#vegtables can be yummy
kat5242 · 2 years
White people need to apologize to vegetables and their children.
And then never touch one again without understanding what seasoning, butter, sauces, par cooking/timing are.
You do not throw all vegetables in the pan at once. Onions and cabbage take like two minutes. Carrots need to be par boiled before you even think of sticking them in a pan. Peppers need several minutes.
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markatoto · 10 months
fan of breasts?
chicken breasts? yeah! they are, maybe & arguably, one of the most delicious part of the chicken. well, maybe next to drumsticks (which i personally prefer for things like fried chicken, or soups). in particular, i like to use chicken breasts for making katsu, which, lemme tell ya, i'm no expert cook, but id like to think that i do a pretty good job.
matter of fact, if you want an extremely simple recipe, here's how i personally make chicken katsu (all off the top of my head, so some slight details might be missing, so please bear with me):
you'll need a few ingredients
panko (any sort of breadcrumbs will work, but panko is just the brand i use)
cookin' oil (usually simple vegtable oil will work)
the actual chicken breast, of course
the ol' traditional: salt and pepper
one egg (u dont need any more than one egg, typically)
if u wanna make things extra crunchy, having some corn starch mixed in with garlic powder + onion powder for some extra seasoning. maybe even a scoosh of paprika for that yummy (i personally like using this filipino chicken mixture called "crispy fry", which is usually used for fried chicken, but it works here too. it's usually meant for fried chicken drumstick, but what is katsu but a different kind of fried chicken)
anyways, here's how u wanna do things:
take out your chicken breast, pat it down with a paper towel so that it aint wet on the surface and either: slice it so that the chicken breast is about inch and a quarter (or so) thick OR use a mallet to make it around that thickness. youll want your chicken flat as possible, but not too flat! i think you know what i mean.
salt and peppa that mothafucka, both sides (OPTIONAL STEP 2B: it's at this point id probably mix my chicken breast with the starch mixture/crispy fry. it just gives a lil extra flavour and crunch that i enjoy. but this is just me, u dont really gotta do it)
crack open an egg and put it in a bowl. MIX IT UP
put your flattened (and maybe crispy fry seasoned) chicken in the egg. get it drenched, you want that panko to stick to that shit
what i like to do is i like to put panko in a plastic container with a lid, then i put the chicken in the container, close the lid up and just SHAKE it so that its nice and evenly coated. super simple and fun and WAY cleaner to deal with after the fact LOL
pop your oil in your pan. put in generous amount, enough that your chicken wont necessarily be drowning, but enough that your chicken will be sufficiently fried. heat that up until the oil reaches that perfect temperature of around 350'F (that is THE temp for doing any deep frying)
pop your chicken on the pan and leave it frying on the one side for, id say, approximately 4-5 minutes. youre going to have to keep a close watch on it. make sure that panko is that GOOD crispy brown on each side. over all it should take you like…. 7-9 minutes for your katsu to be done.
BEFORE YOU EAT... make sure the internal temp of the chicken is around 160 - 165'F. if it is, it's good to go. take it out and, what i like to do is get a plate and pop on a paper towel to let the katsu dry off all the excess oil. even though its off the pan, that shit is STILL cookin, so youll want to leave it alone for like… a minute or two. plus if you eat it now you'll totally burn your tongue and that's the WORST feeling in the world
and after all that, your katsu is done! get some jasmine (white) rice, put on some katsu sauce and some japanese mayo with a lil bit of furikake for that slight seaweed flavoring and youll be GOOD to go!!
so yeah, i guess you can say i'm a fan of breasts.
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isopodshenanigans · 1 year
I have been achieving everything I was supposed to do tonight, celebrate. I successfully did not forget to post this. Final bit of my Isopods meeting other people thing! This time we gardening with some bunnies! Mostly just a lot of pictures. Admire my mother's handiwork, except for the isopods(and the red bunny) she made it all.
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Kitsune attempting to pull a purple vegtable that I forgot what it was called out of the ground, and a second picture with only Squishy's butt sticking out of the ground. They're going looking for potatoes, but looks like they already found the one that was in that spot.
