#v3 rewrite au
smooshednetwork · 3 months
My writing of a v3 pregame AU:
The way ppl in 2020/2021 wrote pregame made me really confused because they said stuff like “oh it’s the opposite of the imgame” then made it not the opposite whatsoever so here’s my pregame rewrite or headcanon or au or whatever you want to call it
Shuichi Saihara
in the fanon of pregame he’s seen as this abusive masocist sadist manipulator but here I’m just gonna make him an autistic outcast that kinda sits at the back of his class drawing stuff of his danganronpa hyperfixation on the corner of his worksheets, he’s very online and makes theories on a blog about danganronpa, he has alot of online mutuals but not alot of real friends. His biggest fear is being seen as “just okay”.
Kokichi Ouma
In the fanon pregame kokichi is seen as this helpless little baby but in mine to contrast the ingame he’d be alot more social and trustworthy, one of the popular kids but not in a mean way, he has a little crew of friends he calls his “gang” but in reality all they do is like hang out on weekends. His biggest fear is accidentally hurting someone.
Kaede Akamastu
In fanon pregame kaede is seen as this bully but in mine she’d be struggling with mental health alot and stay in her bed for most of the time, she doesn’t really like people and has trust issues but she follows Shuichi’s danganronpa blog and supports him all the way. Her biggest fear is being gaslit or tricked.
Kaito Momota
In fanon pregame Kaito is seen as this bully thats always beating up kokichi but in mine he’d be reserved and quiet, on a few sports teams but nothing too exceptional to be noticed, he envy’s kokichi and his popularity. He wants to be popular and have friends but his social anxiety permits that. His biggest fear is being seen as an idiot.
Maki Harukawa
I don’t know much about fanon pregame maki. In mine she’s a top student but very reserved, she’s often a target for bullies (when she signed up for danganronpa she wanted a talent that could protect her) but doesn’t let it get to her. She’s relatively good friends with Kaito and more social than her ingame personality. Her biggest fear is losing herself.
Miu Iruma
In my au pregame Miu would be very focused on her grades but often has trouble grasping the material, she spends alot of time in the library alone, definitely an outcast. Her biggest fear is not having a job in the future and having to sell her body.
Rantaro Amami
In my au rantaro is a very nervous and uptight person, very rule bent. He is a relatively good student and admires Maki. He is always on Kaede’s tail for either showing up late or not showing up at all. His biggest fear is letting his guard down and getting hurt because of it.
K1-B0 (aka Kiibo)
In my au kiibo is not a robot but has an intense intrest in technology and AI. He mainly spends time in the computer room hacking stupid stuff onto it. He is a relatively relaxed person that doesn’t care about much, a little bit selfish too. He keeps all of his pictures and information neatly organized in files on his computer at home. His biggest fear is breaking a device to the extent that it loses everything on it.
Gonta Gokuhara
In my au Gonta is an outcast, big nature lover tree hugger and is ostracized for this, he fears technology. He is very self centered and forgets to think about others sometimes, he mainly spends his time in the school garden helping bugs off the pathway. His biggest fear is robots taking over the world.
Korekiyo Shinguji
In my au korekiyo would be chronically ill, having to be taken care of by his older sister (whom he has a completely platonic relationship with) because of this he mainly spends time in the library researching about anthropology, he keeps to himself and doesn’t like to talk too much. His biggest fear is losing his sister.
Ryoma Hoshi
In my Au ryoma would be a very caring person, on the tennis team but not extraordinary at it, very social and friendly and has a good relationship with Kokichi. Very content with his life but is envious of taller people and always strives to be a better tennis player. His biggest fear is being isolated from society.
Kirumi Tojo
In my au Kirumi is a very nice person who usually makes plans for her friends, she loves cleaning and helping out with the little things, very social. Her biggest fear is being in power.
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko is a very isolated person so she uses magic and card tricks to try and get people to like her, she tries very hard to be “cool” and “mysterious” but she always fails and ends up rambling endlessly about whatever she was thinking of that day. Her biggest fear is people thinking her magic is real.
Angie Yonaga
Angie is a transfer student that joined a while back, she doesn’t talk alot and has a bit of religious trauma. she loves any kind of art and her main specialty is sculpting, she has trouble grasping other forms of art. Her biggest fear is Cults.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi is a very reserved and doesn’t talk alot, but when she is talked to she could ramble on about cosplay forever. She uses cosplay as an escape from the world. She tries her hardest to be the kindest she can be, but she struggles with intrusive thoughts and emotions alot. Her biggest fear is being the villain.
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko is a calm and collected person or at least she tries to be, she gets angry easily and uses martial art to blow of steam. She has a bit of trauma which makes her untrusting of alot of men, but she’s trying to get help and is trying to befriend more male students. Her biggest fear is letting her trauma get in the wayof her relationships.
And thats it! I made their personalities actually the opposite of their ingame. This took a while and no one is gonna read this but thats okay.
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thelemoncoffee · 2 months
i think it'd be funny if Shuichi liked writing and his motivation for writing sometimes was just a book that pissed him off.
like he's reading a thriller mystery or something and the murder that happens is so convoluted and nonsensical he can't help but want to try and rewrite it to fix it.
this was brought to you by me and my ma did this to raincode chapter 0 the other day and it was fun
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if the brainrot gets bad enough i WILL write a drv3 protag swap between shuichi and kaede. yes, this idea isn’t new. but in my defense, it’s not the only change i’ll make. hear me out. irumatsu. an interesting protag. an revamp of the plot with the double murder (sorry not sorry, kiyo). irumatsu. exploring more of kokichi’s character through kaede. new training trio dynamic. i’m sorry, did i mention irumatsu?
gonna flesh out this wip better when i have the time and motivation. ideas are very welcome!!
