#using they because we can’t forget about arashi
acanth3 · 3 months
追憶*マリオネットの糸の先 / Reminiscence*End of the Marionette's Strings
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Mika: ~.....♪
Arashi: Mi~ka-chan ♪
Mika: Nnnn!? What is it? What is it!? Naru-chan suddenly huggin’ me from behind! I thought my heart was about t’ stop…?
Arashi: Ufufufu, I’m sorry Mika-chan. It’s rare I’m in a good mood so let’s share our happiness ♪
Mika: Yes, but even if it's Naru-chan, don’t do it all of a sudden. M’ gonna get scared…
Arashi: I’m sorry Mika-chan’s reaction is so cute…☆
Mika: Usually , if anyone is hugged from behind their souls will drop.
It’s like a classic horror movie. If I had a gun, I would have mistaken’ you for a zombie and fired!
Arashi: Zombie?
I mean, Oh my! I’m sorry Mika-chan. Were you sewing?
Your fingers! You stabbed it with the needle, it’s bleeding!?
Mika: Hmm…really?
Arashi: I’m really sorry!
Well, wait! I’ll treat you, place this handkerchief on your finger!
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Mika: Naru-chan is exaggeratin’! I don't feel much pain It’s not that sensitive~ even if you stab it with a needle, ya can't really feel it ♪
Like this, if you just spit on it you’ll feel better~ ♪
Arashi: That’s right! Mika-chan I need to treat you properly. I’m taking you to the infirmary! 
Garden Terrace
Mika: Did you understand what I said!? Don’t drag me~ Naru-chan! I don’t want to get attention!
Really? I can’t go without Naru-chan?
That’s right it’s just to take me to the infirmary, you're even skipping class…
Naru-chan you look so serious…
Arashi: Ufufu~ It’s just the belief that ‘anything in moderate’ means ‘appropriate’ in the true sense ♪
I took you to the infirmary, say thank you~ It’ll be harder/bad if bacteria got into the wound, so I had to treat it ♪
Mika: Eh, you treated me, not Mr.Sagami, Naru-chan. We were in the infirmary for a long time, you were just chattin’ with the glasses teacher?
Arashi: That’s good because it’s just what you were looking for, Mr.Sagami is kind of a slacker…
Sometimes the teacher really does the work for you~ the rumours were true ♪
Oh~ It’s been a long time since I talked to my teacher! I am glad, your skin’s getting shiny! After all, when you fall in love, you do become beautiful~♪
Oh, I’m happy! I’ve been avoided by my teacher for a long time, I wonder why? It’s like an unrequited love after all! 
Mika: That teacher... Naru-chan. Is that why you look like that?
Arashi: I'm happy! Do you understand? The colour of my hair, the look-alike glasses…!
I just choose the same thing as the person I like~ That’s just how a woman's heart is ♪
Mika: Oh~ So that’s what ya did. Naru-chan when I first met you, you were more manly. I felt scared, weren't I?
Arashi: Oh no! Forget that, it was youth at the time! 
Mika: Ahahaha…do you like the teacher? Naru-chan rarely says ‘I like you’, ' I'm not really interested or anythin’…
Arashi: Don’t say such sharp things Mika-chan!
Well…I won’t deny it completely. I don't like it or not? I’m not really good at it, my emotions are just too strong.
Putting that aside, Mika-chan…For the price of taking away Arashi Narukami precious time from her life away, buy me some sweets from here~♪
Mika: What~? If Naru-chan didn’t surprise me in the first place, I wouldn't have gotten hurt…
By the way~ I’m short on money, I can smell it from here because it’s expensive~...?
Arashi: Again, I just lied ♪
Your ‘unit’, Valkyrie it’s pretty cool isn’t it?
You’re making enough money, right? Even as a reward, you’re able to be making enough ♪ 
The reward you gain from your live performances are ‘school funds’, money that can only be used during school…in this garden you can use it.
There’s no way you, a young man, a member of the undefeated Valkyrie, can’t even buy some sweets, right?
Hmm, I wonder what I should order~ ♪
Mika: No, really, I’m not lying…
Oshi-san told me “You’re honest enough to be stupid. No, you’re an idiot.” I was praised ♪
Arashi: No, it can’t be true? Are you really short on money? I was in the mood of eating something sweet till I get a full stomach!
What are you spending so much money on anyways? Clothes, cosmetics? But Mika is always dressed dirty aren’t you?
Even though you have a beautiful face.
Mika: Ahaha, I’m embarrassed Naru-chan praised me..?
Well, you’re good at it! Even if you praise me, the sweets will still be cheap… ♪
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Arashi: Wow, then I’ll order a half-sized cake or something. Cashier~  come on, come on  ♪
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - Prologue
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Grounds Characters: Mitsuru, Adonis & Arashi
TL Note:
Tanabata (七夕) is a star festival held in either early July or in August that celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi who are separated by the Milky Way.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The first year ES was established. Middle of June, Yumenosaki Academy. >
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Adonis: (...It’s raining again.)
(It’s been raining non-stop recently. Is this what they call the rainy reason? It’s been quite some time since I first started living in this country, but I can never get used to the difference in climate.)
(I don’t mind the hot or the cold but the stark differences between the two countries always catches me by surprise.)
(Does that mean I have yet to fundamentally acclimate to this country?)
Mitsuru: –Habucchon!?
Adonis: Are you all right, Tenma!?
That was quite a fall. Oh no, now you’re covered in mud.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t protect you.
Mitsuru: Huh? Why’re you apologising even though I’m the one who tripped, Ado-chan-senpai? That’s weird, y’know! Ahahahaha ☆
Oh wait, I should be calling you “captain” instead of “Ado-chan-senpai”, huh! Sorry. I tend to forget that sorta stuff, y’know!
Adonis: I don’t mind either one. No matter what you call me, I’m still me.
Mitsuru: But sports clubs are pretty strict with that kinda stuff, y’know~? I’ve been doing track and field for a long time now so I know all about it!
Adonis: I see. I’m always learning new things from you, Tenma.
Mitsuru: Heheh ♪ Feel free to learn as much as you want, “captain”!
Adonis: Right. You’re always my role model.
But it’s rare for you to trip, Tenma. Did something happen? You haven’t been focused as of late.
Could it be that you’re also feeling tired because your work has increased ever since ES was established?
Mitsuru: Mmm~ I guess that’s a part of it too, but a lot of my work is stuff I’m not used to doing – like being the main character in a drama.
On the other hand, I’ve been feeling like my head’s in the clouds recently, y’know? I can’t really explain it.
I’ve always practised in the same Track and Field Club at the same Yumenosaki Academy but…
It feels like something near the roots has somehow changed.
Ahh~ On second thought, it’s really hard for me to explain! I’m not good at that sorta stuff, y’know!
Adonis: I see. I’m also not very good at telling others how I feel, so I understand.
Mitsuru: Mmm~ Maybe it really does come down to how I still can’t beat Mike-chan-senpai..
It feels like I can’t move on or get past it, y’know.
Alright, I’ve decided! We can’t practise in the rain anyway, so I’ll make a dash for ES and challenge Mike-chan-senpai to a race!
I’ll tell him, “You can’t win and make a run for it”! Completing the things you’ve gotta do one by one will make you feel refreshed, y’know!
So I’m gonna wrap up my training here and head to ES!
Adonis: All right. There aren’t that many club members who have come today. There isn’t any equipment we need to pack up.
Mitsuru: It can’t be helped since it’s the rainy reason right now, but Ado-chan-senpai– I mean, captain, you should tell the other club members to show up for club too, y’know.
They’re so unmotivated! They should learn to love track and field more!
…I guess I’m not in any position to say that ‘cause I’ve also been busy with work and couldn’t come to club, either.
Adonis: Really, what’s wrong, Tenma? You don’t usually speak in such a downtrodden manner.
Mitsuru: It’s probably ‘cause of the weather, y’know! It’s been overcast a lot recently!
Adonis: Yeah… It would be nice if it clears up for Tanabata[∗] and we can see a beautiful Milky Way.
Mitsuru: ? What’s wrong, Captain Ado-chan?
Adonis: Uh… Wasn’t that Narukami up on the rooftop just now?
Mitsuru: Arashi-chan-senpai? Where, where? Whaa, the rain got in my eyes when I looked up!
Adonis: The rain is getting heavier too… Let’s go back before we catch a cold, Tenma.
It’s just club activities – it’s nothing we should be breaking our bodies for, I’m sure.
Mitsuru: Huh~? People that don’t go all-out in their club activities are useless no matter what they do, y’know!
Adonis: A never-give-up spirit for sports, huh. “Going all-out” and “overdoing it” are two different things, Tenma.
Mitsuru: Boo, boo! Ado-chan-senpai, you’ve been pretending to be a grown-up lately and I don’t like it, y’know! I don’t wanna be scolded!
Adonis: I didn’t mean it that way. But we’re also members of society who are affiliated with ES – We'll definitely need to grow up.
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Arashi: …………
Adonis: Narukami.
So it really was you. What are you doing here? We aren’t allowed to be on the rooftop.
Arashi: …………
Adonis: Can’t you hear me? Tenma was also acting a little strange, but what’s gotten into you too? You’re getting poured on and your hair that you’ve always styled so nicely is ruined.
You’re not acting like yourself and that worries me.
Arashi: …Hmph. Not like me, you say? Just what do you even know about me, Adonis-chan?
Adonis: If you put it that way, I don’t have anything to say. I think of you as a friend, but objectively speaking, our relationship is a superficial one of two club members.
Arashi: I’m joking – sorry for being mean. I guess I’m just irritated.
Adonis: …Did something happen?
Arashi: Not really?
It’s nothing big. It’s not like my life is in danger or anything like that – nor did someone confess their love to me… Nothing that could change my life happened.
But it’s just that someone disrespected something important to me.
Adonis: ………?
Arashi: You know, I’ve always been used to those sorts of things, Adonis-chan.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ← Previous Chapter ᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂ Next Chapter →
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landofzero-archive · 8 months
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - Epilogue 2
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(Location: “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” program set)
(10 minutes later)
Tsumugi: —What happened, Director-san? You’re looking pale?
Ahaha. Now that you mention it, your phone’s been ringing for a while now, hasn’t it.
I wonder, if the participants who aren’t supposed to lose are losing, then NETV’s people’s phones would be ringing endlessly.
I think it’d be fine to ignore them. Right now, it’s your job to make the program interesting♪
…… If you go on like this, you won’t be able to work in the industry again, will you? Is that really true?
Surely, when “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” is broadcast— it’ll catch the eyes of many people, I think.
