#used disney long sleeve shirts
speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You recently moved to a cabin in the woods for some peaceful time alone. But that is ruined when somehow a wide variety of different animals invade your space out of nowhere. Was this your Disney princess era or is there something more to it..
Also a crazy killer seems to be also on the loose as of now. And this guy who seems to be your new neighbour seems suspicious. Is there any connection?
(I kinda just had some scenarios made in my mind with the hazbin crew as animals so I decided to write them(◕ᴗ◕✿) )
Master list
CH-1: The fluffy and the winged friend
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As you turned the key,the door opened with a click. A gust of dusty air left the cabin as you opened the door. Coughing a little you started to look for the light switch with your hand. Soon you found it and turned it on as light filled the room. It was the kitchen from the looks of it. There was an old stove on the left side of the room,followed by a sink and a countertop.
On the right side was a wooden sofa. It look to be in bad shape as some of its parts had been eaten by bugs.You took a mental note to fix that later. There was a small stool beside the sofa which looked pretty okay. There was also a window above the sink. You went there and opened it to let some fresh air in. There was two more room to explore. You went in the right one.
This time it was a bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on a corner. Alongside it was your wardrobe and on the other side of the room was a chair and a table, all of which you made sure to be moved here before you came. There was a door in there too which you guessed was the bathroom. You went to the window above the table and opened it to let the sunlight in.
The other room was a bit spacious with a small fireplace and some old books with shelves in a corner. There was a lounge there too. Everything looked pretty neat for now.After finishing your tour of the cabin you took a big breath.
You used almost all the money you saved up till now to buy this cabin around the woods. You really wanted to settle down in a quiet place close to nature from your childhood and it just seemed perfect.
"Welp,time to get some unpacking done"
You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and went to the balcony where all of your stuff were left in a pile of boxes. You crouched down and picked up a box labeled 'kitchen' and started to work.
You took a break at noon to whip something up quick for lunch and rest. The rest of the unpacking was almost done by afternoon,as you didn't have much anyway. You went to get one last box that was left on the balcony. It was a bit bigger then other ones. You went to open it up,but suddenly it started to violently shake.
"What the-"
You quickly took a couple steps back. You don't remember placing something moving or vibrating in that box. At least nothing that would start moving by itself like a blender. Gulping down you you slowly inched to the box again. As you were close to touching the lid, it opened by itself. Being startled,you quickly retrieved your hands as a pair of horns poked through the box.
Suddenly that something with horns jumped in front of you from the box. It was a sheep, a small fluffy adorable sheep. Following its jump, an ashy moth also flew out from the box and sat on the sheep's horns.
You were confused as hell. How the heck did a whole ass sheep and a big moth get inside your box? It didn't seem like the boxes were open beforehand. But swatting away that confusion,you focused on what to do with the two little creatures in front of you right now.
Your cabin was surrounded by woods on one side and it was far from safe for a little sheep like it. Plus you really wanted to pet it for some reason. Deciding you'll keep it with you for however long You can. You slowly started to get close to it holding out your hand.
The sheep was looking at you curiously and started to walk over to your hand. While the moth seemed to be tensed by you almost.
Slowly the sheep was under your reach. You softly put your hand on it head and began to pet it. The sheep closed it eyes which you think meant it was enjoying it. The moth seemed to be comfortable too now. Looking closer, you noticed the moth was missing one of it's eye. There was a cross where it's left eye should be.
Normally you weren't a big fan of moths. But this one really looked pretty. You mentally cursed whichever thing that made such a cute creature look like this.
Now you slowly tried to pick up the sheep so you can carry it to your room. You had some vegetables left over that you could give to the sheep.
"Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?"
You spoke in a soft voice attempting to reassure it. But then it hit you that they wouldn't understand your language. You mentally facepalmed yourself right then for your stupidity. But to your surprise,it came closer to you and let itself be picked up. Even looking a bit happy in the process if that was possible. You heart absolutely melted at the sight of it and the soft fur. The moth flew and sat on top of your head.
"Well then, let's get going,shall we?"
You said as you walked back into the cabin with the small sheep in hand and moth on your head. At least you wouldn't feel lonely in this cabin tonight.
(A/n: just trying to get the environment figured out in this chapter and I'm not really good with it:') )
(Also this is already published in both ao3 and wattpad under the same name. But I wanted to publish it here too and see how it goes. The artwork isn't mine!!)
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thewriterg · 1 year
drowning, falling into you
pairing(s): miles morales x black!reader, mace morales (earth!42 miles) x black!reader, rio morales x black!reader, morales twins x punk!reader,
summary: In no shape or form did you see yourself in or wanting to go to Visions academy but you didn’t have much of a choice did you welcome the change with open arms? Hell no you happened to be angry at the world actually and you made sure to make it just about everyone’s problem
word count: 2.0k
warning(s): RUSTY Spanish, semi bullying, rocker reader, twins are like 17 pushing 18, descriptions of violence, stealing, reader can be read w an accent, wounds, and language
playlist; fiction (dreams in digital) by orgy,
A/n;—Pics from Pinterest— new series!? 🙀
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she’s lost in coma where it’s beautiful, intoxicated from the deep sleep
You hummed out a response at your tour guide that you had been paying little to no mind to as the boy Kayden or Kyle you couldn’t quite care to remember showed you around your new school looking over a copy of your schedule accordingly and showing you which classrooms you had to make it to neither were you offended at the look you got when he saw all of your core classes were indeed AP
You walked behind the blonde with a slight stride in your step you were about an inch or two taller than him with the boots you wore giving you a boost in height also your electric guitar swayed gently on your back the neck of it peering over your shoulder while the body sat against the back of your thighs
“Well you’ve already got your dorm information, your locker, I think you’re all set” You now we’re in front of your first class how the hell were you going to get through a precalculus class as a junior at eight o’clock in the morning for the next seven months was beyond your comprehension
“Yeah, ‘preciate it mate” You muttered before taking a step into the classroom and just like every corny, cliche high school Disney movie eyes were on you but instead in usual desks they were all standing in various places of the classroom as the teacher a heavier dark skinned woman her gray locs pinned into a bun at the crown of her head as she stood with a clipboard originally reading off names before your presence interrupted
“You must be Miss y/l/n it’s wonderful to have you with us” The middle aged woman greeted not before double backing at your outfit that was no where near school uniform you stuck out like a sore thumb with your black leather jacket pins littering the the front and collar, your a size too big straight cut jeans black washed, and a old ripped in some places long sleeve shirt for the cooler November weather
“Y/n is fine mam, and I would say feelings mutual but I would be lying through my teeth” You could hear various snickers and giggles from around the room which you ignored waiting for further direction from the woman who sighed in tiredness any other time you would feel a slight bit of remorse for teachers who were not paid enough to do the job they did but today you couldn’t seem to care hell the school system was corrupted and narcissistic anyhow
“Well we’re in the middle of our seating arrangement change and who you’ll be sitting next to is the person you’ll be working with for the rest of the year” Not like you would be working with the poor lad anyway as time passed the occupation of seats were filled up some silently cheered at their shoulder partner while others groaned and soon you knew it your name was finally called
“Lastly we have Miss Y/l/n and Mr Morales” Mrs Brinker you had learned the woman’s name easily when it was being called over forty times in requests of a seat change called out directing you to your seat which you opted closest to the wall making sure to sling your guitar off your shoulder to sit it against it
“Hey I’m Miles! I know you’re new and if you want I can help you out and—” You watched the toffee toned boy with attentiveness which on his side looked like you were just glaring him down before you kissed your teeth opting your line of sight to the front of the classroom
“Okay” The brunette muttered awkwardly taking his seat next to you directing his attention to the smart board he had to admit that you reminded him of his twin a lot but he was still determined on getting you to speak to him… eventually
Whispering small comments to himself as Mrs Brinker went over practice problems over the board to refresh their memory over the weekend a sheet of paper was eventually passed back to you both with the instructions of one partner gets odd numbers one gets even and to finish the paper by the end of the class bell
Miles had never struggled with math but this section in particular was very difficult for him luckily it was only the second section but something about the law of sines and cosines didn’t seem to want to stick in his head so opting to look over at you and instead of working on your problems you were writing in some type of journal tapping your foot steadily even your resting face looked unapproachable
You and Mace would get along great
“Uhm do you mind helping on these last few problems… please?” The boy spoke out his last few words pleading as a squeak slipping through his teeth and he watched as you turn your body towards him a slight sigh resting on your lips as you did so
“X=1 so carry the X or the 1 whatever works best for your mental, over your total and then sum it together…” Suddenly in the middle of your explanation Miles forced himself to focus in on your voice scolding himself when his eyes drifted on your side of the two seat table along with the discovery of the small notebook had realized you’d finished your problems with the piece of paper he had to give you, he noticed you chose all odd number instead of even opposite of him who fought as if he was in war when it came to even numbers
Hed liked to think that you'd both get along fine… if he could get over the fear that settled in him when you looked at him with siren like eyes that had squeaks and helium sounds produced from his vocal chords the dark eyeliner around your eyes just enhancing the fact so with the missing part to his formula he finished the rest of his problems quicker than usual soon taking his and your paper up to the turn in bin making sure to staple it together before the fact just in time for the bell to ring
While students blared through the door out of the classroom when he was finally able to return back to his seat to get his books you were gone without a trace he didn't have time to dwell on it before he heard police sirens blaring in the distance he huffed looking up on the wall watching as the clock read 12;17 the longer red hand moving around the face faster than any other he had a conference at 12;45 as he contemplated his decisions
He could make it
He could not make it.
