#v: wasting time to save a broken city
timelight · 2 years
Hugs him from behind, hiding face on his back
Ekko woke one night with a scream burning in his throat and his skin cold with sweat. He fought the stifling tangle of sheets around his legs, panic gripping tight still to his spine as he gasped and heaved for a calming breath. In the midst of his flailing his balled up fist made contact with something solid, warm and an audible gasp echoes through the room. He scrambled back against the headboard and stared wildly around the room as he finally felt tightness in his chest loosen.
No one but the quiet swaying breeze through the curtains.
Trembling hands uncurled from their grip on his knees, beneath the thin material of his sleep shorts indents of his nails are left in his skin. He looked down at them and saw them deep; raw and slightly bloody but nothing that needed immediate attention.
No bloodied coins.
He exhaled, and the sound shuddered in his throat. It wasn’t the first time. It wasn’t unexpected to wake in such a shock— not after everything he had done and been through. Nightmares and terrors were something that followed him for far longer than she could remember. He had survived coupe, fought a years in an unspoken territory war, and somehow he couldn’t fight off these intrusive thoughts for a few hours of sleep.
The cool air of the room prickled uncomfortably against the sweat-damp hair gathered at the nape of his neck. Ekko swept a hand wearily over his face, pressing the pads of his fingers hard against his temples. His head felt heavy still, a dissonant haze of consciousness and detachment. Behind him the subtle rustle of fabric couldn’t completely draw his attention until two slender arms came to wound around his middle. A warm, soft cheek pressing into his shoulder and a soft hum began to fill in the room instead of the stifling silence.
Slowly he pried his hand away from his forehead to touch one of the sharp elbows that encased him, gently brushing over the delicate bone beneath pale skin. How long has she been awake? Did she even fall asleep in her own room?
 “... I’m sorry for waking you.” He muttered, feeling the tension begin to ebb away until he was almost using Jinx to prop him up. A beat passed before he felt her lips brush against his pulse. It’s okay, you’re alright. “You can stay... I want you to stay.”
Her next response was only to tug him back until she was laying on the bed and he on top of her prompting him to briefly untangle from their embrace so they could properly slip under the covers and they were laying facing one another. In the dark he could see those shimmer tinted eyes glint in the shadows beneath her eyelashes. Eerie but hauntingly beautiful. 
A constant reminder that the past was dead and gone with the future uncertain... but with endless possibilities. Ekko shuffled forward to kiss her nose, sliding his arm around her shoulders to tuck her into him. “If you’re gone in the morning then remember to close the window behind you, okay?”
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joelalorian · 8 months
Lost Cause
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Joel thinks you shouldn’t waste your time on him. You disagree.
Warnings: Explicit MDNI; Jackson-era Joel; canon-ish but also not; drinking; mentions of cigarettes, drugs, dark thoughts, and death; unprotected p in v; oral (m and f receiving); interesting use of red wine; unspecified age gap; despair and hope.
Inspired by the song Save Me by Jelly Roll. Some of the lyrics have been woven into the story.
Word count: 2,594 oneshot
The hits just kept coming. Time after time, year after year, life just beat Joel Miller down. It started when he was young, always taken down a peg by someone who was supposed to love him unconditionally, no matter how hard he tried to build himself up. There was a brief respite when he had Sarah – those fourteen years were the happiest of his life, despite the sudden and unexpected nature of becoming a father so young, until it was all ripped away in the blink of an eye on that one horrific day.
Since then, he’d given up hoping for more. Life had completely shattered his hopes and dreams. He couldn’t even put himself out of his own misery, for fuck’s sake. Life hated him that much it wouldn’t even release its grasp on him. He was so damaged beyond repair, and he could do fuck all about it.
His latest hit was a sucker punch to the gut, though.
Just when he finally opened up his heart again, when he allowed himself to feel something other than misery again, that’s precisely when the hit came.
Ellie – sweet, feral child that she was – wanted nothing to do with him after finding out the truth of what happened to the Fireflies in Salt Lake City.
The fracture in his relationship with Ellie sent him spiraling out of control, resorting to old behaviors and vices – drinking too much at the Tipsy Bison, smoking pilfered cigarettes out back behind the bar, taking pills on the rare occasions he could get his hands on them. The nightmares returned no matter how blasted he got to chase them away and he was often moody from lack of sleep.
Joel still contributed to society in Jackson, but he did it in ways that he could keep to himself. Fixing things around town, building stuff in his workshop, taking the odd patrol shift with his brother. He avoided everyone but Tommy and Maria, and Ellie, if she didn’t flee from the very sight of him.
“Jesus Christ, Joel. What the fuck? Were you trying to get yourself killed? Because it almost worked!” Tommy was worked up, laying into Joel at the tail end of their patrol shift. He didn’t know if his older brother had a death wish or was just too hungover to pay proper attention, but Joel was nearly taken out by a clicker while they cleared their route. A clicker that he normally would have dispatched without much effort or thought. Joel cut it way too close this time.
Joel gazed at his brother with baleful eyes. He had nothing to say for himself. He did have a death wish, but how could he tell Tommy that?
Tommy knew Joel was struggling – his behavior was similar to what it had been after Sarah died, when he became a fraction of the man he had been. “Come on, let’s grab a drink at the Bison,” Tommy sighed. At a loss on how else to help him, Tommy often accompanied Joel to the bar despite already thinking his brother drank too much.  At least he could keep an eye on him that way.
They made small talk on the way, Joel’s responses little more that grumbles and grunts. Something needed to give, but what? Tommy didn’t know, but he sent up silent prayers for a miracle to save his brother.
Once they were seated at one end of the bar, Tommy ordered a round. “Joel, brother, what is going on, really? Is it just the thing with Ellie or something more?”
Two sets of deep brown eyes stared at each other for long moments, each waiting for the other to flinch or look away. Joel gave in first, clearing his throat, unable to meet his brother’s eyes as he spoke. “It’s… everythin’, Tommy. It feels like somethin’ inside me is broken, somethin’ that was just starting to repair itself until this thing with Ellie shattered it again.”
Tommy’s heart clenched. Life had done Joel dirty, even before the outbreak, and it seemed like it finally broke him beyond repair. “I know it ain’t been easy, not with… well, everything. Do you… would you ever consider talking to someone about it all? Like a professional, I mean. I know we got someone here who used to be a counselor.”
Brows pinched together, Joel’s stormy eyes glared at the bar top, avoiding Tommy’s searching gaze. “Fuck, no! I don’t want a stranger diggin’ into my psyche or whatever the hell they do, just so they can tell me I have daddy issues or some such shit. And talkin’ ‘bout it don’t help none, either. I’m talking to you and it ain’t doing shit but pissin’ me the hell off!”
“Damn, alright! Don’t gotta get all caveman on me.” Tommy held his hands up with a blatant roll of his eyes. His brother never did like the touchy feely shit and he should have known better than to bring it up. “Maybe you just need a sweet lil’ thing to take your mind off shit.”
That got Joel to laugh for the first time in a long while. “Oh yeah? You think getting my dick wet will solve everythin’?”
Tommy smirked. “Well, not everything. You’ll still be you afterwards. I’d pity whatever poor girl got stuck with you, honestly. But it couldn’t hurt none, right?” It was good to see his brother grin, nose and corners of eyes crinkling with the broadness of it, and they fell into a comfortable silence while people watching. Sudden movement at the entrance caught Tommy’s attention and Joel followed his eyeline.
You walked in with Maria, the pair of you had your heads tilted toward each other giggling madly about something. While Tommy only had eyes for Maria, Joel drank in the sight of you. New to Jackson, you arrived with a small group a few weeks ago and, while you were still settling in, you were eager to meet people and get involved in helping around town. Maria took an instant liking to you, and you spent a lot of time with her, quickly becoming part of the Miller group.
Catching a glimpse of his brother staring at you, Tommy slapped Joel’s back. “Speaking of a sweet lil’ thing. Maybe this is your chance, brother.” Joel scoffed in return. Girls like you don’t go for guys like him, at least not the guy he was now. It was the law of nature or some shit.
“Hey boys,” Maria greeted, taking a seat next to Tommy. With a knowing glint in her eye and an exaggerated wink, she gestured for you to sit next to Joel. You never should have mentioned to her how handsome you found Joel. She was becoming a menace with her not-so-subtle methods of teasing and pushing the two of you closer at every opportunity.
“Hi Joel.” You slipped onto the stool next to him, one hand placed on his shoulder for balance as you did so.
“Hey darlin’. Whatcha drinking?” he grunted, fighting to ignore the burning heat of your touch. When was the last time a woman touched him? It must have been Tess and that was… a long time ago.
“I’ll take a red wine. Cabernet or pinot noir, whichever kind is available, please.”
After relaying your request to the bartender, and with his brother’s attention focused solely on Maria, Joel turned his attention back to you. He was a miserable sod, but you were a beautiful woman – he’d be a fool to ignore the attention you paid him. “How are you settlin’ in?”
“Pretty good. This is some community.” You launched into a few stories about mishaps and people you’ve met so far, drawing a few chuckles from Joel with your interpretation of some of the townsfolk. You had a way about you that drew him out of shell of melancholy.
One drink quickly became two, then three, and before either of you knew it, Maria and Tommy left and the two of you were alone at the bar. The wine buzz left you feeling bold and brave, making a move you would not have normally.
“Do you want to go back to my place for a nightcap?”
“Darlin’,” Joel sighed, brows pinched, at once drifting back under the dark cloud of hopelessness and unable to meet your heated gaze. “You don’t want to waste your time on me. I’m a lost cause.”
“Why don’t you let me decide what and who I waste my time on,” you challenged.
Joel’s eyebrows lifted in surprise at your tenacity. You were a beautiful young woman and for some unfathomable reason you were interested in him. He had absolutely nothing to offer someone like you, except for a one-night stand, at best. He was good at those – they didn’t require deep connections or feelings, two things he was avoiding like the plague. Maybe Tommy was on to something though – sex would take his mind off his miserable existence for a bit.
“Okay then. Let’s get outta here,” he replied, downing the last of the amber liquid in his glass, and leading you out of the bar with a large, warm hand at your lower back.
The journey to your house was cold and quiet and you began to wonder if you’d made a huge error in judgement. You weren’t a one-night stand kind of girl, preferring the comfort and security of relationships instead, but something told you that this would be the only way you’d get to have Joel. There was a darkness about him, a deep residing mass of regret and remorse, and you felt a burning need to fix him, to be his sunshine, even if only for a little bit.
Your hands fumbled with the latch when you finally reached your house. The warmth of Joel’s large hands suddenly overwhelmed your senses as he helped you, and you were flinging yourself at him before the door even closed behind you.
His kisses were anything but tender, all harsh presses of his lips, teeth, and tongue, like he was a man starved. There would be marks left on your tender skin come morning, but you didn’t mind, giving him the same treatment as you sucked at his neck, soothing your tongue over the spots you just sunk your teeth into.
“I have a bottle of wine. Do you want some?” you breathed against his lips, taking a moment to slow the momentum before the pair of you spontaneously combusted.
A smirk crossed Joel’s lips as an idea struck him. “Sure, why not.” He watched you open the bottle and pour two glasses before returning to him. Accepting one of the stemless glasses, he clinked it against yours before taking a sip. The momentum picked right back up after that first taste of the dark liquid.
Fingers frantically working to undo the buttons on Joel’s flannel with one hand, you walked backwards up the stairs to your bedroom, pulling him along with you without a spare thought about the wine spilled on the wood flooring as you went. Patience wearing thin, he tore your clothes from your body with his free hand, leaving you naked and yearning as you continued working on his shirt. Placing his glass of wine on the nightstand, his hands were everywhere, he could not get enough of your smooth, soft skin.
You were the antithesis of him, bright and bubbly where he was dark and brooding, soft where he was hard, adaptable and happy where he was rigid and sad. You were ripe like fresh fruit ready for plucking. You were everything he wish he could still be. Perhaps he could get just a brief taste of happiness being with you, inside you.
Once his jeans and boots were shed, Joel tossed you onto the bed, watching with hungry eyes as your tits bounced with the movement. He was on you in a flash, hands and mouth exploring every inch of your body. Sharp teeth scraped against your puckered nipples, making them impossibly harder, and the sensation shot a bolt of pleasure right down to your core, where the weight of his hardened cock rested, twitching for attention.
Nails scraped down his chest and belly until you reached his cock, slipping your slender hand around the heft of him. He was huge – both long and thick, a combination you’d not experienced before, and your mouth watered with the desire to taste him. If you only had one night together, you wanted to make it a memorable experience.
It took great effort to get Joel to detach his lips from your breasts, the whine that emanated from him as you did so had you downright aching for him.
“What are you doin’, darlin’?” his deep voice rumbled, dark eyes rolling back in his head when you moved down his body and slipped your plush lips around the head of his cock. “Oh, fuck!”
After spending so long living in hell, your mouth felt like heaven as you licked and sucked on his length.
“Wait, doll, I wanna try somethin’.”
Sitting up against the aged headboard, Joel grasped the wine glass and brought it down to rest on his belly. Two thick fingers dipped into the dark red liquid and swirled, coating every bit of surface area from fingertip to second knuckle before he brought his drenched fingers down towards you. His hand hovered over his cock and you both watched as droplets of translucent ruby red liquid dripped onto his hardened flesh.
Your mouth watered as you watched him repeat the process, eager to taste the heady mix of the bitter tang of wine and his salty pre-cum. Ravenous, you slurped at the liquid trails running down the length of his cock before lapping at the bulbous head, leaving no hint of wine behind as you wrapped your lips around him.
Joel was a panting mess when you took him as far as you could, his weeping head hitting the back of your throat. The glass of wine was forgotten, slipping from his hand to stain the hardwood floor next to the bed. That was a tomorrow problem as you focused on devouring his beautiful cock. He was close to the edge within minutes, the sensations too much, and he pushed you off him none too gently, flipping you onto your back like you weighed nothing.
“My turn, darlin’,” Joel murmured, nestling his face between your legs. He’d been told that his current lifestyle was bad for his health, that all the drinking and smoking was hopeless. They weren’t wrong, but it felt like that was all he needed, the only thing that set him free from his sorrows. Now that he’d tasted you, he knew that was utter bullshit. You could so easily set him free if he got to have you, taste you every day. You were enough to change a man like him.
“Joel,” you mewled his name between long moans as his tongue teased at your clit, thick fingers exploring your folds before dipping inside you. He drew an orgasm from you effortlessly and you clawed at his back as the blinding flash of pleasure washed over you. “I need you inside me. Now. Please.”
He could refuse you nothing, shifting to hover over you. “Save me from myself,” he murmured against your lips as he sheathed himself inside your tight warmth. “You’re the only one who can.”
“Always,” you replied breathlessly, rocking your hips against his. Your mouths met in a kiss full of promise.
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doggirlchewtoy · 5 months
Hi miss if you don't mind me asking how did you find out you were trans? What was the process for you? I am currently questioning my gender identity :)
I can tell you, but it's not a cute story.
I was raised in a v right wing, evangelical christan family, and before I could learn anything about queer people I was told that it was wrong, shrimple as, no room for nuance. Later on as I started to question what I'd been taught, I was given different answers, mainly that queer folks were mentally ill and those that didn't accept help didn't want to be fixed (saved).
What my parents didn't understand was I was a queer kid from the start, even if i didn't know it yet, and telling a kid that they're fundamentally wrong and broken (even if it isn't directed at them) places a terrible burden on them that they will either need to let go or be crushed.
By the time I moved out of my parent's house I had shaken off most of the religious fear that had been instilled into me up to that point. Getting out of the suburbs and into the city put me into contact with a lot more diverse group of people, and I realized the population wasn't split into good and bad people, it was just people.
Looking back, I can remember dozens of examples of times when I questioned my gender and and each time I shoved it back down with shame. To this day I don't remember most of what happened to me from ages 19-25 bc I was dissociating to get away from gender dysphoria, depression, fear, and shame. Once when I was 23, I saw a post on here that said something like, "wanting to be a girl is a symptom of being a girl" and it touched something so deep in me that I said, out loud "I can't handle this right now"
and I didn't, for another two years. I didn't accept it until I met a trans woman and became friends with her. I stayed hiding until I had an proof it was possible standing in front of me, and there's still a part of me that rages and despairs that I wasted so much time, that I wasn't given room to grow, that I was raised with a hateful ideology.
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marshallfan99 · 1 year
Third PAW Patrol Movie CONFIRMED!!!
I really hope this one has Marshall as the main focus, and NO it's not just because I'm a Marshall fanboy and want to see his backstory. While it's true that Marshall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else for me (yes I hold him on THAT high of a pedestal...actually even HIGHER but I don't wanna waste this post with ">" to show the REAL pedestal), I feel like a movie focused on him could make more sense since Marshall's insecurities have been canonically shown in the TV series...it's his clumsiness, which in turn effects his self-confidence and leads him to feel like he "can't do anything right" (his OWN WORDS from the season 2 episode Pups Save A Friend). I really think a deeper exploration into Marshall's clumsiness would be an interesting story...at least, for me...since I'm Marshall-levels of clumsy myself, but without the cartoon physics and pain-free wipeouts...mine are painful and I've broken a few bones because of it, one of them caused by just trying to go upstairs...anyway, I'm rambling now...but what I'm TRYING to say is, I GET the feelings of insecurity Marshall has shown, because I experience the same thing. But while Chase's trauma of Adventure City (while I appreciate the portrayal and could relate to it) was only shown in the first movie because Adventure City was CREATED for the movie, and Skye's insecurities about her size have been seen NOWHERE else in the series and they most likely just chose that to be her issue BECAUSE she's the smallest, a possible Marshall focused story has the potential to build off of what the TV series has ACTUALLY shown off already. A PAWtuber I watch called N3BULA V actually made a video discussing a potential backstory for Marshall, and it was pretty good in my opinion. Something like that, where it could go more in depth on his clumsiness and how he gets frustrated/insecure about it at times, would personally get me into the theater to watch it day 1...and also I'm just imagining how ADORABLE baby Marshall would be as an added bonus!
Please Spin Master...give Marshall some well-deserved love after how unfairly the show's treated him lately...and fellow Marshall fans, please feel free to like and reblog if you agree.
I hope this post was understandable...I'm not that good at explaining things, but I tried. Anyway, that's all I have to say for now!
Till next time, Marshall out! ✌️
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helping-cans-llc · 3 months
Dumpster Rental Broken Arrow OK
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Renting a dumpster in Broken Arrow, OK, offers an efficient and convenient waste management solution suitable for various projects. Whether planning a small residential cleanout or engaging in a large-scale construction project, having access to a dumpster provides numerous benefits for homeowners, contractors, and businesses.
One of the primary advantages of renting a dumpster is its unparalleled convenience. Providing a centralized location for debris disposal eliminates the need for multiple trips to a landfill. This saves precious time and minimizes the effort required during the project. Whether renovating a home, clearing out a garage, or undertaking a significant construction endeavor, having a dumpster on-site ensures a cleaner and more organized work environment.
Moreover, dumpsters come in various sizes, catering to different project requirements. From compact options suitable for minor cleanups to large containers capable of handling substantial debris volumes, there's a dumpster size ideal for every project in Broken Arrow.
Renting a dumpster in Broken Arrow is straightforward and begins with assessing your waste disposal needs to determine the appropriate dumpster size. Consider factors such as the type of materials you'll be disposing of and the estimated volume of debris. Once you've identified your requirements, select a rental period that aligns with your project timeline, ensuring ample time to complete your work without rushing the cleanup process.
The next step involves choosing a reputable local dumpster rental provider in Broken Arrow. Look for a company that offers transparent pricing, flexible rental terms, and reliable customer service. Discuss your project details with the provider to ensure you choose the right dumpster size and finalize delivery logistics.
