#vampires anonymous
thethistlegirlwrites · 7 months
Vampires Anonymous
Joey looks around the abandoned office-turned-Vampires-Anonymous and wonders how this night is going to go.
There’s about ten people scattered throughout the room. A guy playing a harmonica in a corner, some upbeat tune that’s probably actually a folk ballad about how some guy died in the old west, two heavily tattooed girls playing some kind of card game that involves a lot of yelling and smacking the top of the deck, a young guy with a frowzy shock of dark purple hair, an old man with cowboy boots and a weather-lined face apparently dozing off with his feet propped up on a battered desk, a guy who looks like he could have been a lawyer in his past life brushing off the seat of a wobbly spinning chair, and a woman with a dandelion poof of hair and a patch-covered jacket perched on top of a four-foot-tall filing cabinet. Then there’s Joey, and Shay, and the listing stacks of paperwork, file boxes, and busted chairs the previous tenants left behind. 
Part of what Shay’s doing as community service for his own mentorship is starting a support group for fledglings that’s connected to the mentor program. It’s one thing for young vampires to have a connection to someone who can offer advice and the wisdom of experience, but it’s also good to have people who are at the same spot, sharing the same struggles. 
Joey’s got her halfway house ‘sisterhood’, but she agreed to come anyway because Shay should have at least one person he knows to offer support the first few weeks. 
But if Shay’s nervous about his first night leading the group, he’s not showing it. 
Lawyer-guy looks around the room. “Shouldn’t we be, like, making a circle of chairs or something?”
“You wanna hold hands and sing Kumbaya, too?” Cabinet-percher asks. 
“This group is what we make it,” Shay breaks in, with the same authoritative calmness Joey remembers from the days when he drove off jerks harassing her. “In my experience, too much structure makes everyone feel too formal, or too put on the spot because we’re all looking at each other. We’ll try it this way first.” He looks around. “I would like everyone to introduce themselves but only as much as you’re comfortable with, and no last names right now. I’ll start. I’m Shay. I’ve been a vampire for a little less than two years, but I was bitten in college and it took me quite a while to actually die and turn. The reason I got picked to work with this group in the first place is that I was trying to deal with the chronic venom pain and got hooked on heroin. I’ve been in and out of mandatory rehabs and group therapy most of my adult life. The point being, I know something about what makes a group work or what makes them useless, and we’re going to try to be one of the better ones here.” 
Joey tries to pay attention as the others follow suit. 
Tattoos and Tattoos Two are sisters, Kai and Lia. They got turned the same night when they played a punk-rock gig at the wrong bar and ended up on the menu instead of onstage. The old man is Loren, a name that makes Lawyer-guy snicker until Harmonica throws a ball of crumpled paper at him. He’s a former rancher who ended up bled dry by both the banks and vampire loan shark he turned to in desperation. Purple hair is Francisco, whose story is disturbingly similar to Joey’s, except that the vampire who took him and four other people across the border decided to hang onto them for a while. He’d been the only one infected, and had woken up in the middle of a body dump in the desert. Like Joey, he’s on Chimera’s case docket for home earth citizenship. Harmonica turns out to be a very unassuming Jay, which feels like way too short and normal a name for his charismatic aura. He’d been a bit part actor in sitcoms until he tried to break up what he thought was a rape in the backlot and ended up surprising a hungry vamp instead. Lawyer-guy, whose name is actually Keith, really was a lawyer, apparently. A divorce lawyer whose less than above-board methods led to him crossing paths with a sleazy vamp offering PI services for his clients. One argument over payments later, his practice and his life were over. Cabinet-percher is Aaliyah. Former LA cabbie who got literally stiffed on a fare. Twice over, unfortunately for her. The first time by a vamp who bit her rather than pay up, and the second time by a desperate guy who was fleeing an armed robbery. When the radio gave out his description, and Aaliyah had looked into the mirror to confirm it was her passenger, he’d shot her in the back of the head and bolted.
Joey didn’t really mean to go last, but it kind of just happened. She’s not the sort to break into the conversation, and she was trying too hard to take in everyone else’s story.
