#unfortunatelly I can't tell when
one-half-guy · 8 months
A name pattern to your blood-related characters? Sounds great! Amazing actually! The many parallels and trivia... THE MUCH THOUGHT YOU PUT ON THEM!!!
Whaaaaaat? Do you wanna I do it myself? Like every time? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH great joke
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vinnystarman · 4 months
"Wait this thing has LORE????" Yes!!! IT HAS LORE
I just rewatched eddsworld for the 2334idfk443th time in a row and realized I haven't seen (not that there isn't I just haven't seen) people talking about the fact that the series seems to have a really weird (and quite frankly fragile) canon, this goes to some minor details like differences between the stages of the series (retro, classical, legacy and beyond) and other stuff like how I think we actually kind of know what in the actuall hell was Tord even doing in those 8 years between his original departure and the end in eddsworld legacy BUT I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF before we start I want to make some points clear for the sake of clarity:
☆ I will be talking about the series and it's characters specifically in the context of the series, for example: I know why Tord the irl person left the series but I would be speaking only about Tord's (the character) departure, the same goes to any other irl event that had an impact on the series
☆ keep in mind this is only what I think (even though I think i'm absolutely right about everything) so if you disagree in any of my points that's absolutely fine!
☆ I will be speculating about future stuff so take all of those bits with a grain of salt because i'm a great observer but (unfortunatelly) not god so I can't acurrately see the future lolz
so…. how do we start?
well… we could start strong by one of the most interesting points I thought about!
as ridiculous as it sounds, i'm pretty convinced that Tom always knew about Tord's laboratory! and I have proof of it actually
one of the most solid proof I have appears in the episode "The Snogre" to be fair, that episode is gonna come up A LOT in this so you might want to re watch it first :3
in the minute 1:57 Tom apears with a "snow tank" that he uses to defeat the snogre, later, him and Edd have this exchange:
How'd you build that snow tank so fast?
Snow tank? (the snow falls off the ACTUALL TANK TOM CASUALLY IS OPERATING???)
this tank has the (i don't know how to call it so let's just say) serial number "CDT-01" which at the time was a nice little nudge to "moving targets" since it's the same tank the guys use in that episode but in this post "The end" world it should be noted that the "CDT-01" tank also appears in the minute 3:25 meaning up to that point the only way to access the tank was getting into Tord's laboratory and figure out what to press to get it (This tank might also be the one portrayed in movie makers but it's most likely that they are the same tank since they have the same serial number and in moving targets, this tank is stolen from Paul in that same episode AND THIS IS RELATED TO SOMETHING ELSE THAT I'M GONNA SAY HERE SO IT'S NOT A PLOT HOLE OK? BARE WITH ME)
the second one is that the lab was in Tom's room aka Tord's old room, this is the primary reason why Tord came back anyways, to get back to his laboratory (OR IS IT)
This is what I think happened:
Tom found a really suspicious button behind two frames (or one) maybe when he was moving his stuff into it and painting the walls (I highly doubt Tord had blue walls on his room), made a little mess trying to figure out what the actual fuck was going on, realized what it was and decided not to tell the guys because well… as we can see they LOVE pressing buttons and Tom knew it was gonna end up in catastrophe and shut his mouth because of that
that aside of ourselves, my second point:
The real reason why Tord was so hostile to Tom in the end wasn't (or at least not exclusively) because of his rivarly with him but more so because Tord wanted to capture monster Tom!
what do I mean by this? well to understand my point we need to understand how (i think) Tord and his army were operating at that time:
The red army as a whole has only been described once at this point in time and it was in the episode "Fun Dead" in the second 0:08 by the news lady as "Armed vigilantes" that were controlling the Zombie situation (that they [even though accidentally] caused) this meaning that as for now they aren't seen as a threat, on the contrary! They were helping the population! and maybe i'm giving Tord too much credit for this but I bet THAT (beeing seen as vigilantes and not some terrorist group) was intentional, you see, Tord is smart and a little manipulative, the most "evil" thing to do was letting the zombie infection run free and then take control of the post apocaliptic, in shambles world but he didn't, Why? you may ask; because he is more treacherous than Judas, that's why, maybe i'm looking a little too much into this but if this is the route he is going he would need more than one threat right? this is where monster Tom comes into play, I DON'T KNOW WHY ANY OF YOU HAVE EVER ASKED IT BUT WHY DID TOM BECAME A MONSTER RANDOMLY IN POWEREDD? I know it was hinted before that maybe he is half demon somehow??? BUT LIKE… MAYBE I'M DUMB BUT THAT'S WEIRD. And as the scientist he is (why don't I see more scientist Tord fanart?) Tord asked himself the same question, we know that because when we took a look into his laboratory we saw that he was studying monster Tom as it's shown in the end part 2 in the minute 2:42 (THIS GUY'S LAB IS SO MUCH TO UNPACK) this indicates that it isn't crazy to assume he was trying to take Tom out of his senses to get to monster Tom, because as we can see in that same episode he is wanted by the authorities for a large amount of money, probably because they got caught doing some sketchy stuff so, in an attempt to hype up his organization's reputation once more he tried to cause another problem for them to solve
this is what I think happened: Tord somehow knew about monster Tom and realized he could use him not only as another way to make his organization look like heroes to the public eye but also for studying (and maybe experimentation but not really sure since at that point Tord already had that weird chemical that gave life to stuff and converted people to zombies) he assumed the way to get to the monster was making Tom furious so that's what he tried, that's why he was specially hostile to Tom, that's why he was so surprised when Tom left the house (because i've seen people assume that was his objective but if it was then why did he looked so taken aback?)
continuing with Tord my next point is: We kind of know what Tord was up to all along and i'm not so sure he created the red army
well yes, that is true but just because he later on becomes the red leader it doesn't mean he created the red army as it is.
let me explain: in the episode "moving targets" not only do we are shown Tord's fondness of militaristic activities but also in the minute 6:12 we see Paul and some unnamed enemy base guard (that i'm pretty sure had a fanon name but I completely forgot oh well) and you may ask "ok so what?" ... Sir that's Paul, this openly states that before he joined the red army, Paul was with this other random army which if you look closely has a suspiciously similar design to the red army's uniform, not only that but again, in Tord's lab we can see a picture of 4 people (minute 2:42) and these people are: Tord, the enemy base guard marked with a big X (maybe he's dead or simply left the army), Paul and Patryck, this meaning that Tord knew them from before, now, as always, here is what I think happened: After his departure in the episode 25ft under the seat, Tord at some point found the enemy army from the episode moving targets and considering how the gang messed them up they weren't in the best conditions, so at some point between the episodes movie makers and space face Tord takes control of this army and makes it HIS red army, this could've been by force or (what I see more plausible but who knows) joined the army as it is and began working his way up until he ended up leader of it CONTINUING WITH TORD BECAUSE HE IS A SNEAKY BASTARD (i love him i hate him so much) WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIS LAB??? Tord's laboratory even though solves some questions it opens up even MORE questions like these: HOW DID HE KNEW ABOUT MONSTER TOM IF HE ONLY APPEARED IN POWEREDD AND THAT EPISODE AIRED LONG AFTER HE LEFT?? WHY DOES HE HAVE BARRELS OF THE WEIRD LIFE-GIVING CHEMICAL FROM "THE SNOGRE" AND "FUN DEAD" IF THAT ALSO HAPPENED LONG AFTER HIS DEPARTURE??? WHY DID HE INSTALLED A SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE HOUSE???