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Cosmic lifting up a pumpkin that's as big as they are, Ace moving an entire cabbage out of its spot, and Isolotl trying to pull a carrot out of the ground. We got some very strong isopods!
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Kitsune pushing an entire pumpkin with Squishy barely visible from where they're still in the ground looking for potatoes. Plus Cosmic pushing the potato that was fished out over to the side past the pumpkin.
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Ace pulling a radish out of the ground and Isolotl attempting to push all of the lettuce out of their way. Hmm, there seems to be a suspicious lack of Axo... wonder where they might be?
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Squishy reluctantly emerging from the ground while Cosmic pushes a pumpkin away and Kitsune tries to pull another purple vegetable from the ground. Also Ace pushing some cabbages out of the way.
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Isolotl working over time to pull all these carrots and push the remaining lettuce out of the way! Good job!
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Ace with a raddish on their back, and then Squishy pushing some potatoes out with Cosmic trying to pull another purple vegetable out and Kitsune pushing the last pumpkin out.
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Squishy doing a good job getting that last potato out of the way with Cosmic and Kitsune working on the last two purple veggies. Plus Ace pulling out another raddish.
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Isolotl over here pulling one of the remaining carrots, then pushing the cabbage out of the way...wait Squishy how did you get over here? I thought you were over next to the potatoes. Oh well, at least they're helping get that last carrot out.
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Cosmic and Kitsune helping to get those last cabbages out while Ace works on the radishes again.
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Kitsune putting the very last radish in the pile. That's quite a lot of produce, what will the isopods do with it all?
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Never fear, the bunnies are here to have a little sale! Look at all that fresh produce! So yummy.
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Whoops, looks like Isolotl and Kitsune snuck into the basket!
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Looks like they're not the only isopods in baskets! There's Axo! We were looking for you!
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Uh oh, Squishy got stuck! Isolotl's trying to pull them out, but it doesn't seem to be working! Oh good, here's Ace with a shovel to really try and lever Squishy out of there.
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Good thing Squishy got out, or they wouldn't be able to help with tending to the garden they tore up! The bunnies need to be able to have a new crop, so its the least the isopods can do.
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Saying their thank you's and goodbyes! It was very nice to see the bunnies and work in their garden! Maybe they can come back sometime. Maybe not to tear up the whooole garden that time.
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cafeleningrad · 5 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)💖💖💖
Aww, thank you!! I will work on my posititvity:
My eyes. No matter how I look or feel, the always have a characteristic shape.
My ability to observe, and mix colours. Even though I have problems using this ability for my art, I can help out a lot with make-up and shopping for friends.
Having learnt to keep cool head more often, and to overthink how I feel in moment, and not acting out of anger immediately anymore.
Keeping a lot of information back in my mind whenever a topic interets me.
Cooking vegtables. As weird as it souds, I learnt how to cook in veggies in a yummy way, even for carnivorous tastes.
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ssportlive4 · 3 years
Homemade pizza. Next time I'll be a bit more. Tikka pizza with homemade pizza sauce - green pasta salad - orange soda Chicken fajita pizza-Premium quality chicken fajita pizza by the Kitchen Bistro-homemade pizza video. Here are the best homemade pizza recipes: top-rated pizza dough, fan-favorite pizza sauce, and topping ideas galore.
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The dough itself requires few ingredients and just a little bit of rising and rest time. Skip store-bought, frozen pizza and make homemade pizza dough from scratch. This perfectly chewy pizza crust recipe, from our friends at Real Simple, is an easy way to make pizza night a whole lot.
Hey everyone, it is Brad, welcome to my recipe site. Today, we're going to prepare a distinctive dish, homemade pizza. It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Homemade pizza is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals on earth. It is enjoyed by millions every day. It's easy, it's quick, it tastes yummy. They're nice and they look wonderful. Homemade pizza is something that I have loved my entire life.
Next time I'll be a bit more. Tikka pizza with homemade pizza sauce - green pasta salad - orange soda Chicken fajita pizza-Premium quality chicken fajita pizza by the Kitchen Bistro-homemade pizza video. Here are the best homemade pizza recipes: top-rated pizza dough, fan-favorite pizza sauce, and topping ideas galore.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook homemade pizza using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Homemade pizza:
{Make ready of Pizza base.
