iwantabatlleaxe · 3 months
The more I learn about vasovagal the more my life makes sense. Doctors should explain your diagnosis better
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Happy disability pride month everyone <3
Shoutout to my fellow people who
Didn’t realize their symptoms weren’t normal (I didn’t understand that people went through their days without feeling exhausted all the time until I was 20)
Flew under the radar because they function “well enough”
Aren’t good at communicating when they’re in pain and/or don’t know how to ask for support
Are still stuck in the endless cycle of doctor referrals
Still don’t have a name for what they experience
Hesitate to call themselves disabled, while also craving the validation of our pain that comes with that label
Feel like they don’t belong in this community. I promise you do. Your struggles are valid and you are always welcome here <3
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honeyed-lemonade · 8 months
chronic illness posting
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webkinzpossum · 2 years
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i’m a medical mystery
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rolaplayor101 · 2 months
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Happy Disability Pride Month!!
[ID: Digital art of Finnegan Wake and Draculaura from Monster High Generation 3. Finnegan is a green, mohawked mermaid and is sitting in a wheelchair and Draculaura is a pink vampire with black and pink striped hair in a ponytail, whom is hugging him from behind. They are both smiling. Over Draculaura's hair is the username Rolaplayor101. The caption says "Be Yourself. Be Unique. And accept every freaky-fierce flaw." /End ID]
Reblogs help support artists!!
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arctic-hands · 6 months
For real tho health freaks who scream about how sugar and salt will kill us all and try to push for restrictions on things like candy and chips for SNAP recipients or politicians who try from time to time to replace food stamps all together and give out Government Approved Staples like bread and peanut butter and Government Cheese are gonna kill a whole lotta sick and disabled people like
POTS sufferers
People with peanut allergies
People with celiac disease or wheat allergies
The lactose intolerant
People who can't eat solid food
People who are undernourished for any reason and need all the calories they can pack on
So-called "picky eaters" who can't tolerate certain tastes and textures without getting violently ill
A myriad of other human conditions that cannot be neatly tallied into categories because the human body and human experience is vast and infinitely variable
But I don't think ableds really care about us and our health like they like to claim so they can harass us about it, do you?
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columboscreens · 10 months
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Oof it's gonna be a mad one.
I am soooo SICK AND TIRED of people glamorizing chronic mental and physical illnesses. As well as oppression Olympics.
You couldn't shower or brush your teeth recently? Totally fine everyone has bad days.
You haven't done laundry in a while? Rewear those jeans/tshirt/dress.
But bragging that it's been 5 months since you washed your bedding and saying it's not real bed rotting unless you've neglected yourself that long?
Makes me sick. Because there are actual people being mistreated in facilities and in their own homes by supposed caretakers. People that should be getting their teeth and hair brushed daily. People that should be getting wiped down daily if they don't shower as often. It's disgusting to be bragging about things that are considered neglect and abuse to other people.
And the victim complex some people have...
"You don't know what you're talking about because you don't agree"
Like many people have various experiences especially within the disabled community. I personally have never been long term bedridden. But I've had multiple surgeries that have left me extremely restricted in what I can and can't do. Abdominal surgeries that didn't allow me to shower or lift more that 5lbs for weeks at a time. Pain while showering separate from the severe disabling conditions I already have.
I'll never look down or judge someone harshly based on circumstances. But there's a huge difference between feeling bad for someone and knowing they need help vs feeling bad because they refuse to help themselves.
Might be a bit controversial but it's the same group of people who blame their bad decisions on their illness/disability. And ughhh it's so patronizing when there's valid reasons someone can't do something based on their disability and restrictions and abled people use those folks to make laws surrounding our rights as human beings.
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azucar-skull · 8 months
Research articles: Here are high sodium foods to avoid!!
Me on a high sodium diet: Perfect.
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aelianated-star · 1 year
Buckle up folks because this is a long post -
Tips for newly diagnosed dysautonomia patients:
- Drink a lot of water (so much water guys. Especially if you have hypovolemic types of dysautonomia, like hypovolemic POTS, it’s crucial)
- Keep up with electrolytes/ salt intake. Vitassium makes salt pills, chews, and tablets. I personally prefer the tablets because I can just suck on them for a while, but I know a few people who prefer the pills.
