#useless heads
pattpiha · 2 years
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all of them got adopted....thankfullyyy
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ominouspuff · 28 days
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I Can Despair No Further / From Here Each Step is Defiance
Request from @husborth - Palette #1 - Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker - Death of the Cynic in Me
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context <3
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k-pepp · 4 months
With the final season of YR coming up, I’ve been thinking about Wille’s journey again. Because he’s 16, we won’t know if he actually chooses to renounce his title or remain in his role as future king, but I have a feeling this season will give us an indication which way it will go. So, before we get any type of confirmation, I want to get my current thoughts out. I’m aware that a lot of YR Tumblr skews toward King Wilhelm so my pro-renounce post might not resonate with anyone and that’s ok. I just want to put all my thoughts together before S3 comes along with something that totally blows all my opinions and assumptions out of the water 🙂 I understand the idea of wanting Wille to be King because he could be such a great leader. He is kind and compassionate and can be good at taking charge. BUT just because a person could be good at something, doesn’t mean they should be forced to do it. My number one reason for being in favor of Renouncing his Title is the sheer fact that Wille doesn’t want to be King. He doesn’t want the title. He doesn’t want that life. Wille has been shown a multitude of times talking about how he struggles with the duties that come with being a prince. Whether it’s with Erik:
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Or August:
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Or Boris:
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(honestly, this boy will spill his guts to anyone who is willing to even half listen to him. My god. I’m so glad they gave this poor kid a therapist) He's also talked about how he feels trapped in this position. For him, to renounce the throne would be freedom. Freedom to live a life he actually wants.
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Even the mere idea of staying in his current position makes him physically ill.
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Some people take the end of episode 2x06 to mean he’s moved beyond all that and accepted his role as the future king. I didn’t personally see it that way. I saw it as a combination of a few things. 1) When come face-to-face with it, he just couldn’t let August give the speech (But the fact that he was initially willing to let someone who distributed revenge porn against him become king really speaks to how much he definitely doesn’t want that position) 2) He didn’t want Simon to have to compromise his happiness and give in to a situation he didn’t actually want 3) He didn’t want to hide anymore. He wanted to be himself. Wille is a person who craves authenticity. Which brings me to a bigger point… Life as the Crown Prince / King is inherently inauthentic. One of the main pro-King arguments is that he would blaze his own trail and do things his way. But how? Being a member of the royal family is a job. The basic responsibilities of that job are to do things like diplomatic visits, hosting events, being part of photo ops, schmoozing with people… pretty much all things having to do with putting on a public persona. It’s great that he could be himself in the sense that he would be the first queer Crown Prince / King, but the baseline duties he would have to fulfill are still inherently inauthentic. And I don’t know how he would “do it his way” aside from just not doing it. He hates putting on fake smiles
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the photo ops
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the schmoozing with people
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Erik even told Wille, the way to get through that stuff is to just pretend to be someone else.
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We know he’s capable of doing it. We saw how charming he could be at Parents Day weekend. But that was because he wanted to sit with Simon and impress Simon’s mom. Other than that lunch, he mostly hid in his room. And it goes back to my original point. Just because someone may be good at something doesn’t mean they should be forced to do it. (And yes, even if he walked away from the line of succession, he could still have familial obligations, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near the level of what is expected now) At this point, Wille is only continuing as Crown Prince because of a commitment to his family. Mainly Erik.
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He doesn’t want to let him down or feel like he’s betraying his legacy. To Wille, Erik was perfect. We only saw two full conversations between them and in both conversations, Erik was telling Wille to get his act together because “it’s not that hard”.
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That quote is probably something he told Wille a lot. So much that Wille later regurgitates it to Boris. Three different times.  
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Going on to say that Erik could handle everything easily.  
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Based on the fact that Erik was going to Boris, he probably wasn’t managing everything with ease. But in Wille’s perception, he was. Wille is basically chasing a ghost. Self-imposed pressure of unattainable perfection. He bears a guilt that pushes him to want to be someone he thinks Erik would be proud of.   The problem with that is, Erik was a monarchist. Maybe he struggled a bit (which is why he went to Boris), but based on the things he would say to Wille, he backed the monarchy / family completely.