In that case, what will the viewers think if they see the current developments? I think we’ll be praised for using our wits and resisting.
Even if there’s circumstances where ES idols are favored by the industry, isn’t it sad to see Natsume-kun and the others now?
It’s more fun than catching glimpses of the program’s true circumstances.
This big turnaround happened because you worked sincerely hard on your production work. The last person to evaluate it is the one who sees that workmanship.
That’s why— I don’t know what other people will say. I, at least, appreciate your work.
“Battle on the Sugoroku Board.” It was a very fun program♪
…… Any time now, NewDi Team and CosPro Team will meet up.
They wanted to use all their gold and support items in a three-on-three battle. It’s a perfect match for “Battle on the Sugoroku Board”’s finale.
Let’s watch it through to the end. I think it would be best to explain what’s happening to the people at NETV later♪
Natsume: FuU…… We managed to defeat thEM.
It truly was a fight to the deaTH. It was a victory we were able to obtain by using up all our wits and iteMS.
Madara: Nice work, Arashi-san.
Arashi: Ufufu. I never thought I’d roll an “18” with the “Triple Dice” and win big. Maybe it’s because of my excellent habits♪
Natsume: If anything, we were saved by the design of the “dice battLES.”
Support items with “Dice” in the name can’t be stackED— it was a relief to see that the idols instructed to fix the match were unable to use multiple iteMS.
If they had used “Triple Dice” or “Loaded DiCE,” we wouldn’t have been able to compete with thEM.
NoW, all that’s left is CosPro TeAM—
After defeating the match fixing idols to the east and weST, we obtained an unused “Detection Satellite”— an item that displays the enemy’s GPS.
They were probably planning on using this and the “Disappearing Mantle” to successfully escape until the final stagES. They’ve got no use for it anyway, so I’ll be glad to use iT.
FufU. LoOK, there’s three GPS signals coming towards uS. It’s probably the CosPro TeAM.
Madara: Looks like they did it. It’s amazing that the CosPro Team also survived under these circumstances.
Arashi: There don’t seem to be any other GPS signals left. At this rate, it seems like it’ll be a one-on-one fight in the end.
Like we discussed before, it’ll be a fair three-on-three battle at the end, and the one who wins two will be the winner— is that right?
Natsume: YeS. As expected, doing a winner-takes-all matCH in this situation would get us nowheRE.
In the end, let’s play a fair team matCH.
As I was sayiNG, it looks like they’ve arrivED.
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Ibara: If it isn’t Natsume-kun! We’ve finally done it!
We had two people on our side, so it was quite a struggle. How are you faring?
Natsume: YeS, I feel greAT. Since we’ve come this far, there’s no need to guess what’s going on behind the scenES.
In the eND, I just want to have fun and not think about anythiNG.
Ibara: I see. Since we’re here at the end, let’s enjoy the “Dice Battle” without holding anything back!
I’m also in a great mood now that I’ve been able to administer a good scolding to troublesome coworkers! It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to forget about work and have fun……☆
Arashi: Ufufu. The two of them are getting excited. …… Then, I guess I’ll battle with Yuuta-chan♪
Yuuta: Eh? Me?
Arashi: Yes. We got caught up in a lot of adult stuff today. Besides, we hardly talk to each other, don’t we?
Sometimes I want to play with younger children, so I’d be happy if I could do so with you♪
Of course, I’m not going to lose easily. How about we use all of the items we’ve acquired so far to compete?
Yuuta: Fufu. Then I'll use “Triple Dice” as well. Let’s finish this to the bitter end♪
I also have a “Reroll Card” and “Substitute Doll!” Since I’ve made it here, I’m going to fight with cheat-class items♪
Madara: Hahaha. Maybe it’s because of the match-fixing, but everyone seems to be using items as they please. It’s a big treat♪
Shall we leftovers fight it out, Rinne-san?
Rinne: Alright, I’ll take you up on it!
I was just thinking that we didn’t get to have enough fun♪ Let’s enjoy it ‘til the end♪
It’s an all or nothing do-or-die match between all six members!
Natsume and Ibara: The dice rolls a—!
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jewwyfeesh · 6 months
The Lost Tome - 4
Writer: Mitsuki
Characters: Narukami Arashi, Suou Tsukasa, Sakuma Ritsu
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Ritsu: Mm, yes. That’s why I said to stop bothering me. One more time and I’ll really get pissed off. (Lies down and covers himself with the blanket.)
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[ ♪ ]
Season: Autumn
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Garden Space
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Arashi: The air is cooler now – seems like Autumn is finally here. And if I recall, it’s also the season of chrysanthemums.
At a time when most plants are withering and falling, it really is a special treat to see them start to bloom.
This kind of feeling is akin to seeing a hardworking young man; I wonder if I should find some spare time to go admire those yellow blossoms~? 
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Hm? There’s a blanket here, and it seems to be covering something. Is there someone sleeping underneath?
Honestly, it is kind of weird to sleep in such an open-air environment…
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Curiosity did kill the cat… I suppose a little peek wouldn’t hurt…
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UWAH!! R-Ritsu-chan… Why are you sleeping here?!
Ritsu: Yaaaaawn~ Don’t go ‘round causing such a ruckus and disturbing my rest…
Arashi: Ritsu-chan, don’t go back to sleep, do you even see where you’re dozing?
Ritsu: Mm, yeah I know. I picked this place on purpose.
Nevermind. If I don’t explain it properly to you, Nacchan~, you might just nag me non-stop, so… Let me give you a TLDR…
Today’s sun isn’t too bad, so Anzu had wanted to air a blanket for me, but I really wanted to sleep.
But she thought that the sun would be gone by the time I woke up; keeping my health in mind, she insisted on helping me air that quilt.
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I can’t turn down her kindness, so I worked out a compromise.
Arashi: So… What you meant is… You decided to take a nap here and air the blanket at the same time?
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Ritsu: Mm, yes. That’s why I said to stop bothering me. One more time and I’ll really get pissed off. (Lies down and covers himself with the blanket.)
Arashi: Hahahaha. While I’m unable to comprehend your train of thought sometimes, Ritsu-chan, this isn’t such a bad idea after all.
If it were me, I probably wouldn’t even be able to come up with such a plan.
I won’t keep you up any longer, then. Go have a good rest, but don’t forget we have practice later.
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Ritsu: Uuu… How annoying. But Nacchan~’s finally gone. At long last, some peace and quiet… Perfect to go eep… (Flips over, and covers the book that fell by his side.)
A while later…
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Tsukasa: Onee-sama, you’re on your way to go look for Ritsu-senpai, is that it?
It’s because it’s nearly time for Knights’ practice, so you’re preparing to go wake him up, and also make use of the remaining sunlight to help him sun his blanket?
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Haha, you’re very kind. In that case, allow me to accompany you on your quest to look for Ritsu-senpai.
You’re asking about me? I, too, am on my way to participate in Knights’ practice.
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Besides, I have some Time now. If I am able to offer my assistance here, then I would gladly do so.
I’ve found Ritsu-senpai, he’s over here ♪
Ritsu-senpai, please wake up! It’s time for you to get out of bed!
Ritsu: Yaaawn~ Why’re there other people here disturbing my beauty sleep again…?
Eh? Why are you here, Suu~chan?
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Tsukasa: Ritsu-senpai, Onee-sama and I are here to wake you up. The Time of our shared practice session is upon us.
Ritsu: Oh? Anzu’s here too… Seems like it’s time. Let me pack my things up and I’ll head over.
Anzu, you’re saying I don’t need to tidy up because you’re intending to utilize the last bit of sunlight to sun the other side of the blanket? Ah, thank you very much.
Suu~chan, shall we go ahead first?
Tsukasa: I would like to assist Onee-sama with tidying up for a little while. Ritsu-senpai, how about you head over there first? I’ll be over soon.
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Ritsu: Okay~ See you there. Suu~chan, don’t take too long~ Bye bye~
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Tsukasa: Onee-sama, you’re thanking me? No no, I should be the one thanking you. Previously, you’ve helped us a great deal during Knights’ various activities, so… I, too, want to lend you a hand.
That’s why… Please don’t mention it. Feel free to take this as my way of repaying you.
I’ll help you air out Ritsu-senpai’s blanket – you can take a breather over here.
Huff~ It’s done, Onee-sama. If there’s nothing else, I’ll get going.
You’re saying that you found a book where Ritsu-senpai had been resting earlier on? He probably forgot about it and left it here.
I can help pass it to Ritsu-senpai — I am headed to practice after all.
You’re saying you’ll deliver it personally after you’ve kept away Ritsu-senpai’s blanket, because you’d like to see how our practice is like?
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Alright then, thank you very much Onee-sama. I’ll take my leave now. See you later!
[ ☆ ]
← Chapter 3 | Story Masterlist | Chapter 5 →
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achromaticsremixture · 4 months
Chapter 2 
Madara: Oya, oya, Arashi! Put in a bit more energy, and let your voice ring from your diaphragm! 
Hajime: U-um…? Mikejima-senpai, Narukami-senpai…how are you…? 
Madara: Oh? We’ve attracted two adorable little customers immediately! The round cakes are very cheap right now, they’re only 3000 yen! If you put loaaaads of strawberries on top, they’ll be even tastier! 
Hajime: N-no, we’re not customers…
Hajime: Are Mikejima-senpai and Narukami-senpai working at the pastry shop? 
Madara: Yes. Our friend asked us to help gather customers! Christmas is the season for pastry shops, after all. 
Madara: Come on, Arashi. Stop looking so bored. Smile for Mama, okay~? 
Madara: If you’re too shy to yell, I’ll go and serve the customers myself~ 
Madara: Arashi just needs to smile and wave at the customers, okay? 
Madara: You’re a beautiful girl, so everyone will stop and stare! 
Arashi: Wait!! We only agreed to smiling!! I only decided to come help because I didn’t think we’d need to yell! 
Arashi: And in the end…we’ve been stuck standing out here in the cold. What if I catch a bug?! 
Madara: Oho! There’s no need to worry! Arashi’s just the same as me, isn’t she? She’s also bundled up with warmth packs inside her uniform~ 
Madara: Unlike you, I’m so hot that I want to take off all my clothes! 
Arashi: Alright, alright!! I’m wrong, okay??? I won’t be cold right now, but this job…it’s so thankless!! 
Arashi: I only accepted this job because I thought I could stand outside wearing a Santa costume! 
Arashi: This is a form of scamming, Mama. You scammed me with the “there’s a cute santa costume” from the beginning! 