well I have answers for 3 of those 4 questions, so, hear me out on this one: Tord kept using his laboratory even after he left. THIS SOUNDS CRAZY AND IT IS BUT HEAR ME OUT.
in the end part one, even though he was let in by edd Tord tried to sneak into Tom's room anyway, and he did it in a way that showed that maybe, just maybe it wasn't his first time doing it and if we look at it from a strategic perspective it's basically the perfect place to hide something like that.
it's a place that no one would search him in because well... at that point it had been years since he left, it's just a normal house where three friends live, nothing suspicious going on with that so if he had his laboratory right there it would be convenient... Really convenient, this is the reason he has stuff from stuff he couldn't have possibly had from before, that's why he had time to build his giant robot, he had all the time he was living there and also when he wasn't, that's what he knew about monster tom. that's why he had pictures of his army friends, that's why he had the chemical, because he never truly left.
this would also make my first idea even more possible because Tom wasn't even surprised to see Tord's laboratory in his room and Tord wasn't surprised either to see Tom there, this meaning that maybe somehow they had seen eachother before, maybe while Tord was sneaking in or out and Tom in an act of friendship decided to not get Edd or Matt involved for their own good
that aside because I got overly happy when I remembered that
in the episodes "the surf and turf wars pt 1 and 2" we are presented with a new problem, for the ones that haven't seen it or don't remember, in the episodes, Matt gets turned into a lobster monster by a chemical with dubious origin, we actually have a name for this chemical! it's named "NM-8" and ok, this is maybe a far FAR stretch BUT I CAN'T POSSIBLY BE THE ONLY ONE WITH THE THEORIE THAT MAYBE, JUST MAYBE THIS CHEMICAL IS AN ADVANCED FORMULA OF THAT LIFE-GIVING CHEMICAL OF TORD'S I say this since both substances have similar effects, and according to this, in the same episode, the barrel of nm-8 ends up there anyways because while transporting the chemical THAT IS WIDELY STATED THE ORIGIN OF IT IS HIGLY CONFIDENTIAL NO QUESTIONS ASKED the ship hits a bump and when the captain asked "what happened" is sent to the brig because he broke the rule of not asking questions, this leading to the barrel falling overboard and ending up in the beach where it's found by Matt and the episode continues
who would need such level of secretism? who would need that much confidentiality? well I have certain people in mind, if we think about it from a narrative perspective it would make sense for the chemical to be property of the same guy (or guys) that made the other chemical to be responsible for it, maybe in some elaborate scheme to finally get back at the world after the giant robot fiasco and hey, maybe it was impossible before but now with the Tord Youtooz? WITH TORD APPEARING IN MATT'S VIDEO AS AN INTERRUPTION WITH THE STYLE OF A STOLEN TV SIGNAL???? IT'S PLAUSIBLE AND IT WOULD MAKE A LOT OF SENSE! but as always that is only speculation, I can't see the future, just theorize and communicate what I think and let's be honest, the next episode will probably be about the guys cleaning up the lobster mess (WHICH IS AMAZING AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE) but always remember, Tord ends up taking the world in the future anyways so stopping him right now, whatever he is up to is not really an option unless someone comes back from the future to help
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what do you think about it?
The points I agree with
1 - A ship being canon or not does not tell us anything about the quality of said ship.
2 - Zutara fans need to chill with craving canon validation.
3 - The spin-off works like the comics and The Legend Of Korra often contradict the canon of the original show, and thus people need to either take only one as canon and ignore the other, or have "double-thinking" to take both as true. Honestly, even just within the original show there are canon inconsistencies: We are told in Book 2, by Iroh himself, that he got the nickname "Dragon of The West" by breathing fire on his enemies like a dragon, but in Book 3 we get ANOTHER explanation for that name, that it is a title given to someone that killed an actual dragon.
4 - Bryke can be real dicks sometimes. Saying "you like this ship, therefore you're doomed to always have bad relationships" is just pure nonsense, because even with stuff that actually IS deeply problematic, what really tells if a person's idea of how romance works is deeply unhealthy is not their enjoyment of the fictional relationship, but rather if they can tell what would or would not be okay okay in real life. I LOVE Beauty & The Beast, this does not mean I think people should marry someone that held them as prisoners. Azula is my favorite character and I would like her to have a redemption arc (and for the comics to stop claiming that being mentally ill means you're evil and any abuse you suffer is justified because you're "crazy and unstable" even when you're not doing anything) - this does not mean I think she never did anything wrong and am "part of a cult" like Bryke said.
The point I slightly disagree with
"There is no canon confirmation that Aang and Katara kissed for the first time in Cave Of Two Lovers" that one is partially true - we did not see the kiss, and the characters did not mention it at other points in the story... but COME ON, if they didn't kiss, why were Aang and Katara blushing at the end of the episode, when hearing the song about Oma and Shu? Sure, it's not explicit confirmation, but it is the show VERY STRONGLY hinting that the kiss absolutely happened.
The point I REALLY disagree with
"Zutara would have objectively been a stronger narrative choice" No. Just no. Not only do I feel it would not have been a better choice than Kataang and Maiko, I say it would be a TERRIBLE writting choice.
I could end this post with a "we'll just have to agree to disagree", but unfortunatelly I can't, because this person did not say "In my opinion, Zutara would be the superior choice, here's a link to my thoughts on why that is" They said "OBJECTIVELY Zutara would be the superior choice, here's the list of 'proof' I got."
And that's the thing I cannot stand with Zutarians. Even when they're making a solid point (in this case "This fandom gotta chill with using canon to dunk on other people's personal preferences, or demanding their headcanons to be elevated to canon so they can dunk on other people's headcanons") they HAVE to ruin it by going "But Zutara is totally the best and if you disagree with me, you are just completely incorrect" without a shred of irony or self awareness.
This really is their equally terrible alternative to "It is totally canon, people just think otherwise because of an evil conspiracy Bryke was in charge of." Instead of saying that, they go with hidden entitlement "Canon does not equal good... but Zutara SHOULD have been canon because it is scientifically proven, by me, that it is the best ship ever"
People have every right to disagree with me when I say Zuko and Katara would never work as couple, or ever be into each other in the first place. They can write all the meta about it too. But they do not have the right to try to force me to change my mind - be it explicitly or trying to be sneaky about it.
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godstaff · 24 days
How should both Superman and Wonder Woman be ideally written?
Ah! The old question.
The first answer is NOT THE WAY THEY ARE.
They are both trusting people, but they should not be gullible and naive. Not even in their secret identities, which I wish they ditch.
