megumiyudaina · 1 year
this venus rx is basically me saying "leave me alone" and "i will die if you dont kiss me rn" at the same time 😩
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wabisabireiki · 1 year
Shadow dance
VenusRX conjunct Lilith& 8/8
" On Lion's Gate, Venus conjuncts Lilith at 23 degrees Leo and a few hours later Venus squares Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus."- Astro Butterfly
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Energetics for me have become heavy AF. I wallowed in them all weekend and realized this morning something that felt like a wound healing in my body w/ an achy soreness in my mid back. This morning I realized an old skin was slowly molting off ( spiritually), that this is painful and uncomfortable as I have outgrown it, with some lingering attachments that will rip and scab. Could I have went softer and slower with this process? I wondered but the energetics coming in with Lilith are angry and rageful. I'm rushing to run with it, least I be dragged... Lion's gate will amplify the feelings you are focused on.
There is powerful potential to alchemize your longstanding patterns.
My old body is heavy and wilting still. This morning I alchemized the dark feminine with embodied movements. She wanted to stomp and jump and move the heaviness of her rage. A random song, I have never heard came on with the title of "Lions" came on. I changed my mind about 8/8... I woke up this morning thinking it was bullshit.
I heard in my mind's eye:
"Shadow work is- Getting it out before it let's itself out". ( sideways)
Knowing the truth of yourself, your range, and your expressions in real time and honoring your bodies need to move through it is not only cathartic and healing it is wholeness. Goddess bless my somatic guides, who taught me how to move again.
Black Moon Lilith will bring messages for everyone. She is stirring in your most repressed expression. If you can face her without judgement , 8/8 will transmute beautifully.
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themagikmirror · 1 year
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The #VenusRX ended on 9/3/23 There’s a #NewMoon in Sidereal Leo 9/14/23 The current #MercuryRX ends 9/15/23. I’ll be going LIVE this weekend to attempt to discuss it all on IG & maybe even the new Facebook Page I'm also working on. This is one of the toughest retrograde periods I’ve consciously lived through ever.
I am damn near speechless 😶 & shattered by everything that's occurred…  Not to mention #JupiterRX in Aries began last week & Saturn is still RX as well…… P.S. I'm loving the new look to my Retrograde Receipts 🧾🙌🏼💕
Fun Fact "Retrograde Receipts" are a series of posts where I reveal downloads & principle messaging I've received from Spirit throughout whatever given period the Rx happened... I will be posting throwback RX Receipts for tracking purposes here, but this is the most recent one! Enjoy READING ORDER : LEFT - RIGHT, LEFT - RIGHT!
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stelliumastrology · 1 year
EP139 Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 Sun and Rising Horoscopes ALL Zodiac Signs
The time is upon us –once again– to revel in the glory of Venus retrograde.
During this period Venus meets with Lilith, Mercury, squares Uranus, and is instigated by a triggering grand-cross configuration with the Sun opposite Pluto both square to the North and South Nodes, all at the 29th “crisis” degree of the cardinal signs.
Not so subtle.
You will likely hear about romantic revelations, drastic changes, defiant behaviour, unexpected financial outgoings, cancelled plans, old-flames revisited and a complete 180° on long held values – though not necessarily all at once, or to one person.
There’s a checklist as long as my arm detailing things we *shouldn’t* do during this time, but it’s all very dependant on you and the circumstances around that decision (hence a deeper dive into your own natal chart with an astrologer is advisable if you're concerned).
So don’t freak out if you have a wedding booked have planned a big purchase. Some of these things are beyond our control and happen when they’re meant to.
Don’t forget to join my mailing list if you’d like to gain access to my booking calendar and get exclusives on my new services, or become a patron to gain access to some of my courses and become a priority when booking in!
  What are your Sun and Rising signs and has this resonated with you at all?
  VENUS RX 2023 DATES Pre-shadow 12°12' Leo on June 19 Retrograde 22/23 July at 01:32 (UTC) Kazimi 13 August at 11:15am (UTC) Direct 3/4 September 01:20am (UTC) Leaves shadow 28°36' Leo on October 7
TIME STAMPS 00:00:11 About Venus Rx | 00:01:46 Shadow Period | 00:03:32 Aries | 00:09:41 Taurus | 00:16:21 Gemini | 00:21:45 Cancer | 00:27:45 Leo | 00:32:38 Virgo | 00:38:21 Libra | 00:44:27 Scorpio | 00:51:08 Sagittarius | 00:28:37 Capricorn | 01:05:12 Aquarius | 01:12:17 Pisces | 01:19:49 My Patreon Courses | 01:20:41 Prize Draw | 01:22:13 New Reading!