Madara: No, I’m not lying~ I really had them prepare a cute Santa costume! 
Madara: Just…it’s made for girls. I don’t think it’s really suited for Arashi, is it? Since Arashi doesn’t like wearing tight and revealing clothes. 
Arashi: Yeah..you’re right. But this job is really so BORING!! Mama, can I go home now? 
Madara: Hm~ But we haven’t reached our goal yet. If you go back now, then I’ll be suuper bothered. Help me out for a bit longer, will you? 
Madara: After we’re done, we get free cakes!! 
Arashi: No…no…I don’t want the cakes…
Madara: Hm? Arashi, don’t you like eating sweet things? 
Arashi: I do like eating sweets, but…I’ve been putting on weight lately, so I have to watch what I eat. 
Arashi: That’s why even if we get cakes, I’ll feel bad, okay? 
Madara: Nah, Arashi! I don’t think you look fat at all! You’ve just been gaining muscle from what I’ve observed~ 
Arashi: Ugh…Mama!! I hate how I easily gain muscle, and you just bring it up like that?! 
Madara: Sorry, sorry! But, that’s how it is, is it? 
Madara: I wanted to ask Arashi for help tomorrow as well…ahh, this is such a chore!! My braincells are slowly dying one by one!! 
Arashi: Why do you even need to help them out after tomorrow? The other party only asked Mama to help out for one day, right? 
Madara: No? We need to help from the next few days onwards. Did I forget to tell you, Arashi? 
Madara: After all, we’re hosting the S1 on Christmas Day. This job is a nice one that won’t last until Christmas Day/Silent Night, so I took it! 
Madara: Anyways, the point is that they want us to help tomorrow and the day after too! 
Madara: I’ll find someone else to come help tomorrow, but it was already really hard getting a volunteer today…
Madara: So, Arashi…even if you want me to kneel down, even if you want me to do the most humiliating things…I’ll do it! I’m just begging you, please help out this once! 
Arashi: A person like you kneeling down in the middle of the road would just attract attention!! Sigh, I really can’t deal with you, can I…? 
Arashi: We’re ride or die, right? I’ll stay with you until the end of the day. 
Tomoya: Ah, both of you look very busy…then we’ll see you soon! 
Tomoya: About the customers, please work hard!! Hey, Hajime! Let’s go! 
Tomoya: They’re working so hard…I kinda feel bad for disturbing them. 
Tomoya: I remember Hajime used to take this kind of job before. It’s really a pain in the ass, right? 
Hajime: ………..
Tomoya: Hajime!! Oi~ I’m talking to you, Hajime! 
Hajime: Oh. Uh, Tomoya? You were saying? 
Tomoya: How are you always lost in the clouds like this…what are you thinking about? I’m always here for you, you know? 
Hajime: Ah- it’s nothing…I was just thinking about what we’d eat for dinner tonight…
Hajime: Tomoya, my parents will be worried if I get back late. Let’s go back early~ 
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lake-archive · 4 months
Chapter 40 - That One Visit
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AO3 Link
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Series: Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht
Characters: Izumi Sena, Ritsu Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga, Tsukasa Suou, Arashi Narukami, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC) (mentioned)
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Sure, hiatus is hiatus. That never meant the following however: Izumi staying back and just letting those guys and Naru–Chan off the hook. Especially not when they had to put in a bit more effort due to him missing out on some idol activities. He didn’t slack off either of course, trying his best to keep up with his usual routine and to be in tip top shape! Sure, he is living under the same roof as a literal sloth but that didn’t stop him! He had his routine and that was that! Nothing could stop him! Not like someone was going to anyway.
Regardless, today marks one of the days where he would check up on his unit mates, right when they were practicing. They better not be slacking off after all! Or he would make sure to give them a good earful and whip them into shape if he really has to! He has the time after all. But would he get the chance to? Of course not. Because the moment the guys would even notice him the first one to dash over to him would be Naru–Chan, her looking so excited whenever seeing her childhood friend. And it was always overwhelming.
“Haha, look who decided to show up just now~!” She even announced which made the others turn without hesitation. The next one jumping in was Leo, always.
“Oh, Sena! Hello hello! We’re doing juuust fine~ See see? And yes, I’ve not forgotten one meal ever since your absence! Wahaha!” He announced, always loving to point the last part out like a little kid. 
“You better…” Izumi only sighed, having no longer any words left for this. That Leo managed to pull his own though… Impressive. That or the others took over that duty in the meantime. One of those things… As long as Leo was still alive and didn’t run off.
“ Guys ! Would you give Sena–Senpai some space!?” Kasa–Kun was always around for that, ready to prevent a possible escalation… Yet he was always too late. Then again, not like anyone could manage them to begin with. It was a lot on a little boy like him probably. “Besides, we still have something to discuss.”
“Aww, come on Tsukasa–Chan. Just for a little while? It won’t be long.” Naru–Chan countered, as upbeat as she liked to present herself.
“Let them Suu–Chan. They’re just excited to see Secchan.” Kuma–Kun interrupted, trying to calm Kasa–Kun down perhaps. “Well, things have been a little different without him around. I see why not.”
“Hah, fine… Don’t make it too long though.” The youngest seemed to give in way too easily into those demands.That or he just didn’t have the energy… Which was understandable. 
“Oh, are you delivering another bento?” Leo asked with no hesitation. “Sena, did you forget where the office was? And I thought I’m forgetful!”
“Wha— No! Do you see anything in my hands!?” Izumi responded. Where was that coming from!? 
“Juuust wondering~”
“Ugh… I’m here to check up on you guys.”
“Aww, you’re still thinking of us. How sweet of you~” Naru–Chan said rather teasingly, then chuckling. “But we’re doing fine. You don’t have to worry about us.”
“Fine can mean a lot of things with you guys…” He countered. “No, really. It can mean more than you might think…”
“You don’t trust us anymore? My, how hurtful Izumi–Chan.”
“Don’t twist my words around! Can’t I come here just because!?”
“Just because huh~ How unusual Secchan.” Ugh, now Kuma–Kun was joining in on this. “Are you missing us already~?”
“I… In… Not even in your dreams!” His lips would deny with a huff yet the words were not entirely true. ‘Missing them’ would be a bit of a stretch but he does enjoy his time with them. That much was true. So perhaps he was going to look forward to these days once more. 
“Sh… Shut it Kuma–Kun! I’ve already got someone else messing with me! I don’t need a second one!”
“Huh? Someone else is messing with you?” Naru–Chan’s ears caught wind of this. Of course she would notice that right away. Drat! He and his mouth… “My my Izumi–Chan~ Do you have to tell us something?”
“No! Why would I—”
“You sure? You and Miss Ghost get along pretty well lately!” Leo threw in. “You’re like more than besties now!”
“Wha— Why do you bring her into this now!?” Izumi shouted, forcing his embarrassment to tone down. 
“I agree with Tsukinaga–Senpai on this one I’m afraid.” Kasa–Kun is against him too!? Are they all against him since he left or what!? “You and Ann–San are very close. The days you two were just screaming at each other so loud that everyone heard you up to the highest floor still feels surreal.”
“Right right!? I knew Suou would catch on!” Leo nodded. “It’s been soo long! Sadly that also took an inspiration source away from me but… Can’t be helped.”
“Tsukinaga–Senpai!? Are you being serious right now!?”
“That’s Tsukip for you.” Kuma–Kun chuckled, the only one somewhat unfazed. “But seriously, are Secchan and Ann–Chan a couple now? Is this where we are supposed to congratulate him?”
Wha— When did the conversation turn into that nonsense!? “Hah? Me and her? Pff, no way.” Izumi scoffed in the end, but it was true. A couple? No way in hell! “Alright… Maybe friends… Kind of. Yeah, I would go that far. But there’s nothing else between her and—” “Hooold it there Sena!” Of course the composer of the group had to interrupt. “Listen to yourself for a second.”
Izumi crossed his arms. “Why?”
“Repeat what you said. But slowly. Very slowly if you have to.”
“Ugh… Stop beating around the bush. What are you on about Leo–Kun?”
“Ok fine. I’ll just say it. You never called Ann–Chan by ‘her’ before.”
“Don’t be— Wait a minute…” He stopped for a second there. Did he… Actually… He was forced to think back about conversations he either had with Ann or in her presence. He never really thought about it and reflected on it fairly closely. He… Wait… He did refer to Ann as ‘she’ recently! When did he do that!? And why did she never point it out!? In fact, she was acting like always towards him, without a care in the world! Actually no, scratch that, she should’ve said something before. When he was referring to her as a ‘they’, right? It was because he didn’t see her as a woman then. He didn’t want to, he refused. Her? A woman back then? No way. He couldn’t. Ann and a woman, in what world— Hold on, don’t tell him he started to see her as a woman now!? If he thought about it very closely for a short moment… Did he seriously start to see her as a woman here!? And she didn’t point it out!? She didn’t even point the ‘they’ out! Does she even care!? Maybe she doesn’t! Actually why was he wasting his thoughts on that now!? What the actual— “Huh… Could it be…” He heard Naru–Chan speak up all of a sudden which made him get back to reality, yet the confusion was written all over his face. Even more once she continued to speak, asking:  “Izumi– Chan… Are you in love?”
As if he had been caught red handed he noticed his cheeks litting up, staring at her in disbelief. She said it! That woman actually said it! She had the guts to point it out! Just like that! “In love!?” He repeated, nearly yelling. “Don’t make stuff like that up now! It’s not very funny you know!”
“Oh I wasn’t being funny. I was being totally serious here~” She chuckled, a victorious smile on her face. “But don’t answer. I think I already know. Best of luck Izumi–Chan~”
“I said I’m not— Why you…” He nearly growled, not wanting to think about it. That was an outrageous claim. In love!? He!? With Ann!? Did Naru–Chan fall on her head or something!? Ugh.. Why was he being so defensive though? N… No way he… Actually… Maybe… Was he?
When thinking back on some things… Was there a chance? The two were kinda on dates before after all. And ever since seeing more of her, let alone living with her… Things go smoother. He kind of liked it actually, growing fond of her. At first he thought it was just because she was the little girl from years ago and it might play a factor. He would lie if he said it didn’t. But… Even before that… To some degree… Ugh, that’s a headache to think about. Did he seriously start to see her that way now? He wouldn’t know when, he just hated it that Naru–Chan’s outrageous claim could hold some weight. Ugh, not like these feelings would be returned though.
“Anyway, change of topic.” He quickly said before anyone else could get a funny idea. “I’m not seeing Patch anywhere. Did you leave him somewhere Kuma–Kun?”