“Uh, I’m Joey. I’ve been a vampire for about eight months. I was bitten when I was nineteen, by a border smuggler.” She kicks at a dust ball on the floor. “I spent the next six years in LA and when I died, my family buried me and I turned. Now I’m in the mentor program to get a chance at getting them back in my life.” It feels painfully slow. Two weeks is too long to wait for the physical visits, but if everything goes well, in another month she’ll get moved up into the once-a-week bracket. “I hadn’t told them I was going to become a vampire. Mostly because I didn’t actually think it would happen.”
One of the two tattooed girls (it’s going to take weeks for Joey to remember who’s who) scowls. “Let me get this straight. You didn’t know you had the venom in you?”
Joey laces her fingers together and looks down at her hands in her lap.
“Not for sure.” She sighs. “I didn’t want it to be true. I couldn’t afford it to be.”
“Didn’t you feel anything?” Aaliyah asks. “I felt like my skin was going to burn off whenever someone touched me. It hypersensitized me to everything. And my teeth were killing me.”
“I kept telling myself everything I felt made sense.”
She was driving her sister to appointments, working the fights at night, scared she'd be caught and deported because she couldn't get a visa. She’d figured the stomach pains meant she’d end up like Jorge across the hall, with a stress ulcer before thirty because he too had overstayed his legal welcome. She thought the hunger was from skipping meals so her siblings got more. 
She was ignoring the pain because Via came first.
“Everyone else in our neighborhood was just like me. Always tired, alert to anything that might be trouble, not enough in our pockets to put enough on the table.” Even the teeth had made sense. She’d always ground them in her sleep. Mauri used to complain about it in the camps, say she was keeping him awake.
The one thing she’d never felt was the aggression Shay had described, that drove him to the fights where she’d met him. Chimera’s been theorizing for a while that there’s a subclass of vampire in which the venom activates the victim’s flight instead of fight response, creating a stealthy, shadow-dwelling vampire when they finally turn, an ambush predator rather than one that stalks its prey actively. 
They still don’t know if it’s linked to the person’s inherent responses to traumas, or if it’s connected to a specific strain of sires. After all, one could argue that the vampire who turned her was the same sort. That kind of alert wariness would be an asset to someone in his line of work. 
“That’s messed up.” Jay shakes his head. “I can’t believe you just ignored that.”
Joey swallows. No one will blame her if she stops talking now.
She’s not sure telling anyone the specifics about her family is ever a good idea.
But that’s something born out of years of running and hiding and fear.
She doesn’t want to carry that with her into this place. 
“I wasn’t alone when I came across the border. I made the deal I did in exchange for him getting my siblings and me here, so my sister could get the medical help she needed. Via was always the brave one. Facing her pain with a smile even on her worst days. If she could be okay, how could I be anything else?” Joey swallows. “It felt like nothing compared to what she must have been living with. She needed me to be strong for her, and I had to make sure she could get to the doctor, that we could pay for her treatments, and that she felt safe.”
“Damn. You just ignored vampire venom poisoning because taking care of your family was the most important thing in your life. That is bad-ass,” Aaliyah says. “You told something killing you from the inside out that it was gonna have to get in line because your little sis needed you.”
Joey didn’t think what she’d done was that impressive. She’d just been getting herself out of bed every day for Via, like she’d done every day since their mother was murdered. But apparently, to a room full of vampires, she’s managed to pull off something extraordinary.
“Yeah. Don’t think I can top that,” Keith says with a shrug. 
“You literally got infected and died in the same day, of course you can’t,” Kai (Joey can tell now because she’s spun around in her office chair and there’s a big stylized K inked on her shoulder) retorts. 
“Beginning to think you should be the one leading sessions,” Shay says, a hand resting gently on Joey’s shoulder. 
She shakes her head. It was scary enough telling a roomful of vampires about her siblings even existing. She’s not someone who likes the spotlight. Ever. 
“No way.”
He gives her a smile. “Well, in that case…” He holds out a chipped bowl full of strips of paper and pens. “Write down your favorite vamp bar. Has to be a legal one though, and not a coven-members-only kind.”
“Okay, why?” Francisco asks.
“Because I think we’re going to have a much better time getting to know each other over drinks.” Shay says with a grin. “We’ll draw names every week, rotate through.”
“That seems like a weird way to run the vampire version of AA,” Keith mumbles.