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Is he really your main character if he isn’t a million and one colors?
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izumeno · 8 days
Ultimate ??? Tsumugi and Ultimate Crime Novelist Shuichi Interaction (My Talentswap V3 AU)
Tsumugi: Working on your next novel, Shuichi?
Shuichi: ! *perks up surprised and turns around, facing Tsumugi* Ah, Tsumugi. Yeah, I am working on the first draft of my novel right now. What are you doing here at the library?
Tsumugi: Oh, not much. Looking for some old manga that I could read. Last days have been pretty boring, all things considering.
Shuichi: Boring huh...and your talent can't help you with that?
Tsumugi: Well- *smirks* Nice try, you almost would have made me reveal my talent.
Shuichi: I wasn't-
Tsumugi: *chuckles* I am messing with you, Shuichi. But to answer your question, given how specific my talent is, I don't have to work a lot. So most of the time, I am in my room, watching anime. And eating junk food. *giggles and Shuichi raises an eyebrow*
Shuichi: That...doesn't sound healthy.
Tsumugi: I know. *shrugs* But you know what they say. Carpe Diem.
Shuichi: Use the day....
Tsumugi: Oh, you know its meaning?
Shuichi: I mean...you'd need to read a lot of books, in order to write well. So....I did read some of my uncle's old novels and I happened to find some phrases here and there....
Tsumugi: Hmm...I see. *smiles* You sure are smart, Shuichi.
Shuichi: I wouldn't-
Tsumugi: Come now. Even someone as plain as me, can see that. You gotta have some confidence in yourself, you know.
Shuichi: I mean...I guess-
Tsumugi: Yay! *smiles*
Shuichi: *sighs with a smile too* Say...do you want to take a look at my draft?
Tsumugi: Huh? Y..you want me to look at your draft?
Shuichi: Why not? Some second opinion won't hurt and given how much you read, I think you'll be fit for that. What do you say?
Tsumugi: Oh...umm..Sure! I'll help!
*Thus, the two spent the rest of the evening, working in the library together, our dear otaku deciding to skip tonight's "job".*
**The End**
And that's it! Feel free to like and repost!
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Tales of Light Eyes
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Before the world's perdition, mankind lived in a golden age under the guidence of Lux. Than, the Devil created a witch to tempt mankind away from the light. The witch taught mankind that love was weakness, that hate was virtue. To undo the witch's wily ways, Lux became a man. That man was named Ozma. Ozma travelled the world, spreading the way of light and life, the virtues of peace and togetherness. Every time a child of man converted, Ozma purified their soul of all darkness, turning their eyes bright like the midday sun. These bright eyed folk, who had accepted Lux's truth, were warriors that defended all of mankind from the forces of shade, whenever they be Grimm or Faunus. Ozma then gathered an army of his warriors, and they made war with the witch. The witch challenged Ozma to a duel, and he accepted. But the witch was a lier, and would never fight fair. She cheated during their duel, and slew Ozma. The Shade had one the battle that day, and threw the world into endless depravity. But soon, a day of judgement will come, Ozma will walk the Earth again and slay all Grimm, all Faunus, and the Witch once and for all! - The Book of Light chapters 66:6, first written in Vale.
Long ago, in the days when the twin devils ruled the Earth, humanity lived lives of full of fear for their creators. The Hidden One, that devil that stole the life away from all living creatures while unseen. The Burning One, that devil that demanded absolute loyalty as he endlessly created created dangerous creatures like lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my! Humanity lived in fear in deed! But then one day, everything changed when a single women challenged the Devils authority. She taught mankind how to hide from the Hidden One, so that death would never find their families. She taught mankind how to create fire, so that mankind needn't rely on the Burning One for warmth. This angered the twin devils. The Hidden One shattered the moon, a reminder that no matter how much mankind prayed, he would never answer. The Burning One shattered the woman, who had turned mankind away from him. He then created the last thing he would ever make, the demons with silver eyes. These demons look like mankind, but they are apart from mankind. Just like wild beasts, the demons with silver eyes only have a blinding light for a soul, no balance of light and shade like real men. Just like wild beasts, the demons with silver eyes hate all children of man, attacking at us blindly and disappearing as soon as they strike. Death! Death for all the demons with silver eyes, the last punishment of the Burning One! - A myth recovered from a rural cult in Anima.
Everyday, humankind harasses faunuskind. Humankind is jealous of faunuskind because humans are born incomplete, lacking animal traits that help us survive the wild. Humankind is jealous of faunuskind because the faunus were born first, which makes us older and wiser. Humankind is jealous of faunuskind because we have a god that cares for us, and humankind has none. One day, tired from the persecution, the god of Animals broke the moon that the humans ignorantly prayed to. As the moon shattered into pieces, it's tears fell down to earth and became humans with moonlight eyes. The humans with moonlight were the only friends of the faunus, and they used their eyes to scare away the Grimm that were always scared of the light. Faunuskind loved the humans with moonlight eyes, but they were childish and always caused a mess playing pranks on people. Faunuskind shooed the moonlight eyes away from their home, hoping to teach them manners. But oh God!!! Mankind killed every last one that had moonlight eyes for daring to make friends with the faunus! Now, whenever a faunus child cries and no one knows why, their mother says they are crying because they can't play with the humans with moonlight eyes. - Faunus fairytale, origin unknown.
