#veronia lodge
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From Honey Child, Betty and Me #63 (1975).
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yandere-fics · 7 months
(Veronia is excluded because she literally does nothing ever.)
♡ What They Would Do On A Week Off ♡
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♡ Theanna can take a week off whenever she wants, she has a wide variety of people working beneath her who know exactly how she would respond to most scenarios so she can leave them to handle things for a week or two, don't get me wrong she's still a valuable leader but her major job is handling the thing under the gardens. ♡
♡ On a day off with Theanna it usually begins with her satiating her desire for you then a maid will come in and bring you breakfast while she helps you get dressed for the day because she wouldn't let a maid dress you, plus you get so embarrassed that someone so high ranking is dressing you and that the maids saw you in her bed. Usually she'll keep you in her chambers all day although she can be convinced to take you to a ball that night if she has lots of free time. She also enjoys having tea with you in the gardens on occasion. ♡
♡ If you're really really lucky then you could possibly convince her to leave castle walls with you but you'll have so many guards breathing down both of your necks, for the shadows so they don't disrupt your date but still. That's rare though, what's more common is her calling for merchants and generously rewarding anyone who can bring an item that catches your eye. ♡
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♡ Elisha takes days off when she wants, her only real duty is dealing with dragons and big monsters, the other things are just her own personal choice because she likes doing them, mostly because it's nice to feel strong and capable. Once she has a darling those side tasks that everyone takes for granted will likely stop happening, even more so once she's decided to stop acting all tsundere on you. ♡
♡ A day off with Elisha depends on where you are, you're travelling with her so if she's free in the middle of the forest then it might consist of her locating a nearby town and then you two might wander and look at the local wares. This is much more common and she prefers this although the lodgings aren't ideal. She enjoys that most people don't recognize her as the adventurer so she'll kick back although she makes you keep your hood on even though no one knows who you are. If she's still tsundere mode then she'll say it'll disturb her peace if people approach the two of you but she's not like jealous. Otherwise she'll probably say some nonsense about them trying to taint your mind. ♡
♡ If you two are at a nobles place then she'll try to keep you within your room the entire time because the nobles might try to take you, certain idiotic nobles think that the dragon slayer wouldn't be super possessive over their travelling companion despite most people in the kingdom being possessive freaks. ♡
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♡ She rarely gets break though that is sort of a personal choice since Theanna doesn't always have tasks and Abigail mostly chose to run her own personal knightage and if she wasn't running it then she'd only have to check in with Theanna every other day. She loves her knightage but a break is a very good thing for her so make sure she enjoys it. ♡
♡ A day off with Abigail will usually consist of you watching her spar because she still wants to prove herself as a worthy knight for a worthy lady like yourself. She'll take a break and have tea with you which is typical but this time she's not doing paperwork as she listens to you talk. The evenings are also mostly the same, she'll take you to a ball because she does enjoy the two of you being the best couple in high society. The night is different though because she's less sore than she would typically be. ♡
♡ If it was a full week though then she'd ferry you off to meet with her family. Her family manor isn't super far from the capital but she still uses teleportation so she can enjoy as much time with you there and you'll either get to meet her whole family or if you've meet them before then they'll likely steal you away from Abigail the whole week which is very upsetting to her but she's glad you get along though she wished you'd get along less. ♡
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♡ Pauline is very studious for maybe like five hours out of the day when she's dead to the world and if you interrupt then she'll try to make you socially dead, unless you're her darling, then she'll force you to study as punishment so you know just how hard she works and don't interrupt again. She takes days off mostly when her family forces her to but she can have a break whenever. ♡
♡ On a day off you two are likely visiting her family so she can prove that your relationship is real so her parents might pass her the title but if you aren't visiting then Pauline will be forcing you on a date "just in case her family is watching" but it's actually because she just wants to go on a date with you. Don't call her bluff or your day will suck though. ♡
♡ On a full week off you'll probably go visit somewhere she finds interesting. While it mostly seems like her yelling at you for not knowing the significance of this place and complaining that she took an idiot who can't appreciate it with her, she's very happy to share something she finds fascinating. She might even go somewhere you find fascinating though she'll either scoff at everything you tell her because she knows more or she'll act like it's super boring even if she's delighted that you two are acting like a real couple. ♡