“We’re not trying to stop drinking synth-blood,” Lia says. “We’re trying to learn how to cope with being vampires. I think it’s great.” She tosses her slip in the bowl. “Heads up Kai and I have the same pick and it’s karaoke so be prepared to sing for a round because there’s double the chances ours gets picked.” 
“Oh no,” Jay groans.
“What do you have against music? You were playing that harmonica for a solid ten minutes.”
“Music, fine. Me singing, so not a good idea.”
“Then you’d better start practicing and hope it gets picked a couple weeks from now,” Aaliyah says, tossing her own pick in.
Shay swirls a hand around the bowl. As the only member of the group without a suggestion, he’s the most unbiased picker. He pulls out a folded paper, opens it, and shakes his head. “Okay. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but who possibly suggested a dive like the Vein Drain?”
No one raises their hands.
“Well, it is a legal establishment, but can we at least try not to start a full bar brawl on our first meeting night?”
There’s a pretty mixed response of nods and shrugs.
Shay looks at Joey with the first really concerned expression she’s seen all night, but all she can do is shake her head. “You let them pick.”
“And I think I’m going to regret it.” Shay sighs. “I’m going to be really bad at this aren’t I?”
“I guess we’ll find out if Lawson has to read us the riot act and bail us out of holding in the morning,” Joey says. “In the meantime, I guess we’re going to find out why this place is one of our new friends’ favorite hangouts.”
(You can read this story and others from this universe on my WorldAnvil here!)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies  @writeouswriter @whump-place @the-lovely-wren
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Vampires Anonymous (2003)
My rating: 4/10
The most remarkable thing about this is how much it resembles Twilight, both in its protagonist's appearance and in the general plot structure, to the point where I half suspected it to have been made as a direct response/parody to that - except it came out several years earlier, which leaves two possibilities: Either they were both drawing heavily from a secret, third source, or Stephenie Meyer was writing Vampires Anonymous fix fic the whole time and nobody realized. Anyway, this isn't very good, but it remains not the worst thing involving a pretty boy vampire affecting a vague 1950s aesthetic and his human girlfriend, set in a small rural American town, that I have ever experienced.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
I might be losing my mind but Sam put Louis in the coffin but he’s also guarding Armand? It looked like Sam but how can he do both if they’re happening at the exact same time
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God, I hope Daniel roasts his ass next episode.
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bunnis-monsters · 7 days
just out of curiosity, what's your favorite 'classic' monster? (werewolf, vampire, mummy, frankestein, etc) im lovin the bee stuff btw!!
I’m a huge sucker for vampires!! Specifically tall, thin, sad vampires that need a chubby darling to chest them up!
I also have this idea of older immortal monsters having a preference for fat or plump women since they’ve been around for a long time and see us as fertile and ready to bear children :3
But I like werewolves too, I just prefer wolf/puppy hybrids because the whole transformation thing and being too dog like doesn’t do it for me. I think I’ve mentioned before I’m not a big fan of creatures with animal heads.
Just the thought of animal breath while I’m trying to make out with my monster lover… eek.
Ghosts are nice as well!! Lonely ghost who falls in love with just as lonely reader and fucks you silly so you both forget what loneliness even means!!
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miwachan2 · 10 months
I wanna give vamp!eclipse a blood bag and hug. p.s what’s eclipse’s favorite blood type cause I’m willing to give him his favorite and he also remind me of a feral cat
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Eclipse be like:
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Come 'ere
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"idk i just wanna see the drama get even messier" - Anonymous
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hellosweetart · 2 months
I want to see more yandere Yog from you 🖤
He’s so sexy I love it 🧛🏻🩸🥀
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I had to do the lineart on my previous sketch of him approaching menacingly towards Nacha. Poor woman
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desertfangs · 3 months
The way Armand can’t stop smiling when Daniel asks him if he likes him now, and if he’s pleased with the way the turned out. They’re in so much danger and Armand is scared shitless and only wants to find a way to protect them both and yet he can’t stop smiling like an idiot when he says he loves the way Daniel is now. “I might’ve fucked up plenty but I did this one thing right” my heart 😭😭😭
I DID THIS ONE THING RIGHT. Anon, my heart!! But listen, I totally agree with you. Armand may have been uncertain about ever turning anyone and about turning Daniel specifically, but he's obviously not disappointed with the results.
