#verse: Future
lured-into-wonderland · 11 months
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Continued from [x] with @mannequinentity
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Sitting on her throne; eyes semi-closed or rather hidden under her long lashes, Nunnally was observing the man who had requested her attention. A visitor from the past. Manny. The mannequin. It was strange; the man coming to her but why? For help? For understanding? For consolation? Her face was seemingly unchanged, but inside she was laughing. A bitter laugh. He left a girl forced to sit the throne. Reluctant to take what wasn’t meant to be hers, but now he was meeting a cruel tyrant.
Fists clenched on the arms of her throne, she looked at Manny with the gentler eyes; the little girl inside her wanted to run to him and hug her friend, but the grown-up woman remained still and sited. She couldn’t. She simply could not.
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“Things here have not changed.” – a cold voice but laced with sadness and regret; perhaps audible only for Manny – “But it is obvious you have experienced hardship. I am glad you decided to seek your refugee here.” – Nunnally hated herself for being so distant, but that last sentence was everything she could offer him. Apart from the room and some…care?
A half of a smile. This was a castle. Now her castle. There were plenty of rooms. Nunnally stood up. Slowly.
“Of course, Manny. Your old room is still waiting for you. Always and for ever. Just as I had promised you on the day you decided to leave.” -- … me … -- “You know the way, but I will still lead you there.” – she pretended not to see his injuries. When the door behind his chambers would be closed, she would try to deal with them.
“Is there anything else you need? A doctor perhaps?”
(“You shouldn’t have left me back then, Manny. You shouldn’t have. If you hadn’t, things would have been much different for me.”)
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cyberpawn-arc · 2 years
because @prvtocol wanted to know how Vale is still kicking long after they should be dead due to the effects of the Relic! And the long and short of it is....AI! At the end of the game with the ending I use for Vale, V is working on a heist of the Crystal Palace for Mr. Blue Eyes. Blue Eyes wants V to hack into that place and fuck with security so Blue Eyes can get data and all that, but in game V tells Blue Eyes to “not forget his end of the bargain” which lets me on that Blue Eyes knows some way to keep V alive. 
I also believe that Blue Eyes is an AI himself, so he knows all about throwing in a personality construct and taking over a brain. Essentially what Vale has in their brain is some sort of inhibitor kinda chip that’s keeping everything stable in their brain at the moment. Inside that chip is an experimental Rogue AI that’s just bubbling about in their brain trying to rebuild whatever neural connections were fucked up by the Relic. Of course, Blue Eyes has control over the AI and that chip and at any time could just. Let a finger slip and shut down the AI, or hell, even possibly kick it into overdrive and let it just hunger for humanity enough to want to take over Vale’s brain and have their life. 
Every day, Vale walks the line of getting their brain shut down and dying in a few months all over again vs some AI that doesn’t known any better taking Vale’s place all in the name of “helping” them. Also, this AI isn’t currently developed to the point it’s like an engram Vale can communicate with, it’s essentially just functioning as their brain. 
Vale doesn’t have to live every day by Blue Eyes’ rules, but when he wants them on a gig, they’re following that gig before anything else. 
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bullet-rebuttle · 6 months
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miasonwing · 3 months
Trigger Warning: mental health issues, unreliable narrator, breakup
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portaldust · 6 months
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post-bridge of terabithia photo from last night
my eyes still hurt
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splatoongamefiles · 7 months
Last shitpost before i start ripping things again
inspired by this video which is personally iconic to me and you should all see (very loud at the end)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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A-Qing, the little fox.
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holyspiritgirl · 1 month
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Ephesians 5:25 (NLT) : "For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her."
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the fact that the collector only now found out about king conspiring with his family to defeat him means he hasn’t used his spy powers on king before at all. like eda was freely moving around in lilith’s hideout but the collector still thought she was in her owl beast form at the start of the episode. the collector respects not only king’s privacy, but the privacy of his mom and aunt as well. but they probably didn’t tell king about their spy powers. because king ABSOLUTELY would not trust that the collector respects his privacy that much.
