#vampire lucas sinclair
hazardworld · 2 years
A response to @feministfandomgeek ‘s comment; the response was too long to be a reply :)
This is a part of my Monster Town series. Part one can be found here
Most monsters can be categorized in one of these three categories:
Humanoids look identical or nearly identical to humans. Any powers they have maintain their form.
Robin- Ghost; when she “goes ghost” her general shapes stay the same, even though she’s invisible and can go through surfaces
Will/Johnathan- Banshees; when they scream, their scleras turn black and their irises turn yellow. Otherwise, they look the same
Glamorists have a generally humanoid shape, but with noticeably inhuman features. Because of this, they have to wear glamours (think TOH galderstones) to cover up. Glamour charms usually last up to 1-2 years, which means they must find a local witch to renew it (The more specialized to them though, the better) before it fizzles out.
Eddie- Witch; pointed ears, fangs (top and bottom), purple slightly-glowing eyes (color varies per witch, and is the color of their magic)
Max- Dryad; moth wing-like ears, blunt fangs, clear “blood” (sap), (if one looks close) bark-textured skin
Lucas/Erica- Vampires; pointed ears, dark claw-like nails, double sets of fangs (top only) crimson glowing eyes (color varies vamp to vamp)
El- Angel; large white feathered wings, halo light she can summon at will
Shifters usually have two forms (but can have more) and can generally shift at will anywhere between any of those (depending on species-specific restrictions). Their monster form is considered their “natural form,” as if their human form is like a physical glamour.
If shifters spend too long completely in human form, they’ll spontaneously shift back to natural form, as well as other species-specific side effects. In order to stop this, many shifters will “half shift” to a humanoid form with monstrous features.
Steve; Siren- his parents coaxed him into a masochistic habit of “binding” his form to the point where he’s used to and doesn’t realize he’s unhealthy
Dustin; Werewolf- his mom formally taught him how to form shift, but Steve got him more comfortable with it and taught him half-shifting
Argyle; Shapeshifter- his human form is his natural form, with his second form being “the unknown”
Nancy and Mike are humans descended from Valkyries. Because of this, they have extra insight and can physically comprehend magic like monsters. Nancy is also really good at persuading people to tell the truth.
Because Hawkins is a monster town, Glamorists don’t need to wear glamours, and depending on their natural forms, Shifters can half shift or go fully natural without weird looks or persecution.
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harringroveera · 24 hours
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I think it’s because Billy’s obsessed with you Steve but I’m not sure
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jadoue1999 · 1 month
The monsters in the shadows part 2
Part 1 Part 2
Note: Here is part two of my Fae Steve and Vampire Eddie story, I hope you enjoyed the story!
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They walk in silence and Kas refuses to talk. Because he’s not safe or saved, he’s being led to his execution.
He doesn’t know how he knows but he is certain that Harrington is not going to let him walk free, he’s got to have some ulterior motives to make this deal. Speaking of his new captor, he’s walking without a care, determined, yes, but he’s not stressed or scared. Kas thought that the vines or the creatures would at least try to attack him, but it seems that even they can’t do anything to stop the fae. That’s when he realizes that it’s all on him. If he can take out Harrington, maybe Creel will forgive him. Maybe not, but he has to try.
He takes a few steps quicker than the rest and tries not to bring attention to himself. Then he brings a clawed hand to Harrington’s neck and watches in anticipation. He wants to see the blood flow. He wants to see Harrington writhe on the ground in pain, he wants to see him scared, he wants to see him lose.
Except his hand never makes contact.
It’s like there’s an invisible wall between the two of them. He tries again quicker this time, stronger, but he really can’t do anything. Eventually, Harrington notices his efforts and he turns to him.
“Are you done?”
That takes him off guard because if he knew he was trying to hurt him why didn’t he try to stop him? “What?”
The brunette rolls his eyes. “You’re not going to be able to hurt me.”
“Because you gave me your name,” explains the teen.” That means I have power over you, that means you can’t actually hurt me.”
Kas feels his heart dropping in his chest, and disbelief fills his core, and Harrington simply stares at him. “But our fight— you cheated.”
Steve smirks at him. “I never said it was a fair fight. “
Everything starts coming together, and his brain is horrified at the picture it presents. “So, from the moment I told you my name—”
“You were mine,” completes the teen.
A strange mix of emotions feels his body, he feels betrayed, he feels horrified, but most of all, he feels disgusted. “You— you won that fight before it even started.”
“I didn’t know if I was gonna be able to defeat Vecna,” confesses the brunette. “But I sure as hell wasn’t going to leave without you.”
Kas frowns. “Me?”
The teen shrugs. “Yeah, the kids all miss you, I miss you. We all thought you were dead.”
“I am not Eddie,” he snarls in frustration.
The other guy stares at him for a moment, and Kas feels minuscule under his gaze. “Maybe not,” eventually agrees Steve. “But I’m not going to let you rot in this place forever.”
Kas glares at him. “So what? I’ll rot in your house instead? Stuck being your prisoner forever?”
Harrington stares back with eyes cold and unwavering. “If that’s what it takes.”
Then the fae turns back and starts walking again. Kas can only stare daggers at his back as he follows reluctantly. He is too consumed by anger to even think about running away, and he doesn’t think it would work even if he tried. He hates this, he hates being cornered, and he hates that he can feel the threads that bind him to Harrington. They’re replacing those previously created by Creel that Kas hadn’t realized even existed before the switch. As they continue walking, it takes him far too long to realize that they’re not heading towards any of the main gates.
“Where are we going?”
Harrington doesn’t even grace him with a look. “Home.”
Kas rolls his eyes. “Yeah, you said that before, but there’s no gates in that direction. I would know.”