{Prepare of pizza sauce.
{Get of tomato sauce.
{Prepare of chilli flakes.
{Take of oregano.
{Make ready of big capsicums.
{Prepare of big onions.
{Take of big tomatoes.
{Get of corn.
{Make ready of mozzarella cheese.
{Take of vinegar.
{Make ready of butter.
Learn how to make homemade pizza with this easy recipe! Prep your homemade pizza dough, make your sauce, and then finish it all with your favorite toppings. Here are recipes for crispy, cheesy homemade pizzas, from classic Margherita to pies with the Best Homemade Pizza Recipes. Here, F&W's guide to making exceptional pizzas at home, from classic.
Instructions to make Homemade pizza:
First of all cut all the vegtables into big pieces and wash it properly..
Now put all the vegetables into the bowl and1 spoon butter 1pinch chilli flakes 1pinch oregano and2 tbsp pizza sauce and keep it in the own and heat it for2-3 minutes for softening..
Now preheat oven at the temperature of220 C and till then take the pizza base make small holes with the fork and apply pizza sauce properly..
Now put grated Mozrella cheese on the base properly in large quantity and all the toppings from the bowl to the pizza base and keep it in the oven and heat it for 8-10mins at temperature220C our pizza is ready to serve..
Our pizza is ready to serve it..
As a home cook, one of the best things I've ever done was to build a wood burning oven in the back yard. I use this thing all the time, especially now that it is spring. Pizzeria Beddia's Joe Beddia lets us in on his homemade pizza guidelines. While I was working at a brewery outside Mito in Japan, I happened to eat the best pizza of my life. Our Homemade Pizza Recipes Will Make You Forget All About Delivery.
So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food homemade pizza recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am confident you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Roasted hot pasta salad.
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Hello everybody, hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, roasted hot pasta salad. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Roasted hot pasta salad is one of the most well liked of current trending foods in the world. It is simple, it's fast, it tastes yummy. It's enjoyed by millions every day. Roasted hot pasta salad is something which I have loved my whole life. They are fine and they look wonderful.
To get started with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have roasted hot pasta salad using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Roasted hot pasta salad:
{Prepare 8 oz of pasta.
{Make ready 2 of bell peppers.
{Get 1/2 lb of hot sausage.
{Take 2 of carrots.
{Get 1/2 c of corn.
{Prepare 1/2 head of broccili or cauliflower.
{Take 1/2 c of oil based dressing: greek, italien or citrus recommended.
{Take 1/4 of red onion.
{Make ready 1 tbl of oil, evo or vegtable recommended.
Instructions to make Roasted hot pasta salad:
Heat oven to 425. Wash pepper, sausage, broccili, carrots then rub with oil..
Spread coated vegtables & sausage on cookie sheet then roast for 15 minutes. Add corn to cookie sheet after 10 min..
Cook pasta per instructions on box.
Drain pasta then tranfer to large bowl and toss with dressing then set aside..
Cut red onion into long thin pieces. Chop sausage into bite size..
Let roasted veggies cool then chop to bize. Sissors are usually best to chop a roasted pepper and broccili but a knife is preferred for sausage and carrots..
Add chopped veggies, meat, onion to dressed pasta (include juices from roasting pan + cutting board) then mix well so everything is coated..
Can be served immidiately or cooled then cover to store in fridge and serve chilled..
So that is going to wrap it up with this special food roasted hot pasta salad recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am sure that you can make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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heids9584 · 3 years
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"How to eat more veggies" week 3. SOUP! No, seriously, soup. Pick one you like and add MORE vegetables to it. (Mine is a Moroccan Lentil Soul via the Vegan Planet cookbook, if you don't have access to that book, @iheartveggies has one that's really similar and equally as delicious, she has instapot directions) I added a can of corn from my cupboard, kale, and more carrots. If you're not a lentil soup person, this works with other homemade favorites too, like chicken noodle. If kale isn't your thing, pick a different dark leafy green. Chard, collards, spinach all work as well. Yes, that soup is in a recycled salsa jar. Why? Well, it's the perfect size to store 6 individual servings of soup. Grab and go! #whatsfordinner #soup #eatyourveggies #vegtables #vegancooking #imnotavegan #makingstuff #food #vegetarianrecipes #yummy #favoriterecipes #cookingathome #howtoeatmoreveggies https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeovjKseI3/?igshid=1f4tr3h084fcu
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kakashi loves cooking for people- if he’s having a good health day, he’ll invite his students/friends over for a meal he cooks (his students are surprised at what a good cook he is lmao)
OMg Kakashi inviting team seven over for dinner one day and all three of them being skeptical because they’ve never seen any hints of Kakashi cooking anything before
but they give it a try. At worst he’s a terrible cook amd take them out to Ichiraku for dinner, at best he’s a great cook and they have a nice meal. It could be a fun team night so why not.
