#unexpected expenses
evanoxvt · 2 months
Eva requesting help with unexpected travels
Hey guys, this post is primarily to try and fund some luggage for a trip I have coming up in 2 weeks. I'm traveling because a family member unexpectedly passed away in a motor vehicle accident recently. Usually I would use the luggage my family owns, however, it is already going to be used as a family member will already be traveling at with said luggage at that time for a preplanned trip they have. This luggage would be my personal luggage, and I'd never need to contend with others for it as it would be stored in my room at the top of my closet.
I know this is a big ask, especially after receiving so many birthday gifts last month and with this time crunch since it means I really only have about 4-5 days to fund it if it is to come in on time, but I would really appreciate it for this and all future travels.
I have other things I could also use to help with my travels (in the travel collection on my throne) but this is really the most important and crucial thing right now.
Other things to help with travels can be found here:
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instantmudra · 5 months
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Unexpected expenses? No worries! Get quick access to funds with our hassle-free loan options. Whether it's medical bills, car repairs, or any urgent need, we've got you covered. Apply now for peace of mind and financial relief!
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chintamanifinlease · 5 months
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Choose Chintamani Finlease Limited for reliable financial solutions tailored to your needs. With a trusted reputation, competitive rates, and personalized service, we make achieving your financial goals easy and hassle-free. Join us and experience the difference today!
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maxlendmoney · 1 year
Fast Cash Loan Options to Help With Medical Bills
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Spending on health care has increased every year since 1960, and even though the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has slowed the growth of premium spending, it has also resulted in higher deductibles. That, in turn, has led to rising medical out-of-pocket costs in the United States, with the average deductible reaching $1,478 in 2016. Over half of all workers in the United States now have a deductible over $1,000. Workers may not need to pay as much monthly for their health care, but when they actually need to use their insurance, it costs them much more.
The problem for many individuals and families is that they don’t have over $1,000 saved to cover their out-of-pocket costs, which can put them in a difficult situation when a medical emergency occurs or when they need an important treatment. They’re stuck with two options: obtain the care they need and put themselves in a financial hole, or hold off on getting that care and put their own health at risk.
Delaying treatment is often not an option, and even if it is, it’s almost always better for the individual to get treatment promptly. No amount of money is worth an individual’s health, and waiting to get treatment can make the issue worse. There are a few ways for an individual to pay out-of-pocket costs when they don’t have much money saved.
Financing With Credit Cards
The first option is paying the bill with one or more credit cards. Getting into credit card debt isn’t ideal, but there are times when it’s necessary. Putting medical bills on credit cards allows the individual to get the treatment needed immediately and pay it off at their own pace, as long as they make at least the minimum payment every month. This makes using a credit card to finance medical expenses one of the most flexible payment options.
Reaching Out to Family and Friends
If an individual has family members and friends that can lend a hand, asking to borrow money is a good choice. By asking multiple people and then pooling that money together, the individual can get a smaller amount from each person instead of asking for a large amount of cash from one party. Even though this option requires that an individual should swallow his pride to ask for help, he’ll likely find that there are plenty of people who don’t mind lending money in a time of need.
Applying for an Installment Loan
If all else fails, an individual can take out a personal loan to cover their medical bills. He will have the loan for a specific term length and will need to make loan payments on time. Short-term loans tend to have much faster application processes than long-term loans, which can be helpful when the individual needs to pay a bill right away.
Installment loans are one solution to medical bills for those individuals without the credit to cover those bills and who may not have family and friends who can help them. With an installment loan, an individual can get an immediate financial boost and pay off the loan over a series of installments. Installment loans should not be used as a long-term solution to money woes, because the loans are not intended for that purpose, but they can work well as a short-term solution for emergency expenses, such as unexpected medical bills.
The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not professional financial advice. MaxLend does not assume responsibility for advice given. All advice should be weighed against your own abilities and circumstances and applied accordingly. It is up to the reader to determine if advice is safe and suitable for their own situation.