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♡ Ainsley gets days off based on the whims of Theanna. Usually bringing Ainsley in is overkill but some of the court nobles still try to force her to bow to their whims which usually ends in murder. Basically her schedule relies on nobles leaving her the fuck alone, not that she won't willingly take on tasks but most of the time it's against her will. ♡
♡ On a regular day off you stay within her tower for the most part though she isn't opposed to taking you outside the palace as no one would be crazy enough to stare at you when Ainsley is clearly very high ranking, even commoners know how weird the nobles get about their lovers. It might feel a bit awkward going to town with her when no one will say a word to you, they only address her even when you're the one buying the thing. ♡
♡ If it's a full week then she might want to travel outside the palace a bit with her teleportation. I think she'd likely take you to a lake house that she... acquired. She'd love to go swimming with you if you know how but it's not necessary since she could always just make you float on the water if you want. Her old village was close to a lake so she'd like to share this with you the whole week of your vacation even if it isn't the same lake. ♡
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scorpionwins · 2 years
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Jughead and Archie can't have the people they want, so they try having eachother instead. This is Riverdale, thought, and things hardly work out they way they should.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 5 years
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Red Sonja and Vampirella Meet Betty and Veronica #4 by Amy Chu, Maria Sanapo, Ivan F. Silva, David Anton and Kim Mohan. Variant cover by Laura Braga and Bryan Valenza.
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Hey guys!
So I’ve really missed live blogging and since ouat ended I really haven’t used my blog as much as I’d like! I still post here and that won’t change, but...
I have other shows still on the air that I’m super passionate about too✨
I just made a new blog, it’s for The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina AND Riverdale.
If you like either or both of those, my blog is @sabrinaxblossom 💕
I post a lot of Cheryl, Betty, Choni, Bughead, Veronica, Sabrina and Zelda, as well as lots of other things because I love all the characters in both shows😌
If you’re interested, give me a follow over there. I’ll be live blogging riverdale 💋
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It’s super late but oh well!
Here is my review! Check it out!
featuring gifs by @archie-andrews , @jugandbettsdetectiveagency , @serpentcentral ,@dailyriverdale !
They’re amazing so follow them!
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the-fabulous · 6 years
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archeriexriverdale · 6 years
Hold up! What! 😩😭 Yas!!!!
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Veronica//this dancing was killing me softly
Request: Could i request a reader/veronica imagine based off of Lose You To Love Me by Selena Gomez? 😬😬
hey! i really hope you like this because i’m really happy with the way this turned out!! have a nice day everyone! 
As Veronica walks up the cracked steps to your front porch, retracing the steps she’d taken years earlier, she can’t help but feel the ghost of a life previously lived. Memories of the two of you, sat on the steps and holding hands while you waited for your mom to come home and unlock the door. She can see you running down them to greet her, and when she gets to the front door she remembers how nervous she was when you brought her home to meet your parents for the first time. 
She’d never felt so anxious before in her entire life, every fibre of her being was buzzing with nervous energy as she ran through the talking points and do’ and don’ts you’d given her, her hands shaking and her head hurting, but then you opened the door with a smile so bright that all the nerves just fell away. 
Now though, as she rings the door bell, the red paint of the door still peeling and the gold number 3 still wonky because you’re dad put it up after your mom nagged him about it, she has a feeling you won’t be answering the door with a smile. 
The last time she saw you, you told her you never wanted to see her again and she felt every piece of her heart break and cut into her lungs, taking her breath away as she watched you walk away. She can still hear your cries, she still see’s your face and the moment she broke your heart. 
Now 7 years later, she’s hoping that you’ve forgiven her, although deep down she knows that if it was the other way around, she would never forgive. How can you forgive someone who you loved more than life itself, who you’d do anything and everything for, but they wouldn’t do the same for you? 
She knows she fucked up, she knows how selfish she was when she was a teenager, that’s why once a week she goes to therapy and that’s why she’s standing here right now. She wants to say sorry, she wants to make it up to you. She wants you to know that the way she treated you was not your fault, she was too busy wrapped up in herself and all her problems, that she treat you more like a servant than a girlfriend. She’s just hoping that Betty was right and that you are really back in town, just like the rest of the gang. 
