#upstead x reader
uptondixon · 5 months
Unaccountable Pain
This is a Upstead x Platonic reader based on Season 7 Episode 13 "I Was Here". Reader is a patrol officer, she was with Kim in the motel room. This idea came to me after watching the episode recently. It's also my first time writing for One Chicago so tell me what you think!
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"It wasn't your fault, sweetheart," Hailey's voice sounded calm, low tone intended to keep your worries away, but that was impossible.
Kim lost her baby today. You saw it, you were there when her whole world came falling down. You were supposed to back her up.
You had entered the motel room with Kim, ready to save the young girl from that monster disguised as a man. But none of you expected a second man to be on the inside. He came for you, twice your size, a scream of "I got him" from you urging Kim to go forward, reaching the bathroom where the girl was being drowned.
"It was," you cried out to Hailey, her own unshed tears shining on the dimly lit hospital room. The pain experienced today was unaccountable. With you and Kim in the hospital, Hailey and the whole district were devastated.
Hailey stepped closer to your bed, wiping the fallen tears from your bruised eyes. The door opens, and Jay enters with a sorrowful look, closing the door behind him.
"Hey, how are things here?" His voice carried the same tone as Hailey's, worried and caring for you.
Hailey looked at him with a sad smile, a smile that Jay was, unfortunately, used to seeing it. It meant she was sorry. It meant things were going to be okay but not exactly right now.
"You're going to be okay, Y/n. We're here for you." 
A couple steps and Jay was on your other side of the bed, staring down at you.
You don't remember feeling this broken in a long time. Like nothing in the world could fix you up. But looking at the two detectives beside you, you knew you weren't alone. You didn't have to go through this alone.
The tears you've been holding from the moment they took you from that filthy hotel room come crashing down, two pairs of arms instantly holding you close. 
The three of you stayed like that, holding each other for God knows how long. And in that moment, you truly felt like everything would be okay.
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uncasualfangirl · 2 years
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sarahmadpeople · 1 year
Family Dinner
Summary: Halstead’s sister thought that this time, family dinner would be peaceful but boy was she wrong.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton, Will Halstead x Halstead!Reader, Jay Halstead x Halstead!Reader
Characters: Halstead!Sister Reader (OFC), Dad Halstead, Will Halstead, Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton, Jay’s daughter (OFC)
Tags: light angst, fluff, brother love, family dynamics
Warnings: none
Word count: 1101
Disclaimer: i don’t own any of the characters and this is purely fiction but based on true event ✌🏼
a/n: first chicago med fic although i’ve been watching the series since forever,, jay and hailey have a daughter in here (they deserve so much),, sorry for any mistakes and hope you enjoy this short fic ~~
There’s no Halstead family dinner that’s uneventful and that includes tonight. Everyone’s here at dad’s home for our weekly dinner. Will was the one who insisted on having dinners like this to spend time together after dad’s narrow escape from death in the apartment fire (and to watch dad’s diet once in a while, not that Will would admit that).
Dad’s seated at one end of the table and Will at the other end while Jay and Hailey sat at one side of the table and Alina and I sat at the other side of the table. Alina is my niece, Jay’s and Hailey’s daughter, who’s turning 8 years old in a few months.
Our plates were all loaded up with food that Will and I cooked since we’re in-charge of dinner tonight.
“The mashed potatoes are so good! I’m guessing Evie cooked it?” Jay said, in between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes. I laughed, “That’s right, big brother, and it’s mom’s recipe so can’t go wrong.”
There’s a pause of silence after I mentioned mom but that’s normal, we all miss her. Trying to cheer the moment, Hailey complimented the pasta that everybody knew Will made because it was his go-to dish to cook (and his most famous in the family). Dinner resumed and everyone made small talks with each other.
“I want to eat bread with nutella,” whined Alina and I glanced over to see that her dinner was already half-eaten. “Go and take the bread and nutella from the kitchen,” I instructed and Alina smiled cheerfully, skipping to the kitchen and back to the dining table with said items.
I helped Alina to spread the nutella on the bread and continued eating my dinner. Not even 5 minutes later, Alina called out to me, “I want more,” so I said, “You can do it yourself, Alina”. I pushed the bread and nutella to her. I was about to continue eating when dad voiced out, “Why can’t you just do it for her? She wants to eat it.”
Before I could even answer, he continued, “Sometimes, I think that you don’t like Alina. The way you treat her at times is just uncalled for.” I looked at dad, was he being serious? Was he really going to talk about this during dinner? Granted I’m not the kind of aunt who’s lovey dovey with their niece but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her. I’m rough with her because she’s like my younger sister who can tolerate and even return that treatment to me. It was like your typical sister siblings behaviour. Regardless, it was a mutual agreement that we don’t upset each other while eating and dad being dad, went straight to break it.
“Dad, Evie’s in the middle of eating, she hasn’t eaten since lunch and was busy the whole evening, besides, Alina’s old enough to spread the nutella on her own.” I heard Will saying. I felt myself shut down, which usually happens when I’m upset.
“Yeah dad, Alina can do it herself, don’t be mad,” Hailey started before turning to me and apologised, “Sorry Evie”. I shook my head and smiled (more like grimaced) at her, whispering a short “it’s okay”. Then, before Alina could reach the bread, I took it and made one for her. My eyes got teary and I knew if I talked I’d cry so I whispered to her, asking if she wanted more. Alina nodded so I made another piece for her.
I went silent the entire dinner. Having lost appetite after what happened, I ate slowly and ended up picking half of what’s left on my plate. I felt Will nudging my leg from under the table and I looked up to see the concern in his eyes. I smiled and continued picking at my food.
One by one, everybody finished their dinner and I carried my own plate together with what’s left on the dining table to the kitchen. Tonight, it was also mine and Will’s turn to clear the dishes and clean the kitchen. So while the two of us were in the kitchen, the rest were in the living room watching tv.
“I’m sorry about dad. He shouldn’t have said that, especially when we’re eating.” Will said, starting what he hoped to be a conversation that I honestly was not in the mood for. I shrugged and replied, “Whatever, not the first time and i’m sure it’s not gonna be the last. Let’s just clear all these so we can go home.” My tone giving Will no room to retort or continue the conversation. So we cleaned in silence and soon dad’s kitchen was back to its original state, clean and tidy.
‘Hey dad, I’m gonna go home first. See ya around,” I didn’t bother to wait for any replies before heading out the front door.
“Evie!” I heard Jay called out and stopped. I felt Jay approaching before he entered my line of sight. “I want to apologise for dinner, about Alina and Dad. I know you love my daughter, no doubt about that. It’s not fair for dad to say that to you, after what you’ve done for Alina ever since she was a baby. I’m not excusing him but it’s not like you don’t know him, right. Please don’t let this be our last family dinner.” Jay said.
I scoffed because yeah, I know what dad is like, but I thought he could’ve at least spared my dignity over dinner. “Don’t worry big brother, I’m not gonna disappear just because of tonight. I’ve faced worst than this, and I’m sorry too about Alina, I could’ve just prepared more than one piece of bread and no drama would occur. It's my fault too.”