“What took you so long?” He heard the distorted voice coming from a mask that could have sent chills down his spine, the looming presence that could make goosebumps rise up on his skin, could even make his knees shake.
“Got caught up in… traffic” The boy muttered the spandex of his suit clinging to his body while he could hear a deep chuckle from under the mask that made him huff
“Yeah well tell moms that you ‘just got caught up in traffic’ when she kicks your ass for being late” Miles could feel the eyeroll from under his twins mask as his claw swung slightly at his side his double braids sitting on his shoulders neatly
“Hah, so funny. What’s going on?” The slightly taller boy questions balancing off the balls of his feet as he scanned the street listening to Mace huff out a grunt in a response
“Some cow lookin’ joint, calls himself the spot. Perdiendo mi maldito tiempo, pregúntame.” The last fraise was muttered under his breath before he dropped down off the building his low gravity boots helping land smoothly and soon Miles was following after checking the time on his watch
The twins watched as the the… spotted being struggled to steal from an ATM politely asking the store owner who they referred to as “pa” to let him rob him… in peace chase him around the store with a bat in amusement Miles slipped a beef patty from the case into the microwave waiting for it to heat up while Mace simply watched the scene unfold sitting on the counter in front of the register eyes squinting behind the mask
“Why do people say ATM machine? The ‘M’ stands for machine.” Miles hung from the ceiling biting down on his snack mask pulled just over his nose watching as the… being scrambled to stand tall in his presence which sent him through another one of his own portals in response the teen jumped down from his place above the floor pushing the half of pa Lenny that wasn’t with the rest of him
“Ayo pa, how much we owe you for a beef patty and these chips man” Mace called voice even more gruff as his accent mixed with how distortion of the mask
“Prow, Spidey if you catch him? It’s on the house.”
“Woah Spiderman! This is real.” The spot hyped himself jogging in black while Miles watched him In nothing more than curiosity after he turned the isle to be faced to… black hole with him
“So are you like a Cow or… a Dalmatian?” He questioned in genuine curiosity causing a small chuckle from his twin that he wouldn’t have been able to catch without his enhanced abilities his attention adverting back to the criminal
“I am… the spot. We meet again Spiderman” Miles struggled to keep from laughing trying not to choke on the food in his mouth as loaf of bread fell through the portal of his stomach denying the accusations with his hands up
“So is that a costume orrr?”
“Unfortunately for both of us this is skin… you see I’m from your pas-” The vigilante interrupted the criminal as his phone went off causing the dotted figure to huff out a mock whine Mace checked his also getting the same notification he did fixing Miles with one look
“My bad but I really gotta wrap this up” shooting two different webs from the shooters on his wrist they traveled through a portal coming back to smack him in the face quite little as he struggled to get the sticky fluid off his mask the spot traveling out of the store before he followed chasing after him Mace sighed out a huff with a roll of his eyes sliding five dollars across the counter
“Keep the change”
“Cant you just act like a regular supervillain so I can catch you!” Miles struggled traveling through different portals of the spot the scene was unpleasant to say the least while Mace softened the blow of things a new addition to his claw that lowered the faculty of gravity
“We’re crunching on time Hermano!” He called out after lowering a taxi to the ground after keeping it from crashing into another bodega
“Almost… done” The teen groaned dodging different fists that came from a portal before tying it with a web and before he knew it all different limbs of the spot were tied in web fluid the spot in the middle of it all after before running off
“Come back here nemesis!”
“And don’t escape!” He called back swinging from building to building Mace not far behind him on their way back to academy he was able to see the police cars he heard over all surrounding a local pawn shop that had probably got stolen from and was able to hear the head of police say something along the lines of
“That damn cat is becoming a pain in my ass”
Hey… hey, how you guys doing 😖
Not going to lie to you started school in early EARLY August and these honors classes have been kicking my ASS.
I’m also In drama club, student council, & yearbook club so please bare with me
Trying to learn to balance everything out but I’ll get it eventually‼️
Also I’m so ready for autumn 🍂 <333
Enough with life updates,
More of the twins than anything to get us started but it’s okay because I’m HOPING to post every Monday or every other Monday
Also thank you guys so much for 1.4K I’ll start crying in here 😖
Have a good day and be safe writers !<;33 -G
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brettsearpiercing · 6 months
The Nearness of You
Connor DBH x reader fluff
another oldie, this time from 2022,, it was part of a longer piece that i scratched, but i ended up liking this little part of a chapter
✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧
As you grew near to Connor’s apartment, you were greeted by the murmur of music through walls. It would appear one of your friend’s neighbors was discovering the pleasures of listening to old music, so as you knocked on the door number written on the little paper you were holding in your left hand (in your right one was a bag, hiding a housewarming gift), you hummed along with the melody of an old disney song.
After a second of waiting and some rustling behind the door, you could hear the lock click, and an adorably disheveled Connor appeared in front of you. His hair was a bit messier than usual, he had (not surprisingly) put on a white shirt, which was rolled up at the sleeves (much to your delight), and slacks. He looked very good, to say the least.
“You look nice” was the first thing he said, voice barely a whisper, you almost didn’t hear him with the music next door. He then looked into your eyes, like he had just realized he wasn’t doing just that. “Hello! You didn’t need to bring a gift!” he said, but you could tell he couldn’t wait to open it, excitement apparent in his voice.
“Oh, please, it’s your first apartment! Besides, I know you’re gonna need one of these in here” you simply said.
“Alright, if you say so... I believe you.” he said with a smile. “Come in!”
The inside of the apartment was nice, a modest living room and open concept kitchen, ‘this was clearly built in the 2010s’. In the living room there was a small TV and a loveseat couch, a white coffee table and some big, nice windows served as doors to a balcony. The kitchen was fully equipped with a stove, a dishwasher and a fridge. You’d look up why an android’s house needs those appliances when you got home. Anyhow, it was, dare you say, nicer than your own apartment, but much less personal.
Like reading your mind, he said; “There are still some boxes to unpack, that’s why the decoration is so... nonexistent.”
“Oh, tell me about it. When I first moved in I had beach chairs instead of a couch. Honestly I spent more time on the floor than I’d like to admit.” He let out a small chuckle, you were still holding the bag. You were still holding the-! “Oh- here! Happy house! I mean, happy moving in? Happy life.” you said, a little flustered you had been holding the bag for so long. Connor stretched out his hand, hooking his fingers under the handles of the brown paper bag. As he looks inside, he can’t help but smile.
A little potted mint plant is sitting inside the bag. “I remember you liked it when you tasted the one in my garden, so I brought you a little sprout of mine,” you hesitated in your explanation, you weren’t sure why you were so bashful about remembering something he liked. It was a sweet, friendly gesture! He had nothing to read into, even if you wanted him to.
“It’s lovely, thank you.” It was the first time you had heard him use the word ‘lovely’ to describe something, and it made you feel proud he used it describing something you gave him.“I think it was the first thing I ever actually tasted, so this is really...” he looks at you and you spot what you hope is fondness peaking in his mechanic eyes. “Nice. Thank you.” he then carefully takes the plant and places it next to the couch, facing the window.
“It’s nothing. All apartments need some green in them. Maybe I’ll get you some basil next.”
“Oh, thank you, but one gift is enough. I’ve only moved in!” he chuckles, “though your offer is quite kind.” he looks at you for a moment, pensive, then speaks again. “I guess that’s just a ‘you’ thing, isn’t it?”
“Oh.” the gasp is barely a whisper, and it leaves your mouth quickly, but that doesn’t mean it goes unnoticed.
“I’m sorry, did I overstep?” Connor worries. Actually, Connor worries a lot, specially when it’s about interactions with you. He can’t put his finger on why it pains him so much to see you frown at something he says. He is worried now, yet you’re not frowning. Quite the opposite, actually. Your eyebrows are shot up, like if they could pop out of your face and go up to the ceiling, they would. Your heartbeat is also going faster, and blood is rushing to your cheeks. When you don’t answer, he says your name in a tone that screams ‘nervous as all fuck’.
“I...” his voice caught in his throat (in the most figurative way possible). Why wasn’t he saying anything!? The music coming from his neighbor’s house wasn’t allowing him to think correctly, his thoughts and the words from the song intertwining and confusing him.
“I like this song,” you quipped, trying to help dissipate the frown crawling subconsciously onto his face. “Ella Fitzgerald is really talented... Don’t you have this record?”
“Yes, actually.” happy at a question he can answer easily, he smiles softly, the frown still adorning his features, though less intensely now, “It’s in one of the boxes for now, though.”
“Ah, I see. Well, it’s still super nice that you have it. You lucked out, really.” he notices you swaying in time with the music.
He starts swaying with the music as well, a smooth trumpet solo paving the way for his steps, getting closer to you. He’s nervous, yet you’re not able to tell. He hopes you’re not able to. He’d be mortified.
"Care to dance?"
“Of course,” you smile at him, “I love a good dance partner” you wink, only half-joking. Your heart rate goes up again and that goddamned blush animation makes its way up his neck.
You hold out your hand to him, and he takes it. Your skin is soft and pliable under his hard plasteel cover. As you raise your hand to eye level to move into a more adequate dancing position, you notice something about Connor’s hand he’s oblivious about: it’s turning white.