She takes a deep breath, and rings the doorbell, her hands shaking just as much as they did all of those years ago. From behind the door she can hear movement, someone running down the stairs while singing along to a radio playing presumably from the kitchen. And when the door swings open, she has to force herself to look at the person behind it, and she can’t help her smile from faltering when instead of you, it’s your mom. 
She looks exactly the same, her hair is a bit longer but she still has the same kind smile that you inherited and she still welcomes Veronica into the house with open arms and a surprised yet happy expression. 
“Veronica!” She grins as she holds the black haired girl at arms length, her eyes scanning over her as she takes her in. “You haven’t changed!” She says eventually settling on her face and a smile pulls at Veronica’s lips. She feels herself relax, however that’s short lived when she realises you mustn’t have told her about what happened between the two of you. “And is that a wedding ring I see?” She asks and grabs her hand, inspecting the ring. 
“Yeah.” Veronica smiles bashfully. 
“You have to tell me everything.” She says. “George, get in here!” She shouts and a few seconds later a greying man pops his head around the kitchen door. 
“Veronica!” His eyes widen as he spots the girl standing with his wife. He quickly opens the door, revealing a a dog covered apron that is definitely older than Veronica and she can’t help the smile. The town may have changed so much that some places she can’t even recognise, but she’s glad to know that not everything she loved has gone. 
Your dad wipes his hand on the apron and then pulls Veronica into a hug. Veronica is instantly taken back to being 17, whenever she was sad, she knew your mom and dad would always be there to offer hugs that made her chest stop hurting, even if it was just for a second.
“How are you? What are you up to now?” He asks once he’s pulled away and the memories that made her feel safe are replaced by her remembering why she is actually here. 
“I’m good.” She nods, she doesn’t really want to tell them about Chad and how she stopped working because of him. She knows if you were here, you would be shaking your head at her and telling her that she’s an idiot. Surprisingly though, this is the only time she doesn’t need you, she already knows. 
When she was 18, she knew never to give something up for anyone, let alone a man. She knew that if she wanted to be a stay at home wife, it would be her choice and not because her husband didn’t like her working. She still knows that, but a lot can change over 7 years, and now this is her life, which may have been another reason she thought she’d come back. Even if its just to re-live those past years for a day. 
“Is Y/n here?” She asks and looks at the stairs hopefully. She hasn’t heard or seen you yet, but a part of her hoped that because everyone else had come back, you would also. She knows Betty text you, telling you that you were needed back home and the two of you chatted for a while, but if you actually acknowledged her request another story. 
George and Joan share a look before looking at Veronica, their smiles fading into a frown and she feels her chest deflate. 
“No dear, she hasn’t been here since Christmas.” Your mom sighs. “She’s in Washington, has been for a few years now.” She adds, a proud smile shining through the obvious sadness that comes with you being away. 
“Top of her field as well.” Your dad adds, equally as proud and Veronica smiles as she imagines you doing what you love and being happy. 
“Oh.” She says, now suddenly feeling more lost than ever. She knew it was a possibility, but she never planned what she would do if you weren’t here. 
“Do you want to stay for coffee?” Your mom asks and Veronica shakes her head quickly, stuttering an excuse about needing to get back for Chad and your mom nods knowingly. 
“Can I quickly use your bathroom before I go?” 
“Of course dear, you know where it is.” Your mom says and Veronica mutters a small thank you before running up the stairs. She walks straight past the bathroom and instead towards your bedroom. The door is slightly open and she knows if you were here, you would passive aggressively close it. 
Her hand hovers over the bronze handle and her eyes flutter closed as she’s taken back almost ten years. She can remember the nights spent staring at the ceiling, your heads touching and your fingers interlocked while you talk about all of the things you want to do with your life. 
She can see you twirling around the room in your prom dress, a laugh so happy that it made her feel like she was floating. She remembers tucking your hair behind your ear before stealing a kiss, and how her heartbeat hammered in her ears for the rest of the night. 
She can feel the splinters in her knees from climbing through your bedroom window because you said she wouldn’t be able to do it. And she remembers watching you from your bedroom window as you climbed towards her and thinking just how brilliant you were. 
But then she also remembers all the nights she walked past your house when she was supposed to be hanging out with you. She remembers seeing your bedroom light on, and she can see you sitting on the bed, checking every few minutes to see if you could see her. 
