#unfortunately i am fawn. disgusting...
shadowdaddies · 10 months
can i please request dark reader x feysand where reader is incredibly morally grey and she will make the tough decisions for feysand and disguise them as something else so that they’re not hurt/sad about it. Reader will do anything to ensure their happiness even if it means being the bad guy, she has the whole court of nightmares in a chokehold and feysand think the court is scared of them but in reality they’re all scared of reader but won’t dare say anything bc one look from her and they’re dead.
thank you for this request!! I haven't written for Feyre in so long and this was so fun and different for me to write
The Real Nightmare
poly!Feysand x dark!Reader
Warnings: mentions of torture, depictions of blood and weapons
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Eyes gleaming with feral delight, you flashed a wicked smile at the pathetic male, who lay whimpering on the floor. “Remember how gracious I have been today, Lord Thanatos, that I allowed you to keep this hand,” you remarked, voice dripping with condescension as you squeezed the already broken bones in his hand. 
He let out a high-pitched scream, eyes screwed shut as he rolled onto his side. With a dark laugh, you released his hand, only to press the heel of your boot into his shoulder, turning him onto his back. “You will look at me when I am speaking to you.”
The male forced his eyes open, fear in his eyes as they beheld the blade in your hand. Your lip curled in disgust as the scent of his urine filled the air. Pathetic, how easily frightened these “powerful” males truly were. You inspected the dagger, enjoying the weight of it in your hands as you flipped the shiny - shamefully clean - weapon between your fingers. 
With a sigh, you crouched down once more, using the tip of the blade to angle Thanatos’s head towards you. “What a shame it is that the same hand you used to hit your daughter, would be broken so soon after. Your High Lord and Lady weren’t sure of the proper punishment, with the tangle of stories you and Keir have weaved for us. I find it sweet that they want to be fair, to not harm you without proof of your actions.” You pressed the blade further into his skin, eyes darkening with pleasure at the drop of blood that dripped down his throat. “How unfortunate for you that I don’t care about fairness.”
Thanatos tried to speak, the words coming out a babbling mess. Rage filled you at his sorry attempts at defense. “Do not bother. I will not hear your words.” You dragged the edge of the blade along his jawline, smiling at how he trembled under your touch. “As I said, it is a pity that your hand was injured through your own clumsiness. I look forward to hearing whatever humiliating excuse you have for this injury tomorrow at Court.”
You stood, wiping the blood from your dagger on Thanatos’s tunic as you pulled away. Striding towards the door, you spared him once last glance over your shoulder, kindly granting one last warning. “When you speak to Keir and others of your incident, I advise that you keep in mind the protections that I have from your High Lord and Lady. If you cause furthers issues in this court, I will not be so gracious in the future.” With that, you disappeared from the male’s chambers, returning to your shared room where Rhys and Feyre waited.
“Hi love,” Feyre greeted, rising up from where she sat by the fire to give you a kiss. “Where have you been?”
With a soft smile, you wrapped your arms around her waist, admiring the twinkle in her blue-gray eyes, so innocent and kind. “I needed some fresh air, so I went for a walk. I couldn’t stay out too long, though. I missed you and Rhys, and it’s so scary here in Hewn City.” You shuddered, giving Feyre your best doe eyes as you played the role of frightened fawn. 
“Oh, darling,” Rhys cooed as he entered the room. Pressing a kiss to your head, his thumb stroked your cheek in reassurance. “I’m sorry that you have to be here. We’ll make our appearance with you at Court tomorrow, so that everyone knows you are ours and won’t harm you. Then we can go home to Velaris.” You nodded, leaning into his touch, your muscles visibly relaxing. That seemed to satisfy them, both of them letting you go to get ready for bed.
The next day, you stood in the mirror, Feyre coming up behind you to rub your arms in a soothing motion. “You look beautiful,” she murmured, leaning down to press a kiss below your ear. Releasing a shaky breath, you nodded your thanks. You knew you looked beautiful, in your typical Night Court attire - a black, low neck dress with a high slit that allowed you to keep the dagger at your thigh hidden unless you needed access to it.
You strode through the doors, keeping your head high as you took your seat next to Rhys and Feyre on the dais. Rhys sent a wave of comfort down the bond, which only encouraged the wicked smirk you gave the group of Lords to your left. In an unspoken order, you flicked your eyes from them to your right where Rhys and Feyre sat, and the Lords bowed their heads even lower, each of them murmuring praises to their High Lord and Lady. 
“I’m glad to see some semblance of respect still remains in this Court. However, this does bring forth the matter of Thanatos and his daughter. Keir, what do you have to say about the matter?” Rhysand questioned, dark power emanating through the room as he spoke. Keir stepped forward, eyes downcast as he refused to look in your direction. 
“My Lord, I cannot speak as to whether Thanatos is guilty. I defer to your wise judgment, as I bring him forth for questioning.” Keir’s eyes flicked in your direction for barely a moment as he ushered Thanatos forward, the sad excuse for a male swallowing thickly as you bared your teeth at him, a promise that he would pay for that glance later.
Thanatos stepped forward, bowing before the throne with a wince. “My Lord, my Ladies,” he greeted through gritted teeth.
Rhys cocked an eyebrow in amusement, his gaze landing on Thanatos shattered hand. “My, Thanatos. What has happened there?” 
The male swallowed, a sliver of wisdom shining through the cracks of his remarkably dim brain when he refused to look in your direction, instead directing his emanating fear towards Rhys and Feyre. “My Lord, I had an accident, you see - I was practicing my swordplay and the weapons rack fell on my hand.”
Feyre leaned forward, interest clear in her eyes as she scrutinized Thanatos’s words. “Why didn’t you seek a healer?” 
The glare in your eyes sent a chill through the room, males and females throughout the Court trembling under your furious gaze. If this fool didn’t sell his lie, you would make certain he never again saw the light of day. 
Thanatos’s entire body shook as he scrambled for an answer. “Because, my Lady... I felt as though the injury was an apt punishment for raising my hand against my daughter.”
Gasps sounded throughout the room at his confession. Feyre leaned back in her chair, looking down her nose at the male. “So you admit to hurting your daughter, and you deem your own ineptitude a suitable punishment for your wickedness?” 
As Thanatos began to scramble for an excuse, Rhys waved a dismissive hand, taking away the male’s ability to speak. “You do not determine your own punishment in this Court. You will be taken to the dungeons until we determine further punishment for your crimes.” Rhys looked to the side, nodding at the spymaster. “Azriel, if you will.”
Azriel nodded, walking over to where Thanatos now kneeled on the floor. Daring to take one look at you - the violent gleam in your eyes which promised a worse fate than Azriel would deliver - and Thanatos nodded, accepting the spymaster’s hold as he was spirited away to the dungeons. 
You followed Feyre and Rhys out of the throne room shortly after, returning home to Velaris. Feyre brought a blanket, wrapping you up in comfort as Rhys made hot chocolate, the both of them murmuring praises to you for how brave you were to endure the Court. You smiled, relaxing into their arms as you let them comfort you from the horrors you had just witnessed. If they only knew.
Part 2
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salllzy · 4 months
Sal's ramblings #3
Another bunny from the pile and it is only going to get worse, my brain is going a million miles a minute and I am trying to work on a chapter. So here it is. ------- Alastor is an omega and he doesn't hide it, he simply doesn't tell anyone what he is. If the other citizens of Hell wrongly assume that he is an alpha? Then that is on them. But while he doesn't hide it, he also isn't shouting it from the rooftops. Omegas in Hell are nonexistent after all, Alastor hadn't met any other omegas but he knew that Heaven tended to snatch any and all omegas up to stop Hell from having packs, Which in his humble opinion is stupid. The same as Heaven believed that Hell is an uprising, oh, they were in their own way. Rebelling against God and what the creator had planned for them and thanks to Lucifer, breaking free of the chains that had cruelly been wrapped around them.
As far as Alastor was concerned what Lucifer did was a blessing. If people choose to squander their chance in life, then that is up to them to decide. No one else. But just because Alastor respected Lucifer to a degree it didn't mean that he liked or tolerated the King of Hell. Far from it. He thought that Lucifer was a deadbeat dad who didn't deserve Charlie, Charlie who had begun to patch his broken heart.
Charlie reminded him of his daughter that he had lost, long ago. She had been snatched in the middle of the night. Truthfully, she wasn't his by blood. He had found her when he had been burying one of his victims, a disgusting piece of filth that had deserved what he had got. Alastor had found him preying on children and well, Alastor didn't tolerate anyone who targeted those of fairer means. But that didn't mean that women were off the table. They weren't he had killed more than one abusive wife and mother. And he would continue to do so. But he was getting off-topic. He had found the little fawn wandering around his bayou, the little thing had been crying and calling for her mother. For a split second he wondered if he had been the one to kill her mother, he had quickly pushed the thought from his mind.
Instead, he had picked her up and cleaned her dirt-covered face, only to find himself staring into strange gold eyes. Despite not having the best father and his mother was long since dead. He had done his best to help her. He had asked around and put a report in with the police, which had been a risky move given his hobbies. Unfortunately for Charlotte but fortunately for him, they were unable to find her parents. So he had adopted the fawn, given her his last name DeCoux and he had raised her as best as he could.
Shortly before his death someone had broken into their home and had taken Charlotte from her bed, he had done everything in his power to try and find her. Only to fail. Something had died inside him that day. Then he had been shot shortly afterwards and he had briefly wondered if he would see his daughter again, that perhaps if someone was kind enough he would find her in whatever afterlife awaited him. Sadly it hadn't happened. So he had slapped bloody bandages on his heart and didn't let anyone in, Rosie, Niffty and Zestial were the exceptions. And after the disaster that was his relationship with Vox, he had no desire to acquire more friends. So naturally when he saw Charlie's disastrous interview he had decided that he would lend her his aid. After all, there was nothing like free entertainment. He just hadn't expected the King of Hell to turn up.
Logically he knew that at some point he would, he was Charlie's father after all.
But then somehow, he had a suspicion as to who had leaked the information, it was revealed that he was an omega. Suddenly he had lines of suitors at the door of the hotel, suitors that he didn't want. He had to be careful who he killed, the last thing he wanted to do was create a power vacuum in an already unstable Hell and Hell was unstable. The moment it had been revealed, Hell had gone rabid. The only omega in Hell? And single as well? It was every alpha's wet dream. Eventually, Lucifer proposed that Alastor faked a relationship, with someone of power and standing. It would be the only way to get them off his back and with the amount of mass murder that Alastor had been doing? Well, it was sending a message but not the one he wanted to send. All it was doing was making it look like he was something to be tamed, a vicious animal that needed to be domesticated and not as the warning it was meant to be. Naturally, Lucifer had volunteered himself. After all, there was no one stronger than him or had a position higher than the King of Hell.
But what Alastor didn't know, was that it was a trap, one that Lucifer had designed himself. It had been him who had leaked the information about Alastor being an omega to hell.
Alastor was cunning and wily, he would never let himself be trapped in a deal, so Lucifer had to use other means. Alastor already belonged to him after all, they had a daughter together.
Not that Alator knew that Charlie was Charlotte, Lucifer had told Charlie that it was important that no one knew her full name. At the time he had told her that it was because names had power and it was true they did. But he didn't want Alastor to find Charlie. At least not until Lucifer was ready for him. His first step had been to get rid of Lilith, she had proven that she was an unfit mother and Lucifer wasn't going to allow her anywhere near Charlie. Lilith had forgotten that while he was the King of Hell now, he was still an angel and that came with all of the instincts and behaviours that came with being an angel. Which included getting rid of any threats to their flock. Which Lilith now was. He had scattered her bones all across Hell and made sure that she would never be able to regenerate. Sadly by the time he had dealt with Lilith, the mortal that had taken such good care of Charlie had died. Lucifer knew that he would need to find this Alastor that Charlie was so attached to. However, he hadn't counted on it taking nearly a century to do so. He had to admit that the sinner was devious and clever, especially since Alastor had been able to escape him time and time again. But not this time. Lucifer wasn't going to let him go this time.
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ctheathy · 9 months
A Betrayal out of Nowhere
Zails x Reader
NSFW Oneshot
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Author's note: Long time no see, my darlings! things have been a little haywire for me, unfortunately resulting in my long hiatus </3 Understand that this isn't much, but I hope this mini fic can count as some food so my babies don't starve for so long
Once a cheater, always a cheater. A rather popular and certified quote that has oftentimes been proven as correct among mankind. Even you weren't partly safe from the unfaithfulness your fluffy fox mate would end up exposing. But you also weren't exactly freed nor ready for the pitiful begging belonging to the mobian...
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️:
Both reader+character are of legal age or aged-up for obvious reasons in this post!
This is a smut fic, read at own risk. Reader+sub!Zails • Zails cheated on you • High desperation levels • Dry humping • Begging • Guilt tripping(?) • Lack of self control • The situation is very awkward/uncomfortable for you in general • Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn response for reader
“God, you are absolutely pathetic, even for a cheater” you spat at the fox infront of you, scrunching your nose in disgust at the mere sight. Zails was currently on his hands and knees, completely exposed in his undergarments as occasional choked sobs and moans were heard in the room. You could feel yourself cringe more at every singular plead he made for you, his petty attempts filled with absolute desperation to get back into your heart, which you just scoffed at.
"... p-please.. I.. ahnn...~ I can't.. h- just spit all over me... Punish me like the absolute filth that I am..."
Your eyes narrowed as you glanced away from him, embarrassment filling your mind. Shaking your head slightly in disappointment. He wasn't gonna get the reaction out of you that he oh-so desired. You weren't gonna go back to him and that was final ...but your eyes couldn't help but soften a really little bit as he said that, watching him go these lengths where he allows himself to be humiliated and used just for the sake of preventing you from leaving.
Zails’ eyes would immediately widen as he realized you were showing even the smallest hint of pity towards him, and the sudden rush of blood and adrenaline he got made him feel some kind of hope. Although he was already stroking the genitalia in his undergarments with teary eyes, he hesitantly stood up and moved towards you, trying his hardest to wrap his arms around you and cry into your shoulder. His grip on you was still tight as he desperately tried to force some sort of response out of you.
As Zails weakly wrapped his arms around you, he was met with the heat of your body temperature, sending a wave of familiarity through his body. You just stood still, allowing him to do whatever despite the awkwardness on your end... A stoic and blank expression on your face as he touched you with his dirty hands. You sighed, slowly lifting up one of your arms, placing it behind his back as you caressed your hand up and down ...But due to the difference in height and the lack of self awareness, your hand ended up going a bit too low, accidentally stroking over his rump.
And that little, accidental touch was all it took to set him off. Zails had become so desperate to feel anything from you that even something as small as you brushing up against his backside made him go absolutely crazy. He immediately became more vocal, letting out a few moaning and whining noises as he squeezed his body tighter against yours. His breath became shallow, and he had become even more desperate for you to show him some kind of ‘affection’ as he rubbed himself against you.
Which quickly escalated in him getting desperate enough that he even began squeezing and rubbing himself up and down your body, just to feel any sort of warmth from you. Zails’ whole body would slowly become hotter and hotter as the realization of how much he wants anything from you began to set in. His voice became more whinier and he was begging even more than he had before, his hands squeezing so hard they were practically white knuckling your body.
"P-Please..! I'm desperate! Y-You're making me desperate! I-I need something from you... p-please!" His body had gotten so tense as he kept squeezing himself against you. Every inch of your body was being squeezed up against his, and he was beginning to get so riled up now that he was beginning to make audible suggestive noises. He was acting out like a desperate animal, and he would even start pushing himself harder into you as he begged and begged.
"I need you... I need you.. P-Please.... p-please, sweet cheeks... I ne-need you!! Let me have you..!" Zails was now panting, as sweat began forming on his forehead, dampening his amber fur. He had started squeezing his eyes shut as he shook and begged, his hands now gripping your body as tightly as possible.
It was a ... Difficult situation to say the least, you weren't denying him what he wanted but you didn't exactly accept his request either. You felt so disconnected with that damned fox ...you couldn't even tell apart the whines of his despair and his lust. So you just uncomfortably continued to stroke and rub your hand up and down over his lower back and tailhead, trying to make him shut up. But it only resulted with both of your closure only making the heat grow even further.
His breaths started to get even raspier as you continued to massage him, and it was very obvious that he was starting to give in to his lust. The lust was starting to consume him the more you touched him, and his whinings and moans were becoming even louder. There was even a visible bulge that began to arise, slowly taking shape from the way he was squeezing himself into you. Zails was so desperate for you, that just your touch alone made him whimper, his lust-fueled whinging only getting more loud.
The twitching bulge was even more noticeable as his undergarments began to become wet with his desire. The warmth of your body was making it hard to hold back with you squeezing him so tightly. He looked up at you with tears in his eyes as he started to beg and moan even more, which you didn't want to give much reaction to. Though you did seem to notice the tears threatening to spill out, as your free hand slowly wandered over towards the bulge on his undergarments, stroking over it with your knuckles with minor pressure.
And as soon as that happened, he even leaned his head back at one point as he continued to moan and whine. The warm and wet bulge was even more obvious as he was squeezing his clothing tightly to him now as he begged more and more, Zails’ fingers clinging onto you as he desperately tried to keep himself from exploding. All while his other hand held onto the back of your neck as his fingers began to squirm and twitch.
For the first time, his voice actually took on a slightly more high-pitched, feminine sounding tone, and he even sounded like he was actually begging you now instead of just simply whining about how he needs you. Zails let out a small, quiet whimper, his breathing becoming much heavier as he was starting to get even closer to his climax. He was panting even more as his muscles began to tense up, his back arching slightly as he continued to squirm. He was sweating even more, and his voice had finally started to crack, becoming even more feminine than the average girl mobian.
His breath was even sharper now as he was almost there, his body now shaking with his teeth being gritted as his hands were so tightly wrapped around your body that his claws were almost digging into your back. He was still begging and moaning, but now it sounded far more desperate than before. "Oh... Oh no... I-Its coming..!" He suddenly squeaked out, as his entire body began to tremble a little bit. His eyes were firmly closed and his mouth was open just a little bit with the tiniest bit of saliva drooling from his lips. It was starting to become obvious that he was going to explode. He was so close to the point where his entire fur now became wet with tears as he tried not to climax, but he couldn't hold it in any longer.
Suddenly, he let out a muffled whine. You could practically feel his back arching as it happened, his pants finally becoming soaked from a combination of sweat and his climax. His body had started to shake violently as his breathing became absolutely frantic, and he was so loud that you were almost sweat dropping with discomfort from the experience. Zails’ hands wrapped around you like a desperate animal as his entire body trembled and grinded against you. His cries almost became screams as he continued to climax, the heat between you being too immense for either of them to even comprehend. His coat became absolutely drenched with his own fluids...
And after what seemed like an eternity, he finally stopped. He was panting and drooling, that little bit of contact had sent him over the edge, and he had completely lost control over himself. His arms were still wrapped around you, his hands squeezing your body as he continued to sob into your shoulder. His entire face was wet with tears, and he didn't even care or notice the fact that he was wetting your clothes. Zails was still crying and sobbing uncontrollably as he squeezed you close to him, holding you as if he wanted to protect you from the evilness surrounding the world. But you weren't having any of it, especially as he already took advantage of the situation and couldn't even manage to control his unending horniness...
The was no noticeable change or improvement regarding the look in your eyes, still lingering with repulsion and complete embarrassment. You shoved him off of you and onto the grounds below as he was crying his eyes out. Meeting his red shot eyes with a blank yet piercing gaze, you held so little emotion. You just felt as if you were looking at a lost cause, one you weren't willing to babysit and take responsibility for anymore.
Even with the fact that your eyes were devoid of any positive thoughts when it came to him... Your gaze was much more similar as if you were looking down on him as an inferior being, and it didn't seem too far fetched with the current state he was in. He held no importance in your life anymore, and he knew it. His shaking only becoming more violent now that he had nothing left to release, nothing left to satisfy you with.
His body only left to quiver and tremble like a desperate, starving animal when you finally turned your back on your now ex-lover
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I am SO glad that when I was playing it with friends (it was my very first time playing the game, playing it completely blind, or as blind as you can get outside the four most fawned after characters anyway. We were three days in) we decided to use in game chat only because the things i SAID because I expected Sam (the nearest unfortunate townsperson, on his way home from work) and I was so surprised by it not being met with disgust because it came from the river. (Just my luck I'd end up giving it to the only person who likes the stuff when i was hoping for a funny response) At least my friends didn't have to hear my deranged remarks like 'dont you care that it just came from the river? I know the game seemingly has no distinction but you WATCHED me fish that up you little freak, you'd probably eat or drink anything I gave you huh?' because that day my brain-to-mouth filter was definitely offline and the immediate mortification did not help. As much as I am deeply relieved that my friends did NOT have to hear my instantaneous word vomit, I still think it would of been hilarious if it being freshly fished up resulted in a negative reaction anyway.
All my friends know of the situation is me being all '...you can drink the cola you fished from the lake??? ew.' in text chat ten seconds before disaster, and maybe that is for the best.
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veenvss · 8 months
mortal lands
the family , 8/8
7 , winter
I was originally only going to do the courts but the mortal lands are such an important part of the series so I couldn't just ignore them. These mortal lands will just be the one on Prythian because I am a student and I do not have as much time as I want.
We don't know much about the mortal lands. We only know a handful of people:
Elain- "fawn" Welsh
Feyre- I literally have nothing I think Sarah made this up ngl sounds cool tho
Graysen- "son of the steward" English
Isaac- "he will laugh, he will rejoice" Hebrew
Nesta- "chaste" Welsh diminutive of Agnes
Nolan- "famous, loud" English? originally an Irish surname
Tomas- "twin" Swedish variant this is without any accents
So who we do know is quite varied. Doesn't matter to me, I'm gonna pull something out of my ass and use it because I do not care. Graysen is an English name, Isaac and Thomas are used in England and Nolan is about a quarter of the way there so I'm gonna use English names for this. But Medieval English just to be interesting. So this is just gonna be biblical names with unusual nicknames, I can already feel it.
FIRMIN ARCHERON- "firm" The dad. Canonically, I don't really like him, I know he's disabled and all but it's not my fault he was just really boring. I like to think that before everything happened, he was a good dad. He cared a lot, and he liked to take walks with his daughters. He would gladly sit down and listen to Elain ramble about some rare flower in this book he had found the last time he actually went with his ships. He would comfort Nesta when she was upset, in their own private way.
AMPHELISE ARCHERON- meaning unknown She was strict, rude and uptight. She was incredibly snobby and she cared a lot about appearances, more than her own family. I don't understand how a woman can birth three daughters and not care about any of them. She lacked all emotion until a servant spilt some wine on her dress. That was the only time her daughters ever saw anything other than disgust on her face.
ETHELDRED YOXALL- "noble strength" Amphelise had to get it from somewhere. You could never say that one was worse than the other, they were both as bad as each other. Despite their relations, they constantly tried to one-up each other. Who was richer? Who was wearing the nicer dress? No one got an answer, but she ensured her nails were as sharp as possible before another ball.
Now, I just missed the bus to get to college so I'm going to quickly do Jurian and his family before I do more revision and stroke my dogs.
With yet another quick google search, Jurian is a 'medieval' Low German variant of George. Now, we already have German (Autumn) and I am not one for repetition but I still wanna have it be Germanic because I want it that way, which is why I went with Dutch as the Netherlands speaks Low German and my name website says that it has some variant of Jurian and I'm lazy.
LIEVIN VAN DALEN- "dear friend" "from the valley" Like his name suggests, Jurian's father was a dear friend to many. It was impossible to hate him unless, of course, you were a slave owner with an inbuilt incapacity to appreciate humans and their livelihoods.
MADELEIF VAN DALEN- "daisy" "from the valley" Despite their situation, his parents gave Jurian a brilliant example of love. It's a such shame how he was forced to use it to be able to let their descendants live freely. He knew that no matter what, his mother would be proud of all he sacrificed.
CORINE VAN DALEN- "maiden" "from the valley" Jurian's sweet younger sister, she was one of the first people to give birth after the war, starting the new generation of free humans. Unfortunately, over 500 years, her line of the family have slowly forgotten their connection to their glorified ancestor, but their defiance still remains.
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mercurial-madhouse · 3 years
Trigger Warning: Healing is painful, but there’s so much light on the other side if we’re strong enough to walk through the dark.
My hope in sharing my story is to help anyone who reads it find peace or healing, just as I always aim with my fiction. If it feels right to you to do so, I encourage you to reblog this. It is highly personal, but I choose to share it publicly.
This past Sunday, I received an email responding to my desire to withdraw from a fic fest. Instead of the simple “You have been removed from the fest” that I’d been expecting through an official channel from mods to a participant, this is the response I received. Please be aware, the following is painful.
We've removed you from the fest and will mark you down as not being welcome to participate in future fests. We show a great deal of compassion toward our writers, which is why we send reminders, answer any and all questions, and provide extensions when requested. There's a reason why our fest has one of the highest numbers of fics of any fest/challenge in the fandom - it's because we support our participating writers and do everything possible to assist them as they complete their fics.
However, once a writer has repeatedly failed to communicate and missed both a deadline and an extended deadline, it's clear that they do not have any respect for the fest, the mods, our time, or our own unique situations, as we don't have endless extra hours to track down participants in a fic fest. Several reminders on three different platforms, an extension, and requests for writers to simply let us know if they need more time does not demonstrate a lack of compassion in any capacity. We also showed a great deal of compassion by welcoming you with open arms into the [redacted] after you insulted the fest, insulted [redacted] fics, and made writers uncomfortable last year after signing up to beta their fics, all while pretending to support and uplift writers in the fandom just as you did in your email here.
Have a great week!
- [redacted] Mods
This email arrived right at the end of the night, just as I was lying down to sleep. I couldn’t read it all the way through. It elicited a trauma response in me. My heart started racing, my palms were sweaty, I was shaking, I felt sick to my stomach.
I went into fight/flight/freeze/fawn mode. My first response was to freeze. In order to escape the barrage of pain bombarding me, I simply dissociated and disconnected from my body. It allowed me to sleep, but barely. I deleted the email in a desperate attempt to pretend it didn’t exist.
The pain caught up with me twenty-four hours later. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs shrunk in around my heart. My whole body locked up. I couldn’t move. I knew that if I spoke, even to say ‘hello’ to someone, I’d start crying.
The moment I was alone in my room the tears came. The pain came, bursting through me. I sobbed uncontrollably, curled into myself on my bed, begging for the pain to stop, begging for a miracle, screaming internally for relief and to understand what I’d done to deserve this because I didn’t have the air for more than broken whispers.
I fell asleep whispering ‘I need a miracle’ over and over. The mantra blocked out all the disgusting thoughts that wanted to keep swirling through my head. This is it. This is the final proof that you don’t belong here. You never have. You never will. Run away, M. It’s over. You tried, you failed. You always do. You always will.
I fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion.
Grief is intense. These are the moments where we don’t think we’ll survive what we’re feeling. My love, whoever you are, if you are reading this, hear from me. The agony passed. I needed to feel that agony, to allow it to move through me and to give myself the space to feel it. Without diving off the deep end into what hurts, I wouldn’t have been able to find the inner peace to keep healing, to start to understand.
The residual pain is still there, even as I write this post. But it no longer overwhelms my senses. And by Tuesday morning, I’d been given insight into what was happening.
I experienced a trauma response because it mirrored mistreatment I first received in childhood from family and classmates alike and continued into my adult life. In full view of others, it was acknowledged as cruel even by my mother, who struggles with her own guilt because she never stood up for me. No one did.
So I internalized the mistreatment. I must deserve it if everyone else around me is ok with me being singled out like this? At first I spoke up for myself. But in the end I stopped speaking up for myself too. I had never healed this pain and here it was, coming back around again, forcing me to face it, to heal it once and for all.
I still do not know what exactly I may have said to cause these accusations that you see in the email. **I do not and will not deny them.** Even if my words were taken in a way I did not consciously intend, to deny that I said anything that caused someone else pain is to deny my own power AND to deny that everyone’s emotions are valid and worth digging into.
I have the power to inflict pain, just as I have the power to spread and share love and joy.
Whatever I said came from a place of pain, of believing I did not belong in this community. That I am not good enough or worthy enough to be here. A series of unfortunate but necessary events when I first entered this fandom completely disintegrated my core beliefs in my abilities as a writer, something I have always kept so close to my heart, and my belief that I had a place in this fandom.
I expect, as I look into my past patterns, that what I did was try to logic why I wasn’t allowed to belong. At the time, this fest was the only subset of the fandom I knew, I was so brand new. So I looked through all the prompts in the fest. I brought a scientific method view to answering the question: “What is it about the fics people write in this fandom am I unable/incapable of doing?”