“Not one Creel created,” ominously answers the brunette.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Steve sighs in annoyance and for the first time since this mess started, he sounds like his old self again. “It means that this place is much older than Creel, so there are cracks in other places. My house is one of them.”
He sees him clench his hand in annoyance. “Because cracks tend to form wherever Others live, it’s how we visit home.”
There’s so many things going through his head, so many questions, and most of all— confusion. And that’s saying something considering he died and was brought back to life by a mutated former child experiment. “‘Others’? What?”
“That’s what we call ourselves. We’re not human, or animals, so we’re Others,” the teen explains too casually for the subject matter. “And this here, the ‘Upside Down’ as the kids call it, is where we live.”
“And yet I’ve never seen any of you.”
Kas doesn’t miss how Harrington tenses at that. It’s obviously a touchy subject. “Yeah, because Creel took over and corrupted the whole place. The vines, the creatures— that’s not what this place usually looks like. Everyone fled instead of fighting, it’s easier to simply wait until he’s gone.”
“Why not just kill him?” He didn’t exactly want his old master to die, but murder wasn’t all that hard right? After all, Steve had threatened him just before leaving.
“I can’t,” he bitterly answered. “Because this place is technically his for now, and no Other can intrude without first being allowed in. Doing that means war.”
“But you’ve been trying to kill him for years and you’ve been here what, three times? You had no problem.”
Harrington laughs, and while he can feel it’s genuine, it still feels wrong. “Trust me, I tried to stay on the bench when the kids dragged me into the tunnels, but I was assigned as their protector, so I got a pass. Then, I knew we had to find the gate in the lake and that we’d need to investigate, that’s why I let that vine drag me through it. It gave me permission to explore. And for when we actually attacked him well… Robin and I made a deal, wherever she goes, I protect her, so as long as I follow her, I don’t intrude.”
It’s scary, how airtight his strategies are, how many loopholes he had jumped through to be able to protect. However, something wasn’t adding up. “But you came here today, isn’t that intruding?”
Harrington smirks. “Sure, but war is already upon us— well, was. He could have killed me if he wanted to, that’s why I made the deal.”
“To save yourself?” He asks although he doesn’t remember the teen including himself in that deal.
“To make him scared,” he replies, eyes glinting unnaturally in the red lightning strikes around them. “There’s power in being feared. But Creel also knew that breaking the deal in any way would give me the permission to attack him.”
Kas hates how thought out everything is. Harrington is supposed to be stupid, that was his reputation in high school; a pretty face with not much brain. Was that all a facade? Speaking of facade…
“Why do you look different?”
Steve quickly glances at him. “Because you’re not human anymore, the illusion isn’t as effective on non-human creatures.”
“Can you even bleed?” It’s a stupid question, because Eddie has seen him bleed before, but he has to make sure. He wants to know if he would have had any chance at winning that duel if he hadn’t given his name.
“Too often,” snorts the teen. He extends a clawed hand and pierces his skin. It’s a small cut, barely bigger than half an inch. “See?”
And yes, Harrington does indeed bleed, but Kas watches the small drop of blood, transfixed by its strangeness. “It’s silver.”
“But I’ve seen you bleed red,” he points out. “Was that an illusion too?”
The teen lowers his arm and smiles at him. “See? Now you’re getting it!”
They continue walking and Kas slowly starts to recognize the place. Eddie had gone to Loch Nora a few times during Harrington’s party years; drunk kids always paid more than sober ones. The imposing Harrington house slowly appears on the horizon in a sort of twisted reversal of their earlier roles. The brunette brings him to the edge of the woods, where he can feel the ghost of the crack in the empty pool. Steve doesn’t bring them there though; he stops next to the only tree on his property. It’s just as he expects from anything in this place; dead and twisted, but the trunk slightly straightens up when Harrington gets close. Small silver and gold leaves sprout, just big enough for him to notice the sudden growth, and then the teen extends his hands toward him.
“Grab my hand, it won’t let you through if you don’t.”
It might be a trick, but Kas doubts it, so he takes the offered hand. Going through this gate is nothing like going through Creel’s. Creel’s gates are violent, they press on the mind seemingly determined to break it, but this one makes him feel like he’s falling on the softest cloud. It observes everything he is and promises in the most tempting voice that he can be so much more. He’s tempted to give in. But hands suddenly grab him and pull him out of that place, and Kas is left to stare at Harrington in confusion.
“It’s meant to be soothing,” Steve explains. “It’s easier to keep someone if they don’t fight back.”
The teen only lets him grasp the horrific truth for a few seconds before telling him to follow him. It’s only then that he notices that they’re in Hawkins, the real one. There are lights coming from the big house in front of them and Kas can hear the voices of Eddie’s old party. Dread suddenly fills him when he realizes that he’s really going to see the gang again, and they will get to see him for what exactly he’s become. Would Creel be able to take him back if he took care of the party himself?
“Stay here, wait until I tell you to come.”
That’s an order, and Kas knows he can’t disobey, he can quite literally feel it in his body. He watches Harrington enter his house and hears the kids questioning why they’re there. Henderson in particular sounds very annoyed; Robin had mentioned that the teen didn’t get out of the house. Steve is trying to prepare them, but they don’t seem to be very willing to hear him out, it seems like Eddie’s loss really did weigh on the group. Buckley is pitching in every once in a while, but it doesn’t do much. The kids are mad, and as much as Steve is trying to make them understand that he is trying to fix things, they keep reminding him of how much he failed them. It’s funny, really, for as in control as Harrington was back there, he’s got no powers with the brats.
“I swear to you guys, I just want to help!” pleads the fae.
Someone snorts, it’s Dustin. “What? Like you helped Eddie?”