Jay laughed and shook his head, “Don’t blame yourself, we’re Halstead, what’s life without drama,” he paused, then continued, “Okay, not gonna keep you here any longer than you’d want, so see ya around kiddo, and wait for Will, you live with him,” Jay ruffled my hair and went back in. Seconds after, Will was rushing out of the house.
“You’re so impatient, lil sis, left me high and dry in there to explain to dad why we’re rushing back home,” I heard Will and rolled my eyes. As Will turned the car engine on, he looked at me and said, “Dad said he’s sorry for what he said just now,”
I nodded. I looked at the house dad stayed and thought about the people inside and knew that I wouldn’t change this family for anything, even with the baggage it comes with.
thankss for reading!! ❤️
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sayafics · 1 year
Just For A Moment - Part 2
TW: cheating, angst
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Several days had gone by, and the team had finally solved their case. Such an accomplishment would usually have them ready to celebrate with a few rounds at Molly's, but this case was different.
Not only because the victims they had lost were children, but because the team member they were in the midst of losing was someone they all considered a friend.
Aurora may have only joined the team a few months ago, and she probably wasn't as close to them as they were to each other, but they were on the same team. That means they come in every day and fight the same battles. They have each other's back, and they are a family.
It seemed that belief just didn't extend to Aurora.
She had pulled back from them over the days they spent pouring over every inch of the case. Sure, she would exchange niceties, she would say 'good morning' and 'good night' at every opportunity, she would even smile. But all those words and actions felt empty, her smile seemingly forced as her eyes wouldn't sparkle in the way Kim had always loved, the corner of her eyes wouldn't crinkle as she smiled big and happy in the way Adam teased her for, and there was barely an echo of the laugh that Kevin found himself always joining in on.
When Aurora joined the team, it was to fill the void left by Erin. In doing so, she only filled a larger part of all their hearts.
The Aurora they knew was kind and caring, always volunteering to help and willing to be a shoulder to cry on. She was patient and joyful, but she was also protective and fierce. And now, she seemed like a shell of the woman she was only a few days ago.
She could tell the team was getting annoyed by her behaviour and could see how her nonchalance and passivity was causing frustration to build in the hearts of all her colleagues. But a selfish part of Aurora found that she did not care, that her pain was her's, and she ought to choose how she dealt with it.
And the truth was, she was done letting people get too close. Done letting herself get hurt.
Aurora could see how the team's worry slowly grew to resentment, how they eventually gave up trying, and how they soon looked towards Jay for a lead on what to do.
Jay was pissed off with Aurora. Every time he tried to talk to her or touch her or be near her, she would brush him off as though he didn't exist. As though he hadn't spent six months loving her.
Every time she did, his suspicions that she had figured out he was sleeping with Hailey grew. But as he saw the way she treated the rest of his friends, his paranoia would be quelled and his heart would grow hopeful that she was simply going through a crisis she didn't know how to deal with, and she had picked isolation as her solution.
He hoped, and hoped, and hoped.
But even after the case had closed, she still hadn't dropped the act, still hadn't snapped back to reality.
Her behaviour was concerning, throwing Voight off too. Jay found himself texting, calling, and showing up to her place every chance he got, and all his efforts were in vain.
Soon, the concern that dwelled in his heart turned to boiling rage. Her dismissal of him infuriated him, and still, she would give him no answer, no reason.
Jay turned to his friends, confiding in Hailey, Adam, Kevin, and Kim about her odd behaviour. Spewing off tangents about how her behaviour continued and how it irritated him, and they did the same.
Soon, their rants turned into speculations - perhaps Aurora was the one cheating? Maybe she was acting this way out of guilt? Or maybe someone from one of her undercover lives showed up? An ex-lover? An enemy?
The conspiracies grew, and then began to spread throughout the district.
Aurora wasn't dumb, she heard the whispers and she saw the stares. And it didn't take long to figure out what was being said, and why.
As she was fed the rumours of her own love life, she begged her heart to feel something, but all she felt was numb.
And so, despite the rumours and the stares, the continued in her ministrations, living on autopilot as she spent hours upon hours stuck with the man who betrayed her, and had to watch as he preened at the blonde woman he spoke to under the guise of friendship.
The tension was palpable in the air, and the team could feel the rage that festered in the office every day as Jay and Aurora avoided each other at every turn.
Despite Voight's involvement, Aurora assured him that she was fine and refused to divulge further. He had warned them both to sort out their misunderstandings now before he was forced to pick between his seasoned detective and the officer with the potential to do amazing things.
Still, she ignored him.
No, Aurora couldn't face Jay. She could feel the emotions that bubbled in the depths of her heart, begging for release, but her mind refused to let her give Jay the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Of seeing her broken.
No, it was better this way. To pretend he didn't exist and to not get close to any of them again.
Perhaps, it would've been better to just leave.
That thought had plagued her since the first night she had seen Hailey and Jay together, and it still haunts her today. It would make everything so much easier.
But she likes this job, she loves how she is able to help others and see the difference she made instead of pretending to live different lives.
This job was easier.
This job was safer.
Aurora prayed that if she continued with her game of ignoring Jay, then things would slowly go back to the way they had been before she and Jay had started dating. But the thought of such a feat was laughable, and things really came to a head on Sylvie Brett's birthday.
The team had been invited by Hermann for a surprise birthday party for Brett at Molly's, an invitation Adam had accepted on all of their behalf.
Right as they were about to leave for the night, to get ready and meet back at Molly's, Kim stopped Aurora by the door. The others had already piled into their cars, taking off into the darkening sky.
Aurora turned to Kim, her face looked sincere as her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were wide, "you're coming tonight, right?"
Aurora shrugged, "maybe."
She turned to walk away, only to be stopped when Kim stood in her path, "look, I'm sure the other's might have said this once already, but we're worried for you. You haven't been yourself."
"I don't know what you want me to say."
"Say you'll come tonight. Please. It'll be good for you."
"Look, Jay will be there too. Maybe you guys can talk? He's been worried sick for you, Hailey says he hasn't been sleeping properly for a few days."
The words that spilt out of Kim's mouth made Aurora's heart freeze, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she found herself screaming finally. Finally, she feels something.
But the emotions she felt were nothing happy. A wave of nausea overtook her as she contemplated Kim's words. Hailey said Jay wasn't sleeping? The same Hailey that was fucking her now ex-boyfriend behind her back?
The irony almost made her laugh as she pushed down the sickening feeling. He wasn't sleeping the night she went to surprise him, too.
Here she was, drowning in misery. And sure, she believed that she didn't care what the others said about her or did to spite her, but Jay was still sleeping with her.
Still touching Hailey and holding her, all the while seeking every moment he could find to do the same to Aurora.
And it was that thought - the idea that even now, Jay didn't have the decency to pull away from Hailey and pick her - that had all the anger she had been locking away now threatening to break its way through her emotionless barrier.
