#very very shy. he hides underground for very long periods of time
arcenergy · 1 year
love how my hermit crabs just sit there and ponder. i think they know im chill now so i can walk in and kneel right next to them and they will barely react. theyre just chillin
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capricioussun · 3 years
Here are some thoughts no one asked for ❤️
As is, for the most part, canon, all of my skeleton brothers have Sans as the older brother with Papyrus as the younger. I often explore different age gaps, but mostly stick with something around five years between the two.
However, I noticed someone mention older brother Fell Papyrus, and while it’s not a new concept to me, this time it got the gears turning, wondering how different things would be if that was true for them.
If Papyrus was the older brother, but most everything else remained the same, I honestly don’t think it would really wind up too terribly different, though I’d imagine the brothers would end up with a significantly healthier relationship.
Still adhering to my usual headcanons about the brothers and their relation to Gaster (bio weapons he created using extracts from the human souls as well as pieces of his own), and Underfell in general, Papyrus was a rather odd job as a child. Very…blank. Didn’t really emote or respond to much, did as he was told, very. Passive. But once Sans enters the picture, well, that doesn’t change immediately, but he would become very protective of Sans. He’d adopt him quickly, and this would ultimately impact both of their relationships to Gaster, and make things harder for him.
As time went on, post Gaster, surviving living on the streets, and Papyrus eventually having to resort to joining the guard, the brothers would’ve developed a very strong bond. Papyrus’ personality would’ve started to come through more, and he would’ve become very encouraging and supportive of Sans, and only that much more protective because of Sans’ poor health and the undergrounds slowly worsening conditions.
Sans, meanwhile, would’ve grown very dependent on Papyrus, so his joining the guard would’ve strained their relationship, with Papyrus not able to be around as much. Though this wouldn’t change how much the brothers care about each other, it would just be an added difficulty. While Gaster had trained them both a bit in fighting already, and Papyrus had taught him how to shortcut and whatnot, Sans would feel incredibly vulnerable on his own, especially given how young Papyrus joined the guard, meaning Sans was essentially left at home for long periods of time from around the age of 10 on.
During this time, Papyrus also would’ve begun to accrue LV and EXP from his time in the guard, and that, combined with worsening living conditions overall, would’ve begun to wear on him. Learns a lot from Undyne, and tries to follow her example often, and this is what leads to him developing what is essentially his persona. Harsh, cold, sharp. Strong, confident, intelligent. Coming to understand the only safety in the underground is found through fear alone. Though even in the public eye, Papyrus would never shy away from protecting his brother. And goes double for behind closed doors.
Throughout this time, Sans would’ve only grown more and more depressed, anxious, exhausted. So when they can relax around each other, Papyrus does what he can to comfort him, and Sans does what he can to ease Papyrus’ worry.
The Resets do nothing to help the brothers’ stress levels, but in some ways, they’re a blessing. Usually undoing some rather horrible outcomes, even despite making them also relive…a lot of less than positive experiences.
Time wears on, Sans gets called upon to act as Judge, Papyrus only grows more weathered from his time in the guard and losing the ability to protect his brother as he becomes an adult himself, and this would be the biggest rift between them. Sans would begin to feel like a burden on Papyrus, start pulling in on himself, drinking, hiding behind of veil of grim humor and near suicidal indifference, and Papyrus would feel as if he was losing what little control he had left over their situation, and knuckle down on his persona, knowing that as the only real way left to protect them. They would adopt a bit of an outward act, Papyrus having little patience for Sans’ attitude though never really reprimanding him beyond sighs and eyerolls, and Sans would treat Papyrus more like his acting superior and less like an older brother. Though, in the safety of their home, they would still have some level of honest communication, as well as the rare show of genuine care, too.
They would rely on each other, still. And, eventually, when Frisk fell and freed them, it would be a bit of an uphill battle, but both brothers would be able to get into therapy and sort out…at least some of their issues, and ease back into something more akin to what their relationship used to be. Lots of affectionate teasing, support, and comfort. Papyrus would still struggle a bit with ‘needing to be strong’ for quite a while, but even that would ease with time.
So overall, not too significantly different, but the brothers would have way less issues directly rooted in each other Papyrus especially, and have more open communication pretty much the whole time, as well as Sans being, for the most part, a lot better off a lot of the time.
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Don’t Pray (aka Vader is the menace he was always meant to be during ‘the Purge’ oneshot)
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me,” the padawan whispered quietly; eyes squeezed tightly shut to block out the world.
The only sound was that of his own hammering heartbeats, hands clasped in a desperate prayer as he kept his head low; curled up in a tight ball with his legs to his chest in the cramped stowaway space behind the ventilator of his former master’s beat up space vessel. When he had docked on Illuna, he had expected the possible company of fellow runaway Jedi apprentices. Instead, he found the embrace of the Dark Side.
The presence that had greeted him so graciously was still palpable, still drawing ever nearer. The dark it brought with it like a sickness, like a plague shutting out any connections to the untainted living Force. Consuming its flame. The light flickering before the tendrils of darkness snuffed it out; successfully smothering it. Swallowing hard; a faint noise penetrated through the steady pulse ringing in his ears.
Artificial, mechanical. Periodic breathing. In, and out.
He felt like a caged animal; trapped as bait; prey left out for the predator approaching. He had been fooled, and now he was paying with his life. Naive, in his desire for company - his longing to be alone no more. He crept further back against the durasteel confines, his side pressed to the outer wall. As far from the tiny hatch to the hidden crawlspace as possible, making himself impossibly small.
Once again, he hoped to reach out with his mind; for help or guidance, he wouldn’t know. Yet, the only thing he could sense as a potential response was the thrumming of that inescapable darkness; an empty void of agony, threatening to grab hold of him and drag him asunder if he failed to stay alert. He toed the line, standing just at the threshold. Just shy of allowing the ill intent to devour him.
The padawan had been under the care of the Jedi Order on Coruscant for as long as he could remember, had been a promising padawan as his master had proudly proclaimed many times. It seemed like a lifetime ago. As if the happy days were but the fading remnants of a fever dream, as if the Empire and its rule was all there had ever been. 
The Empire, and Vader.
Every Jedi he knew was either dead, captured, or lost. Missing without a trace. In hiding, some said. Perished, others whispered. At the hand of Vader, was the common consensus among fast travelling underground sources. The padawan had tried his best to hide, to keep out of sight, to cover up his tracks. For three years, he had been successful. For three years, he had managed to avoid the Jedi killer, and the relentlessness with which the Empire seemed to hunt down and destroy Force users. Align, disappear or die.
He was running out of time.
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me,” he mouthed wordlessly, desperate to mask his hitching breaths and half sobs.
It was freezing.
He remembered the ice cold desert nights, accompanying his master on a week long endeavour hunting for a ancient Jedi artifact. Where had it taken them? Tatooine? Jakku? Geonosis? He couldn’t remember, every desert planet looked the same. Only endless sand dunes, and blistering blood red sun come day. Only starry deep blue skies, and cold nipping at any exposed skin come night.
He’d never forgotten the numbness of his fingers, his breath coming in heated puffs of condensation. He’d never forgotten the uncomfortable prickle of his skin, the chill of his weary, aching bones. How it seeped so deep into his core, that not even the scalding heat of first sunlight promising fire and brimstone could dissolve it.
The breathing.
The predator toying with its prey, like a rancor enjoying the chase and dragging it out before pouncing and going in for the kill. Vader must know where he was hidden, must be able to sense his tangible Force signature. His terror.
The paralyzing feeling of torment Vader’s aura radiated rolled off of the man in thick waves; like the tide coming in, like the eye of the storm. Without mercy, without pardon. A force of nature, uncontrollable, unstoppable. Hands trembling, the padawan pressed them to his lips as he continued to mouth the same payer like mantra.
It would be in vain, yet it was the only link that remained to his master. The woman who had been gunned down in cold blood by her own troops, sending him off in a solitary escape pod towards fates unknown before sacrificing herself. She’d taught him the prayer, something to cling to in times of need. In times of fear, of hopelessness. He remembered her gentle brown eyes, her warm smile.
Heavy, booted footfalls against the durasteel floor. Stalking in a slow, deliberate manner. The temperature seemed to drop for each one, as death traveled on swift wings ever faster.
The padawan could feel the stinging heat of salty tears behind his eyes, could feel them welling up at the corners of his eyes. Could taste their salt, smell his own fear. Shame accompanied the terror. His master’s act of self sacrifice had landed him stranded on an outer rim scrap station, only vaguely directed towards hostile but life sustaining planets where more Jedi may be in hiding; aided by a good natured sympathizer. Planets he’d never even heard of. People whose faces he would never know again, whose faces he had already forfotten as they blurred together. He had found none, no one to help him. No one to guide him, no one to come to his rescue now. He was alone, and he would die alone.
Only then did it truly sink in that he wasn’t going to leave this ship alive.
“I can sense you, child.”
A deep, booming voice.
Filtered through a vocabulator, it came off eerie and uncanny. Devoid of any scrap of human emotion; monotone and matter of fact. Loud, direct, and frank. Short and concise. How many others like him had met such a fate, the padawan wondered. How many others had perished at the hand of Vader? How many more would there be? Were there even any Force wielders left in the Galaxy for Vader to sniff out and execute? The age of the order was gone, why keep exterminating the few stragglers left behind? They could do no harm, make little noise.
“I can sense your fear,” the voice added after a moment's pause; and despite the same inhuman diction, there seemed to be something spiteful to the words.
The padawan had never known evil.
He and his master had taken down wild beasts, droid armies; they had even faced off against a stray misled Dark Side user. The droids had been man made machines, little more than gun fodder. The animals had followed only their hunger and ravenous nature, desperate to eat or be eaten. Lylacs, loth-wolves, rancors engineered to hunt. The Dark Side user had been conflicted, led astray by corrupt practices, as his master had put it.
This was different.
Vader appeared to be content, in a sense. No, perhaps not quite content as there seemed to be little joy or excitement to find in his Force signature. It was empty, a nothingness. Like a hole in the fabric of the Force itself, like someone had cut a piece out of a tapestry where only cold, and suffering could prevail.
Suffering; so unadulterated that it made the padawan’s body flinch and twitch with its shared torment. Vader was like a phantom, like a wraith; like a dead man walking. His aura revealed that he had nothing to lose, nothing to gain. No compassion, no forgiveness. No use in pleading, no use in begging.
A tear escaped the corner of the padawan’s eyes, rolling red hot down his stricken, pale face. The suffocating feeling of Vader’s presence sucked the air out of his lungs, making him feel lightheaded and short of breath. The steps slowed, calculating their path meticulously until they came to a sudden halt mere inches away from the trapdoor and its hatch. There came a protesting creaking of durasteel, of metal giving way to an unseen, powerful hand. A metallic shriek, a cringe and a whine as it began to bend to Vader’s will. The first beams of bright, fluorescent lights spilled in flickering patterns through the cracks torn open before the trapdoor was unceremoniously ripped off its hinges and flung across the cramped space of the vessel’s interior.
The padawan daredn’t open his eyes - the mechanic breathing was no longer muffled by  a thin wall of durasteel; the thick aura of the Dark Side crashing over him like, biting and stinging at his nerve endings. Drowning him, as they left him overwhelmed, vulnerable and pitiful.
It hurt to breathe; hurt to think, his stomach churning and his throat constricting no matter how much air he attempted to gulp down. His lips moved on autopilot, still wording that same pathetic prayer but his voice had long since been silenced. There was no one to save him. No one to take his hand.
The tendrils of a twisted, warped, subjugated shadow of the Force the padawan knew as his ally burnt as they pierced his skin; invisible but unyielding. Like a million icy daggers, like sharp needles or broken glass. Another warm tear fell from his eyes, this time leaving a searing trail in its wake against his frost bitten cheek. He trembled when it dripped off his chin.
“You cannot hide from me, child. Your path ends here. There is no escape,” said the voice, so void of sympathy and remorse that it seemed inconceivable.
Were it not for the Dark Side, and the tainted, perverted use of the Force that Vader was guilty of; the padawan would have thought him to be fully inhuman. Rumours said Vader was once a man, now cloaked in a tar black suit of armour. Some said Vader was the creation of a malicious Sith Lord, calling upon mystical powers to build the perfect, loyal servant. Others said Vader may have once been a Jedi; a Jedi who’d fallen to the Dark Side in pursuit of power, and riches. How could a figure whose very existence seemed to serve as a harbringer of death ever have been live? How could a presence such as Vader’s ever have belonged to anything but a ruthless monster?
The padawan’s master had called many animals and creatures ‘monsters’. Some would deem Vader a savage beast, desperate for blood to quench his own thirst while they cowered in fear at the very whisper of his name. As if acknowledging his existence might conjure him. Yet, an animal would only follow its own basal needs and instincts; like the krayt dragons, or the lylaks, or the rancors. They were not monsters, they were simply part of the natural order. Predators necessary in a symbiotic cycle with their prey. Likening them to Vader was no fair comparison. Vader was sentient, aware of his actions, and committing heinous acts nonetheless. Purposefully, knowingly.
Animals were no monsters.
Vader was.
His eyes were still stubbornly clenched shut, perhaps seized up with terror as the frightened padawan cowered.
Still, they began to twitch little by little, opening as if that unseen hand guided by the Force was prying them open bit by bit. As if they were being peeled back, his resolute power of will beginning to wane. The padawan desperately attempted to keep them closed, to fight back. It was futile, as his watery eyes were uncovered against his will. Unable to blink, unable to stay blissfully unaware of the exterior that accompanied the foreboding phantom. His executioner. 
In a snapping, jerking motion - the boy’s head was rapidly twisted sideways by the same invisible pull. The hold on his lithe, malnourished body was so strong, that the motion tossed him like a rag-doll as he was yanked out of the tiny crawlspace. He cried out in pain when his knee was torn open, by the jutting edges of one of the ventilator system’s metallic fans. Warm blood wet through the fabric of the padawan’s pants, the tang of iron stinging in his nostrils. Nauseating.
Tumbling haphazardly across the narrow walkway, the padawan whimpered as he momentum had him rolling around until he slammed forcibly into nearest cabinet. A nightmare come to life, he wrapped his uncooperative arms around himself to shield himself from the bitter cold, from the hatred, the rage, the ire. 
It did him no favours, the sharp pinpoints and tendrils of the Dark Side burrowing into his chest like the fangs of a loth-wolf. Despite the struggle, the padawan found himself crawling to his knees, ignoring the searing pain of his gashed knee as if compelled to do so by some sort of beckon, taunting and mesmerizing in its lethal promise. For a brief moment, he thought he could hear his master’s familiar voice calling him.
The abyss lay ahead.
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me,” the padawan croaked in a broken act of defiance.
“Your prayers are of no use.”
Then, he raised his head and his glassy eyes were set upon Vader. Frozen in place, as if fixed by the phantom’s own stare concealed behind the lenses of a black mask. Death in the flesh. Unkind. Unjust. Promising pain everlasting, overpowering.
Overwhelming, unbearable.
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warmau · 4 years
kick it!au x nct 127
more like punk!au 127, but it’s inspired by the n version of the album!
only heir to one of seoul’s biggest tech businesses, but no matter how much his parents try to get him to act like one 
he really could give a rats ass about it 
sometimes his parents think he’s doing it on purpose - the over the top outfits and the heavy music
the skipping out on important meetings, the hanging out with people who don't even imagine what kind of tax bracket his parents are in
but taeyong just cant bring himself to want to give his whole life away 
to slaving over some company in some high office in a building so far off from the wonders life has to offer
he’d rather run around and experience what he can while he’s young and his body can handle it 
so for a while, he just runs away - it sets of a massive panic throughout the city of seoul as his parents send out search teams and private investigators
and the police are put on the case 
you watch the news and sigh, spotting taeyong spread out like a comfortable cat on your couch
“you know sooner or later they’re going to find out you’re here.”
“no they won’t. you were an intern in our legal department - you never even officially met me.”
he answers, playing with the threads off of his holed up tshirt before sitting up
“hey - if you really don't want to be involved in this, just run away with me to London like i offered.”
you take a bite of toast
“won’t that just get me more involved - we’ll both become fugitives. well i will, you’ll probably be saved by your parents money.”
taeyong’s eyes darken and his beautiful features fall sullen
you hear him hit the back the pillow with a soft thud
“i wish i wasn't living my life on the back of my parents - it’d make everything so much easier.”
you get up, leaning over the couch to look down at him 
you met him when you’d gotten fired from your internship actually
why? because you threw hot coffee on some creep manager trying to feel you up and taeyong, who’d been passing by the floor, had watched mesmerized as you’d yelled at him for even thinking of touching you
it was the most badass thing he’d ever seen and when you were dragged away and tossed out of the building
he’d run up to you and offered to help you out
you thought he was saying he’d get you your job back - which you didn’t want because you didn’t want to work with creeps
but taeyong had actually meant getting you a favor at another company
even if he was a punk kid with no interest in business, he was still pretty charismatic with the other kids his age with parents in high places
he was the reason you had a comfortable life now - so when he shoed up on your doorstep you couldnt say no
now you’re looking at him and he’s looking up at you - the lost look in his eyes makes you so sad
“i cant run away with you anywhere, but you’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want.”
his lips turn up in a smile but before you can pull back he leans forward and you feel the softness of his mouth brush yours
you freeze with your hands digging into the couch and taeyong puts out his own palm on your cheek
“what if i wanna stay here with you forever?”
his tongue runs along the outline of your bottom lip and you feel the strength in your arms sort of fade
“are you doing this just to piss off your par-”
you start when you pull back, but he shakes his head and taeyong is not good at lying
“no. im doing all of this because i do want to be with you.”
jaehyun & johnny
guitarist and drummer of their garage punk band that they started in highschool together
to be honest, johnny had suggested it as a way to get themselves more popular - and jaehyun had thought it’d be a fun way to pass the long summer days
but now they’re actually pretty well known in the underground scene
and have went on to play booked shows in packed bars and events
they even have self designed merch which is kinda,,,well,,,,their fans love them anyway lol
you’re actually a server at one of the bars they play pretty frequently, and even though most of the crowd is pushed up on the stage when they play
there are some stragglers or bored significant others who occupy the tables in the back and who you have to deal with 
they usually complain to you about the loud, thrashing music - but you have to say - you kind of dig the duo’s chaotic energy
plus jaehyun always looks handsome in leather black jeans and hair slicked back, while johnny looks just as enticing with disheveled brown long bangs and a right sleeve full of tattoos 
you think some of the people in the crowd don’t even fancy the music that much either - the two musicians are pretty much a sight to enjoy on their own
you actually favor,
jaehyun - the guitarist and the main singer who always looks cold and put together
you sometimes akin him to more of like a businessman than a punk musician
but he really does have a lovely voice when he isn’t screaming into a mic
also - he tips better than most people - when he comes back to the bar to get a drink after the show
fans usually follow behind him like ants on honey
but he always makes it a point to get a few minutes before them so he can chat with you
his questions are usually about how you like the songs, you have the sneaking suspicion he’s the one who writes them
and you always enjoy the moments before his hoard attacks him
one evening you collect his bill and are surprised at the large tip again - but also at his number scrawled at the bottom and a question
thinking of writing my first love song, i think you can really help with that.....if you’d want to.
johnny - the drummer and the wilder part of the two
he’s got tattoos and is always jumping around and throwing drumsticks into the crowd 
he looks like a mess when he’s up there, feeling the music and going insane with the fans cheers
but when he gets off stage he has those long sweaty bangs in his face
and usually is missing a part of his shirt that either tore or was torn off
he always finds you after, when you run back to the kitchen which is beside the back of the stage
usually for more snacks for the bar - and he always coaxes something free out of you 
you like his one-liners and genuinely happy smile so you dont mind
and sometimes he tells you about a new tattoo or a new city he’s going to get or visit
one evening he stops you when all you’ve got is a wine bottle in hand and asks if you have a second
you agree and follow him into a part behind stacked speakers and almost drop the wine when he pulls his shirt up by his teeth
through muffling you understand him saying “look, i got my first hip tat!”
you see the tiger that’s disappearing down below his belt
“how big is the whole thing?!”
you ask and he winks, letting his shirt fall back down
“well if you want to see the whole thing - why don’t i wait for outback later?”
you agree - only to think about it ten minutes later and be like 
employee at the local vintage records shop
the owner pretty much entrusts all of the store to taeil, whose music taste is highly respected in the community and is also very very,,,,,,,very specific
but unlike most people who love to come in here and argue about what genre or band or artist is the best
he just likes to,,,,,,,,vibe
which is why people feel either comfortable around him - because he’ll listen to them rant with a smile as he checks them out
or kinda weirded out because like - does he ever raise his voice above a softhearted whisper?!?!
pretty cute with his blonde mullet and pretty silver earrings - a loved flannel over his shoulders
because of taeil’s work and the general popularity of vintage records as an aesthetic, the shop gets a little more busy
and so the owner hires you - who unlike taeil who favors ska-punk and beach vibes
you are a strictly heavy metal person
the grimier - the better
and when you start working your job, you cannot handle taeil’s playlist 
and you can’t handle his laidback attitude to match
so you always have something to say - half because you mean it but also half because you want some reaction from taeil
but taeil never does, if you spend half an hour shittalking the album he picks he just kind of shrugs it off
if you put on some swedish death tunes - he just lets you play the music without a comment
you guys look kind of funny next to each other because he’s just punky dad chic and your wardrobe is bleak and black
people can tell where your favorite sections are and they are on opposite sides of the store
one afternoon, you’re begging the store owner to buy copies of this obscure band most people dont care about but who you LOVE for the store
he keeps saying no because he’s pretty sure no one will buy it
when taeil strolls in for his shift
the boss turns and asks taeil for his opinion and you give up completely because 
there’s no way he’s gonna ask the boss to order a heavy metal record-
“yes, let’s order it. i trust their taste.”
taeil smiles your way before turning the corner
the boss sighs and pats your shoulder, promising he’ll put it on the list for the next order
you just stand there, before breaking from your shock to find taeil
you do - he’s unpackaging new goods - and gives you a soft, happy smile when you call out his name
“why’d you stand up for me back there? you hate my music.”
