#very intruigue
foxyfexyll · 2 years
his dad pov, probably
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go check out the game these folks @dream-trail-rpg are making gosh the mcs are adorable
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 8 months
Restarted bg3 bc its been too long and I wasn't satisfied with me class/choices, anyway this time I made Astarion an assassin/bard and. Ngl? Idly fitting and bittersweet that he got to help finish Alfira's song
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roseykat · 11 months
TITLE: Table Manners and Bible Studies
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PAIRING: Jeongin x reader
SUMMARY: Jeongin, a churchgoer who is also a very sexual person, likes to immerse both you and himself in the realm of sensory play, among other things as well.
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work or page whatsoever.
TAGS: themes of BDSM centred around sensory play, soft dom Jeongin, explicit language, use of ice cubes, body-safe hot candle wax, a feather, blindfold, safe and consensual play, nipple stimulated orgasm, mentions of religion (no specific religion is being mentioned here but the concept is that Jeongin is religious for the purposes of this work).
He goes to church. That’s all you know about one of the guys in your class who always dresses well, dons cute glasses and seems well put together. He’s an intriguing one among the masses of students that attend and even with the volume of people, he still stood out to you even if he was quiet.
However, it was never in your interest to approach a guy like him. He and his four friends, all from the same church, seemed relatively lovely and all kept to themselves. From your perspective, it appeared as if two of the girls really liked him. If they did, you don’t blame them. Whoever he was seemed to be sweet.
“Still eyeing him up?” Your friend Minho pokes you in the ribs with his finger, lulling you out of your thoughts.
“I’m not eyeing him up,” you snap defensively, averting your stare away from his group to refocus on your lunch with him.
“Just say he’s hot,” he encourages. “If I’m willing to admit it, then you should.”
“You think he’s hot?” 
“And you don’t?” He questions back, almost offended that you didn’t assume otherwise. 
“I suppose that means something coming from a whore such as yourself,” you remember with a sigh. 
Minho nods in agreement with your statement, “and as a whore, I’m telling you he’s hot. So why not go for him?” 
“That’s not who I want though,” you say to him.
A cackle nearly breaks out from his mouth, “that’s right. So how is the hunt for one of those dom boyfriends going anyway? Isn’t that the type you’re looking for?”
“He doesn’t have to be, but it would help significantly,” you answer truthfully. “I just think that would be the best way to get my foot in the door for getting into BDSM.”
“I seriously don’t know where you got that idea from, but you don’t need to go searching for a boyfriend who’s into BDSM to get into it,” Minho truthfully informs you. “There are sites and apps where you can connect to doms and go from there. But if you do, don’t just jump at the first dom that you see. Always do background checks.”
You sometimes forget that Minho himself is in the BDSM scene. He has been for a while and for as long as you’ve known him, you’ve always been interested in what he does. From his stories, they sound exciting and riveting; exactly the kind of thing you want to try out to make your sexual life a little more lively. 
“I know that,” you whine. “If not that, then I don’t really know where to begin.” 
“Well, we all start somewhere,” he says with a hint of optimism. “Since you’re interested still, there’s a BDSM convention at the end of this week. If you want to get your foot in the door with it, I reckon you should go.”
“A convention?” You ask with intruigue. “What do they host there?”
“They’re there to promote safe BDSM to people and have a variety of pop up stores on site that sell anything related to it,” he answers. “I’m supposed to be going but, I’ve got something else on at the same time. In fact you can have my concession.”
“Are you sure?” You ask.
“Yeah, it’s already printed off,” he says. “I’ll give it to you on Thursday.”
It was a good idea at first, but come the day of the event, your nerves were shot. It was your first time being surrounded by anything like this. Particularly by yourself. It was a bit stereotypical to assume that the convention was run something along the lines of seeing naked people tied up, some in cages, or live scenes taking place in front of crowds. 
That wasn’t the case at all. It was almost like a niche grocery store where the locals gather to buy homegrown fruit and veggies. Some part of that concept helped calm a few nerves.
Once you receive your concession band, you start around the front area of the pop-up stores. People were lining up to see demonstrations of shibari methods and most were interested in buying a series of items for the bedroom. 
They were all displayed like sea creatures at a fish market, waiting to be bought. From cattail butt plugs, clover nipple clamps, juicy erotica novels - one of which you picked up - lengths of different coloured ropes, wooden floggers, riding crops, and so much more. 
Away from all the chaos at the stalls was an area called BDSMC; BDSM and coffee. It was a way to set people up with potential doms and or subs. Each individual looking for a buddy would order a coffee or drink with a green cup that had either letter on it; D for dom or S for sub. Red cups were exclusively 'do not approach' because the person either didn’t want to engage or they may already have a partner and are just there for some good coffee. 
It was an awesome set-up and had you thinking about heading over to maybe find someone who would be interested. However, you stored away that thought as you continued to have a look around. 
One thing that was painfully obvious to you was the fact that people weren’t there by themselves. They were either there with a group or their partner, making you feel even more out of place and slightly overwhelmed. But you weren’t going to tap out early. Minho gave you his ticket not only because he couldn’t attend, but also because he wants you to experience what you’re looking for, for yourself.
So you scour out the stores under the guise of your own interest, coming across a few which struck that interest. There was one store tailored specifically to pain play, a heavy aspect of BDSM. Another stall had all to do with sexual health, consent and BDSM - not necessarily selling anything, but just there to answer any questions that people may have. 
One place had caught you attention, a store all to do with sensory play and deprivation - a term in which you’ve came across within the realm of research into BDSM.
In nicely orgasnised lines were individual packets of silk blindfolds in a variety of different colours. There were boxes of body safe candles, most likely for temperature play, noise cancelling headphones, sleek metal handcuffs, and other items that had you wondering how they work. 
“Hello, anything I can help you with or just browsing today?” One of the shop owners approaches you from behind the table. 
“Oh, just browsing thank you,” you reply back to her.
“No worries, let me know if you need anything,” she smiles back at you and walks down to the other end of the long table. 
“Hello, do you have any of these in black?” A person beside you asks to another store keeper. 
Out of sheer interest, you briefly look up at the person just as an unspoken social acknowledgement while the owner tends to their new customer. But to your absolute shock and surprise, the person enquiring happened to be someone very familiar.
The jet black hair, distinct glasses, the trendy casual outfit...
…there was no way.
“We should do. I’ll have a look around in some of our storage containers just behind the back for you,” she says helpfully. 
“Thank you,” the customer responds. 
It was definitely him, and whilst your eyes had been glued to his presence for such a long time, his gaze catches onto it. 
“Hey,” he spoke in a mousey volume.
You stall in your step a bit just as you were about to walk away to remain unknown, but the angelic purity in the tone of his voice lulled you back. You’d feel bad if you didn’t greet him too. 
“Hey,” you say to him awkwardly. “How are you?”
“I’m good thank you, yourself?” He asks back. 
“Yeah, good thanks. I know you, sort of. Aren’t you in my class?” 
It was a useless question to ask considering you’ve spent too many times looking at him to know that it’s definitely him. That distinct soft expression couldn’t pass you by. The only thing different is that he wasn't swarmed by his usual collective of friends.
A small smile spreads on his face, “yeah. I’ve seen you here and there. You usually sit close to the front.” 
“That’s right,” you nod, bewildered that he knows who you are and where you sit during class. “So…what brings you…here of all places?”