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coupdisgrace · 2 years
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A New Challenger Approaches! DICE INTRODUCTION #4: KOKICHI OUMA
He was originally going to be saved for last, but eh, sue me. You either love him, or hate him, you'd never want to debate him: It's Kokichi Towa Ouma! Though... He's a bit different from what you may remember.
This pint-sized rebel has gotten into an insane amount of trouble over the past few years, earning him the pseudonym, "The Violet Tyrant". From helping lead rebellions on the island of Karakia, to organizing countless protests and plots- it's clear that there's nothing this kid wants more than to see the Future Foundation fall. Despite his political prowess, he's still a kid. Nothing shows this clearer than DICE's modus operandi of political change through pranks, petty crimes, and gathering intel to spread the truth to the public. He's determined to keep to his pacifistic dogma- no violence, no killing, no harm- even if it means that he may get hurt himself. That's actually how he lost the vision in his left eye, but that's a story for another time.
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oiladgivememoney99 · 3 days
DRV3: Despair's Last Legs, Chapter 1 Day 4
“Bastards, bastards, bastards! It’s morning now, eat, eat, eat!” Masaru yelled as the Warriors of Hope appeared on the screen.
“Awww… panic attack Masaru was so much better…” Kotoko pouted. “He was so not annoying,”
“At least he’s not too busy to hate me anymore…” Jataro giggled.
“Monaca is glad that the Killing Game can continue uninterrupted!”
“We should all be glad, if Monokuma actually died we’d have to handle this game ourselves,” Nagisa said. “No offence, I don’t trust half of you to not kill everyone over a playground insult,”
“Hey!” Kotoko pouted. “Meanie!”
“I’m your great leader, and I demand that you say how cool I am!”
“Exactly my point…” Nagisa sighed.
Kaede’s stomach rumbled, she left her room with a pep in her step as she left for the Cafeteria, today was the day she’d help Shuichi set up his plan to find the Mastermind, and finally end this dumb Killing Game.
Her walking practically developed into skipping as she made her way to the Cafeteria.
As always, everyone (Miu excluded) was already there eating their breakfast. She sat near Tsumugi and Shuichi as usual.
“Hey Kaede!” Tsumugi smiled at the Pianist.
“Hi Mugi, hi Shuichi!” The Pianist nestled herself between the two people. “What are we gonna be doing today?”
“Well, my current plan is for you and Tsumugi to pick up the cameras, then we meet up at the Library and set up the cameras there,”
Kaede nodded. “Good, good,”
“Oh, and also I say we set up a lookout room in the classroom just outside the basement, there’s a vent in there that leads into the Library, so having someone there means that the Mastermind couldn’t escape through there,”
Kaede smiled widely at the Detective. “That’s actually a good thing to think about, Shuichi, good thinking!”
“A-Ah it’s-”
“Something, it’s something,” Kaede chuckled as she corrected. “And it’s a whole bunch of something, cause it’s our best shot at catching the Mastermind,”
“Y-Yeah, thanks Kaede…” Shuichi looked to the side for a minute before returning his gaze to the Pianist.
“I plain hope this plan works!” Tsumugi said. “I’m already plain homesick being here,”
“I think we’re all a little homesick,” Kaede reassured. “I just wanna sit back, relax and play some Gymnopedie no. 1,”
“Th-That’d probably be really pretty, I’d love to hear you play,” Tsumugi flushed as she complimented the Pianist’s skills, Kaede felt her cheeks dot themselves with a light shade of pink.
“Thanks Mugi! I’ll try to play for you as soon as I can,”
“I’d love to hear you play too,” Shuichi smiled.
Kaede giggled. “Maybe when we get out of here, I’ll hold a concert, just for everyone here!”
“That plain sounds fun!”
The whole Dining Hall turned towards the man who had loudly slammed his fists down on the table, The Ultimate Astronaut himself, Kaito standing next to Kirumi, Angie and Rantaro.
“Listen up all of ya, cause I got some good news!” Kaito announced. “I’m hosting a huge party in the Game Room tomorrow to raise our spirits, every single on of you are invited!”
“Even the soulless machine?” Kokichi turned his head.
“How rude! I’m perfectly capable of emulating the human soul!”
“Yes, yes, even the nonhumans here are invited!” Keebo made another complaint which was ignored. “Nyahahaha, how divine, how divine!”
“We’re thinking about 6PM in the afternoon,” Rantaro shrugged. “Not too early, not too late, y’know?”
Kirumi cleared her throat. “We wanted to ask if anyone wanted to help us set up; I’ll be able to handle most of it, but all help is appreciated,”
Tsumugi raised her hand. “I’ll help!”
“Nice!” Kaito raised a hand.
“Huh, why?” Kaede whispered in the woman’s ear. “Not that I’m against you helping out our friends,”
“I can make sure that the Mastermind doesn’t interfere with the Party,” Tsumugi whispered back.
“That’s a good idea,” Shuichi nodded. “You should grab the cameras first, though,”
“Sounds good!”
“Hey Mugi, whaddaya talkin’ about?” The Cosplayer jumped backwards, nearly snapping her neck and causing the first body discovery as a particular, small Supreme Leader appeared between them.
“N-Nothing, just discussing plans with my uh… my friends!” Tsumugi smiled at the thought.
“You have friends?” Kokichi turned his head.