“i never said i hated it.”
you scrunch up your nose
“so you’re a heavy metal fan now?”
“no, but you are and if you like it then it’s good right?”
you don’t understand, confused you say again - “but you hate it-”
he puts down the record in his hand and turns toward you 
he tilts his head and goes,
“but i don't hate you, in fact i like you quite a lot so im willing to put up- i mean listen to the music you like because i know it makes you happy.”
the words swirl around in your head and you feel something warm flood into your veins
“you ,,,, like me a lot?”
“yes, i thought it was obvious how shy i was around you.”
you try not to laugh in disbelief, because you’re pretty sure he’s never even changed his facial expression since you started here
but whatever - you kinda like that (a lot) about him too
your local back alley tattooer and piercer 
not actual back alley, more like in his apartment, but still - does he have a license for this? who knows 
he loves doing colorful, crazy pieces - usually with a magical element or a pinup style
and if you give him a big project, he goes absolutely nuts on it
he himself has tattoos up the back of his neck and all the way down to his ankles
he has almost thirteen piercings' in one ear, with his infamous tongue piercing, bellybutton, and two studs above his hipbones 
pain doesn’t exist for him - and neither do boundaries when it comes to art or fashion
he’s almost always photographed or stopped when he goes outside
long hair up in a bun, he pulls out one of the sticks holding it and is like “it’s also a pocket knife if i click here-”
thick collar, long skirts or ripped up sweaters
he’s a very fun person to both work with or just be around LOL
you don’t really think that though - actually you’re super nervous when you see him
your friend though, the one who insisted on coming to yuta for their nose piercing, is hyped
she’s buzzing around him - getting excited and also flirting 
but for someone reason ,,, he keeps looking over her shoulder at you
“well, let me get the needle ready-”
he starts and you ask if it’s been sterilized
he laughs in response and your friend shushes you
but something feels all weird about this
you lean in to her as yuta gets his instruments ready
“do you really want this? why don’t you just get another ear-”
“don’t worry! it’ll be fine!”
you hear a voice chime in behind you both, “exactly - it’ll be peachy.”
you bite your lip as you watch yuta approach but just as you want to make sure again
your friend sees the needle and
passes out
you catch her - eyes wide and scared
“wh-oh my god! we need a doctor!”
Yuta sighs, rolling his eyes and putting the needle back down
he takes your friend from your arms and lays her down on the couch nearby
“no we don't. ill get some ice.”
“she’s passed out! what do you mean we don’t - we need to call-”
“it happens all the time.”
he disappears and then shuffles back in with an icyhot, he drops it in your hand and you stare at him
he pulls up a chair and sits down in it, “she’ll be back up in a couple minutes. we just have to wait.”
you’re skeptical - now more than ever - but you place the ice on her forehead and sit back up
“sooo, are you also looking to get a piercing?”
he suddenly inquires, leaning his elbows on his knees and giving you a look that makes you feel like you’re being seared under a lamp
“w-what, no. she just asked me to come along for support.”
“you’d look good with a nose piercing, or maybe a lip piercing, or the shy types always get something crazy like-”
his eyes drop down a little lower and you huff, fighting off a weird buzz in your chest
“no! i don't want any, and i don't want to be convinced either thank you.”
he shrugs and sits back 
“you sure? not even i offer to do it for free?”
you roll your eyes, “does free mean free or is there a clause missing?”
“free means you pay nothing, but maybe you’ll consider getting coffee with me.”
this catches you off guard - you nearly lose grip on the icyhot on your friends forehead when you turn to him
“s-sorry, are you flirting with me while my friends passed out on your couch?!!??”
yuta grins
“yeah, i am. isn’t that normal?”
politically outspoken activist, nazi stomper, no bullshit from anyone graduate student 
doesn’t look punk on the outside but put on his headphones and it’s straight up songs about anarchy only
won’t tell anyone where the secret little tattoo he got is, but people place bets on where and what they think it is
jaehyun thinks it has to be like a quote from chomsky but taeil thinks it might be something sappy and sentimental like a flower for his mom
it’s actually just a cool looking sword on the side of his ribs that he got half because he wanted to prove he could take the pain LOL
he really doesn’t fuck around when it comes to his beliefs though - like he doesnt think it’s radical to want human rights for everyone and if anyone wants to get in his face about it 
then he will get back in their face about it
and listen he’s gotten into some fights, and even though he’s mostly lank and brains - he’ll take a punch with pride and throw his own if anyone says some dumb shit in his vicinity
“you look more like a prep then a punk” someone once comments and doyoung doesn’t even bat an eyelash to retort “i don't need a mohwak to fight for respect. and ill have you know - i do own a leather jacket so shove it.”
you’re a student in one of doyoung’s classes who thinks he’s really cool, but also intimidating
his dark eyes and lack of humor kind of make him unapproachable, but also pretty attractive
you’re kind of sad that you can’t talk to him about upcoming ralies and class work because you don’t know what you two could have in common
when one day you and doyoung arrive to class early and suddenly the quiet classroom is full of loud, hard, punk rock
you turn around and doyoung’s big eyes are somehow even bigger
“m-my bluetooth disconnected. sorry.”
he scrambles to turn down the volume, but you jump up
“you like rage against the machine? i love them!”
doyoung perks up
“really, usually people tell me they’re outdated and don’t fit well,,,,you know - how i look.”
you shake your head, “who cares what you look like - their music started a movement!”
you move your seat up closer to doyoung and ask if you can see his playlist
he shows it to you proudly and before you know it you two are in a deep discussion about bands and music and shows
the professor and students trickle in and before you know it it’s time for class to start
before it does, you happily exclaim to doyoung
“i didn’t think we’d ever have something in common - im so happy i can talk to you now!”
“you couldn’t talk to me before?”
doyoung takes note of the blush that dusts your cheek and the way your fingers twitch in your lap
“ah - i just, you know it’s hard to talk to someone you like.”
doyoung is about to ask that you say that again, just so he can confirm it and get that giddy feeling again
but the professor starts the lecture 
too bad the whole time doyoung can’t help but steal looks at you - counting down the minutes till the class is over and he can ask you to come with him for lunch
you guys can listen to music and,,,,,,,maybe talk about how to change the political world,,,,,together <3
definitely flunking a lot of his classes, but so pretty when you look passed the crazy orange hair that no one blames him for it 
he’s always falling asleep behind textbooks 
and doodling butterflies or whatnot in the corners of his notes
he loves baggy clothes, decorated with pins and paint, every now and then he’s even got little bandages on his cheeks and fingers 
he looks like he came out of a cartoon - delicate features and colorful clothes
he opens his locker and love notes fall out no matter what day it is 
and his headphones keep getting confiscated by teachers
he should technically be your biggest enemy
considering he breaks uniform violations, doesn’t do his homework, and frequently hangs out in the halls when he should be there
and you’re a prefect that’s got straight A’s 
but you,,,,,,,just cannot be mad at jungwoo
anyone else, you’re the first to hand out detention slips or lug them into the deans office
but with jungwoo - there’s what you’d just call favoritism
people think it’s kind of hilarious though because you’re trying so hard to hide your crush on jungwoo but it’s so obvious
and jungwoo is so clueless about your crush and the fact that you give him so many slides that when people complain about how he didn’t get in trouble but they did for doing the SAME thing
he’s like huh what? 
you keep getting told to stop being so lenient with him, he’s not going to learn if he’s not told he’s doing something wrong
but when you’re faced with him again
that big puppy smile and the cute little flower studs in his ears
you just cant
you just shoo him out of the sight of any other prefects or teachers so he wont be caught
one afternoon as you’re checking the halls during study period - you spot jungwoo hanging out on the ledge of the window to the top floor
beside him is a half eaten sandwich and a forgotten book
he looks so picturesque you feel guilty interrupting him 
but you know you’re not the only one on duty so you touch his shoulder gently
“jungwoo, kun might find you if you’re just sitting here.”
“you found me.”
he says with a gentle smile
“yes, but you know i don’t want you to get in trouble - so do you think you can go up to the roof?”
he nods, gathering his things and as you turn to leave, he takes a hold of your wrist and tugs you behind him
but it’s too late, you’re already up the stairs and being pulled through the roof’s door
jungwoo twirls you around and you want to tell him you have to get back to your job
when he pulls you against his chest
your face heats up as you squeak in shock
he stares down into your eyes - the usual gloss of dreaminess seems a little more serious
“do you like me?”
your heart feels like it has stopped in your chest - no matter who’d asked you about your crush before, it was never jungwoo himself so it was always easy to lie
“wh-why are you asking me?”
he blinks, long dark lashes in contrast to his bright hair
“i want to know if you like me.”
“but why- y-you’ve never asked me before.”
he shrugs, saying it as if it’s the easiest thing to admit in the world
“because i like you so if you like me too - i can ask you on a date.”
skater boy who wants to go pro
spends hours in the park and in lots trying new tricks and just skating because if there’s one thing he loves
it’s the rush, the feel of the board and the air that passes by him as he cruises down the block
he’s pretty oblivious to the fact that he’s the most liked skater, maybe even person, in his neighborhood
because he will jump off his board to help old ladies cross the street and willing to bust it and eat dirt if a kid accidentally stumbles in front of him
he’s always kinda banged up, with something broken or sprained or slightly bloodied from messed up tricks or accidents
but he works it, along with the chino pants and old band tshirts and beanies 
he secretly got his nose pierced last summer, but he’s gotta keep hiding it from mom and dad lol
he takes part in a lot of local competitions because he really wants to get his foot in the pro game
and (not surprising to anyone but him) he has a lot of local fans
some are just fellow skaters who love his happy attitude, others are lovestruck teenagers who think the sweet skater is prime boyfriend material (they’re right)
you aren’t a huge skating fan, you actually don’t know much about it, but you sometimes get dragged along with friends to the events
they’re free and it’s fun to pass the time
you’re at one, sipping a slushie and listening to your friends argue about the upcoming show
when you notice a boy in a beanie off the right of the course
he’s practicing flips, his skateboard a strong neon green with what you assume are his initials - ML
“who is that?” you ask offhandedly and your friends all answer in unison - “oh! that’s the favorite - mark lee.”
you are about to look away, but then you end up catching mark’s gaze
when your eyes lock - he smiles and it shows off the sweetness that you can see people would go crazy over
you nearly miss your slushie straw as you try to smile awkwardly back
for the first time, you’re extremely excited to see one of the runs - mark takes his position at the top of the ramp and you edge forward in your seat
your friends comment about it - but you’re not the only one getting hyped - it seems like the whole place is waiting to see him succeed
you hold your breath a little as he lands the first trick, then the next, then the next
its going so well and you think you might even just get up and cheer when right on the last second - he hits a rail and the board flies off - it leaves mark tumbling down
he catches himself with his hands but you can see the pain and shock spread over his face
the crowd gasps - but no one moves
actually, you’re waiting for EMTs or someone to show up - but it’s just mark limping up and chasing after his runaway board
“where are the doctors - or someone to help?”
you turn and your friends just shrug, “it’s not a super big event so they usually don’t have anyone.”
you don’t know what comes over you, you’ve seen people slam before at these things but this just feels different
you get up from your seat and push down through to the back the course
you find mark sitting out near the curb of the parking lot, nursing what you can guess is a pair of pretty hurt palms
and you rush over
“are you ok?”
he looks up at you and you notice he’s abandoned his beanie - black hair a wild mess
“ah yeah, no worries. ill be good for my second-”
all you have are the napkins from your slushie, which you use quickly to dab at the small cuts on mark’s hands 
he’s so caught off guard by your sudden makeshift first aid, that mark just stares wide eyed as you try to help
“let me go find some ice or something, it looks like it really hur-”
“its ok! i fall all the time!”
you frown, “but your hands-”
he goes pink at the ears, because your voice is full of real concern, and plus he didn’t just smile so big at you before for no reason
you are as adorable from a distance as you are up close, probably even more actually
“im ok, thanks for worrying but i do need to get back to the course.”
you drop your hands from his and sigh, “ok. but after do you promise you’ll at least get some bandages?”
you nod and get up, watching mark stand with you and wince as he flips his board up into his hands
you still feel worried, but mark suddenly goes
“actually, would you mind coming with me after - i mean you don’t have to if you’re with your frie-”
“they won’t mind. of course ill come, at least that way ii know you didn’t go back on your promise!”
mark thinks your little laugh is the cutest thing hes heard in a while, it rings through his ears for the rest of the competition 
and when he humbly places third, he finds you in the crowd - and shakes his board up at you
the whole row you’re in turns your way
your friends all raise their eyebrows
but you’re just thinking about getting him those bandages (and maybe getting his number?) 
skater boy who is a pro
youngest in the scene right now with more than three world championship titles under his board 
sponsored by monster energy, vans, hell even companies like samsung are looking to put their money in him
his videos have millions of views on youtube and everyone whose trying to get into skating sees him as an icon to worship
the only person to land some of the hardest tricks known in the sport on his first runs 
always bright, with one little braid hanging from his hair - the mullet look was so well accepted by fans that he decided to keep it
(even had longtime friend and fellow skater jeno come over and dye it blonde for him)
and in general, he can take a fall like anyone - but when he does land his tricks he’s always bursting with energy and dance moves out on the course
you know him, how could you not, working as one of the go-pro camera crew for skating events
but when you’re assigned to be his follow along for the upcoming qualifiers being held in your city you almost lose it 
because not only are going to get to film THE haechan, but you’re going to be so close to him for the entirety of the competiton too
the fan in you comes to life, but you try to keep your cool when the day comes - introducing yourself with a handshake and a big smile
you’re nervous but what you don’t expect (and don’t actually even notice) is haechan is too
because - oh god, this is the first camera person he’s ever gotten that is on THIS level of cute
you’re so caught up in trying to get the perfect footage of him, that you don’t see how he keeps peeking at you out of the corner of his eye
when he trips over one of his boards and nearly crashes into another skater you assume it’s pre-competition jitters
but it’s actually just because you’re getting quite close to him - and haechan hasn’t ever had butterflies LIKE this
five minutes before the competition goes live, he requests that his manager switch you and one of the other skaters camera crew
it’s so soul crushing - you’re kind of left in a blank shock - until your new skater is shaking your shoulders
you think you must have done SOMETHING,,,,,no one has ever complained about you before??? you didn’t think you were even being the slightest bit annoying - even though you were trying REALLY hard not to ask for at least an autograph??
you spend the entire competition overthinking it until finally - after haechan wins and is done with all his interviews and handshakes
you manage to track him down and immediately bow at a 90 degree angle
“im so sorry if i did something wrong, i really didn’t think you’d ask to switch - please tell me what i did to upset you so i don’t do it again!”
your head is still down and haechan suddenly feels like the trophy in his hand weighs a ton
he clenches his teeth and mutters
“you didn’t do anything,,,,,,your crime is just being really-”
you slam up and your eyes are big and shaking, haechan feels like the worst person on earth as he swallows
“your cime is just being really,,,,really,,,,,really,,,,,,cute.”
your voice cracks, because you’re pretty sure you misheard him
he scratches his head, almost bonking himself on the temple with the trophy
charismatic always silly and shining haechan suddenly looks coy 
“c-cute, you’re just really cute and i couldn’t focus on my tricks so - please don’t take it to heart.”
your stomach does a flip, both out of relief and out of disbelief 
“o-oh,,,,i-- well - im sorry for being-”
“don’t apologize for being cute!”
you jump and nod, haechan signs and mumbles again
“i made you feel bad didn’t i? well,,,let me make it up to you and take you to lunch,,,”
you nearly drop your go-pro because 
holy shit haechan is asking me out on a date,,,,,,in a roundabout way but,,,,,it’s definitely an invite for a date
“sure-id love to!”
haechan tries to hide his grin
but when his manager catches him twirling the trophy around and whistling with a dreamy look in his eyes later that day
it’s just obvious 
someones in love 
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albatross-tech · 3 years
I drew Mistral (Destine’s father). I have been on a real UT kick. Kinda wanna do a UT rp sometime...but eh.
I’ll probably try to draw the rest of this tall lanky skeleton later. I just drew a headshot since it is the main revamp of this character.
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Mistral is a monster that dabbles in strange dark magic. Half of his face is cracked from his weird experiments in magic. He hides a rather large chip missing from his skull under his head. His other eye is also purple so nothing strange there. His hair and Destine’s hair is made out of magic, if you pull off a stand it will simply turn to dust. Despite having a daughter, Mistral never seems to age, always looking very young. This has lead monster to spread rumors and theorize that Destine may not be biologically related to him or there is something stranger or nefarious going on.
Mistral is deathly afraid of people and monsters. He sometimes starts to shake when having to talk to them for long periods of time. That being said he tries to live as normal of a life as he can. Or at least act normal... He is good at making clothing so he took on the job of a tailor. He has attempted to live in the city but that was far too crowded for him. So he moved to live behind a hidden door in the waterfall area. Literally living behind a waterfall. He’s kinda seen as a hermit to the others but generally a kind but shy person.
His magic consisted of fire, bones, fire bones and changing the area around him into spikes. At least when he fights, only when he has to.
When leaving the underground, he settles out of the cities and into the country, a nice small but cozy town. He lets Destine stay (depending on her age in the universe) with him or follow her dreams as he always did want deep down. He is very protective of her but understands that he can’t watch over her forever.There he opens up a little tea shoppe and boutique.
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mysleepdeprivedass · 4 years
Okay. It's like 4am and I need to share with you my AU over this fandom.
The post must be filled with misspelling or some sentence can make no sense buuuttt sorry I guess.
I'm not completely in the fandom but I freaking like the fancontent (I read a LOT of fancontent) sooo anyway. I saw this headcanon time to time so I put my idea in.
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG (honestly right now I have a fever for Ml fancon and fic sooo probably my next post will be ML content )
Honestly the headcanon risk to be kinda messed up and just a big less to read.
Rock/metal! Marinette (with a lil' bit of nerd!Adrien) AU
Sooo (I'm going with point and plus I just translate what I've written
• listening Jagged Stone (and she is a big fan)
• listen a lot a rock band, punk and metal band too.
• Like the old rock French band (like telephone - Which is a real French band if you want listen -)
• Under cut, that's she cut herself. Because she not going to paid 30€ for that and because she did that behind her parents back. She used to cut her mother and father hair (she like doing her family's hair -don't know it's the sentence lean something-)
• she have short hair cut (like at the base of the neck)
• Have few piercing (ear and some on her face (one rand of helix on her left ear, two conch and a industrial on her right ear, tragus on her right ear, stretch on each ear and 2nd earring on each ear. Septum and smiley, tongue and transversal labret.
