#unique diners
housecrazysarah-blog · 7 months
The Port Henry Diner Is For Sale: A Vintage Train Dining Car
This is a fun little place! The Port Henry Diner is housed in a Ward Dining Car, built by The Ward & Dickinson Dining Car Company in 1927. The diner is said to be one of the last of its kind in the country. It is currently listed for sale for a mere $100,000. The diner is located in the historic village of Port Henry on Lake Champlain, New York with a view of the lake. In addition to the old…
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Pines surround me like moths to a flame. And the wind whispers the Other's name. Requiem roads and infinite searches. Archways hidden among the bones and the birches. Mountebanks of the hinterlands. Subservient only to the water's plans.]
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adammilligan · 2 years
wait sooooo how many years WERE there in between the creation of michael and the creation of lucifer. how many years did michael spend being the only one of his kind. maybe that's why he's so distant about it when it comes to any love he has for the other archangels. none of them or the angels for that matter have ever known what it is to be alone like that. michael might not have been actually alone because god and the darkness were there and maybe he wouldn't even recognize the loneliness for what it was back then because it was all he ever knew and he had nothing else to go off of and he WAS created to be a good soldier and loyal son so maybe it never even occured to him. but maybe after everything when it's just him and adam down in the cage and all the other archangels are dead he's like ah. so that's what that was
#thinking about the diner scene and how he says. my brothers are dead. my father never returned. in so many ways i'm alone.#and how the line about his brothers is such a contrast from the way he actually acts?#the only one he seems to have strong feelings about or loves at all is lucifer#and even then. he berates him every chance he gets he locked him in the cage he calls him a monster he refused to walk off the chessboard#with him. etc etc. he seems to hate him much more than he ever loved him#and he never even makes mention of the other two outside that one single line!#and i'm kind of wondering if it's because he has the unique position he does. because he knows what existence was like without them#to them michael has always been a fixed position in their lives. the perfect soldier. the good son. even when he was playing the role of#big brother those two characteristics would've taken precedence. but michael watched them be created! he knew what life was like#without them. god (and the darkness) was the only fixed position in his life.#so maybe that distance comes as a result of that. because none of them have ever carried a fixed position in his life like god has#and it makes swan song so interesting. because lucifer WAS ready to throw everything away for him! he DID want to walk off the chessboard#with him! but michael barely even considers it. he fully rejects the idea. he's lived an existence without lucifer before#and if doing so again brings god back? brings paradise about? hell yeah he'll kill him! raising him be damned!#imo it also kind of sheds some light on his line 'you are no longer a part of this story!'#because it's like oh you ADMIT this is a story? one that ends with you killing the brother you raised? for your father?#for the one person you've never known life without?#ahem. anyway. sorry it's 9 am#kate rambles#michael
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fierifiction · 2 years
Rebellion is a reining in of tyranny. We can't just sit here and let it go. We need to organize for a better future. In my view, that's what will begin to happen: A very popular alternative political movement on the ground. Here's a little background on my latest campaign: I wrote the novel The Book of the Twelve in 2009, which then went on to be nominated for a Hugo.
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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justlemmeadoreyou · 20 days
3. protectively watchful (restaurant owner!harry x chef!reader)
(part 1 here) | (part 2 here)
summary: you take up on the mantorship offer, but it creates more tensions and turmoil within you than were before. an incident in the kitchen makes harry go into protective mode, and you can't help but get turned on by this man more and more.
words: 4.8k
warnings: sexual tension (like A LOT), inappropriate behaviour, protective!harry.
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"You wanted to see me, Chef?"
You gave a light knock on the open door of Harry's office, trying to sound polite and professional. It had been a few weeks since you had that talk with Harry about keeping things strictly business between you two. During that time, he had been a perfect mentor - giving you advice and guidance without any flirting or suggestive comments.
His coaching had really helped improve your cooking skills as you soaked up all his knowledge and experience. You were grateful to have a normal working relationship again, focused solely on culinary training. And yet...you couldn't ignore the faint lingering tension between you, that subtle underlying charge.
Harry looked up from the notebooks on his desk, his eyes crinkling in a warm smile when he saw you. "Ah, there you are. Come on in, have a seat."
You sat down in one of the chairs across from him as Harry neatened up the loose papers into a stack. Up close, you couldn't help noticing how well-fitted his black button-down shirt was, or how his tousled hair looked very touchable.  
Firmly reminding yourself this was just a professional meeting, you averted your eyes politely until Harry cleared his throat.
"So as you know, the big Martin gala fundraiser is coming up in a few weeks," he began, shuffling through some folders. "It's one of the biggest events of the year for underprivileged culinary education programs. I'll be preparing the featured dish for their live auction, and I'd love for you to assist me on it."
Your eyes went wide with surprise at this prestigious opportunity. The Martin gala was a hugely famous event in Chicago's culinary scene, attracting all the wealthiest and most notable diners. For an up-and-coming chef to collaborate on the centerpiece dish was an amazing honor and chance to get exposure.
"Wow, yes of course!" you replied enthusiastically. "I would be absolutely honored, Chef. Thank you for this incredible opportunity."  
Harry's dimples deepened as he smiled approvingly. "Don't thank me yet. We'll be under a huge spotlight to deliver an amazing showstopper dish. I expect you to rise to the challenge."
You quickly nodded. "You can count on me to give it my absolute best effort. I'm ready to do whatever work is needed."
"Excellent," Harry said in a slightly lower, huskier tone. "That's exactly what I like to hear."  
For a moment, his voice had a heated quality that hinted at other situations where your eagerness might be welcome. You ignored the shiver it sent through you, reminding yourself this was strictly business now between you two.
Harry seemed to realize he was skirting the line, as he abruptly straightened up and all hints of flirtation disappeared as he switched fully into mentor mode. "Right, well let me walk you through my basic vision so far..."
You leaned forward attentively as he outlined preliminary ideas for a highly ambitious and avant-garde dish blending molecular gastronomy techniques with classic French cuisine fundamentals. It was wildly cutting-edge, even for a showpiece event like the Martin gala. But the more details Harry provided, the more that same thrill of adrenaline rushed through you whenever presented with a new culinary challenge to conquer.
For the next hour, the two of you bounced ideas back and forth in that unique creative flow state that chefs share. Harry's presence was magnetic, but you refused to get distracted by more physical aspects - like the stretch of his biceps against his crisp sleeves, the hint of toned abs beneath his open collar, or the raspy timbre of his voice dipping into that lower register as he passionately discussed certain techniques.  
And oh, his damn tattoos.
No, you sternly told yourself as the conversation began wrapping up. Those days of getting flustered around him were over. Harry had made it clear where you stood, and you fully accepted those boundaries. Anything else was just self-torture.
"...but of course, those are just preliminary thoughts," Harry was saying as he collected the scattered folders into a neat pile. "We'll have plenty of time to refine the details over the next couple weeks."  
You nodded, filing away the mental notes you'd taken during the discussion. "Absolutely, Chef. Just let me know whatever you need for prep or testing different ideas to get a head start."
"Will do." With an air of finality, Harry gathered up the pile and rose from his seat. You quickly stood up as well, not wanting him to loom over you in the enclosed space. For a beat, you both hovered awkwardly, the air seeming to thicken between you.  
"Well then," Harry said, making no move to step past you towards the door. "I'd say this calls for a drink to celebrate our new collaboration, wouldn't you agree?"
Before you could reply, he turned and went to a small antique cabinet tucked in an alcove you hadn't noticed before. With a practiced hand, Harry selected a heavy glass decanter and two tumblers, placing them on the cabinet and expertly twisting off the stopper.
"Let's go with Lagavulin," he mused aloud, carefully pouring two generous glasses of the amber scotch whisky. "A good Scottish whisky seems appropriate for the occasion."  
"I really shouldn't, Chef," you said reflexively, already picturing your lightweight self getting sloppy and unprofessional after even a single drink.
But Harry just chuckled softly. "Loosen up a little. It's a celebration, after all."
He emphasized this by bringing one of the heavy tumblers over and pressing the cool glass into your hand. You frowned down at the coppery liquid, worrying your lower lip uncertainly. But before you could protest further, Harry gently clinked his glass against yours in a silent toast before taking a sizable sip.
The whisky's smoky, peaty aroma seemed to wrap around you intimately. Despite your hesitation, you couldn't help giving an appreciative inhale before taking a small, tentative sip yourself. Bold, layered flavors of vanilla, caramel, and charred oak underscored by an earthy smokiness burst over your tongue. You let out a soft sigh of indulgent pleasure at the decadent taste.
"Good, isn't it?" Harry's gravelly voice made you start slightly. He was watching you with amusement, whisky glass dangling casually from those large, handsome fingers. "It really hits you in the back of the throat, makes you slow down and savor it fully."
You suddenly realized the suggestive implication behind his phrasing and felt a flush of heat bloom across your face and chest. Harry watched the play of emotions flickering over your features with relish before taking another indulgent sip. This time, you noticed the way his full lips pursed delicately to drink, the tiny furrow of concentration between his brows as he savored the flavor before swallowing.
Unconsciously, your eyes tracked the mesmerizing flex of his throat as he swallowed, the hint of stubble grazing along his chiseled jawline. A twinge low in your abdomen accompanied the thought of feeling that scratchy burn of beard between your thighs, that talented mouth working magic elsewhere on your body.
Mortified, you shut down that wayward trail of thought through sheer willpower. Your cheeks grew even hotter as you realized Harry had caught you staring, his own gaze darkly amused.  
"Easy there," he murmured huskily, stepping a bit deeper into your personal space. "This dish is a marathon, not a sprint. Best to learn to savor every indulgent morsel along the way."
With a pointed look and arched brow, Harry raised his whisky to those plump lips once more, holding your gaze as he placed the rim against that full lower lip and let out an obscenely gratifying groan of pure delight.
Moments after, the tension had subsided, but the flush and blush that had creeped up your cheeks wasn’t going away anytime soon–you were sure of that.
You tried to push aside the lingering thoughts about the “Celebration” that were now implaed into your mind, and the way tiny droplets of the drink remained on his lips till he licked them off with his tongue–
You wanted that tongue to be yours.
Shaking your head, you focused on prepping the ingredients for the evening service. The dinner rush would be starting soon and you needed to have everything ready. As you worked, you were vaguely aware of the dining room filling up with patrons being seated. The sounds and aromas of the bustling kitchen surrounded you in a familiar, comforting way.
You were so engrossed in your tasks that you didn't notice the man approach until he cleared his throat loudly. Looking up, you saw a smartly-dressed diner smiling at you in a way that made you instinctively uncomfortable.
"Well, hello there," he said in a syrupy tone. "I was just admiring the delicious-looking fare over here." He raked an obvious look up and down your body. "The menu selections have my mouth watering already."
You stiffened, recognizing the overly familiar leer. This wasn't the first time you'd dealt with an obnoxious patron hitting on you. Keeping your expression neutral, you replied in a polite but firm tone. "I'm afraid you'll need to return to the dining room, sir. The kitchen is off-limits to guests."
Rather than taking the hint, the man leaned nonchalantly against your prep station. "Don't be like that, sweetheart. I was just hoping you could suggest something...special for me to sample tonight." He punctuated this with an exaggerated wink.
Suppressing a grimace, you turned away to continue your work, hoping he would give up and leave. No such luck. The lech sidled closer until he was nearly pressed against you. "What do you say? I'd love for a tasty little thing like you to--" 
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the kitchen area immediately." Harry's firm baritone cut across the man's words like a whip crack.  
You looked up in relief to see your boss standing with arms crossed, jaw clenched as he glared at the offending patron. Even from several feet away, you could sense the potent force of his displeasure rolling off him in waves.
The diner seemed to shrink slightly under Harry's censorious scowl. "Oh, uh, my apologies. I was just trying to get some personal recommendations--"
"The kitchen is off-limits and you're making my staff uncomfortable," Harry interrupted, his tone brooking no argument. "I won't ask again. Return to your table or you'll be asked to leave the premises."
Looking sufficiently cowed, the lech swiftly retreated with some mumbled apologies. You exhaled slowly, trying to dispel the anxiety brought on by the unpleasant encounter. Harry stepped closer, his expression softening as he looked you over with concern.
"You okay? That asshole didn't go too far, did he?"
You managed a faint smile, oddly touched by the protective edge in his voice. "I'm fine, Chef. Just another boorish customer thinking the uniform is a dinner invitation."  
His jaw tightened again as he scowled in the direction the man had gone. "That type of behavior is completely unacceptable. You let me know right away if anyone hassles you like that again, understand?"
Nodding, you found yourself blinking rapidly against the unexpected prickle of grateful tears at having Harry firmly in your corner, despite the complicated dynamics between you lately.  
For a long moment, he watched you carefully as if gauging your equilibrium. Then Harry surprised you by reaching out and briefly squeezing your shoulder in a reassuring gesture. The warmth of his large hand seeped through your uniform, leaving a tingly imprint even after he pulled away.
"I've got your back, [Y/N]. You focus on doing your job and let me deal with any assholes who get out of line."
The gruff tenderness in his words made your heart do a traitorous little flip in your chest. You nodded again, not trusting your voice enough to respond properly.
With one final pointed look, Harry turned and headed back out to his front-of-house duties.  As you watched his broad-shouldered form disappear through the swinging doors of the kitchen, you felt a complicated tangle of gratitude, protectiveness, affection...and yes, a lingering undercurrent of attraction that you couldn't seem to fully extinguish despite your best efforts.
You spent the rest of the dinner service determinedly pushing aside any lingering thoughts about Harry or the earlier incident. Focusing fully on your work was the only way to get through these confusing emotions that had you all over the place..
The rhythm of prepping, plating, and coordinating with the other line cooks settled into a familiar, reassuring routine. The constant flurry of chopping, sautéing, and barked orders provided a sort of meditative escape from your muddled headspace.
By the time the last diner had been served and the kitchen was winding down for the night, you felt pleasantly drained in that satisfying way that comes from a job well done. As you began breaking down your station for cleaning, Harry emerged from his office looking satisfied.
"Excellent work tonight, everyone," he called out in that effortlessly commanding tone. "Front-of-house said the new salmon dish was a huge hit. We'll definitely want to keep that one on the seasonal menu." 
A chorus of tired but pleased murmurs went around the kitchen at the praise. Harry's eyes found yours amidst the small crowd, holding your gaze a beat longer than strictly necessary before moving on to the other cooks. You tried not to read too much into it.
