#very funny and cool! ill kill you
toytulini · 3 months
me, stupidly and weirdly resistant to listening to audio books vs reading a physical book for no real reason: man i wish there was a way to like, read a book while i crochet like i do with tv shows and movies and podcasts
#toy txt post#my reasons are irrational you dont need to try to talk me into it. i KNOW#its very silly of me#imagine how much reading i could get done. but alas. Feels Bad#even listening to a more. uh. Story type podcast or fiction like nightvale was a bit difficult to start for me. i like nightvale now i#listened. but i worry that is clocking in my brain as an Exception 😔 maybe it would be easier if i tried some nonfiction books? scary#i also struggle with single host podcasts apparently even tho im also ehhhh on the kind where the structure is the host Interviewing a#different person everytime? maybe it would be okay with a nonfiction audiobook tho cos it would be getting read by a narrator and not sound#so much like a guy ranting into a mic which makes me feel a little insane. altho propaganda doesnt necessarily always sound like a guy#ranting into a mic so idk. i could probably make it through if i can find a nice book about like. parasitic worms. i could tolerate#feeling like im falling into sigma male affirmations videos for worms i think. wormffirmations are allowed#*to clarify i dont listen to those but listening to better offline makes me feel like im morphing into the kinda guy who does and i hate it#which feels unfair cos he is RIGHT and the podcast is good but i need there to be like a cohost there to break the tension of the Ranting#sometimes he has guests on? but its not quite the same#i think the format i like best is either like 2 or 3 regular cohosts discussing things within a specific topic#OR. 1 host whos like infodumping to the other host who knows nothing about the subject. OR. 2 hosts info dumping to each other about#different aspects of the subject. OR. 1 host who brings on fun guests to infodump to them about a subject. and then obviously the subject#needs to intrigue me. ex. sawbones well theres your problem (I HATE THAT THIS ONE IS BEST EXPERIENCED ON YOUTUBE😭 I WANT THEM TO JUST DUMP#ALL THE SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST SOMEWHERE AND I CAN CHECK IN AND FOLLOW ALONG THAT WAY WITHOUT HAVING TO HAVE MY PHONE SCREEN ON THE#WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!! but. im listening for free so its unreasonable to demand more of them BUT ALSO I FEEL LIKE JUST COPYPASTING ALL OF THE#SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST ISNT THAT MUCH MORE EFFORT THAN EDITING A WHOLE YOUTUBE VIDEO? WAAAAAH. THEY DONT NEED TO BE TIMESTAMPED OR#ANYTHING JUST THROW EM IN ILL FIGURE IT OUTTTTTT#anyway. also more than 3 hosts is really pushing my ability to keep track of voices.#anyway: sawbones wtyp tpwky behind the bastards scam goddess#(which is true crime adjacent but focuses mainly on scams and isnt copaganda and laci is funny and cool)#common descent pod completely arbortrary maintenance phase if books could kill#deep sea podcast has more bringing ppl in to interview them about shit than i personally enjoy but i put up with it cos i do like the hosts#and the subject
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dream-sans-mogai · 20 days
Anyway, because I'm considered a bigger creator within the mogai community and I have a responsibility to address things given my bigger audience-
Please remember that Tumblr, especially LGBT Tumblr concerning discourse and intracommunity issues, is a hyper niche, reactive, violent, sensitive community with next to zero basis in reality at large and you should not take any of its opinions as absolute fact. Especially the mogai community's opinions.
A lot of people on mogai Tumblr talk big game with very clearly fake the-whole-bus-clapped stories about the real world concerning acceptance towards mspec monos, Neopronouns and Xenogenders and it's my job as an adult and guiding voice to remind people these experiences may happen but rarely do and you absolutely should not just tell random people you use purr/purrs pronouns or your a bi gaybian or you identify as Chronosian or other things like that because it's really fucking dangerous even in hyper progressive places like new york, cali and Detroit. It can be deadly in many many small towns, including ones in progressive states. Especially dangerous in non accepting states.
I don't say this to burst your bubble or ruin your hopeful world view but many stories of acceptance are fake, even if some are true, most of the community is underage and just cause your teacher may approve of your Soniccharic identity, doesn't mean they won't tell your transphobic parents. It's scary and dangerous out here for trans and gay people rn and I won't be one of the idiots who tell you to run and frolic with your Xenogender pins Infront of increasingly hostile transphobes. I want the younger gen z trans people to survive and I won't lie to you about the reality of the battle we all are staring down concerning project 2025.
Most of the people telling these stories live in progressive states and do not tell you about the failed times or exaggerate the acceptance they supposedly received. I'm telling you from the mouth of someone who grew up in a tiny town in South Ohio with less than 1,000 people, it's still just as dangerous as it was 10 years ago. I still get followed in my home town. I still get stares in my home town. My actual home town, a place I grew up in where people knew me as the gnc dyke for a good while in my last 2 years of school. Do not spread this shit around to everyone. Nex didn't think they would become a victim, Brianna didn't think she would be one of the unlucky ones, plenty of those we've lost did not think they would die in hate crimes. I almost died in two of the hate crimes I've experienced.
You need to be really fucking careful and although I love than Neopronouns and Xenogenders are becoming more accepted by the larger LGBT community, you need to be very very VERY careful about what you do, what you wear and who you tell what because word spreads fast in suburbia and hate spreads faster. You do not want to be wearing a pin the day some white cishet magat decides he's tired of the "pedophiles" and chooses you as the first victim because you were the first he saw. Don't hide who you are but Be. Fucking. Careful.
#clover speaks#im not being a doomist and i wont stand those allegations but some of yall telling these kids and teens the world is totes cool#with no-c paras and therians and bi lesbians have lost the plot and are gonna get these kids killed#especially considering i grew up very rural and none of the advice about presenting trans could possibly apply to me#thats why i say urban and even semi urban lgbt people should not be giving advice to rural lgbt people#nothing you say can apply to us because it is that dangerous#i still get followed as a fucking 23 yr old adult around my town#the one time an lgbt club tried to get established at my highschool the posters were ripped to shreds and there were both#bomb and shooting threats#people talking about setting the school on fire so they could quote pop the faggots one by one as they came running out#im so happy you live in a privileged Massachusetts school district with loving teachers who accept your system identity#please dont encourage the children in alabama and ohio to follow suit because you will get their naive asses killed#urban queer advice dosent apply to rural lgbt people#thats another thing ive seen be said by urban lgbt people that queer is no longer a slur used that way and has been totally reclaimed#great guess half my family and all my achool bullies were really just showing solidarity and i took it the wrong way#say youve never truely felt mortal danger in your small Christian home town cause your ex told pple your trans without saying it#like really#the privilege just jumps right out#that was the stupidest so and so is terf rhetoric to date and yall tme people just scarfed that shit down#ill never drop that veiw because i and many others can attest to it#surprise queer can be a slur an identity and a community all at the same time shocking ik#and if your offended because people are calling your identity a slur i ask whats dyke and faggor now#cause thoss were reclaimed waaaayyyyy before queer was and you still acknowledge their status as slurs#infact i remember seeing maps of slur usage on twitter from 2020 when that discourse was popular and queer#was the bigots favorite slur for us not dyke or faggot#i cant believe the brain rot on this site sometimes#itd be so funny as entertainment if yall werent using it to question and harass lgbt people with ptsd over it for litteral years#ik because i was one of the people harassed :)#i dont forget this shit so easily#sorry for the rant lol
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thewertsearch · 16 days
Anonymous asked: I love the god tier rules. if your death isn't interesting and narratively satisfying it simply doesn't count, try again, we're trying to tell a cool cosmic story here! @captorations asked: the whole heroic/just death thing is really funny to me because it's a commentary on how narratives work. like. for all intents and purposes every major character is already god tier. by narrative convention no major character is going to die even semi-permanently outside of a heroic or just situation. john getting randomly stabbed on his quest bed was neither, of course that wasn't going to kill him for good. (alpha timeline) dave isn't going to fucking trip over a crocodile and fall in lava and die. rose isn't going to experience some terrible consequences from running with needles. jade isn't going to randomly croak from radiation poisoning. in a practical short-term sense, god tier doesn't do jack shit except crank your power level up a notch. and even that is up for debate. and of course narratives work the way they do because of fan reception. only heroic or just deaths are accepted, anything else is unsatisfying. and unsatisfying is far worse than tragic. consider that if all the trolls had been god tier, they would have died anyway! the only possible exception is equius. point is. homestuck continues to be an 8000 page lecture on How Stories Work. and it's great
Oh, that's true! By their very nature, Heroic and Just deaths are always going to be dramatic, plot-critical affairs. Therefore, ascending to God Tier means that you'll never die an NPC's death.
I'm thinking now about whether the Just/Heroic framework would encompass all plot-relevant Player deaths. Equius is certainly an ambiguous case, and a death by illness feels like it would be neither. Mind you, how often do major characters really get taken out by illness?
