#unless you have a sword
beanghostprincess · 9 months
If you were a girl he wouldn't even look at you
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bywandandsword · 1 year
It's interesting how Jonathan keeps equating himself with women, first with the gothic heroines of books, now "sitting at a little oak table where in old times possibly some fair lady sat to pen, with much thought and many blushes, her ill-spelt love-letter" and feeling the first bit of comfort in a while in what he identifies as a woman's room. I know tumblr keeps identifying Jonathan as the book's Damsel in Distress, but it's interesting that Jonathan is consciously identifying himself that way, rather than identifying with any number of the action heroes in books of the time.
I wonder what men in 1897 thought about it, and I wonder if it was a conscious decision on Bram Stoker's part
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venusaur-propaganda · 6 months
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Drawing Venusaur with every Pokemon pt. Tornadus
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july-19th-club · 2 years
i know for a fact i have made this post before but for me it's very important that bbc merlin is a pointless tragedy. it wouldn't be good (it's frequently not good anyway but it would be a lot further away from good) if it wasn't a pointless tragedy! it's simply not arthuriana if it doesn't go past the high point of the heroic/legendary/high medieval romance stuff and end with detailed rundowns of exactly how everybody got betrayed and died like that is what makes it real arthuriana to me and not just a silly show about a wizard
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fbfh · 2 years
Imagine Tedros learning that someone attempted to assassinate his s/o after he rose to the throne and finding his s/o shaken from the attempt on their life: He would sweep you in his arms and hold you oh so close while speaking to you in a soft and gentle voice until you calm down. However, once he makes sure you’re settled enough to take a nap to process what just happens, that calm exterior drops and he is fuming to figure out who sent the assassin, because they will receive no mercy.
OOOOH GIRL. protective Tedros is something I feel very strongly about so thank you for this.
it was late at night. he was in a council meeting that was running later than expected and you were already supposed to be asleep. he's had a weird feeling in the back of his mind for a little while, but he brushes it off as wanting to go to bed and hold you tight in his arms.
"did you hear that?" his brow furrows but no one else heard what he thought was a peircing scream. moments later, footsteps thunder through the halls, guards rushing towards your room, and he really knows something is wrong. he bolts up, finding you shaking on the ground across from a broken window. he pulls you in his arms immediately, holding you tight while you cling to him, shaking like a leaf.
"are you alright, darling?" his voice is calm and gentle, but you can hear how worried he is. you nod, face in the crook of his neck. he holds you so tight, rubbing your back and gently rocking you to help you calm down. he sends away most of the guards to check the perimeter, not wanting you to feel more worked up than you understandably already are. he presses soft kisses to your hairline, just as relieved as you are that you're okay. he has someone bring tea for you two and takes you into another room to talk. you recount what happened shakily, and he only interrupts when you mention you were awake when the assasisn had crept in.
"I thought you went to sleep hours ago," he says softly. you get kinda quiet before you reply.
"I can't sleep without you anymore."
that changes his fuckin brain chemistry. he pulls you close again, holding you tight and kissing your forehead. you can't sleep without him. he's going to process that fully once they catch the bastard who tried to hurt his true love. he continues to hold you and talk to you and drink tea with you until it nears daybreak, and you seem okay again. he sends for your handmaids and ladies in waiting, making sure they're instructed to stay with you in groups no smaller than three or four people at a time. he caresses your cheek, pressing soft kisses to your lips.
"try to rest, love. I have a few matters to attend to, and we'll get this whole thing sorted out before you know it." he speaks so softly, so reassuringly that you believe him. he kisses you one more time, then hands you off to your ladies. you don't see the drastic change in his expression the second he turns away from you and walks toward the doors, but some of the other people there and in the halls do. each step he takes is like thunder rumbling in the distance, and none of them, even the ones who have known Tedros his whole life, have ever seen him like this. He's out for blood, and he won't rest until he finds out who tried to do this to you and slays them where they stand. if anyone in camelot thought they had a chance of doing anything to you, that all evaporates when Tedros and his knights ride off on their steeds, pursuing your attacker, not giving up until his head is in a basket.
when he comes back no more than a few days later, he holds you tight, making sure you're still okay. he kisses you, resting his forehead against yours before pulling you into his arms again. you've never felt more reassured than you do when he holds you tight like this, and you know he's got you 2:24.