With the nightly pep talk concluded, Harry rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white chef's coat, joining everyone in the evening breakdown and cleaning duties. You watched surreptitiously as he expertly broke down one of the grill stations, muscles in his broad forearms flexing enticingly with each efficient movement.  
Get a grip, you scolded yourself, quickly refocusing on scrubbing down your own prep area. This was exactly the kind of distracted, unprofessional behavior you were trying to avoid lately around Harry.
Despite your best efforts, however, you couldn't fully ignore him moving about the kitchen, checking in with each station to oversee their sanitation. At one point, he paused to examine some utensils that hadn't been properly cleaned, tsking in displeasure before batting them aside to be re-scrubbed.  
"That's never going to meet inspection," he chided the sheepish-looking young line cook in his trademark gruff tone. "Do it again, and do it properly this time. We're not running a greasy spoon here."  
As much as his uncompromising attitude could be intimidating, you also found it oddly...thrilling to witness Harry taking charge so authoritatively. Not to mention the visual of those powerful hands deftly at work was sending your thoughts in an unprofessional direction yet again.
Sternly redirecting your focus, you turned your back to give the area behind the grill station a thorough scrubbing. You were so engrossed that you nearly jumped out of your skin when Harry's low voice sounded directly in your ear.
"Everything looking good over here?" 
You whirled around to find him looming directly behind you, near enough that you could smell the spicy notes of his subtle cologne mingling with the lingering kitchen aromas clinging to him. Up this close, you couldn't help noticing how the top buttons of his coat had come undone at some point, offering a teasing glimpse of the toned chest beneath.
Trying not to stare, you quickly averted your eyes as you nodded. "Y-yes, Chef. All clean on this side."
"Hmm." His assessing gaze slowly raked over your work before returning to your flushed face. The tiniest of smirks played about his lips as if he could read the direction of your thoughts.  
"Well, then. Carry on," was all he said before turning and strolling unhurriedly back towards his office, burgundy cargo pants slung enticingly low on those lean hips.
You let out a shaky breath, mentally cursing how easily flustered you still became around this man, no matter how much you tried to enforce boundaries. Resolutely, you refocused on finishing your cleaning tasks, determined to get out of there before any more distracted lapses in professionalism.
By the time the kitchen had been scoured from top to bottom, you were one of the last few staffers remaining. Wearily peeling off your apron, you were just reaching for your bag when Harry reappeared, looking unhurried and relaxed now that the nightly duties were done.
"Heading out?" he asked as you approached, one thick eyebrow raised questioningly.
You stifled a yawn with the back of your hand. "Yeah, I'm beat. Gonna try and get some extra sleep before the morning prep shift tomorrow."
He made a noncommittal sound, falling into step beside you as you headed for the employee exit out back. For a few moments, you walked in silence, oddly aware of the warmth radiating off his body this close to yours.
When he finally spoke, it wasn't at all what you expected. "You did good with that asshole customer earlier."
Your steps faltered slightly at the praise before quickly recovering. "Oh...uh, thanks, Chef. You really didn't need to step in like that."
"The hell I didn't," he countered gruffly. There was an edge to his tone that made the tiny hairs at your nape prickle. "No one treats my staff like piece of meat, especially not in my own goddamn kitchen."
Harry shook his head in disgust at the very idea, causing a lock of mahogany hair to fall rakishly across his furrowed brow in a way that really shouldn't have been as distracting as it was.
Swallowing hard, you refocused on the matter at hand. "I've dealt with guys like that before. Just comes with the territory sometimes, y'know?"
"That doesn't make it acceptable," he insisted, mouth setting into a grim line. You found yourself unable to look away from the sharp angles of his frowning profile, chiseled jaw ticking faintly with irritation, that he tried to mask.
He fixed you with those intense pale eyes, all traces of humor gone. "No one - and I mean no one - gets to treat any of you with disrespect while I'm in charge around here. I won't stand for that shit under my roof."
The ferocity in his tone sent an involuntary shiver rippling through you, though from wariness or...something else entirely, you couldn't say. All you knew was the low, authoritative resonance of Harry's voice carried an unmistakable air of command that raised goosebumps along your arms.
Maybe it was the late hour, or the fact you were walking in such close proximity out of public view. Or hell, maybe it was just the sheer presence of this man who could flip between stern taskmaster and something rawer, more carnal in the blink of an eye.
Whatever it was, you felt that subtle spark between you ignite and suddenly, you desperately needed to be alone to process the yearning that flickered to life low in your belly. Before you could consider the impulse further, you were blurting out the first excuse that came to mind.
"Well, thanks again for that. And for the whole mentorship thing too. I, uh...I actually have some errands to run, so I'll just catch you tomorrow morning, 'kay?" 
You didn't even give Harry a chance to respond before ducking through the exit, muscles taut with confused tension. As the cool night enveloped you, you drew a deep, shuddering breath in an effort to steady yourself.
Whatever weird atmospheric flux had momentarily enveloped you back there was too dangerous, too distracting from the tenuous balance you and Harry had only just reestablished. No, it was better to put some space between you before things got muddied again.
With a fierceness born of sheer force of will, you wrestled your turbulent, wandering thoughts back under control. You were a professional, with goals to work towards. Getting pulled into Harry's electrifying orbit again would only derail you.
Still, as you hurried to your car, his shape-shifting countenance kept flashing unbidden across your memory - the dazzling smile, the brooding intensity, the simmering promise of authority barely restrained. All of it provided an infuriatingly potent combination that had your body humming with repressed longing despite yourself.
This was going to take more effort than you'd anticipated.
The next couple of weeks passed in a blur of grueling practice runs and preparation for the Martin gala. You and Harry spent nearly every waking hour in the kitchen, iterating endlessly on his showpiece dish concept.
With the prestigious event date rapidly approaching, any lingering awkwardness or tension between you had been shifted firmly into the background. The shared urgency of perfecting this culinary masterpiece became an all-consuming focus that left little room for anything else.
Still, that didn't stop you from noticing...things.
Like how the sleeves of Harry's whites had an endearing tendency to get shoved up his forearms in a way that displayed those tanned, sinewy muscles to distracting effect as he worked. You definitely didn't linger over the sight of his strong hands deftly wielding a knife, making precise, practiced cuts. And you absolutely did not imagine those dexterous fingers trailing across your skin instead of the cutting board.  
At least, that's what you sternly told yourself in an ongoing effort to maintain focus.
For his part, Harry was all business during these preparation sessions - issuing clipped instructions, evaluating ingredients with a critical eye, pushing both of you relentlessly to get every component just right. Only rarely did you catch hints of something more underneath that professional veneer.
Like the time you were bent over a burner, carefully spooning out the orbs of flavored olive oil onto the waiting plate. Harry stepped up behind you to examine your work, the warmth of his body radiating against your back. As he leaned in closer to inspect the delicate orbs, his low murmur caressed the fine hairs at your nape in a way that made you shiver.
"That's it...go nice and slow with a deft touch," he rumbled in that raspy timbre that never failed to send tingles shooting straight to your core.
Heart pounding, you risked a sidelong glance to find his pale eyes already locked on yours, glittering with an intensity that contrasted sharply with his deceptively neutral expression. A charged moment stretched between you as that underlying spark you'd been determinedly ignoring flared, sudden and molten. 
Just when you thought you might spontaneously combust, Harry blinked and cleared his throat brusquely. "Carry on, then," he instructed in his normal crisp tone before turning away to focus on another component. 
You stood motionless for several heartbeats, fingers clenched around the spoon, skin flushed and tingling in equal measures of arousal and disbelief. Did that really just happen or had the endless hours in the kitchen started affecting your mind?
Too skittish to ponder it further, you dove back into your tasks with even more single-minded focus, the uneasy moment shelved and locked away tight. No matter what fleeting tension arose in isolated pockets, you couldn't afford to unpack it right now - not with the enormity of what was at stake.
The days ticked down in a relentless march until finally, you and Harry stood in the solitude of his spartan office the night before the big event, taking a breather from your marathon final prep session.
An ungodly number of mise en place containers filled every available surface, each holding fussed-over components of the highly elaborate and conceptual dish that would make its debut tomorrow. Harry had pushed you both to your physical and creative limits, drilling the execution repeatedly until he was satisfied you could plate it flawlessly under the anticipated scrutiny.
Now, having quality-checked and prepped every last possible element, there was nothing further to do except rest up and bring your sharpest mental game tomorrow. Harry seemed to deflate slightly as the backdrop of mounting pressure decreased for the first time in weeks.
Propping his hip against the desk with studied nonchalance, he quirked one eyebrow in a sidelong glance. "You ready for this?"
Despite your weariness, you felt that familiar thrill of adrenaline stir at those simple words - as well as a contradictory quiver of nerves. This event was a make-or-break opportunity of the highest magnitude, especially for someone like you just starting out. Either you nailed your responsibilities tomorrow, or it all came crashing down in front of Chicago's most elite gourmands.
Shoving aside the sudden flutters of doubt, you met Harry's inscrutable gaze head-on, straightening your spine. "You know I am. We've put in the work, and this dish is gonna blow them all away."
A tiny smirk tugged at the corner of his sculpted mouth as he studied you appraisingly. "That's what I like to hear. Just remember - all the technique practice in the world won't mean a thing if you panic out there."
The subtle warning made you bristle defensively, never one to back down from a challenge. "I'm not going to panic," you scoffed. "I eat massive amounts of public pressure like this for breakfast."
Harry's eyes danced with amusement, and not for the first time, it struck you how effortlessly he could switch between imposing and playful. "Is that so?" he drawled easily. "In that case, would you care to make things a bit more interesting?"
Before you could respond, Harry kicked off from the desk in one sinuous motion to prowl closer. Despite your weariness, you felt your heart rate kick up several notches as he invaded your personal space, long body coiled with a loose, predatory grace.
"Let's say we raise the stakes a little," he proposed in a tone of studied nonchalance that was completely belied by the heated glint in his eyes boring into yours. "If you can prove you've got the chops to keep a cool head under fire tomorrow, I'll take you out afterwards to celebrate. Just you and me, anywhere you want to go."
Your mouth went instantly dry at the implications behind his offer. Were those...the unmistakable undertones of flirtation coloring his invitation? After the weeks of him keeping things strictly professional between you, the sudden shift was dizzying - and left you dangerously intrigued.
"And what if I choke?" you heard yourself countering recklessly before you could reconsider. "What do you get out of it then?"
His answering smile was pure blistering sin. "Oh, sweetheart. If that happens...I get to take you out too - but somewhere a bit more private."
Harry paused to let the suggestive proposition linger, backing it up with a slow, heated raking of his pale eyes over your body that left zero doubt as to his implication. Heat bloomed furiously across your cheeks as forbidden images flooded your mind unbidden - flashes of tangled limbs, straining muscle, sweaty exertion of a far different sort...
Then, just like that, the provoking spell was broken. Rocking back on his heels, Harry shrugged one broad shoulder in an easy, dismissive gesture. "But that's not going to happen, is it? You've got all the skills, you've put in the time - no reason to buckle tomorrow."
He threw one final weighted glance in your direction before pivoting on his heel towards the door. "Get some rest. I'll see you at the venue early to do our final walkthrough before we get this show on the road."
And with that parting comment, Harry strode casually out, leaving you rooted there in dumbfounded silence. What the hell had just happened? One moment, you'd merely been steeling yourselves for tomorrow's high stakes challenge - and then suddenly he was issuing some bizarrely flirtatious...proposition.
Or was that really what it was? As you stood there chasing replays of his words, his tone, his body language - the whole previous interaction kept taking on a slinkier, more salacious cast. Like maybe your presence of mind was slipping already, causing you to read into things that weren't really there.
No...no, you decided as you hefted your bag, determined to put it all out of your head for now. Harry was just his usual aggravating self, trying to rile you by dangling some imagined reward or punishment to keep you on your toes before the big event. This whole...suggestive semiflirtation thing was just the product of your own exhausted mind playing tricks.  
Firmly shoving aside all unsettling thoughts, you focused on the immediate challenge awaiting tomorrow. You would plate Harry's showpiece dish to absolute perfection, prove yourself under the brightest lights, and decisively seize this career-making opportunity. 
Everything else could be dealt with later.
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catmarlowastrology · 3 months
Moon through the signs + Worst first date ideas
🍽️ Moon in Aries: A monotonous dinner without any excitement or challenge, like a basic meal at home with no surprises and variety.
🍔 Moon in Taurus: A chaotic, fast-food joint with uncomfortable seating and low-quality food, like a crowded, noisy burger joint with uncomfortable plastic chairs.
🎥 Moon in Gemini: A date with no chance for conversation or mental stimulation, like watching a movie in complete silence.
🏙️ Moon in Cancer: A crowded, impersonal restaurant with little privacy or warmth, like a noisy chain restaurant with tables packed close together.
🍟 Moon in Leo: A date lacking effort or creativity, like a generic dinner at a fast-food chain.
🧳 Moon in Virgo: A disorganized outing with no clear plan, like a spontaneous trip with no itinerary or preparation.
🏚️ Moon in Libra: A date in an unattractive or tense environment, like a run-down diner with arguing patrons.
🎉 Moon in Scorpio: A superficial date with no chance for meaningful conversation, like a loud party with no private corners to talk.
🛤️ Moon in Sagittarius: A dull activity with no sense of adventure, like a routine dinner at a chain restaurant.
🕰️ Moon in Capricorn: A date lacking substance or respect for their time, like a frivolous outing with no meaningful conversation.
🎬 Moon in Aquarius: A conventional date following all the usual norms, like a dinner and a movie with no unique twists.
🏟️ Moon in Pisces: A noisy, harsh environment with no emotional connection, like a crowded sports bar during a big game.
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junislqve · 9 days
ᯓ 50 first dates — heeseung
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“cursed with the gift of memories”
syn well-known for his charm and charisma, lee heeseung’s name travels through well with tourists. giving them the best dates and nights of their life. heeseung’s strictly only into one nights stands, running away from commitment even before it was there to chase him. however, his life changed completely when his eyes fell upon a woman. a woman who he knows he could never get. but that has never stopped him, hasn’t it?
feat. hyung line yeji (itzy) hyunjin (skz) | wc 5901 words
pairs fuckboy!heeseung + reader | cw s2l one sided pining? fuckboy turned sweet angst fluff smoking drinking mentions of hook ups mentions of an accident memory loss profanity — mlist navi
note entry for @cupidhoons ’s 1k event >< i tweaked a few things here and there, but i hope you all enjoy it nonetheless
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“he’s incredible” she says, grabbing her mojito from the bartender. looking back to her friend, “he’s got these eyes that just hold a mischievous look, you know?”