Rantaro chuckled as he walked towards the Cosplayer. “Ignoring what Kokichi said, are you up to help us set up now? Cause uh, that’s when we’re going,”
“Ah, about that, I’ll be a bit late. I’m eh… h-helping a friend carry something,” Tsumugi stuttered like the FPS on a Brazillian server.
“Y-Yeah, I need help carrying something!” Kaede reassured, a big, unconvincing smile on her face complimented with an even bigger, even more unconvincing thumbs up.
Angie stared the two women down, with a wide eyed intensity only matched by her eternal smile. “Acceptable! I do expect help making the decorations, though!”
“Of course, me and Kaede just need to go… carry that thing,” Tsumugi said as Kaede stood up to awkwardly tip toe out of the door with her.
“Good luck you two!” Kaito gave a big smile. “I expect your full effort in helping still!”
“So…” Kokichi trailed off. “How much do you bet they’re making out in the bathroom or something?”
“Grr… what a degenerate thing to say!” Tenko yelled. “I’ll break your spine if you say anything like that-”
“20 Monocoins,” Angie smiled. “I do not expect them to remain in the awkward pining phase for more than a week!”
“Kyah! Angie’s a degenerate too?”
“I think she was joking, Tenko…” Himiko mumbled.
“No, no, I am simply making money,” Angie shook her head.
“Ignoring that… is attendance mandatory?” Maki asked.
“Well, I can’t exactly force ya,” Kaito shrugged.
“Then I’m not coming,” Maki began to move out of the Dining Hall, just as Kaito opened his mouth- “And I’m not explaining myself either, I don’t need to,”
“Pfft, her walls are gonna break one of these days, heh,” Kaito chuckled.
“I think you got a ways to go until then,” Ryoma said. “Good luck,”
“Gonta think Maki turn new leaf, then we all friends!”
Kaito walked over to the giant of a man to pat him on the back. “See? Gonta’s got the right idea,”
Kokichi tiptoed over to Angie to whisper in her ear like a schoolgirl telling a rumour, the real juicy kind that gives someone an eating disorder for the next thirty years.
“So… how long do you think until creepy girl and space boy get together?”
“Oh, they’ll be in the awkward pining stage forever, nyahaha!”
“So uhh… where would Miu’s Ultimate Lab be?” Kaede asked the Cosplayer. “I got so caught up in helping that I forgot to ask where it is… hehe,” Kaede chuckled.
“Oh! It’s in the courtyard, near the building with that weird fountain at the end of the dome,” Tsumugi smiled.
“Okay great, hopefully she’s too tired to be vulgar,” Kaede pouted a little as she thought about talking to Miu.
“Hopefully, hehe,”
Tsumugi led the Pianist to what looked more like a run down shed than an actual laboratory; complete with a rusty metal shutter.
The Cosplayer knocked on the shutter, they heard the sound of Miu yawning within before walking towards and opening the shutter.
The Inventor let out another, somewhat moany yawn. “Whaddaya want Plain Jane?”
“We’re here to pick up the cameras,” Tsumugi said.
“Yeah, yeah,” Miu chuckled, instantly gaining her energy as she pulled out the three cameras and handed them to Tsumugi. “Before ya take ‘em, I should let you know that they have a thirty second interval between shots,”
“That kinda sucks,” Kaede chuckled.
“Well it’s better than nothing, ain’t it?” Miu let out a frustrated sigh. “I’ll be gettin’ my beauty sleep in here if you-”
“Oh wait, Kaito’s holding a party tomorrow in the Game Room! He wants everyone to come, and well… you seem like the kind of person who’d like to party,” Kaede chuckled.
Miu blushed a little. “R-Really? Why the fuck would I go to a party hosted by that dickcheese?”
“Jeez, sorry for asking,” Kaede pouted. “You’re not gonna be able to make any friends if you keep being rude like that,”
“And-” Kaede sighed. “Nevermind, let’s just go, Mugi,”
“Ooooo, Mugi?” Miu chuckled. “Are the two flatties fucking in the bathroom?”
Kaede balled her hands into fists. “At least my tits don’t sag like an old woman’s! Ours have some life in them, not like your ugly cow udders!”
Miu squealed from the insult and slammed the shutter, retreating back into her Ultimate Lab.
Kaede let out a frustrated sigh as Tsumugi patted her on the back with her free hand.
“Thanks for sticking up for me,” Tsumugi chuckled. “Miu can be pretty rude,”
“No problem, understatement of the century though,” Kaede chuckled back.
The two walked back to the basement, making light conversation as they met up with Shuichi outside of the Library’s front entrance.
“Okay, here’s the cameras!” Tsumugi handed them to Shuichi. “I gotta go set stuff up right now, good luck with your plan!”
“Bye Mugi!” Kaede smiled.
“S-See you around,” Shuichi said as he lightly waved the woman goodbye as she walked over to the Game Room, Shuichi and Kaede could hear various sounds coming from the room: Angie’s chuckling, Kaito haughtily ordering things for the party, and the placing of what were probably tables for the party.
“Th-That party honestly sounds pretty fun, if the mastermind’s one of us there’s a good chance that they’ll be there,” Shuichi said. “We should go to it, but leave near when it ends to hide in the lookout classroom,”
“What makes you think the Mastermind won’t leave before that?” Kaede turned her head curiously.
“I found this note hidden under the secret door,” Shuichi pulled a note out of his pocket at handed it to the Pianist. The handwriting was very neat, almost like a computer’s.