There’s a pregnant pause, and even Kas is surprised that the kid went this far. Harrington sighs, defeat apparent in his voice, and then he hears him stepping closer. His head pops out of the backdoor, and Kas meets his eyes, he knows he’s heard everything, and Steve looks as human as ever.
“You can come in,” he says without the pride he had just moments ago.
Kas doesn’t even think about disobeying him, and honestly, he kinda feels bad for the guy. There’s still the lust to kill, but he’s ready to wait for the right moment and play his cards right. Or maybe he should try to attack them before Harrington can order him to stay put? He steps inside and instantly feels his fury melt into a dull hatred as he’s met with many pairs of eyes opened wide in disbelief. There’s the kids of course, but there’s also Nancy, and Jonathan and he doesn’t know how to act. A part of him he had buried along with Eddie is excited and relieved to see everyone and Kas despises it.
“Eddie?” Says the quiet voice of Dustin.
The boy looks vulnerable. His eyes are tired and sad and desperate and Kas grins. If he can lure him into a false sense of security, if he can make Harrington think that he’s going for a hug, maybe he can start the bloodshed. Maybe he can spill the blood that allows Creel to attack Hawkins and burn it once and for all… So as the kid gets up from his seat and ignores Harrington’s warning to be careful, he stays still and smiles. He smiles like Eddie used to. Kas wraps his arms around the curly haired boy and lets him take comfort in the embrace for a moment. The kid sobs into his shoulder and his neck is so close. Steve is on his opposite side, strategically blocked from view so he opens his mouth, fangs ready to tear Henderson’s throat out—
“Don’t move,” hisses Harrington, suddenly on the opposite side; he hadn’t even heard him move. He holds his arm in a vice grip and Kas can do nothing but obey. “You cannot attack anyone in this room, no one gets hurt directly or indirectly. Am I clear?”
“Yes,” he grits through his teeth.
Henderson is extracted from their embrace and his eyes are wide in horror. He hadn’t even considered the possibility that he could have hurt him, and Kas had been betting on exactly that. He clenches his jaw as the group stares at him in horror and disbelief. He wants nothing more than to paint the walls red, but he can’t even move his feet.
“Steve, what did you do?” Asks Nancy, her previous shock now replaced with anger.
Kas is surprised to see Harrington look unsure, but he supposes that he’s always been that way with his ex, according to Eddie’s memories. “I got Eddie back— well Kas. But Eddie’s in there somewhere.”
“He is no—” he starts, but Harrington shushes him, and his next words die on his lips. Anger burns in his veins, and he swears that he’s going to make him pay. He may not be able to hurt the guy, but he was going to make sure to be as much of a nuisance as possible.
“El, do you think you could fix whatever Creel did to him?”
It’s only at that moment that Kas realizes that the girl— Eleven— the enemy is standing in this very room. He should have focused on her first. She looks determined and her eyes are locked onto his. She seems to reach into his soul in a similar way that Harrington had before she nods. “I think I can.”
The brunette seems satisfied. “Can you do it now?”
There’s a look shared between the two and he can’t help but think that the girl can probably sense that Steve isn’t entirely human. “Yes.”
“Guys!” Yells Jonathan, momentarily breaking the tension. “Can someone please explain what’s happening?”
It’s at that moment that Kas knows he has to speak up. Steve shushed him earlier with the intention of him staying quiet until told otherwise, but he hadn’t mentioned it had he? It was time for him to exploit this loophole.
“Steve Harrington is a fae,” he says with a grin. He stares at each person in the room before continuing. “He’s been lying to you this whole time.”
He can feel Harrington’s eyes on him, and it seems for a moment that he’s going to rip him apart but Mike speaks up before he can.
“What?” It’s a simple reaction, and there’s honestly not many other reactions that fit at the moment.
“Come on, you don’t know what a fae is?” Admonishes Dustin. “It was one of our enemies during Will’s campaign!”
Mike scoffs. “Yeah, obviously I know what a fae is.” The kid points at the teen who seems pissed that his secret got out. “But why the hell is he saying that Steve’s one of them?”
“Steve?” Questions Nancy and the guy’s resolve melt in seconds.
He sighs deeply and passes his hand through his hair. “I wasn’t going to tell you, but it was the only way I could get him out.”
This time, it’s Jonathan who speaks up. The guy seems distrustful at the very least. “So you are..?”
Harrington nods. “A fae.”
“Since the beginning?” Lucas sounds as impressed as he sounds betrayed.
“Born that way.”
Kas delights in the way that the brunette shuffles uncomfortably. So much for being done keeping up appearances.
“You can control Eddie,” remarks Will, and Kas clenches his jaw at the old name. “How?”
Here comes the difficult part, let’s see how Harrington handles it. “He gave me his name.”
There’s a sudden tension in the air and all the brats straighten up. It’s great to know that everyone knew what giving their name to a fae meant but him.
“So, he’s yours?” Asks Lucas with a noticeable fear in his voice. He gulps loudly when his question is confirmed by Steve’s nod.
“But…” starts Dustin, brow furrowed in worry and confusion. “We all gave you our names!”
“No, you didn’t,” quickly denies Steve as the panic in the room grows. “I knew them before I met you and I never asked for them. You’re all safe, don’t worry.”
“Not with Vecna hanging over our heads,” snarks Mike.
Harrington seems to hesitate to answer, but he shares a look with Robin and it’s enough to motivate him. “He’s not going to be a problem anymore. I made a deal with him.”
“A deal?” Nancy sounds unimpressed and he has to wonder if she knows what it means to make a deal with a fae.
Steve nods. “I fought against Creel’s champion, if I won, he’d stop trying to take over the world. And I won that fight.”
“Who was his champion?”
Kas glares at Will, who asked the question and the boy recoils in fear, but the party seems to understand the implications. They understand that he’s Creel’s champion and that the mark on his face is Steve’s doing.