“so? what else happened that night?” another guy asked his friend as she was running on the treadmill.
“we had dinner at this small restaurant and we talked about our lives. it was just like a movie” a woman said as she recalled the night, chatting off while writing her thesis.
“was that all?” a girl’s sister asks while both of them were getting ready for a party.
“we had the best night, he’s so sweet and caring and everything i ever want in a man” a woman said to the worker who was massaging her.
“did you get his number?” her friend asked while handing her a cup of coffee.
“thats the thing” she said, eating lunch at a restaurant. “when i asked for his number he told me he had a girlfriend”
“what’s his name?” her manager asks handing her the new papers.
“lee heeseung”
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all over, dozens of women have the same story to tell of the same man. lee heeseung. his charm goes around that has tons of tourists falling head over heels for him.
although really, the charm only consists of the same things with each women; talking to them at whatever place he lands in, telling them about his life stories he’s crafted perfectly, and in the end giving them a good night.
he really had no problem with this routine, figuring they’d all leave soon anyway. dismissing any of their attempts to stay in contact with him by making up on the spot excuses.
“seung” jake exasperates, calling him for the nth time. “you in or not?”
puffing out the smoke, he hummed agreeing to whatever they were talking about.
“we’re diving tomorrow, be at the docks at 5 AM” jay says, grabbing the cigarette pack and throwing it on to the table. “sharp.”
“can’t, i have to take care of the dolphins” heeseung sighs.
“can’t you tell your cousin to do it?” sunghoon asks, taking a swig of the whiskey.
“haven’t you seen him?” he says, referring to his coward of a cousin. as the four continue to talk around the slowly dissipating fire.
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heeseung woke up the next day tending to his dolphins. feeding them food and watching them as they swim and did tricks. he sat on the docks, letting his feet hang over the edge, patting the dolphins every once in a while if they snuggled his legs.
he got up about half an hour later and headed to one of the local diners in town. a small, dingy house close to where he works. he sat on the bar stool and a girl who looked around his age took the order.
“i’ll just have coffee, thanks”
“seriously? you look like you’d get blown off by the wind” the girl says, “i’ll fix you up a sandwich”
heeseung smiled profusely, confused whether he should be offended or grateful. he skims through the men looking over the unique variety of choices, when the reflection of the sun seems to be hitting him. he looked up to the direction with squinted eyes and he was so glad the sun shined perfectly at him.
to say he was captivated was an understatement. your hair sat down perfectly on your back as you smiled at the menu like it was an interesting book. you set down the spoon you were playing with and the barista walked up to you to take your order.
heeseung’s eyes never left you, entirely too enthralled just by your presence. he decides to make a move, getting up from his spot and sitting across from your seat that’s conveniently vacant. he watched as the barista placed your plate of pancakes in front of you.
“thanks, yeji” you smiled up at her. he can’t tell which was more angelic; your voice or your smile.
you picked up your pancakes and started stacking them, heeseung watched with curiosity. you started off making a mini volcano as the steam from the heat drove up. minutes later, when heeseung’s eyes left you for a while, your volcano had transformed to a house. you continued stacking the bread carefully.
picking up a small piece, you intended for it to be the door to the supposed house. when suddenly, a toothpick drove through them from the top.
“it creates a hinge” someone says. you look up, which appeared to be a wrong move because the man that stood in front of you might’ve just been carved by the gods.
his hair roused messily atop his head and a grin that you swore had your heart clenched. you momentarily freeze up, scanning over your words for a decent reply.
“oh, thanks” you trail off, showing a small smile.
heeseung was about to sit back down at his spot until you braved yourself.
“hey” you pause awkwardly as he turns back to you “i see you’re alone as well, why don’t you sit with me”
heeseung’s grin doubled and he sat down across from you. from then on, heeseung didn’t know what he got himself into all he knows is that your voice was addicting and your smile held the world.
you both had a long conversation about your lives. he told you about his work in wildlife as a marine veterinarian, tending to the dolphins mostly. and you told him about your work as an art teacher in a school nearby.
you listened intently, thoroughly interested in his job, “my dad works as a fisherman”
“oh really? so you know how to fish” heeseung perked up.
“no, i’ve never really been interested in it” you replied, “but i’m used to the smell of the sea, you reek of it”
heeseung scoffed playfully, “i know, i just went back from feeding the dolphins. probably should have cleaned myself up before”
“no!” you exclaimed trying to fix your tone, “i didn’t mean it in a bad way. you smell nice, like the scent of the sea, it’s kind of nostalgic”
“really?” heeseung looks at you, eyes widened in that adorable way. god, he looks so good. you nodded with a smile that stretched perfectly on your lips. “you should come and meet the dolphins some time”
your eyes lit up, “oh i would love to, how many do you tend to?”
before heeseung could answer, yeji stopped him by telling you both off as they’d have to pack up for lunch.
you both walked out of the diner leisurely when heeseung turned to you, “hey, do you want to continue this somewhere else? i have a nice place we can go to”
“oh” you let out, whilst scrunching your face “i'm so sorry but today’s my dad’s birthday and we usually drive out to the field. it’s our tradition”
“well then how about next time?” he asked, tilting his head.
“how about tomorrow? meet me here for breakfast?” you offered.
“tomorrow then”
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rain poured teardrops in a continuous rythmn, the wind blowing harshly. a figure disrupted the pattern as heeseung went in the diner and dropped himself on the bar stool, greeting yeji. and waving at the guy in the back, who’s face always looked sour whenever he looked at heeseung.
“the bar’s closed” hyunjin, who he now knows as yeji’s brother said blatantly. heeseung shrugged at the customer that was sitting on one of the sofas and shined a sly grin at him, receiving an eye roll back.
the door opened once more and you walked in, heeseung watched as you sat down and dropped your jacket beside you.
he stood up and walked to your seat, “hey pretty, missed me yet?”
you looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, “no?” you said, before going back to read the menu.
heeseung stared at you dumbfounded, “hey, are you okay? you said you wanted to meet up again yesterday”
“yesterday? i’ve never even met you” you scrunched your nose as heeseung stood still in confusion, his mind reeling.
in a spur, heeseung got dragged by his collar and out of the diner. the door behind him slammed shut, he turned to see yeji stared at him menacingly.
“what’s wrong? why’s she..” he trailed off.
yeji clicked her tongue, sighing, “she isn’t what you think she is” heeseung waited, breathing heavily, the humid air made it difficult to breathe.
“about a year ago, y/n got into a terrible car accident. she and her father went up North Shore to grab fruits as tradition” yeji continued, “her father broke some ribs, but she had a serious head injury”
yeji looked away and stared off into the rain “she’s suffering short-term memory loss” yeji concluded. heeseung apparently had a hard time understanding all of this, none of the information thrown at him clicking right yet.
“wait, so she can’t remember anything?”
“no you dumbass, she remembers everything up until the night before the accident”
both of them stayed silent.
“so what? she thinks everyday is the day of her dad’s birthday?”
“exactly” yeji states, “she wakes up everyday thinking it’s the same day, her father’s provided her with a special paper that he’s printed over a hundred times for her to read”
“he’s been keeping her in the dark?”
“it’s not like that. she’s been through a lot already and her father doesn’t want her to suffer anymore” yeji scolds. “so if you don’t mind, i need you to stop bothering her. find another person to bother”
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“how long’s it gonna take for her to gain back her memory?” jake asks, laying on his back staring up at the night sky.
“her doctors say it may never come back” heeseung says, throwing in food for the dolphins.
“so, basically” jake starts looking down at his friend, “she’s perfect for you”
“you’ve never been into commitment” jake shrugs, “there’s practically no attachment there”
heeseung stays silent. jake raised his eyebrows, “don’t tell me you’re falling for her”
he slapped his friend’s leg, “i’m not” he says, “it’s just evil”
“you meet her, hang out, flirt, no commitment, nobody gets hurt”
“she has brain damage, you douche”
“you sure that’s the only reason?”
once again, heeseung stays silent. he can’t lie. he knows that he felt, if anything, the tiniest bit of care for you. spending too much time awake thinking about you more than he should’ve.
“i mean, either way, i think this’ll be good for you” jake starts, his eyes scanned the stars one by one, “you haven’t really let yourself connect with a girl”
“oh so now you care?” heeseung asks, rather jokingly.
“i want the best for you, seung. you’re leaving soon for university, the choice is really yours in the end” jake says, finally sitting up and looking at his friend with sincerity.
“thanks” hee mumbled as jake stood up to get off the ship, patting him on the back while doing so.
“you should get some sleep, you’d need energy to get her back”
heeseung stared at the back of jake’s retreating figure. they’ve been friends for years now, being the closest out of the four. always being a helping hand for the other whenever any of them were in need.
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“you again?” hyunjin rolled his eyes about to grab a stick.
“relax, i just want to say hi to her” heeseung says, holding a hand out in defence.
“what did yeji say?”
“that you’d kill me with an axe” heeseung trailed off. “but, hey, look i really just want to talk to her again”
“she doesn’t want guys hitting on her during breakfast” hyunjin said, plainly.
“want to bet on that? 20 bucks” apparently the world was on his favor when hyunjin decides to shake his hand.
heeseung spots you on your usual seat, building a house out of your pancakes. he decides its better to play safe, picking up a toothpick, walking to your seat.
“it acts as a hinge” he says, smiling.
“are you from a country where you think it’s okay to stick your fingers all over someone’s food?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“uhm, no, i’m from this country” he starts and after seeing your expression, all of the lines he’d planned out got caught on his tongue, “well, have a good meal”
hyunjin cackled at his attempts and heeseung doubled the price for the next day, determined to get you to have breakfast with him again. that’s how it went on for days, heeseung kept doubling the price at his failed attempts. yeji not really helping as she scowled at him everyday while hyunjin doubled over in laughter.
one of those days, heeseung realizes he really has nothing else to loose, except for his dignity. so that is exactly what he did. heeseung started sobbing in the middle of the diner, weird looks thrown at him.
when you suddenly sat beside him and spoke in the softest voice, he almost melted right then and there. but he pushed through with the acting, still sobbing nonetheless of you trying to calm him down. finally, he got succeeded in getting you to have breakfast with him once again. under the excuse that he couldn’t read.
you both talked all throughout the day, teaching him how to pronounce certain words, reading off the menu and enunciating each syllable. he found it quite endearing that you were so patient given the ridiculous situation.
“i had a great time” you said as you both walked out of the diner.
“yeah, so did i” heeseung smiles. he was about to say something else, but stopped. figuring it was better to go one step at a time, he turned to go get in his car when you scoffed.
“seriously? thats all? you know i thought that if someone would embarrass themselves just to talk to me they would at least ask for my number” you say, turning on the engine and start to pull out of the park.
heeseung, panicked, quickly got in his car to drive after you and apologise. afraid that he would cause problems. and that is how he led himself to this moment; getting told off by your father and almost getting beaten up by your brother.
your father had told him to lose contact with you. that he was to not go to the diner anymore and leave you alone.
now if there’s anything to know about heeseung, it’s that he takes an advice and let it go out the other ear — with the exception of his own grandma, he’s terrified of her — and second, he will never give up on anything. so, he left no time for sulking as the next day he had a brand new conception.
he knew there was no way he could ever talk to you in the diner under the watchful eyes of both yeji and hyunjin. so, learning your daily schedule, heeseung decides to stop at a part of your drive and pretended as if his truck broke down.
“hey, i’m so sorry. can you give me a lift?” heeseung awkwardly smiled as you slowly stopped right in front of his car. a concerned look on your face.
“yeah, of course” you say, getting out of your car to help attach his to yours.
with that, he’s made up a variety of reasons to stop you on your way. most days interacting with you than not. he was so determined to talk to you, his excuses ranged from being kidnapped to getting beaten by who you assumed was a random man.
the plans were carefully thought of, daily. he spent much time creating up random scenarios that were severe enough for you to spare him some time and talk to him.
he really should’ve seen it coming. because one day, your car wasn’t the one approaching, rather, another car. as it came closer he realized your father and brother were sat on the front seats and he sat up from the position he took on the ground.
“once you stop pretending to look dead, come by the house”
now he’s once again stood in the lawns of your house. he expected your dad to tell him to stop meeting you or restrict him further, but all he did was just talk to him.
your dad hesitantly told him how happy you were going about your day and how it only ever happens whenever you had an interaction with him.
“i can stop you from seeing my daughter” your father pauses, “but i can’t stop her from seeing you if that’s what makes her happy”
the weight of his words flowed through the air as your voice tunes in from the garage. painting away your garage whilst singing a song you know so well.
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“let me get this straight” jake says, “you’ve been trying to talk to her everyday, making up dozens of excuses, doing random things just so she would talk to you?”
“well if you word it like that, it sounds sad”
“so you’re basically trying to get her to fall in love with you, every single day”
“not always” heeseung trails off, “it’s complicated”
“sure” jake says, taking out his pack of cigarettes. “want one?”
heeseung shook his head, back in thought.
“you haven’t been smoking lately” jake ponders. “is it because of that girl?”
jake said it as a joke, fully expecting his friend to slap him or dismiss it all. but he was proved wrong when heeseung stared right at him and nodded.
“she’s been through enough, i don’t want her to have lung problems just because i can’t leave her alone”
jake whistled low at the statement.
“besides, it’s bad for your lungs, you should stop too”
“i don’t smoke as much as you did” jake retorts, putting back the blunt in the pack. figuring it was boring to smoke alone.
“i never expected you’d do things like this”
“you think i’m heartless”
“not when you used to shit your pants from a ghost story” jake laughs and so did heeseung, hitting his friend on the back. jake looked to his friend, curious.
“do you like her?”
“what do you think?”
“personally?” jake stops, “i think you’re in love with her”
a part of him wanted to deny that, he used to be afraid of commitment after all. but now the prospect of not having any commitment with you kind of scares him. he can’t have commitment with you, literally and figuratively. how could he when you can’t remember who he is everytime you wake up.
like jake said; no strings attached. except, this time he was the at the receiving end and he couldn’t do anything about it.