This process allowed me to generalize everything I saw that I perceived as ‘I can’t do that, this is why I don’t belong here’. Consumed in my own doubt that I could measure up and write something worth reading, I dropped from the fest last year too. If I can’t contribute writing that’s worth reading, I could at least stick with what I do best, which is helping others be their best selves. I had signed up to beta, and I chose to cling to the only grasp of belonging I had, which was through beta’ing. I ended up beta’ing four fics last year for the fest. And, of course, each of them were (and still are) incredible fics. At the time, it was further proof to me of exactly what I can’t accomplish.
In all likelihood, these generalizations, stemming from a place of pain and jealousy because I wanted to write good fics too, came out in a personal conversation with someone, which they translated as a personal attack. It is valid. Whoever you are, your emotions are valid. It does not matter how I meant whatever I said, pain is what you felt. This person did not feel comfortable sharing that pain with me, so instead they turned to others and shared. My moment of vulnerability and pain then spread more pain.
Pain only comes from pain.
The response was to shadow ban me. In fact, I was never meant to find out about any of this. The pain this person shared was simply taken at face value and that was that.
So on my end, this decision showed up in the physical world this way: Suddenly all my asks went unanswered, people I tagged to share snippets and last lines and get to know more through ‘about me’ posts or who had once talked to me through DMs simply stopped speaking to me in a way that is only noticeable to the person being ignored. I thought I was going crazy. But there it was, right in front of me: absolute proof that I wasn’t good enough to be a part of this fandom.
Is anyone else beginning to see the cycle of pain?
I expect I continued this cycle right back, because the pain turned to bitterness. I’d been doing everything I could to support every author the best way I knew how, and this was what I got? The exact opposite?
I found out about this shadow ban and actual blocking around June of this year. An ask sent in by a friend for me, inquiring why I couldn’t reblog a post that’d been sent to me by someone else, finally gave me the answer that I’d been banned for the accusations you saw above.
Horrified, hurt, and unable to comprehend any of this except to know that I support every author no matter what they write, I sent an apology to the mods, trying to end this cycle the best I could without knowing any of the details of what had happened. There was nothing more I could do.
They thanked me for the apology, though as you can see from the email, it was never accepted. I do not say that as a judgement call, but simply as a statement of what happened. Everyone is entitled to accept or not accept in their own time and their own ways.
I have been healing so much since everything that occurred last year. And the more I dig in to this cycle, the more my heart goes out to the drafters of this email, to the person I hurt with my words who then turned to share it out of context with others, and to the people who shadow banned me in connection with this situation.
We attract to us what resonates with us. Like attracts like. Which means just as I’ve attracted the greatest friends to me, I have also attracted this pain, and conversely, these mods and that person attracted me to them.
Deep down, on some level we share the same core wounds. And the person who can really understand just how painful those wounds can be is someone who feels them too.
So this is my message to the mods of the above email, to those who have shadow banned me and want nothing to do with me, and to the original person I hurt with my words:
I am sorry for my part in this pain. I am sorry for causing pain and I apologize for it. You are loved. You are enough. You are doing a fantastic job. Your feelings are valid. Your hurt is valid. I don’t know what occurred that hurt you before I entered the fandom, but after finding out from others that an email like the one you sent above is ‘Oh that’s just how they are’ tells me something else happened to hurt you before I even arrived.
Your hurt then is valid too. Allow yourself to feel it and process it. Don’t let it consume you. Don’t let that hurt and fear of it happening again or believing that that’s how everyone is push away from you people who in fact love just what you love. If someone has a different belief from yours, don’t let it invalidate what is true for you. Believing internalized lies about myself only caused me pain. And we spread and create what we believe to be true, whether we consciously realize it or not.
So here, now, is my truth:
I choose to perpetuate love. I choose to spread love. I choose to understand my pain and the pain of others, to transmute it, and to heal it, instead of passing that pain on.
I choose compassion. Compassion for myself in making these mistakes, and compassion for those who have hurt me. I do not condone the email that was sent to me. No one deserves to be treated that way. I choose to focus beneath the visceral anger and lashing out, to focus on the agony beneath the words, and stop this cycle of pain.
I choose to belong in this fandom. I choose to support every author in this fandom and ensure no one ever feels not good enough. I choose to own my past mistakes and learn from them.
I choose trust. To trust that those who I truly hope will see this, will see it. I have no expectations of responses or outcomes or reactions. My only hope is that whoever will benefit from seeing this post will see it.
This is not a matter of right or wrong, bad or good, just or unjust. It is a situation of two parties in pain, triggered by the same triggers.
Looking back on that email, I’ve come to realize that half of the pain I felt when I received it was not my own. I felt the pain of the attack, sure, but I also felt the immense pain beneath those words. And I wish I could hug you. I acknowledge your pain and I acknowledge how painful it is because I know that pain myself. I also know that this pain isn’t you and it isn’t who you are.
So I choose to remember the mods I first met around this same time last year in this same email chain. Mods who were so kind and offered advice to a brand new writer even when she sent an email that had nothing to do with the fest and was still struggling to find her place in the fandom. I choose to remember how beautiful that kindness felt. I choose to remember how I was so grateful for that kindness that I shared my gratitude for these same mods in an email with with another fandom friend at the time. I am still grateful for you.
You are so loved. You are loved for being exactly who you are. This fandom is built upon love. A shared love of five incredibly talented lads who have brought so much joy and light when each and every one of us has needed it the most. Shine your light through the dark and believe with all your heart that you are not alone. You have support. I support you. Shine on. Don’t let anyone dim it.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Idiots in love
Pairing: William ‘Bill’ Weasley x reader 
Synopsis: (Y/N) has been in love with Bill ever since she met him their first year at Hogwarts. Will she finally tell Bill how she feels, like Mrs. Weasley hopes she will, or will Fleur and Ginny’s assumptions about (Y/N)’s love life get in the way. 
Word count: 2.9k+
Warnings: Angst. Dumb asses pining after each other. Fleur, if she counts lmao. Brief mentions of death. 
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for months, I wrote it as a self indulgent piece since I can’t date Bill in Hogwarts Mystery and I wasn’t sure if anyone would actually read it. It's cannon divergent. Also, tell me if you want a part 2!
My first fic of the new year! Hopefully I'll be way more consistent and inspired this year. Thank you to everyone reading any of the fics I write, I love you all!
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“Molly, he’s happy with her,” you roll your eyes at the older woman who had become like a mother to you over the years. 
You met her at Kings Cross Station the morning of your first year, she helped you cross the barrier, your parents are muggles who are afraid of anything different. You were in Bill’s year, the two of you becoming fast friends on the train ride. Through your years at Hogwarts you two became inseparable, both becoming Head Girl and Head Boy together. You two always studied together, explored the castle together, went to Hogsmeade together, you did everything together. Well, except one thing, you didn’t fall in love together; you fell for him, and he fell for that foul, loathsome Emily Tyler and now Fleur Delacour.
You spent almost every Christmas Holiday under the burrow’s roof, along with most of your summers. The burrow was your real home, and the Weasley’s were your family. After you and Bill had graduated Molly and Arthur insisted you use their first names, both convinced you and Bill would finally get together. But that didn’t happen, you both went separate ways, barely even owling over the years. He went on to be this fantastic cursebreaker for Gringotts, getting sent all the way to Egypt. And you, you became the astronomy professor at Hogwarts, you thrived in the subject and Professor Sinistra transferred to Uagadou.
“But you’re perfect for him,” Molly nags. You loved the women with your whole heart, but she really needed to learn when to drop matters of the heart. Especially when the topic of discussion was set to arrive soon. 
“Not everything works out how we want it to,” you sigh as you hand her a clean dish to dry, you had wanted to clean the dishes the muggle way. “Especially when it involves one's heart.”
The two of you are waiting for everyone to arrive, Arthur is picking the kids up from the train now that it’s summer holiday. You had apparated to the burrow after the students boarded the train, now officially a part of the Order. Dumbledore and Sirius are dead, but that just means that everyone needs to fight harder. 
“I just want you to be happy,” Molly’s eyes are soft and sad as she looks at you. 
“I am,” you smile through the lie. There’s a pop from the living room, assuming it’s just Charlie you continue. “I don’t need a man Molly, my students make me happy.”
“Mum,” the unmistakable voice of William Weasley calls as he walks towards the kitchen. “I have great news, Fleur and I are engaged! We want to get married this summer!”
You accidentally drop the plate you're washing back into the soapy water, causing some to splash your shirt. For a split second you see Molly’s face fall before she puts on a bright fake smile as she turns to her eldest. You refuse to turn and see him, you thought you had enough time to prepare yourself to see him again, but you didn’t. He refused to see you after he got hurt during the battle of the astronomy tower when he was in the hospital wing and ignored you in the few weeks following.  
“Oh, wow,” Molly tries to come up with a response that won’t upset him. “This quickly?”
“I can’t take the chance, not now,” his mood is hard to read from his voice. He almost seems too defensive when he responds. “Not with everything happening.”
Your heart stops its thumping for a second, you didn’t realize it would hurt this much to see him happy. You want more than anything for him to be happy, but you also know that his mother and sister will never approve of Fleur. And he’ll never be fully happy because of that. But maybe you're wrong, maybe you don’t really know him. Maybe you never did. 
“I can’t believe I signed up for bloody astronomy again,” you can hear Ron complain through the open window before Molly can respond.
“You know you love me,” you holler out the window as Ron and Ginny get closer to the house. They’re the only two at Hogwarts now, they’re growing up so fast. 
“Yeah, yeah professor,” he mutters as he walks through the door before grinning widely at you. 
Even though you had seen Ginny hours ago, the younger girl runs up to you and throws her arms around you. You laugh as she pulls back and makes a face as some of the soap suds transferred to her shirt. 
“You just saw (Y/N),” Ron rolls his eyes at Ginny’s actions.
“Yeah but that’s different,” Ginny defends. “At Hogwarts I can’t talk to her about boys, or eat dinner with her, or ask for Quidditch tips.”
“I’m always up for talking about boys,” you grin down at the red headed girl. You laugh and apologize to Molly as Ginny pulls you from the kitchen and up to her room. 
You don’t glance at Bill, you can’t. You’re too scared that all of the feeling you have bottled up will resurface with just one glance. You miss the way his eyes soften at your interaction with his sister, and how they trail after you as you get pulled past him. You sit with Ginny as she fawns over Harry for close to an hour, interjecting occasionally when she asks for your opinion. This is what you always imagined having a younger sister would feel like. 
“What about you?” she asks with a teasing tone in her voice. 
“What about me?” you laugh lightly as your eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
“You and professor Snape,” she’s smirking. 
“Severus?” you laugh before your face pulls into a disgusted look only Ginny can see. “We’re coworkers. Dare I say friends. And he’s a part of the Order, we have to at least tolerate each other.”
“Mhm,” she sounds unconvinced. “He smiled at you the other day! In the Great Hall, where people could see! He never smiles!”
“Ginny, we’re friends,” you try to get through to the stubborn teen. “Plus he’s known me since I was eleven, that would be gross.”
Before Ginny can respond there’s a knock on the open door, you turn around and see Bill for this first time in years. His red hair still falls to his shoulders, and he still has that fang hanging from his ear. There are scars down his cheek now, those and the fang make him look bad ass. Your heart stutters as your eyes meet his, the heartache that disappeared when you were gossiping with Ginny resurfaces with just one look.
“Dinners ready,” he says before turning and walking back down the stairs. 
Dinner is loads of fun, the two eldest Weasley’s joining the group since there’s a small Order meeting afterwards. Dinner is full of Charlie joking with you, something you're happy about since Ginny wouldn’t be able to bring up Severus again. You ignore the giggles and the French accent that poke holes in your heart as Bill only pays attention to Fleur, who showed up at the Burrow when you were upstairs. 
After dinner you agree to show Ron and Ginny some Quidditch moves you had picked up over the years, borrowing an old broom left behind by one of the other boys. Remus and Tonks appear in the front yard, signaling that the meeting would start momentarily. Ron thanks you as he continues to practice the moves as you fly to the ground. Ginny follows you, wanting to get a drink from the kitchen before it's closed off to the youngest two. 
“Are you going to take his last name, or is he going to take yours?” she teases. 
“Ginny, not now,” you sigh, not sure how to get it through her head that you have no feeling for the potions master without revealing that you’re in love with her oldest brother. You aren’t sure who’s worse, her or Molly. 
“Alright, whatever you say Mrs. Snape,” Ginny wiggles her brows in your direction as you head for the kitchen. 
“Mrs. Snape?” Severus’s monotonous voice comes from behind you two. Ginny’s eyes widen before she takes off running, and a strangled sound leaves your lips.
“Ginevra Molly Weasley, that’s a month of detention next year!” you yell after her. You take a breath before turning to stare into Snape’s obsidian eyes. “Ginny saw you laugh at my stupid joke in the Great Hall a few weaks ago and now she’s convinced you have feelings for me.” Severus raises his eyebrows at you before looking in the direction Ginny ran off in. “She’s just a kid Sev, don’t hold her delusions against her.”
“Weasley’s,” he mutters before heading to the kitchen himself. Dumbledore had told a select few in the Order the plans for Severus to kill him so Draco didn’t have to, and since the Headmaster was already dying nobody was as mad as expected. “Don’t you have feelings for the oldest one?”
“Be quiet!” you hiss, as look to make sure no one heard. He smirks before walking into the room where the meeting is to be held, leaving you standing confused in the hallway.
The meeting is small tonight; Remus, Tonks, Charlie, Molly, Arthur, Sev, yourself, Bill, and Fleur. The rest had prior engagements unfortunately, so it was essentially just family and Severus. 
Molly uses her magic to pour you a glass of tea as you sit beside Sev, the only open seat. You smile a quick thanks before lifting the cup to your lips. The warm liquid soothing your tired throat, students liked to talk over you during the last week of school so your throat was a little raw. 
“Do you want a cookie with that, love?” Snape’s monotonous voice is slightly louder than it normally is. The term of endearment comes as such a shock that you spit out the tea that's in your mouth, landing across the table on Fleur. 
There was no denying that Severus’s question was directed at you, he’s holding the plate full of Molly’s cookies right next to your face. The room goes deathly silent as the seconds pass by. Ginny, who was getting herself some pumpkin juice, drops the glass she was holding, it shatters when it hits the ground. Molly, Arthur, and Charlie abruptly stop their conversation to stare at you and Sev in shock. Remus furrows his eyebrows as he looks between you two, Tonks looks like she's holding back a laugh. A flash of pain seems to cross Bill’s face before it goes blank, and horror crosses Fleur’s when your tea lands on her. 
“I’m so sorry!” you cover your mouth, thankful the liquid wasn’t warm enough to burn. Bill doesn’t even turn to look at his fiancee, just stares at you. 
“Are you alright?” Snape has a small smile only you can see. You aren’t sure how to respond, especially as you stare at the amusement dancing in his onyx eyes. 
“I knew it!” Ginny yells, finally breaking the few seconds of silence, seconds that felt like years. You flick Sev’s leg under the table, and he has the audacity to grin larger.
“Thanks honey,” your eyes narrow slightly as you grab a cookie off the plate, passing it to Bill without looking away from the man in all black. 
The rest of the meeting is awkward, and as soon as it’s over you pull Sev out of his chair and outside. The cool night air cools your burning cheeks and he lets out a laugh that he had been holding in.
“What was that?” you pull at the ends of your hair. 
“We made your precious Weasley jealous,” even though he’s smirking, there’s no change in his inflection. 
“And now they all think we’re together!” your voice is high pitched and squeaky. 
“Good luck with that,” he disapparates before you can respond.
“I hate you!” you yell at the spot where Severus was just standing.
“You and Snape, huh?” Charlie’s voice cuts through the silent night. 
“Not bloody likely,” you roll your eyes, before plopping onto the ground. Charlie joins you as you lay and stare up at the stars. “He heard Ginny saying she thought he liked me, and he knows who I like, so he decided to run with it. He’s actually fun when you break through his cold exterior.”
“You still love Bill,” it isn’t a question. No matter how many times you denied it while you three went to school together, Charlie never believed you. 
“Yeah,” you sigh, turning to look at him. He’s already facing you so you continue, “your mum kept going on about how I should be the one with him this afternoon. She won’t drop it.”
“I love my brother,” Charlie makes sure you keep eye contact with him as he continues. “But he’s being stupid. I agree with mum, you should be the one marrying him.”
“He’s happy without me,” your voice comes out sadder than you thought it would, guard finally down. “We’ve barely talked in years, and he wouldn’t even let me see him after the attack. He doesn’t need me, nor does he want me in his life anymore.”
Charlie just sighs, annoyed that neither you nor Bill could see the truth starring you both in the face. You love each other. Charlie just lies next to you in comforting silence, staring at the night sky until he has to head back to Romania and you off to bed. 
A single tear slips down your cheek as you lay down in the bed that once belonged to Charlie. Ginny enters the room without knocking, and you quickly wipe away the tear. 
“Why didn’t you tell me!” she practically screams. 
“There’s nothing to tell, he was messing with you, Gin,” you look her directly in the eyes so she knows you aren’t lying. 
“What aren’t you telling me?” she sits beside you on the mattress. 
“I’m in love with Bill,” you whisper, finally saying the words out loud. Sure you had agreed with Charlie earlier, but you had never said the five words out loud before. It feels like a weight is lifted off your chest, until a new wave of heartache hits you. “I have been since we were in school, and it hurts Ginny. Fleur, she’s perfect, I couldn’t possibly compete with her.”
“You’re so much better than her, (Y/N),” Ginny grabs your hand, causing you to look up at her. “And he’s a fool if he doesn’t see that.”
“Thanks Gin,” you smile sadly, squeezing her hand before she heads off to her room. 
“Zank you,” Fleur’s French accent is the first thing you hear in the morning. Ginny comes up behind you as you stand in the hallway, and puts her hand on your shoulder. Today is the day you forget about all of this foolish childish love you have for Bill. 
Molly watches you closely as you sit down at the breakfast table, Ginny plopping down beside you. As you talk to the young girl about Quidditch over breakfast, a black owl flies through an open window. You roll your eyes as it plops a letter beside you, you give the owl some of your toast before it flies out of the window again. Ginny looks over your shoulder as you open the letter, the rest of the Weasley’s not-so-secretly watch you read it. 
The letter isn’t anything special, just Severus letting you know that you had left a book at Hogwarts. You know full well he’s being his dramatic self, going out of his way to send an owl, just so he can say he was right. He even added a p.s, asking if Bill had gotten jealous yet. You laugh at the ridiculous question, causing Bill to excuse himself and walk outside. Fleur doesn’t move from her seat, causing you and Ginny to make a face at each other.
A few moments pass before you decide to follow your old best friend against your better judgment, but someone should check on him. He’s in the backyard pacing like a madman, running his hands through his long hair and pulling on the tips. 
“Bill?” you ask softly. He whips around and looks at you, once again his face is hard to read. Your eyes, however, soften as soon as they see what Fenrier Greyback did to him. “What’s wrong?”
“You and Snape?” his voice is hard and cold. “He hated us growing up, and you just pretended that never happened and you're with him? He hated you!”
“It’s none of your business William!” your voice is high pitched, you’re angry. He doesn’t talk to you in ages and now all of a sudden he thinks it’s okay to judge your relationships. “We were annoying kids back then, of course he hated us.”
“You could do better than him!” his anger seems to rise at the use of his full first name. 
“We’re just friends!” your voice is shrill, and you're sure everyone inside can hear you two clearly. “Not that it’s any of your business anyway! Severus was letting me know I forgot some of my belongings at Hogwarts. You have no right to judge who I choose to spend my time with and who I befriend, not when you haven’t tried to talk to me in years Bill!”
With that you turn and head away from the burrow, not wanting to face anyone right now. Especially any of the Weasley's, and most of all, Molly. Bill calls your name as you walk away from him, but you don’t turn around. You can’t. William Weasley has broken your heart multiple times since you met him, and you aren’t about to give him the satisfaction of watching himself break your heart all over again.
Part 2
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Put A Ring On It
a/n: lmao tooru would actually beat your booty if you ever date kags
anon request:  hii can i have a hc like the oikawa sister reader x iwa but now with kageyama?? like the reader is literally the princess of seijoh and never liked anyone until he met kags?? tysm! u make such a cute ff
requests open!!
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he might not smile much but when he does, its the most beautiful smile I've ever seen
king and queen of the court??
lmao im getting chills
so since tooru went to kitagawa, it would be natural for him to want his baby sister to go there too right?
you are actually 2 years younger than tooru so that would make you about kags’ age
you are well-known throughout the school as oikawa tooru’s little sister and people also flocked to you since you got the good genes as well
but you were never interested in fear that they would take advantage of you for your brother or to just parade you as a trophy
you liked volleyball like your brother but you didnt want to play in a team so you just went to their practices to help the coaches
youve heard about this prodigy setter named kagayama tobio, who was also the grandson of a known volleyball couch
but youve only heard bad things about him
tooru lit rally comes home ranting and complaining about this new kid who is great at setting and you were just like, ‘okay and?’
‘y/n-chan! theres an outsider threatening to take your brother’s place! aren’t you worried for me?!’
‘nii-chan, its just volleyball’
‘just-just volley-! that’s it im disowning you’
while iwa just watches from the sidelines
oikawa just shouting and yelling in front of the fridge while you sit on the barstool while eating a banana, looking unbothered
keeping up with the oikawas part 2
you kinda knew him because kindaichi, who is your classmate, talked about kageyama, who was in kunimi’s class
‘tooru-nii never shuts up about him’
you complained to kindaichi one day
‘is he really that good?’
you knew the talent you brother had and the hard work he puts in volleyball as you were usually the one who woke up at night to help him with his knee pains
so you slightly understood his threatened feeling of this mysterious prodigy who just suddenly enters the team
‘he’s not terrible. maybe its because theyre the only setters in the team so oikawa-senpai is threatened about his position being taken’
‘but as long as he’s not a starting, then no foul done right?’
unfortunately, you were there to see tooru break down during practice when kageyama asked him how to serve
since you usually walked home with your brother and iwa-chan,
get yourself protective brothers
you were forced to wait until he was done with practice
captain duties and all that
and you were getting tired of just waiting in the cold so you go in the gym to tell off your nii-chan when you see him raise his hand at this tobio boy
you shriek and he was able to stop tooru from hitting their underclassman
‘oi! oikawa tooru!’
kageyama looked horrified and was so scared that he dashed off
ngl, you felt bad for him and you knew that your brother was probably just overwhelmed w the incoming interhighs and he was just getting frustrated
so when iwa nodded at you that he got tooru, you went after kageyama, who was tossing the ball up in the air
he tossed it up once, expecting it to come back down but you snatched it right up
he turned to see a girl who looked exactly oikawa-san and he backed away
you saw him step back and you pouted
‘ehhh~? am i that scary to you, kage-chan?’
omg the way you even talk was like him
‘are you oikawa-senpai’s sister?’
hes heard little about you from kunimi
you nodded and gave him a smile before sticking a hand out
‘oikawa y/n, at your service’
‘ah, k-kageyama tori-bio’
you giggled at his flustered look 
‘what is it? torio? tobio?’
ofc you already knew but he was so cute to tease
‘i-it’s tobio’
he was red at the embarrassment of messing up his own name but you thought he was so cute and a bean
you heard from kunimi that he wasnt very social and mostly keeps to himself or the volleyball team
‘sorry about my nii-chan, kage-chan. hes just stressed right now. dont worry, he’ll come around. i’ll make it up to you in his place, okay?’
your eyes scrunched up as you smiled to try and diffuse the situation and save your brother’s arse
he owes you
‘its okay. its also my fault for pestering him about it so i should apologize’
omg this boy is ADORABLE
you shrieked before hugging him and nuzzling your face into his shirt
‘youre so sweet! you dont have to do anything!’
he was actually taken aback by your expressive personality and wasnt used to being fawn upon, especially by a cute girl
he remained frozen on the spot and you worriedly let go, thinking he stopped breathing
‘tobio-chan? did you die?! tobio-chan!’
from then on, you just seemed to see him everywhere
for months you didnt even know this boy but suddenly, after the accident, you were just seeing him everywhere
from your classroom, you’d see him at the yard with kunimi and kindaichi as they toss the ball around
i will always think that this trio were initially friends at the beginning!
he seemed to be a very shy boy and was constantly trying to keep his emotions on check
but you saw the smiles whenever he thinks the two arent looking
that was probably why you absolutely had the biggest crush on this boy
but you didnt realize that you had a crush on him
you just wanted to help him come out of his shell and help him smile more bc it was so beautiful
so you cornered him by his locker one day and your cute smile made his cheeks go on fire
‘tobio-chan! i want to be your friend!’
he was SHOOK
girls never really talked to him, much less his frightening captain’s cute sister
no words came from him as he just looked at you with wide eyes 
you pouted at the formal use of your name
‘haaa?! tobiio-chan! call me by some cute nickname too~!’
you crossed your arms and stomped your foot on the floor
omg no stop this at once little girl
he turned even redder and quickly stuffed his things in his bag before dashing off
‘eh?! tobio-chan!’
his days were filled with that
you were constantly yelling his nickname with a smile when you would see him and he would blush then run away 
even during practice, you would basically act as their manager by giving them their towels and water
but it was obvious that you would pamper kageyama more
that irritated your brother
he dragged you home one day and was basically interrogating you
‘n/n-chan, youre not having a crush on that bastard kageyama are you?’
you glared at your brother, offended at the way he called tobio
‘don’t call him that, nii-chan! i will hit you!’
you shrieked and punched his gut
tooru shouts and thus began the arguments between your fascination with kageyama
but you didnt care because you intend to uphold that promise and reach that goal through
all you wanted was to see tobio smile freely
one day, you were walking to school earlier than your brother when you saw kageyama at the intersection
your eyes lit up and you bounded up to him
his eyes widened and he quickly turned around to walk away
ngl that hurted a bit
that small voice made him stop and his head turned to look at your watering eyes
‘tobio-chan, do you not like me?’
you were so used to being liked and fawned over your entire life that the thought of somebody not liking you was so hurtful
maybe thats why you liked kageyama tobio though
he was focused on running away from you rather than going to you
for the first time, you would have to be the one who chased rather than being the one running
kags was worried bc his sister always told him to never make a girl cry and here he was, watching your eyes tear up
‘y/n-san, please dont cry’
you watched him walk to you and shakily wipe your tears away
a smile formed on your face at the touch of his fingertips and you hugged him
lmao we really bokuto 2.0
kags didnt know what to do bc if he hugged you back, that would give you a wrong impression of him wanting to be your friend
but he didnt want friends, he just wanted to play volleyball
but he smelled a faint strawberry scent from your hair and he unconsciously leans in, wrapping his arms around your body
at the feeling of him returning your affection, you giggled and tightened your arms around him while burying your face in his chest
‘do you want to be my friend now, tobio-chan?’
you were so insistent on being a friend that kageyama was touched at your efforts
he was just like
f it shes pretty and nice, its fine
he nodded
and thus began a cute friendship
well, more like a one-sided friendship since you were the more lively one than him
you would run to his classroom with kindaichi and eat with kags and kunimi
you would give him parts of your bento and you would hold his hand
thisgirl does not know personal space
one lunch period, you were all eating lunch when you were suddenly thirsty
you let go of kags and stood up, making the boys look at you
‘im thirsty so ill get something. want anything?’
they shrugged and told you to get whatever so you skipped to the vending machine
yall idontknow how to skip so i just kinda gallop
you got banana milk for you and random things for kindaichi and kunimi
but you didnt know what to get kags
you thought you would know since youve started being friends a few weeks ago but you really didnt know what drink he liked
so you chose the only blue thing they have
you went back to the classroom and gave their drinks but you sheepishly smiled when you gave kags his milk
‘i didnt really know what you liked so i got a blue carton because your eyes are blue and they reminded me of you’
kindaichi and kunimi gave you a disgusted look while kageyama blushed at the thought
this folks, is why kagellama tobiyolo is in love w that blue carton of milk
slowly but surely, kageyama has started opening up to you and you were so happy that he was starting to smile more around you
it took a few months but you were finally considered a friend
ofc tooru was deeply unhappy about this and always tried to foil plans between you and him but you were not having that
he was even harsher during practice but since youre always there, you would take a page from iwa’s book and yeet a ball to his face
‘i will hit you, nii-chan!’
it was a shock to the school that you were actually showing interest to someone since you rarely gave anybody else a second glance
and it was to this shy boy, kageyama tobio, no less!
when oikawa tooru has finally graduated, you breathed a sigh of relief 
you were bumped up to best friend by kageyama and you always walked home with him
iwa-chan liked you (in a brotherly, platonic way) enough that he would even keep tooru in his house so you could hang out with kageyama longer
also, kags has finally came up with a nickname for you and has finally called you by something informal!!