“And he won’t break the deal?” Questions the older Byers. Apparently, he didn’t get the whole shtick when it came to making a deal with a creature like that either.
Steve chuckles lightly. “He’s not that stupid.”
The group falls quiet once more, but Kas decides that his captor shouldn’t get off that easily. “Ask him to show you what he really looks like.”
“Shut up,” finally snaps the teen, and Kas complies with a smile. The damage is already done and he’s going to watch the fallout with great satisfaction.
Everyone looks confused, everyone but Robin. He’s not surprised that she knows. It’s Nancy who speaks first, ever the leader that she is. “What does he mean?”
“It’s nothing,” dismisses the brunette but it’s obvious that it’s not convincing anyone. Harrington is clearly looking for some kind of excuse that would put their worries to rest, but it quickly becomes clear that only the truth will do that. So, Steve sighs. “This isn’t what I normally look like.”
He struggles to find his next words and Kas simply observes his blackened fingers with a barely concealed smile. Harrington might have thought that he had won by having his name, but he was not prepared for what it meant. Because Kas might not be Eddie anymore, but he still knows how to be insufferable.
“Can we see?” Mike asks and for the first time since this started, he doesn’t sound like he wants to insult Steve.
The teenager presses his lips together, hesitant but he nods, nonetheless. Unlike the instant change when they made the deal or when Steve finally revealed himself, this one is gradual. The teeth lengthen first, and then his eyes get bigger, and his pupils are nothing but slits. His eyes shimmer unnaturally in the artificial light of his home. The ears are next, their pointy corners peak out of his hair. Harrington gains a few inches in height and his limbs lengthen just as his fingers grow thinner and his nails sharpen.
Then he stands there and waits.
He’s nervous, Kas realizes. Even in his true form, Steve doesn’t look as proud as he did when he had faced Creel. There’s a twitch in his fingers that shows just how scared he is of being rejected and Kas delights in his suffering. It’s like seeing King Steve fall all over again. The party tries to hide their reactions as best as they can, but it’s obvious that Nancy is reaching for a weapon that isn’t there.
“Steve,” says Robin after a few seconds of stunned silence.
He looks at her and the girl gives him a shrug. Kas has no idea what it’s supposed to mean but Harrington seems to understand. He takes off his shirt, and Kas narrows his eyes when he realizes that the bite marks on his stomach are gone too. But he has a feeling that the brunette isn’t taking off his shirt just to show off. Sure enough, Steve rolls his shoulders and Kas watches with wide eyes as wings sprout from his back. This reveal seems to go over the group better than his real face, which Harrington seems to notice as well. In a blink, his face is back to the more human looking one while the wings stay out in the open. Kas remembers some of the drawings Eddie had seen that depicted faes, of how peculiar their wings were usually drawn. The wings in front of him are not like those of a butterfly or a dragonfly, but more like a mix of the two. While Steve’s real face looks uncanny, his wings are beautiful. They’re iridescent and the light reflects on them as if they’re made up of multiple panels of stained glass.
The kids stay quiet for a moment before Dustin speaks up. “Are they… real?”
Harrington rolls his eyes in annoyance but there’s an unmistakable hint of relief on his face. “Henderson, you literally just saw them sprout from my back, and you still think they’re fake?”
“I know, but it’s crazy!” The others seem to agree, but no one dares to speak up yet. Kas knows it’s only a matter of time before they do though.
“Watch the wings,” Steve warns as Dustin’s hand gets dangerously close. “They’re not done healing yet.”
“Healing?” frowns the kid.
“Yeah, I got dragged on my back in the Upside Down, they got torn.”
His explanation only seems to confuse them more. “But all your other injuries are gone! And how did they even get torn if they were hidden all the time?”
“I tried to fly away when I got to the other side, but the vines didn’t let up. I didn’t have time to hide them again.”
“They were treated,” remarks Lucas with a frown. His hand brushes the wings until he touches where it’s sprouting from his back. “You couldn’t have reached all the way there. You had help.”
Kas narrows his eyes at the deduction. He hadn’t noticed at first but now that it’s pointed out, he does see tiny rips and half healed cuts.
“From who?” wonders Mike. “Your parents?”
Harrington chuckles bitterly. “No, my parents wouldn’t do that.”
“I did,” says Robin.
He’s not surprised that she knows, but the others sure are. They keep looking at one and then the other and no one knows what to say to whom. Kas on the other hand, only just realizes that he owes his defeat to Buckley. Harrington hadn’t tried to get him out before because he hadn’t known that he existed; until he had cornered and threatened Robin. If Harrington is the weapon forged through the honor of the fight, Robin is the poisoned blade that strikes between the ribs when you think you’ve won. Easier to conceal, but just as deadly.
When she meets his gaze, her eyes glint unnaturally in the light. She’s not quite fae but she’s definitely not human.
What is she?
His frustration is momentarily broken by Jonathan’s exasperated sigh. “Do you guys keep any secrets from each other?”
The pair share a look before shrugging. “No,” replies the girl. “You’d be surprised at how much we know about each other.”
There’s a shared understanding between them and Kas somehow knows that they’re not just talking about Harrington here. There’s a few more questions that he doesn’t care enough to listen to until Steve has suddenly put away his wings and stares straight at him.
“You guys keep your questions,” he says, interrupting whatever Lucas was in the middle of saying. “We just have to take care of him first.”
The fact that he knows Harrington isn’t about to kill him doesn’t reassure him in the slightest, because technically, they are going to kill him. They don’t want Kas, they want Eddie. Eleven swiftly walks next to Steve and the brunette orders him to get up and follow him, and he complies through gritted teeth. The teen brings him to a bedroom that’s covered with a godawful amount of plaid and while there isn’t much to indicate whose bedroom it is, Kas would be ready to bet his name all over again that it’s Steve’s bedroom.