She took a calming breath, remembering how she stood in front of Kim and was sure every word she spoke would be relayed to the man who broke her heart, "I'll see."
Before Kim could prompt further, Aurora breezed past her, getting into her car and heading home - unaware of the fact that Jay's car sat parked, as he debated whether to follow her and try once more.
His eyes met Kim's as she left the building, her head shook as she was sure Aurora wouldn't come to Molly's tonight. Jay was irked and decided that it was pointless to follow only for her to shut him out again. Instead, he went back to his place with Hailey sitting in his passenger seat.
Aurora wasn't sure why she decided to go. Maybe it was because Kim had asked so pleadingly, or maybe it was in the hopes of catching Hailey and Jay off guard - hoping they would slip up in front of everyone.
Still, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she sat in her car, which was parked next to Molly's, after changing out of her usual outfit and refreshing her makeup to make it more suitable for the event.
She looked into the bar and the atmosphere already lively, considering she was a bit late to the party. But she was here, and that was what mattered.
She stepped out her car, making her way to the doors of the bar as the breeze of a cool night sky caused the skirt of her blue dress to brush lightly against her thighs.
The same blue dress she wore that night.
As she crossed into the threshold, she tracked the bar looking for familiar faces, but once again a different set of eyes beat her own.
"Aurora! You made it," she could hear the surprise in Kim's voice and felt her own surprise as Kim embraced her tightly. She must have gotten drunk quite quickly.
Kim looked at her expectantly, but seeing she wasn't going to say anything more, she decided to pull her towards the table with the rest of their team, "c'mon, everyone else is over here."
Aurora glanced over the table, her heart pounding as she took in the sight of Jay. He looked beautiful, his hair was pushed back, and he was dressed in a form-fitting black t-shirt that accenuated his back muscles. Aurora could have lost herself in that moment, silently pretending that Jay hadn't cheated on her and she was just admiring her amazing boyfriend.
But when her eyes dragged over the blonde, pressed almost firmly against his side, she felt her mood sour instantaneously. Before she could pull away from Kim, the pair had already made their way to the table - "guys, look who came!"
The conversation died as they took in Aurora's presence, hiding their shock at the fact she actually came. They exchanged greetings before the table sat in an awkward silence, the tension pushing Adam to joke, "Hailey, you better climb off that chair. Don't think Aurora would be happy with you cuddling up to her boyfriend like that," his words had been teasing, but they caused Jay and Hailey to stiffen at the realisation that they were sitting so closely.
Hailey coughed harshly, turning to Aurora as she nodded and began to slide off her seat. That is, until Aurora spoke, "what boyfriend?"
She couldn't help it. Maybe it was because she had held it back for so long, and just seeing them touching each other so openly made her feel so stupid once again for being so naive. Even Adam had noticed, despite him joking about it. But she chose to listen to Jay over her own logic and sense.
She truly was an idiot.
"Excuse me?" Jay's voice was incredulous, appalled by her words.
"What boyfriend?"
"C'mon man," Kevin spoke up, "she's clearly joking."
As Kevin chuckled, Kim and Adam joined in, but their laughter died down quickly at Aurora's words, "no, I'm being serious. Jay and I aren't dating."
Jay's eyes widened in incredulity, "babe, what are you talking about?" The rest of the team looked between them, bewildered.
But Aurora only shrugged, raising her hands in surrender as she spoke again, "I'm going to go wish Brett a 'happy birthday'."
But Jay was furious, and after such a revelation he wouldn't let her go so easily. He followed her walk to the bar, "no, you don't get to walk away after saying something like that."
"I can say whatever I want, Halstead."
"Don't call me that."
"I can say whatever I want."
It was the most she's spoken to him in days, and he wasn't sure if that was what prompted him to keep going or if he actually wanted to know why she was behaving like this.
"Then why? Why say something like that? I haven't done anything to you."
Aurora ignored him, choosing to sit at the secluded area of the bar instead hoping Jay would get the signal to leave her alone.
"Talk to me."
"No. Go away, Halstead."
"Not until you tell me what's going on."
"Nothing is going on," Aurora heard her voice break before she felt it, her mask already crumbling as Jay continued to chip away at it from outside.
"Aurora, baby. Please."
"Don't call me that!" Aurora raised her voice without meaning too, her words cutting through the joyful atmosphere and dragging everyone's attention onto them.
"Is everything okay here?" It was Matt Casey who asked the question, ever the chivalrous saviour.
"It's fine, back off Casey."
"I wasn't talking to you."
"It's fine, Matt. I was leaving now, anyway."
As Aurora got up to leave, Jay held her wrist - "no. You don't get to walk away, talk to me."
The music had now been switched off, everyone holding their breath as they watched the scene unfold and Aurora tried her best to hold back her tears, pulling at the hand he held, as she spoke, pleadingly "Jay. Please."
"Talk to me."
"Jay, let her go."
"Shut up, Casey. No one is talking to you."
A new voice spoke up now, "just leave it Jay, she's not worth it."
Of course it was.
She walked up to the pair, standing at Jay's side as she placed a hand on his shoulder before rubbing it down his back, "just let her go. Don't let her ruin the party."
Aurora couldn't stop the scoff that escaped her, "you have got to be kidding me," she looked towards Hailey, her pupils blown in anger, "can you not resist being away from him for even two minutes? God, you really are a desperate bitch."
"The hell did you just say to me?"
Aurora wrenched her arm from Jay's grasp, "you heard exactly what I said. You have been after him since the day you started."
Hailey let out a guffawed laugh, but Jay spoke in her place, "is this why you've been acting so off? I have told you so many times Aurora, she's just a friend."
There it was again. Those four words, the lie that has been ingrained inside her head from the moment she was introduced to Hailey. And, just like that, she finally lost it.
"Just a friend? Hell, if that's how you see a friend, I wonder how you see me."
Jay's brows scrunched in confusion. He drew closer as he held Aurora's face in his hands, his grip firm as she tried to turn away, forcing the tears that began to well in her eyes away.
"You're my girlfriend. I love you, baby."
There it was again. Baby.
And just like that, she broke.
Tears began to stream down her face as she tried to stifle her own sobs, her head shaking vigorously as all the emotions she had shoved down and locked away were thrown out into the open. "Liar," she whispered, "liar. You're a liar."
She tried to pull away from him, but he didn't relent.
Slowly, her voice began to raise louder - "liar! You're nothing but a filthy liar! I hate you. I hate everything about you, and I wish I never met you!"
The words brought tears in Jay's eyes, he was pained by her confession and confused by her behaviour.
It didn't make sense. None of this made sense.
"If you loved me," her words were a shaky whisper, hands rubbing vigorously at the endless stream of tears that fell down her face, hands trembling as she looked at him like she finally saw him, "if you actually loved me, you wouldn't have fucked her."
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Believe me 
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Warnings: Bullying, Arguing,Yelling, Mentions of killing, (Mentions of running away?)