Jeongin shrugs with a smile, “interest. You?”
You nod, “also interest.”
The lady pops back from behind the screen with some items, “you might be out of luck. We’ve only got grey and white left but there’s a couples' one for you and your partner here.”
Your mind stutters upon hearing those words come out of the lady’s mouth, “oh he’s not - we’re not-“
“What about any more of these? Preferably in black as well?” Jeongin picks up a baby pink coloured blindfold and presents it to the woman. He seemed to have saved that awkward statement yet wasn’t entirely effected by it as you were.
“I’ll have a look around the back again and see if we’ve got anything,” she says, quickly rushing off.
“Sorry about that,” he says apologetically to her. 
He was as nice as he looked. Almost like a gentle, placid puppy which makes you wonder, how is someone like him at one of these conventions. Specifically, someone who is quite religious. You didn’t want to judge right away, but that was the preface of your observation.
“I take it you’ve never been to one of these before,” he points out as he waits. 
Your shoulders relax defeatedly, someone had finally ripped down your facade, “can you tell?”
“Just a little bit,” he grins. “But props to you for coming here on your own by the looks of it.”
“A friend of mine recommended I go so I thought I should,” you respond, eyeing up some of the other products.
He nods engagingly, “really? Why did they recommend it to you if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Just…looking to get into BDSM,” you reply honestly, feeling comfortable enough to talk to him about this. Plus there was no point in hiding your intentions given where you are now. “He said I should go to one of these events, check out the stores, and see how some of this stuff works I suppose.” 
The lady returns from the back with exactly what he requested while also picking up a few extra things before paying for the lot. Your attention fixates on those items, wondering who he uses them on; a pyrex glass dildo, one tube of strawberries and cream flavoured lube, and also a ball gag
Whoever his partner is must be lucky. 
The shopkeeper bags all of the items he paid for in a discrete bag before he thanks her.
“That's a good step, but if you’re a beginner, it’d be best for you to start out small,” he advises just an idea suddenly strikes him. He wonders for a second about whether or not it’s appropriate to ask, but he considers your circumstances and why you’re even here. 
“I figured that. No point in me diving right into the deep end when I can’t swim yet,” you agree. 
“You know, because we’re both here, we should get together sometime so we can talk about these kinds of things. I could show you how all of these work too if you want,” he pitches his suggestion to you, holding up the bag of things that he just purchased. 
You stare up at him, utterly bewildered, “wait, are you serious?”
“Only if you are, otherwise-“
“No!” You cut him off. “I mean, yes - yes I am serious. It’s just, I was shocked that you even asked me.”
He stifles a chuckle as a reaction to you being so oddly yet unforceably cute, “alright then. I’ll give you my number. I’m Jeongin by the way.”
“Jeongin, okay. I’m Y/N.”
It was nice to finally put a name to a handsome face. Jeongin, who was as unsuspecting as the come, had exchanged numbers with you before you both departed. He left you wondering so much more about his personality and particularly his interests with BDSM. It even made you forget to text Minho to tell him how well the convention went.
Right before you decided that you were going to ring him, a text came through to you from Jeongin. 
To you from Jeongin: ‘Hey Y/N, it’s Jeongin. It was nice meeting you the other day. I was wondering if you wanted to catch up over coffee to talk and get to know each other more. If so, when are you free?’
You to Jeongin: ‘Hey Jeongin, it was nice meeting you as well. I’m free in the afternoons throughout the week. We could go for coffee on campus after class if it’s not too far?’
Jeongin to You: ‘Nope, that’s perfect. Shall we say Monday straight after? We can head there together.’
You to Jeongin: ‘Sounds good to me. See you then.’
Jeongin to You: ‘Yup! :)’
With those responses from him in mind, it made looking forward to Monday a little more palatable. Usually, it’s hectic with quizzes, tonnes of readings, and a boring two hour lecture. Meeting up with Jeongin meant you had something to look forward to after class. 
Just as the lecture comes to an end, you look back to the middle row of seats in the centre section of the room as you pack up your things and see Jeongin waving out to you. You wave back, acknowledging that you’ve seen him and watch him say bye to his friends before he makes his way down to you. A couple of them seemed rather puzzled that he was leaving them, but nonetheless, they let him be. 
“Hey Y/N,” he says to you, walking down the steps. “What did you think of that?”
“Boring as per,” you groan. “It made me want to sleep.”
Jeongin laughed, “shall we go before you fall asleep then?”
The pair of you exited the theatre together and headed to one of the nearby cafes on campus. Normally teeming with hungry students, the venue wasn’t as packed as it usually is from the help of classes that run through into lunch. It meant that you and Jeongin were able to receive your drinks relatively quickly in order to sit down and start talking.
“How was your weekend?” He asks you.
You finish bringing your drink down from your lips, “not as exciting as I wished it had been. Mainly just catching up on some of the online work that we were meant to do.”
Jeongin is shaking his head but silently agreeing with you, “I don’t know why they bother giving us tasks to do online.”
“I suppose to make us suffer even more,” you guess. 
“I think you might be right, and since it’s worth credit, we have no choice,” he snickers. “But anyway, on a completely different note, what did you think of your first BDSM event?” 
“Not as daunting as I was expecting it to be,” you answer honestly. “It was pretty pleasant, to say the least, and the people I met were really nice.”
“That’s good to know,” Jeongin nods. “Usually I hear of beginners who get too overwhelmed and never come back. It’s a shame really because they only see the tip of the iceberg.”
“Do you normally attend those events?” You ask him, still immensely intrigued that he even went in the first place. 
“Only when I can,” he responds. “Most of the time, classes and other stuff get in the way, but I’ve found a balance now. What made you want to get into BDSM anyway?”
“A friend of mine is well into that space and I always hear him talking about it. Since then it’s always interested me, so I started doing some research about it,” you answer. “It was the same person who told me to go to that event.”
“Smart choice for doing your research, not many people do and just head straight into something they don’t know,” Jeongin mentally applauds you. “It can turn out to be a really good or really terrible experience for beginners.”
“Yeah, he warned me about that,” you chuckle, just thinking of Minho and what he’s said to you in the past. “What about you? How did you get into BDSM? Sounds like you’re already in that space.”
“I am. I’ve been in it for four years, since the start of my degree,” Jeongin confirms adjusting his black glasses. “I got into it just by interest as well - similar to you, except, I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing someone who was already part of this space so some things I had to learn the hard way.” 
“Then I take it that you’re relatively experienced then,” you respond, inferring an assumption already.
Jeongin smiles shyly, almost like he’s somewhat embarrassed by your comment, “you could say that. Is it right to assume that you’re looking for someone to do scenes with?”
You give a nod, “yes. Just…didn’t know who with.”
“That fits then; given that I have some experience and you haven’t yet, then maybe we do a trial, see if we click, those sorts of aspects. What do you think about that?” He asks you. 
An excitement thumps against your chest, “I think that’s a good idea.”
“Yeah?” He replies with optimism. “Then if it’s okay with you, do you maybe want to talk about some of your kinks and things that you don’t like and organise a time and place for our first scene?” 
“I’d love to.” 
Both you and Jeongin brought a lot of ideas to the table, conducting a healthy discussion about what you’re both into and not. Although he openly stated to you that he mainly presents himself as a dom, he was open to switching too. However, for the purpose of getting you into the swing of BDSM, it would be best for him to take the reins.