Armand is absolutely thrilled with how Daniel turned out. That big smile gives it away. He loves his messy, giggly fledgling. There's that scene a little later, too, where he's just staring into Daniel's coffin while Daniel sleeps. 👁️👁️ Just watching him, full of love and adoration.
And I think, having seen so many vampires turned over his years, he's especially enamored with the idea that it's his blood animating Daniel now.
We don't know how things devolve for them--we can certainly guess, and by TVA we know they have not gone well 🤧--but whatever happens later, Armand is very clearly happy with Daniel as a vampire. He did not mess it up.
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sam-reid · 3 months
Ugh I hate it when people talk trash about Anne Rice. She created the story, she wrote bestsellers, she changed the vampire genre forever. And then you have people constantly complaining how bad the books are and how terrible she was. I know the story can get weird, she had her flaws and it's not everyone's taste. Fine. But why are they reading it and claiming to be fans/experts if they hate it so much? It is so annoying and disrespectful.
obviously no one is above criticism, and she's said some questionable things, but anne was also just a regular person with faults, like the rest of us.
the thing that boils my blood is how unapologetically vile people can be about her in one breath, when they claim to adore her characters and her story with the next. her work was transformative and ground-breaking, and the vampire genre wouldn't be what it is now if not for her. her books have been an escape for generations of people who felt like outsiders; for the queer community, for the kink community, for the goth kids, for those of us who connect with lestat, louis, armand, gabrielle... it's why there are still yearly balls in new orleans, organised by the official vampire lestat fan club. it's why annes' name (and lestats') is referenced in so many shows and movies. it's why she's synonymous with the idea of the brooding melancholic vampire, and celebrated by such a wide variety of people.
without her words, this show we all love would never have existed. and they can both co-exist without diminishing each other's importance.
but the internet has fostered a lack of basic human empathy, and people are cruel.
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cosmostickers · 11 months
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by AnonYmouS
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whumpsoda · 3 months
wb marsh going into the ‘polite boy’ thrall stages for the first time much to evangelines surprise
“Well isn’t this just a delightful little surprise!” The vampire exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight.
Marshall’s body swayed along with the weight of his mind, pulled by the gravitation of her magnificent spell. “Wh- um, what… isss…?” He asked, brows furrowing in the immense confusion rattling his brain as he intensely studied her nearly shocked expression.
“You’re such a nice little one all enthralled! I never would have guessed!” Tenderly, she  scritched at the underside of his chin, blissful touch that only scattered his thoughts further.
“R… really…?” Any semblance of praise strangely blossomed warmth through his chest, a sensation he’d rarely ever felt.
Patting him atop the head, the vampire’s power filled him to the brim with bouncing bubbles and cotton candy clouds, drool falling right from his parted lips. “Oh yes, my dear. All that kicking and screaming seems to fly right out the window when your brain goes along with it. Who would’ve thought that under your feral state there still lies a gentle little boy who only wants to please?”
“Uh, um… s- sorry, I… um, can’t-,”
“Poor thing,” she pouted, “your brain is so heavy right now that you must be having much trouble understanding all my big words and fast speech. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, though, thinking is not your job. You just be all sweet and polite while I get you ready.”
He nodded along, no clue what he could be agreeing to. Marshall simply craved more of her approval and enthrallment that did so well at squashing his head to mush. “Mmm… okayyyy…”
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nalyra-dreaming · 30 days
What's your favourite bit from the script?
The fact that those little kisses were not scripted…
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… think it’s everyone else’s favorite part, too if I saw Twitter etc correctly:))
And Rolin‘s humor coming through even in script instructions:))
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aancunin · 11 months
You're a short muthafucka And nobody likes you SHORT! Everybody says "Look how fucking short that guy is" And that stops you from forming meaningful relationships
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"Adorable really."
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halfmoonshines · 3 months
Hello! I saw that you write for TVD so I wonder if I can get a Damon x witch!poc fem reader, in which she, deferential to everyone who only expects the worst from him, sees something good in him, which is why she always chooses him and defends him (only Damon receiving all the love and care he deserves) please? With lots of fluffy and angst
thank you <333
damon salvatore x witch!poc fem reader
summary; you were not blind to everyone's aggression and faults, so why was everyone blind to everything but Damon's?
a note that this is not set anywhere specific in timeline - alsooo... minor Elena hate? She's such a villain to me.