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attempting for the last time to talk to you at the diner, heeseung knew he would fail. he thought he’d done terribly at flirting with you when you screamed a loud ‘no’.
but when you quickly grabbed your jacket and walked out, he followed suit. yeji and hyunjin alarmed as well, walking out of the diner.
the police was about to place a ticket on your car, it was overdue.
“the tags don’t expire until next year”
“it expires May of this year, maam” the police officer said.
“no! it expires may of next-“ you stop after looking at the date of a newspaper that someone was holding.
in a rush, you look around for your car and got in. driving back home confused and aggravated, you have no idea what’s happening.
in the end, you’ve spiraled into this deep hole of reality after your father, quite hesitantly, revealed everything. he told you the whole story; the car accident, what your dad has done, and — to heeseung’s surprise — what heeseung has been doing for the past few months.
sitting on the front steps of your house, flipping through the book filled with newspapers and clippings from your accident, everyone waited around you. your father ready with answers if you if you had any questions or needed any support.
what no one expected was for you to say you wanted to talk to heeseung, alone. heeseung himself was quite shocked, and scared to be faie. he thought out of anyone, you wouldn’t want to talk to him anymore. rather hesitant, your father and brother walked in the house to give you space.
the silence was unbearable, for heeseung anyway. you stared front out to the grassy field. it was a beautiful afternoon if not for the situation you were in right now.
“so, um” heeseung cleared his throat rather awkwardly.
“i’m sorry”
he waits for you to continue, but alas you never did. heeseung looks at you, his brows furrowed.
“what for?”
“you’re the only person i can never remember when i wake up” you say, stretching out your legs and observing them instead.
heeseung looked at you — or rather admired you. he can’t believe even in a situation as this, he still find it in himself to fawn over you. you looked so ethereal under the small rays of the sun.
“it’s alright” hee said, slowly smiling as he looked away from you and off to the wide land. “not like you can help it”
“how are you fine with all this?” this time, you were the one facing him, gosh how could he still keep on that god awful, handsome smile on when he’s practically been rejected multiple times?
“just because” he replies, his smile widening. heeseung feels as if he’s gone mad, absolutely batshit insane. he can’t tell why he’s smiling so brightly right now, maybe it’s because of the fact that he’s having a conversation with you again, or maybe it’s because of how cute you sounded like when you’re concerned for him.
“you’re okay with” you pause, carefully choosing the right words “trying to make me fall in love with you every single day?” you say this slowly, enunciating each syllable hoping you’d say it in a way that didn’t seem weird or self-centered.
“what if i say i am?” you were caught off guard when heeseung’s face turned to you. you hadn’t really noticed your proximity until now. his nose was barely grazing yours and you could see his eyes up close, has it always been that pretty?
you gulp. because how can you not? lee heeseung is inches away from your face and he has the most adorable expression anyone could’ve ever seen. an expression no one’s ever seen except for you. his pupils dilated, hair messy from the wind, cheeks a rosy color and a small grin to top it all off.
“want me to show you why?” he says. your heart pounded too loud and out of the sheer fear of him being able to hear it, you looked away. heeseung chuckled and blinked, his eyes wandering back to the field.
“i have to get back” heeseung says standing up, “tell me if you ever need anything” you finally dared yourself to look up at him. it didn’t matter anyway as heeseung walked off and got into his car. flashing that smile of his once more before pulling out of the driveway.
you went in your house after watching his car get further and further, lost in your own thought. when you walk up to your room, a small box covered with wrapping paper is placed on top of your bed.
opening it carefully, you opened the box to see a disc titled “to y/n”. out of curiosity, you ran down to the living room’s television and insert it into the dvd player.
sitting down on the sofa, you waited as the video started to play. the tunes of your favorite song hummed in as heeseung came into view.
“hi, heeseung here” he starts saying, the camera pans to two people in the background that was making heart poses and kissy faces. “yo guys stop”
the guys in the back laughed silently and the camera focused back on heeseung, his smile back on display.
“if you’re watching this, y/n. i want to tell you a bit of a background story first” heeseung stops, and grabs something from below “you got into a car accident about a year ago”
the camera focused on the newspaper clipping of her accident, “and now you can’t remember me, even if i try to talk to you everyday”
the person behind the camera snorted and heeseung threw a dirty look to whoever.
“but it’s okay, because now i’ll show you what’s been happening so you can watch this everyday” hee stands up from the sofa and sits down on his living room chair. the camera zooms out and across him sat one of his friends, you assumed. “this is sunghoon, he’s going to act as you”
the guy named sunghoon waved at the camera, smiling politely. the recording continued on for minutes as heeseung acts out the encounters he’s had with you. sunghoon and his other friend, jay, making faces every once in a while to piss off their friend. your laughs and giggles reverberated through the house walls that has your dad coming in to check on you.
as he watches you from the doorway, listening to your laughs and seeing your big smile, he can’t help but have one of his own. ever since the accident, he really has felt emptiness all over. guilt and so much more emotions plaguing him by day. all he wants is just to watch you be happy all the time and if that’s what heeseung makes you, he couldn’t stop you.
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the past few months after that were filled with heeseung getting closer and closer to you as more recordings of you and him were added to the tape.
heeseung told you everything about his life, what and why he works as what he does and how he ended up in hawaii.
in turn, you told him more about the years you’ve had without him and telling him about your late mom. you told him about how she still brings you comfort until today from picking up all the tiny quirks she used to do.
eventually, heeseung grew on you. watching the tape daily and seeing how well he treats you, you really can’t help but fall more and more in love with him.
“no, i love tulips, but i love dandelions as well” you say at the pouting guy in front of you. “these are beautiful, hee”
“you know if you want me to get you another one, i can do it right now” he says, ready to make a run for the shop if you say the word.
“i told you” you took another whiff of the dandelions in exaggeration, “i love dandelions, they’re really pretty”
“okay” he sighs, and the moment you yawn for the nth time of the day, heeseung had you nursed back to bed.
“i’m fine”
“yeah, sure” he says, dismissing your words and grabbing a blanket to cover you. “get some rest, i’ll wake you up this time. i swear”
you squint your eyes at him in warning, “i will!” he says in faux sincerity, letting out a small laugh.
heeseung gets up and walks out the door the moment you stopped mumbling. he went down to be greeted by your doctor along with your father and brother in the living room.
they all talked about your health and well-being. and if there was any way your memory would ever be healed — mostly heeseung asked about this. and as much as he hoped, there was close to no chance you would. your head injury was so severe it permanently damaged those parts of your brain.
“are you planning to continue all of this?” your father suddenly asked him, “you have no plans for the future?”
“i’m going to university soon, abroad” heeseung starts. “to continue work as a biologist in alaska”
“ah, well, it’s great you have plans” the doctor replies, patting his back, “i thought you were going to devote your whole life to helping her regain her memories”
heeseung wasn’t the only one silent at this. you were too, although a room away. you couldn’t sleep for long and was about to walk outside when you overheard their conversation about you and didn’t want to make it awkward.
but now, you just realized how dumb you were. you realized how you were basically holding him back from everything. you were being selfish of his time. you blindly liked all of the time he’s spent with you, but you didn’t realize that he too should have a life outside of you.
walking back into your room, you pull out your journal that held all the memories you’ve had with him. you’ve written all of it down. most pages dedicated to him.
“hey” you say walking up to him the next day, as he was feeding the dolphins. journal clutched tightly in one hand.
“hi” heeseung said, pure affection on his voice. you sat down beside him on the docks as he went back to throwing in the food. “i just realized i haven’t introduced you to them. this one’s named lorry”
heeseung says patting the head of the closest dolphin. you closed off your heart, preparing yourself for the worse today. set on one goal. but how can he just sit there and look adorable and somehow all the things you planned to say are down the drains.
“don’t worry, lorry’s one of the nicest ones. compared to the others” heeseung assures, you slowly inched your hands forward to pat the dolphin and it felt soft. lorry snuggled its snout to your palm and dived in the water again to play with its friends.
“heeseung” you say, staring out at the sea, avoiding his eyes at all costs. he hummed, closing up the bag of food before looking at you.
“we should stop seeing each other”
heeseung blinked. once. twice. thrice. he thought people were exaggerating when they said ‘their heart dropped’, but now he understands. he could feel his heart starting to beat uncomfortably, every inch of his body conscious, his mouth felt dry.
“i’m not going to hold you back. you can’t just make me fall in love with you everyday, thinking there would be a future for us”
“but what if there is?”
“theres no future with me, seung”
not that nickname. please. you can’t just ask him to stop talking to you and use that nickname on him. it’s not fair. you aren’t being fair. why are you being so weird right now?
“there is!” heeseung exclaims, “i’ll make sure there is. you can watch the tape everyday-“
“it won’t work, hee“
“or i’ll tell you our story-“
“you’ll get bored of it“
“i’ll remind you every morning-“
“that’s impractical“
“or i can stop by your house all the time-“
“no, you stop.” heeseung stressed, “i have no problem waking up everyday to talk to you— or, or to remind you of our relationship. i don’t want this to end”
“seung” you sigh, “we can’t make it work and you know that” you picked up the journal beside you and showed it to him.
“i started writing in this journal ever since the day i found out about the accident. and i want to start a new chapter” you look down, “without you in it”
he stayed silent. the waves rippled under the dawning sun. hues of orange contrasted with the sea, reflecting off the colors.
“okay” heeseung says barely above a whisper. you look at him, pretending you didn’t hear him say anything. heeseung stared ahead and cleared his throat. “okay. it was nice knowing you, y/n”
he turned to you with a smile. you don’t know what kind of answer you wanted from him. maybe you half expected for him to continue screaming at you or hell even push you in the water. but for some reason, seeing his strained smile hurt you even more. you were the one who had the idea so why were you the one to slowly regret it?
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“glad for you, son” heeseung looked back to see your father walking towards him, your brother following behind.
“sir” heeseung greets, he nodded at your brother. “i’m finally off your back now” he jokes.
your father smiles, “ahh well you weren’t all bad” he says patting heeseung on the back.
heeseung smiles politely. he hesitates to say something, but ultimately thought there was nothing else to loose anyway. “how’s y/n?”
your father looks at him with raised eyebrows, “she’s moved in to the clinic now, teaches people art”
“code 110, flight A30 has opened for boarding, please get in line. i repeat, code 110, flight A30 has opened for boarding, please get in line” the speaker announced.
“that’s my cue” heeseung says, taking his suitcase. “it’s been nice knowing you sir. wished we had more time to talk, you too” heeseung nods at your father and brother. he was about to turn to the gate before a hand landed on his shoulder, stopping him.
“before you go, i want you to have this. a parting gift if you will” your father hands him an ipod. your father nods one last time and walks off. leaving heeseung quite confused.
he got in the plane and the moment he sat down, he connected the wires of his earphones in and as the familiar melody whistled in his ears he knows he fucked up.
heeseung hadn’t ever gotten up and left the plane so quick, a few people shouting at him after he bumped into them but he paid no mind. he ran out the airport and called for a cab.
he was jittery the whole ride. he realized how dumb he had been this whole time. he went through all the things you said that day and he didn’t understand why he just let you leave like that. why didn’t he put up more of a fight?
the moment he got down off the cab he ran in to the hospital searching everywhere for you until he found you back in the gardens. watering some flowers and tending to them.
“y/n” heeseung pants, you turn back a bit startled and see him. heeseung slowly walks towards you, taking careful steps one by another. “do you remember me?” he whipers.
he breathes in, your sweet scent filling him up. his face an inch away from yours. he watched as you stared up at him, admiring how the glow of your eyes shifted at every minor movement.
your lips break out into a pretty smile, “how couldn’t i?” and in a spur, your lips were on his. the longing and time that has passed all fused into a moment. heeseung grabs you by your waist to deepen the kiss and giggles from both you and him elicits against each other.
as you break apart for a moment, heeseung mumbles out something that you definitely heard but want to hear him say again.
“i love you” he whispers, “and i’ll continue to for a very long time”
even memories can never erase that feeling. the feeling of being so painfully in love with someone. the feeling of loving lee heeseung.
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© junislqve 2024. liking, rebloging, and commenting are appreciated.
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athenianblessings · 2 years
I thought this was a Saga rp blog at first glance lmao. I love your blog url name btw! What made you come up with it?
Lmao I don't fault you for that one bit, I can see where that confusion would come from!
I came up with this url on the spot while making this blog because I have this theme with my side blogs where I use the first word as an adjective relating to a place (Athenian = Athens) and the second word being some sort of noun
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
Je pense que les gens qui ne comprennent pas pourquoi l'embarras sur la part de tarte n'ont jamais été dans un petit restaurant français avec juste un menu du jour et n'ont donc jamais connu les hauts et les bas du loto du dessert (pour toujours dévastée de ne pas avoir eu de la tarte à la rhubarbe parce que la dernière part m'est passée littéralement sous le nez) (#rhubarbeGateDe2019)
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Thank you for these messages, it got me thinking about the possible rural / urban angle to the matter! In (some parts of) the countryside there can be a sentiment of scarcity / limited resources and opportunities, like if there are no other restaurants, no nearby shops to go buy a frozen pie—and maybe also more of an incentive to take strangers into consideration, because you don't expect to see random strangers ever again in a big city whereas here the person eating nearby in a restaurant might end up being the ally you'll need in a future Complex Rural Vendetta... But also in terms of atmosphere, diners in city restaurants might be more in their bubble compared to a countryside restaurant where people say hello to everyone on their way to their table, everyone is eating the exact same meal, so there's more of a feeling of togetherness even if you don't know these people?
Oh and @ first anon I agree that small rural French restaurants with their unique menu du jour with limited options that often won't be offered again anytime soon are a whole universe where micro-tragedies happen every day. My condolences for the rhubarb tart :(
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fieriframes · 1 month
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[Life is, and death is not at all.]
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stairain · 1 year
Old Fashioned.
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After a long night of waiting tables, a quiet man who can’t help but blush every time you speak to him is just what you need. 
Warnings: Sub Spencer, semi-public sex, bathroom sex, doggy style, creampie, blowjob, cum swallowing, praise, crying. 
WC: 5.2K
It was a busy Friday night, and you were quickly growing tired with the amount of fake smiling you had to do. The diner was bustling and lively, and as you walk through the isles of tables, a tall brown haired man walks through the door. You watch as he looks around the restaurant, before slowly walking over to sit himself at a booth. Pulling a notepad out of your apron, you walk over to him. 
"What can I get you, love?"
His eyes widen as he looks surprised by you calling him "love" but he lets it slide. 