“Whoa.” He’s too busy at first, looking at your astonished expression with amusement. Then he wonders about what you’re looking at, and follows your stare to find that (oh no!) he’s trying to interface with you, even though he knows you’re not capable of reciprocating. How... humiliating. Just in time, the music stops as the song comes to an end.
Looks like the neighbors decided to finally go to sleep.
There’s a moment in which you look into each other’s eyes, and you can see a hint of terror in your friend’s eyes. You hope he sees tranquility in yours, yet he only finds pity.
‘Oh, poor little thing, it’s trying so hard.’ Yet the rational part of him stops him from spiraling down. No, you wouldn’t call him an ‘it’ before the revolution, he doesn’t think you’d do it now. Yet the pity is still apparent to him.
Only him, though.
“I am so sorry-” he looks away suddenly, and tries to get his fucking hand away from you(‘ohmygodthisisawful') yet you interlace your fingers and he stops trying to pull away when he feels resistance. It’s his turn to watch, shocked, as your human knuckles press between his man-made ones.
“Are you... trying to interface with me?”--a painfully obvious question he forces himself to answer.
“Yes. I’m sorry if this is inconvenient.”
“No, it’s... it’s fine. I just thought this was like, I don’t know, super personal for you guys.”
“It is. Again, sorry if it’s-”
“No. Don’t be dumb, you don’t have to apologize for... whatever this means.”
‘It means I like you a lot. Please realize that already.’
“Alright, then. I don’t quite know what it means either. I’m just as confused as you are.” he lies.
You stay silent.
“Connie?” he can feel his software searching for what he’s trying to connect to, and the feeling intensifies when he hears the nickname you’ve given him, “ I think... Just, going by what I’ve heard...” he must be dreaming again, “I think this means you like me.” That, or he’s hallucinating.
“It’s-” his audio generator lags, “It’s more than that.” he’s lucky he isn’t able to vomit, because he’s sure he’d be spilling his guts right about now with how nervous he is.
“Oh?” his skin keeps retracting and now his whole forearm is white. He’s partially sure it’s because of the way you’re looking at him. “So, what you’re trying to say with this” you gesture to his forearm with your other hand “is... you really like me?”
“More or less, yes-”
“Y’know humans have our way of saying that too?” He can’t form one coherent though with what little time there is between you saying this and you touching his face softly. As you lean forward you search for hesitation on his features, but since you don’t find anything except yearning, you don’t need any more encouragement to close the distance between you.
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naynah-pinsence · 1 year
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W.I.T.C.H. redesigns
Like with my Winx redesigns, I mostly browsed the wiki and blended my favorite design elements together lol.
I did end up using more New Power elements in the 1st forms, and the original designs in the 2nd forms. Idk knowing that the girls got to cover up more as they grew up instead of covering up more as kids....not a huge fan.
Overall: Guardians got color-coded wings. I really really like the og wing shapes, but the color-coding feels more classic magical girl to me so. I did use the shoe-less element from the reboot in the 2nd form. Bare feet feels more spiritual/magical imo. I actually like that part of the reboot design! Same with the element icons. 1st forms get more of the urban part of the urban fantasy look. Comfy tennis shoes for all. 2nd form gets gold accessories. 2nd form's main colors are the darker sub colors of the og. 2nd form socks are gradients instead of striped 2 tone. Normal clothes are mostly the og 2000s look. Idk I think that Will's technomancy is less impressive if Siri exists lol.
Elyon: I used Elyon's reboot hair texture. I always thought that between the color and texture of og Elyon's hair that it looked like straw? She's got a "chubby" body. I use "" bc she looks average, but would be considered chubby?
Will: If Disney owns these girls then Will gets a Kermit shirt. Since she's a tomboy, both of her guardian forms get shorts. 1st form gets a hood. Her hair gets some of her mother's waves. Normal hair does the emo hide-the-eye thing: really lean into her angst. In both guardian forms her hair does not change length. The short hair is truly her. Her bangs get the og treatment, and some hair gets tucked behind her left ear. The heart gets absorbed into Will in guardian form: she can still use it, it just isn't physically there in guardian form.
Irma: Dresses like she's an extra on Hannah Montana. It feels right. Her guardian hair gets space buns bc sometimes in her civilian forms she wore them, and I think she looks cute in them. Her 1st form is has heavy insp from Cassidy's guardian form. I just like the top better lol. Since Will lost the og little heart on her skirt, I gave it to Irma. It feels more Irma anyway imo. Irma also gets a chubbier body type.
Taranee: I love og Taranee's civilian form. I love her clothes, I love her hair, I love the hair beads, man og Tarnee's look is so chef's kiss to me. So I really didn't change anything. I have never once in my life understood what in the world og guardian Taranee's hair was supposed to be! In og New Power, she gets dreds, but keeps her 1st form hair too???? Dreds was my only guess as to what those were supposed to be, but with NP's hair having both, I don't think they were dreds??? And they don't look like the way that braids/hair twists are drawn in the comic (og Elyon has hair twists? Or at least I've interpreted that style as twists rather than braids?). So that plus how much I love civilian Taranee's hair, 1st form gets the civilian hair. She looses the beads, but gets a a wrap colored with the gradient of the purple-teal. 2nd form gets braids with gold accessories. I always felt like Taranee's og guardian forms seemed less designed than the others bc there were no swirly designs?? I mean, she gets a small heart on her collar, but that was taken off in the animated series probably for animation reasons. I actually like the triangle cut-out instead of the heart bc of fire's triangle icon, so I used that. I did take the waistline from Cornelia's skirt (my personal favorite waistline) and gave it it her shorts. She gets long sleeves in the 1st form. I just think it looks nicer than the sleeveless look in this design.
Cornelia: Both guardian forms get longer hair. 1st form gets a choker necklace. She looses the long sleeves and gets sleeves. Looking at og Cornelia and Irma's 1st forms, Cornelia's feels like a more elegant version of Irma's, so I wanted to keep that element in a way. Her skirt waistline gets turned to become the hem of the top. Her 2nd form keeps the og collar, but her top is inspired from comic Halinor's 1 sleeve shirt: Cornelia's top is 1 sleeved with a long glove.
Hay Lin: She gets braids in both forms. Like with Irma, sometimes she wears braids in civilian form, and I think it's cute. 2nd form gets two braids combined into a single one in the back, letting the rest of her hair blow free in the wind. She also gets sleeves in both forms for max blowing-in-the-wind factor, plus I wanted at least 2 members to have bell sleeves. 1st form gets NP Irma's top with an edited neckline. 2nd form gets the heart waistline, a lengthened skirt, and a choker necklace. Her civilian form looses the goggles, replaced with purple jelly sunglasses.
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alwaysinstyle · 4 months
hi ana! would you mind telling us a little bit about how your hourglass styles look and dress? i was thinking about drawing them!
My dear, I must start by saying I am KICKING MY FEET WITH EXCITEMENT and I hope you know you are BRINGING MY DREAMS TO LIFE by drawing Hourglass Style. *cries*
And now to answer your actual question lmao.
As far as a physical description of Kyle goes, I went into rather alarming detail in this post which explains how I generally imagine his appearance, and everything I said there absolutely applies to HCU Kyle.
When it comes to our dear Stanley, this man is probably the most conventionally attractive of the gang. Like, this mf walks around looking like a damn Disney prince. He’s got those dazzling blue eyes, effortlessly perfect “messy” hair look, an adorable dimpled smile, a subtle cleft chin that highlights his beautiful jawline, all that jazz. In terms of stature, he’s quite tall — definitely got a few good inches on Ky. He’s also muscular in a slightly more obvious way since he goes to the gym regularly (I force him to go every day to make sure he can keep up with the Style Carry™️ quota). Now I definitely don’t picture him to be like RIPPED BODYBUILDER SHOWOFF MUSCLES MAN by ANY means, but you’d look at him and definitely know he’s in hella good shape. He can really throw Kyle around with those strong arms and they both love that hehehe (oops I made this slightly NSFW pretend that didn’t happen kids).
In terms of how they dress, we know our man Stan loves band tees and in general t-shirts that show off his arms a lil because he knows Kyle loves it — which is the same reason he wears his damn gray sweatpants around the house all the time. He knows EXACTLY what he’s doing lmaooo. If it’s a little chilly out he’ll toss on a hoodie most likely. When he’s at work or out and about he’s still a pretty casual jeans guy, probably a plain nicer t-shirt or a simple long-sleeve is the move.
Kyle wears sweaters and khakis/nicer pants and shit like that pretty often, because he wants to legitimize himself at work and in general look presentable and respectable. He just FEELS better if he looks at least semi-put together. Around home, though, he loves putting on Stan’s sweatshirts that are way too big on him. He’s adorable in them obviously and he’s happy because they smell like Stan. :)
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Pretty in pink: Kazuki K & subversion (an homage)
Note: For Kazukiweek 2023: Acceptance
Pink is fresh. It is a happy color. It is positive. It is a sign of good health. That says a lot about Kazuki Kurusu. He has a bubbly personality, his optimism is brimming, especially after the seventh episode. It sure helps that Rei and Miri have become his ethos, have accepted to welcome the changes after five years of losing Yuzu. Usually, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. (But I think that’s only a front.) I love him. Right to the 11th episode, he has totally embraced the new life he’s been leading with Rei and Miri. The fact that he wanted it all along but was apprehensive because of his traumatic experiences made him cautious of the way he dealt with Rei and Miri. Rei’s determination on the second balcony scene was the catalyst because he knew how much K wanted it.