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thewordfortheday · 6 months
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When you ask God for something, He may say no, and you may think that God is so unfair. He seems to be blessing everyone around you, and He hardly seems to hear you. You feel even more miserable when you see other people having fun, and you are the only one who is lonely and sad. But did you ever consider that God has something better for you? 
Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." 
See, that is why you should never be afraid to commit your unknown future to a known God. You should never be afraid to say, "Your will be done." The Lord who made the heavens and the earth has you in the palm of His hands. Jesus loves you and has the best in store for you, that is even more than you could ever ask or imagine. 
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Podcast Rec Masterpost
I've been asked a couple times for podcast recommendations so I thought I'd post a compilation of some shows and a bit of info about them. Most shows I talk about are tagged below (I ran out of tags) so you can look through fan content as well if you're not one to care about spoilers. My asks are still open for personalized recs if you send me some others that you've listened to just because I love you, yes that's right! You. The person reading this right now!
Here goes!
Dungeons And Daddies *not a BDSM podcast
This show is a dnd actual play podcast. The first season is about four dads from our world lost in the Forgotten Realms in search of their lost sons. It’s a comedy but as with all comedies, you will cry by the end of it. It's super easy to get into with great chemistry between all the cast players and the dm, no prior knowledge of dnd is necessary. They do invoke slight horror sometimes so do keep an eye out for content warnings. Season 1 has 68.5 episodes along with bonus content and a mini campaign in between seasons 1 and 2. Season 2 is currently ongoing. Transcripts available.
The Bright Sessions
This is a science fiction podcast. The premise is a collection of clinical recordings of superpowered people's therapy sessions. The plot gets more interesting and convoluted as you get further in. Incredible voice acting filled with emotion. Does have some heavier discussions so be on the lookout for content warnings. It has 7 seasons (the last two are technically not part of the first five seasons' plot) and is completed. Transcripts available.
Hello From the Hallowoods
A post-apocalyptic fiction podcast. A beautifully written and preformed podcast that explores identity, religion, and other themes in vignettes throughout this haunted world narrated by an omniscient being. Some heavier topics are included so check the content warning before each episode. Seasons 1 and 2 are completed and season 3 will be done soon. Transcripts available.
The Magnus Archives
A horror fiction podcast. A well written chronological story told through anthology which seem to be tape recordings from a paranormal investigation institute. Incredible writing and actors that really bring it to life. This is horror so make sure to check the content warnings. The show is completed at 5 seasons. Transcripts available.
Another horror fiction podcast! An interesting look into all the houses on Little Street and their peculiarities. Some more peculiar than others. The podcast is absolutely delightful with a horribly fun narrator. I would suggest checking the content warnings as some episodes are more intense than others. The show has 2 completed seasons. Transcripts available.
The Fall of the House of Sunshine
A musical mystery fiction podcast. The first season is about an investigation on the murder of a beloved host of a children's tooth-themed show. That's all I can say without spoilers. There are 3 incredible seasons along with short stories in between each season. Transcripts available until halfway through season 2.
Welcome to Nightvale
Possibly the most well known science fiction podcast, it really speaks for itself but I'll do my spiel anyways. Recorded as snippets of a daily radio broadcast, the show details the weird goings on in this strange desert town of Nightvale. Narrated almost completely by the radio host's smooth voice. It's ongoing and is currently sitting at 233 episodes. Transcripts available.
The Two Princes
A fictional queer romance podcast. It takes place in that special part of fiction that always starts with "once upon a time," it feels like a story book almost. The show is based around two boys meeting in the woods. Spoiler alert: they fall in love. It's just a cute feel good show. The podcast is complete at 3 seasons. Spotify auto-generated transcripts available.
What's the Frequency?
A self described psychedelic noir podcast. It's an absolute blast even if it is a bit hard to follow. Takes place in the 1940s in LA when all radio broadcasts were turned to static. You kind of just have to go with it until you get to the end. Completed at 12 episodes. Transcripts available.
Story Break
A writer's room podcast. The basic concept behind Story Break is 3 Hollywood writers in a room together take a prompt and try to make a story for it in an hour. There are many laughs in this podcast and just all around good humor and vibes. The show is complete at 169 episodes plus two full movie scripts. No transcript.