LINKS Watch now https://youtu.be/5RhPsHkuClM Savvy Time Zone calculator  https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-gmt-bst-me-portland-pt-aest-ca-san-francisco-acdt/oct-7-2023/7-11am#google_vignette EP136 Lilith's leading role: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 https://youtu.be/NTjrwMdDmPA What is Shadow period: https://youtu.be/jlT0F-WivW8
#venusretrograde #blackmoonlilith #bml #lilith #venusrx #venusretrogradeinleo #venusretrogradehoroscopes
📍Everything you need to know (including the prize draw) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/
Check out this episode!
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How is Venus RX treating everyone? 💗
Usually it doesn’t phase me but I’m wondering if my Gemini rising has anything to do with its strong influence this time. Two ex romantic encounters hit me up two days apart - one offering to move half way across the country to be with me since I’m moving this summer. The other I found out was going to ask to marry me. On a brighter note, I not only got asked on the 13th to come back to work but I also received an offer in a new position at work with higher pay as well 🤗
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astrofilico · 4 years
Venus ♀ en Géminis ♊ - Aprendizajes Afectivos
Venus, planeta del amor y la belleza, acaba de ingresar a Géminis, signo de Aire y de energía mutable. Cuando un planeta personal – Mercurio, Marte o Venus – transita por un signo de Aire, es propicio revisar los patrones mentales vinculados a los temas del planeta. Venus, además de representar el amor, la belleza y la armonía; es un indicador de la psicosexualidad, el placer y los vínculos afectivos. Géminis por su lado, representado por Castor y Polux – un gemelo mortal y el otro inmortal – simboliza el principio de dualidad. La energía geminiana en vibración alta nos lleva al aprendizaje, la versatilidad, la síntesis de información, la unión complementaria de lo aparentemente opuesto; pero en vibración baja, nos lleva a la ambivalencia, la indecisión o la incoherencia personal. Este tránsito que se extiende hasta la mañana del 07 de agosto, será mucho más fluido para personas que tienen el Sol, la Luna, Venus o el Ascendente natal en Acuario o Libra, signos de Aire ubicados a 120° de Géminis. Para Aries y Leo, signos de Fuego ubicados a 60° también resultará armónico. Por otro lado, personas que nacieron con el Sol, la Luna, Venus, Marte o el Ascendente en signos de energía mutable, este tránsito podría ser desafiante teniendo en cuenta que Venus retrogradará del 13 de mayo al 25 de junio.
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 Para todos los signos en general, Venus en Géminis, signo de Mercurio – planeta del intelecto y la comunicación – es una invitación a verbalizar lo que sentimos, siendo asertivos y empáticos con nuestros interlocutores. Es un tránsito que nos invita a conectar la energía del segundo chackra (asociado a Venus) con la energía del quinto (asociado a Mercurio); esto se puede traducir, en la expresión libre de nuestros deseos, trabajando nuestra comunicación, especialmente, con las personas que mantenemos un vínculo afectivo, una relación o algún tipo de compromiso. Veamos cronológicamente los aspectos que formará Venus antes de su retrogradación. El 11/04 Venus formara un sextil con Kirón en Aries. Kirón es el planetoide de la sanación, en esta fecha de Luna Menguante, Kiron bien aspectado a Venus nos invita a reconocer los patrones inconscientes que debemos sanar para mejorar nuestra vida afectiva, empezando con nosotros mismo. Kirón en Aries es un tránsito que nos ayuda a sanar la relación con nosotros mismo. Venus a 60° de Kirón, nos recuerda que el primer amor de nuestras vidas, tiene que ser el de nosotros hacia nosotros mismo, ya que esa será la base para relaciones más saludables. El 16/04 Venus en el 10° de Géminis formará dos trígonos – ángulos benéficos de 120° - con Juno en el 10° de Libra y con la Luna Menguante en Acuario. Este gran triángulo de la Luna, Venus y Juno que se formará en el cielo es una invitación a fluir en los compromisos desde la libertad y la sinceridad. Juno en Libra es un tránsito que nos invita a observar cómo va nuestra capacidad de compromiso. Por su