gynoidgearhead · 2 years
Forget Traditional Homeownership: Meet the Transgender People Who Have Given Up On The Unattainable Ideal Of Traditional Personhood
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cmonbartender · 8 months
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no world from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters (2010) - Kara Walker
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copia · 1 month
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GRAPHIC NATURE & CASEY at the heavy music awards 2024 (two of the only photos i've got)
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jellogram · 8 months
I've never had a Lovecraftian eldritch cosmic horror experience but I HAVE tripped on benadryl and I feel like that's basically the same thing
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boitedeconcert · 1 month
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Bixler Stage, ArcTanGent Festival, Compton Martin, England. 15/08/24.
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tuulikki · 11 months
The thing is that the portrayal of Neanderthals as having been inherently grotesque and alien to H. sapiens is something we will never have proof of. But we do have proof that, in different locations and in different populations across time, we all found eachother desirable. We saw eachother and wanted to touch. And the offspring were held by their mothers and raised and had their own offspring in turn.
When you look for the first proof that H. sapiens found Neanderthals repulsive, you have to wait until the Victorian era, when the white masters of empires were busy portraying Neanderthals as stupid, brutish, and (of course) dark-skinned.
In more modern times, we’ve had people arguing that instead of seeing Neanderthals as Benighted Savages, they should instead be seen as Noble Savages, (allegedly) cruelly destroyed and driven from their lands by H. sapiens. Which one of their two you believe says more about your modern political views than it does about ancient H. sapiens.
And, whether we construct Neanderthals as Savage or Noble Savage, the fundamental assumption we project into the unfathomably distant past is still that H. sapiens saw Neanderthals as an Other, with the language we use being almost explicitly that of modern racial dynamics.
But we have no proof of any of that. We have no proof of hostilities. We know we co-existed and we had sex. That’s it.
Humans obviously have sex with some humans and kill others. We also know that, when small groups of humans occupy vast spaces with infrequent contact with others, unique cultures will always form, some more hospitable, some more neophobic/xenophobic. But many cultures of small settlements placed among huge unpeopled landscapes place supreme emphasis on hospitality to strangers. Plus, we fucking love other social animals, as evidenced by how we befriended wolves.
I’m a humourless weirdo and a wet blanket about popular constructions of Neanderthals as “monstrous”, and I freely admit it. But that’s because it’s tied up in legacies of imperialism. Not only that, but it also privileges one culture (yours, mine, modernity’s) as being most human by implicitly assuming we can project it onto people in the past. Since you don’t pretend that all global cultures share exact same values as you do, it doesn’t take more than a few moments’ reflection to realise you can’t do that to the past.
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saleszulu76 · 5 months
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beginagain-- · 5 months
Unpeople Share New Single, 'Going Numb'
Hotly tipped alt rock outfit Unpeople have shared their debut self-titled EP via SharpTone Records. Alongside the new EP, the band have showcased their latest single, ‘Going Numb’. Commenting on the new single, the band say: “This song is relatively self explanatory if you read the lyrics. Try your hardest not to bottle up negative emotions. Let them out. However you see fit. Even if you’re…
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rofirspam · 5 months
waste Unpeople Album: Unpeople
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cmonbartender · 8 months
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savant from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters (2010) - Kara Walker
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Even the vast Amazon rainforest—what many non-Native people may see as the premier example of unpeopled wilderness—bears enduring evidence of human intervention. In a 2017 study, researchers found that tree species with food and cultural value, like the Brazil nut and cocoa tree, were “hyperdominant” across the Amazon Basin: about five times more common than they would expect from chance alone. These trees were often found far from their native range and were most abundant around archaeological sites that predated the 16th century, suggesting that humans shaped the makeup of the forest visible today. In addition, satellite imagery combined with ground surveys has revealed the traces of bustling civilizations in parts of the Amazon. Though scientists once believed the Amazon Basin held as few as 1–2 million people, more recent models that factor in the particular soils created by human occupation suggest at least 8–10 million people could have lived in the region.