And then they taste his food and they’re all looking at their Sensei like “you? you cooked this? with your own two hands, no cheating?”
it’s delicious. Some of the best food any of them have ever eaten. It’s so good Naruto doesn’t realize he’s eating vegtables until it’s too late because it tastes yummy so he doesn’t notice.
The definitly want a repeat of Kakashi cooking for them, and after the war and everything settles down you bet Sasuke shows up at Kakashi’s for pointers on how to cook so he can make Naruto a meal that good himself
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southernbelle24 · 7 years
Cooking with Mandrews
First attempt at a drabble. Please be kind, lol. Got this inspiration after a talk with @mylittlepartofthegalaxy. Enjoy!
“Excuse me, how in the world does one cut sweet potatoes wrong? What does it matter?” I huff. Knowing I was about to get a random lecture.
This is why I have a love/hate relationship with cooking nights. I loved nothing more than having Mark home. The long days and weeks apart could drive a woman mad. But, to be the fun, carefree Mark Andrews he is, he sure does have a meticulous side. I can’t help but giggle at his quirky ways. It’s one of the things that first drew me towards him.
“You’ve got to cut them diagonally, that way they are like fries. Everyone knows that, love.” Mark says, as he slowly wraps his arms around your waist while leaving lingering kisses in the curve of your neck.
Who could argue with a man like this? He convinces you into something before you even know it! Maybe that’s how we ended up together to begin with? I met him and then fast forward 3 years later, here we are. Three wonderful years to boot. Sure it hasn’t been easy, but oh so much fun.
“Fine then, I shall cut them like fries! Happy now, sunshine?” I swung around, knife in hand, jokingly. “How about you worry with the chicken that’s about to burn!” I quipped off, pointing towards the large wok pan on the stove.
“Oh shit! Totally forgot! That’s what happens when you distract me!” he laughs, stirring the wok and adding a bit of spices as well. “Mmmm. This is going to be so good! A home cooked meal. I’ve had wet dreams about this…” he teases, slowly stirring in the prepared vegtables.
“That’s what you have wet dreams about on the lonely road… Food? I see how it is. Clearly I’m not needed anymore.” I roll my eyes, setting the table. Hiking my skirt a little higher, attempting to get a rise out him.
“You know good and well that’s not what I meant. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to start a fight on purpose. That’s not very nice.” Mark grumbled, running his hand up the back of your leg before catching your waist and turning you around.
“You know you’re all I think about on the road. Your lips, those legs, that little giggle…” he whispers as he pokes your side, knowing the exact spot that makes you ticklish. “I starve for you, love…” he quips.
“You starve for me… Ok, you had me up until there.” I laugh. That’s my humor for you. I could believe everything he was saying, but starving for me? It was too much given our current task.
“I’m trying to be all romantic and you’ve got to go and ruin it… What am I going to do with you?” Mark sighs, going back to the wok to stir it before placing the stir fry in a large bowl and setting it on the table.
“I could think of a few things…” I tease,  slowly leaning over him as I scooped out the stir fry unto his plate… “Make sure you have room for dessert… It’s going to be yummy.”
Mark scarfed down his dinner, not even taking time to enjoy the yummy meal we had so carefully prepared… I knew what he was waiting on. He was in for a big surprise.
“I’m ready for that dessert now, love.” he smiled devilishly.
“Would you like whipped cream with that?” I asked, slowly walking back into the kitchen. I’d show him how much he’d miss me on the road. “Close your eyes, sunshine. I don’t want to ruin it.” I sang.