The dumpster will be delivered to your specified location when it arrives. It's crucial to ensure the area is accessible for placement and convenient for loading debris. Use the dumpster to dispose of materials promptly as you work, thereby maintaining a safe and organized work area throughout the project duration.
However, before renting a dumpster, it's essential to be aware of local regulations and permit requirements in Broken Arrow. Depending on where you plan to place the dumpster, you may need to obtain a permit from the city or homeowners association. Understanding these requirements ensures compliance and prevents potential fines or delays.
In addition to adhering to local regulations, it's vital to prioritize environmentally responsible waste disposal practices. Disposing of materials by local guidelines minimizes environmental impact and supports sustainable waste management practices in Broken Arrow.
Renting a dumpster in Broken Arrow, OK provides a practical solution for efficiently managing waste during various projects. Whether tackling a home renovation, conducting a thorough spring cleaning, or overseeing a construction site, having a dumpster on-site simplifies debris disposal and enhances project efficiency.
By following these steps and considerations, you can confidently navigate the dumpster rental process. For more information on dumpster rental in Broken Arrow, I recommend contacting local providers to discuss your project needs and receive personalized assistance. Choosing a trusted partner will ensure a seamless experience and help you effectively achieve your waste management goals.
Featured Business:
For reliable and affordable dumpster rental in Broken Arrow, OK, turn to Helping Cans, LLC. Our company specializes in providing top-notch rental solutions in Tulsa and Rogers counties. We take pride in offering exceptional customer service, ensuring prompt deliveries, and providing a variety of dumpster sizes to meet the needs of different projects. Whether you need a small dumpster for a home renovation or a larger one for a construction project, we've got you covered. To book your rental, visit our website or give us a call to inquire about pricing and the range of rental options available.
Contact: Helping Cans, LLC 521 W G St Suite D, Jenks, OK 74037, United States 22HG+R2 Jenks, Oklahoma, USA (918) 216–0151 https://www.helpingcans.com/dumpster-rental-broken-arrow-ok/
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgd2vIC8Ns8
Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWEz7_chjRZzvGwVv50D07RvC3fbjpEsy
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/helping-cans-llc/dumpster-rental-broken-arrow-ok
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/helping-cans-llc/sets/dumpster-rental-broken-arrow-ok
Medium Post: https://medium.com/@helpingcans0/dumpster-rental-broken-arrow-ok-e0a96171cce9
Weebly: https://dumpster-rental-broken-arrow-ok.weebly.com/
Tumblr Post: https://helping-cans-llc.tumblr.com/post/754418617270108160/dumpster-rental-broken-arrow-ok
Strikingly: https://dumpsterrentalbrokenarrowok.mystrikingly.com/
Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1u-cEwyqxZ0Jfnbzc0y_DpDh1QIEvODA
Google Map CID: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16155959442936250634
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/dumpster-rental-broken-arrow/
Wakelet: https://wakelet.com/wake/Ql6Ns9t2HUTn6SmHUP0TT
Twitter List: https://x.com/i/lists/1805958703184859440
Twitter Tweets: https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805957670207459792 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1806223550690267374 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1806223722988384287 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1806223888365605064 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805963763704873104 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805963872735822155 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805963962800046183 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805964070904029623 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805964167935144377 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805964256485216565 https://x.com/HelpingCansLLC/status/1805964347396739456
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
Hi, Wonwoo | Jeon Wonwoo
➝ Wonwoo x fem!Reader
➝ word count: 7400~ words.
➝ slice of life // strangers to lovers // slow-paced romance
➝ inspired by: The Reason Why I Thought I'd Die - Mika Nakashima, and this was actually requested by anon ^^ also, The Only Exception by Paramore. Was listening to Chaeng's cover of it on youtube while i was working on this and i just realized it fits haha
➝ warning: some cursing, food, Wonwoo is v alone D:, that's about it i think? lmk if there's more.
A/N: hi, guys! been so long since i posted a long one? frankly, I've been working on this since somewhere during May and the plan was to finish it and post it on Wonwoo's birthday. but well, there was certain conditions that didnt allow me to write and...here we are ^^ honestly, I am not too sure about this fic because it's very... slice of life? i guess? there's nothing really exciting going on, i feel like. but anyway! i'm pretty happy w how this turns out and i hope you like it too.
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The reason why I thought I'd die is because my shoelace got undone
And I'm not good at connecting things together, the same goes with human relationships
Wonwoo has gotten so many shits by engaging in human interactions that he completely believes there’s really no one out there that he can lean on, let alone trust.
From his fucked-up parents, schoolmates who always said shit about him because of them, to teachers who did nothing to stop them, Wonwoo basically has no one in his side. He did, once, a friend who ended up betraying his trust for a show.
Wonwoo doesn’t wish to think about him ever again.
After that, Wonwoo has decided once is enough. There’s no need to risk his trust once more only to be broken later on because it’s such a waste of his time and energy. It might seem like a big leap after meeting a bad friend once, but Wonwoo would rather not take a risk.
There are exactly 2 things in his life that Wonwoo’s grateful for: being a part of broken family is rough, but Wonwoo’s thankful at least he’s an only child so he can just leave once he’s old enough without having to worry about a sibling that he has to take on.
Next, he’s also grateful that he knows better than to follow the steps of his alcoholic father nor his mother who’s practically a con. Despite seeing them and their shitty tendencies for about half of his life, Wonwoo’s grateful his moral stays intact even though his faith in humanity doesn’t.
Today, the list gets an addition after years of staying still.
Wonwoo’s grateful that he finally has enough money to move from the basement he has resided for years since he ran away from home—a very humble place that he was able to rent out of the little money he had managed to save up from working part time here and there once he’s in high school.
That said, Wonwoo’s been living there for at least 6 years now; he couldn’t afford a better place during university even though he’s earned a lot more than before because he had to pay for university stuffs despite his scholarship. Even so, Wonwoo doesn’t look back once he finds a much better place with a fairly cheap rent even though it’s a little far off the city.
Anything’s better than this hellhole that always reminds him of his pathetic life, than this place that brings back memories of his parents because they’re the only reason he’s living in that basement to begin with.
Wonwoo lets out a scoff at the thought; living is such a big word. He does not live, Wonwoo just survives—not live. But it’s okay because he doesn’t see why he should get out of his way to live. He’s just going to continue surviving until his body gives up, no catch whatsoever. It’s a little empty, but he has decided it’s better than temporary happiness with future disappointment looming over him after some time.
Wonwoo looks up at the building in front of him with a full backpack and a medium carrier in tow, there aren’t much stuffs to move because he doesn’t have a lot to begin with. The only thing he has moved first prior to the final moving day is his blanket and two worn-out paddings because they would take a lot of space in his bag if he didn’t move them first.
He walks up the stairs, because the building doesn’t have an elevator and his place is just on the 5th floor. He’d just consider this a work out and be done with it. Wonwoo doesn’t have the luxury of complaining, after all.
“Hello,” a soft voice calls to him when he’s looking through his backpack for his key.
Wonwoo wordlessly stares and assumes you’re his new neighbor, not that it matters. He has no plan on making friends or even acquaintances with anyone here. Why should he? You just happen to stay in the same building, that’s it.
“Are you the new neighbor?” you ask again, still smiling despite Wonwoo’s silence. So, he nods out of courtesy as he continues to rummage through his bag for his key. “I live two doors next to yours, don’t hesitate to knock if you ever need help, okay?”
Another silence.
You leave after telling him your name, already knowing he won’t give yours. Once he comes in and settles on his mattress, Wonwoo wonders when was the last time someone has ever told him it’s nice to meet him.
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It’s been two weeks since Wonwoo moves to this building and he has caught you five more times since that first encounter. You never miss to greet him a ‘hi’ accompanied with a smile even though Wonwoo never answers back.
Wonwoo isn’t sure what about your smile that always makes his days a little more bearable.
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The sixth time Wonwoo sees you, it’s because your knocking on his door wakes him up from his nap on a weekend.
“Hi, I’m sorry to bother you.” Your smile is a little different this time, he notices, a little embarrassed and hesitant compared to your sweet, confident smile you usually use to greet him. “But… can you help me? My sink is leaking a little and I’m not sure how to fix it. I usually ask Mr. Kim down the hall but he’s out of town and, uh, yeah.”
Wonwoo still doesn’t say anything, but he’s not an asshole and the old basement he’s used to live in has taught him how to fix leaking sinks more than he would’ve liked. So, he just silently walks away to get some tools he thinks he’d need and then puts on his shoes before he wordlessly stands in front of you, giving you a silent sign that he’s going to help.
There’s no loss in helping someone who’s genuinely smiled at him more than anyone ever does.
You just kind of fidget as he goes to fix the leak on your sink, but Wonwoo realizes it’s not the same uncomfortable way people usually do in his presence. You’re just a little awkward and somewhat unsure; there’s no sign of you feeling uncomfortable.
When Wonwoo’s done, he tries the sink a few more time to make sure the leaking has stopped and then nods at you once he’s sure all is good.
“Thank you so much.” There goes your usual smile, Wonwoo notes to himself. “I… uhh…”
He looks at you in question, wondering if there are other problems that need fixing.
“I… just finished cooking earlier and I think I made too much so, uhh, would you like to eat some? Or maybe take some with you? As a thank you and apology for bothering you?”
Wonwoo blinks, the corner of lips lifting in the slightest at the way you’re flustered for no reason at all. He immediately coughs to cover it, though, probably the most sound you’ve ever heard from.
You seem to get that Wonwoo’s about to reject, so you quickly turn away to get another plate and move some of the fried rice from your pan to the plate and hand it to him.
“Just… put the plate in front of my door when you’re done, okay?” you tell him.
When he gets back to his apartment, Wonwoo puts down the plate on the small table where he usually eats at. He simply stares at the fried rice in front of him, your smile and your words of gratitude ringing through his mind. As if on cue, his stomach starts to rumble out of hunger.
He sighs before he finally gives in to his hunger. Wonwoo doesn’t want to owe anyone anything, but you did say this is your way of saying thank you because he’s helped fixing your sink. He’ll just take your kindness this one time and move on from it.
Why should he starve himself when there’s a perfectly cooked meal in front of him?
Once he’s done with his food, it is only then that Wonwoo tries to remember when was the last time he’s eaten a homecooked meal.
He can’t.
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The next time he sees you, Wonwoo has just got back from his grocery shopping. You’re looking at the box in front of you, biting your lip as you ponder silently to yourself. Wonwoo assumes you’re thinking about how to carry the big box in front of you full of baking supplies. He knows those weight a lot from a part time job he did once upon a time.
You turn to him when you realize someone’s beside you. He thinks you’ll say something about the heavy weight in front of you, maybe hint at him to help you with it. But you just let out a ‘Hi’ with a smile before proceeding to pick it up yourself and walk with the heavy load with wobbling legs.
Wonwoo doesn’t even realize he’s caught up with you, doesn’t know what pushes him to tap your shoulder and holds out his arm to take the box from you.
You stare at him, confused, but Wonwoo simply takes it from you and hands you his much lighter grocery bag.
“Oh—oh, thank you,” you say, and Wonwoo can tell you feel bad for making him do this. “I ordered these online and I forgot to think about carrying them upstairs.”
The walk up has been a bit awkward for you, but Wonwoo guesses it’s because you, much like any other people, feel the need to fill silence. He doesn’t see the need to do so, he’s just going to consider this as an extra exercise and leave it there. Plus, you do live in the same floor, anyway.
And, if he’s being completely honest, he still feels the need to give you something back for making him eat a proper homecooked meal after so long.
“I can take it inside,” you smile again at him, the same sweet smile he’s already used to now. He wonders what makes you never stop smiling at him despite his consistency of never returning them. “Thank you…”
“Wonwoo,” he says, surprising not only you but also himself.
You give him another smile, something close to a grin, a bigger one than before. “Thank you, Wonwoo.”
Wonwoo has never heard someone say his name with so much gentleness until right now.
A few days later, he opens his door only to find a paper bag hung on his door knob from the outside. He opens it to find a plastic container with breads in it, a yellow post-it plastered on top.
Wonwoo doesn’t.
Hi, Wonwoo!
Thank you for helping me the other day.
I purposely baked a lot so I can give you some ^^
Take this as a token of gratefulness?
You can give me back the container when you’re finished :D
p.s. I hope you like chocolate?
He doesn’t like anything sweet in general.
Not until he eats the bread filled with chocolate later that afternoon during his lunch break and many more after that.
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For whatever reason, you have made this a habit that Wonwoo isn’t sure what to make of.
At least once a week you’d knock on his door and give him food, telling him you made too much once again. And twice a week, you’d leave the product of your baking on his door with different post-its on top of the container.
It’s the most someone has taken care of him and he doesn’t know what to do.
But he does know those post-its always lift the corner of his lips even a little and reading them becomes a therapeutic action he does everyday. He keeps them all neatly in his little notebook, gluing them with a tape. He’d randomly open a page to see which one of your writing would greet him that day before he ready himself for bed.
All of your memo starts the same, with a ‘Hi, Wonwoo!’ and it’s kind of crazy that Wonwoo can imagine your smile and your voice everytime he reads them. He frowns as he wonders if you do this to other people, too.
Hi, Wonwoo!
This one’s not chocolate but sugar :D
though I still don’t know if you like chocolate?
anyway, I hope you enjoy these
bc theyre experimental ;;
He shakes himself at the thought.
What on earth did he let himself into?
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The first time your smile doesn’t comfort Wonwoo is when he finds you drenched from head to toe as he goes out to put his trash bag in front of his door so he doesn’t forget to throw them away tomorrow.
It’s been raining hard since earlier and your condition only proves that further. He accidentally catches your eyes, but you just forcefully smile at him as you pass by.
He sees your step halting as the thunder roars loudly anad you visibly flinch. From where he’s at, he can see the way your palms are balling into fists.
Before he knows it, he’s standing in front of you, not knowing what to say nor what to do. He can safely assume why your body reacts that way earlier and, if anything, the lightning that bursts through the night once again only proves his theory right when you step closer to him out of reflex.
“Do you…” he hesitantly says, letting his body work first and think later. Maybe it’s the amount of time you’ve shown genuine interest in him, or the way you treat him kindly without hoping anything in return. Whatever it is, seeing you like this tugs something within him. “Should I accompany you until the rain stops?”
You sniff slightly, both from the cold and your fear of thunder. “Please?”
He quickly locks his door then follows you to your place. You tell him to sit down while you go wash up, your voice the smallest he has ever heard you speak. You’ve asked him to turn on the heater earlier, so he does exactly that before settling awkwardly on the sofa.
Why did he even offer to stay with you? What could he even do to comfort you?
Wonwoo groans from the inside, what does he even know about comfort? Didn’t he promise himself he’s not going to waste his time engaging in this... human relationships ever again?
Sure, you’ve been kind to him more than anyone ever has—even more than the guy Wonwoo used to call friend before, but that doesn’t mean it’s a green light to let you into his life.
Who knows if you’re kind to everyone and he’s just one of many? Who knows if he’s just a charity case to you? His heart aches a little at the thought, but he figures if you’re really treating him like a charity case, at least you’re not using him for anything.
He sighs at the realization and rubs his face with his palms. What the fuck is wrong with him, thinking about a girl he barely knows just because she’s been giving him food?
“I’m sorry to drag you into this,” your voice breaks his chain of thoughts, and Wonwoo automatically turns to where you’re at; your hair still wet from the shower and you’re wearing a long pajama pants with a sweater that’s probably a size too big for you. “I just… I don’t have a good relationship with thunder.”
Wonwoo simply nods—because what else is he supposed to say? Is he supposed to ask why?
“I’ll just… dry my hair first,” you say again, opening the door next to the bathroom to get into your room.
Your place is more or less identical as his; the kitchen near the front door, and then next to it is the door to the bathroom, then there’s another door that leads to the bedroom. Other than your room, Wonwoo can see everything from where he’s sitting at in the supposedly living room.
He hears the faint sound of hairdryer, wondering once again what is he doing here. If he thinks about it, it is really pretentious of him to ask if you want his company. He has never even really spoken to you before this, only nods of acknowledgements and a few ‘thank you’ on the rare days that you catch him putting the paper bag with your plastic container in it on your doorknob.
But there’s just something about your defeated smile earlier that pulls the string of his heart; something that he hasn’t felt in so long. Wonwoo doesn’t think he has the right to pity others when his own life isn’t grand to say the least. He barely even has his life together—only getting by. Yet when he sees your state earlier, he can’t help but feel like he wants to do something to help.
He snickers inwardly at the thought; he doesn’t even have any plan to better his life and he wants to help you?What a joke.
“Hi Wonwoo,” your usual greeting calls him, once again pulling him out of his thought. “Thank you for offering to stay with me.”
“Um, yeah,” he exclaims dumbly. What the fuck is he supposed to say in this situation? He doesn’t think there’s ever a time in his life where he’s comforting other people, let alone having other people comfort him. Jeon Wonwoo has little to no reference whatsoever.
You seem to get it, though. Because you don’t look annoyed, at least not to his eyes. For reasons that Wonwoo doesn’t understand, you don’t seem to be bothered by his inability to engage in a conversation; which is a first because everyone always gets annoyed and that’s how he has managed to keep them out of his life.
But not you, apparently.
“I’m… I’ve always been scared of thunder,” you say again, breaking the silence. “I’m not even sure how I come into it, but they just scare me so much that I’d always need someone with me during rainstorms.”
“Uh,” he starts hesitantly after he clears his throat. “What… do you usually do about it?”
You seem like you’re hesitant to tell him, so Wonwoo stays silent and hope you get that he doesn’t mind if you don’t want to tell him. “I try to distract myself. But as long as there’s someone beside me, it’s enough comfort even if the fear is still there. So, thank you, really. You being here is already comforting me.”
His throat tightens at your words, Wonwoo’s been called a lot of names before, has been told a lot of things to the point where he’s immune to insults from years of receiving them unprovoked. But no one has ever told him he’s their comfort and he has never expected to be called as such, too.
Even right now, Wonwoo’s doing nothing but sit beside you in silence. It doesn’t make sense that you’re thanking him for comforting you.
“I know you probably think you haven’t done anything,” you say as if you can read his mind. “But trust me when I say your presence brings comfort to me more than you’d imagine.”
Wonwoo doesn’t trust you, but he pretends to nod in understanding because there’s a gentle smile in your face as you look at him in the eyes.
The rain is still falling hard outside and he can still feel the chilly air despite the heater, and yet, Wonwoo feels warm inside.
No one ever smiles at him as warmly as you do.
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When Wonwoo comes to, it’s morning and the rain hasn’t stopped—they’re just drizzle, though, making the atmosphere a little cold but pleasingly so. He cracks his neck a little, his back also hurting from sleeping while sitting down. Did he fall asleep on the sofa?
“Good morning?” a voice calls to him from the side. “I’m sorry for making you stay the night. But thank you for staying with me.”
Wonwoo turns to the voice and finds you looking at him with a hesitant smile and… is that a hint of red your cheeks? He rubs the sleep away from his eyes, he must’ve just imagined it.
He stands up, figuring it’s okay now and he can go back to his place. Thank God it’s weekend.
“Would…” you stop him from walking to the door. “Would it be okay if you stay and have breakfast with me? I’ve made some already.”
Wonwoo glances at the plates on the table, a stack of pancakes visible from where he’s at. Wonwoo is a pretty simple man, he does what he likes and not do what he doesn’t like. Right now, he doesn’t like the way you’re fidgeting, as if afraid he’ll say no.
So Wonwoo nods and sits down next to you on the small dining table. He’s surprised to find himself answering your questions about his job and whatnots, small talks that he usually avoids but now doesn’t have the heart to because you don’t seem like you’re asking just for the sake of it.