She remembers the way you would look at her when she would look at Archie the way she should have been looking at you. And she remembers your forced smile whenever she asked if you were okay if she hung out with Archie for the night. 
She can smell cookies and lemongrass, as well as tears and disappointment. 
But she owes this to you. She put you through so much, she needs to do this. 
She pushes the bedroom door open and she instantly feels like she’s stepped back in time. Nothing has changed, everything is still in its place. The scratch on the bedside table and the nail varnish stain on the carpet that you took the blame for, despite it being her fault. 
Slowly she walks in, scared to ruin anything more than she already has. She sits on the bed, running her hands over the duvet cover and looks at the pillow. She reaches her hand under it and furrows her eyebrows when she finds something. She pulls it out quickly and a confused frown pulls at her lips as she inspects the blue book staring back at her. 
She’s never seen this before, but it’s clearly yours. It’s covered in stickers and doodles that are just so you and she she hugs it to her chest, she gets a waft of lemongrass that makes her feel dizzy. 
She flicks through the pages, your handwriting filling the pages and that’s when she realizes. 
It’s your old diary. She remembers you would always put it away when she would walk in and you never let anyone touch it let alone read it.
She knows she shouldn’t, she knows she’s hurt you enough already, she should just leave it where it is, she should just leave you. But she can’t, she has to know how you felt back then, she wants to know what you wrote about her and about everyone else. She wants to know if you lied about her in there, as well as to yourself. 
Because for some reason, you thought she was the greatest thing on earth, and she knew you thought that and she took advantage of that. 
Quickly she pushes it into her bag and stands up, closing the door all the way behind her.  
She runs down the stairs, with a promise to your parents to come back for a proper catch up. And when she gets into the back of the car, she lets out a shaky breath.  
“Are you okay?” Tim, her driver asks and she looks at him through the mirror.  
“Yeah.” She nods. “Can we just drive around for a while? I don’t really want to go back home right now.”  
“Of course.” He nods and starts the car. Veronica leans her head against the window and watches your street pass by. All the house blur together, but she knows she’d be able to find yours no matter what. There’s something about it that pulls her back in, or maybe its just you that does that.  
You don’t realize something is a mistake until it’s too late to do anything. At the time, she thought breaking up with you was the best idea she ever had, she could be with Archie or whoever she was into at the time and she didn’t have to sneak around and lie, but now she realizes that letting you go was the biggest mistake she has ever made, probably even more than getting married.  
The houses get smaller and smaller, but her chest grows tighter and tighter as she pulls the book out of her bag.  
She runs her fingertips over the front, the old stickers peeling and pale and the corner of the book are bent and ripped. She opens it, and her face stares back at her. Well, hers and yours. The two of you are smiling at each other and she picks it up to take a closer look at the two of you. However another picture is stuck to the back and when she see’s who’s in that one, tears blur her vision.  
It’s a picture of everyone. They all look at the camera, except you and her. You’re smiling at her, but she’s smiling at Archie, completely ignoring you. Quickly she puts them back and turns the page, revealing your handwriting, starting off neat as you wrote the date, but by the end of the page its more scribbles. 
She reads, laughing and crying at memories she’d forgotten about. She forgets how to breath whenever she reads about herself, you make her sound ethereal in your writing, you make it sound like the whole world, your whole world revolves around her, and then she reads what she’s done and its clear to everyone except you that she didn’t feel the same way. 
She reads about the night your parents argued and you thought they were going to get divorced, and then the next night you’re so happy that they’re not. She finds out secrets about yourself and your friends that she never knew before. 
She cries when she reads how you feel about yourself, about how you feel when you look in the mirror, all of those insecurities that at the time she loved, well now that she looks back at that time she knows she did somewhere deep down. She hopes you’ve gotten over them now, she hopes you’re happy now. 
When she turns the page again, a lose piece of paper falls out onto her lap and her eyebrows furrow. Its dated the night she broke up with you and she’s in two minds as to whether she should read it or not. She knows she hurt you, why would she want to read in detail about how you felt? 
Maybe it’s a form of forgiveness, she hurt you so now she has to read your pain and feel the same way. 
‘Veronica, when I think back to the day I met you, I don’t know how I feel about it anymore. Because you were from New York and you came to Riverdale and it felt like you brought the entire universe with you. I swear when you looked at me, I saw an entire future within your eyes and I’d never felt like that about anyone before, let alone a girl so I was scared, but for some reason you made me feel safe, despite not knowing you for more than a minute. 