Harrington pulls out a chair and gestures to it. “Sit down, don’t move, let Eleven do her thing.”
Three simple orders.
Three orders that mark his execution.
Kas wants to snarl, he wants to lash out to defend himself, and rip apart the entire party that has been destroying Creel’s plans for years, but he can’t move. So, he’s stuck glaring at the two people who represent judge, jury, and executioner.
The girl turns to Steve, her eyes fierce. “Are you sure Henry will not attack?”
The brunette’s eyes soften the way it always does for one of his kids. “Yeah, I’m sure. he’s basically signing his own death penalty if he breaks the deal.”
Eleven doesn’t say anything and Kas is sure her sad eyes would have moved Eddie, but he doesn’t care. It does grab Harrington’s attention though.
“Why? You wanted a war?”
Her eyes go wide in shock. “No. But I am afraid that he might find a way to attack.”
He wraps an arm around her shoulder and gives her a side hug. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t. I’m giving you my word, that’s unbreakable. Can you feel it?”
Eleven closes her eyes and so does Kas, he doesn’t feel it as strong as the bonds tying him to the fae, but he does feel it. The bond of an unbreakable promise. He opens his eyes just as the girl does too.
“I do,” she says with a bright smile. She finally leans into the embrace and Steve smiles brightly. “Thank you.”
“You deserve everything nice, El.”
The moment lasts for a few more seconds before it breaks. Suddenly, both of their focus is on him again and he feels so very small. He feels angry, yes, but he feels impossibly vulnerable too. Harrington stands behind Eleven as she approaches him, a silent guard to make sure nothing goes wrong. His face is half shrouded in the shadows and he can see the way his eyes glow like two burning stars. He’d be scared if he wasn’t already terrified.
Eleven puts her hands on either side of his head and everything goes black.
When he wakes up, he’s lying on a bed. The light is barely filtering through the curtains so it’s either very early in the morning or late in the afternoon. He feels… weak, human. Everything is fuzzier, details are less defined, and most importantly, he doesn’t feel the hive mind anymore. There’s a dresser to his left and he quickly gets out of the bed to examine his reflection in the mirror.
He looks human.
His eyes aren’t scarlet red, and his skin isn’t as pale as it used to be. He’s still pale, sure, but he doesn’t look like a corpse. His fingers aren’t black, and his teeth are dull without a single trace of his fangs. He doesn’t know how to feel about being Eddie again, does he even want that? He’s back in a town that hates him and wants nothing more than to see him dead all over again. Can he face that again?
“Welcome back,” says a voice from the shadows.
Eddie whips his head around to see Harrington standing in the corner of his room. Has he been there the whole time? He looks… normal. Normal enough that he could fool himself into thinking that he dreamed up the fact that Steve was a fae. But even without being able to see through the illusion, he knows something is off about him. It’s in the way he stands, the way he’s looking at him as though he can read his mind, hell maybe he can since he’s technically his.
“You look normal.”
The brunette chuckles and extracts himself from the shadows. “That’s what happens when you’re human.”
Eddie presses his lips tightly and lets the silence stretch between them. It takes a few seconds to realize that the entire house is silent. “Is everyone gone?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “You were unconscious for a few hours. I told them to go get some rest and I’d update them on your situation whenever I could.”
The words sound nice, caring even, but he can read between the lines. “You were guarding me. In case whatever Eleven did didn’t work.”
Harrington looks sheepish for a moment. “Doesn’t matter, you’re back.”
He nods, but it doesn’t feel like a victory. He remembers the rage he felt toward the group, how he was ready to kill them without remorse. He had nearly attacked Henderson for god’s sake! How was the kid ever going to trust him again? And now that Harrington had his name, could he even leave the house? Would the fae ever let him leave town? What about Wayne? He’s sure the gang told him that he was dead. How could he possibly explain his sudden resurrection without revealing the Upside Down to his uncle?
“Are you okay?” Suddenly asks Steve. He looks worried.
Eddie goes to sit on the bed and the other teen joins him, his eyes never leaving him. He shuts his eyes and sighs deeply. “What happens now?”
The brunette seems taken aback by his question but tries nonetheless to answer. “Well, we could say we found you stuck somewhere and barely surviving. Hopper, who is alive by the way, already cleared your name. Sure, most people don’t believe it but most people are gone anyway. We can contact your uncle and—”
“I mean us,” he interrupts. He’d be delighted in the way Harrington suddenly blushes if he wasn’t so damn scared. “You have my name. What happens now?”
“I don’t have your name.”
He frowns, almost offended at how he dismisses his concerns. “Don’t bullshit me, man. The whole reason I’m here is because I gave you my name.”
Steve grabs his hands to stop them from trembling. “Kas gave me his name. You didn’t.”
Eddie’s eyes are wide, and he stares at the brunette in confusion as he answers. “You were very adamant about being two different people. And it’s true. You were a different person, and that person gave me his name, but Eddie Munson didn’t.”
He blinks at him, momentarily speechless. It takes a few seconds for him to manage to form words again. “Did you know that all along?”
“Yes,” smiles Harrington. “But I didn’t know if it was actually going to work, but when Robin told me you didn’t use Eddie anymore, I knew what I had to try.”
His chest feels warm at the thought that someone would do that for him. “You opened a whole can of worms, that’s for sure, but I’m still glad you did it. Especially before I managed to kill anyone in the group.”
Steve laughs, but he can see that there’s something on his mind. He’s worried, uncertain even. “So, you’re not too freaked out? The others are…” He trails off for a moment, his eyes dulling in sadness. “Well, it’ll take a moment for them to get used to it. Especially Nancy and Jonathan, but I can’t say I’m surprised.”