Let's see: Superman's main goal is not being noticed when in his Clark Kent persona, so it makes no sense at all he behaves like a bumbling and clumsy giant all the f...ing time. Don't you think it attracts too much undesired attaention to him? Not saying he must be a clever, suave devonair all the time, just a young professional comfortable in his job and his own skin, a normal person, bah.
Diana is a woman men look at. She's beautiful, extremely beautiful, so it makes no sense she acts like a nun, unaware of the amount of male lucious gazes she attracts. I know a lot of outstanding females who have normal jobs, using their looks like another tool of the trade. Her clothes don't need to be cocktail or party dresses all the time, but a normal business suit, every day casual clothes like a jean and shirt with sneakers, a jean jacket. To justify her physique, she can practice ballet, crossfit or some athletic activity, like a young urban professional woman.
In any case, I don't want the secret identity: it's a waste of 50% of their time. They probably spend more time protecting that useless secret than the innocent. Besides, they don't need to have a job to survive, they can dig for antiques, precious stones or valuable metals and sell them. They well could build their own company, but that also calls for too much attention.
They must be in touch with humans in order to know what we need and how to better protect us, but not to tell them what to do all the time, like Batso, Lane and Trevor. Humans always have a hidden agenda, and they need to be free to better perform their mission.
They are true Citizens of the World, they don't need afiliation with any country and/or human faction. If they want to assist those in need they can do it taking the help directly to those places themselves, without human intervention. Remember: humans always have a hidden agenda. Always.
They aren't above the laws, that's why they are part of groups like the Justice League and others to get feedback in what the other think they are doing wrong. They are in contact with the powerful and the meek and listen. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.
They prefer to provide a voice to those who can't speak for themselves, those deprived of an instrument in the Global symphony.
They won't pretend to be gods. They know they can't save everybody, still, they try it anyway, they strive to do what benefits the majority and respond personally to everyone they let down and publicly atone for their mishaps and limitations with humility.
Tey need our trust in them to do what they must. No, not faith: trust based on facts.
They try to build a new school or educational center every day. In the middle of the jungle, in the top of a mountain, in the desert. In the slums. In suburvia. They think a key component of truth is education. Without knowing all the options, is impossible to choose. Choice is the only thing that gets us closer to freedom.
Their motto is "Truth, Justice and Love. For all." That's what they live for.
That would be my corner stone to begin writing Superman and Wonder Woman. I believe it's a firm foundation. We, unfortunatelly, will never see it.
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smalltownfae · 2 years
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Title: I, Tituba... Black Witch of Salem (Moi, Tituba sorcière)
Author: Maryse Condé
Translator: Diogo Paiva
Pages: 260
Rating: 2/5
The best thing I can say about this book is that it was engaging. That is no easy feat, but that was often obtained because I couldn't believe what I was reading and I was curious about what other weird things would come next.
I must say that the translation also influenced my experience. I read this book in portuguese and I definitely do not recommend that. From the few words I could tell the original meaning of, there were much better translations to use. Even though the author is not at fault for this I can't help the fact that it influenced my experience and therefore my rating. With a better translation, there is a possibility I would give the book a weak 3 stars. With the translation out of the way, I am going to write about the rest.
The initial pacing is really fast, which is not my preference. It doesn't give the reader or the main character time to process feelings, but it does keep one curious about what is going to happen. After the first few chapters, it slows down a bit, but I still think overall the pacing is too fast for my taste. My guess is that the author was in a hurry to get to grown up Tituba and what her life was like so the childhood and most of the teenage years are quick mentions. I am surprised to see reviews that consider this book slow.
One good thing about the book is that it is informative in some ways. The author even uses an excerpt of Tituba's testimony during the trials, which I found really interesting. Still, as a work of fiction, many liberties were taken to feel in the gaps, including making Tituba see ghosts and giving her an ending that the author liked best.  This completely  imagined ending lasted for about 60 pages or more and I can't say it was the highlight of the book. More on that ahead.
The characters were, unfortunatelly, very one note. The only ones that had some complexity were Tituba and her husband. However, the author didn't seem to trust the reader to interpret their actions and had to explicitly write what those meant. Just adding more unecessary words to the book, I guess. All this did was make Tituba come off as dumb for not understanding why her husband and others acted in a certain way given the society they were in.
This book also contains love at first sight. It is also what I can only call extremelly heterosexual and it was so bothersome to read. The frequent line of "why can't women live without men?" got tiring really fast for someone that isn't heterossexual because we know perfectly well that they can. Other characters are also aware that Tituba can't spend too long without a man because she needs to have sex, which would be fine and dandy if that line didn't always come up. That also means that most men in this book are trash. Even the ones Tituba likes because she only cares about one thing coming from them either way and doesn't notice their awful personality.
One other thing that kept bothering me is how Tituba kept describing a man as deformed. It was like that was his main trait and even though he was portrayed more or less as an ok guy that's how she always thinks of him. Later, she also thinks of a man she has sex with as her son/lover and even mentions that it makes her feel incestuous. Can't you have sex with a younger man without this? Still, the first thing I mentioned bothered me way more than the later. This is part of the completelly made up ending by the author.
There were some lines about how Tituba cannot die because she is beautiful (something a lot of characters remark upon) and other two women deserve to die because they are ugly anyway. This type of childish thought process never works for me because it takes me out of the story when it comes from grown adults. I do not believe anyone past the age of 15 actually believes and says things like this.
There is an odd chapter where Tituba meets Hester Prynne from the Scarlet Letter in prison and admires and loves her just because they exchanged a few words and she called her pretty. Then, Hester is like "Have you read Paradise Lost? Milton is one of the few poets worth reading". More than anything, this chapter is in the book just so we know the literary tastes of the author. One of the weirdest things I read in a traditionally published book, especially because it came out of nowhere. It was kind of funny.
Now, this book is dark. There were two scenes that were really difficult for me to read so for anyone that needs content warnings I suggest to look these up, even though everyone probably knows more or less what happens in narratives about slavery.
Overall, I do not regret reading this book (I regret picking the portuguese translation though). It was a mess, but an interesting mess that I could talk about for hours. So, in that way is better than books that are alright and I have nothing to say about them.
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Hey! Wanted to say that the whole Sonic character inspired outfits thing is really cool and I love looking at all the fits. Speaking of the fits though, did you take pictures from certain websites or did you just search up a certain category of clothing? Just curious since I really liked a lot of the clothes and was wondering if there were website links :)
I'm actually really happy to hear it! Seeing people be interested - whether they just wanna give off fav character vibes, or they're kinnies, or the fanartists wanting inspo - it's awesome that these posts have been able to be enjoyed by a lot of ya'll <3 Thank you! I mostly got my images off of Pinterest because these days trying to download web images forces you to save it as god damn "WEBP" files jgiugubgufg - and Pinterest is like the HUB for aesthetics anyway so - it's a treasure trove, it's a library. When I could identify links and prices - I tried to keep them you know - at least under a £100 but suffice to say - if you wanna buy exactly those items - a lot of them are pricey. Some, I noticed, are from SHEIN. If you don't know about SHEIN - they're an absolute dogshit, piss stain of a company that overwork their employees tremendously. We're talking Amazon levels - possibily worse. But the thing is - they have some genuinely lovely pieces for so many different aesthetics - and they are SO affordable. Like ridiculously so. Which is why I can't fault people too harshly if they shop with SHEIN. Because clothes, in this economy, are absolutely miserably expensive if you want to look decent. But I do recommend limiting your purchases from them. Or avoiding them altogether.
