#unlikely outcomes
ditchadderband · 2 months
I have decided to be positive today
I look forward to my body perceiving this as a challenge.
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Which would be much different if the ursine attackers were Yogi Bear, Breezly Bruin or the Hair Bear Bunch:
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saessenach · 2 months
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What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.
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juniemunie · 3 months
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This post wouldn't leave my mind.
Error and Ink meeting before they completely become themselves is so....
ლ(ಥ益ಥლ) HHHHHHH
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haunted-xander · 8 months
Ryne and Gaia are like. Such good parallels and foils to each other it makes me just a little insane.
Like Ryne is sweet and caring and she always wants to help others and make them feel better even to the detriment of herself because she has seen and known suffering and doesn't want others to have to live like that too. If she can make someones life better, even if just a little bit, then she will. But she also puts everyone elses well-being and feelings so far above her own that she often ends up trying to help in a way that doesn't actually solve anything because it still ends up with someone hurt (such as trying to properly fuse with Minfilia knowing it might end up with herself disappearing). She's not a doormat, but she does have some people-pleasing tendencies.
Gaia, however, is the exact opposite. She's prickly and sarcastic and thinks of herself and her needs first and foremost, everyone else is secondary. It's not that she's cold or uncaring, she doesn't ignore people's problems, she just doesn't see them as her business most of the time (A product of being raised in Eulemore most likely). She doesn't consider the long-term outcome of what she does or says, she lives solely in the present and the future is a problem for when it happens.
These opposite traits also play into each other. Ryne inspires Gaia to care more about others and Gaia inspires Ryne to prioritize herself more. Gaia makes Ryne live more on the moment without thinking solely of what the future will bring, and Ryne makes Gaia think more on what her life will be going forward and to actually consider what she does and says and how that affects things. They feed into each others good traits (Ryne's caring nature and Gaia's sense of self) while also helping them deal with the bad traits (Ryne's people-pleasing and Gaia's aloofness).
Their pasts are good paralells too. Ryne was isolated and lonely until Thancred took her away but even then, he was distant and emotionally neglectful, so she ended up lonely in an entirely different way. Gaia had a family and caretakers that she wasn't particularly close to, but after the 'Fairy' started talking to her they got even further away until she couldn't even remember them, and the 'Fairy' was the closest thing she had to a friend even though it was what isolated her to begin with. Ryne had constant companionship but no support, and Gaia had 'support' but no companionship.
Even just. Regarding the whole identities thing they are just. Perfect. Ryne has lived with Minfilia's shadow on her shoulder her entire life and never got to learn who she actually is. She thought that she had to become Minfilia for her life to be worth anything, that it's the only way her existance is justified. The person closest to both her and Minfilia(Thancred) indicated(in her mind at least) that he wanted Minfilia to be here in Ryne's stead(which wasn't really the case but she didn't know that). The only way to get her out of that shadow was to remove her from the identity of Minfilia, hence why her new name is so important(as well as the hair and eyes being her natural colors instead of Minfilia's all too recognizable ones).
But Gaia didn't even know about Mitron or Loghrif until Eden. She had the 'Fairy', but to her it was just some voice in her head which was nice enough to her. To her, Loghrif is just some lady Mitron loved, she has no real connection to her. She has a connection to Mitron, both as the 'Fairy' and as remnant feelings from Loghrif, but none to Loghrif herself(aside from the obvious reincarnation stuff). Gaia has always been her name. It may have been Loghrif's originally, but she is so far removed from that identity that even for all of Mitron's effort to 'return' her to Loghrif, it'd never work. Loghrif is Gaia, but Gaia is not Loghrif. Simple as that.
Eden's story works so well because Ryne and Gaia are opposites in that specific way that compliments each other, rather than pits them against each other.
