#unviable au
ceiling-karasu · 3 months
I’m not going to be the one to do it, but theoretically it would be possible to make a Scout Goseumdochi lives AU. The ice cannons are that kind of future technology that their explosion could have turned everything into the vicinity into ice instantly, freezing the plane as it exploded. Like that Captain America movie.
Of course, one would have to worry about the massive cell death that comes from rapid freezing and then heating of body cells. Unfreezing someone from such a fate would kill them, assuming the ice around the cells and organs hadn’t done it already, and is partially why cryogenically freezing is unviable with current technology.
But hedgehogs are true hibernators, so one could get around that with an explanation of cryogenics and such, perhaps. Any weasels and mice that were also frozen would probably die a gruesome death once thawed. There’s also the idea of everyone being frozen being aware the whole time, but a hedgehogs brain would shut itself off, allowing for less mental trauma.
Or, one could start an AU from a bunch of mice and weasels ending up kind of like Crystallized Rourke from Disney’s Atlantis, depending on how you want to use the freezing technology. Maybe that was the true way the missiles worked all along. Or just a calm, somber affair with heartfelt Flower Hill reunions.
I, for one, would prefer to ‘Lost Lenore’ him with a true death for my AUs. Also, it feels like him being alive after that would cheapen the sacrifice, as much as he deserved better.
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Breeding Shockwave anon here I had to divide in two cus it got so long :') i had to put a lot of exposition for things to be in character im sorry @_@ (also looked up ladybug conception just cus I can't get rid of TFP Shockers being an half insecticon it just feels logical
A TFP AU I have (as an excuse for my sins) is that because the omegalock is no longer operable and the Allspark is deep in space, Becauseprimus' creative ability was stretched so thin and the planet is so badly damaged, when the Allspark is retrieved it can only slowly heal the planet, but is unviable for creating newsparks now The remaining cybertronians on earth unknowingly adapt to have reproduction methods like humans (this is even a thing in G1 with the Insecticons that I think has been forgotten cus I've never seen anything like that anywhere so why not bring it back through shameless excuses for robot smut? :3) No one noticed until Shockwave comes in the planet and scans himself one day for routine maintenance. the scanner shows that something is different in his frame and he investigates what these new components are Shockwave completes his investigation and does scans on everyone he can (Knockout and Soundwave being the easiest with a simple excuse of inspiration for vehicon upgrades). He realises everyone he scanned has similar equipment as him and makes a theoretical guess that anyone who'd been on earth has this equipment, cus Skylynx and Darksteel don't have the anomalous equipment while practically everyone else including Predaking does Shockwave looks into the human internet to understand whether such equipment is present in human biology and he delves into the rabbit hole of reproduction and sexual pleasure Shockwave uses his newly dubbed spike and valve more often as the thought of creating life within your body entices his thicc science brain When he FINALLY tells Optimus, ratchet, Knockout and Megatron of the interesting news (with Soundwave as record keeper for this interaction) theyre all perplexed and confused and unsure BUT once Shockers reminds them of the fact that the allspark is weak and no newsparks are yet to be made they reconsider the idea and an agreement is made that a test is done to see the results of this discovery Shockwave ask Soundwave as tribute for the first ever trial of coupling and Soundwave accepts with no hesitation (which Megatron is sus of) shockwave is Soundwave's first ever handjob and Soundwave gets to leave early while Shockwave takes the liquid that came from his new piece Soundwave is too curious and he tunes in to the lab's security camera to see Shockwave three knuckles deep and moaning for is life in a secluded part of the lab it takes a couple decacycles (weeks) but soundwave points it out that Shockwave has been acting out of the usual (and just the previous cycle he tried to take a bite of out of a vehicon) so he does scans according to human research in pregnancy and lo and behold he's concieved three sparklings
In this case it was Unicron who saved their species tbh
Shockwave finds the internet, and his life will never be the same ever again
Megs is right to be suspicious of that but hey at this point it's beneficial
This has potential to be quite interesting as hell
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
About 700 words written today -- more on this sequence from the SHIELDRA AU, which will go up tomorrow and then I'll go back to Home. Meant to do some batch cooking today but did not do that because I'd forgotten something at the grocery store, and by the time I got back I wasn't in the mood anymore. Had a postal delivery Experience, where I got (a) someone else's mail for a completely different address and (b) my own eagerly awaited package delivered to a random place on the property that meant I was wandering around looking for it. because it wasn't in the mailbox or at any of the four doors. it was at the back gate. WHY.
Snippet from SHIELDRA AU concept (follows this).
“Do you hate me?” Natasha asked him softly.  “For lying to you?” He shook his head. “You didn’t lie to me.  You didn’t tell me everything, but you didn’t lie to me, either.” Natasha took the empty cup from him and set it aside, returning to her seat on the bed next to him.  “I am so sorry that this happened to you,” she said when his gaze flickered up to hers.  “I wish I’d been able to get you out earlier.” “It’s not your fault.” “I still should have tried,” Natasha said, and was a little surprised to realize that she meant it.  She had weighed the chances of an exfil early on and discarded the option as unviable in those first few months; Steve was watched too closely.  Even the ops they had had been on had always been in company with STRIKE and had been in isolated areas that made it nearly impossible to run. “It would have gotten both of us killed,” Steve said bleakly, his mouth working silently. Natasha wondered if he had been running the same math that she had and when he had started doing so.  “Probably not killed.” He grimaced and made a gesture of acknowledgment, knowing as well as she did that the two of them together were too valuable to Alexander Pierce to risk that. “Nat,” he said hesitantly.  “The ops we ran for Pierce –”
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spookyrobbins · 1 month
How I wish you'd write that s7 AU where Arizona is much more injured than it looked and Callie isn't. Imagine Callie losing it when she sees Arizona being operated on by B-team.
lol apologies if this pops up twice (i’m on plane wifi which is always iffy)
i think i’ve done bits and pieces of this au on discord at some point but honestly who knows i can’t keep it all straight.
with arizona essentially being incapacitated in that period where callies in and out of surgeries and generally unconscious, it raises some interesting questions. perhaps most notable is does sofia survive. arizona is the one advocating for sofia, not mark. mark ofc says that he and callie can always make another baby. which then ofc leads to callie waking up to arizona in some degree of unconsciousness and sofia either dead or unviable.
they might try to hide how little care/attention arizona received until it was almost too late from callie. but i think as long as you’ve got alex or teddy or even cristina or owen around, i think it wouldn’t stay secret for long.
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windwatch · 2 years
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
Angsty au idea, five makes it back except he arrives dead and only Klaus and Ben can see him. (What happened to his body? Could be that his body got stuck between space time or he drops off as his thirteen year old sib and thats gonna traumatize the sibs probably) (Ig he could have also either died from wounds because the commision figured that he'd be turning and got strained from the time travel or an error in equations)
me, resurrecting myself over here
okay okay okay i’m going to take your idea and tweak it just a teeny tiny bit and produce:
Time travel isn’t viable.
Not the way five travels. Not without a conduit. Not when he’s essentially harnessing all of time, all of those endless possibilities, within the heart of a human being. It’s so much. It’s too much. Five died the moment he blinked away on that street outside of the Hargreeves mansion. 
But Five doesn’t know that. 
He doesn’t notice that no one gives him a second glance when he appears out of nowhere on those bustling streets. He just jumps again, because why not! He’s excited, he’s proving his father wrong, he’s liberated! And then.
And then.
He’s in the apocalypse.
He doesn’t notice that he can’t interact with anything until he touches his Luther’s corpse and his hand goes right through. And then, his first thought isn’t - I died. It’s - something went wrong with the last jump.
Which makes sense to him. He’s managed to get himself trapped on some kind of in-between plane. And that’s why his time travel powers aren’t working! Because they don’t work right on this plane! 
Five wanders the apocalypse, and it’s a little better than in canon because he doesn’t need to eat.
(Oh, he misses eating.)
He’s a smart boy. A brilliant boy. He’s thirteen, and he thinks he’s invincible. But his powers are jumping, and he can take himself apart molecule by molecule, and eventually eventually after years and years have passed he manages to solidify his hand enough to pick something up.
The first time he turns a page in a book feels like victory. 
He camps out in the destroyed remains of a library. Being solid enough to pick something up is... exhausting. He can’t do it for long periods of time. But he has a little stack of useful books, a little pile of chalk, the store mannequin he likes to talk to (he named her Dolores), and a blanket that has seen better days. He can’t exactly feel the ground when he curls up on it, and he can’t really sleep in this messed up pocket dimension or wherever he’s stuck, but he closes his eyes and pretends with all the power of the child he isn’t.
He’s in the apocalypse for a long time, trying to figure out a two-fold problem: how to get out of his pocket dimension and back into the ‘real world’ and also how to get back to his siblings when he does. He isn’t stupid. Time travel when he was capable of it was a crapshoot, he needs a way to get more exact.
And then the woman comes. Pristine and blond and carrying a suitcase. She frowns when she steps over the rubble in heels that click click click and frowns harder when she presses gloved fingers against Five’s equations written in chalk.
Five hides behind some rubble, but gets brave. Gets curious.
(Curiosity killed the cat.)
He comes out, he says “Hello?” and isn’t sure what he expected when she doesn’t even turn around. Five goes towards her with silent footsteps, footsteps that don’t disturb the dirt and chalk dust of the apocalypse because they don’t exist. 