Claudia Geib, How “Wilderness” Was Invented Without Indigenous Peoples
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mysummerfilm · 5 months
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Unpeopled Space 🪐
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llovelymoonn · 11 months
favourite poems of october
alfred starr a dark dreambox of another kind: the poems of alfred starr: "didn't you ever search for another star?
stephen spender new collected poems: "auden's funeral"
marianne boruch keats is coughing
noa micaela fields zoeglossia: poem of the week, may 17, 2021: "echolalia"
kevin young diptych
richard siken real estate
crisosto apache kúghą/home
mikko harvey for m
nathan hoks nests in air: "the barbed wire nest"
john a. holmes noon waking
crisosto apache 37 common characterisi(x)s of a displaced indian with a learning disability
oliver de la paz requiem for the orchard: "at the time of my birth"
zhang xun jiangnan song (tr. bijaan noormohamed)
paul violi fracas: "extenuating circumstances"
tianru wang after "yellow crane tower"
lloyd schwartz cairo traffic: "nostalgia (the lake at night)"
kamiko han the narrow road to the interior: "the orient"
rigoberto gonzalez unpeopled eden: "unpeopled eden"
adelaide crapsey verse: "to the dead in the graveyard underneath my window"
chester kallman night music
alan shapiro covenant: "covenant"
tom clark light and shade: new and selected poems: "radio"
tc tolbert my melissa,
charlie smith in praise of regret
carolyn kizer cool, calm, and collected: poems 1960-2000: "fanny"
julie sheehan orient point: "hate poem"
arthur sze the redshifting web: poems 1970-1998: "streamers"
joumana altallal everything here...in the voice of tara fares
abid b al-abras last simile
w.s. merwin to lingering regrets
george scarbrough music
shout me a coffee
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deepdreamnights · 4 months
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City D-1
If you're hearing this message, you have been chosen. Not by me, or anyone else you might find here, but by this place. Do not be fooled by the shifting passages or the veneer of peeling decay. Do not be tricked by the unpeople that you will see and that will seek so very earnestly to see you in return. Do not be distracted by the constant hum that you pray is your imagination but know, deep down, is not.
Ignore their tricks and remember the two rules of City D-1:
Nothing here can hurt you but you.
2. You have never been less safe.
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The image(s) above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain.
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale Seeking Godhood Part V/5 PATH 1
Oh boy. Well. I wanted to release all three paths simultaneously but that may take some time so I'll release the paths as they are completed. This will be the only part for Path 1.
Paths 2 & 3 may be 1-2 parts depending on my brain.
Summary: Continuation of Gale seeking the crown post elder brain, final chapter for Path 1.
Editing to say that I do tweak and edit as I read and re-read these pieces and this makes my heart ache every time I reach the end. Anyway, I'm not crying. Just some dust.
Path 1
You approach Shadowheart with a warm smile and embrace her - “Gods, it’s been to long,” you breathe out as she hugs you. She smells nice - fresh and you can’t help but to inhale the rosewater and lavender from her skin when you embrace. 
“Did you just sniff me?” 
“Sorry,” you blush, caught. “I guess I’m not used to everyone being so… clean? It’s nice, for the record,” You rub the back of your neck and feel redness simmer beneath your cheeks. 
Her melodic laugh echos in your ears as she says, “I suppose I should take the compliment. Although, sometimes I miss the smell of fresh mud on my skin,” she muses. 
“Don’t tell me you miss sleeping in the dirt too?” You raise your eyebrows and smile. 
She takes your hands in hers, “You know, I actually have found a spot that I frequent when I’m feeling nostalgic.” Giving your hand a gentle squeeze she says, “I’ve missed you. Now tell me, what have you been up to!” 
You feel the looming dread fill your belly and Shadowheart recognizes the look, graciously stepping in, “You don’t have to share, if you don’t want. I can’t imagine it has been easy… I can’t say I’m entirely surprised, although I had my hopes. Do you think…” her unfinished question lingers in the air between the two of you. 