Who Killed Avril Lavigne
A science fiction podcast. It's about a time traveling pop punk loser and that's all you need to know. It's a podmusical so you'll be getting great nostalgic pop punk type songs along with crying from laughing so hard. Completed at 8 episodes. No transcript.
The Behemoth
A fiction podcast. Based around an unexplainable creature emerging from the ocean and how the world, and one girl in particular, deal with this phenomenon. It is pretty short with the longest episode being about 12 minutes. Completed at 20 episodes. No transcript.
Rude Tales of Magic
A dnd actual play podcast. It is mainly focused on the actual roleplay and story telling as opposed to the actual play. A handful of college students from Polaris University fuck the world up by completing a hazing ritual which in this case is a supposedly demon summoning. Obviously now they need to fix the world. Currently 64 episodes and ongoing. No transcript.
Midnight Burger
A very well written fiction podcast. It’s about a time/space traveling diner where the employees try to help solve a problem every place they land. Think Doctor Who adjacent vibes but with more drama. There is an overarching plot that comes together so look out for that. It has incredible characters that are really nicely fleshed out. You’ll somehow like and hate all of them as much as possible in the best way. Currently has 29 episodes of the main feed and a 9 episode mini-series. Transcript available.
Monstrous Agonies
A fiction podcast. It’s an radio advice segment on a station for “liminal Britain” aka the monstrous world to put it plainly. It’s really chill and comforting. There’s very good advice there and the intermittent ad reads will have you giggling to yourself. Episodes are on the shorter side, averaging about 15 minutes each. It does have some heavier discussions so make sure to check the content warnings. The show is completed at 111 episodes through 3 seasons. Transcripts available.
Desert Skies
A fiction podcast. The voice acting in this one is incredible, it’s the same person the whole time. The show as a whole is also just super well done. The premise is that when you die you show up on a highway and get to this astral pit stop. I’m not going to spoil it anymore you just have to experience it. There is an additional show, Desert Skies FM that's a buddy to this one. I recommend listening to both. Season 1 was completed at 12 episodes. Transcripts available.
Wooden Overcoats
A sitcom dramedy podcast. The show is about two siblings that run a funeral home on an island. It used to be the only one, it isn’t anymore. It has a wacky cast of characters and even wackier plot points. The dialogue can be a little hard to get used to at the beginning but once you get into it it flows easily. The show is completed at 4 seasons. Transcripts available.
Greater Boston
An audio drama podcast. It's set in Boston if you couldn't tell from the title and starts with the death of a man on a rollercoaster. It blends real life with some subtle (and at times not-so-subtle) fantasy elements. It's currently at 4 completed seasons. Transcript available.
Gay Future
A science fiction podcast. In a world where everyone is gay in the future we focus on this one straight kid. Following his journey to destroy the government who are making everyone gay. This is a satire by the way. 1 season completed at 6 episodes. No transcripts.
Death by Dying
A dark comedy podcast. The show follows an obituary writer while he does things that are totally under the jurisdiction of his job. A well written and preformed show. There are a lot of laughs and obviously some heartbreaks as well. Currently 1 completed season with season 2 sitting at 2 episodes for a bit now. Transcript available.
Not Another D&D Podcast
An actual play dnd podcast. This one's more mainstream than my other podcasts so I don't talk about it as much but that doesn't mean it's not incredible. The first campaign is about 3 adventurers off to save the world. Obviously. It can be a bit slow in the beginning but anything past the second half of the first season is incredible. There's humor, drama, love, and much more. The DM is also just incredible. 1 completed season, a couple mini campaigns, and the second season is currently at 43 episodes. No transcripts.
Forgive Me!
A fiction podcast. It starts based around vignettes of confessionals in this small town taken by a new father in the local church. An overarching plot is present but it's generally a feel good, sweet and simple show. They have 2 complete seasons with season 3 currently at 9 episodes. Transcripts available.
Real Housewives of D&D
An actual play dnd podcast. This show is based around the concept of a "Real Housewives..." type show but you don't need to know anything about those to listen to this. It's about 4 reality TV stars thrown into a magical fantasy world with no knowledge of how to get home. There's drama, excitement, danger, and lots more. The first season was just completed at 16 episodes. Transcripts available.