He doesn’t know who she is, but he’s curious what’s in her suitcase, and waits patiently for her to open it. He’s also planning on following her back to whatever settlement she came from? He hadn’t thought there were any people alive, but clearly she is proving him wrong. 
So when she walks away, he puts his hand on her suitcase so that he doesn’t lose her, because even if she wouldn’t feel it putting his hand on her and watching it go through would be... demoralizing. 
And then she opens the suitcase, and suddenly they’re somewhere else. Except not somewhere else. Its bustling with people and the woman’s heels click loudly against the tile floor and someone walks right through Five and he trails after the woman because everyone seems to give her a wide berth and being walked through sucks. 
Someone addresses her. The Handler. That’s not - that’s not a people name, Five is pretty sure. That’s a title. But no one addresses the woman by name, so the Handler it is. 
Five doesn’t know how old he is, but he still looks thirteen. (He doesn’t feel any different, because he isn’t. His growth is permanently stunted, he will always have died at thirteen-years-one-month-and-nine-days-old.)
So he lives at the Commission headquarters for a few years, invisible and a tiny bit mischievous. He can travel through the walls if he wants, so no door is locked to him. He makes himself a little den in one of the vents where he gets a small collection of office supplies that he steals from the assholes as punishment. He doesn’t do anything major. 
He finds out what the commission does. He tags along with some assassins on occasion. He once distracted Cha-Cha by shoving a glass off a counter and breaking it to try and give a child witness time to flee.
(Hazel found her in the closet, terrified and silent with huge glassy brown eyes. He lifted a finger to his lips and quietly closed the closet door. He yelled “Clear!” to Cha-Cha, and then he and cha-cha and Five all left. Five looks at Hazel differently, after that.)
(Hazel has a soft spot for kids and bird-watching diner owners. This is important.)
Five scribbles equations on the walls of the vents. He gets more data every time he travels with the agents so he starts traveling with them a lot, even though he hates it, even though he sees so much death and destruction and he can’t stop it. He helps, sometimes. As much as he can. It’s not enough.
Five finds something, one day, when he’s wandering around. He finds a picture of Vanya, framed. He recognizes her immediately, from the back of Vanya’s book that he found in the apocalypse. They have lots of pictures of famous people around the commission, and lots of pictures of ordinary people. All of them significant in some way to the ‘preservation of the timeline’.
He goes to the Handler’s office, and among her many souvenirs he finds a cracked violin, and he remembers the background music that made up his entire childhood. 
(He steals the violin and puts it in his vent nook. He flips it over and traces the tiny V that’s shallowly carved shyly into the bottom, the same one Vanya has been putting on every violin she’s ever had since she was seven-years-old, after Diego and Luther broke hers and tried to claim that it was just a random violin, not her violin and it wasn’t their fault she didn’t take care of her possessions -)
(Why is Vanya’s violin in the Handler’s collection of weapons?)
Five is aware of something. He thinks the commission has something to do with the apocalypse. They protect the timeline of whatever, right? And yet the apocalypse happened. Which means it must be planned. 
Five has been trained to fight ‘villains’ since he was tiny, and he recognizes a villain when he looks at the Handler’s shiny smile and too long nails. 
Vanya has to have something to do with it. Do the commission kidnap her? Do they kill her? She’s important, somehow.
(Maybe before he traveled he would have doubted that. Vanya was ordinary. Why would she be important? But Five has tagged along on so many missions where they killed perfectly ordinary people in order to spark a chain of events. In fact, it’s almost always ordinary people.)
Five solves one of his equations on a regular, ordinary day. It’s the time travel one. Not the one about his... unfortunate circumstances.
So Five finds a nice empty room, and he gives it a try. He’s not expecting much, since the pocket dimension bullshit fucks up his time travel anyway (though he can still spatial jump curiously enough) except - it works. He splits the world apart, and it’s hard. Way harder than he remembers it being. 
He chalks that up to the whole pocket dimension effect.
He pushes and pushes and then - something breaks. Like ice shattering for a spring thaw, and he’s through. He’s on the ground, winded. He looks up and - it’s them. His siblings. Older than he remembers, clearly the equation wasn’t exactly right, but they’re here and they’re alive and Five can feel himself tearing up and he lets it happen because none of them can see him anyway and - 
Two voices, overlapping. Five’s head snaps over, eyes wide with shock and alarm and - 
It’s Klaus and Ben. Both staring at him, equal alarm and shock in their eyes.
“You can see me?” Five demands loudly, patting at his body frantically. Is this it? Did he kill two birds with one stone? Did coming back undo whatever bullshit he put his body through - ?
“Klaus, why would you say that.” Allison scolds automatically, “That was in poor taste.”
Five looks at her, and her eyes scan straight over him, in the way that’s been familiar for - for - 
(Five didn’t bother to keep track of the years. Not when he was unaffected by time, by seasons, by weather. What was the point?)
Five’s eyes snap back to Klaus’s, who hasn’t taken his eyes away. It’s weird, Five thinks absently. His skin crawls under the attention, not used to it.
(Isn’t that strange, in a boy who used to demand attention with every breath he took? Isn’t that odd?)
There’s a hand on his arm and Five just about jumps out of his skin, whirling around and flailing and - oh look, that’s Ben on the ground, looking absolutely shocked. Five is also shocked, because he hasn’t been touched in - in forever. 
“Ben?” Five half-asks, voice smaller than he’d like with a tremble that he kind of wants to kick in the gut. 
“Five.” Ben responds, kind of sounding like he’s been punched in the chest. Actually he might have been, Five was never very gentle when it came to removing his limbs from others grasps.
“Well!” Klaus says loudly, making Five and Ben look over. “If the crisis is over, and we’ve lost a perfectly good fire extinguisher to the void, i’m going back inside!”
Klaus gives Ben a significant look as he turns on his heel and marches back in, and Ben winces. “Come on,” He whispers to Five, getting up and brushing himself off. “It’s better to talk when no one else is around.”
Ben hesitates, and Five hasn’t spoken to anyone but himself in a very long time. It’s been even longer since - well. And Ben looks so lost all of a sudden, that it’s really for Ben’s benefit when Five takes Ben’s hand in his own and tugs him in the direction of the mansion, “Well get a move on.”
Ben looks like he’s about to cry, looking at their joined grip, but nods and leads Five into the building. He gives Five’s hand a squeeze, as though making sure he’s real, and Five allows it gracefully.
Finally, they’re tucked into Klaus’s bedroom, Klaus sprawled across the bed and staring at Five like he’s something entirely alien.
“I don’t understand.” Five says, because the silence is getting awkward. “How come you guys can see me, but the others can’t?”
And Five is very confused when Ben’s face just - crumples. He looks like he’s about to cry. And Klaus, the contrary bastard, starts laughing, just a tiny bit hysterically.
“Take a guess shortstack.” Klaus wheezes out, “What’s my power?”
It’s seeing the dead, of course. But Five isn’t dead he’s just - in between. Right?
Besides, there’s a glaring flaw in Klaus’s theory.
“Uh, Ben can see me.” Five points out, lifting his and Ben’s conjoined hands where Ben’s grip is actually getting a little bit painful.
But isn’t a good kind of pain. Five hasn’t felt pain in - equally long. 
Klaus’s laughter cuts off and Ben makes a noise like a squeaky toy that’s been stepped on. “Yeah,” Klaus says, uncharacteristically serious, “Well. You missed a lot, kiddo.”
“Ben’s not dead.” Five protests, because he’s not. Five can see him. He’s right there, and he’s never had Klaus’s powers. He turns to Ben and - 
Ben envelops him in a hug, a tight one. The kind that Five would never have allowed unless absolutely necessary before he’s left, but now just sort of - melts into. It’s the pressure of it, honestly. Ben’s a good hugger.
“Five I’m so sorry.” Ben whispers, pressing his face against Five’s hair. It tickles a little, where Ben breathes out. “I’m so, so sorry.”
He pulls back, and brushes trembling fingers against Five’s hair. “Five, Five. Haven’t you - haven’t you wondered why you can’t - Five. You’re still - it’s been so long and you’ve been alone and - ” Ben breaks into sniffles.
“I’m just stuck.” Five says blankly, trying his best to process, “I’m just - I jumped wrong, and I got - I got stuck in between. I’m not - I’m not dead.”
“You’re deader than a doornail, kiddo.” Klaus interjects loudly.
Five, never one to take that lying down, untangles himself from Ben just enough to pick up a knicknack and hurls it at Klaus’s head with a scowl. “I’m not a kid.”
Except now they’re both staring at Five again, even as Klaus presses a hand against his forehead where Five had whalloped him (his aim was a good as ever, clearly).
“How -” Ben stutters, staring between Klaus and Five with alarm.
Klaus sputters as well, “What the fuck! How did you do that!”
“Well you see, Klaus.” Five says, voice toxic with the sweetness he exuded, “When someone leans down, and picks something up, they can exert a force on it. This force interacts with other forces to form the trajectory of an object - ”
“Not that!” Klaus sputters, “You picked something up!”
“Yeah, that happens sometimes.” Five says dryly.
Ben prods him in the side, making Five look over (up, if we’re being technical. Grown-up Ben is... kind of tall, actually. Compared to Five.) “How did you do that?”