The Students are holding a party in the Game Room, little do they know that all they’re doing is gathering everyone up for my next motive! They’re taking just a little too long to finally kill someone… it sucks!
Those silly little demons students, silly, silly, silly. I’ll summon Monokuma to them just before it ends, and then boom! This Killing Game can finally smart.
She’d be so proud of me. Tehehe.
“So, the Mastermind plans to interrupt the party with a new motive?” Kaede looked lost in thought for a moment. “Who do you think the She that the Mastermind is talking about is?”
“That I’m not sure about, maybe the Mastermind has someone above them? They’d have to be apart of a huge organisation in order to capture 16 Ultimate Students,”
“That’s true, that’s true,” Kaede said. “We should show this to everyone once we find out the truth of the Mastermind,”
“R-Right… the truth,” Shuichi looked down.
“You seem sad about that, you were upset the last time I mentioned the truth,” Kaede said.
“Ah, uh, I’ll get into it once we’re done setting up,”
“Okay, sounds good,” Kaede nodded. “Speaking of setting up we should probably do that before it gets dark,” Kaede chuckled.
“R-Right, sorry!”
Kaede hmph’d as the two entered the Library, they didn’t cough at the dust this time. They’ve gotten used to it by now.
“Alright, you set up the cameras at the entrances, I’ll do the hidden door camera,” Shuichi pointed to where he wanted the cameras as he handed Kaede two cameras and a roll of duct tape.
“Aye aye Detective!” Kaede saluted as she went to set up the cameras.
It was easier than she expected, all she really needed to do was tape the cameras between two books, turn off the flash. She got the first one done within a minute, then as she was taping the rear entrance one in she heard the sound of metal scratching against the carpet.
It was Shuichi moving the stepladder towards the bookshelf that had the vent above it.
“Shuichi, what are you doing?” Kaede let out the smallest of chuckles as she saw the Detective moving stuff around.
“Ah, well I’m trying to see if I can place the camera up here easily,” Shuichi said as he went up the ladder, casually opening a book as he did so… he seemed to get lost in reading it as it laid on the bookshelf.
Kaede finished up taping the rear entrance Camera “Uhh… Shuichi?”
“Ah, right, just got caught up…” Shuichi chuckled uncomfortable. “I don’t think I can put it up here, it’d either get found or fall down,” Shuichi walked down the stepladder.
“That kinda sucks,” Kaede said. “Oh well, it’ll work anywhere as long as it faces the hidden door,”
“Yeah,” Shuichi moved the stepladder out of the way of the way of the bookshelf, he then quickly taped the camera to the bookshelf.
“Okay great, that’s done!” Kaede smiled. “Now, let’s go to the lookout classroom, I wanna talk to you,”
“O-Oh okay,” Shuichi let the Pianist lead her to the Lookout Classroom.
It was a pretty standard classroom, the exact same as the other classrooms with the only difference being the vent leading to the Library.
“Sit down,” Kaede smiled as she set up two chairs at either end of a desk, Kaede sat on one side while Shuichi sat on the other.
“Uh… Kaede, why are you doing this?” Shuichi pulled his hat downwards a touch.
“I wanna know why you seem… afraid of revealing the truth,” Kaede said, her voice quiet and her tone gentle.
Shuichi sighed. “Remember when I said I only really solved one case?”
“I-I’ve always regretted solving it too,” Shuichi pulled his hat down further as he mumbled. “The victim had been abusing the killer’s family for years, h-he had led them all to suicide. So the killer decided to kill him. As he was being arrested he looked at me with this look of… hatred, I’ve never been able to get that look out of my head…”
Kaede nodded.
“That’s why… ever since then I’ve been ashamed of my talent, of revealing the truth…”
Kaede cleared her throat. “It’s not your fault, Shuichi,”
“I said it’s not your fault, he was going to get arrested anyway, so you shouldn’t blame yourself for revealing the truth about him,” Kaede said, raising her voice just a touch to get the point across.
“I-I guess… I just, I just can’t bring myself to reveal the truth ever since then, I don’t want more people to hate me for it, I don’t want to hurt anymore people by revealing the truth-”
“Don’t worry about that, Shuichi,” Kaede interjected. “Sorry for interrupting, but you shouldn’t let your fear control you,”
“Wh-What do you mean?”
Kaede sighed. “I wish I could just play a song to get the point across, or cheer you up, this is the next best thing, I guess,”
Kaede laid her hand on the table, on top of Shuichi’s.
“You can feel it right? I’m shaking just as much as you are,” Kaede chuckled. “I’m just as scared to reveal the Mastermind too, but I’m not gonna let that stop me from revealing the truth; from protecting my friends from this Killing Game,”
Shuichi paused as Kaede removed her hand from the Detective’s.
“Do you get what I’m trying to say?”
“Y-Yeah… thanks Kaede,” Shuichi smiled as he lifted his hat a little.
“Don’t mention in, you’re my friend!” Kaede smiled as the two got up from their seats. “Oh, and hey! Once we get out of here I wanna see you with your hat off,”
“My… hat off?”
“Yeah! I think you’d look nice without it,” Kaede giggled, Shuichi blushed and muttered out a thank you.
Kaede checked her Monopad, 6:00 PM.
“It’s getting a bit late, I think we should split up for now,” Kaede said. “See you tomorrow, Shuichi!”
“Bye Kaede!”
Kaede went back to her room to collect her thoughts, doing a mini celebration in her head. She’d helped Shuichi even if just a little.
Kaede realised how tired she felt in that moment, apparently setting up that plan was a lot more intense than she had thought it’d be.