“Hm? Nyeli?” The one responded with a question before nodding. “Yeah. Ann–Chan is sitting him. He’s in her office.”
“So he’s fine at least. That’s good to know.”
“Hmm~? Wanted to see your girlfriend and your little bro—”
“Don’t you dare finish that!”
Just when he thought the worst was over…
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snowmaniaph · 2 years
All Treasure!: Sakuma Daisuke
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What I remember is when I appeared as a backup dancer in Arashi’s live performance in Japan National Stadium when I was still a Jr. and before I became SnowMan.  It was the first time I’m appearing as Arashi’s backup dancer but we were supposed to learn the choreography for 10 songs in one day. It was just the beginning but it was already hard. The rehearsals at the venue were also done during the height of summer so the sunlight was really intense. The area down the stage was like a sauna, it was so hot I felt like I was about to collapse! Because we did our best while sweating a lot, I can’t forget how good the wind felt and the scenery after the sun went down on the first day of the performances.
Starting from the opening of the final day of Miyake Ken-kun’s last year of appearing in Takizawa Kabuki I thought “Today might be the last time I dance as a backup for Ken-kun” and I got emotional. I cried the moment the last song “WITH LOVE” played. I couldn’t stop it even though I thought that I should control my feelings, I even remember crying on stage (laughs).
[Heart Pounding]
A while back I invited a male friend to go to a cat café with me, and as expected the cats were cute~. The cats had different personalities and going there doesn’t mean that all the cats would snuggle up to you, but they gradually come closer when they get more used to you. I can’t get enough of the cats frantically chasing the toys I hold out <3 Also if there are cats who like their rumps being petted then there are also cats who want their heads stroked, and finding those out was really fun! My heart was really going kyunkyun while playing with them!
There are about 6 friends from university that I still contact even now! Among them, there are friends I meet with frequently and friends I don’t meet with as much, but a friend I go out with a lot said “We’ve been friends for more than 10 years now. Isn’t that amazing?” And then we reminisce and laugh, and I say “If I could go back in time then going back to our university days would be nice” but it really just shows how happy I was to have friends to spend rich and enjoyable times with. Won’t I stay in my youth as long as I’m with them?
[Club Activities]
I haven’t joined any clubs! I was already a Jr. when I was in middle school, and even if it wasn’t for that, I don’t think I would have joined any clubs because I want to quickly go home and watch TV (laughs).
Source: Duet 09/2022
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sweet-flower-dreams · 2 years
Can you imagine…
being an idol and having your beloved idol s/o come to every one of your lives.
They know the lyrics to every single one of your songs, they even learned some choreo!! They reaaally want to perform with you one day :)
Your beloved idol thinks you look stunning on the stage, letting your heart out~ \( ˆoˆ )/
They could listen to your voice for eternity and still wouldn’t be tired of it!
Your dearest idol has all your merch, from posters to figures, they buy everything to support your career.
They’ll always try to help you with your work, and in return you help them! You do photo shoots and talk shows together all the time.
Your lovely idol being your biggest fan and you being theirs 💗💗💗
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ohcheckmate · 3 years
a confident model: izumi special story scout chapter 2
Location: Classroom
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Izumi: Is this the location of the photoshoot?
Okay, we can start once you confirm that there’s no problems.
Me? You don’t have to worry about me, I’m good to go.
Hm~ Speaking of which, I don’t think you’ve really seen me at work.
…You’ve got some nerve to say you have confidence in me.
We aren’t familiar with each other yet, and we’re not on the same page.
If you really think you’re standing on the same battlefront as me just because you’re a producer, that’s just your own wishful thinking.
But since you said that, I’ll show off a bit.
Good, the client has arrived too. I’ll have to go up soon, so just watch closely from the sidelines.
Remember, I’m not ‘escaping’ to the idol world just because I can’t stay in the modelling world anymore, okay?
“Hello, I’ll be in your care today~♪” [1]
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“Is this pose alright? Ah, regarding my expressions, due to the concept of the advertisement, I feel that I should not smile.”
“If I display a rather stoic expression, the audience will have the impression that the product has the same aura as its endorser: solid, reliable, and long-lasting.”
“Smiling in the shots would break the impression that we would like to give everyone about our product.”
“Are you in favour of these suggestions? Alright, I’ll maintain the expressions I have at the moment. Then, I’ll hang my jacket over my shoulder…”
“All done.”
“Mm, I’ll have to change up my pose and take a few more shots later.”
“Are these pictures all that’s required? Understood, thank you all for your hard work today.”
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… Oi, Anzu, what’s wrong with you? You’re standing there all dumbstruck.
Arashi: Hmm, Izumi-chan, you’re so unromantic. Of course it was because you were sooo focused, and sooo handsome while working just now~
You were super cool, and even I, not to mention Anzu-chan, was staring in awe.
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As expected, I absolutely adore the hardworking Izumi-chan the most.
Izumi: Oi, you shi—Tsk!
(The photography staff are still here, so can’t you be a bit more aware of your actions and not hug me like that?! It’s so embarrassing?!)
Arashi: (Hehehe, it’s exactly because there are staff around that Izumi-chan can’t use his usual attitude to talk to me, right?)
(After all, he’s suuuper careful about his public image, so how can he curse and swear at me?)
(Of course I have to use this opportunity to become closer and closer to Izumi-chan♪)
Izumi: (... Are you deliberately using this chance to piss me off? And anyway, what are you even doing here?)
Arashi: (Are you serious? I am a model too, you know. Of course I’m here for the audition.)
(Anzu-chan didn’t tell you? I was commissioned this time too.)
(And also, I do want to fairly and honestly compete with you for once.)
(Izumi-chan… You can’t surely be scared, right? Betcha worried that this job would be stolen by me♪)
Izumi: (Hmph, there’s no need to be riled up by you.)
(It’s just Naru-kun, so try giving it your best shot.)
Ahem, um… Naru-kun, what are you still stalling around for? Why don’t you quickly get changed? Don’t keep others waiting.
Arashi: Oh fine, I know.
Anzu-chan, will you stay here and watch me when it’s my turn? I can’t let Izumi-chan show off all by himself♪
Wait a sec, I’ll be ri~ght back~
Izumi: (Tch, this brat is still as shrewd as ever.)
(Shrewd, yet not horrid to others. Having an excellent sense of propriety is one of Naru-kun’s strengths, I suppose.)
Anzu, what’s wrong? Why do you keep staring at me? I’m not upset.
Whether Naru-kun shows up for this audition or not isn’t my problem. Whether I knew about it or not doesn’t affect my performance.
This is the most fundamental professionalism; no matter what career you’re in, you should understand this.
To tell you the truth, it’s not a bad thing to have someone competing with you at your side.
At the very least, it won’t feel hollow or stupid to put in effort, and you also won’t feel like there’s no meaning in working hard…
Forget it, I don’t know why I’m saying all this to a starry-eyed idiot.
You just continue to work hard. I hope you’ll never have to understand whatever I just talked about.
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These are genuine blessings from me, you know? You should be grateful and cherish this in your heart forever.
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cn proofing: eme eng proofing: junsweats
just wanted to emphasise that izumi’s being Extra Polite while saying this, he said hello using the more formal ‘您’ rather than the usual ‘你’ which is more informal and commonly used ! all lines said by izumi in quotation marks are him being super formal and ... work mode … woohoo u go izumi !!
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popcornpeppermint · 3 years
Brother, Brother (Part 2)
Arashi knew something was up once he opened the front door with a tipsy Shinyo leaning on the frame. Stumbling inside without much permission, Shinyo began a drunken rant about “how ungrateful my little prick of a brother can be”. 
Arashi sighed. He knew the routine. First the blonde will go on and on about how stupid his younger brother is, then it’ll end in him sobbing about how pitiful his life is. At first the swan-hero found it amusing but now it was extremely grating.
He watched as Shinyo took another swig of his drink, letting out a loud burp and looked lazily in his direction. His hair was a mess; out of its usual ponytail. His face was dusted with a pink hue with alcohol painting his lips. Arashi would appreciate the sight if the other stopped babbling.
“Shinyo, calm down” he patiently said. He would kick the other out. But he knew Keigo needed at least a few days to rest. He already dealt with the weight of being a hero and now he has to keep his older brother out of trouble too.
Arashi knew all too well what stress being a hero felt like. His work took place mostly at night dealing with the underground, big-bad villains that the daytime heros never bothered to deal with. He can imagine that stress was the same on both sides, day and night.
He also knew how stressful Shinyo can be too. Not only does he stay in trouble; coming home drunk, not working, giving unnecessary sass; all that was a package deal with Shinyo.
Shinyo and Keigo are like day and night. Keigo, for some reason, is way more mature than Shinyo. He make better choices, considerate and think with his head. Smart too. Shinyo is the exact opposite. 
Don’t get him wrong, Arashi admire Shinyo a lot but some things he will never understand.
Shinyo and Keigo came from the same household. They both grew up with abusive parents. Shinyo protected Keigo from their harsh world. So how did Keigo end up being the only one to become a hero.
“My fucking parents sold ‘em” Shinyo would bitterly say. “No shit he’ll become on top. Those fuckers can give two shits about my little brother’s wellbeing as long as they get what they want.”
Arashi sighed at the thought. Maybe he was overthinking again?
It was a moment before he realized that the living room fell silent. Shinyo must have finally burn put of energy and crashed out.
Arashi peeked into the living room to see Shinyo laying sloppily on the couch, snoring like a bear. His wings were spread out, the massive red covering most of the couch.
Arashi chuckled to himself, grabbing a spare blanket and headed over to cover the other. Shinyo mumbled in his sleep. Arashi smiled softly, brushing the wild, blonde bangs out of Shinyo’s face.
He felt his heart flutter looking at his best friend’s sleeping form.
“Keigo, stop crying, ok?” I won’t let him hurt you.”
“Shinyo! Keigo! Where the hell are ya, you little brats!”
“H-He’s gonna hurt us, Nii-san.”
“Yeah, over my dead body!”
A loud bang sounded on their bedroom door. Shinyo could hear their mother through the thin wall.
“Forget about them. Don’t waste your time.”
“The little punks sold me out! I just know it!”
Keigo whimpered as the banging continued, his feathers fluffing up in fright. Shinyo scowled, hugging his little brother and circling his own wings around him in and effort to comfort.
“Suck it, you old fuck!” the ten-year-old snapped. “We didn’t even do anything to you!”
The banging stopped. The only thing that could be heard is Keigo’s sobbing.
“Shhh, it’s ok. Big brother will protect you, baby-feathers.”