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That fond looks K gives toward his family.
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In the West, we are past that era where men cannot subvert pink’s gendered stereotype. You see men wear pink dress shirts, pink suits and other piece of clothing and they look spectacularly good. It is still a test of bravery for some though. Small boys still despise this color perceiving it as a girly stuff. New mothers try to veer their daughters away from this color by consciously not purchasing and introducing pink-coloured merchandise to their daughters’ color palette only to be disappointed because of peer pressure in the kindergartens. You know Elsa and Anna and the beautiful ladies of Disney and their association with pink? Too common, too banal.
However, “in contemporary Japanese culture, says (Barbara) Nemitz, pink is perceived as a masculine and mournful color that represents ‘young warriors who fall in battle while in the full bloom of life.’” Slain young samurai. All right. (Thanks to PA Works, it didn’t come to that though.)
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It is also the color of sakura, cherry blossoms, which are the Japanese’s favourite flower. They do picnics just enjoying and gazing at the beauty of cherry blossoms (and later, peach blossoms). The Hanami. Some Japanese migrants adapted this ritual/event to their host countries and it is a sight to behold.
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Different shades/nuances of pink worn by K and the moms
Pink has long been associated with homosexuality. The pink triangle. The lgbtq movement reclaimed the former badge of shame used by the Nazis incorporating it into the pride flag later. Though almost 70 per cent of the Japanese society supports it, it still is a huge problem to come out.
While there are no legal implications, coming out remains taboo for many in Japan for fear of being ostracized. A survey of young LGBTQ people published last year found high levels of mental anguish, including suicidal thoughts. More than 90% said they couldn’t talk about their sexuality with their guardians. Very few people in national politics or the corporate world are openly gay, although homosexual themes and LGBTQ celebrities are a staple of television and other forms of entertainment.
“Buddy Daddies” is not marketed as BL, but the show makers can write whatever about their characters. Sometimes implying them without direct confirmation. It depends how the viewers interpret it.
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But K also symbolizes subversion. K’s characterization nonetheless goes against of what is perceived to be the norm in the Japanese society. He is both a nurturer and a protector, though Rei certainly will take over this “protector/saviour” task without any question. From the looks of it, he’d do anything for K and Miri.
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Rei always in front to gauge the danger
An odd man out, K does the household chores while he can carry an adult man without any problem. We have seen him does it more than twice already. He’s loud and conspicuous. In Japan, you must never stand out. (<< - Shogo’s videos are highly recommended to watch btw!) He (and Rei) (go) goes against the rules. They blur the gender stereotyping in all aspects of life.
The crew presented the scenarios as if they were a matter of fact, normal, without making fun or light of it. No further commentary. One can say that it is subversive in a sense they want the audience to become aware of their thoughts on adoption, new family dynamics, the bureaucratic hurdles of enrolling your children and better access to daycare centres/schools to the ever-present mothers who have to give up their jobs and dedicate their lives to their kids, etc.
(It was unfortunate that they didn’t follow it up with Misaki Unasaka.)
Why do I get this feeling that one way or another “Buddy Daddies” had been the show makers’ thinly veiled social commentary on their society?
Anyway, I will miss his winking. Either way, I can still rewatch it.
Many happy returns, K!
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multiversefanfics · 11 months
Trick or Treat
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Warning: Fluffy Summary: Your daughter wants to go trick or treating and of course, Bucky is up for that, anything for his princess.
p.s the gif is Bucky’s reaction to your daughter’s halloween costume🥰
You and your daughter, Luna, are at the costume store looking for your Halloween costumes, you showed her several Disney princess costumes which she turned down each time. "Okay, Luna what do you want to be?" She looked up at you "I want to be a cow!" You giggled at her excitement and started searching for a cow costume in her size. Just when you were going to give up and go to another store, you found the cutest brown and white cow costume "Mommy mommy!! Look a cow!" She smiled wide at you taking the costume from your hands and hugging it, closely to her chest "Please Mommy!!" You smiled wide and nodded "Of course baby, let's find some face paint to make your face look like a cow." You held your hand out for her to grab which she did, you found the face paint and picked up your and Bucky's costume, Bucky didn't choose what he wanted to dress up as, so you chose for him. The two of you went to check out and then started your journey home. "Mommy, is Daddy waiting for us at home?" You glanced at her through the rearview mirror, watching as she sipped on her small Starbucks refresher "Yes, honey Daddy is at home waiting for us, so is Uncle Sam, Uncle Steve, and Auntie Nat." You saw how excited she got in the mirror, you smiled to yourself and pulled into the driveway, you saw all of them standing in the driveway waiting for you two to return. You put the car in park and watched as Bucky came over opening your door for you, leaning in to give you a kiss on the cheek "Daddy!" Your daughter squealed happily in the backseat, he smiled and walked to the back to get her out "Hey, Princess, did you get a costume?" She nodded and sipped her drink as he unbuckled her seatbelts "I see you and Mommy went to Starbucks." You got out of the car with a cup holder of different drinks "And we got everyone some." You walked up to your friends handing out the various drinks "I thought she wanted to be a princess?" Nat asked as she saw Bucky carrying a cow costume. "She shot down every princess and then she saw that and was so excited I couldn't say no." Nat bent down to be level with Luna "You're going to be the cutest little cow ever!" Nat picked her up and walked inside the house "So what are you two dressing up as?" You looked between Steve and Sam, they laughed and shook their heads "We're not dressing up." You crossed your arms and glared at them "You're dressing up for your niece, this is the first time we've been able to take her trick or treating, with you guys always being gone to save the world, or us being sick. You're dressing up this year." They looked at each other and then back at you "Fine, we'll dress up." Sam sighed, you smiled and nodded "And no using your Avengers gear either." They both groaned and walked to Sam's car, you jogged back to your car and grabbed your and Bucky's costumes "So what are we going to be?" You smiled and held up matching pirate costumes he looked at you then back at the costumes "You're joking." You shook your head and smiled "Nope, Luna picked it out, let's get inside."
You followed him inside and saw Nat chasing Luna around the living room "Get back here little girl!" Luna giggled and continued running until Nat finally caught her, swinging her round and round "Hey, Luna let's get your face makeup and costume on, love." Nat put her down and she ran over to you carrying her costume. "Babe, can you go get her long sleeves and leggings in her room?" Bucky kissed your forehead and walked off to get what you asked him to. "Where are Sam and Steve?" Nat asked sitting down next to you "I made them go get costumes, they're dressing up for Luna." You gently pinched her cheeks, Bucky returned with the shirt and leggings "Alright princess while Mommy is getting you dressed, Daddy is gonna go get his costume on" Luna smiled wide and waved to Bucky as he walked away to get his costume on. You got Luna dressed, did her face makeup, and gave her a snack before passing her off to Natasha. You went to get dressed and looked at yourself in the mirror. Bucky walked up wrapping his arms around you "You're the sexiest pirate I've ever seen." He kissed your cheek and let go, letting you finish getting dressed. You took one more look in the mirror and then walked down the stairs, Steve and Sam came back with their costumes, and they decided to be peanut butter and jelly "Look Mommy, Uncle Sammy, and Uncle Steve are my favorite sandwich!" Luna giggled and ran over to Bucky "Alright who's ready for trick or treating?" Bucky tickled Luna and you all walked out the door. You guys walked for a bit, but Luna was getting cranky and tired “Daddy can you carry me?” He looked down at her as she reached up for him “Of course, Princess.” He picked her up holding her in both arms as they walked up to a house “You know, I’ve never seen Bucky so happy you two really changed his life.” You smiled at Steve then back at Bucky and Luna “He makes me really happy and I know he makes Luna happy, she looks up to him.” After she got her candy, you guys walked a couple more blocks until you reached a really nice house that was giving out full size candy bars “Look, Lu there’s another cow” You looked over at her still in Bucky’s arms and she was fast asleep, you guys still walked up to the house the lady at the house complimented all of your costumes and handed you guys the candy bars and for the adults little bottles of alcohol, you guys thanked her and walked back to the house, you didn’t bother taking Luna’s costume off because that would only wake her up, so Bucky took her to her room, kissed her forehead and met the rest of you back in the living room. “She’s still asleep and should be for the rest of the night, you guys wanna stay over we can watch movies and just hang out.” You all exchanged looks and nodded “This was fun, thank you guys for dressing up for her.” Sam chuckled and rolled his eyes “We didn’t really have a choice did we?” You shook your head and cuddled up next to Bucky “What movie should i put on?” Everyone threw out a movie but you ended up settling on ‘The Conjuring’ You guys sat there watching the movie and cracking jokes that shouldn’t have been made but to you guys it was funny.
A/N: I’m sorry this was so late I wanted to post this on Halloween but some things came up, I hope you guys like it
Tags: @megamindsecretlair @kandis-mom
Main Masterlist - Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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nerdgirlriot · 2 months
back in the early days of my anime weebdom i, of course, spent a lot of that time obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist. I stumbled upon an Edward cosplayer, but the person was wearing a facemask that covered their entire head, like mascots or Disney meet n' greet characters. And they looked so convincing, as if Edward Elric was inhabiting a 3D space for the first time. I was kind of enamored with how this was done. I did research on what sort of cosplay this was, how the masks were made, etc.
I will ramble a lot here, and also include a lot of pics of my own kigurumi cosplay. Because enamored.