She plonked herself onto bed, intending only to take a small nap before near instantly drifting off into sleep.
Tomorrow was another day day day day day day day day day day day day day day day-
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Every now and then I get haunted by my past as a dr fan because someone mentions it or smth and lemme tell you the worst case scenario is if they bring up v3 in an even slightly positive light because nothing will make me start giving a shit abt dr again except for my burning hatred of that damn game, I just spent like 30 minutes ranting to myself about how much of a nothing character Kokichi is in the bathroom after showering just to vent it out because if I don't rant abt v3 every now and then I'll explode and kill someone
#rat rambles#like I generally think I had a lot of dogshit takes and sucked ass at au making and character analysis back in my dr days#but like I still stand by most of my gripes with v3 even if my old rewrite concepts also sucked#look man those were dark times my previous main interest was cr and the one before that was hs#also I had never actually posted about my thoughts before so I was a bit trigger happy with saying shit with my full chest#Im still prone to having bad takes on things to be clear even with oni I had a lot of bad takes when I first got into it#tbf I was mostly trying to talk myself down from going deeper but I evidently failed. hard.#but yeah I should delete my old fandom blog became every day I see my old dr posts get notes and I die a bit more#oh wait one dr rewrite thing I still stand by is my humam chiaki shit I was onto smth#like I still agree human chiaki should have never existed but I also think her existing as an individual who was wildly different from#ai chiaki is deeply interesting and also leaves space for some fun fucked up tragedy shit for both chiaki's#like I still like a lot of my old ideas for my rewrite of that stuff especially likey characterization was off for most of the cast but I#was cooking with the basic concepts and narrative I <3 taking characters that ppl idolize post their death and shifting the narrative to#show that they weren't a hero nor could they ever have been they were just some guy who went through horrible shit and died miserable#its one of my favorite things to do in fiction even now so ofc Im still fond of my older stuff with it on some level#like mannn why did I have to go so hard on what ultimately amounted to an au character and proceed to drop the ball on everything else lol#anyways I need to sleep before I start talking abt chiaki more yall dont need to see that <3#I mean hey could be worse. I could start talking abt my old cr stuff. we'd be here for at least a week straight#my old cr stuff was mostly actually pretty good it simply makes me sad because I put so much work and effort and made some fantastic#pieces of worldbuilding and character concepts for a mobile cookie game that sucks absolute ass#I ofc will still happily recycle concepts from my old cr stuff but like so much of it is just impossible to remove from context its so sad#ok ok gn for realsies this time
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rubberduckyrye · 1 month
You know I've seen quite a few people say they're wanting to make v3 rewrites lately--and as someone who is actively working on one by myself, I feel like I should give some advice. I know I'm nowhere NEAR done with Twins AU, but I've made a ridiculous amount of progress and I think these things have greatly helped me out personally
So here are my tips for making a V3 rewrite and actually making it stick/not to burn out before the first chapter!
This is important. Don't try to please everyone. You will never please everyone. Write this for yourself, and you will find an audience. People can and will hate your fic no matter what you do. Don't try to please them, they are not your target audience-- so Write this story for, first and foremost, yourself. It'll feel so much more rewarding if you do I promise.
V3's main theme is extremely muddied due to how the narrative was and how open ended the game was left, and from my own research, no one can agree on what V3 was trying to say about truth and lies, or Reality and Fiction. If you want to rewrite this story, you're going to need to narrow down what you want your rewrite to say about the themes presented.
PLAN THE EVIDENCE AND MURDERS AS THOROUGHLY AS YOU CAN. I think not knowing what I was going to do for the cases and trials really scared me for the longest time until I essentially sat myself down and fleshed out all of the cases for Twins AU. Make evidence lists, do research on how your murder cases might go, the works. It's a lot of work but I personally followed this post and also made an evidence list to help me out plot out the murders for Twins AU. This is also a great way to flesh out your protagonist as well, since you get to explore their note-taking style and what kind of language they'd use for taking notes and if they have opinions about certain things.
Write a summary of each character in the story. DR games have a big cast and V3 has an even BIGGER cast than usual, so it's good to write down summaries for all of the characters. I also suggest really studying each character too, even if you plan on changing a character to better suit your tastes (or to get rid of offensive material.... looking at you Angie) you still want to keep the core of their character intact for fans of that character.
Speaking of characters, make sure to try and remember to write each one as a human being, even if they aren't human (Kiibo for example). Develop them, give them quirks and flaws, motivations and wants and desires and dreams. Even if you hate a character, doing this much character study will help you keep them in character and keep their motivations reasonable and understandable.
If you don't have a good grasp on a character, study harder. Don't go looking for other people's interpretations or try to be a crowd pleaser. Make your own interpretation, and that interpretation becomes special to your rewrite.
If you plan on changing a character, for the love of GOD do your research first. Don't go accidentally making Angie into a worse racist caricature of Pacific Islanders Please and Thank You. Actually, just do a ton of research in subject you think might be relevant to a character or the plot--like Gonta and how ableism prevails in his story. Like how Shuichi has anxiety up the wazoo and how Maki has learned helplessness. Study and research hard.
Pace yourself--I don't think people realize how GIANT a V3 rewrite project is--remember that this game is extremely long and you cannot write this in a single month. Once all of your planning is done, write a reasonable amount for it each day. For me, I'm able to crank out 2k a day because I type absurdly fast, but most people would probably want to start at maybe 500 words a day.