Another loud crash as the door caved in revealing a rather large man. He looked furious as he glared down at the two. Shinyo glared back while Keigo hid his face in the other’s shoulder.
“Come here, you little brats,” their father hissed. “I’ll teach ya to open those big mouths of yours!”
Shinyo jumped out of his sleep, his breathing loud and rugged. He felt his body shake, not in fear but anger. The dream was a memory and that memory of his little brother getting hurt because of him lingered.
He groaned once he realized that it was now morning. Or mid-day. No telling how long he’s been out. He had no clue where the fuck he was until it dawned on him that this place looked all too familiar. 
The scent of coffee greeted him. It was tempting but he was almost sure he would not be able to hold it down with a hangover. 
Standing up on wobbly feet, Shinyo stretched his body and wings. He heard footsteps which made him wince. Fucking good ass hearing can be a curse sometimes.
“Moring,” Arashi greeted. “Finally up? I thought you died at some point.”
“Fuck off, swan-bitch,” Shinyo grumbled. “Fuckin’ head hurts. Where the sake? If I drink more, it’ll cancel out.”
“Or you die of alcohol poison,” Arashi said, rolling his eyes. “Here, dumb-ass. This is for your head.”
Shinyo didn’t care what it was. He wanted the headache gone so he snatched the pills and swallowed them dry.
“Remember anything from last night?”
“Eh, Keigo kicked me out, I went to the bar. Saw some cute ass girl...or guy, I don’t fucking remember. How the fuck did I even make it over here?”
“You work in mysterious ways,” Arashi chuckled. “And that cute girl you saw was me, dumbass. You probably drunk-flew all the way over here.”
“You need to cut your fucking hair,” Shinyo said with a raised brow.
“And you need to stop being a cry-baby ass alcoholic,” Arashi quipped back. “Hungry?”
“Na,” Shinyo said flopping back onto the couch. “Is it ok if I crash here for the night? Or two? Or forever?”
“Look, Shinyo,” Arashi began. He sat on the couch also, lifting Shinyo’s legs before placing them back down on his lap. He allowed his beautiful white wings to relax, hanging on the back of the couch. “You can’t blmae Keigo for being pissed at you. You start trouble, a lot. He’s a very well-known hero. Number two now. You going in and out of jail will eventually be leaked to the general public and it will make Hawks look bad.”
“Like I give a piss,” Shinyo growled. “It make the Commission look bad. That’s what he’s worried about. Fucking puppet.”
Arashi sighed. He wasn’t a big fan of the Commission himself which is why he doesn’t take direct orders from them. He can see where Shinyo was coming from but still. 
“Grow up, ya bum,” Arashi said with a chuckle. “Stay here as long as you need to. Lord knows Keigo needs the break.”
“Suck my balls, feather brains,” Shinyo said with a boyish grin, flipping the other off.
“Gladly,” Arashi smiled back with just as much charm.
That caught Shinyo off guard, his face dusting pink.
“Fuckin’ asshole,” he grumbled as he looked away.
A sudden knock was on the door.
“Who could that be?” Arashi asked himself as he stood up. “Stay put, I’ll be right back.”
“Yeah, sure.”
Arashi headed for the door on high alert. Opening it slowly, all he say was red. With a scowl, he opened the door wider to see Keigo in his street clothes, holding a bag in his hand with something that smelled amazing and a six pack of beer.
“Oh, hey, um Arashi,” he said nervously. He was fidgeting a bit as if he was nervous around the other. “I- hey, I’m sorry if Shinyo is bothering you. I brought food and drinks as a thanks for putting up with him.”
“Keigo,” Arashi greeted with a big grin. “It’s no problem at all! I know how much Shinyo can be.”
“You have no idea,” Keigo said with a sigh. “I also came to, uh, talk to him too?”
“Now? He’s a little snippy because of his hangover.”
“Drunken idiot.”
“He is.”
“I’m sorry you had to deal with it.”
“It’s fine, really! Come on in!”
Keigo nodded his thanks, taking off his shoes and entering the apartment. It was a tad bit smaller than his own but that only makes sense since the other lived alone. He paused at the doorway to the living room, looking at the back of Shinyo’s head as he lounged on the couch. With a sigh, Keigo stepping inside.
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Dear Arashi,
The day I dreaded is here. It’s January 1st 2021 and you’re now gone into your indefinite hiatus.
Those (almost) two years passed by so quickly since you announced your hiatus. I still remember vividly when you announced it, as if it was yesterday. I remember thinking at that time that if that’s what you want and that’s what make you happy, then we should let you go and I just needed time to process this. Yet, here I am, January 1st 2021 and even after all this time, I guess I’ll still need a little more time to adjust my life as you won’t be here as 5 from now on. The thing that makes it so hard I guess is that during those almost 2 years before today, you kept giving us content, thanking us, you once again thought of us, your fans, more than anything else. From January 27th 2019 till yesterday, you did your best and gave us so many things, just like you did during all those years, even more. And that’s why it’s still so hard now to say good bye today, even though I knew since January 2019 that you were going on indefinite hiatus.
I remember thinking, many times during those last years with you, “but how am I gonna do without them? How will it be?” And to be honest, till today, I still don’t have the answer to those questions. I guess it will come as time passes.
Because yes, you’ve always been there. You’ve always been a part of my life. I discovered ARASHI in 2007, when I was 12. It’s now the year 2021 and I’m 25. I grew up with you, with your presence everywhere, even if we were so far apart. Everyday, ARASHI was there, through pictures I found on the internet or music I was listening to, articles on the blogs that I was reading at that time, through tv shows and DVD concerts. So, as my environment was always filled with ARASHI, I still don’t know how it will be without you in it. I mean, without some new contents of you as 5, since of course, I still have many things to look back to, thanks to all the things you gave us.
Without really realising it, ARASHI quickly became my safe place, a bubble where I could escape whenever I feel like it. Every time I felt down, or when I felt like escaping reality, I was watching one of your show or watching one of your concert and I could forget for a while my worries. Every time, you 5 were able to put a smile on my face, to make me laugh, to make me less worried and to help me overcome what I was going through. You were always the ones who could make me smile no matter what, even in my most stressful years. You were always there, in the happy moments as in the stressful moments and tough moments.
Thinking of ARASHI makes me think of my happiest moments, of a time when I was still smiling no matter what. Seeing ARASHI gives me constant warmth, comfort and happiness. And it always will. You give me countless of emotions and I’m so grateful for that.
Unfortunately sometimes, life got in the way and I couldn’t catch up on everything you were releasing etc. And at that time, way before you announce your hiatus, I was sometimes thinking that it’s alright if I can’t catch up on everything because there will always be new content. Indeed, it was so normal for me to see you releasing a new album, to see concert reports, to see photoshoots and magazines interviews. I almost took all of this for granted while I really shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.
But ARASHI! I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for everything you’ve done until now. Thank you for all this hard work during all these years. Thank you for creating a safe place, a beautiful world where we can escape whenever we need to and where we learnt that no matter what hardships we go through, we’re not alone and we should never give up.
Thanks to you, I’ve surpassed myself. I believed in myself. I started learning Japanese thanks to you and you’re still the reason why I still learn Japanese today.
Thanks to you, I met amazing people from all over the world and I made friends that are so far away yet it feels like they’re just right besides me. I even met some of them in real life. Thanks to you, I made lifetime friendships.
Thanks to you, I was able to make tons and tons of memories with those friends, while we were watching your concerts, tour tv shows and stuff. Thanks to you, I have memories that I will hold preciously forever.
Thank you ARASHI.
Ohno, thank you for all the sacrifices you made all those years. Thank you for all the talent you shared with us. Thank you for always listening carefully to the other members’ opinions and putting them first before your own opinion. Thank you for sticking around even when you didn’t feel like it anymore. The best leader ARASHI could have. Thank you for everything. Go enjoy your vacations and I can’t wait to hear about them when you’re back. I’ll wait for you. 🎣⛵️✨
Sho, thank you for being ARASHI’s shadow leader. Thank you for protecting ARASHI with all your might. For guiding ARASHI and the fans. For making us feel secure to be an ARASHI fan and telling us that there’s no “perfect fan”. Thank you for always reading the atmosphere and acting serious when it was needed but also making us laugh when you knew it was needed too. Thank you for everything. I can’t wait to hear more from your journalism work. I’ll be watching. 🗞📺✨
Aiba, thank you for all those smiles and all those positive emotions you gave us throughout those years even when it was the hardest for you. Thank you for always sharing this warm smile with us. You’re the reason of many smiles I had during all those years and the same goes to lots of fans. Thank you for teaching us that even when something terrible happens, we shouldn’t give up. Thank you for always showing your emotions, for being someone with such a big heart. Thank you for everything. I can’t wait to see your variety shows. I’ll be watching and smiling with you. 🐻🐒💚✨
Nino, thank you for always speaking your mind and for not being afraid to be totally honest with you. Thank you for always taking care of the members through your small actions and for protecting them. Thank you for teaching us that we should just be ourselves, that we can cry because it’s okay to show our true emotions sometimes. Thank you for being yourself and for being fearless. That’s what makes you unique. Thank you for everything. I can’t wait to see more of your acting work. I’ll be watching and be amazed by your acting skills again. 🎬📺✨
Jun, I don’t even know how to start. You’re the reason I’m here and what I am today. Thank you for always loving ARASHI more than anyone. Thank you for always thinking of ARASHI first, for doing everything you did for ARASHI and putting ARASHI before your own life. Thank you for always thinking of ARASHI more than anyone. Thank you for propping ARASHI up. Thank you for always exceeding our expectations every time, year by year. Thank you for thinking of the fans more than anyone and for always doing it. Thank you for all your hard work, those countless nights when you didn’t get enough sleep, for every single sacrifice you did during all those years just so ARASHI’s concerts can be what they are today. Thank you for always thinking of every single detail. You’re the one who taught me what true hard work and dedication are, the one who taught me that it's okay to have weaknesses and that we should also always try to push our own limits. You’re the one who taught me that we should never give up on our dreams. Thank you for being such an inspiration since all this time. Thanks to you, I had the courage to finally give up the studies I didn’t like for studying something I love. I can’t even thank you enough for everything you did. I love you so much. Please enjoy your break, be selfish and live your life the way you want. I’ll be waiting for you to come back and I’ll still be amazed by what you do and the person you are. 🎥🎆💜✨
Thank you ARASHI for everything.
It’s time for you to be selfish for once and think of you first, instead of your fans.
