#vacations 2018
shallowseeker · 1 month
I have two questions for you, really. Just as proof of the point. But first:
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risestarkiss · 7 months
Considering that April is still 18 years old in the movie it means that it’s only been a few months since season 2 ended and everyone else is still the same age. Meaning that Mikey is still 15, Leo and Donnie still 16 and of course Raph is still 17 years old. If Rise is revived with a season 3 they could just pick it up right after the movie and Raph could still reasonably be under 18 years old until April turns 19 years old herself.
Oooh yeaah. You're right! Ron did confirm this as well.
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It's easy to forget that the movie took place mere MONTHS after the series, especially since for so long I thought it occurred years post show. But nope!
These babies have been through so much, so quickly. They deserve the world...
I wonder what will happen next with these turtle teens?
Thanks for the ask! 💜
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Ghostbusters was released in the United States on June 8, 1984.  
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tmntforeverinmyheart · 9 months
Tmnt interdimensional vacation
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R leo had the idea but was too chicken to actually attempt it, so 12 raph stepped in with 12 mikey.
12 mikey got off Scott free because in R raphs eyes, Mikey’s aren’t capable of such malice.
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sanshinexx · 2 years
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Here's part two of drawing my family pictures as the Bad Batch because I can and you can't stop me
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noirandchocolate · 2 months
We planned and booked stuff for an entire 4-day vacation in like 2.5 hours today and I’m so proud. One of the reasons I haven’t actually traveled anywhere in years (certainly not for more than a quick weekend con where we had one activity and that was the con) was that the thought of having to plan things for myself seemed so overwhelming and too full of steps that it made me give up before I ever started.
But we did it together! Bast found a cute hotel close to the places we want to visit that is within my budget and has scenic views, and I scoured tourism websites for restaurants for every meal and reserved a table for a fancier date night. I got us full access passes that cover a bunch of historic sites and tickets for a ghost tour and an arboretum, and we found an art museum and an aquarium. All that’s really left is to search up where we can park.
Oh and I’ve got to put in for the time off from work.
Which is the reason we’re going on vacation.
To give me a break from work, for a reason other than ‘will lose these days if I don’t take them off before the year’s over so I end up taking off the entirety of Liminal Spacemas and staying home full of winter-y holiday staring-into-space-ness instead of really feeling like it’s a break.’
Haaaaaahahahahaha vacatioooooon~~ Gonna GO SOMEWHERE with BAST and it’s gonna be NICE.
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in-the-multiverse · 2 years
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Leo and yokai sharks! They’re friendly and on an adventure :]
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cobbbvanth · 10 months
reblog and tell me which song has appeared the most times across your spotify wrapped years <3
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im trying to be like the cool kids and do a post movie sketch page but i want validation first
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61below · 10 months
Self employment tip: you HAVE to have solid boundaries. If you don’t, people will walk over you. Money won’t mean much if you’re completely burnt out by never saying no.
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vasoppressive · 1 month
When I fire up my copy of pokemon sun i always get so sad
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boerum-dodge · 6 years
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on the 3rd floor deck // key west 2018
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Peter Minuit “bought” Manhattan on May 24, 1626.    
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“Tmnt interdimensional vacation crossover”designs for the boys + cursed desriptions I found from scouring Pinterest
If you have any questions about Lee or Leon, please feel free to ask me :)
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Proper info below:
Lee is absolutely an oldie at heart. He is happy to listen to corny 90’s music and binge old shows. “Spaceheroes” being his favorite, which he is obsessed with. He used to hold the main character Captain Ryan to a much higher level, but as he aged he saw how much his hero wasn’t really a hero, and only cared for himself. He no longer felt that pull to be just like Captain Ryan, and instead wanted to forge his own path. The one thing lee wants in the world is to be at peace with himself.
In his youth he acted rash, without thinking, taking his fathers advice too literally and twisting it to something that his father never actually said, causing him to lose his sense of self preservation. Caring so much for his family’s health and protecting them with his life, he forget how much he meant to them. Putting his own life on the line, led to him almost losing his life multiple times, he realized later that that wasn’t a good thing. He needed to change.
Calm and rational, he always has a plan in motion. He is organized and performs better with a schedule for the day, and yet needs constant reminders to eat and drink. He struggles with caring for himself when sick or injured, feeling like as the head of his household, he shouldn’t show weakness. When Lee was met with the father of their counterparts, he felt lost. After so long, he wasn’t the oldest, he’d lost his place and felt a misplaced resentment towards the rat. Splinters sons on the other hand, he felt a motherly instinct towards them. Being so young and forced into battles that weren’t theirs, lee could relate to them. He didn’t have a favorite and simply enjoyed being in their company, and they enjoyed being in his.
Lee and the self dubbed disaster twins were inseparable. The twins constantly follow Lee around like ducklings, hinging on his every word and absorbing his advice like sponges.
Leon loved to show off in front of Lee, ninjitsu moves and his teleporting ninpo fascinated Lee, giving Leon a feeling of pride.
Dee was determined to improve lees life, while trying to keep his ego at bay. He can see how messed up lees shell was and decided to construct a battle shell similar to his own for Lee to use. This present brought tears to lees eyes, and he thanked Dee over and over again, giving the young turtle the approval he so rarely gets.
Micheal pulls Lee away to look at his drawings, being the baby brother he wants attention too. Him and lee will end up drawing together for hours, not that lee can conjure up anything more than a stickman. He sees such a strong creative spirit in young Micheal and should definitely get him and Raph to hook up on an art project to keep Raph busy until they’re able to go home. Hes sure Micheal would enjoy something like that.
Rara is tricky to bond with. Lee sees how reserved and quiet he is compared to his rambunctious brothers, and how little he joins them in their activities. Lee comes to find that the best way to bond with Rara, is to just sit with him. Shoulder to shoulder. And if Rara wants to talk, Lee will be there to listen.
Headcannons inspired by @disastertwins9000 “homies in a half shell AU”
Physical attributes:
Lee is short for his age, standing at only 5’4, often with a slight bend in his right knee. He was shocked when his brother Raph suddenly shot up 2 inches taller than him and his brother Mikey also had a growth spurt shooting to 5’1.
Lees shell is badly damaged. Cracks run deep through his scutes and an earlier bout of shell rot left his shell softer and more vulnerable than his brothers. This propels Dee to create a battle shell to help keep lees shell intact and not susceptible to more injuries.
Lee wears across his body, multiple braces, including both his shoulders, his left hand and his right knee.
His shoulders endured multiple dislocations and from his injury’s he suffers from tightness and his joints locking. The brace covers his shoulders and right arm to his elbow, crosses his plastron and wraps around his shell. It provides him support and is part time.
His left hand suffered from an injury that caused osteoarthritis to develop in his fingers, thumb and hand. He wears a brace that covers his palm, wrist and most of his thumb. It lessens the swelling and shifts weight from the affected joints and is part time.
After being ambushed by the shredder, Lee suffered a patella dislocation is his right knee that never fully healed, causing his patella to continuously pop out of its socket. He wears a brace that covers his knee cap, upper thigh and lower leg. It offers support, helps him walk easier and lessens pressure on the damaged kneecap and is worn 24/7.
Lee has undiagnosed autism.
Lee has undiagnosed psychosis.
Lee has anxiety.
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iki-teru · 1 year
I am about to embark on a multiple day, cross country road trip in a car with my parents, brother, and 2 year old child.
Please watch this space for lots of yelling so I don’t murder a family member.
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