringy, accidental first kiss and gave Jing Yuan the green light... Well, your life has never been the same.
In the good sense of the phrase.
Congratulations, you now have a clingy husband!
Not that Jing Yuan wasn't clingy before, but he's been holding back quite a lot to not cross your boundaries with his touches.
Now that he can, though, good luck living without your personal space!
Whenever you two are out together, your husband always has to have some sort of contact with you: hand on your lower back, holding your hand or your pinky, arm wrapped around your waist if he wants to send a clear message that you're taken.
When you're in private, however, smooth Jing Yuan loses his place to clingy koala or lion? Jing Yuan.
The rare chances when the stars align and you both have a day off, don't expect to get out of bed in the morning and it's not even for nsfw reasons.
That man will trap you in a bear hug and will refuse to let you go... Unless you need to use the bathroom, but expect to be dragged back to bed the second you step out of there.
Jing Yuan will also use any and every opportunity to get a kiss from you: waking up? Kiss. Cooking? Kiss. Going to work? Kiss. Returning home? Kiss. You simply went to another room and came back to him? Kiss.
As much as he loves kisses on the lips, the general melts into a puddle whenever you brush his bangs away from his face, uncovering his other golden eye, to leave a gentle kiss on his forehead.
Another thing that makes Jing Yuan weak is hearing you call him your husband. It may be a bit weird to others, but considering how far you two have come since the awkward start of your relationship, it shows that your marriage feels genuine now.
Much like in any relationship, you two also have your ups and downs.
On the days you are in low spirits, please don't be afraid of saying what you want. Do you want him near? He'll hold you and lend a shoulder to cry on while you pour your heart out. You'd rather be alone? No problem at all, he'll give you space for as long as you wish, but he'll also buy your favorite snacks, a book you mentioned you were interested in, send Mimi your way in case you want to cuddle with the lion.
When Jing Yuan is the one feeling sad, that's when things get a bit tricky, because he'll try to keep it to himself and pretend that everything is fine to not worry you.
You know when Jing Yuan does that little thing of closing his eyes as if he's in pain before smiling? THAT SHIT BREAKS ME MAN.
You have to remind this silly man of yours that he doesn't have to hide his uncertainties and fears from you, since you are his spouse and not a soldier that will lose morale at the sight of the Arbiter-General showing 'weakness'.
Jing Yuan, general of the Cloud Knights for many centuries, had received training to withstand pain on the off-chance of being captured by the enemy forces and possibly tortured in an attempt to extract information about the Xianzhou Alliance. Due to that, any and every secret and relevant information shall never escape from his tightly sealed lips.
...But then, how do you manage to do it?
With a single pull of his shoulder, you have him laid down on your lap, your defty fingers freeing his hair from the red ribbon and untangling the stubborn knots of his white locks...
When Jing Yuan realizes it, it's already too late. Feelings from deep inside his heart are pouring out of his lips before he can stop it. His worries, his fears, the nightmares that plague him, the sadness of reuniting with old friends just to find out they aren't the same as he remembers...
He doesn't understand how you do it.
"I will be by your side in sickness and in health, for the good and the bad. So, please, my love... Don't carry it all by yourself. Don't shield me from your pain, let's face it together. I shall do the same."
That is what you had said to him one time.
Jing Yuan has a high pain tolerance, but all it takes is a single touch, a single word, a single glance from you for his defences to crumble down.
He now understands that your secret technique to make him talk is to show your love.
The content ahead is about sexual themes and is not suitable for minors. If you continue reading, I am not responsable for any discomfort you may feel with this. You have been warned.
Your Sexual Lives
First of all, I am a firm believer that our Jing Yuan here is a big switch.
There are days when he's the dom and will make you lose the hability to think of anything else aside from him. And there are days when he's the sub, completely at your mercy to have him roll his eyes back in pleasure.
For your first time together, it is more of an exploration and getting to know each other's bodies. Even if you've had sex before in your life, it is always a new experience with a new person.
There isn't much that Jing Yuan isn't down to give it a try in the bedroom. However, he draws the line with things that can cause you serious pain like knifeplay or hardcore BDSM practices, and the more unsanitary kinks.
He isn't against degradation per se, but he can't bring himself to not mix it with a few praises.
Phrases such as "My slut is doing so well, taking my cock all the way in." or "What a pretty little thing you are, darling... Don't even look like your mouth is my favorite cumdump." make you moan so loud it's embarrassing.
When your husband is in a dom mood, he muffles his sounds the best he can by biting down on his lips or burying his handsome face in the crook of your neck, not because he's ashamed of them, no no no. He does that so he can listen to your cries and moans and babbles, while the bullies your hole.
It's just so hot for him to know he can turn you into a mess, speaking nothing but his name and how good it feels and how full you are.
Speaking of full, my man here causes quite the stretch, so thorough preparation and lube are needed for you to have the least amount of pain when being on the receiving end of the penetration.
He may end up making you cum on his fingers alone during prep tho, but you don't consider that a bad thing anyway.
When Jing Yuan is in a sub mood, by the Aeons, one may think he wants all the Xianzhou ships to know how good you're fucking him.
I'm kidding he's not THAT loud, but he doesn't make any effort to be quiet either. You wouldn't want him to anyway.
Gosh his groans are just hhMMMMMM SO DAMN HOT.
Do you see that white mane of hair he has? Give it a good pull, especially when you're taking him from behind, and marvel at the delicious sounds he makes.
Regarding his stamina, it's one or one hundred, there's no in between.
There are days when he can fuck you the whole night long (rip you in the next morning) and there are days when he can only take two rounds at most, before he's snork mimimimi next to you (he's not known as the 'Dozing General' for nothing).
But don't worry, he would never forget about aftercare! Water, a clean towel, snacks and anything else that you mind need or want after sex will be prepared before you guys start.
One of Jing Yuan's favorite ways of waking up is with you slurping on his slowly-hardening cock (all consensual of course, we don't work with non-con in this household!).
You don't know which one has the best POV during this moment: you, with the sight of him a bit dazed from sleep, brows furrowed with cheeks colored pink and hair all messy; or him, seeing you between his legs, licking and stroking his shaft, lips glistening with your own saliva and his pre-cum and pupils blown wide with lust that makes his hips buckle forward as a way to beg you to swallow him whole.
On days he doesn't feel as tired after making love with you, he enjoys taking a bath with you to relax, massaging any parts of your body that may be sore and giving sweet kisses on the hickeys and marks he left on you.
You feel so relexed, so safe, so loved that you can't help resting your eyes while he cleans you up...
The sound of a deep, gentle voice calling for name, along with a caress on your cheek stirs you awake. You blink a few times, your head turning to the source of the voice that is now chuckling. You see a pair of golden eyes staring at you lovingly, but with a hint of amusement too.
"Sorry for interruping your beauty sleep, my love, but you might catch a cold if you fall asleep in the bath."
"I wasn't sleeping. I was just resting my eyes for a bit..." Jing Yuan chuckles again, noticing the way your eyelids struggle to stay open.
Despite his previous words, he doesn't make any effort to keep you awake. Instead, he begins to hum a tune while he continues to wash your body.
You let out a sigh of bliss, leaning your back further on his strong chest. Your senses are engulfed by him: his touches, his warmth, his voice...
You love being surrounded by him, be it like when he was pounding you mercilessly earlier or taking care of you softly like right now.
"Dear?" Your husband shifts his attention to you, stopping his singing to hear what you have to say. You cup his cheek and give him a peck on the corner of his mouth. "I love you."
Jing Yuan's eyes widen in surprise for a second, before they soften with a smile gracing his lips.
"I love you too, my beloved." He gently holds your chin to give a proper kiss on the lips.
You thank the Aeons for allowing you to cross paths with the man before you. All the difficulties and challanges in the beggining were all worth facing, now that they have brought you to this moment.
To love and feel loved like this... You hope to hold onto these feelings for the rest of your life as you walk towards the future with Jing Yuan.
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thanks for reading! likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3
heart divider made by @/cafekitsune
pink jing yuan banner (fluff) made by @/the-writer-arrived aka yours truly ;)
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hunterwritings · 11 months
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐛𝐢-𝐡𝐚𝐧
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summary: bi-han wants to bring a new addition to the family warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, creampie, slight choking, breeding kink, afab!reader, wife!reader, confident reader knows her worth notes: dad!bi-han on top (of me)
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You hummed to yourself as you stood at your dresser, looking at yourself in the mirror. As you looked down for a moment, you felt ice-cold hands wrap around your waist. You look up into the mirror and see Bi-han standing behind you, resting his head on your shoulders.
"I was wondering where you were, my love." You smiled as you brought a hand up to rest on his head. He only grunted as he pressed his nose on your neck. "What's wrong?" You asked, pressing your head against his.
"I wish for a child."
"What?" You instinctively ask, wondering if you heard him correctly, as you break free from his grip to face him.
"Is that not what you wanted?" He asks, frustration laced in his voice.
"No, it is." You reassured him, leaning your lower back against the dresser. "I just ― never expected it so soon from you." You shook your head.
"You don't believe I'm capable of wanting that?" He grabs the edge of the dresser on either side of you, essentially locking you in between his large arms. "I don't believe I ever said that." You retaliate with a smile. "That's what it sounds like." He adds.
Your hands reach up to lie on both sides of his face, feeling his ice-cold skin against your palms. Bi-han was serious and trying his best to be vulnerable to you. You knew how much it took for him to try and communicate these things to you with words, it meant he was truly yearning for it.
"I think you'd be a great father Bi-han." Something in his eyes shifted from irritation and worry to happiness and thrill. "You're protective, strong and caring." You smile as you pull his face towards you into a sweet, loving kiss. His hands moved from the edge of the dresser to softly lie on the back of your waist as your eyes shut.
"And if you are to be a good father, I'd happily provide as many children as you desire." You breathe out with a smirk on your lips. You open your eyes to see his own piercing you, his eyes covered in lust.
Bi-han crashed his lips onto yours; this time, he was hungry and pressed against you as if he was going to devour you. His hands reached down to your thighs, squeezing tightly before lifting you up to sit on the edge of the dresser. His lips part from yours to move down your jawline, making his way to the crook of your neck. "You might regret making that promise." He smirks before sucking on your neck harshly, wanting to leave spots, wanting to mark you. Your hands reach up to hold his head. One of his hands moves from your leg to lie on your stomach. His fingertips turn to ice, causing you to yelp in surprise. You tightly gripped his bun and pulled on his hair, pulling him away from your neck. A small unexpected moan left his lips when you pulled his hair, having him stare up at you through his eyebrows.