The living room of the boarding house had been destroyed, couch flipped and table turned to scrap by Stefan's outburst. He had stormed out quickly afterward, but not before telling both Elena and Damon that they had made him this way.
You stood near the entrance to the room, the magic in your veins humming as it begged to be released on the retreating, erratic vampire. He had been binging on human blood for so long now, you weren't sure he would ever go back to the mild mannered man you had first met all those years ago. No matter what scheme Elena and Damon concocted in their desperate attempt to save him.
"This is all your fault." Elena's voice wavered, but it was full of venom. Your eyes snapped to find her but she was locked on the eldest Salvatore. "You did this to him."
Damon shook his head, confusion marring his face. "Elena, you know that I've been trying-"
"If you had just cleaned up your act a bit sooner, Damon!" She was angrily gathering her things now, getting ready to storm out after her equally as volatile ex. "He wouldn't be this way if you hadn't influenced him."
Your eyes were only on Damon then, you could see the tell-tale clench of his jaw from across the room. The way his fingers flexed. He was upset, because he cared, but he would lash out because he didn't know how else to stand up for himself.
"That's not very fair, Elena. Stefan is his own person. Damon didn't make him do anything." Your voice was firm as you took the single step down into the living room, inching closer to Damon. Trying to let him know he wasn't alone.
Elena's eyes narrowed, a disbelieving smile gracing her face. "Are you really defending him right now?"
"Yes." No hesitation. "I am." You could feel his gaze burning a hole in your back while you stood like a human shield between him and the Gilbert. "I understand you're upset, we're all worried about Stefan. But it isn't fair to blame everything on Damon."
Her scoff would bother you for the next week. "Whatever you say." And with that she left.
The nervousness was settling in your chest when you finally turned to Damon, offering him a small smile. "Sorry about that."
His eyes searched yours for just a second before he turned around and walked upstairs silently.
"Damon, you're bleeding." You noticed the blood literally pouring from his abdomen when he peeled himself away from you, having shielded you from the explosion that just rocked the gym of the high school. You vaguely noticed your friends pulling themselves to their feet around you, Caroline and Stefan arguing with each other over something. You didn't notice Elena storming over.
Everyone else's yelling voices faded away when you looked up to meet his gaze, noticing his eyes flickering over your dark skin, checking you for any injuries of your own.
You reached a hand out to heal him. You knew he would heal eventually, but it was the least you could do since he most definitely got injured shielding you. You didn't know what was going on with you and Damon lately, but just the thought of him bleeding made you nauseous.
Before your hand could make contact he was yanked away from you, a barely perceptible wince coming from him at the movement. You were angry before you even decided to be.
"How could you not warn us?" Elena's voice was shrill against the pounding in your head from the boom that happened moments ago. You couldn't help but noticed she didn't have a scratch on her but didn't hesitate to hit Damon right in the chest.
"Elena." You stepped forward to wedge yourself between them, not wanting Damon to take the matter into his own hands but not allowing Elena to put a hand on him. Vampire or not.
Everyone was staring now.
"No! Don't Elena me. He full knew that this group of vampires had ex military with them. A warning about potential bombs would have been nice!"
You tried hard to put a cap on your frustration. "Why would he willingly walk into somewhere that could blow him to pieces? Pretty sure there's no coming back from that. Even for a vampire."
Elena seemed to debate her reply for a moment, gaze going from the rigid vampire behind you to your own eyes. "One day, he's going to hurt you so bad, you won't care about his feelings anymore." She left with that, Stefan and Caroline in tow. Caroline was the only one who cast a haphazard glance back at you.
"Thank you." His voice was quiet, and your shock was loud.
"Of course."
"Can you believe him?" You winced as Elena's angry voice sounded after the slam of the front door. You and Caroline had beat her to her own home after the showdown at the grill, hoping to clean up the broken glass you knew was waiting for her.
"I mean, what else do we expect?" Bonnie's reply was sardonic when they both rounded the corner, spying the other women in the kitchen.
"Damon is the most selfish, disgusting idiot that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing." Elena's tone was final as she slammed her purse down on the kitchen counter, pulling up one of the stools to plop into.
You tried to ignore that angry twinge that always started in your chest whenever people set their crosshairs on the older Salvatore. He seemed to be everyone's resident punching bag, despite the recent uncovered issues Stefan also harbored.