‘n/n-chan, my mom’s cooking tonkatsu tonight. you wanna come?’
he asked you one night and you nodded eagerly, excited at the mention of your favorite food
‘yes! you dont even have to ask!’
you hummed as you skipped down the road, still holding his arm, and excited to meet his family
but to kags, this was a way more serious affair
youve never met his family before and hes worried that they might embarrass him in front of this cute girl
and he was right
when they stepped in, his sister, who was back from college, peaked and saw her little anti-social baby brother with a really really cute girl
‘mom! tobio brought a girl home!’
he shuts his eyes in frustration but you squeezed his hands
‘dont be nervous, tobio-chan. im right here, okay?’
oml he doesnt deserve you
his mom was so excited that he even had a friend and quickly finished dinner
you bowed in front of his parents and sister before introducing yourself
‘hello, my name is oikawa y/n. its really nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me to your lovely home’
‘omg oikawa-chan is so nice! dig in, everyone!’
kageyama met the eyes of his family and his heart swelled at their approval
it made him like you more
waitt, like?
like, as in, romantic?
like as in, i like you more than a best friend?
like, as in, i want to be your boyfriend?
he choked at that last thought and you hurriedly gave him his water, patting his back
‘daijobu, tobio-chan?’
no luv, life is not daijobu right now
he nodded before sighing in relief
one look at your face and all the thoughts started happening again and he turned even redder
dear god, he actually had a crush on you
nah, itll go away
this is a fanfiction kags, youre meant to fall in love with us
at the passing of his grandfather, tobio was an actual wreck
an emotional, mental, and physical wreck
he skipped school and constantly practiced at the backyard and refused to eat his meals, wanting to stay outside with his ball longer
at his second day of absence, you went straight to his house and when his mom opened the door, she gave you a sad smile and pointed to the back
you saw him trying to do a serve only for him to miss and hit his head before shouting curses
never have you seen him miss a serve
you studied his appearance and your hands trembled
his eyes were red with even more red around his eyes, chapped lips from the constant biting and the bruised knuckles from probably punching something
the last time you saw him was at the funeral after he asked you to go with him and you were so worried that he would turn out like this
you softly called out and he paused, not moving to get the ball
he heaved a wheeze before choking out a sob
you ran straight to him and gathered him in your arms, cradling the back of his head to your shoulder
throughout your friendship, tobio has never been so affectionate
but right now, you were the only thing that made everything seem normal and he held on to you, so afraid that you might disappear too
as if knowing his concerns, you ran your hands through his hair
‘sshhh, it’s okay. im right here. im not going anywhere, tobio. im right here, okay?’
even you were hurting
everything started because you thought he was beautiful when he smiled so you made it your mission to keep that smile alive forever
but when hes sobbing and in pain, it gives more value to that smile because underneath all that, he was just a shy little boy who had a passion of volleyball
you didnt want to say anything to him but everyone knew that he wasnt exactly the same tobio
if anything, he was much harder with himself and trained even harder
he was staying later in the gym and he was starting to snap at everyone, even kindaichi and kunimi
they got into a massive fight during practice and everyone went home angry but he stayed after, putting his frustrations into doing jumping serves
you watched from the sidelines and when you saw him fall, you rushed over and gently patted his face to get rid of his sweat
‘tobio-chan, let’s go home’
he shook his head
‘no! i need to perfect this-!’
‘tobio-chan, lets go home’
your voice became stronger and firm so he hung his head low
‘you dont understand, y/n. i need to be strong and i want to be the last standing on the court’
you flashed a crooked smile
‘did you forget who my brother is, tobio-chan? i suffered through it with nii-chan so im not going through it again, especially with you. so come on, lets go home’
everyone in the school became wary of the former shy boy who seems to glare at everything and everyone
you were even told, straight to your face, that you were wasting time being his friend
‘ne, y/n-chan. kageyama-kun is so mean so you should stay away from him, okay?’
you glared at them before slamming your book close
‘say one more word and i will shove this book down your throat so youll never be able to utter a single sound ever again’
go off sister!!
you stayed with kageyama, even if he got frustrated and got angry at you, but he was your best friend and youve been friends for years
and you still want to see his smile
tooru was practicing a lot again and your sister and takeru were at tokyo for a trip so you were home alone
so you texted kageyama that you were coming over and he didnt respond which you took as a sign of agreement
so at your trek to his house, you hummed as you swung the bag full of meat buns and cartons of milk when you saw your 3 friends
you were about to shout and raise your hand when you saw kindaichi harshly push kageyama back and kunimi separating the two
kunimi saw you and hissed at the two
‘stop this right now. y/n-san is over there’
you shouldve known then that everything was falling apart
at this point, you were the only one he let in as his family was too afraid to push him too far
you should be happy, right?
he was smiling around you and only you
only you were able to see such a beautiful thing
but now,
you were not happy with the way he acted towards everybody
during that iconic game in his last year of middle school, he pushed you away too
the locker room was tense and kindaichi was about to yell at him when you knocked 
‘tobio-chan, can we talk?’
he wordlessly threw the towel down and hefted his bag before going outside to follow you
omg im getting flashbacks from my shirabu ff from yesterday
you grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug
youve given him many hugs before but this time, it was so strong and different than the others
his arms were around your shoulders while yours was around his torso due to your height and your head was leaning against the place where his heart would be
‘im going to seijoh, tobio-chan’
you paused, gauging his reaction
he didnt say anything, just keeping you in his arms
not iwa-level-bara arms but a healthy-muscular-arms
‘tooru-nii wants me to spend one more year with him before he goes to college and theyre saying my grades are enough to keep me there. but if you dont want me to go, i wont’
‘what? why wont you? its a good school and you deserve it’
his grumbles were still frustrated but he was rather calm whenever he talks to you
‘you wont miss me then, tobio-chan~?’
he could feel you pouting and that made him smile
‘i wont since youll come over to my house everyday’
you pulled your head away with mock surprise
‘everyday?! tobio-chan~! youll really miss me~!’
so you went your separate ways
but you spent every day of the summer together 
much to oikawa’s dismay
and during your first day, he was reluctant to let you go
for 3 years you walked together at the same direction to the same place
but now, youd have to part ways at the same intersection
you softly smiled and giggled when he refused to let go of your hand
im busting uwus just writing this yall
my fingers said ‘free reign!’
‘tobio-chan~! i’m going to be late~!’
you playfully whined and gently pulled your hand from his grasp
but he didnt let go, still holding your hand while the other was in his pants pocket
‘we should skip today, n/n. we can go get meat buns and popsicles and-’
you walked back to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, chin rested on his chest so you could look up to him
‘as much as i want to, my grades and attendance need to be high, tobio-chan~’
he scoffed, ruffling your hair
‘once i become a professional player, you wont need to work. i can support us by myself’
bruh hes already thinking they would get married or something
you scrunched your nose in distate
‘i want to make something of myself. i was given a life so im going to live it’
‘but that means spending less time with me and-’
‘tobio-chan, i know what youre doing. stop stalling and let me go to school already~!’
he refused and caged you in his arms while you wiggled and laughed
‘ill see you later! i promise! now i need to go or nii-chan will yell at you~!’
with great reluctance, he let you go to school, pouting and everything
that cute pout he has oml
as your figure became smaller the farther you walked, you turned around and saw him still standing there and when he saw you look at him, he raised a hand
you jumped and cupped your hands around your mouth
i reference my previous works constantly
pedestrians looked at you weirdly and looked at kageyama too causing him to get flustered and run to school, your laughter echoing behind him
seijoh was already expecting the arrival of oikawa’s cute little sister and once you appeared, woohoooo
you got your own fanclub of ladies and genitals
they flocked over to your desk after tooru and iwa dropped you off at your classroom during lunch
‘ne, oikawa-chan, do you see anyone cute today?’
‘iwaizumi-senpai is cute, dont you think?’
‘no! yahaba-senpai is cuter!’
‘matsukawa-senpai and hanamaki-senpai are not bad’
we have matsuhana rights in this household
but you remained quiet, focusing on your phone as kageyama complained to you about some tangerine looking fool
that caught your attention and you smiled gently
they giggled at your rosy cheeks
‘she has a boyfriend, probably’
you shook your head
‘no. i dont’
‘well, do you have anyone you like?’
you thought about it and shrugged
‘ive never really liked anyone before. i dont care about having a boyfriend either since my brother and tobio are enough for me’
that traveled quickly and soon, everyone was trying their best to woo the little princess oikawa
from lunch suggestions to study dates,
they all wanted to be closer to you
but you always refused,
‘tooru-nii wants me to eat lunch with him’
‘im hanging out with tobio-chan after school’
‘iwa-chan doesnt like you so no’
lmao yes
you were famous around the school for the way everyone treated you and catered to your needs to gain your favor
exactly like a princess
the princess of aoba johsai
the princess of seijoh
she ruled the court alongside the Grand King Oikawa and everyone practically worshipped them
everyone wanted them to like them, just a little bit, but you remained closed off to romantic relationships
when tobio texted you about the upcoming seijoh practice match, you were bouncing on your heels in excitement as you waited for them in the gym
kindaichi and kunimi were rolling their eyes at you
the other members of the team knew of you and were confused at your behavior
‘her boyfriend’s on the karasuno team’
‘the king of the court’
‘eh?! boyfriend?!’
‘y/n-chan, can you hand me my bottle?’
he wasnt answered as you shrieked and sprinted straight to kageyama who appeared at the door
you launched yourself and latched yourself to him, tobio immediately supporting you
‘geez, n/n, not in front of everyone’
you giggled
‘i missed you so much, tobio-chan~!’
‘then transfer over’
‘i cant do that! you know that!’
everyone was S H O O K
‘is she,,,, your girlfriend, kageyama?’
daichi and suga asked but the boy turned red before shaking his head
‘my friend’
‘ehhh?! you have friends?!’
hinata shut up i swear-
you cheered him on despite being on the other team 
you got even louder when you saw your brother playing and he complained about your loyalties
‘you cheer on for your boyfriend but not your brother?! what is the meaning of this n/n-chan?!’
you rushed to give him a towel when he motioned you to do it for him like you always did
‘i want a girlfriend too’
‘we’re not dating you idiots!’
kageyama shouted from the sidelines to the orange hair kid
‘but you act like,,, that’
you smiled
maybe dating tobio wouldnt be a bad idea
i mean, hes cute, adorable, talented, funny, nice
you could deal with it
‘so youre syaing, we act like it already?’
you questioned towards the grey-haired guy who nodded
‘whaddya say, tobio-chan? should we hurry up and put a ring on it?’
he spluttered, almost choking on his water
‘well, you said youd support us in the future, right?’
‘i mean-yea-but’
‘okay then its settled’
both teams gawked at you while kageyama was too busy trying to not have a nosebleed or a heart attack by how fast his heart was beating
you turned to your brother who was looking like his entire world was crumbling
oikawa screamed
yall this is so long im--
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weighty-ghosts · 3 years
‘My Favourite Dark Creature’ (wolfstar)
My Favourite Dark Creature, by weightyghosts
“‘The flirtations were getting out of control, and either Sirius knew the effect he had on Remus and enjoyed torturing him, or he was completely oblivious and Remus would have to put up with it for the rest of his miserable, lonely life.’
A story of fantasies and fears, pining, and love languages.”
Rating: Teen
Word count: 2729
Pairing: Remus x Sirius
Published: March 10, 2021
Warnings: None
   “I swear you’ll be the death of me one day,” Remus grumbled at Sirius, straightening up after having almost been decapitated by the case of butterbeer Sirius was levitating.
“It’s possible,” Sirius quipped, “I am heart-stoppingly good looking.”
“‘Stoppingly’ is not a word,” Remus sighed as they continued down the underground tunnel, illuminated only by the bright blue flames Remus had charmed to float above their heads. He twisted his wand so that his own case did an elegant flip over Sirius’. They’d learned by now to put protection charms on the bottles for the hike back from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts. Sirius tended to get bored.
“At least you agree about my looks,” Sirius remarked with a casual toss of his long hair.
“What gave you that idea?”  
“You didn’t disagree,” he replied simply.
“Yeah, but I didn’t agree,” Remus countered.
“Yeah, but you didn’t disagree.”
“Considering my heart is pounding away in my chest,” Remus pointed out in a patronizing tone, “Your theory must be incorrect.”
“Oh it’s pounding away, is it?” Sirius raised his eyebrows, a teasing smile on his lips.
“Don’t make a dirty joke because I said pounding,” Remus pleaded, and neatly skirted his case out of the way when Sirius tried to knock it against the wall.
“I don’t know where your mind is, Mr. Moony-”
“Unfortunately spending too much time with you, Mr. Padfoot.”
“-But I was only going to ask if it’s normal for your heart to be pounding while walking at a leisurely pace? Or,” Sirius stopped abruptly, and pulled Remus to a halt beside him, “Is it being in proximity to an outrageously gorgeous bloke, such as myself, that makes your pulse race?”
“My pulse isn’t racing, thank you very much,” Remus lied, his voice much more stable than he felt. He was mesmerized by the way the dark lighting threw deep indigo shadows on Sirius’ face, accentuating his sharp cheekbones and alluring Cupid’s bow.
“Shall we see?” Sirius whispered. He reached out and brushed his fingers along Remus’ neck, just above his collarbone and up to a spot below his jaw, right where Sirius would be able to feel his frantic heart.
Remus cleared his suddenly dry throat. “My heart rate is faster than yours,” he quickly grasped for an excuse, “Werewolf thing.”
“Really?” Sirius asked, looking from Remus’ neck back up to his eyes as his curiosity was piqued. It was enough of a distraction for Remus to wriggle away from him.
“No,” he grinned over his shoulder as he fled the scene, trying to walk as fast as he could without it seeming like he was actually running from Sirius.
His case of butterbeer bounced off the wall as he rushed around a corner, and he finally spotted the false wall that hid the entrance to the secret passageway. Remus almost groaned with relief. He had to get away from Sirius; the flirtations were getting out of control, and either Sirius knew the effect he had on Remus and enjoyed torturing him, or he was completely oblivious and Remus would have to put up with it for the rest of his miserable, lonely life.
“You know,” Sirius remarked as he appeared behind Remus, “Lying is a huge turn off, Moony.”
“So is your massive ego, Padfoot,” Remus replied.
They set their cases on the ground, tapping them with their wands so that they shrunk down to pocket size. After straightening up with the bottles safely tucked away, Sirius pulled James’ invisibility cloak from his robes and, once again, stepped up to Remus. “I only state the facts, Moony.”
“It’s not like I was trying to turn you on,” Remus said, trying to sound defensive, but failing as his voice wavered when Sirius crowded into his space. He took out his wand and extinguished the blue flames so that Sirius couldn’t see his panicked face, plunging them into near darkness.
“Good,” Sirius retorted in a low voice, and threw the cloak over them. “Neither was I.”
“Good,” Remus echoed, and looked away under the pretence of bending his neck so they would fit without their feet showing. He didn’t know why he played this game with Sirius. It always ended with Sirius having the upper hand, and Remus blushing and running away. He could easily change the subject, talk about disgusting things like bubotuber pus or whatever was growing under Pete’s bed, but apparently he couldn’t help himself.
He could feel Sirius watching him for a moment before he turned and opened the hidden entrance. They came out onto the first floor, stepping around the statue of Gregory the Smarmy as the concealed wall silently moved back into place on its own. They made their way to the main staircase, and Remus braced himself for the intimate trek to Gryffindor tower, intensely aware of the warm air they were sharing, as well as every place their limbs brushed against each other.
“Pete’s birthday should be fun tomorrow,” Remus blurted out, desperate for something to focus on that wasn’t the enticing scent of his best mate’s hair.
“Yeah,” Sirius agreed, glancing sideways at Remus, “As long as we make sure he’s the centre of attention, he’ll have a great time.”
“You mean as long as you sacrifice your own time in the spotlight?” Remus mocked, playfully elbowing Sirius in the side.
“Oi!” Sirius protested, reciprocating with his own elbow jab, “I’m happy to shine the spotlight on a mate when it’s his birthday.”
“So all the girls that will undoubtedly be fawning over you, you’ll send them Pete’s way?”
“Of course.”
“But then who will you let out all of your charm on, Sirius?” Remus pretended to be utterly concerned by this, “I think you might implode if you don’t flirt your way into someone’s knickers at a party.”
Sirius scowled at him in a way that Remus thought he shouldn’t find so damn attractive, but then again, he was fairly sure Sirius could have his eyebrows hexed off and Remus would still want to snog him silly.
“I sense a challenge, Moony,” Sirius declared, “And I accept.”
“I didn’t challenge you,” Remus pointed out, “But I don’t think you could do it anyway.”
“You might be right.” Sirius tapped his chin as he mused on this. “I need an outlet,” he concluded, turning to Remus with a cheeky smile, “How about you, my Moony dearest? Perhaps I’ll woo you at the party tomorrow.”
“Woo me?” Remus snorted, pushing down the frenzied butterflies that had spawned in his stomach. “No, thank you.”
“I see. Well, maybe that’s for the best,” Sirius said with a shrug of casual indifference, “I doubt you could handle the full power of the Sirius Black charm.”
“You don’t think so?”
“Nope. I haven’t met anyone yet who’s been able to resist.”
Remus snickered. “McGonagall does a pretty good job.”
“Nah, Minnie loves it,” Sirius dismissed him with a wave of his hand, “She wants me.”
“What a fun little fantasy world you live in, Sirius.”
“Trust me, Remus,” Sirius dropped his voice as if he were letting Remus in on a furtive secret, “If we were in my fantasy world, this evening would have gone a lot differently.”
Remus stopped walking so suddenly that Sirius almost entirely slipped out from under the cloak. He quickly backtracked and sidled up to Remus, surreptitiously looking around to make sure no one had seen the lower half of his body.  
“What is it?”
What is it? Did Sirius really expect Remus not to pause at his remark? At the possible implication that Sirius might be having fantasies about him? He felt a hot blush creep up his neck, colouring his cheeks.
Sirius must have been able to see his flushed face even in the dimly lit castle, or maybe he could feel the heat radiating off Remus, because he smirked in a thoroughly smug (and distractingly sexy) way. “Told you that you couldn’t handle my charm, Moony.”
“No,” Remus huffed with indignation, “It’s not that.” He tried to reassure himself that Sirius was just kidding. Sure, this might have been taking the flirting further than he ever had before, but Sirius flirted with everyone. What made Remus any different?
“Then what is it?” Sirius asked tentatively. He was chewing on the inside of his cheek, a habit he couldn’t control when he was unsure or nervous, and Remus didn't know what to make of that.
“I was just...” Just thinking about my own fantasies that you star in almost every night, Sirius. No, he couldn’t do it. He didn’t understand Sirius’ feelings or motivations, and not understanding something made Remus uneasy. He swivelled back to familiar territory, “Er, just thinking what a dark and terrifying place your fantasy world must be.”
“Oh,” Sirius exhaled with a shaky laugh. “Yeah, you definitely wouldn’t want to go there,” he said, as they started to softly walk through the halls again, “Spooky stuff.”
“Full of ghosts and ghouls and dark creatures?” Remus teased.
“Yeah, but don’t worry,” Sirius reassured, his mouth pulled into a warm half-smile, “My favourite dark creature is there to keep me company.”
Before Remus could respond, they arrived at the portrait hole, and Sirius looked around for any roaming prefects or professors, before tugging the invisibility cloak off of them. “Treacle tart,” he said to the Great Lady, who grumbled sleepily at them and opened the hidden door to their common room, which was empty due to the late hour.
Remus climbed through first, his thoughts reeling as he waited for Sirius. Remus liked to think he knew Sirius well after more than six years. Sirius wasn’t one to spell out his innermost thoughts and feelings; he hinted at things, showing his emotions through actions, not words. And how did he act with Remus?
Moments of their friendship played inside his mind, quickly flipping past like the scenery through the windows of the Hogwarts Express: Sirius’ gentle hands on him after the full moon; Sirius bringing him his favourite tea; helping Remus with his homework when he’s too exhausted to think straight; pulling a blanket over him when he’s fallen asleep reading; becoming an animagus for him so that he doesn’t have to spend the worst nights of his life alone every month…
It was hard for Remus to admit. Even though his parents had done what they could to make him feel loved, a part of him always suspected that that was out of guilt or obligation. He had spent so much of his life believing he wasn’t good enough, or human enough, to truly be loved. But didn’t Sirius spend every day showing Remus how much he loved him?
They ascended the stairs to the boy’s dorms silently, both lost in thought, and Remus’ doubts began to filter in as quickly as his hope had. Sirius would be mad to choose a dark creature over a whole, healthy human. While Sirius claimed to never be afraid of Remus, friendship was different from a romantic relationship. Wouldn’t he be scared to spend his life with someone like Remus?
They reached their dorm and paused outside it, turning so they faced each other.
“You’re not afraid of him, then?” Remus asked in a low voice, fidgeting with his shirt sleeve.
“Who?” Sirius asked, blinking as if coming out of a haze. He also kept his voice down so as not to alert James or Peter that they were there. “My favourite dark creature?”
Remus nodded minutely. “Must be dangerous, no?”
“Nah,” Sirius grinned as he dismissed that as a ridiculous question, “He’s as harmless as a crup.”
Remus snorted in disbelief, though there was no humour in it.
“It’s true,” Sirius insisted. “Besides,” he murmured, sliding closer so they were almost toe to toe, “What’s life without a little danger, Moony?”
All Remus could hear was his pulse hammering in his ears, and all Remus could see was Sirius looking up at him, his dark grey eyes brewing with a storm of emotion that was yet unfamiliar to Remus. He was pulled towards Sirius as if the gravity that grounded him to the earth had now flowed to the beautiful person in front of him, and he could feel a tectonic shift occurring under the surface of their friendship.
He moved closer, until Sirius’ breath came as warm puffs of air on his face, and just as Remus’ eyes slid down to his lips, they parted as Sirius spoke.
“I am a little afraid, I think,” he confided in a soft voice.
Remus jerked back, not having realized just how close he’d been leaning in, his eyes wide with alarm. He’s afraid of me, he’s afraid of me, I knew it.  
“No!” Sirius exclaimed, “No, Moony, not...I’m not afraid of you,” he hastened to explain. He put his hands up, as if he were going to reach out and place them on Remus’ chest, but reconsidered and dropped them lower, playing with the fabric on the front of Remus’ robes. He was chewing on his cheek again, his gaze focused on his fingers. “I’m just... I don’t want…”
Remus felt that magnetic pull again, like his heart was trying to jump out of his chest and into Sirius’ hands. “You don’t want what?”
Sirius’ shimmering eyes flicked back up to his, and he whispered, “I don’t want-”
They both jumped a foot in the air as the dormitory door was abruptly yanked open, and they leapt apart when James’ confused face peered out.
“What’re you two doing?” He asked, frowning with suspicion.
Sirius put on a smile and patted James’ shoulder. “Just talking about how much we missed you this evening, Prongsie.” He sidled past James without another glance at Remus.
James rolled his eyes and moved aside for Remus to follow. “More like plotting how you’ll get me and Wormy to go on the next Hogsmeade run so you lazy arses don’t have to.”
“We were happy to do it for our Wormy’s birthday,” Sirius refuted in a dignified voice. He stepped over to Peter, who was laying on his bed, and took out his miniature case of butterbeer to hand it to him. Peter grinned as he accepted it.
Remus walked over and did the same, watching as Peter tucked them away in his trunk with the other supplies for the party, and avoided looking at Sirius as they settled in to go over the birthday plan again.
A little while later, Remus was in his pyjamas, brushing his teeth alone in the bathroom, when Sirius came in. He wandered over to the sinks and hovered next to Remus, methodically taking out his toothbrush and squeezing on his favourite rhubarb toothpaste, a thoughtful expression on his face. Remus was rinsing his mouth and about to bolt from the room when Sirius spoke.
“I was thinking, Moony,” he garbled around his toothbrush, looking up into the mirror so their eyes met. “I don’t know if we have enough butterbeer for tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” Sirius nodded earnestly, “We might have to go back to Hogsmeade before the party.”
Remus saw a glint of a promise, a secret, in Sirius’ eyes, and he felt those same frenzied butterflies migrate back into his stomach.
“‘We’ as in…”
“You and me, of course,” Sirius stated, as if this were obvious, and leaned down to spit into the sink before rinsing his mouth. He turned towards Remus, their faces inches away, and Sirius reached out to tug gently on the hem of Remus’ shirt, “That tunnel is spooky,” he continued in a low voice, “I’ll need my werewolf there with me.”
Remus could see in the mirror that his mouth had popped open in surprise, but he couldn’t seem to get his brain working again to do something about it. He should respond, but his mind was completely empty, except for the vague thought that Sirius still looked gorgeous with toothpaste on his chin.
Sirius suddenly dropped his hand and stepped back, beaming at Remus. “‘Night, Moons,” he said cheerily, then dashed out of the room, leaving Remus staring after him.
That night, it took Remus a long time to fall asleep, but when he did, it was with a smile on his face, and the words, ‘my werewolf,’ playing on repeat in his head.
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
The Barbershop (EZ Edition)
Angel’s Edition
Miguel’s Edition
Pairing: EZ Reyes x black!reader
Summary: The reader gets EZ ready for his patch party.
Warnings: Use of the n-word & smut
A/N: Thank you to @ly--canthrope​ for the EZ fluff prompts!  
A/N (2): I highly suggest listening to El Clavo while listening. Also, I think Nestor and Coco might be getting some attention from me, so be on the look out for that.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice” 
Person scrunching their nose & other kisses them
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When you got your first pair of clippers in high school, EZ was your first customer and ever since you’ve been cutting his hair. Even when he went off to college, EZ came back to Santo Padre to get his hari cut by his best friend. The only time you didn’t cut his hair was when he was in prison for those 8 years, but since he’s been back, he hasn’t missed an appointment.
Now here he was at your house with his hair longer than usual because he was busy with club shit. Luckily, he came by with enough time for you to do his hair before his patch party. “Ezekiel, please come to me before your hair gets this long again.”
He pinched your side as you moved around him. “Hey, you do Angel’s hair all the time and his hair is a shit ton longer than mines.”
“I’m used to Angel’s long locks! You’re supposed to be the clean-cut brother.” You stopped cutting his hair and moved the clippers in front of his face. “Oh, and if you pinch me again while I’m doing your hair, I’ll purposefully fuck up your hairline. Let’s see how many of those hang arounds will want your dick then.”
He held up his hands in surrender and mumbled his apologies, but not really meaning it. As long as you’ve been his best friend his favorite pastime was to rile you up. He loved how flustered you got when you couldn’t come up with a clever comeback. He loved how your hand slapped him across his body even if it was a little painful. He loved how your eyes widened in shock and he couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how you’ll look when he finally gets the chance to slip inside you.
Everyone was aware of his crush on you, except you. The only reason EZ didn’t tell you was because with the pair of you, timing was awful. When he realized he was in love with you, you had a boyfriend and when you broke up with that boyfriend EZ was with Emily. Then, he went off to prison and when he came back, he didn’t want to involve you with his mess, so he kept his distance. But he couldn’t wait anymore, he had to let you know.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he grabbed your attention by lightly grazing your hip. “Yes, Ezekiel?” He let out a soft groan. He loved when you used his full name. It didn’t matter if you were yelling it excitement, teasing him, or scolding him, he just loved to hear it.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t say anything else because your phone started to ring. It was your sorta boyfriend, Rick. EZ couldn’t stand him. He was a douchebag that gave you more headaches than anything. And it was obvious to EZ that you didn’t love him. It was evident in the way you talked about him like an annoying chore. For the life of him, EZ didn’t understand why you kept him around.
“Oh, so now you’re coming? Well, just meet me there because EZ’s riding with me.” EZ couldn’t help to smile a bit at you putting Rick in his place. He tried to listen to Rick’s response, but he could only make out his tone and from that he could tell he was pissed. “Why? Nigga, I don’t have to give you a reason why my best friend is riding in my car.” Even though you were busy with your little argument your hand never faltered, cutting hair was second nature to you. “Ugh, if you must know its his party and I’m planning to get him plastered, so he needs a DD. That’s good with you? Oh, wait I don’t care,” You hung up the phone soon after that.
“Rick coming?” EZ managed to keep the disdain for him out of his voice. “Who knows? Probably be better if he stays but forget about him.” You turned off the clippers and brushed his hair, then gave EZ the mirror to inspect himself. After he gave his haircut a serious inspection, he started biting his lip and doing his signature pretty boy poses.