He’s also surprised to find himself enjoying this time he shares with you. He’s found out that you work in a bakery, hence why you often bake and give him some because he ‘looks like someone who’ll appreciate it’. He’s also found that you’re bad at eating spicy food despite liking them with all your heart, that you play with your thumbs when you’re nervous, and that your lips jut forward when you’re too deep in thought.
It all happens so naturally to the point where he doesn’t even realize it’s a routine for you to knock on his door and bring food to have dinner in his place and for him to go look for you when the rain starts falling a little too hard.
He doesn’t realize that his gaze often stays a few seconds too long when looking at you, that his skin tingles everytime you’re close to him, that he has started to mirror your smile everytime you give him one.
“Why do you not smile?” you’ve asked one day after eating with him a few more times, assuming you’re now close enough not to offend him.
Wonwoo shrugs, stirring the instant noodle in front of him. “Just not used to it, I guess.”
By now, you’ve probably sensed he is all by himself, that he doesn’t have anyone with him and there’s a reason why he was skeptical about letting you in at the beginning. Thankfully, you never ask about it and never bring it up. Wonwoo’d like to think it’s your way of accepting that part of him.
You frown at his answer, unsure how to reply to that. “Well, get used to it.”
“Because I want to see you smile?”
Your words make his heart skips a beat, a feeling that he’s very unfamiliar with, but Wonwoo brushes it away and chooses not to dwell on it. He forces his lips to go up even though his eyes are blank, and you laugh at his forced smile. “Not like that!”
“That’s the best I can do.” He shrugs again nonchalantly before he digs in to his bowl. You’ve stayed silent at that, and when Wonwoo looks up at you again, you’re staring at him with something close to determination. “What?”
“I’ll make it my mission to make you smile,” you say very seriously, crossing your arms in front of your chest as if to make a point that you’re not playing around. “Maybe even laugh.”
Wonwoo lets out an incredulous scoff at that, not believing you’d take it so seriously. It’s not one that makes you feel bad, though, just enough to let you know he’s amused.
“Oh?” you exclaim with an excited grin. “See? That’s close to a smile already. I will succeed, I’m telling you.”
And you do, barely two weeks later, because how can he not smile when you profusely apologize to the point where you’re close to tears for falling into him on the stairs?
You’ve been too deep in your thoughts that you miss a step and, when you realize what’s happening, it’s way too late to catch your balance. Thankfully, Wonwoo’s on the right place in the right time, having just come in from work when he catches you blankly going down the stairs.
He’s just watched, wondering if he can catch your attention without doing anything. But when he notices your foot misses its hold, he’s quick to catch you in his embrace so he’d take the fall (though that’s exaggerating because he’s able to catch his balance with you in his arms). It has taken you a few seconds to realize what’s happened, hastily pulling away from him with panic as you make sure he’s fine.
You apologize over and over again, almost crying that Wonwoo has to calm you down and tell you all is fine. And he really is fine, because it’s not like he falls down, he just braces your weight and he manages not to fall backwards doing so.
What’s not fine, though, is the way he’s started to crave being in your proximity. It takes you almost falling down the stairs that he has no choice but pull you into his arms to realize he doesn’t simply enjoy your friendship. It only takes him that few seconds of closeness to keep him up at night, wondering how it feels to have you close to him everyday and night.
After that, you’ve started to use it as an excuse to eat with him practically everyday except for the days where he works late or you’re too tired from work. You’ve told him it’s your way of easing your guilt and you honestly say it gets lonely to eat by yourself now that you know Wonwoo’s just a few doors away, ready to accompany you.
He doesn’t say it, but he feels the loneliness too now if he’s eating by himself. And that’s not something that Wonwoo knows how to handle because he’s always been alone but never lonely. He’s always thought he’s content with himself, that he’s sick of other people and does not want to risk them wasting his time ever again. But now that he has you with him, he realizes that he never feels lonely because these people never really matter to him, hence the lack of affection or even emotion.
But you do. You matter too much and Wonwoo doesn’t know what he’d do if you suddenly walk out of his life like the handful figures in his life always do.
For the first time in his life, Wonwoo finds himself hoping someone would stay in his life.
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“Wonwoo?” you call hesitantly as the guy stares off into space. “Wonwoo, are you okay?”
He’s been ignoring you for quite some time now and, even though you know Wonwoo tends to be quiet, you can tell this isn’t his usual silence. He’s agitated, his body is somewhat tense and his eyes are a little unfocused.
Since the moment you knock on his door to ask if you should order pizza because you’re not in the mood to cook, Wonwoo’s been a little off. You immediately ask if he’d like to be alone, because you know despite the way you’ve managed to close the gap between you and him, Wonwoo’s not there yet when it comes to talking about his feelings.
But Wonwoo has shaken his head and then proceeds to tell you that he, in fact, doesn’t want to be alone. That’s probably the most he has ever bared his feelings to you.
So, you stay.
Even though you might not understand completely and he might not even tell you what’s going on, you stay there just like the way he did before on that fateful night when the rain refused to stop and the thunder kept on striking.
You look at him worriedly, something that he misses because he’s too deep in his thought.
“Should we go outside?” you propose out of nowhere. “Get some snacks then walk around Han River or just the park nearby?”
Wonwoo looks at you with something that is close to confusion, which is something that he’s already used to by now because you often make him do things he never thought he would. The only reason he follows them through is because it’s you.
“It’s a beautiful night,” you shrug, your eyes go to the window as if to make a point and he follows your sight. “And we’ve never gone out, have we? Let’s go outside.”
Thirty minutes later, you’re sitting on a park nearby, sipping canned beers because Han River is actually too far away and you’re just sprouting it to convince Wonwoo to go outside. He hasn’t told you what’s happened, but you happily accept his silence as you whine about work in hope it will distract him even a little.
Wonwoo looks at you from the side, finally smiling a little because he can see what you’re trying to do now. No one has ever cared enough to do this to him before, and it’s not like he has ever let anyone get close enough to do this for him. His heart warms at the way you’re animatedly talking about some of your regulars at the bakery.
“I saw my father today,” he blurts out at last, and he can feel your surprised stare from the side even though he’s looking forward, gaze lost in the empty park. “He… came to my work place, though I don’t know how he found out where I work. Made a scene and asked for money.”
The tight smile in his face is one that you’ve never seen before, one that tells he’s in disbelief and he’s not the least bit amused. “The security actually had to call the police because he refused to leave.”
You reach for his shoulder, your thumb caressing the skin there through his hoodie in hope it will calm him down a little. “How are you feeling?”
Wonwoo looks down on his hands, all sorts of thoughts going through his mind. He’s always thought he’s indifferent regarding his parents, which is why he immediately left the house once he’s of legal age and saved enough money. He’s always thought he doesn’t have any sentiment towards them for him to hate them, he just wants to leave and be done with it.
But today has proved him wrong. He’s not sure if it’s the years he has spent not seeing his parents, or if it’s nothing but a shock reaction, but the sight of his father has brought him into distraught. What if he appears again? What if his dad shows up here and you realize you don’t want to be associated with someone like Wonwoo who has a lot of baggage behind him?
“I… don’t know,” Wonwoo answers truthfully, a sigh passes through his lips.
Jeon Wonwoo has never been good with emotions, mainly because he’s used to the void inside his heart and he’s unfamiliar with the concept of feeling…practically anything. The few stuffs that he’s familiar with are maybe annoyance, because his co-worker is nowhere near competent, thus Wonwoo ends up taking his share of works because their tasks are eventually linked to one another; or maybe frustration, because sometimes he just wants to go home quick and eat dinner with you but the meeting drags on.
And maybe… the tingling inside his chest everytime you smile up at him, or the way his inside churns everytime your finger brushes his.
“Mmm, let me rephrase that, then,” you say, your feet swinging slightly. “How did you feel when he showed up?”
“Mostly annoyed,” he says after a while, looking back down at you. “And then a little disoriented, because even though I’ve always known he’s a shitty person, I’d never thought he’d go out of his way to find me just to ask for money.”
You simply hum at his answer, still swinging your legs back and forth as you contemplate. Wonwoo takes this time to look at you carefully, he’s close enough to count the number of eyelashes if he wants, close enough to finally notice there’s a tiny mole near your lips.
Close enough to wonder what it would be like if your lips are against his.
“Are you not mad?” you cut off his thought with a question instead, and Wonwoo can feel his neck getting warm from embarrassment as if you’ve caught what he’s thinking. He takes a glance of your lips one more time before looking away, a second too long that he hopes you don’t notice.
Wonwoo’s silent for a while before he answers. This is the moment, he realizes. Wonwoo never talks about his family to you because he knows most people say stuffs like families are important, that blood relations are the strongest of them all, and that no matter what, family is family.
He thinks it’s utter bullshit to let people walk all over you just because you’re blood related; but he’s seen the way you fondly talk about your family though it isn’t often. He notices the gleam in your eyes and your happy grin when you say your brother is stupid because he randomly sends you meme with no context whatsoever, notices the way you replay videos of your niece who’s learning how to talk over and over again.
In short, you love your family with all your heart while his is not even functional in the tiniest bit. There would be differences in the way you and him see family, and Wonwoo’s afraid it would affect the relat—whatever’s going on between the two of you. He doesn’t want to ruin it; doesn’t want to lose you over something like this—or anything, for that matter.
A difference in principles isn’t as easily settled as difference in opinions. Wonwoo has never talked about his family not only because he doesn’t care about them enough to talk about them.; he has never talked about them because he doesn’t want to risk losing you.
“Not really… no,” he finally manages to let out. He’d have to face this hurdle sooner or later, might as well do it now while you’ve brought up the topic. “I… don’t care enough about my parents to be angry. For me, what happened was just some sort of a nuisance. But I guess it’s been long since I actually saw him and I was just kind of… distraught.”
Wonwoo braces himself for the family advices, readies himself for disappointment because there’s just no way someone as family-oriented as you are would get what he’s saying.
But you look up to him instead, pondering about something silently before you scoot closer and gently lays your head in his shoulder. Wonwoo tenses a little at the gesture, but doesn’t take long to relax once you put one of your hands on his arm and stroke the material of his hoodie in hope he’d let go of the tension.
He wonders if you’re trying to calm him down before dropping the bomb.
“I don’t love my family because they’re my family, you know?” you say carefully, and you can feel Wonwoo trying to take a look at your face in surprise. “I love my family because they’re good people, because they take care of me and I can tell they love me even though they annoy me sometimes.”
Wonwoo shifts a little in his seat, making you lean a little closer with the top of your head brushing the side of his neck.
He likes this. He likes this a lot.
“So, even though I…have never experienced it myself, I kind of get where you’re coming,” you continue. “I wouldn’t want to be with my family too if they didn’t treat me well. I get that you’re not giving them a free pass to walk over you just because they’re your family—your own parents at that, and I think… I think you’re so strong to be able to do that.”
This time, Wonwoo actually pulls away to see you with his own eyes; to see if you’re just saying it to comfort him even though he knows you’re not that kind of person. You let him be, staring back into his eyes as he searches your face.
When you’re certain Wonwoo’s not going to answer immediately, you dare yourself to reach up your hand and cup his cheek. He flinches a little, not used to the feeling of something so delicate against his skin. He wills himself to stay still, holds back the desire to close his eyes and lean in to your touch.
“You’ve… worked really hard, you know that, right?” you start again, this time without concealing your gaze elsewhere as you will yourself to keep on meeting his eyes. “I can only imagine how hard it must be for you; how lonely, too.”
He’s not really sure what prompts the stinging feeling in his eyes, not sure why his throat tightens and he tries his best to blink back the tears.
“I hate to imagine the amount of time you’ve spent by yourself, Woo.” His heart clenches a little at the nickname, one that slips out from time to time. There were times when he wanted to ask why do you call him Wonwoo sometimes and Woo at others, but he quickly set the question aside just in case it’d make you stop calling him that.
“And I know you’re used to it—that you’re… fine being alone. But I also know it was a rough way to get there. And even though I’m not aware how it came to that, I’m sure you must’ve been so strong to be able to get here by yourself. It’s not an easy feat, Woo. Not everyone can go through whatever you did all alone.”
Wonwoo takes a deep breath, somehow able to blink back the tears even though the knot in his throat is still there. He might not have a lot of experiences with people, but he knows what to expect when this type of topic is brought up. But, of course, you’re you and Wonwoo should’ve known you’d once again prove that you’re never what he expects you to be.
He has expected you telling him to try and talk his father; that he’s still family, after all. He has expected you to tell him to try to open up, that his tendency to keep to himself isn’t good for himself and he needs to go out more.
But this? It has never crossed his mind that anyone would say he’s strong­. Maybe pitiful, assumptions of his life being tragic and miserable when people somehow find out he’s alone with no family or friends.
“Thank you,” you whisper through the silence enveloping the both of you, Wonwoo much too overwhelmed to reply.
“For what?” he whispers back, now letting himself bask in the feeling of your palm against his cheek.
“For hanging in there and making it here,” you smile softly, your thumb caresses the apple of his cheek. For a moment there, Wonwoo is convinced all the stars in the night sky are reflected in your eyes. There’s absolutely no way that someone—you are looking at him like he’s the only thing that matters in the whole world, as if he’s someone to be treasured with everything that you’ve got. His mind must be playing tricks on him, what does he know about the way someone looks at another? “For coming into my life.”
In his whole life, Wonwoo firmly believes he was just one of those outcasted people meant to live his life alone. He has never expected anyone to come by and make his life better, has never tried to find that someone either. He has accepted that he’s going to live his life that way because what else could he do, anyway?
But of course, you happen. You step into his life and slowly turn the gears the other way, not to change his way of living—survivingto fit yours but to teach him how to live even a little. A change just enough to let him know that there is happiness he can find in little things like your smile, or your breads, or the dinner you share together even when you barely share words because you both are too tired.
That his life does not have to be so dim, after all, and he doesn’t need to achieve something big to be happy.
Wonwoo never aims for happiness; sometimes he laughs at the occasion TV shows he happens to catch on boring days, sometimes he’d smile at the stray cats he sees on the side of the street as he pats them softly on the head, sometimes he’d be amused at the words from the book he’s currently reading. That’s about his relationship with happiness before. He hasn’t expected to be happy and he’s never sought it himself.
Obviously, that, too, changes once you’ve made your way in. Wonwoo often finds himself smiling at the thought of you, often opens his notebook full of your post-its to cheer him up during particularly bad nights, often waits for you to knock on his door and ask him to eat dinner together.
Most importantly, Wonwoo often stares at your selfie in his phone that you have taken as a joke through his locked lock screen. He figures you must’ve thought he’d delete it immediately once he’s found the picture. But he also figures you’d have no way of knowing he still keeps that picture in his phone and finds himself smiling when he opens his gallery justto take a look at your smile during random times.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks instead, his voice so deep and so small—barely even a whisper.
The words startle not only you but Wonwoo himself. For a second there, he wonders where did the courage come from. But, then again, it has been a very emotional night for him. He’s overwhelmed with all sorts of feelings and this is probably the most Wonwoo ever has to deal with them.
Thus, he’s probably not right in the head.
But you give him a small nod and, before he knows it, he’s already leaning forward to meet your lips. Wonwoo has never felt so warm inside, has never thought it was possible to feel content to this extend—or at all. But that’s what he’s feeling right now and, as if he’s not dysfunctional enough already, he can feel the circuits of his brain going out when your fingers move from his cheek to the side of his neck, and finally settling on his shoulders after trailing fire down his skin in the most pleasant way imaginable.
The kiss feels both so quick and so long; his arms have somehow wounded themselves around your waist and when you pull apart, you immediately dive into his neck to hide your embarrassment just so you can avoid his inspecting eyes. Unexpectedly, the sound of his laughter rings through the empty park and you softly hit his chest even though you can feel that Wonwoo’s neck also getting warm from embarrassment.
“Don’t laugh!” you mumble in his hold, your voice muffled by the material of his hoodie.
“Didn’t you say it was your mission to make me laugh?” he jokingly reminds you, and then winces a little when you pinch him by the waist to shut him up.
He wants to say that it’s him that should thank you; that it’s him who should be thanking you for coming into his life despite his initial skepticism, for always smiling at him even though he didn’t even return them back at first, for taking care of him with the gentlest heart.
For being you in his life.
But as much as he’s learned that it’s okay to express himself to you, it’s still not something he can voice just yet. So Wonwoo tightens his hold on you a little, and somehow you understand that it’s his way of telling you to look up—which you immediately do.
Wonwoo drops another gentle kiss on your lips once your eyes meet his, hoping you’d get everything he’s trying to say and that he’ll try his best to start voicing his feelings towards you. He’d like to think the way you smile into the kiss is your way of saying that you understand.
That you’ll wait until he gets there.
There’s a shy smile on your face when he opens his eyes again, your lips and his still brushing in the faintest.
Wonwoo is grateful he has you in his life.
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The reason why I thought I'd die is because I hadn't met you yet.
And if people like you can exist in this world, then maybe I like it a little after all.
And if people like you are living in this world, then maybe it’s alright to hope a little too.
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"Can you write one where Hero is in an abusive/toxic relationship with SuperHero but thinking it's normal while Villain is worried and tries to get them out of the said relationship? (also Villain does have feelings for Hero in this)"
Request #7
Warning: toxic/abusive relationship, physical & mental abuse.
This was a fun one! Definitely gotta write a part two later!
Enjoy! ^_^
"Boss, we're in." - one of Villain's subordinates called from the side as they and a group of others operated the new spy drones the villain had recently got their hands on. The machines were tiny, smaller than a fingernail, and could be easily mistaken for an insect. Equipped with the best cameras around, they allowed Villain to easily snoop for information.
And what better first target to try them out on than Hero? Their hero, their nemesis. They would never admit it out loud, but Villain quite enjoyed the battles the two shared. Perhaps even a bit too much...
"Perfect!" - the villain exclaimed from their chair, excited grin adorning their face, "Let's see what we can find~."
The camera feed came to life on the giant monitor before them, and the sight that greeted them... made their stomach twist into a thousand knots.
"S-SuperHero, please! I-I'm sorry!" - Hero begged, lying on the floor of what appeared to be a bedroom. Their upper body was exposed, skin bruised in so many places Villain couldn't keep count.
SuperHero stood over them, hands clenching and power crackling in the air around them. They looked just about ready to murder the other hero.
Murder? The thought made Villain's heart grip with worry. But why should the villain care? They wanted their nemesis gone, didn't they?
No, they didn't. They knew that they didn't.
"I told you not to fuck this up, and what did you do?" - the superhero growled out, their anger unlike anything Villain had ever seen from them before.
"YOU FUCKED IT UP!" - SuperHero yelled, grabbing Hero and throwing them across the room and into a wall. A pained cry left them, and they could only whimper as their body sunk to the floor. The hero didn't dare get up as the other approached them once more.
"VILLAIN FUCKING GOT AWAY AGAIN!" - a kick to their stomach made Hero cry out in pain a second time. SuperHero grabbed them by the hair and pulled them closer, screaming directly in their face, "ALL BECAUSE YOU'RE SUCH A WORTHLESS FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT!"
Hero was tossed once more, every part of them screaming in agony. They shook in terror as the superhero moved closer yet again. Their muscles tensed as SuperHero's form loomed over them. Hero prepared for their punishment to continue, for the pain to keep on coming.
Only for their partner to pass by them and go out the door, slamming it shut. The familiar click of a door locking entered the hero's ears as they released a shaky breath.
Villain sat there, frozen. Out of everything they had expected to see, this was not on the list. Weren't these two in a relationship?! Weren't they supposed to- to love each other or something?!
Hero's sobs and sniffles echoed across their lair as the villain silently watched their broken form curl up on the hard floor. Their gaze grew dark at the sight, a tinge of worry drowning in their rage.