But then you chose to talk to Archie instead, and I saw the way Betty looked at him, and I looked at you the same way. But then you talked to me, and it made me feel seen for the first time ever. You were so cool and well, I wasn’t. But whenever you made time for me, I felt like I was the coolest person in the world, because you’d chosen to talk to me over everyone else. 
And after a year of pining and hoping, you finally kissed me and I was so happy. It felt like in that one kiss, you had promised me the world and I stupidly fell for it. I did literally everything for you, and that’s probably partly my fault. I had spent so long wanting you, that when I got you I did everything to stop you from leaving, and you loved it. But now, now that you’ve left anyway and took my heart with you, I realize just how much you adored it, but not me. It’s like I set myself on fire for you, and you just left me to burn out. 
But what makes it even worse is that I think somewhere deep down I saw the signs. I saw Betty and Jughead together, and how they would look at each other, how they would do things for each other, how they would make each others lives easier, even if it was with something simple. And I saw how much the appreciated each other, and then I would think of you and try and remember a time that you had looked at me the same way Jughead looked at Betty and I couldn’t think of anything. Believe me, I tried. 
My mom always says that when you’re in love you see life through rose coloured glasses, and I always thought that was what I wanted. I wanted to be so in love with someone that the world looked different, but instead of making it look beautiful, it just distorts it. It makes you do stupid things and it makes you blind to what’s really going on. 
I know you never loved me, I just wish you had told me, instead of letting me give you my all. Instead of letting me be humiliated in front of all of my friends, the friends I have had since a child, the friends you stole from me, along with my heart and my trust. 
I wish I never loved you, I wish I still didn’t. You’ve torn me down and now all I feel is nothing because you have my everything. You are were my everything. In two months you’ll replace me and I’ll have to watch you love someone else the way I had dreamt of for years, the way I thought you did. 
Maybe I deserve it for being so stupid? Who knows, I just know that there won’t be a next time. This is it, I don’t want to go through this again, I’ll be happier by myself, or at least I hope I will be. 
Maybe this is a good thing? It sure doesn’t feel like it, but maybe.
Maybe with you gone, I can figure out who I am. I feel like I’ve grown around you, everything I’ve done has been about you, and now I have no idea who I am without you. 
Whatever happens, I hope future me is happy, and I really hope she’s over you.
Now the chapter is closed and done. 
Goodbye Veronica, goodbye to us’ 
Veronica can’t stop the tears as they fall and blur the ink. Tim pulls the car over into a patch of grass on a long winding road and just waits for her to stop. He calls Chad and he finds them, but she doesn’t stop crying. A part of her feels the tears will never stop. 
Chad pulls her into a hug, but his arms around her feel nothing like yours, and she can only imagine it’s you that’s holding her the way he is. 
She imagines you in his place, with the kind smile you inherited from your mother, and the smell of lemongrass filling her senses and making her dizzy in the best way. 
She imagines going home to you everyday, and talking about your day. She would laugh at your stories and you would pour her a glass of wine to help relax after another busy day at the office. 
You would come back to Riverdale for the holidays, surprising your parents with an engagement ring that she would want to show off, instead of the one that she has to be asked to show.
You would get married and she would know how lucky she was, and you’d look at her like she had hung the stars in the sky, and she would look at you like you’d created them. 
The world would be rose tinted forever. You would annoy all your friends with how in love you were. 
But then when she opens her eyes and see’s a very concerned Chad and Tim, the world fades to grey and and she finally realizes just what she’s done. 
support my writing! if you want! 
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dmux86 · 4 years
Six-ish Sentence Sunday
After spending the entire three day weekend driving across the country to upstate New York, they finally arrive at their new place on Monday evening, just thirty six hours before the local high school started back up. Betty and their mother helped Polly get inside and asked her if she wanted anything... food or a movie or anything... to help the pregnant teen relax instead of swinging between vacant stares and weeping for her boyfriend who had been dead for a week.