"What did I say about the ice?" You asked as he chuckled.
"Should you be talking that way to your Grandmaster? The father of your children?" He snakes a hand up to lie softly on your neck, still cold but no longer ice.
"It will be a privilege to fill me with a child." You smile as he returns it.
"Oh, I praise your confidence." He groans before diving back into your lips.
He lifts up your legs and holds you in his arms as you tightly wrap your legs around him. He walks from your dresser to your shared bed, gently lying you down onto the sheets. His hands were quick to remove your clothes as he hovered over you, removing his clothes as well.
One of his hands reached down between your legs and pressed against your folds. The cold contact caused you to instinctively shut your legs together and moan, Bi-han smirked against your lips. His fingers softly rubbed against your clit as your hands tightly gripped at his up done hair. Groans and grunts escaped your lips as you grinded your hips against his hand. His other hand explored up your body before softly resting on your neck. God he loves that doesn't he?
He slips a finger inside you, pumping in and out at a steady pace, watching your face contract as he moves. He moves his hand from your neck and down to your breast, holding and squeezing tightly. "Fuck..." You curse as you tightly grip his biceps, leaving small marks in his skin.
"Oh, you are going to be an amazing mother." He breathes out, increasing the speed of his fingers. A small whimper falling from your lips as he slipped another finger in. He leaned down and pressed his lips against your own, you pulling him even closer to you.
A frustrated groan fell from your mouth as he removed his fingers from your pussy. He sat in between your legs as he ghosted his hands down to tightly hold onto your hips as he positioned himself.
"Bi-han please ―" you breathed out as you looked up at him, your eyebrows furrowed together tightly.
"You want to be a mother? You want to walk around with a swollen belly, carrying my child?" He teased as he held the nape of our neck. Just the thought of you with a large belly, knowing that you were creating his child within you, made his cock twitch with excitement.
You were going to respond, but all that came out was a load moan as Bi-han slammed into you. "Gods!" You cursed as he rutted his hips back and forward into you at a steady but fast pace. The sounds that were bouncing off the walls were pornographic, from the moans escaping your mouth to the sounds of wet skin slapping against each other. His hands tightly gripped at your hips as he thrusted forward, throwing his head back as he groaned.
You could feel your orgasm coming as he moved in you, causing your pussy to clench around. He grunted at the tightness, briefly halting his movements. Then, he continues to thrust in and out of you. He leans down and captures your lips in a kiss, humming against your lips. He pulls away and presses his forehead against yours, taking in the sight of you like this. Beads of sweat falling down your face, small wells of tears in the corners of your eyes, it was everything to him.
He pulled you up and close to him as he rested his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you as he continued the movement inside of your folds. Your legs wrapped around his waist tightly as your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
"God, you are everything. There is no one else who could fulfill the role of being the mother to my children except for you, you are perfection." He compliments, his breath shaky. His words cause you to tighten even more around him, causing him to curse under his breath.
"Please fill me with your child, Bi-han." You whispered in his ear, setting him off. His pace violently increased as loud moans and a string of curses fell from your lips. Your hands tightly gripped his back muscles, scratching at his skin and even causing some blood to be drawn. His hand reached down to rub at your clit, erupting a moan from you and feeling your release around his cock. Your pussy held him tightly as you came, feeling your legs shaking between him.
A small moan came from Bi-han's mouth as your legs locked around him, refusing to release him. His hands reached up to grip at the headboard as he pumped into you a few more times before he finally came undone under your grip. Shaky moans falling from his lips as he spurted all of his seed into your womb, seeing it leak out from under you. You held your legs around him tightly, milking him before every last drop of his seed was inside you.
His chest heaved up and down as he let go of the headboard, leaving hand-shaped cracks. He hovered over you as he stopped for a moment to breathe, your hands coming up to lie on both sides of his sweaty face. He grabs a hold of one of your hands and presses a kiss to your palm and grips your hand tightly. "Our child will be flawless because you will have created them." He swoons as you smile.
"If this is the treatment I get, then you may fill me with as many children as you like." You joke and he actually laughs.
"Oh trust me, I will."
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ohdeerfully · 5 months
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Mutual Dilemma (ii)
Alastor x Reader part i part ii(you are here!) TW: None! Other than a pretty ooc alastor (,:
join my discord!
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Morning couldn’t come slower as you anticipated the trip to Rosie’s Emporium. You managed to get a few licks of sleep throughout the night, though nerves kept waking you. As soon as the time was reasonable, not too early as you worried to bother Rosie if you came right as she opened her shop, you quickly got ready and left the Hotel. You gave brief excuses as you hurried by Charlie and a few of the other guests lingering in the lobby—Alastor was notably gone.
“Welcome t- Oh! Hey you!” Rosie’s thrilled voice filled the Emporium as a light bell dingled when you pushed the door open. She swept you up in a tight hug, trapping your arms uncomfortably against your sides as you breathlessly laughed and said your own greetings.
She held you out from herself, both hands firmly planted on your shoulders. You noticed a strange look in her expression—a light quirk in her brow and a sly curve to her smile that implied she knew something important.
“How lucky to see two of my dearest friends in the same 24 hours,” She sighed theatrically, and you knew she had to be referring to Alastor—just the demon you were here to talk to her about. She was, unsurprisingly, able to pick up on your uncomfortable demeanor and her smile dropped into a comforting grin as she led you away to a table against the wall.
“Rosie,” You groaned after sitting, putting your forehead against the cool wood and covering your head with your arms. “I’m so fucked.”
The Overlord held one of your hands softly and comfortably, encouraging you to continue but remaining otherwise quiet.
“You’re going to call me nuts, and don’t worry I already know, but, I, ah,” You grimaced. Saying it out loud was somehow even harder than accepting it within yourself. “I think I really… really like Alastor. Like I want to kiss him.”
Rosie’s hand tightened briefly against yours and you heard her intake a sharp breath while her other hand flew to cover her mouth. You turned your head so your cheek was flat against the wood as you peeked up at her. You couldn’t tell if she was smiling or not behind her hand.
“An odd place to be, certainly,” She nodded after a minute, though a small smile remained. You released a breath when you were certain she wasn’t about to laugh at you or scold you for being so stupid as to be attracted to Alastor. She stood up, pulling you along so that you stood next to her. Her hand still held yours, lifting it and cusping her other hand around it. “These feelings are normal, I think. I mean, look at all the cannibals in town that constantly swoon over him! He’s positively charming—I couldn’t blame ya! Though I have… the strangest feeling you have nothing to worry about.”
What a weird thing to say, you frowned curiously at her words, but your thoughts were cut short as you saw her expression perk with an idea she refused to share. You didn’t like when she got that sly look in her black eyes.
“I have a few errands to run, but why don’t you meet me for lunch later? At the diner down the street.”
You nodded and the two of you shared another hug before you left. You crossed your fingers the whole way back to the hotel that you wouldn’t run into Alastor.
Right, that’s what ended you up here. It seems crossing your fingers means absolutely nothing in Hell. You stood frozen, hand violently clenched into a fist against your thigh. Across from you, just a few feet past the wire table, stood Alastor, a similarly shocked look in his eyes though he somehow managed to look more relaxed. You pinned it on the decade of manipulation in Hell that trained him to look so natural in weird situations.
“What an unexpected pleasure to see you here,” Within a blink he was back to his usual demeanor, approaching you with a pleasant tone; the radio effect in his voice was heavier than usual, which you knew was usually caused by stress or frustration on his part. You decided not to think too hard about the fact he was upset at seeing you in a desperate attempt to protect your heart.
“I’m… I was gonna get lunch with Rosie,” You explained, trying not to cower underneath his looming figure. Did he do this on purpose? Loom? 
Alastor tilted his head at you, quirking a brow. “Curious, I was too.”
You both didn’t say anything for a moment. Your mouth opened to say something, but you honestly weren’t sure what to say so you just closed it again.
A familiar cannibal demon—you thought you recognized her as an aid in Rosie’s Emporium—bustled up to the two of you and threw out her arm, manicured nails nearly pinching holes into the paper. Her hands shook slightly as she held her head low, casting a few glances Alastor’s way. It was endearing, almost, the effect he held on all the equally deranged cannibals in the town. Though, you suppose you weren’t any better than them at this point.
“Thanks, Remi,” Her name came to you in a stroke of luck as you took the note. She nodded and scampered away with a light squeal, and you noticed a small huddle of girls waiting for her return with expectantly bated breaths. You heard them all run off giggling as you read the note.
“It’s from Rosie…” You explained in a slight mumble as your eyes trailed over the paper. Your lips spread into a thin line as you grimaced. You pinched your fingers against the bridge of your nose as you handed Alastor the note. Of course she’d do some shit like this. “She got caught up in something. I guess. She told us to hangout instead.”
Alastor hummed as he read through the note. He folded it neatly and tucked it away in a shirt pocket. 
“Well, seeing as I cleared some time in my schedule for this… I’ve nothing better to do.”
You nodded, agreeing with a similar statement. So much for girl-talk therapy.
You both approached the table and he, always the gentleman, pulled out the chair for you to sit before he took his own seat. The silence was unbearably awkward—for you, at least. He probably had no care in the world. There was a light hum rumbling from his throat, and he glanced around, watching the surroundings. Every time his eyes met yours, you would both quickly look another way.
You had noticed a few different waiters rush by your table, side-eyeing Alastor in particular before scrambling to, at least you assumed, find another waiter to cover the table. You sighed and idly played with a hole in the wire-mesh tabletop.
“So, how’s our dear Charlie’s new plan coming along?” Alastor finally decided to carry the weight of striking up a conversation and you perked up a bit. You loved to talk about Charlie and her ideas—you cherished her friendship and kindness with your whole being. Plus, you were also just excited to interrupt that painful silence.
“Oh! Good so far! At least, on paper,” You rubbed your arm sheepishly. You tried not to stumble over your words as you saw how intently he was watching you, red eyes almost glowing in intensity. “They… never really turn out as planned… as I’m sure you’ve noticed…”
He responded with a bitter laugh, and your shoulders suddenly felt less tense as a more natural flow of conversation started. It was still, obviously, a bit strange and there was still a sense of unease considering the nature of the Overlord you spoke to, but you nonetheless appreciated the relative ease of getting along with him.
A waiter came and went during your conversation, and you had to interrupt your laugh at a joke Alastor had made to order yourself a tea. Alastor got himself a coffee. 
“Would you look at the time,” Alastor suddenly said after you sipped on your drinks for a while. He didn’t carry a watch with him; instead, he had cast his face up to the sky and observed it was getting rather dark.