MaxLend, is a sovereign enterprise, an economic development arm and instrumentality of, and wholly-owned and controlled by, the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation, a federally-recognized sovereign American Indian Tribe. (the “Tribe”). This means that MaxLend’s loan products are provided by a sovereign government and the proceeds of our business fund governmental services for Tribe citizens. This also means that MaxLend is not subject to suit or service of process. Rather, MaxLend is regulated by the Tribe. If you do business with MaxLend, your potential forums for dispute resolution will be limited to those available under Tribal law and your loan agreement. As more specifically set forth in MaxLend’s contracts, these forums include an informal but affordable and efficient Tribal dispute resolution, or individual arbitration before a neutral arbitrator. Otherwise, MaxLend is not subject to suit or service of process. Neither MaxLend nor the Tribe has waived its sovereign immunity in connection with any claims relative to use of this website. If you are not comfortable doing business with sovereign instrumentality that cannot be sued in court, you should discontinue use of this website.
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roosterfinancial · 1 year
Emergency Funds: Why You Need One and How to Build It
Having an emergency fund is a crucial aspect of financial planning. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected expenses can arise at any time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of having an emergency fund and provide practical steps to help you build one. The Importance of an Emergency Fund An emergency fund serves as a financial safety net that provides a buffer during…
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damneddualities · 2 years
I’m just gonna vent because when I get this frustrated and stressed I go pretty much nonverbal but keeping it in doesn’t help either. Also I can’t afford therapy so Tumblr it is.
I recently adopted a cat to be my ESA as petting and cuddling with a cat has always helped calm me down and is almost stim like. I had to leave my elderly cat back home partially due to his age but also because my sister would have thrown a fit if I took MY cat with me down south while I was in school. Mind you she adopted a kitten a couple months ago. Part of the reason I did t fight it was because she also needs animals for emotional support. Yknow she has her dog but whatever I’ve mostly moved past that.
Last year I lost the last kitten I had adopted to the FVIP which is basically kitty COVID and has a 10% of becoming a neurological issue that is almost immediately fatal. My partner is living with me in our apartment while I finish up my last year of college. Before coming down my mom made them promise to not let me get a cat. Mind you she didn’t communicate this with me, my partner did. They have recognized however that our cat greatly improved my mental health and my stress based compolusions. However I have not told my mom yet about our cat.
This is for a few reasons. One being the aforementioned “promise”. Another is that I recently lost my job because I was apparently hired on as seasonal despite being hired before seasonal started. I still don’t have a job and it’s been almost a month. So my mom who is a co-signer on our lease has been helping with rent and groceries because inflation is a bitch on top of being without a job.
Mind you I only adopted this cat because I had gotten hired somewhere. Only to be immediately ghosted on when I would start (then never even sent me the onboarding information). So now I have no savings, no job income for at least another three weeks (working on getting hired somewhere else) and suddenly my cat is shitting blood.
Took her to the closest vet I could because I didn’t have money for a carrier yet. The internet and reviews said they were good and adorable. The first visit is even free! I get there and the tech that comes in immediately starts talking about money and cost. They barely even looked at my cat.
Anyway I explain what caused me to come in (part of it being trauma from suddenly losing my last cat) and they advise me that they’ll probably have to do blood work and give her meds and the price tag just keeps upping. I tell them the most I could possibly pay that day (as they didn’t have any payment plan options and my deductible on the pet insurance hadn’t been paid yet anyway) was $200
So the tech takes my baby back and I sit alone in that room for upwards of twenty minutes. When the tech comes back the vet is with him. She has a type of tapeworm-adjacent intestinal parasite. They tell me they’re putting her in three medications: a probiotic to help with the diarrhea, an antibiotic for the inflamed anus cussed by the excessive shitting (which was where the blood was coming from) and the meds for the parasite itself. Only the Rx for the parasite isn’t on hand and I have to order it through chewy. (So another $20-40. That prescription isn’t even expected to arrive before the 1st so it will have been a week since the appointment that the meds arrive. )The vet leaves and I pay the $147 (an extra $12 for the cardboard carrier they used) and go home.
The next day she is shitting everywhere with seemingly no control. Luckily we had quarantined her to the bathroom so our dog wouldn’t get infected from eating her poop. Now she has rectal incontinence from the parasites. And on top of that she’s bloated from it as well. None of these symptoms/side effects were things the vet told me to expect. So I’m panicking and thankfully was able to get in touch with a vet through online chat for free as I’d gone completely nonverbal in my panic and stress.