So with a little more talking, you both came up with a set date and time for the first scene which was to be at Jeongin’s place; not too far from campus. All the information and the logistics leading up to the scene were slightly nerve-wracking but didn’t match your level of excitement. 
Considering your inexperience with BDSM, Jeongin had to factor in what would be the best method of easing you into things. Sensory play was the one thing that came to mind. It’s not too extreme, can involve some restraints, and can act as a good stepping stone for a BDSM beginner. 
“It’s a good way to start off,” Jeongin said to you back at the cafe. “If it’s just sensory play only, people don’t usually climax from it. But if there’s some sort of sexual penetration that’s involved, then most likely. I don’t do the latter.”
“Still sounds like fun,” you replied.
“It is. I can deprive you of one or more of your senses which will only enhance the other.”
His way of describing the basics of sensory play could’ve easily put you to sleep – not because it was boring, but because his voice was so silky smooth that you could listen to it all day. The fact that he has so much knowledge about a subject was strangely erotic.
With your mind cleared in preparation for the scene, Jeongin flicks you a text an hour beforehand to see if you are still keen. He definitely knows that you are, but it’s also to cover his end as a dom to ensure that you know that you can pull out of the scene before it starts. 
To You from Jeongin: Hey Y/N, still on for tonight? 
From you to Jeongin: ‘Hey! Absolutely, I’ll text you when I’m at yours?’
To You from Jeongin: ‘I’ll look forward to it.’
Even if you didn’t want to go through with it tonight, Jeongin would be okay with that. For whatever reason why you would say no, he’s happy that you would feel safe to refuse. But never in your wildest dreams would you ever think of refusing, because as soon as it was time to leave, there was no doubt in your mind that you would turn back.
You had showered and packed a bag with a towel, extra clothes in case, a water bottle, and some snacks. If anyone were to come up to you and look into your duffle, their only thought would be that you’re heading to a gym nearby, not heading to your first BDSM scene. It was a nice little secret to have. 
As you arrive on the street of Jeongin’s apartment, you text him to say that you’re nearly there and knock on the door once you’ve officially made it.
“Hey,” he greets with his smiley usual self. “Come in.”
“Hey,” you respond, looking around as you step in. 
It was rather spacious which is usually not generous with student accommodation. Normally it’s one room cramped with a desk, chair, inadequate storage underneath the single bed and a community bathroom down the hall. By the looks of it, Jeongin had all this space to himself including a small bathroom and mini kitchenette area. 
“Wow, you got lucky with student housing around here.”
“Can’t stress the word ‘lucky’ enough,” Jeongin emphasises, closing the door behind you as you take your shoes off. “Took me about four months last year just to apply for a viewing. But after living in shared accommodation on campus, I needed my own space.”
“Fair enough,” you say. “Some student spaces are lucky enough to have wallpaper. But anyway.”
“Would you like something to eat or drink?” He offers. “I bought food earlier on.”
“No it’s okay thank you, I made sure to have some water and food before the scene,” you politely refuse. 
“Okay, good,” Jeongin nods, impressed even. Those who forget to eat before a scene will often find that their energy depletes faster, rendering them unable to continue or even worse, it could go hand in hand with a sub drop. “Then in that case, shall we get started?”
Your stomach flips excitedly, “sounds good to me.”
Jeongin does the honours of leading you to his bedroom. It’s adorned with a minimalistic aesthetic and beautiful muted tones. There’s a decent queen-sized bed centred back against the wall. Laid on top of its surface is a black cardboard box and a set of black restraints right beside it in contrast with the white fitted duvet. Flickering on the bedside table burned a red candle.
From what you could gather, it was most likely for wax play, but it smelt amazing. Almost a woody with a tinge of floral essence to it that filled his room.
“We can start the scene by taking your clothes off and I’ll get these restraints ready, okay?” Jeongin suggests to you. 
He steps over towards the mattress, picking up the long restraints. Only two – one for each of your wrists that he was going to link to the bedposts. He secures the ends of them in place while you strip yourself down to your bra and underwear. You fold them over your arms as Jeongin returns to carefully take them from you and places them on his chair in the corner of the room. 
He comes back once he’s done, eyeing up your body. It’s not that he meant to gawk or observe you per se, but he was in fact silently appreciating your body. He could only just hide the fact that he’s very taken with how you look and the way you pull off a simple black bra and underwear set. 
It wasn’t lingerie, but they were intricated pieces. Jeongin seems to be aware of that when you feel him delicately glide his fingertips down the straps of your bra from behind while you stare into his mirror on the wall. 
“This is is pretty,” he says. 
You swallow quietly, content with his observation, “yeah?” 
“Yes, but unfortunately I need it off for this scene. Is that okay with you?” He asks. 
“That’s okay,” you reply clearly.
“Okay then, what’s your colour?”
With your given consent in mind, Jeongin works behind your back to unclasp your bra and places it with the rest of your clothes. It’s not an awkward moment for either of you given that it was nothing in comparison to the things he had planned for you. 
“Beautiful,” he comments, his eyes lingering for a few seconds too long in the mirror. Your cheeks instantly become hotter, hoping Jeongin can just hurry up and put the blindfold over your eyes so you don’t have to look at him. “Let’s move to the bed. I’ll get you to lie down so I can put the restraints on your wrists.” 
On his instruction, you make your way over to his bed after he moves the black box to the nightstand. You sit down on the mattress edge and prop your legs up until you’re able to lie down flat with your head on his pillow.
Jeongin slightly manoeuvres each of your arms before strapping your wrists into the restraints and for a couple of seconds there, you’re in your own mind. It still baffles you that you struck gold with Jeongin by absolute chance. Not to mention he’s the same person who attends church and goes to bible studies and is the same person who’s tying you to his bed. 
“Not too tight?” He checks in with you. 
“Nope, that’s fine,” you reply. 
Jeongin takes the lid off of the box on the side and takes out the silk black blindfold he purchased from the convention the other day, “okay, I’m going to place the blindfold over your eyes now.”
You nod as total darkness shields you from the predictable. Now you can’t see what’s coming next. The excitement and anticipation hinder all nervousness you’ve been feeling while Jeongin takes a moment to appreciate the state that you’re in. It’s not often for him to be so taken with a person to the point where he just about forgets what he’s doing.
Only then does he realise that he’s in a scene and needs to refocus. 
Once he’s content with everything, he decides to move on, “now we can start.” 
He goes back to the box, careful not to make too much sound so that you can’t grasp a hint of what might be inside. The first item he picks up is a long, spindly black feather. It’s simple yet very effective, responsible for creating that ticklish sensation when he dances it lightly and softly along your skin. On its first contact, your nerves try to anticipate where Jeongin will take the feather next, but their guesses come up short when he uses it somewhere else. 
The feather glides from the base of your throat, downwards and in between your tits. Jeongin then uses it to delicately lick over your nipple, making you keen slightly to one side. You can’t help but suppress a moan by biting down on your lip. It shouldn’t feel this good too early, but you can’t help your body’s natural reaction to the feather that leaves tingles in your muscles throughout its wake. 
The smile on Jeongin’s face indicates that he’s enjoying watching you squirm and quietly whimper, still teasing you with the black plume. He drags it from the tips of your toes, up your shin, and right over your clothed pussy, making you press your head back into the pillow. 