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The first example I can think of is Goku's heart virus, which definitely killed him non-Heroically - but this sort of proves my point, because it happens outside of the story's primary timeline. By Homestuck's own rules, this is a doomed Goku, and he's probably not subject to the same protection.
Can we really picture Alpha Goku getting taken out by a heart attack? On a meta level, we know that that's not going to happen - and that's the sort of plot armor that God Tier is riffing off.
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megaderping · 2 months
Persona 5 fandom, I beg of you, please stop with the casual (and likely very unintentional) ableism. This is less about one specific person and an overall trend I see whenever people post bad takes on Akechi. Going "Akechi is a murderous psychopath" is harmful because it spreads an unfair stigma about psychopathy and mental illness in general as this "crazy" and violent thing, which has been normalized for far too long. And also, it's just not true. Anyone who thinks Akechi is this "remorseless psycho" (keeping in mind this use of the term isn't great) simply does not have more than a surface level reading of the character. His missable November texts make it abundantly clear that he is not happy with what he's doing under Shido. Which, granted, HIGHLY missable text. You have to basically delay Sae's Palace and not go in at all until mid-November. Engine room, 12/24, multiple times in third sem... his remorse is there, it's just subtle or not presented as shaking and crying and begging for forgiveness, because he's a guarded mess of a person (with deep psychological scars, make no mistake- this is not a healthy kid). But even without those texts, there are plenty of times where these feelings are conveyed. His sad reaction when Morgana explains changes of heart (if he had known sooner), his regrets in the engine room and lamentations about Joker's freedom, and I basically did a whole meta post breaking down the important visual and spoken symbolism to Akechi's character that gets boiled down to "hehehe crazy murder boy". Hate or dislike him? Cool, sure, but the normalization in fandom communities of just throwing around mental illness related terms in a derogatory fashion... really isn't good? Like even if Akechi was literally a psychopath or sociopath or had npd or other specific mental illnesses, that doesn't inherently make him evil, nor does it erase his victimhood, which is so integral to his role in the story.
He killed people, yes. That's not really up for debate, and yes he gets feral and over the top in third sem... but that's just over the top edgelord behavior directed at Shadows and focusing only on that ignores everything else he says and does in third sem, yet it happens so much (even though other Phantom Thieves, like Haru, have fun fighting Shadows too). Are we just gonna ignore all the times he's cool, collected, and reasonable in third sem to throw around this antiquated and hurtful idea of what the word "psychopath" means? ._. Just... blarg. I've made many Akechi rambles/rants, but the normalization of ableism surrounding him is not great? I think it's mostly down to ignorance and lack of media literacy, but yeah. Plus it's kinda fucked up how little weight is placed on Shido for teaching him how to do shutdowns (his own admission), the fact that the moment Akechi revealed himself to Shido, he was screwed, because this is a man who took a bump on the head as a reason to ruin Joker's life.
Idk. I think it's not just a P5 fandom trend, even, because it's so normalized the same way people think OCD is this funny quirky mental condition because of shows like Monk when it's an actual disability that can deeply affect people in horrible ways... Mental health awareness is good is all I'm saying.
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icarusredwings · 25 days
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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asagaciousmind · 4 months
Saw the Les Miserables Tour at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto on May 21 2024; here are my thoughts (Long read, sorry I have a lot of feelings)
Prologue/Look Down/Valjean's Soliloquy
We got like, holographic waves crashing and the men are rowing a boat LIKE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE it's awesome
Oh my god the pipes on the background actors were so good. THE SUN IS STRONG ITS HOT AS HEEELLL BELOW
I miss Javert's stupid guard hat. Was bareheaded as he gave Valjean his yellow ticket
PETIT GERVAIS?????????? Valjean steals a little boy's coin when he's roaming the countryside 😭
Randy Jeter as the Bishop blew me away. Not just his voice but his acting was FANTASTIC every single movement was like. I am an old bishop. This is how an old bishop moves. Idk idk it was really good
Nick Cartell did a great job w Valjean overall, but I totally loved him as pre-MsurM Valjean the most. He acts like a feral animal, grabbing the wine out of the nun's hands and the bread from the priest all hunched over and practically snarling - very very cool and awesome
At the End of the Day
Not a negative but when we went to At the End of the Day there was very minimal lighting and my first thought was Oh no the lighting broke hope they fix it and we don't have to have a brief intermission but then when they went 'At the end of the day there's another day dawning' the lights went up and I was like OHHHHHHHHHHHH so that's just me not understanding lighting direction
Foreman killed it, so did all of the factory workers I love all the interactions and ad-libbing in the background it makes me so happy to see
Every time I saw a tall graceful ensemble member I was like '"That's Kyle Adams" and 8/10 times I was right. Otherwise it was Daniel Gerard Bittner
I Dreamed A Dream
OKKKK VOCALS???? Haley Dortch has such a beautiful, clear, emotional sound and she left not a dry eye in the house. Literally the second intermission hit my parents and myself were like. Holy shit dude what about that Fantine
I got her autograph after the show and she was so so sweet 🥺 She accidentally messed up her signature and had to redo it and was apologising to me and I was like GIRL you brought the house down you could stab me right now and I'd be like 'Thanks have a good one'
Lovely Ladies / Fantine's Arrest
Bamatabois (David Andino) was a standout performance, really chewed the scenery and I adored every second he was on stage (Plus his costume was fantastic)
The other girls defending Fantine 🥺
I like that after the police show up and they basically arrest all of the ladies and pimps, regular well-off citizens come out to witness Valjean defending Fantine from Javert. Thought it was a nice touch
Fantine's Death
My first and only cry of the evening, Haley Dortch no one does it like you
The Confrontation
If you've heard me talk about the confrontation you'll know that I absolutely hate the new chain choreography, HOWEVER. I really really liked it this time. Preston in particular gave it a lot of physicality that I enjoyed
Nick Cartell is a little guy and I don't really believe that his Valjean managed to knock out Preston's Javert
For some reason the percussion was really loud and I could barely hear the vocals so I don't have many thoughts on them
Master of the House / Waltz of Treachery
Both Thenardiers were fantastic, not a crazy amount of ad-libbing but when they did they made it count ("BYE, BAGUETTE")
Madame in particular was hilarious
Master of the House is very busy in a good way, everywhere you look interesting things are happening. Another number where the ensemble shines and you can tell everyone is having a blast
The Bargain was funny as hell, Thenardier tells Cosette to die in his arms and she goes limp when he's saying she's 'often been ill'
Valjean gives Cosette Catherine!
Look Down / The Robbery
Gavroche was super charismatic and confident, really great child actor (Milo Maharlika)
Eponine tosses Marius' book across the stage and he goes "I like the way you always ... tease 😐" They're such cute friends together
After Enjolras and the boys are done their preaching Enjolras gets stopped by a policeman and is told off 😭
During the robbery Montparnasse keeps Marius away by brandishing his little knife at him which I thought was cute
Also! Montparnasse is the only member of Thenardier's gang to escape during the Robbery!!! Which is a nice Brick reference
After Thenardier's 'In the absense of a victim' spiel he does this exact pose
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Gavroche's little 'Clear the streets' 🫡moment is so cute
God I love Preston Truman Boyd
His Javert is so stalwart and reserved and dedicated, he's kind of robocop and it really really works, and you get to see just a smidge of vulnerability peek out in this song
ABC Cafe / Red and Black
I DON'T REMEMBER A LOT bare with me
Grantaire was absolutely the standout. Slapped Marius' butt with his coat. Stuck his wine bottle dick in Enjolras' face. Offered Combeferre a sip of his wine (who reluctantly accepted). Blew a kiss at Enjolras
Kyle Adams physicality is probably my favourite aspect of his Grantaire - he moves very assuredly, like a cat, in a way that is like okay he's drunk but he's so used to being drunk that his stumbling is more like dancing. I remember reading a fic that described Grantaire's movements in a similar way and I wonder if that was one of the fics Kyle took inspiration from?
OOH they did the wine bottle keep-away thing with Grantaire and Marius which I didn't know they still did so that was exciting
J.T Wood is such a cute Joly I love his voice
In Do You Hear the People Sing Grantaire grabs a gun and holds it at arms-length like it has cooties before handing it off to another student
Combeferre waves the flag both times (Here and in One Day More) and I'm not sure if it's always Combeferre who does that or if it's because Andrew Marks Maughan is clearly the most physically strong of the Barricade Boys
In My Life / A Heart Full of Love
Delaney Guyer is a really good Cosette in that she has a gorgeous voice and also has a lot of personality and actually reacts to things going on around her
Marius (who was played by Christopher James Tamayo for this performance) is such a cute little nerd. You can see him try to figure out what he's going to do, then he throws a rock at Cosette's window and kind of cringes at the noise - he's so unsure of himself and awkward
Cosette is very excited that he's here and closes the window right away, which prompts Marius' 'I'm doing everything all wrong!' until she reappears downstairs and they get to be cute dorks in love
Attack on Rue Plumet
I don't remember a lot but I DO remember that Eponine was really good here
When Valjean is like 'Tomorrow we'll away' Cosette goes 'WHAT? NO!'