If you're not having fun, step back. You might be burnt out and need a break, or maybe the scene you're writing is just not working. Take time to assess your own feelings and do what is appropriate to resolve them.
Don't feel too discouraged if you need to rewrite a whole scene--it happens to the best of us and sometimes things are just not working. It's not lost progress to retry--consider the scene you are replacing as a rough draft you need to remake. I've had to erase huge 1k chunks due to this.
Reward yourself for big accomplishments! When I finished the prologue, I threw myself and my editor ( @trans-shuichisaihara ) a pizza party, and I plan on doing something like that again, albeit probably cheaper. Reward yourself for huge milestones! Hell, I owe myself at least one treat for two chapters I've written, but tbh I've been having so much fun just writing that doing so is rewarding within itself. That doesn't mean external factors can't help, so if you finish a chapter and you're proud of it, buy yourself a treat for working so hard!
If you got a friend who likes editing/beta reading, invite them to beta read for you! They can help you find errors and typos that you might've missed. If you plan on editing your fic, I highly recommend reading your writing out loud to help you find weird sentence structures and awkward phrases. This should have the bonus of making it easier for people who use screen readers/just prefer audiobooks to enjoy your fic as well!
EDIT! Here are two more:
It's okay to be scared writing something new! Getting out of your comfort zone is going to happen with a giant story like this, and maybe you're going to flop at the best parts. That's perfectly fine!!! You can always edit it later--or even just call it "good enough" and move on! This is fanfic for fun, not a professional project you're making money off of. It's okay if things are less than ideal and incredible imperfect. An imperfect story is at least written. That's better than not writing it at all.
For the love of everything that is holy, remember that the characters should be people--and remember that their talents do not make up their entire personality. Their talents should not solely dictate what they wear, how they act, or the worst offender in this fandom--how their executions go. When writing a character Execution, think instead of what would be the worst way for that character to die--that is to say, what would bring them the most despair upon their death. DR1 and DRV3's executions all play with the despair of the blackened in each execution (with DR2 being noted to heavily miss the mark and to be the set of executions that are the most disappointing to Kodaka, from what I've been told.) So if you're stuck on writing a new Execution, try to think about what each execution from DR1 and DRV3 does to play with the despair of the blackened. What about their executions are giving them despair in their final moments? Do they at all relate to their talents, or are they completely separate from their talent? Study them, and you'll be able to use that information to write your own unique executions that are miles better than most of the fan made executions out there.
And I think that's my advice for now! Happy writing, everyone!
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lampochkaart · 4 months
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Hey, guys!
I finally found time and energy to edit and rewrite some parts in my fic for my DRV3 Exlibrium AU
I also drew a picture that appears in this fic that you can see in this post
You can read the new version of the fic here:
I rewrote some things I didn't exactly liked, and added a scene inside the House of Bones (because I realised that you need knowledge of the comic itself to understand what happens and most people who read the fic do not have that knowledge so i shouldn't be a coward and actually write the scene)
So, anyway, if you're interested, you can read it, I think I turned out pretty cool
Also, I will edit the other fic of this AU soon too
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Masterpost for all my shenanigans
Spilling Like Ink - (4/?) post Neo World Program exploration of the relationships between the participants of the Jabberwock Island Killing School Trip, and Hajime's relationship with Izuru
[Neo World Program Beta Test, Version 1.1; Repeat Protocal Initiated] - (3/?) a divergence from the canon events of Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair with a different killing order and protagonist Mahiru, as well as a twist on the mastermind and involvement from the Future Foundation
ghost au snippets - (3/?) a collection of shorter pieces exploring certain aspects of the ghost au I have made for Danganronpa with its own set of rules for who can see the ghosts, when they see the other deceased, etc.
Currently contains:
V3 Chapter 5, Canon Divergence
The Cycle Never Stops - (1/?) rewriting the canon of v3 with the same characters, but going with the idea that they're the first class to attend HPA after being rebuilt by the survivors of dr1
#dr ghost au - Danganronpa AU where the victims' ghosts haunt their killers
#dr talentswap au - Danganronpa AU where everyone's Ultimate Talents have been switched around. Talent groups have been shifted [THH Talents > SDR2 Cast; SDR2 Talents > NDRV3 Cast; NDRV3 Talents > THH Cast]
#dr1 remix au - Danganronpa AU where the killing order is different, based on the idea that Makoto is the first victim instead of Sayaka
#sdr2 remix au - Danganronpa AU based off of this fanfic where Hajime dies first and Mahiru is the protagonist
#ndrv3 remix au - Danganronpa AU where the killing order is different from canon
#ndrv3 post game au - Danganronpa AU that's completely self-indulgent with the V3 cast surviving after the game and living together in a big house in the world's worst polycule
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pottedplant53 · 11 months
Danganronpa V3 Fic Recs!!
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In my six years of being a Danganronpa fan I've read a lot of fanfiction, so I've decided to compile a list of some of my personal favourites (in no particular order) for your perusal. Contains very minor plot spoilers, but nothing beyond what the tags/descriptions will tell you. Enjoy :D
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New Danganronpa V3BOOT: Killing Harmony Redux - EternalSailorNeptune_53.
Unique in the fact that not only is it a Talentswap AU, but a Simulation AU as well. The general premise is that DRV3 wound up being such a monumental disappointment of a season that Shirogane is forced to rewrite it and try again.
Something that stands out about this fic in particular is its characterization. It tweaks the personalities and backstories of the cast to fit their new talents, all while remaining fundamentally true to their canon counterparts. There's a new death order, new motives, and all of the jokes hit. It's really funny but also made me cry at a few points. Ships include SaiMatsu, KoreKichi, TenMiko and some ShinToujo.