Go enjoy your break, go enjoy life. 🎈✨
I hope this hiatus will be the opportunity for you to discover so much more about life, that it will give you tons and tons of opportunities, that it will make you the happiest.
I’ll hold all those precious memories and grow up thanks to them so I can be a better version of myself when we’ll see you as 5 again.
Whether it takes 5 years or 20 years, I’ll be waiting. We’ll all be waiting.
I love you.
BE HAPPY, ARASHI. 🪁💙❤️💚💛💜✨
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ayumizuki · 3 years
TWICE - Perfect World [JP/ROM/EN]
Under the cut is my attempt at translating Twice's Perfect World! I also included the Japanese lyrics because I thought the ones already online are quite wrong, but although I did my best to hear what was sung it was still a bit unclear at times so if you notice any mistakes please let me know in the replies or via a DM/ask!
愛想なくて I apologize 君とはこれでおしまい
さよなら ただ  Already enough “悪かった”って 後悔したって 今さら It's too late
Ah 砂の城みたい 音もなく 崩れてく Perfect world 空虚な思い出に 未練など Nothing I don't need your love
言い訳やめて No Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 機嫌取りなら Stop Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 君に捧げる人生はない Don't make me hate you more, Oh I just want you to keep away
Get out! Get lost! この心から Rejection Get out! Get lost! 君の帰る場所ない Shut down The bad end 見送ってあげるわ Bye Bye Bye, Oh I just want you to keep away
街行く恋人は 出会った頃の二人ね Did you forget that shine? 残酷な結末を誰が想像したんでしょ Oh
Uh 嵐の後は 昨日までと違って見える Brand new sky 君のいない未来に 希望があるな Noticed ‘Cause my life goes on
言い訳やめて No Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 機嫌取りなら Stop Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 君に捧げる人生はない Don't make me hate you more, Oh I just want you to keep away
Get out! Get lost! この心から Rejection Get out! Get lost! 君の帰る場所ない Shut down The bad end 見送ってあげるわ Bye Bye Bye, Oh I just want you to keep away
Ah Ya Ya Ya Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La La Wanna keep away
一体どこで Judge & Choice 誤ったの I was wrong 夢を抱いた 私の罪と罰
Get out! Get lost! この心から Rejection Get out! Get lost! 君の帰る場所ない Shut down The bad end 見送ってあげるわ Bye Bye Bye, Oh
並べた綺麗事 Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 嘘に聞こえる Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 君に語れる愛はない Can't stay here anymore, Oh I just wanna be far away
Get out! Get lost! その心から Escape now Get out! Get lost! 嫌気がさすほど Let me down Never! Again! 交わらない世界 I hope so, Oh I just wanna be far away
Aisou nakute I apologize Kimi to wa kore de oshimai
Sayonara Tada Already enough “Warukatta” tte Koukai shita tte Ima sara It’s too late
Ah Suna no shiro mitai Oto mo naku Kuzureteku Perfect World Kuukyo na omoide ni Miren nado Nothing I don’t need your love
Iiwake yamete No Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Kigentori nara Stop Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Kimi ni sasageru jinsei wa nai Don't make me hate you more, Oh I just want you to keep away
Get out! Get lost! Kono kokoro kara Rejection Get out! Get lost! Kimi no kaeru basho nai Shut down The bad end Miokutte ageru wa Bye Bye Bye, Oh I just want you to keep away
Machiyuku koibito wa Deatta koro no futari ne Did you forget that shine? Zankoku na ketsumatsu wo dare ga souzou shitan desho oh
Oh Arashi no ato wa Kinou made to chigatte mieru Brand new sky Kimi no inai mirai ni Kibou ga aru na Noticed ‘Cause my life goes on
Iiwake yamete No Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Kigentori nara Stop Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Kimi ni sasageru jinsei wa nai Don't make me hate you more, Oh I just want you to keep away
Get out! Get lost! Kono kokoro kara Rejection Get out! Get lost! Kimi no kaeru basho nai Shut down The bad end Miokutte ageru wa Bye Bye Bye, Oh I just want you to keep away
Ah Ya Ya Ya Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La La Wanna keep away
Ittai doko de Judge & Choice Ayamatta no I was wrong Yume wo idaita Watashi no tsumi to batsu
Get out! Get lost! Kono kokoro kara Rejection Get out! Get lost! Kimi no kaeru basho nai Shut down The bad end Miokutte ageru wa Bye Bye Bye, Oh
Narabeta kireigoto Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Uso ni kikoeru Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Kimi ni katareru ai wa nai Can’t stay here anymore, Oh I just wanna be far away
Get out! Get lost! Sono kokoro kara Escape now Get out! Get lost! Iyake ga sasu hodo Let me down Never! Again! Majiwaranai sekai I hope so, Oh I just wanna be far away
I apologise for being so cold But things with you end here
Goodbye, I’ve already had enough Even if you say “it’s my fault” and regret it now It’s too late
Ah, like a castle made of sand A perfect world soundlessly crumbling The hollow memories There’s nothing left to attach me to them I don’t need your love
Stop it with the excuses No If you’re just trying to please me Stop My life isn’t devoted to you Don’t make me hate you more, Oh I just want you to keep away
Get out! Get lost! I’ve rejected you from my heart Get out! Get lost! I’m not your place of return Shut down The bad end I’ll see you off Bye Bye Bye, Oh I just want you to keep away
The lovers walking in the streets They’re like us when we first met Did you forget that shine? Who could have imagined our ruthless conclusion, oh?
Oh, after the storm There will be a brand new sky different from yesterday I noticed there’s hope For a future without you ‘Cause my life goes on
Stop it with the excuses NO If you’re just trying to please me STOP My life isn’t devoted to you Don’t make me hate you more Oh oh, I just want you to keep away
Get out! Get lost! I’ve rejected you from my heart Get out! Get lost! I’m not your place of return Shut down The bad end I’ll see you off Bye Bye Bye, Oh I just want you to keep away
Ah Ya Ya Ya Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La La Wanna keep away
How the hell could I Judge & Choice I made a mistake, I was wrong I’ve embraced my dreams and that’s my crime and punishment
Get out! Get lost! I’ve rejected you from my heart Get out! Get lost! I’m not your place of return Shut down The bad end I’ll see you off Bye Bye Bye, Oh
Lining up all the pretty things you’ve said All I hear is lies There’s no love we can talk about Can’t stay here anymore, Oh I just wanna be far away
Get out! Get lost! I now escape from your heart Get out! Get lost! You’ve let me down so much I’m sick of you Never! Again! A world where we never meet, I hope so, Oh I just wanna be far away
Hope that was useful! Any constructive criticism is always appreciated!
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aeoki · 3 months
Blackjack - Gifts Will Not Arrive: Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Studio Characters: Arashi, Mika & Tetora Season: Autumn
TL Note:
A kotatsu is a low heated table with a blanket on top. 
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Arashi: Ehehe. Anyway, back on topic…
That’s why I said all those things to Ritsu-chan. Christmas is a day to celebrate with your sweetheart, so I told him he should just use that as an excuse to flirt with his beloved “Maa-kun”.
Mika: Ahh… That’s the best bait to lure him out.
Arashi: Right? But it didn’t work – Maa-kun was supposed to be my ultimate weapon but even that failed!
What do you think he said when I put it that way?
He said, “I bet Maa-kun’s gonna be busy… Work is more important than me in his eyes.” He just got even more depressed and less motivated.
Ritsu-chan has always called himself the advisor of “Knights”, but he’s not acting like one at all. Love sure makes one weak, huh. Gosh.
Mika: I kinda understand that… Christmas originates from the Western world, right? It doesn’t look like Oshi-san can come home this year for Christmas since he’s busy then.
He has to be in Japan for “SS”, so he wants to get as much of his work done in Paris, apparently.
Arashi: Ah… So that’s why you were feeling down today. Oh, Mika-chan.
Mika: I also don’t like the cold so there’s that too. I’m pretty skinny so I really can’t handle cold temperatures.
Arashi: I’d love to pass some of my fat to you.
Mika: Hmm, I’m happy just chattin’ with you. It, uh, how do I put it? Helps distract me.
Arashi: One of the reasons I called you here was because I was feeling lonely since none of “Knights” would gather.
Mika: “Knights” was a big family at one point in time, though.
Arashi: Yeah, In fact, I didn’t have the time to feel lonely and had to be super sociable to the point that I was left in a flurry.
Even so, it seems the new members were being considerate and didn’t really show up here. Either way, it still made me feel lonely.
Mika: “Knights” has their own ups and downs, huh~ Nothin’ has changed with me – it feels like we’ve been way too stable, so I’m kinda envious.
Arashi: You want things to be chaotic like last year? Oh, gosh – even watching from the sidelines was bad for my heart!
In the end, peace is best.
Mika: Yeah. In that sense, I’m glad that this year’s “Star Fest” is gonna be a peaceful one.
Arashi: And that’s exactly why I want to enjoy such a peaceful event with everyone.
Sure, it can’t be helped that Izumi-chan and Leo-kun won’t be here since they’ll be enjoying Christmas overseas.
But at the very least, I’d like Ritsu-chan and Tsukasa-chan to forget about the bloody battles and enjoy a peaceful Christmas.
Mika: You keep saying the same stuff over and over again.
Tetora: Osu! Merry Christmas! Osu!
Arashi: What’s with the new Christmas greeting?
Tetora: Should I not have? Apparently, this year’s “Star Fest” is individual participation, so I was just trying to come up with some unique Christmas ideas for myself…
Arashi: It’s fine – it suits you well. …Anyway, did you want us for something?
Tetora: Osu! Sorry for interrupting your conversation! Or rather, sorry for barging in on your turf, Narukami-senpai!
Arashi: You don’t have to worry about that. Always so formal, huh.
Mika: Yeah~ Look, I’ve got nothin’ to do with “Knights” and I’m here too.
Arashi: If anything, I was the one who dragged you in here since I wanted someone to talk to.
Tetora: Oh, hey there, Kagehira-senpai! Actually, you two together seem like a pretty weird combo!
Arashi: My, you didn’t know that Mika-chan and I have been besties since forever?
Tetora: Honestly, the students in the lower grades don’t know much about who’s friends with who in the higher grades. 
Mika: Yeah~ I’ve also been surprised to see Oshi-san being friends with a lot of unexpected people.
Arashi: Anyway, what business did you have with us? If you want to chat, we can just do it at Seisou Hall, you know? If you came all this way, is it an emergency, then?
Or do you have nothing on and just passed by? If you’re bored, how about chatting with us, Tetora-kun?
Mika: Yeah, come sit in the kotatsu[⁎] with us~♪ It’s nice and warm.