Jeongin makes a mental note of that reaction and smirks. To him, those small effects of what he’s doing to your body with only a feather, make him wonder how sensitive you really are. But it’s not his whole desire to spend too much time with it and proceeds to move on to something else; the hot wax. 
After placing the previous item in the box, Jeongin swaps it for the candle. The catcher has collected a substantial amount of wax at the bottom which will allow him to pour the majority of it out before it starts to solidify. But Jeongin stalls for a moment as he tries to make up his mind on where to pour first. 
In his opinion, he wants to cover all the sensitive parts that you’ll let him. Your tits, collarbone, throat, tummy, wherever. Eventually, however, he knows he’ll get to those places. So he starts with your tummy, watching the hot wax drip and dribble onto your skin, hardening as it makes contact. 
A gasp is forced out of your mouth, “s-shit-“
“Too hot?” Jeongin asks you, pulling back the candle before he goes to pour again. 
“N-No,” you shake your head fervently. “J-Just wasn’t expecting-"
Jeongin pours a steady line of wax in between your tits, prying your mouth open for slightly quiet yet strained moans to roll from the base of your throat.
He expects you to have some sort of reaction to the hot wax, but not like this. Usually, people try to escape from the head, some swear like sailors, and others might scream or yelp. You on the other hand…it makes him wonder if you’re a masochist with the way you’re moaning from the slight pain. 
Nonetheless, he drips more wax, this time down your abdomen, forcing you to purse your lips to suppress any sound.
Despite the temperature of the thick content, your brain, for whatever reason, deduces it as a good sensation rather than a bad one. It does burn a bit, but not to the point where you feel like you need to call for a break. That feeling when it settles into the skin where it’s magnificent and warm is too good to pass up, allowing you to keep going.
With the session barely in full swing, you’re trying to keep it together for Jeongin so that hopefully he’d invite you back for another. Yet, within the second you even start thinking about that, Jeongin pours some of the wax, just about the line of your underwear, making you tug hard on the restraints. 
“Fuck – oh my god,” you groan, feeling the heat emulsify within your lower half. It spreads beautifully, just where you want it. “That feels…” 
“Good?” Jeongin asks, making your back arch slightly when he drips more wax from your sternum to just above your belly button. There are some areas that he won’t cover with the wax since he wants enough sensitive space for the next part of the scene. 
Since Jeongin has some verbal confirmation from you that the heat feels good, his indication of pinning you for being a masochist grows stronger. It’s not abnormal, but it’s rare. Not everyone is a fan of pain and some even find it confusing when it’s applied in the bedroom.
That’s not Jeongin though. He appreciates pain and pleasure in a controlled environment. In saying that, he cannot make a full observation of whether or not you’re a full-blown masochist. He’d need to actually ask you first and run other ‘tests’ to achieve a result. 
In light of the pain, Jeongin makes use of the little wax he has left, steadily pouring it onto the underside of your tits – close to where you want it. When there’s no content left at the bottom of the catcher, he moves on once more. This time, to a completely opposite temperature. 
He sets the candle back down on the nightstand, leaving it to continue burning so that the aroma fills the room rather than smoke if he were to blow it out. You then hear his footsteps shuffling around to the other side of the bed, making you wonder what it is that he’s doing. But despite tuning your ears into his every movement, Jeongin makes sure to be as careful as he can to ensure that you don’t know what’s coming next. 
The one thing that you hadn’t noticed in his room the second you walked in was a mini tin bucket of ice cubes on the other side of his bed. He gave away zero hints towards his next move, so when he quietly picked up one of the cubes and immediately placed it just above your tits, you suck in a huge gasp. 
“Geez, I wasn’t ready,” you sigh out some of the anticipation that’s building inside of you. 
Jeongin smiles, “good.” 
The areas of your body that are free from the hardened wax allow him to glide the ice cube gently over your skin. The temperature in comparison to the wax is electrifying, more so than what you ever would have anticipated – had you known it was coming. 
Jeongin watches the ice cubes melt from your body heat, seeing the droplets of water pool for a second and run down your sides. When the first cube has melted down completely, Jeongin picks up another. This time, he drags it slowly above the band of your underwear again. 
“Mm! Fuck…” you exclaim loudly, trying to conduct the sensation when it only just builds. “S-Sorry.” 
“You’re okay,” Jeongin reassures you. 
He then brings the ice cube up to one of your nipples, causing you to arch your back and tug on the restraints simultaneously as a sharp gasp leaves your mouth. The corners of Jeongin’s mouth perk up at your reaction. He doesn’t want to be too predictable and switch to your other nipple. Instead, he manages to pick up another ice cube and uses it on your other nipple, dancing it around your sensitive buds that have begun to stiffen and perk up.
Your poor brain is confused by the stimulation. It’s not happening between your legs but you can feel it from your chest. It feels weird not to be contracting around anything, which only makes you wish you were. Nonetheless, it’s still valid stimulation that you feel building and at first, you’re not sure if it’s an orgasm that’s forming or if it just feels good. 
Regardless of the matter, you can’t help it. It’s patterning the pleasure for you to experience without you having any say in it whatsoever. Your mind is muddled with what to say – how to express how you feel or what’s happening to your body. 
Jeongin has some idea of it now that he’s been listening to you panting and watching you writhe on his bed just from a couple of ice cubes. However, he wants to see how this plays out. 
“J-Jeongin,” you mumble, sucking in small breaths of air. “I’m…”
His ears spring up at the sound of his name, but he refrains from saying anything at all. Instead, he picks up another ice cube, allowing the one in his left hand to melt away before applying the fresh one. The chilly sensation replenishes but it doesn’t stop that sensation that you can feel in your tits all the way through to your pussy. Even though it feels similar to an orgasm, it triggers zero verbal response when it decides to hit you out of nowhere. 
Jeongin sees your mouth part, your legs bracketing together like they’re trying to find something to clamp around. All the while, he doesn’t stop stimulating your nipples with the cubes until your back is flat on his bed again. He had to see it through to the end. 
Breathless and slightly dazed as you were, the first thing that came to mind was that you did in fact cum. Following that came anxiously wondering what Jeongin’s reaction was.
At that, an invisible weight of embarrassment starts tugging you down. You wanted the blindfold to remain over your eyes, terrified of meeting whatever expression was laden on Jeongin’s face. There was no point in trying to gauge how he reacted when you orgasmed, but there was one thing for sure and that was he didn’t stop you from doing it. 
A few lingering moments later, Jeongin becomes satisfied with the tail end of the scene. He got through the aspects of sensory play that you both wanted to cover from the conversation you had at the beginning of the week.
He gently removes the silk blindfold from your eyes, fixing some of your hair in the process to get it out of your eyes. Even though your eyes shy away from his face, Jeongin can easily see the deep red burning through your cheeks. 
“I’ll get these off for you,” Jeongin murmurs, already freeing one of your wrists from the restraint before moving on to the other.
Once you’re completely unrestricted, you sit up straight away and start blabbing out an explanation to him. 
“Just so you know, I didn’t have other intentions going into this,” you speak quickly. “I just wasn’t expecting to…to-“
Slightly taken aback, Jeongin had to step in to reassure you that there’s nothing wrong, “Y/N, it’s okay, seriously. It’s not your fault that your body couldn’t help but do what it needed to. But you’ve just come out of a scene and I want to make sure that you’re ok-“
“Yes but, you said the other day that people don’t usually climax from sensory play only,” you interrupt him. 