"you can rest well now, love."
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HI MOD SWORD IF IT'S YOU [Also hi to the other mods you guys deserve love too <333] I hope this isn't just a ME thing. But I genuinely believe some maps in the game should be reworked.... Like ROBLOX HQ for example. That map is sooooooo fucking bad. Genuinely. It's too small, it's so easy to spawn camp the other team if you manage to get the upper hand, some chars' phinishes [like Rocket's for example] are soooooo fucking finicky to use Like I see the dev team reworking other maps but why not the HQ???? It's a map that REALLY needs to be reworked and touched up so that it'll ACTUALLY be an enjoyable map to play on. - 🎐 anon [I HAVE RETURNED!!!]
HIIII!!!!!! yes its me mod sword hello :3
i agree tbh theres a lot of maps i think need reworks.. underground war is one of them its a very neat concept but i think its not done that well... the secret side tunnels are cool but they literally serve zero purpose in conquer it feels like the map was built for stealth characters when we HAVE NONE... like the caves lead directly to backlines but theres actually no POINT IN THAT bc hypers will snipe from the top of the rocks in the middle and everyone crowds the centre AS THEY SHOULD BC ITS CONQUER. not to mention how massive the underground is for no reason it really strikes me as an annihilate map that was randomly decided to be a conquer map last minute.. they couldve done something much cooler with the holes up top akin to the two paths out of spawn in bowling alley (i.e. have the Large Hole that everyone goes down and then turn the side paths into paths dug INTO THE WALLS for supports or snipers so they can have a perch or safer less direct way to get down to the centre... and it should stay a conquer map but have annihilate as an option bc tbh a rework for it would go SO HARD as annihilate.. or if they ever add capture the flag as a gamemode i think underground war would be such a good ctf map not even joking..... SORRY WOW IK THE ASK WAS ABOUT HQ BUT I NEEDED TO TALK ABT UW
anyways i really love hq because i get to throw my sword into the hallway and kill people :)
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ganymedesclock · 11 days
So that #Syrin the Dread Blade tag, thats a new one. Seems like a interesting character, a sentient sword, how did Tyler happen upon them? What does the sword look like, and does it have any special magical abilities? How do they like the other members of the party? Do they actually speak or do they have a telepathic voice?
Technically it's just a tagging misconception; I haven't tagged Syrin reliably before because his nature as a sword does mean he's kind of attached to Taylor. But he is his own dude!
A short primer: magic items in this setting tend towards a level of awareness. Magic is essentially what souls are made of, ergo, if you stuff enough magic in anything, it starts to have a soul, and behaves accordingly. Entities as fully developed and chatty as Syrin are rare; far more common is that magic items tend to feel just a little bit haunted, inclined towards some things and away from others. It's a bit creepy if you're not used to it; enchantments are commonplace and widely accessible, so that 'not being used to it' is more a statement on if the individual is used to handling a particular thing.
Syrin himself is the ostensible opus of the previous Lord of Darkness, a Dark Sword that was meant to contest and cancel out the legendary sword of light wielded by the hero. Ostensibly, because for unknown reasons Syrin was left in storage the eve of the fateful battle. Being groomed exclusively for this purpose by someone he regarded as a father and then abandoned for ten years definitely wasn't traumatic or terrifying for someone with the cognitive level of a child, we promise. Especially since Syrin needs to eat.
Syrin's construction, and what leads Taylor to point out he's a bit like a 'needle', is a crystal-bladed thrusting sword with a hollow core. Despite its delicate looks, the blade is actually both quite sharp and highly durable; the thin tube at the center being essentially his mouth, by which he is supposed to drink blood. His victims', if he can get it, or, failing that, magically drawn from his host. As a result his blade itself ranges from grayish translucence to dark red if he's gorged to fullness.