And Five isn’t dead. He isn’t. But - he remembers the early days. How terrifying they were. How he couldn’t interact with the world around him at all. And if Ben is going through the same thing - “It... it took me a while to figure out. Um. It’s - it’s kind of hard to explain? Because like, when I jump it’s - it’s kind of like taking myself apart and then putting myself together somewhere else. And it’s like, like taking that feeling, except instead of putting yourself together somewhere else you like, layer it over yourself as you are? Like, making yourself denser somehow, I dunno.”
“If you can do it, then I can, too.” Ben says ferociously, a determined glint in his eyes. “I’ll finally be able to throw things at Klaus when he’s being an idiot.”
“Hey!” Klaus protests, looking very offended.
This is all very nice, but Five did come here with a mission... so he tugs at Ben’s arm. “Ben, what’s the date?”
Ben shrugs, because why should the dead care about the date? He looks at Klaus. Klaus looks like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Um.” Then he brightens, “Right!” He grabs something from his pocket, it’s rectangular and flat. There were lots in the apocalypse, though Five has never figured out their functions. Except when Klaus clicks his, it lights up. 
“Uh, March 24th.” Klaus says, squinting at the screen.
“What year?” Five asks, leaning forward.
“2019.” Klaus says.
“Fuck,” Five says, with feeling. “A week.”
“What’s a week?” Ben asks warily as Five flails and untangles himself from his grasp to stand up and pace.
“You don’t understand.” Five says, turning to them both, “I haven’t just - just been traveling the world as a fucking ghost. I time traveled. It worked. But - the future - ”
“Five?” Ben asks, all concern and love and it’s painful.
“The world ends in seven days.” Five tells them both, voice cracking, “There’s nothing but - but rubble and ruin and - and - ”
He remembers their bodies, remembers them splayed out in the rubble. 
“You died.” Five told Klaus, “You all died. The whole world died. Everything was - ash everywhere. I was there for - for...”
“The courtyard scene.” Ben realizes, reaching out as something like comprehension dawns on his face. Five dances back a few steps, his breaths coming in funny little pants. “You came back from - the future?”
“Breath, Five.” Klaus advises, sounding a little bit worries himself.
“If I’m dead why do I need to breath?” Five snarls, and Klaus’s face drops and he curls in on himself a little looking pathetic. It’s enough for Five to toss out a mildly panicked “Sorry” because? That’s what you do right?
(Five hasn’t interacted with people who can talk back in decades and it shows.)
And Five tells them everything, in halting uncertain breaths. He winds up curled up on the bed with Ben’s arms around him, steady as a rock, while Klaus manages to somehow sit in the desk chair in a manner that makes Five a little uncertain that his brother possesses bones and ligaments. 
He tells them about the future, about finding their bodies, about learning to - to condense himself just enough to interact with the world. He tells them about the woman, about the suitcase, about following her. He tells them about the Commission, and how he’s sure they have something to do with it - the Handler had Vanya’s violin - 
By the time Five is finished talking, he’s exhausted. The sun has slipped below the horizon already, and he feels like dead weight in his brother’s arms. At some point, Ben had started running a hand through Five’s hair, and the repetitive motion is soothing.
“That’s - that’s a lot.” Klaus says, and something must have shocked him a little bit out of his goofy persona. 
“I just wanted to go home.” Five mumbles.
“You are home.” Ben tells him, squeezing him tightly, “And we’re going to make sure the apocalypse doesn’t happen. Right, Klaus?”
Klaus shuffles, awkwardly. “I mean. I’m not exactly uh, number one choice for team apocalypse you know?”
“Ben’s number one choice for team apocalypse.” Five points out, flopping his head against Ben’s arm. “You’re an okay second choice though, I guess.”
It makes Klaus bark out a laugh, and Five can feel Ben’s snicker through his chest.
“Vanya’s gotta be on the team.” Five mumbles, loud enough for them to hear. “She’s important. Gotta make sure, make sure no one uh, no one kills her or anything.”
Ben and Klaus exchange a look over his head that he doesn’t see.
“We’ll plan everything tomorrow.” Ben tells him gently, “In the morning, okay?”
“Mmkay.” Five agrees absently.
The dead don’t sleep, but they can get - tired. Being in the living world is exhausting, and Five closes his eyes and just. Ignores the world. Just for a little while. The dead don’t dream, but that’s okay, because Five’s dreams have never been anything approaching peaceful.
Five made it back. He might be a ghost, but he made it back. An impossible goal, and he accomplished it. After that, taking on the apocalypse will be a piece of cake. 
(And if Ben and Klaus think Five is going to give up on his idea to un-dead himself, they have another thing coming.)
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cangrellesteponme · 3 years
let me just... drop this random sketch of Alois as a DnD Warlock real quick...
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eldritch blast, hell yeah
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starsnores · 3 years
So im curious to know about the prisoner au. With kars weird mutation to make eggs, would gamzee try for eggs? What would ghb think about a mutant holding gamzees eggs?
I think it'd be a huge surprise to everyone when karkat does start to make eggs, though i don't think the first clutch would be viable. like i said my headcanon is the receiving troll deposits the slurry in a bucket and kar would try to do that and it would be uncomfortable and painful for him and lead to whatever eggs his body produces the first time to be unviable.
I think gamzee would like to. i think the really possessive hindbrain part of gamzee would be super into it, an extremely tangible way to make karkat His. Running his hands over kars stomach and begging him to let him do it again.
GHB would not like it i think lmao, but there wouldn't be much he could do about it unless he takes karkat away, and he has complicated feelings about that bc of his relationship to gamzee and his past with the sufferer. if he can't stop it the biggest issue for him is "i do not want a bunch of wrigglers on my ship."
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Pinned post — Fics, fic ideas, and WIPs
A list of my SnK fanfiction and planned fics.
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Longer fics
Who We Are Today/🐍 — canon divergence 256k words (20/20 chapters, complete)
Bertholdt survives the Battle for Shiganshina and is captured alive by the Survey Corps when the serum becomes unviable. After Armin suffers a long recovery process from his burns, he wants to reconnect with Bertholdt and use him as a bridge to peace with Marley.
[ AO3 link, FFN link ]
Written In Our Bones — canon divergence Uploaded soon
Bertholdt has finally chosen to cooperate with Paradis and offer his help in mitigating the oncoming war with Marley. After almost a year underground, he can’t be expected to be the same person as he was when he was imprisoned, and his relationship with Armin has permanently changed.
[ AO3 link ]
Tales — canonverse/🐍 verse - training days platonic berumin library fic that’s canon to 🐍 45k words (10 chapters, complete)
Armin discovers that their training site has a small library and gets into reading again for the first time in two years. As Bertholdt keeps going to the library to find his own reading material, the two bond and eventually turn it into a shared hobby, especially fond of a fantasy series they both read.
[ AO3 link ]
The Journalist — canon divergence - E-rated berumin longfic 65k+ words (14/? chapters)
After wrestling the world into peace, the Survey Corps has lost its thrill, and as its commander, Armin visits seedy backroom bars to gamble and relive his glory days’ high stakes. Things take a turn when he meets a handsome journalist with a keen interest in him. AU where Bertholdt and the other warriors didn’t receive any titans, set at age 25-26.
[ AO3 link ]
Mine — canon divergence - 🐍 missing scene longfic 18k+ words (3/? chapters)
The Survey Corps may have suffered heavy losses in Shiganshina, but they took home an enemy who could shed light on the three journals they found. As the new Commander, the task of obtaining said information falls on Hange’s shoulders, and they’re not sure how well they can balance the fate of the island with the need for revenge. Gory psychological thriller that details Bertholdt’s torture in Who We Are Today.
[ AO3 link ]‎
Like Ashes and Ember — canon‎ divergence - gen longfic 15k+ words (6/? chapters)
Months after the battle for Shiganshina, Armin learns that he carries a child he does not desire that forces him to confront his body and his choices.
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A Definitive Deconstruction of God: Materials, Methods, and Results — canon‎ divergence epistolary 12k+ words (25/? chapters)
Following Bertholdt’s capture in Shiganshina, Hange and Zeke write to each other about how they might utilise his unique titan powers to the fullest and discover a method to transfer the titan parasite without the need for consumption.
[ AO3 link ]
Ascent — canonverse - Pathstolt fic 11k+ words (2/6 chapters)
Following the four years Bertholdt spent in Paths, descending further into insanity as loneliness and doubt overtake his mind.
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Finished oneshots and fics
Maybe Tomorrow, Not Tonight — canonverse - oneshot to Tales 3278 words
Armin dozes off in Bertholdt’s arms while reading together in the training camp library. Bertholdt deals with some unwanted thoughts. Set during Tales.
[ AO3 link ]
‎Sopor — berumin — non-canon 🐍 verse - oneshot 3842 words
After Hange kept him at the Survey Corps' quarters late to help with paperwork, Armin needs some attention.
[ AO3 link ]
Deluge — canonverse 3051 words
Armin struggles with a mission during his training. Bertholdt helps him out.
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Inanimate — canonverse 8862 words
On the Colossal Titan’s nature and how Bertholdt mastered it at such a young age.
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Fragile — canon divergence - oneshot 3807 words
A year after returning from Paradis, Annie encounters Bertholdt gazing out at the moonlit ocean.