Eddie can only sympathize with him, being the freak was never fun, especially when the resentment came from friends. “I wasn’t scared when you ripped a bat apart with your bare hands, you think finding out you’re not human is going to push me away? No way. You’re going to get sick of all of my questions before I get tired of you.”
Harrington blushes, and he’s reminded of the way the teen had reacted in a similar fashion during their talk in the Upside Down. Back when he had realized that his jealousy might have more layers than just plain old rivalry. That talk had felt liberating, but also terrifying. It wasn’t the first time he’d had a crush on a guy, but why had his heart chosen Harrington out of everyone? He’d nearly told Steve before he had left to kill Vecna, but he had chickened out because that’s all he knew what to do. Well, until he’d sacrificed himself.
The brunette eventually breaks the silence, and it seems like he’d been thinking along the same lines as him. “Now, for as arrogant as Kas was, he did mention that you also had feelings, even if we were both too cowardly to confess.” Steve grins with the charming smile he’d seen him use on girls for years. It’s a travesty that it’s working on him too. “Maybe we can talk about that?”
The teen is looking at him with hopeful eyes and Eddie has a few seconds to decide if he lets himself actually give in or deny his feelings. If he dismisses Kas’ claim as taunting, he’d have to go back to playful flirting and trying to push him toward his ex because he’s scared of what would happen if he actually made a move on Harrington. But he has the perfect opportunity right now. And hell, with everything that’s happened, he’ll be damned if he wastes it again.
Despite the voice in his head telling him that it’s never going to work out between the two of them, he smiles at Steve. “I’d like that.”
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Things that I need in the ST season 5 teaser:
1. Byler kissing (we discussed this)
2. Vecna sipping on coffee (he just be chilling there and plotting)
3. A clip of Eddie chasing a bunch of demobats in the Upside Down (he's going crazy down there)
4. El and Lucas doing a dance that we assume Max taught them
5. Murray in karate class, getting beat up by a five year old
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hawkinsincorrect · 5 months
Dustin: We don’t know how to kill this thing.
Nancy: I thought I might try violence.
Lucas: Solid call.
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chaoscradle · 1 year
assigning GUTS songs to stranger things characters (i know this has been done a ton of times already but i'm doing it anyway):
all-american bitch: nancy
"I know my age and I act like it"
"I'm a perfect all-american bitch"
"I know my place, I know my place, and this is it"
"I'm the eternal optimist, I scream inside to deal with it"
"I pay attention to things most people ignore"
(el could also work with this one, but i felt like with the whole nuclear family thing the wheelers have going on that nancy fits better)
bad idea right?: max
"'I only see him as a friend' the biggest lie I ever said"
"can't two people reconnect?"
"but god, when I look at you, my brain goes 'ah', can't hear my thoughts"
vampire: joyce
"every girl I talked to told me you were bad, bad news"
"you're so convincing, how do you lie without flinching?"
"I've made some real big mistakes, but you make the worst one look fine"
"the way you sold me for parts"
"you said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard? you can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart"
"I loved you truly. gotta laugh at the stupidity"
lacy: el
"I linger all the time, watchin', hidden in plain sight"
"aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?"
"I feel your compliments like bullets on skin"
"and I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you"
ballad of a homeschooled girl: mike
"and I hate all my clothes, feels like my skin doesn't fit right over my bones"
"the party's done, and I'm no fun, I know I know, I know, I know"
"I made it weird, I made it worse"
"everything I do is tragic"
"I'm shocked I'm still alive"
(this could also work for robin tbh)
making the bed: mike
"another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine, another thing I forced to be a sign"
"push away all the people who know me the best"
"every good thing has turned into something I dread"
"and I tell someone I love them, just as a distraction"
logical: will (psa this is from will's pov i don't think any of this of mike)
"come for me like a savior, and I'd put myself through hell for you"
"and I fell for you like rain falls from a February sky, but now the current's stronger and I couldn't get out if I tried"
"oh, why do I do this? I look so stupid thinking two plus two equals five, and I'm the love of your life"
"'cause if rain don't pour and sun don't shine, then changing you is possible"
"you lied, you lied, you lied"
"I guess love is never logical"
"the sky is green, the grass is red, and you mean all those words you said"
"I know I'm half responsible, and that makes me feel horrible"
"I know I could've stopped it all, god why didn't I stop it all?"
"'cause loving you is loving every argument you held over my head"
get him back!: max (NOT about lumax, just how she'd handle a different breakup)
"I want sweet revenge, I want him again"
"do I love him? do I hate him? I guess it's up and down"
"I wanna make him really jealous, I wanna make him feel bad"
"I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up"
"I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her her son sucks"
love is embarrassing: will
"and then, you kissed some girl from high school"
"waited by my phone like a goddamn fool"
"god, love's embarrassing as hell"
"and I consoled you while you cried over your ex-girlfriend's new guy" (minus the new guy part)
"you found a new version of me"
"I give up, I give up, but I keep comin' back for more"
the grudge: lucas
"how could anyone do the things you did so easily?"
"I try to be tough, I try to be mean, but even after all this, you're still everything to me, and I know you don't care, I guess that's fine"
"one phone call from you and my entire world was changed"
"and I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did, but I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it"
"and I know in my heart, hurt people hurt people"
(this song doesn't 100% represent lucas and max's relationship in s4 imo but it comes the closest)
pretty isn't pretty: el
"there's always something in the mirror that I think looks wrong"
"when pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do?"
"I could change up my body and change up my face, I could try every lipstick in every shade, but I'd always feel the same"
"fix the thing you hated, and you'd still feel insecure"
"I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life, and none of it matters and none of it ends"
teenage dream: will
"they all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if I don't?"
"when am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?"