A/n:Just a heads up that there may be some spots that don't make sense because i keep forgetting to fix those spots but anyways enjoy the story
Summary: You get into a fight and none of your brothers believe you until Hailey steps in and comforts you and helps you and your brother's stop fighting. 
Word count: 2.0k
Flashback to 12 years old
This is my first time being in the principal's office and honestly I'm scared, not because I could get suspended but because Its will whos coming to pick me up. There's nothing worse than someone being disappointed with you than mad. Will’s the type of brother who will just be disappointed and give you the silent treatment, while Jay will yell at you like crazy, take away your phone, make you file papers at the district and even give you the worst punishments ever for this type of situation but Will is definitely going to yell at me and take away my phone for the rest of my life and i'm probably grounded for 8 years.
End of Flashback
Present time
Today was the day you were really really dead, you got into a fight with this one girl because she said something about your family and you couldn't let that slide so of course you stood up for yourself and your family and punched right in the face. 
The problem is when you tried to tell the principal what happened she didn't believe you because the girl you fought was the principal's niece and “she could never do wrong” or that's what all the staff thought. Everyone knew in school that she was actually the worst student there and she's a huge bully who's spoiled and gets everything she wants. There's even a rumor how the principal pays her teachers to give her good grades. 
You were sitting outside the front office when you heard two familiar voices, and immediately knew it was Will and Jay. Now you were in trouble with both your brothers, both of them here means you're probably never gonna see the day of light ever again.
Your brothers walk up to the bench outside the room and either side of you and they don't even speak to you or look at you. You're surprised Jay hasnt threatened to arrest you or put you in handcuffs yet, he's done that before but that story is for a different day.
“Hello Mr, Halsteads” My principal came out of the door. My brothers stood up and shook her hand.
You hated your principal, and she hated you. She always had it out for kids like you. Kids who were better than Milly. Kids who stood up for themselves from Milly. Most especially kids who Milly Hated.
Once you were all seated inside the office she started explaining what happened.
“Y/n got into a confrontation with a girl named Milly and ended up breaking her nose.” She explained.
“I am so sorry for Y/n’s behavior today. I will make sure that she will be punished.” Jay replied. “Well i'm not” You mumbled 
“She is going to be suspended for three days and when she returns she's going to have ISS for one week.” She said, “What, thats so fucking dumb she’s the one who started it!” You yelled
“Not from what i heard” She replied “Other kids said that you were bullying her and when she tried to say something you punched her”
“We're going to be going now, I'm so sorry for her actions. Please apologize to Millys family for us, Thank you.” Jay said while we walked out the office 
“In the car now, we’ll talk when we get home” Will whispered in a yell. Although you couldn't care less whatever they were going to do. 
“FIGHTING Y/N? WE RAISED BETTER THAN THIS” Will shouts at me. “Well maybe if you would leave me alone you wouldn't have to raise me” you snort “watch your tone young lady” Jay points at me. “How about you listen to me, OVER SOME STUPID GIRL” I say, raising my voice to match wills.
“Thats it, give me your phone and everything else now.”Jay puts his hand in front of me “take it, i dont even want it anymore since everyones gonna blow up my phone about how i lost to fucking Milly Wilson” I say tosing it to the ground and heading up the stairs to my room. “I hate you more than right now than i hated dad, I wish mom was still around.
“You are done for Y/n Halstead you're grounded for two months, be prepared to be at the district and med everyday now” Jay speaks in a serious tone. 
“Don't slam that door Y/n halsted” Will yelled anticipating my move but i slammed the door anyways because i don't care. 
That's when I had enough, enough of the bullying, enough of school, enough of my brothers never being on my side. It started out with small things like pillows, and clothes, then it turned into hard things, shoes, books and even your computer and Nintendo that was lying on your bed. Your room looked like a tornado and a hurricane hit at the same time, and you just sobbed on the floor.
That's when you heard a soft knock on your door. “Go away” you sniffled. “Y/n/n, please open the door” that nickname? Only Hailey called you that you thought. “Come in”
Hailey opened the door and immediately looked around to find you in a corner sobbing. You looked so frail and broken when she saw you. As soon as she held you into her arms you broke down and spilled everything out in a jumbled mess. “It’s ok let it all out” Hailey said in a soft voice.
“No one ever believes me- i-i tried to tell them a-a-and they wouldn't believe me, sh-she was the one who hit me first. She said if i told anyone sh-she would get j-jay fired” You froze, you weren't supposed to say that…There was one thing you hadn't said and that was milly hit first when you tried to confront her on what she said
Milly said if you told anyone she would make your life miserable and she would get Jay fired 
from his job and arrested. 
You stood up from haileys grip and started pacing around your messy room “No,no,no Milly's going to get jay fired or probably kill me now i should probably run away to south america or something”
“Woah woah y/n calm down, what actually happened?” She questioned, and you just started explaining. “Milly said mom and dad deserved to die since Jay takes people away from their families and sometimes hurts them, so i went up to and asked her why she said and she just replied “Don’t put yourself where it doesn't belong, and boom she punched and i just defended myself. You probably can guess the rest.”
“Oh, Y/n its ok i will make sure that milly wont do anything to you or jay, i promise.” She cooed “You promise?” She gave me a smile and a slight nood. “So how about you stay at my place for the night and we can head to the district tomorrow
you packed your bags and headed downstairs with hailey in tow. "Where do you think you're going? Did you forget that you're grounded?" Jay stood up from his chair
i'm taking her to my house   no she grounded  hailey crouched down to your level since you were short for your age "why don't you take my keys and head to the car and place an order for some food" you nodded and left the apartment
"jay don't argue with me the least you could have done is listened and you couldn't even manage that" Sill stood up to back jay up but hailey immediately stopped him "Don't even, i will bring y/n  to the district tomorrow and you will both apologize and listen to her or else" Pointing to two men while walking out the door and slamming it behind her. 
It was now the morning and you and hailey were headed to the district. When you tried to close the car door you hissed and immediately pulled your hand to your chest. “What happened to your hand?” Hailey asked. “Nothing.” you didn't want to get into the topic of what happened. Lets just go to the district and get this over with.
“First of all i'm taking you to get your hand checked out and second of all i talked to jay, he's not gonna yell or do anything to you. He forgot that I have handcuffs and can arrest him” You chuckled at that last part, her and Jay didn't always agree. 
Hailey took you to Michigan Arial Hospital (the other hospital in Chicago since she knew you didn't want to go to med) and it turns out you had a sprain, well you had a sprain before but since you didn't get medical attention earlier you now broke your hand. You got a light blue cast because light blue was Haileys favorite color and at the moment you didn't want to please nor even think about jay or will. 
When you reached the district you said hi to Trudy and everyone else but you hid your arm because you didn't want to talk about it. “Hey, mini halsted” Adam greeted you. You didn't even reply and walked straight to the break room where Jay would be found since you didn't see him in the main area.