[ AO3 link ]
Jagged Edges — canonverse - oneshot 949 words
Annie philosophises about life and love during and after her stay in the crystal.
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Lines in the Sand — canon‎verse - gen oneshot 21k words
Something is stalking Armin through his memories.
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Ephemeral - berumin oneshot collection 1543 words
Short berumin drabbles. Still ongoing but only whenever I get ideas.
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Innovation - E-rated aruhitch oneshot 14,3k words
A casual visit to the Stohess Military Police headquarters leads Armin and Hitch to have a pleasant afternoon together.
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Pinprick — canon divergence — berumin oneshot 11,1k words
While Bertholdt and Armin are in hiding, Hange sends over the world’s newest nifty little invention: T. They face a conundrum about whether Armin really wants to take experimental medicine and potentially change in a way he doesn’t like.‎
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Endosymbiosis — canon‎verse - gen oneshot 14,6k words
Armin searches for ways to cope with the growing hunger that consumes him more and more each passing day after inheriting the Colossal Titan.
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Though the Aeons May Pass — oneshot following Jean and Armin 7,3k words
When Armin still holds affection for people long gone, how can Jean become the person he deserves?
[ AO3 link ]
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But Memories, They Last — canonverse - E-rated berumin oneshot
Counterpart of Memento Mori where after trying everything to get rid of his hunger and memories, Armin tries leaning into Bertholdt instead of away from him, and to cautiously reciprocate feelings he’s unearthed.
Elysium — canonverse - afterlife longfic with canon Armin & Bertholdt closure
Successor to Ascent. Three years after the titan powers vanished, Armin is attacked and executed by an angry mob looking for justice when he finally returns to Paradis. He ends up in the deserted ruins of the city he grew up in, and within it, he finds the one person he never quite managed to shake off.
Thus Always to Tyrants — canon divergence — longfic
After making contact with the timeless tree outside of Shiganshina a day before the battle, Bertholdt gains all of Eren’s future memories and in terror decides that it’s not the future he wants to perpetuate.
Our Mighty Fallen — canonverse - a summary of Bertholdt’s life
From start to finish, a look at the tragedy of Bertholdt’s life and death and how no one cared enough to help him out of the forest.
Hiraerth — canonverse/divergence — oneshot
Post-canon fic that plays everything the fandom says about the ending straight from Annie’s POV, exploring how her depression deepens as the lies she has to maintain and hear around her only isolate her more as she gains an awareness of how much she misses home. Whatever that is.
Unnamed fic — canon divergence — aruberumika-focused longfic
When Reiner grabs Eren off Wall Rose and knocks him unconscious, he leaves Bertholdt behind on his own, stuck inside the Colossal Titan. With his mission complete, Bertholdt chooses to cooperate with Paradis, who now have to decide how much they can trust him.
Between Heaven and Earth — modern AU - lighthearted slice of life berumin longfic
Bertholdt accidentally summons an obnoxious demon!Armin and, unable to go through with killing him and too uncertain about what will happen to him if he reports him to the police, gets stuck living with him.
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Several 🐍 oneshots that don’t fit within the main story 
Some of the events of 🐍 from Jean’s POV
Small RB didn’t reveal their identity oneshot
Erwin was chosen for the serum but ate Eren instead
Canon divergent AU where Bertholdt gets saved after Armin’s titanisation
Armin falls in love with Bertholdt through his memories of him
Armin being haunted by Bertholdt's presence in the afterlife
Armin finding Bertholdt’s horse in the SC stables and doing a big think
Like 14 bad PWPs
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akaluan · 4 years
Erich/Kisuke/Alexis: Soulmate AU + Character in Peril Part 13
Having someone — two someones — constantly at his side is… disorienting. Even his aide hadn’t been quite so glued to his side, the two of them knowing the other’s routine and content to work with — and around — the other to get their jobs done.
(He… misses Beltz, for all that Degurechaff has proven herself more than competent.)
(Someday he might even have a chance to mourn…)
Alexis shoots him a concerned look, and Erich gives a minute shake of his head.
(He’s fine.)
(He’s fine, he’s fine, he’s fine.)
(Just one more body, one more name, to add to the ever-growing list of those he’s lost in this foolish, endless conflict.)
(And now his soulmates are here, are next to him, are in danger—)
Urahara presses into his side just the tiniest bit, head tilted away and gaze fixed on the map and papers spread across the table in front of them. He’s focused, a tiny furrow between his brows and his pale eyes flat as he takes it all in, and Erich can almost believe that the touch is accidental.
Urahara is hesitance-uncertainty-awkwardness against him, body tense and feet planted, belying the mask of ease that he’s trying to project. It’s… strange to realize that a Reaper is nervous about him but… Erich can’t figure out what else it could be.
(Or maybe not so strange?)
(Urahara has been both everything and nothing like he expected a Reaper to be.)
Erich drags his mind back to the present and shuffles the papers in front of him while he tries to catch up with the report Weiss is giving. Not that there’s much unexpected out of the man’s mouth; they’re isolated, unable to call for backup, and being driven further back into the Empire with every week that passes.
There are markers on the map, little wooden tokens tracing the noose slowly closing around their necks.
Little hand-carved wooden tokens denoting their slow, lingering death.
(He… almost wishes he hadn’t dragged his soulmates here to his side.)
(He knew their position, knew their danger, but seeing it like this is…)
(He’s so tired…)
Alexis’ fingers drum against the table, a seemingly absent pattern that he recognizes as their childhood code for ‘talk’. It’s easy enough to remember how to tap ‘later’ back at her, and even easier to flatten his hands on the table edge in a silent appeal to let him think.
He doesn’t know what she wants to talk about, but he doubts it will be good news.
‘Good news’ is a rare commodity these days, and even when it arrives… well. There’s always a caveat.
Weiss’ report comes a close and Erich frowns down at the table in front of them, trying desperately to come up with some plan, some miracle, that will let them survive another week, another day.
(He’s given up all pretense of winning.)
(Now he just wants to survive.)
Erich stares down at the map. Tries to summon even a fragment of General Zettour’s skill. Tries to dig into his memory for something that will help, will save them, and…
He can’t.
He can’t.
His mind is blank and his hands are trembling against the table and he can’t save them.
Degurechaff glances at him across the table, and there’s a blankness in her gaze that’s perversely steadying. If even she, genius and strategist and reincarnate that she is, can see no clean way out for them—
He takes a breath. Clenches his hands. Leans forward with an arched eyebrow and a challenging stare and—
Gets to work.
(He can’t afford to be paralyzed by despair.)
(They’ll come up with something.)
(They have to.)
In the end, despite all their back and forth and all their attempts to strategize, more of the same is what he and Degurechaff settle on. More small raids, more careful retreating, more giving ground when such a thing would once have set both their teeth on edge.
(Frankly, it still does.)
(They just can’t afford to pander to pride over reality.)
They have too many wounded, too many exhausted and demoralized soldiers, to try for anything else. Their men can fight — will fight — because those who remain are mostly his or Degurechaff’s and thus loyal to the bone, but… it’s wearing on them. On all of them.
(The trick to guerrilla warfare, Degurechaff insists, is fervent belief and stubborn will, neither of which they have in abundance.)
(So the best they can do is keep moving, keep one step ahead, and hope that they survive.)
“General, if I may make a suggestion?” Alexis speaks into a lull, drawing everyone’s attention to her. She quirks a smile at Erich’s arched eyebrow, but her tone is level and serious when she says, “Rerugen lands are three days hard march from here. We have supplies and healers of our own, though they’re mostly herb-women and family doctors, and we have plenty of room for everyone to have a solid roof over their head.”
Erich purses his lips and glances aside; Alexis is right on all accounts and has the legal right to make the offer, since she’s the Rerugen head while he’s away at war, but it’s still… awkward.
(They don’t often allow outsiders onto their lands.)
(To accept two entire battalions of men, even as small as they are…)
“Rerugen-san…?” Urahara murmurs, fingers brushing against Erich’s elbow as concern-curiosity-loyalty slips through their connection.
(Correction, two entire battalions and one Reaper.)
“She offers our family home as refuge,” Erich informs the man, already puzzling over how best to handle bringing a Reaper home without everyone and their sibling crying for his dismissal. If the world was fair, he’d have had time on his side; time to grow used to Urahara, time to learn if Urahara was being truthful, time to introduce the man slowly to the rest of his family, but—
There isn’t time.
There isn’t time and that means bringing a potentially hostile Reaper deep into Quincy lands and—
“Ah. I’ll leave when we get close—”
“You will not,” Erich interrupts, narrowing his eyes at the man. “You will stay near me instead of going away. I will… need your weapon for…” he pauses, fumbling for the words, and sends Degurechaff a pleading look when he can’t find what he needs in his memory.
Degurechaff sighs and speaks for him, not even waiting for him to explain what he’d been trying to say. “You’ll stay with General Rerugen at all times, especially in public. Don’t stray far from him, don’t go anywhere without him, and don’t do that weird appearing and disappearing thing of yours. You’ll need to hand any weapons over to General Rerugen while we’re on Rerugen lands, including your sword, which… where is your sword?”