parte, la Luna en Acuario nos invita a fluir desde la libertad; como la Luna formará este gran trígono de Aire en su fase menguante, el Universo nos sugiere liberar patrones inconscientes de rigidez mental, soltar aquellas ideas fijas que bloquean nuestra capacidad de decidir libremente lo que queremos. Venus, en trígono a Juno y la Luna Menguante en signos de Aire, beneficia a todos, pero especialmente a personas con el Sol o la Luna ubicados alrededor del grado 10° de Géminis, Libra o Acuario. El 04/05 Venus en el 20° de Géminis, formará una tensa cuadratura con Neptuno en Piscis. Venus en cuadratura a Neptuno es un aspecto que nos advierte relacionarnos de manera más objetiva y sin muchas expectativas; lo regular cuando ocurre este aspecto en el cielo es la tendencia a idealizar o ser idealizado; las personas suelen ver un castillo donde existe una cabaña abandonada o a un príncipe azul donde hay un psicópata manipulador. Si bien este aspecto empieza el 04/05 el efecto se extiende hasta el 22/05, fecha de la Luna Nueva en Géminis, que traerá claridad mental a mucha gente confundida.
La retrogradación planetaria ocurre cuando el planeta disminuye la velocidad regular de su tránsito. Como la Astrología es geocéntrica y observamos los planetas a través del Zodiaco, se genera la ilusión óptica de que el planeta está “retrocediendo” grados zodiacales. Los planetas siempre orbitan en la misma dirección, por tanto, es imposible que retrocedan grados zodiacales. A nivel energético, una retrogradación puede ser interpretada como una invitación del Cosmos para evaluar cierta área de vida; esta área dependerá de la casa astrológica donde tengamos el grado 21° de Géminis. Venus empezará a retrogradar el 13/05 desde el grado 21° 50´de Géminis, llegando hasta el 5° 20´del mismo signo de Aire, el 25/06. Una vez terminado el periodo de retrogradación se inicia la fase de sombra;  la cual se extenderá en este caso, hasta el 28/07 que Venus, transitando en forma directa vuelve a transitar por el 21° 50° de Geminis, grado donde empezó la retrogradación. Veamos entonces que aspectos se darán durante ambos periodos: el periodo de Venus retrógrado (Rx) y el periodo de sombra. El 22/05 paralelamente a la Luna Nueva en Géminis, Venus Rx formará una conjunción con Mercurio en Géminis. Esta acumulación en el primer signo de Aire nos invita a meditar sobre cómo estamos comunicando lo que sentimos ¿somos lo suficientemente sinceros en nuestras relaciones? ¿verbalizamos lo que pensamos? ¿expresamos honestamente lo que sentimos? En vibración baja, esta conjunción de Venus Rx con Mercurio podría generar problemas de comunicación con parejas, ex parejas o amistades mentalmente inestables.
 El 02/06 Venus Rx en el 14° 02´de Géminis forma una cuadratura con Marte en Piscis, este aspecto puede generar ciertos conflictos en personas que nacieron con el Sol, la Luna, Venus, Marte o el Ascendente en signos de energía mutable: Géminis, Sagitario, Virgo o Piscis. Si estas soltero o soltera, este aspecto te invita a encontrar un balance de tus polaridades: energía ying (Venus) y energía yang (Marte) ya que segun diversas filosofías orientales, cuando una persona no encuentra tiene un desbalance energético a nivel interno, está destinada a relacionarse con personas igualmente inestables. El 03/06 Venus Rx en conjunción al Sol en el 13° 33´de Géminis es un aspecto que nos invita a tomar consciencia de lo que realmente deseamos. El alma encarnada en la Tierra, tiende a la dualidad; pero en ese momento que el Sol, astro indicador de la consciencia y la felicidad, se alinee con Venus – días antes del siguiente eclipse lunar – es un día propicio para observar lo que realmente deseamos y el qué tanto aprendemos a expresar lo vinculado a esos deseos. El 05/06 tendremos el Eclipse Lunar en Sagitario. Todo eclipse lunar se da con una Luna Llena, al estar en Sagitario - signo de Júpiter, que también estará retrogradando - en oposición a Venus Rx en el 12° 18´de Géminis, el universo nos invita a tomar consciencia de los miedos, inseguridades o ideas de autosabotaje que bloquean nuestra plenitud afectiva. La Luna Llena en Sagitario a 180° de Venus Rx puede marcar el final de una relación o la transformación radical del cómo fluimos en nuestra vida afectiva.