- Compression socks help, A LOT! One major component of dysautonomia, in general, is blood pooling (which can greatly increase your risk of fainting). The compression/construction helps blood flow and return back to your heart and brain
- Your disability(s) are valid, even if you don’t pass out/pass out a lot!! Only about 1/3 of people with POTS (one of the most common types of dysautonomia) pass out! And of those, few pass out regularly/daily (such as myself). No matter what, you are valid! Even if you’re undiagnosed, even if your case is “mild”, even if you manage it well without much help; you’re valid!
- Especially for those of you who are just being introduced to disability (likely because of long COVID), it’s okay to grieve the life you used to have/planned to have. You can live a wonderful, full life with these conditions (and other conditions), it just may require more accommodations than you anticipated!
- DONT BE AFRAID TO ACCOMODATE YOURSELF! Seriously, use mobility aids, get a 504/IEP, and make your space(s) accessible to yourself! I use forearm crutches for short distances, but because of how severe my dysautonomia is, I’m reliant on a wheelchair (with someone pushing me/motorized aid) to go more than a couple hundred feet/longer (or anything that requires standing for more than 5-10 minutes).
- Get a pulse oximeter or watch! Certain types of dysautonomia may cause lowered oxygen (hypoxia) because of a lack of available blood. It’s extremely important to monitor this and make sure you’re aware of your oxygen levels!
- Find community! I personally love using “stuff that works”. It not only lets you crowdsource for information about medications or treatments, but lets you message other people with the same condition(s) as you.
- If you feel like something is wrong, please talk to your doctor. I know it’s scary, especially if you have medical trauma/PTSD on top of these conditions, but it can literally be lifesaving. I noticed a sudden uptick in chest pain and casually mentioned it to my doctor. Sure enough, we found I have two types of arrhythmias (p-wave inversion and flutters) Now I’m pushing for genetic testing to see if my diagnosed EDS is vEDS/cvEDS
- Don’t be afraid to start and try medications! I’ve tried numerous medications and haven’t found anything that works quite right yet, but that doesn’t mean I won’t :). And some of you may not need medication! You may be able to manage with lifestyle changes, or IV therapy, which is great! Do what works FOR YOU. Everyone is different!
- Rest days are productive! Your body is working really hard to keep you alive, it’s okay to take a break! Take care of yourself, really, it’s okay to conserve spoons.
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pleastrop · 2 months
i genuinely need someone to explain to me in dumb terms what is the difference between pots and vasovagal syncope
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Late Diagnosis (tm) starter pack
My pain doesn’t start or stop, I just remember/forget about it
Tf you mean you guys aren’t tired 24/7
“Close enough” to normal to go under the radar
Can’t decide what to bring up to your pcp first so you just never bring up That One Thing that you’ve always dealt with and keep forgetting isn’t normal
“Have you tried working out?”
“Maybe you wouldn’t get dizzy when you stand up if you left your room more often”
Thinking a mobility aid would help you but being afraid to voice that because people will think you’re exaggerating or start treating you differently
Being too drained to call and schedule an appointment even when you remember (and most of the time you forget)
“It’s not that bad… except when it is”
Flare ups that leave you in tears and unable to move but it’s only happened a handful of times so it’s “probably fine”
Being so used to being tired that that one time you woke up well rested 4 months ago is still on your mind
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arsnovacadenza · 6 months
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Literal almost-death by banging
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sodafizzyart · 7 months
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Ok so I was stuck on either having ハンジ as an MD for ER/ED, ICU, or like infectious disease…but tbh their horrible work habits, love for action, and messy habits are ER lol.
リヴァイ is the only paramedic that actually shows up on time and can start an IV on anything, anywhere.
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How to cope with internalized ableism: making memes
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if-i-am-not-for-me · 2 months
Friendly reminder to anyone who, like me, enjoys long, hot showers or hot baths.
You can experience vasovagal syncope without any prior or underlying medical issues.
Prolonged exposure to heat, especially humid or wet heat like a bath or shower, causes blood vessels in your skin to dilate, and you blood will flow to your skin to try to cool your body. This means less blood overall is being pumped to your brain. In a shower, gravity also causes blood to pool lower in your body.
Basically, I nearly passed out in the shower yesterday and had to rinse my hair with cold water while sitting in the tub until my blood pressure normalized and my brain was fully perfused again. I do not have POTS or hypotension, in fact I am borderline HYPERtensive. But I took a hot shower in the middle of the day in the height of summer and stayed in too long.
Add this to "Hannah's Hot Weather Hot Tips" I guess
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