Urahara laughs awkwardly and leans back from the table, rubbing at the back of his head as he says, “Maa, I hid it so I wasn’t… well…” He grimaces and glances down at Erich, something like apology in his gaze as he says, “After that first confrontation, I… figured it was best if I didn’t come armed.”
“Thank you,” Erich murmurs, fighting back a shiver at the very idea of Urahara showing up with that distinctive sword at his hip. “Thank you, Colonel,” he says with a nod in Degurechaff’s direction, then purses his lips and stares down at the map in front of them. “Your opinions on the offer?”
Silence answers him, and when he looks up, Degurechaff is staring at the map and chewing on her lower lip. He can almost see the wheels turning in her mind, can sense the weighted consideration in her spiritual presence, and when she looks up there’s a measure of resignation about her that tells him her answer even before she speaks.
“I think it’s a viable option, sir,” she says evenly before her gaze cuts over to Alexis. “Are you certain of this, ma’am? We appreciate it, but giving us shelter is going to paint a target on all of your backs.”
“A target that’s already there,” Alexis answers without hesitation. “Many of our men are soldiers or officers, and all of us know how to fight, even our women and children. I’ll send our most vulnerable to our hidden shelters, and the rest of us will use the land to our advantage. You were talking earlier about guerrilla warfare being an unviable option for you, but it isn’t for us.”
Erich doesn’t react to the looks that Alexis’ words earn him from both Weiss and Schwarz, already knowing why they’re concerned. He knows what their training looks like to outsiders, knows how strange it is that they’re one and all capable of a minimum of self-defense, but…
(Their history is not a kind one, and they have grown harder to compensate.)
Degurechaff huffs and says, “If things become dangerous—”
“We know when to retreat, Colonel Degurechaff,” Alexis cuts her off. “And we have plenty of places to hide. More than enough even for you men, though I dare say they might find some of them… strange.”
Erich swallows his amusement and glances away before he can begin to laugh; ‘strange’ is an understatement, considering many of the spaces are carefully reinforced Quincy zones, anchored to hidden caves or underground bunkers. Good for training in or hiding from unpowered humans, but… distinctly unnatural in appearance.
(He’ll have to try and avoid sending any of his men into those spaces.)
(There are a few caves hidden by subtle wards instead, those will suit his soldiers much better.)
“If you’re certain,” Degurechaff says with a hint of skepticism, then leans over the table and scans the map. “Where exactly…?”
Erich reaches out and outlines the approximate location of his lands. “Here.”
She takes it all in, eyes narrowing as her mind gets to work, and then gives him a firm nod. “It’s as good a plan as any, sir, especially if your people have places we can hide out that aren’t likely to be found.”
“Not by any army our enemies can muster,” Erich answers her without hesitation, knowing it for the truth it is. Empowered humans are rare outside of lineages like his own, and he really doubts the enemy soldiers count any amongst their number.
Weiss and Schwarz exchange skeptical looks, clearly thinking about all the ways they know to hunt down and locate entrenched soldiers, but say nothing out loud.
(At this point, they’re all grasping at straws, no matter how absurd they seem.)
(Even a ghost of a chance to survive is better than nothing.)
“Is there anything else that needs to be addressed?” Erich asks when the silence begins to stretch, looking between his officers. When all three of them shake their head, he straightens up and tucks his hands behind his back. “Then you’re all dismissed. Get the camp ready, we’ll leave tomorrow at 0500 hours. Schwarz, I leave the gathering of squads for hit and run raids in your hands, coordinate with Weiss on personnel.”
“Yes sir,” Schwarz says, snapping a sloppy salute out as he does.
The two Majors file out of the tent at last, and Erich sighs, closing his eyes and rubbing at the corner of one in an attempt to chase away the stress he can feel building.
(Everything’s a mess.)
(They’re losing ground, losing hope, driven from their position by nearly fifty kilometers and cut off from the rest of the army.)
(And now they’re retreating further, aiming to hide away like cowards, like beaten curs, and there’s nothing he can do about.)
(Because they’ve been beaten like Degurechaff warned him they would be, squashed beneath the might of the entire world, and…)
(He fears what is to come.)
“Just a little longer, sir,” Degurechaff murmurs, startling him from his thoughts. Her pale blue eyes are worn-resigned-sharp but her bearing is still firm, still strong, and it… helps. Not much, but it helps. “We’ll make it through.”
He forces a smile for her, knowing it looks as haggard as he suddenly feels, and says, “I will hold you to that, Colonel.”
She nods once, glances at Urahara in question, then reluctantly stalks from the tent when Erich shakes his head.
(He’ll be fine.)
(He doesn’t need her hovering when there are things she needs to take care of.)
(Frankly, there are things he needs to take care of as well.)
Urahara’s warm hand settles on the small of his back as the man nudges him away from the table and towards the stack of crates to the side, which are about the only place to sit down in the tent.
“I’m fine,” Erich grumbles, dredging up enough exasperation to shoot Urahara a look.
“Of course you are,” Urahara says, voice bone dry. He moves his hand from Erich’s back to brush it against his right arm, bringing their shared mark into sharper focus in his mind.
Erich grimaces at the reminder and reluctantly sits down; it’s not often someone can call his bluffs so easily, and he’s a little unsettled by the idea. Alexis at least pretends she can’t, most of the time, even though they both know that’s a lie. She just… handles it differently.
(He’s not entirely certain how he feels about a Reaper fussing over him…)
“I didn’t realize how bad it was even here,” Alexis murmurs as she takes a seat next to him, her feet swinging a bit and her gaze distant.
“It’s… not been good, no.” Erich sighs and rubs at his temple, carefully breathing through the brief spike of panic as Urahara looms over him for one sharp, endless moment and… sits down on his other side.
(The worried-regretful-sheepish look Urahara sends him is almost worse.)
(Damnit, he doesn’t want to care!)
“It’s… not much better elsewhere,” Alexis says idly, flatly, gaze still distant and presence muted at his side. “We Quincy are surviving because we’ve long grown and supplied our own needs, but elsewhere… even civilians are feeling the pinch, my love, and many of them are beginning to rebel.” She heaves a sigh and casts a glance at him out of the corner of her eye. “Many of our enlisted family have… returned to the Quincy lands in the past month. Those that yet live.”
(Deserters, she means.)
(Erich can’t blame them.)
(Isn’t that what they’re about to do, too?)
“I have a bad feeling about what’s yet to come,” Erich can’t help but murmur, even as he fumbles for his pocket watch, patting at his pockets with a growing frown. He needs to check the time, needs to know how many hours he has left in the day—
Urahara catches his hand and turns it palm up, gently setting Erich’s pocket watch in his open palm and folding his fingers over it. “I didn’t have a chance to return this earlier,” he says sheepishly, a little smile curling the corners of his lips as his hands withdraw.
Erich blinks down at his pocket watch, mind finally catching up with reality. “Thank you,” he murmurs as he flicks the lid open and checks the time.
(Good, he has some time to check his troops before dinner.)
“It’s very pretty,” Urahara offers almost awkwardly, swaying closer to him and leaning in to peer at the watch-face before Erich flips it closed again. “Though it seems very old.”
“It was my grandfather’s,” Erich says as he clips it in place and tucks the watch away in its usual pocket. “He had it much of his life.”
Surprise-wonder-loyalty slips through their connection, and Erich has to wonder what he did this time to surprise the man; it’s certainly not unusual for soulmates to pass heirlooms between each other, especially something practical like a watch. But… maybe it is unusual from a Reaper’s point of view?
(Do Reapers even have family?)
(How does their society even work?)
Alexis’ fingers intertwine with his own and she lifts his hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “What now?” she asks once she has his attention.
“Walking,” Erich tells her dryly, amused by the flat look she gives him in return. “I need to check on the men again, let everyone see both of you at my side. Maybe see if we can teach Urahara some Imperial in the process.”
“That’s sure to be entertaining,” Alexis says, leaning into his side to brush a kiss along his jawline.
Wistfulness creeps into his mind, and he shares a brief look with Alexis, both of them knowing the cause; they can’t extend their closeness to Urahara, not yet, not with so many unknowns and so much fear-anger-hatred between them, but… they can be kinder to him. Limit their blatant affections so as to not inadvertently tease the man.
(They’re not trying to be cruel, but… that doesn’t mean they aren’t being cruel.)
“Come on,” Erich says to Urahara as he stands up and straightens his uniform. “I have men to look at. I can teach a bit of my language too, as we go.”
Urahara perks up at his words, smile bright-cheerful-masking but… Erich suspects there’s some truth to it this time, that his paltry offer has made Urahara genuinely happy, and… it warms something in him to see it. To know that, at least for now, he’s helped.
He wants to help, wants to have, wants both his soulmates at his side the way all the best legends end and… and maybe that’s not for him, maybe he’ll never manage to reconcile Reaper and soulmate, mortal enemy and life partner, but… he wants it.
(Wants safety-concern-care, wants loyalty, wants love…)
(Now if only he could trust…)
Erich sighs and runs a hand through his hair, fingers tangling a bit in the start of curls, and forcefully shoves those thoughts aside.
“Rerugen-san?” Urahara asks, voice concerned and one hand awkwardly half-extended as if he was about to offer aid and second-guessed himself.
“The war,” Erich offers, a lie but also a truth, and steps around Urahara, ignoring the quicksilver darts emotions that he can sense from the man. If Urahara wants to cal him on his words, let him. They have other things they need to be doing and limited time to do them in.