Out of the fridge I produce a homemade cheesecake with a chocolate glaze, his favorite. Out of the door, I grabbed a canister of cool whip, and made my way back to the table. Placing the cake in front of him, I popped open the lid to the cool whip and gave it a good shake. I could tell Mark was coming unglued with excitement. What I did next, shocked us both….
Taking the can, I sprayed the whipped topping all over Mark’s head and face. That would show him who to miss!  After the initial shock, Mark opened his eyes and let out a loud, wild laugh.
“You think you’re funny, girl!” he yelled as sprinted from his chair. “You made a fatal mistake!” taking a handful of cheesecake in one hand, he caught my arm as I tried to flee. Cheesecake covering my face and hair as I released my own set of screams!
A full fledge food fight ensued with every piece of available ammunition. Before we knew it we were laying in the middle of the dining room floor, covered in various foods, laughing so hard we couldn’t catch out breath!
“This is what I miss, little one. Your absolute wild antics and craziness. It gets me through the lowest of weeks.” Mark confessed, surveying the damage around us.
“Another successful cooking night in the books! They should totally give us our own show! Cooking with Mandrews!”, I laughed, resting my head on Mark’s chest.
“Sweet Potatoe fries and Stage dives!!! They would be crazy to hire us! We’d need our own cleaning crew!” he said, cradling my face in his hand.
“Speaking of which, who’s cleaning up this mess?” I questioned. Looking around at the overturned chairs, dirty dishes, and heaps of food.
“Leave it for now… I’m still waiting on my dessert.” Mark growled scooping me up and making our way to the shower.
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wedoca · 5 years
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#Repost @good_eatin • • • • • • Haven't posted in a while because I start eating before I can take a pic. Simple spin on a West Indian dinner. Brown rice and spicy stew peas, topped with steamed veggies, and a side of fried and smashed plantains. #yum #delicious #vegan #veganfood #vegtables #foodporn #instagood #chef #foodie #cheflife #yummy #cleaneating #dinner #veggies #healthyfood #tasty #vegansofinstagram #whatiatetoday #cookingathome #eating #instalike #photooftheday #foodblog #food #foodphotography #foodgasm #vegancommunity #caribbeanfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PG_pDHNR6/?igshid=1995qc34gxosp
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selfcareidea · 5 years
Self care idea! Meal plan one healthy meal for tomorrow, any meal of the day.
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cafeleningrad · 6 years
buckynat + 1, 3, 6, 10, 32, 48 (and same questions for clintasha, you know, the ship you cheerfully sank)
(Don’t close your eyes from the truth! I know it hurts but we’ve to be brave. And yet... we will always have Matt Fraction.)
BuckyNat [Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanova]
1. Who likes to buy little gifts for the other? Bucky! Bucky is oldschool when it comes into courting.
3. Who gets caught staring at the other all the time? Natasha. She secretly fears the sudden loss of a loved one therefore she savours every shared moment.
6. Who cooks dinner and who washes the dishes? Bucky cooks, no room for discussion. For being the most feared spy inthe world, Natasha’s worldly abilitiesof fixing a meal is limited to raw vegtables and frying an egg. Certain job skills related to less delicate matters taught her howto clear things very porperly though.
10. Who finds it absolutely hilarious how ticklish the other is? Bucky is, surprisingly, very ticklish. We know Natasha, she wouldn’t let Bucky forget...
32. Where do they go on their honeymoon? Hiking in New York State (!), entirely afar from any bigger civilisation - and because the State side is gorgeous. In the evening they watch a lot of Woody Allen movies as stretch for the New York City feeling, and Bucky cracking up a lot of jokes about his hometown.
48. How do they show affection? Quietly. Bucky sometimes goes to more visible gestures like little presents, cooking Natasha’s favourite dishes yet he understands her troubles of getting overwhelmed by too suddenly affectionate gestures. 