“Um, a shake?” the taller blonde asked, and Alice nodded “Good idea, I’ll call in an order to Pop Tate’s... you girl will love it. Betty, get the essentials out from the wagon and then go pickup the order, I’ll text you the address”
Half an hour later she was parking outside the old fashioned diner, loving the neon-lit ambiance and making her way inside with a racing heart, all but saying out loud that nobody here knows who you are, or who your father is as she walked inside, hair up in a ponytail and head held high.
“Order for Cooper” she told the kindly older man at the counter, still thinking that changing to Smith was better but Alice had pointed out that legally that wasn’t true and one slip up would draw attention and require talking about it.
“Did you say Cooper?” a soft feminine asked curiously from behind her, causing Betty to turn and see a girl around her age, dressed shockingly nice in a designer dress and pearls, who smiled and said “I’m Veronica Lodge, and if you are Elizabeth then I’m your peer mentor at Riverdale High” as she offered her hand. Betty took it politely to shake, but as she was about to greet her properly she lost the ability to speak or even think properly as her big green eyes saw who was standing behind Veronia, a tall and rather skinny young man, who was wearing a beanie over his dark hair despite the earlier September heat.
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ao3feed--bughead · 5 years
by Toryb
Trying to follow an old family tale about catching fairies, Betty finds herself in a world of trouble. The good news is, she caught her fairy. The bad news is that the Fae she has just managed to catch is not only the Princess of the Fae kingdom surrounding Riverdale, but also the sister of a very disgruntled Prince and Jughead doesn't take too kindly to humans meddling in his affairs. After his parents learn she might be the only one capable of curing his peculiar ailment, he has no choice but to keep her in Fae. While Betty helps tend to Jughead potions might not be the only thing brewing.
Words: 8015, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Jellybean Jones, Sabrina Spellman, Archie Andrews, Veronia Lodge, Kevin Keller
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Fae!Jughead, Fae & Fairies, Prince!Jughead, Eventual Smut, figured I'd get that tag out of the way so ya'll know, Jellybean is important and I love her, Sibling Bonding, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Mystery, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Someone's been poisoned, Tori Continues to write things that are incredibly self indulgent, Vague olden day time period, Heavy references to fairytales and fairytale themes, Jughead wears dragon leather, Which is kinda hot, Sorta kinda enemies to lovers if you squint, Medium Burn
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theao3feed-bughead · 5 years
The Fairy Jar
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2re0tG9
by Toryb
Trying to follow an old family tale about catching fairies, Betty finds herself in a world of trouble. The good news is, she caught her fairy. The bad news is that the Fae she has just managed to catch is not only the Princess of the Fae kingdom surrounding Riverdale, but also the sister of a very disgruntled Prince and Jughead doesn't take too kindly to humans meddling in his affairs. After his parents learn she might be the only one capable of curing his peculiar ailment, he has no choice but to keep her in Fae. While Betty helps tend to Jughead potions might not be the only thing brewing.
Words: 8015, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Jellybean Jones, Sabrina Spellman, Archie Andrews, Veronia Lodge, Kevin Keller
Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Additional Tags: Fae!Jughead, Fae & Fairies, Prince!Jughead, Eventual Smut, figured I'd get that tag out of the way so ya'll know, Jellybean is important and I love her, Sibling Bonding, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Mystery, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Someone's been poisoned, Tori Continues to write things that are incredibly self indulgent, Vague olden day time period, Heavy references to fairytales and fairytale themes, Jughead wears dragon leather, Which is kinda hot, Sorta kinda enemies to lovers if you squint, Medium Burn
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2re0tG9
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vilevogue · 6 years
a-little-oopsie-daisy replied to your post: a-little-oopsie-daisy replied to your post: ...
I have never seen an anime in my life but I love it already good golly
I haven’t actually watched a series in years but Perfect Blue and Paprika were both directed by my favorite director so I rewatch them on an embarrassing basis 
I never intended her to be a Veronia Lodge rip off. I intended her to be an anime rip off, there’s a difference and its the stark drop off of my parents pride in their trash weeb child 
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ofcatears · 6 years
chaosblossomed||EPISODE STARTER CALL
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“Is it just me, or has everyone in this town gone completely MAD? I mean..Veronia taking the cats, my mom going to HERMIONE LODGE to APOLOGIZE? Making me do the same with Veronica? I even had to do a duet with her for her confirmation.”
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alisonisuniverse · 7 years
I love you's by characters
Clarke Griffin: I love you!