Do you think he will come? 
You aren’t sure. You had tried not to think about it leading up to the party, anxiety twisting your stomach into knots when you received the invitation - from Wither’s, of all people - or unpeople? 
Shadowheart reads the look in your eyes and wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you against her as she leads you towards the rest of your companions. The air is full of merriment, music, and laughter - sounds that your soul has been desperately aching for. “I’ll let you wallow more later - for now, it’s time to celebrate, everyone has been expecting you.” And as she ushers you towards your companions you are filled with the sounds of their ‘whoops’ and ‘there they are!’ and fond slaps on the back, hugs, and the like. Astarion hands you a glass of something strong. 
“Here, you’ll need it - in case, well, you know.” He gives you a wink and brushes his shoulders off giving a little bow. “I am surprised - I thought out of any one of us I’d be the one most likely to go off the rails not - ugh - Gale.” Your cheeks burn and Astarion gestures as if to say ‘be serious’, “Oh come now. What use is being a 200 year old Vampire Spawn if I can’t have a bit of fun at others’ expense?”
You glower at him and his eyes twinkle playfully as he pulls you into a hug. “Oh! I have missed you, you know. Maybe you’ll let me have a nibble later? I do miss that taste.. like a strong, bittersweet brandy..” You see his mouth begin to water and you shimmy from his grasp. 
“We’ll see,” You smirk and he pouts as if hurt and goes to mingle elsewhere. 
“Hey you!” Karlach comes bounding over and gestures wildly, “I can’t believe the bastard did it! I’m here!” 
“It wouldn’t be a party without our liveliest companion!” Minsc bellows and shakes you by your shoulders from behind. “Good to see you, my friend.” 
Everyone’s attention shifts as soon as you hear a familiar and warm voice. 
He’s here. 
You feel trapped in the amber of the moment when you see him descend into the party. The familiar, tell-tale marking of the orb is no longer etched into his skin and his eyes dart around nervously as he brushes at his clothes. Tara moseys beside him. 
You step behind Minsc a bit as if to hide and try to distract yourself with the countless treats spread before you although you are anything but hungry. The moment you look up you see his eyes locked on you. You forget yourself as the rush of feeling seizes you, each emotion convoluted and overwhelming.
Two months. It was two months since you told him you never wanted to see him again. Now, as he stood not fifty feet looking ashamed and remorseful, you feel your heart wrench. He cautiously makes his way over to you, his hands mussing nervously in his hair.
“Hi.“ Gale says breathlessly. “Can I - Can we talk?” He shifts uncomfortably on his feet and gazes at you expectantly. 
“Lead the way,” you gesture and you feel your companions' watchful gaze as you and Gale begin to walk towards the water. 
As you sit on the embankment the sounds of the water lapping against the shore fills the cool night air. It smells like fresh grass and rain, the stars littering the sky with their wonder. 
“Thank you,” Gale begins, breaking the charged silence. “For taking the time to speak with me, I mean. I wasn’t sure if… well, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted nothing to do with me at all. I don’t deserve your kindness, nor your ear, and I am grateful for it all the same.” 
You sit silently and watch him. You feel a heaviness that stirs in your belly, the unconditional love you once felt melded into something else, it made your heart sick. As his brown eyes meet yours you can see the infinite possibilities of what could have been. You do not owe him this, not your time nor energy, but you give it generously. A part of you still longs for him. Gale reaches his hand out as if to brush your hair and recoils his hand, looking towards the water. 
“What happened?” You ask timidly. “That’s why you came, is it not?” 
“Well…” he pauses to look at you, “I needed to see you. I - I know that it’s selfish, especially after what you said.” He sighs and brushes his bottom lip with his thumb. You feel your heart pang, the nervous habit one you find endearing. “Where to begin?” He asks this sincerely and you see his the wheels of his mind churn as he struggles to find the words. 