"I still say we should get rid of him." Caroline sounded chipper at the idea she presented, ready to have his head on a pike.
That was most definitely all that you could take. The glass you had been cleaning was roughly thrown into the trash can. "So we're going to get rid of Stefan too, right? Cut out the evil right at its root. Maybe Tyler too."
Her friends looked taken aback, each ones eyebrows pulling together while they stole glances at each other.
"Are you okay?" Bonnie was hesitant in her question, her caramel colored eyes focusing on your own.
"I'm fine, Bon. But it doesn't seem like you guys are. For the last year, all I have heard is how Damon is the bane of everyone's existence. How he's evil. How is what happened tonight his fault? Do you blame him for trying to save his mother? You surely wouldn't fault Stefan for doing the same. How can you make him the villain if you wouldn't hesitate to do what he does? If you were put in the same position?" You gripped the kitchen counter, willing your magic to calm from the swirling mess inside of your stomach.
"You can't mean that. He's done terrible things." Elena argued, arms crossing over her chest.
"So have you. So have I. But he's also done amazing things, Elena. He's sacrificed himself time and time again to try and win some kind of favor with you people but you've done nothing but take him for granted, and then demonize him even more when he dares to let your treatment of him hurt his feelings." By the end of your statement, you had your purse hanging off your arm and you were shoving past Bonnie to get out the door.
"Where the hell are you going?" Caroline questioned.
"To go make sure Damon's okay."
You were pretty sure you knew where you were going to find him. Since The Grill was out of commission due to the commotion early in the night, he was definitely drinking at home. That's where you came upon him, sprawled out on the couch in the living room of his home, tumbler of amber liquid dangling from his fingers.
"Shouldn't you be plotting my demise with the Scooby Gang?" The defeat in his voice nearly made you halt, a sadness pulling at the back of your eyes. This man had no venom to him, only defeat.
You came around the couch and gently moved his legs to the ground, taking the seat you just cleared. Those clever blue eyes tracked your movements, something foreign shaded in them.
"I know you don't usually want to, but do you want to talk about tonight? It wasn't an easy decision to make, Damon." You tried to sound understanding without being placating, fearing him holding up behind those walls he so loved to build.
"It wasn't a difficult decision. She had to die. So she did." You would've believed his cold mask if you hadn't heard the cracking in his voice.
You sighed a bit, daring to reach a hand out to rest on his knee. His gaze snapped to yours quickly, hardening slowly like water in winter. "You don't deserve to feel like the villain, Damon. You're put in impossible positions to make terrible decisions, and then shunned for them. Please don't let their hatefulness make you feel any less than you are."
You thought he was going to quip back at you at first, a sardonic smirk on his face - but it dropped quickly, and his voice was almost a breath when he asked his question. "Why do you keep defending me?"
A million answers floated through your mind, because there were so many. But you felt like there was only one that would suffice right now. "Because I care about you."
His lips found yours quickly, fitting together like the last pieces of a puzzle.
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confirmeddead · 3 months
Can we take a second to reflect on the truly f*cked up intimacy that exists between Armand and Daniel - and which might come to exist? Even if we put away the possibility of a past-DM relationship!
Armand potentially spent days - days - looking through Daniel’s mind looking specifically for what makes him fascinating. Looking for the reason behind Louis’ interest. Looking through all of his life, dreams, hopes and shame. All of this then resulting in Armand trying to talk Daniel out of his own life through a nihilistic script specifically tailored to him. Ending with that embrace (as Daniel embraced him as his Death), and him drinking Daniel’s blood, and forever leaving his mark on his neck. Then we have Daniel Molloy, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who is many things but most importantly a very competent journalist. Someone who is able to listen, gather research and find some version of the truth hidden behind the smoke and mirrors his subjects tries to conjure up in front of them. The Talamasca has sent him detailed files, which we know reveal a lot of the history and horrors of Armand’s life. Will Daniel in the finale use his skills as a journalist and analyze Armand to get to the truth? (As he does with Louis, as already seen). There is basically a level of enforced intimacy between the two, as they have both without the other’s consent learnt a lot(!) about each other. And if speculation is correct and Armand turns Daniel into a vampire this season? Will Armand see Daniel’s life flash before him? And if that is not intimate enough(!) they will then both be left with a bond unlike anything else - which has been shown to literally make maker/fledgling ’feel’ each other, their respective emotions and thoughts. Like what even is this relationship, and can I get more please haha?! If DM didn’t happen in the past will Armand go to drain Daniel and realize as he does so that the boy from the 70’s still finds him absolutely fascinating? (I strongly believe that Armand believes Daniel when he claims to not find him boring in episode five). Daniel is an insatiably curious journalist with an addictive personality (and maybe a little of an adrenaline junkie, no?) - and Armand must surely be a truly fascinating subject, even given what Armand’s done to him (one vampire might not be enough to interview/to come to understand for Daniel…). Will Armand see that and will that be partially what makes him suddenly decide to turn him??? Their chemistry has been interesting since season one and has only become more intriguing and compelling. I have so many thought, many not really coherent - sorry, love you blog! What do you think?