“Holy shit!” You looked at an actual watch, realizing the two of you had been chatting for ours. Your chest felt weightless and you held back a wide smile when you saw how long you were able to just sit and talk to Alastor. “Damn, yeah, Charlie’s probably worried by now.”
Alastor stood and, just as before, pulled out the seat for you as you stood. The two of you walked next to each other at a slower than natural pace, as if you both wanted to linger just a bit longer in each other’s presence—though, that was honestly probably just you. He was likely just being polite.
“Maybe it’s good our plans with Rosie didn’t go as… planned…” You said slowly, carefully, peeking at him from the corner of your eye. You were somewhat starting to doubt if he had equally enjoyed your time together, or if he was just playing along since he knew Rosie was keen on you.
“Agreed,” He simply responded. He was quiet for a beat before he continued. “Surprisingly I find your company quite enjoyable.”
You decided not to comment on the ‘surprisingly’ part and just flashed him a light smile before focusing your attention on the sidewalk, kicking at a rock with each step. It was silent again, but this time it was more comfortable. Alastor was humming again, and you felt a prickling of goosebumps as you listened to his voice.
You wished it could always be like this. You and him. Though you were certain that was an impossible reality—it was Alastor, after all. You tried not to think about it in order to enjoy the experience now.
A misplaced kick at the rock made you trip, and you mentally cursed yourself as you stumbled forward. How fucking embarrassing was this going to—your scrambled thoughts were interrupted when Alastor caught you, his surprisingly strong arm snug around your torso as he pulled you steady. 
A tight-lipped smile and a quiet “thanks” was all you could awkwardly do in return. It took you a moment to notice his arm was still around you, and once you looked down at it he seemed to realize this too and slid it away. Are you going crazy, or did he seem reluctant to let go? You wanted to smack yourself till your mind cleared, but the ghost feeling of his arm against you was sending a fire through your skin.
“You walk like a fresh-born fawn,” He joked, averting his face away from you as he straightened the cuff of his sleeve. “Watch where you step. I might not be able to catch you next time.”
You didn’t respond and just kept walking, face hot from shame after tripping over such a minor thing. Alastor now walked notably closer to you, his hand almost brushing against yours with every step. At some point the back of his hand did graze against your own, and had you not been expecting it you probably would’ve jumped. Alastor, on the other hand, did seem to stiffen at the contact but he didn’t move.
Finally the hotel was in sight, and before you knew it the Overlord was pushing open the door and offering you to enter first. He led you to your room and you both stood in the hallway, your own breath bated with anticipation as you rapidly tried to find something to say. You didn’t want this to just be a one-and-done deal.
Silence again.
It didn’t help that his eyes had a red glow in the dark of the silent hall—anybody else would find it intimidating, but… man… you felt your cheeks get a bit hot.
Did he just take a step closer? You honestly couldn’t tell, but the buzzing in your ears from his radio afflicted being seemed to grow in intensity and he seemed to be looming over you a bit more. There was a sinister look in his eyes, but you couldn’t tell if it was due to malice or… something else. You really couldn’t tell, but you couldn’t find yourself scared of him. 
Maybe you should be.
Something about being against the wall with the looming figure of the Radio Demon, who you honestly couldn’t tell if he just made another step closer, made you feel like prey being toyed with by a cruel hunter. You would be lying to yourself if you said it wasn’t thrilling.
“Maybe I can pencil in a regular lunch with you every week,” He said suddenly, breaking the growing tension. “Despite your average looks–” Okay, rude. “–you are quite the character.”
“Uh, yeah, I’d like that,” You said, averting your face to hide the growing heat on your skin that gave away your current mental state. If Alastor noticed, he made no indication of it as he clapped his hands together once.
“Well, then, goodnight!” He said, all too cheerfully given the atmosphere barely thirty seconds ago. “We can talk about it tomorrow.”
You nodded wordlessly before bidding him goodnight and reaching behind your back to turn the knob. You stumbled back into the empty space as you waved bye, him reciprocating with a small wave back, before shutting the door with a soft click. You pressed your forehead against the wood, quietly catching your breath you didn’t even realize had been held that whole exchange.
The aura of radio static seemed to linger at your door for a little longer than necessary, and you assumed Alastor was still standing there. It was maybe a minute before he finally left. Your legs felt weak and wobbly as you walked to your bed, falling face first into the sheets. You grabbed a fistful of pillow, screamed into it, and stood back up to get ready for bed.
A feeling of giddiness rose in your chest as you looked at your reflection, and you couldn’t help the grin that crept up your lips. You wouldn’t overthink it too much—you didn’t want to lead yourself astray—but… if you didn’t know any better… you could almost say Alastor felt at least a fraction of mutual feelings towards you.
You just hoped you wouldn’t screw it up.
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fanficlolsblog · 17 days
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sabrina carpenter masterlist
pairing: sabrina carpenter x fem!reader
summary: your favourite artist, sabrina carpenter asks you to be in her new music video, ‘taste’, which of course you couldn’t refuse…
warnings: none!
It was an ordinary Wednesday when an email arrived that made my heart race with excitement. Sabrina Carpenter, one of my favorite artists, was reaching out to me. She wanted me to be in her new music video for ‘Taste.’ I could hardly believe it—I’d been a fan for years, and now I was being given a chance to work with her. I agreed without hesitation.
The day of the shoot arrived, and I was a bundle of nerves and excitement. Sabrina’s team met me at a chic studio, where the atmosphere was buzzing with creative energy. When Sabrina walked in, she looked even more stunning in person. Her smile was bright, and her energy was infectious.
“Hey there!” Sabrina greeted me warmly. “You must be the one I’ve been hearing so much about from my team! It’s lovely to meet you dear.” She takes out her hand for me to shake.
I tried to keep my composure but felt my cheeks flush. “Hi I’m Y/N. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you for inviting me.” I grab her hand, her hands are so soft.
Sabrina’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she shines her beautiful smile. “Of course! I have a feeling we’re going to make a great team.” She says as she shakes my hand and winks at me. My cheeks probably look so read right now… “Let’s go over the concept, shall we?”
We went through the details, and that’s when I learned about the kiss… it was part of a scene in the video where Sabrina and I were supposed to share a moment of connection. My stomach did a little flip at the news. The idea of kissing Sabrina Carpenter was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.
As the scene approached, Sabrina came up to me with a playful glint in her eyes. “Ready for our big scene?” she asked, her voice low and teasing.
I nodded, trying to stay calm. “Um yeah, I think so.”
Sabrina stepped closer, her proximity sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “Don’t worry,” she said softly. “It’s just a kiss. Just trust me, okay?”
When the cameras started rolling, Sabrina and I were caught up in the intensity of the moment. We shared a tender, lingering kiss that felt both surreal and exhilarating. I grab ahold of her face pulling her closer. As we pulled away, I caught a glimpse of Sabrina’s warm smile and the way her eyes sparkled with genuine affection. “Wow…”
Sabrina giggles a bit as she lets go of my waist. Shit did i just say that out loud? “Was I that good darling?” I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out as Sabrina walks away from me to her team.
Once filming wrapped, Sabrina walked over to me, her demeanor relaxed and flirtatious. “You were amazing today. I really enjoyed working with you.”
I grinned, feeling a mix of elation and disbelief. “Thanks, Sabrina. It was incredible to be a part of this. It felt surreal,” I say as i slightly laugh. Sabrina grins at me, I swear i see her eyes glimmer again.
She leaned in slightly closer to my face, her voice playful. “You know, we should hang out sometime. I’d love to get to know you better outside of all this.”
My heart skipped a beat. “That would be… great.”
Sabrina reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. “How about you give me your number? I’ll text you so we can set something up.”
I quickly gave her my number, biting my bottom lip slightly trying to hide my excitement. “Here you go.”
Sabrina took the number with a smile. “Perfect. I’ll be in touch soon. It was lovely to meet you, Y/N.” She pulls me into a hug.
“You too,” I pull away as she starts to walk away. She turns around to give one last look back and glimmers her pearly white teeth one last time. I smile back to her as she fully turns around to continue walking.
As she walked away, I was left grinning from ear to ear. The day had been a whirlwind of emotions, from the thrill of the kiss to the unexpected invitation to hang out. I couldn’t wait to see what would come next.
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lila-lou · 1 month
✨His second exception - Pt. 9/?✨
Summary: The moment Ben found out you were pregnant was probably the happiest moment of his life. However, happiness proved fleeting. Now, he is faced with the aftermath of his shattered dreams. Of what is left of you, and what is left of him.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Language, fluff, hurt/angst
Word Count: 7118
A/N: This is the sequel to “His only exeption” - and Part 9 of "His second exception".
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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The next two weeks, Ben and you spent most of your time either at the tower or at home together, finding a new rhythm in your relationship. The days were filled with a comforting routine of work and shared moments, allowing you both to heal and grow closer again.
Your parents hadn’t reached out to you since the night they came over, and you were beginning to wonder if the confrontation had left a lasting rift. But then, today, you received a text from your mom, inviting you both over for dinner on Sunday. The fact that she included Ben in the invitation surprised you, but it also gave you hope that they were willing to try to accept your relationship.
Right now, you walked into Ben’s office to tell him the news. He was sitting at his desk, engrossed in some paperwork, but he looked up as soon as you entered.
“Hey”, he greeted, leaning back in his chair. “What’s up?”.
You took a seat across from him, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. “I just got a text from my mom. She invited us over for dinner on Sunday”.
Ben’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Us? As in both of us?”.
You nodded, unable to hide your own surprise. “Yeah, both of us. I think they’re trying to make an effort”.
“That’s… unexpected”.
You took a deep breath, wanting to be sensitive to Ben’s feelings. “So, what do you think? Are you okay with going?”.
Ben’s lips curled into a playful smirk. “Are you asking me if I’m okay with having dinner with my girlfriend’s parents who might just be trying to accept me? Hmm, let me think…”.
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. “Ben, seriously. I know it might be a bit awkward, and I don’t want to force you into anything you’re uncomfortable with”.
He leaned forward, resting his arms on his desk. “Well, I’m not going to lie and say I’m fucking thrilled. But if this is a chance to mend things and make them see how happy we are together, then I’m in”.
You chuckled at Ben's straightforward response, appreciating his honesty. "Alright, fair enough. Thank you".
Ben grinned mischievously, his eyes gleaming with playful intent. "Since I'm agreeing to potentially survive a dinner with your folks, can I ask for something else in return?".
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Depends on what you're asking for".