My advice is to look outside of the online sphere and go to thrift stores (charity shops my fellow UK bretherin) - they legit have SO MANY OPTIONS. So many colours! So many styles! It's an absolute amazing place to go and you'll be surprised what you can get and for so little. Keep those images I posted on hand and look for pieces that fit the colours and vibes. Pick up each piece and envision the outfit (or several outfits) you can make with it. Like seriously - I had a girl in my college class who wore only thrifted clothes - she was stunning, every day slaying - and she had something very similar to Omega grunge aesthetic.
And bigger clothing stores aren't off the table either - wanna splurge? Why not! Look out for sales in stores near you - they're more common than you think! This applies both online and offline. At least in my area - I've unfortunatelly seen the closure of a lot of the big clothing stores but with that? Comes clothing down sales baby. Just keep an eye out! But the core of the message is - I can't tell you to go to the grunge store, or the light academia store - you've just gotta do a little bit of hunting <3 Thank you for the question!!
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moonchwitax · 1 year
Since I was young, mama tell me "It'll be okay, honey" But she doesn't said that To be okay I'll need a lot of money Money to buy my happiness No, my happiness isn't hugs Unfortunatelly, I only feel okay When I smoke or when I use drugs Yeah, I know drugs are bad But, baby, don't make me feel sad When I feel the cocain in my vein It's when I see the stars And, yeah, drugs help me Cause when I use I can't feel my scars.
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writerrando · 2 years
This is a short horror I wrote not so long ago, I shared it on facebook, noone really cared and thought I was maybe a bit too creepy.
Ok so this is gonna sound weird..  Who am I kidding, it is fucking ubiquitously brain charred insane. I... bought a rabbit, and everything seemed fine, until... it escaped. Now, there is only couple things that could happen to a normal critter running loose in a flat. I, unfortunatelly for it, valued my computer and other electronics in my apartment. So I went out for some rat poison and when I came back, couple cabels were chewed down. I was pissed, but fortunatelly, I thought of it and bought new ones on my way in and I had some spare... Anyways, to get to the core, as I went along some of the chewed cabels... I heard a sound under an armchair. I flipped it over and there it was, but... not in a way I was expecting it to be. It was alive, happilly chewing and washing its weirdly cute nose and I just couldn't believe my eyes. It, changed, for a while I thought this might not be my rabbit because it was looking out of... place. In an anatomic way. Not wanting to do anything with it, I put it in cage and just closed it. Not really thinking about it for a few days, I forgot, couple times, that I have this monster in here. But the fourth day, I come on home after work, look at the cage ( you need to understand, I am used to getting up early and with that comes low amount of realising what is going on.) And there it was, chewing on its own fucking paw right next to ton of food I left there acumulating for four days now. I also noticed bloody and bent wires of the cage. That bastard almost got out. Ok, now I have a carnivorous weirdly looking rabbit. Is it rabies? It had to happen during the time I was out. I need to kill it. But I will get charged for abusing an animal, but what if it will get out? Man I need someone else to get a hand on this. I thought about this all as I poured myself some(moore) whiskey. And...I woke up in the morning. Ya I fucked up, it was out of its cage and I dont know where it went but let me tell you, I am not going back there. I just can't, I mean you havent seen the paw, it was... done. Chewed down to the bone, and it still got away like nothing. Either that or something else came for it. I just need to feel safe, somewhere. Just as I thought, it wasnt a good idea going to a police station with this. But anything is better I guess.... Ok, first day at the facility. I am today meeting Dr.Shaw Nice to meet you You too, please take a seat. I sat down in one of the leather futons( I must say, very less comfortable, than expected) and got to tell her every little detail. When I was leaving, she tore a piece of paper with some scribblings. Handed it to me and I went away with prescription for pills against hallucinations. And also, my family was sent to my flat to take care of the "poor" rabbit.
"Diane, hey, yeah, I am in Jonah's flat since there's supposed to be some animal running around and I am to care of it. Meet me in 15 on the corner of the street? Ya, ok goodbye." Diane looked all over the flat and there was everything which could account for a weird tale of terror. Blood on the floor, bent wires of cage? What the hell happened in there, was jonah doing some experiments with this thing? Or worse? Where is it? She heard a thump as some dust and ash fell on her head, ahe looked up and, having weird feelings she covered her face. What she saw was not even remotelly possible, yet the creature stood out in the blackness of a vent where it escaped to. It had red blare of eyes, and... somehow it was.. smiling? No that is not possible. "What in the fucking hell did you do, Jonah?!"She whispered squirming as she ran leaving the flat door open. Tomorrow morning, two passerbyes will find her in a sewer, dumped by a company, which took testing on animals too far. Who made the mistake of not perfecting the security system before letting people work there, who got breached by animal rescuers...and those rescuers... gave animals away...
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
It’s really funny you’re telling me this now, because for this semester I have an English exam and it focuses on English as a global language. Yesterday we talked about the differences between US and UK English and I realized I have no idea what UK English is😂. I have an American accent when I speak because I grew up surrounded by it so I find it waaay easier than any British accent, which is also the reason all my teachers in school made fun of me lol (number one rule in Italian schools when they teach English: rigorously British or else you’re “wrong”🥶).
Sorry for the useless rambling, but I looove American accents and regionalisms! I’ve spent so much time looking up the differences and I *kind of* understand all accents now, but oh regional words buried me💀 please if want to drop here some Texan slang, I would love to lose my mind over trying to guess the meaning😅.
I'll preface this by saying I left Texas for college a long time ago, and have lost most of my own accent, so some of these might be outdated... Also Texas is huge and different regions of Texas also have some of their own variations...
Hmm, a lot of the Southernisms/Texanisms are idioms, or euphemisms for saying something mean but making it sound nice. I once swore I would write down all the things my Grandma says and I should pick that practice up. A lot of it though is also just in how words are pronounced. Texans exaggerate some vowels and swallow the ends of words and there's a lot of tonality that changes the emotional intention of the phrase. ("Bless her heart" can mean "hope that dumbass gets hit by a truck she deserves what she got" or "she is literally an angel on earth and I can't believe this happened to her" depending on the way you say it...)
Here are some I can recall that my husband actually pointed out to me:
- So like you don't pronounce "ing" it's pronounced "in'", like you might say (as I once unfortunatelly did in a meeting) "We're really scootin' now." (We're really moving now!) I've never heard anyone outside of Texas use the word "scoot" actually (move a little bit.)