• she's done almost all a piercing during her rebellious phase (in middle of her middle school) because dang she not going to paid 75€ for a hole on her ear (disclaimer : do not pierced yourself it's dangerous and must be do by a professional, I know that because I have personally some piercing and it's better to do it in a shop with someone you can trust)
•Nor is she oblivious about her piercing. She saw a LOT of video about piercing. She clean the space that's she wan going to pierced like a pro, an she use medical needless (that she buy in pharmacy - you can buy catheter on pharmacy-) She only go on shot for four of her piercing (her tongue, her lip, nose and mouth piercing)
• For a long time, her classmates thought that she pierced in a shop.
• They know the truth during a party at Juleka's place. They're was playing truth OU dare and Alya (who dream to get a piercing) Say that she would love to have a piercing (her parents said that will never happen under theire roof) Marinette tell her that she can pierced her because she have already pierced herself (begging in 6eme -I think it's the equivalent of the 6th grade-) Her first piercing was the helix's (all her classmates are kinda shook )
• oddly a week after the party, when Alya Returned from Marinette home she got home with two new helix on her right ear.
• la class décide de faire une soirée et Marinette percé tout le monde au moins un truc sur leur corps (elle part dans plusieurs pharmacie acheter des aiguilles et acheté sur un site qu'elle connais des prothèses de piercings et des truc pour clipé l'endroit a percé)
• she plays drums
• she like to brings her battery bench at school and she do some impro during break.
• She still love the color pink. One of her motto it's " Punk and rock need more pink" because dang because she love punk and rock doesn't mean she can't love pink.
• Her bedroom it's a weird but pleasant mixed of skull, pink skull, and random things associated with rock/punk style with pink
• like in her bedroom, you can see some studded and chains object and just Beside and little stuff pink kitten teddy and sit beside the kitten she have A goat with static crosses teddy (also pink )
• She have some satanic cercle and gems in her room (she kinda interested with Wicca stuff even she's not doing it everyday)
• she like cute and pink stuff
• her terrace/balcony have a mini-garden with roses, dahlia and a lot of succulents.
• Slay cat eye-liner and eyeshadow pencil.
• She ended by dye her hair, first she got a lock of hair pink and she just got a split hair black and pink (she's dyeing her hakr by herself, when she met Luka, Luka help her)
-To be honest now, it's like 5am and I never thought that translate some shitty idea take so long xD need to take a break. Now it's midday Soo let's go continued-
• When her class know she can do hair, she became theire unofficial hairdresser ( everyone paid her event if in the beginning she refused to be paid. Everyone try to snuk in their money in her stuff in the weirdest way possible) and when she opened deisgn commission she do some on their clothes.
*Scene *
- Alix what are doing IN my locker ?"
- I want to see the inside. Lovely locker, where I haven't been absolutely stuck for 30 mi.
- Just get out and get your butt out of my backpack.
• Her parents a 100% supportive over her chose. But sometimes they said no for some of stuff she want to do.
-No Marinette , believe me that's you're going to regret to do a hawk.
- Come one mom !
- * sigh* Imma going to hide your father's hair clippers and scissors. Believe me it's for your own good.
- No Marinette you are not going to shave your eyebrows !
- But Mom !
- No "But Mom,"! I take away your scissors and shaver
- You will make yourself a split tongue when you no longer live under this roof. Out of the question that I see a tongue split in half under this roof !
- No Marinette you're not too "cool" and to "rock'n'roll" for not eating your carrots. Now get your butt here and finish your vegetables.
- *sad Minecraft villager sound *
• People think that Marinette is some cold deadpan mean bitch before Alya come in her class. Alya had always know people like that (who look cold but are more afraid and shy to talk to people and just look scary ) Alya is the first friend (really friend) of Marinette because she don't give a shit about her look. When the two begging to be friends, the class notice that Marinette it's not mean like that though she is. And the class begging to talk to Marinette and be friend with her.
• She become deputies of her class because she's done with Chloe's bullshit and everyone accepted rapidly to have her like class president. Everyone is kinda shook about organization et Benevolent's Marinette can be. After that everyone really like Marinette and she like the mom friends of everyone but everyone know that she can always be scary especially if she angry and someone pissed her off more.
• Her class know about her deisgn hobit and dream during de hats conteste and that's she made almost all her clothes.
• When she hang out with friends concerts (people she met at some rock concert ) they decided to have a tattoo. Marinette have a Ladybug under her right foot. Alya is the first to know because during a sleepover, Marinette forget to hide it. Her parents are the seconds to know (same mistake she forgets to hide it with socks). Adrien know while being Chat Noir (he was hang out at her balcony and she was laying on the floor and he see it )
• inverse Crush au. Adrien fell in love to Marinette because she's the first to see who he is and don't try to put him on a pedestal and Adrien can see that's she is very different that her look can send like personality. Marinette love Chat Noir because he is her very first friend that she thrust completely regardless of her look. (Because even in the beginning she still suspicious about Alya)
• When she is Ladybug almost all of her peircings disappeared (her nose ring, stretch, helix's and her miraculous stay)
• she were her miraculous on her second ear lobe holes
• Tikki listening rock and punk music (honestly I want to see Tikki dancing with eavy hard metal in the room)
•Even she know she can't do that. she brings abandoned animals at home. She clean them and feed them in her rope before take them to a refugee or a veterinary. She let for the first time Jagged Stone because she found Fang hidden in a alley. She noticed that he have a collar so she bring him up to a veterinary where she have the habit to go. The collard have the information for contacted Jagged. Fang letting Marinette take him because she have the same smell that Jagged, some metal and vegetal leather.
• Marinette help Adrien to scare his fan. All of them just run away from Marinette. She become unofficially his bodyguard in school.
•She know how to defend herself and scare people because she go to a lot of underground concert and it's not always nice.
• She swear like a sailor. Not in front of her parents. She swear a lot when she frustrated or angry. And know Hawkmoth know that he is forbidden to send a Akuma past 2.30am, because the last Akuma have to deal with a really really angry ladybug (that was the first night since a very long week of sleep deprived and anxiety and a lot of work plus she was on her period which hurt like hell so she was pissed) No one speak about this day. Because the Akuma was running away from her
• Marinette smoke a little bit (most of the time during concerts when she hang out with older people and in rare occasion when she really really freaking out and her anxiety is very high)
• Woke up with eavy metal and hard rock. Tikki just well, have to take the habit
• Adrien is a big dork and nerd. Wear glasses and more "nerd" clothes during school, He is just a big weeb, and do 24h/7d anime and manga ref, Marinette laugh a lot about it +except pun she don't like them)
• Marinette save his phone number with nickname " cutie weebo"
• Adrien save her phone number with nickname "Iron princess"
• Discord group t'chat with Nino, Alya, Mari and Adrien. Name of the group : Rejects of the society Aka. DjDiscount (Nino), Almost-A-Reporter (Alya), Pinkipie-turn-to-emo (Marinette), KingOfTheWeebWorld (Adrien )
• Discord group t'chat for the class (because during my idea have this fever about texting fanfiction so why not, I always read texting fanfiction btw)
Marinette : Prez'AndPunk.
(given by Adrien)
Adrien : Usui Takumi (Weeb).
(Give by himself, everyone know the ref at Kaichouwa maid-sama, excepted Marinette who don't watch anime le read manga. and nobody explain to Marinette the link between their usernames)
Alya : Laydbloger
(By herself )
Nino : SmookWeedNotEveryday
(Giving by Marinette, who saw him hang out with smoker pal and she saw him smoke one, she know the people with who he was.)
Mylène : ImNotAMonster
(Giving by herself)
Ivan : TeddyBear
(By Mylène )
Alix : AlixDontPlayDespacito
(By herself, because Kim just do a full straight week with the same lame joke with Alexa play despacito but put Alix, at the first Alix going for AlixDontPlayDespacitoYou'reShithead but she changed it )
Kim : ICanDoAllBet
(by himself)
Max : Smartass
(By himself, kinda help by Kim, Alix and Marinette, during a all night up when Max and Marinette help Kim and Alix for school homework)
Nathanaël : TryToFoundSomeStreetCreedArtist
( inside joke between Marinette, Alix, Nathanaël and Marc)
Chloé : MyFatherWillKnowAboutThat
(Given by Adrien, Alya, Nino and Marinette after they have do a Harry Potter marathon. Because of the Look like between Chloe and Draco. It's Adrien, who change her username)
Sabrina : NotAWitchYet
(Inside joke between Chloe and her. Given by herself)
Rose : ILiveForMyOTP
(Given by herself, after a discussion between Juleka, Luka and her when she hang out at Juleka's home )
Juleka : IDrinkDarkCoffeeLikeMySoul
(Given by Luka, who stole her phone, inside joke between the two and for some revenge)
• Marinette hide her shyness with her "cold" style. But when she became friend with her classmates she more confortable and became very protective around them, a dont' hesitates to become physically violent. (Happen most of the time with, Alix (because she don't know when to stop before begging a fight) Rose Juleka and Nathanael (who are most of the time bully) and Adrien (she save him from his fan and stupid fuck boy ))
• After she became president of her class. The other class rep and professor don't like her (because of her look) and Marinette disregard all of them because on had they handle Chloe's bullshit. When class rep's and professor see that she competent and do a great shot they tolerate her and begging to appreciate her.
• She hang out with bullied people, she protected them (scaring their bully)
• she still a cinnamon rolls, especially with Tikki, Tikki is also the first to know that Marinette have anxiety. honestly she just a cinnamon rolls with her closest friends and family.
• Sty all night speaking with Tikki about ancient holder while they listen music.
• Sassy, like so much sass from her that it should illegal, when she's Ladybug she gives security and leadership vibe, people juste like her. And no one is afraid of her (Conversely when she is "Marinette")
•Sass a lit Hawkmoth about he fashion style about his Akuma. And during latest Akuma she just swear a lot again him. Because Hawkmotherfucker I need to sleep. And my coffee privileged just go revoked.
• She love hang out with Chat Noir. She try to flirt with him (when she's Ladybug) but he is so oblivious that he never understand and just friendzoned her very hard. (And because I'm a sucker for oblivious Adrien and Marinette)
• She fight some bullies (because fuck it I went a scene after she fight for Adrien and he heal her)
•Also kinda buff! Marinette ?
• She have anxiety and can have Anxiety attack (she can control them sometime ) She hide her anxiety very young. Because little she was shy and have anxiety and wearing and listen rock and punk music help her for be more protected like a shield against everything around her.
• Marinette is vegetarian (because why not) since primary school. And most of a leather clothes she make are vegetal leather or false leather.
•And she love wearing leather, like combat boots, jacket and pants.
Sooo it's took a day to finish to translate everything but Voilà. If you want pick some of the idea feel free to do it just tag me please. You also can reblog and feel free so add more.
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madlymiho · 5 years
Headcanons : Master List (1)
Hey dear people, you may find here the first part of my masterlist. I classified them in alphabetic order!
Letters : A B C D E F G H I J K
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Ace :
Reaction to a s/o who’s hunting by the world government for her power
Reacting to a s/o who’s a good belly dancer
Reaction to his s/o saying that she doesn’t know how love feels
NSFW general headcanons
Reaction to his innocent looking s/o who’s a martial art expert
Receiving oral sex headcanons (NSFW)
Dealing with a super insecure crush
Reaction to a s/o who dresses as a maid for a night of passion (NSFW)
Dealing with a s/o who’s a cat devil fruit user
Discovering his s/o is a princess from a lost kingdom
Reaction to his s/o who gets verbally sexually abused
Reaction to his s/o who has the Hito Hito no mi model succubus
Favorite cuddle position with a small girlfriend
Reaction to a s/o meeting her former “owner”
Modern AU! Ace one night stand with a student in fashion design (followers event)
Reaction to a s/o suggesting an open relationship
First time with a virgin s/o (followers event) NSFW
Reaction to a teasing girlfriend who leaves him panting (followers event)
Reaction to a s/o suggesting an open relationship
Reaction to a chubby s/o out of chocolate
Falling in love with Akainu’s apprentice
Reaction to a s/o who keeps disappearing
Reaction to a s/o who doesn’t believe his love confession
Reaction to a s/o who has a panic attack during sex (NSFW)
Reaction to a suicidal s/o
Ideal s/o
Seeing his s/o after a long time being apart (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o mastering kung-fu
Akainu :
Relationship headcanon
Bartolomeo :
Going to the carnival with his s/o
Benn Beckman :
General NSFW headcanons with a fem s/o
Finding his s/o injured after a fight
Romantic headcanon (NSFW)
Bonney :
Relationship headcanons
Buggy :
Encouraging his s/o to take her own decisions in life
Brook :
Reaction to a s/o who gets a sunburn
Encouraging his s/o to take her own decisions in life
Reaction to a s/o who decides to play hide and seek (followers event)
Dating a short s/o
Music theme
Cavendish :
Going to the carnival with his s/o
Ideal s/o
Chopper :
Reaction to a s/o being a witch doctor
Music theme
Coby :
Falling in love with a straw hat member
Falling in love with an introvert male s/o
Music theme
Corazon :
Having a sea dragon girlfriend
SFW and NSFW relationship headcanon
Falling in love with a girl who crushed on Doffy
Corazon with a virgin s/o (NSFW)
Assisting to a super important event for Law (AU)
Reaction to a depressed s/o who shakes her baby out of frustration
Idea s/o plus perfec confession moment
Cracker :
Falling in love with his wife after an arranged marriage (NSFW)
Crocodile :
Getting turned on by a femal enemy (NSFW)
Making amend for his s/o after he hurt her accidentally
Reaction to his s/o who’s a boxer in the underground
Using a mirror for a sexy times with his s/o (NSFW)
Reaction to his teasing s/o who’s actually very shy
Reaction to see his s/o in bikini (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who loses a limb for him
Childhood general headcanons
Reaction to his female secretary becoming a child for a few days
Adding weapons/toys in the bedroom (NSFW)
Treating his s/o in a night of passion (NSFW)
Learning that his s/o is pregnant
Comforting his s/o from a panic attack
Falling in love with an introvert male s/o
Having jealous/possessive behaviors
Meeting his s/o after a long time apart (NSFW)
Morning after sex
Crocodile’s misc headcanons
Reaction to a s/o experiencing nightmares
Reunion with his s/o after a long time apart (NSFW)
Reaction to his daughter eating a devil fruit (special 200)
Reaction to a s/o who doesn’t want to have sex as he’s horny (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who confesses him their asexuality
Accidentally hiting his s/o during a fight
One night standing with a fem!coworker who doesn’t like him
Doflamingo :
Getting turned on by a femal enemy (NSFW)
Using a mirror for a sexy times with his s/o (NSFW)
Falling for a “femme fatale”
Reaction to a strong s/o who has a nightmare
Being a stalker
Possessing a new slave girl (NSFW)
Having jealous/possessive behaviors
Falling for a marine s/o
Reaction to a s/o who was also a former noble
Reaction to a s/o who doesn’t want to have sex as he’s horny (NSFW)
Trying to seduce his crush
Ideal s/o plus perfect confessing moment
Accidentally hiting his s/o during a fight
Dominant! Doflamingo (NSFW)
Franky :
Dealing with a s/o who takes a blast for him
First fight with his s/o
Eating in a spicy food contest with his s/o
Reaction to a s/o who just had a violent argument with her father
Genderdend headcanon
Reaction to a s/o being generally anxious and highly worried
Taking his s/o to the movies
Music theme
Playing with bondage (NSFW)
Hancock :
Relationship headcanons
Iceberg :
Reaction to a s/o who demonstrates her love in public
Jinbei :
Realizing he loves his crush
Kaku :
Reaction to a s/o who demonstrates her love in public
Developping a crush for someone in Water 7
Kalifa :
Developping a crush for someone in Water 7
Katakuri :
Favorite cuddle position with a small girlfriend
Falling in love with a tall woman
Having to use his safe word during sex (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who confesses him their asexuality
Kid :
Getting turned on by a femal enemy (NSFW)
Reaction to a s/o who wants to be spanked (NSFW)
Reaction to his s/o saying that she doesn’t know how love feels
Reaction to a s/o who can control blood with her devil fruit
Having an argument who ends up in sexy times with his s/o (NSFW)
Falling in love with a s/o who’s supposed to be an enemy (NSFW)
Reaction to see his s/o in bikini (NSFW)
Reaction to his older s/o picking a fight in front of him
The Olympics of the Dirty Talking
Reaction to a s/o who wants to take a bath with him (NSFW)
Falling in love with a Straw Hat girl
Reaction to his s/o who’s more attractive during her periods
Adding weapons/toys in the bedroom (NSFW)
Encouraging his s/o to take her own decisions in life
Learning that his s/o is pregnant
Having a girlfriend member of the Heart Pirates
First time with a s/o who used to be a slave and sex slave (NSFW - followers event)
Reaction to a s/o who has been a slave/sex slave (NSFW)
Genderbend headcanon
Reaction to a s/o who asks him to be their first time (NSFW)
College AU! Professor Kid falling for a student
Reaction to a s/o who can be very violent during a fight
Reaction to a s/o who has no chill about their love for him
Reaction to a very sweet s/o
Killer :
Reaction to a s/o who wants to take a bath with him (NSFW)
Reaction to his girlfriend having leg weapons
Kuzan :
Reaction to a s/o who decides to play hide and seek (followers event)
1K notes · View notes
julia-highstorms · 4 years
About Love (Bryce x Rei (F!MC))
Summary: It's the beginning of the second year and Rei and Bryce steal little time together.
Author’s note: Open Heart is back which means more Bryce x Rei! Plus, Marina's new song for To All The Boys - P.S.: I Still Love You is just perfect for Rei. This piece takes place in Open Heart Book 2 Chapter 1. Find more about these two on my masterlist
Song: About Love - MARINA
Disclaimer: Characters and dialogues belong to Pixelberry Studios.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Bryce x F!MC (Rei Sato)
Word count: 2K
Rei Sato couldn't believe it. She had made it to second year of Edenbrook.
The young doctor knew things wouldn't be easy, but she didn't expect it would be that challenging. But what mattered was that everything turned out okay. Great, even. She learned so much and did what she had proposed herself to do: help people, save people, cure people. One way and another.
And she met all types of people - among doctors and patients - and the most amazing and brilliant people during her first year journey. 
And of course that included Bryce Lahela.
She hadn't expected she would meet someone like him. Much less that she would get so whipped by him in a such short time.
But she got. She fell in love with that scalpel jockey during the course of that year.
"So? What are you up to, Sato?" - Jackie asked her. They were in the middle of the Donahue's, deciding on what they were going to do. Bryce had proposed them to explore the city. Jackie was starving and ready for a midnight snack. Sienna and Elijah were heading home, both tired by the events of the day. 
Rei wasn't ready to go home yet. She looked at the young surgeon direction.
"A walk with my favorite surgeon resident sounds… perfect." - and blushed slightly.
"Lucky me." - Bryce winked at her, making the young medical resident blush harder.
Neither of her roommates was surprised by her answer. It was pretty obvious, actually. Everyone knew there was something going on between them, even though they had never told anyone what exactly it was.
My head gets messy when I try to hide
The things I love about you in my mind
"Just don't stay out too late… Aurora's dropping off the rest of her stuff before work tomorrow." - Sienna reminded her as Rei followed Bryce outside the bar. Together, they walked down the quiet street side by side. 
"So Aurora's moving in… how are you feeling about it? I know you guys didn't have a good start." 
"It's going to be… interesting, for sure. But she does seem to be grateful that we proposed to her to live with us. I'm not expecting much, just letting it be, you know? Plus, we didn't have much choice. We were desperately in need of another roommate, that apartment's rent isn't cheap. We couldn't afford it just the four of us."
If Bryce didn't like his own place so much, it was more than obvious that Rei would have invited him to live with her and their friends. But she knew the young surgeon well enough to know that he liked having his personal space all to himself. 
He had a lot of secrets. Bryce Lahela was a mysterious guy.
And that was part of why Rei had never told her friends what she exactly had with Bryce. Because she herself didn't know exactly what they had. If it was just a fling or if they were dating. 
Although to her it had never been a fling and Bryce himself knew that fact and said that it wasn't to him either. They got attached to each other since their first day as interns at Edenbrook. It had been practically a year. But either way, they had never defined what they were having. Rei wasn't sure if they were exclusive either. He obviously was to her. She wasn't one to crush easily and… well, Bryce got all her attention since that very start. 