 El 08/06 Venus Rx en el 10° 41´de Géminis formará una cuadratura con Ceres en Piscis. Ceres es un planeta enano encargado de representar nuestra conexión con la productividad y capacidad para expresar nuestros talentos. Venus Rx en cuadratura a Ceres nos invita a reflexionar sobre la conexión entre nuestros potenciales cognitivos y nuestra capacidad para generar abundancia material. Este mismo aspecto que estará vigente durante toda esa semana; nos lleva a meditar sobre cambios que deseamos realizar a nivel laboral. Ceres en Piscis nos recuerda que tenemos que estar bien enraizados para materializar sueños e ideales y la cuadratura con Venus Rx nos invita a retomar planes o deseos postergados. El 25/06 Venus termina de retrogradar en el 5° 20´ de Géminis, empezando así su periodo de Sombra. Durante la fase de Sombra, las personas suelen ponerse más intensas que en la misma fase de retrogradación, ya que Venus avanzan a una velocidad más regular y vuelve a pasar por tercera vez los grados por los que retrogradó.  El 10/07 Venus en Géminis, vuelve a formar un sextil a Kirón en el 9° 26´de Aries, aspecto que nos invita nuevamente a reflexionar ¿cómo va la relación con nosotros mismos? Venus en armonía a Kirón también puede marcar la reconciliación con parejas, amistades o alianzas que se podrían haber quebrado en el periodo de retrogradación.  El 15/07 Venus formará nuevamente una cuadratura con Ceres en Piscis, pero esta vez quien andará retrogradando será Ceres, por tanto, eviten hacer inversiones en proyectos nuevos y si quieres hacer cambios laborales, mejor postérguenlos para más adelante. Esta cuadratura de Venus con Ceres Rx también nos advierte de no difuminar nuestras energías en muchas actividades simultáneas. Como dice el refrán: “quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta”.
 El 17/07 tendremos a Venus en Géminis, formando una conjunción con la Luna Menguante en el 13° 10´del primer signo de Aire. Esta es una fecha ideal para iniciar una psicoterapia, realizar una terapia bionergética, experimentar la sanación de útero, ir a realizar constelaciones familiares o cualquier tipo de terapia holística o psicológica que nos permita sublimar y dejar ir patrones mentales que afectan nuestra estabilidad emocional.  El 27/07 Venus en Géminis volverá a formar cuadratura con Neptuno y como esta vez Neptuno estará retrogrado, cuidado con idealizar o ser idealizados una vez más. Especialmente personas con el Sol, la Luna, Venus o el Ascendente natal, ubicados entre el 17° al 22° de los signos mutables: Virgo, Sagitario o Piscis. El 28/07 Venus sale de su fase de sombra y continúa su tránsito directo por el tercer signo de Aire hasta la mañana del 07/08. Antes de despedirse de Géminis, Venus formará una conjunción con el Nodo Norte en el 28° 12´ el miércoles 05/08. El Nodo Norte es un punto matemático muy importante en la Astrología Kabbalista, ya que representa el área de vida que tenemos que atender para nuestra evolución espiritual. Que el Nodo Norte se alinee con Venus en Géminis después de más de cuatro meses de tránsito, nos sugiere a todos observar qué tanto evolucionó nuestra capacidad para verbalizar lo que sentimos, para expresar libremente nuestra sexualidad, romances y deseos. El Nodo Norte en conjunción a Venus también nos sugiere conectar a un nivel espiritual en nuestras relaciones; además del plano físico, mental y emocional, será necesario vibrar en una frecuencia más alta, más sublime, una unión de almas para que las relaciones fluyan a lo largo del tiempo. Que la felicidad, el amor y la sabiduría los acompañe siempre.
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venusian5 · 6 years
Just a heads up:
Venus Retrograde isn't about them, it's about you.
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tranquilpinkcactus · 6 years
Essential Empath tip: change the settings of your lightbody
Everything is an energy exchange. Here's a list of a few ways you can intentionally change the settings of your lightbody or energetic field. 