“Okay, Lothario if you’re done making out with yourself in the mirror, imma go take a shower to start getting ready.” As you turned to walk away, EZ grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. “Thank you, querida.” He kissed your wrist and gave you those adorable puppy dog eyes. “No problem, EZ,” you gave him a kiss on the cheek, then went to your bathroom to get ready and ignored your heart swelling up from EZ’s touch.
An hour later you were still getting ready and EZ was taking a shower. While you were applying on makeup, EZ walked into your room wet, fresh out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. You knew EZ was ripped, but see it up close, my god there are no words.
EZ caught your staring in the mirror. “Like what you see?” He asked, flexing his pecs. “Ew, no!” You falsely claimed and scrunched up your nose in faux disgust.  EZ came up to you and kissed your nose before snatching your lotion off the dresser.  “You know what, you’re right. You love it.” EZ was so damn close to you that you could feel the heat of the shower radiating off of him.
“Yeah, I love it,” you deadpanned before pushing him away. “Now get ready. I don’t want you to be late to your own party.”
While EZ was having the time of his life, you were having the opposite. Rick ended up coming, but he was in a funky mood thus bringing your mood down. When his first words were something about how your dress wasn’t flattering, you made plans to break up with him. Using him as a distraction from EZ was draining your soul and you didn’t need that kind of energy in your life.
He made the breakup easier for you when you caught him in the restroom with one of Vicky’s girls with his dick in her mouth. You couldn’t even muster up any anger, instead you gave the girl and extra $100 for her troubles.
Although, getting cheated on sucked, what pissed you off the most was the girls all fawning over EZ. They were all over him like bitches in heat, rubbing on his chest, arms, and head, commenting on his haircut…your haircut. “Damn chica, just go claim your man.” Coco observed how you were sending death glares at the women.
“He’s not my man! He’s grown and can do whatever he wants.” You sputtered, surprised at being caught. “Exactly! If you weren’t too chicken, then he’d be your man.” Angel commented, taking a sip of his beer.
You ignored Coco’s and Angel’s somewhat encouraging words to look back at EZ. Your face instantly brightened when you saw how at ease he was. It wasn’t too often EZ could let go like this.
EZ felt a pair of eyes on him and when he found out it was you his eyes gleamed, he cracked that boyish smile and raised his beer to you. Excusing himself EZ made his way to you and gave you a hug. “Ezekiel, what’s with the hug?”
“I miss you.”
“You rode with me here, EZ.”
“Its Ezekiel and I barely talked to you since we’ve been here. Is it so bad that I want to party with my best friend?” You scrunched up your face. “I guess not.”
EZ hummed his appeasement and kissed your nose.  “Come dance with me.” He didn’t give you time to reject him. Tightly he tugged your hand and pulled you into the middle of the scrapyard.
Prince Royce and Maluma’s El Clavo began to play. EZ knew how much you loved this song, but since you didn’t know Spanish you didn’t understand the song. It was ironic to him that this song was playing tonight. Earlier, he saw how Angel escorted Rick out and the relief wash over you when you saw him leave. He knew Rick must’ve done something stupid. If it wasn’t for your need to avoid conflict, EZ would’ve beat his ass right then and there.
“What are you doing?” You questioned EZ as he placed his leg between yours and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Dancing obviously,” he chuckled near your ear sending vibrations throughout your body.
You decided not to fight him and followed his lead. There’s been plenty of times you’ve dance with EZ, but it was always playful and fun, but this…this was different, this was sensual. A passionate dance only meant to be shared between lovers.
“Eyes,” he ordered assertively. It was his command to you when he wanted you to feel what he was saying.
Si esta noche tu novio te bota (If tonight your boyfriend throws you out) Dile que tú no estás sola (Tell him that you are not alone) Que tú estás conmigo, que yo sí te cuido (That you are with me, that I do take care of you) No como ese idiota (no como ese idiota) (Not like that idiot (not like that idiot) Si esta noche tu novio te bota (If tonight your boyfriend throws you out) Dile que tú no andas sola (que no 'tás sola) (Tell him that you are not alone (that you are not alone) Que yo soy el clavo que saca ese clavo (That I am the nail that pulls that nail)
Y dile que se joda (And tell him to fuck) Maluma, baby
Your breath hitched as EZ began translating the lyrics to English. He had to be able to feel how fast your heart was beating. “There it is.” He pointed out. “There what is?”
“That look.” He tugged your bottom lip that you had tucked underneath your teeth. “What look?” Your breath brushed against his thumb and it took all his control not to pounce on you.
“Eyes blown out, chest heaving. See,” EZ gripped your chin to keep your eyes leveled with his. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice. It’s the same look I have when I look at you.”
“Stop playing with me, Ezekiel.” Your heart couldn’t take it if this was some sort of joke. “I’m not.” His voice did not waver.
“What about Emily? Or Gabby?”
“Distractions. Distractions that kept me from the real thing for too long.” You sucked your teeth in disbelief. EZ decided to translate the song for you some more. If you weren’t going to believe his words, then maybe you’ll believe another’s.
Yo llevo la cuenta, esta es la quinta vez  (I keep track, this is the fifth time) Pero yo no entiendo por qué no lo ves   (But I don't understand why you don't see him) Tú estás demasiado buena para estar con él (mamacita) (You're too hot to be with him (mamacita)) Tremenda mujer para estar con él  (Tremendous woman to be with him) Y si te busca a las 4:20 porque te llama borracho  (And if he looks for you at 4:20 because he calls you drunk) Ahora te quiere pero mañana vuelve a hacerte daño (Now he loves you but tomorrow he will hurt you again) Por ese bobo no llores  (For that fool, don’t cry) Deja que yo te enamore (deja que yo te enamore)  (Let me make you fall in love (let me make you fall in love)
Now that you knew EZ’s feelings, the lyrics became much more intense for you. Instinctively, you rested your forehead on his. His lips hovered over yours so much that you could taste the beer on his breath. Your acrylic nails caressed the back of his head caused him to stop his translation and purr against your neck. “You like that, Ezekiel?” You teased, giggling against his neck.
“I don’t know,” EZ pressed up against you tighter so you could feel his hardon. “You tell me if it feels like I like it.”
Now or never, you thought. You brought your lips closer to EZ’s. The both of you fighting for dominance, but ultimately EZ won, claiming you in front of the club. It wasn’t until you heard the cheers of his brothers that he’d stop kissing you.
Instantly, EZ started pulling you in the direction of your car, but you stopped him. “I can’t wait, Ezekiel. I need you now.” EZ’s normally bright eyes darkened and he led you towards the clubhouse. On your way to the dorm room, both you and EZ ignored Angel when he told you, “Don’t be surprised when EZ starts crying.”
As the pair of you made it through the hallway, each of your touches got heavier, more daring. So daring that when you finally got to his dorm your dress was halfway off. The rest of the clothes fly off like a whirlwind except EZ’s jeans. In his rush he tripped over his jeans. “Oh, that’s funny?” He asked when he caught you giggling.
“Just a little.” EZ rushed to you, tackled you to the bed and quickly turned your giggles into soft moans as he kissed you.
Despite your best efforts to keep him close, EZ pulled away. He leaned back on his haunches and admired your body. “I can’t believe I finally have you.” He lifted your leg threw it over his shoulder and started kissing you from your ankle up to your inner thighs. “You know one night when I slept over at your place. I caught you touching yourself. Your hands flew to your face to cover up the embarrassment. “Oh god,” you mumbled.
EZ’s deep chuckle made you peek through your hands. “What are you embarrassed for? For that little 10 seconds, it was the sexiest thing I’ve seen, but it was so damn torturous in the most beautiful way. Do you know how hard it is to have that vividly replaying in my head and not have you?”
The whole time EZ was talking he was getting closer to your core, but you were hyper focused on his words that his mouth on your clit took you by surprise. “Shit,” you squealed underneath his tongue. With your hand you covered your mouth to keep your screams down. EZ lifted his head at your muffled screams. “No, let me hear you. Let me know how good I make you feel.”
Following his instructions, you removed your hand and that earned you an approving smile from EZ. “Good girl.” Before he returned to his meal, EZ grabbed you by the back of your neck, forcing you to keep your eyes on him.
This time he added his fingers as he ate you out. The hold he had on you allowed no room for you to run, you had to stay there and take everything he was giving you. Add pussy eating to the long list of things that Ezekiel Reyes is great at.
Your hands shot out to EZ’s head. Scratching it was your best alternative since you had nothing to tug at. EZ raised his head, his mouth glistening from your cunt. “I bet you wish my hair was longer now.” He teased before diving right back in.
“EZ, I’m gonna cum.” You continued scratching the back of his head as he moved his tongue and fingers faster. “Cum all over my mouth, preciosa.” He murmured above your pussy.
An explosion. That was the only way you could describe your orgasm. It busted through your body, leaving you and EZ soaked. The evidence shone on his forearm, highlighting his veins, leaving you in a trance.
EZ noticed your staring at his arm. “Ride my forearm.” He demanded, excited that he’ll be able to get you off this way.
At first you were hesitant, but with EZ’s urging you hopped on it. You were experiencing immense pleasure and wanted EZ to experience the same. Tonight, was a celebration for him and this entire time his focus was on you. Completely selfless as usual. Reaching between your bodies, you began stroking him, smearing his precum all over his engorged head. “What are you doing?” He gasped, flexing his arm a bit more. “Tonight’s about you. I want to make you feel good.”
EZ nibbled at your chin. “I want you to cum all over my forearm, that’ll make me feel good.” You continued jerking him off while you rode him.
Who would’ve thought the rough ridges of his protruding veins and his constant flexing had you cumming a second time for the night? “Fuck we got to do that again!” You tried to nuzzle your face in EZ’s neck, but he wouldn’t let you because he was too busy kissing you all over your face. “EZ, I just came on your fucking arm.”
“Yeah and it was hot! I bet that douchebag couldn’t do that with his measly dick.” Slowly, he began to lay you down. “Now you’re about to cum all over my dick while screaming my name.”
Your now boyfriend made good on his promise. Opposed to Rick’s useless jackhammering, EZ made slow, powerful strokes, ensuring you were well taken care of.
He was tending to your body so well your eyes kept rolling to the back of your head. “Eyes!” He commanded harsher than ever before. When your eyes met his, you could see the struggle in his eyes. EZ wanted to be soft, gentle, and romantic, but deep down he wanted to fuck you hard, show you who you belong to.
“Make me yours, Ezekiel. Fuck me like you mean it.” It took him some time to process the words, but when he did his widened in realization that he got permission to let go. “Fuck, I love you.” He captured your lips in a searing kiss, hoping to communicate how much he loved you. “I love you too.” You told him as he had a bruising hold on your hips.
Gone was sweet soft Ezekiel. He was replaced by EZ, the harsh lover that’s gonna push you over the edge, then bring you back just to do it all over again.
Yours and EZ’s moans accompanied by the sound of bodies slapping together made a symphony that you would never get tired of. This was what you were missing for all those years apart.
“Make me proud. Cum all over this dick, querida.” EZ suckled your neck, branding you with his marks. “Ezekiel!” You cried out as your body combusted, almost feeling every molecule in your body. The newly patched Mayan silenced your cries with his mouth as he came soon after you.
EZ tried to lay in the bed with you but you refused. I t was his party and you were adamant that he enjoys it some more. You two can have your alone time later.
Just as you were sliding up your panties, EZ stuffed his fingers up your cum filled pussy. “Don’t want this leaking out.” He whispered, giving you a cheeky grin as you moaned at his ministrations.
“Okay, that’s enough you nasty ass kids. Playtime is over! Time to get fucked up, baby bro. I’m sure Y/N wants to forget the last 30 seconds.” Angel banged on the door.
“That was nice while it lasted.” You slipped your dress over your head and fixed your hair. EZ hummed his agreeance and led you out the door and ignored the childish jeering from his brothers. They could tease all they want, because as long as he has you, he doesn’t give a damn.
Taglist: @starrynite7114​ @sadeyesgf​ @ly--canthrope​ @woahitslucyylu​ @marvelmaree​ @angrythingstarlight​ @teakturn​ @thickemadame​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @strawberrywritings​ @dearsamcrobae​ @chaneajoyyy​ @spookys-girl​ @bigsisbria​
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
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My Heart Wanted You- Seo Changbin
Changbin was dating a girl who was using him but he just. couldn’t. see. it. Unfortunately for him, he found out the hard way.
Requested by @hwangscorpio
Warnings: Cussing
3.2K words
Angst but mainly fluff
“Okay gentlemen, I’ll be waiting on your responses to join this groundbreaking evolution of technology. Have a great day!” A sigh left your lips as you stretched your fingers. Writing notes and comments all while evaluating what each of the men will decide, really takes a toll on you. As the men from other companies left the room, your boss bid them a farewell at the door before slumping in the seat. “Sir, you’re not supposed to sit like that. What would the others think?” You were his assistant which was never good in stories. But, you were respected and depended upon a lot. “_________. I think they would think I am a lazy boss. This is why you are my favorite asset. This company would be underground if it was just me.” Your boss was a young guy, thrown into this work way too early. “It looks like Hex Co. is excited to be in on this. The rest are unknown.”
“I would kill for something alcoholic. Run the notes through the database.” He sighed out, running his fingers through his current blond, moppy locks. “Will do, sir!” “Oh, one more thing.” You turned to look at him expectantly. “Stop calling me sir when we are alone. Makes me sound old.” You replied, “As you wish, master.” Knowing that that wasn’t what he had meant. He wanted you to call him by name. “_____.” A teasing smile graced your lips. “Sorry, Chan.” With your messy notes in hand, you walked towards your desk to input the data. When you first applied for the position, you were only going to do it to pay off student debt. Now, you loved your job, despite the aches and pains. Your boss was friendly, your coworkers were nice, lunch was always delicious. There was always something new to find in the office. One day it’s a pink door and another it’s a drone delivering notes before crashing into a wall.
Everything was perfect. Well, except your best friend Changbin. The thing was, he had a girlfriend. Which isn’t the bad part. No, the bad part was, she was manipulative and a pathological liar. For some odd reason, Changbin just couldn’t see it. The thoughts raced in your head as you inserted the info. “Hey, _____? Can you help me with my computer?” You stifled a laugh towards the younger male who looked at you with wide, confused eyes. “Sure, Jeongin.” It simply started out as just a few minutes until he asked you more and more. Before you knew it, it was time for him to clock out. “You know, I think Jeongin likes you.” “Oh, yeah? How do you reckon that?” You turned to face your boss who eyed your computer only seeing half the work done. “You don’t see those heart eyes he gives you? They’re bigger than that apple on your desk.” Chan let out a chuckle. “And you’re the master of love?” “Absolutely.”
You finished up your work while Chan spun around in the office chair he found. Clicking save, you turned to see your childish boss giggling as he spun faster and faster. “Chan stop, you’re going to get sick.” Eventually, he came to a stop and held his head in his hands, complaining about the world spinning so fast. “Hey, I told you so.” He looked up to find your smug face staring back at him. “You’re mean.” “Whatever, boss.” Walking beside him to clock out, you sighed happily as you left the building. The cold autumn breeze nipped at your cheeks and you thanked the gods that Chan wasn’t one of those bosses that forced you to wear business attire. In fact, that’s a reason he was so popular, he let people wear what they wanted as long as it was appropriate. You buried your face in the sweatshirt you brought knowing that it was in fact a chilly season. “Your sweater is wearing out.” “I know. I’ve had it for years but I still haven’t been able to buy a new one.”
The cool metal of the car door made you recoil, shivering in the process. “There’s still some daylight, come on.” Chan grabbed your hand. “Where are we going?” “To get you a new hoodie. I don’t know how you stay warm with all those holes.” From a distance, it would look like you two were a couple and that is exactly what happened. “_______!” You gagged in disgust at the fake voice you knew oh so well. “Hello, Lila.” “I didn’t know you had such a handsome boyfriend.” A protest started to leave your lips but Chan stopped you. “Yeah, I didn’t know you had such a handsome boyfriend, _______.” You watched as Changbin’s girlfriend batted her mile long, fake eyelashes at Chan. “Where is Changbin?” “Oh he’s busy.” She replied, not even taking her eyes off of the blond. Does she really think you are stupid? Changbin had no plans today and he wanted to surprise Lila with some chocolates. When she thought you weren’t looking, her fingers trailed up Chan’s arms. You cleared your throat and she dropped her hands.
“Have a good night, Lila.” The words were cold and harsh as you pushed Chan away from the girl. He spoke up after you made your way into the store. “She seems um, nice?” “She’s a bitch.” Heat fought off the cold that lingered on your skin. “Colourful words there. Is she really that bad?” You scoffed while scanning through the hoodie section. “She’s always flirting with other guys while she’s dating my friend. He deserves more than that lying, scheming, conniving bitch.” Chan huffed at the new information. “Someone like you?” “Exactly- Wait? What?” You abruptly turned around only to be met by a broad chest. “I told you, I’m the love expert.” He teased. You watched as he reached behind you to pull out a large hoodie. The cloth was shoved towards you expectantly. “You’d look good in this. Plus, it’s soft inside.” A million thoughts pummeled through your mind but you played it off. “So we’re going to ignore the fact that you are my boss yet giving me love advice.”
Chan chuckled, his dimples prominent on his face. “Just think of it as a friend giving another friend love advice.” Breaking your gaze off of his, you looked towards the hoodie he had handed you. It was a maroon color and was definitely going to be big on you but you liked that. You liked getting swallowed up by your hoodies, coats, sweaters, and sweatshirts. It offered you a sense of comfort and warmth considering you were unreasonably cold 24/8. “So we’re friends?” Chan nodded. “I’d like to think so.” “I like that.” He smiled once again and led you to the cash register. “Just these items?” “Yes.” The cashier looked unamused at everything. It made you happy because you don’t think you could handle another person fawning over your boss. “Have a good night.” “You too, miss.” Chan handed the bag to you outside of the store. Respectfully, he looked away as you switched hoodies which you found cute because you had on a shirt underneath.
“Okay, I’m done.” “Do you want to keep this hoodie?” You shook your head. “Then can I do the honours of throwing it away?” “How about we do it together?” A gleam in his eyes signified that he agreed to that. When you reached the familiar, pristine parking lot, the two of you walked towards the dumpster and threw away the tattered fabric. “Thank you, but I must be going.” “Have a good night and see you tomorrow!” You wished him a good night as well and entered your car. The silent rumble of the engine coming to life sent a rush of excitement through you. “I’m going home to sleep!” Except, it wasn’t that easy. The lights were on which was unusual considering you don’t have a roommate. “Hello?” A blanket was sprawled out on the guest bed and all that peeked out was soft brown hair that belonged to your best friend. “Bin?” The blanket shuffled and warm yet tired eyes peeked up at you. “I went for a walk today but it got too cold. I hope you don’t mind that I crashed here.”
“Of course not. You are welcome here all the time.” Changbin smiled a little and sat up, the blanket falling to his lap. “Have you eaten yet?” “No, I was waiting on Lila but she never came.” The nerve of that bitch. Anyone could see how much Changbin was putting into this relationship and she was throwing it all away. “Are you okay?” A shiver ran down his spine at the motherly look he was receiving. “I’m okay, I promise.” “Let’s go make some food.” You took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen to make macaroni. Sure it was midnight but it doesn’t matter. When the light hit his face, you could see his tear stained cheeks. “Changbin-“ “I can’t help it. I know she’s not in the relationship anymore but I love her.” You rested your head against his and sighed. “I know. I just wish you could see the others who love you more.” Changbin pulled away first and directed his attention towards making the food.
The next day, Changbin was gone before you finished getting ready for work. It was disheartening but fair considering you pushed into his life. You topped off your outfit consisting of simple jeans, blouse and the sweatshirt Chan got you with a toboggan. The office was warm as you entered making you happy. “You look good today. Is that a new hoodie?” Unfortunately, you were not alone for long. “Yes it is, Jeongin. And thank you, you look good today as well.” The younger boy beamed with pride, ecstatic that you thought he looked good. “I brought a hot chocolate for my favorite assistant! Oh, Jeongin. You’re early. I’m afraid I didn’t get you one but if you want, I’ll give you five dollars so you can get one.” “It’s okay, hyung.” He went to work leaving you and Chan alone. “First of all, I am your only assistant. Second, give me the hot coco because I had a restless night.”
You took a sip of the steaming liquid and sighed. “What happened?” “Changbin crashed at my place because his fucking girlfriend stood him up. He cried. Cried. I hate that bitch.” The pencil in your other hand cracked under your anger. “Calm down. There’s only so much you can make someone see.” He shuffled a few things around on your desk to make room for him to sit. “I know.” “Here, let me take you to lunch today.” You nodded, allowing him to smile and tell you to make sure he has enough time to take you to get food. The hours leading up to lunch were monotone, filled with boringness except Chan occasionally pestering you. Your phone buzzed violently on the desk, you picked it up and answered the call without looking at the ID. “Hello?” “Can we go out to eat today? I want to be around someone.” It was Changbin. It hurt you hearing the amount of pain that was in his voice, signalling he was alone today as well. “My boss wants to take me to lunch but I’ll cancel so I can go with you.”
“It’s okay. I don’t want to impose.” “Changbin. Just come to my work and we will all three go. I want to be there for you. You know that.” A sniffle from the other side. “Okay. I’m heading that way now.” “I love you, Binnie.” A single sob let out before he hung up, getting ready to go see you. Banging your head against the desk sounded like an amazing option right now. Yet, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get away with it. “Hey, you're almost ready?” “I hope you don’t mind but Changbin’s in his way here and I invited him to tag along.” Chan giggled and ruffled your hair before motioning to stand up. “Of course I don’t mind. I feel like a proud dad watching their kid chase after someone. Don’t mind me.” Rolling your eyes playfully at his antics, you grabbed the hoodie that was discarded earlier and put off to the side. It was like you were two all of a sudden when you mixed up the holes. It was a sight to see when Changbin walked in. On one side, you had Jeongin trying to pull up the hoodie and on the other was Chan doing the same. “Put your hands up!” “I’m trying, Chan!” He scoffed and tugged at the material. “Try harder.”
Changbin laughed at the scene in front of him knowing that he’s been in the boys’ position. With Jeongin being able to free his side, Chan was able to slip his side off scrunching up the hoodie and put it over your head. “Arm.” You turned red as you saw Changbin watching you get babied by your boss. “I said arm. Are you not paying attention?” He turned to see what you were staring at and smiled. “Oh, your 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ is here.” You put your hand through the arm hole and shoved him. “Shut up.” Chan made a move to do the other side as well but you put your arm through it before he could. “No.” Changbin was taken by surprise when you hugged him tightly. “Please forget you ever saw that.” He smiled but shook his head. “No can do.” “Hey, go get your wallet and phone before we leave.” Your friend eyed your boss and felt you move away, immediately missing your warmth. “Okay, got it.” “HAVE FUN, _____!” Jeongin yelled at before you left and you waved at him and said “I will.”
The diner was a 60’s style diner with girls on skates. “I wanted to work here because they rode on roller skates.” The only catch though, you’d have to wear the outfits too. A tall waitress rolled up to you while pulling out her order sheet. “What can I get you guys to drink?” You looked at the drink names and snorted. “I’ll have the Groovy Ginger Ale.” The words were choked out as you continued to read the names. “I would like a Disco Dew.” Changbin recited, smiling at how easily amused you were. Chan was last. “I’ll take a Funky Fanta.” She clicked her pen and gave off the server’s anthem. “I’ll be back in a few minutes to get your order.” Chan nodded and thanked her. “Okay, I take it back. I wouldn’t be able to work here.” Changbin tilted his head confused. “Why?” “Imagine people saying Funky Fanta except it’s in different tones and voices.” Both of them shook their heads at the thought. Soon, the waitress came back to get the food order.
“I have to use the restroom real quick.” You and Chan nodded and watched Changbin walk away. The doorbell chimed and a familiar face walked in. Your eyes widened in surprise because she was with a boy. She noticed you right away. “Fancy seeing you guys here. Don’t you guys work or something?” “Yes, Lila. We are on a lunch break and who is he?” Lila flashed a smile over to Chan. “He’s my friend.” “Where’s Changbin?” You knew the answer but you wanted to know what stupid lie she was going to come up with. “I’m going to go find us a table.” The male placed a quick peck on her lips before she pulled him back in for a longer one. Behind them stood a crushed heart watching the whole thing. “L-Lila?” Her face dropped and she quickly turned around. “Binbin!” Changbin side stepped her attempt at a hug and a kiss. “Looks like he was a really good friend.” Lila pursed her thousand dollar lips which weren’t done well. “Bin don’t be this way, you haven’t returned my texts. I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”
The customers started to stare at the commotion, clearly feeling bad for the fake girl. “I didn’t return your texts?” You knew this was going to get ugly soon and clearly Chan did to. His body was tense next to yours. Changbin pulled out his phone and showed her the texts. “It was the other way around. I was the one texting you and you were off with other people. I should’ve listened to _____!” Lila’s face turned ugly as she became angry. “YOU MEAN THAT WHORE WHO’S CLEARLY FUCKING HER BOSS?” Changbin started to say something but you stood up. Her face smelled like cheap grandma perfume but you ignored it. “I AM NOT FUCKING MY BOSS. HE IS MY FRIEND OUTSIDE OF WORK. FURTHERMORE, IF I WERE TO FUCK ANYONE, IT’D BE WITH THE PERSON YOU FUCKED OVER.” Her mile long nails scraped your face as she slapped you. Seething, you punched her. Hard. You heard a crack and blood spilled from her nose. Still angry, you went back for more before Changbin carried you outside.
The cold air cooled you down and you focused on the male in front of you. “You told me you were okay! You promised!” He couldn’t keep eye contact, instead he cried. “I couldn’t force myself to do it.” “If you still love her, I can’t keep being the person you go to to cry. I love you but this whole hurting yourself is not okay.” You turned to walk back into the diner to get Chan only to see him walking out. “I paid and the lunch is here. We are not allowed back in there again.” “It’s okay.” The mood was tense as you guys ate in the meeting room. Changbin left only saying a small bye and thank you. “He likes you too.” “CHAN JUST STOP WITH THIS LOVE CRAP. I’M SICK OF IT ALREADY.” This time, you didn’t care if you hurt yourself. You slammed your head on the hard table and cried. Cried from the pain in your head, cried from anger, from your heart hurting. “I want you to go home early today. Finish what work you were doing and go home. Go to bed.” Chan’s voice wasn’t soft as usual. It was commanding. And, you complied.
The apartment was quiet save for the fish tank filter. You threw your stuff to the ground and noticed that Changbin’s shoes were set by the door. You walked towards the guest room to find him hunched on the floor crying. He was surrounded by ripped up photos of him and Lila. “Binnie?” Changbin looked up, the tears in his eyes making your heart ache. “If I asked you to stay, would you?” “Of course.” You sat down next to him and pulled him close before stroking his hair. “I’ve been fighting my feelings. I knew that deep down inside, she wasn’t right for me but I clinged onto her. But I realized today that she wasn’t the one my heart wanted.” He paused for a minute to wipe his nose with the sleeve of his coat. “My heart longed for the person who loved me even though I shut them out. I rejected their love because I was too scared to ruin the friendship.” “Changbin-“ Your fingers paused as you thought about what he was saying. “My heart wanted you.”
114 notes · View notes
dreamer213 · 3 years
Broken Machines: Lights The Dark
Chapter 7 Lesson Plan: Confrontation Conversation
Whitley sits slumped over his desk, scroll sitting on the edge and laptop still open, fast asleep. Sunlight beams through the window shining just enough light into his room to stir him out of his slumber. Whitley looks around confusing for a bit before fully waking up. Stretching out his arm he yawns before refocusing on his computer. He had been checking the profiles of some of the suspects’ children, looking for a target to probe for some information on their parents. Being the youngest child of the wealthiest elites in world Whitley knew just how much of the parents’ troubles reached the children’s ears and how most would pour their hearts out to the first good therapist or trustworthy kind soul they could find. And with the economic in such a downward spiral there should be plenty unfortunate souls ready to spill all that sorrowful truth to next person to lend their ear. All he need to find was one so ready to burst that they’d spill everything out to the sweet little non threatening newcomer Penny. He had narrowed it down to four possible targets and already message one about meeting a “friend” of his soon. He goes to check for a reply when he notices the time. 6:26 am, less then hour until his day started.
He gets up from desk and to his bathroom to get cleaned up. After a shower he drys, brushes and styles his hair, brushes his teeth, then vigorously his face. Once he’s done in bathroom he heads to his closet and pulls out a clean, ironed, and pressed set of clothes. He gets dressed then checks himself in the mirror, straightening his tie, cuffing his shirt sleeves, and making sure his teeth and hair look perfect. He then goes over himself one more time to make sure that any “ blemishes“ are covered. Everything looks good, he’s clean, orderly, prim, and up to standard.
Soon there’s a knock on his door and a maid Sue, enters.