Ben leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Well”, he started, his tone lowering, “you know, all week you’ve been too tired to even let me touch you”.
You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks as he continued, his voice turning even more suggestive. “I think now would be the perfect time to… well, you know, make it up to me”.
Your blush deepened at his bold words, and you could hardly meet his gaze. “Ben”, you stammered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. “That’s… quite the request”.
He chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving yours. “Just think of it as a little motivation for me to get through dinner. What do you say?”.
You bit your lip, trying to gather your thoughts. Part of you wanted to tease him right back, but another part was genuinely flustered by his boldness.
"Alright", you said, trying to keep your voice steady despite the flutter in your stomach. "But you better behave yourself during dinner".
Ben's grin widened, clearly enjoying your reaction. He leaned back in his chair, patting his lap playfully. "C'mere", he murmured.
Your cheeks burned even hotter at his audacity, but you couldn't deny the thrill that shot through you. You walked over to him, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.
As you straddled his lap, Ben wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. His lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "You know, you drive me crazy sometimes".
You chuckled softly, feeling his warmth against you. "I guess that's why you put up with me".
Ben’s eyes darkened with desire as he pulled away slightly, his hands deftly unbuttoning your blouse. He took his time, savoring each moment as he revealed the smooth skin of your chest. When he had your blouse open, he gently tugged your bra down, just enough to expose your nipples.
You shivered at the sensation of the cool air on your skin, combined with the heat of his gaze. Ben leaned in, his lips brushing against your neck. His breath was warm against your skin as he took his time, his lips brushing over your collarbone and then lower, leaving a trail of soft kisses. You felt your breath hitch as he hovered just above one of your nipples, his eyes flicking up to meet yours.
“Look at you”, he murmured. “You get all worked up so easily. Just a touch, and you’re already trembling”.
You bit your lip, again feeling a blush spread across your cheeks.
He finally took one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue flicking over the sensitive peak. You gasped, your hands instinctively reaching for his shoulders to steady yourself. Ben sucked gently, then harder, drawing a moan from your lips.
“That’s right”, he murmured against your skin. “Let me hear you. You’re mine, and I want to know just how much you need this”.
His words were rough, but the pleasure he was giving you was undeniable. You arched your back, pressing closer to him, feeling the heat between your bodies.
Ben didn’t lose much time. He knew that sucking on your nipples was more than enough to make you wet, so without hesitation, he opened the pants of his suit, pulling out his already hard dick. He held you up with one arm, his strength making it easy, while his other hand grabbed his dick.
Without the need for his words, you quickly pulled up your skirt and pushed your panties aside, a shiver running through you at the anticipation. The tip of his cock pressed against your entrance, and you gasped at the sensation.
“You’re so ready for me”, he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “Just can’t wait to have me inside you, can you?”.
You nodded, biting your lip to stifle a moan as he began to push inside, stretching and filling you in a way that made you feel complete. His grip on your waist tightened, guiding you down onto him inch by inch, until he was fully sheathed within you.
The feeling was intense, the mix of pleasure and the sheer physicality of it taking your breath away. Ben’s eyes never left yours, his gaze fierce and possessive. “That’s it”, he growled softly. “Take all of me”.
You whimpered, your hands clutching at his shoulders for support as you began to gently move your hips, adjusting to the feel of him inside you. Ben tried his best to give you the time you needed, his grip on your waist steadying you as you found your rhythm.
“Just like that”, he whispered, his voice rough with restraint.
You moved slowly at first, savoring the sensation of being so intimately connected. Each shift of your hips brought a new wave of pleasure, the friction sending sparks through your body. Ben’s eyes were locked onto yours, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and adoration.
Encouraged by his steadying presence, you gradually increased your pace, your movements becoming more confident. Ben’s breath hitched as you rode him, his hands guiding you but allowing you to take control.
“You’re doing so well”, he murmured.
You missed feeling him like this so much. The intimacy, the connection, the way he made you feel—everything about being with Ben was perfect. You’d always heard horror stories about how Supes could hurt or even kill people during sex, but with Ben, it was pure pleasure. He was always careful with his strength, and although sometimes he underestimated it, the most you ever experienced were some soreness and a few bruises.
You couldn’t imagine ever sleeping with someone else. Ben just knew how to push every single one of your buttons.
As you moved on top of him, finding a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure through both of you, his hands guided you, his touch grounding and reassuring.
The connection between you was palpable, a silent understanding that transcended words. You felt safe with him, cherished. Each thrust, each touch, brought you closer together, both physically and emotionally.
Ben’s hands roamed your body, caressing and squeezing, his breath coming in short, heated bursts. “You feel so good”, he murmured. “I’ve missed this, missed you”.
You leaned down, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered, “I’ve missed you too, Ben. So much”.
Your words seemed to ignite something in him, his grip on your hips tightening as he thrust up into you, meeting your movements with a newfound intensity. You gasped, the pleasure almost too much to bear, but you didn’t want it to stop. You wanted to hold on to this moment, to the feeling of being so completely connected to him.
As the pleasure built to a crescendo, you felt yourself teetering on the edge. “Ben”, you moaned, your voice a desperate plea. “I’m so close”.
His eyes locked onto yours. “Come for me”, he urged, his voice a rough whisper.
With a final, deep thrust, you felt the wave of your orgasm crash over you. Ben followed right behind, his release mingling with yours as he groaned your name, his hands holding you close.
For a moment, you stayed like that, bodies entwined, hearts pounding in unison.
After a while, Ben gently lifted you up, his strength effortless and tender. As he pulled your panties back in place, his softening dick fell against his stomach. He grinned mischievously, whispering, “Keep it inside”, a playful glint in his eyes, referring to his cum.
You blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal at his boldness. Just then, the door to Ben’s office swung open, and MM stepped in. “Ah man, fuck that!”, he exclaimed, quickly covering his eyes with his hand. “Seriously? You guys can’t even keep it in the bedroom?”.
Ben grumbled under his breath as MM stood awkwardly in the doorway, his hand still covering his eyes. “Can’t you fucking knock or something?”, Ben said, his tone half amused, half annoyed.
MM dropped his hand from his eyes, shooting Ben a playful glare. “You’re lucky I walked in and not someone else. You two really need to learn some damn boundaries”.
You bit your lip, trying to stifle a laugh as you straightened your clothes. “Sorry about that, MM”, you said, feeling a bit flustered.
MM grumbled, shaking his head in exasperation. “This is the third time now I’ve walked in on you two. Apparently, some people need to learn to keep it in their pants”.
Ben chuckled. “Maybe you just enjoy the show. Learning anything new each time?”.
MM shot him a deadpan look. “Yeah, I’ve learned that you have zero boundaries”.
Just then, the door opened again, and Annie and Butcher walked in. By now, you were fully dressed, but your flushed face told exactly what you had been up to.
Annie took one look at your face and raised an eyebrow. “Did we miss something?”.
Butcher, always direct, smirked. “Blimey, don’t tell me you two were at it again”.
You raised your hand, a mixture of frustration and embarrassment evident in your voice. “Does anyone here fucking knock?”.
Annie chuckled, shaking her head. “Clearly not”.
Butcher shot back with a smirk, “Well love, you wouldn’t need to worry if Ben could keep his dick inside his pants for more than two minutes”.
Ben rolled his eyes, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Butcher”.
Butcher snorted. “Hardly. Just trying to keep this team somewhat professional”.
MM sighed, stepping in to redirect the conversation. “Alright, enough. Can we please focus on the task at hand?”.
Ben looked up, his eyes hopeful as he asked, “What task? Please tell me it’s something more exciting than paperwork. I’m about to lose my fucking shit with all these reports”.
Annie smirked, knowing how much Ben despised paperwork. “Don’t worry. We might have something that’ll get you out from behind that desk”.
MM nodded, pointing to the folders on the table. “We’ve got intel on one of Vought’s key labs. It’s heavily guarded, but if we hit it, we might get the leverage we need”.
Ben’s eyes lit up at the prospect of action. “Finally, something worth doing”. He glanced at you with a grin. “No offense to you and your love for that shit”.
You laughed, shaking your head. “None taken. Someone has to keep this team organized”.
Ben turned to MM, his excitement barely contained. “Kimiko, A-Train and that french fuck. Tell them to meet us in the meeting room. I’ll be there in a few minutes”.
MM nodded, already moving towards the door. “Got it”, he said, leaving the room to gather the rest of the team.
With the others gone, Ben looked back at you, leaning against his desk with a smile. "You okay?”.
You chuckled. “Besides the fact that I can feel your cum soaking my fucking panties?”.
Ben’s grin widened, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Well, you did promise to keep it inside”, he replied, his tone equally teasing.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t suppress your own smile. “You’re impossible, you know that?”.
“I aim to please”, he said, his voice low and affectionate. He pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you in a quick, comforting embrace. As he held you, he murmured into your ear, “I won’t be gone long. Maybe a few hours. You look out for yourself, okay?”.
You rolled your eyes playfully, mumbling, “Of course”. As you said it, Ben’s fingers found their way to the necklace around your neck—the one he had given you for your birthday. He gently played with the pendant, his touch a reminder of his affection and the bond you shared.
“You still like it?”, he asked.
“Of course I do”, you replied, your voice tender. Leaning in, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips and whispered, “It reminds me who I belong to”, you teased, your eyes sparkling with affection.
Ben’s grin widened, a flicker of pride and warmth in his eyes. “Good”, he murmured, his voice a low rumble. “And don’t you forget it”.
He gave you one last squeeze before reluctantly pulling away. “Time to get to work”, he said, his tone shifting to a more serious note. “I’ll see you soon”.
You nodded, watching as he turned and headed towards the meeting room. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the task ahead and feeling a renewed sense of purpose.
Inside the meeting room, the team was already gathered around the table, reviewing the intel. MM had spread out the maps and documents, and Frenchie was studying them intently, pointing out key areas to Kimiko and A-Train.
“Alright pussys”, Ben said, taking charge. “We’ve got a solid plan, but we need to execute it perfectly. Frenchie, you and your chick will handle the infiltration. A-Train, you’re on distraction duty with me. We need to keep their attention away from the lab as long as possible”.
Frenchie nodded, his eyes sharp with focus. “Understood. We’ll disable their security systems and get in and out quickly”.
Kimiko gave a silent nod of agreement, her expression determined.
A-Train crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips. “Chaos is my middle name. They won’t know what hit them”.
As Sunday arrived, you found yourself standing in front of your parents’ house, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. Ben stood beside you, grumbling under his breath.