Note: This got REALLY long, really quickly. Sorry! Be warned!
I found out that this was called kigurumi, and the style of costuming was actually pretty common in Japan, where anime meet n' greet characters often had this style of mask.
And yes, I figured out that it was a kink pretty quick.
I'm gonna ignore that for the most part but I'm certain that 99% of all kigurumi cosplayers are male enthusiasts as female characters. I even think that most female kigurumi cosplayers have female characters. Because female characters are ADORABLE and I agree! I would love to do a female kig cosplay eventually.
But first, a part of my weeb brain was transfixed by that Edward kig cosplay.
My research back then led me to believe that a kigurumi mask would be too cost-prohibitive. All masks had to be custom-made from resin and hand-painted. The work would probably cost close to $1000 and I gave up on my dream cosplay quest pretty fast.
Fast forward to this year, and during the time I was looking at Etsy for my Spider-Gwen cosplay, I got recommended a store that had kigurumi masks. In the ensuing years since my initial research, kigurumi masks have gotten less cost prohibitive. 3D printing means that the masks don't have to be hand-made. There are even small companies which mass-produce base masks ready to be customized, and this is what the Etsy seller uses to make their masks.
I was still enamored, and eventually, thanks to a sale (and thanks to also THE NEWS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE) I decided to just take the plunge and purchase a mask. I wish to be happy in the face of possible apocalypse. Instead of going for a custom for my first mask, i got one of the seller's pre-made, more generic designs. But after wearing this first mask, I might be hooked.
It might be a problem.
Initially I based my kig's look on Billie Joe Armstrong during Green Day’s American Idiot era. Short sleeve black shirt, red necktie, wristbands. The mask had black hair and red/pinkish eyes which I thought would go well with the clothes.
More research. I got a bodysuit because with short-sleeves, my skin would be exposed, and the illusion would be ruined. The suit is just a top. Head and arms are completely covered. I got a men's shirt which fits my smaller frame. A short necktie.
Oh yeah, and then there's the boobs.
But I've always been small in the chest, so a sports bra was enough. I've heard that many female cosplayers use chest binders when they crossplay but I guess I should be happy for my less than ample bosom, at least in terms of crossplaying.
What would be difficult for me is hiding my hips. I have very curvy hips and I know if I ever decide to take this guy out in public i will have to conceal them somehow. Probably padding around the stomach to de-emphasize them but that's not a now issue.
The mask itself actually has decent visibility, which I was surprised with. You look through the character's eyes. They're basically sunglass lenses with the pupils printed on them, so no one can see in but you can see out. No peripheral vision to speak of, but that's true of all full face masks.
And here's the initial cosplay test, sans the wristbands because i was so excited to do this I forgot to wear them. He needs a name, though. I'm leaning towards Billie-kun to name him after one of his main inspirations.
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It's thrilling to wear a cosplay that you've taken time to put together. I've done multiple femme!Doctors, but this is the first time I've really crossplayed and it feels FUN in ways that the other cosplays didn't. Truly hiding one's identity behind a mask, truly embodying this character.
Edward Elric in 3D vibes. I found it again. 15+ years after my initial encounter with kigurumi.
Gonna indulge in some more photos.
This was the first photo taken. You can't tell how much I was vibrating with excitement:
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I have precious few things of clothing that would be appropriate for a male character, but this coat seemed fine:
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Me realizing that I could see out of the character's eyes for real:
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Pondering whether I should just be a bishie forever to mentally prepare myself for the horrors:
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With the wristbands finally. I like how much more the red pops against the black:
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No tie because SOMEONE had to go and break the adjustable bit in their excitement to put things on:
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Found a hoodie that matched well:
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With t-shirt of our lord and savior Hitori Gotoh from Bocchi the Rock:
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If you've read through this entire damn thing, thank you very much for sharing my journey into kigurumi cosplay. I still would like to someday do that Edward cosplay but there's so many other possibilities, male and female, that I'd love to try.
Orrrrr Billie-kun could just be a one-off, unicorn of a bishie who is too perfect and can never be duplicated or replaced
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GIFs because reasons
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nerdyvocals · 5 months
Hi there! @look-at-those-niceass-rocks and I are back on our bullshit with some unhinged movie-night quotes, this time with the first Descendants film. Previously, we've had some shit to say about Rise of the Pink Ladies and Julie and the Phantoms. This is the first actual movie we've watched for these movie-night quotes, so it's a long one. Buckle up, and enjoy the ride!
Bee: "Elected king"? That's not how democracy works.
Bee: How is he inheriting the crown if his dad is still alive???
(Note: For those not aware, hi, I'm a costume designer and technician, I usually have Things To Say about costumes, including the following Several Minute Rant)
Me, two minutes into the movie: PAUSE, okay I have opinions here Bee: Okay? Me: Okay so this is a fitting, right? I appreciate the big stitch lengths, that's accurate, but this should be a mock-up, with muslin! Why is it made of the fashion fabric??? Bee: This is riveting
Me: Why are his sleeves finished off? Where are the pins? Is that a hand back stitch??? Bee: *cackling*
Me: Why did they give Ben a bust dart? Does he have tiddies??? Bee: TRANS BEN???
Bee: I'm gonna take a drink every time you go on a costume rant. Me: LISTEN
Bee (@Evie and Mal): So they're lesbians, right? Me: OH HO HO, YOU'D THINK SO WOULDN'T YA
Bee: You said Kenny Ortega did this, right? Me: Yep! Bee: That. SO very tracks.
Evie: *flirting* Bee: Ahhh, performative heterosexuality!
Me: Her love interest is so [HUSBAND]-coded; you're gonna lose your mind
Bee: Ah yep, Kenny Ortega choreography
Both of us, anytime Carlos is on screen: He Baby
Bee: I bet AO3 had a field day with this franchise
Bee: Ohhhh, look at that shitty marching band, let me at 'em- NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE PLAYING THOSE INSTRUMENTS Me: *wheeze*
Bee @ Audrey: Oh THATS a lesbian Me: I COULD GO ON A RANT and I won't until we have more context!
Me: Look, Evie's love interest is a dude but I choose to believe that he's a he/him lesbian so it works
Mal: And I totally don't blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening! Me: Look, christenings were public events! They had to go out of their way to tell Maleficent not to come! Bee: Right! Like it was more work to have someone find her to tell her not to come! She would've stayed away if you just kept your mouths shut! Me: Not to victim blame, but don't fuck with the fae if you don't want the fae to fuck with you Bee: No I'm victim blaming in this one instance, that was fucking stupid
Doug: Hi-ho... Bee: Oh god he is [HUSBAND]-coded
Carlos: Die, suckers! Me: Let Carlos say fuck! Bee: He would say it constantly
Jay: *ninja kick through the door* Bee: Dumbass
Carlos: *trying to help Jay up* Me: *sobbing* He baby!!! Bee: He wants to help his brother!!!
Bee, already tipsy: I think every time we say "he baby" I need to drink water
Me: Hnng I remember being obsessed with Mal's outfits as a 14yo but looking at it now as a costume designer, I can't tell if I still love it or if I kinda hate it. Bee: Lemme take a drink and you elaborate. Me: There's something kinda off-putting about it and I can't tell if it's because it reeks of 2015 Disney Channel-which is not a bad thing!-or if I just don't think the design works. Bee: It looks like they were going for scene but didn't really know what scene was
Me: I think we should also take a drink whenever we say "that's gay"
Ben: *trying to convince Carlos Dude won't hurt him* Me: For the trans!Ben headcanon, I know that's just a weird fuckin' seam on his shirt, but it looks like a binder
Honorable mention: Us constantly screaming at evie that she's allowed to be smart
Bee: Hey, [HUSBAND], Wanna come see a character that's you coded???
Evie: *making clothes* Me: THAT SEWING MACHINE IS SEXY
Me @ Lonnie: I wouldn't call that cool hair Bee: Oh now she's cool, she ripped her skirt
Mal: I think it's time Benny Boo got himself a new girlfriend Bee: Girl he is right behind that door
Mal: *wipes Lonnie's tear* Bee: LOOK AT HER FACE, see that? That was a gay awakening
Me during Did I Mention: Guess what Bee: Huh? Me: That's not him singing Bee: *gasp* They Troy Bolton'ed that man
Bee: There are. Not enough trumpets in this band Me: Nerd
Talking about the Maleficent movie and how I've never seen it Bee: Oh god, you would've been like. 12 Me: Or 13 depending on the time of year! Bee: It came out in May Me: ...Okay yeah I would've been 12 Bee: I can do math! [HUSBAND], distantly: Citation needed! Bee: HEY!!!
Ben: Is this your first time? Bee: HUH???