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Ultimately, I just want Wille to be happy. Maybe S3 will completely change my outlook and I’ll root for him to become king because that’s what he wants. But right now, I think he only wants it out of a sense of obligation to Erik. And honestly…maybe my most controversial opinion…if he did stay in his position because of Erik, he probably wouldn’t change that much within the institution. I mean, he couldn’t change much even if he wanted to. He wouldn’t be allowed to do big things without the consent of the Swedish parliament and maybe a public referendum. And I doubt he’d even have the capability to make small changes. As already pointed out by @piebingo in this great post, Kristina didn’t actually want August to be next in line. But she was overruled. The Royal Court has a lot of power and making any sort of reforms or independent decisions is not that simple. Especially within an establishment that relies on keeping everything exactly the same. But even if that weren’t true. Even if Wille could snap his fingers and make all these huge changes… part of me doesn’t think he would. I know a lot of the folks who are pro-King Wilhelm want him to become the king just so he can completely destroy it from within. But to me, in Wille’s eyes there would be no bigger betrayal to Erik’s legacy than Wille burning the institution to the ground. And if he wants to live up to Erik’s legacy. Not betray him. Not let him down. He will act as he thinks Erik would act. If Wille becomes king because of Erik, he’ll maintain the establishment because of Erik. And he would be miserable doing it. Miserable and without Simon. Yes, my other controversial opinion. If Wille stayed as king, Wilmon wouldn’t make it. Simon is described to us as a socialist. One of his introductory scenes is him calling the monarchy the country’s biggest welfare scammers. I can’t imagine Simon giving up his musical dreams to join an institution that he hates. I also can’t imagine Wille letting him do that. That was such a big part of Wille’s growth in Season 2. Wille wouldn’t let Simon sacrifice his happiness for the sake of his own happiness (being with Simon). Even if Simon didn’t end up pursuing something in music, he made it clear in his talk with Rosh and Ayub that he wants to work hard to make something of himself.
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I mean, look at him. Look at this sweet baby angel’s face when he’s told he has an opportunity that will open doors to his future. I can’t imagine him giving up his ambitions or autonomy to become prince consort. Having to live every day under royal rules and protocols. Maybe he would. I personally can’t see it. And finally, I know a main reason people like the idea of King Wille is because we like the idea of a queer king. But as much as we all want queer representation; I don’t think it should be anybody’s responsibility to be the political representation that people want to see. Wille shouldn’t be in a position he hates because he’s queer. A queer person living their life and getting out of a toxic situation is also good representation. A person can’t fix the problem by becoming part of it. Having him be the face of an institution that’s been about exploitation and oppression isn’t going to solve it. It's always been said by Lisa and Edvin that Wille’s problem is not that he’s queer. It’s that he’s a prince. Everything about what’s making him unhappy is about him being prince / the future king. Him walking away from his title would be about him escaping a future that would make him miserable. Personally, that’s what I’m hoping for.
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goldensunset · 2 years
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Consider Alastor stripping in front of Vox and when Vox is like "holy shit ur comfortable enough around me to be naked??" and Alastor laughs at him and says "Do you think I get embarrassed when taking my clothes off in front of my couch or dresser? Why would I be embarrassed because I'm naked in front of a TV?"
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necessarymeanstoanend · 2 months
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spade represents the tip of a pike; an implement for killing
white void of doom
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sketch and background element/scribble that isn’t really visible but i’m sharing just in case anybody did notice it.
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other details
#now i have to draw one for alex *sobs*#how tf do you guys come up with backgrounds for EVERY DRAWING?! oh my god. i’m not creative enough for this bullshit#two things i discovered with this drawing: 1) birds are hard af to draw. 2) wet black hair is hard af to draw#you guys have no idea how many purple hues are actually in this art piece#this is like if dream and jessamy happened to have met under way worse circumstances#anyway let me know if you guys have any ideas for alex’s (i have no idea when exactly i’ll actually get around to it but still)#bones and shit#a majority of this one was inspired by The Locked Tomb fanart and symbolism#6 hours and 34 minutes but i’m gonna guess that roughly an hour and a half of that was me trying to figure out a background#tom sturridge#like minds#murderous intent#like minds 2006#nigel colbie#art#fanart#drawing#digital art#nigel colbie fanart#artist of tumblr#like minds art#nigel colby#<- including the old tag bc why not#somebody get this movie out of my brain#scoop it out along with all the other useless shit i keep in there#i was thinking maybe alex’s should be the complete opposite of this#like instead of his head being turned down it would be turned upwards#maybe he should be wearing the clothes he did when we first saw him with sally rowe (or maybe his school uniform)#i ​definitely want both of them to be side profiles and the theme is going to have to be somewhat consistent as well#<<‹ these tags are mostly so i remember my own thought process but feel free to leave your two cents
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ndostairlyrium · 1 month
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grey hair, fluff, and murrine 🔮
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notbecauseofvictories · 6 months
not quite sure how to cope with the fact that I told my boss I'll be turning 32 in a couple weeks, and having her respond, "oh, I thought you were 25"
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fvedyetor · 11 months
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relearning digital art part 2: pushing everybody has a crush on sigma propaganda
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neverevan · 6 months
Seven x2 Sentence Sunday 🎄
I was tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @heartshapedvows @thewolvesof1998 @jamespearce9-1-1 @daffi-990 and @fortheloveofbuddie thank you lovelies 💛
Here's a bit from the hospital fic because this one is technically done and though I finally worked out the puppy fic, I couldn't sleep much last night and now I'm totally useless lmao
“Alright, we’ll take it from here.” The nurse said as someone rolled a gurney in front of Buck and he laid Christopher down on it gently before the medical staff wheeled him away in a rush.