But yes. They had never talked about them. She had even had that conversation with Dr. Ramsey. With the Dr. Ethan Ramsey, her mentor. Oh God, just thinking about it made her cringe. He was her attendant the previous year and, somehow, started caring about her differently than he cared about all the other interns. But for her, Ethan was and would always be a mentor. Maybe a friend, even. But that was it.
But she and Bryce… they had never had the talk. And probably wouldn't have too soon.
Rei Sato knew she loved that scalpel jockey. She wouldn’t know when exactly she fell in love with him. And yet, she knew exactly when she fell in love with him. 
I don't really know a lot about love
A lot about love, a lot about love
One day, they were just good friends. Who liked to make out and, hmm, hook up occasionally. And then, poof! She was thinking to herself, “you know, if I would have to choose a partner, I’d pick one just like him”. And then, the thought of being someone “like him” turned into just “him”. “I would like it to be him”.
They always talked to each other. Texted each other. It was something ordinary. But then, at some point, it became extraordinary to her. She would feel in the clouds whenever he talked to her first. She would feel like the luckiest and happiest being on Earth. A cheeky smile would be on her face all day long after just bumping into him down the hospital corridors. 
And those little moments they shared. Whenever he made her laugh. Especially when she absolutely mustn’t laugh. Whenever he shared his chocolate bar with her between patients. All those times he just patiently listened to her while she ranted and whined about something. How he always helped and been there for her. Supported her. 
Whenever she had time to rest a little, it was his face that would come up to her mind. "What's Bryce doing now? I hope he's okay", these type of thoughts would occupy her head. 
Yes, she loved him that much.
But you're in my head, you're in my blood
And it feels so good, it hurts so much
Rei noticed that they had reached the Charles River Esplanade.
"So, what are we really doing?"
"What do you mean? This." - the surgeon gestured to the calm and silent park around them.
"What? Party god Bryce Lahela has no late-night adventure planned? No crazy underground club nobody's ever heard to take me to?" - she teasingly asked him, but the surprise was real on her face. He chuckled softly.
"Is it so strange for me to just want a pleasant walk with you?" - he watched a coy smile forming on her lips. 
"A little, yeah."
Bryce grinned at the medical resident fully, his smile reaching his eyes, as dazzling as ever. 
"'Party god Bryce Lahela' is completely wiped from work." - Rei noticed for the first time that night the dark circles around his eyes. She knew he had been working non-stop, but that was the first time she genuinely saw Bryce tired. Just a bit. - "But he's not ready to go home just yet." - he winked at her. 
"Well, I'm glad. It's nice to finally get you alone." - although Rei turned her face down, Bryce noticed her cheeks getting a shade pink as the words left her mouth. - "You haven't been around as much lately, with all your surgeries." - she also put a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear, like she would always do whenever she felt a bit shy. He had always noticed those cute little gestures of her, since that first day.
"It's hard being so in demand, but it's a burden I'm willing to bear."
"So… have you gotten to see your family at all?"
That confident smirk of his vanished from his face right away. The young surgeon hesitated a bit, before shrugging off.
"Nah." - Rei knew that was a delicate topic - she didn't exactly know why, but it was -, but she asked anyway.
"You didn't go home for the holidays, either." 
For someone as close to her family as Rei was, being away from them during the holidays felt like a punishment to her. She practically had to beg Ethan to let her get a few days off from the hospital to see her family. "Just because you're our #1 intern", was all he said when he finally agreed. Rei then took the first flight back to Oregon and spent both Christmas and the New Year with her parents, grandparents, uncles and cousins. She even got to meet her little cousin-practically-brother Tomoichi's adorable girlfriend, Julia.
But Bryce… he spent the holidays in Boston, working almost everyday. Although people avoided scheduling surgeries during that period.
"You keeping tabs on me?" - Bryce grinned, changing the topic. Rei knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't tell her anything about his family. Just not yet.
She smiled back at him.
"Just casually noticing certain trends."
"Think I get lonely without you?" - that was so typical of him. Taking any chance to flirt with her.
Not that she minded. Not at all. 
"Maybe…" - he watched that silly smile of hers spreading on her face. 
They walked in peaceful silence together under the moonlight. She glanced down at his hand before shyly slipping her hand into his. Bryce didn't look down, but she saw the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile, as his strong fingers laced hers. His hand was warm. 
They kept walking along the riverbank of the Charles, watching the moonlight shimmer on the placid surface. Bryce suddenly stopped, gazing out at it, a smirk growing on his face. 
"What are you thinking about? I see those gears of yours turning." - he faced her.
"I know I said I just wanted to walk with you, but I just had an idea." - his eyes were sparkling, and he grinned mischievously. - "Feel like a midnight swim?"
"In the Charles?" - he nodded.
"It is the cleanest city river in the country. And the temperature won't stay this warm for much longer." - Bryce started reasoning with her, like only him was able to do. 
"Okay, okay… but only if you strip first." - there was much of spontaneity that Rei would do, but taking her clothes off alone right in the middle of the night was too much. He would have to do it first as a precaution.
"Of course. It's the gentlemanly thing to do." - Bryce turned to her, peeling his sweater and shirt over his head, confidently revealing his chiseled torso. - "You're gonna come in with me, right? You're not gonna steal my clothes and make me walk home in my underwear?" - she burst out laughing.
"Don't tempt me."  
"Oh, I'm definitely trying to tempt you."
Rei rolled her eyes as the surgeon dived off of the embankment like an Olympic swimmer, slipping beneath the surface.
"Such a show off." - she thought to herself. Bryce emerged a moment later, slick and wet, smoothing his hair back out of his face. - "Oh God, he looks like a God."
"Well? You coming or not?"
The resident glanced around the empty riverwalk to check if it was really empty and quickly stripped down too.
"Look out below!" - she jumped right after him, the water cool and refreshing, and the surface of the river glittering in the moonlight. - "It's a little chilly." - Bryce rolled his eyes.
"Wimp." - but he swayed closer, bringing her into his arms, holding Rei close in his warmth. They floated together, staring into each other's eyes, fond smiles on their faces. 
Letting herself go, she pressed her lips to his, her eyes fluttering closed. Bryce kissed her back, and she sank into his kiss, letting the cool void of the river embrace them both.
At long last, they pulled back.
"Now, look who's spontaneous." - Bryce murmured, grinning at her, his eyes shining.
"Come on, you orchastrated that from the start."
"I'll never talk. My lips are sealed." - Rei giggled softly.
"Oh yeah? We'll see about that."
And she leaned in and kissed him once more… And more and more...
I don't really know a lot about love
A lot about love, a lot about love
When it started getting too cold, the young residents got out of the river and quickly dried themselves, before putting back on their clothes.
Bryce accompanied her to her home, even though he lived the other way. It was those little things, those simple gestures he shared with her that Rei Sato loved about Bryce Lahela so much.
"Good night, Rei. And happy New Year." - he whispered to her and leaned in for a last kiss, before she closed the door of her asleep apartment.
But you're in my head, you're in my blood
And it feels so good, it hurts so much
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @pixelburied @nyastarlight @endlessflame @awkwardalbatros @choicesarehard @strangelycami @stillafictosexual @queen-among-writers @indiacater @worldofchoices @radlovedreamer @fairydustandsarcasm @choicesthot @blackreddish @lilyofchoices @fluffywhitehair @weaving-in-words @eileendannie @hellooliviaolivia @professorortegasstudent @bucket-harrington @god-save-the-keen @choices97 @brycelahellyeah @sawyer0akleyscowboyhat @thequeenchoices @hellomynameisdevi @dreaming-of-movies @maria-lahela @zodiacsign1 @omgjasminesimone @miss-raleigh-carrera @awkwardalbatros (if you would like to be tagged in upcoming Bryce x MC fanfics, tell me!)
49 notes · View notes
softsweetsuffering · 3 years
Has an ability to mimic or amplify abilities/powers of others, as well as telekinesis
Was previously part of a group of people who also had abilities, however after mistreatment and other issues within the group, he left.
He's got a good wealth behind him.
Extremely gentle
Handsome ;)
Loves photography
Has lavender hair
Respects all
'Secretly' Plays violin
Lowkey a sugardaddy
Hamrish Benat:
Has four eyes!
Pink and blonde hair
He loves parkour (as in climbing buildings and leaping around in gyms)
Has PTSD (There are two AUS of which I default as to how he obtained it)
Ready to deck a bitch
Trained nurse
Loves teddy bears and fuzzy pink socks.
Also goes by Hami/Hayden
Andy peters:
Strong, kind.
The quiet Big Type, doesn't always talk, but his heart is in good places.
Wishes he could do more
Buff + Tall
Wears a pair of dogtags.
Has red streaks in his hair for the fun of it
Is extremely brotherly to Adrian
is friends with Hami
Adrian Géarán:
Nervous Malnutritioned anxiety filled tired mess
Has emotionally linked fire abilities (does not like having them)
likes to make little robots!
Easily bullied
Missing an arm
Struggles with normal life
Blames himself for Andys death
Looks unintentionally vaguely like Fry from Futurama
Leader of a summer camp for kiddos
Huge fan of the outdoors
Loves to garden
Red head with freckles
Good build, a little on the below-average male height
Likes to hike
Loves kids
Strong but pacifistic
Great smile
Surprisingly a little shy around other adults
Himbo energy
Douglas Connelly:
Just a regular chubby guy
His chub is only important because this man gives some of the best hugs, he's like a marshmallow
He is outwardly confident about his size, even if it sometimes worries him internally
He loves music, loves to groove in the kitchen while making snacks
Always open for roommates and new friends (one of his roommates is a hot bartender called Donovan)
A bit awkward but he tries his best.
Bunny hybrid (ears :3)
White hair
Likes to wear denim jackets
Fast runner
Has had experience working in the force
Izekiel Iris:
Bruised and abused in a facility
Was turned from human into A being of made of Paint (Useful? no. Fun? yes. Rainbow blood anyone?)
Loves painting
Easily anxious
Loves to draw on his own arms
Matthew Libelle:
Aka Matty Very delayed development wise as well as Autistic
Very much a texture lad, soft blankets are his thing.
Doesn't like loud sounds ( who does honestly).
Tries his hardest to function normally but it's hard.
Watermelon colours are his fav. Green hoodie is his fav.
Has watermelon pink hair.
Eldritch bab
Was cursed by a group of guys who were messing with magics they didn't understand
Did in fact murder said group of guys and is traumatised by the idea he has become a monster
hears voices
Has Tendrils that have burst out of his back
Has the ability to move from this realm to the Eldritch planes and back. (is terrified of said planes)
Doesn't have a home
Black curly hair- frizzy- shimmers like Slick oil
Shy type kinda, tall Pale. cold.
Kinda wishes he could just go back to normal.
Would really like to eat some fresh warm bread.
Rowan maverick
Was abandoned as a teen
Also known as Rogue/Red.
Lost some of their tongues making them mute
Trained Assassin.
Previously part of a cult
Addict to painkillers (Caused by the mental issues from the cult and the loss of tongue.)
Bad with Physical affection
Could use a friend
Cop/Ex Cop.
Laid off after an incident
Has a pubby called Otis
Likes the occasional beer
Dad energy
Issac Merewen
Was previously a Teacher - grade 11/12s
Kidnapped and kept Drugged the hell up.
Was given the new name: Jess/Jack. AKA The Jester
Now has Amnesia problems .(Anomic aphasia)
Was stored Cramped in box.
Needs glasses. (Long sighted. Cant see Infront of him for shit without glasses. He specifically likes round ones :3)
Natrually Blonde
He was very inspired by the Chitty Chitty bang bang scene, “Doll on a music box”.
- He naturally has two different coloured eyes :D
-He likes podcast n occasionally audiobooks. Its good for learning/remembering words, and way easier than straining his eyes. Although it is upsetting occasionally when he can remember more of a book/podcast he’s into more than real words or real-life things.
Tyrone Li
Wise, Patient, caring.
Brown tattoos wind up his hips and torso, curling around his chest around his heart, and around his back, flaring at his neck.
Loves plants and flora
Sex lost meaning when he was younger. He wants true intimacy again but he wants to find the right person..
Glamors hide the following features:
Tail, brown that gradients into Green, Leaf like tip.
Horns, curled. (green tipped :0)
Glamors break usually after a certain period of time regardless of feeding, however, during bad situations/fight the body may unglamour to reserve the last of its energy.
Basically immortal but can die (Reincarnations)
Not a pacifist, but not instantly into violence
He was blessed by the Heart of the Ocean (Shes wonderful <3)
Can control water, can do minor healing with water
Can make water bubble/ boil when angry
Glowy veins when powers are active
He has had many many lives
Soft..caring..Doesnt remember alot of his past..
Doesn't know how many times hes died
Doesn't have alot of family or friends
Goes on many adventures
Elio Solren.
Nickname: Sunshine
Good lad.
Is a shapeshifter Dealt with being told he was happy and always upbeat. People leaving or ignoring him whenever he wasn't started building this sense of need to be happy all the time for others.
Lots of struggles with self image. Being perfect. Appeasing everyone. Poor self body love/self body image.
Is scared about The hate from humans about shifters. The jealousy and fear about them being able to hide behind other faces.
Smiles to hide the pain
Punk/hipster vibes
Intricate golden tattoos
Doesn't open up easily
Doesn't like to admit to being in pain
AKA Corey
Owl lad!
Bright yellow piercing eyes. But is totally blind. (Face scars)
Loves music.
Plays the uke.. hums..sings sometimes.
Big wings- like barn owl.
Likes to perch in trees
Jeremey Caulfield
Winter baby
Was left bleeding in the snow at some point
Father Lovely old man (John)
Mother died (Ellie)
Birthday December 23h
Blue eyes
Black hair
Box boy
Red hair
Real sweetheart
Really needs more dev ; ;
Loves tofu n chicken
Stubborn af
Kicks ass!
Has Sass
Wears binders/sports bras for Lotsa running n such
Black hair big messy pigtails
Dark brown eyes.
Has a navy bear sleeps with it ‘doesn't care’ about it but does
Gymnast/kickboxing. Bandages around hands
Loved swinging bars since being a kiddo
Participates in Underground fight ring to make easy money
Sleeps on just a mattress
Has a laptop for study work but she's slowly giving up on bothering.
(She's not one originally but Werewolf Jules is one of my fav things)
Part mole, part orphan
Lives underground
Very light-sensitive
Is colourblind
Absolute nerd
loves tinkering with things
is scared of humans
very foggy memories of his parents.
Leilah/ Lei
Can make/control shadows.
Owns a Magic skull(Speaks to it)
Lives in the woods
Wears a skull to spook off people from her woods
Has Tattoos that are shadow/absorb shadows
Kinda bad at maintaining friendships
Emotionally Distant
Wears a cloak.
Bao Ketsuyki
Blood magic bab
East Asian.
Pink/red medium length hair
Big pretty red flower scar from blood magic use on her shoulder/ back.
Little bit foolish, little bit reckless.
Has almost died a few times from her magic use.
Oran Audun
Plays Guitar
Writes in journal, occasionally song lyrics, occasionally little messy ink drawings.
Easy to aggravate (On edge) however is trying to learn how to meditate and be calmer
Covered head to toe in scars but still tries to find confidence in himself. He doesn't find it unattractive, but he feels like others have no need to witness his scars.
loves wearing leather/fabric wrist bracelets
Unwelcome hands have used his body as a research object
Very very against physical contact, needs to break into it.
Social worker works mainly with kids.
Has a Shy guy tattoo.
His family consists of a Good ma, younger sister, and super baby brother
Dad died but dad was good.
Dirty blonde hair, kinda messy
Short, 5’
Socks the pupper is his helpful lil buddy (hes so round and white and fluffy)
Super dad vibes.
a hockey player n gymnast.
His mother died when he was about 9.
has an older brother who is a bit of a big jock type
quite protective and caring of his two much younger siblings.
ended up in a nasty scuffle though at some point during his more competitive years in Hockey
This leads to following his passion for Gym
Pole vault, the rings, trampoline.
Still plays hockey among mates or strangers on the weekends in the cold months tho
Ends up taking a position as a gym teacher for kids after taking a childhood course since he was so good at it.
actually a really sweet guy
Soft but likes his sport and jokes.
He can hold his own somewhat more than he appears.
has blue tips/stripes in his blonde hair.
He often wears varsity jackets or baseball tees. As well as a couple other sport wear shirts. (A. Good few are from his bro ofc. Free merch)
He's short but he's got a fairly decent build on him.
He's got a surprisingly good tackle if you aren't careful. And a good grip strength.
but everyone calls him Noah.
Works at a Boba tea cafe..
likes to surf.
has an Epic board.
Back and shoulders all littered with lines and tic tac toe-like scars.
he's the type to brush off any questions and change topic while smiling. But not super bubbly. Just. Go lucky.
has a few friends who like to hang out at the cafe
Was in a surfing accident that involved a lot of rocks.
4’8 Soft. Short.
Ready to protect.
Loves to bake!!!
Smells like a vanilla cupcake most of the time
Isn't afraid to fight although isn't trained
likes Yoga ( and yoga pants)
Needs glasses but doesn't wear them (tsk tsk, unless tryign to read recipes)
Dyes hair silver/white
Snake hybrid can transform his lower half from human legs to tail
Also has fangs, and therefore venom
He's got a lot of sass
Can be a bit of an asshole but soft around the right people
Isn't used to kindness
doesn't cry easily
Steals food
Mac Hiato
Also known as Caf
Very Grumpy.
Very often has bags under his eyes.
Hoodie is life
Insomnia has serious trouble sleeping.
Has nightmares of strangulation
Occasionally sufferers sleep paralysis
Scared of dark- night lights
Owns a mouse called Bean
Does freelancing webdesgisn/coding as job.
Sits like a gay.
Lives on coffee
Minorly Lactose intolerant
Has One bad eye
Her dad's a mechanic and used to bring her to work all the time
dead mum: which affected her ability to emote.
Works part time at the garage
Dad likes to bring gifts on their small catch-ups that happen every once in a while.
Sheeee. Suffers a bit of resting bitch face.
she's kinda stunted emotionally because she was raised by her dad, who, isn't great with emotions himself being a man's man and all.
She's very much a tomboy gal. Doesn't exactly get dressed up. because she finds it tiresome and not "her".
Also if she did/does have friends the nickname Nemo 100% crops up because it's sadly alll too fitting but also kinda sweet.
She's actually really into cars and mechanics. Which is one of the few good reasons her dad and her are close.
She's hard to get to know, very quiet. And if you're someone who dominates the conversation she won't speak up much, but you'll be surprised to how much she's listened.
Just because she looks tired and done doesn't actually mean she feels that way.
Samson (Lemonade boi)
His name is Samson, but he prefers Sun/Sunny. (Other more affectionate nicknames include Lemondrop and Sunflower.)
He really likes going out to markets and stuff like that, little stalls or knick knack shops to find the odd kinda items.
He also really likes wandering big forests. (Hes got some o that fae energy) He collects various cool stones/rocks/plants from some of them. He also has some small vials from waterfalls and ponds he’s encountered)
He wants to practice magic to become a witch! He loves the candles and rocks and other cool things that come with the craft. (He inherited things from his father)
He really likes loose fitting shirts too, like flowy things, ones with sleeves that drape past your fingers, or has extra fabric on the bottom that dangle down past hips. (Sometimes they come from the ladies section just because they’re softer and have more variety. Others from op shops and other niche little stores.)
He bought a cologne from a witch that looks cursed but the only curse is that it makes the one who puts it on smell like citrus..so not much of curse. (The bottle looks fuckin neato tho)
He looves fizzy drinks. Doesn’t mind his alcohol either, however it takes a surprising amount to get him on his ass despite looking like a serious lightweight.
He’s pretty average in build, bit of muscle in his arms, some fat on his thighs. Slight pouch of a tum (cause no ones flat and thats unrealistic :<)
He’s about 5′4. So not tall, but not the shortest of the short.
He kinda likes to backpack about. Not staying in places long if they get boring. Which means he is kinda jack of all trades when it comes to work, offering to fix things for pay, lots of casual work doing various things.(One of his favorites was helping a little old lady run a paint shop.)
He occasionally snorts when he laughs and tries not to.
He has his ears pierced, and he has a little yellow gemed stud in his nose.
The ring around his neck he found in the middle of a patch of mushrooms.