Words: 598,513
Chapters: 53/53 (Completed)
2. The Powerful Skeletons Series - EternalLoveSong
Another V3 Talentswap AU, except this time it's a collection of shorter fics, currently about 27 of them, set in the same talentswap universe. It features Supreme Leader Maki, Assassin Kokichi, Inventor Shuichi, and Servant Rantaro to name a few, and each character gets the spotlight at some point. I don't have a lot to say about these but they're very good.
Words: 95,923 Total
3. Alternative Ending, New Beginning - CrowSandwhich
V3 Chapter 5 canon divergence AU, in which various factors (Maki) cause Kokichi's plan to backfire before he can complete it. Due to his injuries, he winds up confined to the hangar by the rest of the survivors, under the belief that he's the mastermind. Incredibly engaging, but tragically discontinued. Kokichi & Kaito centric, no ships.
Words: 36,523
Chapters: 6/6 (Discontinued)
4. Irreplaceable - apollo_python
Set many years after the events of V3. The participants of the final killing game have all disappeared under mysterious circumstances, with the exception of Shuichi and Kokichi, who've been out of contact and down on their luck since the game ended. At Shuichi's insistence, they take it upon themselves to find their missing former classmates. A Saiouma thriller/mystery with a heavy focus on their relationship. Ships include Saiouma, and background Kaimaki/Irumatsu.
Words: 31,827
Chapters: 3/? (Unfinished)
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Honestly I have zero plans to do a v3 rewrite without some major au but if i WAS going to do it i would make it so they dueling side v side that v3 has as a sort of background thing was more prevalent, like expanding the themes of chapter 3 and the scrum debate over the entire game. More emphasis on choosing sides, and group v group, ideally with the groups constantly shifting throughout the game.
like maybe the first big group v group is very kirumis pragmatism vs rantaro's belief, kirumi wants to kill ryoma and escape using him to get help, rantaro thinks they should wait for the monokumas, and as kaede/shuichi you have to balance trying to work with both sides, taking two incomplete and biased perceptions of the same event, and merging them together to spot the inconsistencies, scrub out the bias, and have a more full complete picture
then with the death of rantaro and kaede, the two groups splinter, and then when the new motive views are brought up, two new groups form from the ashes of those two groups, and etcetera. Then by the end, they're finally in one cohesive group with shuichi, finally all united against the true threat
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elysia-nsimp · 1 month
Hi Danganronpa community (specifically v3 for this post) !
I am. Working on a total rewrite of Danganronpa and also a non despair au for the characters
I posted a Kiyo redesign and it’s doing shockingly well (Tysm for that by the way I’m so glad Korekiyo fans don’t want to eat me alive :’)/gen) And someone suggested I make other v3 character redesigns
I’m already working on Kokichi, so he’s exempt from this list (also Kokichi fans scare me I am NOT ready to engage in that)
I couldn’t fit Tsumugi, Tenko, and Miu because of the answer limit sorry fans of them 💔💔
(Also if I spelled surnames wrong I’m so sorry I did it from memory)
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izumeno · 9 days
Ultimate Drag Queen Rantaro and Ultimate Ex-In Korekiyo Interaction (V3 Talentswap AU)
Rantaro: So.....this...should do it....*walks back and shows the mirror* Do you like it?
Korekiyo: *glances at his face with a smile* I do...thank you very much. You sure know a lot about make-up.
Rantaro: Yeah I mean, as a drag queen I kinda have to figure out, how to use it. *chuckles to himself* Gotta look all pretty on stage.
Korekiyo: Kukuku...of course. I should have considered that.
Rantaro: Yeah, but don't worry. I am surprised that you came to me though, for some make-up tips.
Korekiyo: And why is that?
Rantaro: Because you don't seem like the type of guy, who'd wear make-up. *smiles sheepishly* No offense...
Korekiyo: None taken. But see, my face could use a nice touch up. A worker at the psychiatry commented that I was looking so tired and dead, which is why I came to you. To not scare the patients.
Rantaro: Right..an ex-in. What's that job again?
Korekiyo: Simple. I give the patients my own experience, regarding my stay in the psychiatry and my experiences with certain medications and as to, how they can feel better overall. And of course, I listen to their problems and worries.
Rantaro: Gee...that sounds like a lot of work.
Korekiyo: Kukuku...it is. But I do not mind. I like working in this place, it feels...healing.
Rantaro: Makes sense....but say, Kiyo.
Korekiyo: Yes?
Rantaro: Since an ex-in is someone, who was in the psychiatry once before, does that mean that...you know.
Korekyio: Ah. *stops smiling and Rantaro frowns*
Rantaro: Sorry...guess that was too personal.
Korekiyo: No need to...it was justified. To answer your question, yes. I was there...a long time ago.
Rantaro: I see....*sighs* Well....anyways, I have to go now. Have a performance at the theater later and gotta still work on some more poses.
Korekiyo: Of course. *nods* See you later, Rantaro. I shall watch your show next time, when I have the chance.
Rantaro: That sounds great. See you.
*With that, Rantaro walked off and Korekiyo looked into the mirror, of his room. For a moment, he thought he saw someone smiling at him. HER, to be exact. But....he must have imagined it. It....it's okay....*
*It's...not okay**
The End
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And that's it! Thanks for reading and I'll see ya soon. Reposts and likes are appreciated!
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