“Just some coffee, please.” 
With a nod, you don’t even bother writing it down. You slot the pen and paper back in your pocket before looking back up at him with a smile.
"Will that be all for you, darling?"
His face flushes as you call that. He's been hit on plenty of times before, but he's never used to it and it makes him visibly nervous. He nods.
"That's all."
You flash him another smile and tuck the pen in your pocket.
"Alright, I'll have that out to you in no time." Then you walk away back to the kitchen.
He watches you go and then looks down at his hands, a nervous sweat breaking out on his forehead. He wonders what made you call him darling, and whether you treat every customer like that or whether there was something unique about him. It's a bit of an ego boost, but he's still nervous about it too.
After a few minutes pass, you’re walking over to him with plates in your hands, and you place a mug down in front of him with a grin.
“Here you go, sweetheart. If you need anything else let me know.”
You turn around to go help other patrons. His heart skips a beat as you call him sweetheart and give him that sweet smile. As you walk away, he tries to focus on his drink, but that grin stays with him, lingering in the back of his mind. He decides to be bold. When you come by his section again, he leans back in his chair so you can see him and he waves you over, beckoning for you to come over.
You walk over to his booth and hold both hands in front of you with a smile.
“Need a refill, honey?”
He wants to say something smooth, something to sweep you off your feet, but nothing like that comes to mind, so he just decides to be honest.
"I–Uh...do you have time for a coffee after your shift?" He blushes harder, knowing that this is pretty direct, but he also decides to just be up front about it instead of dancing around the subject.
With the raise of your eyebrow, you look down at him. Your smile falters for a moment before coming back even wider than before. “Why, hm?”
His heart starts pounding with that eyebrow raise, and he gets even more shy, the blush returning to his face and his voice getting even softer as he answers.
"Well..I'm sure you have a line of handsome gentlemen asking you out every day, but..uh, if...if you've got the time, I'd like to be next."
A look of amusement flashes across your face and you let out a chuckle.
“You’re cute. You got a name?” 
Looking behind you at a clock on the wall, you suck on your teeth before looking back to him. You lower your voice as you speak.
“Tell you what, love. I’m supposed to get off in an hour, but I’d hate to make you wait that long.. Don’t think they’d mind if I got off a little earlier than that.”
Spencer’s heart is racing even faster now, and his face flushes a deep pink. "A-Are you sure you can do that? You're not going to get in trouble? I mean, I want to but..that's breaking a rule, isn't it?"
You laugh again.
“You’re a stickler for the rules, aren’t you? Old fashioned, I like it.”
You scan over the room once more to make sure everything is running smoothly. When you look back to him, you lower your voice even further, almost bending over to speak to him.
“I do far too much around here, if they fire me, this whole place goes down, sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about that.”
He nods quickly, still anxious about the whole thing, but also excited. Something about you being a "rule-breaker" is embarrassingly hot to him, and even though he's nervous, he's starting to get a bit turned on by the riskiness of this.
"Okay. Where do you want to go?"
“We can talk about that later, love. I’ve still got a job to do now.” You pull the pen and paper out of your pocket and turn your head to smile at a group of people who just walked in. You let them know you’ll be with them in a minute and turn back to Spencer.
“You sit your pretty self here, call me over if you need anything.” With a wink, you walk away from him to serve another table.
He nods again, his face still flushed a bright pink, and he spends the next half hour watching you work, still getting turned on by the idea of breaking the rules to hook up with you, and also watching you make customers laugh and smile just like you did to him. 
It made a small fiery jealousy burn inside of him, but he knew none of them had a date with you later tonight like he did. 
When he sees you next, he flags you down. "So, do you want to go somewhere specific for that coffee? Or do you have a place in mind–”
You don’t let him finish speaking before you’re putting your index finger over his lips to shush him. You look down at him with authoritarianism in your eyes.
Spencer freezes as you cover his mouth, and his heart flutters as you do so. He's never been in this situation with a woman so dominant before, and it makes him a little nervous, but it also gives him butterflies. He looks into your eyes, waiting for you to tell him what you want.
You lean down and whisper in his ear.
“There are far too many people here, if I leave now I’ll get my ass beat next time I’m here.” And despite telling him before they would never fire you, you’d still get in trouble for leaving during such a busy time. You look around for a moment then lean back to whisper again.
“Meet me in the family bathroom in five. Don’t wanna see you any earlier or any later than that, got it, darling?”
The way you just ordered him around without him having a say in it is doing some things to his heart and his cock. He nods as he tries not to stutter, wanting to be bold but also a little scared. 
"Y-Yeah, got it. In the bathroom. 5 minutes."
With a small huff of a laugh, you lean back up and make your way to the bathroom, making a show for him and him only of you untying the back of your apron.
Spencer watches you walk away, his breath catching in his throat and his pulse starting to pound. He’s really doing this.. 
It takes what feels like forever for five minutes to pass, and when it does, he finds that his hands are shaking as he walks over to the bathroom, but he pulls himself together and finds himself standing just outside the door. He takes a breath, counts to three, and pushes the door open, stepping inside.
You’re leaning with your back against the sink with your arms crossed over your chest as the door opens timidly. Spencer quickly walks in before closing the door behind him, and his back is turned to you as he makes sure the knob is locked.
When the door clicks shut, he turns to face you, gulping and still pretty nervous, but the sight of you leaning against the sink staring him down has his heart racing and his mouth all dry. He walks over to you and, without saying a word, just puts his hands on your hips, drawing you close to him. He leans in, his heart pounding, and kisses you with all the passion he can muster.
Your arms unfold from your chest and one of your hands moves to run up the back of his neck to grab at his hair, and the other holds the top button of his dress shirt.
Your hand in his hair stirs a primal response inside him, and he pulls himself even closer to you, his other hand grasping at your hips as he kisses you even more deeply and urgently. His tongue gently starts to part your lips, and once he feels them part for him, he gets more bold, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
But his short-lived dominance quickly fizzles into submission when the hand in his hair grips at the roots, tugging his head back and forcing him to pull away from the kiss with a soft moan.
He pulls away as you tug on his hair, whimpering softly and letting his arms fall to his sides. He swallows hard as he looks at you, his hair a little messy from being tugged and his face entirely flushed. He opens his mouth to try to talk but nothing comes out, so he settles for a little sheepish nod.
You return the nod, almost in a mocking manner, before you move your mouth down to start kissing at his neck. You’re quickly unbuttoning his shirt all the while you’re softly yanking at his hair. His moans and whimpers start to grow in volume as your actions are quick to become overwhelming.
His body feels like it's on fire - your mouth on his neck and your hand in his hair feel so good - he can't stand this without reacting, and he moans loudly, grasping at your waist. He's losing control already and he wonders if you can tell. He's so caught up in these sensations that his shirt feels like it might come off before you're done unbuttoning it.
As you finish sucking a hickey into the side of his throat, you pull back and smile at his loud moan.
“Think you can stay quiet for me, sweetheart? It’d be a shame if everyone outside knew what we were up to..”
Your mouth is latched back onto him in an instant, already creating new dark bruises against his skin.
His face flushes again and his eyes dart back to the door in the bathroom. "I-I can try..can't make any promises," He chokes out as your mouth latches on to his neck again. "That feels so good.."
Your teeth pull at his skin before letting it go, and your tongue pokes out of your mouth to lick over the fresh mark.
“I know, baby, I know..”
Your hand leaves his hair and soon finds the waistband of his trousers, and you fumble with the button for a short moment before undoing it.
Your hands on his hips makes him shiver, and a soft sigh passes his lips as he lets out a few breathless moans. His breath still catching, he pulls back a little bit as realization starts to set in that this is in fact not a dream.
"Are...are you sure this is a good idea? Shouldn't you be working?"
You look up at him with lust blown eyes as your hands quickly unzip his pants. Your voice is low and taunting as you speak to him.
“You want me to leave you here right now? Talk to all those people out there who aren’t you?”
His skin raises with goosebumps at the implications of your words, as well as the low sultry tone you’re speaking to him in.
“Is that what you want, angel?”
You've got him.
His breath catches in his chest at your words, and you can feel his heart pounding through his skin as his eyes dart down to your hands. His voice comes out in a hushed whisper, but it's a voice of surrender.
"No..no it isn't."
Your eyebrows quirk into a look of pity, but it doesn’t take a genius to see it’s fake.
“Yeah.. Didn’t think so, love.”
Your voice is condescending and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t turn him on. You move your lips back onto him to kiss his collarbones as you pull his pants down teasingly slowly.
The way that you take control over him leaves him stunned and speechless, and he lets you do whatever you want with him, following your direction without a word of protest. 
Once you’ve pulled his pants down, his underwear is quick to follow suit.
The fact that you don't seem to care if it's right or inappropriate is exciting him even more, and his breath is catching in and out of his mouth as he tries to make sense of the emotions you're making him feel. He knows that he wants it– that he wants you, more than anything, but it's still so wrong, and that rush of adrenaline makes him dizzy. Seeing you make him lose control is so intoxicating.
When you have him fully exposed to you, you look up at him and bite your lip. You’re not at all surprised when you see his fairly large cock bob between the two of your heated bodies. It was usually nerds like him who were always the most impressive in length. 
Reaching a hand out, you gently grab his length in your warm hands, and give it an experimental tug. He's hot and heavy in your hands as his knees twitch from beneath him. A strained sigh leaves his lips. 
When you let go of him, you’re quickly turning around and bending over the sink, looking at yourself first, then him in the mirror. There’s an amused smirk on your face when you see his eyes widen at the sight of your body splayed out for him.
Spencer’s face flushes a deep pink when he sees what you're doing, but he doesn't look away, and his attention is split in two: one part still trying to think reasonably, and the other just..not thinking at all, really.
The second half is the louder, and the more insistent half. His breath comes faster and faster, and you can hear how hard his heart is pounding in his chest, and that makes your own heart race.
You look back at him and slightly sway your hips.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
His eyes seem like they're about to pop out of his head as you move like that, and his gaze is transfixed on your ass. 
"N-Nothing," He blushes, but his voice betrays him. In an attempt to calm himself down, he looks away from you and shuts his eyes for a few seconds. 
With the snap of your fingers, you speak.
“Eyes on me, love.”
As if you'd just casted a spell, he's snapped out of his little trance, and he snaps his eyes back up to meet yours. He flushes even harder when he realizes he's been caught. His mind is still a mixture of confusion, shock, and desire, but his desire wins out.
"Yes. Yes ma'am," He all but whimpers. 
Your eyebrow twitches in amusement at the honorific.
“Ma’am, huh?”
His face flushes a deep bright pink and he looks off to the side sheepishly.
"S-Sorry, that just sort of slipped out..." The combination of his honorific, his pink-colored cheeks, and the way he's looking down at his feet is adorable, and your desire for him is only growing.
“Don’t worry, darling. I like it.”
He blushes even more at the pet name, "R-Really?" He asks, his voice soft and shy, and a little bit breathless. He swallows hard, his voice going even quieter.
"Did...did you have anything else you wanted me to do, ma'am?"
You sigh and look back at yourself in the mirror for a moment to think, then look back at him with a mischievous smile on your face.
“Push my dress up a little, love.”
Spencer blushes even more at the naughty request, and he nods his head hastily as his hands move to pull up the bottom of your dress, his fingers shaking a little.
"Like this?" He manages to ask through the butterflies in his stomach and his heart that seems to be about to burst out of his chest. He’s pushed the fabric up so it’s laid over the small of your back as he looks at you with expectant eyes.
“Yeah.. just like that, babe.” The cold air of the bathroom hits your now exposed ass, and you can’t help but bite your lip at being on display for him now. All you had under your dress were your small panties, which were staring him right in the eyes now. 
All of his self-control is gone– you own him now, and he can't help but do whatever you say. So he doesn't even try to stop himself as he looks you directly in your eyes, his own eyes wide with the same look of lust you give him, his breathing getting a little faster.
"W-What's next, Ma'am?" he asks, his voice shaky. 
Avoiding his question, you arch your back further and press yourself closer to the sink. “You think my underwear looks cute?”
It’s clear you’re getting a kick out of teasing him like this.
"It...T-they look...great on you," He admits with a blush on his cheek, trying not to stare, but not doing a very good job of it. He looks you up and down and you can tell he's trying his hardest to do what you say, but he also can't help but take you in, so he tries his best to do both at the same time. 
“Too pretty to take off, hm?” You tilt your head to the side and look at him through the mirror, and you can see the way his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows nervously. 
“Pull them to the side, sweetheart.”
His face flushes a deep bright red, and he nods his head urgently.
"R-Right." His hands move to follow your direction, and as he does, his eyes never leave yours in the mirror. 
“Good boy..” Your voice is thick with soft praise when you feel his trembling fingers urge the bottom of your panties to the side, brushing clumsily against your wet folds. 
The praise makes him blush even more and leaves him breathless, and you can tell he wants you to praise him even more. He swallows hard, and a little sigh slips out of him as he manages to pull your panties to the side just like you say.
"How..how is that? Did I do good, Ma'am?" He asks, his eyes wide and expectant. You sigh happily. 
“Yes, babe. You did such a good job.”
And before you even finish speaking, you feel a little spurt of warmth against your inner thigh, and you moan at the feeling. Everything you did and said to him drove him absolutely mad, it was incredibly endearing and arousing at the same time. 
Spencer huffs through his nose and squeezes his eyes close, hoping you wouldn’t notice. 
“A-And.. And next?”
You push your body back a bit to his, and you feel the sopping head of his cock smearing his precum all over your skin. Despite being the one in control, you couldn’t keep this composed act up for long. 
“I can feel that pretty little cock of yours leaking against my thigh, sweetheart. Fuck me.” 
The man’s snap open at your words, and you can practically see the cogs turning in his head as he nervously nods. He grabs ahold of your hip with a shaking hand, and grabs himself at the base to guide his length into your awaiting cunt. 
He can feel the warmth and wetness radiating off of it before he’s even touching you, and that alone has him dizzy. But the second your slick folds coat his tip in your arousal, he’s whimpering and squeezing the flesh of your hip. 
“F-Fuck.. Oh my god..” 
Is all you can hear from the man behind you, but thinking he said that many intelligible words was being generous. You could tell just from the way his eyes were already going crossed and how his mouth was dropped open that he was already dangerously on edge. 