He softens a bit, a small grin forming on his face, “I said ‘usually’ not ‘never’. I didn’t rule out that possibility.” 
You suddenly click onto his words, “so there is a possibility that they still can.” 
“Yes, but you don’t have anything to be embarrassed about or sorry for. Some people can orgasm through nipple stimulation. It’s not always easy, but you managed to do it, with ice too, and relatively fast. Plus, I thought it was cute,” he responds. 
‘Cute?’ If melting from embarrassment was a thing, you’d be a puddle all over his floor. Your face comes to fall into your hands, almost making him giggle. 
Jeongin then continues, “now, if you’ll let me help you, I’ll show you to the shower to get some of the wax off. Then we can have some of that food I was talking about earlier.” 
A/N: again, this was meant for Kinktober but my dumb ass didn’t upload it. I’m turning this into a bit of a slow burn series, but not just yet because I’m working on other things atm as listed down below:
1. Noxious Compulsions
Minsung x reader (you can find the snippet here)
2. Foul Play
Part 2 to Don’t bite the hand that feeds you
3. Venom Eater
Part 2 to Venom Biter
4. Some things are better left known
Part 2 to ‘Some things are better left unknown’
These are the main pieces that I’m working on at the moment bc they will be quite dense, and I try to add as much detail in as I can. However, there are 100% other things that I have still sitting in my Doc’s folder that I’ll release too!
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prof-peach · 1 year
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ADOPTABLES NOW LOOKING FOR A HOME £25 (British Pound) per mon, Paypal only, First come first serve, DM to proceed with a paypal email for the invoice should you be interested.
BULBASAUR ------------------------- SOLD ARON --------------------------------- SOLD SKITTYxGLAMEOW -----------------SOLD CACNEA ----------------------------- SOLD
(evolutions for tany adoptables are avaiable at additional costs should people want that. DM for information.)
------------------------------Bio's below-------------------------------
It is a rainy day on Dotaku, most shelter under awnings and sit watching the weather from cosy positions in cafes, frequenting the arcade by the docks, and wandering the greenhouses to dodge getting wet. You however have found your way out to a pitched marque with a handful of pokemon inside, one somewhat gloomy looking member of staff with them handing out treats. The staff member wears a zip up Dōtaku green jacket, only noticing you after a moment, a middle aged man with a rounded shape and kind eyes, one thick moustache hiding his top lip but yuo can tell he smiles.
"Come to make a new friend today? We''ve still got two trouble makers searching for the right match, maybe one would suit you. Would you like me to tell you a little about them?"
You nod, eyeing the four, two of which ocming more forward with looks of intruigue.
You're not unfamilair with bulbasaur, this one however looks very unusual, its bulb is no bulb at all, complexion far lighter, with the brightest eyes watching you. "This little lady was hatched right here on Dotaku, but she lacked what give bulbasaur their energy, not having been hatched with the seed that grows to be the typical heafty bulb on their backs. It wasnt an issue, happens from time to time, and so the Professor planted one within them, and put them in recovery. We had a freak power cut and the containment unit that had her in it was breached by Morelull spores. They took hold in the fresh surgery area,and when her bulb started to grow, it came out like this. Peach has checked her over a hundred times, and she shows no adverse issues other than being less tolerant of direct sun, and a little more active towards the end of the day and night time. She's jolly, sweet and curious, but quite young, so she can be a little naive about things. She shows a lot of talent with spore attacks, but struggles with more phyical moves. In time she may prove a very functional contest pokemon should she like that lifestyle." Moving along the line, more at the back chewing on a rather destroyed toy is an Aron with darker metal than normal, and more spikes than youre use to seeing.
"He was brought in with several dents, and substantial damage, this little bruiser despite being sick at the time was picking fights with things ten times his size. The dents were buffed out where possible, he shed chunks of his shell, and regrew in tough as ever with time. None of his damage was long lasting, and when asked wether he wished to return home, he decided travel was a better choice for him, seeing many visitors battling at the island inspired him I suppose. They do very well with steel tying and struggle with their usual rock moves, so we'd advise against pushing them down that route if they're not comfortable doing so. He has a fondness for Sour foods and likes a lot of pampering, though he may seem bashful about this at the start. Buffing their shell up so it shines will bring out a very pleasent disposition in this critter, so we advise you keep a cleaning set on hand for those days when its rainy or theres a lot of fights ahead. He mixes well with others, but can be a bully to weaker constitution mons, so keep an eye on them. We nicknamed him ‘Chunky' but he has no real affinity for the name, so feel free to discuss a pick a new one."
Next along, sitting directly in the centre of the table, so you couldnt possibly miss it, a curly tailed feline looking pokemon.
"This ones Belladonna, a real diva. Her old owner spoilt her rotten, and her behaviour got out of hand because of it. She's since been retrained and the naughty personality traits have been reeled in to a more managable level. She has become well behaved with other pokemon, socilising shouldn't be an issue now, she shows a great enjoyment of walks, but will not roughhouse, soexercise with her should be very heavily based around play and games more than battling. She loves a brush, loves to be doted on, and may weaponise her cute apperance, so dont let her get the better of you, clear systems and rules in place with reward when followed is key to her not taking full advantage of you. She has a good heart, just takes a little while for her to warm up to you."
The final one in the line is a cacnea that looks like its been stretched in a taffy puller, who sits with its little legs swinging off a crate.
"And finally that little man is perfectly healthy, happy, and otherwise well adjusted. He was brought in because someone thought there was something wrong with him, there isnt, he's just tall. His variant type has been seen working in tandem with ranchers in hotter climates to manage pokemon herds, their evolutions can see all around for a fair distance, and srve as rgeat guards, towering over their normal counterparts. He's got a real level head on him, and should grow to be a fantastic friend. He loves spicy foods, and tends to put others before himself alot, so make sure to give them dedicated time and space to maintain their health and happiness."
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ahamkara-apologist · 3 days
Eramis things I want during Revenant (that I don't have much hope we'll get but a man can dream):
-Eramis was in the process of getting out of the solar system when the whole Echo thing happened, and Fikrul tried to draw her in with the promise of rebuilding Riis. She's intruigued enough by this and sympathetic enough to the Scorn to hear him out, but doesn't jive with his dream of scornifying the whole Eliksni race. She then vies for the Echo herself, only warning Eido of the threat, and Eido comes to us
-The Vanguard + Misraaks and Variks is initially against Eramis until Eido makes it clear that she wants the Echo for Riis and to gtfo of the system, at which point Ikora and Osiris go on Eramis diplomacy duty, offering to help in exchange for her and the remains of House Salvation to leave for Riis afterwards. Eramis does not trust us one fucking bit, but since she doesn't have much firepower and she recognizes it gets us out of each other's hair/setae, she begrudgingly agrees
-Cue reluctant alliance! Everyone but Eido fucking hates it. Eramis is soft only to Eido and no-one else, but its clear that the fight has gone out of her and that she's just listlessly going through the motions bc the fate of the Eliksni + the possibility of seeing her wife and kids again is the only thing keeping her going. Mara, Osiris, Zavala, and Ikora keep trying to talk to her about their loss in faith with the Light/dealing with grief, but it only works when Eido is there
-Misraaks gets worse. Eramis begrudgingly begins fucking around with the Darkness of Nezarec/giving us info on how the Witness's darkness worked in her time as its slave, bc while she doesn't think Misraaks has any hope, she sees the future of the Eliksni in Eido and doesn't want to jeopordize that. It's awkward as hell and she keeps making snide comments about his mother
-She also either ignores the Young Wolf or treats us like her least favorite stepchild, bc while her hate for us isn't personal, her grief over the people we killed are. The YW does nothing to improve this
-As the story progresses she starts talking more and more about Athrys and her children and talking about what she did and how she has no hope for the future, but Eido does, and while Eido doesn't like her speaking like that, it makes a very clear contrast between Maya and Eramis, one that Ikora remarks on (I want more Ikora...pls bungie)
-At some point, Eido wants to fight. Misraaks protests. So does Saint. Eramis retorts that she's the same age Misraaks was when Inaaks made him go raiding, Misraaks shouts something about wanting her to have a better life than what he had, and Eramis snarky says that's nice but entirely impractical. Eido gets a sword. She's thrilled about it
-Eramis finds Athrys (or the remains of Athrys). Its extremely emotional and lots of ugly crying and angst is involved, but it works out in the end, unlike with Maya and Chioma. This is bc Eramis realizes what she did was wrong, which is the first step of learning to be better, and even though she doesnt think she deserves anything more, Athrys is determined to shake her back to form
-Athrys also is warily fascinated by humans and keeps scolding Eramis about going to war with us, doubly so for losing. Eramis refuses to comment on this.