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4lph4kidz · 11 months
I still think the funniest post canon outcome for Dirk is for him to be just some guy. Extremely weird guy by anyone’s standards, maybe he committed a couple of atrocities or SOMETHING back in the day but it ain’t like that now. He’s normal. Ish. Not trying to be especially relevant to the narrative but might pull up a lawn chair to kick back and see what happens. He’s retired
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catboyidia · 8 months
imagining young sephiroth somehow stumbling upon vincent and pulling out the picture of lucrecia, showing it to vincent while asking him if he’s seen his mother “jenova”…
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 days
Okay okay whenever I do a tarot reading for myself and it's negative I get frustrated and angry but ONCE IN A WHILE when it's positive I'm like "naahhhh, this is sus, I bet they're trolling... or they are not talking about me... I bet there's a catch to this 10 of cups and 4 of wands!!!"
How do I cope with that lol
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furylad · 8 months
hear me out but OFMD actually makes perfect sense if you accept two simple facts about the world it's set in:
it's an alternate universe to ours (duh)
(less obvious) magic exists. it usually works in subtle ways. this also extends to metaphysical forces like fate, destiny, luck. it's not just "haha no real world accuracy", it's that the laws of physics are outright different than ours, and are also influenced by the whims and emotions of the people in that world. "clap if you believe", is an actual law of the universe. (think back to the lighthouse fuckery.) we're basically in Neverland for gay adults.
part of me expects them to double-down on the existence of magic eventually because of the sea witch arc with Buttons idk.
I'm not insane.
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scarefox · 1 year
Just gotta say I am glad that my gut feelings were right from the start THAT BUILD IS INNOCENT even though people tried to convince me and all his other supporter otherwise.... in the most toxic ways possible.... Had to get out of that war zone a while ago for my mental health.
Hope it is now reaching the last person in the back, that she was lying about everything.
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bisexualseraphim · 4 months
On my SECOND attempt at rewatching The 100 and yet again I am considering just. Not finishing it lmao Season 3 is painful enough already even ignoring what happens in 3x07, how the fuck am I supposed to survive four more seasons without flying into a rage for every single second of the experience
So tempted to just ask someone for a Clarke & Madi scenepack and never watch another minute of this dumbfuck show for the rest of my life because those two are like the biggest reason I agreed to finish the show in the first place 😭 Genuinely don’t care about anything else, the characters are shit except for a small handful, the storylines are shit the writing is shit this show is SHIT and I’m so bored of it. I’m happy for anyone who can enjoy it outside of Clexa but I don’t understand y’all one bit, I wish I was as joyful as you
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evidently-endless · 8 months
anxiety is like wow i have such a good imagination ! (derogatory) (killing me) (can’t remember the last time i had a good night’s sleep)
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sollucets · 1 year
ok looks like i have a few. a few things i just want to illustrated point out. at this point i'm neck deep on khathadome, it's over for me, and i cant make gifs so bad youtube screengrabs it is
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khatha almost reaching for him while trying to convince him to move in
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here i'm just pointing out for fun the way khatha instantly shoves dome behind him when he sees something spooky. both deeply lovely and obviously good sense since dome has no self-preservation instinct
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the face of sheer pained relief
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this set of shots makes me so [screeching] actually. we see dome looking before and after and thus are meant to understand it's from his perspective, and it shows khatha all bathed in white light and zooms in on his face and my point is dome Reciprocates the longing looks okay!!!! he is Looking too!!
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exhibit b of the above (combined with dome's now 2 attempts to protect a man who can't die)
obviously that's not everything there are so many face touches and longing looks and general pining behavior in this episode these are just the ones i didnt see anybody say anything about yet
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voluntaryvictim · 1 year
ok but what if dallon grew out a stache just for the idkwave music video so he could match with daniel joywave…
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handfulofmuses · 4 months
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i hate how well that goodbye was animated.
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themthistles · 8 months
zheng yi sao saying 'i've dated my fair share of guys on wanted posters. they're hot but it always ends in a massacre' girl you ARE the hot guy on wanted posters what do you think that could spell for olu and his crew
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