“Maa, alright then,” Urahara says as he follows Erich from the tent. “I promise I’m a fast learner!”
Erich smiles faintly at the man’s clear enthusiasm, mind drifting to the promise of genius-fidelity-perseverance traced across his skin in the shape of a blooming plum tree. He doesn’t yet know how much is current truth and how much is future promise, but… it’s a hopeful sign.
(At this point, he’ll cling to any scrap of hope no matter how fragile.)
(It’s about all he can do, after all.)
(Just a little longer…)
(They can make it.)
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epithet-aus · 5 years
Gaymer Time (aka Youtuber AU)
Zora: Sunspot
Has the best computer possible. Loves shooters and open world games. Red Dead is her favorite series. Has a really popular youtube channel where she snipes hackers. Sometimes she and Ramsey send each other games to play. Is dressed like a cowboy in all of her streams. Nobody knows if it’s a gimmick or not.
Ramsey: Goldleaf
Plays on a console. Zora teases him for it. Likes rpgs and thief games also plays shooters sometimes. He’s notorious for making game-breaking or completely unviable sets and absolutely sweeping his opponents. He also does vids on glitches and game exploits. He collabs with Zora sometimes. It’s terrifying. Scams shitty game companies. Scammed EA too many times to count. Has a pet rat.
Molly: Bravebear
She plays a lot of calm games like stardew valley, or slime rancher. Is popular with older kids and teens. Collabs with everyone. Gio came up with her channel name.
Giovanni: SoupGaming
Does variety content. plays cooking games. tried to play GTA once and claimed to like it because he was a "straight criminal" while in actuality he dislikes the game because of its violence. His favorite game of all time is Cattails but he'll never admit it.
Sylvie: SheepDev
A part-time game developer and youtuber. He makes mods for games. He made a mod for untitled goose game for Zora that lets you kill people.
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paigerhiann · 4 years
Yet another fic hunt!
Fairly popular fic, just can't remember the name!
Soulmates AU with alive Hale Family
Derek goes to a matching event and chooses Stiles even though he's not registered. Derek takes him home and Talia is super mean and calls him an "unviable candidate".
Stiles starts getting really bullied at school and Kate argent is trying to be really nice to him to get info on Derek. Stiles becomes the cook for the Hales and helps Peter solve the attempted murder of the Hales and proves that the match-making meets are a hoax.
Divided we Stand
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
I have a strange relationship with the concept of dimigard
 on the one hand I think it’s fairly interesting to play with from a character study, angst or idfic point of view - there’s a lot of emotional charge there that never quite gets to catharsis, on the other hand, I have strong feelings about how it would have been utterly unviable as an endgame ship. 
She may not have gotten that attached to him in the first place it he wasn’t the one person who was nice to her while she was essentially a captive in Fhirdiad (and though she acknowledges that it meant something to her at the time she’s waay over it/able to put in perspective, they were very young and had less obligations), and he’s probably only so fixated on her because the time they spent together was his last good memory before all went to hell - and because he misses (his idealized memory of) Patricia and is projecting that onto her. 
That’s a lot of emotional material to work with especially once that whole volatile mixture gets ignited by their becoming enemies... at the same time both their real foe was actually Thales, and there’s so much stuff that they don’t know about each other’s circumstances, but at the same time a lot of that is circumstance not genuine interest, understanding or even liking of each other as people.  I mean in the present Edelgard seems, if anything somewhat put-off by Dimitri and his continued fixation on her,  and Dimitri himself repeatedly expresses his dislike of more stoic people. (whereas Edelgard outright values that and with the exception of Dorothea, most of her closer friends are on the more reason-driven side of things) He only warms up to Byleth once he sees that they’re nice and caring “underneath” / that it’s just their natural disposition rather than a choice of attitude
I firmly believe that it would never have worked out even in a fluffy coffee shop AU with no war because their personalities and attitudes are just total opposites, not just like in terms of politics but how they handle life in general as well as their feelings, they’d just set each other off all the time. I don’t even think they could be friends, even grudging respect is a stretch, I think she best we could get is a sort of teeth-clenched cooperation for the greater good or being polite but distanced allies. 
I mean in Azure Moon they both walk into that parlay with ample goodwill, but still they can’t come to an understanding better than “lets settle this by stabbing each other”, I don’t think there has ever been a more obvious case of incompatible personalities, and if that’s what happens in an armed conflict with ppl’s life on the line, which they both ostensibly want to end as quickly and cleanly as possible,  imagine what would result if they were just arguing about whose turn it is to do the dishes. 
On the other hand it’s like despite all their differences part of the reason why they kept their distance at the academy is that they essentially felt that their lives are essentially over and that whatever remains of them no longer belong to themselves, they can’t catch up over tea because they can’t allow themselves anything other than laserfocus on Revenge or The Cause respectively - to an extent, it’s their survivor’s guilt talking. 
So I kinda want to see them realize that they actually still can and still deserve to be happy and theoretically could choose to be together and get a chance to realize that the reason they probably won’t is that they’re adults with more defined worldviews now, not that they’re the monsters they lowkey view themselves as. 
Like I very much don’t actively ship it (There are lots of far more compatible options for both of them, personally I’m fond of Marianne/Dimitri and  Byleth/Edelgard/Hubert) but I would be very interested in reading more fics that deal with the topic? 
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Connie Howlite Maheswaran AU - Timeline differences
WARNING! Possible Steven Universe spoilers ahead, so please read it at your own risk if you didn’t see the series’ recent twists.
And also, kinda long post.
Things start out the same as in canon: the Gem Empire is made, and eventually Pink Diamond is punished by being stripped of Pink Pearl. However, different from canon, White decided to spare Pink Pearl and give her another chance to be a proper Pearl, while still giving a different Pearl to Pink.
Even if she was far from her original Diamond, Pink Pearl didn’t give hope yet and tried to bond with White and be something beyond her servant role. It was around those circumstances she lost her eye.
Earth initially would be Pink Diamond’s colony, but at last second, White took ownership of the planet, due to the still-linging untrustfullness over Pink’s ability to run a colony. White tried to ease Pink’s sadness by allowing her to watch the building of her colony, so she could understand how a Diamond’s work is done.
Pink Pearl, still hanging on the hope to be a proper friend to her new Diamond, suggested White to personally visit her fellow Quartzes being built on Earth with a disguise. Although she found the idea laughable and foolish, White decided to go with it (after alot of begging from Pink Pearl’s side) by reluctantly taking the form of a typic bossy, tall and high-ranking gem called Howlite.
Pink Pearl keeps dragging White through the Earth, and although she initially found her new Pearl’s desire to see more closely “just another colony” very annoying, she soon found herself reluctant to destroy the life of the planet, that proved themselves to be just as potential-full as her “perfect” gems.
White is struck by the words of Pink Pearl after the “trip”, and soon realizes the way she managed her empire, her fellow gems, and everything revolving around that...was all wrong. But she decided she wouldn’t strike back her very own empire as herself, but as her Howlite disguise.
White and Pink Pearl pose respectively as Howlite, leader of the then-recently fonded Comet Gems, and a ownerless, one-eye only Pearl that devoted herself to Howlite despite her not being her original owner. Together, they precisely attack Homeworld sites on Earth.
Yellow Diamond immediately comes to Earth with a part of her court to help White crush the Rebellion.
Eyeball, a Ruby from Yellow’s court, personally got to witness Padparascha, a Sapphire from Pink Diamond’s court, about to be punished with shattering simply for being created with a defect on her future vision. Eyeball took pity on her, but wasn’t able to do anything without her Diamond catching her attention and shattering as well...until Howlite and the renegade Pearl attacked.
In the middle of the chaos, Eyeball saved Padparascha from being shattered and took her away in the middle of the confusion, only to accidentaly form Spessartite Garnet for the first time. This allowed Howlite and Pink Pearl to escape. Later, the new fusion would meet them and join the Comet Gems.
Zircon joins the Comet Gems and later, Aquamarine is poofed in the middle of the war and sealed inside a crystal ball.
White decides to fake her shattering with the intention of ending the Gem War and leaving her empire behind, with Pink Pearl posing as Howlite and the aid of fake Gem shards, plus a construct meant to mimic Howlite’s stick weapon. This makes the remaining Diamonds see the Earth as a unviable colony, and makes them end the war with the Corruption Song.
During Homeworld’s evacuation, Amethyst’s gem was collected and taken safely back to Homeworld, allowing her to become a Quartz warrior. Meanwhile, Jasper hid in her hole to avoid the light and wandered the world before being found by the Comet Gems.
Doug fell for Howlite after wandering next to the Comet Gems’ temple, and Howlite gave birth to Doug’s daughter, Connie Howlite Maheswaran, in order to be able to feel the experience of a human being and, subconsciously, lend the fate of her empire for her daughter.
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Gem AU: Timeline
Part: 1
Simple skeleton based of Steven Universe. Not the concrete story for the Gem AU just an idea.
Around 10,000 - 9,000 years ago
❣️Under the Great Diamond Authority, the Gem race expands and cements their control over planetary bodies and star systems through colonization.
❣️The only Diamond that doesn’t have a colony is Pink. So after begging her fellow Diamonds she is given Earth to start her first colony.