“Why couldn’t I just wear simple jeans?”, he muttered, adjusting the collar of his beige dress shirt. You had convinced him to wear beige slacks and a matching dress shirt, a more formal look than he usually preferred.
You couldn’t help but laugh softly at his discomfort. “Because we’re trying to make a good impression, Ben. Besides, you look really handsome”.
He huffed, shifting uncomfortably. “These pants are squeezing my fucking dick”.
“Well, maybe that’s because your dick is just too big”, you said with a playful smile.
Ben raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Oh, so now my dick is a problem? I don’t remember you complaining last night”, he teased back, leaning in closer.
You felt your cheeks flush but managed to keep your composure. “I didn’t say it was a problem. Just an observation”, you replied, giving him a sly grin.
Ben leaned in even closer, his voice dropping to a low whisper. “Well, if my size is such a concern, maybe we should give it another go tonight, just to make sure it’s not too much for you".
You bit your lip, trying to stifle a giggle. “Oh, really? And what makes you think I’d want to endure that kind of ‘torment’ again?”.
Ben's grin widened. “Because I remember how you were begging me for more, while I was balls deep inside you, fucking you stupid”.
Your cheeks flamed with heat, and you quickly placed a hand over his mouth, your eyes wide with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. “Ben!”, you hissed, trying to keep your voice low. “We’re about to go inside! Can you please behave for just a little while?”.
He laughed softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he gently pulled your hand away. “Alright, alright. I’ll behave. But don’t think this conversation is over”, he whispered.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t suppress a smile. “We’ll see. Now, let’s go make a good impression”.
With a final shared grin, you turned to the door and rang the bell. Moments later, your mother opened it, her face lighting up with a warm smile.
“Hello, sweetheart”, she said, pulling you into a hug. “Ben, it’s good to see you”.
Ben smiled politely, shaking her hand. “Good to see you too, Mary".
With that, you stepped inside, the familiar scent of your childhood home enveloping you. Your dad emerged from the living room with a beer in his hand. He hugged you warmly, and then turned to Ben. Taking a deep breath, your dad held out his hand. “Ben”, he mumbled as a greeting.
Ben accepted the handshake firmly, meeting your dad’s eyes with a respectful nod. “Frank. Thanks for having me”.
Your dad gave a curt nod, releasing Ben’s hand. “Dinner’s almost ready”.
The atmosphere felt a bit tense, but you were determined to make the evening go smoothly. “Let’s go to the living room”, you suggested, leading Ben through the familiar layout of your home.
In the living room, your mom had already set out some appetizers on the coffee table. “Help yourselves”, she said, gesturing to the array of snacks. “Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes”.
As you all settled into the living room, you could see Ben making an effort to be polite and engaging. He started a conversation with your dad about sports, quickly finding common ground in their shared interest.
“So, who do you think is going to take the championship this year?”, Ben asked, genuinely interested.
Your dad relaxed a bit, appreciating the familiar topic. “Hard to say. The league’s pretty competitive this season. What do you think?”.
They continued chatting, the tension in the room gradually easing. You caught your mother’s eye and she gave you a small, encouraging smile.
After a while, you stood up and held out a hand for Ben. “Come on, I’ll show you my old room”, you grinned.
Ben took your hand and got up, following you with a curious grin. As you led him upstairs, he couldn’t resist pinching your ass roughly with one of his big palms. You jumped slightly, shooting him a playful glare.
“Behave”, you whispered, trying to suppress your smile.
Ben chuckled softly. “No promises”, he whispered back, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
As you reached the top of the stairs, you led Ben down the hallway to your old room. You opened the door and stepped inside, memories flooding back as you looked around. The room was much the same as you had left it, with posters on the walls and a few personal items still on the shelves.
Ben looked around, taking in the details of your old room. His eyes landed on a picture of you in your cheerleader uniform, and he grinned. “Oh, so you were one of those girls?”, he teased, picking up the photo to get a closer look.
You blushed slightly, rolling your eyes. “Yes, I was a cheerleader. Got a problem with that?”.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Not at all. Just didn’t picture you as the cheerleader type. You look cute in that uniform, though”.
You snatched the photo from his hand, laughing. “Oh, stop it. That was ages ago”.
Ben’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he took a step closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Actually, I should have known”, he murmured, a teasing grin spreading across his face. “It explains your… flexibility”.
You blushed even deeper, giving him a playful shove. “Ben!”.
He laughed softly, pulling you closer. “What? I’m just stating the facts”, he said, his voice low and full of mischief. “You can’t deny it”.
You tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “You’re impossible”.
Ben leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. “Do you still have that little uniform?”, he whispered.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you serious?”.
His grin widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Absolutely. I think it could make for an interesting evening”.
You laughed, shaking your head. You started to turn away, but Ben’s grip around your waist tightened, pulling you back against him. “I’m serious”, he said, his tone playful yet insistent.
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And what exactly do you have in mind for this ‘interesting evening’?”.
“I have a few ideas. But let’s just say it involves you, me, and that uniform”.
You nodded with reddened cheeks towards your closet. Ben’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as he made his way over to the closet. He opened the door, rifling through the clothes until he found the uniform. A big smirk appeared on his face as he held it up, examining it with a playful glint in his eye.
“I knew you’d still have it”, he said, his voice a mix of amusement and satisfaction.
You bit your lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. “I can’t believe you’re actually making me do this”.
Ben walked back over to you, the uniform still in his hand. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun”, he teased, leaning down to kiss you gently. “And besides, I think you’ll look amazing in it”.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. Ben handed you the uniform, then turned back to the closet with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Anything else interesting in here?”, he asked, grinning over his shoulder as he opened the top drawer.
“Ben!”, you protested, feeling your cheeks flush even more. “Stop snooping around!”.
But he ignored you, his grin widening as he rummaged through the drawer. “What do we have here?”, he murmured, pulling out an old diary and a few trinkets from your high school days. He flipped through the diary playfully, pretending to read. “Dear diary, today I—”.
You snatched the diary from his hands, laughing despite yourself. “Alright, that’s enough. Get out of there!”.
Ben chuckled, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop”.
He looked around the room again, his eyes landing on a photo of you at your prom. He picked it up, studying it for a moment before grinning. “Alright, we got everything”, he said, handing you the photo to take along with your uniform.
You rolled your eyes but took the photo and placed it, along with the uniform, in a small bag. “Happy now?”, you asked with a playful sigh.
“Very”, he replied, his grin widening as he took your hand.
You both walked out of the room, making your way back downstairs. As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you could hear your parents talking softly in the dining room. You and Ben exchanged a quick, reassuring glance before entering the room.
Your parents looked up as you entered, smiles on their faces. “Everything alright?”, your mom asked.
“Yeah, just showing Ben around a bit”, you replied, taking your seat at the table.
As you began to eat, your mom and dad tried their best to engage with Ben, wanting to get to know him better. Your mom hesitated for a moment before asking, “So, Ben, what was it like in Russia?”.
You saw a flicker of discomfort cross Ben’s face, but you gently placed your hand on his thigh, giving him a reassuring squeeze. He took a deep breath and began to speak. “Well, it wasn’t easy”, he started, his voice steady but filled with underlying tension. “I spent decades there, subjected to all kinds of torture”.
Your parents listened intently, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. Ben continued, “They were trying to break me, control me. But instead, I became stronger. They conducted experiments on me that enhanced my abilities”.
Your dad leaned forward, clearly interested. “Enhanced how?”.
Ben glanced at you briefly. “They upgraded my powers, made me more resilient. My strength and durability were significantly increased. It was hell, but in the end, I came out of it stronger than ever”.
Your dad leaned back slightly, his gaze shifting from Ben to you, a protective glint in his eyes. “Do you know how to control those powers and, even more, that strength?”, he asked, his tone cautious.
Ben’s jaw tightened, and he tried his best not to roll his eyes. “I’m America’s first superhero”, he grumbled. “Of course I know how to control my powers”.
Your dad didn’t back down, his eyes fixed on Ben. “Can you blame me for asking? She’s my daughter, and I’ve worked with supes long enough to know how they treat humans, especially the male supes. And I know firsthand about your short temper, Ben”.
The room fell silent for a moment, the tension palpable. You tightened your grip on Ben’s thigh, silently urging him to stay calm.
Ben took a deep breath, his eyes softening slightly as he looked at your dad. “I understand your concern”, he said, his voice more measured. “But you have my word that I would never hurt her. I care about her more than anything".
Your dad nodded slowly, seeming to weigh Ben’s words. “I appreciate that, Ben. But you have to understand, as a father, it’s my job to worry. I’ve seen too much to simply ignore the risks”.
Ben nodded, his expression serious. “I get it. And I respect that. But I want you to know that I would do anything to protect her. She’s my world”.
Your dad’s gaze softened a bit, and he seemed to accept Ben’s sincerity. “Alright”, he said, finally. “That’s all I needed to hear”.
Your mom, sensing the tension easing, quickly shifted the conversation to a lighter topic. “So, Ben, do you have any hobbies or interests outside of being a supe?”.
Ben glanced at you, a small smile playing on his lips. “Well, I enjoy spending time with her”.
Your mom couldn’t help but roll her eyes with a soft grin. “Well, and besides clearly charming my daughter?”.
Ben shrugged playfully. “Nah, that’s it. She’s a full-time job”.
Your dad chuckled at that, and the tension in the room eased even further. Your mom laughed too, shaking her head. “Come on, there has to be something else. Hobbies? Interests?”.
Ben leaned back, considering. “I like working out and staying in top shape”.
You looked at Ben, biting your lip with a small smile. “He also likes whiskey”, you mumbled, glancing towards your dad, knowing it was one of his interests too.
Your dad’s eyes lit up with genuine interest. “Whiskey, huh? What’s your favorite?”.
Ben grinned. “I’m a fan of a good single malt scotch. Lagavulin 16, if I had to pick”.
Your dad nodded appreciatively.
Your dad nodded appreciatively. With that, he stood up. “Come on”, he said, gesturing for Ben to follow him into the living room where his bar was set up.
Ben glanced at you, a mix of curiosity and eagerness in his eyes. You smiled encouragingly. “Go ahead. I’ll help Mom clean up”.
Ben gave you a quick squeeze of your hand before following your dad. You turned to your mom, who was already starting to clear the table. “Need some help?”, you asked.
Your mom smiled warmly. “Always. Thank you”.
As you collected plates and carried them to the kitchen, you couldn’t help but overhear snippets of the conversation between your dad and Ben in the living room. The clinking of glasses and the low murmur of voices reassured you that they were kinda getting along well.