He has a couple other tattoos. One of them is of bubbles up his wrist :3 He also has some stars on his ankle, and a sunflower on one of his fingers on his left hand.
He’s not super in to gardening but he does have his lemon tree. He also wants to grow some mandarins
His eyes look silver in a lot of lights, but occasionally there’s some strange hints of yellow, and other times blue.
He has freckles!!!! that look alot like bubbles ;)
He has a twin brother called Fraser.
Scrunches his nose
Hides his laughter behind his hand
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
(Slightly NSFW ) ..JUST A LIL
Mkay ..disclaimer this is all in good FUN, I’m also a fellow 94 liner, so if the boys were in the US, we would’ve been in HS together!
This is Obv very Westernized and I’m writing this as if they aren’t the art school AU’s people typically write
(EDITED 8/5/2020)
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-A whole thot thot, I mean don’t get me wrong he’s a total sweetheart but he’s still a walking  thirst trap, no cap, no filter! He’s kinda ”famous” on social media(Prob like 15-20k) Snap, IG, FB, you name it...for some reason he always seems to work out shirtless. LOVES to take pics so you KNOW he worked out shirtless!
-Please don’t let any form of R&B play at a party...It’s a wrap, what you tryin to see? Some grind work? A little hip roll action? You want a lap dance? Tongue out and all! The Asian alllll the black girls girls love(Obviously not just black girls but lets be real..it takes a certain...appeal..and Jimin has it!) 
- Gives off that whole “My dad owns, about 5 nail salons and beauty supplies in the hood” kinda vibe! (Meaning hes comfortable around different walks of life,he doesn't feel out of place easily, hes the type of person that everybody can gravitate towards) The boy has swag and he knows it…got everybody from Megan to Brian thirsty as all hell! 
-Will win best hair his senior year..without a doubt, well if he doesn't fry it first!... Looks like a walking Pantene commercial, yes, more so because he can’t go two seconds without running his fingers through his scalp!
-KING of subtle shade...knows all the tea but acts like he doesn't as he slowly sips his Starbucks. The type to honestly forget he’s told 3 different girls they could wear his jersey/Letterman jacket! Until they all text him Thursday night ....
-A jock that’s cool with everybody! The type to cuss out his fellow athletes that are total dick wads and bully people... I feel like he’d be a damn good running back, he has the right height a muscle build up for it. 
-Owns a pair of buffs, don't lie to yourself you know you could see it too...wears skinny jeans with Timberland's 😒, still wears 3878374 rings. Believe it or not he gives me like Tilly’s/Zumiez/PacSun vibes!
-Drives a red obnoxiously loud scat pack that’s tinted way past the legal shade! He drifts on the weekends. Jimin would be your local plug IDC,IDC,IDC...LOL I said what I said, got a whole eighter hiding in a fake bottle of orange juice!
- Just flirting his way through high school living his best life… will fuck someone up if need be, has a slight temper, sassy as hell, can roll his eyes with the best of them. ”Would it be ...too extra if I changed outfits and dates during the dance?..Serious question guys! ” 
- He’d be the one that all the girls say gives the best head ...I mean..those lips..that tongue..HELLO! Stroke game on point...I feel like he’d have no filter when it comes to talking about sex publicly. No shame, loves to tease you, at the worst times, down to sneak off to the bathroom, or the janitors closet! Will bend you over behind the bleachers after they win a football game...if your down...gang, gang!
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-An Asian with light skin tendencies ...the one that low key may think he’s black (I’m joking!! lmao,,,maybe) 
-He’s that one person that legitimately everyone likes...no matter how hard you may try..you just can’t dislike him! 
-He actually is class president!
-Hangs out with all the basketball players and has the freshest Jordans..but can’t hoop! He’s on the school newspaper..writes the sports column...is still that free spirit telling you to live your best damn life.  
-Either looks like he’s going to a business meeting or like he just picked out damn near everything from Champs there’s no in between! 
-Makes and sells beats on the side, would also have a strong social media presence! He’s be the type to have a ton of followers on Sound Cloud and Spotify!
-The type to try and talk is way into and or around everything “I understand hats are against the wardrobe but I’m just trying to express myself and I think it’s right to give everybody self expression” Wears glasses, though none of us really know if he needs them forreal forreal…. Wears a snowman on his wrist (A big iced out watch). 
-Drives a white BMW 430, puts cones around his car in the parking lot..Yoongi and Jimin kick the cones...faithfully..everyday!
-Don’t let his niceness fool you, will cook your ass in the blink of an eye if need be! Prefers a good verbal situation though, the king of a good word battle will have you all types of trying to check the dictionary to understand what he just said! Got you standing there like a misplaced student in honors English… 
- If shit get’s physical well..we can’t let the president fight soo...he’ll call Yoongi or Jimin to handle it for him…. Because...well his Jay’s are brand new..and only 10 other people have them...sooooo..OR maybe it’s lowkey because he can’t fight all that well...baby’s not coordinate OKAY!? Don’t @ me! 
-Oophfff daddy long leg! Lmao nah but you know he’d be the one...the one that every girl says he’s packin..and he is...He’d be little more reserved..and modest when it comes to his skills but he’s damn sure not shy! Would deff skip lunch, for a quickey at the park..yes the park.....would leave for lunch in a suit...come back in some joggers....real subtel....
Yoongi -
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-The unexpected jock ...the one who can kick your entire ass in basketball, one of the stars on the team! Shooting Guard, has a championship ring from every year he’s played!
-Picks and chooses when he wants to be social. Just judge his mood based on his  face that day!
-DJ’s every party and school event. Often gets into trouble for not playing the clean versions of songs!
-He’s on the morning broadcast with Jimin and Jin...also forgets to censor himself. I.E “Peter Pan opened last night and it sucked actual ass!” 
-Lowkey highkey funny AF, king of sarcasm and one liners!
-Purposely owns an old school Chevelle instead of a new car, also drifts on the weekends.
- Lives in like the flyest loungewear...joggers, hoodies,Jays..doesn't look like he tried but still looks bomb AF. 
-Another one that will creep up on you when it comes to his skill in bed, the one that girls say there surprised with how passionate and attentive he is! In contrast to how  hard his exterior can be, the type to take his time and make sure your more than satisfied….
 -Always, ALWAYS has his headphones in, lives and breathes music! He raps on the side, competes in underground competitions, and win’s without even trying! Refuses to ever participle in the schools talent show because he can’t swear therefore they are hindering his creative flow! 
-Constantly looks like he’d rather cut his own testie off than be “here” right now. 
-Will walk out if you don't let him go to the bathroom when he feels like it, actually he’ll just walk out period…”Yoongi where are you going!?” . 
“Oh I need another espresso shot before I sit through this extremely falsely sugarcoated reality of how Columbus “discovered”  a place that was already there!” 
Jimin: “Aww man, sit down I got you! I was just about to have Pizza Hut sent to the office, you wanna add into my postmates order!!?” 
😩😂😂😂...I canttttt ..maybe I’ll do the other four!? Again all in good fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I often wonder what the boys would be like if they were born in the states. Then I realize the lack of filter they’d all have especially JIMIN and I’m grateful for the cultural differences that come with them being Korean born !
UPDATE- 7/29...I think I might turn these headcons into a lil sum sum...writing these reminded me that I actually enjoyed HS (For me my “shitty” period was like elementray and part of middle school) But I made HS my bitch, and had so much damn fun lol !
7/30- PART 1
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findswoman · 4 years
Lasat OC childhood/preteen origin story in five short chapters, in which a shy kit from a Lasan mining town discovers powers she didn’t know she had. This is that thing you’ve been getting occasional tidbits of on WIP Wednesdays and Six-Sentence Sundays. I thank Raissa_Baiard for beta reading.
Chapter 1
The small town of Flowstone Vale, nestled at the edge of the Gosrrallan Mountains of Lasan’s mid-northern continent some twenty-five klicks southeast of the capital of Lira Zel, was proud of its mining heritage. While by no means the largest, it was one of the planet’s oldest mining settlements, dating from the arrival of the earliest settlers from Lira San. Even after millennia the Flowstone Vale mines were among Lasan’s richest sources of copper, strontium, and quorodium ore. Virtually everyone in town was employed by the mine in one way or another, whether in the mines themselves or in mining administration or research. Even the Royal Lasat Mining Ministry boasted several high-ranking officials hailing from “the jewel of the Gosrral.”
Even the kits of Flowstone Vale took part in their hometown’s mining industry. From the age of twelve dust seasons, every kit would spend most of the interseason school break periods working at the mine. The younger kits started with lighter tasks in the above-ground part of the complex, such as sorting and cleaning the ore or repairing miners’ tools and equipment. Older kits, once they had experience in these above-ground tasks, would assist with routine extraction and hauling underground. Although these tasks were performed by machines and droids most of the time, it was considered essential for the young Lasat of the village to learn them, both to instruct them in the fundamentals of the mining trade and to foster in them an appreciation of their local heritage. And the kits of Flowstone Vale, in turn, looked forward to their shifts each interseason: for them it was a chance to build toughness, show off their skills, and take a step toward adulthood.
It was the first day of the growing season–harvest season interim. An orange-gold sun hung low in the sky, casting a flamelike glow on the buildings and headframes of the mine complex. On the terrace outside Ore Processing Unit Aurek-Two, the newest group of kits were gathering. A few were still taking their leave of their parents, who hovered nearby with instructions and reminders, but most were talking or laughing or playing loudly with each other. The unit foreman, a wiry, blue-gray-furred Lasat male in gray coveralls with a large metal whistle hanging around his neck, stood on the steps of the long, squat, metal-walled building, glancing at the regulation chronotower atop the administration office a few buildings down. Two other miners, in the same coveralls, walked about with databoards taking attendance.
At the back of the group a slight, pretty girl-kit with lilac fur stood quietly by herself, fidgeting with one of her two long, dark braids. She had arrived before any of the others, for her father was a foreman elsewhere in the mine, and her mother worked in the mining ministry in Lira Zel. Occasionally she would glance nervously around her, at the mine buildings, the chronotower, the other kits, and the unit foreman. The foreman’s assistant stopped and eyed her quizzically as he walked by taking attendance.
“You’re Trilasha’s daughter, aren’t ya?”
“Yes, sir,” came the meek reply.
“First name?”
“Shulma,” the assistant repeated, marking it down on his databoard, and moved on.
Presently the electronic chimes of the chronotower began signaling 0700, and the foreman blew a shrill blast on his whistle. The kits quieted and followed him into Unit Aurek-Two; the last few parents said their goodbyes and departed. Shulma, the lilac-furred girl with the braids, still hung at the back of the group, half-hiding behind a group of tall boys. Once they had all assembled in the vestibule of the building, the foreman addressed them.
“ALL RIGHT, LISTEN UP! Just a few things before we get started. Today you’re gonna be separating ore from the base rock and sending it over to Unit Besh-Two for crushing and cleaning. So, first thing you’re gonna do is go over there”—he gestured to a rack at one side of the room crammed with aprons and other protective gear in the same gray as his coveralls—“and put on your aprons and foot covers. Then you go inside, go to one of the stations, and the distribution belt will bring you the yield from the last extraction. Your job’s easy: use your vibrochisels to cut the ore out of the host rock, throw it in its correct collection basket, and toss the host rock into the waste cart. Now how do you know which is which?”
The foreman tapped his databoard. A full-color, high-resolution holoprojection materialized high on the wall, showing rotating chunks of different types of ore—copper, lead, tin, strontium, quorodium. These, he said, were the metals most likely to turn up in this morning’s yield from shafts 38 and 39. He detailed the physical qualities of each, covering color, texture, hardness, and conductivity; he explained how to tell apart those that could be easily confused with others. Shulma listened closely, trying to keep it all straight in her mind as she craned her neck to see.
“Got any questions?” the foreman asked at last.
No one did.
“You’re Lasat miners now. And as Lasat miners you gotta do your job right. All the ore has to go into the collection baskets, and all the host rock goes into the waste cart. An’ that means all of it. Now Trothidd, Gondrav, an’ I are gonna come around to check on you all. You better not let us see any ore pieces bigger than a claw tip in the waste cart, or any host rock pieces bigger than a claw tip in any of the baskets. And don’t you dare let us see anyone slacking off. Otherwise you’ll find yourself staying after to scrub down the counters and belts. And your parents know it. Got that?”
Various half-hearted sounds of assent went up from the kits, including a barely audible “yes, sir” from Shulma.
“An’ another thing. When I tell you to do somethin’, the only correct answer is ‘Yes, Foreman Novalos.’ Understood?”
“Yes, Foreman Novalos,” chorused the kits.
“Good! Now get your gear on and get to work!”
Now suited up in their aprons and foot covers, the kits began filing into the main workspace of Ore Processing Unit Aurek-Two. At one end of the room, the old mechanical distribution apparatus hung on the wall and ceiling above a low metal rolling door. The door opened, and in trundled a large mine cart, heaped with rock chunks. At once the distribution apparatus sprang into operation, clanking and rumbling as it scooped the rock chunks from the cart onto distribution belts that took them around the room and deposited them in the collection bins on the counters that lined the room.
The kits got to work. Shulma, feeling unsure of herself amid the noise and chaos, took a spot in the far corner of the room, farthest from the distribution apparatus and as separate as possible from any other kits. She sat on the stool that was there, took a piece of rock from her collection bin, and examined it. It was formed almost entirely of dull gray host rock except for one knobby corner of bronze-colored material—probably either quorodium ore or one of the copper ores, from what Foreman Novalos had told them. She ran her finger over it to feel its texture—
—and twitched with a gasp as a yellow spark shot up from under her finger. She glanced quickly around; fortunately Foreman Novalos and his two assistants were in another part of the room.
Well, Foreman Novalos had said that some ore types had a tendency to pick up a static charge under the right conditions, and it was a dry day, after all. Shulma picked up the vibrochisel and got to work, picking away at the edge of the knob of ore until it was fully and cleanly separated from the rest of the rock. Even with the sparking, she had been able to tell from its very jagged crystalline texture that it was one of the copper ores.
Shulma picked up the ore chunk to throw it into the basket for copper. As she did, several yellow sparks shot up. She shuddered and yelped slightly as she dropped the rock back on the table, her fingers twitching with shock.
What was happening? This wasn’t just static charge or dry air—that much Shulma could tell—but what was it? She looked at some of the other kits at the sorting counters nearby. They were all working through piles of the same kind of ore—and none of it was sparking.
She put a fingertip on the ore piece on the table, watched another tiny glint arise, and took her finger off again. It reminded her a bit of an old fairy story her mother liked to tell her: the story of Bright Valthya, who had lightning in her touch and could command the Sacred Light from the very stones on the ground. Of course, she knew it couldn’t be anything like that. She was just little Shulma Trilasha of Flowstone Vale.
Once again she glanced about. The foremen had still not noticed her, but they were making their rounds: Trothidd walking down the rows with his hands clasped behind him, Gondrav helping one boy hold his vibrochisel properly, Novalos berating another who had accidentally put all his tin ore in his quorodium basket. They would soon be nearby. She simply had to go on with her work.
Quickly, but gingerly, Shulma began sorting through the collection bin for another rock piece. First she looked for one that was all or mostly host rock and tossed it in the waste cart that stood behind her, between her row of counters and the next. She found another similar piece and did the same—then another and another. After that she found no others, so she looked to see if she could find at least a different kind of ore, in case that would make a difference and not shock her. But virtually all the rocks in her bin contained the same kind of copper ore, and even as she sifted through them sparks flew up and stung her fingers.
It was only at the very bottom of the bin that she found a rock that looked different from the others. It was large, part milky-chalky white, part brilliant, light blue crystal; she recognized it from Novalos’s introduction as strontium ore. She craned closer to admire it and take in its beauty. What Lasat did not know strontium: the mineral that flowed in their blood, that beat in their hearts, that gave the soil and mountains their hues of blue and purple! She reached for it—
—and multiple bolts of crackling golden energy sprang up to envelop both her hands. Electric pain coursed upward through her fingers, through her arm, and through her whole body. A blinding white-gold-iridescent blaze exploded like a supernova into her vision, engulfing everything around her.
Three Lasat-shaped figures emerged from the light: a strongman with a spear, a comical dancer leaping and laughing, a tiny kit reaching skyward. From different directions they ran toward each other, colliding and merging into a single, large, magnificent figure—
—who had bright leaf-green eyes and the brightest, handsomest smile Shulma had ever seen—
A searing ache shot through Shulma’s head, from one temple to the other and back again. She felt herself crying out, dropping the piece of ore, collapsing onto the counter...
...and then nothing.
Shulma jolted awake with a shriek as rough hands shook her, pulled her from her stool, and spun her around. Foreman Novalos scowled down at her through angry amber eyes.
“Well, well,” he growled. “Won’t Trilasha be charmed to learn how his little girl was slackin’ off on her very first shift!”
“But Foreman Novalos—please—”
“None of your buts! You think I’m gonna listen to your silly excuses?! YOUR HEAD WAS ON THE COUNTER!”
“Please, Foreman Novalos—”
“You’ll be stayin’ after to scrub down those counters and belts and baskets, y’hear?!”
“Yes, Foreman Novalos…”
“Now get back to work!” He shook her loose. “Karkin’ incompetent lot of kits they give me!”
He stomped off, grumbling. Shulma cast a wistful glance at the beautiful blue-purple piece of strontium ore, now lying on the floor. She didn’t dare pick it up. Instead she returned to her counter and her collection bin, her head still aching and tears welling in her eyes.
Later that afternoon, all the other kits had gone home. Shulma was left all alone to clean the work surfaces in Ore Processing Unit Aurek-Two—the countertops, the distribution belts, the collection bins, the sorting baskets, and even—“for making excuses”—the large central cart that had brought the rock pieces up from the shafts, which now stood empty on its length of track at the end of the room.
Wistful tears flowed as she worked. Her very first shift at the mine, and what a silly mess she had made of it! All because her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she had just had to mess about with that piece of strontium! Shouldn’t she just have left it alone after seeing even what just the copper ore could do to her hands? At least, she thought with bitter relief, the rock dust and dirt that remained on the counters and belts didn’t seem to be producing any unusual effects. She paused from scrubbing a collection bin to look out the window, where the sun was just beginning to sink in an orange haze behind the mountaintops. By this time she had thought she would be home like the other kits, supping with Mama and Papa and the boys and cheerfully recounting all the things that had happened on her first-ever mine shift—an occasion that was supposed to be a happy one, or at least a novel and exciting one, for a kit of Flowstone Vale.
Every so often Novalos would come in to inspect her work (lest she be so bold as to slack off on him again). So far he had at least found nothing to complain about outright, but his scowl seemed craggier and angrier with each visit, and whenever he left he would mutter something about being kept beyond his usual quitting time. Shulma glanced up at the chrono on the wall; he would probably be coming in again soon, and as she was almost done with this row of counters. If she at least got started on the central cart, he would see that she wasn’t being lazy.
Once she had finished the row, she rinsed the scrub brushes and cleaning cloths and returned them to either the appropriate supply bin or the soiled cloth hamper. Then, from a hook on the wall near the distribution apparatus, she took a long-handled tool with a metal-bristled suction-brush at one end and a broad, flat vibroscraper blade at the other, and brought it over to the central cart.
The cart was immense, almost as tall as she was, and she craned over to look inside; its inner walls were coated with musty rock dust, and the bottom and lower edges of the sides were thickly crusted with gray-white mineral deposits. As Novalos had instructed her, she was to first use the vibroscraper to break up the heavier deposits, then dust the sides and clean up all the residue with the suction-brush end.
With some difficulty, she reached the long tool into the cart with the scraper end touching the built-up mineral crust on the cart bottom, then activated the vibroscraper and began chipping away. Masses of fierce yellow sparks flew up with each strike, climbing higher and higher up the metal handle even as the crust crumbled and broke—
—and Shulma could have sworn that the cart moved.
Wait, that couldn’t be; wasn’t its brake set? All the brakes of all the waste carts were set; certainly this one was, too? It had to be just her imagination. Sparks or no sparks, she simply had to keep working.
She struck at the mineral crust again, and several things happened at once.
A fountain of yellow lightning shot up around the handle of the scraper. The cart lurched forward on its track with such violence that Shulma was pulled off her feet and thrown into it head first, directly into the golden blaze.