David Andino is so good as Babet he is a chronic scene stealer at this point
One Day More
If you know Another thing about me you know I hate the One Day More box-step but it actually did not bug me this time. They put Grantaire next to Enjolras for the marching portion which is cute
On My Own
Holy shit Mya Rena Hunter delivered the most heartbreaking and powerful rendition of this I've ever heard
The Barricade
Loved Feuilly in his little part
Javert is a good spy. If I didn't know the plot of Les Mis I would've been like Holy shit that's Javert? Crazy. I love him drawing the 'plans' he'd overheard into the ground with a stick
Gavroche flipping Javert off >>>>>
Buff Combeferre is one of the two to drag Javert away to be tied up lol
A Little Fall of Rain
The only version of ALFoR that actually made me feel something
Marius and Eponine get a lot of time to be cute together before the barricade actually notices that she's dying - and Gavroche is the first to notice and gets a front row seat to her death which is heartbreaking
The First Attack
Grantaire's "AND SO THE WAR WAS WON!" was sooo scathingly sarcastic
Javert waited, like, 30 seconds to leave after Valjean freed him, with his back almost against the barrel of Valjean's gun as if he were hoping to be shot
When the gun went off the entire barricade abruptly snapped their heads to look at Valjean and the audience laughed 😭
Telling Valjean 'Well done' for shooting a tied up hostage is a strange choice
Drink With Me
I still hate 'For certain as the eagle flies' I think it's the dumbest line in the entire musical
Grantaire's part was very grand - His voice has like noticeably changed at this point in the musical to give it a sort of hoarse hopeless quality to it which absolutely hits you in the feels
Enjolras comforted him and I swear Grantaire let his hand linger on his cheek for a few seconds longer than normal before pushing him away
Gavroche hugged Grantaire from behind and Grantaire couldn't even turn around at first because he was so distraught and kind of blindly reached for him 😭
Chris Tamayo's Marius is such a poor little meow meow
Bring Him Home
Absolutely jaw-dropping performance from Nick Cartell
He sings Bring Him Home like it's a lullaby - which it's supposed to be
I don't exaggerate when I say that the applause went on for about a minute straight, and was the loudest of the night by far
Death of Gavroche / The Final Battle
Oh poor thang
Grantaire near the end of Gavroche's singing was turned away facing the audience like he knew Gav was going to die and couldn't bear to watch 🥺
Later on in the final battle Grantaire spends most of the time next to Gavroche's body in like a catatonic state
The SPOTLIGHTS representing BULLETS as Les Amis died almost made me lose it
Grantaire dies last, I'm sure he said something before he started climbing the barricade but I couldn't hear it 😭He and Enjolras still have their moment over Marius' body
The Sewer
Javert comes across Enjolras' cart-carried body (Still hate the cart but I can learn to appreciate it) and looks a bit uncomfortable
Then he stumbles upon Gavroche's corpse, kneels, and does the sign of the cross over him
Almost made me cry ngl
Javert looked like he wanted to shoot Valjean as he walked away with Marius
Javert's Suicide
It was so good
Preston Truman Boyd you will always be famous I fully believe that Javert had completely lost his mind at this point in the play
I don't have many thoughts on the rest but I loved Marius and Cosette reading Valjean's confession as he walked away with Fantine - and the Bishop hugging him as he arrives in heaven
Also Kyle Adams as Major Domo mincing about the stage in The Wedding was an absolute delight
Am very sleepy now but overall 10/10 I love this cast so much
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stories-and-chaos · 7 months
Shrike: Sick Day
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable. Just some fluff about how our murderous couple would take care of each other. And of course the rest of the gang has to “help.”]
[One shot, word count 2731, Cw: mild nudity?]
You woke up, aching from head to toe. Despite Alastor being right next to you (the man radiated heat) and the duvet, you were chilled. A sudden coughing fit made you wish for some tea.
Crap. You were sick.
“Mmm, cher?” Your ears must be clogged too. Your husband’s voice sounded staticky and a bit distant, as if you were listening to his radio broadcast. You started to reply but another coughing fit interrupted you.
Another try. “Alastor, good-“ you tried to greet him but you cough didn’t stop.
He sat up and gently put the back of his hand to your forehead. His hand looked a little funny. Did you two not clean up after a kill last night? Maybe that’s why you felt so awful. “Ah, mon petit coeur, you’re sick. Best you stay in bed today my dear.”
“Cher,” you managed to croak out. There went any thoughts of performing tonight. “Your hair is all red and-“ you paused to cough “-there’s twigs in it! Didn’t we wash up last night?” You reached up to brush the twigs away. He was so careful about washing blood off yet his hair must have been soaked with it.
“What?” Maybe the two of you had been up very late; his eyes looked bloodshot too. “Y/N, what are you…?” He trailed off as you got a look at your hand. Goodness, you were still covered in blood too! “Ah, mais non cher. We’re in Hell. Remember my dear?”
“I know I feel awful-“ you said around coughs “-but saying this is Hell is a bit much Alastor.”
He grasped your hand. “Y/N. We’re dead my dear. We have been for almost a century.” He gently brushed a sweaty lock of hair from your face. “We really are in Hell, cher.”
Oh. That wasn’t your ears being clogged up. The Radio Demon. His voice was just like that now. “Fuck.” You flopped back onto your pillow, shrike wings spreading out limply.
“Hmm, I don’t believe either of us would be up for that,” your husband said mildly.
You grumbled. “Isn’t being in Hell punishment enough? Getting sick on top of that seems a bit much.” You did your best to focus your magick. A little silver halo of wind formed above your head to make a cooling breeze.
As you dozed, Alastor busied himself in the kitchen. Shortly he returned with a tray of food and tea. The tea had a generous helping of honey, the bowl of grits was one of your comfort foods and was easy to eat. After making sure you were settled, he left to inform Charlie and the hotel’s residents of the situation.
Unbeknownst to you, once informed that you were ill, Charlie responded with the expected sympathy at first. Then she gasped and launched to her feet. “That’s it! That will be perfect for today’s activity!”
“Say what now?” Alastor’s voice scratched at her sudden enthusiasm.
“We can work on helping Y/N feel better! Hey everyone!” She bounced up and down, waving excitedly at the residents. “Today we’re going to work on ‘helping someone in need!’” Alastor’s eye twitched as she started making plans.
“Sweetie, what’s this all about?” Vaggie asked as she got to the main floor. By then the little group was all gathered in the parlor.
“Y/N is sick sooooo this is the perfect opportunity to work on ‘helping others!’ Being selfless and helping others feel better is sure to help on the path to redemption! So I want everyone to start brainstorming how to make Y/N feel better.” She dashed over to a pile of paper, saying she was sure she had notes about what to do when someone is sick. Alastor’s eyelid continued to twitch.
Vaggie, ever the perceptive one, noticed his irritation. “Charlie, sweetie, did you make sure Alastor and Y/N are okay with this?”
“Right! Alastor, can we all help you take care of Y/N until she’s feeling better?” She clasped her hands together as she looked up at him. Begrudgingly he agreed to ask if you were up for it.
You were sipping your tea, letting the warmth soothe your throat. “I suppose I don’t mind,” you said, surprising your husband as he cleared away the tray. “It’s more interesting than staying in bed all day.”
“If you insist my dear. May I?” He held out his arms to scoop you up at your agreement. “Although you will be right back up here if those misfits go too far.” You chuckled as you curled up in his embrace. Or you tried to, but ended up coughing.
He sighed and carried you down to the parlor. You could hear Charlie cooing at the sight of the Radio Demon gently bringing his wife down the stairs.
One thing you’d come to find out in your afterlife was that your animal traits came to the fore at strange times. One of which was when you weren’t feeling well or recovering from an injury. You preferred being in something more like a nest than a bed at those times. So Alastor snapped his fingers and a pile of overstuffed pillows manifested on the ground.
You shivered as you settled in. “I want the duvet cher.”
“Oh oh! We can do that!” Charlie waved her hand widely. “Angel, Pentious, this is a great way to start!”
“Very well then! Minions! Let us fetch the lady’s blanket for her!” The snake demon slithered to your suite, eggs chattering as they followed along. “‘S called a duvet…” you mumbled sleepily. Once you were wrapped up, your day being a target for ‘assistance’ began. Alastor wasn’t about to leave you alone with them, so he settled into the nearby wingback chair.
Angel disappeared and returned wearing a skimpy nurse’s outfit, complete with thigh high stockings. “Alright toots, Nurse Angel Dust is here to make you feel all better baby.” He pulled a thermometer out of his chest fluff and popped it into your mouth. The thermometer beeped rapidly and he took a look at the reading. “Oh shit, you really are sick.”