“Jay you will listen to every word this girl has got to say because if you don't, Voight’s standing right outside this door and he would love to hear how you're treating his Goddaughter,” Hailey says with a stern and serious voice.
All three of you sit down and you explain what Milly has been doing to you and everyone else in the school. And how Milly is the principal's niece so she never gets in trouble. You also get far enough to wear you explain why you currently have a cast on. “And she said if i ever told anyone she said she would get your fired and make your life miserable”
“Y/n- i dont even know what to say, i am so so sorry for not believing you when you first told us. I guess i was just mad you had gotten into a fight and i didnt think about anything else” Jay said as he pulled you into a tight hug
“Jay- careful of my hand” You gasped “and, i forgive you” you said with a soft sweet voice. 
“Now if you excuse me I've got some CCTV footage to look at.” Jay said as he pulled apart from the hug and stood up. You knew Jay was never the emotional type and never wanted one of his colleagues to catch him crying, yet Hialeys saw him cry Millions of times.  
As the team was going through the footage they kept backing up to the right spots until they reached the time of yesterday. Milly punching you in the eye, which explains why your eye looks a little swollen now. 
“THERE! Right there is all the proof we need to prove y/n innocent on many levels.” Haileys shouts. “Alright, find phone numbers, addresses, figure out her relatives before we go for her. I want to make sure this girl gets what she deserves” Voight yells in his raspy voice.
Definitely working on part right now, i must say this is my favorite one so far since i've planned it out i've wanted it to go. Don't forget to read my other stories and look at my crazy wattpad reading lists. Thanks :)
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detectivehailey · 1 year
Recommended Reads
These are fanfictions both full length a stories and one shots that I have really enjoyed. Come from several different platforms. Also including a couple of authors on platforms that I have enjoyed. The bulk of this is from the One Chicago fandom but some other fandoms are also included. Also note that some of these stories and one shots are found on multiple platforms and not just ones that I provided. Hope you find this useful.
One Chicago (mix of all 3)
One Chicago Tales by Chicagox (Wattpad)
Halstead Imagines by malewk172 (Wattpad)
Burning Love (One Chicago) by ChloeOgradyXo (Wattpad)
Chicago PD
Wild One by Southernheartsparkles (Archive of Our Own)
Our Scars by Fraulein21 (Archive of Our Own)
Mini by curly1307 (Wattpad)
Rangers; Jay Halstead (1) by _urfavereader (Wattpad)
Oak Grove Institution- Jay Halstead by EmLivesy (Wattpad)
Chicago Fire
*Other* (Chicago Fire, Blake Gallo) by CcChicagoFire1 (Wattpad)
In This Skin- Chicago Fire by sirius_b1ack (Wattpad)
Family Is Forever- A One Chicago Story by IzzyJane5021 (Wattpad)
The Responders by Chicago_PD_ (Wattpad)
Vegas [Chicago Fire] by -stfurose (Wattpad)
Sirens by Chicago_PD_ (Wattpad)
Fire, Scars, Blood by sveride (Wattpad)
Chicago Med
One Chicago
May Contain Nuts by nurse-buckley (Tumblr)
Fate: The Winx Saga
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maryannecrimsworth · 1 year
I'm super frustated with upstead and now i just want a happy ending for Hailey
Would you guys read a fic about a single father of two girls, former FBI profiler, who helps the intelligence unit to catch a group of incendiaries? Please like this post if you would
idk, i just imagine him and upton interaction and i think it would very great -- she needs someone who doesn't leave her, come on
anyway, that's it
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americaswritings · 10 months
Requests for Jay Halstead
I know I have been absent for AGES, but I am currently obsessed with Chicag PD (Jay, Upstead) and I really want to get back into writing.
If you have requests, ideas for Jay Halstead x reader, please send them in and I'll try my best to write again!
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Chicago PD (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jay Halstead & Reader, Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton, hailey upton & reader Characters: Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton, Hailey Upton's Father, Hailey Upton's Mother, Ethan Choi, Reader, upton!reader Additional Tags: Abuse, Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Injury, Emotional Baggage Series: Part 2 of Hey There, Sister Summary:
Hailey hasn't spoken to her father since she was 18 and her mom since she was 20. A case in Greektown leads Hailey to a startling and terrifying discovery - she has a little sister, and their father hasn't changed one bit.
Hey everyone, my life has been absolutely insane and it interrupted my time and ability to write. So sorry for making those who were interested wait for this chapter, but I hope you like it regardless! 
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enretrogue · 2 months
༝༚༝༚ = Black/POC Works ⎢ 24’ Fic Rec M.List
Two Men Who Just Wanted to Please You (Connie + Onyankopon) — @merakidoll ༝༚༝༚
Would You Still Love Me if I Was a Worm? — @huunni ༝༚༝༚
Connie Springer
Movie Night — @nysrage ༝༚༝༚
Thang For Ya — @morgluvsconnie ༝༚༝༚
Anything She Wants — @amesemii ༝༚༝༚
Allure — @luminiamore ༝༚༝༚
Eren Jaeger
Stress Reliever — @pynkfairyheart ༝༚༝༚
Good Girl ⎢ Boss — ^ ༝༚༝༚
One Born Every Minute — @greedyhoneyz ༝༚༝༚
Welcome to Wonderland — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Ex Who? — @luminiamore ༝༚༝༚
90s Love ⎢ Ch.1 ⎢ Ch.2 ⎢ Ch.3 — @aurasy3ag3r ༝༚༝༚
Jean Kirstein
Fickle Feelings Find a Way to Me — @captain-hawks
Jean + Daddy Kink — ^
Rodeo Night — @y3ager ༝༚༝༚
Big Boy — @pynkfairyheart ༝༚༝༚
Need You — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Rapper!Ony x Singer!Reader — @zillatastic ༝༚༝༚
Reiner Braun
Not of Blood, But Solace — @marmilovin
Smut Blurb — @s1ckh1mb0 ༝༚༝༚
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Spencer Reid
Peace of Mind — @gardenof-venus ༝༚༝༚
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The News — @rogueshadow1124
Bullet Wound — ^
Cuts and Bruises — ^
To Be Mine ⎢ Eden — @battymommastuff​​
Things Batmom Has Said — @blackcupidangel ༝༚༝༚
Bribes — @mischieveousmayhem
Earned Position — @secretsandwriting
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Mafia!Jason Todd — @c-nstantine ༝༚༝༚
Cowboy!Jason Todd — ^ ༝༚༝༚
Brown Sugar ⎢ Ch.1 ⎢ Ch.2 ⎢ Ch.3 ⎢ Ch.4 ⎢ Ch.5 ⎢ Ch.6 ⎢ Ch.7 ⎢ Ch.8 ⎢ Hyperfixation ⎢ The Dark Knight ⎢ Surprise ⎢ Upset Joker — @halfofmysoulsblog ༝༚༝༚
Inhale. Exhale. — ^ ༝༚༝༚
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Megumi Fushiguro
Childhood Friends-to-Lovers — @kirbyskisses ༝༚༝༚
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Crockett Marcel
Wildflower — @bullet-prooflove
Jay Halstead
Upstead Foster Daughter ⎢ Ch.1 ⎢ Ch.2 — @uptondixon
Will Halstead
Necklace — @escapingrealityandlovinginsanity
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Filip “Chibs” Telford
10 Years — @garbinge
Death and the Lady ⎢ Ch.15 — @tumbleweed-writes
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uptondixon · 4 months
Upstead Foster Daughter
Did you ever wonder how Upstead would be as foster parents for a teenage girl? Like Hank and Erin, Hailey and Jay welcomed Olivia to their home when she was 16. Olivia holds a lot of grudges and is full of mischief, but she is also incredibly sweet and has a tremendous need to feel like she belongs. To her surprise, Hailey and Jay will give her exactly that.