And the cart continued rolling, through the open rolling door, into the shaft, picking up speed…
“NO!” Shulma screamed. But it was too late. Cart, kit, and scraper, all suffused in masses of yellow lightning, were now careering at full speed downward into the shaft. All Shulma could do was hang onto the scraping tool for dear life as the wild motion knocked and battered her against the sides of the cart. She clenched her eyes shut against the unrelenting pain, the building brilliance—
—for it was not a dark mine tunnel that she was hurtling through but a fiery maze of gold-orange stardust blended with blinding, color-changing light. Twisting, turning, jolting, pitching, swerving—where to?—
—until everything crashed to a halt, to darkness and cold.
to be continued
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duhragonball · 6 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (88/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[25 May, 234 Before Age.  Interstellar Space.]
There was a killer on Planet Saiya, a cold-blooded murderer who hunted Saiyans with a lethal, fast-acting poison.   Zatte had taken her wife's star-yacht, the Emerald Eye in search of a way to stop this assassin once and for all.    
Like all Dorluns, Zatte was a survivalist, and so she took every possible precaution for her journey.    In particular, there was the possibility that the killer might learn of her investigation and sneak aboard the ship to kill her before she could uncover the the truth.   In fact, Zatte somewhat hoped this would happen, as her entire investigation had been bait for a trap.    She had learned that the killer's poison was derived from proteins found in Dorlun blood.    As a Dorlun herself, Zatte would be naturally immune to its effects, which gave her an edge against the killer in the event of a confrontation.   The killer was almost certainly Dorlun as well, and while Zatte couldn't be certain what other tricks he might have up his sleeve, she was certain that she could overpower him physically.    She was married to the Super Saiyan after all, and years of training with Luffa had made Zatte into quite possibly the strongest Dorlun alive.  
So if the killer had stowed away on the ship, Zatte would be pleased, but that didn't mean she would make it easy for him.   One hour after leaving the Saiya system, Zatte sealed off the bridge from the rest of the ship, and ordered the ship's computer to run continuous scans for life signs on all decks.    An hour later, she programmed the computer to depressurize various sections of the ship, while flooding others with pure nitrogen gas.  
Every Dorlun was born with a unique ability.   Zatte could manipulate energy, which she generally used for the purpose of camouflaging herself.   Bending light waves around her body would make her invisible to the naked eye, as well as devices that relied on electromagnetic radiation.    She could also do something similar with her own life energy, enabling her to use her ki without being detected by ki sensitive adepts.   Not even Luffa's sharp ki senses could overcome this ability, although Luffa's keen sense of smell was much harder to fool.   Theoretically, Zatte could hide herself aboard a starship for several days without being noticed by anyone, but she still needed air, water, and food.    Another Dorlun might use different abilities to hide, but the same basic necessities would have to be addressed.   Zatte hoped that by controlling the life support system, she could seize the initiative.   If there was a stowaway on board, he would need air, and he would have to go to the parts of the ship where Zatte wanted him to go.  
If he made it onto the bridge unseen and unheard, he would still have to breathe, and the ship's computer could measure the oxygen consumption in the room.   Zatte had programmed it to alert her if the oxygen usage increased enough to indicate the presence of a second life form, no matter how small.    Periodically, she walked around the deck, firing a plasma pistol set to produce a wide-dispersal stun ray.   She would shoot at every surface on the deck, just in case her enemy might have some way to get around her other safeguards.  
"Be careful," she chuckled as she finished her latest sweep with the pistol.    Those had been Luffa's last words to her before she departed Planet Saiya.   It was sweet of her wife to show such concern, but it was a silly thing to ask of a Dorlun.  It was another reminder that they were truly alien to one another.  Their marriage hadn't always gone well, but considering the cultural gap between them, it was probably impressive that they'd made things work for as long as they had.  
She sat down in the captain's chair and ordered the computer to resume a playlist of music she had arranged for the trip.   "Deep thule" had once been her preferred genre of music, but over the years she had acquired an appreciation for wave dyspro.   It wasn't exactly toe-tapping fare, but she found the Dysprosium-style bands were good for background music while she read.    She wasn't sure how that worked for concerts.   Maybe their fans just stayed in their seats and read books during the show.  
As she chewed on a ration bar, she glanced up at the main viewer occasionally.   It was set to display a continuous readout on the sensor sweeps and life sign readings she had requested.   In one hour, she would fire her pistol on the bridge again.   Until then she hoped that she could knock out two more chapters of the novel she was reading.  
She was not alone.
[25 May, 234 Before Age.  Planet Pflaume.]
Pflaume was an ice giant, a planet much larger than Saiya, or the other terrestrial worlds where humanoids typically lived.   The only solid portion was at its core.  Above this was a dense, superfluid mantle composed of ammonia, methane, and water.  Above this lay a thick atmosphere of mostly hydrogen and helium, with clouds of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.   To cope with this hostile environment, Pflaume City was constructed to remain aloft in the toxic atmosphere.   It was more like a space station than a planetary settlement, but its residents took pride in living in such an inhospitable place, even if they were completely sheltered from its hazards.  
Over the years, Pflaume City became an important port-of-call, and this economic importance eventually attracted the idle rich, who enjoyed the novelty of living in such a unique place.  The higher levels of the city were reserved for its most elite residents, and the most prized real estate on the station lay upon its uppermost level.   There, a great dome displayed a real-time image of the violet Pflaumian sky.  It was like standing on a terrestrial planet, only to be surrounded by a vast storm far grander than anyone could imagine.   There were municipal parks that allowed the public to enjoy the view, but to actually own property under the dome was ridiculously expensive.   To rent a modest apartment under the dome cost more than the price of some entire planets.
The King of the Saiyans, Rehval III, owned an entire private villa on the dome level.  He enjoyed showing it off to anyone he met.    
Luffa was not impressed.
"You found the doorway," he said pleasantly.   "I had a feeling you would."
Behind Luffa was a glowing magic portal about the size and shape of a door.   Though she had only taken a single step to pass through it, she had somehow traveled trillions of miles from an underground facility on Planet Saiya.  She glanced back and noticed that the passage had begun to shrink and fade away, but this didn't concern her, since she wouldn't need to go back anytime soon.  
"You've got a lot of explaining to do," Luffa said.  
"Of course," Rehval said.   The king was sitting on a stone bench, sipping tea from an expensive looking cup.   As always he wore clothes of a particular shade of blue, which symbolized the royal line that had ruled the Saiyans for three generations.  Usually, he dressed in a suit that resembled the sort of formal attire worn by alien diplomats and heads of state.   Today, he looked more like some sort of monk.   His tunic and pants were of a very simple, functional design, and he wore no shoes at all.
Standing behind the bench was a woman with rose-colored skin, although the hood of her blue silken robes obscured her face.   Luffa thought she noticed some blue hair peeking out of the hood when the woman leaned forward to refill his cup.  The tea was steaming hot, and yet she cradled the teapot with her bare hands without any sign of discomfort.  
"I know you're excited to see Luffa in person, my dear," Rehval said, looking back to his companion, "but she and I have much to discuss first."
"We had an appointment this morning," Luffa said, struggling to contain her rage.  "We were going to catch the Saiyan-killer today, remember?"
He let out an amused snort.  "An appointment," he said.   "I was hoping you'd call it a date.   We're all alone out here, Luffa.   You don't have to feel self-conscious about it."
"Knock that crap off," Luffa said.  "You've been playing me from the start!"  
"Like a fiddle," he admitted.   "But some instruments just can't be tuned, no matter how gifted the musician is.    Still, it was fun to try."
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Luffa demanded.  
"I'm talking about power, Luffa.   Like most Saiyans, you equate power with physical strength.    You think yourself to be the most powerful Saiyan because you're the strongest one, and your strength does make you powerful, but your power lacks scope.   Strength is only one dimension of power.    A man might be too weak to swim against the current of a mighty river, but if he swims at an angle, he can still manage to cross to the other side.  And if he builds a water wheel along its banks to harness the river's power for his own ends?   If he uses that power to build machines and uses them to change the very course of the river to suit his ends, is the man still weak?   Is the river still mighty?"
"Is this going to be about how smart you are?" Luffa asked.  "Because I get this kind of speech all the time.   'You may be strong, Super Saiyan, but my devious plan will blah blah blah' and maybe a death ray or something, and then I break every bone in their hands.   If a man drowns in a river, no one cares how clever he was.    If they think about him at all, they just call him "That Idiot Who Screwed Around With a River When He Should Have Known Better."  
Rehval laughed.  "You're right, I apologize," he said.  "You've fought so many battles in your time, and all of your enemies probably felt very confident that they had an answer to your superior force.    It must sound very cliche.   I'll try to be more original."
Luffa shook her wrist, gesturing for him to get on with it.  
"What I'm saying is that it's not just about being smart, or just being strong.   It's about having options, so you can adapt to any situation.    That's what my grandfather believed when he assumed the throne all those years ago.   There were a lot of naysayers back then.   Anti-monarchists-- like you and your mother-- who rejected the very idea of a Saiyan King. Saiyans who thought that the throne should be awarded in ritual combat.    Saiyans who thought kings were only relevant in wartime.   Rehval the First sought to change all that.   He forged the Saiyan people into something resembling a real nation."  
"And then he handed it off to his bastard son," Luffa said with a sneer.   "Typical nepotism.   You fools get a little bit of authority, and then you think it runs in the family."
"You're absolutely right," Rehval said.  "My father didn't deserve the throne, but you shouldn't judge him too harshly.   As a king, he carried on my grandfather's work, and he maintained order, more or less.  He was more of a steward than a king, really.  He was just keeping the throne warm for my brother."
"Your brother?" Luffa asked.   For a moment, she was about to point out that he was an only child, but then she remembered the way she had learned this.   In an effort to win her trust, Rehval had invited her to sift through his thoughts with her telepathic powers, and she had blithely assumed that any information she found would be genuine.  Somehow, though, he had managed to lie to her in spite of this.   Even now, when she knew that he had thwarted her mental abilities, it was still difficult to accept that she had been fed disinformation.  
"My grandfather insisted that his line use a standard order of succession," Rehval said.  "The oldest living male offspring becomes the next king.   He was very high on bringing rule of law to the Saiyan race.  No contests for leadership, no civil wars or usurpers.   It worked well for so many alien governments, so why not us?   That was why he made sure his grandchildren were educated off-planet.   We went to some of the finest schools in the galaxy.   What did your parents do for your schooling, Luffa?   I'm guessing it was some run-of-the-mill computer software.    I can promise you, you didn't miss anything.  Two plus two is four no matter how much you pay someone to tell you that.    The history of the Camelian Empire is the same no matter how far you travel.   It's the little things that matter with education.   The moments no one plans for, or the insights and opportunities that can't be written on a syllabus."
"And that's how you learned to resist mind-readers?" Luffa asked.
"You're getting ahead of me," Rehval said.   "I studied alien histories because my father and grandfather thought they were important.   My older brother was supposed to become king, not me.   That was the rule of law.    Even if I could have challenged him for the throne, I'd lose, because he was so much stronger.   I was just the backup plan, in case he died unexpectedly.  And that got me wondering about why he was born stronger.   Why is one Saiyan naturally weaker than another?   Why are some Saiyans born with great strength, while others have to work to achieve it?   I trained very hard, Luffa, but my power never increased much at all, and I never came close to rivaling my brother."
"Maybe you should have tried harder," Luffa scoffed.  "Instead of looking for excuses in the back of some textbook."
"I did both," Rehval said.  "But the textbook was where I found the answer.   We Saiyans have had a poor understanding of genetics.  We think a child should be strong simply because its parents were strong, but it's much more complicated than that.    Your parents were never Super Saiyans, yet here you are.    My parents were strong, but my brother and I didn't inherit equal shares of that potential.  Do you know why that is?"
"Who cares?" Luffa asked.  "My father tried to game that system, Rehval.   Remember him?   He thought he could take my suffering and use it to increase his own strength."
"No, you don't understand," Rehval said.  "I wasn't looking to steal someone else's abilities like your father.   I wanted to bypass the game entirely.    Fate made me the younger brother.   Genetics left me at a disadvantage.   Political theory wouldn't save me.   If I usurped the throne, I would only be setting a precedent for others to usurp it from me.   I needed options, so I found some.  A classmate of mine told tales of magic-users who occasionally wandered through his home sector.    Most of the students didn't listen to him, but I did.  I asked him to tell me more.   And from there..."
"You studied alchemy," Luffa said.  "You told me it was your father's lab, that he was the one who spent all his free time trying to tinker with nature, but it was you all along, wasn't it?"
Rehval nodded.  "I considered enrolling in the academy on Planet Gwarthos, but their record-keeping system is too meticulous, and I didn't want there to be any transcript of what I'd learned.   Instead, I went to a remote asteroid and learned at the feet of an adept believed to have been dead for decades.   My father and brother thought I was studying Camelian art theory, but when I returned to Planet Saiya, I brought with me the means to secure the throne for myself."   He held up his hand and pretended to squeeze an imaginary eyedropper.   "The next semester, I dosed my brother's food slowly, just enough to make him sick, but not enough to arouse suspicion.   He and I were the only two Saiyans at that private school.   It wasn't hard for me to switch places with him, and while I assumed his identity there, I worked on my plan to complete my disguise.  Within a year, the true Rehval III was dead, and I, the pseudo-Rehval, took his name and his birthright."
"Then what's your real name?" Luffa asked.  
"It doesn't matter," Rehval said.  "Over the next few years, I learned to construct talismans that would bend others to my will.  Eventually, I was able to drop my disguise entirely, and my father and anyone else who mattered believed that I had been the true Rehval III all along.  The name my mother gave me became meaningless.   The true power of alchemy lies in mystery, Luffa.   When the great masters record their secrets, they use the names of other, more prominent figures to make their works seem more important.   I have done the same."
"You're a disgrace!" Luffa snarled.   "Where's your Saiyan pride?!"
"I swallowed it," Rehval said.   "My birthname was a small price to pay for the chance to shape the future of our people.   That was how I bypassed the system, Luffa.   Your father tried to game the system, but I changed the rules.   Did I ever tell you why I like elevators?   I remember we talked about it one night, but I don't think I got around to explaining that."
"What does that have to do with--?!" Luffa began to protest.
"On most planets," Rehval went on, "the ones with cities and tall buildings, the ground floor would be the most expensive to rent.   Rich people wouldn't want to take the stairs, and landlords would exploit that to their advantage, charging higher rent for lower floors.   So a ground floor apartment would be seen as a sign of luxury and status, while the higher floors were left to the rabble.  It doesn't make a lot of sense to people like us who can fly, I know, but take my word for it, it holds true on every planet with stairs.   "But in every intelligent society, once the elevator is introduced, aha!"  He snapped his fingers for effect, and Luffa winced with irritation.   "Now, it's easy to move up and down a tall building.   Overnight, the paradigm shifts.   Now the rich demand to live on the top floors, where they can enjoy the view, or the satisfaction of being higher up than everyone else.   Suddenly, what was once despised becomes important.   That's the power of elevators, Luffa.  That's the kind of power I crave.    Not to make the rules, or to break them, but to redefine what rules are."
"You gave up your birthname so you could pretend to be the guy who invented elevators?" Luffa asked.    It was a gross oversimplification of what he had said, but she couldn't resist the taunt.  
"The Saiyan race had no future before my grandfather took control," Rehval said.   "I learned that while I studied the history of other cultures.   We Saiyans have no such history.    Just a collection of superstitious folk tales passed down from mother to daughter.   Everything else was lost and forgotten."
"Because those superstitious folk tales are all that really matter!" Luffa insisted.   "They're all we need to know who we are and how we should live!  But I guess your mother didn't get that message across!  You won't even use the name she gave you!"
"I never said the old stories don't matter," Rehval said.  "I'm saying that they're not all that matter.  We can have more, but only if we unite as one people under one king and take responsibility for ourselves!   It goes against our warrior nature, perhaps, but a strong ruler can force us all together.    A strong dynasty can maintain that unity for however long it takes to forge the Saiyan race into a true culture!"
"And your damned sorcery lets you improve on what your grand-daddy started, is that it?" Luffa said.   She turned her head and spit.  "I've met half-breeds with more conviction than you, 'Rehval'.   A true Saiyan doesn't look for shortcuts."
"Then I'm not a true Saiyan," Rehval said evenly.   "I'm willing to sacrifice my identity to ensure the future of our species!   It's a small price to pay.   Tell me, Luffa, what are you willing to do for the Saiyan race?   Lead by example?   You'll just fight a series of empty wars until you die of old age."
A devious grin spread over Luffa's face.   "That does sound like a pretty good life," she said.  
"It does, doesn't it?" Rehval said.  "I envy our ancestors, who could fight without a care in the world, but destiny has other plans for us, Luffa."
"That's what this is all about, isn't it?" she asked.   "There never was a Saiyan killer.   You arranged all those murders just so you could ask for my help.    This whole time, you were scouting me for your stupid 'destiny plan'."
He sipped his tea and smiled.    "You never cease to amaze me, Luffa.   I wove a very complex web of deceit, and you still manage to cut straight to the heart of the matter.    You're right, of course.  I do need you.   And since you haven't tried to kill me yet, I assume that you're willing to at least hear my proposal."
[25 May 234 Before Age.  Interstellar Space.]
Stealing aboard the Emerald Eye was child's play.  Avoiding its various security systems was mildly challenging, but she had experience with these matters, and it was no great obstacle for her.  The loss of cabin pressure in certain parts of the ship was at most an inconvenience, but nothing she couldn't handle.   The sections of the ship pressurized with nitrogen but no oxygen, on the other hand...  Those were a different story: they didn't bother her at all.  
All in all, it was a disappointing defense, but Zatte was setting a trap, not a fortification.  It was only supposed to seem like a thorough defense, and so one had to admire the thoroughness of the ruse.  An unsuspecting intruder would have been completely fooled.  
The only hard part was entering the bridge without making any noise.   Fortunately, Zatte had solved that problem by playing music loud enough to drown out the pneumatic mechanism that opened the door from the lift.   One simply had to climb the lift shaft, cut power to the door, and open it manually, releasing the pressure on the pneumatics slowly enough to cut down on the noise.  
This allowed her onto the bridge, directly behind the captain's chair.   From there, it was just a matter of closing the door behind her, and waiting patiently for the right moment to strike.   When she was ready, she stealthily crept up behind Zatte's chair, drew her knife, and...
Suddenly Zatte leaped out of her seat and fired a pistol.  The beam was wide enough that it didn't hit her very hard, but it was enough to knock her off her feet.    And when Zatte looked directly at her, she realized that her power had been disrupted as well.
Very nice, she thought as she rolled to her feet.    
"What the hell are you?!"  Zatte demanded.  
The intruder smiled and pointed at herself.   "plibortuN vehasS, zattE," she said cordially.   "That's the special greeting, right?   That's how we prove to each other we're really Dorluns, isn't it?"
"Computer!" Zatte shouted.   "Identify intruder life readings!"
"No life readings detected," replied the ship's computer.
The woman laughed.   "I love this part," she said.    "Usually I kill the mark before they ever really get a handle on what they're dealing with, but you!  Oh, you'll take a while, so you've got plenty of time to work this out."
Zatte never took her eye off the intruder, and backed away slowly.   "Computer," she asked.   "Calculate oxygen consumption on the bridge.   Does the oxygen demand indicate the presence of a second life form?"
"Negative," the computer replied.    
"You're not breathing," Zatte said.  "That's how you managed to stow away on all those other ships before you got to Planet Saiya.  You don't put off any life signs because you're...."
"Bingo," the intruder cheered.   "You were pretty clever, figuring out the Dorlun connection, but then you got cocky, and assumed that your enemy would be just like a Dorlun.    And I am Dorlun, mostly, except for one teensy thing: I'm dead."
Zatte pointed at the woman's face.   "You don't look like any Dorlun corpse I've ever seen, lady," she said.   "Red skin, blue hair?  And you look exactly like me.   You've even got an eyepatch like mine, even though it's on the wrong eye."
"I know, right?" the intruder said.  She gestured to the eyepatch proudly.  "It's pretty awesome, but not a lot of people would get the reference.   Just you and your friends and your wife, I guess.   How is Luffa, by the way?"
"You leave her out of this," Zatte said.  
"Leave her out of it?" the intruder laughed.   "I was created because of her!   Do you think my master would have gone to all this trouble otherwise?    Do you know how long it takes to build a homunculus template?  To customize it?  To imprint it with superficial memories of the original?"