Over 6,000 years ago
❣️When Pink Diamond and her gems arrives on Earth she starts colonizing and building Homeworld Structures and Kindergartens to create more Gems.
❣️Pink Diamond creatives her alter ego “Rose Quartz” with her closest friend Chiaki so she can explore the Earth.
❣️After exploring Earth Pink becomes fascinating by its beauties and soon realizes that completing her colony would destroy all of the organic life she grew fond of.
❣️Pink contacts the other Diamonds to tell them that she doesn’t wish to complete the colony and instead wants to preserve the life on Earth.
❣️Blue tells Pink to finish the colony she started while Purple creates a Human Zoo to make Pink happy.
Over 5,750 years ago
❣️Pink Diamond decides to use her “Rose Quartz” alter ego to start a Gem rebellion with Chiaki after her fellow Diamonds refuse to abandon the colony.
❣️Pink Diamond and a few Gems defect from Homeworld and form the Crystal Gems to try and save Earth.
❣️Quickly more Gems start joining the Rebellion and forming their own groups to help the Crystal Gems like “The Crazy Diamonds”.
❣️Purple Diamond and members of his court (Including Kiyotaka) arrive on Earth to help colonize and oversee the removal of the forming rebellion.
❣️Soon a group of Crystal Gems called “The Crazy Diamonds” lead an attack against Purple Diamond’s court.
❣️During the fight two gems fuse (Kiyotaka & Mondo) which is used as a distraction to help the rebels attack and escape easily.
❣️Kiyotaka and Mondo’s fusion is seen as the first cross Gem fusion in front of Homeworld and is used as Inspiration for the rebellion.
❣️Pink Diamond tries one more time to persuade Purple and Blue to end colonization, this time using the Gem rebellion as a reason. The other Diamonds continued to ignore her pleas.
Around 5,500 years ago
❣️The Gem war officially begins
Around 5,000 years ago
❣️Pink Diamond plans a ruse to sacrifice herself in hopes of scaring the other Diamonds away from Earth and passes on her powers to Chiaki.
❣️Earth is deemed an unviable colony by Homeworld, commencing forced fusion experiments using the Gem shards of fallen Crystal Gems.
❣️The Cluster is embedded in the Earth's core as part of the experiments.
Around 4,500 years ago
❣️All Homeworld Gems are commanded to evacuate Earth before a flash of light is initiated by the three Diamonds, corrupting all Gems caught in it.
❣️Most of the Gems on Earth became Corrupted. (DR1/DR2 are not corrupted)
❣️The Galaxy Warps became inactive.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
i love the unviable au an unhealthy amount, could you elaborate a little more on how they stop the apocalypse?
HMM. Well. They wake up, and Team Apocalypse is a go. Five absolutely insists that they get Vanya on the team, and he absolutely wants Vanya to know he’s alive. Well, present at least.
(Ben - Ben retreated from the world, after he died. He didn’t want the others to know. He wanted them to grieve and let him go. Besides. With how the rest of the family treated Klaus after - after everything
after Five. After Five vanishing and the drugs and Ben’s death and Klaus’s spiral that no one seemed to care enough to pull him out of. Klaus was the only sibling that could see Ben, and Klaus needed him. Needed him in a way that none of the rest of the family did. 
Ben didn’t ask Klaus to tell them others about him. Klaus figured that no one would believe him anyway.)
Klaus in hemming and hawing but Five isn’t exactly Ben, is he? He can interact with the world, in his own limited way. He can write. He could do this with or without Klaus.
But no one else needs to know, probably.
(Five doesn’t think much about how Team Apocalypse is going to be comprised of mostly people who he didn’t find dead on the ground. The only one he saw dead is Klaus, and isn’t that funny? To Klaus, a solid half of the team is dead.
To Five, only Klaus is.)
So Klaus and Ben and Five get up in the morning, and Five says that they Have To Find Vanya. Except Vanya’s not in the house, she’s gone back to her own apartment because she has stuff to do and a life to live.
(Somewhere, the Commission is getting antsy. Klaus heads towards Vanya’s apartment, and that’s not supposed to happen. Vanya is supposed to be isolated. Something is changing the timeline, and they aren’t sure what.
So they send some investigators. Their best. Hazel and Cha-Cha are deployed.)
So they go to the apartment. Klaus awkwardly knocks on the door and it swings open and there’s Vanya blinking at him in the way she always does. 
“Vanya!” Klaus cheers, and leans forward to wrap her in a hug, because he is a very touchy-feely person and he had to watch as Five and Ben got all the hugs last night. 
“Klaus?” Vanya says, sounding confused, but she lets her brother in. She watches him with wary eyes, and Klaus feels his heart break a tiny bit but - he’s known to his siblings, as a thief and a magpie. 
“Do you want... some tea?” Vanya asks awkwardly, shuffling towards her kitchen, “I have uh. I have a lesson soon, but I mean, uh...”
That’s about the time when Five loses patience from where he’s been telling Klaus to Say Something and starts picking up couch cushions and throwing them. 
“Uh.” Klaus says, staring, from Vanya’s point of view, into space. In actuality he’s looking at Five who is behaving like an absolute gremlin.
(Klaus is reminded, all over again, of how young his brother looks. Is. How old Five was when he died.)
“Do you want to explain what’s going on, Klaus?” Vanya asks tightly.
“Five is really impatient.” Klaus blurts out, and then covers his mouth because oops.
“Five?” Vanya says loudly, and Five rattles a cabinet in confirmation.
“Uh.” Klaus looks at Ben. Ben shrugs, because lets be honest they weren’t able to control Five when they were younger either, they have no chance now.
“Wait,” Vanya says, pale as milk, “So yesterday, in the courtyard...”
“Yup!” Klaus says cheerfully, putting on his best grin, “Aw, you know, a broken calendar is right twice a year and all that!”
“That’s not the saying.” Five informs him, flopping dramatically onto the couch.
“It was almost the saying.” Ben says sympathetically.
Klaus valiantly ignores them. 
“Five is... here?” Vanya asks, her eyes scanning the apartment.
“On the couch, like he owns the place the little shit.” Klaus tells her.
Vanya stares at the seemingly empty couch for a moment, and after a few beats of silence, she just says “I’m going to go ahead and cancel that lesson.”
(Somewhere, somewhen, the Commission’s hackles all go up in alarm as Harold Jenkins frowns down at his phone and wonders if he should try his luck and go to the apartment anyway.)
Later, when Ben has Five distracted trying to teach him to pick something up, Klaus talks quietly to Vanya.
“Van, he’s - he’s so little.” Klaus tells her, voice a little too thick, “He looks - he’s exactly the same as when he left. He’s so tiny, and he’s still in that fucking uniform. He’s so tiny and I can’t stand it.”
And Vanya wraps her arms around her brother. She and Klaus have never been close, not even when they were little, but they’re both outsiders. They’re both rejects. And there’s a certain sort of kinship in that.
“I wish I could see him, too. See them, too.” She whispers, because telling her about Five also means telling her about Ben.
And Klaus could say a million things to that. Could snarl and tell her to be careful what she wished for, because alongside Ben and Five came a hundred million nightmares that rattle around Klaus’s head every time he’s too sober to ignore them. 
But he looks over as Five slaps at Ben’s shoulder to get his attention and then guide his hands over to the apple they have settled in between them as their test subject. 
And then he looks at Vanya, and he says - “Yeah, me too.”
And then there’s a knock on the door.
“Shit.” Vanya says, swearing. “I left a message but - it’s probably my student. Just. Lay on the couch and look miserable or something.”
Klaus is very good at acting, sort of. So he immediately drapes himself across the couch and groans dramatically, adding in a cough for good measure. 
Vanya rolls her eyes, and opens the door to apologize to whatever child was supposed to have a lesson and - 
Oh. Not a child. An adult. She blinks, “Uh, hi. Can I help you?”
“Hi!” The man greets, smiling at her. Not too many people smile at her like that. “I’m here for the lesson? I know, I know. I’m a bit older than your usual clientele - ”
Klaus coughs loudly and Vanya winces, “I’m sorry.” She says, cutting the man off, “I tried to leave a message - I’ve had an emergency come up and I’m not able to do lessons today.”
“Oh, but - ” The man starts, and Vanya suddenly feels someone push on the door as if to close it. She manages to catch it, but considering there’s no one there, well.
“I’m very sorry.” She says firmly, using one hand to bat through the air behind the door to shoo who she assumes is Five away. “If you send me your availability, I’d be happy to reschedule.”
“That would be really great.” The man says, nodding. “Do you think you’d be free tomorrow? It’s just - I’d really like to get started, you know?”
The door rattles again and Vanya winces, “I’m not sure. If it’s urgent I can, uh, send you the information for another teacher. I really am sorry about this.”
“I’ll call later then.” The man says, “Sorry for bothering you.”
“Not a problem.” Vanya says automatically, “Have a good day.” 
And then she closes the door, and turns around to frown at Klaus, “Tell Five to quit, I had that handled.”
“You know, I only have to translate his responses to you.” Klaus points out, sitting up and swiping a hand across the back of his mouth, “Like, he has ears.”
“Five, I had that handled. You didn’t need to be pushing on the door.” Vanya says to the room at large, her hands on her hips. 