The Silt Verses
A horror fiction podcast. Two people who worship a banned god travel together up a river in a pilgrimage. There is incredible worldbuilding in this show along with acting and sound design. This is horror and a very good one at that so make sure you check content warnings. Season 1 and 2 are completed and season 3 is at 2 episodes so far. Transcripts available.
The Land Whale Murders
A comedy fiction podcast. It takes place in the year 1899 and is about a pair of friends? maybe not, that metaphorically explore the world they're living in. It is a commentary on the world we live in and the problems in it through a hilarious and wacky cast. There are currently 17 episodes between both seasons 1 and 2. Transcripts available.
Elaine's Cooking for the Soul
A post-apocalyptic cooking podcast. The show is about a dentist who makes her way through the fallout of an apocalypse while also making a cooking podcast. It does have depictions of violence, war, and dentistry so check out the content warnings. There are 2 completed seasons. No transcripts.
Fawx and Stallion
A mystery podcast. If you hate Sherlock Holmes you'll love this podcast. Also if you love Sherlock Holmes you'll love this podcast. It's based around the detectives who live across the street from Holmes at 224B Baker street. It's pretty goofy. Season 1 is completed. Transcripts available.
The Amelia Project
A fiction podcast. Follow the shenanigans of this death-faking organization as they take in new clients and hear their stories. It does develop an actual overarching plot later on but every second is fun. Seasons 1-4 have been completed and season 5 is in progress. Transcripts available.
A Voice From Darkness
A horror podcast. It's centered around a radio show hosted by Dr. Malcolm Ryder, Parapsychologist. He helps people who call into his show with supernatural problems, gives PSAs and warnings about strange happenings, and more. Season 1 is completed and season 2 is at 9 episodes. Transcripts available.
Station Arcadia
A dystopian fiction podcast. Formatted through a radio show, it tells the story of a world that's slowly dying. There are vignettes of different characters through different areas of the world. Season 1 is completed at 25 episodes. Transcripts available.
Margaret's Garden
A science fiction podcast. It has two plots running at the same time which keeps you on your toes but makes for an intriguing story line. In one plot line, two agents are sent to investigate the strange happenings of a weird little long abandoned town. Simultaneously, we hear from the past of that town as it catches up to the agents. Completed at 10 episodes. Transcripts available.
Camp Here & There
A horror comedy podcast. It's recorded as a set of daily announcements over a loudspeaker at a totally normal summer camp. The announcements are made by the camp nurse and he's also totally normal. I promise. Make sure to check in with the content warnings as some topics are a little mature or graphic. There are currently 34 episodes. Transcripts available.
Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye
A companion horror podcast. This is actually a bit meta because it is the result of a youtube series. This show is the one the podcast hosts in the series release, it's definitely worth both the watch and the listen though. It's got werewolves and drama. Completed at 10 episodes of video and 10 of the podcast. No transcripts.
I am in Eskew
A horror podcast. It's about a man who's trapped in a city where the buildings always change and the rain never stops. There's a weird monotonous creeping horror in this show that just draws you in. Check for content warnings definitely. Completed at 30 episodes. Transcripts available.
Traveling Light
A comfy cozy fiction podcast. It follows The Traveller on their exploration through space, visiting alien planets and collecting stories to send back to their community. For supporters of the show, it almost functions as a choose-your-own-adventure with choices to vote on and listener submissions. It's made by the same people as Monstrous Agonies so if you enjoyed that, you'd enjoy this and vice versa. There are currently 16 episodes. Transcripts available.