[Chapter I] "If I was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me"
Jay is shot and help comes from an unexpected source.
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Blood was no stranger to Jay Halstead. Nor is being in the aim of a gun. But actually being shot, bleeding out? This is something you never get used to. 
Jay had been lying on the cold concrete floor for about two minutes now, unaware that minutes had passed. Everything happened so fast. The bullet missed his bulletproof vest and hit his side, invading him with pain and knocking him to the ground.
Jay made an effort but failed to reach for his radio that he dropped when he fell. Being alone, bleeding out from a hole in your belly, is enough to send anyone into a panic. But not him, because Jay knew that was not how he would die, chasing a stupid drug dealer who shot him down an alley in the middle of the day. He wasn't even supposed to be there alone in the first place. 
His team would find him. Hailey would find him.
Half a minute later, Jay hears footsteps coming from the other side of the alley. His hands loosened the hold on his side where he was stanching the bleeding with a piece of his plaid shirt. They got to him, he could relax now. 
The footsteps were soft, they were probably from Hailey or Kim, even Hank coming-
“Jesus Christ! Sir, what happened?” Jay's head moved in the direction of the voice so fast that he felt pain shooting through his entire body. 
His vision was getting blurry, be he could make out a teenage girl who could not be older than fifteen. She was staring at him from 10 steps away and the strain his neck was doing to look at her was making him even more uncomfortable. He resumed his previous position with a loud groan, pressing the piece of fabric tighter against his side again. 
The action calls the girl's attention to the wound, the amount of blood making her gasp and kneel on the ground beside the man. Although she had never seen a gunshot wound before, she knew it was one. She noticed his vest, his gun, and his radio on the ground. He was a cop and he was bleeding out on the pavement right in front of her. She had to do something.
Her hands flew to the wound, joining his bigger ones in stopping the bleeding. She took out her coat, pressing it to the wound. 
“My belt” Jay said, reaching out to it. He had attempted to remove it earlier, but his hands were shaking excessively and he lacked the strength to do so. Just like he couldn't reach for his radio to call for help.
She got the message and took his belt. His badge and gunholder coming off in the process. The girl knew she had to do a tourniquet, so she wrapped the belt around his side, finding some difficulty in doing so, but still managed to succeed. More grunts of pain left Jay as she tightened the belt. 
Her hands and clothes were covered in blood, and her face had some splashes from when she tried to get her hair out of the way.
What to do now? She couldn't carry him, she couldn't leave him here alone to die either. 
“The radio, take my radio” Jay's voice was weaker now, he was using all his strength to not pass out. 
She looked back and stood up to retrieve the radio. She came back and kneeled beside him again, waiting for more instructions. It was crazy how he could still think rationally in these conditions. She felt so powerless because he was the one dying, but he was still managing to tell her what to do. She knew, however, that he was probably trained for moments like this.
“What's your name?” Jay said after a moment trying to catch his breath.
“Olivia” She answered, her voice shaking.
The girl glanced down at the name carved on his vest “Halstead, Intelligence” she read out loud. 
“Yeah, yeah, you-” he coughed. “You pull this switch and press this button” his blood-soaked hand showed her how to do it.
“Call for help, tell them the address” were Jay’s last words before he started to feel his consciousness fading away.
He turned his head to the side, feeling the cold on his cheek. His vision went completely black but he could still hear Olivia's voice in the background.
Jay could not make out what she was saying but the last thing he heard before passing out was Hank's voice through the radio “Who the hell are you?!”
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You all recognize the lyrics from the title, right? Thank you for reading and let me know what you think! It's my first time attempting to write a story with multiple chapters so any form of encouragement is much appreciated ♡
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uncasualfangirl · 2 years
It's so nice to see him smile again on set
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fangirlfrom-hell · 11 months
Remember that I'm stupid and accidentally delated my blog and lost all my fics 😭 I found some, and I'll be re-posting them during these days. I'm still positive I will find the rest.
Chicago PD Masterlist
Becca (Halstead sister) sees her father die
Halstead Sister
Big Brothers' Reunion Goes Worng
Can I do an Experiment?
A Day Full of Emotions
The Funeral
Cool Girl
October 1st and Traditions Gone Worng
Several Missed Calls and a Sprained Ankle
Absolution and Mercy (7x9-7x10)
Marigolds: A Day of the Dead Story
In trouble
Music Fest
One of those days
The Weight Station (S2x03)
Chapter 1
The Fragile Bonds
Part 1 Part 3
Part 2 Part 4
Upstead Daughter
Swearing Jar
When your Parents are Detectives you Gotta try Harder
Jay Halstead x Reader
How Many Detectives Are Needed To Sleep A Baby?
"My Daddy has to Fight Some Bad Guys"
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sayafics · 1 year
Just For A Moment - Part 1
Jay Halstead x OC/reader
This is my first time trying to write something angsty, so please be kind! I've seen quite a few fics where the partner always gets seen when they see their SO cheating, and its always teary denials and breakups, I wanted to put a spin on it and go down the line of "she knows, but she doesn't tell anyone" and the OC kind of just thinks of them as broken up and strangers without telling their SO that.
My plan with this storyline is that everyone kind of sides with Jay because no one really knows why she's being so cold with him, and it just carries on building until it reaches the breaking point. The question is, who'll break first?
Please let me know if you enjoyed this!
TW: cheating, (slightly?) angsty
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Voight had extended an offer for Aurora Gallo to join his Intelligence department a few days after Erin had left, Erin's departure left a gaping hole in the team and Voight was hopeful that Aurora would be the one to mend it.
Aurora was the daughter of an old friend of Hank's. She'd spent a few short years working her way through different organisations such as the CIA and FBI as an undercover operative.
But she needed a break. She was slowly losing herself in the multiple lives she had lived, and she needed a change.
Aurora hadn't expected the offer from Voight, but she was grateful all the same.
She moved to Chicago shortly after his offer, joining the Intelligence office and being partnered with him.
Jay Halstead.
Jay was an enigma - one she couldn't get enough of.
She had heard the rumours, of course. Of how Jay had been in love with Erin before she left.
And she had been the one to replace Erin, in both the team, and now in Jay's life.