- While often Texans pronouns consonants you shouldn't (like Amarillo Texas is pronounced "Aa-muh-rih-llo" even though the LL should be a 'y' sound) but sometimes drop consonants for the sake of a phrase, like "Get 'er done" (get her done... which could mean a task! or... a lady... guys put this on the back window of their trucks when I was in high school)
- Apparently we also emphasize weird syllables (I learned to pronounce the wird INsurance but in New England they say it inSURance.)
-There are some verbs that get used a lot too like "fixin' ta" --for instance "I'm fixin' ta take the trash out" is I'm fixing to take the trash out which means I'm about to take the trash out.
- Southernism, not just Texas, but everything is a Coke. As in, waiter asks "What do you want to drink?" and you say "Two cokes" and they say "ok what kind, we got sprite, coke, and root beer." Unless you mean Pepsi and then you say Pepsi and everyone is unhappy.
-Ain't and Y'all! Growing up I was told they were a Texas thing, but I'm pretty sure Britney Spears used them way back when too in Louisiana (which isn't far from where I grew up). They're both more mainstream now and used in other regional dialects
-Two more examples I just thought of for weird pronounciation: "shit" is pronounced two syllables "shee-it"; clam is pronounced two syllables "clay-yam". Lots of stretching words out to more syllables than they should be.
Damn I should be able to think of more but I'm blanking right now...
One thing that complicates this for me is my parents are actually from Oklahoma, Illinois and Tennessee, so some of my family usage gets muddied and I don't always know where it came from. But some other things i apparently say weird:
- milk (pronounced MEHLK)
- caramel (hot debated one! after so many hot debates, I literlaly just pronounced it different every time but learned to pronounce it originally CARE-uh-mull)
- pin / pen (pronounced identially, yes this includes penguin too, "PINgwen)
My stepdad has some special Oklahoma phrases: "My stars" as a phrase of surprise/disbelief; "over yonder" for over there. Damn, there are more I can't think of right now...
As far as UK/US English goes, the accent doesn't usually cause a problem for us in understanding, it's that a lot of the words are just different (like a jumper vs. sweater.) UNTIL you get up to Scottish accents and then good f'ing luck, it's unreal. Some Australian words are also impossible for me to understand.
Anyway, sorry I can't remember more! If I do wind up going to help my mom, I'll write down all the ones I'm forgetting right now...
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thesoundofanicefall · 3 years
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What would I tell them? I generally say nothing and pass them as I really don't have time to waste like this and have stupid argument over ships (sure this is not the same over TOXIC ships like Guremahi one @theholyyuunoaduck1 knows it well or when people start to insult the writer over just a ship lol) and these are Shinya haters? Well they are just jealous over him and the fact their favoriet one is not as good as him then again I won't waste my time over them too although they wanna say bullshits or want to make stupid arguments with me or my friends and so bother us but other ways, I just won't waste my time
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Oh wow!!!! Such a big detection!!! You are such a genius!!! Asan haji pashmam!!!
If you are refering to that 67000 copies then yeah your right and congratulation to everyone and the fandom!
But as I know WHO you ARE and what YOU really want!! I can clearly say you are refering to another bullshit which you recieved its answer and unfortunatelly can't accept the truth which is not my fault! really sorry about that :"))))
And I mean, if I can remember well this is your 10th account I am blocking aren't you tired of this yourself?! When someone blocks you over and over again means they don't want you around them is it understandable to you or you can't understand this like that 13 million copies too?! If you can't please just tell me to write it down in your native language too maybe then you can understand it this way!
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Title : That's How I Feel
Warning : None. Italics means flashback. Y/f/c => your favorite color. Y/f/sc => your favorite summer clothe.
Words : around 2260
Pairing : Loki x Black!Chubby!Female!Reader
Requested by @rootbeergoddess "Can you write a story where a chubby, brown skinned reader is dating Loki and Loki decides to spoil her one day by taking her to the mall and buying her everything she wants?"
Masterlist // Request
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My name is y/f/n y/l/n, I'm a young adult living in 21th century. You wonder why I would say that ? Simple. I'm a woman, black and chubby, and apparently in this era this is a huge problem. I didn't do anything wrong, I mean yeah I love good food and I'm not overly fond of any kind of sport but is this really enough of a reason to basically bully me everyday. Let me answer this basic question : HELL NO !!! I'm pissed of all this bad comments about my appearance, what I should do to lose weight, to eat healthier... I can't stand the fact that we are being judge (yes because of course I'm far from being the only one) based on our looks rather than our sharpe mind. I know my worth, and I am far more worthy than all of these piece of...garbage...those wanabe decent human. Right now I seem like I am incredibly confident but I'm not. I'm alone in my room talking to myself in my head because I am not capable of doing it in front of my bullies !! You wanna know what happened for me to be alone instead of happilly working ? Let me tell you a story...
I live in a cute two bedrooms appartment not far from the Avengers quarter (I'd say 20 minutes on foot). It's a charming place, the neighbors are the nicest and most of all not judgmental. I live alone but sometimes my boyfriend come to spend the night at my house, those are the best night that could happen. But today I woke up alone in my king size bed, unfortunatelly for me he had an important meeting early this morning so he had to go early. His name is Loki of Asgard heir to the crown of Jotunheim, adoptive son of Odin, brother of Thor and most importantly the Holder of my heart. It's been 4-5 months that we are actually together but we've known each other for about one year. We met at the Avengers compound where I worked as an assistant for Pepper Potts before I became the analyst that I am today, but that's a story for another time. As I was saying I woke up alone this morning, it was 8:30 am. I'm not due to work until 10:00 am. I decided to take my breakfast while mentally visualise what I will do to work, whilst thinking about how to avoid my mescreants of co-workers (you read it right co-workers not collegues, I'm not appreciate enough to call them that, I only consider Bonnie a collegue, she's the closest thing I have to a friend at work. ). Once my coffe and my toasts spread with honey were eaten I went to to the bathroom to prepare myself. The most difficult part for me is to chose what I am going to wear if I don't want any comments. The purpose is to clearly become invisible, like a shadow lurking in the corner of the room. I don't want to wear a cute dress, a fluffy skirt or a top with some lacework on it cause i will 100% receive insults, mockery, and I just don't have the strengh anymore, it already happened before it will happened again I can't do anything to stop it. I already try when I was younger and guess what "it's just words don't listen to them", thanks a lot I feel better now ! I finally decided on a simple dark tight blue jeans and a white shirt with an afro motif on it (just like me). I put some liner and mascara and I was ready to face my personal hell. I went to work on foot, it was sunny with a bit of fresh wind, perfect for 20 minutes of walk. I arrived at exactly 9:50 am, and went to my desk to begin with my daily task. It took time and mental energy cause i'm a bit perfectionnist. My boss knows of that fact and are still satisfied with me because my work is ALWAYS perfect and NEVER need rework, the fact that I won the award of the best employee last year and this year too is something that didn't escape me. That's why I went to the communal area to get some tea and a chocolate and pistachio cookie, I really needed it. Just before I arrived I heard my name being said, and clearly not in a friendly way. I stayed hidden in the corridor to listen to what was being said. I recognised the voice of five persons (three men and two women, all agents of shield), they were talking about how fat I am, how ugly I am, how my clothes are too tight and not meant for me. But if it was only about my body it would be just like usual, nothing to worry about, but they were talking about my personnality (low confidence, shy, discret) and about Loki, and that, I couldn't stand it ! How dare they insult him after all he has done for humanity, for shield, for them, only to be treated as a lesser man, it's absolutelly despicable. Understanding that whatever I could do I will never be enough for them made me sad and angry at myself. I didn't wanna eat anymore and decided to quit work for the day (don't worry I informed Pepper) and get back home and stay alone in my bedroom, laying on my dark green new bedsheets.