You stared at him blankly; Alastor’s eye twitched and his smile twisted in annoyance. “Yes. Yes I am. Thank you for the assessment.” Angel held up a finger and dashed off. He returned with an ice pack, lozenges, and an extremely phallic shaped popsicle.
He plopped the ice pack on your head and popped the frozen treat in your mouth just like he had with the thermometer. “There you go, sweet cheeks, that’ll help your throat. I’ll get you somethin to eat.”
“No need! Doctor Pentious is here with the cure for the lady’s illsss.” Pentious slithered up, dressed in a white coat with a head mirror strapped on. The egg bois had matching outfits and were carrying reflex hammers, tongue depressors, and a bone saw. One had a highball glass ready. Pentious produced a dark colored bottle labeled as Dr. S. Pentious’ Hellish Cure All! For all aches, pains, coughing, toothaches, cramps, and gunshot wounds.
He poured the red tinted dark liquid out. You could swear it smoked in the glass. Before he could hand it to you, Alastor grabbed the glass and tossed it into the fireplace. The glass shattered and the liquid evaporated in the flames, making a puff of skull shaped smoke. “No patent medicines for my darling, chum.”
“What?! It works perfectly for my minions!” Pentious looked offended.
“Your minions are disposable. Y/N is not.” You could see his antlers stretch as his annoyance grew.
“Ooooookay, that’s a good start! Angel, Pentious, how about you two make something for her to eat?” Charlie shoved both of them out towards the kitchen. Thankfully, Alastor calmed down as they left. You continued eating your popsicle, deliberately not thinking about how it looked while he relaxed into the chair with his eyes closed.
“At least they mean well, cher,” you reminded him. He cracked open one eyelid at you, clearly annoyed by everything in existence.
Just as you finished the popsicle (it did help soothe your throat) Husk walked up. “Here, this should actually help.” He held out a medicine cup, with a dose of syrupy liquid in it. “Actual medicine, none of that snake oil crap.” He also had a glass of whiskey for Alastor. “Figure you need something to take the edge off.”
“Perceptive as always Husker,” he sipped gratefully and added, “although I may need more than one of these if this keeps up.”
“I’ll keep ‘em coming boss. Better than you rip our only residents into pieces.”
Husk kept providing glasses of water for you and whiskey for your husband. You vaguely heard some metallic banging and voices from the direction of the kitchen, but nothing really distinct. Eventually Angel and Pentious returned with soup. Chicken noodle, with enough spice to clear your sinuses. The two of them regaled you with how they cooked it, each trying to claim they did more than the other.
Finally Vaggie stepped in. “Look it doesn’t matter which one you dumbasses made it if she doesn’t get to have any because you keep arguing about it. So shut up and let her eat it before it’s cold.”
“Fiiiiiiiine,” Angel leaned over to you with the bowl. “Open wide toots,” sounding way more sensual than any nurse should be.
You grabbed the bowl. “I can feed myself Angel.” Fortunately the soup was pretty good, once you could actually have it. You snuggled into your nest. “Alastor, ma cher, it’s about time for your broadcast.” The sound of a record scratching filled the room as he glared at you, then at Charlie’s group still brainstorming ways to ‘help’ you. “I’ll be fine darling. Vaggie and Husk should be able to wrangle them. I think,” you added in an undertone.
He hesitated and you waved him off with a shooing motion. “Very well cher. I’ll be back right after.” He kissed your knuckles before vanishing into his shadows.
“Y/N, Y/N! I made you tea!” Niffty skittered over with a tea set on a tray. “Merci Niffty, that’s very sweet of you.” She giggled maniacally but you were used to that. “It’s supposed to be really good for when you’re sick, ginger and honeybee!” she added just as you took a sip. You froze and managed to spit it back into the cup.
“Niffty! You’re supposed to use honey not honeybees,” Charlie exclaimed, whisking the cup away. You desperately groped for your water; Pentious realized what you needed and got the glass in your hand. You rinsed your mouth before gulping down the rest. Husk brought you a refill and you chugged that too.
Sir Pentious picked up the tiny maid. “Niffty dear, let’s go clean this up and make some fresh tea.”
“Awww and it took forever to catch all those bees,” she complained as they headed back to the kitchen. “Geez, you can’t take your eyes off her, huh?” Angel said, running a hand through his hair.
“Hey, Angel?” Surprised, he looked down at you. “Could you read for me?”
“Huh? Ya want me to…read?” You nodded. “Uh…sure, I guess. Whatcha wanna hear?”
“There’s a book on my nightstand,” you managed between coughs. Husk brought you a new dose of cough syrup. “Can you grab that?”
“You’re gonna let me into your and Al’s room?” You nodded again. “A’right, so long as Smiles doesn’t get mad at me for it.” He returned a few moments later with the book. “Dang toots, I thought my room was crazy; why d’you have a whole damn swamp in yours?”
“ ‘S a bayou. Reminds us of home,” you said drowsily. The spider demon could only shrug at that. He settled onto the couch, long legs crossed gracefully, and opened the novel to your marked page.
He faltered at first but as he continued his voice got smoother. The pitch dropped just a little and his accent became heavier. It was a bit odd to hear Agatha Christie in his voice, but that didn’t stop you from enjoying it. You ended up falling asleep, thinking you were finally hearing the real Angel.
Alastor returned once his program finished to find you still asleep in your mountain of cushions. Angel was still reading your book, silently now. He’d noticed your light snores, placed your bookmark and kept reading on his own. “Ya know Al, this thing’s pretty good,” he said as he noticed your husband’s arrival. “Your girl’s got good taste.”
“Well, I’m glad you finally noticed.” His voice woke you up; you poked your head out from under the duvet. “How are you feeling cher?”
“Mmm,” you tried to assess things. You felt slightly itchy and sweaty. “I could use a bath.”
Angel Dust immediately perked up. “Oh, Nurse Angel has that covered doll face.” At the flat no from the two of you, he only smiled wickedly. “What? I’ve got six hands,” he popped the hidden arms out, “I can scrub her down real good. And you too, tall, dark, and spooky.” He flashed his gold tooth at Alastor, who finally had enough. Your husband picked you up and after a brief moment of darkness you both appeared in your bathroom.
“Hopefully he got the hint,” you remarked as Alastor gently stripped your nightgown off.
“If not I’ll make sure to drive it home.” He drew the bath for you and lowered you into the tub. “Ah ah cher. I haven’t been able to fuss over you all day,” he scolded as you moved to soap up a sponge. “Surely you won’t deny me the chance to participate in the ‘helping others’ exercise?”
“Never darling.” So you relaxed as he stripped off his jacket, shirt, and undershirt, leaving his trousers on. You stayed passive as he cleaned all the sweat from your skin. He was gentle and thorough, caring but not sensual in his motions. As he massaged your scalp, you felt yourself getting drowsy again.
By the time he was done you were ready to crawl back in bed. “Not yet my dear, we need you dry and dressed first.” You grumbled but shook off sleep to cooperate.
When he brought you back to the main room, you found a fresh bowl of soup, a pot of actual tea, another dose of cough syrup, and your book on the table. The pillow nest and duvet had also been brought up. There was a card written in crayon on the tray of food. Get Well Soon! was on the front, along with smiley faces and rainbows. The inside had signatures from everyone (egg bois 1 through 4 and Frank included) and a message from Charlie thanking you both for your help today.
You handed the card to Alastor; he read it, smirked and set it onto your bookshelf. Unlike Angel earlier, you let him feed you spoonfuls of soup. You could drink your own damn tea though. Once the food was gone, he settled you back into your nest with a kiss to your forehead. “Bonne nuit, cher.”
That was your routine for the next few days, until Hell’s version of influenza ran its course. Just a couple days after you started feeling better though, you were awoken by deep coughs next to you. “Oh no darling.” Of course Alastor caught it. Through his bleary red eyes you could tell he was dreading the attentions of the hotel residents. “Not to worry cher, I’ll handle it.”
In a reversal of last week, you told Charlie that Alastor was sick. She was again sympathetic before getting excited. “This is great! We can review everything we learned taking care of-“
“No. No no no Charlie. Alastor is not a patient patient and even sick he’ll rip them to bits. So I’ll take care of him and you guys can help me. From outside the room. Understood?”
The princess might have insisted but Vaggie quickly spun her and slid the taller girl across the floor. “Yup, last week was stressful enough, I’m not pushing our luck again. C’mon sweetie, let’s get started on the soup.”
Satisfied you returned to your suite and let your husband know the situation. “Merci, mon petit coeur,” he managed before a coughing fit kicked off. You rubbed his back. “It’s the least I can do darling.”