It was hard not to draw comparisons. The whispers of the department always found their way to her, and, sometimes, when she looked into Jay's eyes, she always thought she could see him longing for more.
But she told herself not to worry, that Jay cared for her, that Jay chose her.
Not Erin, and definitely not anyone else.
That's what she continued to tell herself. Even after Hailey joined the team, even after Hailey found ways to get close to Jay when she wasn't his partner.
Soon, the small habits that Jay carried out for Aurora, he would carry out for Hailey too.
Checking up on her after a tough case, bringing her coffee in the mornings, dropping her off home after a late day at work, and picking her up bright and early in the morning. All of it, once done just for Aurora, were now moments and memories she shared with Hailey.
And just like that, those actions lost their meaning. But Aurora learnt to hide her hurt, instead choosing to ignore her heart and listen to Jay.
They were just friends.
That was what Jay had said the first time she expressed her concerns over their relationship, and she believed it. That everything Jay did for Hailey was out of the goodness of his heart because he was just so good.
So, on the night of their six month anniversary, when Aurora had dolled herself up and grabbed the cake, she had spent the whole day baking, on her way out of her apartment, she had left with a heart full of love and excitement.
The team had the day off today, and she had spent most of her morning at Jay's house before drumming up an excuse to go back to her apartment so she could finish her preparations.
Aurora held no sadness in her heart at the idea Jay might have forgotten their six month anniversary, after all such a thing wasn't significant to everyone.
But it was special to her, and she wanted to celebrate it with Jay - surprise him even.
Before leaving his place, she had asked Jay if he had plans, and he denied saying his only plan was to drink beer and watch the game. The revelation had calmed her nerves as she promised to text him later if she was free, knowing that she wouldn't because she wanted to surprise him instead.
And that was why she now stood in front of Jay's apartment, a small box with the cake she had baked and decorated that afternoon laid by her feet as she rummaged for the spare key Jay had given her for emergencies.
This seemed like the biggest emergency of all. If she stayed outside any longer, the frosting on her cake would melt off. And no one likes melted frosting.
As she quietly opened the door, she prayed silently that Jay had fallen asleep on the couch as she bent over to pick up her cake before walking through the door. As she closed the door behind her, her heart had calmed at the silence that rang through the apartment, hopeful that Jay truly had fallen asleep so she could set up the kitchen table before waking him.
She had taken two steps towards the kitchen before her eyes landed on the couch, and through the dim lights of a table lamp, she could make out that it was empty. She frowned slightly, hoping Jay wasn't asleep in bed - he rarely slept well, and the idea of waking him from a deep sleep rather than a nap would have just made her feel guilty.
If he had, she would just have to surprise him in the morning, and the thought brought a timid smile onto her face.
She continued her walk towards the kitchen, her steps quiet but hurried as the skirt of her deep blue dress billows around her thighs. She sets the cake on the kitchen counter, hands ready to lift up the lid to see the damage her journey here had done to the cake before she heard it.
Aurora felt her heart sink, pressure building in her sternum as the sound she heard repeated over and over again, not only in her head but in the apartment.
It sounded like... a woman?
She felt her breath stutter, the quiet moans she heard building in volume as she slipped her heels off and treaded cautiously towards the room she knew to be Jay's. After all, she and Jay had been in there many times.
As she got closer towards the room, her hands trembled as she stumbled, her feet catching on clothes thrown astray. The sight caused her to hesitate, frozen in a stupor as she looked at the articles of clothing which littered the floor.
Shoes, trousers, shirts. Women's clothes.
Aurora screwed up her eyes harshly, her breaths coming out in ragged pants as she tried to control herself, trying to convince herself that she was wrong. That Jay couldn't do anything wrong. He cares about her. He loves her. He said so himself. Her Jay wouldn't do something like this.
She opened her eyes, determination painted her gaze as she continued her path to Jay's room. His door was cracked open, and she held her breath as she peaked through.
Aurora's heart fell to the ground - shattered and broken. She had hoped, and she had prayed that the grunts and pleas - sounds she was so familiar with - were just a trick her paranoia was playing on her.
But looking into Jay's room, there was no denying it.
There sat her boyfriend, on the bed they had made love in, fucking another woman. Jay was leaning against the headboard, his head thrown back in pleasure as his hand gripped the waist of the blonde woman perched on his lap, his knuckles blanched as he ground her hips against his, the motion causing a moan of pleasure to wrench itself from her throat, his name on her lips as she spoke - "fuck, Jay, I'm so close."
The blood had drained from Aurora's face, she knows that voice.
"I know, baby. I'm close, too. God, Hail you feel so good."
Tears began to well in Aurora's eyes. Jay calls her baby, and now he's called her too?
This wasn't some one night stand or some mistake. No, Jay cares about Hailey, so much so that he is willing to betray Aurora to have her.
Aurora's throat ached as she held back her sobs, her heart burning in agony as she stepped back quietly from the door. She made her way back to her things and hastily grabbed her box of cake and shoes as she scrambled away from Jay's apartment, running away from the her own nightmare.
She made it to her car, hands shaking as she shut herself in and sobs poured out from her.
Aurora had no one to go to. She didn't know the team as well as Jay, and she hadn't been around Chicago enough to make close friends. Her previous career and her lifestyle made it hard to make friends, much less keep them.
And now, when she needed someone the most, she had no one.
And she had lost the one person she thought she could always go to.
Aurora's eyes were filled with tears, and her heart filled with pain as she drove home. Her hands were shaky on the steering wheel, and she relied on muscle memory to bring her back to the place she felt the most safe in.
The place she had allowed Jay in, the place she was the most vulnerable in. And he ruined it. He ruined her.
Without warning, anger began to bubble in her chest. Anger towards herself for being so naive to believe Jay when he said they were just friends, anger towards Jay for lying to her, for betraying her, anger towards Hailey for being a friend to her only to betray her too.
The anger that built up in her on the drive home festered throughout the night. As Aurora lay in bed, struggling to quieten her mind enough to get some sleep, her eyes burning from all the tears she shed and her throat raw from her screams and cries, she felt her anger morph into dread.
Tomorrow, she would see the man that betrayed her, and the woman she called a friend.
On her nightstand, her phone continued to light up the ceiling as notifications popped up. But Halstead's texts went unanswered.
The next morning, Aurora had awoken from a restless sleep, and she instinctively reached for her phone, a ghost of a smile on her face as she looked for the sweet 'good morning' messages her Jay would send her every morning.
Hey baby, you okay? You didn't come back over yesterday.
Aurora felt her smile falter - the most recent text Halstead sent caused the memories of last night to flash past her eyes. The remembrance of his lies and his betrayal once more brings tears to her eyes as they fall, leaving hot trails in their tracks.
Her eyes then fall to a text from Voight - Case. Meet at 9.
It was currently 7:30am, which gave her plenty of time to pull herself together and push away the dread of having to see the two people she trusted most after their betrayal.