I stay alone like this for quite some time until I hear the familiar voice of my tender one.
"I came as fast as I could, Pepper warned me you left work early what happened ?" He seems so worried, I don't want him to see me as a weak little human even if I know that he doesn't see me like that at all.
"Don't worry it's nothing. Lets talk about something else, how was the meeting ?" He was looking at me as if he could read me, maybe he can, he is too cute, look at his face, his eyes, his...sad smile ? What happen to him ? "Why the sad face Loki ?"
"I'm not sad, I know what you're going through on a personnal level trust me, plus there is no such thing as secrecy when you work with and for the Avengers and shield. I know what those pathetic little things called humans have said about you, your collegue Bonnie was close to the area when she heard them, she called them on their bullshit (has been insulted short after) and came to Pepper who then came to me right after." He come to sit beside me, his face coming closer to mine, his hands taking my face in his, our forehead touches, our eyes getting close, we breath each other's in, it was so calm and tender. "The things you make me feel princess, I don't think you understand the power you have over me that's insane !" His smile when he said this makes my tears almost came free. We kissed each other slowly with a lot of passion until we stop to breath.
"I just don't understand why they are so mean with me, yes I'm black but I can't change that, yes I'm chubby but i'm don't have cardiac problems, cholesterol issues or diabete, I walk everyday to go to work, I'm as healthy as I can be and those buffons can go to hell because I'm so freaking smart that they can't understand how wonderful I am !!"
"You have a lot of confidence in you princess so why don't you use it at work ?"
"You mean why I do not take the lead ? You mean taking the lead the same way I take it last time we were together in bed ?" I was trying so hard to change the topic of conversation but that was vain.
"Hmm you're being a naughty girl don't play this game right now I'm being serious."
"You're no fun !! Well, when I'm with you I feel respected, love. I trust you the way i never have thought I could. You never judge me and you make me feel whole, you're the first person I see myself with for the long term, you're the one for me and I hope you will love me for the rest of our time." Tears were flowing from his eyes, he takes me in his arms and kisses me for all his worth. The moans that come out of my mouth was like a fuel to him, he could never stop loving me. "Come with me princess, we're going shopping !"
The road to the mall was short cause we live close by and we took the car. It was still pretty early in the afternoon, maybe 3:00 pm si we had all the time we wanted, we were not in a hurry. When he parked the car I still didn't know why we came here.
"Why did we came here Loki ?" I asked him.
"I have some items to purchase Princess." He says with with a smile that could bright the entire universe.
"How many items do you have to purchase?" He smirked at me, and calmly told me :
"A healthy amount".
We entered the mall, I didn't know what to look for, it's been so many time i didn't come here, work kept me grounded in a way. I always asked one of my neighbors to do my shopping in exchange of some petsitting (when hollidays comes, familly week-end...it's better than abandonment if you ask me). There were so many things I'd like to buy but I didn't do it. Loki was leading to the litterature corner of the mall, I remembered that my favorite author just published a book days ago but didn't purchase it. Without a word, he took the book and paid for it, I know he loves reading maybe he is a y/f/a's fan. We looked at each other, smiling.
"Where do you want to go now ?
"I heard about the new summer collection, I'd like to go and check it out of that's okay with you princess." How could I ever refuse this face. He took my hand in his and lead me to the summer clothes sections. There were to many wonderful skirts, dresses I couldn'tstop looking at them...but would I ever be worthy of wearing them...
"Princess what do you think about this gorgeous y/f/c y/f/sc ? I think it will compliment your figure and make your pop more."
"Why would you wanna buy it ? That's not exactly what you would wear my sweet."
"It's not for me" he said laughing, "That's for you !"
"...But why ?" I was shocked.
"Why would I want to spoiled the best thing that ever happened to me you mean ? Because I can and most importantly I want to do it. I want you to see yourself as I see you. I want you to feel self confident enough to allowed yourself to wear whatever you want without feeling self concious. And above all I want to please you as the Princess tou deserve. So I'm asking you, will you let me buy you books, clothes, make up, knits..."
"How do you know about the knits ?" I asked interumpting him.
"It doesn't matter, I know that you knit some tiny socks and caps for orphans babies, that you don't tell to anyone cause you don't brag about the good thing you do because that's not who you are and I love you all the more for it. You take so much care about people you don't even know but never about you. I'm here to change it I'm here to take care of you the way you won't do."
"Loki...I..I..Thanks you". I was crying my soul out. It wasn't from sadness but from hapiness, i couldn't describe the amount of love I felt for him this right moment. We hugged each other, the time stopped around us and we were floating like two leaves dancing with the wind.
"Lets go eat something, I saw a french backery at the other end of the mall."
"Good idea, I didn't eat since breakfast so I'm a little bit starving." I happilly answered.
"There is a lot of choices princess, croissant, paint au chocolat, chicolate chips cookie...a millefeuille..." he was undecided.
"Why not take the four and split, this way de could taste and eat a bit of everything." I told him, secretly hopping he'd say yes, cause, lets be honnest here, french food was literally my péché mignon (*cute sin/guilty pleasure*). He was more than happy with this idea, and more than happy to share his food with me. We talked a lot, purchase many other items, especially a bouquet of several flowers ( bouton d'or for joy ; white camellias for the eternal love ; fuchsias for unbreakable love ; gardenias for honesty ; lavender for respect and tenderness, last flowers but not the least the white roses for pure love). I was so overwelmed with joy that I couldn't contain my tears.
"What did I do to deserve all this Loki ?" I asked crying.
"There is no reason really..." he looked me in the eyes and I saw all the love pouring into them as he continued "...that's how I feel."