Buck made an aborted gesture to follow them, but the nurse put a hand across his stomach to stop him.
“Are you his father?”
“I’m his— he’s my, my—”
“I’m sorry but only parents and legal guardians are permitted to—”
“I am. Please, he’s my— he’s my kid. Let me through, please.”
She pursed her lips and gave him a curt nod. “Alright. But first I need you to fill out some forms.”
Buck nodded back at her tersely.
“Mind if I make a phone call first?”
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley
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anjuyn · 4 months
I recently went through a lot of information related to Rei in my attempt to fight the desire to sleep for a thousand years.
My information reserves have been replenished, therefore
just a little random facts about Sakuma Rei that I managed to find part 3 (or 4?? i forget :<)
1. Sakuma Rei is 179 cm tall. He is the second tallest enstars character along with Wataru and Eichi.
2. Rei is a year older than his classmates, as he was forced to repeat his second year. This was due to the fact that he was often on the road in search of medicine for Ritsu. However, in his third year, he also rarely attended classes, mostly coming only to take exams and get a perfect score.
3. According to this survey conducted in 2022 with more than 40,000 votes, Sakuma Rei is the first most popular character among the Japanese audiences.
4. Rei does not like fatty foods, because "just by smelling it, you already feel full."
5. He likes herbal tea (he seems to prefer lavender). Besides tomatoes, he also likes seasonal vegetables and fruits. He is generally very fond of plants and flowers.
6. Strangely enough, Rei is very embarrassed when he is praised or thanked for the work he has done (once he even asked the producer to repeat gratitude, because he was very touched by it).
7. The second-year Sakuma Rei, in addition to the nickname Puppy, offered Koga nicknames like "Jackal", "Hyena", "Dog", "Raccoon dog" and "Stalker-kun". He also described Adonis as a "Sparrow" (sparrowdonis so sweet <3)
8. Also in the second year, when he is confused or embarrassed, he starts to stutter a little (CUTE)
9. Rei has been playing the violin since childhood and during his studies at the academy he played it in the garden on wednesdays.
10. He seems a little afraid of Keito's anger.
11. Despite his vampire image, he treats garlic normally, but nevertheless, he mostly doesn't eat dishes containing it.
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bonyato · 1 year
Extremely Normal Behavior to exhibit when dealing with a crush btw
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does anyone see what I mean by 'they look similar' yet or am i insane.
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selkienight60 · 11 months
So, Tim and Damian have such an interesting dynamic, but I would just love to see them having minor arguments like actual siblings. And Bruce isn’t neutral about it—he’s a father, right? He cares about both of them. Wants them to get along. Takes them both out to a theme park together. Doing activities. And at the start of the day they have an argument in the car. But by the end of the day they’re talking up a storm. Tim wins a Robin figurine in the gachapon arcade and gifts it to Damian—doesn’t even think twice about it—but to Damian that’s like, a huge deal! And then Damian brings back two cotton-candy and gives the bigger one to Tim. And they pick rides together and they both love the Jurassic Park ride that they ride it 6 times.
Day at the theme park.
They fall asleep in the car on the way home. Damian’s head is on Tim’s shoulder. Tim’s head is resting on Damian’s head.
Bruce smiles at the sight of them in the rear-view mirror.
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milimeters-morales · 6 months
been thinking of Hobie humming or quietly singing lullabies to help his friends sleep during a rough night without even realizing he’s doing it sometimes. He always falls asleep last despite being constantly tired so he’s just watching them all calm down as he sings and have a few hours of peace from his singing, and it becomes a subconscious habit at some point, and he can’t explain the feeling it gives him, just saying he feels “full”, but there’s no weird disconnect from him having spider-powers and not his friends, there’s no haunting feeling of their efforts never being enough, there isn’t any sort of butterflies or fire lighting inside of him, it’s all super mundane, yet these moments are where he feels the most fulfilled, very “full”
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