"I'll blow out the candles, happy birthday to me" (birthdaygate)
"but I fear that they already got all the best parts of me"
"will I spend all the rest of my years wishin' I could go back?"
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lyokorae14 · 11 months
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FINAL shot of The Party from the Stranger Things Monster AU! Since this is done, I'll be doing other art/ fan art not from this AU. However, I'm planning on returning this for The Teens (or Spicy Six as everyone else calls them), once I figure out what monsters some of them are. Would anyone be interested in that?
(BTW Steve, Eddie, and Argyle are the characters I'm stuck on lol)
Here's the link to the previous post of Werewolf Will, and all the other characters' portraits.
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
i have a vision. lucas sinclair as a vampire. max mayfield who doesn’t believe in vampires. el who knows lucas is a vampire and thinks max does too but max thinks shes being fucked with.
every time lucas tries to tell her hes a vampire she thinks its either a joke or hes trying to test out if shed be ok with knowing hes bisexual
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eleanorroseaxoxo · 8 months
If Stranger Things was set in The Vamipre Diaries AU (Part 2)
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Mike Wheeler - Human
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Comes from a hunting family but refuses to take part due to his supernatural connections, has a fair few hunting skills up his sleeve 'just in case'
Lucas Sinclair - Werewolf
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Triggered his curse in 1986 because of Jason's death (he fought him and knocked him down so technically he's responsible???), hates turning on a full moon but loves all the perks
Dustin Henderson - Human
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The human of the group (less like Matt Donovan, more like Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf)
Max Mayfield - Human (untriggered werewolf)
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Inherited the gene from her dad and doesn't intend to trigger her curse any time soon (she's also in her coma and is unaware of Lucas triggering his curse)
Erica Sinclair - Human (untriggered werewolf)
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When she found out from Lucas that she has a 'werewolf gene', she was ecstatic and wanted to trigger her curse ASAP. Then she saw Lucas during his first full moon... she vowed never to trigger her curse.
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hazardworld · 2 years
Worldbuilding/Part 1/Part 2/Part 3
One should never underestimate the amount of (prey?)drive Dustin Henderson has for research, because as soon as Robin mentioned finding out about Steve’s powers, he’d scampered off muttering to himself that there just had to be books about sirens somewhere in the mansion.
15 minutes later, he’d come back with one book about the size of his torso. It looked extremely heavy, and if Dustin didn’t have the supernatural strength to assist him, Eddie was sure he’d have been crushed by it.
Dustin plopped it on the floor with a loud bang, and a cloud of dust flew up from the sudden movement.
"Whoa," Eddie gasped amid coughs, "Is that what runes usually look like? I can’t see past it," 
The book’s top and bottom edges were bound in ancient-looking, swirly silver runes. Normally, instead of seeing the runes themselves, they’d show themselves to Eddie in shimmering (magical) purple text, but these were just still silver symbols he couldn’t decipher. 
He noticed the magic aura surrounding the book was drawn particularly to the edges, which Eddie recognized as a lock mechanism after Dustin and Robin tried many times to get the damn thing open.
Steve perked up as the book was tossed aside to what seemed to be the last time, and safely bound it in his arms. Something connecting Steve to the book vibrated low in Eddie’s ear.
"Steve, you know what this book is, don’t you?"
Steve and Eddie made nervous eye contact as Dustin and Robin slowly turned to them.
Steve sighed.
"When the sirens were first developing, there was a king and a queen," Steve set the book to his side, and by his tone, Eddie realized the topic wasn’t necessarily a light one. 
"They had 4 children, and at each child’s birth they were given a large book, a book to imprint their magic into to benefit future generations. It’s said all sirens are descended from the 4 "Originals," as they’re called, and most families keep books to honor them. This—"
"Is your family’s," Dustin finished, but Steve shook his head.
"Not just that. Here," Steve stuck the book out in front of him, grazing his hand above the front cover. Eddie could see the book’s magical reaction to his hand: it was as if the runes seemed to glow under his skin. "I’m a little rusty, but…lje paɾ lə sɑ̃, yni paɾ lɛspɾi," Eddie watched as—similar to when Steve used sirenspeak—a puff of magic escaped his mouth. Almost like a vacuum, it got sucked into the lock of the book.
The runes glowed, and Steve opened the book. Inside was a magic handprint on the first page of pale green parchment (yes, parchment). It was signed with a name Eddie couldn’t quite see with some of the runic script below it.
"It’s the book of Melusine, the second child married off to a land-dwelling family,” Steve pointed to the name as he spoke, “Most land-residing sirens descend from her, but…" Steve shrugged towards the book.
"You’re a direct line, holy shit," Robin finished, and Steve shrugged again.
"I mean I guess, yeah,"
“You guess?” Dustin exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “Steve, you’re like a prince or something! This is proof of your actual royalty status!”
“Atlantie is a democracy,” Steve quickly corrected, and Dustin shrugged.
“So? You could go to them with this book and show proof of heritage!”
Suddenly, the four turned as the door clicked open. In the doorway stood Lucas and Max, Lucas with a basketball in his hands.
“Sorry, sorry! Max was over and I wanted to shoot hoops but we’re obviously interrupting something and—“
“What’s that?” Max pointed to the book, raising an eyebrow. A shit-eating grin spread over Dustin’s face.
“Oh, it’s Steve’s secret siren heritage magic book.”
“What?” Lucas commented, turning his head slightly as he closed the door behind him. Max had already sat herself frown within the circle, and Lucas was making his way over.
“Steve didn’t tell us he was a siren prince, and this is the book proving it,” Robin clarified. Instantly, Max shot Steve a glare, and Lucas gaped.
“Wait, shit, seriously?”