As he slides himself into you inch by thick inch, you’re biting your lip to stop yourself from outright screaming. Your pussy had no problem molding around his cock, and with each inch you swallowed, you only craved more. 
After he fully plunged all of himself inside of your silky walls, he wraps his arms around your waist and leans his head against your back, as if hugging you. The action makes your heart swell and your clit pulse. 
You can feel his heavy huffs against your back, and you know that if he moves now, he’ll explode. With that information, you smirk and clench around him. 
“Oh..S-Stop–Please.. Wanna last, for you..” 
Biting your lip, you snap once more, and he immediately lifts his head from your back to look at you through the mirror. 
“How long are you gonna make me wait, baby?”
You’re so wrapped so hot around his cock, and he can feel just how drenched you are as your slick drips down to his own thighs. It’d be a crime to make you wait any longer. Spencer shakes his head, as if talking to himself before he’s slowly pulling back his hips. 
It proves to be quite the difficult task, because with how tight you are around him, with each inch he pulls out of you, it seems you suck him back two more. The irresistible pull would be the death of him. 
When he finally manages to find some backbone for himself, he pulls his cock out of your pussy halfway. And he has to look up at the ceiling to distract himself from bursting right then and there after he sees just how shiny you’ve made his length. 
Resuming the position he assumed before, he holds his arms around you tighter and rests his cheek against the fabric of your dress as he begins to hump into you. The pace he finds himself adopting is quick and frantic, perfectly matching just how he feels at this moment. 
His breathing is coming out in fast pants, and his heart is pounding a mile a minute. Your eyes roll back into your head with each rushed thrust he blows into you, and he’s so fucking big that he doesn’t even need to try and hit your spot. Everytime he fully sheathed himself into your soaked cunt, he was nestled comfortably against it. 
“Feels.. You feel so good, Ma’am. Fuck–”
Spencer all but cries out, trying his best to stay quiet for you. And even with his mouth shut, the hurried thrusts as hips met your soft ass made a slapping noise that had him going crossed eyed. 
His knees are shaking under him as he pulls you against his body closer and closer, holding you as he fucks into you as deep as he possibly can on trembling legs. The gesture is incredibly endearing and it has you hoping this beautiful stranger can hopefully be more than that. 
You feel so irresistible around him, it has him seeing stars. The soft walls of your pussy was molding around him, etching every vein and bump he had, and the two of you were so wet together, you might as well have been fucking in a pool. That’s what it sounded like, at least.  
Your lips part as a moan is forced out and you grip onto the hard material of the sink, his thrusts becoming more and more erratic with each passing moment. You could feel his growing desperation in the way he traded quantity for quality, no longer frantically fucking into you, but instead, pulling back for a short moment before tenderly burying himself into you. 
Spencer felt so safe inside of you, as weird as it sounded. And despite the unignorable tension in his lower stomach screaming at him to burst inside of you, he had never felt so comfortable and loved than now, enfolded entirely in your dripping pussy.
The thick tip of his cock stamped relentlessly against your sweet spot every time he plowed into you, and as much as you’d like to tease him for finishing too quickly, you feared you’d be facing the same fate. You could practically feel him in your stomach, and the thought had your eyes crossed for a moment before you looked back at him. He looks up at you from where he’s pressed against your body, and lifts his head.  
He feels his heart pounding right through his ribcage when he gets a good look at you. Your hair is slightly messy, some strands sticking to your skin from how steamy things were between you two.. Your lips were tinted a bright shade of pink after biting them so much, and he wanted nothing more to kiss you. You looked stunning to him, so beautiful even when you look so disheveled. It was too much for him to handle. 
Before he can stop himself, he lets out a guttural sob of a moan and deals one last plow to your cunt, freezing once he’s buried himself to the hilt. He whimpers as his cock twitches before spilling right against your cervix, releasing a torrent of cum. 
“Fuck.. Fuck. I’m– I’m sorry, Ma’am.”
The warm flood he had dealt to your cunt has you trembling in his hold as you quickly follow suit, clenching around his spent cock as you cum around it. 
Slick arousal gushes from around his length, and you mewl at the feeling of it leaking out of you and onto him. Spencer is still crying out and apologizing behind you, but you’re far too absorbed with your own orgasm to say anything now, so you let him cry. 
“C-Couldn’t help it.. Ma’am, m’sorry..” 
He sounded so pathetic, and god if you hadn’t just absolutely soaked his cock, you would’ve flipped him around and demanded round two. 
Spencer’s arms loosen around your waist and he slips his member out of you with a small wince, and when you turn around you can see the absolute distress in his eyes. Your gaze flickers down to his cock, somehow still as hard and heavy as ever. He’s rambling about how sorry he is for the tenth time this minute, but all you can focus on is how his length is positively drenched in a mix of your arousal and his spend. 
Without another word from him, you suddenly drop to your knees and grab ahold of him at his base. His eyes widen and now it’s his turn to be pressed against the sink. His shaky arms reach behind him to grasp at the edge of the sink as he looks down at you. 
“Y-You’re not mad..?”
Your tongue slides from between your plush lips and flicks over his tip, gathering a small drop of the sweet and salty mixture. The action has him stuttering and shaking above you, and he brings one of his hands to his mouth to shut himself up. 
You look right up into his pleasure clouded irises as you take his entire length into your mouth so slowly it was almost unfair. Your tongue collected every last drop and puddle of cum that coated him, swallowing it the second it entered your mouth. 
And if you asked him, and if he could even speak right now, the warmth and slickness of your mouth could rival that of your cunt. Your lips passed over every inch of skin, your tastebuds exploring every vein he had to offer you. 
The arm behind him gives out underneath him, and he slouches down a bit, and his eyes cross so quickly you’re tempted to ask if he had made himself dizzy. But instead, you just continue to swallow and suck that cock of his that twitched so deliciously in your hold. 
Once you were sure you had licked up every last bit of release from his shaft, you gave him one last swallow, but that just happened to be the one to set him over the edge once again. As you passed his cock through your mouth, and he felt the sensitive soaked tip hit the back of your throat, he all but screamed out. 
The throat that he had made himself home in was quickly filled with the same warm, thick cum that you had just cleaned his length of, and you felt the ache in your jaw quickly set in as his large cock stretched your mouth out. 
“F-Fu–Fucking.. I’m so.. so sorry..” 
There’s a slight hint of a chuckle in his breathless voice, and it makes you smile around your mouthful. You move your head back off his twitching cock before swallowing the load that sat on your tongue. As you stand up you wipe the corner of your mouth. 
“Don’t be sorry, darling.”
Your hands make quick work of tucking his spent dick back into his underwear, and as you’re pulling up his pants for him, you tease him. 
“Didn’t think you had another one in you..”
Spencer’s still slightly slouched against the sink, and he shakes his head. He knows if he tries to fully stand now, he’ll just immediately collapse. You’re zipping up his pants as he swallows and squeaks out.  
“T-Takes two t-to kill me, I guess.”
You let go of the zipper and stand up to pull him up by his collar for a kiss. His knees almost immediately buckle underneath him, but your grip on him keeps him upright. You can feel how heavily he’s breathing out of his nose and smile into the kiss before pulling away.
“I’ll keep that in mind, then.” 
When you let go of him, you see him stumble a bit before clearing his throat and trying his very best to stay on his own two feet. 
You can feel his cum dripping out of you, and with a playful smile you pull your panties back over your rubbed raw cunt. You know it’s only a matter of seconds before you’ll be soaking the fabric with arousal, but you don’t care. 
As you pat down your dress and push back your hair a bit in an attempt to fix it, you look back at the man, still breathless and panting like he ran the world's longest marathon. You flash him that same smile he can’t seem to resist, and tilt your head to the side before speaking. 
“Meet me in the parking lot in five. Don’t wanna see you any earlier or any later than that, got it, baby?” 
The last time you had said that exact sentence, he ended up exploding in you twice within ten minutes. 
Spencer’s mouth goes dry as his jaw drops, and he finds he can’t do anything but wordlessly nod. As he watches you unlock the bathroom door and walk out, he feels his cock filling in his briefs once more.  
Make that three. 
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fierifiction · 2 years
He's got his own very unique style and pretty unique food. It's very much Stretch. I say we make our famous Bengal Tiger. We made it, and it makes for fun. Swan: For me it's something that takes the top of the food. That was a dream. It was kind of a big challenge trying to get the best out of what we did at a restaurant like this because we had a lot and I don't like to think about that when it comes to something like that.
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hellishjoel · 9 months
slow shift
7k / pairing: linecook!frankie x waitress f!reader
Series Masterlist l Next Chapter
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series summary: Tommy’s Diner is where dreams go to die and burnouts clock-in for work. Waitressing would be boring without the flirtatious distractions of line cook Frankie Morales.
warnings/information: MA 18+ (minors DNI), swearing, talking about w33d, alcohol consumption (not by reader or frankie, but discussions of alcohol), oral (f! receiving), discussions of periods and Plan B, frankie having a fat d!ick, slightly public sex, unprotected p in v (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), you know how I roll
A/N: welcome to the first part in my linecook!frankie series! It's all just going to be chaos!! enjoy dirty dishes, cussing, and decent food made by the hot linecooks. I’ll have a title as soon as I stop putting it off <3 enjoy! let me know what you think! also how LIT is the banner
here's my masterlist!
**follow hellishfics and turn on notifications get updates on my fic postings**
“Don’t-- mm -- don’t have a lot of time, Francisco.” You teased for dominance, using his full name made him muster up a dirty chuckle.  You were ready to turn around and have him fuck you into the wall, but his hand snagged your wrist, and he stopped you. Confusion screwed into your face. Then his mouth muttered the most filthy thing you had heard yet from him. “Wanna see that pretty face when I fuck you.” He muttered, your body slumping into his. Fuck it, you were Frankie Morales’ tonight. 
Welcome to hell. 
A makeshift building somehow still holding up four walls that housed a small restaurant inside. 
This wasn’t some secret treasure that belonged on an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives or a hidden hole-in-the-wall five-star Michelin Restaurant. This was Tommy’s Diner. 
The locals had different names for the run-down dump you called your place of employment: the Hometown Heartburn Hut (true), American Pie ( ha-ha funny), the Rusty Spoon (some guy OD’s behind the place one time, and no one ever forgets), or Tumbleweed, your pothead coworkers liked to call it. It was a tumbleweed because the restaurant was barren, emphasis on the weed to accommodate the faded line cooks that lurked in the back of the restaurant. 
Don’t let today’s slow shift fool you; there were times when Tumbleweed was cram-packed. Friday night football games were busy with tailgaters, bustling with teens after a championship game. Other times, it was when a Greyhound bus or a similar cross-country vehicle drove through and took a stop for the passengers. 
The most popular time of year was in the summer. Tommy’s Diner hosted Saturday night Cruise Nights. The town would flood with classic cars and hot rods, and the diner would transform into a drive-in. Their engines revved through different cities from far and wide to be at Tommy’s. That’s when the place felt the most alive, bustling with people and their laughter, little kids running with their milkshakes and flipping quarters into the rigged claw machine. 
But it wasn’t a Saturday in August. It was a Monday. You were stuck with the misfit motley crew that did everything from dishwashing, cooking, bussing, running the register, being half-ass managers, and, of course, the token pretty waitress. You. 
You will admit that each character working at Tumbleweed had a unique story etched into their grubby hands or baggy-eyed faces. They’ve weathered years of late-night shifts and condiment, grease-stained aprons. 
Tonight there was Lou, the jaded by heartbreak teenage busboy. He walked with a shuffle, always sniffling about an ex-girlfriend. He worked slow and god damn, did that piss you off. 
Then there was Tina, the aspiring singer stuck in a small-town type. She was newer, still learning how things worked since she had never waited tables a day in her life. She had that fresh twinkle of stardom in her eye despite being in her late 30’s. You were training her and trying not to let her drive you up the wall whenever she started singing different songs on the jukebox. Note to self: Put a sticky note saying it’s busted every time you work together. 
Paul was the do-it-all guy. Toilet clogged? Get Paul. Dishes piling up? Ask Paul to do it. The cashier on a bathroom break? Paul can run the till. He was useful, just complained and grumbled a lot. 
Tommy of Tommy’s Diner hasn’t worked a day in years. He’s older, so it’s understandable. Last thing you heard was he was down in Florida, living out retirement in a cheap home with a gambling addiction. Sounded like he was doing well for himself.  But now his idiot son Rudy ran the place. Tommy’s picture was still on dusty display, toothy smile and all at the front door that people huddled in and out of—speaking of. 
Your head lifted to attention as the bell above the door chimed, sighing in annoyance as you leaned back onto the counter. It was just Frankie. 
“It’s fifteen after. You were supposed to be here on time today because we have to set up for Carla’s thing.”
Frankie breezed past you, aviators and stupid ballcap on, his smile lifted in a sneer. He was smacking on pink bubble gum as he neared your part of the counter and purposely shuffled past you with his hips against yours in an attempt to get into the kitchen. You couldn’t help but lean into him with a little smirk. 
“Tommy said it was fine I was late.” He joked once he ducked into the back, your arms crossed as you followed him aimlessly. 
You sigh and lean back against the locker next to his, watching him shuffle off his jacket.
“You disappoint me, Frankie.” Your face held a teasing pout. 
“Never meet your heroes, baby.” That stupid fucking cocky smirk painted his face. 
You opted to roll your eyes and look away as a defense tactic against Frankie’s flirty moves. Frankie calling you baby made your guts twist. 
He was an ass ninety-nine percent of the time, but you two were hired the same summer a few years back and were the only ones who stayed once summer had run its course. You supposed it was bonded trauma after that. 
New workers had come and gone, but you and Frankie were still at Tommy’s, still working crappy shifts on crappy hourly pay. Despite Frankie being a douchebag, he made the place bearable. He was comfortable. You knew each other. 
“Can you just meet me on the floor like you were supposed to fifteen minutes ago and help with the banner? Carla’s going to be here at five, and you still have to make her special-”
“Jesus fuckin’- yes, I’ll be out in a few.” Frankie playfully groaned, shoving the brim of his hat into his mouth to hold it, his hands busy as he tied a tattered red bandana around his forehead before he replaced the cap back on. Okay… hot. 
He took a deep breath once he finished, and leaned against the locker beside you, arms crossed, mimicking you as your shoulder brushed his bicep. You looked up at him, so many inches taller than you, as he looked down. Maybe too far down. He started at your eyes, but those eyes of his tended to wander right down to the cut of your shirt.