A/N: Happy Valentines Day readers and especially to my fellow acespecs! 💜🤍🩶🖤
@whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
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semisolidmind · 8 months
Hi there, how are you?
So I came across your eternal servants au pic, and I was just wondering how would the dynamics change between the twice as bad duo and Peaches if she was their master? And how would they be the same or at least similar?
No pressure to answer obviously, I was just curious because it's such a cool pic.
(eh. i cant think of a good reason for her to be their master in my au, so ill just describe what my reader would be like as the master in @emelinstriker 's universe)
reader is a very benevolent master. she doesn't want to punish her champions. and it's only partially because...she doesn't think she can? they're all incredibly powerful, so...what right does she have as a relatively normal human to enact any sort of repercussions on them?
however, she also doesn't want them to kill if they can help it. i imagine she would attempt to talk any enemies down first (if she's present) before one of her fellas has to step in and take the aggressor out.
i really can't see reader giving orders to the champions unless she has to. it just feels so...wrong to give them commands, like they're nothing more than machines. she feels a sense of remorse for the champions. reader can't help but wonder who they were before.
reader doesn't play favorites. mostly because all of the champions unsettle her to some degree. she just can't get used to the idea that these powerful beings are at her beck and call.
however, wukong, macaque, mk, and azure are the ones she interacts with the most. the others seek her out as well (as is their want), but at least one of these four are never far from her side.
(i know it's just a cute collab w/ @theweepingegg and it's not canon, but bean mk is a cutie, so that's how he'll appear here) lil guy mk follows reader around like a duckling. reader genuinely can't help but baby him, he's just too cute. he'll tug on her skirts for attention and look up at her with those big ol eyes; she has to pick him up, she can't resist. it doesn't matter that he's capable of incredible violence, he's just a lil guy!
idk exactly how the masters are usually "acquired," but i imagine that reader was living a fairly normal life before she was nabbed and brought to the palace. she takes an exhausted pride in the fact that she didn't freak out as bad as she could have. and y'know, in spite of the way she got there, reader really hasn't minded having all this free time.
if the palace has a library, that's where you can usually find reader. she feels safer in there than anywhere else.
the only champion who gives reader a hard time is mink (of course). however, it's less in a "genuinely doesn't like her" kinda way and more in a "teasing her because he thinks it's funny and otherwise doesn't mind her" kinda way. he thinks it's funny to rile her up, knowing she won't actually punish him. the others don't really voice their opinions on the masters, so i think mink's attitude is a good indicator for whether a master is a good one.
overall, reader tries her best to be a good master. she knows her champions are doing their best.
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noondefensesquad · 4 months
omg you saw it too!! Can you give us a detailed review too pretty please? But if you prefer not to, I totally understand!!
unfortunately my memory sucks and i saw it over a week ago at this point so i'll try my best 😅
i was sitting in row N so closer to the back and there were two people with ipads taking notes on things to change which was cool because im nosy. however, they didn't make a lot of notations and from what i could read, it mostly had to do with lighting so i don't expect much to change when i go see it again in a few weeks.
i love jamie's work and have seen his productions before but was still taken aback by the darkness at the beginning of the play. you can see tom on the screens (i loved the usage of cameras and screens so they could have full use of the theater) as he's backstage and the heavy breathing put me on edge because i was like
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then tom sat at the front of the stage and cried and because he is also such a pretty crier and maybe that's my own weird kink i had the biggest smile on my face. however, the girls in front of me were about to cry with him 😂 tell me this didnt do something for you!
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but when fran came out, the people around me sat up. she's phenomenal and i want more people to talk about her performance because she's the star of the show. the way she delivers her lines is so funny and they have a great balance of making it feel current while delivering the original iambic penameter.
then as soon as fran and tom came face to face, the audience audibly reacted. not loud enough to be distracting but enough that you know they were into it. i was in love
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lots of shakespeare stuff happened, tom took off that sweatshirt and came out in that vest and multiple people gasped. you can see his abs through the shirt 🫠 and when the nurse squeezes his arm and basically says juliet i get it, that line got a huge laugh. my internal monologue was just
this is a married man this is a married man this is a married man
and then intermission came and i talked to the people around me and this was the conversation
fran is so pretty, talented, funny, amazing, we love her
tom's haircut
tom's arms 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
is zendaya the jealous type or would she say yes that's my man (i had to pretend to be very normal about this conversation and said absolutely the jealous type i have no sources 👀)
how do we get to the stagedoor in time to see them (the amount of texts i got about those videos because i am RIGHT THERE with the most in love expression on my face)
the chemistry is unbelievable and we didn't want the show to be over
somehow we made it to the end of the play and i'll be honest, the second half is my least favorite part of the play so it was also my least favorite to watch. i love how silly and romantic the first half can be and the second half is more doom and gloom. i will say, when this exchange happens
"will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?"
"shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?"
my friend and i audibly said "oop" and that got laughs in our section. the best thing about this play was their delivery and when i read r&j, i couldve never imagined how much fun it could be coming from jamie.
anyway, at the end, we rushed out to the stage door and it was insane to see how the street cleared when tom left. and security was the best. really such sweet guys and if you see them being mean to people, they spend the whole time giving instruction is the friendliest way so those people deserved it.
the we got to speak with fran who is the sweetest and signed my customized r&j book with her face on the cover and my programme
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can't wait to go see it again in a few weeks. i wish i could have every second imprinted on my brain
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Linh Cinder:
Her glass slipper is her prosthetic foot. She's a cool badass mechanic queen. She's named Cinder because her aunt set her on fire as a toddler but she survived. She's a a cool cyborg with psychic powers, and she's also a really good mechanic.
She's a cyborg and she's from the Moon
She is a badass mechanic who is also a cyborg and did not intend to get dragged into this mess. She becomes a fugitive of the law, running from the prince who is also her romantic interest and is just objectively the best.
I love a sarcastic character and I love a good confrontation scene and she's great with both
she's a cyborg she's a mechanic she's a princess she's a fugitive she's the best.
She's a mechanic she's the lunar princess she has two prosthetic limbs she's supposed to be dead. Her best friend is an android who's a fangirl of her boyfriend (Kai, the emperor). Her ball was actually her showing up to keep Kai from getting seduced by her aunt (who's queen of the moon) and then killed. Instead of losing her slipper she just lost her entire foot. (That's all just in the first book.)
look man, if you've read tlc you know why but if not: cinder here goes through a lot, from living in a shitty household to leading a rebellion and witnessing what's practically a massacre (TWICE), getting stabbed in the mc'freaking heart and surviving, being a wanted fugitive, Oh, and also, she loses her goddamn FOOT instead of a glass slipper lol (albeit the foot is a prosthetic, which i might've forgotten to add, her left arm and (i think) leg are metal due to getting BURNED as a toddler by her somewhat power hungry aunt)
She's SO cool she's a mechanic and really clever and also an amputee and her prosthetics are very cool and she has fun space adventures with her little gang of found family and is also the heir to the crown on the moon and is trying to get control of it from her aunt (who's a dictator) so she can help the moon people be less oppressed! tl;dr she's a girlboss
She literally got set on fire. Shes a cyborg. Shes such a girl boss that her love interest kept her severed prosthetic foot as a memento. She is a revolutionary [against her will] and a politician [also against her will]. Shes a skilled mechanic, and called the queen of a super-powerful alien race with the ability to manipulate people’s perceptions of reality ugly TO HER FACE. Queen does not give a shit and just wants to hang out with her robot bestie and her dork ass boyfriend who is also the leader of an entire country. Shes iconic, she is the moment.
she's a teenage cyborg who works as a mechanic and is secretly royalty - a badass and i love her!!
Kickbutt cyborg Cinderella princess
Cyborg and mechanic is a fun new twist on classic Cinderella! (At least when I read it and it was new). Plus she’s got her Prince/Emperor all wrapped around her fingers before the ball!
she's cool as fuck that's why!! cyborg cinderella in a cool-ass future sci-fi world, she doesn't have glass slippers so she loses her ill-fitted cybernetic foot, she has a gun in her cyborg hand (mostly uses nonlethal projectiles), she has cool sci-fi magic mind powers, she's from the moon, she's a mechanic & she's smart as hell, she literally forms a ragtag team of other fairytale inspired characters & dethrones the evil queen of the lunar monarchy. also her prince charming is cool & funny & they're so sickeningly in love their feelings could power the sun. anyway vote Cinder ✨️
cinder is a mixed cyborg mechanic who has acquired beef with both her stepmother (adopted) and her bio aunt (tyrant queen levanna) and manages to escape their attempts to keep her down (including arson when she was like. 3 years old) and ultimately overthrows her aunt in a revolution lead by her and the other fairytale retellings (red riding hood and wolf, rapunzel and her ‘prince’, and her cousin snow white and her prince) and establishes a democracy! i enjoyed the series growing up and i personally think that cinder is very cool :]
The first book in The Lunar Chronicles is a retelling of cinderella, and my gosh it’s amazing. Cinder is a cyborg and faces a lot of prejudice, and it’s interesting to see that even in the future, where the book is set, there’s still so much discrimination, and Cinder faces it so well. She’s smart and snarky, and has such character growth and cares so much and akhjfqwthbj
shes cinderella if cinderella was a cyborg and also secretly an alien moon princess. fucking amazing series everyone should read it. It's very common for Cinderella retelling that "girlboss" her end up sending the weird message that victims of abuse should simply stand up for themselves <3 I really like Cinder because she's spunky and snaps at her stepmother, but it doesn't. do her any good? It just makes her stepmother worse. Also one of her stepsisters is nice, I love Peony.