By Natasha’s part, she shows affection more easily with physical actions like holding hands, small kisses on thecheeks, or hugging Bucky whenever he feels distressed. Mutually, they listen to each other’s distress, and never laugh about any incident which is trauma related. They developed as cute ritual dancing on quiet evenings to jazz songs since Bucky showed Natasha how he used to danceinthe 40s. (They also like to crack inappropriate Yankee vs Commie jokes only they understand)
Clintasha [Clint Barton/Natasha Romanova]
1. Who likes to buy little gifts for the other? They both try. Clint is surprisingly classy when it comes to get anything like posters or linen to make Natasha’s livingspace more cozy and personal. Natasha stuffs Clint’s fridge with  orginically grown vegtables because his eating habits drive her crazy.
3. Who gets caught staring at the other all the time? “You’re checking out my but again, Agent Romanov. Like the view?” “Stope being silly, you don’t cover your back, I’ve to make sure you’re  safe-” “I can perfectly watch my back on my- ouch!”
6. Who cooks dinner and who washes the dishes? I cling on the HC that Natahsa is a horrible cook. Clint was as well until he forced himself to cook by receipe- now his dishesare yummy,he simply is a bit lazy to get it done. Natasha is allowed cleaning plates only since this is the only kitchen activity at which shedoesn’t set anything on fire.
10. Who finds it absolutely hilarious how ticklish the other is? Natasha has sadistic tendencies,and there is this sweet spot at Clint’s tummy...
32. Where do they go on their honeymoon? Heading of to Okinawa because this is the last place where anyone would suspect them to be. Of course it’s a dog friendly hotel where they stay, Lucky is of course allowedto join.
48. How do they show affection? Since they know each other for longtimeand tough experiences, all their interactions betray a certain proximity. Either by spontaneous visits, bragging friendly about the other’s bad habits, insider jokes... but when they patch upeach other’s battle injuries, check if the other is safe, hugging when they sensethe other is in a bad state is their nonverbal way of telling the other that they care.
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healthfitness-space · 5 years
Why Consume Vegetarian?
This is a great concern, why would anybody wish to consume simply veggies? 
   As increasingly more research studies are showing up about the destructive elements of non vegetarian food, many individuals are nervous to understand how they can remain healthy without quiting their preferred non vegetarian specials. 
   And what about the theory about our world, in addition to doing great for our world, you’ll delight in fantastic health advantages by consisting of more vegetables and fruits in your diet plan. Vegetables and fruits need to be well mashed or puréed. Guacamole, a Relish plate of chopped veggies (Crudités) and White white wine. 
   Why is it that In our Western society, a typical dietary belief is that meat and animal items need to be consumed in order to preserve a healthy, muscle-building healthy diet plan. 
   If you have kids, you might be questioning if a vegetarian diet plan is a sustainable, healthy option for your kid. 
   And some animal rights motion enthusiasts, who are devoted vegetarians will not even consume in dining establishments that serve animal items. As you can see, some individuals take it to the extreme. 
   Here’s another intriguing idea, animal foods are so high in protein that non-vegetarians can quickly surpass the ceiling suggested for protein consumption, which is 4. Weight problems, among the significant health issues in this nation, can be resolved with a vegetarian diet plan, one that removes excess protein and animal fat usage, and increases fiber in the kind of fruits, veggies and entire grains. 
   Here’s a little story, one vegan reports that she was ensured prior to the cruise that her diet plan would be no problem; nevertheless, all she might in fact consume was bread, lettuce, and a periodic baked potato. PETA in addition to the impassioned efforts made by numerous companies has actually raised the awareness of the general public and surprisingly motivated them to tread on the course of stylish vegetarianism or triggered them to go all vegan, in spite of 
   ... There’s this, dietary research study ha revealed that a vegetarian diet plan can offer all the nutrients needed for the advancement of a healthy kid. 
   One reason that consuming a vegetarian diet plan is thought about healthy is ... to maintain a healthy level of Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C, it is very important to consume vegetables and fruits in appropriate amounts to avoid any shortage from showing up. 
   Here’s another intriguing point on teenagers and vegetarian diet plans, Nutrients that are normally provided by meat, dairy, and egg items should be worked back into a teenager’s diet plan to fulfill the advised dietary allowance for protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin B12. It is crucial to restrict the amount of non vegetarian food items which might include preservatives. 
   Your body is your motor so to speak, your life source, and what we took into it is plainly noticeable through your procedure of health, well being and durability. All of us aim to live a quality life and age with dignity, so why not feed it foods that will help us on our journey. 