"Cut the feed." - Villain said sternly after a moment, voice devoid of emotion. They stood from their chair and immediately went for the door.
"B-Boss, wait! Where are you-" - one of the henchmen tried but cut themself off as their employer turned around. The look in the villain's eyes made their blood run cold. Villain was never a bad boss by any means, as they never hurt or threatened their employees.
But that look... It made everyone in the room tense up. It was like locking gazes with a hungry predator, and it made the henchmen feel like prey. It made them realize...
Villain was out for blood.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hero had been lying on the floor for what felt like hours, and it probably was. They had run out of tears a while ago now. They wanted to move but couldn't bring themself to. Everything just hurt so much. Even breathing was a struggle.
At least the cold floor helped numb some of their pain, but still... Hero knew they deserved this...
They let Villain get away again. They should've captured the criminal, but they failed. They failed like they always do. Hero was such a waste of space. Why was SuperHero even still with them? Hero was truly nothing but a burden on their partner. They always had to take care of Hero, always had to waste their time and remind them how pathetic they were. SuperHero was too good for them. They deserved better than Hero. They should just leave them already. They should get rid of Hero. They should-
The door unlocked.
The hero tensed up, curling up into a tight ball, preparing for the pain as the door was opened, and a pair of footsteps slowly approached them. The person walked in front of them and kneeled down to their level. Hero's breathing grew shakier with each passing second. Why was nothing happening?!
They were about to beg, but before a single word could leave them, they cringed as a hand landed on their head.
Hero was prepared for that hand to roughly grab them, to pull them up by their hair, to hurt them. In their terror, they failed to realize that the stranger was gently petting them, their fingers running through their hair. Only when they spoke did Hero's mind register what was happening.
"Hero?" - came a hushed whisper. That voice... Hero knew that voice. It... It was...
"V-Villain..?" - the hero mewled, voice broken and hoarse. Confusion overtook their eyes as they continued, "W-What are you... doing here..?"
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here to get you out of here." - the villain comforted them or tried to anyway. Their response seemed to have only terrified Hero that much more, their eyes widening with fear.
"B-But- But SuperHero..." - Hero whimpered, their body shaking once more. The villain hushed them again and gently picked them up in a bridal carry. Villain noticed how the other shuddered from their touch but snuggled into their chest nonetheless, their arms loosely wrapping around the villain's neck.
"So terrified of contact... and yet so desperate for it..." - Villain thought to themself, pity making their chest ache. Even they weren't this lonely! And for the hero to be like this... For their Hero to be so ruined...
It was unacceptable.
Villain swore that they would make sure Hero knew what real love and care looked like. They would show them how a real relationship worked.
They would make sure SuperHero paid for this.
Returning to reality, the villain insured that they had a good grip on their hero and walked out of the room. They moved with haste through Hero's house, as they had no time to spare. In their earlier fury and concern, all logic had left them. Villain had just rushed over to save the hero, without even considering that SuperHero might still be lurking around.
"Gah! Why is this house so damn big?!" - the villain thought to themself as they turned another corner, concern starting to eat away at them. They could technically just fly out the window with the help of their powers, but they wanted to avoid drawing attention. The streets were littered with people and other heroes, and Villain would have an advantage if nobody saw them stealing the hero away. Sneaking in here was already hard enough, but now they needed to get out before-
"You... YOU..."
-SuperHero saw them. As Hero's 'partner' began to charge straight at them down the long hall Villain froze at their enraged gaze, but their hero's shaky grip on their shoulders brought them back into reality.
The villain turned on their heel, and just as the superhero's hand brushed against their back, as the air around them crackled from SuperHero's anger, they summoned their power and jumped into the air. They flew through the house, speeding like their life depended on it.
Because, well, it did. Not just Villain's life... but their hero's life as well.
Flying around the inside of a building was already difficult enough, but doing it while panicking and carrying someone in their arms? It was a nightmare, but Villain was determined. They were determined to never let SuperHero lay another finger on Hero.
As Villain turned another sharp corner, they nearly crashed into the wall, barely catching themself just in time. As they regained their bearings, a giant window greeted them at the end of the hall, and seeing as they have already been spotted, Villain decided to just go for it.
They bolted for the window, tightened their grip on Hero, and, at the last second, twisted their body around midair. They winced as they crashed through the glass with their back, shielding the hero from the sharp shards.
As blood dripped from their fresh wounds, the villain ignored the pain and dashed up into the sky, hiding amidst the dark clouds looming over the city. Once they were out of sight, they headed straight for their lair, never looking back.
Meanwhile, down on the ground, SuperHero looked up into the sky where the two had just disappeared, a tiny disabled drone sitting in their hand that they could barely stop themself from breaking into pieces.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hero groaned as they awakened from their slumber. At some point during their and Villain's escape, they had passed out. The hero vaguely remembered the villain taking them high up into the clouds and nothing else past that. They tried to open their eyes and take in their surroundings but only managed to whine as their head exploded with pain.
The hero felt like they were burning up, it was just so hot for some reason. They have been feeling rather sickly the past few days, so perhaps they were running a fever? They tried to pry their eyes open once more but stopped as something gently landed on their forehead and made them flinch out of reflex.
They whimpered as a hand touched their head, petting their hair. However, a familiar hushing sound brought some of their senses back. They finally recognized the coolness on their brow as a wet cloth. And that hand and voice, it was unmistakable.
"V..Vill..ain...?" - the hero tried but only ended up getting themself into a coughing fit. Their throat felt drier than a desert, with some cactus spikes scratching at it as a bonus.
As if their mind was being read, a cup of water was brought to their lips. The hand from before carefully lifting their head so that they could drink. Hero swallowed every drop of the precious liquid, the pain in their throat easing as their head was laid back down.
Finally, albeit with some difficulty, they managed to blearily open their eyes, blinking a few times to adjust their vision. They were lying in a soft bed of what appeared to be a guest bedroom, a fluffy blanket covering their still naked torso. Looking up, Hero was met with the concerned face of Villain.
"Wait... Con...cerned...?" - they pondered, why would their nemesis be worried about them...? And now that they thought about it more... Why...
"Why... d...did...you...?"
"Someone had to get you out of there." - Villain cut in, wanting to spare Hero's throat the struggle. "And before you ask how I even knew you needed help, I happened to be... ah... spying on you at the time."
"H...Help...?" - the hero voiced their confusion, completely ignoring - or perhaps not registering - the 'spying' part as their eyebrows slightly furrowed, "I... didn't need... help..."
Villain frowned at their words. Hero could see the concern on the other's face growing even more as they voiced their own confusion, "What do you mean you 'didn't need help'? They were hurting you."
"No... That's... normal... They were just... trying to... help... me... be better..." - Hero muttered out, they thought this would clear things up, but their explanation seemed to only upset the villain more.
"Hero, that's not- Partners aren't supposed to hurt each other! That's not helping in the slightest!" - in their momentary anger Villain raised their voice too much, and regret immediately flooded them as they watched the hero flinch and cower away from them, fresh tears making their eyes glossy.
"No, Hero- I-" - the villain tried hastily but stopped themself, seeing as their sudden movements only rattled the poor hero even more. Instead, they took in a small breath, did their best to relax their tense posture, and slowed down, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I..."
"P-Please don't be angry..." - the hero whined, scared the villain would suddenly do a one-eighty and hit them. However, to Hero's confusion, Villain's face was only decorated with pain and concern, no anger or rage to be seen. They weakly gripped the blanket covering them in their nerves.
In a hushed whisper, the villain responded, "No, I'm- I'm not angry with you." They gently took hold of one of Hero's hands and did their best to comfort them, "It's okay. I promise I'm not angry with you. Nobody here will hurt you, I promise. You're safe here."
As Villain left a small kiss on their knuckles, Hero watched them, still rather unconvinced, "B-But if you're not angry... T-Then why did you y-yell?" - they whimpered, the sound twisting the other's heart even more.
"I am angry, but not with you, Hero." - the villain's words only confused the hero even more. If Villain wasn't mad at them, then... then at who? Hero was the one who messed everything up all the time!
"I'm angry with SuperHero. They hurt you. They hurt you, and you don't even realize it..."
"B-But..." - Hero tried to argue, but Villain gently hushed them again, putting their hand back down.
"For now, just get some more rest, okay? And when you wake up, I'll have some food ready for you so you can eat."
Hero wanted to protest but found that they were too exhausted to even try. They only whined tiredly as Villain gently flipped the cloth on their forehead over, refreshing coolness spreading through their head once more. And combined with the villain softly petting their head, Hero was out like a light within moments.
Villain stayed like that for a few minutes, watching the hero sleep. Their gaze grew fond as they observed the slow rise and fall of the other's chest. Soon, however, they retreated out of the room, letting their rage overtake their features. They were well aware that SuperHero would come and find them. So, they had no time to waste. The villain had to prepare.
They had to be ready to protect their Hero.
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omg-imagine · 4 years
All We Are
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Pairing: Johnny Silverhand x female!V
Summary: V is jealous after Johnny’s date with Rogue, which leads to an honest discussion about where they both stand.
Words: 1.7k
Warning: spoilers for Blistering Love side job, a little angst
A/N: Requested by an anon. This may be a bit different than what you were expecting, but I was in the feels™. Hope you still enjoy :)
Also, can we please talk about how adorable he looks in the gif?? 
The long drive back to the apartment was silent; the utter stillness in the car weighs heavily on V’s mind. Hands gripping tight on the steering wheel, she tries to ignore this unsettling ache she has, not allowing even an ounce of thought to pass. Though she chalks it off as a side effect of the pseudoendotrizine, this strange, hollow feeling of hers continues to stir deep inside, burning, burning and burning.
And so, she switches on the radio and focuses ahead on the stretch of road winding down the North Oak hills, the approaching lights of Night City glowing brighter against the inky skies. A fresh breeze flows into the open windows, dulling the tension for a moment.
A moment of tranquility that ends far too soon, yet it was a moment V’s at least grateful to have.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Johnny points out, the gruff baritone of his voice piercing the air. “An enny for your thoughts?”
Kicking his feet up on the dashboard, his aviators glint in the silver moonlight, making him appear impossibly more obnoxious than he usually is. He acts as if he’s not aware of the recent thoughts plaguing V’s head, but perhaps that truly was the case. If it were, then she would be surprised— Johnny often invades her mind, poking and prodding at things he shouldn’t be. For a while, she assumes he knows.
“Just tired,” V replies monotonously. Her answer was far from a lie; she really was tired. Exhausted, even. All she wants is to collapse into bed, pass out, and hope that for a few short hours, she can forget about today, about everything.
“Huh,” he breathes out, and V spares him not a single glance. “Pretty sure somethin’ was up. You’ve been actin’ weird since we left the drive-in.”
A chuckle rumbles through her chest. V still finds it unusual for Johnny to act so… concerned. Almost caring, if she had to be honest. She’s noticed a change in him recently, which became apparent after their conversation in the oil fields. He’s a lot softer now, sometimes sweet, both in his own unique way, of course. As if his rough edges were slightly smoothed out with sandpaper, enough that they no longer cut and make her bleed.
V would often catch him staring when he thinks she’s not looking. She also doesn’t fail to miss the small smile that creeps across his face as she talks. And in those passing seconds that lasts an eternity when the relic malfunctions, Johnny was there to offer her comfort. He’d kneel down to the ground while she coils in agony, whispering promises that this will all be over soon. That one way or another, they would get rid of that goddamn chip slotted in V’s head and ultimately save her life.
Life. Life has a funny way of unraveling itself. Fuck, this all seems like a cruel joke the universe is playing on V. Fate is rarely kind to her, a sad fact she’s accepted over the years. Never would she have imagined that after experiencing the pain of heartbreak and loss, she’d find herself falling for someone at the worst possible time.
And that someone is the imprisoned digital ghost of a rockerboy-turned-terrorist studying her from the passenger seat.
But V’s adamant in denying it. Her life was too fucking complicated for this right now.
“Are you capable of shutting the fuck up for two seconds?” V bitterly snaps, the hands on the wheel clenching stiffly as her jaw. “You got what you wanted tonight. Finally got your dick wet after fifty years, so leave me the hell alone, would’ya?!”
She doesn’t mean to act on her muted anger, but it manages to get the best of her. V knows why, and because of it, she crumbles. She crumbles like the walls she’s built around herself. Like the facade she’s been hiding behind for the past couple of months. Because underneath the dirt and grime, V was just a poor, tragic soul, more worried about losing the man she couldn’t have than her awaiting death.
“Really think that’s what happened?” Johnny asks, pushing his shades up to his head as he shifts to sit up straight in his seat.
V grits her teeth, eyes remaining locked on the road. She had woken up an hour or two after Johnny took over, finding her lips still warm, still swollen. Her hair was tousled, and she had been stripped off of most of her clothes; the scent of Rogue’s perfume lingering on her skin. She didn’t need him to recount; it was all clear to her what had transpired. It was what she agreed on to make him happy, a date with the Afterlife fixer and whatever it could lead up to.
In the end, V regretted it, not because Johnny used her body to sleep with someone. But because even after the rollercoaster ride, the dog tags, the private concerts, and the heart-to-heart they had at his gravesite, she still wasn’t his. He was too hung up over Rogue, and she couldn’t blame him. Having shared a lengthy history, there was no doubt Johnny wouldn’t snatch up the opportunity to win her back.
But then where does that leave V?
“The fuck is wrong, V? Don’t make me figure it out by myself.”
Biting the edge of her lip, she ignores Johnny’s latest question and contemplates swallowing an omega blocker. She doesn’t even care that he’s threatening to search for the truth without her permission. Choosing not to do so, he keeps pressing on regardless, and V was getting pissed off. When he doesn’t stop, she loses her temper and slams on the brakes, the Porsche coming to a screeching halt on a dead street.
Huffing, V pulls over to the side, shutting the car’s engine as Johnny is left bewildered by her actions. Peace and quiet. She yearns for peace and quiet, and the pills would do the trick in an instant. Her hand reaches for the bottle in her jacket pocket, the pounding of her heart echoing in her ears. Popping the cap open, she turns her head to the side, unable to help herself. She sees the tenderness etched in his features, a wordless plea shining in his dark eyes.
“V… Tell me.”
V’s gaze slowly falters, her consciousness at war with itself. The storm of anger in her calms, yet she needs to know what her next move is. She’s always been terrible at this sort of thing, dealing with her feelings and shit. Growing up in the streets of Heywood, she’s learned how to shut people out and keep them out. Biggest rule she had imposed on herself was to never, ever fall for a choom, but this time was different. Despite him being a mere figment of her imagination, she feels safe around Johnny, appreciated and content. The two understand each other on a level nobody else has done. They’ve been through literal hell and would only sink further into it to find a way to survive.
A chrome palm comes to rest on V’s cheek, the sensation oddly warm, oddly familiar. Her attention flickers back to Johnny as he strokes her weary face. His touch was delicate, movements careful and controlled. He treats her as if she were porcelain, afraid that his metal hand would cause her to crack. V exhales deeply, relishing the feeling she’s longed from the moment she had broken that dumb rule of hers.
“Go ahead,” she mumbles, giving Johnny consent for him to read her mind. It only takes a second, maybe even less. V half expects his shit-eating grin to make its appearance. She couldn’t forget how cocky he was, and she thought this would certainly rub his ego.
It never comes. Instead, Johnny’s lips turn up into a genuine smile, one softer than the way his black hair falls to frame his face. V swears she was floating; this doesn’t feel all that real to her. It couldn’t be real. But as the first faint slivers of sunlight appear on the horizon, she starts to believe that she isn’t dreaming nor hallucinating. She was still very much wide awake.
“Didn’t know you were the jealous type,” Johnny quips as he leans closer. “You had no reason to be jealous, princess.”
“Why not?”
“Nothin’ happen between Rogue and me,” he clarifies, his fingers pushing back her locks. “Yeah, we made out a little, but I couldn’t go through with it. Wanna know why?”
V nods.
“’Cause I realized that ship sailed a long time ago. We’re too different people now; she’s got her own life, while I got mine sittin’ right here.”
“Johnny…” she murmurs his name as he brings up his other hand to cradle her face. “I wanted to have what you and Rogue had, minus the shitty things you did. But I could feel how much you loved her, how you basically worshipped the ground she walked on. Then I thought, can’t compete with her. She’s a livin’ legend, a badass. Meanwhile, I could be dead the next minute or two, either by this fuckin’ relic or a bullet.”
“Trust me, V, you wouldn’t want that,” Johnny returns, resting his forehead against hers. How could he feel so real? “What you and I have is special. Ain’t felt this way before, not even with Rogue or Alt. Like I said, you’re the fuckin’ closest to me. These feelings you’re afraid of? Shit, I have them too, and I’m fuckin’ terrified. But knowing that you’re here and we both share them, it makes things a lot less scary.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Johnny laughs softly. “Gotta spell it out for ya, huh? Well then, here it goes; V, I love you. I don’t throw that word around randomly, but know that it’s what I feel whenever I think of you.”
V doesn’t waste a second longer. Her lips meet his for a kiss that is gentle and bruising, all at once. They hold one another close, their grasps taut so that the other wouldn’t slip away, not wanting to lose what they’ve gained. Time goes by, ticking in the background as they kiss again and again, but to them, it’s slow, nearly everlasting.
And when it was over, when they finally had to part, they were breathless, panting.
“Love you too, Johnny,” she murmurs into his skin, tone dripping with affection as he hums in response.
Night melds into day, and the city comes back to its fullest life. V kisses Johnny a final time before driving back to the place she calls home, even though she’s found her true one in his heart.
Permanent Tags:  @penwieldingdreamer​ @keandrews​ @feminine-machinegun​ @fanficsrusz​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @flaminasteroid @rowserein @unaspiringwritings​ @planetkt​ @breakthenight​ @baphometwolf666 @rdjloverxxx
Johnny Silverhand Tags: @silverse​ @overheardatthecontinental​ @meshlababy​ @ataraxydreams​ @ineedpeetalikehekneadsbread​​ @savsselfinserts​ @the-bottom-of-the-abyss​ @donakamark
*If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to send me an ask or DM!
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andmyvape · 3 years
"Please tell me you're not wearing that."
Elayn looked down, then back up with a wide grin. She tugged at her bright rainbow suspenders with her thumbs. "What, not tacky enough?"
Serana gave the ensemble another slow scan. "No, it's… definitely tacky. The combat boots with the khaki shorts is a nice touch."
The grin got wider as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. "They're going to be throwing candy, and I wasn't anywhere near prepared enough last time."
Serana rolled her eyes, but softened it with a smile. "You're ridiculous."
"Isn't that why we're dating?" her girlfriend asked as they headed out the door.
She took a moment to lock up while Serana laughed. "'Careless Whisper' on a boom box outside my window. I can't believe my dad didn't kill you. I know you stole that, by the way. We both went to see that movie when it came out."
"They marketed it as a romcom!" Elayn protested.
They were in the car now. It would be a trick to find parking, but they were running early thanks to Serana's habit of scheduling everything. Elayn was more the type to go with the flow, but living together had her adapted enough that the flow she went with was largely dictated by Serana's schedule. As a research chemist, she worked interesting hours at times, but Elayn was a good roommate, she cooked and cleaned, mostly because she had the time. Lacrosse wasn't a well paying sport compared to something like soccer, but the off seasons gave her plenty of time to maintain their loft. 
"Five dollars an hour?" Elayn griped as the machine printed out their ticket. 
"Homophobia strikes again," Serana said with mock solemnity. 
She snorted and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's waste. "Which park did you say this thing started in again?" 
It was a little place surrounded by tall buildings, but it was a green patch in a city largely made out of grey. It being Pride Month, the grey was broken up by rainbows. The two wandered around as they waited for the parade to start. 