Cyborg Cinderella, long-lost princess of the moon, revolutionary against the evil queen.
she’s a cyborg! instead of losing her shoe on the steps of the palace her entire foot comes off 👍 thats hard as fuck she’s so cool
Because she is so cute in this, I love her outfits before and after the transformation, and this movie is just such a good adaptation of Cinderella
the 1997 cinderella movie is the best one ever to me like. you have whitney houston as the fairy godmother and brandy is so so so pretty and she's such an amazing cinderella. 10 minutes ago the best cinderella song of all time ever she sounded so good<3
does this movie even NEED propaganda?
Brandy Cinderella with Whitney Houston! Need I say more?
Brandy plays one of the best iterations of Cinderella actually
I just think she's neat. Also she looked the best in the ball gown
One of the most iconic Cinderellas of all time, Brandy brought tenderness, earnestness, and heartfelt poignancy that transformed the story and emphasized its humanity and themes of dreaming for the future. Her voice is celestial! The power of her performance is undeniable! As a lifelong Cinderella fan she was always one of my favorites.
A lot of children grew up watching this movie around the holidays.
This is my favorite version of Cinderella and Brandy absolutely KILLS IT as Cinderella!! Her voice is so sweet and beautiful. And her dress!! I love her peplum. ALSO HER BRAIDS MAKE A BUN AND ITS SO ADORABLE. just look up the soundtrack for this movie PLEASE
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cordyceph · 1 month
one big thing about iwtv i like is that Every character has flaws. even characters we're meant to unapologetically sympathize with in other medias
paul, for example, is a very clearly sick man whos sickness weighs on his family. in any other media, hed'd be virtually untouched by any flaw other than being tragically sick. in iwtv, the first time we see him he's harassing louis' prostitutes (and we Know its harrasment because she tells louis he wont leave and paul isnt listening when she tells him she isnt interested.) we also see paul detest levi- who he views as having taken away his sister- and then act borderline hostile to lestat- some weird white man who's come to take his last sibling away, by attacking something he Knows he can win (religion, implying that lestat is either a blasphemer or gay) (either way, living in sin)
i think the only character who is like not an asshole without reason to be is grace? because shes generally kind and understanding until louis endangers her kids, literally disappears for months, years, until their mother dies, until she has to 'kill' him in her mind. sure, she was aggressive and insulting at their mother's funeral, but like... i would be too. if my brother fucked off for who knows how long, comes back Wrong and more of an asshole than before, literally breaks a door down, threatens me? id be way more upset than she was. like shes kind of a saint compared to literally everyone else. armand? armand. need i say more. louis? half the show is 'look at louis be unnecessarily cruel to those around him' (claudia, daniel, armand, lestat) lestat. oh my god lestat. i want to study his brain and be like brother how do you have every disease.
claudia is kind of a special case because for as much as she acts grown shes permanently stuck in that fourteen year old era. i know i, when i was an unsupported mentally ill teenager, said horrible things i deeply regretted later on. claudia goes through that too, just by like... a hundred or so years more. its not until madeline really treats her like another adult woman that she acts more like. well. an adult. louis didn't treat her like an adult ever (as much as lestat did wrong by her specifically, i do think he treated her like an adult, but never a child. but thats for another ramble) anyway, claudia says awful things and does awful things because shes fourteen and being treated like a child, but shes an adult, but no one treats her like one. like babydoll from batman animated
daniel . daniellllllll. olllllld man. i lost my steam thinking about that old man im gonna be real. hes just really funny and pretty and smart and cool okay im gonna jackhammer that guys pelvis
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todomitoukei · 1 month
I've seen many saying that LOV don't want redemption and it was better for them to die and it's really pisses me off.
What do you think of this? About the LOV dying because they don't want redemption?
Unfortunately, many people in this fandom seem to not understand storytelling or care about whether the content they consume is well-written or not (and even go as far as defending it!).
Suggesting the lov members don't want redemption is just the most obvious way of saying "I didn't understand these characters" and those same people probably also think the story's message of "you're a victim? discriminated against? a minority? hmmm... best we can do is have you die in peace. and you better be thankful for it :)" so I wouldn't worry too much about those people. All we can do is hope they get better.<3
The reason it makes zero sense to claim they don't want to be redeemed is that it indirectly also suggests that they don't want to live. But it is precisely that will to live that pushed them to villainy in the first place.
They all have shared experiences of being abused, neglected, ignored, discriminated against and/or overall being mistreated by people - both their families and society as a whole.
Growing up, the members of the lov just wanted to be accepted and loved, unfortunately most (if not all) people did not give them these very basic human needs, despite them all having been vocal about their needs from the very beginning.
With that, all that was left for them was to stand up for themselves, even when no one else would.
As the story progresses, we see that they love and want to be loved - namely by each other as well as certain people around them.
People want to live, the lov being no exception. And they want to be saved, but the world made them believe that there was no place for them to exist and be loved the way they are, a thought they decided to refuse. They refused to be killed by society - both in spirit and physically. They refused by being louder, by not allowing society to look away and ignore them anymore.
The lov is a cry for help. It's almost poetic how the fandom reflects the society in the story so well, claiming that they're "too far gone" when in reality, no one is ever beyond saving.
Claiming the lov members don't want to be saved is the same as the hero characters in the story telling themselves they somehow saved the villains and calling it a day even though they're all either imprisoned or dead.
It's funny because a few years ago people complained a lot about "mental illness being romanticized" especially online, but as soon as people see mental illness that they don't consider "cute" enough, for lack of a better term, we get horrendous takes such as "killing is bad, there's nothing left to do for these people :/ oh, but the abuser cried so he's cool now!!"
At the end of the day, people will have bad takes and claim their subjective opinions are objective even though they fail to deliver any substantial arguments or consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, people that relate to the lov exist and that the message they (the fans) and the story send is incredibly damaging.
So just a friendly reminder to anyone that does relate to the lov in any way, shape or form: You're valid and cool and deserve your needs to be met; to be loved and to be happy. Even if you're not crying and begging on your knees to be saved, you can still want to be saved. If fighting is all that's left for you then do because you deserve to live.
Finally, let me just leave you with this: Are these the words of someone that doesn't care about being saved or redeemed?
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Wakfu Manga - Tome 5, Part 1
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Cute Joris.
Cynthia Leman's art is wonderful, however, I am going to miss Said Sassine's art greatly... It was a very iconic part of the manga.
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"Joris has only one precept: justice" Yeah we noticed. And it's totally not paving him some sort of road to hell as we speak.
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When I first read this manga I burst out laughing to the point of tears at the line "my womb is frozen" and I am still giggling to myself about it — though knowing it's coming up has long took away the sheer comical punch that it had back then.
I'm sorry, but this is so unserious.
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Of course he'd be the one carrying all the Dofus...
Btw, no, this is not the death of my "during this entire manga Joris keeps his stupid battle-stump in his haven bag, which he actually has" theory. I don't think he'd like to have six dofus in his haven bag. Or anywhere near his belongings.
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Joris's many gentle hypocrisy moments is him going "well it would be very dangerous..." at the idea of battling Jiva, and then, a while later, going "fine, you are my little pogchamp, Yugo" at the idea of using them to save Tristepin.
It's in-character for many reasons, by the way. (AKA: ughh Yugo will be sad, ughhh Kerubim will be sad if kids are orphaned, ughh maybe Jiva won't kill the kids, ughh we could finally defeat Ogrest, uhghh—)
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Very pretty Joris.
The idealogical debate of "nobody should have nukes" and "I, Yugo, should have nukes because I'm a good boy" has sadly been resolved, and not in Adamai's favor, as of season 4. Surely, the world will not suffer for it.
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He should be scared and nervous more often.
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With every passing year, every new thing revealed about Waven and the Great Wave manga, this exchange gets more and more funny.
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Rare moment of Joris being genuine and emotionally truthful. Best not to get used to it, btw.
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He is so well-drawn here... I really like it when his cheeks, cheekbones, or the face shape in general, is visible.
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Joris looks so shocked, it's funny. Buddy, this happened to you like twice growing up. Kerubim literally also decided to keep you or something.