You can filter out or block certain frequencies. An example would be setting the intention to no longer soak up negative feelings from others: this doesn't mean you can't be caring and open, it just means that you don't have to HOLD on to depression, fear, insecurity, or whatever else that isn't yours.  Reset your field to not be so open to what isn't meant for you. Remove cording: This can be advanced or simple depending on how you want to do it. But ultimately calling all of your energy back and returning any that isn't yours clears the water between people because then you know whats yours and what isn't.
Remove intrusions: whenever someone you care about has strong opinions of your lifestyle and because you care about them... this exchange can be negative, depending on who it is, and this can be very toxic. This is similar to cording but there's a bit of a power struggle here so its worse. You can energetically remove the intrusions from your field and block it from happening again. This is a powerful boundary setting. Warning: this may piss off your mother in law lolz
Remove negative transmissions: When you begin to grow and change your beliefs, sometimes its hard to drop the old reasoning and feelings. You can remove negative transmissions from the entire collective or just from any person or group mind. You can unsubscribe from any bullshit subscription or decide that you're not interested in any energy supporting a belief that doesn't resonate with you anymore.  
Unplug from group minds: Even if you do this just temporarily for your own sanity, or for a quick refresh of your own energy.. this is important. Cults are actually a thing, (look up the definition of it sometime its crazy how easily and unconsciously these are formed) any facebook group, social group, work place, club, church, organization... Its always healthy to simply unplug for a moment and remember who you are individually. 
welp I hope you get the idea and that this helps someone. 
Note: Law of attraction still applies, you cant change what life gives you only how you deal with it, being on earth is a journey of learning to master your own energy, everything happens for a reason
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zen-tarot · 6 years
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We are half way through this Venus retrograde, how ya’ll holding up? 🧞‍♀️ Spiritual breakthroughs aren’t all roses and rainbows, there are just as many unpleasant things to deal with as well as the pleasant ones. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #zentarot #mystic #shook #memes #meme #magick #spiritual #spiritualmemes #triggers #universe #woke #memesofinstagram #bruja #memesofinstagram #healing #consciousness #spirituality #cosmic #venusrx #venus #scorpio #scorpioseason #arthurmemes #spiritualbreakthrough #awakening #astrologersofinstagram #astrologymemes https://www.instagram.com/p/BpdCNb4H4iN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lt18qna0hhf0
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andreayepezp · 3 years
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alchemylight · 3 years
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DO YOU KNOW HOW VENUS CYCLES WORK? DO YOU KNOW THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWER THAT DRAWS? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👉🏼 The first thing we have to know is that Venus takes 225 days to go around the Sun. This is known as the sidereal cycle and corresponds to the Earth year. Come on, if on earth a year consists of 365 days, on Venus there are 225 instead. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👉🏼 In astrology we look at the sky from our earthly perspective. We are not aware of this sidereal cycle of Venus. What we notice is her synodic cycle. The synodic cycle of Venus is a 584-day cycle between the appearances of Venus as the morning star and the evening star. During this cycle, Venus forms two conjunctions with the Sun: ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🅰️ Inferior Conjunction: It happens when Venus is closer to the Earth and intervenes between it and the Sun. This conjunction takes place when Venus is in retrograde phase and its astrological effect lasts a few days, since Venus moves rapidly to the be retro and the Sun seems to us to move in the opposite direction. ⠀ ⠀ 🅱️ Superior Conjunction: This time, Venus is further from Earth and its movement is direct. The Sun comes between Venus and the Earth and the effect of the conjunction lasts longer since Venus and the Sun do not intersect, but instead move in the same direction. (I'm always speaking from our earthly perspective...)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ But the magic of Venus comes from her perfect harmony, from the dance that she is able to dance with the Sun in the sky. Do you know what drawing we get if we join the lines of five synodic cycles (which take 8 years to occur)? A rose with five petals. 🙂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here I leave it in the image, so you can enjoy it. Be part of the Venusian magic ... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #VenusSynodic Cycle #VenusMagic #VenusStarPoint #SunConjunctVenus #AstrologyForEmpowerment #VenusRx #VenusRetrograde #PsychologicalAstrology #PracticalAstrology (at Singapore, City. Asia.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYd7ts4PlSv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eska-elliel · 6 years
Venus Retro 2018 is definitely going to be about the values I see in myself (Aqua Rising)
At shadow period, I had a vivid vision in a dream that stayed with me for a long time and it was hard to ignore. I had seen a vision of me in the past wearing my favorite orange dress billowing in the wind, my long hair loosely fluttering upwards to the side. It was me smiling chin dipping down eyelashes softly curled against the cheeks and wow was the picture so beautiful and I quickly became nostalgic. Because that was a remnant of a time in the past when I had felt truly pretty.