Well, at least, they started to wander when Elayn caught sight of a dog and all but dragged her girlfriend over to say hi. 
"What's his name?" she asked, so full of enthusiasm she practically floated. "Can I pet him?" 
The dog's owner, someone with a short haircut in a crop top that was orange, yellow, and white striped, nodded. "If he lets you. Sometimes he's not so-- oh gosh," they said, eyes wide as they watched Elayn kneel down and offer a hand to sniff that was immediately accepted. "You must have good vibes." 
"She's a dog person," Serana said with a laugh as the dog put its front paws on Elayn's shoulders so he could lick her face. 
"What's his name?" she asked through slobbery kisses. 
The butch grinned. "That's Duke, I'm Cas. It's nice to meet you!" 
The two introduced themselves just in time for a volunteer to come up with bottles of water. "Our city got voted best water in the state," she said cheerfully. "Take a few, it's gonna be a hot one." 
Before the march, there were speeches. The first was an introduction to the city's first pride parade since the 80s. The second was from a drag queen inviting everyone to the show later that night. Finally, the speeches were closed by an Episcopalian pastor trying to make up for the rest of Christianity's sins. 
"It's starting!" Elayn said excitedly when the crowd started to funnel out of the park. 
The march went down the sidewalk for a few blocks. Traffic was halted and the waiting cars honked while passengers waved. Elayn waved a lesbian flag, Serana had a bi flag, and the two of them dragged a rainbow striped cooler. 
"Mom! Mom!" Elayn heard behind her. "Look, it's two cicadas going at it!" 
She glanced behind her. There was a set of twins, about twelve years old, one of them draped in a trans flag and holding the cicadas that were indeed trying to reproduce. Elayn snorted and hit herself in the face trying to keep a laugh contained. "You like bugs, huh?" 
The girl in the trans flag beamed. "They're my favorite! Well, except for tarantulas, but Mom won't let me have one." 
"The rabbit gets out of its cage enough." The way the girl's mom said it, this was an age old argument. "I don't want to squash it when it ends up in my shoe."
"I had a snake when I was growing up," Serana chimed in. "A corn snake that never got out." 
The twins turned out to be part of a family unit. One twin was trans, and their older brother was too, and as Elayn found soon, was very excited to start HRT. "Get a Gc2b binder," she said. "When I'm feeling like a flat day, it works really well." 
The boy, a younger fourteen, practically floated with excitement. "I will!" 
Serana chatted with the parents while Elayn occupied the kids. "Have you folks been to Pride before?" 
Their mom, a woman named Chelsea, shook her head. "Nope, both kids came out last September and they've been talking about the festival ever since." 
"You seem like really supportive parents," Serana said. It carried the weight of one speaking who has not had contact with their parents since high school. 
Chelsea could tell, and she opened her arms for a hug that Serana was more than happy to accept. 
The march was only about a mile long, and it ended in another park. Elayn craned her neck and said, "I think I see the beer line, wait here?" 
"We will!" said the girl, who was very proud to be named Luna now. 
Serana and Chelsea shared a grin. "I guess we'll wait here," the mom said. 
It was a bit of a line, which was probably not a good thing, but apparently people were restricted on how many drinks they could buy, so at least there was that. While Elayn waited, she was joined by two people wearing pronoun pins that said "she/her". 
Elayn's jaw dropped at the sight of one of the girls' dress, which was a flowing, fae like ensemble. "Holy shit!" she said. "You look amazing!" 
She blushed and ducked her head as she smiled. "Thank you, I got it from Amazon." 
"It's her first Pride," her friend added.
That just amazed Elayn more. "With the sparkles and the green eyeshadow, I wouldn't have guessed. Everything you've got going on is just amazing."
"Thank you!" she squeaked. 
Elayn wasn't alone in thinking the dress was gorgeous. Another person came up to compliment it, and they had such dope tattoos that Elayn could not help but comment. 
"The guy that did them is great," they gushed. "He does blacklight work too!" 
So she got a website saved on her phone for the next time she really wanted to get a tattoo on top of the three she already had; scrollwork on her bicep, a wolf on her shoulder blade, and a small date on her wrist that was the day she met Serana. 
When she got back to her girlfriend and the others, an IPA in hand that was frankly piss, she told them about the girl in the fae dress. 
"I saw her!" Serana exclaimed. 
"No way." 
Next was food, especially if she was going to drink a beer. Assuming she actually drank it. "There's some food trucks," she pointed out. "I could go for a corndog." 
"I'm going to get some mac and cheese," Serana said. 
"Mom! Mom!" Luna's twin brother, Ian, tugged at his mom's sleeve. "Can we get pretzels?" 
Chelsea sighed good-naturedly. "I suppose. Do you two want to meet up after?" 
"Over by the stage?" Elayn suggested. 
The group separated. She found the line for corndogs and funnel cake. While she was waiting, the woman ahead of her glanced her way, so Elayn said, "Howdy!" 
"Hey there, hun!" She clapped her on the shoulder. "Having a good time?" 
"I am," she said with a grin. "Everyone here is so nice. There were some moms back there handing out hugs!" 
"Well, I'm a mom, would you like a hug?" 
"I would love that." 
It was a lovely hug, the woman was warm and smelled floral. When they separated, she said, "I'm Elayn! It's good to meet you. Can I get you a corndog?" 
As she pulled out her wallet, the woman waved her money away. "It's Nessa, and actually, I'd like to buy you a corndog." 
"You don't have to--" 
Nessa laughed. "I miss my daughters, you'd be doing me a favor." 
They chatted while the line went down, about lacrosse and about university. It turned out Nessa's two daughters went off to college in other cities, so it had been a while since she saw either. "I had a son," she said. "But now I have a very happy daughter, and I'm so proud of her." 
"I wish I had a mom like you," Elayn said, thinking about growing up foster care. 
Nessa grabbed her in another hug. "Now you do!" 
When she got back to Serana and the others, they were listening to the music booming from the speakers. She had to yell to tell the group about her new mom. 
Chelsea looked a little sad, because she could connect the dots, but Luna and Ian were too busy freaking out over the cotton candy Nessa had bought her too. 
Not long after, the stage was occupied. Elayn was chatting with Luna with her back turned, so she missed it until Serana tapped her shoulder and turned her around. 
"Holy shit!" She hollered and clapped at the sight of a gorgeous, sequin clad drag queen in four inch heels doing a backflip off the stage and onto grass. "Holy shit!" 
As it turned out, the drag queens took tips, and it was at that point that Elayn knew she was about to spend a lot of money. Each queen that performed, and there were many, got a five in exchange for the sheer joy Elayn got when the queen before her touched her hand. 
When there was a break in the performances, she went back to Serana, who had a smirk on her face. "Should I be jealous?" 
Elayn cupped her face, and in a fit of sheer enthusiasm, kissed her girlfriend soundly, to the delight of the twins who hooted. "Don't worry, babe," she teased. "You're the only queen for me." 
"Flatterer." Serana swatted at her chest, but the smile on her face was pleased regardless. 
It was all a blur from there. Fair food, loud music-- and Elayn found beer that wasn't piss! She taught the twins a new vocabulary of cuss words the moment she found out their mom was fine with foul language. They parted around five in the afternoon, when a voice through a megaphone warned attendants that the festival was about to start catering to adults. There was a concert with more drag queens, this time in much more risqué outfits that Elayn would have given a kidney to see on Serana. 
When she said something, her girlfriend got a light in her eye. "Really now?" she purred. "Maybe for your birthday." 
By 11pm, Elayn was high on the party atmosphere and a few beers. The festival was over, and the walk back to their car would be a trick. "Did you have fun?" she asked Serana as they walked hand in hand. 
She got a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad I have you. When are we getting married?"
"When I figure out how to surprise you with a ring." 
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timelight · 2 years
@zaunguard asked:  ❛ do you mind if i sleep here tonight? ❜
“If you couldn’t then I wouldn’t keep offering every time you come by the hideout. We got an actual bungalow set up for you across the way from where we held you and your Piltie princess.There’s a cot, small kitchen and there’s some sheets and blankets folded in the chest.” He waves his nonchalantly as he eased himself back into his chair, tipping his head while he scrutinized Vi’s shifty movements. 
Discomfort written all over her face and... a touch of shame? News of Jinx’s stunt with the council spread like wildfire and since then he’s dispatched the Firelights on double shifts to keep the peace. It only took two days before Vi came limping in here with her hood on and looking like she was pulled through the actual gutter. It hurt to see her look so small, worn out. She was always the pillar of resilience between the lot of them.
Ekko pauses and points his crutch to an open entryway on the opposite side of the meeting room. “If you want to clean up we have communal showers. Towels and soap are left in baskets. No hot water but it’s clean. Leftovers from dinner should still be in the mess hall on the first floor.”
When she doesn’t budge he musters up enough strength to smile. “It’s okay to relax, you know? Take care of yourself tonight and tomorrow we’ll figure things out. Go clean up.”
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meme // accepting!
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allegra-writes · 5 years
Adore you
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Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Smut, of course
The request:
More dom reader and subby pete pls!!! maybe something like a badass shield agent reader? and peter having a crush on her and there goes the smut? hope u like this idea, take ur time!!
I've been holding onto this for a couple of days now. I'm quite proud of how it turned out, I had to stop for air quite a few times as I wrote it so beware. This is my Christmas gift to you, consider me your Naughty Pagan Santa🔥
Series masterlist
"P-please" Peter's desperate plea broke the silence. His voice was hoarse, wrecked, no louder than a whisper and at first you weren't even sure he had spoken, but then he begged again, "Please, please!" 
You were torturing him, breaking him, shattering him to dust and then putting him back together again, building him anew to your liking, and he wasn't sure how much more he would be able to take without losing his mind. He felt your smile against his hip bone and dared looking down, teary red rimmed eyes meeting yours, ablazed and alluring, every bit as beautiful as the first time he had seen them. He had lost himself in those eyes more times than he could count, and yet he could map them to micrometric precision, dozens of pictures on his phone dedicated solely to them, to their idiosyncrasies and nuances under different lighting.  
He never thought he could have this, never thought he could have you: Y/n from biology. Agent 16, S.H.I.E.L.D. level 7. "I guess it's something we have in common," You had said, "we are both liars." Peter had wanted to argue that it wasn't the same thing, but it was hard to complain as you drove away from the angry mob of Mysterio stans you had saved him from. You had been fast, efficient, one quick drive to Manhattan, to the helipad of the ex-Avenger's tower (now property of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and before the day was over, you both were out of the city, out of the country, on that desert island just the two of you.
The feeling of your tongue, hot and wet on the v of his hips pulled him back into the present. You sucked a little pineapple cube, cold against his fevered skin, into your mouth, before chasing down the drop of juice the fruit had left behind with your tongue. Peter dug his fingers on the white, soft sand, searching in vain for purchase. He squirmed, a steady stream of 'pleasepleaseplease' falling from his lips, as you ate a piece of cantaloupe off his abs. 
You were using his body as a plate, eating fresh fruit off it, a new torment to add to the long list of wicked, delicious ways you had been playing with him all afternoon. You had been pleasuring him for a couple of hours now, and he was delirious with it, overstimulated. He felt immaterial, disembodied, undone. He was soft clay under your hands, under your mouth, under your tongue. Your touch was the only thing shaping his reality, shaping him. So what if the whole world knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man? He wasn't either of them anymore. Here on this island, laying under you, he wasn't the next Tony Stark or the last Avenger; he was just 'baby boy', and 'tiger' and whatever else you choose to call him. 
He was free. 
He didn't have to save any body, because you had saved him, didn't have to decide anything cause you gave the orders. You could take care of him, all he had to do was surrender to you. 
You crawled up his body, tiny slice of watermelon between your lips, and Peter immediately parted his, to let you glide it into his mouth. It tasted faintly of your strawberry lip balm, making his head dizzy with longing.
"Please" he croaked again, after swallowing the sweet, juicy fruit. 
"What do you need baby boy?" You breathed, hot against his ear.
"To kiss you" he panted, "please, let me kiss you"
You complied, and he finally got to taste your soft, warm mouth. Strawberry lipstick and cherries and himself and he loved it, loved that sharp bitter tang on your palate. His fingers buried themselves in your hair, pulling you closer to taste it better. Only when you pulled away, giggling a little maliciously, did he realize his mistake.
"Bad, bad boy" You leaned back, disentangling from his fingers, sitting up and away from him.
He paled,
"No, please, I'll do anything" He moved to get up too, but caught himself at the last second, your disapproving glare all that was needed to halt his movements. You smiled to yourself, he truly was insatiable. After coming so many times that afternoon, he still looked heartbroken at the prospect of this little game of yours ending. With his big brown eyes full of tears and bottom lip wobbling slightly, he was just too God damn adorable, and you… well, unlike him you were only human. 
But he still needed to be punished.
"You like what we do, baby boy?" You inquired, sitting back down, straddling him, pressing yourself against him, only the thin fabric of your bikini bottoms separating your core from his gorgeous, naked cock. "You like the way we play?" 
He nodded frantically as you started to rock on top of him, tearing a moan from his lips.
"Do you like the things I do to you?"
"Yes, ma'am" he groaned. You ranked your fingernails down his chest, down his stomach.
"Do you like it when I touch you?" 
"Yes! Oh god…"
You reached back, untying the scarf you had turned into a bandeau. Peters hands twitched, but he kept them by his sides.
"Do you like looking at me?"
"God, yes!" He cried, as you rubbed yourself down on him harder, faster, "I love it, love watching you! I - I love.." 
You stopped moving, making Peter whine loudly, fists hitting the sand like a little boy throwing a tantrum. 
"Do you want to touch me?"
"Yes! Please, please ma'am, please let me touch you…"
How could you ever say no to that? You nodded your permission and chucked as Peter's hands went straight to your breasts. 
"Can I…" Peter hesitated, not wanting to push his luck. But judging by the way your head lolled back, you seemed to be enjoying his touch, and that gave him courage. "Can I put my mouth on you, ma'am?" 
You smirked, looking down at him through half shut eyes,
"Such a greedy boy…" You scolded, but tugged him up to a sitting position anyway, capturing his lips again. The feeling of your nipples against the naked skin of his chest had him moaning into your mouth, and you swallowed it, devoured it, dominating the kiss as you were dominating him. Your hips started to move again, by their own volition, and his followed in kind, until you both were breathing hard. You broke the kiss, pulling at his soft curls, guiding his mouth to where you wanted it. He wasted no time at nibbling and sucking, rolling your nipples with the tip of his tongue, first one and then the other. He had a naturally talented tongue, and you couldn't wait to see what else he could do with it. 
"I'm going to ride your face until I come" you were proud of how steady and commanding your voice was, "and then, I'm going to ride your cock until you come…"
His answering broken sob let you know he was ok with that idea.
"And then… then I'm going to keep on ridding you… gonna go on… and on… I'm not going to stop until you give me all your come…"
"Yes, oh my god yes!"
"Until it's gushing out of me…"
"Yesyesyes…" Peter was close, so so close. Between the rocking of your hips and your words, he was seconds away from bursting, and you knew it. 
That's exactly why you stopped, and pushed him away from you, watching him fall back onto the sand. It was just for show, of course. He was way stronger than you and, if he wanted to, he could easily flip you, overpower you and have his way with you. That only made the adrenaline rush greater, knowing how powerful he really was, knowing he was giving up all that power willingly and placing it on your hands to do with it, with him, as you pleased.
To use him as you pleased.
...You had always loved big guns.
"I'm going to give you a choice now, tiger" You spoke over the cute little whimpers escaping his throat. He was so precious, so innocent, you almost felt bad for corrupting him like this. Almost. "I am going to do all the things I just promised, I won't stop you from coming again. And you can keep on touching me while I do those things to you… or you can keep on watching me, but not both"
He met your eyes and you could see the conflict behind his. He looked about ready to cry, fingers trembling where they rested on your thighs, brown orbs never leaving yours, imploring. You straddling his waist almost naked, free and unashamed under the clear summer sky, were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he didn't want to give that up. But the thought of taking his hands away from your soft skin, from your lovely body, was almost physically painful.
"I-I can't" He stammered, a little pathetically but he was long past pride, "please, don't make me choose"
"Then I guess I'll have to choose for you"
You tried to pry his hands away, but he held on tighter.
"No! No, please, I wanna touch!"
You leaned over, taking your abandoned silk scarf from the sand, tying it around his head and over his eyes.
"But I wanna see you!" He complained petulantly. Such a brat… you were going to love breaking him.
"But you misbehaved, baby boy" You reminded him, "You touched me without permission, and now this is your punishment. I can't just let you off the hook now, can I? Can't let you think you can get away with anything…"
"One more word" he felt your hand squeeze his balls softly, warningly, "and you'll regret it" 
He snapped his mouth shut.
"Atta boy" You approved, rewarding him with a filthy open mouthed kiss before standing up. Peter didn't have time to protest before something, a piece of cloth hit him square in the face. He fisted it in his left hand, the wet patch letting him now right away it was your bikini bottoms. Peter pressed it to his nose, inhaling deeply. 
"Dirty boy" you tsked from somewhere near his pelvis, startling him. He felt your warm breath against his cock right before he felt your searing tongue, placing one long lick from base to red, angry tip. 
You laughed and then you were gone again, only to flick at his nipple a moment later, making him cry out. You kept on toying with him for a few minutes, a kiss here, a suck there, until finally, finally, he heard your knees hitting the sand at either side of his head as you slowly lowered yourself, hovering right above his mouth. 
He ventured a lick, but you backed away. He gave chase, straining his neck, but you always raised yourself just enough for him to be unable to make contact, until he frustratedly grabbed a hold of your thighs, using his superior strength to force you down onto his face.
"Holy fuck!" This time, it was your turn to curse as his tongue made it straight into your soft, velvety insides, delving deep, crashing unexpectedly with something cool and sweet. He twirled his tongue around until he was able to take it into his mouth, moaning as he bit down onto it. You had buried a strawberry inside your pussy for him to find. 
And you called him dirty. 
He swallowed and thrusted his tongue inside you again. You were sweeter than the strawberry and he wondered idly if his Spider half had anything to do with it, if he could somehow taste your pheromones or something. Or if it was simply you, delicious and addictive all of your own. 
You were making the most beautiful sounds, bucking your hips erratically, wave after wave of sugary nectar falling to his lips as his nose bumped against your clit with every one of your movements. And he was mad about it, mad about you, growling and moaning into your cunt. He couldn't possibly want you more than he did right then, cock so hard it hurt, pelvis grinding pitifully against nothing. But he wasn't important, this was all about you, about pleasing you, worshiping every inch of you. His amazon, his pagan goddess in a tropical paradise. Even back in Europe, hell, even way back in New York, all he had ever wanted was this: For you to let him adore you. 
Peter had never understood the need to submit, what was about being tossed and ordered around that appealed so much to those men on the internet. Not until he met you.
Because from the moment he met you, he wanted to belong to you, to be your slave and follow your every command, fulfil your every need. 
And now you were screaming, falling apart above him and he had done that, he was the one you were coming for. It made his head swim with pride and something else, something unnamed and powerful. He kept on lapping at your cunt, leisurely, slow like honey, until your legs stopped trembling. 
You pushed his curls, slick with sweat, away from his forehead tenderly.
"Good boy," You cooed, "I'm so proud of you, you did so good"
A warm feeling spread out in Peter's chest at your words. 
"Thank you, ma'am. Good enough for my punishment to be over?"
You laughed breathlessly as you pushed his hands away and stood up on slightly unstable legs.
"No, but nice try"
His pout was so cute you had to bend down and kiss it off his face. 
"Pretty please?" He insisted, once he felt you straddling his thighs. 
"Don't be difficult, baby. Don't you want to be good for me?"