From there, he has the power to generate and shape a kind of magical flesh, allowing him to weave more elaborate forms around his core body, the sword.
As you can guess, this gives Syrin a somewhat unpleasant and brutish first impression on people, as he has no verbal filters, was raised by a would-be conqueror of the world, and is dependent on blood and thus interested in more fights than not. I've described him before as like a preteen on xbox live who talks up a nasty game mostly out of loneliness and a need to be liked, where you can tell the kid themselves is not as bad as the people who taught them all those words and that they were "funny".
Deep down (and not all that deep, like I said, no filters), Syrin is a vulnerable child who was groomed to do violence and got no experience with it until strangers came to loot the dangerous ruins he was held in, at which point he did what you'd expect a strong but sheltered child to do faced with a home intruder, and killed/devoured that individual in a panic. His first kill being no glorious conflict or victory approved by his father, but essentially a desperate scramble in the dark with himself on the edge of fatal starvation messed him up even more than ten years of silence.
Enter Taylor and party, who happen to pass through those same environments. Syrin makes an attempt to body-snatch Taylor that fails due to the latter's particular properties, and Taylor, being both a good-hearted person and a stubborn busybody, feels obligated to bring this chatterbox with them and attempt to bully him into developing some sense of tact while Syrin attempts to Corrupt His New Wielder To Violence.
This doesn't work because Syrin has no real ideas how to go about corrupting someone besides loudly telling them to stab things more, while Taylor is an apprentice surgeon and mortician who is a lot more desensitized to bodies and their workings such that if they have a weapon, they'll at least consider it as a solution to most problems. So the punchline is that Syrin is more often thrown/flabbergasted by Taylor than vice versa, while the latter just sees him as a sort of annoying kid who's easily talked into almost anything as long as you compliment him first.
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mummer · 7 months
they could never EVER neverrrrrr ever ever do this even ryan condal would never cede such an “iconic” setpiece & “memorable” dialogue and even if he wanted to HBO simply would not allow it but in my minds eye ideal hotd adaptation of the battle of the gods eye completely discards EVERYTHING supposedly recounted/editorialized in fire and blood no anime dialogue no ultra choreographed fight scene no cinematic beautiful shots of the dragons dancing no leaping from dragon to dragon its actually like incredibly fast and loud and incomprehensible to the audience just beasts colliding and ripping each other apart dirt and blood and horrific and disgusting and ultimately super SUPER pathetic ❤️ daemon and aemond dont get to make any epic last stands theres no glorious blaze out, no chilling last words, no grand narrative, in the end it really is just two men thudding to the bottom of a lake and getting eaten by fish. make the craziest climax in the world an anticlimax. ultimate antimoment
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sweetandglovelyart · 7 months
You know what I think would be a fun concept for a Kirby game? Kirby being able to travel to different planets on the Halberd to go explore with Meta Knight and his crew. I know that he can just fly different places by himself on his warp star, but I thought it’d be cool if he got to go on a little adventure with all of them.
The Halberd could be the hub world, I could see it acting sort of like Waddle Dee Town in Forgotten Land in that you’d be inside the Halberd when starting the game and from there you could select stages to play, play mini games, buy healing items and buffs, and other things like that. It would be nice if you could interact with Meta Knight and his crew outside of battle for once and see the inside of the Halberd without having to destroy it. What do you guys think of this? Would this be a cool concept for a game?
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1000sunnygo · 2 months
Do you think Law's fight is going to be just as dramatic like Kid?
He already got one in Dressrosa though 😭 drama doesn't want to leave him alone smh
It's difficult to make predictions about Law before we get to know who rescued him... I think Law's story will focus more on lore revelations than fights. There doesn't seem to be any set up for Law vs Blackbeard rematch, and I don't think his crews are dead.