Tetora: That’s a very appealing suggestion, but I’m not here for that.
Arashi: Oh, did something happen to “RYUUSEITAI”...? You guys still haven’t made up yet?
Tetora: No, it’s got nothing to do with them this time. Actually, I’m here to ask something for Shinobu-kun…
Have you guys seen either Mayoi Ayase-senpai or Hitsugi Kurone recently?
Mika: Ngh? Uhh…
Arashi: Did something happen to them?
Tetora: I don’t really know but it looks like they’re both missing.
Kurone-san disappeared a while back but Ayase-senpai only went missing recently… 
It seems Shinobu-kun and the “ALKALOID” members who messaged him are searching everywhere for Ayase-senpai. I’m just helping out with that. Osu.
Arashi: Missing? My, that doesn’t sound good.
Mika: Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen ‘em around these days… Um, does the police know about this?
Tetora: I personally think the police should be involved, but it wouldn’t be right for an outsider like me to report it.
Arashi: So that’s why you’re running around and directly searching for them.
Tetora: Osu. That’s right.
To be frank, I’m busy preparing for “Star Fest” and “SS”, so I don’t have the time for this, but this is how things ended up.
Arashi: Heroes have it tough, huh. I don’t really understand but alright – I’ll ask around for you.
Tetora: Thanks so much. Manpower is fundamental when it comes to searching for people, so it’ll be a great help if we can get as many people as we can to lend a hand in the search.
Arashi: Ehehe.
Tetora: ? Did I say something weird?
Arashi: Nope. Just thinking how I was also in a rush doing the same thing in this cold weather last year… “Valkyrie” would go missing occasionally, right?
Mika: Ngh ahh~ Don’t bring that up. It’s embarrassin’ in front of our junior.
But yeah, I caused a lot of trouble last year, so I’ll be sure to help everyone out this year.
I’ll talk to “Double Face” since they’re good at findin’ people.
I’ve been keepin’ in contact with ‘em ever since “Antique Market”, so they’re pretty easy to talk to.
Tetora: Oh, Mikejima-senpai… Yeah, he’s reliable.
Arashi: You see him in a good light for some reason, huh, Tetora-kun. He’s usually just a good-for-nothing fellow.
Tetora: He’s a great senior from “RYUUSEITAI”.
Well, in any case, that’s all I’m here for.
I’m gonna go look elsewhere, so if you have any info, please let me know on “Hallhands”.
Arashi: Roger that~
…I don’t really get it but something smells fishy.
And here I thought I’d be able to spend Christmas in peace this year.
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Hero Chat AU – Miracle Queen
I know I discussed Loveater and Miracle Queen, but I wanted to go more in-depth on the battle!
Quick summary on Loveater before we go into Miracle Queen:
Chloé was part of the Adrien/Marinette/Kagami shenanigans in that episode as they’re friends now and she really did not want to be at the party
There is panic over the Adrien/Marinette/Kagami love triangle with the ice cream, but it’s resolved by saying that they don’t want to make that decision right now.
Also I changed Kagami’s ice cream flavor to raspberry because it makes more sense than ornage
So Adrien got blackberry and raspberry, Marinette got mint and raspberry, and Kagami got blackberry and mint.
When Loveater attacked, Chloé sits this one out because fighting her parents will make her be off her game and possibly more of a liability than helpful, but resolves to join if Venom is needed
Mari and Adrien already left in the first place, and Ladybug grabs Kagami for legit reasons, not just because she’s alone with Adrien(partly because she knows Kagami is not alone with Adrien)
Chloé is left alone, and Hawkmoth shows up
On to Miracle Queen
Hawkmoth offers for Chloé to work with him
He doesn’t know she’s Honeybee, so he says that if they work together, he’ll release her parents and she can get the Bee Miraculous back, becoming Queen Bee to work for him.
Since he doesn’t have the Bee Miraculous, he offers her the Tiger instead, making a joke about how he felt she might appreciate the stripes.
Chloé plays along, taking the Tiger Miraculous, calling herself ‘Tiger Empress’ to fit with the Queen Bee theme, and letting him release her parents.
She then uses the Tiger’s ability (Invisibility) to escape.
Though Chloé debates about trying to steal Hawkmoth’s Miraculous, she doesn’t feel confident enough to pull it off without using Venom, but doesn’t want to let him know she had the Bee the whole time.
As using Chloé fell through, Hawkmoth goes with plan B: Lila
He shows up to wherever Lila is and offers her a Miraculous.
Lila throws a fit over the fact that he can’t give her the Fox, but accepts one of the others. It doesn’t matter which one as she doesn’t use it’s power, but I think Hawkmoth would give her the dog as a low-key fuck you
Hawkmoth then Akumatizes Lila into Miracle Queen. She still has the original’s powers, as that’s what Hawkmoth was intending on giving Chloé. Though Lila’s version is more... obnoxiously extra in an attempt to look regal
Meanwhile, Chloé finds the other Heroes and updates them on the situation.
And by other Heroes, I include Ladybug, Chat, Rena, Carapace, and Arashi(Kagami)
They dodge Miracle Queen’s bees by jumping in the water. The Main Five have that Aqua Upgrade, and they either shared with Kagami or she just did the thing where their weapons can be used to breathe underwater.
Chloé does pause to bitch about how Miracle Queen is just knock off Queen Wasp, and even if she doesn’t like the whole Queen Wasp incident, she is pissed that Lila is trying to steal her look
Side note: Part of the situation is asking what happened to Master Fu, as he doesn’t have the Turtle in this AU:
Roaar was aware of what was happening and can fill them in
When Hawkmoth attacked, Master Fu attempted to escape using the Horse Miraculous. He got out, but Hawkmoth has the Miracle Box.
Miracle Queen stings everyone else
Instead of the specific ‘All Miraculous Users come work for me!’ order, she just gathers the class in the hopes to show off/manipulate them and also have some passive-aggressive fun at their expense when giving out Miraculous.
By that I mean insulting them with her choices. Giving Mylene the Pig(poking at her weight), giving Sabrina the rooster(chicken), etc.
No one ends up with their ‘Canon’ Miraculous, and identities are safe.
They show up to fight, and the first thing Honeybee does is dual-wield the Bee and Tiger, calling her fusion ‘Majesty’
Hawkmoth is all ‘how the fuck did you get the Tiger??’
Majesty makes up a lie, saying that Chloé went to try to find them, updated them on what Hawkmoth tried to do, and then handed over the Tiger.
This helps cement the fact that Chloé will never work with Hawkmoth, and he can’t manipulate her by offering a Miraculous
Hawkmoth still has a card to play there, as he could come clean to Chloé about his motives in hope that she’ll turn to the darkside to save Emilie too, but he’s saving that for if he gets real desperate
After that, most of the team ends up dual-wielding as they fight the class and take the Miraculous back
We still have Snake Noir(though Chloé calls him ‘Ferret’ because cat-snake!), and his outfit is way different because of the previously mentioned Upgrades(I might draw that tbh…)
Not sure what Rena and Carapace dual wield. I will be taking suggestions on that.
Ladybug grabs the rest of them, though she only activates a couple for the fight.
Kagami doesn’t get to, as she’s still in her Water Dragon form keeping the bees at bay.
Eventually, using the Tiger’s invisibility, Majesty sneaks up on Miracle Queen and stings her with Venom, which also freezes all the fighters.
Since Akumatizing Lila again wouldn’t help as she’s paralyzed by Venom, Hawkmoth doesn’t try and instead cuts his losses, making his escape.
No one’s at risk of detransforming due to the Dual Wielding thing.
Like, Majesty’s Tiger Transformation wore off, leaving her as Honeybee, but after Honeybee’s timer started, she fed Roaar, transformed into Majesty again, and then detransformed into just Tiger Empress(though no one notices as Hawkmoth already left)
Well, Kagami’s only used 1/3 of her powers so she’s fine too.
Although the Team is quickly losing energy from Dual Weilding, but they’re hanging in and not letting it show
The Team stays by to explain to the classmates what happen
Kim, Max and Alix all try to apologize to getting hit without outing their identities, and Ladybug assures them that it’s okay, it happened to everyone. It probably even happened to her in some of Snake Noir’s resets.
Once they unfreeze Lila, they have to deal with her.
Lila pretends to play nice, claiming to be Akumatized over what happened in Ladybug, as she feels like her friends don’t trust her anymore!
The classmates who still believe her all rush to assure her that they still love her! It’s not her fault she has that disease that makes her lie when stressed!
The Team is so not buying it. As they’re suspicious of how often Lila gets Akumatized, especially because this is the second time she was Hawkmoth’s Plan B when Chloé didn’t work out.
The Team is suspicious af, but they can’t really accuse her of anything. So for now, they settle for getting the Dog Miraculous back from her.
Lila hesitates, as she wants to keep some sort of power for herself that she could use
But she’s still convincing the class she’s sweet and innocent. Not to mention she knows she can’t take on six Heroes at once with a Miraculous she’s never used.
So she reluctantly hands over the Dog Miraculous
As for Master Fu:
Since he escaped, he didn’t have to give up the Miracle Box.
However, the whole incident makes him realize how he’s too old for this. He’s been realizing it ever since Hawkmoth first appeared, when he couldn’t transform and fight so he had to pick new heroes.
But this is the (thankfully metaphorical) nail in the coffin on that. Because the Team protected the Miraculous better than he had. And Marinette’s insistence on having the team made it easier to fight
(Mari was the one who pushed for permanent Heroes back after Heroes’ Day. Master Fu was against it, but she convinced him and was right.)
Master Fu gives up the Miracle Box in a more ‘not a desperate last-ditch effort’ way that lets him keep his memories.
He then meets up with his girlfriend whose name I always forget(Sorry!)
The two of them leave the country. It should be safe as Hawkmoth seems to stay in Paris.
Marinette does still have his number to talk to him, but for safety reasons they agree that she should only use it in major emergencies.
Marinette is still in charge of the Miracle Box now.
Also fuck you the thing stays looking the same and not like a spotted egg
Due to all this happening, Marinette decides that the Miraculous would be better hidden if separated. If Hawkmoth gets his hands on the box again, she wants there to be less for him to have.
The Temporary Heroes keep their Miraculous, but are instructed to only fight when needed, or if they’re in danger.
Though they all go out on Patrol Nights, since that had been Zodiac Team Training Time anyway.
It also makes patrols and the sleepovers easier, as Ladybug doesn’t have to hand out the Miraculous individually now.
Okay I think that’s it. For now!