Sue: Good Morning Young Master, it’s time for breakfast.
Whitley: Will Mother or Father be joining me this morning?
Sue: Master is sleeping in and Mistress is….
Whitley: Already on her third Bloody Mary and having a cry in her library again?
Sue: yes..Yes she is.
Whitley: (Sharp inhale and exhale) Just bring it here then. There’s no point in setting up a dining room for one person. Besides I still have things I need done soon rather than later so I could use the spare time.
Sue: Yes Young Master, since you’re eating alone would you like to make a request? Maybe some pancakes or crapes?
Whitley: Sue, you know that Father has me on a strict diet that I must follow. If I don’t then I’d be going against Father’s wishes and we all know how that ends.
Sue: Yes…we do. I’ll go retrieve your schedule meal.
Whitley: Thank you Sue.
Sue leaves and Whitley returns to his desk and continues his work. After a bit Sue returns with a tea cart, coffee kettle, cup, and a plate of food hidden under a silver food cover stocked on it. Sue pours the coffee and sets it down on Whitley’s desk , then removes the cover from plate revealing a piece of avocado toast topped with raw thin cut salmon, egg, herbs and a tomato slice with small side salad. Sue places the plate and some silverware next to the coffee. Whitley thanks her and Sue takes the cart and leaves allowing Whitley to fully focus on his task as he works and eats. He scrolls through profiles and timeline with one hand and he handles his breakfast, taking a few bites and sips between reading with the other only using both when eating the side salad. Half an hour later his meal time is up, Whitley places his dishes on the side of his desk for the maids before getting up, wiping his face, and heading out to the other library to begin the most taxing part of his day.
From a little after sunrise to only moments before sunset Whitley was to study. Advanced Mathematics, Business statistics, management, and technology, Languages, Computer science, World history, Politics, Advanced reading and Writing made up the list of academics lessons Whitley partook in. Then there’s his etiquette lessons. Despite taking this lessons from the time he could walk and finally mastering them a few years ago his Father was firm in his stance of Whitley continuing with them so he “wouldn’t get sloppy and embarrass the family”. So he continued taking classes on speech, maintaining his posture, table manners, and dance alongside his piano lessons. But even with all that structured schedule there was still a wild card in his day to day life. That being his father getting lazy and randomly handing down his work to Whitley. He’d frame it as “ preparing him for his future as the next head” but given the difficulty of some of the task he was assigned, Whitley never believed him.
This had been his life for some time and it had only gotten worse since Weiss left, returned, then left again. With her doing the unforgettable in their father’s eyes Whitley was now his father’s last chance to maintain his twisted empire and for the sake of himself and the people around him Whitley had no choice but to play along. He likened his life to a porcelain doll on display, he was to be beautiful, pristine, and perfect in the eyes of Atlas at all times. This left no room for him to have a life of his own. Everything was planned, monitored, noticed so nothing ever changed and did it was only for a moment and was never pleasant. That was until they made this new deal with the military. It had been hours and Whitley had just finished up his piano lesson when his scroll began beeping, notifying him of his upcoming afternoon appointment.
This will be the third day of her lessons in the manor and Whitley still couldn’t decipher how or what she made him feel. Ever since they met and the dream had changed her presence had made him feel uneasy. He wasn’t disgusted by her or afraid of her rather being around her had been…. far from what he was expecting. His only experience with soldiers had been some small interactions with Ironwood and what little he saw of Winter before she disappeared from his life. Both had been as cold and stoic as one would expect from a soldier but Penny was completely different. He originally thought it training a rough and tough soldier to blend in with high society would extremely difficult but Penny had been doing surprising well. She was intelligent, awkward, curious, childish, and kind if trained correctly she could become a bit of a darling, someone of lower standing elites could cast their worries on without care, a human pet a novelty they fawn over and complain to. Her sweet disposition and intelligence she’d fit the role well and she’d been in the perfect position to gather the information she needed.
But that’s where the problem had began. Her kindness, her curiosity, even her awkwardness was all so different from everything he knew. Her curious glancing, her smiles, her worrying and awkwardness, they were all so…sincere. Now Whitley had known some kindness through Klein but that had come from years of Klein caring for him and his sisters in their parents stead, but Penny’s was a completely different entity. Her positive attitude and cheerfulness made being in her presence feel effortless, her kindness was unconditional and selfless she care for others without constraint, her intelligence made him curious he wanted to know just how far it went. Was just all military based or did she have more general knowledge? Was she just a quick learner or was she just good at problems solving? He couldn’t help but wonder about her possible intellectual abilities. But what was truly unnerving to him was the way Penny looked at him. She looked at him with this gentle but intense stare, as if she saw something more in him. Beyond him being from Atlas, beyond his status as an elite, and maybe even beyond his title as the heir? Whitley couldn’t really tell what she could possibly be seeing when she looked at him and it drove him mad. Why did she look at him like that? Why did she care so much about a person she barely knew? And why..Why did she make him feel like this!
Whitley had been so lost in thought he hadn’t realized that he’d already walked into one of the lounge rooms, today’s lesson room. He sat on the L shaped sofa in of the lounge room patiently awaiting her arrival. Today’s lesson will be geared towards teaching her to lead a conversation. Getting information from an elite was not something you could just ask for. No, there was a sort of verbal dance one had go through to get even the most chatty of elites to tell what they wanted to know. And today Whitley would be teaching her the first steps of that dance.
Soon Penny and a butler, Alexander enter the room. Alexander stands by the door holding some in his left arm as Penny walks towards him, they make eye contact and she looks at him with that gentle stare again. A warm tingle burned in his chest but he ignores it and put on his best “smile”.
Whitley: Good afternoon Ms. Polendina. Are you ready for today’s lesson?
Penny: Yes!
Whitley: Good.
Whitley motions towards the other end of the sofa.
Whitley: Sit down over there then we’ll get started.
Penny takes a seat at the other end of the sofa, place her bags by her feet. Once she sits she puts her feet close together and her hands are in her lap, fidgeting. She seems a bit nervous but far less then she did at orientation. Good, she’d need to be calm for this lesson to take properly.
Whitley: Today we’ll be working on the art of conversation.
Penny: The art of conversation?
Whitley: Yes, you see when dealing when with elites you can’t just ask for it upfront, you have to know how to have a successful conversation. Which is what I’m going to teach you to do today since you obviously don’t know how.
Penny: What do you mean? I’ve had plenty of successful conversations before.
Whitley: I’m sure you have, and while that’s admirable there’s still a big issue in the way you communicate. That issue being that you’re far too reactionary. You more often the not just speak when spoken to and when you do speak first it’s just one or two questions then it’s right back to silence. You don’t initiate enough and gathering information you need to ask the right questions to get the information you need without revealing your motives for asking. This requires you to know how to lead a conversation in your favor. Something you clear don’t know how to do.
Penny: I see.
Whitley: This can be fixed, you just need a few examples to follow. Let’s have a practice conversation, I’ll lead first then once we’re done I tell what I got out of it then we’ll go over some ground rules, useful phrases, and common tactics then you’ll lead with what you learned. Think you can handle that?
Penny: Yes!
Whitley: Excellent, let’s get started. So Ms. Polendina what’s your day like being a soldier?
Penny: Oh, I mainly work in Mantle, from the morning until the afternoon I patrol the streets. I arrest criminals, assist first responders during emergencies, and fight any Grimm that get into or too close to the city or the nearby factories. After that I assist the Huntsmen and huntsmen in training at the academy training facility. I work the controls for my assigned training room and train with the huntsmen and students on request. Once all my sessions on done I have to report to a Military Outpost to write and submit my reports on the days events. All arrest reports, daily logs, and detailed incident reports must be submitted everyday before I can be dismissed for the day but once they are I’m dismissed and allowed to go home and rest for the evening.
Whitley: My! That quite a lot of work for one young woman, your family must worry about you.
Penny: My dad does worry a bit but he understands that this is what I have do as a soldier. But he does his best to sure I relax when I’m at home. He gets up early and makes breakfast and dinner for us everyday so we can eat together before I leave for patrol and when I get back no matter late it is.
Whitley: That’s very sweet of him, I suppose some parents really never stop caring for their children. But still do even you have time for friends or hobbies?
Penny: I do have a few hobbies, I sew, read, watch television, and study battle strategies whenever I have free time. I’ve also been wanting to try scrapbooking but I haven’t had the time to. As for friends I..I….I am friends with four huntresses I was very close with one of them but I haven’t seen them in a while. I do get along well with my fellow soldiers and huntsmen when I interact with them.
Whitley: I see, I also read as a hobby, mostly art history and some historical fiction. I find both incredibly interesting because of their timeless appeal as records of humanity’s artistic and creative evolution. What are you’re favorite genres?
Penny: My favorite book genre? That would be fables and fairytales, I love stories about strong heroes, kind princesses, and adventurers banning together to protect the world from the forces of evil! They fill me with hope and are very relaxing and fun to read.
Whitley: It’s that a bit childish, stories like those are meant to teach younglings to be nice and respectful. There really no depth to them.
Penny: I know but that’s why enjoy them so much. They are simply, sweet, hopeful stories about doing good in the world and protect those who need protection. It resonates with me as my job is very much the same and knowing that even in fiction people do their best to protect land they love gives me a sense of solidarity.
Whitley: That’s very unique way of looking at it, you’re quite the optometrist aren’t you?
Penny: It’s in part a learned behavior. The idea of staying positive is something my best friend, one of the huntresses I mentioned, taught me some time ago. It helps a lot on the harder days.
Whitley: Hmm, sounds like the military has some surprisingly nice people in their ranks, how nice. Alright I think I’ve heard enough, so Ms. Polendina what do you think I learned from our little conversation?
Penny: Hmm you learned about my hobbies and work schedule.
Whitley: Yes but I also learned a bit about your home life, your attitude towards your work, your friendships, and your personality. Now to be fair these are merely guesses based on one conversation, so feel free to correct if I’m wrong. First, you gave a very analytical explanation of your work responsibilities as though you were reading it off a chalkboard. Neither enthusiastic or nihilistic just a neutral statement outside of a hint of distain for fulling out reports but then again who actually enjoys paperwork. And despite your optimism it seems like you have to push and reaffirm yourself to satisfy your work obligations. Overall your attitude towards your job is just as you stated “it is what you have to do as a soldier”.
Penny opens her mouth to protest his statement but she can’t dispute it. On her hard days she would always tell herself that she was doing her best for everyone’s sake but was that really true? She was literally made to protect people, she existed to protect people and though seeing them safe made her happy she had to admit her work had still caused her a lot of pain. She looks down at her waist and wraps her arms around herself. For some reason her waist felt….tight.
Whitley: Now now, no need to look so distort. Most people simply tolerate their jobs and would rather talk about anything else when they can. It’s only natural that a person, even a soldier, would eventually be weighed down by that amount of responsibility. Doesn’t make the job any less important or the person less devoted, human just have limits to how long they can work until it becomes draining.
Penny: I suppose that makes sense. That would be a good explanation for a humans’ behavior but for me……
Whitley: On to a more positive note, your home life sounds very healthy and seems to have played a part in how you stay so optimistic. Your father sounds like a loving and nurturing person, who looks out for your wellbeing.
Penny: He really does, so much so that I start to worry about his wellbeing with how effort he puts into everything. (chuckles)
Whitley: Hmm such a considerate daughter. On to your friendships, there seems to be some distance between you and them but it didn’t sound like there’s any bitter or resented towards them so I’m guessing it’s just literally the distance causing any issues.
Penny: That is part of the reason, the rest is…is…
Whitley: Is alright you don’t have to explain if you don’t want to. I’m just trying to make a point, I don’t need to know all the details. I just need know whether my observations are right or not.
Penny: Okay, so far your observations have been very accurate, much more then I was expecting.
Whitley: Good that means we’re on the right track. Back to the topic of your relationships, though it’s doesn’t sounds like you’re going out and getting donuts together but there’s at least a healthy amount of workplace respect between you and your colleagues.
Penny: I don’t understand what you mean?
Whitley: Was I wrong? it didn’t sound like you dislike your coworkers but-
Penny: No no you’re not wrong I just don’t see what donuts have to do with my relationship with my fellow soldiers.
Whitley: Well you know it’s the old clique about law enforcement loving donuts?
Penny tilts her head , eyes full of confusion as she tries to understand what Whitley was saying. After a moment Whitley realized that she was being serious and really had no idea what he was talking about. He pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head, bewildered by her naivety.
Whitley: (Deep inhale) Around 30 years ago depiction of law enforcement enjoying coffee and donuts was popularized by television and movies. It’s a result of the rise of 24-hour convenient store and quick coffee shops which were frequented most commonly by people who worked the late night shift which at the time was mostly law enforcement. It’s a humorous stereotype, a sort of light joke.
Penny: Oooooh. That is kinda of funny seeing as most law enforcement would only eat something that sugary is as a quick snack and a light stimulate to help keep them awake during their evening shifts.
Whitley: Yes that…is the joke. Quick question Ms. Polendina do you know the meanings of a turn of phrase or idioms and if so how many do you know?
Penny: I do know the terms but I am afraid I don’t know any besides a few my dad use and only after he explained them to me. I haven’t really been around enough people who use them to know more.
Whitley: You really don’t have much of a social life, do you? Though I can’t really judge, my social circle is completely comprised of business contacts and service staff.
Penny: This is actually the longest conversation I’ve had with someone outside my family or the military in a very long time if not overall.
Whitley: Gods all might how on Remnant did-So your personality was the easiest to identify as you’ve been very open throughout the entire session. You, Penny Polendina, are a very honest, kind, hardworking, naïve, slightly awkward, intelligent, and caring person.
Penny’s cheeks warm up a bit at his praise.
Penny: Thank you, that’s very nice of you to say.
Whitley: Not really it just my observation but I hope you now see the importance of knowing how to lead a conversation.
Penny: Yes I do, your observations were far more detailed and informative then I expected. If I can learn how to deduce some much from conversations I’m sure I’ll be able to find leads and investigate this case efficiently!
Whitley: To be fair your honesty made it fairly easy but I can promise most elites won’t be so truthful or open. If they’re talking with someone of equal standing they’ll be much more guarded with their words. But with how you’ll be presenting yourself I doubt they’ll as defensive especially if you follow the rules.
Whitley looks over to Alexander and gesture for him walk to them. Alexander hands the objects he’s been holding to Penny, it a notepad and ballpoint pen. Penny looks at Whitley confused.
Whitley: This going to be a long list and we won’t get through everything we need to in one day. You’ll need to take notes.
Penny opens the notepad and clicks the pen, placing the tip less then a centimeter away from the page. Once she’s all set and gives Whitley as smile and nod signaling for him to start.
Whitley: Rule Number 1, Always start with small talk, never ask any invasive or personal questions out right. This is conversation not integration being too direct makes people cautious and defensive. Starting with simple Introductions and an opener like “how are you” or “how are you enjoying this event”. If it’s there the first time you’re meeting the asks a bit themselves like occupations, hobbies, or social life. Then be sure to answer their questions in turn. But if it’s too personal, inappropriate, or puts you at risk of blowing your cover or could harm you absolutely avoid answering it. Change topics, feign ignorance, ignore it, lie, politely walk away if you have to. Do anything and everything in your power to make sure you’re never in a completely venerable position.
Penny jots down every last word, captivated by his lecture. It had been at while since she had sat down and learned something the traditional way, and with such a new subject made even better! Once there’s a pause she looks up at Whitley and raises her hand inquisitively. Whitley quickly notices and points at her.
Whitley: Did you miss something or do you need some clarification?
Penny: No, it’s just that I may have some difficulty with the last point as I can’t tell lies.
Whitley: (Sighs) I understand you may have code of honor or something like it. But sometimes morals must be bent to achieve-
Penny: No I physically cannot tell a lie without it being noticeable.
Whitley: D-do you have a tell or twitch?
Penny: Yes, when I lie I hiccup. It’s completely involuntary and there no way of stopping if as happens within the last word.
Whitley: I see, can you still refuse or ignore a question you shouldn’t answer?
Penny: Yes, I can.
Whitley: Then just do that instead. On to Rule Number 2.
Penny looks down at the notepad and starts writing again.
Whitley: Never allow a conversation to go over ten minutes unless it’s informative or beneficial. There’s a finite amount of time to socialize during any event, and if they’re just prattling on and on and you’re getting nothing out of it, it’s best end it before you lose too much of the evening. Rule Number 3, listen very carefully when someone is speaking, sometimes they’ll say more than they mean to. Say their talking about their work week and they bring up a specific problem or an unrelated issue it may hold some greater significances and could be used to dig deeper if they have information that could be useful. Especially if it relates to one of the suspects, if they’ve been acting out of character or erratically someone is bonded to notice soon or later. Now to the more offensive tactics, Rule Number 4, once you’ve got someone invested in speaking with you ask some leading questions to probe for the actual information you’re after. When inquiring about one of your suspects, ask what the person thinks of them, how they’ve been doing, or if they been acting strangely. Be sure to ask one per three question they ask you, and only on one out of five to eight people you speak to. If they seem uninterested, uncomfortable, or suspicious change the subject immediately. Rule Number Five, always maintain your composure no matter. No matter how snide, crude, confrontational, or outright rude they may get you most never show weakness to your aggressor, that only empowers them to do worse. Rule Six-
Alexander: Young Master, this session’s time is coming to an end.
Whitley: Grand, looks like we’ll have to stop here. But first I’d like to see you practice what you’ve learned so let’s have a quick practice conversation before you go.
Penny: Okay.
Penny hesitates for a moment. There was so much she wanted to ask him that she didn’t know where to start. She wanted to ask if this was how he was taught or did change up the curriculum for her? Did he have other hobbies aside from reading? What was his favorite color? What kind of food does he like? How did he get along with the people in the manor? How was it like having two big sisters? Talking with him had been so much fun and she had learned some much Penny could just spend all day there, talking with him but this wasn’t the time nor place for her to being thinking like that. This was an etiquette lesson and her teacher was trying to assess what she had learned so she had to do this professionally. She should start with occupation but he was a big too young to work anywhere in Atlas so…
Penny: So, Whitley Schnee, how do you go about your academic studies? Do you go to a private or public school?
Whitley smirks, it’s a decent first attempt.
Whitley: Neither actually, I receive all my lessons here in the manor from the world’s best tutor on a variety of subjects.
Penny: So you’re home schooled, that’s very interesting. Since you don’t physically go to a school how do you interact with your peers?
Whitley: Outside of events I don’t. With my numerous studies and preparations for becoming the next head I don’t have time for such trivial things.
Penny: Oh…since you’re home so often you must spend a lot of time with your parents. Especially since you seem to be the only child still living with them.
Whitley: Excuse me?
Penny: You are the youngest of the three siblings, right? I’ve met both Winter and Weiss but since we don’t speak to each other very often I don’t know much about them aside from the fact that they’re huntresses and sisters. In fact I didn’t know that you were their brother until after the evening party. So I was wondering how-
Whitley: I think we’re out of time.
Penny: But you still haven’t-
Whitley stands up and walks to the door and opens it. He holds it open and gestures for her to leave.
Whitley: We’ll continue with this tomorrow for now please go.
His eyes were cold, his face unreadable as waits for her walk towards them. Eventually Penny gets up and walks herself and her belongings to the door, she tries to give back the notepad but he just looks at it then at her.
Whitley: I said you’ll need the notes, read over them tonight so you’re prepared for tomorrow’s lesson.
Penny holds the pad to her chest and exits the room with Alexander following behind her. Whitley closes the door behind them, places his hands on his face as he takes a few deep breaths.
Whitley: “ Didn’t know that you were their brother” Huh? At least they’re not spewing poison about me.
He’s leaning against the wall when his scroll deeps. It’s a message from one of the targets ,Octavia Foxglove, she responded to his earlier message and was showing interest in meeting his new “friend”. Along with that message she sent her contact information. Whitley immediately dials her personal number.
Whitley: Hello Octavia, how have you been? I just got your message and just wanted to tell you I’d be happy to introduce you to her whenever you’d like. Are you still hosting your monthly tea party?
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unsteadygalaxy · 4 years
all is soft inside chapter 13
a miragehound multichapter fanfiction
Also posted on Ao3, my username is the same there!
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13. my heart still beats, and my skin still feels
And we're back! Thank you so, so much for your patience on this fic. I never intended for there to be a month in between chapters, but my life took a very sudden and very painful turn a few weeks ago that prevented me from writing for some time. I am unfortunately going through a divorce- something I never expected in a million years to happen. It's been very difficult to write about two characters falling in love while going through something like this. But I feel like I'm doing relatively well, and this chapter helped me to process some of my feelings about everything. Thank you again for your patience, and here we go! This chapter is a little shorter than the last few have been; sorry about that!
Brief reminder that I started writing and planning this fic before Pathfinder's Quest came out, so it does not align with canon. :)
Bloodhound settles the goggles in their lap, their hands eerily still, but Elliott only has eyes for their face. His mouth opens slightly, and he sucks in a light gasp. He never would have thought it possible, but they are so much more beautiful than he remembers. And he’s so close to them, too. Elliott is able to notice the details he had missed before now, like the fact that their gorgeous green eyes have the lightest rim of gold around the pupil. And Bloodhound has freckles! They dust their face lightly, none too prominent, but Elliott’s eyes roam over the constellation of dots, his heart dizzyingly happy. The slopes of their cheekbones are defined and proud, and their jawline is firm. Their pink lips are full and soft, parted slightly as they draw in shaking breaths. Bloodhound’s fire-red hair falls down past their shoulders in damp waves, and Elliott badly wants to run his hands through it. He pushes that desire way, way down to the bottom of his stomach.
The very last thing notices are the scars. All this time, all the moments he’s spent trying to remember them, he had had no recollection of them having scars. The quick glimpse he had got of them hadn’t left time for him to notice any. The presence of them doesn’t bother him at all- in fact, he only thinks they make them look more distinguished and beautiful. The same type of silvery spider web lines that are on their hands stretch across their face, only they’re a little darker. Each scar starts at the edges of their face and stretches inwards towards their nose. The middle of their face is the most unscathed, leaving a spotlight of unmarred ivory skin. Elliott’s eyes roam over their face, and if he wasn’t so enchanted, he might have been embarrassed at his open staring. A faded gash interrupts the softness of their mouth, and another scar slashes vertically through their right eye.
A soft smile crosses his face when he realizes the two of them have a matching scar.
His hand rises unconsciously, without his permission, and he reaches out. To his utter horror, they flinch, and their vulnerable eyes fill with fear. They capture his wrist in a flash, just before his fingers can caress their cheek.
“Nei. Vins- please do not do that ,” they mutter, and their voice is so broken, so afraid, so very unlike them that Elliott’s stomach feels as though it’s been crushed. Their eyes are clouded with such a deep anguish- pain so visceral and real that Elliott cannot hope to understand the depths of it. In this instant, he knows Bloodhound has endured much more than he could ever hope to know or discover, and he feels very, very small.
He’s harshly brought back to reality.
Their grip is tight around his arm, and it startles him. Bloodhound’s eyes flick down to where they’re holding him, and their face falls. They release his arm, and Elliott withdraws, refusing to rub away the light stinging.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “Bloodhound, I-”
“Do not pity me. Please.” Their voice sounds so different without the mask- smoother and a little higher, but still so rich and full. Elliott is lost in it, drowning in the tendrils of smoke their voice emanates so effortlessly. His cheeks blaze and his entire body burns, sinking into the warmth and the fog.
“I-I wasn’t going to. I’m not. Or, I… don’t, I guess.” His hand seeks theirs again, and they flinch again when his bare skin makes contact with theirs. Who hurt them so badly that they’re afraid of holding hands? Elliott mourns, pins and needles piercing his heart into dust at the thought. He can’t take his eyes off theirs, and he drinks in their face like he’s dying of thirst. Sweat gathers between the lines of his palms, and he winces as he feels his palm soften in theirs.
“You’re beautiful.”
He blurts this without thinking, but Elliott believes it with his whole heart. He doesn’t care that they have scars- hell, he’s got some of his own. Dumb ones, cool ones, ones he’s not proud of…. All of them make him who he is, and he wouldn’t change any of them. Bloodhound’s scars look like silver threads stitching their skin together. If they allowed him, he would trace each scar with his fingers, and caress their face until he memorized every curve, every divot, every pathway.
“Ekki grí- Do not joke, Elliott,” they murmur, looking down. Their grip goes limp, and Elliott is too afraid to chase their hand as it retracts. “You are a master of wit, but I do not wish to be the subject of it. Do not lie to me.”
“Bloodhound, I’m not- I don’t-” He groans shortly, distressed with himself for not being able to articulate his feelings. “I’m not joking. I wouldn’t do that. I mean, yeah, I guess you’re right, I would. But not about this.” Their knees are still touching, and Elliott savors the small amount of contact. “Not about you.”
The tiniest bit of happiness breaks through the clouds of grief on their face, and a spike of joy pierces his heart. Bloodhound reaches for his hand and takes it, their grip hesitant at first, then sure. “Thank you, kæri vinur,” they murmur, their voice tight and obscured. “ Your kind heart is a true gipt.”  
Unshed tears arise and linger in their eyes, and Elliott’s body freezes up a little. Should I say something? What do I even say? ‘Sorry for calling you beautiful’? ‘Sorry for making you cry’? Inadequacy begins to surge through his brain, and his shoulders tense up in embarrassment. He’s not the best at this. Comforting his mom is one thing, but comforting someone he’s interested in is a whole different ball game.
Bloodhound’s expression is drawn and tight, and there is no subtlety in what they’re feeling. It strikes him that they’ve never been expressionless like he had assumed; their mask has to be practical for more reasons than one. He wonders what they truly look like when they smile, and his heart leaps a little when he realizes that he’s probably made them smile tons of times- he’s just never had the privilege of seeing the effects of his jokes.
“D...Does it hurt?” he asks, and he immediately feels stupid. The question surprises him on the way out of his mouth- he definitely hadn’t been thinking of asking before.
“Your scars. D…Do they hurt?’
They blink in surprise, and their eyes are guarded, but wide. “...Only when it storms.”
As if to articulate their words, a massive bolt of lightning strikes somewhere outside, and thunder follows it immediately. Elliott flinches, and the comforting feeling around them threatens to break, but the warmth of the fire reaches around the two of them, reminding him that this space is safe and uninterrupted by rainfall.
Bloodhound winces ever so slightly, and Elliott realizes with a jolt that their face must be aching. Maybe the mask has some type of pressure system to help? He hopes so, because he can’t imagine being in pain every time it rains. Thinking about Bloodhound hurting makes his stomach twist uncomfortably. He wishes he could hold them in his arms, and the desire to do so is so powerful that before he knows it, he has placed his hand on their cheek ever so softly.
His own cheeks burn, and he stutters, “I- uh-”
“V-Vertu kyrr, kæri vinur,” they whisper, placing a hand over his, and the way they stutter makes his stomach turn curiously. “Be still. Please… please stay there. Your touch is… comforting.”
Elliott freezes, now even more insecure at his sudden breach of their space. But he keeps his hand there, and he stares into their eyes. The longer he looks, the more at ease he feels- all wrapped up in the eager space of their pale green irises, completely lost in the gorgeous expanse of their face. Elliott watches them, feels the way they incline their head ever so gently into their touching hands. He can feel the slight roughness of their scars in his palm, but the feeling does not disgust him. They could never disgust him.
Elliott shifts closer to them, and their breath hitches in their throat. He’s hardly able to believe how nervous and bold he is all at once. With others it’s simple- a bit of flirting, a wink, and a strategic fleeting touch can definitely get him places- but with Bloodhound, it feels like he’s a fawn on new legs, wobbling and struggling to find his balance. All impulses and instincts are out the window, and hell, he’s not even sure if they feel the same way about him. There’s a lot of things he doesn’t know, he realizes, and he inhales sharply when he remembers that one of those things is their name.
“Can I ask what your name is?” he stutters, and he longs to stroke their cheek with the back of his fingers. He settles for brushing his thumb across their face, just under their eye.
Bloodhound inhales sharply, and flinches away from his hand. “No,” they answer quickly, their shoulders tensing and their eyes darting away. A stinging sensation zings through Elliott’s gut, and Bloodhound seems to notice his discomfort as he retracts his hand. “Fyrirgefðu mér,” they murmur, but their voice is much softer, much kinder. “In my culture we believe true names have power, and as such, we leave them behind when we are given a title. Only our family and those we love intimately are given the honor of knowing our true names.” Their cheeks turn a curious pink color, and Elliott’s stomach flips inside him.
“O-Oh.” Disappointment wells in him, and he feels foolish. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.” His face burns in embarrassment once more, and they take his hand again.