“Five!” Klaus says loudly, sounding very scandalized, “Why! We oughtta wash your mouth out with soap!”
Vanya gives him a critical look, “I’m not sure whether you’re saying that to get him into trouble or if he’s actually swearing. Either way, we should probably talk.”
“Five says to clear your schedule for the week.” Klaus says scooting over on the couch and giving it an inviting pat, “You’re officially recruited for team apocalypse.”
“Me?” Vanya asks, completely confused. And why shouldn’t she be? None of her siblings have willingly recruited her for anything before. Forget being the last kid picked for team sports, Vanya wasn’t even on the list. 
Klaus’s eyes soften, because even if Vanya wasn’t on the list, Klaus was still the last picked kid. “Five insists. Loudly.”
And Vanya smiles. It’s wobbly, but it’s there, because she’s been leaving out peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches and leaving the lights on since she was a kid, grieving for the one sibling who was on her side. And here he is. Refusing to ignore her. Picking her for the team. 
Of course the apocalypse can’t happen the same way, because Vanya isn’t isolated. She’s part of Team Apocalypse.
Instead of nagging at her about Leonard, Allison sighs and tells say that she loves Klaus as well but... he’s Klaus. He’s probably going to rob her the moment her back is turned and all that. He’s still their brother, and it’s nice that Vanya is hanging out with him but...
And Vanya bristles, because yeah Klaus is the family fuck up but he’s their brother. She’s the family wallflower, the odd man out, the freak. So she and Allison still fight, and Allison still insists that she’s just looking out for Vanya and Vanya insists that she’s never needed Allison to look out her before now -
An important thing of note.
Five doesn’t have the eyeball.
Five knows what it looks like, he probably had it in his apocalypse nest and poked at it when he was stuck on an equation. He knows that color it is. He probably memorized its serial number. He doesn’t have the physical eye.
Klaus is still chaotic as fuck, but Vanya adds a certain sense of... level headedness to the team. And despite everything, Klaus is actually fairly efficient... when he wants to be. 
Vanya has the exhausted “I don’t want to be here any more than you do” look to her that inspires some measure of sympathy from overworked desk ladies so they probably get the info about the eye not existing yet without all the... extra drama.
Now. Hazel and Cha-Cha aren’t hunting someone down. They’re investigating. So they don’t burst in gun blazing, they’re basically stalking Vanya in an effort to figure out both What Changed and how to isolate her.
I know what you’re thinking. But what about Griddys? Do the squad not know about the commission agents trailing them?
Well, after the whole eye escapade, Klaus is hungry. He fondly recalls food an ex used to make with Vanya and she smiles and marvels at how different their lives are. And then, because she’s suddenly a little nostalgic, she offers to take him to the one restaurant they went to as kids.
So they go, and Ben and Five are there are well, and Klaus probably insists on getting them waffles as well (“it’s lunch time Klaus” “waffle time is ALL the time Vanya”) so they’re sitting there eating
and of course Cha-Cha and Hazel are stalking them. And why be careful and hide their faces. The Hargreeves don’t know them. They can just blend in as two ordinary people, eating lunch.
Except there’s the one little ghost who can. Five spots them, and immediately freaks out because those are ASSASSINS and he never did figure out what role Vanya played and What If They’re There To Kill Her
So he frantically informs Klaus, and Klaus whispers to Vanya, and Five tells them they need to get the hell out of dodge. ESPECIALLY Vanya. 
And this is Vanya’s life now, so she sneakily tucks money under her plate (because she isn’t dining and dashing Klaus, jesus) and smiles at Klaus and goes to the backroom, where she shimmies out the window.
Klaus stuffs the remainder of his waffle in his mouth and grimaces at his hands and goes to the bathroom as well, except he diverts and goes out the back entrance where he meets Vanya in the alley and they both scarper. 
“I can totally talk you through stealing a car.” Five says eagerly, “I saw like, loads of commission agents hotwire a care. I totally know what I’m doing.”
“Fucking sweet.” Klaus says, nodding. “Pick out a ride then, little man.”
“Absolutely not.” Vanya says, having gleaned enough from Klaus’s words to understand, “We are not stealing a car, jesus. If we need a ride, I can always... I don’t know. Call a cab.”
“The little dude has a point.” Klaus says, “Calling a cab isn’t exactly uh, you know. Conducive to a quick getaway.”
Vanya frowns.
“We could steal Diego’s car.” Ben offers, because secretly Ben is also very chaotic.
“Diego’s car.” Klaus agrees with wonder.
“We’re going to get stabbed, aren’t we.” Vanya sighs, putting her face in her hands. It’s not a question.
(And meanwhile in the diner, Cha-Cha realizes that the targets are gone and checks outside, and Hazel gets to chat with the lovely owner. Agnes. What a lovely name, huh?)
Honestly the whole au sort of ends up being like. The Klaus and Vanya show against the siblings while Five and Ben work together in the background and Five causes, you know, absolute chaos. And also gets lots of hugs. Ben and Five get lots of hugs in this au. 
Klaus still gets kidnapped. Not because they want to get Five, but because they want to isolate Vanya. Well, not just that. They’d just kill him if that was it. They also want to know - what changed. What made Klaus seek Vanya out. What changed the timeline.
And Five can move things. Five can write on things. So he sees Klaus get kidnapped and follows him, figured out where he is, tells Ben to look after Klaus, and goes back to Vanya. He grabs a sharpie, and scrawls the address on the closest available surface, and hey if Vanya just happens to be fighting with Diego about the car...
“What the FUCK.” Diego demands.
“Fuck.” Vanya says, looking at the address. “Fuck. Okay. Okay, Diego, are you in?”
“In what?” Diego demands, scrubbing a finger over the sharpie that has popped up on the windows of his fucking car.
“Rescuing Klaus.” Vanya says, looking braver than she feels.
“Klaus can deal with his own shit.” Diego growls.
“Okay.” Vanya says, and of course she’s alone, she’s always been alone in this fucking family -
“Where are you going.” Diego asks, jogging up to her, “I don’t know what the fuck he’s gotten himself into, but you’re going to get yourself killed.”
“Then I guess I’ll get to see Klaus either way.” Vanya bites out, “And the family will have rid itself of another problem, huh? Win win all around.”
Diego swipes a hand over his face and swears, “Fuck just, fuck. Okay. Okay, fine. We’ll go drag Klaus’s ass out of the fire. And then you are going to explain exactly what the fuck happened to my car.”
“Deal.” Vanya says, already in the passenger seat and buckling in with determination. 
Safety first, bitch.
So they go to the hotel. They bust in. They manage to get away. And Klaus manages to get his hands on the briefcase.
“Klaus, wait - no!” Five screams, and Klaus opens the suitcase and vanishes.
(But Five was touching Klaus, was trying to grab his arm to pull him away, terrified and incapable of helping because he’s intangible. Five gets to go with on this side trip to Vietnam.)
And then a light flashes, and there’s Klaus, and Five, and - some random dude.
“I thought you were joking.” Dave hollers, staggering backwards and staring at the suitcase like it’s going to jump up and bite him.
(Five is impatient, and irritable, and wants to get home to take care of things and stop the end of the world. Klaus falls head over heels for a soldier, but in the past few days... he’s gotten awfully fond of Vanya. He wants to help her.
By our powers combined, we have a Klaus who is motivated to go home, but also motivated to convince Dave to come with. We end up with... alive Dave.)
(Wow this is one of the few aus I have with alive Dave. Go me.)
“Vanya, Diego, Ben.” Klaus says, beaming, “Meet my boyfriend, Dave!”
“Klaus, I say this with the utmost sincerity.” Vanya deadpans. “But what the fuck.”
“Ben?” Diego demands.
Vanya and Klaus turn to Diego with contemplative looks.
“Oh yeah, forgot about that.” Vanya says.
“In my defense I’ve been gone for like, months.” Klaus says. And then pauses meaningfully. “Wait a second, does that mean - ”
A pebble flies and hits Klaus in the face. This does not stop him.
“I’m the oldest sibling!” Klaus yells, preening like a peacock, “Behold, infants! It is I, your eldest brother!”
“Absolutely not.” Diego growls, as Klaus points at thin air. 
“Am so. Physically, I am older than everyone else. Yeah, it’s on technicality. Suck it, Casper.”
“Klaus, stop messing with Five.” Vanya sighs, sounding like this is something she has said before. “You know he can probably kill you.”
“Five?” Diego squawks.
“Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on?” Dave asks, already looking like he’s accepted his fate and life might as well be this weird. 
“The world is ending in five days. Welcome to team apocalypse.” Vanya tells him sympathetically.
“The world is what.” Diego hollers.
“Oh yeah.” Klaus muses, “Forgot to mention that as well.” 
“What is going on!” Diego howls.
“Don’t we all want to know.” Klaus flutters in sympathy.
After that, they decide to convene at Vanya’s apartment and go over what they know, and what they’ve learned.
Team apocalypse gains two (2) members! Welcome to the team, Diego and Dave. 
(Diego didn’t complain to Patch about a missing sibling because he doesn’t know Five is around. Patch doesn’t find a ransom note, because Hazel and Cha-Cha didn’t leave one. Patch doesn’t die, and Diego has no reason to go tearing off in grief and anger and vengeance.)
And that’s more on team apocalypse trying to stop the apocalypse lmao
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