"I d- OH" your hot hand around his shaft made him cry out, cutting his answer short. Had you known before a hand job was all it took to shut Peter Parker up… You would probably have done everything exactly the same, actually. 
Peter's head was already trashing from side to side as your hand moved, deliberately slow. Up and down, up and down, up and down…
Up… up, up, guiding him into your tight, exquisite heat. He heard you moan as you buried his cock inside you to the hilt, pelvis kissing yours. 
"You are… the best thing I've ever felt inside me" 
He groaned his agreement, hands flying to your waist, as you started to move, started sliding up and down his cock steadily, imitating the same unhurried rhythm you used with your hand. 
But your cunt felt so much better than your palm, all that wet, silky pressure over every lavish inch of him… up and down, up and down…
He felt you brace yourself on his abdomen, nails digging into firm flesh.
Up and down… up and down… Faster.
"Peter… oh, god, you feel so good… So good between my legs"
And you felt like heaven, he wanted to tell you, but he was reduced to cries and sobs, to clutching and grabbing at your skin, fingertips eagerly searching any part of your body they could reach. You took one of his hands and lowered it until his thumb was right above your clit, your own fingers showing him how to rub just right to make pleasure explode inside your loins. 
His eyes fluttered open underneath the blindfold. He didn't mean to, he truly didn't, he wanted to be good, he wanted to obey, but this? You riding him hard, coming from his cock and his fingers? It was a vision way too tempting to resist. He could see you clearly through the rainbow of silk threads, head thrown back in ecstasy, mouth open in a silent scream, little beads of sweat glimmering on your skin under the sun, sparkling almost as bright as the jewel colored water on the horizon behind you. And your cunt, juicy and red as the strawberries you favoured, stretched around his cock, taking it in over and over and over again, little contractions milking him, hungry for his come. 
So he gave it to you, surging deep inside you, hips thrusting up to meet yours. You almost fell back, but he caught you in his arms just in time. Raising to a sitting position still buried inside you, he gathered you to his chest, the makeshift blindfold falling from his face.
You smiled, a little drunkenly,
"Hey, stranger"
Closing your arms around his shoulders, you tucked your face into his neck. You were boneless, completely spent and sated, about to fall asleep, lulled by his soft caresses on your back, when you felt him start moving inside you again. 
Definitely insatiable.
Tired and overstimulated, you tried to get up, get away but his arms, strong as steel around you held you to him, as he rocked beneath you, pubic bone smashing into your oversensitized clit with every drag. Pushing against his shoulder also proved completely useless, his hold on you only tightening, as he started fucking up into you harder. 
You bit into his shoulder, making him groan.
"I think… think I like that punishment better…" He declared, grabbing your chin, holding you in place to kiss you, deep and dirty, only releasing your lips once your head was spinning, your lungs burning. You gasped for air.
"Naughty" You admonished, still struggling against him, albeit a little halfheartedly. He splayed one of his hands against your lower back, pressing you to him. The new pressure was delicious, the heat starting to build again, even if you didn't want it "You're so naughty"
He scraped his teeth softly on the hollow of your throat, only to sooth it with his tongue seconds later, his cock moving so deep you could feel it hit your cervix. You screamed, he was going to tear another orgasm out of you soon.
"Only holding you to your word" He whispered against your skin, making goosebumps erupt down your spine, "You promised not to stop… until I give you all my come"
To be continued...
PS: Let me know if you are reading this under the table during a horrible family reunion, I' love to bring you a little joy during these very difficult rimes... Love ya!!
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aboveallarescuer · 4 years
Daenerys Targaryen's tropes - Upbringing Makes the Hero
"Heroes are made, not born" is a common and unstated theme in a lot of works. Though a good many heroic origins proudly trot out heroes who have been raised in The Spartan Way and can look Death in the eye-sockets without blinking before leaving their Tibetan monastery home, quite a few grew up Farm Boys who never picked up anything sharper than a hoe, though those can be quite a handful.
In fact, heroes with a down to earth upbringing tend to have a unique advantage over the more badass and epic ones: they're more centered. While they won't be saints, they'll have a strong enough moral compass to navigate most moral dilemmas, resist The Dark Side, and even refute Hannibal Lectures that more emotionally fragile heroes struggle with. If they gain super powers, they won't forget "the little people" and turn into a Smug Super with delusions of grandeur. Though they didn't gain the crime-fighting prowess of a lifetime of Charles Atlas training, or the street-savvy of an orphan with a Dark and Troubled Past, they also didn't sacrifice basic skills or their social life.
Daenerys's background
A princess, Dany thought. She had forgotten what that was like. Perhaps she had never really known. (AGOT Daenerys I)
After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever.
They had wandered since then, from Braavos to Myr, from Myr to Tyrosh, and on to Qohor and Volantis and Lys, never staying long in any one place. Her brother would not allow it. The Usurper’s hired knives were close behind them, he insisted, though Dany had never seen one.
At first the magisters and archons and merchant princes were pleased to welcome the last Targaryens to their homes and tables, but as the years passed and the Usurper continued to sit upon the Iron Throne, doors closed and their lives grew meaner. Years past they had been forced to sell their last few treasures, and now even the coin they had gotten from Mother’s crown had gone. In the alleys and wine sinks of Pentos, they called her brother “the beggar king.” Dany did not want to know what they called her. (AGOT Daenerys I)
“The Milk Men shun him. Khaleesi, do you see the girl in the felt hat? There, behind the fat priest. She is a—”
“—cutpurse,” finished Dany. She was no pampered lady, blind to such things. She had seen cutpurses aplenty in the streets of the Free Cities, during the years she’d spent with her brother, running from the Usurper’s hired knives. (ACOK Daenerys III)
“My brother visited Pentos, Myr, Braavos, near all the Free Cities. The magisters and archons fed him wine and promises, but his soul was starved to death. A man cannot sup from the beggar’s bowl all his life and stay a man. I had my taste in Qarth, that was enough. I will not come to Pentos bowl in hand.”
“Better to come a beggar than a slaver,” Arstan said.
“There speaks one who has been neither.” Dany’s nostrils flared. “Do you know what it is like to be sold, squire? I do. My brother sold me to Khal Drogo for the promise of a golden crown. Well, Drogo crowned him in gold, though not as he had wished, and
I ... my sun-and-stars made a queen of me, but if he had been a different man, it might have been much otherwise. Do you think I have forgotten how it felt to be afraid?” (ASOS Daenerys II)
Key examples of Daenerys's mindset and actions as queen that reflect her past experiences
Death followed death. Weak children, wrinkled old women, the sick and the stupid and the heedless, the cruel land claimed them all. Doreah grew gaunt and hollow-eyed, and her soft golden hair turned brittle as straw.
Dany hungered and thirsted with the rest of them. (ACOK Daenerys I)
“I was alone for a long time, Jorah. All alone but for my brother. I was such a small scared thing. Viserys should have protected me, but instead he hurt me and scared me worse. He shouldn’t have done that. He wasn’t just my brother, he was my king. Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves?”
“Some kings make themselves. Robert did.”

“He was no true king,” Dany said scornfully. “He did no justice. Justice ... that’s what kings are for.” (ASOS Daenerys III)
Dany set great store by Ser Jorah’s counsel, but to leave Meereen untouched was more than she could stomach. She could not forget the children on their posts, the birds tearing at their entrails, their skinny arms pointing up the coast road. “Ser Jorah, you say we have no food left. If I march west, how can I feed my freedmen?”
“You can’t. I am sorry, Khaleesi. They must feed themselves or starve. Many and more will die along the march, yes. That will be hard, but there is no way to save them. We need to put this scorched earth well behind us.”
Dany had left a trail of corpses behind her when she crossed the red waste. It was a sight she never meant to see again. “No,” she said. “I will not march my people off to die.” My children. “There must be some way into this city.” (ASOS Daenerys V)
When she looked over one shoulder, there it stood, the afternoon sun blazing off the bronze harpy atop the Great Pyramid. Inside Meereen the slavers would soon be reclining in their fringed tokars to feast on lamb and olives, unborn puppies, honeyed dormice and other such delicacies, whilst outside her children went hungry. A sudden wild anger filled her. I will bring you down, she swore. (ASOS Daenerys V)
Her audience chamber was on the level below, an echoing high-ceilinged room with walls of purple marble. It was a chilly place for all its grandeur. There had been a throne there, a fantastic thing of carved and gilded wood in the shape of a savage harpy. She had taken one long look and commanded it be broken up for firewood. “I will not sit in the harpy’s lap,” she told them. Instead she sat upon a simple ebony bench. It served, though she had heard the Meereenese muttering that it did not befit a queen. (ASOS Daenerys VI)
Reznak would have summoned another tokar next, but Dany insisted that he call upon a freedman. Thereafter she alternated between the former masters and the former slaves. (ADWD Daenerys I)
He was too eloquent for her. Dany had no answer for him, only the raw feeling in her belly. “Slavery is not the same as rain,” she insisted. “I have been rained on and I have been sold. It is not the same. No man wants to be owned.” (ADWD Daenerys III)
Her freedmen were represented by the captains of the three companies she had formed—Mollono Yos Dob of the Stalwart Shields, Symon Stripeback of the Free Brothers, Marselen of the Mother’s Men. Reznak mo Reznak hovered at the queen’s elbow, and Strong Belwas stood behind her with his huge arms crossed. Dany would not lack for counsel. (ADWD Daenerys III)
When you smashed the slave trade, the blow was felt from Westeros to Asshai. Qarth depends upon its slaves. So too Tolos, New Ghis, Lys, Tyrosh, Volantis … the list is long, my queen.”
“Let them come. In me they shall find a sterner foe than Cleon. I would sooner perish fighting than return my children to bondage.” (ADWD Daenerys IV)
“Lingering here will never bring it any closer. The sooner we take our leave of this place—”
“I know. I do.” Dany did not know how to make him see. She wanted Westeros as much as he did, but first she must heal Meereen. (ADWD Daenerys IV)
Yesterday a wagon had been overturned and two of her soldiers killed, so today the queen had determined that she would bring the food herself. Every one of her advisors had argued fervently against it, from Reznak and the Shavepate to Ser Barristan, but Daenerys would not be moved. “I will not turn away from them,” she said stubbornly. “A queen must know the sufferings of her people.” (ADWD Daenerys VI)
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vmficrecs · 4 years
Every school has an obligatory psychotic jackass. He’s ours.
It has been one year since The Incident. In celebration of this beautiful, snarky, dynamic, passionate, beloved, smug, asshole, essential, etc., etc., character I have complied a lengthy (but by no means exhaustive) collection of some of my personal favorite fics focusing on Logan, or on his relationships, or fics that i just think do something neat in terms of Logan/his journey/his character. ❤️
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Previously on vmficrecs: 
dark_roast, “Fish Out of Water,” Mature, Post Season 1 AU 
Logan opts to leave Neptune, and spend summer vacation with his grandparents.
Notes: This AU is essential reading if you love Logan. His characterization is nearly perfect, and the premise of the fic is endlessly engaging and smart. 
wily_one24, “Sleep, Perchance...,” Mature, Pre-series AU
Logan thaws towards Veronica and sets out to save her.
Notes: I want to eat this fic. If you’ve never read it, read it-- it will linger endlessly inside of your brain in the best way possible. So many of the things Logan does or says in this fic exist in a very tangible and palpable manner for me, it’s that good. I think about it constantly. 
ghostcat, “What We Have in Common,” Teen, Post Season 3 AU 
Weevil Navarro, his incredibly poor choice of a research paper prepping locale and the close talking, finger waving jackass that interrupts and effectively hijacks his night. Set in 2010, three years after The Bitch is Back.
ghostcat, “A Trace of Meaning,” Teen, Pre-series 
13 year-old Logan Echolls and 14 year-old Veronica Mars wait at the Kane Estate for their held-up sleepover hosts to show up. 
theohara, “Rich Dirt,” Mature, Pre-series AU 
And Logan wouldn’t let you have anything. He’d danced over to you and smirked in your face and twirled your plastic cup right out of your hand and cooed that just because your Daddy wasn’t sheriff anymore didn’t give you license to break the law, and he’d acted all shocked with his hand over his mouth and he’d laughed like breaking glass and nanced off with your drink.
anjou, “Into the Blue,” Mature, Post Season 1 
It’s almost summer, and Logan is sinking into the blue.
flyingcarpet, “Mexicali Blues,” Mature, Post Season 3 AU
When he reaches the water he doesn’t hesitate, just keeps walking until he can duck his head under and start to swim away from shore, letting the salt and the waves wash away the residue that Neptune’s left on his skin.
absolutelyiris, “Truth for a Dream,” Teen, Future Fic (Pre-movie)
Fleet Week 2012. A reformed bad boy turned sailor and a former party girl turned career woman meet in a bar…
Notes: A LOGAN AND PARKER FRIENDSHIP FIC!!! pure fucking delight 
absolutelyiris, “Come Around,” Mature, Future AU 
A woman travels the world over in search of what she needs and returns home to find it.
Notes: I will talk about this fic until the day that I day, and then I will still talk about it. One of my absolute favorites. Pure gold Logan/Keith dynamic. I would 10/10 die for Razia. and, of course, the l/v is so damn good 
TheLastGoodGolfish, “The Phenomenal Pixie, #1,” Teen, AU 
Veronica is a masked avenger who stalks the streets of Neptune. Logan is the intrepid reporter who’s on the story.
Notes: PERFECT. PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT. also-- “That’s ridiculous. My favorite person is a sorority girl.” in my head, rent free, and i am forever indebted. 
bryrosea, “Waste of Breath / A Quartz Contentment,” Mature, Post Season 2 to TDTL 
Part one: Logan Echolls, the nine years, and the Navy. Part two: Veronica Mars, the nine years, and a new normal.
Notes: I am recommending specifically “Waste of Breath” for my boy, although Veronica’s piece is excellent as well. 
always_winter, “Written Out,” Teen, Season 2 AU 
Duncan has some residual guilt and Logan wants to be left out of the story.
always_winter, “White Combs and Sweet Honey,” Mature, Season 1
Even when Aaron is trying to be a good father, there’s still a lot he’s doing wrong.
Notes: This fic is so tender to me!!! A beautiful Logan and Aaron piece. 
sadiekate, “Grand Canyon,” PG-13, Season 1 to Future AU 
Three friends reminisce several years in the future, snarkily and pointlessly.
sinaddict, “Necrosis,” Explicit, Season 2 AU 
Death in bits and pieces, denial as a religion… Or ‘normal’ in Neptune.
sowell, “Surviving the Wreck,” Explicit, Season 3 AU 
Nothing’s ever simple with Veronica Mars. Weevil’s day at sea gets a little complicated.
Notes: THIS FUCKING FIC!!!! i love everything about it and especially at this moment in time, the part where logan gives weevil a blow job but weevil notes that somehow, in spite of this, logan retains the upper hand. this fic is world class and i am grateful everyday for it 
theohara, “Broken Toys,” NC-17, Pre series AU 
One glance across a street saves Lilly Kane’s life. It changes everything; it changes nothing.
Notes: This is the most heartbreaking Veronica Mars’ fanfic ever. I have such a deep love for it. It takes Lilly’s character and Logan/Veronica’s relationship to places I don’t ever think they would go and yet it works in this and it works so damn well. a truly devastating and beautiful au 
fluffernutter8, “The Ninety Nine Percent,” Teen, Post Season 3 AU 
Junior year of college, Logan gets some news that proves that no matter how hard he tries, life is just going to keep throwing him curve-balls. Post season 3, non movie canon compliant.
youcallitwinter, “gravity is gonna keep you tied down to this city,” Teen, Post Season 3 to TDTL 
[your life in extended parenthesis] the lone neon nights and the ache of the ocean, and the fire that was starting to spark. From the love to the lightning and the lack of it. 
Notes: please don't fall out of love with me, okay? don’t you dare give up on me. I DIE EVERY FUCKING TIME youcallitwinter is a force with all of her writings, but this one.......my god every single bit about it is fucking flawless 
petpluto, “Of Scars & Consequences,” Teen, Post-series AU 
Almost a decade in the future, Logan's still a little messed up. And Veronica's still a little closed off. They make it work.
julietbravo, “one brutal thing after another,” Teen, Pre-series to Season 1 
These rich boys think they can get away with anything, don’t they.
querulousgawks, “there should be stars for great wars like ours,” Teen, AU 
It’s gotta be some Alliance mind game, a holdover, the Operative’s last trick: Logan’s old secrets manifesting everywhere around them. Where are you, how are you doing this, he wants to scream, but he doesn’t know which ghost he’d be railing at.
SilverLining2k6, “Sometimes (You Can’t Make It On Your Own),” Teen, Season 1 AU 
Silly Duncan stopped taking his meds. Now, one dead Fitzpatrick later, Logan and Veronica need to get him out of town. Too bad they hate each other.
SilverLining2k6, “Control,” Teen, Pre-series AU 
Don’t you mess with a little girl’s dreams. ‘Cause she’s liable to grow up mean. Pre-series. Oneshot. - A twisted little tale of hate and revenge.
Notes: CONTROL!!!!! I love Control so much, it’s one of the first fics I ever read for the fandom and one of the finest. The Logan that exists in this is sooo good and his relationship with Veronica is deeply flawed & wonderful. M is in the process of writing a remix to Control (more in-depth emotion) and I for one am foaming at the fucking mouth every day about it. 
nevertothethird, “Reunions,” Teen, Post Series AU 
Sometimes it just takes a little longer to get things right. Two high school reunions and a birthday party should do the trick.
youcallitwinter, “you give love a bad name,” Teen, Season 2 AU 
“Hey, did you guys know there was a sensitive poet-type hiding behind this hard exoskeleton of expensive alcohol and bitter cynicism?” In which Logan Echolls is, well, Logan Echolls.
scandalpants, “Something to Remember,” Mature, Post Series AU 
Facing a separation, Logan and Veronica spend their last night together exchanging gifts.
Notes: I am always in a goddamn state about this fic. Logan jacking off in front of Veronica at her request? Yes, thank you please. thank you so much 
leurocrystal, “Take Your Time,” Teen, Post Season 2 
Keith doesn’t know how to look at or touch his daughter for the first time in his life.
petpluto, “We Are Nowhere, And It’s Now,” Mature, Series AU 
“You know there is another way of looking at this, Logan. If you’d still been together, you might be dead too." Logan and Lilly both die on October 3rd. But for Veronica, it’s not like they’re gone. And she still works to solve their murders.
absolutelyiris, “Delay,” Teen, Post TTDL
Logan reflects on his first Christmas with Veronica after a ten year separation, as well as how his life has changed with her absence.
New to vmficrecs: 
Christmas in Arkham Author: dark_roast Pairing: Logan Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort, A Really Good Hug  Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.09, “My Mother, the Fiend” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 10128 Status: Complete Summary: Sequel to Fish Out of Water. Logan spends christmas with his grandparents.  Notes: This is, full stop, my favorite Veronica Mars fanfiction ever. I am so protective of this fic that part of me doesn’t even want to give it a formal place on the blog, which is ridiculous because I’m sure plenty of people have already read it and obviously it’s so good that I want people to read it but....this belongs to me, somehow, like I feel like it’s mine that’s how much I love it. ANYWAY possessiveness aside-- Every word, every sentence, every punctuation mark in this fic is perfect, devastating insight into Logan’s character. Absolutely beautiful and wonderful and every other good thing. 