“Do not worry, Elliott. It was an innocent question.” They pause for a moment, brows furrowing as they think. “I have not spoken that name aloud in… twenty-four years. It is quite foreign to me.” They look up and meet Elliott’s eyes. “I… often wonder if I will ever have the occasion to say it aloud again.”
He inhales softly, his lips parting, and a fuzzy sort of shock fills his limbs. Was that… Did they mean…? His mind races and goes blank all at once, and he doesn’t know what to make of it. Surely they didn’t mean him , did they? Is there any chance what they said was an invitation? Even with their full face in view, he can’t tell what they’re thinking. They stare at him, their eyes wide and shining, and he desperately wonders what’s in that beautiful head of theirs.
“I… I think you will,” he murmurs, sliding in closer to them. “There’s not a doubt in my mind. Someone amazing is gonna fall in love with you and… be worthy of hearing that name.” He looks down at the lining of his pants, inspecting it closely and refusing to meet Bloodhound’s gaze. Surely they would just… tell him if they had feelings for him, right? They’ve been direct enough with him this whole time- wouldn’t they just be up front with him?
It strikes him then that they’re sitting right in front of him, face completely bare, presumably in some degree of agony because of the storm, and they’re remaining in agony because of him. They consciously chose to remove their mask in front of him. Bloodhound made the concrete decision to show him their face, and he’s sitting here wondering if they trust him and care for him?
Elliott, you IDIOT.
His head tilts up until his eyes are level with theirs again. Bloodhound stares at him, and their beautiful lips part slightly, their green eyes guarded but yearning all at once. Elliott knows he’s leaping over the edge of something huge here, but still, he leans in slowly, so slowly. He swears his chest is vibrating from how hard his heart is beating, and his hands tremble. His lips are so, so close to theirs, and their breath washes over his chin, cold and… minty? Elliott’s forehead bumps against theirs, and he inhales sharply, wanting so bad to close those last few millimeters of space between him and them. His eyes fall closed, and he leans in…
Their voice is barely above a whisper, slipping from their lips in a soft sigh that holds so much meaning and none at all. His eyes fly open and he watches their face carefully, scouring their hills and valleys for any sign of protest or discomfort. He’s frozen in place, his skin sparking where it makes contact with theirs. Can he… should he...
And then they pull away.
Bloodhound does not meet Elliott’s eyes. “Ég get það ekki, ” they whisper, and while Elliott doesn’t understand, the meaning is clear. I can’t.
“I’m sorry,” he says, the cavern of his stomach dissolving into shame. Rejection rises in his throat, coating his airway and tightening it. Slowly, he pulls away, but he keeps their hand in his. “I’m so sorry.”
Bloodhound pulls away from him, stands swiftly, and strides toward the kitchen. Their sudden absence from his side sends a chill down his spine, and disappointment shreds his heart into pieces. He was wrong. How could he have been so wrong? How could he have been so stupid? Bloodhound doesn’t think of him that way- of course they don’t. Why did Elliott even assume they did? What makes him special to them in the slightest? Stupid, stupid Elliott, being nice to someone doesn’t mean they want to jump into your arms, he thinks. They’re probably better off without me, anyway. They don’t need a distraction for the Games. God, I’m stupid. They’re probably not even interested, or maybe-
“It’s that doctor, isn’t it?” he questions, his throat beginning to close up without his permission. He clears it and brushes a nervous hand through his hair. “Boone, or something, right? I mean, he’s really attractive and he speaks your language, so I get it. You said you grew up together, and I just assumed that maybe you guys were just friends, but I guess I just totally misread the situation and you guys are- t-together together, or whatever, I don’t know. That’s fine, that’s totally fine, you know- I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“Elliott, please ,” they implore, and their voice comes out stressed and pained. Their face is in their hands, and the firelight flickers across their being, making the drying ends of their hair glow. “It is not Boone. We are not together. We once were, but… that was many years ago.”
Elliott stares, utterly confused and frustrated. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, but still… why? Did I mess up or say something wrong?”
Bloodhound growls a sigh, a short sound that stings Elliott as it comes. “No,” they answer, their hands going to rub the back of their neck as their body tenses up. “No, you did nothing wrong. I just… I am not worthy of you, kæri vinur. I never will be.”
His jaw drops open and all he can do is stare at them, dumbfounded. Bloodhound? Not worthy of ME? Their back is to him, and he wishes he had the guts to go to them and take them in his arms. “W-What do you mean? You’re not worthy of me? I, uh, I was gonna say it’s the other way around.” Saying it out loud makes a funny feeling leap in his stomach, a feeling that he very much does not like.
A short, sharp sob hisses between their lips, and he’s not even really sure it is a sob. It sounds like a strangled laugh, but he can’t be sure. They turn to face him and he’s alarmed to find tears in their eyes. “I assure you, Elliott. The forréttindi- privilege- of being loved fully and completely was made unavailable to me long ago. There is no denying it, and no retrieving it. I have done too much, hurt too many, k-killed-” Their eyes go impossibly wide, and they slap a hand over their mouth.
“...I’ve killed people, too, Bloodhound,” he murmurs, but the admission feels hollow. He hasn’t really killed anyone, not fully and completely. But the memories of broken bodies and spilled blood floats in the forefront of his mind- memories and images that often keep him up at night from how horrifying they are. Being in the Games had given him ample opportunities to be around death, though he had to admit, none of it was permanent. Bloodhound’s slip of the tongue feels… much more damning.
“You do not understand,” they hiss, and even though he knew it was coming, the pitch and force of their words slips a knife between his ribs and twists. “You could never understand.”
“Let me at least try,” he begs, standing from the couch. “Bloodhound, how can I understand if you won’t let me?”
“You do not need to understand, Elliott!” Their voice is desperate, raw, and the timbre of it makes Elliott’s heart ache inside him. Anguish etches into every line and scar of their face, obscuring the kindness and fear he had once seen there. “I will never be worthy of you, and it is directly because of my own aðgerðir og val- actions, choices. I came to terms with that long ago, and I suggest you do the same.” They lock eyes with him finally, their green irises swimming in tears, and their jaw is trembling as they try to keep it in place. “You deserve someone whole, untainted, hreinn og laus við þessar syndir sem ég hef framið-” They slip into their native tongue as sobs begin to press at their frame, and they make no attempt to correct themself.
He takes a few steps forward, holding out a hand to try and take one of theirs. “Bloodhound, I-”
“Don’t .” They push his hand away and step backwards, their heel hitting the corner of the couch. They wince, and Elliott has never wanted anything more than to gather them in his arms and hold them there until their grief was spent. He stares at them, his own lips beginning to tremble, and he swallows back the lump in his throat. He knows there is no changing their mind, no convincing them otherwise, and the lost opportunity hangs between them like a feather caught on an updraft, unlikely to touch down again.
“I think it is best that you leave.” Their voice is tight and low, almost as low as it would be with the mask on. They do not meet his eyes, and instead walk to the door.
Elliott’s body nearly crumbles under the waves of shame and pain crashing over him, but some unseen force keeps him standing. The warmth that had once surrounded them has been replaced by a stark cold, even though the fire still blazes in the hearth. The comfort he had felt was gone, replaced by a grating pain that rubs against him over and over again. “If that’s what you really want,” he replies.
They nod.
He bites his lip as he gathers his shoes and socks and pulls them on. They’re still the slightest bit damp, but he’s numb to the texture of them, too focused on the anguish starting to stir inside his chest. He moves as though he’s in a trance, and his feet carry him to the door. He wants so badly to reach out and touch them again, but there’s an unmistakable wall between them now, and to breach it would be unforgivable.
It’s entirely up to them to scale it now.
Bloodhound opens the door and makes sure to stay behind it. “I am sorry,” they murmur, their jaw still trembling.
“Me too.” He can’t meet their eyes.
Elliott steps out of the apartment and into the hallway, and the door shuts behind him with a soft click.
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delos-mio · 4 years
You’re So Last Summer - PROLOGUE
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Logan Delos was a pain in your ass.
His father Jim and your father, Daryl, had been friends since their Scroll & Key days at Yale. They became close in the secret society and continued their close brotherhood as Jim went on to start up Delos and your father became a grossly successful hedge fund manager. From there, Daryl married your mother Bernie, an OBGYN whom he met at a fundraiser for housing for teens in transition. The two fell in love and united their empires, having you shortly after.
Growing up, this meant you wanted for nothing. You took horseback riding lessons with your own horse, had access to the best education private school could provide, and membership to a highly exclusive country club, where your family spent most weekends. It was a comfortable, predictable life, and one you rather enjoyed. There was only one problem.
Logan Delos.
You were objectively privileged- you knew you were, no sense in denying it. But Logan was capital ‘S’ Spoiled. Ungrateful. Entitled. Uppity. He was the poster child of country club elitist. This was only compounded by the fact that Logan was extremely attractive and he damn well knew it. Logan was quick to flash his perfect, bright smile, bat his dark brown eyes, run his long fingers through his black hair if he knew it would get him what he wanted. All the girls, and a lot of the boys, in your social circle simply fawned over him, thought he was just so charming. And sure, perhaps on the surface, Logan was all of those things. Everything Logan did was so spectacular and so impressive and he was just so funny. That’s what he’d have everyone believe, anyways. You didn’t see what the big deal was. He was a good-looking boy who could pull an A in Biology. Revolutionary. But you liked to think you could see right through him and understood he was all surface and no depth.
Much to your dismay, you constantly found yourself in his presence. Jim and your father spent a lot of their free time golfing together, drinking together, hosting dinners together. Even marriage and fatherhood hadn’t managed to drive a wedge between the two. Unfortunately, that meant having Logan as some kind of weird, unwanted, unwelcome brother. Your only real reprieve was school, since he went to an all-boys prep school. Small blessings.
Even worse than that, Logan made his attraction to you plain as day. It started when you were both maybe 13, right when his hormones came in like a fucking tornado. He looked at you with hearts in his eyes, chased you all around Liberty National Country Club, and asked you out at least once a month for the last four years, each time met with a resounding “no” from you. This never seemed to deter him, though, even if he did find himself a flavor of the week to occupy his time between asking you out. Not only were boys and dating the furthest thing from your mind- school came first, of course- if you were at all interesting in dating, it sure as hell wouldn’t be Logan fucking Delos.
It was another afternoon spent at Liberty National, Jim and Daryl getting in 18 holes on one of the last nice autumn afternoons. You were posted up in the clubhouse, looking east out of the massive glass windows, taking in the boats on the Upper Bay. No matter how many times you’d seen it over the last 17 years, the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline still captured a corner of your imagination. You opened up the little notebook you always carried with you and got swept up in journaling. Sometimes, you wrote poems, sometimes musings. And sometimes, you simply wrote rants you wished you could scream from the top of your lungs, but held them in because doing so would be “un-ladylike”.
“Whatcha got there, hm?” Logan asked from over your shoulder, trying to peer at what you had written on the pages.
“None of your business,” you spat, slamming the notebook closed and slipping it back into your backpack.
“C’mon, you’ve gotta show me your writing one of these days.” Logan perched himself on the edge of the table, looking down at you with that annoying smirk that drove you up a fucking tree.
“I certainly do not,” you huffed, getting up and throwing your backpack on your shoulder. “Why do you care so much anyways?”
“I don’t know. Maybe you’ve got the next Catcher In The Rye in there. What if I was the first one to read it and publish it and make millions?” he smiled as he followed alongside you, clearly not taking the hint that you didn’t want his company. You simply deadpanned and rolled your eyes, not breaking your stride. Logan was still hot on your heel when you finally whipped around abruptly, stopping him in his tracks.
“Why the fuck are you still following me?” you growled.
“You know I love your company. Besides, we only have next summer together before we leave for school. I think we should squeeze in all the quality time that we can,” Logan smiled. You knew he was only doing this to annoy you but goddamn, it was working. “Where are you going to college again?”
“I have told you eight hundred million times, I am going to Yale. Let me say that again- Yale! So don’t ask me again!” you huffed, taking off again for the car.
“Aw, man. You mean you won’t be with me at Columbia? Here I was hoping I’d pledge Sigma Alpha Epsilon, you’d pledge Sigma Delta, and we’d be the unstoppable king and queen of campus,” he sighed, a little bit longing. “Just picture it.” Logan’s arm was now draped over your shoulder as he gestured in front of you, setting the scene for this imaginary future. “You and me going on dates in Central Park, me sneaking into your room late at night, getting drunk and making out in the middle of a party so no other guys there get any ideas.” You shook off his arm then and quickly stepped away.
“No thank you. Guess it just wasn’t meant to be,” you said with a fake smile and exaggerated shrug.
“Oh well. New Haven is only, what? An hour and a half away? We can make long distance work.”
“If you visit me even one time while I’m at school, I will personally make sure you are physically unable to reproduce,” you hiss as you open the back door and toss your backpack inside.
“That a promise?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, fuck off.” You take your seat in the back, hand on the door handle. “You’re so disgusting.” Logan only laughed, clearly pleased with your discomfort.
“You have no idea,” he chuckled darkly. “So, I’ll see you Wednesday?”
You opened your mouth to cuss him out again, turn down his date again. But then you closed your mouth. Fuck. You’d forgotten all about Juliet’s, Logan’s younger sister, birthday dinner. “Yeah. Wednesday,” you grumbled without looking at Logan, slamming the door shut before he could get another word in.
So, yeah. Logan Delos was a pain in your ass.
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groovybaybee · 4 years
Greener - I
cw: mentions of abuse (not this chapter and nothing too intense but better safe than sorry) also alcohol consumption
Spago, 7pm, reservation under my name, have fun saucy xxx 
Oh, Lucy. Lovely, wonderful, maddening Lucy. Not only would she select my date for the evening, she, of course, would make a decision about when and where.
 In all honesty, I do not mind. I would gladly allow that girl to run my life, she pretty much has made all the big decisions for me anyway. Lucy had been the one who forced me to enter our school’s talent show and sing in public for the first time. I lost hard, unable to compete with Anthony Piaz’s flaming diabolo tricks, but I was grateful to her, nonetheless. Lucy was also the one who made me move out to Los Angeles with her, telling me we needed to be with the stars if we wanted to be like them. It might sound cheesy, but that girl can be very persuasive when she wants to be. Since we were teenagers, she told me all about how we were going to make it big, I would be a singer and she would produce all my music.
 Lucy has always been a dreamer, but she is the most dedicated and ambitious person I know, plotting out every detail of every day to make sure she could get to where she wanted to be. Her and I had understood that we could not just rock up in America and instantly start working for record labels. We would spend hours in her room, writing and producing songs every weekend, sending them to local and national radio stations, record labels, anyone we could think of.
 Then one day, the universe fell into place. Our song, Penny, started to gain some traction. I will never forget the day we heard our song played on the radio for the first time. I never could forget it with the video of the two of us screaming and crying and laughing and hugging being sent to my phone every time I get frustrated.
 ‘They never gave up, and neither will we’
 Luce has always been good like that, putting things in perspective when I start spiralling out.
 Truthfully, Lucy has always been a bit of a hero to me. The voice of reason, even when I did not want to hear it. I trust her with my life. So, when I was offered a contract with a record label, I had insisted that she aid in the production, knowing that once the world could see her talent there would be no stopping her. And there never has been. Though we still work together on projects and tracks wherever we can, both of us have been blessed with opportunities to work with some of our idols in the music industry. However, it still feels the most special when it is just her and me working together.
 Knowing that she always has my best interests at heart, agreeing to be set up on a blind date by her was easy. It was only afterwards that the doubts had started to creep in. Of course, Lucy knows me well, probably better than anyone, and so her choice of date for me would undoubtedly be my type. I know that they will be charming and funny and most likely have a smile that makes me want to swat them directly in the face for being so cute. However, it would be impossible for her to know the other person so well, so me showing up may not be what they had hoped for.
 They could want to meet someone girly, polished, calm. While I can be those things sometimes, pretending to be anyone but myself would only lead down an unfortunate and embarrassing path in the long run. This self-assuredness, in theory, is lovely, but does not stop the nagging feeling in my stomach that whoever I am meeting at the restaurant will not be pleased to see me.
 Trying my best to shake this thought, I get ready for my date. Landing on a simple black dress (knowing my tendencies to spill anything in my grasp), partnering it with a silver chain necklace, a few matching rings, and some thickly heeled silver boots. I put on a touch of makeup, style my hair, and spritz myself with perfume before grabbing a coat, stuffing the pockets with my necessities, and getting in the Uber I had pre-emptively ordered. I am going to be early but that suits me just fine.
 Arriving at the restaurant, nestled beside Rodeo Drive, I thank the driver and exit the car. Spago is far too fancy for me to feel fully comfortable, a small part of myself always believing that my life is some sort of coma dream and one day I would wake up back home, older and having done nothing with my life. Despite my instinct to run and feign illness, I enter the restaurant and tell the matre d’ Lucy’s name. He gives me a pleasant smile and leads me through the bustling restaurant to an empty table on the patio outside. Thanking him, I seat myself at the table beside a sheltered, freestanding fireplace, taking a second to appreciate the warmth of the toasting embers against the slight breeze of the evening under the dwindling sun.
 Looking out to the chair across from me, panic and excitement swirl around in my stomach. Wondering what they will be like and whether we will get on has me desperately searching around the quiet outside space for anyone who works here to urge them for a glass of wine. I manage to locate someone, but the thought instantly leaves my mind when I notice a person trailing behind them. They head straight in my direction and my head snaps back to the table, trying not to have their first impression of me be my crazy wine-hungry eyes. I take a deep breath, and a second to remember Lucy’s message: ‘have fun’.
 Turning to meet my date as they stop at our table, a smile slips across my lips without my telling it to. Yep, Lucy definitely knows me. The man in front of me is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, but with an added dash of unreservedness, dressed in a black dress shirt, the collar of which pokes out over a baby blue suit jacket, trousers matching. My eyes land on his hand, ringed fingers clutching a bouquet of yellow roses. I cannot deny it, the sight sends a little zip of happiness through my body. Travelling upwards, I land on his face. And pause.
 If this is a very elaborate prank, I have to give it up to Lucy. This is incredible. I remember her telling me that she was working with him on a track for his second album, but I would not have thought they were close enough to discuss love lives. If so, surely she would have snapped him up for herself. The amount of conversations we had spent discussing our celebrity crushes and he always popped up on both of our lists. There is no way this is happening. This just proves that I am, in fact, comatose.
 “Hi,” he speaks with a tentative smile.
 On the off chance that I am not in a simulation, I stand up and greet him, still unable to form words as he presses a kiss to each of my cheeks.
 “Lucy said you liked yellow,” he says almost sounding nervous, looking down at the bunch of flowers in his hand.
 “I do,” I say softly, shaking my head to bring me back to reality while he is looking away from me. “They’re, uh, they’re beautiful.”
 He hands me the flowers and my brain almost completely malfunctions, unable to comprehend that I am sat, on a date, with a man I have been fawning over from afar for over a year. Sure, I have always known of him, but something about him kicking off his solo career and dressing differently, acting differently, it was all just incredibly attractive. Something so sexy about his confidence. An opinion I had expressed to Lucy many times in varying degrees of enthusiasm, her use of the word ‘saucy’ in her text to me suddenly making a lot more sense.
 “Thank you, really,” I say, looking up from the flowers to him, a full head taller than me. “Sorry, I’m being weird, Lucy just… is full of surprises,” I admit, meeting his gaze as he observes me cautiously. He must think I am crazy, or incredibly rude, most likely both.
 “I’m Violet,” I quickly introduce myself and gesture for us to sit. He does, with a relieved smile which I mirror.
 “Harry,” he says gently.
 Harry Styles. I am on a date with Harry Styles. The man I had admitted to wanting to let ‘break my heart and sex me back together’. Not one of my best lines, I will agree. And he is even better looking in person. His hair is kind of messy in a very put-together kind of way. His eyes are deep and their hold on me is strong. And his lips kink up at the edges, pulling joy out to his cheeks as he watches me, almost assessing me.
 “Yeah, I’m actually a fan of your music,” I admit shyly, hoping that he finds it endearing rather than psychotic.
 “Likewise. To be honest, I can’t believe I’m sat here with you,” he speaks deeply.
 This has to be a prank. No way on Earth did Harry Styles, Harry Styles, just say that to me.
 “I didn’t realise you and Lucy were so close,” I confess, allowing my confusion and curiosity to spill out of my mouth at lightning speed.
 “Oh, yeah, first day we met it was like instant sibling rivalry, you know? Straight away bullying each other,” Harry explains with a low, breathy chuckle. God, even his laugh is sexy.
 I will admit to being relieved to hear that their feelings for one another were strictly platonic, not wanting to step on Lucy’s toes even if she had been the one to set us up. Something about hearing this new information allows my most recent conversations with her to make a lot more sense, her being the one to let me explain in detail all the disgusting things I would let this man do to me while she just laughed. That sly devil.
 “How long have you two known each other?” he asks, sipping at the glass of water on his side of the table.
 “Oh, since we were kids, think our souls are melded at this point,” I tell him, earning a captivated smile that reaches up to his eyes. “Do you do this thing a lot?” I ask, fascinated as to how I ended up in this situation. When he looks at me blankly, I hurriedly add, “Blind dates?”
 “Not really, only one other time and it was… interesting,” he says, eyes glazing over as his mind flashes back.
 “Me neither,” I start, bringing his attention back to the present in hopes to prevent him from reliving whatever terrible memory I had just triggered, “I do have a very important question for you though,”
 “What’s that?” he asks with a grin that matches the one creeping on to my face.
 “Are you a wine person?” I ask, faking sincerity.
 “Oh, yeah,” he nods, laughing at my intensity.
 “Good, ten points to you,” I smirk as we both glance down at the drinks menus, after a moment of reflection I speak up, “Want to just get the cheapest? Don’t think my palette could tell the difference.”
 Harry lets out a small laugh and agrees happily, ordering a bottle of chardonnay for the two of us when the waiter circles around to us. My mind begins to spiral as I watch Harry pour us each a glass, wondering how I ended up here, what I think of him, what he thinks of me. Brain almost about to short-circuit[AH1] , I cheers my glass with his and take a long sip of white wine, desperate for a touch of Dutch courage.
 We sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments, eyes locked as we drink in our surroundings, allowing the madness of the evening to sink in for our brains to process. There is a gentle smirk on each of our faces, enjoying the mischief of our mutual friend.
 “I really loved the album by the way,” I confess to him, only to be rewarded with a bright and grateful smile.
 “Thank you,” he says softly, an excited buzz coming from him as he shifts in his seat to lean his elbows on the table, chin resting on his interlaced knuckles. “I listen to The Lady Grey Project at least once a week,” he admits, and if I look closely (which I do) I can see a light rosy flush appearing on his cheeks.
 At this point I reckon a rhinoceros could stampede into the restaurant and I would not bat an eyelid. Of course, he listens to my album regularly, this is a dream, in all honesty I am just shocked he does not have a tattoo of my face on his body somewhere. I say a silent prayer that I will be allowed to remain in whatever simulation I am in.
 “You’re too kind,” I smirk, having to use my wine glass to hide as much of my blushing face from him.
 “Can I ask where the Lady Grey name came from?” he asks curious about my stage-name, watching intently as I swallow and place my glass down. “Sorry if I’m being too nosy by the way, tell me to fuck off if you want,” he says, causing a light laugh to tumble from my lips.
 He watches me with a soft gaze that makes me want to melt into a puddle underneath the table. Does he like me? No, he is probably just being polite.
 Calm down crazy.
 “Um, well, Lucy and I used to spend days in her room making music, and all we would eat was Cadbury’s Fingers and all we drank was Lady Grey tea, it was kind of our fuel you know? And then it just kind of stuck, and we used to joke about who Lady Grey was and I don’t know, I sort of idolised the character we created,” I explain as best I can.
 “So, you became her?” Harry asks softly, his smile never faltering once while I spoke.
 “Yeah, Lady Grey and Lucy Hind were going to take on the world together,” I say, looking down at the tablecloth, a slight feeling of embarrassment for oversharing my childhood dreams. It probably seemed so silly to him.
 “And you are,” is all he says.
 When I look up at him, his eyes are so gentle and comforting, and staring into them feels like stepping into a warm bath.
 The waiter arrives back to our table to take our orders, preventing me from drooling over how idyllic this date is becoming. Harry apologises for the two of us, neither having even looked at the food menu yet, and asks for another minute. Eventually, we order our food and the conversation continues to flow easily, finding out about each other’s passions for not only music, but art in general, both discovering that the other loves to draw and paint despite having very minimal talent for it.
 We talk about what we are working on, both giddy at gaining secret information about the other’s new projects. He whispers to me that he has a new album coming out at the end of the year, in return I tell him I have a small tour happening in a few months, a few intimate venues across the country. He tells me he would love to come to a show. I mentally let out a scream.
 We discuss our hometowns throughout the main course, both hailing from the north of England, giggling over the surprising culture shock of living in LA. Conversation moves to talking about our families and still feeling homesick.
 “I’ve been writing about home a lot recently,” I admit, finishing my second glass of wine, “I miss the colour green so much,” I laugh honestly, missing the miles and miles of fields and trees I could see from my family home.
 “I get that completely,” he says, refilling my glass without me even having to ask, “I miss my little village and knowing everyone there. LA can feel a bit lonely at times,”
 There is a pregnant pause, silence falling over the two of us as I give him a small nod, understanding wholly the feeling of moving across the world. It is scary and isolating and you really have to push through and commit to your work to ensure it was all worthwhile. However, that does not leave much room for forging any kind of relationship other than professional. Harry is right, it can be very lonely sometimes.
 I find myself watching him, eyes a little bit softened by the wine and the evening light. Seeing his face flicker under the crackling firelight feels like I am seeing him for the first time, as though his features are completely new to me and I get to meet a whole new person. He really is breath-taking. Something about getting to know him allows me to see his personality in his physicality; patient eyes and dimples that deepen every time I nearly knock over my glass and insist that I am not drunk, that this is just how I am. Finding myself smiling while I watch him, I remind myself to act like a normal human being and sip at my wine.
 But he watches me right back.
 When desert rolls around, both of us are too full to appreciate anything fancy, sadly deciding to call it a night. After insisting that we split the bill, threatening to get his bank account details somehow and send him a direct deposit, we leave the table.
 “Man, I shouldn’t have worn this dress, looks like I’m smuggling a watermelon,” I say, rubbing my bloated belly slightly as we walk through the restaurant, now significantly emptier than when I had arrived nearly three hours earlier.
 “I like it,” Harry tells me, biting back a smirk, “Wrote a song about watermelons, actually,”
 “Really? You’ll have to let me hear it sometime,” I say, thanking him as he holds the door open for me to walk through.
 “Do you, uh, do you need a lift home?” Harry asks once we are outside, wrapping our jackets a little tighter around ourselves in the early autumn air. I pause to look at him and assess the sincerity of his offer. When he looks at me with nothing but kindness and caution, I nod, finding his trepidation incredibly endearing.
 “That would be great, thank you,” I say softly, failing to mention that I would say yes to any offer he made so long as it meant I could spend longer getting to know him.
 “Cool!” he says with so much enthusiasm that I have to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from smiling too big, utterly smitten with him. Harry clears his throat and pulls out his phone, calling his driver to come and pick us up. “He’ll be five minutes,” his voice is back to its low rumble when he turns to me, a light flush spread across his cheekbones. I pretend not to notice, instead fixing my attention to the roses in my hand.
 “I’ve had a really nice time,” I tell him, hoping that in showing some vulnerability it will ease his embarrassment. It works. As I look up at him, he meets my gaze and smiles down at me gently.
 “Me too. I think you’re really cool to be around,” he says tenderly, taking a step closer to me so that he is less than an arm’s length away. “More than exceeded my expectations for tonight,” he teases.
 “I think part of me still thinks this is a prank,” I admit, breathing a laugh as I find myself gravitating closer to Harry, silently praying that he will kiss me.
 “I know, I was listening to Penny on the way here to keep me sane,” his voice has dropped to just above a whisper, his face less than a foot from mine.
 “As if,” I laugh incredulously, finding myself stepping back slightly so I do not deafen him.
 “I was!” he defends with a chuckle, “I love that song,”
 “Sorry,” I breathe, “I just didn’t think anyone really listened to it, except maybe my parents,”
 “It was the first song of yours I ever heard,” he says, closing the gap between us again, “Thought how talented you were, even wanted to cover it.”
 Back into the simulation you go.
 “Wanna make sweet music together?” I tease, my voice a little low and breathy as the space between us rapidly reduces.
 Harry exhales a chuckle, eyes flitting between my own and my lips.
 He is fully going to kiss you.
 Or at least he would, if that had not been the moment Harry’s driver decides to pull up to the curb, startling us both. Gaze fixed to the ground to hide my certainly bright pink cheeks, I shuffle into the car when Harry opens the door for me, sliding in shortly afterwards.