I'd love to see Law and Doffy working together in the Mariegeoise raid team but that's probably a wishful thinking. I just hope he doesn't end up dying.
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nayeliq1 · 1 year
June 9th, prompt: Cowboy Boots
"Come on out, Cas!"
"Do I really have to?"
Cas' grumbled reply was muffled by the closed bathroom door between them.
"What? You sayin' you don't like the gift I got you? Don't be a baby, lemme see!"
The door opened, and out came Cas, visibly grumpy Angel of the Lord, dressed in his usual shirt and pants and- Dean's mouth fucking watered at the sight - a pair of brand new cowboy boots.
"I look ridiculous", Cas stated, squinting down at his feet in affront.
"You look-" Dean swallowed. Hot as Hell.
He could see the moment Cas picked up on the way Dean was staring at him, the tiniest of smiles forming at the corner of the angel's mouth and softening the annoyed crease in his brow.
Cas gave him a fond eye-roll, sighing theatrically.
"The things I do for love", he muttered, making Dean grin.
"Alright, Jaime Lannister." Dean crossed the distance between them, arms circling around Cas' waist. "Whine all you like, but those stay on."
For @starcrosseddeancas Dreamy Drabbles
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pocketramblr · 1 year
LoZ, MM, FSA, PH, and ST are all so cool for the "Link isn't using the Master Sword" thing I mean I love the Master Sword but I also think it's really funny for there to be fifteen other Swords That Seal The Darkness floating around Hyrule. I think one Link should try to collect them all.
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bragganhyl · 10 months
ngl these "which eoran god is/isn't problematic" polls make me wanna rant about Magran but I don't have the braincells rn
edit: i did end up ranting in the tags whoopsie lmao
#hablaty#I love magran as a character and as an... imperfect to say the least goddess#but I will also blow a gasket if my fire godlike watcher won't ever get the option to drive a sword through her heart#bc holy shit do i also hate her#she too is a ''god of staying in your lane'' really she only ever steps in to intervene if some god or another starts shit#thing is tho: her followers aren't like her#a lot of folks of the violent murder hobo variety is drawn to her bc god of fire and war and whatnot#but if you read the codex entries on her she doesn't actually urge people to start wars#the doctrines are actually more along the lines of ''don't start shit take no shit'' or idk#don't go out of your way to start a conflict for no reason but be always ready for war basically#she pushes people to embrace their power and strive for bettering themselves through struggle#problem is that bc like i said she ghosts her followers a lot of her followers will just take these doctrines to justify their atrocities#she doesn't want eothasians gone bc she doesn't care enough about them to want that#she doesn't want animancers gone bc she supports animancy#but she won't stop her followers bc she doesn't interfere with kith unless she has to protect them from the other gods#but also on the flip side if she does step in she will stop at nothing to win#even if that means building god killing weapons and then having her priests off themselves deploying it#even if that means wiping out her own fire giant children in a volcanic eruption (whomst you can save btw pls save the rathunn they're nice#and even if that means eating the souls of her godlike children who#magran is incredible cruel and also very cool and I have very complex feelings on her and just aaaa
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russilton · 1 year
Me most days: ignore people who say shitty things, don’t let it get to you, don’t give air to people who’s opinion doesn’t matter-
Tumblr: what if we put something on your dash so bad you’ll block 4 people and lie in bed feeling angry about it.
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ryssbelle · 2 years
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Fractured timelines 'Legend', a knight in Hyrules army, couldn't decide on a red cape or blue cape (theres a certain someone who doesn't think the blue tunic is superior when it is-) so I have two for you guys to decide if you want to help lol
he is not technically Legend as most people know him, tho I did steal the Lu hair from dtbs from myself, he took the name after mysteriously gaining the memories of the past hero and finding a connection with him.
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waffliesinyoface · 8 months
my hot fire emblem take is that weapon durability is bad and the games that don't have it are more fun. if you give me a holy sword of ultimate asskicking, i should be able to kill enough people with it to make a dynasty warriors protagonist blush
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