All this leads up to me having an emotional breakdown in bed the other night because one of the things I struggle the most with is feeling like a burden, especially a financial one. And I feel like an awful pet owner because our cat loves cuddles and being around the rest of us and now she’s quarantined in the bathroom and I can hear her meowing for attention that I can’t give her for longer than like five minutes.
My partner comforted me and helped me get out of my head and I finally felt like I was doing a bit better. Then my mom calls and because I was taking a depresso nap I didn’t answer so she texts the both of us. To my partner she texts her questions and to me I get the anxiety inducing “call your mother now” text.
I call her. Immediately I’m being berated for using DoorDash to buy McDonald’s the other day. Sorry my depression is chronic and makes it hard to find motivation to cook lunch let alone eat. Then she moves on to my use of Cashapp. A use which I’ve told her in the past it to get money into my own account through another bank which doesn’t have branches near where I’m currently living. Money which needs to be in there for my bills such as my medications and reoccurring subscriptions to be paid. Also it was how I was paying for the vet visit without her finding out I have a cat.
Yes I know I should tell her but I know that when I do it will be an endless barrage of how I don’t know how to save money or so finances and how I shouldn’t get an animal if I can’t afford it and basically implying that I am a financial burden. A concern I have shared with her in the past and she has assured me I’m not. She may say it but her actions and the way she talks to me say otherwise. And if I tell her I got it becuase I had been hired but then was unexpectedly ghosted she’ll give me shit about not confronting the people who “hired” me, knowing that I don’t do well with confrontations with authority and that I don’t communicate well when I’m upset or stressed.
She also started in on why the hell was I needing to take a nap. And rather than have to explain my mental disabilities ((adhd, chronic depression, anxiety (and undiagnosed autism)) tax on me physically I just told her I had a headache (another thing I deal with chronically). She immediately goes into well, and I quote, “prepare for the headache to get worse” and that’s when she starts laying in about the expenses on my account that she has access to. I’m fucking 25 I don’t want to be treated like a child who doesn’t realize how the world works.
Mind you this woman spent at least 2/3 of her teaching career working with disabled kids as a special needs teacher. But would she ever admit her own daughter is autistic and has periods of being nonverbal? No. And I learned not to rely on others because my older siblings always seemed to be of a higher priority growing up than I did. My middle sister is medically diagnosed as “mentally retarded” (yahoo /s for the medical industry 30+ years ago not knowing what the term developmentally delayed is -_-) so she was mentally younger than I was by the type I was ten. My oldest sister is practically a narcissist who I was constantly compared to and I saw how she took advantage of my mom financially (she’s 35+ and has a well laying career but my mom is still the one paying her student loans).
This has probably made no sense and is all over the place but I’m too tired to edit it to be more cohesive and I warned y’all it was a rant. I’m just tired of being treated like an idiot and a burden. Not to even mention the fact that I’m supposed to have access to the money my grandfather set aside for me in a trust (RIP Popop) but my mom won’t confront her younger sister about why she hasn’t handled it yet. Which brings up my partners concern that if the trust wasn’t set up before my grandfather death and is only stipulated in the will then my aunt as the executor can just say fuck you to all of us and keep everything for herself. With her being the most well off out of all of us.
My Popop vaguely told me about this money before he passed because he saw how the world was going financially. He knew I would struggle as the youngest. My middle sister will likely always live with my parents. My eldest sister is married with kids and has a well paying career and owns a home. I’m relying on grants and scholarships and federal loans to pay for college and worked (including my schooling, and my internship) over 75 hours a week last semester just to get by. Plus I know that when my parents go I will be responsible for my middle sister. We do not get along. She resents me for not having the same difficulties as her and for having thing she doesn’t as her younger sister. But my narcissistic eldest sister is a fucking cunt who would probably just blatantly refuse to help out. So I get to be implied to be a burden who is incapable of managing their own money while also being blasted with the pressure of knowing that should anything happen to my parents I will become responsible for my middle sister.