In the kitchen, your mom handed you a dish towel. As you began to dry the dishes, you hesitated for a moment, then decided to broach the topic that had been on your mind all evening.
“Mom”, you said carefully, “have some of your reservations about Ben eased tonight?”.
She sighed softly, pausing as she washed a plate. “I won’t lie, I still have some concerns. It’s not easy to just set aside everything about supes and their history. But…”.
You looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue.
She glanced at you, a small smile forming on her lips. “But I can see that he genuinely cares about you. And he’s been respectful and open with us tonight. That counts for a lot”.
You nodded, feeling a bit of relief. “He really does care about me, Mom. And he’s trying hard to make things work”.
Your mom dried her hands and turned to face you, her expression softening. “I can see that. And I can see how happy he makes you. That’s what’s most important to me and your father”.
You smiled, feeling a swell of gratitude. “Thank you, Mom. It means a lot to hear you say that”.
She pulled you into a hug. “Just promise me you’ll be careful, okay? Love can make us do crazy things sometimes, and I want you to stay safe”.
“I promise”, you replied, hugging her tightly. “I’ll be careful”.
After a while, she looked at you again, a hesitant expression on her face. She took a deep breath before speaking. “Stop me if the topic is too sensitive, considering, well, you know. But… does Ben really want kids?”.
You swallowed, your gaze drifting to the living room. Ben, as if sensing your eyes on him, looked over and gave you a quick wink. You smiled back before turning to your mom.
“He does, Mom. He really does. Having kids has always been his dream. Before we found out I was pregnant, he never thought he’d get the chance to have a family of his own”.
Your mom’s eyes softened with understanding. “I see. That must have been difficult for him”.
You nodded. “It was. But now, he’s so excited. If it were up to him, we’d have a whole kindergarten”, you joked.
Your mom chuckled softly, shaking her head. “I hope you won’t say yes to a whole kindergarten. One or two grandkids at a time would be just fine”.
You laughed, feeling the tension ease. “Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll start with one and see how it goes”.
Your mom looked at you, her expression thoughtful. “Do you know if the baby would be a supe too?”, she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.
You took a deep breath, thinking back to the conversations you had with the doctors at Vought while you were pregnant. “The doctors at Vought explained that there’s a high likelihood the baby would inherit some of Ben’s abilities”, you said slowly. “They couldn’t guarantee exactly which powers or how strong they’d be, but they said it was almost certain the baby would be a supe”.
Your mom nodded, absorbing the information. “How do you feel about that?”.
You paused, considering your feelings. “It’s a bit scary, to be honest”, you admitted. “The idea of raising a child with powers is daunting. But Ben has been incredibly supportive, and he’s confident that we can handle it together. Plus, having him as a guide and role model would make a huge difference”.
Your mom looked at you with concern. “Do the doctors think your body can handle nine months of a pregnancy, considering everything?”.
You sighed. “It’s definitely challenging”, you admitted. “There were some complications early on, but the doctors developed a special medication to help. They call it V-Med. It’s designed to strengthen my body and help it cope with the demands of carrying a supe baby”.
Your mom’s eyes widened slightly. “V-Med? Is it safe?”.
You mumbled, “Since I’m the first and likely last woman who’ll carry a supe baby, there’s no way to tell for sure. We just have to try”.
Your mom gave you an unsure look, her worry evident. “But you’re okay with this?”.
You tried to reassure her, your voice steady. “The doctors did a very good job taking care of me in the first place. They were thorough and cautious”.
She sighed deeply, shaking her head. “Clearly, not good enough”.
You bit your lip, tears filling your eyes. The pain of the past was still raw, and you struggled to find the right words. “Mom”, you began, your voice trembling, “I didn’t lose the baby because of any medical issues”.
She looked at you, confusion and concern etched on her face. “Then what happened?”.
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. “Homelander attacked me. That’s why he’s dead. Ben killed him right after, he’s not retired like the media says. And Ben still blames himself for not protecting me enough, even though he did all he could, always”.
Your mom gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. “Oh, sweetheart”, she whispered, pulling you into a tight hug. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry you went through that”.
Ben tensed beside your father as his supe hearing caught the conversation between you and your mom in the kitchen. His grip tightened slightly on his glass, the painful memories flooding back. Your dad noticed the shift in Ben’s demeanor, his brows furrowing in concern.
“What are they talking about?”, your dad asked quietly, sensing something was wrong and knowing full well that Ben could hear every word being spoken in the kitchen.
Ben had to bite back his own emotions, the pain and guilt threatening to surface. He took a deep breath, steadying himself. “They’re talking about what happened with Homelander”, he said, his voice controlled but strained.
Your dad’s eyes widened in understanding and concern. “I heard the official story, but…”, he trailed off, unsure of how to continue.
“The official story was a cover-up”, Ben said, his jaw tightening. “Homelander didn’t retire. He attacked her while she was pregnant”.
Your dad swallowed hard, digesting the heavy information. After a few moments of silence, marked by the soft clinking of ice in their glasses, he ventured another question, his voice cautious but firm. “Did you have him locked away?”.
Ben turned to face him directly, his expression grim and his eyes haunted. “I killed him”, he stated monotonously. The words hung in the air, stark and cold. He paused, then added quietly, “He nearly killed her and—”. His voice broke off, choked by the weight of what he was about to say next. The reality of the situation seemed to press down on him, making it impossible to voice the deepest part of his pain, that Homelander had killed his baby.
Your dad reached out, placing a hand on Ben’s shoulder, squeezing it firmly as a gesture of support. “You did what you had to do”, he said solemnly, his voice thick with emotion. “I can’t even begin to imagine the choice you faced. But you acted to protect your family. That’s what any father would do”.
Ben looked down, nodding slowly, the acknowledgment from your father seeming to offer a small comfort amidst the torment of his memories. “It never feels like enough”, Ben admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I… Never mind”, Ben grumbled, emptying his glass. “I’ll just check on her”, he said, before walking towards the kitchen, followed closely by your dad.
As Ben entered the kitchen, he carefully placed a hand on your lower back, a gesture of comfort while you faced your mother. “Are you okay?”, he asked gently.
You looked up at him as he stood beside you, nodding, quickly wiping away a few tears. Trying to ease your momentary pain, Ben attempted a joke. “Oh no, you told her about the fucking iPads, didn’t you?”.
You chuckled, your eyes still wet. “No, I didn’t”, you replied, feeling a bit lighter.
Your mother looked puzzled, so you continued with the story. “Ben bought me three new iPads in one week. Every time the battery went low, he thought he had broken it and would go out and buy a new one”, you said, laughing at the memory.
Ben grinned sheepishly. “In my defense, I had never used an iPad before. I didn’t know the battery could be charged separately”.
Your mother joined in the laughter, her earlier worry momentarily forgotten. “That’s quite the learning curve”, she said, shaking her head in amusement.
Your dad, who had been standing quietly, finally spoke up, a smile tugging at his lips. “So, Ben, I guess technology isn’t your superpower?”.
Ben laughed, the tension in his shoulders easing. “Definitely not. But I’m getting better at it. Now I know what those little lightning bolts on the screen mean”.
The shared laughter and light-hearted banter helped to lift the heavy atmosphere. Ben, with a gentle squeeze on your hip, said, “She taught me well, in more than one way”.
You didn’t just teach him about technology and all the stuff of the ‘new world’, but also in showing feelings, controlling feelings, and most importantly, learning to fall in love and accepting to be loved.
Again you looked up at him, smiling softly, knowing exactly what he meant. Ben cleared his throat, breaking the moment with a hint of playfulness. “Anyway, thanks for having us. Hopefully, you don’t think that poorly of me anymore. Like I said, your little firecracker here means the world to me, and even if she’s robbing me of every fucking last nerve, I will do everything to protect her”.
Your parents both chuckled at Ben’s remark, the tension easing further. Your mother stepped forward, her expression warm. “We don’t think poorly of you, Ben. It’s clear how much you care for our daughter, and that’s what matters most to us”.
Your dad nodded in agreement. “You’ve got our respect, Ben. Just keep taking care of each other”.
Ben smiled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and relief. “Thank you”.
After a few more minutes of light conversation and farewells, you and Ben finally made your way to the car. As you settled into the passenger seat, you felt a sense of contentment and hope. The evening had turned out better than you had hoped, and it seemed like your parents were beginning to see Ben for who he truly was.
As Ben started the car and began to drive away, he glanced over at you. You were grinning widely, your eyes sparkling with joy. "They like you, Ben. I know my parents, and they really like you".
Ben chuckled, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Of course they do. What's not to like? I'm charming, good-looking, and I happen to have excellent taste in women".
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully. "Oh, really? You think so highly of yourself, huh?".
He smirked, his confidence evident. "Well, I managed to win you over, didn't I?".
You shook your head, still smiling. "You're impossible". He just winked at you.
"Thank you for tonight, Ben. For everything. You handled everything so well… I love you", you said softly, looking at him with all the love you felt.
Ben glanced at you, his eyes warm and filled with emotion. "Love you too".
The rest of the drive was filled with comfortable silence, the kind that only comes from being with someone who truly understands you. As you pulled into the driveway of your home, you couldn't help but feel excited for the future.
Once inside, you both settled into the living room, the weight of the evening lifting from your shoulders. Ben pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you securely.
"So", he said with a playful grin, "about that teasing offer…".
You laughed, leaning into him. "I think we both deserve a little relaxation after tonight".
He nuzzled your neck, his breath warm against your skin. "I couldn't agree more".
A/N: Please let me know what you think. 🥰
Part 10
Taglist: @deangirl96, @thatgirljayy, @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch@mimaria420@kaz11283@uncle-eggy@jackles010378@vxnilla-hxrddrugs @meowmeowyoongles@sarahgracej @zemosdarling228 @leila22rogers @mostlymarvelgirl@emily-winchester @blacknoirr @onlyangel-444@seasonofthenerd@staple-your-mouth@artemys-ackles@selfdestructionandrhum@mystic-mara @kat-nee @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @star-yawnznn @me1501 @CheyNovaK @faephoria @hobby27 @baby19sthings @fitxgrld @winchesterwild78 @uddiifiigj @libby99hb @urgogodancer @urinternetmom
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virgoilluminati · 3 months
Match Made in England
Following the success of the women's world cup and the ongoing struggles of juggling both fame, football and their relationship, Jude and Y/N set up a tv series.