Me: What was he trying to accomplish here? Like he didn't tell her they were going somewhere they might need swimsuits, was he trying to get her in her underwear??? Bee: If it wasn't a Disney movie I'd say yes Me: Horny teenage boy
Ben: *shirtless on the cliff* Me: Good for him, he's had top surgery since the last scene
Maleficent: Still doing tricks with eggplants? Bee: Idk, ask her husband
After the cover of Be Our Guest Bee: What. Was that. Me: I know Bee: That was so bad! Me: I promise the other covers are better
Me: I hate Mal's costume in this scene Bee: Drink! Me: The purple on her blazer matches too perfectly with her hair, there's no break in the silhouette Bee: Oh yeah, I see what you mean Me: I get what they're trying to do with the lighter palette, but I'd swap the blue and purple, personally
Queen Leah: My daughter was raised by fairies Me: That was your own fault Bee: Nowhere in that curse did it say you couldn't raise her
Insert the TEN MINUTE interlude of me dying over the obscene fit of Ben's suit:
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(Please note: A) his jacket sleeve is caught on his elbow, which is what's causing that FOUR INCH exposed sleeve, B) who wears a pocket square and no tie? C) the buttons are STRAINING because the suit hasn't been tailored properly, it's way too small, you're the future king and I expect better from you okay you CANONICALLY have people tailoring your clothes, and while we're on buttons, D) NEVER button both buttons on a suit jacket! If the jacket has two buttons, the top is buttoned and the bottom isn't. If it's three, top is button sometimes, middle is always buttoned, and the bottom is never. Also: Unbutton when sitting or doing physical activity, such as croquet. This has been Levi's useless button PSA)
Honorable mention: I showed my mentor this picture the next day and he gasped like he'd been shot
Jane: He's never gonna make a villain a queen Me: WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU! Bee: WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!
Me: she's not ugly, she just has a fuck ass bob
Bee @ Beast: Oh why'd they give him glasses, now he's hot
Mal: How do you know that?? Ben: because I'm listening to my heart! Bee: Gay Mal: I'm listening to mine too Bee: DOUBLE gay
Bee: I love how you can soo very see all these frozen people moving
Maleficent: *Dragon Time (tm)* Bee: FOUND THE BUDGET
Jane: Guess I did get pretty lucky in the mother department Me: Speaking of mothers can someone please catch the lizard Bee: PLEASE
Side note, my internet was wigging out and the stream kept freezing, particularly during Set It Off Me, struggling with the connection: And what if I cry Bee: Limping toward the finish line Me: What if I cry and commit arson
Mal: You didn't think that was the end of the story, did you? Bee: Well that was fucking ominous We watched Descendants 2 as well!
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theangrykimchi · 8 months
For the number Thorki prompts. Any of these sound fun: 10, 21, 22, 27, 44.
Hii, thank you for the prompt! I chose 27 - as a suggestion 😍 I had the whim to write Disney World actors in luv so here it is! Hope you will like it 😘
Read on AO3
With a tired sigh, Loki removed the horny helmet from his head as soon as he entered the backstage building, the door shutting behind Thor who followed after him.
“Man, I can't wait to take this thing off,” Thor said, taking off his helmet too.
“Yeah, same. It's too hot today,” Loki agreed, tugging at the neckline of his costume. “At least your costume doesn't have sleeves.”
“Yay for small miracles, I guess.” Coming to walk beside him, Thor smiled at him, bumping their shoulders together, making Loki smile, too, despite his discomfort.
They had met when they had both auditioned for the roles of, ironically enough, <i>Thor</i> and <i>Loki</i> from the blockbuster Disney movies. Loki Fergusson, who was still a university student back then, needed an easy part time job and Thor Bjornson, who was backpacking through the USA, needed some easy cash so he could continue with his traveling. Now, five years later, they were both still working at Disney World, taking on longer and longer shifts while looking for better jobs in their field (Loki) or saving up to return home (Thor).
They hadn't clicked right away—Thor was too energetic, too extroverted, while Loki was the exact opposite, preferring the few hours of peace and quiet he got over going out and partying his salary away. But having to play the brothers in the amusement park and, later, moving in together to share the costs—they already spent more than half the day together at that point, why not share an apartment closer to their place of work too?—had led to them becoming very close friends, despite their differences.
Entering their air-conditioned dressing room, finally, Loki sighed in relief for the coolness of the room and placed the helmet on its shelf, clicking his tongue at Thor chucking his carelessly on the sofa.
“Can you get the zipper for me? I need to get this off ASAP or I may perish.”
“Yeah, sure.”
He felt Thor's warmth when he stepped close behind him, goosebumps spreading on his skin as Thor’s fingers brushed his hair away and caressed the back of his neck on their way to the zipper. Surely on accident.
“Re-enacting Titanic today was pretty fun,” Thor said, the zipper making a soft hissing sound as it was pulled down Loki's back.
“I swear to God, these fans will have us kissing before long,” Loki answered with a soft laugh.
Thor hummed, fingers hovering, still holding the zipper.
“Maybe we should,” he said after a moment, finally parting the zipper and pushing the fake leather jacket from Loki's shoulders, his hands almost too warm on Loki's body through the protective t-shirt he was wearing beneath the costume.
When Loki spoke his voice came out breathless. “Do what?”
Thor stepped closer, pushing the jacket down his arms, tucking his face on the side of Loki's head.
“Kiss,” he whispered, lips brushing against the shell of Loki's ear.
Heart beating hard inside his ribcage, Loki felt the jacket falling over his hands, cuffing them in the fabric.
Thor came around him, standing in front of him now, not meeting his wide, hopeful eyes as he took first one and then his other hand to release them from the sleeves.
“Just sayin’, the fans want it, the creators insinuate it, why shouldn't we give them what they want?” he said, flippantly almost.
“Oh,” Loki said dejectedly, feeling as if the air had left him entirely, his lungs squeezing inside him suffocatingly. “I thought–I–yeah, I don't know–the managers–” Loki stammered.
Loki <i>never</i> stammered. But it was hard not to when there was no breath inside him and his heart was hurting so painfully.
“Fuck the managers. We aren't going to work at this place all our lives, Loki. Let's have some fun before we move on to better things.”
<i>Better things</i>. Loki felt his eyes sting.
Too-warm hands cupped both sides of Loki's neck, making him refocus his zoned out sight to Thor's face as he ducked slightly to stare directly at him.
A small, hopeful, idiotic smile was curling his lips.
“Don't make that face. What I want to say is that I really want to kiss you stupid, idiot.”
Blood shot to Loki's head, making him feel lightheaded suddenly, his cheeks burning. He slapped Thor on his bare bicep, looking at him angrily.
“You <i>asshole</i>! I thought you weren't interested in me!”
Thor laughed, stocking Loki's ire as he left a soft peck on the tip of his straight nose.
“What do you say, should we practice?” He asked, stepping closer, brushing their noses together for a sweet moment before Loki tipped his head and slid their lips together.
“Idiot,” Loki whispered against Thor's soft lips. His arms coming up around broad shoulders as they chased after another kiss, swallowing Thor's insufferable little chuckle with his tongue.
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
A/N: part 2 baybeee! Hell hath no fury like an inspired fanfic writer!! time for some Disney magic, y'all!! ✨✨
I'll do the best that I can
Plush!Vash au (part 2)
She stumbled out of bed as she does every morning. She got dressed, trying to decide what she wanted to wear. The choice between a short or long sleeve shirt.
"Fuck, it's only gonna be twenty degrees today" she shook her head and chose the long sleeve, tossing the short sleeve back into the clean, yet unfolded clothes. 
After she was dressed, she scooped me up, and brought me out to the living room, setting me on the end table as she grabbed a quick breakfast of cereal. She had been restless last night, a nightmare probably. It looked as if it still haunted her in these early hours.
I was excited, able and willing to get some more cuddles before she left for work. She watched tiktoks as she ate. She giggled at the funny ones, and swooned when a rare Trigun one came on screen. 
"He's so babygirl. Ugh, I love him so much." She fangirled over the Spiky haired blond on screen. She let out a sigh before gazing my way. She used her thumb to stroke my face, with that all too common loving gaze that said, 'Why cant you be real?' 
"Look at me and my silly little delusions." She gave a chuckle of self pity, "Thinking I could ever win over the heart of a man who doesn't even exist." Her eyes seemed to moisten up with threatening tears. She shook her head, as if the motion would remove the thoughts from her brain. She curled her arms around my tiny being, hugging me to her chest. 
"I'd make him so happy though. I just know I would." She whispered, even though no one else was in this big, lonely house. She checked the time on her phone and sighed.
"Time to head out already. Fuck." She picked her unwilling body up from the chair, and walked to her bedroom, giving my forehead a kiss before setting me down on the pillow of her bed. 
"Have a good day, Vash. Love ya." She petted my hair before leaving the room. I heard another fit of self pity chuckles before I heard the front door shut and her car leave the driveway. 
It really tore me up inside to see the loneliness get to her like this. I'd heard her say to a friend who apparently lived far away that they feel like they can never truly open up to anyone. No one is there to hear the whole story, only bits and pieces of her life. A new mask for every new person in her life from strangers to friends, to family. To her, she's a stranger to everyone.
Everyone except me, it seems. The words she rambles to no one but herself, talking out stories, talking out her mental health, things she would say to Vash The Stampede or Nicholas D Wolfwood. 
Why can't I be with her? Why can't I give more to ease her pain? I wanted to throw something, but I can't move. I have to sit here and let my non-existent blood boil. 
A twitch in my arm, something I'd never felt before. Pain? Was this pain? Arms. Legs. Head. Holy hell this hurts. I shut my eyes. Shut my eyes? I can't do that? I could now, I guess, because they were shut. 
By the time the pain subsided, the bed was a lot smaller. The room seemed a bit smaller, but not too much. The reflective surface of the TV showed a man. A man I'd seen many a time, Vash the Stampede. But only in face and hair.
I figured I'd be the same height when I stood up, but my body wasn't riddled with scars. My left arm was real too. The real Vash had scars and a prosthetic arm.