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jewwyfeesh · 2 years
Audition - 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Sena Izumi, Narukami Arashi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
EN proof by: ciel @ fortunebanquet (tumblr)
Special thanks: moricchiichan for the extra help ♪
Note: This tl uses gender neutral pronouns for Arashi (they/them).
Cough, cough… This… Naru-kun, why are you still wasting your time? Shouldn’t you hurry up and go change? Don’t let everyone else wait on you.
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Location: Classroom
Izumi: This is where the shoot is located?
Okay, as long as you’ve confirmed there won’t be any problems.
Me? I’ve already gotten ready, I don’t need you to worry about me.
Heh~? Speaking of which, you haven’t seen what I’m like at work yet, right?
…And yet, you still claim to have faith in me.
We aren’t close enough for that, and our reasons to be here aren’t the same.
If you believe that just because you’re a “producer” that we’re somehow equals, then you’re in for a rude awakening.
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But since you went and said all of that, then I’ll give you a little show.
The staff have arrived, right on time. I’ll go and get ready; you can watch from the sidelines/from over there.
Remember, I did not ‘escape’ to the idol industry because I couldn’t stay in the modelling industry.
Hello, thanks for working with me today~ ♪
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I’ll put on a solemn and stern expression. And then the audience will equate your product with the spokesperson–tough, reliable, and long-lasting.
That’s what we’re trying to convey with this product. A smile would destroy that.
You think that’s fine? Okay, I’ll keep this expression. Then, I’ll drape my clothes over my shoulder…
Mm, I’ll need to change up my pose and take a few more shots later.
These are good? Alright, great work today. Thanks, everyone.
…Hey, Anzu, what’s up with you? Why do you look so dazed?
Arashi: Oh my, Izumi-chan’s really insensitive. You were super handsome just now, did you know that? Of course, it’s because you were so serious while you were working.
Such a cool expression… Even I was almost impressed, so obviously Anzu-chan was blown away!
As expected, I really do love seeing you hard at work, Izumi-chan.
Izumi: Hey, you—! Ugh!
(Do I really have to remind you that the filming staff are still here? You better watch your actions—stop hugging me like some kind of fruit!)
Arashi: (Hehehe, it’s because the staff’s here that you can’t talk to me the way you usually do.)
(After all, you’re someone who’s crazy self-conscious of his public image, so you wouldn’t dare talk badly of anyone else, right?)
(I definitely want to take this opportunity to get closer with you, Izumi-chan ♪)
Izumi: (…You’re taking advantage of this opportunity to try and piss me off on purpose, aren’t you? Anyways, what are you doing here?)
Arashi: (My goodness, did you forget that I’m a model, too? The only reason I’d be here is for the audition.)
(Did Anzu-chan forget to tell you? This job also found its way over to me.)
(Not only that, I want to compete against Izumi-chan fair and square.)
(Izumi-chan… you aren’t scared, are you? Or are you actually afraid that I’ll steal your job away ♪)
Izumi: (Hmph, I don’t need your lip.)
(But whatever, it’s just Naru-kun. Bring it on!)
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Cough, cough… This… Naru-kun, why are you still wasting your time? Shouldn’t you hurry up and go change? Don’t let everyone else wait on you.
Arashi: Yeah yeah, will do.
Anzu-chan, you’ll watch my photoshoot as well, right? We can’t let Izumi-chan be the only one acting all cool and handsome ♪
Please wait just a sec; I’ll be back before you know it~
Izumi: (Tsk, that person’s as shrewd as ever.)
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(But, that’s where their strength lies: being shrewd but not annoying, and always doing what’s expected of them.)
Anzu, why are you staring at me like that? You think I’m unhappy or something?
Whether Naru-kun comes to the audition is none of my business. Knowing about it won’t affect my performance.
That’s the baseline for a true professional. No matter what line of work you do, you have to understand this.
Honestly, having someone competing next to you isn’t actually a bad thing.
At least, one wouldn’t feel as hollow, or bored, or stupid, as though putting in all that effort is a meaningless endavour…
Forget it, why am I even talking about this to some sparkly-eyed idiot?
Just keep on working hard, like you always have. I hope you’ll never have to learn all this the hard way.
I really do mean that, okay? Keep it in mind and don’t take it too lightly.
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enbyleighlines · 5 years
This is going to be a jumbled mess, but I’ve been thinking about the symbolism in sarazanmai all day and I need to vent
Okay so there is so much to unpack in this show
The first thing that really confused me from the very beginning was... why the butt stuff? Like, butts are an extremely prevalent theme in the show. But why?
I mean, obviously there’s a lot of metaphors about anal sex going on. The show is rife with phallic imagery, with the opening scene where that phallic looking building rises up between three interlocking circles, obscuring our view of the middle one, so that it looks like a dick with balls
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There’s the cucumbers, an undeniably phallic vegetable
And of course, the shirikodama. It’s a mythical organ that resides inside a human’s anus, and stores human desire. I certainly can’t be the first person to realize, uh... sounds like a prostrate, yo. Y’know, the male g-spot?
Which makes the shirikodama extraction scenes so... disturbing, when you think about it
They defeat villains... by diving into their anus, and tearing out their shirikodama
And if this is a metaphor for anal sex... well, why is it so violent?? It reminds me of yurikuma arashi, where the metaphor for cunnilingus is... bears literally eating people alive
(Or, alternatively, licking honey off of a flower)
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It portrays the sex as a violent act. Which could tread into problematic territory since these are both sexual acts that are associated with gay sex
But then again, that’s the whole point in yurikuma arashi, which deconstructs the predator lesbian myth. In media, a woman’s sexual desire for another women is often depicted as predatory, dangerous, or filthy. That’s why Ginko and Lulu are depicted as villains in the start of the anime, but then the script flips, and we realize that they aren’t villainous at all
No, the real villain was the silent storm (aka homophobia) the whole time!
(I could go into a whole other spiel about Ikuhara’s obsession with the distinction between lust and love. Because homosexual desire is always treated as a topic of lust, not a topic of love. And, society says, if you REALLY love someone, you won’t corrupt them with your dirty sexual desires.)
Buuuut without getting too off track, let’s return to sarazanmai
Because I was confused why a metaphor for anal sex was portrayed LIKE THAT in this anime. It’s not just that it’s violent, because that’s not really the focus
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It’s primarily portrayed as... comedic
Yes, the absurdity of the scene is certainly what caught my attention first, but beyond sheer shock value, you have to admit that this image is extremely funny
It’s FUNNY to see a villain get defeated, on their hands and knees, like this
And that always unnerved me. Why portray anal sex as something so... funny? And then episode 10 hit, and I think I get it
Because Mabu, as a kappa zombie, doesn’t fight kappa Reo. He doesn’t even face Reo. From the very beginning, he is facing away from Reo, and offering up his shirikodama. From a plot standpoint, this is because Mabu WANTS Reo to see his desires
But it also shifts the tone of the process
This scene is not played for humor. This is sad. This is Mabu admitting defeat, knowing that his true feelings will never come across to Reo unless he completely sacrifices everything. Because he knows, once Reo retrieves his shirikodama, he will die
No, worse than that. He will be erased
That’s another thing that was initially played for laughs. The first one that comes to mind is Otone’s boyfriend. We never get to learn or care about this character, and we later learn that he’s basically a womanizer with no intention of settling for only one girlfriend. When Otone forgets about him, it’s not a sad thing. I mean, she’s better off without him anyway, right?
But when Mabu is forgotten... we realize how horrifying this process really is. They’re erased, and exiled from the circle (aka society)
And it’s about now that I started to realize just why this metaphor bothers me so much. It’s about WHY we think of the image of the zombie kappa on his knees is so amusing
It’s because we’re taught that anal sex is funny
Think of however many insults we have. “Get bent”, “kiss ass”, “get fucked”... and then there’s “sucker”, which implies someone who gives blowjobs
None of these are inherently gay. They could be read as sexist, because the problem about them is that they’re all about the submissive partner. To be bent over, to receive anal sex, to perform fellatio... it means performing “the woman’s role” in the bedroom
Or think about prison rape jokes. “Don’t drop the soap”, or “he’ll make you his bitch”. The shame comes from being the submissive partner, from being feminized
And that’s... homophobia, folks
The image of a monster on his hands and knees, receiving metaphorical anal sex, is funny because of... homophobia...
Which is a brilliant way to turn the audience’s thoughts back on themselves. The first time, it’s funny, but by the time we get to Mabu... suddenly it’s tragic. And it’s supposed to be that way. Because now the audience realizes that it really wasn’t funny. I mean, we were supposed to find it funny at first, only for Ikuhara to yank back the cape and go “ta-da!! you thought that was funny because of HOMOPHOBIA”
And I might be wrong, but, when we think about all the kappa zombies... weren’t they all subs, too? All of them, with their various kinks... all of their desires were heterosexual in nature, but in their fantasy scenes, they were all playing the part of a submissive partner. The man who wanted the woman to step on his balls, the guy who liked to be treated like a cat...
The only obvious exception is Otone’s boyfriend, tho I also don’t remember what his specific fantasy was about
And then their fetishes are revealed, and then... poof. They disappear. They are wiped clean from existence
Which is basically every queer person’s fear about coming out, about their desires being found out... their desires will be seen as funny, as a joke, and then they will get booted out of all social circles
This metaphor goes further
Because when we talk about submission, we can’t not talk about the other side of submission, the nonsexual part. What does nonsexual submission look like?
Well, we tend to call that “letting yourself be vulnerable”, which is what you need to do in order to build friendships. It’s the very thing that keeps the three main boys from making connections. They don’t want to be vulnerable. They don’t want to share their secrets to each other
We’re right back at the theme of connection
Because, contrary to what Ikuhara’s shows might claim, there doesn’t have to be such a huge divide between love and lust, connection and desire. It’s just, that’s what society wants us to believe
Like Mabu can only stay with Reo if he refuses to admit that he loves him, romantically. He’s allowed a platonic relationship with Reo, or no relationship with Reo. And when he admits it, when he prostrates himself (wonderful idiom, by the way, since it’s so apt to this situation), when Mabu makes himself vulnerable and submissive... he disappears. Mabu is forgotten, because he chose desire over love
Or at least, the type of love that society deems love. Because homosexual desire is incompatible with love
Except, of course, we know that’s bullshit. Ikuhara knows that’s bullshit. And that’s why he parodies these lessons in his shows, and portrays them with such absurd metaphors. Because these lessons we’re taught ARE absurd, they’re pure fiction
Sometimes it just takes us to look at these issues through abstract symbolism for us to realize that
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