 “Where to?” Harry asks, clearing his throat slightly.
 I tell him my address, watching as he and his driver share a small nod before we set off.
 The first few minutes of the ride are, I will admit, awkward. The only sound to be heard is the crinkling of the paper surrounding my flowers, my hands fidgeting nervously.
 He was going to kiss me. He totally would have kissed me if we were alone for just one more moment.
 An assertive person would kiss him now.
 Would he want that? Would I want that? For our first kiss to be in the back of his car as we drove through my neighbourhood. I’m not so sure. Harry feels special, like he deserves a bit more romance than that.
 I continue to fiddle with the paper in my lap.
 “What’s your favourite flower?” I ask curiously, eyes fixating on the bright yellow petals.
 “Quite like apple blossoms,” he tells me. His voice is soft, and I can tell his head is turned to look directly at me.
 “See, I never would have guessed that.” I confess. Upon hearing him breathe a laugh, I follow it up with a mirrored tone, “What? You’re a mysterious dude.”
 “Very mysterious,” he jokes as I look back up at him. There is a warmth in his eyes as they shimmer with laughter. It is almost as though the small amount of time focussing on something other than him has erased all memory of his face. Suddenly, excitement courses through my body. His stupid, happy face making my stomach squeeze itself.
 “A real enigma,” I smirk after gathering myself.
 There is silence again in the car, our eyes softly locked on the other’s, even as we pull up beside my house.
 “This is me,” my voice is barely louder than a whisper.
 “I’ll walk you,” Harry says, our gaze still unmoved.
 For a moment, my mind drifts to Harry’s driver. I wonder what he makes of us sitting in the back of his car despite reaching our destination. Perhaps he thinks it is sweet, two kids still so nervous enough around one another that we both refuse to make a move. Maybe he thinks we are crazy and should just get out of the car like normal people would.
 I nod my head slightly, more so trying to encourage myself to get moving rather than Harry. In all honesty, I would love little more than to just sit here and look at him, to feel whatever tension there is between us for a moment longer. But I steal myself away from that thought and open the car door.
 Harry, ever the gentleman, sees me to my front door. It is a little old-fashioned but incredibly charming, nonetheless. I turn to face him once we reach the doorstep, craning my neck a little to meet his eyes.
 My gaze lingers a moment on his lips, and I wonder if I should kiss him. Or would he not like that? He seems like he would not be opposed to a woman making the first move, but he is also the type to open doors and walk people to their homes. What if he wants to be the one to initiate? I doubt he would find me kissing him to be emasculating, but what if he recoiled at the thought? Maybe I shouldn’t kiss him. Maybe I should invite him inside. I will admit, the idea of ending the night with him sounds idyllic, but what if that gives the wrong impression. What if he is the type of guy who cares about a woman’s sexual habits? I never would have him pegged for that sort of person, but you never know.
 Nerves and paranoia form a whirlpool in my brain, sucking me in until I am so overwhelmed that all I can physically do is stare at him, trying not to allow my eyes to widen too far in fear of looking like a maniac.
 He looks down at me with a gentle gaze, his right hand lifting and fingertips gently grazing the side of my left hand. His thumb brushes across my wrists, his eyes flitting across my face until I am convinced that he has stopped on my lips. The palpable energy from outside the restaurant returns.
 “Can I—” Harry starts but I interrupt him.
 “Yes,” I say hurriedly, my heart beating a little louder in my chest at the thought of his lips against mine.
 Thank goodness he’s making the first move. If it were up to you, you would be standing here for days.
 “Great,” he smiles broadly, quickly retracting his hand from mine and reaching into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, “Lets make music sometime.”
 Harry hands me his unlocked phone.
 You absolute fucking idiot, V.
 I quickly input my phone number and hand it back to him with a small smile.
 “Great,” he grins, part of me hating how adorable he is, the majority simply hating how dim-witted I am.
 He wasn’t trying to kiss you.
 “Hang out again soon?” he asks brightly.
 I just nod and return a polite smile. He beams down at me before bidding me goodnight and walking back to his car.
 As quick as physically possible, I unlock my front door, dash inside and shut the door behind me.
 Idiot, idiot, idiot.
 I sink to the floor, back pressed to the door. He wants to work together. While that notion alone would have had me fainting before tonight, I cannot help but feel a little disheartened to have misread the situation.
 He didn’t want to kiss you.
 My mind quickly scans through the whole evening, wonder at which event I began to misinterpret the signals. Maybe he was going to give me a hug outside the restaurant. Maybe he actually was going to kiss me, but then I laughed in his face and stepped away from him. Did I put him off me that quickly?
 Pulling myself off the floor, I put the flowers in a mug of water, telling myself I will deal with them tomorrow once I am over the embarrassment.
 * * *
 I barely sleep, tossing and turning and reliving every stupid detail and mistake I undoubtedly made.
 “You absolute cow!” I shout with a laugh when I spot Lucy walking towards me.
 She just laughs along with me, a slight bashful blush arising in her cheeks as she steps closer to me.
 I had text her when I got home last night, asking her to meet me first thing and she had agreed. Meeting at the dog park between our houses had been my idea, desperate to see her new Dalmatian puppy, Pip. I had arrived early, pre-emptively getting Lucy and I lattes, knowing fully well that no matter what time I got there I would still beat her by at least ten minutes.
 “Thanks, gorgeous,” Lucy greets, taking the coffee I had extended to her.
 “Hello, sweetpea,” I say in a higher pitch than my natural tone, crouching to welcome the excited dog. Pip wags her tail aggressively, desperately trying to lick my face. I giggle as my face scrunches at all the attention she is giving me, “I know, I know, it’s been a whole two days since I saw you, how could I neglect you like that?”
 “She pissed on my shoes. Right little dickhead,” Lucy muses as I stand up, giving the pup one last scratch behind the ears. My eyes drop to her feet as we begin to walk through the park. “Not these ones, idiot,” she laughs.
 “Don’t call me an idiot, I have a bone to pick with you,” I reply, trying my very hardest to chastise her but just giggling through it, faking sincerity always having been difficult for me, “What was it you told me? ‘Its just a date, no biggie’?”
 “Something like that,” she mumbles, feigning shame but smirking as she looks at the ground.
 “Harry Styles,” I mock, “Harry fucking Styles. You could have warned me, mate! I thought about him in the shower before dinner, thought I must have slipped and bumped my head when he rocked up,”
 Lucy laughs as continue through the park, walking out on to the open expanse of the field. Pip excitedly yaps at the dogs playing in the distance, a little too young to join them just yet. We walk in bemused silence for a moment until we find a bench and take seat on it, sipping intermittently at our cooled down coffees.
 “How was it then? Complete disaster or did you hold it together?” Lucy asks.
 “Well, I thought I was holding it together, we were even kind of flirty,” I begin. Remembering last night stirs up excitement in my stomach, contrasting my skin crawling with embarrassment, “But he never kissed me. He walked me to my door, got me to give him my number and left,”
 Luce nods, letting me give her the gist of the previous night, not pushing for more information as I bounce one of my legs anxiously. “He got your number though?” She offers, always looking on the bright side.
 “Yeah, because he wants to make music together,” I say, a small smirk interrupting my words.
 “Make music or make music?” She teases, wiggling her eyebrows dramatically.
 “I don’t know!” I laugh, giving her a gentle push when she keeps leaning closer to me and putting her creepy moving eyebrows in my eyeline, “We complimented each other and stuff, and it became a bit of a joke but now I’m worried he was serious and I just made a fool out of myself… I did have half a bottle of wine,” my tone more serious now.
 “One, you’re a delight when you drink. Two, I bet Harry was such a fucking flirt, ‘Oh yeah, baby, lets make symphonies with our bodies’,” I cannot help but crack a smile at her, surprisingly accurate, impression, “And three, even if you did misread things, it sounds like he would be up for working with you, and if I remember correctly, you said you’d give your left kidney to sing a duet with him,”
 “I’m never drinking sambuca again,” I mutter, shuddering at the memory of that night, drunkenly screaming as Sweet Creature played over the speakers of the bar.
 “I say text him,” Lucy shrugs as if the solution is so obvious that she cannot understand why the two of us are even having this conversation.
 “Ah,” I breath, “That’s another thing. I was a bit distracted by the whole ‘not wanting to kiss me’ thing that I forgot to ask for his number.”
 “Idiot,” Lucy giggles, picking up Pip as she paws at her leg and setting her between the two of us on the bench, allowing me better access to pet her freely, “I’ll text it you,”
 “I can’t text him out of the blue, won’t that look psycho?” I stress.
 “No,” Lucy says, again so plainly it is as though she cannot believe she is explaining something so simple, “Pretty sure Harry likes confident people anyway.”
 “Why would he want to date me then?” I mumble, eyes fixed on Pip’s as her mouth hangs open, tongue rolling out happily as she gets attention from the both of us.
 “Maybe because you can throw it back like no one I’ve ever seen,” Lucy teases.
 “Fucking hate sambuca,” I grumble half-heartedly.
 The text from Lucy arrives on my phone a few hours later, just as I step out of the shower. I have to wipe a few droplets of water from the screen before it allows me to unlock it.
 Don’t puss out x
 Underneath is what I can only assume is Harry’s number. I stare at the white screen for a while, contemplating whether or not to text him. Should I? Luce said he liked confidence, and I wanted him to like me, or at least not think of me as some blob of flesh he sat through dinner with. What would I say? What possible message could I send that did not make me sound like a creep?
 Hey it’s Violet. Lucy gave me your number, promise I didn’t ask for it
 No, that sounds rude.
 Hi, it’s Violet from last night. Lucy gave me your number, hope you don’t mind. I’d love to make sweet music with you
 He could read that two ways. Either he would read it as me just wanting to work together, or that I wanted to see him with no clothes on. Neither option appeal despite both being shamefully accurate.
 The condensation on my bathroom mirror has almost vanished by the time I set my phone back down. Desperate to go about my day without worrying, I head across the landing and into my bedroom.
 Despite having lived here for well over a year, the Los Angeles heat never fails to stifle me, even as autumn creeps into view. The humidity seeps into my bare skin as I flop back on my bed, urgently searching for a reason to get back up and be proactive with the work I need to get done today. That in itself should be reason enough, but the temperature in my room seems to counter any sensible thoughts in my brain. So, I let my eyes close for a moment.
 However, Lucy’s words keep circling around in my mind.
 ‘Don’t puss out’
 That is what I always do. Deciding to grow a backbone, I stand up and march back into the bathroom to pick up my phone. I quickly unlock it, ignoring the notifications on my lock screen, assuming its just my manager prompting me to get my act together. I quickly copy the phone number from Lucy and make a contact for Harry, set on typing a message to him and pressing send before I can overthink how keen I will most likely come across.
 You are keen.
 Selecting his contact, my phone takes me to a chat with him, however, it is not blank like I had expected. Instead, there is a white bubble of text, a smaller bubble beneath it, both timestamped seven minutes ago.
 I know films and tv shows always say you should wait at least three days before messaging but I reckon it’s all bollocks. I had a really good time last night and would love to hang out again. I understand if this seems a bit eager so I’ll leave it up to you. Whatever you fancy I’m up for – Harry
 Also I don’t know why I signed that off like it’s an email but I’m going to stick with it so I seem confident – Harry
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
Call you Mine
I told myself I’d do a chapter of Shelter and DDW this weekend... to be fair they each have like 12 pages but... I blame @hnnwnchstr​ and @superpixie42​ for prompting and inspiring a fake dating fic and distracting me. Maybe I’ll make those chapters longer as compensation??
But I also needed to give @willowandfog​ a birthday gift anyway!
Don’t worry I still have a full running tab of every I owe bday gifts for
**cough** @keichanz​ @mamabearcat​ @thunderpot​ @smmahamazing​
Thanks @sapphirestarxx​ for proofing as usual
Here it is posted to AO3
Allllllllsoooooooooo... SMUT
Tag Wall:
@dangerouspompadour @lemonlushff @willowandfog @cstormsinukagblog @littlestuffstohide @clearwillow @ruddcatha​ @hnnwnchstr​ @smmahamazing​ @wolverine1092​ @inuyashaloverforever​ @xfangheartx​ @umacaking​ @bluejay785​  @murdergiraffe​ @superpixie42​ @shnuggletea​ @sistasecbhere​ @nopenname22​ @mcornilliac​ @sapphirestarxx​ @fawn-eyed-girl​ @liz8080 @shinidamachu​
He wasn't really sure what came over him. Typically he was a 'mind your business' kind of guy, let other people resolve their issues on their own.
But he honestly lost his shit when this fucking flea bag wouldn't take no for an answer. She said no thank you, that she was sorry she didn't feel that way, and even lied (which unfortunately if he smelt the lie, so did the wolf) about seeing someone else. To be fair, she tried to justify it was new and they had just met and she was uncomfortable by it all. She was smart. Crafty. And fuck, taking just a look at her face she was pretty fucking cute.
Kikyo had 'bumped' into him in line at the coffee shop and maybe he could blame that. They had just broke up; after dating all through high school and some of college, she was 'bored and wanted to explore other things.’ What she meant was, she wanted to explore other dicks. After their breakup, he saw her on accident in the library and he almost lost his shit. She had made them wait until they were in college because it was such a huge step in their relationship and then after three days of being single probably fucked the whole football team?!?
Ok, he was still angry about it.  Probably wasn't a whole team, but he was still hurt.
Having her chattering his fucking ear off wasn't helping his mood either so he tuned it out only to hear the girl sitting at a two seater booth trying to keep their argument between them.  She wasn't taking it lying down but she was growing anxious. If the wolf could smell it, he clearly didn't care.
"Inuyasha are you listening to me? What do you think?"
"Oh, Inuyasha! Hehehe, you're so silly; I was saying we should get back together! I mean, as long as you're not seeing anyone, right? I mean, of course you're not! We love each other-- and it was a huge mistake for us to break up!"
Inuyasha did the only thing he could do; well that was a lie, he did something he had never chosen to do before. Honestly,  he'd never really been in this situation before. Kikyo was his first real girlfriend. First love. First… everything. He thought that was it. Then reality struck like the cruel bitch she was and it fell apart. But he got over it. Kinda. He had a soft spot for Kikyo because she was his first everything. She hadn't been looking for love but found it. Then regretted it thinking she missed out on life. Or whatever.
But right there, in that moment he just couldn't roll over. Not without being cursed or something and thank God they were in public because otherwise she just might with what he had decided he was going to do.
He stepped up to the counter and ordered not one but two of his peppermint coffees and paid. He heard Kikyo’s excitement from behind him and almost laughed.
Because shit was seriously about to hit the fan.
He grabbed his cups and Kikyo followed, still yammering on and on until he reached the table with the young woman who looked like she was about to start crying she was so pissed.
"Here you go, babe," Inuyasha said as charmingly as he could.
The girl jumped at his presence. Her big brown doe eyes locked with his and for the briefest moment there was confusion. Then understanding. Then a glint of mischief. Oh fuck. He already liked her.
"Thanks honey! You ready to go?" She asked leadingly.
"Yea," he said ignoring the gaping womon behind him to pick up the other woman's coat from her chair and help her put it on.
"Wa-wait! What the fuck?? You were just with her!" The wolf cried angrily.
"If you were paying attention to our conversation then you would know I never answered her.  I was too busy noticing you were trying to pounce on my girl," Inuyasha growled possessively as he wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder. Fuck. This totally wasn't him.  What was wrong with him? Ugh fuck, she was probably thinking she just traded one asshole for another. Smooth. Wait-- not smooth, this wasn't a real date or anything.  
When she curled herself into his side he was shocked. If he was human,  he'd probably have a heart attack. Fuck, she smelled good. Like amazing. Shit, nope, he needed to focus! This was about getting her away from the wolf and steering off Kikyo’s advances.
"And he is seeing someone," the girl in his embrace directed her answer to Kikyo. "Me. You clearly didn't appreciate what you had and he moved on."
"Uh! Inuyasha!" Kikyo quivered in distress. "Can't we-- talk about this?? Alone?"
"Sorry Kikyo. I have a date."
"This is such a fucking farce! Who even the fuck are you?! You don't smell like her! She didn't even--"
"Firstly, the name is Inuyasha. Secondly, of course I don't. I respect her. She's young and I wouldn't try anything without her permission," he glowered leering at the wolf for even implying he'd fuck this beautiful creature in his arms without courting her properly first. Shit. No. This was a ruse. Fake.
"Koga, I told you I was seeing someone. It's new, and I'm sorry.  I really am; I just--"
"Kagome you said you weren't looking for anything right now! Why him?? He's a fucking mutt!"
Ahhhhhhhh. How he was going to love kicking this guy’s ass.
"Shut up, Koga! Inuyasha has shown me way more respect and kindness within the first five minutes of knowing me rather than the month you have!"
That was a lie. They were likely going on minute six.
"Inuyasha! You can't be serious! She's inexperienced and with the wolf demon! Come on, all we needed was a break! I know you hate waiting for anything, baby," she said leadingly.
Honestly, he wasn't aroused by her insinuations in the slightest. He wasn't a teenager anymore.  Also while Kikyo had been his first and only, the fact she dumped him to go hoe herself out only to crawl back to him was disgusting.
He understood it was likely 'just sex' and just exploration but while Inuyasha was no prize himself due to his demon heritage...still, he had some pride. Also his dog demon nature felt betrayed. Maybe if she caught him on the night of the new moon he would've taken her back. Fuck, maybe if this was done in private, but not when they were in a coffee shop with a beautiful girl being bullied into dating a mangy wolf.
"Actually, I don't mind waiting for her at all. She's rather… special," he said. And he meant it. What the fuck was wrong with his brain?
Either way, the girl called Kagome didn't flinch or change her position. If anything, and it could have just been his imagination, she sank further into his body. It took everything he had not to rumble. His inner demon wanted to fucking purr now?? He needed to talk to Miroku after this. Maybe even his asshat brother. Because maybe they knew what was wrong with him, and just maybe he wouldn’t need to check himself into an inpatient stay until he cleared his head.
“Mutt, get your hands off my woman!”
“He’s not a mutt! His name is Inuyasha!! Say it with me Koga! In-U-Ya-Sha!” She yelled, slightly stepping away from his body to glower at the wolf demon in front him. Fuck. He was officially in love. And he needed to hear her say that  in a slightly more moaning pleading voice. What?? Yea--he needed to check himself into a psych hospital after this.
“He’s a half-breed Kagome. You can do so much better than scraps--” He was cut off by the loud cracking slap across his cheek. Kagome was not standing directly in front of Koga. Totally out of Inuyasha hold. The distance didn’t help his control. Or his head.
All he could think of was pulling her back to him and ravishing her. Shit. He was screwed. He didn’t want to be in another relationship--or at least he didn’t think he did. This was simply to help the girl and to get Kikyo away from him.
Speaking of the other woman, Kikyo was deadly silent. It made him kind of nervous. What was she plotting? She could be a vengeful person  when pissed off. He slowly turned to face her and was met with her glaring at the girl who was currently putting a wolf demon in his place.
“Kikyo?” He asked worriedly.
“You really want to give up everything we have for this child?”
“Don’t be like that Kikyo--we aren’t together.”
“But Inuyasha, I told you; I made a mistake. Please, let’s just go and figure this whole thing out together.”
The two squabbling finally quieted down behind him and he felt a trembling hand on his chest. He looked back and saw Kagome--almost hurt. But why would she be hurt? Maybe she was just a good actress in this situation. Or maybe she was feeling what he was?
No wait, back track, he wasn’t feeling anything for her. He was just crazy. They just met and learned each other’s names from the other people who were fighting for their attention.
“If you want to go back to Kikyo I won’t be upset… We just met and this is all so new. I won’t make you choose if you aren’t ready--”
“You’re gonna let this animal two-time you Kagome?!”
“Koga will you just shut up!” Kagome yelled. “I’m just saying we are just seeing each other and if he wasn’t set on anything then--”
“Nah, I’m set babe. Let’s get outta here,” he smiled cockily and placed his arm back around her shoulder and led her to the door.
They exited unfollowed but he didn’t drop his arm. When they crossed the street back to campus, he then did drop his arm and walk beside her. Fuck. The silence was killing him. Shit. What does someone say in a situation like that?
“Uhm, thank you, Inuyasha. I appreciate what you did. I hope I didn’t ruin anything with your ex.”
“It’s not a problem. I wasn’t about to let the bastard keep harassing you.”
“I can handle myself, thank you.”
“Yea, looked like it,” he smirked.
She looked up at him and giggled. “So, uhm, my name is Kagome.”
“I’d say it’s nice to meet you but--” he paused. Did that shit head actually follow them?? Was he a fucking stalker?
As subtly as he could he stopped and turned her to face him. She blushed madly as he leaned down to press his forehead to hers as he whispered, “This fuckface is pretty set on you for some reason. He’s just a block behind us.”
She swallowed and exhaled slowly. Shit. His dick was twitching. He had problems. He obviously needed to get laid. How could her peppermint coffee breath smell that wonderful and magic to literally send those kind of signals to his cock?
“How--uhm--how far are you willing to take this?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Kagome.”
“Do you mind walking me to my apartment?”
“Nah, that’s fine,” he said softly as the wolf was getting closer. Inuyasha raised his head and kissed the crown of her head. Oh God. He was screwed. Would it be wrong to actually ask out this girl? She was obviously single.
No. No. No… He just got out of a relationship. It’d be dumb to jump right back in. Especially under the pretense this ‘arrangement’ started.
He did notice her sigh as she took his hand and led him towards her apartment. The sigh was… happy. Or at least that’s what he thought it was. But the area her apartment was in was oddly familiar. He’d been here before. Wait a second--
She got her keys out and opened the door then turned to say something when Miroku swung the door open fully.
“Inuyasha!!! What a lovely surprise!”
“Miroku?? You know Inuyasha?” Kagome asked curiously.
“Well of course! He’s my roommate!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Inuyasha groaned. This… this was not happening. This was the girl Miroku had been trying to set him up with. Son of a bitch. The irony of it pissed him off. Almost as much as that goddamn wolf who was still lurking about.
“Get inside,”he pushed Kagome forward past Miroku before shooting him a ‘shut-the-fuck-up’ look.
“What’s wrong??” she asked hurriedly as he closed the door.
“The fucking wolf is still--”
“Oh… he does live in the same complex as us.”
“Koga? He was still bothering you, Kagome?” Miroku's teasing face turned concerned quickly.
“Yes, I was going to get coffee and study when he just showed up at Starbucks again. He wanted to buy me coffee and I made up a lie I was meeting someone--”
“Hence the text Sango and I received, continue,” Miroku explained.
“But he wouldn’t leave well enough alone and then I saw…” she trailed off biting her lip. Oh shit. He needed to bite the lip. FUCK! NO! NO HE DIDN’T!
“A woman was behind Inuyasha--so I didn’t say anything to him at first. Just tried to explain I was busy when he surprised me and brought over a cup of coffee and helped me put my jacket on so we could leave together.” She was omitting the part where he claimed they were seeing each other. Was she embarrassed?? Did she not want to be seen by her friends with a half-demon?
“Oh shit--a woman?? Who?” Miroku smirked.
“Kikyo,” Inuyasha informed dryly.
“Oh reallllllly. And you just--blew her off?”
“I wasn’t about to let the flea bag exploit her.”
“Even if it did ruin your chances at getting back together with the woman you love?” Miroku smirked leadingly. He was going to fucking kill him if he ever returned home.
“Shut up, Miroku.”
“Miroku, I feel bad enough Inuyasha had embarrassed himself by saying he was with me--” Kagome started before Sango emerged from behind her and shoved her.
“What did we talk about Kagome?” Sango said sternly.
“I’m… pretty?”
“Any guy would be lucky to have me…” She said it as though there was dirt in her mouth. What the fuck did he walk into?
“That’s right,” Sango nodded her approval. “Hey Yash. What’s up? What did I miss?”
Miroku filled Sango on what was going on as Kagome shrugged out of her coat and downed the rest of her coffee. Inuyasha was drawn to her. Did she put a spell on him? She did exude some reiki--not as much as Kikyo but maybe she had it under more control than his ex.
“That slimy, twisted, asshole--”
“However, it seems Inuyasha acted like they were dating,” he said as he raised his eyebrow. Oh that fucker was sooooooo dead.
“Oh!!! That's wonderful! So we will let you guys get on your date then,” she winked at Kagome who began to protest. Sango obviously didn’t care or wasn’t listening as she tugged Miroku who was smirking at him. Son of a bitch.
Once they were out the door, Kagome exhaled in defeat.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for them to put you in this situation,” she said quietly.
“You’re the one stuck with a half-breed,” he spat. She flinched. And then he felt like an asshole.
“What?? Don’t call yourself that! There’s nothing wrong with who you are,” she said as she made her way to the kitchen.
“Yea yea, tell that to the rest of the world.”
“The rest of the world doesn’t matter; it only matters what you think. You have friends who seem like they care about you, too. Does it really matter what everyone else thinks?” She asked as she grabbed two bottles of water and proceeded to stroll over to the couch and sit down.
He just realized he was still awkwardly standing in her entry way when she motioned for him to join her. Taking his coat off, he hung it next to hers and then slowly approached her couch. He sat on the other side to give her some space.
Her eyes looked disappointed as she handed him a water. Why? Or was he imagining it? Or did he wish to honestly see that? Son of a bitch.
“So… did you want to watch tv?” She asked awkwardly.
“That’s fine,” he agreed, trying to break the tension.
She handed him the remote which surprised him. It was her house and he was the one who was kind of imposing. Or at least that’s how he felt. He turned on a movie. Of course it was The Proposal. Of fucking course it was a fake engagement movie.
“So… uhm…” she stammered biting her lip. Damnit she needed to stop doing that before he lost control and tasted the fucking thing himself.
He also noted to himself that he was going to find a girl. That night. Because this intense desire and crazy amount of longing for intimacy was pushing him to the brink of insanity.
“What?” He bit out harshly. Much harsher than he intended but he was fucking frustrated at this point. Her scent was covering him. Her presence was domineering. He needed to take a minute. Swallow his pride. Call his goddamn brother.
“I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk,” she mumbled. Andddddddd now she was crying. He was an asshole. Before he could stop himself, he reached over and grabbed her chin to make her look at him. And then he nuzzled her cheek.
What. Was. He. Doing?!?!? Why was his demon half so--so-- Yea he needed to call Sesshomaru.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just-- do you mind if I make a call really quick? I need to check in with someone,” he said in anonymity. She didn’t need to know he was calling a jackass to ask why he was going crazy.
“Oh my gosh! Did you have to cancel plans because of me?! I’m so sorry! Please, feel free to use my bedroom, bathroom wherever!”
“Keh, no, no, it isn’t a big deal. I’ll just be a second. I’m going outside real quick. I was gonna test something with that wolf anyway,” he said, pulling his face back from her cheek which was now a dusty rose. He bet it would look even better with sweat dripping from it and her eyes half glazed over from lust---and for fuck’s sake!!!!
He leapt over the couch in an instant and opened and closed the door to the porch without further explanation. Grabbing his cellphone out of his pocket he quickly dialed Sesshomaru’s number and sat on the railing to the little deck they had outside of their apartment. He took in the scents and realized the wolf was likely inside still. He was waiting for his prey to exit the apartment. Or rather, for him to leave.
“For fuck’s sake do you not look at the caller ID?”
“Greetings, little brother. What can I assist you with today?”
“You sound chipper.”
“It’s because you’re on speaker and he knows he needs to be nice in front of your nephew,” a feminie voice chimed in.
“Hey Rin,” Inuyasha smirked.
“Hello brother! We miss you! Don’t we, Sesshomaru?”
“What is it you need, little brother? We are a little busy.”
“With my new nephew? I’m sure the brat has you running all over the place.”
“Indeed; he is crawling and finding his way into everything in sight,” Sesshomaru admitted begrudgingly.
“Touga!!! No!!” He heard Rin yell before stammering steps along with a very mischievous giggle. Little monster was definitely giving them trouble. He reminded himself to buy him a very nice Christmas gift.
“Like that for instance…” Sesshomaru sighed.
“You obviously wanted this. You can smell when Rin is in heat,” Inuyasha added.
“Yes, yes, now again, what do you need, Inuyasha?”
“How… how did you know Rin was your mate?”
“The fact you ask that question tells me you met yours.”
“Or I’ve just gone crazy, you jackass.”
“I can assure you that is what it is like,” Sesshomaru said.
“Look, I’m not even sure how to approach this--”
“You dated that miserable woman for quite a few years and you are informing me you have no idea how to court a woman?”
“Shut up asshole. Not like that-- I mean-- We just met. She had a wolf demon trying to hit on her and I acted instinctively and pretended we were dating. And now I’m at her place.”