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"tap tap tap"
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The definition of insanity is making a little guy run again and again in an active warfare, and he gets exploded each time, but you keep telling him you'll hold the explosions back this time, every time.
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His snork mimimi face after being beaten into unconsciousness is everything.
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So pretty...
Man, in their eyes, he's actually cool and a badass, isn't he?
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Real friends get K.O'd together
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This is a very good illustration... I can't just crop it!
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And of course the thing Joris is most worried about is Dofus.
Though I guess logically, the kids aren't in any danger, which is why his priorities are so screwed up. Jiva has proven that she can keep a child alive for a year, and is merely mentally ill about adoption, so obviously, Joris is more worried about other things <3 (HE IS NOT NORMAL OR SANE FOR SAYING THIS!!!!)
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deardolli3 · 3 months
your blog is so cool! could you maybe do some erwin romantic or dadwin headcanons? thank you! 💫
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erwin smith relationship hcs
a/n: hi lovie!! im sooo late to this but ofc!! thank you for requesting and ill be more active, i promise, so please request 🩵
• erwin is literally perfect when it comes to having a poker face, like lady gaga wrote the song cause she saw this man😭 you can never tell what he’s feeling but he can read you like a book, just by the way you spoke to him, or the way your eyes shine a different way.
• hes good at reading emotions but bad at comforting you (sorry but!!) and you could be like crying and hes just like
”there there…” 😟😕🙁 while rubbing your back and sighing deeply.
• he strikes me as one of those always on vacation to tropical ass countries guy. like with those hawaiian print shirts unbuttoned and swim pants on, he is so ready to sit on a beach chair while you do god knows what.
• never the type to get drunk and be flirty but he does get tipsy and tries to find you immediately because he wants to talk to you and maybe even dance a little
• take him to family events, THIS MAN GETS DOWNN!! all your aunties and family members can be on him and hes just like “why thank you, yes yes i know. oh wow is that for me?” 😁 and yes he can work them hips
• he doesn’t talk around people alot but with you its a straight yappathon with whatever the hell is on his mind and the topic changes within like two sentences😭
• he tans so easily its INSANE. like okay white boy my culture is not ur costume!!😣
• always always always remembers details about you, “why are you hanging out with her tonight i thought WE hated her?” and you gotta give him the new lore cause he not so secretively loves gossip. like okay boy what else you lurking around for😢
• omg he is so fucking funny when hes not trying to be😭 like shit goes down and he says something stupid and everyone’s laughing while hes sighing deeply wondering why they never laugh when he’s trying to be funny.
• sleeps like a rock, like a literal rock next to you, and he won’t ever budge. but if he hears any sudden movement or you hug him he jolts up and looks you dead in the eye like he just got shot😣 fucking dramatic ass LMAOA.
• if you have any kids best believe they’re very well mannered. OMG he goes hunting or fishing or whatever with them and he looks so fine like phewww…
• ladies… this man is not kinky please😭😭 vanilla sex or just no freakiness at all unless you initiate it.
• dates will always be dinner dates, and always so well though out and planned well. he either takes you shopping with all them carrrds or feeds you pasta and lobster. OR he takes you to run errands with him or go fishing/hunting/to a shooting range.
• in terms of pda, he always has a hand around your waist, but the most he can do is kiss you on the forehead to say goodbye or wrap a arm around your shoulder as you walk. and YES, he knows the sidewalk rule so you best be on the right damn side away from the cars.
• this man can bbq but not cook… he was literally trained to be a father/husband😭 you guys definitely have those backyard/patio bbqs.
• never ever wants you to overwork yourself, HELL YOU DONT EVEN NEEDD A JOB WHILE YOURE WITH HIM!! he just needs you to sit at home and look pretty for him when he comes back at night.
• definitely a business man in the modern day world, i would say a sergeant but maybe he retired from that position.
• he would want around three kids!! but whatever you want of course. he loves his kids endlessly and will literally kill for them. they have to learn how to protect themselves, they have to learn how to haggle with people, they have to learn to not be taken advantage of or treated as stupid, and they will pull the “do you know who my father is?” card when someone threatens them😭
• if you ever watched the notebook!! he would literally renovate a whole house for you or build you one and grow old together <33 he would build it however you want it, with a balcony, with a marble kitchen, etc, anything his love wants.
• and yes, he loves unconditionally even if he doesn’t show it so much through words, he will do it through his actions. he’ll get you anything you need even if you don’t ask, from a cup of water to a fucking car. HE WOULD EVEN BUILDDD A CAR FOR YOU??
• he loves you so so so much, and he literally cannot lose you😣 he would die for you, kill for you. he would bathe you in stars and swirl you onto the moon if you wanted, anything that’s possible? he’ll do for you.
— aaaa i hope you liked this!! 🩵
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fatuismooches · 1 year
FUCK DAMN IT i have another angst im so sorry but its okay i... made it possible for a happy ending dw!!!! im finally talking about fragile!reader again
it has been months since you've fallen back into a vegetative state. teetering at the edge of life and death. inside a massive glass capsule that glowed blue as you float inside, preserving you, keeping you away from death. a futile attempt but... it's a must. he cannot work on you like he did before after his decision to kill off all of his segments...
his laboratory never felt so empty. only him, the buzzing of the machinery that kept you alive, and alone in his thoughts.
dottore hasn't been doing well... he hasn't showed up in meetings, nor accepted any visitation from other harbingers. he couldn't be bothered by them at this moment, not when he has almost lost you and now you're slipping from his fingertips.
going through your old stuff for comfort, he stumbles upon a very ancient contraption, probably something he made before for you. it was... a recording device it seems, though it is so outdated he had to reverse engineer it, as well as make another device that could actually run the recording inside it of. he didn't mind at all, it kept him busy, it kept him distracted.
and as soon as he pressed play, he regretted it.
the screen was nothing but white and black fuzz, white noise emanating from the recording, before it slowly began gaining color, and subtle form.
"gods, why does he make things always so complicated- this thing is so poorly engineered, did he really make this as a gift for me?"
your voice, high-pitched and young. annoyed as the recording glitches, loud thumps coming from the screen. the recording miraculously got fixed, albeit a bit glitched.
"there you go!" you smile, pointing the device at your face. "so, zandik got this for my birthday. it was very sweet of him actually, to make me something so cool!" you hum happily, walking toward somewhere the recording wouldn't see, "gonna use this to record some shit that happens on our everyday lives, so i can look back and laugh at everything happened when i graduate."
and so the recording showed dottore as such.
from your bickering, walking to the akademiya, recordings of his younger self rambling about something, funny moments like a concoction he made exploded and covered him with pink dust, experiments dottore long forgotten, your smiles, your laughs, you simply talking about your day, or ranting about your frustrations, to you talking about how much you loved him...
then, the recordings grew shorter. less lively. slow.
like you had when your illness first started showing signs.
the recordings grew less energetic, but more calm and soothing. whispers of sweet nothings, loving confessions, soft giggles, coughing here and there, holding his hand and calling him so many sweet nicknames, the view outside your window, birds flying and flora dancing along the wind...
then the last recording plays, and it was you, holding an instrument, with an iv drip attached to your arm.
dottore remembers this. it was when you first passed out due to your illness while you were out on an exhibition and almost didn't make it back to the akademiya for medical attention.
"hi zandik," your voice, still soothing despite the rasp in it, "for a while... i wanted to make you something... it was supposed to be a device but... i could barely hold my tools without dropping them after a while..." a small sad laugh slips past your lips.
"so i'll just give you this. something i made in my spare time... considering i've been doing nothing but rest on my bed."
and it was a song. with you tapping to pens onto a metal surface, a slow and steady rhythm, just enough for you to be able to play it with ease. it started off with a sweet hum of a tune he recognized, a tune you've been singing ever since you were young, and then you sang.
he could tell that you were struggling, shoulders shaking and taking in sharp shallow breaths in between your singing. but you powered through, singing with a heavenly voice.
it was all about him. and how much you loved him, how much you adored him and wished to love him even more. to hold him in your arms and call him yours forever and more, to kiss him, to hug him. you listened everything you liked about him, how you felt before you confessed, how you felt when you were with him, how you wanted to be part of his lips.
forever and more.
then you ended with a cough, blood dripping down the corner of your lips, face contorted in pain.