*This is the end of my first fic, hope you liked it, remember, english is not my mother tongue so there might be some mistakes.*
*If you want to request check out here*
*Likes, Comments and Reblogs are also appreciated*
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tamhrayis · 3 years
r u already physically and mentally ok? bc i am still not feeling very good. the ending is the only thing i can think of, however much i try to distract myself from that. i still cant properly eat and sleep. i still cry a lot. i still have stomach ache and have trouble consuming food. i still cant concentrate on anything bc my mind constantly thinks about aot ending. i am one of those people who think ending was average (like it wasnt satisfactory enough, but also not terrible). the thing is that i really wanted to see EM happy together in the end. my brain costantly thinks about how brutally Mikasa had to kill Eren and how she sits under that tree next to his grave and misses him... this just hurts so much. like my rational part tries to tell myself that it is only a fiction, it is not real so i shouldnt make such a fuss around that, but my emotional part (which is now unfortunatelly much stronger) can't let it go... like i have now even a problem to watch anything related to aot. like when i go on youtube and it recommends me some aot videos i cant even bring myself to click on them without them triggering even more pain in me... idk i got probably so attached to EM and wanted to really see them happy together after everything they went through that this ending hurt me in the worst possible way. i want to move on with my life so it wont hurt me anymore, but i just cant because my mind always slips to EM and their ending (which triggers even more pain) and also i am not in any other "fandom" except aot so i dont even have big passion for anything else where i could "escape" from aot. i tried to watch some movies yesterday and today as a distraction, but it still didnt help bc my mind always goes back to aot ending... like i feel mentally and physically really awful and i want it to stop but i dont know what to do. it is like i have no control over it. do u have any advice what to do to stop feeling so bad? how much time do u think its gonna take until i will feel normal again? if you or any of your followers have any advice what to do or just some comfort words - they are very much appreciated. thanks for hearing me out and im sorry for the long ask i just needed to tell and ask someone and u seem like a very nice person. <3
Anon, I am very sorry for how you feel these days. I totally understand and I also want you to recover as soon as possible.
Your state really reminds me of how I felt when ch.138 came out. I didn’t cry that much, but maybe...it was because of the leaks I’ve read before the chapter or just how I lived during that time. I couldn’t normally eat, sleep and simply function, because every time I did something, it just ended up being another breathing exercise session, because I really couldn’t get myself to do something without thinking about ch.138.
But instead of checking social media and trying to find a distraction in my phone, I just tried to distance myself from it. One of the things that really helped me to cope was...cleaning😂 I don’t know how it will be for you, but cleaning really distracted me and eased my mind. Also, on the day when ch.138 was officially released, i needed to go outside with my friend and tbh, these two really helped me to deal with the anxiety. I took me a full week to recover, but nevertheless...I just tried to find some ways to think about something else. I also did my school work, talked to my friends, watched another animes and just continued to live.
As for how I am still mentally and physically okay...I am just that type of person who is used to let things go. Be it people leaving my life, materialistic stuff that I lose or how things don’t go my way, I just don’t feel as sad about it as I used to, because nothing is permanent in this world and everything has an end. I knew that AoT will end someday and I used to tell myself that no matter what kind of ending it will be, I will be okay.
It’s not like “I will accept any crappy ending”, but more like “I know that Isayama won’t scrap his work and no matter what he does, it’ll be meaningful”. I knew that getting a happy-go-lucky ending won’t be possible as I used to think, and maybe that was my fault for believing it...But I am happy with this ending, because it wasn’t closed and precise enough.
As for Mikasa, I see where you are coming from, but Mikasa didn’t brutally killed him. She finally freed him from the burden of this world. Yes, it would be so great if they lived together, had a family and just spend the rest of their lives as they wished for.
But realistically, knowing how many problems Eren’s existence will bring and their conscientious nature...They still wouldn’t find peace, because as Armin mentioned that even if titans stopped to exist, it doesn’t mean that the world will just come to peace. No, they will need to work and create that peace by themselves, but again, Eren’s life would be full of responsibilities and burden all over again.
If the writing was different and Isayama made his story a little more hopeful in some ways...I think we would get something different, but that’s only my speculations.
I genuinely want you to get better and be happy again! You’re amazing and loved. Thank you for sharing. I feel very touched🤧
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errruvande · 3 years
33, 34, 37 for the writers’ ask game?
- @idle-thyme
aaah hii, thank you so much 💖
33. Have you ever stopped yourself from writing something? Why?
Yes, several times.
from writing wounded people in too many details (as I know many people don't feel comfortable reading this)
from writing smut. There's such delecate line between writing intimacy and writing smut for me, I used to write a lot of smut, but now I decided to not writing it at all. Intimacy - yes, smut - no.
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before? What scene was it?
When I was writing the whole "Blood on my hands" fic I felt very weak and emotional. I always do, when it's the 9th of May, 'cause it's hard for me to look at all the people who now let their children play with toy guns and put soldier's clothes on them, while our great-grand-parents are trying to forget all the perils and horrors of war. The memories of them, killing other people, have been haunting them for their whole lives. And these young (and not so) parents let their children imitate war (the whole war thing is still huge in Russia, unfortunatelly, and many people can't tell the diference between being thankfull to our WWII veterans and praising the memory of war itself), so I was full of emotions writing this one. Though I am very sensitive and that's easy for me to get into a mood, wheather good and joyfull or sad and sorrowful, so I'm kinda always emotional while writing, it just depends on the emotions themself 😌
37. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
ALready answered - here
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jikooki · 6 years
I can't go this time, unfortunatelly, but can you tell us how and where you got them, for next time? :)
i’m sorry to hear that :( if there’s one thing i’ve learned from the experience last year (for the october dates) and the one from this time, it’s that ticketmaster’s shit :))) especially for france like, last year it was down before the tickets went on sale and this time…. well yesterday there were already some problems lol. i’d say find out which official websites sell tickets for the show apart from ticketmaster bc that’s the one everyone goes to and it can crash but the other websites keep selling tickets so when ticketmaster’s working again there’s no tickets left. last year for the london shows there was axs selling tickets and that was how we got them, and now we got through fnac and it took some time but we managed to get through the virtual queue on stadefrance.com too. idk i find ticketmaster has worked better both times for london dates but for france it’s been a disaster rip. i’m sure everyone’s experience is different tho so ticketmaster may have worked for some people!!
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smalltownfae · 3 years
In or Out Book Tag
I saw this tag on youtube so I wanted to do it too. Simple as that. Original creator: here.
1. Reading the last page first
Out. I know a person that does this and I never got it. Why does someone go out of their way to spoil themselves like that?
2. Enemies to lovers
In. Unfortunatelly it's seldom done well. The only example I can think of that I like is Vilanelle and Eve from the show "Killing Eve".
3. Dream sequences
Out. I don't care for them. Maybe if the dreams are short and meaningful, but otherwise it's a no from me.
4. Love triangles
Out. Overdone and once again I can't remember ever seeing it done well.
5. Cracked Spines
In. I don't mind them and if I have to crack the spine in order to read the book then I will. If I am afraid to crack the spine when I can barelly read the text it will be a terrible experience. Not worth the effort.
6. Back to my small town
In. I like the small town as a setting for a mystery or creepy story a lot.
7. Monsters are regular people
In. I've seen people interpreting this one in two ways and I like both: monsters that do what every other human does and humans that are the real monsters. One has the potential to be really funny and the other really philosophical.
8. No paragraph breaks
Out. Please let me rest.
9. Multi-generational sagas
Out. Did anyone ask for that Boruto thing because I sure didn't ask for the continuation of Shaman King with Yoh's kid. It can be done right, but more often than not I would just prefer to read another book instead of following the kids of my fav characters, which I have to get attached to all over again if I ever do. However, if Hobb ever decides to write more books about Bee I will read them. I already consider the Fitz and the Fool trilogy as Bee's books and a separate thing from Farseer and Tawny Man anyways. I also enjoyed the 2 Sevenwaters books that I've read.