She pushed herself out of bed, shuffling towards the bathroom - dear God, she looked a mess. The makeup from last night still painted her face, but her mascara and eyeliner were now smudged and drawn down her cheeks in smeared streaks, and through the smudged-off makeup, the faint lines of the scars she hid could be seen.
And her eyes, they looked sad.
And that realisation made fury bite at her, she looked so pathetic.
God, it was her fault. To let him in so easily, after all she had been through and all she had learnt about men. She had still gone and trusted one with her heart.
Aurora had come across all kinds of men and stood against them undefeated - those who beat their wives and children, those who hurt and raped the innocent, those who killed without fear of consequences and those who tortured with hearts full of glee.
And yet, it was Jay Halstead who broke her. All because she let him in, let him get too close.
Determination set in her gaze once more. She wouldn't let Halstead be the end of her. No, she was stronger than that, better than that.
With that thought in mind, Aurora got ready to face the man she once called her boyfriend and the love of her life.
When Aurora stepped into the district, it was obvious to Sargent Platt that something was different.
She looked the same - her hair pinned up in the same sleek ponytail, dressed in the same long sleeve jumper and cargos. But her face was void of emotions, and her eyes looked like they were drowning in them.
Sargent Platt liked Aurora. She was a good kid, and despite all the years she spent around violence and horror in her years undercover, she had managed to keep a pure heart and a joyful soul.
It seemed now that both of those things had been drained out of her.
"Hey, kid. Come here a sec."
"Sorry, Sargent, got a case," Aurora nodded stiffly in Trudy's direction before walking up the steps to the intelligence office.
Aurora has called her boss, even Platt. When she tried to push her friendship with her, Aurora would even call her Trudy, sometimes, in a teasing manner. But she had never been so formal, so devoid of emotion.
Trudy felt worried for the girl, her mind running countless scenarios as she wondered what had made her lose her light in such a short amount of time.
When Aurora had made her way up the stairs, the office was already buzzing, her team talking and walking around in circles as they discussed the case on hand - a twelve year old boy had been kidnapped, this was the third case over the last ten days and the other victims had been found dead. Homicide had turned up empty in their investigation, and given how close the last case was to their district, Voight offered to take it off their hands, to which they gladly agreed.
She looked over her colleagues, scanning the room for the one person she was unsure of if she would want to see. But it seems his eyes found her first.
"Babe, there you are," Jay's voice sounded exasperated as he leapt up from his seat at his desk, and just like always, Hailey was hovering over his shoulder.
Usually, the action would cause her to feel slightly annoyed, the feeling being quelled when Jay would hold her hand or kiss her cheek or just say her name.
Now, the sight brought a burst of emotions, all of which she fought down and locked away to face at another time when she was alone and it was safe to be vulnerable.
Halstead made his way to her, his hands cupping her cheeks as he looked at her in concern, "baby, you didn't answer my texts, I was so worried."
Aurora shrugged lightly, her face still blank as she found she had no energy to even fake a smile to him, "I was tired."
No apology, no placation. Because he didn't deserve that.
It seemed that Jay had noticed her lack of reason and apology, too, the concern in his eyes growing as Aurora pushed his hands down gently - "we have a case to work."
She pushed past him and walked to her desk, ignoring the 'hey, Aurora' Hailey had thrown her way, grateful when Voight had chosen that exact moment to step out of his office and brief them.
Unbeknownst to her, Jay continued to eye her in worry. He had already been struggling to fight off the guilt he felt when he stepped out on Aurora and slept with Hailey, but to see her so drawn away and isolated only made that grow. Paranoia ate at his heart, but he knew there could be no way she caught them.
Voight had given them the basics of Aurora's past career as an undercover agent, and Jay knew that if she had caught him and Hailey, they would be working on their murder case right now instead.
What do we think? Do we want a part 2?👀
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deanstead · 2 years
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Posting the masterlist under the cut for all the fics under this so far! Bingo has been extended to 31 Jan 2023, so I'll continue to update as new fics come in as well! If your fic is not here, please let me know! Enjoy!
Supernatural Elements: There Will Be Peace (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Kids: A Girl (Will Halstead x Reader)
Snowed In: Snowstorm (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Fight that ends in a kiss: Hate Fighting (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: News (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Fake Dating: Private Life (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Waking Up Next To Each Other: Our Little Secret (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
College AU: Change (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Vows (Connor Rhodes x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Bad Feeling (Matt Casey x Reader)
5+1: Five Times, and then One (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Neighbors: Spare Key (Connor Rhodes x Reader)
Kidnap/Hostage: Coming Home (Halstead!Sister)
Free: Christmas Surprise (Jay Halstead x Reader)
First Fight: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (Will Halstead x Reader)
Facing Fears: Unknown Threat (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Road Trip: Interstate Intimacy (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Woke up next to each other: Wrong Door (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Supernatural Elements: Thinning Of The Veil (Jay Halstead x Reader)
5 + 1: Five Times and a Date (Matt Casey x Reader)
Free: I Only Want To Be With You (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Fights that ends in a kiss: The Red Strokes (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: In Sickness and In Health (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Weddings/Proposals: Suspects and Surprises (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: Free Will (Will Halstead x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Chasing Shadows Away (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Kidnap/Hostage: Sacrifice (Dean Winchester)
Free Space: The Way You Look In Black (Dean Winchester)
5 + 1: A Guardian Angel and Her Knight (Jake Seresin)
5 + 1: 5 + 1 (Will Halstead x Sylvie Brett)
First Fight: First Fight (Rheese)
Free Space: Quiet Nights (Brettsey)
Fake Dating: What Are We? (Will Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Sicker than a dog (Halstead!Sister)
Bodyguard AU: Bodyguard (Upstead)
Facing Fears: Positive (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: secrets, soup and sassiness (Halstead!Sister)
High School/College AU: there for her (Upstead)
Supernatural Elements: Prince of Hell (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Stay Awake (Burgstead) // Stabbed (Halstead Brothers)
Hurt Feelings: Not Pretty (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Free Space: Happy Birthday (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Road Trip: Optimal Road Trip (Halstead!Sister, Upstead)
Coffee Ship AU: Coffee Shop (Intelligence)
Neighbors: Start of Something New (Derek Morgan x Reader)
First Fight: Journey To The Past Ch 15 (Bryan Kneef x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: Journey To The Past Ch 16 (Bryan Kneef x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Dunbar Magic Hot Chocolate (Heather Dunbar x Reader)
Snowed In: Washington Whiteout (Elizabeth Keane x Reader)
Forced Proximity: Learn to Share (Emily Prentiss x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Iowa Chill (Heather Dunbar x Jackie Sharp)
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i have wips and ideas i just have no idea what to write.
would yall rather see halstead sister, upstead daughter au, halstead brother au or will halstead x ruzek sister? like idk
and i have two halstead sisters but they're kinda the same plot just a bit different
also I've started writing in 2nd person more, but the daughter au, the brother au, and one of the hasltead sisters are ocs. the other two are in 2nd person. all of them are basically wips except for the oc halstead sister
so yeah which would yall rather see?
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