I have gone through failures and disappointments ever since. I believe that I wasn’t really worth it that I was what everybody thought of me as. A waste.
But then earlier this morning, I saw the same girl in the mirror in passing. I met her eyes and smiled so big and wow was it even better than before. I think I can make it. I can get that worth back.
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themagikmirror · 1 year
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In 2022, I created monthly content called "Care Plans" where I would sit down at my laptop every month and channel messages from Spirit based on astrological transits happening. These are messages channeled for the first 6 months of 2022. Use this information to reference lessons from 2022, & time stamp manifestations in your life currently....
JANUARY 2022 :
We even have our 1st #NewMoon tomorrow in #Sidereal #Sagittarius ♐️😉 I hope you use this opportunity to exercise your own faith and spiritual independence to see what the message is for you! What a great way to bring in the collective new year — with fire! 🔥 January also brings the first #MercuryRetrograde of 2022 beginning in 2 weeks and the end of the current #VenusRX at the end of the month!  🚀Keep in Mind Saturn will be in Capricorn and Jupiter will be in Aquarius until April 2022  Although Mars is in Scorpio until the end of the month, In general the month’s energy is dominated by Sagittarius & Capricorn energy.
New Month, Similar Vibes ✨ See how you can take this opportunity to capitalize on things presented & over flowing from January 2022. 
MARCH 2022 :
March begins with EVERY PLANET in Sidereal Capricorn except the Moon,Sun & Jupiter. This means for a few weeks there will continue to be a Capricorn stellium (this has been the case for months now). However, today there’s an Aquarius stellium simultaneously (☀️ , 🌙 & Jupiter) ushering us into the New Moon in Aquarius tomorrow morning 🌚 3/2/22. Next week Mercury will join in Sidereal Aquarius recreating & continuing the Aquarius Stellium. Pisces transits will begin with the Sun 3/14/22. I’ve been talking some about Capricorn, but I’ve been more focused on Aquarius. This is because since December all Sidereal platforms, including this one have been talking about April 2022 —- THE SHIFT 🌪💨 of Saturn to Aquarius. March is the prelude to things that will become our new collective and individual priorities for a large part of 2022 & years to come. Once again we’re retrograde-free this month, but 🪐 Saturn did enter its shadow over the past weekend, beginning preparations for its June 2022 Retrograde.
APRIL 2022 :
The word this month I heard while posting this is :
“ACTIVATE YOUR NEW REALITY” 🐠✨Happy Pisces New Moon 🌑👁 I had to be a lil comical in this Care Plan because that’s just how the messages came through 💀. Sorry if you have to squint or zoom in to see, spirit had a lot to say. These are the principle energies of April 2022 and the messages coming from them. Some messages may be lingering from the Winter Season, which means the assignment didn’t change just because the energy did. Spring is going to go by much faster than Winter 2022! Don’t miss out, plant your seeds! We ALL have an individual part to play to advance the whole. I didn’t speak on the remaining #Capricorn energy because its fading away quickly! Mars & Saturn are the last planets lingering in Capricorn. Soon those two will be changing to Aquarius! But remember all the things Capricorn has shown you and handle yourself and your situations with #MATURITY
MAY 2022 :
I am left speechless by April. Entering May, Spirit had little to offer me as a channeled message for the energies of this month. Remember just because the energy changed, doesn’t mean the assignments did 🤷🏻‍♀️. That’s not how this stuff works. However, just as April was the completion of our collective & individual “shifts”… May is pushing us to embrace the change welcomed or not. We have a Mercury RX in Sidereal Taurus that snuck up on us real fast and quiet! This RX started April 25th when Mercury entered its shadow & the sign of Sidereal Taurus simultaneously. This entire month, MRX is in Sidereal Taurus and will not be over until the 1st week in June. Amongst that we also have a second eclipse - Sidereal Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse, the last of the TaurusxScorpio Eclipse series from 2021. I didn’t even notice this until I looked at my Sidereal calendar for May… I was actually shocked! BUCKLE THE FUCK UP 😵 SPRING 2022 IS SNATCHING WIGS & HAIRLINES. Keep in mind Saturn has been in its shadow for a few months preparing for its RX in newly entered Sidereal Aquarius. Jupiter also enters its shadow in Sidereal Pisces tomorrow. For the past few months we’ve been shifting around and now we gotta let it all settle. Above are the energies dominating this month & Per usual, opposing forces you can tap into if something is becoming “too much” for you. Notice how as things start to heat up towards Summer, its our job to bring in those cooler energies. 