10. Re-reading
In. 100%. I really like re-reading my favourite books and finding new stuff or change my mind about certain things. That's the beauty (and pain) of it.
11. Artificial intelligence
In. Scifi is not really my thing, but the AI is usually my favourite part in movies (Space Odyssey is super boring but the scenes with HAL are spectacular). I am pickier when it comes to scifi books, but I really like AIs and robots usually. The story just needs to be more than that.
12. Drop Caps
In. They look classy.
13. Happy endings
In. I prefer bittersweet endings, but what matters the most is that the ending fits the rest of the story. So, if the happy ending fits I love it. An example is "Howl's Moving Castle" by DWJ.
14. Plot points that only converge at the end
Out. I like multiple povs that intersect at some point in the story, but not when it's only at the end. What is even the purpose of that if I don't even see the characters interact before?
15. Detailed magic systems
Out. As you all know I don't love Sanderson like magic systems. I like my magic to be mysterious instead of looking like science. I like to foccus on characters instead of pages of explanation about how the magic system works.
16. Classic fantasy races
Out. Maybe shocking for some, but just like I don't like pages of explanation about the magic system I also don't like it when it's done to explain races. I can enjoy it when it's naturally inserted into the story like in "The Goblin Emperor" but more often than not these races belong in really high fantasy, which I am not much into. Don't get me started on the racist origins of some fantasy races too...
17. Unreliable narrators
In. Love them. All I care is that the characters are complex and interesting and I think it's very human to make ourselves look better while telling a story or to make ourselves look the worst due to lack of self-esteem or something else. A character as a narrator will always have their own interpretation of events that aren't always the reality and I love finding contradictions that make sense in the text.
18. Evil protagonists
Out. I like morally gray characters, but not a character that can be defined as evil. Evil is as little complex as good and characters that can be put in those simple boxes aren't usually the most interesting. Good and evil is what people do not what people are.
19. The chosen one
Out. I like when the trope is subverted, but I hate it when there is that one single character that saves everyone or something of the like. Besides that, it's an overdone trope. I prefer group efforts to save the world or whatever it is and just average people being caught up in dificult events.
20. When the protagonist dies
Out. I am following this character for what? Unless I have been following more protagonists or the main character dies at the end I am not fine with it. If I kept reading that means I was attached to that character so stopping that in order for me to begin getting to know a different character sounds odd to me. Maybe people said "A Game of Thrones" for this one, but Ned wasn't the only protagonist and I didn't even care much for him so... :x
21. Really long chapters
Out. Look, I like to take breaks and I often say "just one more chapter". I don't like stopping in the middle of a chapter, but that always happens if it's a long one.
22. French flaps
In. Most books translated in portuguese have french flaps. I really like them. They look nice.
23. Deckled edges
Out. I don't mind them, but I prefer if the book doesn't have them. I own two books like that and it's a bit odd even if the effect is sort of pretty.
24. Signed copies by the author
Out. I only care if I get to see and talk to the author and take a photo with them. Otherwise I don't care if books are signed or not. The same way I don't care for autographs. I just don't see the point. It doesn't add anything to my experience.
25. Dog-earing pages
Out. I used to do it a lot as a kid but now I have a bunch of bookmarks and other stuff I can use to mark the place so dog-earing just seems unecessary. I would do it as last resource though.
26. Chapter titles instead of numbers
Out. I like chapter with titles AND numbers. I hate having to count in order to tell someone in which chapter I am because it doesn't have a number... the title is longer than writing a number.
That is all. Please feel free to do this tag if you want to. I think it's fun and an easy way to beware of my book tastes.
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fairlylocaldreamer · 6 years
God Of Mischief (Loki fanfiction)
It was the late evening, when he appeared in my room. He has always thought, that I can't tell, when he comes, but I do. I feel him, everytime. His eyes on me, the way he watches me, like anybody else. It's like he analyzes me, study me before he says first sentence.
"Good evening," I spoke up first this time, followed by few seconds of silence.  I closed my book and stood up.
"It's been a while," I said, because he remained silent. "I must say, I am surprised, that you're here after what I told you the last time."
"We both know you didn't mean it," he came to me and put his arms around me, hands wide open, his fingers pressed to my skin. He hold me, like he knew I might try to escape. He knows me too well.
"Loki," I whispered and saying his name it felt like somebody cut me with a knife, slowly.
"What is with all the sadness in your eyes? Aren't you happy to see me?"
he took few locks of my hair and inhaled it's scent.
"No, I am not," I whispered. "I hoped... I wished that the last time I made myself clear." I stepped back and turned my head.
"It was just a fight," his voice, so soft, so charming as always.
"I was telling the truth. And nothing has changed... Or has it?" I looked at him and didn't need to hear the answer. His eyes told me everything.
"Please go away and never come back," I wiped tears that started to flow from my eyes.
"I hate you to see you like this," he tried to catch me, but I took few more steps back. "What do you want?"
"Now? Nothing. I have told you so many times what I wanted. To not be one of many, the casual affair, visited only when you are in the mood."
"You are the only one I return to. The other, they are just one night stands, just for fun, nothing deep, nothing more than-"
"Stop talking, for Christ's sake! Stop!" I shouted and put my hands on my ear.
"So selfish, you're so selfish, you know that? You can have me and still you are not satisfied at all. What more do you want, huh? Me for your pleasure? I am God, I should be here for everybody and everybody should be here for me. It's like you to ask me to stop being myself" Loki stabbed me with his eyes.
"Did you just call me selfish? You?" I began to laugh desperatelly. "Well I think, that's it. Get the hell out of here!" I grabbed first thing, that I found and threw it at him. It flew through him. Just a projection.
"Coward," I began to cry. "God of Mischief you are."
"Give me one reason, why should I be just with you and I will," he said and I felt like the cheesiest person on Earth.
"I don't need to give you any proves. I just need you to vanish from my life for good," I whispered and turned my back on him.
He was gone, I didn't see him leave, but I sensed it.
I looked through the window and wiped the last tear. No more crying, I promised myself.
"Is it the one reason for me to stay the fact, that you love me?" he suddenly whispered to my ear and I froze completely. "You really love me, don't you? After everything what I have done, you still love me for me. You love me with all my mistakes and dark sides."
"Unfortunatelly, it's true," I felt him putting his hands on my shoulders and then slowly moving them down on my arm. "And now, when you are aware of this... This is when we say our last goodbye. I am tired and hurt and it will be better this way for us both."
"I will change, I will give up all the things, you don't want me to do," he kissed me behind my ear. He remembered.
"Goodbye, Loki," I closed my eyes.
"You don't mean it," his voice was shaking. "This can't be the end. You can't end it like this."
I opened my eyes and met his in the window's reflection. My whole world, my love, my deepest desire, my greatest pain.
"I think I just did..." I closed my eyes again and he vanished. Forever.
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