Not yet described but still recommended:
Eeler’s Choice
The Secret of St Kilda
The Endless Ocean
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio
The Sword & The Stoner
World Gone Wrong: a fictional chat show about friendship at the end of the world
Travelling Light
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Continued from [x] with @aurorxaeternitatis
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As he walked towards her, Nunnally almost regretted she asked that particular man - out of all the patrons she could approach in the café - that lovely day. The way he moved. The way he claimed space around him. His every move, every gesture seemed deliberate and planned. And that all was too familiar for her, and had never meant anything good. She was either being told to do something, or forbidden to do something. Always sent to her little corner of the world. (“Oh, come on Nunnally! You’re over it. Don’t let it haunt you!” ) – well, that wasn’t completely true, but at least she was now trying. Trying to escape the role that was assigned to her since her birth. Trying to make her own choices for her life. So, she shouldn’t let her old habits (and demons) haunt her. Otherwise, she’d most likely fail, and failing was not an option (as least not an option she would consider that day).
So, Nunnally smiled back to that stranger as he approached. She watched his skillful hands as they were taking care of her now-so-unwanted heel. He had beautiful and strangely fragile hands. As for a man; she thought. And was skilled. And strong? It didn’t take him too long to make her both shoes matching again, and serving the purpose. He finally spoke. Nunnally was mesmerized by his voice. A myriad of questions appeared in her mind. As mysterious as the man seemed to her before, his voice had only make that feeling stronger. She was almost sure a faint pink found its way onto her cheeks; something that was quite common for her old “self” years ago (but now these years seemed like millennia), but wasn’t really happening recently. Up till now. Nunnally was not sure if she was embarrassed about it, or didn’t really care. It was just an accidental meeting. Probably it wouldn’t even end up with a conversation. And even if it would (and why did she really hope for that to happen?), it wouldn’t change anything. It wasn’t her true self. Just an imagine, an alter-ego she created, so why to bother what a stranger was to think? But surprisingly she did care. 
“Thank you…” – her voice seemed less confident to her than it did before; was she letting her old-self reappearing? But she had hidden that little, naïve and fragile girl deep inside for no-one to hurt her again – “Thank you, that’s so kind of you to help a stranger and want nothing in return.” – her voice now louder, but still laced with some hesitance and with curiosity – “It seems it wasn’t the first heel you had to remove…Are you always being a knight for ladies in need?”
Nunnally was ready to leave when he (surprisingly for her) accepted her invitation. An invitation that wasn’t truly offered to him…? Saying these words, offering him another drink, Nunnally hadn't been sure (although now she was) if she wanted them to share their time. But when the mysterious stranger invited her to stay, she quickly nodded with agreement (perhaps too quick as for her own liking).
“I am glad and yes, I do insist.” – she said, finding them to share a table together – “But you’d have to tell me what drink that was. It’s impossible to guess…for me.” – perhaps a more observant person would know? At least she’d remember for the next time. If there was going to be next time – “Unless you prefer something else?”
Yes, her name. She should now introduce herself. But that unexpectedly became a problem. Should she give him her real name? Nunnally usually wouldn’t. She was more inclined to give the one she used when… Well, when trying to be someone else. Nunnally or Mathilde. Mathilde or Nunnally.
“I am Nunnally.” – her hand reached towards Ghost; she wanted to feel his touch, although she didn’t understand why. She wanted to offer him something real, something genuine, although she didn’t understand why either  – “But you can call me Nun if you wish.” – again a sentence she didn’t understand. Like her lips were speaking before her mind could stop them. She had so many questions, but none of them was suitable to ask.
“I have been observing you for a few moments before I approached you.” – a little confession from her – “You stand out from the patrons of this café.” – as probably she did – “Are you from the city or just visiting?”   
“I quite like this place.” – she added out of the blue, perhaps to keep the conversation going – “I come here quite often. They serve one of the best coffee in this city. Are you a coffee drinker?” – was she revealing more than she intended with these simple sentences?
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Luv it cuz he's like "that's funny" but you can tell he already regrets entering this universe
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yeehawbvby · 5 months
Alright, let's start at the beginning, one last time.*
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* My fancy way of making up for the fact that I started this in June and didn't touch it again until now
Tried to lay out Apple's intro sheet as if she made it herself, kinda. I hope y'all like her ^^ Close-ups below the cut!
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
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Speed paint video on my patreon!
Took it easy today, but I couldn’t help doing something while I was dyeing my hair. It was already green, but I felt like I had to freshen it up in honor of going see Mutant Mayhem on Tuesday!
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portaldust · 9 days
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burber time gburrer time
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