JUNE 2022 :
Spring 2022 was a powerful season with lots of uncomfortable, but game changing moments 💖 Summer is only going to build on top of that! This first few weeks of June are a crossroads into the next season. Not much has changed in the messaging from transits happening in the following zodiac signs, but here’s some minor changes and reminders as we kick off June! There will ALWAYS be a challenge , its simply about how you handle it!
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stelliumastrology · 4 years
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#venusretrogradevibes . . Venus is often referred to as peace-loving and pleasure-seeking, but her retrograde motion indicates the crossover between the passive and active expressions of her plight. . . It is said that when she sets after the sun, Venus “puts men to bed in the evening” and when she rises before the sun she “wakes men up for war in the morning”. . . The recent mutable and airy Gemini Stellium hosting Venus retrograde has drawn our focus to ideals which need to be redesigned and realigned. . . The very presence of Venus highlights the areas of our life where harmony will be disturbed in order to address the conflict between how others value us, and how we value ourselves. . . Imbalance between these views doesn’t sit comfortably – we have to choose between compromising our personal values or overlooking things we disagree with to keep the peace. . . This type of self-neglect result in resentment and can mask deeper trauma. . . Where can’t you stand by and let things carry on the way they are because the actions of others victimise and devalue you? . . Don’t be scared to use your voice to redress the balance in your life. . . Call out unfairness where you see it. . . Seek acknowledgement for the suffering you’ve lived through. . . Redress the balance your soul requires to continue to feel at ease, and to heal. . . And where you can’t find that balance, don’t be afraid to establish your boundaries, put yourself first, and be fair to yourself, even if that means walking away. . . . #venusretrograde #venusretrogradeingemini #venusrx #injustice #innerconflict #unfairness #harmony #astrology #stellium #geministellium #stelliumastrology #airstellium #mutablestellium #keepthepeace #trauma #discord #wargoddess #relationships #synastry #equality #wiccansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #findyourvoice #counselorsofinstagram #psychotherapistsofinstagram (at VENUS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3cQ_Hp2rf/?igshid=1ovb4dzblfjak
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deraywrites · 4 years
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#Repost from @energyhealingjewelry : Yes #higherfrequency Follow @energyhealingjewelry for energy updates🧬 #JupiterRx #PlutoRx #SaturnRx #VenusRx #RetrogradePlanets #astrology (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CALu677H8FZ/?igshid=eclmhqjaksxq
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HAPPY FULL MOON IN LIBRA, WITCHY ONES! This Full Moon is happening in the midst of 4 (!!!) planets in retrograde right now: Venus (has been making us review all our relationships - including with ourselves & our sense of beauty, creativity + wealth), Jupiter (has had us revisiting old perspectives & epic turns of events + lucky breaks and how they've shaped our lives), Saturn (we've been thinking back to how our routines, structures & patterns of self-discipline got started + why) & Mercury (bringing back old friends & connections + attention to the topics they still seem obsessed with) SO... What does this all mean in terms of this Full Moon in Libra? Well, for one we're in major "spiral mode" right now, all manner of lessons past coming back around to test us one more time, just to make sure we did in fact get it before we are able to leap into that next phase we've been anxiously reaching for. And because Libra is ruled by Venus, I would say she's the biggest deal going on right now, in terms of how all these Planets in Retrograde & how they're affecting us during this Full Moon in Libra. See, since back in early March.... FINISH READING HERE 😘🙏💖🌝♎⛤️ >>> http://modern-witch.es/enchanted-living/full-moon-in-libra-april-11th-2017
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