A/N: ok so i kinda had this idea for a little while but this is kinda like a little spoof spinoff of the World Class series and each "episode" is like a little update into their life, with snippets as if they are hosting a tv reality show. If you have any requests on what episodes you would like to have posted on here pls let me know :)
A tv show created by two lovers that happen to both play for the england football team 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
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You sit next to your window in your two-bedroom apartment, a cup of coffee steaming up over the rainy exterior. The sound of raindrops tapping against the glass creates a soothing rhythm, blending with the soft hum of the city outside. Your mind drifts as you watch the rain cascade down, each droplet carrying with it a piece of your thoughts.
Lost in the tranquility of the moment, you reflect on the past week, the challenges at work, and the unexpected encounter with an old friend. The city lights blur in the distance, their reflection shimmering on the wet streets below.
You take a slow sip of your coffee, savoring the warmth that spreads through your body.The apartment, though small, feels like a sanctuary. Bookshelves line the walls, filled with stories waiting to be explored. A faint aroma of vanilla and cinnamon from a nearby candle mingles with the rich scent of coffee, creating a comforting atmosphere.
As the rain continues to fall, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. Despite the hustle and bustle of life, these quiet moments remind you of the simple joys that make each day worth living. With a contented sigh, you lean back, ready to embrace whatever the evening brings.It had been six months since winning the World Cup and your world had been an absolute spin. TV interview after TV interview, magazine photoshoots, ongoing pestering rumors about your relationship with Jude—everything had felt like a whirlwind, one which never stopped. And now, the BBC had asked to start a reality TV show about your and Jude's life.
At first, you were hesitant, preferring the shielded safety of your private life together. But then, as reminded by your new PA, Emily, people had never been more interested in the women's game, and this was a huge step forward, likening it to other docu-series like Beckham.You let out a deep sigh, watching the rain continue to blur the cityscape outside your window. The idea of opening up your life to the public felt both thrilling and terrifying.
You and Jude had always valued your privacy, cherishing the quiet moments away from the prying eyes of the media. But Emily's words echoed in your mind—this could be a pivotal moment for women's sports, an opportunity to inspire and connect with fans on a deeper level.
With your coffee cup now empty, you stand and stretch, feeling the weight of the decision pressing on your shoulders. You walk over to the kitchen, placing the cup in the sink, and then glance at the clock. Jude would be home soon. The thought brings a smile to your face, a reminder of the support and love that had carried you both through the chaos of the past months.As you prepare dinner, your mind races with possibilities.
The show could highlight the dedication and hard work that goes into being a professional athlete, the balance between your careers and personal lives, and the love story that had captivated so many. But it could also bring unwanted scrutiny and pressure.
The sound of the front door opening pulls you from your thoughts. Jude walks in, shaking off the rain from his jacket. His smile is warm and reassuring, and you feel a sense of calm wash over you."Hey," he says, coming over to give you a kiss. "How was your day?"You take a deep breath, ready to share the latest development.
"Busy, as usual. You?"
"Trent being his usual annoying self." You let out a laugh, your heart warmed from the unlikely England duo.
"You spoke to Em today?" Jude asks, his head rested on your shoulder as he pulls you in for a hug.
"Uh yeah, theres something we need to talk about."Jude raises an eyebrow, curious. "What's up?"
"The BBC wants to do a reality show about us. Emily thinks it's a great idea, a big step forward for the women's game. I'm just... not sure."Jude listens intently, then takes your hand.
"It's a big decision, no doubt. I'm hesitant too, honestly. But it could also be quite fun. Imagine sharing our journey, the highs and lows, with everyone. It could be something really special."
You chuckle. “Yeah, special like that time you tried to cook dinner and almost set the kitchen on fire?"Jude laughs.
"Hey, it was only a small fire. And I learned a valuable lesson: never leave pasta boiling while watching a football game.”
You grin. “Exactly. We can show people the real us, kitchen disasters and all. But seriously, we should set some boundaries. Like, no cameras before I’ve had my morning coffee.”
Jude nods. “Agreed. And no filming me when I’m singing in the shower. Nobody needs to hear that.”
You burst out laughing. “Deal. And if it ever gets too much, we can always take a break. No pressure.”
Jude grins, pulling you into a hug. “Alright then, let’s get this show on the road. We’ll need to find a good production team and start planning out the details. Think they’ll let us film in the Birmingham pub?”
You laugh. “I’m sure we can work something out. This is going to be hilarious. I can’t wait to see what crazy moments we capture.”
Jude’s expression turns thoughtful. “And we’ll need a team that can travel with us, especially since I’ll be in Madrid a lot for games. Filming in different locations could add a cool dynamic, don’t you think?”
You nod. “Absolutely! We can show different cultures, cities, and maybe even some behind-the-scenes at your matches. Plus, it gives us an excuse to travel together more.”
Jude’s eyes light up. “True, and maybe I can even get some of my teammates to make cameo appearances. Imagine the chaos!”You laugh again. “Oh god, what have I gotten myself into..."
Ep 1: Just two kids from England: the ups and downs of football.
Ep 2: New Beginnings: All Things Madrid
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charlosvibesonly · 8 months
Racing Hearts - Part 2
A Max Verstappen Imagine
Part 1
pairing : max x fem! reader/driver
the aftermath of their unexpected kisses is driving the racing world crazy. and y/n can't help but fall for him.
please lmk if you want this to be a series!
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The night air was filled with anticipation as you and Max stayed there, lingering in the aftermath of the unexpected kiss. As days passed, you found yourself inexplicably attracted to Max in a way that surpassed the excitement of the racetrack. The articles and headlines about your growing connection were impossible to ignore, and soon, even you were caught up in the romance that they portrayed.
Snippets from articles read,
"From fierce rivals to unexpected lovers, Y/N and Max's story is straight out of a Hollywood script. Once a battleground, the racetrack is now the backdrop for their burgeoning romance."
"Fans can't get enough of the unexpected chemistry between Y/N and Max. Is it love or a strategic move to keep the competition on track?"
"In a surprising turn of events, the racetrack has become the stage for a love story that transcends the finish line. Can these racing rivals make it work off the track?"
The tabloids and fans alike speculated on the authenticity of your relationship, dissecting every shared glance and lingering touch. Amid it all, you found yourself genuinely liking Max, a realization that both thrilled and terrified you. The thrill of racing was now accompanied by the happiness of stolen glances and the gentle brush of hands during press events.
It was the Silverstone weekend. Y/N went to a club at her friends’ persuasion. The dim, pulsating lights cast a hazy glow over the dance floor, where bodies swayed.
However, the vibrant energy took a swift downturn when you stumbled upon Max. His presence stood out amidst the chaotic dance floor, his sleek black attire making him an unmistakable figure in the sea of people. Your breath hitched as you caught sight of him, his arms wrapped around another girl, their laughter blending with the bass-heavy music.
At that moment, the world seemed to slow down, the rhythmic beats of the music fading into the background. Hurt and blindsided, you felt a sudden weight in your chest, and a knot tightened in the pit of your stomach.
His eyes met yours, you could see the realization dawning on his face. Without a word, you turned away, determined to escape the suffocating atmosphere.
Max hurried after you, pulling you back.
"Where are you going?" he asked a mix of concern in his eyes.
"Somewhere I don't bother you and your date," you replied, your anger palpable.
“Must have been so fun right? Playing with me.” your voice breaking.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, and you left without giving him a chance to explain. 
Arriving at the hotel, you retreated to the solitude of your room, hoping the night would make you hurt less. 
It was race day. And you wanted revenge. Max and you were in a very close fight for the championship, this win could give you an advantage. And you wanted it. 
Rain was forecasted. The downpour was obviously in Max’s favor. You cursed your luck. But decided to give him an equally tough fight. You weren’t the kind to back down.
As the cars navigated the treacherous turns, the rain intensified, challenging even the most seasoned drivers. The spray of water, illuminated by the headlights, created a dazzling display that added a layer of drama to the already high-stakes competition. The race unfolded like a dance between machines and elements, a battle not only against each other but also against the relentless forces of nature.
Amidst the chaos, Max executed a surprising move, a strategic decision that played a pivotal role in helping you secure the lead.
“Y/N wins the British Grand Prix!”
The noise was deafening.
But you weren’t celebrating. A thousand questions ran through your head. Your eyes searched for Max. Making your way towards to garage, you stood in front of him.
So many things you wanted to know, but all you could say was, “Why?”
"You stopped talking to me, Y/N," Max began, his voice cutting through the chaotic symphony of the rain and engines. His gaze bore into yours, seeking understanding. "You just went away. I wasn't playing around, and I certainly wasn't on a date. She was just a fan, a little too eager. You have to believe me; I'd never mess with you like that. I think I like you too much for it."
As he spoke, Max's emotions played out on his expressive face. There was a hint of regret for the misunderstanding, a touch of vulnerability in the admission of liking you, and a determination to set things right.
In the midst of it all, the call to the podium interrupted, leaving Max's explanation hanging in the air. 
On the podium, with rain still pouring down, the fans eagerly anticipated a kiss. The scent of wet asphalt mixed with the sweet champagne hung in the air as you stood next to Max. Your racing suits, now drenched, clung to your bodies, creating a scene that echoed the intensity of the race you both had just conquered.
In that charged moment, emotions swirled within you like a storm. The recent hurt and confusion from the club scene were still fresh, an ache in your chest that begged for resolution.
Seizing the moment, you took Max's face in your hands. Your eyes revealed a mix of emotions – anger and hurt were there, yes, but underneath it all, a burning desire to set things right, to redefine the narrative that had spiraled out of control. The kiss that followed caught Max off guard.
Surprised by your sudden boldness, Max responded with eagerness. He pulled you closer, the racing suits sticking to your bodies like a second skin. Max lifted you into the air, clearly showing how eager he was. As you hung in his arms, Fernando, sharing the podium, grabbed a bottle of champagne and poured it over both of you. The kiss continued, undeterred by the rain, and crowd.
As you broke away, you realized that you were no longer rivals; instead, you were something undefined, something that went beyond the racetrack.
The post-race interview was a chorus of questions about your evolving relationship. 
"Y/N, Max, can you confirm if this is a real romance or just a publicity stunt?" one reporter asked.
You exchanged a glance with Max, and laughing you replied, "It's as real as the rain pouring down on us."
Another reporter jumped in, "How did this happen? Weren't you arch-rivals just a while ago?"
Max, a playful smirk on his face, responded, "Well, sometimes, the best races happen when you least expect them."
The other drivers were caught equally off-guard. Charles said in his interview, ”I thought I was the only one with a surprising performance today, but clearly, I underestimated those two.” And he chuckled while watching their kiss being replayed over and over again.