TLDR: moms are fucking nosy and incredibly ableist despite being a former special needs teacher who’s students still remember and send her gifts and I’m out of a job with a shit ton of sudden expenses
If you’d like to help out my Cashapp and Venmo are both lexmars42 and you could even buy something from my redbubble (same as my tumblr handle). Literally a fucking dollar or two would be appreciated.
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
OMG HI first i love your writing sm!!! they make me kick my feet and giggle tbh hffjsjdjeh but can i perhaps get kung lao, tomas and anyone of your choice with a reader who can dance?
author note: Thanks for your kind words!! I'm happy to know my writings bring happiness. Giggling and kicking feet is like the epitome for me. Hope you'll like these as much!!
It's a particular bad period financially so please, consider tipping on my ko-fi
Kung Lao: -"I can dance too!" He does not, but at least he has the spirit. -Lao would like to learn, mostly because he loves skin to skin contact. -So go for styles that require a partner. -Lao loves to make you spin and get you back in between his arms. -And you like it too because: his arms are very nice and strong and because his smile makes your knees jello. -Lao sneaks a kiss here and there, but he won't stop dancing, so you have to stay on track! -Even if he lives for teasing you when you misstep due to his charm.
Tomas Vrbada: -He is deft on his feet, but Tomas lacks rhythm! -Tomas is always embarrassed when you ask him to dance together, but he will try his best for you. -He likes to see you dance, tho! Not even in a sexual way, he simply admires your skills, and he becomes happy when he sees you happy!!! -Tomas doesn't have much time to spend with you, so usually he prefers to relax in your arms or take you somewhere nice. -You can try to teach him how to dance once in a while, tho. Having you in his arms is always nice after all. -But don't ask him to dance in front of his brothers. The best Tomas is an alive one.
Liu Kang: -When you invite him to dance together, he refuses, a bit embarrassed "I have two left feet." -But if you force him a bit without being rude, obviously, he'll finally accept to dance. -"I always liked to dance, but I never had the time to be good at it." "Then I can teach you!" You look at him, sparkled in your eyes. "I'm terrible at it, even if I'm sure you're an amaz-" Your forefinger touches Liu Kang's lips, shutting him up. -When he finally understands it's your turn to talk, you intertwine your hands together while the other lay on his shoulder. -"I'll teach you, even if it takes all our lifetime." His eyes widen for a moment, just a second before holding your hand a bit tighter. "Okay." He nods, atmosphere tense even if a smile grace his face. -But you are good, breaking it and finally being able to make him move around. -Maybe one day Liu will tell you he is more a disco music fan…
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quarriart · 2 days
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.... shyly puts this here
ko-fi link , I have 5 slots open
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mdemn · 1 month
going 2 vent in the tags!
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replicastarglobe · 4 months
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Surprise ! A -$6 sale for busts and halfbodies until June 25th 🌼☀
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hi-its-meg · 5 months
Tomorrow is the day I should be completely out of credit card & medical debt 🥹
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instantmudra · 5 months
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Personal loans are popular because they offer quick access to cash without needing collateral. People use them for various needs like consolidating debt, funding emergencies, or covering unexpected expenses. They provide flexibility and convenience, making them a preferred choice for many.
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54prowl · 27 days
no other travel philosophy can beat, "pack half the things you think you need, and bring twice the money you think you need."
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jaradraws · 1 year
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📢 comms for may are open!! 📢
prices are in CAD
please read the TOS before placing an order
limited slots available through ko-fi
shape portraits are new! experimental and super fun :]
[ Terms of Service ] [ Commission ]
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lale-txt · 1 year
travel anxiety diary: i think my therapist will be delighted to hear that so far almost everything that could go wrong, did go wrong ٩(× ×)۶
i’m taking back what i said about being one of Miyazaki’s protagonists, rn i just want to be a background character whose only struggle is to hold two full paper bags of cheese and nothing else
no hardest battles for the most anxious soldiers, just cheese
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coolxatu · 2 years
help getting cats their shots
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so i need to get my cats shots updated by may or my building might say i cant keep my cats in the apartment, but its gonna be about $150 that i dont have at the moment. if anyone has a few bucks they could spare please send it to the paypal below, id really appreciate it
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