-With the work of the Echo, Riis is made habitable again, and she leaves to rebuild, but not without inviting Eido to come visit if she ever wishes to see their homeworld (giving us the possibility of also seeing Riis??)
-ik its unlikely but even a single crumb of serious taniks content would satiate me. Bungie please i'm absolutely obsessed with the singular pov piece we do get from him
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
I have a question, who do you think of the *Pale Siblings take after the most of their respective parents in terms of personality/mannerisms?
(Hollow, Hornet, Ghost)
It's less about who takes after their parents the most, and more which traits are inherited from each! Nature vs Nurture is a complex mix of both elements, but a lot of the time, one's basal behaviors can be attributed to parental inheritence. Its super super cool, and while I can't explain the exact genetics of it, know there is a genetic componant there and that inheritence patterns are thus randomized
[Coughs] anyways
Hornet: Pretty even blend of Herrah and PK. She has Herrah's stern determination, ferocity in the face of danger, and desire to see things through to the bitter end, but she inherited PK's cold, calculative mind, which makes her excellent at solo survival and crafting, but terrible with emotions and people
Hollow: Takes after their mom in personality more than their dad, actually- they inherited more of his physical traits. Like their mother, they are naturally calm, patient, and intruigued by people, but once that patience wears thin, their temper is long-burning and leaves a grudge. Also has a very keen sense of the environment around them, to the point where sight is almost secondary to worldsense. Unlike their mother, however, they have an intense desire to protect the people of Hallownest specifically, which comes from their father...as well as all of their mental illnesses. Their depression, anxiety, self-hatred and lack of self-worth is 100% inherited from him- he just made it worse
Ghost: Takes after their dad more, actually. Like the Pale King, they are intensely curious, have an intense desire to fix things, a stubbornnes that cannot be quelled (though their mother is similarily stubborn), has a strong sense of white and black morality, wants to prove themselves, and loves so deeply and so intensely that it would almost be dangerous to everyone around them- if they weren't already well-versed in what agony such love could bring. What makes them different, however, is that they lack PK's rigid sense of structure, inability to change, and potent self-hatred, which means they use those traits to take down boundaries rather than cage themselves in a maze of hopeless, impossibly self-destructive expectations. That's not to say that they haven't inherited qualities from their mother as well- their social nature speaks to that- but the ones that are the most apparent seem to be inherited from their father, and indeed might give us insight into what a young Pale Wyrm might have been like (a terrifying thought)
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 7 months
the fact the mutating agent probably comes from the same fungus that affects Ceasar makes me so so intruigued
Cesars case was. someone being injected with. a VERY primitive version of the agent, being MOSTLY the fungus and not a lot of other things, allowing the fungus to basically just. use Cesar's body as a growing site.
However, for the others, the agent is FAR less likely to cause any fungus growth, because its not JUST the fungus and some other chemicals, and the fungus is more just. an ingredient rather than a major part in it. allows more control with the mutations themselves as well.
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do you have any more george and mary hcs?????? i saw your post a while ago and spent all this time tracking it down lol and im intruigued, would love to hear more about them if you have other thoughts
ohhhhh yes i sure do
M1 in general is the game i've spent the most time imagining things for, and george and maria have received probably the most of my attention
i'd love to write up my ideas for their characters/story, but atm i'm tired and have too many other things i'm focusing on ><
i'll be sure to get to it as soon as i'm in the mood, though!! might have to split it because covering everything in a single post would be really long
as always, it'll be very much my own vision for them, it's not founded in anything other than the very few barebones details the game gives us and my own imagination!
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ao3gobi17 · 2 months
Why do you like Avatar so much (what’s the main appeal for you) and what would you like to see in Avatar 3?
I’ve probably said this before but I wasn’t a big fan of Avatar 1. I went for the graphics (and it was being touted as a massive movie right from the start) and they impressed. But otherwise it felt like a rip off of Pocahontas. I liked Jake and the twin thing to explain why he was there and I thought the story made good use of him having a disability. I didn’t find Quaritch that memorable. I literally haven’t watched it again since.
When Avatar 2 was coming out the first teaser or trailer (I forget) didn’t give anything away but I felt like I should def go for the graphics if nothing else. And again, knew it would be a huge movie. But wow, it blew me away and I saw it a bunch of times in cinema and bought it afterwards too.
Which is a big intro to answering your question 😂 So I think it was the kids and Quaritch 2.0 that did it for me. Giving Quaritch a son who is on the side of his enemy was such a good shout. Giving him a recom body was such a good shout. I feel like the actor played him very differently this time round (obviously it is a slightly different character in 2.0 but I felt a huge difference). There were so many layers to unpack with Q and some of the dynamic gave me Vader and Luke vibes. Also Spider as a human existing in this alien world, having been born there was fascinating. His end of the dynamic was also so intruiguing - this parental figure who is his enemy but he’s getting closer to.
And then the Sully kids knocked it out the park for me. I like Tuk and Neteyam and that there were 4 kids, but Lo’ak and Kiri are GOOD characters. They are memorable, they have the ability to make ���favourite fictional characters of all time’ lists, Lo’ak especially I just adore. And I love how he reflects Jake and the dynamics in their relationship.
So yeah, that’s A2 for me. For A3, I think I’m just trusting that Cameron has a vision and that it will be very much like A2 in terms of key concepts and dynamics. I love the hints so far of the Ash clan and Kiri possibly performing a miracle and Quaritch and Jake maybe in a reluctant truce. I’d mostly just like to see those main 5 characters (imo) expand and interact! <3
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sylwanin-was-right · 2 years
Tonowari has awaken something in me about face tattoos. Ronal's tattoos were so striking but also attractive, too, when she took off her regalia for the battle.
I always thought face tattoos in general were cool. The permanence of them makes them very striking and says a lot about a person's life, like the birth of their child, the death of the beloved pet, or a special idea they hold dear. But now theyre like.... very attractive.