"ah... that was the best i could do..." you say sadly, turning away from the recording device, too ashamed to look. "im not sure if you'll ever see this, but... i really did put my heart and soul..." you look back with a smile, eyes teary and glimmering. "i trust that you will cure me, no matter what. and i hope you know i appreciate it, for everything you do to me. i know that you love me more than you'll ever admit, and i hope you know that i'll love you, even in this wretched fragile state...
you're my world zandik, i love you so, so much.
and if... if i pass on... please, i beg of you.
take care of yourself, i wouldn't want to see my lover become so miserable.
if you ever need reassurance, play my song. i like to think it's everything how i feel for you in a nutshell.
see you, my love."
some fatui soldiers, especially the new recruits, think that a section of the palace was haunted. specifically dottore's.
they say they hear the singing of a voice, it echoed through the silent, empty halls, for days, never stopping, only looping.
it was soothing, at first. before it became haunting.
it never stopped.
it just kept singing.
singing and singing and singing, filling the silence in the cold, cold palace.
and as you sing, dottore would stare onto your sleeping body. inside a machine, floating, with death looming behind his back.
he will save you, no matter what.
perhaps then he could hear you sing the song you made all those years ago from your lips.
sorry :) promise no more angst next time ,, im glad u like my writing smooches i love yours too,, ty for indulging my insanity 😭😭
KAIIII OH GOSH IT JUST KEPT GETTING MORE AND MORE SAD, IM CRYING 😭 You know what... i give you permission to keep sending me angst... it's so good but in a heart-stomping-crushing way 😍 I WILL ALWAYS INDULGE YOUR SANITY 😤😤❤️
Dottore wishes he was smarter.
It's an odd thing for a man such as himself to wish, in fact, him "wishing" for anything was entirely strange, for he was certainly one of the most knowledgeable people in all of Teyvat. But looking at you, having regressed back into a coma, he doubts it. He has paid a price for everything he's learned, and none of it has bothered him, yet none of it has been helpful in this endeavor. He's tried everything in all of his great minds, yet nothing. Dottore wonders what would the ultimate price to pay for knowledge would be, but he quickly acknowledges that he wouldn't care if it meant finally saving you.
He remembers the day when you simply fell back asleep. Dottore had thought that you would stick beside him for a while longer at least. To skip around the lab looking around, to bother him to take breaks. But one day it simply stopped. Zandik felt empty. Wasn't centuries of loneliness enough? Just when he thought he could revel in your company again, it was over in the blink of an eye? And he was truly alone. No longer did the thoughts of his other segments buzz in his mind or the lab. Without them, there was far too much to be done. Only him, you, and work existed. But really, you were no longer here.
With them and you gone, he realizes how truly tedious it is to be a Harbinger. No longer could he send a segment to the meetings or extra work, and no longer did he have you for comfort. But he doesn't particularly care right now, he'll just pass most of it off to random agents. You are far more important, yet no matter how much time he pours into his research, he seems no step closer to healing you.
Zandik decides to enter your room. He'd already gone through his own items of yours multiple times. It was completely untouched, the bed made up without a wrinkle, shelves collecting dust. It was very you, having planned out the decoration yourself with the clones helping you. He doesn't realize how much stuff you have stuffed into room, though he recognizes most of it as you always liked to show him your things. Until he encounters something that he knows belongs to an era long forgotten. The recording device looked as if it had gone through war, he almost thought it was broken until he decided to look more into it and give it a try using his own technology. If this was something of yours, it deserved that kind of treatment, anyway.
Zandik doesn't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. As soon as he sees your face and voice come into frame, his smile drops. Your smile and words, so happy. Albeit a bit annoyed and sassy, but he loved that. He had almost forgotten what your voice sounded when it was like that, for you struggled to speak in that tone now. You're wearing the Akademiya's uniform, your mouth grinning from end to end. He faintly recognizes the dorm as the background, neat and tidy as you liked to keep it. A part of him knows he needs to turn it off, to turn it off right now, or else. But he's transfixed.
He doesn't know how much time goes by, but he watches it. All of it. Some of it is complete silence of you literally just recording him (he has no clue how he didn't notice some of this stuff). Some of it is you simply making silly faces at the device while his younger self's voice yells out in the background at you. Some of it is him cussing out former professors and students as you try to hide your cackles. Some of it is you holding him as he slept in your arms. And some of it is just utter nonsense and idle chit-chat. But all of his senses are tuned into it.
But it was easy to recognize the change. It had started slowly. No longer were you bouncing around all excitedly. The backgrounds of the videos were no longer very unique. It was mostly in the dorm, the Akademiya, or the forest on good days, the only places where your body could take you during those times. Your voice had grown more quiet, you struggled to quip back and banter with him like you used to. It seemed like you focused more on tender moments with him than before. Yet in one instance you accidentally dropped the device with a huge crash and a string of curses flew out your mouth, then soft apologies to him followed.
Zandik's face is expressionless when the last recording plays, but he is unsettled by how vividly he remembers that particular day. He was... scared for you. It leaves a horrible taste on his tongue, both the incident and the feeling. As you speak, he feels both dread and interest as to what your words will be.
And you sing. Out of all things, you sing. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers you scribbling onto paper with pen quite frequently when you were bedridden, but he didn't think too much of it since he was already too preoccupied with how he was going to save you. So you were composing. About him of all things. And you were in pain, so much pain from merely singing. And yet you looked happy, you were on the verge of hacking your lungs out but there was still a soft smile on your face, as you professed your love for him unabashedly and proudly. And even at the end, when you're crying and panting from all the effort, you're smiling. Normally, he likes seeing you smile, but this kind of smile is not one of them. If it weren't for his gloves, he would have surely drawn blood by now from how hard he was balling his fists.
Yes, he did love you more than he'd ever admit. And that was why this was not the end.
The older Fatui tell stories of when the second Harbinger's clones used to occupy the palace and lab, running about and bickering with each other. Yet the new ones can only tell tales of an eerie voice echoing throughout the corridor. The voice wasn't professional. But it was soothing, nice, good. But hearing it over and over again was starting to cause the regular agents to freak out.
No one could ever find out what or who it was, or where exactly it came from. Many came to accept that it was a normal occurrence. Especially Dottore. At least with this tape, he could never forget what your sweet voice was like, no matter if a century or two or three or more passed by again. He had every last word memorized in his mind, but it wasn't enough. Of course it wasn't, when the real deal was lying asleep in front of him, but it was a sufficient and lovely replacement for now.
As every morning and night passes by, a single thought constantly makes its way into his mind - 'I will save you.' And then maybe, you'll be able to sing that song without coughing throughout. A perfect rendition. Though, he would like to see if you could release a newer edition of it, considering how much he has changed.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 2 months
If you want to share; do you have any horror movie reccs? I kinda like the less indie ones haha, but anything is nice!! I really enjoyed Talk to Me and Black Phone from some of the recent-ish ones. Looking forward to watching Longlegs!
oh man do i !! ill share some of my favs and this got really long so under the cut lol
i love scifi horror, and prometheus/alien covenant is such a big pick for me, david8 one of my fav horror antagonists ever. Also in the scifi horror genre, i ADORE event horizon, its basically demonic haunted house in space with the best cast ever and you should watch it.
I love Robert Eggers generally (the lighthouse is probably my favorite movie of all time tho i dont really consider it horror) but the witch is definitely horror and if you like historical/period pieces its an absolute must watch.
If we want some more serious veined and disturbing horrors imo- lets go with Dogtooth and The Killing of a Sacred Deer by Lanthimos. Theyre slower and heavy and too bright and too horrible. their strangeness just picks at you, movies that really feel like someone grabbing your face and forcing you to look. in a similar world, i like funny games, both the original and the remake, as well as suspiria, the original and the remake. It's become rather trendy lately, i keep seeing gifs of it around lol, but Possession is also fantastic, another great performance from sam neill.
I love 80s horror, The Thing is probably one of the best horror movies ever made, just a masterclass of tension and effects work. I love the movie CHRISTINE which is about a murderous possessed car. the shining is a fucking classic and still one of the most unsettling movies for me to watch. i also love children of the corn, the strange folk horror of it is really just kind of crazy cool and underrated imo..
back to recent, its very hyped but It Follows definitely lives up to that hype. one of the best film scores in recent memory, insane performances and sense of dread. if you dont mind extreme heavy violence, green room is a fantastic watch. get out is a modern horror classic and another must watch, and i see it talked about less, but i love peele's US even more and find it so so terrifying, lupita nyongos performance in it is beyond haunting.
im a huge huge sucker for a monster movie, i adore monsters, i've already mentioned the thing and alien series which are great examples but here, take some more! i loved crawl, alligator themed florida horror. Underwater, if you like a big monster. del Toro's mimic is crazy and creepy. Annihilation isn't what id call a horror movie, but its quite horrifying, and definitely has some of my favorite movie monsters... same with When Animals Dream its more a coming of an age than a True Horror but its my favorite werewolf movie ive ever watched so i would be remiss to not mention it
i also LOVE found footage, a subgenre only really pursued by horror film, and theres a lot of bad ones but a few good ones lol. The Bay is one i'll always recommend, it uses so many mediums so well to weave this very real and awful tale of ecohorror. the OG, the blair witch project. Hell House LLC is the perfect halloween movie to get freaked out on before you and your friends go to a haunted house...
i could go on and on but this is already a lot lol....but theres so many great horror movies out there!! you need only to watch them 🫶 hope you enjoy if you do check any of these out!!
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