Steve sighed. “I’m probably more of a Lord or something but yeah, they aren’t entirely wrong,”
"So all this time, you’ve never been human?" Lucas exclaimed, and Dustin immediately pointed at him.
"That’s exactly what I said!"
"Steve’s a Prince?" Max asked. Eddie knew she’d ask clarifying questions later in private, if at all.
"Yes!" Robin exclaimed. "This book goes back to his direct original royal ancestor!"
"Can we see your natural form?" Lucas asked excitedly, bouncing up and down slightly from his position. Steve sighed and nodded, getting up and heading to the patio to shift for the third time that day. Lucas and Dustin followed excitedly.
Then it was just Eddie, Robin, and Max.
"So…" Eddie broke the silence a few minutes in, after it was clear from the cheers and splashes outside that the three would not be going back in.
"Eddie, you like Steve, right?" Max asked bluntly, and Eddie panicked.
He was not out to Max yet.
It wasn’t that he didn’t think she was trustworthy or that she wouldn’t support him, it was just…it felt weird coming out to the kids so soon, especially when Eddie had no clue how half of them would react.
"Yeah, yeah I’d say we’re friends," An incriminating crimson tinted his cheeks, and both Max and Robin smirked.
"You fell for a siren," Robin mocked playfully. "A siren,"
"A very pretty siren…" Eddie sighed, crossing his arms dramatically as if he was a little kid.
"Oh, definitely," Max agreed, and Eddie and Robin both immediately looked at her.
Had Max seen siren Steve before?
"Isn’t today the first day you know about him being a siren?" Robin clarified, and Max nodded once.
"Yeah, but I saw that chest hair at Lover’s Lake," Eddie choked on his spit, "absolutely gorgeous,"
“It wasn’t half bad...” Eddie agreed, giving Max a small smile.
Robin fake gagged. "Ugh! Disgusting, men," Max turned to Robin and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you…?"
"Lesbian? Yep." Max’s eyes widened, and she smiled, nodding her head.
"Sweet, good t—"
"WE’RE CALLING THE REST OF THE PARTYYYYYYY," The conversation was immediately stopped by Dustin and Lucas bolting through the main room over to the kitchen phone, screaming with glee.
Part 4!
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ghostlynimbus · 1 year
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The Eleven Clan, Hawkins' only resident vampire clan.
This clan consists of only vampires who were turned by El, or who were turned by people that were turned by El. Except El herself of course, who will also be appearing in another photoset.
Ghost's Supernatural AU Masterpost
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nevermore au
lucas sinclair | vampire
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strawverrymagic · 2 years
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Guess who’s binging fanfic to cope again🤪
I would greatly appreciate any of you lovelies that would like to add some recommendations💕
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love how pope has become the most loved character on any teen drama like that’s my son he in his Damon Isaac Stiles Nathan Seth Pacey Jess era we love to see it! Damon from homecoming next just need to watch it to see if hes got the potential to be THE it face of teen shows like POPE HEYWARD DOES! Oh how far we’ve come like it use to be just yt characters now it’s them still more yt characters but pope lucas spencer damon doing it y’all I’m so proud of them BEST CHARACTERS THINGS ME THINKS! let’s keep this delicious growth!
and I’m back in my box era let’s go 21 days to go for my perfect son to comeback to me and my other children
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loveisdamnation · 2 years
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december, michael miller | horse girl, joy sullivan | catacomb, safiya sinclair | jennifer’s body, dir. karyn kusama | tenderhooks, joan tierney | writer in the dark, lorde | bloodsport, yves olade | wishbone, richard siken | bones and all, dir. luca guadagnino | extracting the stones of madness, alejandra pizarnik trans. yvette siegert | journal of my other self, rainer maria rilke | illicit affairs, taylor swift | buffy the vampire slayer, dir. joss whedon | wound, demi ev | vulnerability, aj
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dartlekey · 9 months
Don't look back (COMPLETED)
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Author: @dartlekey
Artist: @the-chilly-kat
Word Count: 92,792
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Minor or Background Relationship(s): Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler, Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Dmitri Antonov/Murray Bauman, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson & Eddie Munson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Sam Owens (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Dmitri Antonov, Murray Bauman, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, Original Characters (for a little extra flavor)
Additional Tags: post s4/alternative s5, Vecna is dead but the apocalypse is very much alive, Vampire Steve Harrington, Vampire Turning, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Drinking, Codependency, Dom/sub, retroactively negotiated kink, dubcon, nonsexual bdsm, but also sexual bdsm, Dom Eddie Munson, Sub Steve Harrington, Switch Eddie Munson, Switch Steve Harrington, Blowjobs, Rimming, Choking, Anal Sex, individual chapter warnings, Ambiguous/Open Ending, mixed ending
Collections: Steddie Bigbang 2023 -> @steddiebang
When Eddie Munson wakes from a month-long coma, the apocalypse has already started without him. The air is poisonous and monsters roam the streets of a half-destroyed Hawkins, but he's also got problems of a more personal nature: For one thing, Eddie's so weak he can barely walk on his own, and he's pretty sure there's something wrong with him, like, emotionally. For another, there's the fact that Steve Harrington has begun turning into some kind of vampiric Upside Down creature. Also, he's into men apparently, and more specifically: into Eddie. So there's that. The way Eddie sees it, that leaves him with three problems to solve - one, saving the world, ergo destroying the Demobats' nest in the Rightside Up, and closing the cross of rifts splitting the town. Two, saving his friends, so waking Max from her coma, and guiding Steve (read: domming Steve) into figuring out his new vampiric powers without hurting anyone, or getting his head blown off by their very trigger-happy "allies". And three: figuring out what it really means to care for someone, and how far he's willing to go for the man he's rapidly becoming unhealthily obsessed with. Here's to turning into the monsters people always said they were.
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