Ofc I want to know the meaning behind a lot of the motifs and locations of his tattoos. Theyre Māori inspired, but they should have their own specific meanings for the film, and from what I've read, getting them done in certain places at different ages is supoosed to tell about one's life milestones.
But right now theyre just so intruiguing to my many places. Goodness gracious 🥴
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emcscared-whumps · 1 year
WiJ 2023 - 07: A Link to my Fave Whump Fic
WiJ 2023 Navigation Post
How Could I Choose!!
OH MAN, this is hard, very very hard XD
I'm currently compiling a bookmark list in my drafts of the Tumblr whump fics I've read and am following along with because sometimes (a lot) I forget the names and the authors of said fics ^-^' (I'm no good at names lol).
Anyways, if i recall correctly, I gave a whole list last year, so this time, I'll keep it to the fics I've read more recently.
I Chose! Are you Proud?? I am Making Decisions!
In the past year, I've started reading Magnanimous Moonrise and Savage Sunset by @not-a-space-alien and I have absolutely loved it so far!!
The main character is a vampire named Valen who has ventured into human territory in his scientific pursuit of finding a recipe for a viable blood substitute!
The lore is very similar to/based of @whumpsday's Kane and Jim series (which I also fucking adore btw-- and. there is. a CROSSOVER AHAHA YES!!! (that one's definitely +18 though, so no link lol).
Anyways, shit goes sideways real fast when Valen gets caught by vampire hunters :) OOooOOooOO WHAT THEN :)))))))) Many things :))))))))))))))))
Iirc there's a TW for mentions of rape and SA, and also Valen, a trans guy getting misgendered and dysphoria'd REAL hard. If that, gore, and vampires are on the menu, this fic is SO worth a read :D
Recent Reads that I Also Love :D
I couldn't resist listing a couple more which I also love very very much ehehehe
@demondamage's various writings and drawings about Aziphem the demon! His blog features lab and captivity whump, as well as some on-the run stuff :) Wonderful art, wonderful writing, wonderful characters, I lov ^-^
Demon's Haven by @whumpwillow. A witch summons a tortured demon! This fic never left my mind after I first started it, and it's been updated a fair bit recently and it has been SUCH a delight!! I am super intruigued, but the critter is so wet and sad and I love him and Haven is super fun and I look forward to seeing snapshots further into both of their lives ^-^
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wisedawn-whatever · 1 year
Aziracrow, Gabriel, and The Metatron
So, I finished watching Good Omens season 2 yesterday for the third time and took a day off today for things to percolate, and percolate they have. These thoughts may not make sense and they almost certainly won't be right, but humour me.
Let's start with Gabriel, shall we? At the end of season 1 we have him yelling "shut your stupid mouth and die" to Aziraphale (who is actually Crowley at that time but we'll come back to that point in a moment). Why is he doing so? For going against Heaven and The Great Plan, joining with a demon, and stopping the war that would end the world.
Now, let's see what we learn at the end of season 2 about Gabriel: he says "nah" to a second Armageddon there by going against Heaven and The Great Plan and he is in love with Beelzebub (a demon). Sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it? What intruigues me so much about this is the fact that Aziraphale and Crowley witness it.
Let's go back to Crowley being in Aziraphale's place in Heaven. Crowley witnesses the cold cruelty the angels, but mainly Gabriel, show to his best (and only) friend while attempting to kill him. That, rightfully, makes him hate Gabriel quite a bit, and I don't judge him for a second for feeling that way. But he still caves and helps Aziraphale with Jim because Aziraphale is (seemingly) putting his whole existence at stake to help someone who wouldn't do the same.
Aziraphale is kind and willing to help people, he wants to do good because he believes that doing good is the just and right thing (even when it actually isn't) whereas Crowley goes what Aziraphale views as good and kind, but is actually the right and just thing. He doesn't mean to do good he just wants to do what's right and that's a big difference. But I digress.
While Crowley knows exactly what Gabriel said and did to (who he thought was) Aziraphale, Aziraphale himself doesn't actually know. From what we are shown, Crowley never told Aziraphale what exactly happened. Perhaps it's too hard for him to repeat to the one he cares most about, perhaps he simply doesn't wish to hurt Aziraphale by telling him, or perhaps it is something else entirely. Despite that, Crowley helps and even somewhat warms up to having Jim around.
Then he gets to witness why Gabriel is on Earth in the first place and is witness to the Gabriel and Beelzebub where they go off to be together outside of Heaven and Hell. He gets to witness the very thing he wants most. But that hope dangled in front of his face is futile and only serves to burn him in the end because The Metatron has other plans.
Personally, I am a fan of the theory that The Metatron is actively revising things in The Book of Life in season 2 (and there's a number of things that lead one to think as such) but if you don't think so, it's not important to my musings anyway. What we do know is that The Metatron shows contempt towards Crowley (and most probably all demons, but there seemed to be some Crowley-specific distaste that I noticed) and I feel that a number of things that occurred in season 2 could be The Metatron making moves to hurt Crowley in his weakest point: Aziraphale.
The Metatron denies Gabriel's decent into Hell because it doesn't make a "good story" and would seem like there is "an institutional problem" (which there every much is, but that's not the point) but in doing so, Gabriel escapes to Earth and makes his way to Aziraphale's shop. Which, after season 1, seems an odd thing, but after learning that Gabriel goes against Heaven and is in love with a demon, it makes a bit more sense. But still. Odd. And that all culminates in what I mentioned two paragraphs above: Crowley witnessing what he wants most.
Aziraphale also wants Crowley by his side, but unfortunately he still (somehow) has not realized just how toxic Heaven actually is. He's stuck missing what he had and wishing to go back to what he had. The Metatron gives him exactly what he wants, offering him a place in Heaven to come back to (a high power where he could "change things for the better") and he even tells him that he could get Crowley reinstated as an Angel and have him as his second in command. Something that, almost certainly, The Metatron knows Crowley would never agree to, which is exactly why he offers it and ultimately causes a major schism between Aziraphale and Crowley.
Crowley—after having watched Maggie and Nina (we're not getting into theories about them in this post, but things felt odd with them for me), putting in quite a bit of effort to make them fall in love to the point of him being quite invested in their love life, seeing Gabriel and Beelzebub, and then being told by Nina and Maggie to tell Aziraphale how he truly feels—is finally ready to confess what he thinks and feels and really wants. Afterall, they've spent most of 6000 years pretending they aren't a "group of the two of them." Unfortunately, the timing for that is just so off.
Aziraphale was just offered what, to him, is a dream. And he was offered that by The Metatron at exactly the same time that Nina and Maggie were talking with Crowley and giving him that final push. Cruel timing, no? So, Aziraphale comes in, full of excitement to the point that he straight up cuts off Crowley when he tries to say his thing. Even after him saying that Aziraphale should just listen while he talks because if he doesn't start now, he may never say it. Aziraphale cuts him off, telling him to "hold that thought" because he is too excited about the offer given to him that he's blinded by it. Aziraphale is practically high on it, he was given exactly what he wanted. But it's not what Crowley wants and Aziraphale is too blinded to see that or see why Crowley would never want to go back to heaven.
I saw a post (don't recall what one) that talked about how this moment probably stems from Aziraphale's view that Crowley being cast out from Heaven was wrong, and so in bringing him back that is just and right and good. He wants to fix it. But Crowley sees Heaven for what it is and can't ever go back, not even for Aziraphale. Which is what makes this schism so painful. They were both shown/offered the thing they want most in life and came crashing together to only realize that their deepest desires are not compatible. While the core of them is to have the other by their side, it's the where that is the issue.