Upon closer inspection, some of the missing scars were markings on my body, tattoos. It was all of the major ones she liked. The one over my right shoulder, the little cross on my left hip, a thick black tic tac toe over my left peck. Then there were two dark lines where the prosthetic would have been, and a symmetrical scar tattoo that he had on the other arm. Moving my right hand, I noticed tattoos of the thumb stitching he had. She'll be excited about that one.
I was pretty fit as well, the muscles he'd worked so hard on, only to be gifted to me.  Looking to my side, a pair of orange W wire rim sunglasses sat folded on the bed. I stood from the bed- oh shit I was naked.
I dug around in her dresser for a pair of basketball shorts, and one of her larger t-shirts. I prayed that they would fit me. The shirt was a little tight, but liveable until she got home.
I looked on the bed to find the ripped remains of my little coat I used to wear. I hoped that the trade off of losing her beloved plush for, basically, the real thing would be acceptable to her. I was starving. 
I went to the kitchen, trying to find something that didn't require cooking. I didn't know how to cook, and didn't want to risk damaging the house or an appliance. I settled on some chips I'd seen her eat before, and sat on the sofa, opening the bag. Thankfully the process of eating seemed to come naturally to me. 
I found myself picking up the controller for the video game system she had. I booted up the system, and chose a game that had multiple files, and started my own. 
By the time I was hungry again, I checked the fridge and found a small pizza lunch able. I'd seen her heat up the little bread rounds in the microwave. 
"Twenty seconds!" She would sing whenever she would put them in the machine. She did that no matter how much time she needed. I smiled at the memory, excited for her to come home. 
I had just finished the last of the pizza when I heard the front door open and her beautiful singing echoed through the house. She was listening to her headphones, considering the lack of pause. She entered the living room, and stopped mid lyric, frozen in place at the sight of me. The bag of fast food she'd gotten, fell to the floor, unnoticed by her. 
"V…Vash?" Her voice was a whisper as her eyes were locked on me.
"Hey… w-welcome home, Mayfly." I said the favorite nickname she would have wanted to be called by him.
"You're… I've gone full on delusional, haven't I? Have I finally lost it?" she pinched her arm. When I didn't disappear, she bit her thumb. I wasn't gone.
"You're real. You're really here."
"Y-yeah, I had to borrow some of your clothes. I uh, don't fit into my coat anymore." I dug the little fabric coat out of the pocket of my shorts, handing it to her.
"You're… little Vashie. You're really Vash."
"Kinda, I guess. My left arm is real, and my scars aren't. Check this out!" I lifted the sleeve on my left arm, "They're just tattoos. All of the ones you like!" I smiled down at her. She was so much shorter now. She just came up to my chest. She looked back up at me, bringing her hand to my face, she seemed to hesitate before cupping my cheek, caressing the beauty mark under my eye. 
"Holy shit, you're real." Poor thing was still in shock. I spoke her name, and took her hand with my left, and cupped her cheek with my right hand. 
"I'm here. I'll always be here. I've wanted this for so long, just to be here with you." I gently pulled her into a hug. She stiffened up for a second, before finally returning my embrace.
It wasn't long before she began to shake, and her throat released a chorus of sobs. I caressed her hair, and rubbed her back. Something I've always wanted to do when she was crying. I could tell these were tears of joy and relief though. 
"Mayfly, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. I've seen your ups and downs for so long, and I want to make everything better for you."
"Yes please. Please please please." She sobbed against my chest, "b-but, you gotta let me know if you need anything too, okay? We can't both be neglecting ourselves to make each other happy, ya know?" She looked up at me with a sniffle.
"Of course silly. We can take care of each other. 50/50?" I laughed, wiping some of her tears away.
"Y-yeah, 50/50." She smiled through her tears. I let go of her to retrieve the fallen bag of food.
"I can start by insisting that you eat something." I handed her the bag.
"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." 
We laid in bed that night, she'd eaten her food, and she'd told me about her day at work. We laid tangled up in each other, while one of her favorite movies played. One she'd probably played a billions times since my arrival. Not that I cared. 
"You're really sure that you're okay with looking after me?" She asked for the 3rd time since the movie started.
"Yes, Mayfly. I want to make sure you're happy, and loved, and heard and can be your authentic self around me. It's all I've ever wanted for you."
"But I'm a lot to handle. I don't wanna be a burden to you." 
"You've never been those things before. You relied on me when I was just your plush toy. Please continue to rely on me."
Her face went red, remembering I still have all my memories of being a toy.
"Oh, oh no, I'm so sorry, that means you've seen me-"
"And it makes me love you even more, Mayfly." I cupped her face with my free hand, "I love who you are. The you that you don't show anyone else. Your real opinions, your real emotions… every inch of your body…" my heart fluttered as I pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
"You deserve Vash the Stampede. You deserve to be loved by him, and your kind heart deserves to love him." I pressed my forehead to hers, "I-I mean, I may not totally be Vash, but I am officially licensed." I chuckled, "so let me be your Vash. It's your turn to be loved." 
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artsyfartsyfinn · 5 months
Can I Still be the Princess?
Can I Still Be the Princess?
Dawning my itchy, pink “Sleeping Beauty” dress and plastic high heels, I leap from behind the small Disney Princess room divider, my dark brown hair flowing past my shoulders. I see the look on my parent's faces. They look so happy as I bounce around playing pretend. We are happy.
I trade in that beautifully itchy and cheaply made dress for something new; a long, black dress that covers my arms fully and hides the rest of my form, accompanied by a useless shawl. I blend into the shadows. My parents can't find me. I am alone but persuaded into hiding. We used to be so happy; what happened?
I bury that long, black dress deep into my closet; I push it away with disgust in my eyes. I pick up a flannel shirt to keep hiding but to try to give the illusion that I’m okay. My parents had not noticed the shift that quickly formed within me, infecting my very being. My parents are quiet. I am not okay. I am angry. Memories flood my thoughts, and giant waves of emotions come crashing through the husk I call my body. I feel nothing and everything all at once.
The flannel shirt that held so many memories burns alongside the anger I held in for so long. I see a sage-green dress, not too long but not too short either. The sleeves are short, yet, that no longer concerns me. My hair is cut short, more than ever before, and patchily dyed pink. I am more myself than I've ever been. I go back to the closet and open the locked door. I search and dig through the heaps and piles of old versions of myself. Finally, I find the box I buried long ago and wipe off the dust. My “Sleeping Beauty” dress, the dreary, black dress, and the obnoxiously red flannel shirt scatter throughout the box with a tiara concealed underneath. I look down and smile before neatly folding the clothes and placing the tiara on the crest of the pile. I take the box to my parents and reveal the contents of the old package. They see the past versions of myself. There are still a few cobwebs, but they smile at me nonetheless. I look up to them, box in hand.
“Can I still be the princess?”
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eva-knits12 · 3 months
Lazy Sunday with Jake Jensen
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Trigger warning: fluff galore, did I mention that there's fluff?
Summary: You and your boyfriend, Jake Jensen, spend a lazy Sunday together.
Jake has already woken up, and has rolled on his back. I turn to my side, and I curl up in Jake's chest. We're still sleeping, even though it's eight o' clock on a Sunday morning.
The rain plays it's nice, soft music against our window. Jake wakes up, and still has his arms wrapped around me. Jake wakes up, and slowly unwraps his arms around me, and heads straight to the bathroom. He pulls up the toilet seat, pulls his pants down, and relieves himself. He washes his hands, and then brushes his teeth. He then goes to the closet and gathers his clothes, which will be sweats, and his favorite t-shirt.
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I wake up, and just as Jake starts the coffee, I brush my teeth, wash my face, then relieve myself. I'm just washing my hands, when Jake enters the bathroom.
"Good morning, honey bun," says Jake.
"Good morning, my sweet goofball," I say.
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Jake puts his arms around my waist, and I lean back into his shoulder. We stay like this for a few more minutes. I gather my clothes for the day, which are my favorite pajama bottoms, my nice, oversized, sweatshirt, and my favorite fuzzy socks.
"It's the perfect day for just vegging in bed, and watching movies all day," says Jake.
"Mmm, that sounds wonderful," I say.
Jake turns on the hot water in the shower, and we both strip naked. We both get in the shower, and shower together, with me shaving my legs, and my pits.
We suds each other up, and then rinse. We still stand there, under the nozzle, until the water turns ice cold. It somehow feels warmer right now, because Jake and I are just enjoying being in each other's arms right now. It feels more intimate and more romantic right now than us making love right in the shower. It also feels cozy.
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It's a good thing Jake and I are having a lazy Sunday right now, because I just don't want to leave his arms at all. I have a feeling that in between meals, going to the bathroom, and drinking, I'm going to be in Jake's arms, sleeping.
I don't worry about a bra right now. Screw that. I just put my underwear, put on my shirt, and put on my pajama pants and fuzzy socks. Jake has on his long-sleeved tee and his sweats, and is in his socks. I make breakfast for the both of us, which is just microwave breakfast burritos. I wait for the microwave to finish cooking Jake's, then I make mine. I put some fruit out on the plates, and pour and fix the coffee the way we both like it.
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Jake's lying on the bed, scrolling through Disney + when he comes across Wreck-It Ralph. He puts it on, and we watch it, and eat our breakfast.
"Mmm, honey bun, I love this. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, no place to be. We can finally have a nice, relaxing, lazy day all to ourselves," says Jake.