Hi Anon! First off, let me thank you for sending in your thoughts. I really love having conversations with other fans, especially regarding Devil’s Minion and Armand. I’ll set aside the possible past-DM as well, by the way. Buckle up!
There’s something really important being set up for viewers with Armand and Daniel’s relationship. Let’s look at what the show has presented us with. Armand and Daniel’s meeting was, quite possibly, the worst way for two people to meet. Looking into someone so deeply and, through your own selfish reasons (jealousy on Armand’s part), continuing to coax this young man into Death’s arms is inherently messed up. This isn’t something anyone should take lightly, and Daniel doesn’t. Therein lies the odd set up to their eventual maker/fledgling relationship. I love what you say is “enforced intimacy” because that really is what it is!
Daniel’s character is a juxtaposition when most of who we’re seeing are these immortal vampires. He’s our voice when we want to tell off them off, he’s our conscience and sense when we’re presented with lies, horrible situations, and straight up buffoonery. Putting this man in the same room with The Not-So-Master Manipulator Armand is going to give us some amazing results. He isn’t a 20 year old who will welcome Death with open arms, he’s a bright reporter with just about every point of view a human can have gone through at this point. And this is what will perk Armand’s interest.
I fully believe Armand finds Daniel fascinating already. I don’t think he saw it in SF, marred by his own feelings with Louis, but was open to the idea of trying to see it for the sake of Louis. There’s a huge part of Armand that wants to serve someone, wants a teacher, wants a leader. The teacher part being something he knows he seeks- he sought it in Louis. Louis’ big appeal to others is his humanity, something Armand lacks but craves. And Daniel, not intentionally, is going to give Armand this dynamic he seeks to give him purpose to keep living.
Older Daniel has decades under his belt with his profession and his personal history. Aging up Daniel and having him be this well-respected journalist is probably the smartest thing the writers could have done for the ~bigger picture~ in regards to Armand’s storyline (since he’s such a big player in TVC). We the viewers are presented with someone intelligent, strong-willed, and cutthroat. What can Armand gain from being with someone like that? Literally everything. He’s not a replacement for Marius, Lestat, or Louis. He’s something Armand genuinely needs after everything he’s gone through (and put himself through, let’s be honest). I’ll rehash one of my previous theories that Daniel isn’t the Boy we met in the books who went a little crazy after being turned- our Daniel is a fighter- and he should be ringside on Team Armand. A coach, a shoulder to lean on, an active listener.
So present-day Dubai
I think after everything is said and done in Dubai, Daniel will find the vulnerability in his next subject. He’ll have cracked Armand but will be shocked to find the soft(ish) interior. Daniel will see Armand for who he really is- someone stuck in a loop of their own trauma but also someone with real feelings and love to give. Not just a monster manipulator. Still that scared boy from Delhi, maybe, but not a lost cause. Never.
I’d really love a callback to 2x05. No, Daniel isn’t going to talk Armand onto the ledge, he’s going to be what Louis was to him. You’re not unworthy of love, you’re not hopeless, you’ve made it this far and you’ll continue enduring. These words will hold you up and carry you.
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miwachan2 · 1 year
What if a child like werewolf just started following vampire sun and moon like how baby ducklings follow people who aren’t their parents? 🤔
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If vamp Sun n Moon see a werewolf pup they immediately dip 'cause that means an entire werewolf pack is less than miles away
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