“Ugh- Frankie!” You rolled your eyes and pushed him away, readjusting your top as he playfully threw his hands up on the defense. 
“You look fuckin’ gorgeous today, by the way!” He shouted as you exited the locker room, smiling and shaking your head with your back to him and throwing up your middle finger before the door swung closed with your exit. 
You stood on the top of a dining table in your sneakers, attempting to hang a shitty banner you had painted for Carla’s birthday. You glanced down at the table and made a little face about the scuff you put in it. Oops. You can try and scrub it later. 
There was no other person you or Frankie would do this stuff for. But it was Carla’s birthday and she was a diamond in the rough at this dump. 
Carla's position at Tumbleweed is a mixture of human resources, accounting, decent management, and a mother figure to not just you but the entire staff. Besides Carla, we could all care less about everyone else's birthday. You were burning this ‘Happy Birthday!’ banner as soon as the clock struck midnight. 
You let out an exhausted huff as you attempted to tack the final hanging string into the wall, but it was just out of reach. That’s when you heard the smacking of his stupid pink bubble gum. You didn’t even have to look. 
“Are you gonna help me or not, Morales?” Your voice seethed in annoyance, not only to Frankie but also cursing your short legs and your just not long enough arms. 
He didn’t say anything. Just crossed the differential space between you and took the tack and string into his meaty fingers. 
You glanced down, watching his teeth capture his lower lip in concentration, checking to see if it was straight. Pushing the pin in, he backed up to where you stood on the dining table and crossed his arms in observance. 
It was incredibly crooked. But it was the thought that counts, right?
“Good enough for me. You?” You glanced down at Frankie, and he was biting back a smile. 
“What?” You pushed, narrowing your eyes. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s good.” Distracted by something else. “D’you paint this?” The warmth of his hand slowly crept onto the back of your calf, your chest tightening as he slowly skated it higher with no interference from you. 
You gently nod, avoiding his eye contact as you look at the sign. Now, his hand was on the back of your thigh, and you had to take a breath. A mhm was all you could muster up. 
His fingers delicately skimmed the skirt of your uniform, knuckles brushing against your backside. You used to hate these 50’s style waitress uniforms, but now they didn’t seem so damn bad because Frankie’s movements were making you lightheaded. Snap out of it!
“Need help down?” Frankie asked, hand at the ready on your hip. 
You shook your head despite using his assistance anyway. You squatted on the table, black lace panties peeking out as you used Frankie’s broad shoulders as leverage. You put one foot down onto the linoleum and then the other, wiping your hands cleanly down your uniform as you both returned to look at the lopsided sign. 
You hoped it was enough. You hoped she appreciated it, especially all that she’s done for you over the years. Covering your shifts, leveling out the register when you accidentally gave someone the wrong change, tucking extra tips into your apron when she knew your rent was coming up. Everyone needed a Carla, not everyone was lucky to have one. 
“She’s gonna love it,” Frankie seemed to sense your nerves as he lifted his cap to bring some air to his sweaty dark curls before putting it back into place. “I’ll start workin’ on her special. Mushroom Swiss patty melt?” He said before disappearing into the kitchen again, only leaving once you gave him your little nod of assurance. You liked that he remembered.
“Happy birthday, Carla!” Uncoordinated voices cheered as Carla entered Tumbleweed right on time for her shift. 
Her face lit up, and she looked beautiful. She packed a little extra blush and eyeshadow to commemorate the special occasion. 
“Oh, shit- oh my- You guys! Thank you!” Carla made special eye contact with you, knowing you were the only one caring enough to orchestrate this shindig. 
Carla has this soulful charm about her. Raised in Louisiana, she loved to cook family recipes and bring the leftovers to work for you and Frankie to fight over. You remember she had three kids at home, so she had this curvy mom's body that put a proud sway in her walk. A playful and confident woman at heart, she was all the regular’s favorite to see. And she knew everyone. And she knew everything. She put Tommy’s back in business during the slower seasons. People would come to see her face on Sunday mornings over their coffee and runny eggs. 
“Oh, baby, thank you.” She cooed as she cupped your cheek and squeezed, making your face tick. “This the red velvet?” Her voice hummed as she observed the cake in your hands, pushing her finger lightly into the frosting to taste it. 
You had pulled one of the cakes from the display case and shitily piped it with chocolate sauce ‘HBD!’. 
“Of course, your favorite... Right?” You pursed your lips and snuck a nervous glance at Frankie before you set the cake down on the countertop. 
Carla looked beyond touched for something you’d consider a bit lackluster. “It’s my favorite ‘cause you made it. Thank you, baby.” 
You glanced around for the cake cutter, watching as Tina pushed a quarter into the jukebox and got the party started. Everyone was doing shitty dance moves, even the one or two customers that had filtered in for a cheap dinner. 
You sighed as you looked behind the counter for the cake cutter, grabbing the cake and its stand to haul it to the back. 
You thrust your shoulder blades into the swinging door, setting the cake stand on the counter as you started sifting through the different drawers to find the serving knife. 
Half a carton filled with cigarettes; Frankie’s. Matches from an old jazzy gentleman’s club; Rudy’s. Hair ties; yours. Where’s the fuckin’ cake cutter?!
The music from the jukebox was more faded in the kitchen. The serving window, professionally called the pass, was just big enough to see faces and hand plates through from the kitchen to the front. 
You made a face when you found the cake server inside a  large pot-- how, no, why? Jesus Christ. Fucking idiots. 
The swinging door to the kitchen wooshed in before slowly creaking closed, seeing Frankie coming to stand beside you in your peripheral. 
You carefully plunged the slicer into the soft sponge of the cake, carving a piece for Carla and setting it on a plate. You reached forward across the counter for another small plate, the short skirt of your uniform revealing the curve of your ass to an overly curious Frankie. You could feel his heat burning through his chest. 
“Could you be less obvious?” Your voice held teasing notes, putting another piece of cake on a plate and pushing them away to make space for more. 
He had tried this a handful of times with you, and he had yet to be successful besides that one time when you both drunkenly made out at the last December holiday party. You were pretty sure he had been hung up on you ever since. You enjoyed watching him try. 
Your eyes flitted over to his, observing his body and facial features. 
He looked gross, honestly. The two meals he cooked including Carla’s special before she came in for her shift made his face and neck sweaty and his hands greasy, his apron to match. It was white at one time, a long, long time ago. His stupid red bandana was still tied around his forehead, catching the spare sweat droplets, as the kitchen became unbearably hot in the middle of August.
You probably didn’t look much better. Hair all over the place with makeup you put on in the morning probably half smudged off by now. Your hands were checkered in pen ink, a spare papercut from snagging a receipt from the register. But still decent. He was still decent. 
His hand was back in dangerous territory, lingering low on your waist. He didn’t care if anyone saw him. You could feel warmth flooding your body, heat from the heart of his hand burning into your hip. He was admiring your body, slow and appreciative as he cupped the curve of your ass. And then he squeezed. 
Your shaky hands barely got the fourth slice you cut onto a small serving plate. The cake cutter clattered onto the metal counter as Frankie shifted his body behind yours, his watchful eyes on the pass. No one was watching, stupid and oblivious. You swallowed a lump down your throat, your small hands clenching the rim of the counter. His hips were flushed against yours. Worst of all was that you really fucking liked it. 
“This okay?” You’re flattered he asked after the fact. 
You leaned back into his touch, quietly humming on the brink of a little moan. You were a little desperate for touch, maybe you’d be on your period soon. “Mhmm..”. 
Frankie was a douchebag, but you two have been flirting back and forth with one another for years like an ongoing tennis match. He was older, he had years on you. Not an obscenely amount, but enough to make people raise an eyebrow. You were surprised he had the balls to actually make a move on you like he was right now. 
“Like you in black.” Frankie’s voice was cut down to a murmur, low and all-enveloping. You weren’t sure if he was referring to the black in your waitress uniform or your black panties. Probably the latter. 
His fingers brushed past your goosebump-covered ass and slipped between your legs to your clothed pussy. You softly gasped, eyes shifting closed as your hips involuntarily leaned into Frankie’s touch. You didn’t look subtle at all. You looked like you wanted to be touched, manhandled, kissed, fucked… 
“Open your eyes, baby girl.” He purred, your chest already heaving. “Act normal.” You forced your eyes open, looking back at him with wide, innocent eyes. Needy pupils connected with his blown-out ones. The back of your head brushed his shoulder, setting it there for just a moment before he looked straight ahead. 
Frankie nodded back to the pass, your eyes following his eye line to everyone distractedly dancing and sipping coffee mixed with bourbon on the floor. 
You bit down on your lower lip, knuckles cast over in a milky white with the iron grip you held on the metal rim of the counter. Frankie’s body heat had disappeared from your back, and now you felt it cast against the back of your legs. You glanced around, seeing him on his knees behind you with his mouth now latched to the back of your thighs. Oh, fuck. His kisses sponged up higher, towards your heat. 
Your eyelashes fluttered, Frankie’s act normal echoing through your hollow head. With distracted hands, you resumed cutting the cake. You probably looked slow and stupid, but feeling his patchy beard hair nestle between the sweet skin of your inner thighs had you in a haze. 
Frankie’s big hands reached under your skirt, lining the black panties that sat snugly on your hips with his forefingers. He slowly peeled them down, feeling the material roll as he stopped them to rest halfway down on your thighs. 
Your shoulders shuddered as your warm pussy met the slight chill of the outside world, panties adorning a little soaked spot. 
“Frankie,” Mm? “Someone’s gonna see.” But you weren’t stopping him. You weren’t telling him to fuck off. You weren’t kicking him right in the gut like you probably could. In fact, you were leaning into him. 
“Such a pretty pussy... Can’t stop, baby.” 
A helpless whimper left your lips, thighs shaking at his affectionate, warm kisses. 
Frankie’s hand swatted at the inside of your right ankle and then the other, hinting for you to spread yourself for him. You pursed your lips and shakily sighed, parting your legs as your sneakers lightly squeaked on the checkered floor. Fuck me, Frankie. 
You didn’t know how much longer you could be patient. The waiting was tantric, hypnotizing you into seduction. 
Spread for him and dripping, Frankie’s mouth finally attached to your slit. Your knee lightly jerked up and smacked a bus tub filled with dirty dishes, a few eyes on you through the pass as you nervously laughed. “S-Sorry!” 
Frankie couldn’t help but let out a warm puff of laughter against your cunt, and you swore your insides were twisting at the sensation. 
“Easy pretty girl… Don’t need us gettin’ caught. You want me to stop?” Frankie’s voice was husky, warm palms spreading your thighs, your body lightly bending over to lean on the counter. You tried to look busy with something, stupidly polishing a random fork. With the extra exposure, he had full access to your sex. 
“Does it look like I want you to stop?” You finally punched out through air-abducted lungs, anxiously chewing on the skin of your lip. “Frankie.” You said in a hushed warning tone, wanting more and not knowing how to ask nicely for it. But that’s what he liked about you. You weren’t nice. 
His lips finally attached properly to your pussy, his devilish tongue lining the center of your cunt and flicking off your clit. Your head dropped, ears ringing at the sensation. 
You wondered how good he would feel if he could take his time instead of giving you head quick while all your coworkers were distracted.  Maybe he could run his thumb over the front of your panties, trace the seam of your pussy, and feel how soaked you were for him and his attentive fingers. You thought Frankie had always been so down bad for you. He probably dreamed about getting this opportunity. He finally got you when you were just as horny for someone with a pulse. But this wasn’t all the time in the world; this was a slow shift at Tommy’s. 
You rut your hips back into Frankie’s face, hot pants fanning fog onto the cool metal of the counter. 
Frankie put his mouth where you needed him most, his tongue dedicating a poem to you. He flattened his tongue and licked a wide, wet strip up through your core, taking in all your juices. His tongue lapped at your weeping hole, thighs shaking against his head as you stifled a moan into the counter. 
He was good, manipulative, a fucking menace. 
Frankie’s tongue made precision flicks against your bundle of nerves, a gasp a bit too loud leaving the kitchen as you whimpered broken fragments of his name. 
You weakly looked up, seeing Tina pluck another quarter in the jukebox, cranking the volume to some seventies soul music. Fuck being quiet. 
Concealed by the groove of Stevie Wonder singing We Can Work It Out, your moans were hidden by the shake of a tambourine and plucks to an electric guitar. 
“Goddammit, Frankie, mmm, so fucking good,” a gasp and a moan followed suit, lazily smirking with your eyes closed. “So fucking… hot.” You murmured. 
Frankie’s mouth was a welcome wonder, dedicated to making you cum. He was swirling his tongue around your clit, weakly flattening your front over the counter again and pressing your cheek against the cool metal. Don’t be a douche right now, Francisco Morales. Make me fuckin’ cum. 
The kitchen door swiftly swung open, and your body flew up to stand straight as Carla waited in the doorway. 
“What’s taking you so long to cut my cake, baby? I know that bitch is stale as hell, but that don’t mean I don’t want it.” 
Your eyes were wide, lips parted in an attempt to speak, but Frankie’s movements didn’t cease despite Carla’s unexpected intrusion.  You bit back a whimper as he lined his tongue just barely into the tight entrance of your walls, his greedy fingers piercing into the flesh of your thighs to keep you spread. Thank god the counter covered your waist down. 
“I-I’m sorry, I’ll be out in a sec.” 
Carla looked you up and down, curious but ultimately not giving a damn. You could feel Frankie’s dirty smirk against your thighs. 
“Alright... Hurry up. I’m tryna get my dessert.” 
And with that, the door swished closed, and your back slumped at the relief. 
Frankie’s unexpected voice made you jump lightly, his words echoing against you. “Gotta make ya finish fast, princess. Want my dessert, too.” 
You whimpered but willed yourself to stand up straight and turn around to face him. He looked like a mess. Lust-filled black eyes and a cocky smirk to match. Your juices glistened on his lips and chin. Frankie would be incredibly hot if he knew how to keep his mouth shut. 
“Taste as good as you look, princess.” Frankie stood up, tall and broad body making a white hot spot form in your stomach. Fuck,  you couldn’t do this right now. Not right here. 
He could tell. He took a few cautious steps away, you watched him carefully like a rattlesnake. He knew when not to push you and when to let you make the decisions. He also knew how to give you orders when you were too pussy fucked to think straight. 