   Well you might consider this, Vitamin B-12, which exists in meat, dairy, eggs, and poultry and is necessary in the advancement of red cell and a healthy main nerve system. A significant advantage of the vegetarian diet plan is that it tends to include a healthy serving of vegetables and fruits, in addition to entire grains. 
   What about the other member of the family? 
   Do not alter whatever-- your brand-new vegetarian still requires to come to household meals and take the duty for the time it requires to consume and prepare vegetarian meals. When you understand how, it does not take any longer to work up a meal of vegtables, of some really yummy main dish.
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ssportlive4 · 3 years
Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made. Enjoy the Japanese fried rice dish Chahan with Char Siu (Chinese barbecued pork), egg and lots of spring onion leaves. The aroma of the sauteed onion leaves. See recipes for Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made too.
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Immediately add the rice, green onions, soy sauce and oyster sauce (if using). Yakiniku sauce is a sweet & flavorful Japanese BBQ sauce perfect for dipping thinly sliced of well marbled short rib and other grilled goodies. A wide variety of japanese yakiniku sauce options are available to you, such as liquid.
Hey everyone, hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made. One of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made is one of the most popular of current trending foods on earth. It is easy, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It's appreciated by millions daily. Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made is something that I've loved my entire life. They are fine and they look fantastic.
Enjoy the Japanese fried rice dish Chahan with Char Siu (Chinese barbecued pork), egg and lots of spring onion leaves. The aroma of the sauteed onion leaves. See recipes for Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made too.
To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made:
{Take 1 clove of garlic.
{Make ready 1 of ginger past teaspoon full.
{Get 1 of tomato puree teaspoon full.
{Get of chilli past teaspoon full.
{Prepare 1 cup of defrost prawns.
{Prepare 1 cup of frozen peas.
{Take 1 of dice onion cut up.
{Prepare 1 of lemon juice.
{Get 1 of smoke peprika powder teaspoon full.
{Prepare 1 of kikkomen less salt soy sauce teaspoon full.
{Make ready 1 of thai chilli sweet sauce teaspoon full.
{Get 1 of horesridish past teaspon full.
{Make ready 1 (2 teaspoon) of full vegtable oil.
You can also choose from iso, haccp japanese yakiniku.. Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made. Japanse  steamed smoke haddock fillets in sake thai sweet chilli sauce japanese sticky yakiniku sauce with dough garlic balls steamed Japanese. Below is a list of dishes found in Japanese cuisine.
Steps to make Japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made:
Fried rice follow the instruction on this photo.
Dice pork chop cook for 10 mins in hot wok turn grey colour.
Add all ingredients into wok cook for 10 mins.
Garlic ginger tomato puree chilli past lemon juice.
Paprika powder kikonmen less salt soy sauce.
Thai sweet chilli sauce.
Cook sezhaun spicy spring roll until golden brown 5 mins.
Enjoy this japanese recipe please tell what you think of it?.
Apart from rice, staples in Japanese cuisine include noodles, such as soba and udon. Throw together a delicious Japanese fried rice that comes together in minutes from a handful of ingredients with this Yakimeshi recipe. By leaving the rice in the fridge for a few days, it gives the starch in the rice a chance to retrograde, making it hard and brittle. Congee or conjee (/ˈkɒndʒi/) is a type of rice porridge or gruel eaten in Asian countries. The word 'congee' itself is a derivation of the Tamil word கஞ்சி (IPA: /ˈkəɲdʑiː/) or kanji.
So that is going to wrap it up with this special food japanese dice pork chop in gekkeikan sake rice wine. japanese sticky yakiniku sauce sezhuan spicy spring rolls egg fried rice home made recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm sure that you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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jodieswhittattacker · 5 years
castlesbyrs replied to your post: The Piary #1
Best of lucks with the change in your diet, remember there are lots of things you can trade for more healthy options (changing fries for Apple slices every now and then ig) and those small changes make huge difference! This coming from someone addicted to french fries! :O You can do it!!! Let me know how everything goes! x
Awww, you are the absolute sweetest <3 How are you feeling by now? Better than tonight, I hope? How did the interview go? And generally, I am not even that against a mainly vegtably/protein-heavy diet. I love veggies and fruit, so I don’t feel like I’m missing anything too much, and I do eat some carbs. Like bread (the grainy/dark kind we have in Germany), no one can take that away from me, as long as it’s whole grain, which I prefer anyway, I usually have a sandwhich with cream cheese, tomato and lettuce in the morning (yummy <3) or some oatmeal with apples and blueberries. And I love spending time researching awesome low-carb recipes and then once a week, I’ll get myself a pizza or a burger bc, well, it’s pizza, right? So in THEORY it’s probably the perfect diet for me :D and thaaaank you! 