Commander Lexa: I'll always be with you.
Carmilla Karnstein: But it is so beautiful the way you try.
Laura Hollis: You know!
Nicole Haught: I know, baby.
Waverly Earp: I love her.
Spencer Hastings: Can I kiss you? Just one last time...
Toby Cavanaugh: I was building [the house] for you.
Alex Danvers: She's beautiful, she's so beautiful...
Maggie Sawyer: And I really just, I wanna kiss you.
Lena Luthor: Kara Danvers, you are my hero.
Kara Danvers: *as Supergirl* Kara Danvers believes in you.
Alison DiLaurentis: Those kisses weren't just for practice.
Emily Fields: Ali, you're not alone.
Max Caufield: You are all that matters to me.
Chloe Price: That's okay. We will [last]. Forever.
Clay Jensen: I'm not going. Not now. Not ever.
Hannah Baker: You are my favorite "What If?".
Beca Mitchell: Well, you saw me naked, so.
Chloe Beale: *starts singing Titanium*
Veronia Lodge: No matter what no boy will come between us.
Betty Cooper: *supportive wife*
Mark Sloan: We're meant to be.
Lexie Grey: It's like I'm infected by Mark Sloan.
Arizona Robbins: I can't live without you and our ten kids.
Callie Torres: Do not Calliope me.
Alex Vause: I heart you.
Piper Chapman: Doomed to be together.
Delphine Cormier: *Cosima might die* No, I won't let you.
Cosima Niehaus: I came back for you.
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theenetflixnerd · 7 years
Riverdale Recap s2e4  Betty & The Blackhood.  (Is this the end of Bughead as we know them?)
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This is like super super late - and I have no excuse except for life - and although I haven’t had time to upload my reviews - I haven’t missed any Riverdale!! So here we are with my review of EPISODE 4
Soo - this episode is largely focusing on Archie forming and cementing ‘The Red Circle’ against the Black hood which causes issues between him & Veronia and also an interesting new thread - that of a ‘relationship’ (or connection rather) between our favourite girl next door, Betty Cooper and the black hood!!
Let me briefly start with the whole Archie / Veronica thing - or should I say Archie & the Lodges. I honestly still don’t get how he can even want to be semi connected to this whacked out family, but hey that’s his prerogative -  try as I may, I just don’t understand how everyone let’s the lodges get away with this rubbish!!  . . .  Hermoine is clearly up to something, and absolutely wants Archie and Veronica to break up, and honestly,  I don’t even disagree.  Veronica luckily is not stupid, and being suspicious of her parents continues to remain loyal to Archie.
Now - apparently the Blackhood is committing all these murders ‘for Betty’ - like WHAT THE HELL? … I don’t know who the Blackhood is, and it’s killing me , but I can’t wait to find out. I do however love that this might mean we get to explore a bit more of the ‘Dark Betty’. and I’m really disturbingly interested to see where this story line goes.
Also best description of Betty Cooper (like absolute perfection!) so I have to quote her being described as ‘Nancy Drew meets Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ … I love it!
Poor Juggie is getting pulled even worse as he becomes torn between the Northside & The Southside as he struggles with his identity. The whole ‘Blackhood’ code ciphering thing is also causing some da-ra-ma and with Juggie and Toni Topaz teaming up to work out the cipher I sense some trouble in the land of Bughead, and as much as I do love the pair of them, I actually am starting to feel that they’re getting a little tired, they’re just too different?  … i dunno, I’m one of the hugest fans of Lili & Cole’s chemistry , but really right now I wouldn’t mind seeing a little Toni / Juggie relationship to shake things up a little?
Finally, with Betty, Kev , Jug and Toni all working together they’re able to crack the Cipher and they rush to ‘Town Hall’ to warn the others who are all at the town meeting. Nothing quite goes down at the meeting, but there is an interesting little conversation between Hermoine & Hiram that takes place and I can’t help but think it’s an important little piece of information going on here when Hermoine is like , ‘I told you Fred would be a problem’ . . .  and Hiram is like, ‘ The people of Riverdale love and respect him’ … What , what , what are these two up too? . . . Hiram though, I gotta say, evil as he is, hot as hell and definitely intriguing!!
Those are the primary HIGHLIGHTS from E4. . .  Posting Episode 5 soon!! Stay tuned.
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