During the interview, your phone buzzed with a text from Max, "Meet me at 9?"
Your smile was his answer. 
Clearly distracted, a reporter tried to grab Max’s attention, "So, are we going to see more public displays of affection in the future?"
Looking at you Max answered, "Well, you'll have to wait and see. We're just getting started."
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simplyhughes · 7 months
Hi Ellie, so nice to meet you! Loved your first piece ("my girl" as a pet name makes me fold like a lawn chair)! May I please request something with Jack? The specifics are up to you, but may it please be someone who is plain and very quiet in public. I feel like that would raise some eyebrows with Jack being so outgoing and sought after. Please and thank you. P.s. I listened to "Waste" by Foster the People while daydreaming about this if you want a song rec. Sorry!
Apart of the Group
First of all, thank you so much for being my first request I was soooo excited! I got a little carried away with this idea, and I may have strayed a little from your original request so apologies there. But I think this turned out pretty cute! Also, I ended up listening to the song while writing this… 10/10 great music taste 😋
Posting on here still makes me kind of nervous, but I do want to say thank you to everyone who enjoyed my last fic!!!! I am taking request and I’m so excited to fulfill some more :P I hope this fic is good!!! 
WC: 961 😧😧
Tw: social anxiety (?)
Throughout your life, you were known for your quiet demeanor, often keeping to yourself to avoid unnecessary conflict or attention. This didn't mean you were a loner; it just meant it was harder to break your shell. To anyone else, you may come off as withdrawn or timid, and honestly, that's true. But it's just a persona for those you aren't close to.
Growing up as family friends with three charismatic and unusually talented brothers was refreshing. You got to experience what life would be like if you had possessed those traits, not watching in envy but adoration. That adoration focused itself on the middle brother, Jack.
Jack didn't even have to try to get you to let your guard down; it just happened. He radiated a feeling of comfort that made him so easy to be around. After years of chasing each other, right as Jack was entering his first year in the NHL, you guys finally got together. You complimented each other in ways that were both unexpected and perfect, filling in the gaps the other lacked.
Life had picked up pace, and both of you succumbed to work. With Jack in Jersey and you back home in Michigan, you didn't get to see each other often. Being enrolled in university didn't allow for free time; you were either busing tables or hitting the books. Even though you and Jack shared troubling schedules, you two always found time to chat, even if it was late at night. Eventually, your schedules aligned. You finally were able to catch a flight to Jersey to see your boyfriend in action. On top of that, the New Jersey Devils were having a get-together for all of their wives and girlfriends. That made Jack ecstatic. He was so thrilled to be able to show off his girl, he was practically bouncing off the walls. You, on the other hand, felt queasy at the thought.
Jack had picked you up from the airport and took you back to his apartment. After basking in each other's company for the rest of the day and making up for lost time, you two settled in bed. As soon as the covers were pulled over, Jack was out. Your touch was something he craved for so long, and to finally have it alleviated all his stress, acting like melatonin.
Unfortunately, sleep didn't come as easy for you. Your mind was racing, thinking about every outcome tomorrow would bring. Will his teammates like you? Will their girlfriends like you? Eventually, you tired yourself out, and your eyelids fluttered shut with your fingers tangled in your boyfriend's hair.
The morning was spent over a cup of coffee and breakfast Jack surprisingly hadn't burned, sharing kisses and embraces in between. Both of you got ready in unison, helping Jack with his outfit and him attempting to help you with your hair. The ride to his teammate's house, who you knew as Bass, was quiet. Jack could tell you were nervous and had rested his palm against your thigh, rubbing small comforting circles. He parked along the street and opened the passenger door for you to exit. With your hands clasped, you both walked towards the front door.
Immediately, the door swung open, revealing a tall guy with a toothy grin who greeted you.He pulled Jack into one of those guy hugs and ushered you two in the door. The room was loud which made you instinctively lach to Jack's arm. Settling on the couch, surrounded by other players and their partners, Jack got to socializing. You felt eyes on you. The words you spoke were minimal and ended with you introducing yourself, with the help of your boyfriend. Your head rested against Jack's shoulder with his arm snaking around yours leaving his hand resting on your leg.
Soon enough his conversation fizzles out and he looks down at you with a soft gaze. He leans down to reach your ear, “You okay, baby?”. You let out a hum. At this point, your nerves were gone, but this still wasn't your crowd. “I'm good, just taking everything in…” you reply finally using your words. His lips meet your forehead while his hand caresses your cheek.
You two were so lost in your bubble to hear the conversation of a few of the girlfriends on the other sofa. “They are so different” one of them giggles. “I know…but it's too cute.” another responds. Jack smiles at you and turns back to talking now occasionally giving you the chance to nudge in.
As the night came to a close, you found yourself feeling a sense of belonging you hadn't anticipated. Surrounded by Jack's teammates and their partners, you realized that acceptance wasn't as elusive as you once thought. Back at Jack's apartment, you two snuggled up on the couch. His phone pinged with a text from one of the guys. “Hey take a look at this y/n…” Jack said as he shifted his phone to be your view. “Bratters girl, Nicole, wants to see if you wanna go to the WAGs luncheon thing before the game tomorrow. Look at my girl making friends and shit!” He exclaimed while pinching your cheeks. You pushed your head into his chest to hide your smile.
Today, you hurdled more than you could have if you were to do it alone. Jack brings out the best in you, pushing you when you need it. With Jack by your side, facing any uncertainty seemed less daunting. As you settled into bed, wrapped in each other's embrace, you felt a profound sense of contentment wash over you. Tomorrow might bring new challenges, but you knew that as long as you had Jack, you could face them head-on, together.
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teddymoon06 · 17 days
The Spotlight’s Secret
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Title: The Spotlight’s Secret
The flashing lights, the buzz of the crowd, and the energy in the air—it was all part of the job. Being in the spotlight came with its fair share of challenges, but tonight felt different. The annual award show was one of the biggest events of the year, and I was nominated for two categories. But my nerves weren’t about the awards.
They were about him.
Jungkook and I had been dating for almost a year now. In a world where every glance, every movement was scrutinized, we managed to keep our relationship a secret. We had to. The thought of our private lives being picked apart by millions wasn’t something either of us wanted to face just yet.
Sitting in the audience tonight, the cameras panning from one celebrity to the next, I knew Jungkook was somewhere in the same room, a few rows back. I could feel his presence even though we hadn’t made eye contact since stepping onto the red carpet. It was part of our unspoken agreement—keep things low-key, keep it professional.
But, God, it was hard not to look at him.
I was seated with a group of fellow actors, making light conversation and nodding politely as the event unfolded. But the whole time, my mind was wandering. How was Jungkook holding up? Was he as anxious as I was, knowing we were so close yet had to act like strangers?
Then, his group—BTS—was announced as one of the next performers. The stage darkened, and the familiar beat of one of their latest hits filled the arena. My heart raced, knowing that in just a few seconds, he would be on stage, the entire world’s eyes glued to him.
The spotlight hit, and there he was.
Jungkook’s presence on stage was magnetic, as always. His voice, his movements, everything about him was electrifying. I was completely lost in the performance, my eyes never leaving him, even though I knew I should be more discreet. But no one was watching me—not yet, anyway.
The song ended, and BTS took a bow, walking off stage to a roar of applause. I couldn’t help the proud smile that tugged at my lips. He was brilliant, and I was falling for him all over again.
The night continued, awards being handed out one after the other, and soon it was time for my category. My name was called among the nominees, and I felt the familiar rush of adrenaline. I didn’t expect to win, but just being nominated was an honor in itself.
"And the award for Best Actress goes to…" The presenter paused, milking the suspense. I held my breath.
The room erupted into applause, and I blinked in disbelief. I had actually won. Slowly standing up, I made my way to the stage, my heart pounding. The cameras followed my every move, and I could feel a thousand eyes on me. But there was only one pair that mattered—Jungkook’s.
As I accepted the trophy and gave my speech, I couldn’t help but steal a glance toward his section. Our eyes met for a split second, and I could see the pride shining in his. It was quick, but in that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the room.
I finished my speech and made my way back to my seat, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside me. Everything was going perfectly—until it wasn’t.
The night was almost over when the unexpected happened. I had been moving toward the exit with my group, the event winding down, when I spotted Jungkook slipping backstage. It was risky, but I followed him. We were careful, always careful, but tonight the thrill of winning, the buzz of the evening—it made me want to see him, even if just for a moment.
I caught up with him in one of the empty hallways backstage. The noise of the crowd was muffled now, and for the first time all night, it felt like it was just the two of us.
"Congratulations," he said softly, his smile lighting up his whole face.
"Thanks," I whispered, stepping closer. "You were amazing tonight."
Jungkook chuckled, the sound low and warm. "I think you stole the show."
We were standing too close now, but neither of us cared. His hand brushed against mine, and before I could stop myself, I leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. It was quick, just enough to feel that spark between us, but it was dangerous. And in that one stolen moment, everything changed.
I heard the faint sound of footsteps, followed by the unmistakable click of a camera. We both froze, pulling apart instantly. Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock, and I felt the blood drain from my face.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath, glancing down the hall where a photographer stood, camera in hand, eyes wide as he realized what he’d just captured.
"Wait—" I started, but it was too late. The photographer bolted, and I knew exactly what was about to happen.
The secret we’d kept so carefully hidden for almost a year was about to be blown wide open.
We rushed back to our respective groups, pretending nothing had happened, but I could already feel the shift in the air. Social media was about to explode, and there was nothing we could do to stop it. I sat through the rest of the night in a daze, my mind spinning with what the next few hours would bring.
By the time the award show ended, my phone was already buzzing. Notifications flooded in—headlines, articles, tweets. "Jungkook and Y/N spotted together backstage." "Secret romance exposed!" "BTS’s Jungkook caught in a private moment with Y/N!"
I glanced over at Jungkook, who was now surrounded by his group, but his eyes found mine across the room. There was no panic in his gaze, just a quiet acceptance. It was out now, and there was no turning back.
The car ride home was silent, my phone still vibrating with endless notifications. I finally decided to turn it off, leaning back against the seat with a sigh.
A text came through, though, from the only person I wanted to hear from.
Jungkook: "Are you okay?"
I smiled softly, typing back.
Me: "Yeah, I think so. You?"
A moment passed before his response came through.
Jungkook: "I don’t care if the whole world knows. As long as you’re with me."
My heart swelled at his words, the fear and anxiety melting away.
Me: "I’m with you."
And in that moment, I knew everything would be alright. We might be caught in the spotlight now, but as long as we had each other, we could face whatever came next.
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