Aziraphale wants to go back and Crowley wants to go away. Crowley, in true desperation and raw despair, kisses Aziraphale. It's not a show of love or devotion, but rather a show of pain and brokenness. We can see how affected Crowley is shortly before he kisses Aziraphale. His voice is chokes up, he has to stop talking to keep from crying, he can't look into Aziraphale's eyes, he puts his glasses on so Aziraphale doesn't see him break and cry. He is crumbling, his foundation (his love and trust and bond with Aziraphale) is deteriorating beneath his feet and he is scrambling. The kiss says more than words ever could.
And Aziraphale says "I forgive you" because he doesn't know what else he can say, he can see it all crumbling away before his very eyes too, and he's scared. But that is the last thing that Crowley wants. He doesn't want his forgiveness, he just wants him. Full stop. Crowley witnesses things that have him hope and that hope was dashed, thrown into his face, and stepped on. Aziraphale even hopes that Crowley was the one who came in when it was The Metatron, because Crowley always always comes back. But, this time, it's just too much to ask for. We can see the little bit of hope and light in his eyes die as he resigns himself to go to Heaven. He pushes everything down and away because what's happening is a good thing, after all. He is going back to Heaven. And even then, Crowley is waiting and hoping that Aziraphale will come to him this time. He doesn't.
The Metatron gets exactly what he wants: Aziraphale in Heaven, Crowley somewhere else, and the pair of them no longer together. They are far too strong a pair and they are clearly a threat to Heaven and its plans. So, he makes moves to tear them apart in one of the most brutal ways.
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killianhemlock · 6 months
Ok I’m gonna be so fuckin fr rn- I genuinely hope senz knows how much his character is loved. Often I can see him burning out from the city, Link doesn’t have anyone ride-or-die for him the way he is (or was) for his friends. Link isn’t a very open person anymore (?) and Jan is one of the only ppl he’s really clicked with (and their relationship is pretty rocky). To a lot of characters, he seems cold and dismissive, or just completely unreadable. I feel like his character is overlooked a lot bc of that or completely forgotten :( (and I eat that shit up every time don’t get me wrong)
I went into said concept in more depth somewhere in my bou bugles tag, I genuinely feel like it’s such a good example of new city anxiety and self isolation !!! Keep doing your shit dude !!!!
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thisultraviolet · 1 year
Thoughts on the vault titles?
"Slut!" - 10/10 beyond excited, I know it will probably be emotionally devastating but I would still love it to be a bop ala Hits Different or DBATC. Also I have a vision of one of the lyrics being "You don't know the half of it" for ✨reasons✨. And I want it on the record I was a Slut truther the whole time <3
Say Don't Go - As a You're Losing Me girlie anything that revolves around this concept of wanting to be asked to stay is going to kill me. Also it being on the same album as AYHTDWS the parallels are gonna eat I'm so hyped. Also also the possibilities of this in regards to my dorothea/ttds playlists I'm SO excited.
Now That We Don't Talk - Seems like it will be very reflective, I'd guess leaning more ballad/Clean-ish? Probably the one that least intruigues me but historically that means nothing lmao.
Suburban Legends - Took me an embarrassingly long time to realise this was a play on urban legends lmao. Suburbia is such an antithesis to 1989 as a whole so I'm super interested to see what direction this goes in! Whether it's a The Lucky One wishing to escape the spotlight and dealing with her fame especially at what was at the time her most mainstream, or High Infidelity "Your picket fences sharp as knives" / Midnight Rain vibes of not wanting to be trapped by conventions especially as a woman.
Is It Over Now? - Not to double album clown (although the The Man wall having two 1989's makes me think if we are getting a double drop this will be it) but this is certainly an open ended question... Clean and New Romantics are both such perfect closers that this has huge shoes to fill, but being The "on again off again" album I'm sure it will thematically tie in perfectly. Also this possibly leading into Ready For It...? is very fun tracklist wise.
Overall soooo happy with them, 1989 was tied with Rep for my most anticipated vault and it has absolutely delivered so far. Really interested to see what happens production wise too, bc with the vault songs I don't really care if they're cohesive with the rest of the album so a bit of a different direction could be really cool!
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albinoxherbalist · 1 month
❛  don’t be alarmed now but there’s someone following you. pretend you know me and come with me. i’ll get you somewhere safe.  ❜ (from Triss)
Rose almost flinched when the woman spoke to her. She eyed up the stranger before looking over her shoulder. The woman wasn't lying. There was someone stalking her and they didn't do a very good job hiding it either. Damn it, she thought.
The herbalist looked at the woman in front of her once more. Despite wearing a hood as well, she could tell she had striking red hair. Something about her intruigued the herbalist, even though she couldn't put her finger on it what it was. Rose hesitated before she gave the redhead a slight nod.
"Alright. Lead the way." she spoke quietly, ready for follow.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Considering PK’s usual wyrm diet is Whatever He Can Eat, you think he’d have any strong opinions about the cooked meals the palace makes? I’m sure he can note the different tastes and smells and all that jazz. Probably vaguely intrigued by the concept of spices just to make food taste better once upon a time. But the closest I can see him having any notable food preferences is his steaks and other meats rare. (While his teeth can go through well done steak better than any human’s can, I can’t imagine he’d want to do that on the regular. Well done steak is just objectively the bad way to eat steak.)
I think that lack of any strong preferences that can come to my mind is kinda because he doesn’t need food to the same degree we do. I read an idea somewhere once that the reason we get so excited and passionate about food is because if it was just another chore we’d be objectively miserable bc of how much we need to eat. (And on being on both sides of food is good/a chore, I can see the merit in that idea.)
Which in turn could be another way Hornet is so different yet so similar to him. She has just loud opinions on what good food is and her favorite dishes. They’re likely good meat dishes, so he can agree that it’s Good Food but the passion of it doesn’t click. Nor the heartbreak of wanting comfort food you can’t have, or having the meal be different from what you expected to eat tonight.
Ooo same headcanon, but with a slightly different angle! I agree in that I personally can't see him having an actual preference for food outside of 'raw meat', but instead of it being because phsyical food is less important for him (well, it is after he becomes a true god that can be sustained off worship), it's because food is scarce in the wastelands and wyrms pre-ascension do not have the option of worship to sustain their constantly-growing bodies. So finding a source of nutrients and soul is paramount, meaning that they really cannot be picky about their diet in the slightest. Meat is favored bc living beings give the most soul per bite, but anything that can be ground down into energy is a valuable resource. So while PK might be intruigued by the food of mortal bugs, and develop some preferences (anything made with honey), none of them would be strong because he's just not wired to be picky about it. And then, of course, after he conquers Hallownest, physical food becomes far less important so he's just not driven to eat as much or be as passionate about food.
I can also see Hornet's Strong Opinions on food being somewhat of a perplexing and alarming phenomenon until he realizes that she has a far narrower pallete than him, because a wyrmling that doesn't eat is a wyrmling that has something wrong with it, and he's done enough damage to his previous children and to his own body for there to be a lot of potential things wrong with Hornet. At least, until she develops a voice by which to vocalize her Very Loud Opinions, in which they simply become mildly irritating, perplexing things he has to deal with after the establishment of the Dreamer Deal
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