“I suppose it came down to this: when you left, Tara took her leave shortly after.” He inhales and his voice trembles, “The loneliness… I could hardly bear it. I poured all my time, energy into deciphering the last words of the Netherese text in my isolation. At least that would give me purpose, I thought. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep. Godhood was… it was everything. Time seemed to hardly pass at all. Once I cracked the cipher to ascend I - ” he stops and rubs his temples with one hand. 
You and he sit in a stilled quiet for a moment before he is able to continue. The sounds of the party filter through the air to you as you wait with bated breath. 
“I met Mystra in the Astral Plane. I knew I could still surrender the crown to her, to rid the world of this wickedness. To at last be cured of the orb. I was so close…” The way Gale says this is almost regretful, as if a part of him still wishes he became a God. “I became the inheritor of Karsus’ power at last. When Mystra asked my intentions I was fully prepared to take the Weave from her. And then,“ He looks at you, his eyes pleading and he covers one of your hands with his. You shudder, surprised by how his touch still ignites you. “And then I thought of you. Of Tara. My mother. Of all I’d given up in pursuit of my own blind ambition, of everyone I had hurt in the process. I realized I was no better than Mystra, treating those around me like amusements to be eventually discarded. Oh… I was so ashamed. I still am.” Gale brings your hand to his lips and brushes the back of it. You feel heat spread through you, although it is tainted by sadness. “Mystra granted me renewed life - to become her chosen once more, to remove the blight in my chest. My life my own again at last.” 
He turns fully to face you, on his knees, taking both of your hands. “I’m so sorry, for everything. For what I put you through… I doubt I’ll ever forgive myself for it and know it is selfish to ask for yours. I am not deserving of it and I will not claim otherwise. Although it may be beyond a shadow of a hope - is there - would you ever consider us again?” His eyes flash with terror and anticipation. “I know I am hardly worthy of your love..” His last words hang in the air and you consider them thoughtfully. 
When you break the silence, you feel your hands become cold and sweaty within his, your heart thrumming wildly before you speak. “You were already worthy of it, Gale. You were worthy until you decided to put your ambition over the ones you claimed to love.” Your voice is somber and you avert your gaze as his eyes seem to sear into you. You feel Gale’s hands stiffen and you see his expression fall. You look at him then, the bittersweetness of your voice wrapping Gale in a cocoon. “Gods, I wish it were different. Sometimes… I like to imagine that it is, in a different space, in another time, where we end up happily, spending our mornings lazily and exploring one another… where you chose me.” You see the tears form in his eyes, unaware of the ones that begin to roll down your cheeks until you taste their saltiness on your lips. “But that life is not meant for us here. Not now. Not after everything.” 
“I see,” his voice quakes and you brush your fingers against Gale’s cheeks and turn his face to look at you. 
“I will always love you, even if we are not together. Sometimes, though, when something is lost, despite our best intentions… that chapter must close indefinitely.” 
Gale closes his eyes and brings your hands to his lips again, knowing this will be the last time he will taste your skin and experience the feeling of your bodies intimate in this way. You feel him try to drink every part of you in, committing this moment to memory. You sigh, relishing in the moment although your heart feels shattered and ruined beyond mending. His final words float through the chambers of your mind as you gaze into his eyes, “If I cannot spend eternity with you.. I’ll settle for this evening.” 
You allow the silence to settle over you then, enjoying Gale’s company for one last time. 
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beginagain-- · 11 months
Unpeople Sign With Sharptone Records, Release Debut Single 'Smother'
unpeople have announced their signing to SharpTone Records. The four piece, who toured alongside labelmates BETTER LOVERS, released their debut single ‘smother’, which was debuted on Alyx Holcombe’s BBC Introducing Rock Show earlier this week.  Frontman Jake Crawford comments on the new single “smother is a song born of unfiltered introspection and sheer desperation. The intentionally prying…
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