"Jake, this is perfect," I say. I kiss Jake lovingly.
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Jake and I finish the breakfast, and he busses the tray. He puts the forks and plates in the dishwasher, remembering to rinse of the dishes first. He comes back with two more cups of coffee that he refilled. He fixed mine to my liking.
Jake and I finish Wreck-It Ralph, then we watch Ralph Breaks the Internet. Jake goes into the kitchen, and makes us lunch, will will be hot dogs. He heats up the dogs, microwaves the buns, and places the hot dogs in the buns. He gets two cans of flavored seltzer water, and puts mustard on both of the hot dogs. He dishes out the chips, and we eat our lunch and watch the movie.
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Ralph Breaks The Internet finishes, and I bus the tray back to the kitchen. The waters are still full. After I toss the paper plates in the trash, I go to the bathroom and relieve myself. Jake has already relieved himself, and he's already back on the bed. I wash my hands after I'm done.
"What should we watch next, honey bun?" asks Jake.
"Let's watch 50 First Dates," I say.
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"Okay, what's up with Mikey suddenly becoming Brand?" asks Jake.
"I have no idea. I think Adam Sandler wanted to make him one of those jocks that everyone loves to hate," I say.
Jake and I snuggle, and Jake kisses me on the forehead.
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Jake and I start laughing throughout the movie. When that finishes, I pick the next one.
"Okay, you chose the first two. I chose the last one, and I get to chose this one.
I pick another one. I actually pick Shazam! Jake loves it, he's never seen this before, but he's cracking up.
"I don't like Spiderman. Shazam is everything that a teenage superhero is and he get's into a ton of mischief," says Jake.
"If Shazam had an uncle Ben, he would be like yeah yeah, with great power comes whatever, while scrolling through Tik Tok, and then him and Freddy would literally make videos about Shazam's powers, and see what gets the most clicks and likes," says Jake.
"That's why it's hilarious! Zachary Levi does it justice," I say.
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"Plus, Shazam! doesn't have to ride on the coat tails of a multi-billioniare, unlike Spderman and the Flash," I say.
See, Jake and I can get into some pretty deep discussions of comic book characters. Trust me when I say these talks are deep. We actually compare and contrast Marvel and DC superheroes. Plus, we discuss which superpowers would have an advantage.
Jake and I are talking, and watching while munching on some popcorn. Eventually the movie ends, the popcorn is eaten. Jake and I fall asleep, and don't wake until dinner.
I wake up first, then Jake. Jake relieves himself while I decide what to have for dinner. When Jake comes back, I ask him if he wants Chinese or pizza.
"Surprise me, honey bun," says Jake.
"Okay, Chinese it is then, Mr. Pizza," I say.
"That's what I wanted all along, honey bun," says Jake.
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I order Chinese for delivery. I get the sweet and sour chicken, and Jake likes beef and broccoli, and I wait for the delivery.
I gather the money, plus the tip, and Jake and I just wait while we decide on the next movie. We decide on Inside Out, and it's the best. The Chinese arrives, and I pay the delivery person. I dish out our dishes, including the fried rice, and the egg rolls, and put the plates and forks on the tray. I place cans of flavored seltzer water on the tray. We eat the dinner and watch the movie.
"Mmm, we need more days like this," I say to Jake, between bites.
Jake sneaks a kiss in between bites.
"We really need more days like this," says Jake.
At the end of the day, we finish the movies. We brush our teeth, then I relieve myself. I wash my hands, and then Jake relieves himself. I wash my face and I decide to make it a spa night. Jake joins, and we just veg in bed while we wait for the masks to dry, and we wait for our pore strips to harden. When Jake and I peel off the pore strips, there's tons of blackheads.
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I run a bath, and Jake and I climb in. We enjoy a nice, relaxing soak together, and then we get into our PJ's. I crawl into my favorite pajamas, and Jake gets into his lounge pants, and tee. We fall asleep in each others arms. The next day, it's business as usual. Jake and I both work from home, so we don't worry about getting dressed for the office.
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Lazy Sundays with my boyfriend are just the best!
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johnsdcp2024 · 6 months
Day Two: Magic Kingdom
5:55am I am up with a smile on my face. I quietly get out of bed to shower and get ready for my day. Shower the usual. The only new thing about my routine is applying sunscreen to my face!
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An hour later I’m out the door and headed to Dunkin. The wind is ripping and quite cold surprisingly. I mean the sun isn’t out to play yet what do I expect. So my 15 minute walk goes by and I get my usual: cold brew with butter pecan and cream, 1 pump less of each. At this point I’ve booked our first ride of the day “Big Thunder Mountain Railroad” redeemable between 9:15-10:15am. I have to session at housing at 8:30 so we will head to the park shortly after.
It’s now 10:23am. Me and mom got on the ferry to take us over to magic kingdom. Excitement was everywhere we looked as we started meandering through Main Street. It is freezing!! So much wind and it’s 50 degrees. Brrrr. So naturally, the first thing we did was buy a long sleeve shirt. My first merch to start my Disney career 😊
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Our next stop was the restrooms and then straight to big thunder mountain railroad. I booked a light night lane and we were on the roller coaster in less than 5 minutes.
We were on the hunt for breakfast after being whipped around the canyons, so we found the nearest quick service restaurant and had a delicious Nutella fruit waffle.
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11:24am: haunted mansion complete and we are now in line for “it’s a small world” standby line. 25 minute wait and I’m timing it to see how accurate the wait time is. I think it’s hilarious that the only Tangled representation is a bathroom area. It deserves a ride! There is only smiles from me and mom. This is just such a relaxing, chill day. No plans just going with the flow. Also I have to note that the park is not as busy as I thought it would be. With it being spring break season and everything. My heart is just so full as I type this and “it’s a small world” song plays in the background.
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12:29pm: we leisurely walked around for awhile taking in the castle and the scenery. We ended up making it in time to see the parade which was a blast to watch.
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Our stomachs are rumbling as we get in our lightning lane for pirates of the Caribbean. Don’t worry, we have scouted out lunch for immediately after the ride ;) beef nachos and a fajita platter.
I got my first ever pin! Maybe someday I’ll have a nice big collection of them.
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We went on to do Mike Wasowskis laugh floor which was cute and fun. Then carousel of progress which I have to say is going to the top of my list when it comes to shows Disney has to offer. I love Walt’s vision for the future and his passion for progress. The flow through time was fascinating and stood up to the test of time.
After carousel we got on Space Mountain. Me and mom were literally hooting and hollering the whole time and giggling. I forgot how much fun that roller coaster is!! We finished the day of rides with buzz lighters space ranger spin. It was a spectacle to look at but overall a miss. Kind of boring and felt dated-but not in the good way.
We’re going to get a Sunday on Main Street at the icecream parlor and go shopping and that will be the day!
I might go on to park hop-maybe Epcot but unsure at the moment. Thanks for reading!
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skatoonyfan1234 · 5 months
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I decided to give Alzatico, my villainous Encanto OC, a redesign.
His appearance now has him older, so he's a man who's balding with short white hair, a moustache, a beard, and different clothes; A black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a purple ascot, a dark green-blue long waistcoat, teal pants, and teal slip-on leather shoes on his bare feet.
Link to original site- Snow Queen Scene Maker (azaleasdolls.com)
Encanto [c] Disney My OC is to me and me alone.
If you want to use, feel free to ask.
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sistersorrow · 5 months
Random facts about me too uninteresting for their own posts
As a kid, I first learned of Alexander the Great in a children's book that was being distributed for free on a flight to visit relatives in the UK
In college I thought I simply didn't get hangovers, but it turned I was getting hangover but didn't notice cause I already felt like shit all the time
I used to burst into hives when exposed to faux fur
People often doubted I was my parents' child because I was a very pale baby
I have recurring dreams where the doors in my house won't lock and something is trying to get in
As a baby, I was bowlegged
My earliest memory is of a time I stepped barefoot on broken glass
One of the only people irl who knows I'm trans is my ex girlfriend and this fact haunts me
I have recurring dreams where I have a white cat and then something kills him
In dreams I generally have no strong emotional response to murder and will solve all my problems with murder
My mom does not remember the time I tried to come out as trans
Jared Leto's Joker is how I learned I was bi
The two things that got me into Disney Channel were the Mr Bean animated series and seeing Shego made young me feel a certain way
My least favourite field of biology is botany
Closing my eyes makes it harder for me to visualise things because when I close my eyes what I see can best be compared to boiling paint
If i sit in a quiet room and roll back my eyes, I can make myself hear whispers
I do not like wearing long sleeved shirts as they feel suffocating
I like wearing hoodies though
I first got into webcomics because 14 year old me was looking for places online to read Dilbert comics
I do not like mountains
When it gets cold, my finger joints swell and completely lock up
I got my chosen name from the Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron 4
I am 6'3" and walk quickly, but also have very quiet footsteps, so I often startle people
None of my widsom teeth grew in cause they're sideways
I eat coarse salt straight out the bag
Coming up with facts for this list was really hard cuase I can't think of many facts about myself
When cooking ramen I boil off as much water as possible to increase flavour concentration
Much of my taste in music comes from the Life is Strange soundtrack and Homestuck AMVs
I can't properly pronounce my birth name as it contains sounds not found in English
I hold mugs backwards sith the handle facing away from my hand
My go to alcoholic mixes are gin/vodka screwdrivers, tequilla and coke, or rum and tropical punch monster energy
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