The Teeth by the Shoulder Author: ghostcat Pairing: Fab Four, Logan/Lilly, Veronica/Duncan  Rating: Teen Genre: Friendship, Angst  Setting: Pre-series Spoilers: 1.01, “Pilot”  Chapters: 3 Word Count: 17273 Status: Complete Summary: Two couples, two friendships. The Fab Four in three Octobers. Notes: WE’VE NEVER FUCKING RECOMMENDED THE TEETH BY THE SHOULDER BEFORE?????? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE OH MY GOD jesus this is one of the greatest fanfictions ever written. three pre-series explorations into the fab four friendship and it is impossibly good. i am especially in love with the logan/lilly in this fic (the first chapter!!!!) and as always special care is given to exploring the logan + veronica dynamic. the third chapter will break your fucking heart so bad in the best way 
Seven Times Logan Echolls Went to Jail Author: sowell Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Veronica/Piz  Rating: Teen Genre: Angst, Romance, Logan Echolls is a Little Shit   Setting: (Post) Season 3 AU  Spoilers: 3.12, “There’s Got to Be a Morning After Pill” and 3.16, “Un-American Graffiti”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6701 Status: Complete Summary: Who thinks Logan behind bars is sexy? I do, I do! // Logan goes to jail and calls Veronica to bail him out. Again and again and again and again.  Notes: WE HAVEN’T DONE THIS BEFORE EITHER???? oh my god!! I remember finding this one a few months before the movie came out and i would just lay in bed in the dark and re-read it endlessly. and then i left it alone for a few years and when i went back to it holy shit it undid me all over again. perfect logan and veronica relationship. p e r f e c t!!! i firmly believe this is exactly what shape their relationship would’ve taken if veronica hadn’t cut and run 
Love is Just a Four-letter Word Author: bigboobedcanuck Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Keith, Weevil  Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Setting: Future AU  Spoilers: 1.12, “Clash of the Tritons”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1753 Status: Complete Summary: Set a few years down the road from high school. Logan hits rock bottom. Keith and Veronica help him back up. Notes: Lynn’s body turns up and it is fucking DEVASTATING. A short piece that’s told from Keith’s POV (anyone who knows me knows how much of a sucker I am for Keith + Logan interaction) and holy hell Logan is so good in it and I think about it all the fucking time 
Serendipity  Author: TheLastGoodGoldfish  Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Veronica/Piz, Carrie, Gia, Stu Cobbler, Ensemble Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Detective-ing  Setting: Post Season 3  Spoilers: 3.20, “The Bitch is Back” and The Movie  Chapters: 4 (out of a planned 6, fingers crossed!!!) Word Count: 59763 Status: Complete Summary: During her sophomore year at Hearst, Veronica takes on your run-of-the-mill blackmail case: the clients hate her, the evidence is impossible to destroy, and her ex turns out to be a bit of a distraction, but Veronica is a sucker for a damsel-in-distress. Even if the damsel is an intoxicated, pissed off Carrie Bishop. Notes: I AM HIGH PITCHED SCREAMING. Transplanting the movie plot to this timeframe works tremendously and TLGG’s execution is fucking perfect. Carrie is a powerhouse in this fic and god, Logan is such a honey it in which is why it is being recc’d for him. Him practically letting Carrie move in with him and doing his damnedest to protect Carrie and Gia (much to Veronica’s chagrin) is so, so important to me and I love him so much. 
The Phenomenal Pixie - Interlude #1 - “Bugs”  Author: TheLastGoodGoldfish Pairing: Logan/Veronica, OC’s  Genre: Humor, Fluff, Logan and Veronica Are Smarter Than You  Setting: AU (Season 3)  Spoilers: uhhh n/a Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5072 Status: Complete Summary: Dating a superhero poses a unique set of challenges. Notes: Tiny sequel to The Phenomenal Pixie which you absolutely must read first (and is recommended above) because it’s a fucking delight. Logan is incredible in this fic and I would die for him, like always. The part where Steve can sense Logan is thinking about punching him in the face-- a million chefs kisses. 
The Medusa Jewel  Author: TheLastGoodGoldfish Pairing: Logan/Veronica  Genre: Established Relationship Bliss, Fluff  Setting: MKAT Spoilers: MKAT  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5336 Status: Complete Summary: Logan and Veronica's new neighbor is a writer. Notes: is my TLGG obsession shining through? good because it fucking should be. The Logan/Veronica in this relationship is so sweet and perfect and is 100% my reality and i would like to bathe in this fic and live in it forever as is my right.
Drowning Together Author: bryrosea Pairing: Logan/Veronica Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort Setting: Season 3 Spoilers: 3.07, “Of Vice and Men” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 897 Status: Complete Summary: AU of the confrontation scene from 3x07: Of Vice and Men (Logan and Veronica both need a hug) Notes: Absolute wonderful insight and even some reconciliation into a canonical season three fight. Logan calming down while Veronica falls apart as they hug is so important to me. 
Interrupt Us  Author: bryrosea Pairing: Logan/Veronica Genre: Romance,  Hijinks, They Want To Fuck So Bad  Setting: Post TDTL Spoilers: through TDTL  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 17223 Status: Complete Summary: Logan Echolls is home from deployment. Time to cue the sweeping movie montage, right? Notes: Logan and Veronica try to have sex everywhere and it is my life force. The car scene when they get pulled over and Logan instinctively hiding under Veronica’s desk....god i love everyone in this bar
Ready to Go Author: Amberina Pairing: Logan/Duncan; Veronica  Genre: Friendship, Romance, Angst Setting: Post Season 1  Spoilers: not obvious but 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6346 Status: Complete Summary: "Let's leave. Let's go. What's left in Neptune for us anyway?" (AKA Duncan, Logan and Veronica have wacky adventures on the road! Also angst.) Notes: Logan getting hissy and storming off from the car while Duncan and Veronica just watch him and then calling a taxi once he’s out of their sight is PEAK logan. I love boyfriends, even if they’re angst-ing in this, and they big time are. 
Nashville On My Mind Author: hjcallipygian Pairing: Logan, Veronica, Duncan Genre: Friendship, Hijinks  Setting: Post Season 1 AU Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1659 Status: Complete Summary: Every year, they take a road trip together. This year, it's to Nashville, Tennessee. Notes: i just spent forty minutes trying to find this fic to the point where i was genuinely concerned i had hallucinated it. it’s so fucking good. a sequel/prequel of sorts to grand canyon by sadiekate (recc’d in the previously section). logan is a mess and by god do i love him 
Six Times Logan Echolls Got Wet Author: bryrosea, CarolineShea, ghostcat, kmd0107, marshmallowtasha, SilverLining2k6 Pairing: Logan/Veronica Rating: Teen Genre: Romance, Friendship, Hijinks Setting: Everywhere Spoilers: All series to MKAT  Chapters: 6 Word Count: 11568 Status: Complete Summary: aka: The Wet Henley ChroniclesSix stories in which we probably give Logan Echolls pneumonia, inspired by the movie's infamous wet henley. Set variously across the series and post-MKAT. Notes: each chapter is written by a different author, they’re all good but bryrosea’s chapter and silvery’s chapter are my favorites. set during the summer between season 1 & 2 and post season three respectively they do such a great job dealing with the fractious and tumultuous nature of Logan/Veronica’s relationship at the time and i love it so much
A Little Dysfunctionality Goes A Long Way  Author: fluffernutter8 Pairing: Logan/Veronica Rating: Teen Genre: ANGST with a side of fucking ANGST, happy ending but jesus   Setting: Post Season 3 AU  Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2878 Status: Complete Summary: Despite their history, Logan and Veronica might be somewhere on the brink of normal. A few years post season 3. Notes: i just read this for the first time 07/13/20 at 9:08pm because when i asked shelby for her favorite logan fics she included this one. i am fucking dead now and-- there’s nothing else to say about it. i’m just fucking dead. for YEARS i have said that nobody with the username fluffernutter8 should be able to write shit this goddamn emotional and yet, time and time again, i find myself here fuckign wrecked and furious about it 
these are just ghosts that broke my heart before i met you Author: theviolonist  Pairing: Logan, Veronica, Carrie, Dick  Rating: Teen Genre: Introspection, Angst, I Love Logan   Setting: Pre Movie & Movie  Spoilers: Movie  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1326 Status: Complete Summary: In the army they say, don't think of the target as a person, otherwise you won't have the guts to pull the trigger. Notes: fuck, you guys. this one is so beautiful. an exploration into logan’s grief and him trying to move on and it cuts like a damn knife because he can never really do it but fuck he wants to so bad and [lucas scott voice] that’s gotta mean something, right? truly so so wonderful 
Fugue Author: vaeran Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Logan/Lilly, Dick  Rating: Teen Genre: Angst, hopeful ending  Setting: Post Season 1 Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4137 Status: Complete Summary: It's something he refuses to let go because it defines who he is and what he has become. Notes: deviates from the PCHer confrontation on the bridge, which means logan takes a little longer to come around to reconciliation with veronica. it’s perfect and i particularly love the logan/lilly in this, he’s hurt but still so impossibly and eternally in love with her 
One Flew Over the Echolls Nest Author: Wynn Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Duncan Rating: Teen Genre: Angst, Friendship Setting: Post Season 1 AU  Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1507 Status: Complete Summary: Open wide and see what's inside. A bridge and a bed and Veronica. Logan finds himself in a mental institution after the events of "Leave it to Beaver." Veronica, Duncan, and Logan's psychiatrist attempt to help. Notes: so sad and so good!!! the part where Logan’s psychiatrist asks him when the last time he was happy was fucking wrecks me everytime!! 
Free at last  Author: querulousgawks Pairing: Logan, Weevil, Aaron Rating: Teen Genre: Frenemies, They Are Boyfriends Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.09, “My Mother, the Fiend”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1242 Status: Complete Summary: Logan and Weevil and fire go a long way back. A flashback scene interrupts their Season 2 meeting in the Neptune Grand. Notes: I LOVE EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THIS SO GOD DAMN MUCH 
The Right Shade of Red Author: ghostcat Pairing: Trina, Logan, Aaron  Rating: Teen Genre: ANGST Setting: Pre-series Spoilers: 1.15, “Ruskie Business”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 883 Status: Complete Summary: Trina finds her jerky little brother hiding in her closet and does the unexpected thing. (Or, A time Logan trusted Trina) Notes: If you want 883 words to be able to make you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck this is the fic for you! I love the Echolls family dynamics so much, and this one is excellent. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Invincible Episode 7 Improves Upon Its Already Great Source Material
This article contains spoilers for Invincible episode 7.
Amazon’s animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker’s comic Invincible was always a great idea. The property has just about everything that streaming services and their audiences are looking for currently: superheroes, ultraviolence, and jaw-dropping twists. 
One big question facing the series, however, was how could one show possibly fit in all the story of the comic’s lengthy 144-issue run? Invincible episode 7, “We Need to Talk,” is the first season’s penultimate installment and it reveals how the show is set to approach this logistical challenge. With so many comic book issues of plot to get through, Invincible seems perfectly happy to accelerate through that plot as efficiently as possible. To that end, “We Need to Talk” features a truly staggering number of climactic moments.
This might actually be the most charmingly chaotic and jam-packed episode of TV this year (at least before next week’s finale). So much happens in “We Need to Talk” that it runs the risk of overwhelming the viewer. With that in mind, let’s break down the important plot points of this hour and examine the major ways in which they differ from (and even improve upon) the comic.
Robot’s True Identity
The reveal that the entity known as “Robot” isn’t who he claims to be might be the most shocking Invincible twist thus far. And that’s saying a lot for a show whose first episode concludes with the story’s Superman equivalent straight up murdering the rest of his Justice League.
That Robot (Zachary Quinto) is really a malformed genius named Rudolph Conners isn’t a surprise to comic book readers, but its positioning this early in Invincible’s story is a surprise. Robot’s work with the Mauler Twins to create a new body for himself doesn’t happen until after the events of Omni-Man’s confrontation with Mark in the comics (more on that later). The show, however, shrewdly decides to present this moment in the same episode as Omni-Man’s fall – just so there’s never really a moment for viewers to catch their breath. 
But now the truth has finally arrived. Robot, the orange hunk of metal with a fixedly bemused expression, is actually a machine being operated remotely by Rudolph Conners. Rudolph, or Rudy, is a small, damaged man whose body isn’t capable of surviving Earth’s environment. For many years Rudy was content to exist in his own life-giving tank of fluids while operating his superheroic “Robot” remotely. Everything changed, however, when he met the hero known as Monster Girl.
Rudy couldn’t help but identify with Monster Girl (Grey Griffin), a fellow soul who has made the best of a flawed body. Everytime Monster Girl transforms into a monster, her human form de-ages several more weeks. Theoretically at some point Monster Girl will become an infant and then waste away into nothingness. Before any of that happens, Rudy wants to fix her…and he wants to fix his own broken body so that the pair can be together.
Read more
From Battle Beast to Titan, The Invincible Rogues’ Gallery is Taking Shape
By Alec Bojalad
Invincible: Who is Atom Eve?
By Alec Bojalad
To that end, Rudy sprung the mad genius villain team The Mauler Twins from prison to create a cloned body for him to transfer his consciousness into. What makes this whole thing even stranger is that the genetic material Rudy chose for his new body belongs to his Teen Team and Guardians of the Globe colleague Rex Splode. The new Rudy appears to be played by Rex Splode actor Jason Mantzoukas with his voice altered to sound younger. 
Does that mean Zachary Quinto is no longer a part of the series? Let’s certainly hope not as he may have been the best performer of the entire cast. And why did Rudy choose Rex’s DNA (and without Rex’s consent, it must be said)? Because Rex is hot, basically. Rudy chose a human form that Monster Girl was already comfortable flirting with. 
This is…a lot. And the fact that Rudy has to introduce himself to his teammates while they’ve all gathered for an “apocalyptic event” just adds to the madness. But what of The Mauler Twins? The disappointment of Rudy’s double-crossing doesn’t last long. For, after Rudy is forced to abandon his efforts to reincarcerate the Mauler Twins to return to the Guardians home base, the twins get back to their important task at hand. And that leads to the return of another important Invincible character…
The Immortal is Immortal After All
Back in Invincible episode 1, Mark Grayson’s dad Nolan a.k.a. Omni-Man (J.K. Simmons) made short work of the Guardians of the Globe. Darkwing? Dead. War Woman? Dead. The Immortal? De….wait a minute. How can someone called “The Immortal” die? 
Well, it turns out that death for The Immortal (still voiced by Ross Marquand) is only temporary. Omni-Man removed The Immortal’s head, which is pretty much universally lethal across all genre stories. But The Mauler Twins theorized that if The Immortal’s head were returned to his body, he would spring back to life. 
Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened once The Immortal’s noggin was reattached. Unfortunately for The Mauler Twins, their dreams of forming any sort of alliance with the resurrected hero are quickly dashed as he immediately flies off to confront the man who killed him. 
Omni-Man v. Cecil Stedman
And that takes us to Omni-Man. In the comic, Omni-Man’s confrontation with The Immortal is what leads Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun) to discover that he’s got a Darth Vader situation on his hands. The show borrows that moment from the comic because any time you have the opportunity to make a character watch his father tear a Wolverine-looking dude in half, you’ve got to take it. That comic book moment is surprisingly abrupt though. In one panel Omni-Man is doing his usual Omni-Man thing and saving a group of citizens from a faulty roller coaster and in the next panel, The Immortal is all over his ass.
The Amazon Prime series dramatically improves on what is already a pretty great moment simply by drawing it out and building serious tension. Nolan’s wife Debbie (Sandra Oh) and the entire Global Defense Agency led by Cecil Stedman (Walton Goggins) are already well aware of Nolan’s treachery and have decided to finally take action. In speaking to Den of Geek and other outlets prior to Invincible’s premiere, Kirkman (who’s onboard as a writer and producer for this adaptation) revealed that Cecil Stedman would be getting an expanded role earlier on in Invincible’s story. 
“Cecil Stedman is a character that we get to know a little earlier in the show and definitely we get to do more with him,” he said. “I think that’s a lot of fun. There’s definitely some differences to his character and working with Walton Goggins on him has been great.”
Cecil really is a fascinating tool for Invincible. Many superhero stories have a Jim Gordon-style government liaison for its heroes to interact with. This person usually represents the interests of the planet’s “normal” citizen and is particularly impressive for being able to cut it in the world of the super-powered. By having Debbie and the GDA uncover Nolan’s guilt first, Invincible creates a wonderful opportunity to display both Cecil’s competence and depict the absolute horror of we puny humans trying to keep a super-powered god in check. 
Many times throughout Invincible episode 7, Cecil admits that there is nothing they can do to stop Nolan. The best they can do is slow him down for a bit until Mark is able to intervene. The first roadblock that Cecil presents is the explosion of an entire suburban city block with Nolan at its epicenter (R.I.P. Donald). 
“Best it will do is maybe knock him on his ass for an hour or two,” Cecil says. Then when the smoke clears to reveal an unharmed Omni-Man, Cecil grimly adds “Or maybe not hurt him at all.”
Cecil then throws the “hammer” at Nolan, which is a powerful blast from a weaponized satellite.
“$400 billion for the world’s most expensive nosebleed,” Cecil quips when Nolan takes the weapon out with ease. 
Then we get a sense of how many moral shortcuts Cecil is willing to take to keep the Earth safe. Mad scientist D.A. Sinclair’s (Ezra Miller) wounds from his confrontation with Invincible haven’t even healed yet but Cecil already has him using his evil technology for noble purposes. Sinclair’s “Reanimen” technology is now being used to reanimate recently dead U.S. soldiers, who are sent in to slow down Omni-Man. Unfortunately, that is also unsuccessful.
Read more
Why Amazon Prime’s Invincible Had to Be Animated
By Alec Bojalad
Invincible Review (Spoiler-Free)
By Bernard Boo
Finally, Cecil is forced to head out into the field armed with nothing but a teleporter to confront Omni-Man himself. When that inevitably fails to slow Nolan down, the GDA sends a monster that Nolan already conquered, only this time it’s been robbed of its weaknesses and fear. And that’s where Mark finds his father, just in time for The Immortal to arrive and deliver one hell of a surprise. 
There’s something to be said for the suddenness of the comic’s Omni-Man moment with Mark. Mark witnessing his dad’s evil act truly comes out of nowhere even though we know it’s inevitable as Nolan has been practicing this conversation all issue. 
What the show does with the moment is a masterstroke, however. By centering the focus on the human characters of Invincible’s world, we get a chilling sense of just how terrifying this all is. Omni-Man’s heel turn doesn’t just have personal implications for Mark, it means that Earth’s unbeatable protector now seems to hate Earth. More terrifying than that is that the only person we think can defeat him is Mark Grayson…who, it must be said, has done nothing but had his ass absolutely handed to him by lesser enemies over and over again for the past three episodes.
Amber and Mark
It probably feels anticlimactic to address Mark and Amber’s lover’s spat after breaking down Omni-Man’s reign of terror. But it’s necessary to see how far-reaching the changes (and in this case improvements) are in episode 7 in comparison to its original text. 
Mark and Amber’s relationship thus far has been all about frustration. Mark is facing an annoying problem with a seemingly easy solution. Amber (Zazie Beetz) is upset with him because he is absent in their burgeoning relationship. He’s absent in their burgeoning relationship because he’s a superhero. Therefore, the quickest, easiest solution to this dilemma is to tell her that he’s a superhero. 
So in this episode, that’s exactly what Mark does. He gets suited up and flies right through Amber’s window to deliver the exciting news. The problem is – she’s not that excited.
“Ugh, I know you’re a superhero,” Amber says. “I’m not an idiot, I figured it out weeks ago.”
This is not how things go down in the comic. That version of Amber is a bit more…let’s say “bubbly” and when confronted with the fact that Mark has lied to her for weeks she responds with an excited “My boyfriend is a superhero?!?!?”
The show, however, is smart to not let Mark off the hook so easily. Of course Amber knew that Mark is Invincible. Because, like she says, she’s not an idiot. Anyone who spends an inordinate amount of time with him is bound to figure it out sooner than later. So what Mark thought was a problem with an easy solution becomes yet another difficult lesson on his path to maturation. 