"Homunculus?" Zatte asked.  
"Right, I should probably explain that," the intruder said.   "I said I was 'dead', but that sort of implies that I used to be alive, and that isn't true.   You wouldn't call a rock 'dead', for instance.  'Nonliving' would be more appropriate, but I like the way 'dead' rolls off the tongue.   Makes me sound badass.   Do you think Luffa would like that?"
"Why did you kill all those Saiyans?" Zatte demanded.  
"Because they sucked!" the intruder replied.   She threw up her hands and laughed.    "Why does anyone do anything, Zatte?   I'm a Dorlun, only I'm not a Dorlun, you get it?  I'm not alive, so survival doesn't mean much to me.   Instead of keeping myself alive like some people in this room, I make sure other people end up dead.    You and me, we're like polar opposites, you get it?"
"Then why are you here?" Zatte asked.    "If you're telling me you aren't even alive, then why would you care if I exposed your identity?  You could have hidden on Planet Saiya for as long as you wanted!"
The intruder laughed.   "Oh, you really are clueless, aren't you?   I hope I don't sound that dumb when I talk.   See, you thought you were being so clever, trying to set a trap for me by investigating my murders.    And I was supposed to take the bait to keep you from finding out who I am.   Except I'm nobody, Zatte.  If you want to give me a name, you can call me Pozet.   That's what my master calls me, but it really makes no difference to me."
"Pozet?!" Zatte asked.  
"You like it?" she asked.  "In the Dorlun language, it means the opposite of your name."
"That's sick!" Zatte said.  
"Thanks," Pozet said.    "Anyway, like I was saying, you thought you were bait to trap me, but you had it backwards.   I was the bait to trap you.   And here we are.   Just you and me, and no Super Saiyans around to get in our way."   She reached for a second knife holstered to the leg of her pants and pointed it menacingly at Zatte.   "So... are you as excited about this as I am?"
Zatte's eye was wide with horror, and her mouth hung open in shock, so she had no reply to offer, but Pozet chose to take that as a "yes".
[25 May 234 Before Age.  Planet Pflaume.]
"A homunculus," Rehval explained.   I knew very little about your wife, but I did learn that Zatte was hospitalized on Planet Extraliga for a time, and it wasn't difficult to hire someone to infiltrate the nursing staff and obtain hair and blood samples.   More than enough to imprint her characteristics upon an alchemical construct."
He gestured to the woman standing behind him, and she lifted her hood, revealing a face identical to Zatte's only with red skin and blue hair, rather than the blue skin and red hair typical of Dorluns.  
"I call her 'Pozet', he said.   She's not really alive, but she resembles Zatte closely enough to give me some insight into that aspect of your life.   I needed to understand you, Luffa.   Friend or foe, I needed to know as much as I could learn about how your mind works."
Luffa glared at the creature, who now smiled at her with mock affection.    "It even has her ability," she said dispassionately.   "I was trying to figure out how it could hold that teapot without burning its hands, but it's using energy manipulation.  Keeping the tea hot for you."
"I customized the formula to replicate important aspects of Zatte, while reversing certain others," Rehval said.   "The color swap was an aesthetic choice.   Your wife is a survivor, my Pozet exists only to take life away.   She's even taught me some Dorlun phrases."  
"Mostly pillow talk," Pozet said.  "If you'd like, I can teach you--"
Luffa raised her hand and fired an energy blast at Pozet's forehead.  It passed through her quite harmlessly, and destroyed a hill several dozen yards behind her.
"Ooh, spicy!" Pozet said.  
"I thought you would have realized by now, Luffa," Rehval said.   "The two of us aren't actually here.    You're speaking to a image being projected from elsewhere in the city."
"I'm well aware of your cowardice," Luffa said bitterly.   "I was just hoping your creature was really standing here, since you seem to consider it expendable."
"Not expendable," Rehval said as he patted Pozet's wrist.   "Renewable.  Since Pozet isn't truly alive, I can impart her essence onto as many homunculi as I can create.   Currently, I have three of them active right now.  This one stays here on Pflaume City to attend my villa while I'm away.   The second is still lurking around Planet Saiya, continuing to kill Saiyans until I give her the order to stop, and the third is on your ship, securing your wife for me."
"You manufactured this whole Saiyan-killer business, just to lure me here," Luffa said, and you're telling me it's still killing people?"
"Of course she's still killing people," Rehval said.   "You and I still haven't caught her yet.  It would arouse suspicion if the murders suddenly stopped without explanation.  My hope is that you and I come to terms, and then we go back and capture the killer together, and the public will celebrate our successful partnership."
Luffa threw back her head and made a low, angry groan.   "You've been deceiving me this entire time, and yet you actually think I'm going to help you lie to your own people?  I'll give you this much, Rehval, you may not have any Saiyan pride, but you make up for it in sheer gall."
"Thank you," he said.   "That actually means a lot to me, since bile is considered an important bodily humor in alchemical theory.  It gives me hope, Luffa, that despite all that's happened between us, we can still work together."
"Then you're deceiving yourself," Luffa said.  "I followed you here to kill you."
"Yes, I know," Rehval said.  "And that is why I withdrew to Pflaume City, Luffa.   On Saiya, there was always a chance you might destroy the planet and escape in your starship.  But now, your ship is far from here, so if you do anything reckless here, you risk rupturing the hull of this city."  
He pointed at the dome above them, which displayed the torrent of purple clouds raging around them from all sides.   "There's no oxygen out there, Luffa.   You might be strong enough to survive the winds, but the toxic gases would suffocate you, and even if you had a spacesuit, there would be nowhere for you to go."
She glanced up at the dome, and then back at him.   "Cute," she said.  "I don't sense any other life forms on the city, either.   You must have killed them-- No, you arranged for them to evacuate the place. That way, they'd take all their ships with them.   The only way out is that portal I stepped through, and I'm guessing you're the only one who can open it."
"That's right," Rehval said.   Pozet chuckled triumphantly while he leaned forward and steepled his fingers.   "The only way off this planet alive is through me, Luffa.  So you may as well take the time to hear what I have to say."
NEXT: Saiyan and Super Saiyan
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utameiday · 7 years
Plot & Story Meme:
Uta “Mei” Zetsumei
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♦ Namai > Uta hails from the village of Namai in Yanxia, through the mountain pass from Doma Castle. It was there she grew up, learned to play her shamisen and bamboo flute, and was taught the harsh lessons war forces upon you. These days she occasionally treck’s between the island of Koshu, from Kugane to Namai where she performs at various taverns and establishments along the way before ultimately visiting her uncle.
♦ Unidentified Imperial Officer > During the rebellion’s last attempt to free Doma from it’s imperial grasp, before the refugees arrived in Aldenard, Uta’s parents were captured during an imperial interception. They were trying to make for the mountain pass over to the Ruby Sea at the time, but the ensuing conflict lead to public execution of Uta’s mom and dad. ♦ Satoru > Uta’s brother. For many years, he dwelled on hard jealousy as their parents seemed to give more resources and energy towards Uta, considering her a musical prodigy at the time. The redheaded raen’s distaste for labor and ability to talk herself out of work at the time served only to fuel his hatred even more. In the end, he felt unloved and overlooked, and was always too full of pride to come clean about it. He played a big part in ratting out the group who was intercepted before the Ruby Sea.
♦ Uta & Kotoken > Despite the loss of family, Kotoken, Uta’s uncle, is still alive and well. After the last rebels were snuffed out and shut down, he remained in Namai doing hard labor for the village along with the rest of it’s residents under imperial rule. After the imperial holds on Othard faded, Uta revisited him in hopes of catching up. The homecoming was bittersweet, as Kotoken harbored some spite towards her for leaving the village behind. Though deep inside himself, he understands her reasons. Alas, he remains a stoic and stern personality towards Uta in fear of the lazy teenage girl in her resurfacing. Beneath all this, he treasures Uta and only wish for her to not repeat mistakes of the past. ♦ Uta & Gank Hon > A man whom Uta met during her refuge to Aldenard. He was the first Uta truly came to love in a romantic sense. They spent a total of two cycles together. After the attempt to free Doma prior, he was left with an equivalent to Crohn’s disease. Medication and conjuration could only be distributed so much between the refugees in Mor Dhona, and thus he met his demise in the infirmary. ♦ Uta & The People Of Namai > Even after being absent for a long time, Uta is still regarded by the villagers who remember her as the Magpie of Namai. Her initial interest towards music stemmed from the disheartened spirits of her people after the Empire occupied Doma. With work dedicated towards rekindling the fire in their hearts, she came to be held in high esteem by those around her.
♦ Old Shamisen > Uta’s shamisen is as old as she can remember, and has seen it’s fair share of repairs due to time and wear. It has several traditional eastern inscriptions painted in black ink on the shamisen’s kawa(the drum-like portion of the body) which translates to “inside my heart.” She’s rarely seen without it hanging on her back. ♦ Bamboo Flute > Her bamboo flute was the first instrument Uta ever acquired. It was made with the help of her father, whom personally harvested the bamboo plant used to make the flute. Just like her shamisen, Uta is rarely seen without it on her person. ♦ Conical Hat > A simple farmer’s hat made from straws. Due to Namai being a village of rice farmers, Uta likes to carry it as a symbol of her home. Due to being socially inept, it also serves as something to hide beneath. While she has had many conical hats in her time, the one she wears today has been with her since her journey to Aldenard. Whenever the flower upon it withers, she finds a new one to take it’s place. ♦ Rope Bracelet > Uta carries with her a bracelet braided from rope dyed red. It has a soul crystal slot cast in brass dangling from it, though it’s empty.
♦ “Monty” > Monty was an old, snarky moogle whom Uta met in Twelveswood after Gank Hon died. She was approached by this mischievous being after having played for herself on a mossy rock. He would be her mentor for some time after that, eventually granting her a bard’s soul crystal, assured that she would be one whom could bring back the ways of the Bowmen of Eld. Uta never surpassed the ability to provide healing benefits through music, and as time went on, she began to grow suspicious of Monty’s motives. One night, Monty took back the soul crystal from Uta’s bracelet and left. After that night, Uta’s powers have only diminished, to the point where they are near non-existant. ♦ Tsusny > An old xaelic samurai whom holds nothing but spite towards Uta. They met by a random encounter, to which she had overheard an outrage of his that revealed grave things about his past. She tried to offer him comfort, but her social ineptness made it backfire. In truth, Tsusny avoids her like the plague in fear of what she knows. ♦ Akuma > The head of the Red Dragon Syndicate. Uta was first introduced to him and his syndicate after being hired to play at a small celebration of theirs. As he learned that Uta holds knowledge of his priced contractor - Tsusny - he slowly began making attempts to have her work for him. Since then, she has done arguably innocent work as an eavesdropper where information of his needs can be found. ♦ X’myra > A blonde, muscular alleycat from Thanalan. Uta met her by chance on Pearl Lane while practicing her shamisen. They clicked well rather quickly, as X’myra was on her way to practice too. Later that day, the miqo’te offered Uta a place to stay as she was without gil and roof during the time, and was thus introduced to The Cat’s Meow Bar & Grill, where she delivered a bit of an awkward performance during a stage night. They shared a bed innocently, and her respect for Uta’s repulsion towards physical contact at the time had her quickly grow fond of X’myra. They’ve been spotted together various times after that, the last being at an underground theater in Kugane. She’s the first Uta has begun to harbor romantic feelings for since Gank Hon, but she’ll hardly admit it. ♦ Jorogumo > Jorogumo is a palm-sized spider seemingly from the jumping spider family. It behaves rather weird, acknowledging Uta as a living being rather than just another large piece of the environment. Acting as her pet, she occasionally pets it in her palm. While Uta is convinced that the spider is a magical entity or spirit of some sort due to it’s odd behaviour, she has yet to uncover anything, and thus it remains a mystery. Regardless, she has appreciated Jorogumo’s company ever since they met in the Gelmorran Ruins.
♦ The Rice Field Murder > Uta bore witness to a dead body in the rice field surrounding her village as a child. Thinking the man asleep as she was barely the age of six, she left him there since he wouldn’t wake up, not taking notice to the blood that distilled through the water of the rice fields. Later that day, her mother demanded that she stay inside as there was a murderer in the village. Uta was then terrified over having touched and kneaded a dead man. ♦ Crescent Party > Accompanied by X’myra, Uta attended a party at Crescent. Initially very shy and stuck in her own bubble, the comfort of X’myra’s arm and a healthy amount of alcohol soon had her inner party animal wake up eventually. She vaguely remembers participating in some sort of contest involving clothes being swapped. How she managed to do that so quickly remains forgotten to her… Along with the rest of the night in general. ♦ A Moogle With ill Intent > After having been lead to an overgrown room in the Gelmorran Ruins by Monty, Uta was at first fascinated by the endless amount of old music sheets accompanying the harpsichord. However, it turned out that Uta was not very good at playing the harpsichord, to which Monty saw fit to glamour the exist, keeping her captive ‘til she could play what he deemed worthy. ♦ The Scum Of Eorzea > Uta was once paid to keep an eye on Tsusny by Akuma, which she accepted void of hesitation, due to her great need for gil at the time. Trailing him to a run-down cove on an isle west of Kugane, she was surrounded by every time of criminal one could possibly imagine. As she made her way through this uncomfortable, heinous place, she eventually found Tsusny in a tavern chamber. She will never forget what she bore witness to, nor could anything possibly change her view on him after that. ♦ The Kingpin > A late night on the corner of Pearl Lane, the freckled bard was approached by a one-eyed miqo’te who seemed to take pleasure in the music she had brought to Ul’dah. There was not much interaction between them, and he soon disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. She is still wondering to this day who he was. ♦ A Golden Opportunity > At one point, Uta had an interaction with Savo, which resulted in securing a spot on Night At The Cliffs. However, the raen was absent for a long period of time due to urgent matters surrounding her uncle, and could not stomach travel through aetherytes and still be able to perform when the time arrived.
♦ “Wow. Okey, first of all, screw you, and your pubic moustache.” > Uta’s response to a lalafell drunkard dissing at her music. ♦ “I-I know y-you are sick, Gank, b-but I r-re… Refuse to leave your side ‘til death d-do us ap-apart.” > Stuttered words through Uta’s tears, once she came to realize that Gank Hon’s illness was something he would succumb to sooner or later. The words soon proved themselves to be true. ♦ “You know, we would be the /illest/ band if you could play drums.” > Uta talking to the unresponsive Jorogumo while sitting atop a mossy rock on the border of Gridania’s forest. ♦ “IT’S CALLED A BAMBOO FLUTE YOU UNCULTURED SWINE! ” > Yelled in a squeaking voice as an unimpressed xaela refered to her flute as a “whiny stick.” ♦ “If he really could resist my company, I’d be thrown out a long time ago.” > A response given to the rest of the people present in the room as Akuma called Uta down to his office. ♦ -grumpy mumbling- > Various profanities uttered under aggressive mumbling as Uta was banned from a particular bar. The reason being that she sung just about every song she was not supposed to sing at the owner’s wedding. ♦ “Please don’t, I beg you… They are not all the same!” > Uta pleading for a Flames trooper to refrain from executing a wounded imperial soldier, after having gained more insight into his motives and moralities. They didn’t listen.
Tagged by : @nightmaze thank you so much! It took me quite some time, but it was fun to do♥ Tagging : first and foremost @dmlynx , @rockodopolous and @nharuya for mentions, and @rokachan @jadestormbrand @cleaver-xiv @alfiavinn @cutemilee @kulain @mekamage @pearlofhope @pearlescent-scales @fheylahaken @lordofcrowns @avetterayohffxiv @gunnarsvard Blank Template : <html> - <basic>
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Poldark returns: Aidan Turner on nudity, being single and why he's a technophobe
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As the famously ripped and glowering Cornish copper miner, Aidan Turner has put the sex back  into Sunday nights. Over a large vodka, he talks about getting  naked, those pecs and playing Poldark Just before I am due to interview Aidan Turner, his PR sends me an email to let me know that he has grown a beard – presumably in case I fail to recognise the actor fully clothed or not wearing a tricorn hat. Poor old Turner is so defined by that scything scene that he likes to grow his beard when not committed to playing Ross Poldark – which doesn’t happen very often, given the BBC has just commissioned a fourth series and Turner says they are all tied in for five. ‘I’m not a big fan of shaving,’ he explains to me when I finally find him – fully clothed in a bomber jacket, T-shirt and jeans, minus tricorn, hiding in the corner of a dimly lit hotel bar in Mayfair. ‘It sucks. What’s the point? What is the point?’ I mention something about it being uncomfortable to be on the receiving end of a man with a beard.
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‘Oh yeah,’ he smiles sympathetically. ‘I can’t imagine it’s a lot of fun for you guys. But not shaving works lovely. I can walk into the street and literally nobody [will recognise me], which is kind of cool. It’s nice for me.’ He doesn’t seem to have noticed the two well-to-do women at the other end of the bar, trying hard not to gawp into their martinis. Perhaps he has simply grown used to it. I have interviewed Turner before, about a year and a half ago, and that day we met in a similarly murky venue, an underground restaurant in Bristol, him arriving with a beanie hat pulled down low over his forehead. The sense I got then was of a man acutely embarrassed by attention, a regular guy from Dublin who happened to have acted standing in a field with his top off because, as he puts it, that’s just how chaps used to scythe back in the day. ‘It [the “nudity”] has always made sense. The bathtub thing,’ he says, referring to the scene in series two where Demelza kisses her naked husband in a tin bath, ‘I mean, I can’t be wearing a T-shirt in it, can I?’
By the time he got round to shooting the 2015 adaptation of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, in which he stood with a towel draped perilously low on his hip bone, he had begun to have fun with the whole objectification thing. ‘That was my fault. The towel was initially up quite high and then I said, “That’s not going to work. Why don’t we put it down a little bit because it just doesn’t feel comfortable.” And then when they weren’t looking I pulled it down and it looked ridiculous but…’ He starts to laugh. Is there a similar standout scene in the third series of Poldark? ‘I think there might be one scene, but by then I  had probably put on a bit of weight. I don’t think I was ripped for it. It was towards the end of the shoot and I didn’t bother. For the last month I didn’t hit the gym at all, I was just too busy. And then we had some scenes in the bedroom. There’s one where I’m lying down talking to Demelza and the towel is up here,’ he motions to just above his waist, ‘so I pull it down a little bit. ‘I thought it was funny and on that day Eleanor [Tomlinson, who plays Demelza] was laughing. I went “a little bit more, a little bit more”. I was joking around and thought it would look OK. And then recently they showed us the clip and it’s very much not OK. I am not in shape at all.’ I am pretty sure that the ladies across the bar would agree with me when I say that this is in no way true.  

The 33-year-old seems genuinely perplexed by the fuss caused by his body. ‘I’ve never got it. You watch Game of Thrones and other shows, it’s constant sex. It’s not like we’re doing crunches and then trying to find a reason to get topless. Maybe because it’s a newer version of a show that happened in the 1970s? Maybe it seems racier? I have trouble joining the dots in my head.’ Why does Turner think that the travails of an 18th-century Cornish copper miner are so enduring? ‘Well, that’s a tough one. If you could sort of bottle what it is that makes a show work… I don’t know. It’s always surprised me, Poldark. When we were shooting The Hobbit, we knew a lot of people were going to watch it. But with a show like this we weren’t aware of it. It was sort of a shock for everyone. And it’s continually surprising. We did a thing at the BFI last week, and it was mad, the amount of fans who showed up. It was a bit of a frenzy. And it’s not the demographic that I thought it would be. It was young people.’ 