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carlvxclusive · 6 years
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Discover a Taste of Truly Filipino Cusine at Inihaw King  
There’s a new restaurant in the South along Daang Hari road that serves a variety of scrumptious grilled meats. Not only do they offer a right amount of grilled foods, but also other Filipino dishes too in a very reasonable price. Let’s take a closer look at the Hari ng Sarap dishes of Inihaw King.
They opened the first branch in Daang Hari about three months ago and they wanted to offer a more casual way of dinning in like you’re eating at the comfort of your home. Basically, the concept here is a traditional Filipino cozy ambiance where you can eat while feeling the breeze of the air.       
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The dinning tables and chairs are made up of kawayan. It reminds me whenever we go to the province with my family during summer to eat after a long trip.
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Ms. Bea Escudero (Communications director, Inihaw King)
Now, let’s get to the most interesting part of this review, their good food! Below are the list of the suggested Best Sellers for Inihaw King. 
 Inihaw King best sellers  
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Let’s be honest, laing is not the most visually appealing and delicious dish out there but trust me, this Bicol dish in their menu is a must-try! For those people who loves eating spicy foods. It blends right into the sweetness of the coconut milk and chili peppers.
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I must say that their Bulalo is one of the best Filipino beef dishes I've tried so far! The broth part is very soft and the soup compliments the taste of the whole dish. Not to mention, that inside yellowish part of the bone marrow is very satisfying to eat. Yum!
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You should try out their Beef Kare-Kare too! I love how the richness of the peanut sauce compliments to the tenderness of the beef when you eat it. Plus, adding a bagoong in this famous pinoy dish can make it more flavorful.
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And of course don’t forget to try this yummy Crispy Binagoongan. I highly recommend that you include this one on your list when you order. The pork is undeniably crispy and tasty and i can’t stop myself from getting another one. Hehe! Just be sure to add extra rice for this dish.
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Another must-try in their menu is the Lechon Kawali. The crispness of the Lechon Kawali makes you want eat more and just like in Cripy Binagoonan i can’t stop myself from munching this dish.  
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Aside from serving grilled meats they also have fish and Binusog na Bangus has no exception in those “a must-try” dishes listed above. You can tell that the fish taste fresh because of the quality. It has that flavorful magic because of the chopped onions, tomatoes and chili on it.     
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Another fish favorite on this list is the Tuna Belly. The fish has an excellent taste because the tuna is not that over marinated. You can also enjoy it with a bottle of beer for more “pulutan” sessions with your friends and yes! They have beers too. 
Merienda Favorites
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No merienda is complete without including a Pancit on your list and Inihaw King offers a budget friendly Pancit Bihon for P125 that’s good for 2-3 people with a mixed of pork chicken and vegtable sahog.
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   If you’re not that full enough, you can also order their Pancit Canton for P140, good for 2-3 persons. Unlike the Bihon it has more ingredients that tops the whole Pancit Canton to make it more enjoyable to eat.
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It’s already summer! And the perfect way to beat the heat while eating these delectable foods is to grab a glass of Halo-Halo.
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They also have a  Mais Con Yelo which you’ll love to eat during those hot days like summer. 
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 Lastly, to complete the whole dining experience you should definitely try their sweet creamy Leche Flan for P50.  
How to get there 
Address: Daang Hari Road, Molino IV, Bacoor, Cavite. 
Note: Along the road between Evia and Vista mall. The nearest landmark is Camelia Homes.  
Opens daily, 11:00 AM-10:00 PM
For Inquires and reservations, call 09976032137 or 09475467711 
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/inihawking/
Twitter: @Inihawking
Instagram: @Inihawking
Thank you for reading! :)
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