“Serve that cake and meet me out back.” He was looking over you, enjoying the few times you looked totally fucked like you did right now. He stepped back into your space and pulled your panties back into place, a sobby whimper leaving your lips as he gently cupped your aching mound with a smirk. “So fuckin’ needy, huh?” 
“Fuck off.” You mumbled, fixing the bottom half of your uniform. 
You watch as Frankie grabs the beer bottle you all used as a makeshift door prop and his half-carton of cigarettes you had brought out of a drawer in an attempt to find the cake cutter. He disappears out back into the alley. Shit, the cake. 
You hurriedly sliced the remainder of the cake, placing a few stray candles into the slices. You lit them once you greeted the group waiting on the floor, singing a shitty rendition of Happy Birthday.  Paul lights his cigarette from one of the candles, puffing smoke across the frosting. 
The crowd hastily grabbed one of the small plates and a fork. Most of you only tried a bite or two. The cake had been in the display case for far too long. 
Anxious and impatient, you slip into the back with everyone’s dirty dishes and sneak back into the kitchen. You do nothing more with them than chuck them into the sink for Lou to wash up at some point or another. Your eyes stare at the beer bottle keeping the back kitchen door ajar. You take in a deep breath, leaving a shaky sigh before following Frankie out into the alley. 
The air was warm, a welcome breeze passing over you. The alley was everyone’s hideaway, littered with crushed beer and soda cans, two large garbage dumpsters, and a large one for recycling. You could see the highway in the distance. The sun was setting, and the sky was turning purple and blue. You’d watch those cars drive right past your little town, paying no mind, probably off going to somewhere bigger and better. The only people from the highway who stopped to visit Tommy’s were people who didn’t know any better. 
A flick of a lighter crackled, dividing your attention. Frankie was smoking his cigarette, his back leaning against the brick wall of the diner. He was trying not to smirk. Seeing you out here was way too much power for him. He took a drag, the end of his cigarette lighting up in a glowing orange haze before he pulled it from his mouth. The smoke he exhaled was taken by the breeze. 
“Happy to see me?” His goading tone asked.
“No.” A challenge. A pause. 
“So, you want me to go back inside?” 
“No.” Another beat. A step closer to him, arms crossed. He’s smart enough to let his cigarette land on the ground. 
“So, you want me to stay out here?”
Silence. Staring. Gauging each other’s reactions. Your tight jaw meets his cocky smirk. Too stubborn to ask meeting too stubborn to give without begging. Fuck. 
Maybe it’s because you’re both desperate. Maybe because Frankie knows you. Knows you’re too stubborn to ask for him to fulfill your needs. Your inaction meets his unwillingness to waste another moment that he could be inside of you. 
Stomping on his cigarette before closing the distance between you two, he envelopes you in a kiss that robs you of your breath. He tastes musky and bitter. The smoke that recently captured his lungs was hot on your lips. 
Your heart was beating with excitement, happy to lose control for a moment as Frankie walked you blindly backward into the brick wall. Ouch. 
Your tongues danced in a rhythmic motion, seducing you into letting him take the power as the kiss deepened. The flavor was subtle but distinct. The Marlboro’s held an acrid undertone, an unexpected layer of the kiss you sort of liked. If he tasted like spearmint gum, it might have turned you off. 
It was like you were his cigarette now, breathing you in and clinging to you in addiction. It was his bad habit, but who were you to judge. You had a closet full of skeletons you weren’t open to anyone seeing. Maybe this was one of his. 
His hands were a welcome guest, feeling his warm palms explore a body he had probably fantasized about. 
“Don’t-- mm -- don’t have a lot of time, Francisco.” You teased for dominance, using his full name made him muster up a dirty chuckle. 
You were ready to turn around and have him fuck you into the wall, but his hand snagged your wrist, and he stopped you. Confusion screwed into your face. Then his mouth muttered the most filthy thing you had heard yet from him. “Wanna see that pretty face when I fuck you.” He muttered, your body slumping into his. Fuck it, you were Frankie Morales’ tonight. 
Frankie guided you further from the backdoor, hearing voices enter the kitchen. Probably Paul and Lou to start working on closing chores. He took you behind the dumpsters and hiked up your dress. You decided to be useful and push your panties down. He rounded up the material that was tying you up at your ankles and shoved them into his pocket. You were not letting him keep those. 
You pushed his apron aside, fingers fussing over his belt buckle. He watched, amused, unwilling to help. He liked seeing you so desperate for his cock. Unbuttoned. Unzippered. Black boxer trim peaking out now. You made slight eye contact with him before you shoved his pants and boxers down to his thighs. Your heart clenches at how girthy he was. Fuckkk, this was gonna feel good. 
He didn’t take his apron off, merely shoved it to the side as it haphazardly swayed on his hip. He closed the distance between you again, a greedy kiss, a kiss to mark you with. You pulled away to spit into your hand, taking him by his base and squeezing. 
Frankie’s eyes shuddered closed, his head dropping as you took his manhood in the small of your hand. He was.. more than a handful. He was so meaty, not even able to wrap your fist fully around him. 
You purred out a little moan as you worked your hand over him, feeling him grow heavy in your hand as you lubed up his tip, slowly circling your thumb teasingly around the pulsing head. 
“Enough.” He muttered. He didn’t like you toying with him. 
Frankie hiked up your leg by the underside of your calf, hooking around his hip as you leaned your back against the cold brick wall. It wasn’t comfy, but when you fuck against a run-down diner, you don’t get many options. 
Your chest shuddered as you felt his cock heavy against your folds, erect and brushing up against where you needed him most. He was running his hand up and down himself now. You watched as he put down another line of spit from his mouth to his cock before his knuckles shuffled up and down his shaft a few more times. 
The sight made you reel your head back and stare up at the sky. As eager as you are, you’re worried about feeling how thick he is. He knows. 
“M’gonna go real slow.” He punches out, setting his forehead down against yours, and you shakily nod. Please don’t fucking split me in two, Frankie Morales. You still have a shift to finish, after all. You’re thankful he at least acknowledges his girth. It’s sort of the elephant in the room. 
You both look down at your centers, your dripping one and his angry, pink head meeting in unison. It’s sort of fucked up the way that you’re two horrible people. But you knew horrible people always seemed to find each other.  
You wet your lips and bite down. Hard. You weren’t a fresh spring virgin, but this wasn’t any other half-decent dick. 
You lay your head back against the wall as Frankie guides himself into your welcoming entrance. Your wetness lubes him up well, but he’s still large. 
You clench your eyes close and smile. The pain is always pleasure. “Fuck,” you mutter, your head wanting to come back down and watch. 
Frankie’s being gentle, an odd word you’d never describe him as. He’s grunting and impatient, but patient for you. He fills you up to the brim and your head is flooded with clouds. You’re in the sky, lightheaded, but so fucking horny. 
His hips meeting yours are a gentle greeting, both of your lips brushing as you shared pants of desperation as well as relief. Your stomach was tight, recoiling with the pressure he was providing to the inside of your walls.
“-fucking damn.”
The two of you moaned in unison. 
Your nails are piercing into his shirt, bunching around the tops of his shoulders. You move to grip his apron for some sort of control. There is none. 
One of his hands is still supporting your leg wrapped around his hip, the other flattened against the brick wall beside your head. You took solace in his arm, resting your forehead against it weakly. 
He was cocky for a reason. His length in inches was his amount of reasons. 
“Fuck me.” You finally mustered up enough strength to demand. He shakes his head against yours. 
“Give it a minute.” He mutters, barely coherent. You’re scrumptiously tight around him, and you know it. You both do. 
“We don’t have a minute.” You feverishly bite back, attempting to shift your hips against his. He retaliates by planting his hips against you, fucking the final few inches of his dick into you as you both fell deeper into the wall. 
A hot moan rolled off your tongue, hiding your face away in his forearm and shuddering your eyes closed. Frankie’s hand slipped from your leg, cupping the globe of your ass in his warm hand. He squeezed and it made you smile as he reeled his hips slowly back. 
He grumbles something. 
“What?” You asked with a dopey grin. He pushes back inside you and wipes the smirk clear off your face. 
“I said… you’re so fuckin’ impatient.” His voice was tattered with grunts, your tight little pussy making it hard for him to breath. 
Now he was creating a rhythm, fucking you into the wall in steady thrusts. You were already feeling your insides tug eagerly in excitement, the hot pool he had created in your guts simmering to a boil. 
“Mhmm, mhm, mhm,” you moaned in silent begs, moans you had to read between the lines to understand. Fuck me, fuck me harder, fuck you feel good, I-I can’t think of anything other than fuck! Fuck me, Frankie!
He filled you up to a brim you had yet to discover you had. His tip tickled your cervix with each snap of his hips. He was getting greedy, a little sloppy. You’d judge him on this short-lived fuck later, for now, it was perfectly timed to get back into work without anyone noticing. 
Your eyes widened and met his murky brown ones as he moved the hand he had against the wall nudged between your thighs, circling your clit. It was messy at first, but he found what made you tick and adjusted. Now he was running tight circles around you, and you were finding it hard to stay silent. 
“Feel so fuckin’ perfect for me.” He murmured, his lips ghosting over yours in a teasing motion. You actually wanted to taste him again, so you leaned into it, your tongue lining his mouth and tasting his old cigarette with a moan. 
Now he was filling you up, no hesitancy in his hips as he snapped the full extent of his length into your cunt. Your head flew back against the orange and red brick, a fucked moan leaving your mouth. Neither of you cared. Frankie’s face was nuzzled against your jawline and neck, sloppy kisses tasting old perfume as the circles on your clit intensified your impending orgasm. 
“F-Fuck, Frankie, shit, I’m gonna-” You gasped and closed your eyes, clutching your arms weakly around his shoulders and holding him to you. His body enveloped you like a shield protecting you from anything in your surroundings. 
Your orgasm crashed over you, coursing through your body like a million volts of electricity as you whimpered and moaned into his neck. Your eyes were clamped closed, your walls clenching and fluttering around his sensitive cock. 
His moans were heavenly, guttural and deep, a little shaky even as he puffed them into your neck and shoulder. His hips twitched against the inside of your thighs as he came undone inside of you. It felt like he was cumming for days, filling you up with white rope after white rope of his semen and painting your insides with only remnants of him. 
You couldn’t think. You just focused on the distant sound of the highway, creating a bustling amount of white noise for you. You gently held his head to keep him close, your shaky hand winding into his hair as the two of you reconciled over your orgasms. 
He was the first one to move. He slipped himself from you and gave you a few lazy kisses. Your stomach fluttered before you shook your head.
Stop it, Frankie. 
‘M not doin’ anything. 
Teasing smiles. Hands softening their holds on each other’s bodies. Fixing hair. Fixing undergarments. 
He would have held onto your panties. He probably hoped you forgot about them. You tugged them from his pocket and attempted to slip into them with ease, but you ended up having to use the brick wall as a support to lean into. 
You steadied his apron straight, and he pulled the skirt of your uniform down. Teamwork. 
You don’t really talk, just clean yourselves up, nod, and dart back inside before anyone can really notice or give a damn that you were missing in action. You kept having to excuse yourself to the bathroom, feeling Frankie still seeping from you. It made your chest hot, an embarrassed smile on your face. 
Fuck it. That’s what Plan B is for. Or you can just wait to see if you get your period in a few days time. 
You and Frankie danced around one another during the closing shift. Carla went home and took the cake in a to-go container to give to her kids. It was shitty that she had to work on her birthday, but she said that getting to see your gorgeous face was a present of its own. 
You tiredly yawned, seeing it was a few minutes past ten. You helped Tina even out the cash register, putting today’s earnings in an envelope, then putting it in the safe for Rudy to take to the bank at the end of the week. 
“You sure you don’t mind cleaning up on your own?” Tina asked, giving her a tired smile and a soft shrug. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you Wednesday.” Despite her annoying singing, Tina wasn’t that bad. She gave you a big grin before she hopped off the stool and left out the front door. Lou and Paul had already left at the start of closing. You didn’t know if Frankie snuck out the back early. 
You did a double take to the jukebox, watching Frankie flip his baseball hat backward and push a quarter into the machine. Your face softened, seeing him flip between the different records before landing on one. 
Something by Fleetwood Mac started playing. You watched him reach up and untack your banner from the wall easily. You nodded softly before grabbing the spray bottle filled with disinfectant and began wiping down the counters, seats, and tables. 
He walked up to you once you finished cleaning, handing you your folded-up banner. You twisted your lips in thought, rolling the banner around in your hands. 
“Wanna help me burn this in the burn barrel out back?” 
Frankie sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Yeah. Fuck it. Got nothin’ better to do.” 
With Frankie’s lighter, both of you watched with glassy eyes as the Happy Birthday! banner burnt to ashes. His face was lit up in orange and yellow hues. He haphazardly tried to lean into the flames with a cigarette dangling between his lips, a stupid laugh leaving you. He shrugged and put the cigarette behind his ear. 
“Fuck it.” He huffed, both of your eyes transfixed on the fading flames.
There was a beat of silence. 
Frankie’s eyes met yours. “We should do that again sometime.” 
Half of your mouth quirked up into a smirk.  “Do what?”
He cocked his head to the side in annoyance. “You know what.”
You shrugged and shoved your hands into your jacket pockets. The hum of the highway in the distance made you flashback to just a few hours ago with Frankie railing you against Tumbleweed. A black and purple-streaked night sky submerged the two of you, making you feel tiny. You sigh and shift on your feet, keeping your eyes on the flames that licked up the ay! in Birthday!
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Maybe?” 
Frankie teetered on your half-ass decision. Even the notion of having an open door left for him to sneak in was enough to make him happy. “Okay. I’ll take a maybe.” 
God, you were bluffing so hard. Maybe it wouldn’t be sooo bad to throw him a bone every once in a while. 
Your fantasizing was cut short as ashes of the banner spewed up from the depths of the barrel and fluttered up into the air between you and Frankie, both of you taking a preemptive step away.
His lighter clicked again; he had to do it a few times before the end of his cigarette caught a flame. “I’ll see you when I see you.” He murmured. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was trying to walk you to your car, wanting to leave, but not until you started heading home, too. 
He swung his body into the driver seat of his beaten-up pickup truck. You decided to follow suit, sliding into your car. You saw Tommy’s fade away from the rearview mirror in the distance. But the thoughts of Frankie between your legs, fucking you into oblivion, and begging to serve your aching center would sit with you until your next shift at Tumbleweed. Sorry. Tommy’s Diner. 
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