If I’m not working I’m having to go to the gym because you have to look a certain way and I can’t afford to get, like… bald and fat'
What demographic was he expecting? ‘You know, anything from 40 up.’ Forty isn’t that old, I say. ‘No, no, not at all. You said old. I said demographic. There were a load of young girls and lads and it just kind of surprised me.’ He thinks part of the show’s success is that ‘aesthetically, it doesn’t look like a lot of other British shows. It’s quite calming because of the Cornish setting. And the stories still stand up. Those things that Winston Graham wrote, they still seem to ring true for people.’ The book that the team are working from for series four features a significantly older Poldark. ‘I’m not going to age up for it. Grey hairs and that,’ he shakes his head. ‘No way! I’ll go grey in my own time. It’s happening anyway.’ Again, we agree to disagree. In interviews, Turner often comes across as cagey on account of his reluctance to discuss certain topics, such as his love life or whether he will be the next James Bond. In reality I think he is just a bit shy and politely insecure, and keen not to rock the boat too much (he tells me he once said something in an interview about what his brother did for a living, which upset his sibling). On the subject of Bond, he simply thinks it’s rude to discuss a role that someone is already signed up for. ‘Imagine if somebody was talking about a show that I was doing and the possibilities of replacing me.’ He looks aghast. ‘I just don’t think it’s cool to do that. It seems slightly unkind and a little disrespectful and a bit weird, so that’s why I’ve never wanted to speak about it.’ What do we know about Turner? Born in Dublin to a shop worker and an electrician, he was a ballroom dancer as a child and worked briefly with his dad before deciding, aged 17, to enrol at the Gaiety School of Acting. He graduated in 2004 and immediately started working in theatre, before landing in television via the Irish soap The Clinic. There was an uncredited role in The Tudors, and then cult success as Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the BBC’s Desperate Romantics, and as a vampire in BBC Three’s hit Being Human.
This led to a short period of typecasting, though not altogether unwelcome typecasting, given that it involved roles in a couple of Hollywood blockbusters: as the dwarf Kili in the Hobbit films, and then as a shadowhunter-turned-werewolf in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Turner loves collecting art, does a bit of painting himself, and has just bought a house in east London (‘I’ve got a big back garden!’ he beams, before his face turns to concern. ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do with that’). For all his handsome ruggedness, I find him quite boyish, sweet even. He shows me pictures of himself at the christening of his first godchild, the baby of his best friend. ‘You can put this in the interview. He’d love that. I’m a very proud godfather. His name is Luca. I have no business in churches at all – I thought I was going to melt when I walked through the door – but it was amazing.’ Turner spends so much time dashing around the place for work that he sometimes forgets what day it is, so being able to go home for the christening felt like a real boon. ‘It’s Friday, isn’t it?’ he says, about halfway through our interview. ‘We could have a drink.’ We order large vodka sodas and head outside to smoke his cigarettes, where he tells me about how much he loves watching boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA). Does he box himself? ‘I’ve done a little bit on the bag when I’m training and stuff. But I can’t spar. Can’t hurt the face,’ he says, a hint of cheekiness in his voice. ‘The face is the business, isn’t it?’ I think his reluctance to give too much away means that sometimes people confuse him with Poldark. Ross is… quite moody, I say. ‘Yeah. You can just say it. He’s a bit of a grump. He’s a bit of an arse. I hope that doesn’t run too deep. I like to think I don’t bring him home from set every day.’ Turner broke up with his last long-term girlfriend, the actress Sarah Greene, two years ago, and has since been photographed snogging a couple of beautiful brunettes, but claims he isn’t dating anyone at the moment. ‘Nobody, actually, as it stands. It’s not like I’m crazy private about things, or that I’m being difficult. I just find it makes the job a bit difficult, because I want to be able to fool people that I’m somebody else.’ He sits and ponders this for a bit. ‘If I was, and this might be a bad example, but if I was a musician or a singer-songwriter it might make more sense to know the person better, because you’re investing in them musically and lyrically. But as an actor I have to change masks so many times and allowing people in isn’t very beneficial. I don’t want people to figure me out – certainly not people I haven’t met and I don’t know.’ In an age of social media-savvy celebrities, he is an anomaly. He is not on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. ‘I’m all for open talk when it’s a room full of friends or people you trust. But I don’t like the idea of having a platform where I would have to read comments from people I don’t know. Do you know what I mean?’ I do. ‘I see no advantages from something like that. It would only aggravate me, and I might respond and I might say things that are unkind. So apart from the fact that it gets me out of a lot of trouble, I don’t feel the desire or the necessity for it. I’m barely coping with this.’ He holds up his iPhone. ‘Emails and text messages… I’m terrible at that kind of thing. It’s phone calls that I’m better at. I don’t screen calls. I pick up, and then we have a chat. People tend to drift out of my head when they’re not around.’ That’s such a male way to be, I say. He laughs, sips some more of his vodka and soda. The towel was initially up quite high and then I said, 'Why don’t we put it down a little bit.'
I don’t think that Aidan Turner is difficult. I think he’s just a bloke from Dublin who has found himself in an unusual set of circumstances that happen to include the need occasionally to take his shirt off for work. ‘I just have this weird feeling knowing that people who don’t know me are reading private things about me. There’s something quite unnatural about that, to walk down the street and somebody knows who my favourite musician is.’ Who is his favourite musician? He laughs. ‘Nick Cave. I’m liking the Gorillaz at the moment.’ He says that his life is ‘quite dull’.  I raise my eyebrows at him. ‘It is! It really is. Obviously having a good time is important, being able to relax, but the work is kind of intense and if I’m not working I’m having to go to the gym because you have to look a certain way and I can’t afford to get, like…’ Fat? ‘Yes, bald and fat.’ Is he looking forward to that, I wonder. To the day when he can be interviewed and not asked about his torso? He drains his drink, grins hard. ‘Oh, I can’t wait.’ 
 May 19, 2017 the Telegraph Byrony Gordon 

Sorry, I didn't add all pictures! Tumblr and iPad didn't like it!
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sosjimin · 7 years
What do you think the boys are like? I'm new to army and want to know their individual personalities
So, let’s summarize the boys then! Welcome to the fandom by the way, and also, i’m not an expert, but you can easily get to know them a bit better by watching videos/shows they’ve participated, it’s a great source! I will try to keep this short, lets go. (No, i failed, i couldn’t keep this short, enjoy reading all the little details about members personalities
Jin: he’s the oldest member, his age gap with the youngest member of bangtan (Jungkook) is like 5 years, he’s not an introvert nor an extrovert, it varies, at first glance he looks like a quiet person, but when he’s with the members he’s so playful, and he makes dad jokes all the time hahaha, the king of dad jokes, he’s also a very confident, and has high self esteem! It’s really funny whenever he jokes and laughs at his own jokes (he does that all the time) and also he’s very passionate about cooking and food in general, if you want to get to know him more i recommend you look for his Eat Jin episodes either on youtube or VAPP because he talks about him and all that, it’s really cool, and him being the oldest member makes him have a leader type of temperament. Cares a lot about his members, always wanting to take care of them, he also cooks for them, i feel like he would be such a great father in the future
Yoongi/Suga: so he’s the lethargic one in the group (as he said himself) because he’s always in the mood for sleep or either very quiet (sometimes on his cellphone) but that DOES NOT make him a cold person, he’s far from that (he’s a pisces come on, i am one too, we are soft), he can get easily excited and energetic when he’s either on stage (enjoying himself) or doing something that he’s really passionate about (composing for example), and i do believe we can call him an introvert, he also has a really strong personality, he knows what he likes, does what he wants to do, it’s not like he doesn’t care, but more like if he doesn’t like something, he will not do it, period. But the thing is that, if you listen to his mixtape he released called Agust D, and read the lyrics, you’ll see that he shared a lot of personal experiences and stories with us there, he too is a human, who suffered with depression, and pisces people tend to be closeted and not show their emotions that much, so he was brave enough to share that with us, you can learn a bit more about him reading lyrics of some songs. sometimes pisces have this ‘i don’t care’ attitude, but deep down we have the biggest soft spots for people that we really like, and things that we love to do. Also, he’s definitely very independent. An inspiration.
Namjoon/Rap Monster: our leader, namjoon is a hard to understand person, but once you get to know him, you’re gonna love him. he’s definitely an introvert, he’s the type that enjoys long walks on the beach, or just going to a quiet park with a book to sit down and read, maybe even enjoy the scenery and clear his mind. He tends to overthink most of the time, being the leader, there’s this pressure on him for always having to be perfect and strong for his members, hence why he’s always having those deep philosophical thoughts inside his head all the time, this too because like i mentioned before, he also reads a lot! He’s quiet, emotional, sensitive, analytical and of course a perfectionist, started rapping underground and composing when he was really young, mostly because of all the pressure of high school (he used to be one of the top students, with a high IQ) he decided that the best way to express his feelings was through his lyrics, so he started composing and fell in love, rap is also a way he used to let it all out. He tends to also analyze things too much and is always setting high standards for himself, so definitely like i mentioned before as well, it’s a lot of pressure on him. He loves writing long deep messages for armys, either telling a story that has a deep meaning, or just using metaphors to tell how much he loves and appreciate us. He’s always trying to find a way to improve, and he’s definitely very empathetic, likes to have long deep convos, artistic and very creative. And, by being an introvert like i also mentioned, he tends to go to parks/beaches type of places to be alone, a good way to get away from all the noise of the world, and have some time alone. He’s truly inspirational. And if you ever see some bangtan bombs, you’ll probably notice he’s always on his phone right? He loves writing lyrics and his thoughts! 
Hoseok/J-Hope: ahh he’s a literal sunshine, the most optimistic and charismatic member - Your angel, your hope - he’s also really noisy, and energetic the type that randomly starts dancing and playing music in your room at 3am asking you to join him, but anyway lmfao, he’s always smiling, a cheerful, positive and friendly person. He’s the mood maker of the group, so count on him to cheer up the place anytime. He once mentioned that his stage name (J-hope) fits him very well since he aims to give hope to the members, and to ARMYs as well
Jimin: so, he’s a really cute and shy person. he’s the tiniest one of the group (comparing to the other members lmfao). but he’s not only abs like most ppl talk/care about, he’s a genuinely nice person, and he’s super empathetic as well, which makes him such a good and caring friend, someone who everyone wants to be friends with. whenever a member is sad/worried or overthinking too much, he’s there to help, sometimes even putting their feelings before his own, that’s how much he cares about his close friends. he’s the type to closet his feelings too, because he always want’s so to show us a good image, wanting to impress and please ppl most of the time, he manages to hide it by smiling and give us the impression he’s shrugging it off, but he usually opens up his playfulness and youthful acts with close friends. he used to be super self conscious about his body, but that has changed as time passed and he matured a lot, he’s now an explosion and a strong person on stage, he has lots of self confidence and he can get kinda selfish when he’s on stage because like i mentioned there’s that whole pressure on him for setting such high standards for himself, and always wanting to please ppl, but he still manages to do it with a giant smile on his face (which is one of the things that can brighten up anyone’s day, his eye smile is the reason why i fell for him). He’s really passionate about anything he does, like dancing for example, and he’s always wanting to improve. I mentioned above, how he can sometimes closet his feelings and it pains me sometimes, because i really wish he wasn’t that scared to maintain such a “manly and strong image”, i really wish he could show us his true emotions more often, like when he does logs and talks to us about how he’s feeling, that type of thing, but i noticed that lately he has been doing that, and i’m proud of him. And, he’s such a sweet, caring, naive and lovely person, protect him at all costs. His smile is beautiful and can cheer up anyone, his eye smile is so pretty it can make flowers bloom.
Taehyung/V: so this kid has a really quirky personality, he’s such an interesting, eccentric and unique person, he can easily create his own monologues while doing laundry, and play two characters at the same time. he’s really funny, naive, down-to-earth and carefree person, he’s kinda like Yoongi, he does whatever he wants to and he doesn’t care about what other ppl think about him (take his fashion sense/style for example, he loves huge tshirts, he even used to cut it himself, and make giant holes on it haha, truly a king of DIY). he has such a deep and beautiful voice, and has also a very model-like proportioned body. He’s a really cool guy who everyone would want be friends with, he’s all bubbly and energetic like Hoseok. If he’s happy or in a good mood, you’ll see it, because he can get hyper really easily, but when he’s tired he can get quiet easily. He’s open and expressive of his feelings. Nevertheless, he’s the one who’s more attached to his family, whenever he has the chance to mention his parents and/or grandparents, he does it, either to thank them, or to say how much he loves and cherish them, he has younger siblings and he loves childrena so much! i feel like he would be the greatest father in the future! He’s an animal lover too
Jungkook: last but not least, our famous golden maknae, the youngest one in the group! when he first joined bighit, he used to be very shy, during trainee days and even when they debuted, during their first years, that hasn’t changed much, except the fact that he grew up now, and he too has a quirky and interesting personality, and he feels more relaxed and comfortable around bangtan members. The type of boy that, would rather stay home making his covers for example, playing video games (he loves overwatch btw) or watching a movie, reading comics and such, than going out. I see him as an introvert guy, he opens up his playfulness and youthful acts to his close friends and bangtan members only, and he’s kind of private about his own personal feelings too, only a few selected ppl would know about it. He’s not called the golden maknae for nothing, this nickname carries a bigger meaning, altho hes the youngest one in the group he’s such a talented boy, like anything he does he’s good at, it either being dancing or singing, even shooting an arrow, he’s good at anything
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freakytofu · 7 years
Guide to BTS’ Personalities: Welcome to ARMY
I know a lot of you are trying to learn who the members are and I think one of the best ways is through getting to know their personalities/background! So to all new BTS fans/ARMY -  here's a (long but) comprehensive guide to their bios/personalities to help distinguish them more! :) 
 In order of youngest to oldest: 
 1. Jeon Jungkook - aka Jungkook, Kookie, JK, Golden Maknae, Muscle Pig
 Resident Golden Maknae. Why? Because he somehow naturally manages to do everything well without trying. He's the Main Vocal and one of the top dancers of the group. Beautifully breathy, R&B type voice and he follows choreo just as the choreographer does it. He's one of the big 'memelords' of the group, who seems normal but really isn't, and fans call him 'Jungshook' for a reason. Originally really shy but came into his own/became more confident because of his hyungs in the group. Check out his solo single Begin! He's also growing up at a scary rate, and developing scary muscles from working out (which he loves to do). Watch out for Muscle Pig Jungkook.
 2. Kim Taehyung - aka V, Tae, Taetae, Alien
Another giant memelord (actually they pretty much all are at this point) and one half of 95z (1995 line) with Jimin, his partner in crime. Iconic to V is his adorable boxy smile. He's a massive dork, and always pulling funny faces/doing weird things. He puts some of it on for fun but he really, genuinely is a weird little dude on the inside. Often called the 'dumb blonde' of the group - not that he's dumb, but it's kind of who he is in the group dynamic. Deep, sometimes raspy voice when he sings that is very unique. He's sometimes called 'Alien', though he doesn't really like that name cause he doesn't want that trait to define him completely. Recently acted for the first time in period drama Hwarang as Hansung. 
 3. Park Jimin - aka Jimin, Jiminie, Chimchim, Mangaetteok (Korean mochi) 
2nd half of 95z and a sweet little child who transforms into a ravenous beast on stage. Categorised by his hypnotising dance moves/style, Jimin studied modern and contemporary dance at school in Busan (Jungkook is also from there!) before moving to Seoul to join BTS. He has a really strong but beautiful voice and he can reach insanely high notes. He's got a really fluffy, sweet, innocent and quiet demeanor, until he's provoked and he becomes really loud, animated, and giggly. Has a soft spot for Jungkook. Jimin's off-stage presence almost contrasts directly with his on-stage one - he's a sex monster on stage, always eye-sexing the camera and pushing his hair back. He loves performing. But he's also known to be a bit self-conscious, and very humble irl. He will always put others before himself if he can. He's that one friend who's always giggling/laughing at someone in the background. 
 4. Jung Hoseok - aka J-Hope, Hobi, Hoseok, Hoseokie 
You hear that guy screaming in the background of a Bangtan video? That's J-Hope. We're venturing into hyung territory now, although he's pretty much part of the maknae line with how much he enables the bullshit & playing around. His iconic line is screaming "I'm your angel! I'm your hope!! I'm J-Hope!!" followed by doing something really crazy. He plays around a lot and is one of the only true extroverts in the group. He's the Official Sunshine (TM) of the group, who brightens everyone's days with his bubbly personality. Loves playing with/annoying Jimin, whom he has a soft spot for. But he has an aggressive side. A member of the famous rap line, J-Hope is a known for his bouncy, sassy, sarcastic rap style. He likes making weird 'woops' and 'yaps' to the backing tracks of songs (check out Baepsae and his solo 1VERSE). He's also the #1 dancer in the group, and was a part of the underground hip hop dance scene. He has a V Live show called Hope on the Street, where he teaches fans about dance and does live improv/freestyling. 
 5. Min Yoongi - aka Suga, Agust D, Grandpa, Min Yoongi.
He's almost a classic tsundere, acting uncaring when he cares a lot on the inside (check out his birthday gift to fans video). He's a really introverted but darkly sassy person, and has a super sweet adorable side (he's got a really small, cute type face!) but he also has a really serious side. He's a rapper, and a genius producer/writer. Daegu town representative. He spends a lot of time sleeping/praying to be reincarnated as a rock in his next life, and hiding in his room/studio writing music. He has a giant soft spot for adorable things, like Kumamon, and also Jimin, whom he pretends to hate. His rap style is very fast, angry and aggressive, and he uses a lot of metaphor and poetry in his music. Check out his solo mixtape Agust D, for a look into his rapper persona. He was a part of the Korean underground hip hop/rap scene before debut, known as Gloss, and he and Rap Monster were involved in a controversy, being accused by the hip hop community of 'selling out' (their beef with B-Free was legendary, and inspired the Cypher series), though they're over that now. He likes writing music that expresses his personal struggles, and that also deals with society/politics on a bigger scale.
6. Kim Namjoon - aka Rap Monster, Rapmon, RM, Pink Mon, God of Destruction
A genius intellectual and Leader of the group. He has an IQ of 148, and graduated top 1% in the nation before realising that blindly pursuing school work wasn't what he wanted, and became a rapper/musician. He also came from the underground rap/hip hop scene, and was known as Runch Randa. Bang Sihyuk, BigHit CEO, spotted him underground and really wanted to give him a chance at success, so BTS was born. He's known for his super fast rap style with amazing flow - he's even regarded in the West as one of the top rappers in the world. He's got a really unique, deep voice that 'sounds American' when he raps. He's a really deep and intelligent person, and he loves different concepts and reads about philosophy, politics and literature in his free time. Nearly all BTS concepts happen because of him. He realised our generation is often regarded as useless, and wanted to create music/be a voice that 'blocked out the bullets of the world'. He writes and produces music, and has a real talent with lyrics. He can speak many languages, and self-taught himself English and Japanese, and he's near-fluent. He LOVES the Kakao character Ryan and has a soft, cuddly side and also a dark, badass side. Called God of Destruction cause he's really clumsy IRL and breaks everything he touches. 
 7. Kim Seokjin - aka Jin, Eat Jin, Dwaejin (Pig Jin in Korean), Eomma (mother), Pink Princess 
Last but not least, we have Jin. He joined BTS while studying Acting at university. He's known as the mother of the group, while Namjoon is basically the dad and Yoongi is the grandpa. He looks after everyone in the house and keeps them in line. He loves cooking and eating delicious food, and has a blog and V Live cooking/mukbang series called Eat Jin, where he stuffs his face with ridiculous amounts of food, acts like a child, talks crap while making bad jokes... and everyone loves the show. He's also the KING of old man/dad jokes - e.g. "what does a cow's laugh sound like? Moo-hahahaha!" - that basically only Jimin laughs at. I don't know how he hasn't run out yet tbh. Although he's listed as the visual of the group, he's got a really beautiful and distinct voice - it's perfect for ballads, slow songs and OST/anime style music, although tbh isn't used much with BTS' hip hop/R&B/trap sound. But listen to his solo covers and single Awake and you'll be blown away by how beautiful it is. He also knows he looks good and doesn't hide it - known for his confidence, he always blows kisses at ARMY and acts aegyo to piss people off. Despite this, he's a giant nerd at heart, and loves the character Mario, and gaming/playing Maplestory in his spare time. A giant sweetheart who loves his children. 
AND THAT'S BASICALLY IT. Kind of. Hope that helped to give a rundown of their different personalities! And I've now wasted too much time on this and need to go do work lol
There’s a reason ARMY is so dedicated/different to other groups. BTS calls us the 8th member of Bangtan, and treat us as equals. We’re here for them as much as they are for us. Because we walk together, and we never let anyone walk alone. And we’re ready to welcome anyone into ARMY! - so WELCOME TO THE BANGTAN FAMILY! :D It’s a bit strange, and the boys are kind of crazy, but it’s still family. Let’s live out our 花樣年華 , create the most beautiful moments in life, and spread our wings and fly.
 Onward to the future! Bangtan rising. ;) 
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