“I think that Amber is important in terms of holding Mark accountable,” Beetz told reporters prior to the show’s premiere. “Mark is still struggling with what his identity as a super person is. And she shows him that (powers) are not what make you good or special ultimately, it’s what’s in your character.”
It turns out that the people close to you don’t appreciate being lied to. Though human beings all look like particularly vulnerable ants from Mark’s perspective high up in the sky, we certainly don’t appreciate being treated like insects to be protected and manipulated by the powerful among us. 
Mark and Amber’s relationship is an excellent indication that nothing will come easy for Mark Grayson on this show. Every decision has an equal and opposite reaction. It’s important that he learns that lesson before he enters into what is sure to be the most stressful and morally confusing moment of his life next week.
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Invincible’s season finale will be available to stream Friday, April 30 on Amazon Prime.
The post Invincible Episode 7 Improves Upon Its Already Great Source Material appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3aBaalL
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giuliafc · 4 years
Stuck in a Cabin (with you) - chapter 2
Read at: Ao3 || FFN || Wattpad
Summoned to save his Lady's life, Adrien gets stuck with her in a cabin during a blizzard. Identities get revealed, feelings come out...but who's been plotting to kill Marinette? Will the culprit be punished? Read to find the answer :) (Adrienette)
Read previous chapter here on Tumblr
Marinette shivered. She stood in front of the small frozen lake and looked around, trying to find any warning sign that there could be any danger. The sky was covering the park with its white canopy and the trees all around the lake looked like they came from a polar tundra, so covered in snow that every part of their branches displayed a thick white contour.
The scenery felt nearly apocalyptic and Marinette looked around reverentially — it was all so beautiful. Not having found any warnings for danger, she sat down on a bench near the lake and started taking her walking boots off, to replace them immediately with her ice skates. She put her walking boots back into the bag she had used to store her skating boots and placed everything back into the small backpack she had brought with her. She gave a couple of shakes to her feet, ensuring that her boots had been put on safely.
“I don’t know, Marinette. This sounds fishy. Why aren’t your friends here yet? It took you much longer than we expected to arrive,” whispered Tikki in her ear.
“Alya and the girls must have had a delay somewhere. She told me to start enjoying myself, and there doesn’t seem to be any danger around. What can go wrong?” mused Marinette.
Tikki looked at the sky warily. “It feels wrong. The clouds are too dense in the sky, it’s going to start to blizzard soon. I don’t want you caught in it. There must be a reason why nobody’s here at all!”
“Nothing to worry about, Tikki,” said Marinette with a smile. She tapped on the screen of her phone and opened the weather forecast. “There’s no mention of any blizzard starting any time soon.”
Tikki kept staring at her with a worried gleam in her eyes and Marinette sighed and gave her a quick rub on the head. She checked again that her skates were put on properly and then she moved warily on the cold ground to reach the surface of the lake. After a couple of minutes of watching Marinette skate, Tikki started to calm down a little, because Marinette was an excellent skater and there really seemed to be no danger.
Marinette saw the gaze of her small friend relaxing and smiled softly at her. “See? There’s nothing to worry about. It’s a bit unlike you to be this worried, Tikki. Usually you’re so confident.”
Tikki sighed and moved her gaze from hers. “It’s complicated, Marinette. A long, complicated story.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, Tikki. Just enjoy the warmth of the purse, okay? I’m sure Alya will get here soon with the gir—” But Marinette’s reasoning was interrupted by a loud crack. She opened her eyes wide as the ice under her boots started breaking and one of the skates she was wearing got caught in the rupture. She panicked. She tried to pull her foot out. The ice broke even more, a skin curling loud bang resounding all around the silent lake. Marinette felt the ground underneath her feet dissolving, and the freezing temperature of the water hit her senses, like thousands of blades butchering her skin. She gasped for air so desperately that she felt herself hyperventilating. The whole place around her was a thin puzzle of shattered ice pieces. She waved her hands around, trying to find something to hold, but she couldn’t grab anything, the ice had broken too finely to leave her something to grasp.
She started drowning.
“I can’t feel my legs!” said Marinette, emerging from the water to gasp for air. “I can’t move, Tikki, I think I have cramps! HELP ME!”
The little Goddess of Creation zipped around her chosen in a manic frenzy. She looked around but couldn’t see anybody by the lake that she could catch the attention of. And worse than anything, snow was starting to fall from the sky, making it very hard to distinguish anything.
Crap. It looked exactly like that time.
No. Tikki couldn’t allow it to happen. Not to her sweet Marinette.
Suddenly, Marinette managed to grab some larger piece of ice and started coughing loudly.
“Are you okay, Marinette? Almighty Creator, your lips are blue!”
“I-I’m n-not-t f-eeling v-very g-g-ood. I-I c-can’t m-move…”
Tikki’s eyes widened. “Transform! Please transform Marinette, the suit will help!”
“TIKKI!” called Marinette. “Sp— ” But as she said that, the block of ice she was holding on broke and she fell in the water again.
Tikki’s heart froze. No, it couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t possibly be happening. Not again. Not all over again. The pain, the heartache… she was a kwami, true, she wasn’t human, but she wouldn't stay there and do nothing while another of her Ladybugs froze to death. Not again. Screw the rule of not interfering with human life. Screw identity concerns! Marinette shouldn’t end her days drowning frozen and lonely, like it happened to Piào Chòng!
Tikki saw her chosen’s head emerging from the water and shouted, hoping that she would hear her, “I’ll look for help. Hold on, Marinette, please!” The red kwami’s gaze darted around the park, trying to see anything that could give her an indication that people were around. The place looked so empty and sounded so silent that the manic splashes of Marinette’s attempts at getting out of the water seemed to almost echo in the emptiness.
The snow was also starting to pick up. She knew that the clouds in the sky looked too dense to not cause a blizzard. She knew it, and that bad gut feeling she had had… she should've listened to it! She had again allowed one of her chosens to put her life in danger because of the snow. If Tikki didn’t find someone to help, she would never forgive herself. She looked around trying to find a landmark to remember where she was, and saw the bench where Marinette had sat to put on her skates, just next to a rubbish bin that had taken nearly the shape of a white mouse because of the snow that was covering it. She tried to imprint that picture in her memory. Marinette was struggling always more to keep her head out of the water. She had to be quick.
Feeling horribly guilty, she zoomed out and went off looking for help. ‘Please, Marinette, don’t give up! Hold on!’
Adrien sighed in the premade mobile cabin that had been set up as a changing room for his photoshoot. It was typical of his father to take advantage of the bad weather and decide to perform the photoshoot for Gabriel’s newest ski line in Paris, at the park near Lac Daumesnil, rather than having to go to the mountains and waste additional money for accommodation and travelling.
He had hoped to finish the shoot early, so he could have gone to Nino’s house to complete the shared history project that they had to do for school, but Jean Jacques (a new photographer) was too much of a perfectionist. Adrien understood that the man had only recently started working with the brand and was trying too hard to make an impression, but asking him to retake every picture 4 times using different lighting and then making him do them again once more because ‘the exposure wasn’t perfect’ sounded a bit excessive.
The weather had decided to get worse and he had been stuck inside the cabin, as his bodyguard had gotten stuck in the traffic of the city panicked by the strong new blizzard. Who knew when he would finally arrive! Adrien couldn’t wait to go home. The cabin was cold and one can only hear so many of Plagg’s complaints.
“This horrible weather is freezing my Camembert!” whined Plagg for the millionth time. “Can we go home already?”
Adrien sighed again. “I wish I could, buddy. But it would look strange if I got home without waiting for the Gorilla to pick me up.”
Adrien heard a notification coming from his phone and looked at it. It was breaking news about the weather. He opened up the News app and the concerned face of Nadja Chamack stared back at him.
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news. Good afternoon, I’m Nadja Chamack, and I’m talking to you from the Town Hall, where Mayor Bourgeois has just announced a Red Alert warning for the bad weather conditions.”
The screen showed a panorama of Paris wrapped under a thick canopy of snow, more fresh snow coming down from the heavy white sky. “If you’re out, please go home and do it slowly. The hospitals around town have reported a large number of calls and walk-ins due to driving accidents, or trips and falls, due to the bad weather conditions. Some hospitals report queues of over two hours to be registered and even longer to be seen. The code for today is like the one for an akuma alert: if it’s not necessary to go out, don’t. Stay in. Stay safe.”
The TV now showed M. Bourgeois standing in front of the Town Hall, wearing his sash and looking quite serious with his papers in hand. “Thank you, Madame Chamack. The situation is degenerating very quickly. There have been at least ten major accidents reported in the centre of the city alone. I repeat, this is NOT an akuma attack. Ladybug and Chat Noir cannot help the town. This is a real emergency, the coldest winter Paris has had since 1879. That’s why I’m declaring a Code Red alert. All public transport won't run until further notice. Schools will remain closed for the time being. If you’re not an essential worker, or you can work from home, don’t get out of the house to get to work. Stay in. Stay safe.”
Nadja moved the microphone back to her face. “Thank you, Mayor,” she said smiling warmly at M. Bourgeois. “As our Mayor has kindly stated, ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t an akuma attack. The Miraculous Cure won’t fix everything as it usually does. To make sure that this was the case, we went looking for the people who have been akumatised in the past with weather related powers.”
The picture in the video changed from the outside of Town Hall to the sitting room of a private home. There stood Aurore Beauréal, the girl who had been akumatised twice into Stormy Weather. “Hi, Nadja,” she said with a smile, her hand playing with a loose lock of blonde hair.
“Hi, Aurore. Nice to see you happy and smiling,” said Nadja’s voice in the background.
“Yes, thank you for checking on me, Nadja. I can assure everyone that it’s definitely not me causing this bad weather, to check if by any chance it was them.”
Nadja’s face reappeared on the screen. “That’s good news, thank you, Aurore.”
Then, the video moved to the inside of the Ice Rink in town. Philippe Candeloro, the middle aged figure skating trainer who ran the Rink, smiled at the camera and waved. “Good afternoon, Nadja.”
“Monsieur Candeloro, good afternoon. It’s nice to see you smiling and happy,” repeated Nadja, echoing the previous conversation.
“Thank you for caring. It’s definitely not me creating this bad weather.”
Nadja’s face reappeared on the screen. “That’s even more good news. Thank you, Monsieur Candeloro.” Nadja took a big breath. “From the Town Hall, that’s all for now. But keep an eye on your phone or on the TV, because we will keep you informed about any breaking news. As for now, stay in, stay safe.”
Adrien sighed and turned off the screen of his phone. His battery was starting to run low and he didn’t want to drain his phone completely, in case Gorilla or Nathalie would try to contact him. Code Red meant that everything would have been shut for a few days, which also meant that he was going to be trapped in his golden cage with no possibility to escape. Except through the roofs in black spandex, of course.
“The weather is horrible. It could take your bodyguard HOURS to arrive here. And what are we going to do in the meantime, freeze to death? My poor Gooeyness is all cold and hardened up!” Dramatically, he raised a paw at the height of his forehead and closed his eyes, faking distress.
“Oh stop it, Plagg, it’s not that bad. And someone may hear you!” shushed Adrien, but Plagg stuck his tongue out at him.
“Who's going to hear me? The photographer and the team have all gone, it’s only me and y—” but as he spoke, he saw a red dot zooming inside the cabin and his complaints came to a sudden halt.
“Oh thank you, Almighty Creator! It’s so good to see you, Adrien!” Both Adrien and Plagg stared in disbelief at a greatly distressed Tikki, taking heavy breaths to cool herself down.
“Tikki?” said Adrien, a loud gasp coming out of his throat. At the same time, Plagg shouted, “Sugarcube!” and zoomed towards her to hug her, but she put both paws in front of her tiny body to stop him.
“There’s no time to explain. A… girl. Skating at the lake. Danger. You need to help!” she said between heavy pants, her voice cracking as a big frown furrowed her eyebrows. “You need to follow me, NOW. It could already be late!”
Adrien blinked. “A… girl?”
His heart started racing in his chest as he stood without even thinking and put his coat on, opening the door of the cabin and looking around warily. Plagg was right, nobody was around, the place was completely deserted. He stepped out of the cabin and started running in the direction he knew the lake was, paying attention to where he was putting his feet to ensure he wouldn’t slip. Tikki and Plagg followed him.
His mind was filled with different thoughts as he started looking around. “What did this girl think she was doing, skating at the lake? There were loads of panels warning about thin ice yesterday. What was going through her mind?”
Tikki gasped. “Adrien, there were no signs earlier on. Not even one. Nothing that we could see at least.”
We. She’d said we. The thought struck his head and kicked away any other thought or doubt he would have had. “We? Where’s Ladybug? Why isn’t she helping? Were you here together?”
The terror in Tikki’s eyes grew so huge that Adrien felt he could actually touch it and taste it. She looked at Plagg, then back at him, then her gaze lowered to the ground.
“L-Ladyb-bug is unavailable,” she said.
Adrien stopped in his tracks, panting heavily, and looked at Tikki through the white shower of snow that was dimming his view. The snow falling from the sky was so thick that he found himself with snowflakes in his mouth. “You would never leave Ladybug’s side, Tikiki, I know you quite well. If you’re here, Ladybug is here too. WHERE THE HELL IS LADYBUG?”
Tikki’s eyes widened even more when he started to shout. The lower lip of the little kwami started quivering and Adrien was certain that the red colour of her little face grew paler.
“S-she w-was... ice skating on the lake and the ice cracked. You must hurry, please Adrien!” The tiny Goddess of Creation zipped to his neck and grabbed his collar with her tiny paws.
“It’s HER? Ladybug is in danger?” panicked Adrien. The first thing that came to his mind was that if Tikki was there, it meant that Ladybug wasn’t transformed.
Her identity!
Screw her identity. She’s in danger.
Oh God, Ladybug would never forgive him, but he had to protect her, he couldn’t leave her in danger! He’d never seen Tikki that panicky before—that didn’t sound good at all. He resumed his run through the park, trying to reach the shore of the lake as quickly as he could.
Tikki’s eyes filled with tears as she zipped behind him, and started sobbing loudly. “It’s happening all over again. I can’t lose another one. Not my *BURP*” she said, blowing bubbles, as the magic of the Miraculous prevented her from saying her holder’s name.
“Sugarcube! It won’t happen again, not if we can help it, don’t worry!” said Plagg, trying to rub her back to help her calm down, but Tikki was inconsolable.
“Why didn’t she transform?” Adrien stopped at a crossroad, not knowing where to go. The snow that was fluttering from the sky was making it very hard to make out the indications on the road. What yesterday and even earlier today would have been a two minute walk had become much longer now, because of the low visibility, and the slippery ground. Or at least it felt, much, much longer. Incredibly longer.
“She tried, but the ice she was holding onto cracked again and she was sucked down into the water. She couldn’t say the words!”
Adrien felt his soul leaving his body as realisation hit. “Is she drowning?” he asked. His heart was racing at thousands miles an hour. Tikki nodded and his heart stopped.
With the blizzard and the very low temperature, even if she had been out of the water she would be in danger. In the water, the danger had potentially grown by thousandfold. She wasn’t just in danger, she could die!
“Plagg, CLAWS OUT!” he shouted and dashed off, not even looking to make sure that nobody was around before transforming. He didn’t care. Screw Hawkmoth. His Lady was dying and nothing else mattered.
Author’s Note:
Hi again! So… due to the huge demand, here is chapter 2. Yes, Lila’s plan is unfolding quite well. Will Marinette survive?
In the next instalment of “Stuck in a cabin (with you)”, “Prince Chat-ming”:
— “What are you waiting for, Chat Noir? Please help her!” begged Tikki. “I can’t do it.”
— “I-I’M A BOY!”
Ehrm… I know. Sorry. The teaser ain’t helping. Let me know what you thought about the chapter. If I need to choose to prioritise a story to write (and publish), I will always go for the one with the most feedback, because I feel that I’m letting more people down if I don’t continue soon. I can’t promise I will publish every week, but let me know what you think and I’ll publish as soon as I can. Please subscribe if you’re interested in knowing what is going to happen, so you will know when the next update is!
And please check out my other WIPs, “When Magic Fails”, “Caught in the Loop”, “Errata Corrige” and “La Caverne du Papillon d’Or”!
Last but not least, as usual, if you read this and you’re not part of our wonderful Discord server already, but you enjoy reading, writing and talking about Miraculous, please join our Discord server, Miraculous Fanworks (for people on FFN, discord dot gg slash mlfanworks). See you there soon. Not sure when I will update this story but it won't be too long! Promise!
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heliosthegriffin · 4 years
Dead Knight V
Jaune tired as he was still got on his feet in moments and looking at Summer for an explanation.
‘Jaune, I need you to follow me, there’s a man who’s life is in danger!’
“Yeah, I got that much! Just lead me before it’s too late.” Jaune said with as much intensity as possible.
The pair wasted no more time, with Summer fazing outside the walls, and Jaune running out of the abandoned house as fast as his long skinny legs could carry him.
Jaune spotted Summer down the street and took off in a dead sprint after her before rounding in a corner, down another street, and before following her down an alleyway, coming to a rest next to a large garbage bin, Jaune gasping to regain his breath.
‘Jaune, around the end of the alley is a man, who has another man on the ground, he’s choking him, he doesn’t have much longer.’
Jaune didn’t respond and took off down the alleyway rounding the corner to a site exactly as Summer described.
It was dark in the alley and Jaune couldn’t make out any features besides, a large man holding down a much smaller man on the ground with what looked like a piece of metal.
He didn’t give the situation much more thought as he sprinted down the alleyway and crashed into the attacker, knocking him off the small man and Jaune and him into the ground.
The small man looked up at Jaune with wide eyes, tear streaked eyes, before mumbling out a thank you, and running away, a dog like tail tucked between his legs.
Jaune let out a sigh of relief, that he saved a life, before a ham-sized fist smashed into his head, sending him flying off the big guy. He still had to deal with the would be murderer.
The big guy got while Jaune laid dazed on the floor, picked up his nightstick, and wound up his arm, before spitting on Jaune. “People like you, ughh, just keep letting this city get worse,” He then kicked Jaune in the stomach hard enough for him to gasp in pain, before doing it again and again a sadist’s smile on his face.
Summer appeared before Jaune’s face on the ground, ‘I’m going to give you a boost. Try not to kill this guy.’
Jaune then felt his pain disappear, the big guy going to hit him with his nightstick, Jaune saw it coming this time and swatted it away with his hand. Jaune then rose off the floor, his eye’s dull and lifeless, skin going pale as a sheet.
The big guy went for another swing again, Jaune caught it in his hand and pulled hard, making the big guy lose his balance falling forward. Jaune may not know how to fight properly, but he was taught how to make a fist and throw it properly.
Jaune hand hit the guy square in the jaw, a sickening crunch echoing off the walls of the alley.
The man was launched into the wall behind them and hit it with a muffled thud sliding down into a broken mess.
“That’ll teach em.” Jaune huffed out. Color returning to his body, and painful throbbing across his body.
Jaune looked at Summer. ‘Should I call the cops?”
Summer was silent looking at the man.
She didn’t reply, so Jaune walked over. He nearly dry heaved, he had completely dislocated the man’s jaw and it was bleeding badly, his jaw bone sticking out, and teeth were all over the floor.
“Oh, oh, gods... What have I done, I didn’t kill him did I?!”
‘No, he’s not dead, but he will be in a couple hours, if you don’t call a ambulances.’
Jaune didn’t have a scroll on himself, his eye drawn too the man’s pockets. He grabbed it quickly, but not before noticing one thing.
-Officer Barnes- A police badge in his pocket.
‘Summer, did I just nearly kill a police officer?’
‘That’s what I was scared of knowing, Jaune.’
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