“Awwww, what a fun story,” Rin chimed in.
“Not really. How do you go from fake dating to actually dating?”
“Tell her she’s your--”
“Rin. I did not tell you that you were mine.”
“Well yea, but I knew. You hated everyone except me.” Inuyasha could literally hear the twinkle in her eyes. And he completely agreed. The asshole hated everyone and everything until she came along and softened up his heart. It was obvious.
“I advise you to get to know her--allow her to get to know you. Actually ask her out,” Sesshomaru replied evenly.
“That’s a good idea too,” Rin cheered.
“Sess… uhm… what about us--”
“TOUGA NO!!!!” Rin cried.
“You have a moment now brother for your sexual question.”
“You already know it, so spill. What the fuck do I do? I can’t stop thinking about her!”
“Practice your self control. Touching her will help alleviate some of your pull towards her. I advise you not to be around her during the full moon. Unless you’ve made progress in the next week that is.”
“I can literally hear your smirk,” Inuyasha groaned.
“Sesshomaru?? Are you teasing him??” Rin questioned returning to the phone.
“Yea, punish him,” Inuyasha grinned.
“Mmmmm, maybe I will,” Rin replied happily.
“Ew. Goodbye. Thanks asshat. Thank you Rin.”
“Take care Inu!” Rin responded before the phone hung up.
Inuyasha sighed. At least he got some answers. Some advice. He could use it. Now he needed to change the fake dating to… real dating. But was he really ready for that? He was doing some really weird, shit he had never done when he was with Kikyo.
He never let himself use his demonic instincts with her. It wasn't that she hadn’t realized he was a half demon like he could actually hide that tidbit. But he could tell she didn’t like his claws, she never touched his ears, and she did not like him biting her, let alone licking her. He originally thought maybe that was why she wanted to explore; the fact their sex was rather… vanilla. But he had thought that was what she wanted since she deterred anything else.
Now his instincts were all over the fucking place. One thing was clear though; he needed to be around this girl.
Returning inside he saw her biting the fucking lip again until she turned to meet him and smiled softly.
“Everything okay?”
“Yea, I was just talking to my brother, his wife, and their pup.”
“Oh that’s so nice. I’m sorry if I made you cancel those plans,” she apologized.
“Nah, they have their hands full. Pup’s learning to crawl. Amongst other things,” he smirked remembering the loud crash that played over the phone along with Sesshomaru’s exasperation.
“Oh, that’s nice.”
“So… tell me about yourself.” Smooth. Real smooth.
“Oh--uhm--... well this is my first year here. Dorms were full when I finally picked a school but luckily they were okay with me rooming with Sango in her apartment.”
“Couldn't’ decide where to go?”
“Honestly I was avoiding the guy I had been seeing in high school.”
“What’s with you and guys not taking no for an answer?”
“Hahaha, you got me,” she laughed nervously. “But he finally picked and so I picked here. Thankfully I really wanted to come here anyway since Sango was here.”
“What’s your major?”
“Education--I want to be a elementary school teacher. I love kids.”
His inner demon was probably going to explode. Swallowing he shifted on the couch so his leg lightly touched her own. That bastard was right; it did help a little bit.
“That’s uh--cool.”
“What about you?”
“Engineering. I like to use my hands and shit. Not so good with the words and stuff.”
“Hahaha, you seem to be doing okay to me,” she smiled brightly. Damn. She was fucking goregous.
“Yea, it’s not an all the time thing so don’t get used to it.”
“What?” Oh fuck. Yea, shouldn’t have said that. Point proven. Dumb dog not good with words.
“I meant if you, ya know, wanna keep this going so the wolf doesn’t keep trying shit on ya,” he explained blushing.
“O-oh, but… You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to put you out or anything. I know you just broke up with Kikyo. Miroku told me a little about everything… I’m sure you want to go sow some wild oats or whatever.” Nope just yours. Damnit.
“Nah; I’m not that type of guy. What about you? Would I be holding you back from anything?”
“Oh no. I uh--” her blush was so distracting. So beautiful. So hot. “I wasn’t sure I was ready for all that. I’ve only dated one guy and he was… uh-- gosh this sounds so mean but boring. He was so nice, and attentive and just a great guy but there was no--SPARK!”
“Huh. Sorry to hear that,” he mumbled as he actually wasn’t that sorry. It gave him the opportunity to woo her. Okay, he needed to not talk or hang out with Miroku anymore.
“Alright; sounds like we’re stuck with each other.”
“You don't need to say it like that. Honestly, I appreciate your help but--”
“Do you not want to be seen with me?”
“What?!? That’s not it at all! I figured after dating someone as gorgeous and beautiful as Kikyo you’d be bored with someone as blah as me! E-Even if we’re not actually dating. You know what I mean.”
“Trust me. You’re an upgrade. You have five times the personality as she does. Also, not to be crude, but ten times the body.”
He smirked at her hot and heavy flush and… oh fuck. The scent of her cinnamon spicy arousal was just almost too much for him to bear. He had to think. Quickly. He stretched his arm over the back of the couch and kissed her forehead.
“But this isn’t--” Fuck he couldn’t even say it wasn’t real because to him it was. “We don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. But we have plenty of excuses to see each other. Sorry I’ve made you the third wheel with horny and the princess.”
“It’s fine. I understand--Miroku said Kikyo was very important to you but you’d come around,” she said as she twirled her hair nervously.
"What else he tell ya?"
"Nothing." That was far too quick an answer.
"Try again; I smell lies just as well as the flea bag downstairs."
"Just that… Oh Gods you're going to kill him."
"Already on my to do list."
"Just you're a big puppy and he'd think we'd be good friends. We’d be good for each other, ya know? Both kinda fresh out of breakups and, yea..." Yep. He was dead. D.E.A.D.
"He's not wrong but neither are you.  He is dead. The moment he walks into our apartment again."
"So… we're gonna just uhh, keep fake dating?"
"Sure. Get to know each other.  Maybe even branch into actually being friends. Who knows, where it could lead." He hadn’t meant to say that.  Damnit.
"I uh, I'd like that," she admitted.
His heart stopped. She would like that? Really? This beautiful feisty little kitten would wanna go out with him? He looked down at her and she was smiling nervously with that damn bottom lip in-between her teeth. He bet his cock would look just as good as--
Nope. Not yet.
It'd been a good couple of weeks. The farce was well taken by everyone.  No one batted an eye. Well, no one but Kikyo and Koga.
Inuyasha had taken to walking Kagome to and from classes. They still stopped and got coffee, usually getting it to go since the wolf was present--waiting. They often ended up watching movies after their day was done at her place. Studied at the library together. They went out to dinner here and there but usually ate at home with their friends.
Even though it looked like to others it was going fast, it was oddly perfect to them. Even if it wasn't all true.
But in the weeks they had shared together, he learned almost everything he could about her. While she was content with companionable silence, she also was not one to hide anything. He learned about her family, likes, dislikes, pet peeves, history with men in general. He still hadn’t really figured out why she was so self-conscious but she stopped that around him.
He definitely classified them as friends at that point. He also honestly considered them dating. Even though maybe she didn’t. He was too afraid to ask. Especially when things were going so well.
She never seemed bothered by the intimacy--even behind closed doors. He always had his arm around her shoulders, their legs close and brushing against each other. He often kissed her lightly on the crown of her head, temple, sometimes even got ballsy enough to kiss her cheek. She has reciprocated a couple times out in public, but there was what was confusing. Why not when they were alone? Or at least correct him? But what was odd was the fact she sank into his chest as he held her shoulders, twirled his hair in her fingers, and when he did kiss her on the cheek, she’d smiled this beautiful nervous grin. Like he had told her he loved her.
Which he hadn’t. Not yet. But fuck, he did.
And it was crazy.
Another week passed, their routine remained the same. But he knew he was forgetting something…
They were out for a stroll after their dinner at a casual restaurant. She had decided on burgers and fries. Her go-to meal before a stressful exam or presentation. He already knew she’d regret it later and curl into his side moaning about how her stomach hurt. Yea, he didn’t like she put herself through that but fuck, if he didn’t love being the one to comfort her.
The sun was just setting when he felt it. He stopped mid stride by the fountain in the park. She glanced at him, still holding his hand and looked worried.
“Damnit, I completely forgot…”
“What’s wrong???”
“You’ll see in a second,” he grimaced. He felt his aura drain, his ears shift down, his claws and fangs shorten, even his hair tingled as it turned midnight black while the sun disappeared. He opened his now-violet eyes and saw Kagome gape at him fearfully.
She released his hand and went right for the ears--fuck they were just as sensitive in this form as his other. “Oh my Gods!! Are you alright?!? What happened??? Did I purify you??”
“Relax Kagome, this happens every new moon. I just forgot tonight was that time in the lunar cycle. You keep me so distracted.”
“Oh Gods… I’m so sorry,” she said, tearing up.
“What?? What's wrong??”
“I-I-I messed up your schedule.”
“Hey, it’s fine,” he said brushing his hands against her eyes, catching her tears. “I love spending time with you.” Oh fuck. He forgot his mouth ran away with him while he was human. Stupid human emotions.
“Y-You do?”
“Of course, you idiot. Why on earth would I be with you night and day if I didn’t?”
“I-I mean--” she looked nervous.
“Yea?” He pressed.
“O-Our arrangement.”
“You really think--”
“I knew you were faking everything,” a voice came from behind them. Inuyasha turned and pushed Kagome behind him.
“Kikyo, what are you doing here?” He asked, less than pleased by her appearance. Not that she really altered his feelings about Kagome. No, if anything it oddly made them so much clearer. He had originally thought if he was human it would have jumbled things up, but it only made his feelings for Kagome clearer.
“I wanted to see if I could talk to you after you dropped her off this evening.”
“Have you been following us?” Kagome asked, slightly horrified.
“Of course I have you stupid girl. He’s my boyfriend. I needed to make sure he didn’t cheat on me.”
Kagome tried to distance herself from him but he wouldn’t let her. He gripped tightly onto her hip and growled slightly.
“Inuyasha,” Kikyo said warningly.
“No Kikyo. We broke up. Correction: you broke up with me. I moved on. I’m sorry you think we are still together for some odd delusional reason but even though I’m human tonight that doesn’t mean that you’ll persuade me into getting back together with you. I’m with Kagome. End of story.”
“I overheard your conversation, Inuyasha. You have an ‘arrangement’.”
“One of which we are dating. So mind your own business,” he glowered.
“Inuyasha--” Kagome started before Inuyasha turned to face her.
“Let’s go,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“Inuyasha! Another step and we are completely through! I will forgive this act but if you leave--”
“Don’t forgive me then. Kagome’s friendship is more important than a fake relationship with you.”
They walked in silence back to Kagome’s place until they got to her door. She dug in her bag for her keys and she was trembling. What could she be upset about?
“What’s wrong Kagome?” He asked, stilling her shaking hands with his own.
“I--I never wanted you to have to choose.”
“Yea well, she did. Even then though, it was you. Your friendship has meant more to me than our relationship ever has…”
“You’re being… really honest. Open. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yea, just human,” he snorted.
“What does that mean?” She asked as she finally unlocked the door leading the way into her apartment.
“It means my emotions are freer now. That I say more shit without thinking-- actually that part is no different. It just means shit I usually hide or am reluctant to share often comes up like word vomit now.”
“Oh,” she pondered. “Would it be mean if we played twenty questions then?”
That beautiful smirk she gave lit up his heart. And cock. Wait--he was human. He could control this better now. Sort of. Maybe. Damnit. Humans were hornier than demons. But he wasn’t compelled… Damnit would he ever not be screwed?
“It would but I won’t be opposed if it’ll make you happy.”
“Do… you mean that?”
“Question 1--yes. I do.”
“Hahaha, okay,” she laughed bouncing down on the couch. “Question 2-- why do you wanna make me happy?”
“Uhm…” he blushed hotly. “Because you’re my fr-friend.”
“Why’d you stutter?”
“That counts--because you are my friend. It makes me nervous to admit that.”
“You would ask all the why questions… Because it means you’re important to me.”
It was her turn to flush when she pried again, “Why does that make you nervous though?”
“It means I could lose you,” he confessed.
“I’m not Kikyo though… You won’t lose me,” she said breathily. Oh fuck she was right there in front of him.
“Not now, but eventually. Demons have different life spans.”
“What do you mean?”
“We live longer, don’t get sick, all that stuff…”
“How old are you?”
“I’m twenty-six--I was born this century. My father though, he was centuries old before he died.”
“How’d he die?”
“Freak priestess accident. My mother never really talked about it. I never asked about it.”
“What about your mother?”
“She died of cancer.”
“She--she didn’t take your father’s lifespan?”
“Are you asking if they mated?”
“Uhm, if that’s what it’s called?”
“She did--that’s why she got cancer and died early. Or at least that’s what the doctors said.”
Her tears hurt him. He didn’t want her pity. “Hey, don’t cry--”
“I’m sorry, I just-- I’m so sorry. I didn’t know and--”
“Shhhh,” he said, pulling her into a full embrace. She buried her head into his sweater and just cried. She was just crying for him. There was no pity. It was like she was shedding the tears he never allowed himself to cry. Her empathy held no bounds. He was so screwed. The love he held for her only grew that night.
Especially when she fell asleep in his arms and he carried her to bed. She muttered his name so softly and whined at the loss of his contact. He leaned down to kiss her forehead just before her eyes opened tentatively. He almost missed it; but he saw those beautiful carmel eyes flutter right before they squeezed shut again. If he had his demon sense he would have been able to see it better. To hear her heart rate and breathing. To be able to just confess.
But it was the new moon and he was still a coward. He didn’t want to hear the potential no in her answer about actually dating. The fluster from her about being his mate.
Smiling, he pressed his lips to forehead like he had planned. Then he did the only thing he was brave enough to do at the moment-- he lightly pressed his lips to hers and then quickly left the room before she could reveal to him she was awake.
He was so fucked.
It was a couple days after that he ended up meeting Kagome at the coffee shop because he had a final that ran longer than he originally thought. He immediately regretted it having smelt the wolf the moment he opened the coffee house door.
Kagome locked eyes with him from their booth and smiled brightly. She waved him over happily. He almost forgot Koga was there--sitting in his spot across from her. He was fucking livid.
“Inuyasha! How’d your final go?” She asked as if Koga was not just sitting there glaring at him.
“Fine,” he clipped. Her brown eyes blinked at him and she tilted her head in confusion from his shortness.
“Here--I got your favorite,” she proceeded pushing his cup to him as she scooted in the booth. Making room for him. He smirked. Show time.
“Thanks babe,” he said sitting next to her wrapping his arm around her. As she turned back to look at Koga he got cocky. He wanted the wolf to know his place in Kagome’s life. Just a friend. Inuyasha was her man. Even if it wasn’t completely official yet. But Koga didn’t need to know that tidbit.
He grabbed her chin and initially she looked confused. Then understanding dawned on her as he lowered his mouth to hers. He saw her eyes widen before they fell to half-mast before he closed his and kissed her. Whoa. He thought her breath was enticing but fuck. She tasted like cherry candy. It took everything not to swipe his tongue along that lip of hers… EVERYTHING.
Pulling back he heard the tiniest whimper of disappointment from her, making him grin all the more. When she opened her glazed over eyes, she stared at him like she was begging him for more. The clearing of a throat across from them broke the spell and while he growled in annoyance she flushed from embarrassment. She proceeded to press her head into his chest, which he didn’t complain about in the slightest. Though he could see the anger and jealousy rolling off Koga in waves.
The conversation was obviously shortened with his presence but Kagome in no way shape or form felt uncomfortable. If anything, it was the opposite. She was beyond comfortable. The happiness she exuded rolled off of her in waves. He could tell the wolf wasn’t exactly excited about it either. But he didn’t say anything. They merely talked about their classes. What they were doing during their winter break. So on and so forth.
On their walk back to her place, he noticed she was biting her lip. More than usual. He wasn’t really sure why. When they finally got there, she invited him like usual and then disrobed her coat and made her way to the couch. She paused and turned to face him as he turned around from taking off his jacket.
“What’s up?” He asked, finally getting slightly irritated from the aura she was exuding.
“Uh--can I ask you something?”
“It’s about… us.”
“Uh huh… well, spill then.”
“Do… do you like me?”
“What kind of dumb question is that? Of course I like you. We’re friends.” That was probably an asshole answer but it answered the question in the vagueness he needed to convey. He didn’t want to freak her out--it has been maybe a month. He didn’t know he had been in love with Kikyo for a year. Yea, mates were different but shit--she was still human.
“That’s not--ugh! That’s not exactly what I meant. I meant do you like me?”
“Why are you asking me that?”
“I just don’t want to misread things,” she admitted.
“What would you be misreading?”
“Inuyasha you’ve kissed me twice now! I just--I want to know! Do. You. Like. ME?!”
“So you were awake!!”
“You knew?!?”
“Yea!! You slammed your eyes closed so quick and hard I was expecting you to have fucking whiplash!”
“And you kissed me anyway?!! Why!?!”
“Are you that fucking stupid!?” He questioned stepping towards her until they were maybe a foot apart.
“I just want to know!!! I don’t want to be heartbroken because you don’t love me like I love you!!!” Her eyes widened and she muttered, “Shit.” She turned around and tried to walk away but he grabbed her and swung her back around.
“You’re an idiot,” he smirked down at her blanched face.
“Excuse me?!”
“I thought I was being obvious--at least for me! Do you think I go around walking with my arm slung domestically on any girl? Do you think I kiss anyone on the crown of their head? Do you think I kiss anyone??? Does that sound anything like me at all? Use your fucking head.”
“Inuyasha--stop dodging the question!!!’
“Fine I fucking love you too! I was drawn to you the moment I saw you in the coffee shop and smelt your distress. Wanna know why??? Because you’re my fucking mate! But you’re a human! I didn’t want to freak you out, scare you away, and ruin my only chance with you. That’s why I went along with the fake dating, that’s why I wanted to get to know you, and fuck it’s the main reason I can’t seem to not fucking want to touch you!!! Happy now?!?!”
She grabbed his tendrils and pulled his face down to hers; she kissed the absolute fuck outta him. Holy. Shit. She actually made the move. She was kissing him. And by Gods was it the best damn kiss he ever had.
He felt her tongue press demandingly against his lips and he eagerly let her in. She roamed his mouth and it took all he had not to slam her against the wall and rut the shit outta her. Especially when she moaned when she stroked his fang. Her extra spicy scent came alive and she was clinging to him like a freakin’ spider monkey. Her hands were wrapped around his neck, woven in his hair, and her thick perfect muscular thighs were entangled in his own legs. He should slow this down right? Give her an option. Because anything further he won’t be able to stop. His cock was already pressing into her abdomen--soon to be her sex if she continued to try and climb him like a fucking tree. Not that he minded. It was hotter than the seventh hell.
He pushed her away and whimpered. WHIMPERED. What was she doing to him??
“Kagome--we don’t have to--”
“Shut up please--I’ve wanted you from day 1. But originally this was-- well I actually don’t know what it was because clearly it wasn’t fake. Even though it was. I don’t know. But for the love of God pleaseeeeeeee stop talking and being rational for---however long it takes to have sex and just--”
He interrupted her by slamming his mouth back into hers and swallowed her loud moan. Lifting her up with ease, his cock aligned with her clit. His hips were thrusting into hers. She was grinding into him. Fuck. It was like he was a goddamn virgin all over again. He thought he was going to blow his load right then.
But the last thing he needed to do was fuck her right here on the couch. No--Miroku and Sango would be back for dinner probably within the next hour. If it was gonna happen, they needed to get to her bedroom. That way, he could try to keep her quiet until dinner was fully cooked as he ravished her beautiful body for the next couple of hours.
She was a virgin. She deserved the fucking best.
He carried her to the bedroom and slowly lowered her onto the bed, following so their bodies never lost contact. His mouth devoured her in a way he had never kissed anyone before. He was nipping her, suckling her, shit. She really didn’t care that he was a half demon.
That’s when it dawned on him where her crafty little hands were headed. The moment he felt her dainty soft fingers caress his ears. That's when the rumble came. He was fucking blissed out. If he could, he’d lay here all night. Fuck dinner. Fuck sleep. Fuck anything that had literally nothing to do with them not touching.
Her giggle brought him back to consciousness.
“Too good?” She purred. Goddamn. She should be against the law. She was too much.
“Fuck--you’re never gonna leave this bed.”
“Mmmmm, good. I don’t want to if that means you’ll stay here.”
“Deal,” he said, diving back on her. He took his mouth and moved it down her jaw. Then her neck, then--oh shit they still had clothes on. That could be easily fixed. “Do you like this shirt?”
“Huh?” Oh good--at least he had the same intoxicating effect on her as she did on him.
“Shirt--do you like it?”
“I’m confused by the question,” she admitted pressing his face back into the junction between her neck and shoulder. Keh. That was all he really needed for an answer. His claws ripped through her shirt and his hands immediately began kneading and tugging on her breasts.
“Ahhhhhh, Inu---Gods,” she wailed.
“Like that Ka-Go-Me?”
“Yesssss,” she whined writhing beneath him. Her hips were stick bucking up against his. He knew what she needed. His ears stood at attention as his hand dipped between them and his fingers sunk into her moist folds.
Her breath hitched as she whined pitifully as he toyed with her clit. He pinched, circle, kneaded, and pressed hard seeing what action would push her over the edge. The mixture of the moments seemed to be doing it though--she was panting. Between her nipple being squeezed, her neck being ravished by his teeth and tongue, and her nub being stimulated she was lost to the world around her.
“Cum for me, Kagome,” he demanded softly into her ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and yanking softly.
Her cry was fucking magical. Musical. She should be a goddamn singer. Shit. They needed to get rid of some clothing. Scratch that; they needed to get rid of all their clothing. He toyed with her a little more until she fully came back and was kissing his cheek. He withdrew his hand and toyed with the button on her jeans. She helped him by taking over and unbuttoning. He finished unzipping and pushed them down with her help as she arched off the bed. If that was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.
He undid his own pants as he sat up slowly, pulling away from her wandering hands. He was shocked when he pulled his shirt over his head and saw her sitting there with him. Her hands refused to cease their movements as she traced the lines of his abs. He groaned but wanted her to explore. Trying to remain still, he realized her breasts were still encased in her bra.
“Do you like that bra?” He smirked cheekily.
“It’s a set--I’ll take it off,” she huffed, annoyed that she was going to have to stop her ministrations. He chuckled and set forth taking off his jeans and boxers by rising from the bed. Her eyes were like saucers as she stared at his twitching cock.
“Like what you see?” he asked, trying to break the tension. She didn’t answer. Was she scared? Turned off? He was pretty sure he looked normal…
She startled him when she was on the edge of her bed and slowly extended her hand to stroke him. He flinched initially which made her retract her hand. Shaking off his shock, he pulled her hand back to touch him. OH fuck. Had he ever had sex? Did he dream about losing his virginity?? Fuck her hand was amazing. He was nervous now to enter her. Maybe he should let her get round one out of the way first. Honestly he definitely should be getting round two started for her to make sure she was wet enough to enter her without totally hurting her.
Her hand continued its work until suddenly he felt it encased with wet fucking heat. Her mouth. Her mouth was on his goddamn fucking dick. Holy Gods. Shit. Fuck. Don’t stop. Wait--did he say that out loud? Likely not coherently. It probably was a gurgling sound mixed with her name. Maybe even syllables. He wasn’t sure. Nothing was actually processing that well when her fucking tongue was swirling around his tip and licking off the pre-cum that leaked out.
He needed to focus. He didn’t want her to choke on his cock. Even though her little breathy wet sounds on were literally killing him, he honestly didn’t want to hurt her or make her gag. He needed to control himself and NOT thrust. Nope. Self-control. Self--
Her teeth were scrapping him. Oh for fuck’s sake. He tapped her and muttered cuming. Or at least he thought that’s what he said. It could have been that he was a cat. That perfect little mouth, her slender tiny hands that were cupping his balls were making him forget his damn name.
She hummed and that officially did him in. He exploded in her mouth, his hands threaded through her hair, and he gently pushed himself back and forth in his mouth as she drank him in. All of him. And that was fucking hot enough to keep him hard.
But he needed to take care of her next. He officially owed her like ten orgasms. Because that was his best one he had ever fucking had.
Oh, and the little crafty little vixen looked up at him with eyes so full of mayhem then licked her lips. Yea, nope, he had to wipe that little smirk off her mouth.
He pushed her back onto her back on the bed and then took her underwear by the sides and slid them down her legs. Once they were fully down, he began kissing up her calves, licking and nipping her thighs until he laid between them and pulled them up over her shoulders.
“Please, Inuyasha,” she begged.
“Only because you said please,” he replied before licking between her folds. She cried out blissfully. Gods, she was so sensitive. He was loving it. To be fair, she made him melt like butter in heat too. Maybe that was the power of mateship.
He used his tongue to penetrate her first making her whimper and arch off the back. Barely holding in his laugh, he held her hip firmly in one hand. His other hand took his tongue’s place as he shifted to circle her jewel. He inserted one finger first, then two, then finally three until she was pulsing around him. Her whimpers, whines, groans, begging kept him almost unbearably hard. He found himself grinding himself into her mattress for some relief. Once she came he was going to fuck her. He had to. Well, after he asked her--one last time.
Speaking the action into life, she came with a scream of his name. Fucking. Music. To. His. Ears. He maintained contact with his fingers as he slunk his way back up to her mouth and kissed her back to life.
Once she was responding and humming her approval, he retracted his finger and paused in his actions.
“Are you sure about this Kagome?”
“Inuyasha please, I need you. I want you so badly it hurts,” she pleaded.
“This isn’t--”
“Oh my God why am I begging you to have sex with me???” She was actually crying. He needed to calm her down. Jesus Christ.
“Hey hey, it’s not that I don’t want to. Trust me--I want to. Fuck do I want you, Kagome. You’re perfect. I just didn’t want to rush you--this--I know how this shit started. I just didn’t wanna put you out.”
“We love each other right??”
“I mean--yes--”
“Then how are we rushing,” she breathed, kissing him gently. That kiss was all the encouragement he needed. He lined up to her entrance and slowly poked to make sure she was serious. That she wouldn’t stop him. If anything, he felt her try to edge downward to take him in making him chuckle.
He finally snapped his hips forward and destroyed her hyman. After swallowing her gasp and cry, he removed his mouth and roamed her face kissing her cheeks, temples, forehead and then laved her tears that spilled from her eyes.
She finally twisted, albeit a little awkwardly, as if she was trying to get used to the feeling of being so full of him, and then groaned. Yep. Nope. He couldn’t control the buck he sent back in reply even if he wanted to. Her moan of reply was enough to make him keep going.
Her hot little body responded to every thrust he gave her with her own. He began picking up pace and he was shocked she was able to keep up with him. But her whimpers told him it wasn’t enough. He had never tried this, but, then again, he was doing a lot of things with Kagome he had never tried before.
He moved his hands that had been cradling her face to her thighs and lifted her ass off the mattress and sat up. Her answering wail and hands clenching onto his arms were enough to keep him going. He felt her walls tightening on his hard cock that was thrusting in and out of her tight area. Watching what he was doing to her was almost too much--but she was close. Luckily, he had large enough hands where he merely had to just adjust to use one of his thumbs while keeping a tight grip on her hips to press against her swollen overly sensitive and excited nub. Two strokes was all it took until her walls were clamping down on him and her voice was being sung to the neighbors upstairs and downstairs of her apartment.
He moved one arm to swing around her back so she sitting atop him as he kept fucking her. He buried his head into her neck and groaned.
“Kagome--I’m gonna--”
“Come for me,” she panted.
“I’m gonna mark you--” he gritted out of his elongated fangs. His only response was a moan as she shifted to tilt her bare open neck towards his mouth. Fuck. Did he mention she was absolutely in every way shape and form perfect?
He clamped down on her neck and drove himself into her one final time before he came inside her. When he finally came down from his orgasm, he realized her mark had been cleaned and shown like the demonic markings he had on his cheeks.
“Hmmm?” she hummed happily stroking his cheek to bring his face to hers.
“Are you okay?”
“Mhmmmm,” she purred, kissing him. Fuck. He was perfectly screwed.
They spent the next hour strengthening their newly formed bond. He kept trying to swallow her groans, moans, wails, whatever she gave but he began failing because she brought out his own.
They finally emerged for dinner with a very brightly blushing Sango and a wickedly smirking Miroku. Kagome was bashful but Inuyasha only expelled confidence and pride. At dinner, they chatted, confirmed what they had done, and decided a celebration was in order.
What started out as a charade, ended with the most real thing Inuyasha had ever felt in his life. Kagome. The most perfect woman he could have ever had the pleasure of calling his.  
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